THE OMAHA JJA1LY BJ4E : WEDNESDAY SEPTE3IBEK 8. 1886 , A DULL DAY AMONG TRADERS , Dealings b the Leading Cereals Blow on Chicago's Board of Trace. WHE/iTAND CORN FEATURELESS. Uati the Only Stcnilj- Grain Nothinc New In Provisions The Cattle Market Improve * on Light HccclptH. CHICAGO Git A IN MARKKT. CiticAfio , 111. , Sept. 7. [ Specinl Telegram to the DBE.JVIIKAT The receipts at Brl- Biary winter wheat points of ncpinniilatlon nt length bi-trin to show a nottc-eanle anil Btendy falling off , but sprint ? wheat receipts tire swelling Into big litures. ; The reci-luts at Minneapolis and Dulutli are ell et by elilpmenta from Xuw York. Baltimore ana I'hllailelphla , leaving to good re ceipts at all other western and south ern points. The sciboartl clearances keep up splendidly , tint exporters Insist tliat U Is all old business and that wheat bouyht during July and early August will continue to move out In considerable quantities for a month yet. Cables were irom quiet tosick anil the seaboard markets could not be quoted M strong. Advices from the seaboard wi-ro In the main bearish In tenor , and the same is tme of news from almo t every quartor. Keverthi'less wheat Is not without linn find stalwart friends who are great be lievers In ultimate improvement , which they are contident mint result from the < * Ififiicicsof the European breadstuffsitua tion. October wheat oiwimd nt7 , sold up to 78Kc , down to 7V'iTb0c ; , whfio it liiinc nervelessly for the better part of an hour , and then broke to T.'Vc on a iinull-slzi'd Bcalplnn raid , reacted to Tbc. < iltl down aeain to 7 ? = < e , and at 1 o'clock w.n ri < \ the leading proffsslonal.o are thnuclit to be still ranceit on the bear side. They sold a i vat many calls last nltht ; anil leit tlic bulls In-e to purrv the market up to the call price , but It didn't Ret there. COKN Y < M 'nlny' lain bulce or j ( > in corn on prcdiotions of a cold wave was quickly wiped out thi * ninrninir. a- , neither cold wave nor nipplnc tru-ls eriniurtl from. TliP market \\as. in fact.ery Mumpy and much weaker , ilnubtless , than it would have been without the Htttis llurrv. as everv- body who bounlit corn at the late session yi-s- tcnfay lu nntleiiintlnn of .innther bourn sold It out this monilni : , and as the weather wai hot , they followed tins action by tfoinj ; short a little. The estimated rifeipts lor to-morrow were 700 curs ia pretty big run for Wednesday , and tins helped \\eaken the market. October npeiuul at li > s'e , and after devllnini ; > ieadilvto 4l4c , with but feeble reaction * , closed nt 1 oYlooK at(1M ( JlSe. being lh below yesterd.iy's latent bid * . OATS Oats in the speculative market were fairlvactive and a liberal business was trnns- nctt'd , the market holding up remartubly well In view of the weakness in corn. The market closed at 1 o'clock the same as vcs- terday. atil c , A itlimore deferred deliveries PIIOVISIONS Tlio feature of the piovision deal to-day wxs a break in Septembei lard to S7 eo , and a decline of 15c in pork , followed by aiiartlal recoveiy. Trade was exreedlncly dull until late in the moruins session , when offerings properly became more tree and " values caj-ed olf. 1'ork declined l.V. with sales of less than 1,000 barrels , but at inside Jiuurcs. Anmmr ca\e the market ucedeil support by taklnz about 10,000 barn-Is. Lard dropped c without encounterine the slight est resistance , and closed only a t-hade above bottom liiure . Am H.NOIIX BOAIID The afternoon mar kets WITH ea-ler fur both grain and provi--- lons. Wheat acild down KC but clo cil with in a sixteenth of 1 o'clock. I'ork sold off li ( gllte. aud Ootobor lard , 5c. No interesting leaturesdi'veluixHl on the Into board. 3 . M.--Wheat . 77lc and p. - - prlvileecs.77lc TJc bid ; corn privileges , 41,6 c bid , and 41c nsked. CHICAGO LilA E STOCK. , Sept 7. [ Special Telegram to the BEU. ] CATTi.n The fact that the re ceipts to-d y were considerably less than ex pected and the run for two days was 4,000 less than durhiK the corresponding tlmo last week gave salesmen some advantage. Very poor kinds of natives sold slowly and at com paratively low urices but values were gen erally stronger. Compared with last Thurs day , which was the low day last week , pi ices to-day averaged iXXgl-Uj higher , the advance boltiL'largely on good , useful 1100 to 1350 Ib cattla , such as sold at about 54.50(24.50. Shipping steers , UKO to ! T 031b5. E4.CCXaj.15 ; 1UOO to 13.7) Ibs , S4.0Qg .CO ; 050 to 1200 Ibs. S3..1XK24.00. The receipts to-day were about 1,500 cattle di rect from Texas and nearly 3,000 wintered Texans , half-breetla anil natives from Colorado rado , Montana und Wyoming. Salesmen asked more money , and some of the desirable 'Amerieaus" at SH.7jS.SO ( : ! , sola .iboutlOc Jil her. Ordinary western Tcxans and win tered Texans sold slowly at barely steady jrices , and common "svtnrci , I j\nns and cannlni : cradesln some cass sold nt easier jatus. As a rule , however , the general run of cattle sold at last Friday's pricw and coed cr.ides lOgiOc hlchor than then. A car lot of " "Yyomlnc cattle , li head , averaged 1 41 Ibs Monday instead of Wlb Ibs. All cattle wore gold to-day. Northern ratmerer 141 Montana , 104 ! ! Ibs , SU.SO ; Iffi Montana , VOA Ibs , 33.73 ; Iffi Wjominn Texans , Wi5 Ibs , jii. ' ) . lions The receipts for the day were 14.WO , ORaliibt l'i'J43 last Friday , making about Sl.f7J ! for the week so far , airainst ii,504 for the . > -amo time last week. The market was active and prices n shade higher than yester day on fancy corn-fed stock. As compared with last week , however , there Is llitlo or no chaiiL'c. noiurh common and sra sytrwk. . fl.40@l.fO ; fair tn co d. ST7.V < r.t.W. and the best iioavy , SU > OC4o.lO ; llcht sorts. S4.4OT.S 4.SJ ; much and mixed , siU.X3l.v5 : ! : p.icklns and shlppiiiLiVHoilM ) Ibs , S4.rwVo.XH ) ; light vreightsSS.75vj4.bO : skips , S'iOOa.3.75. FINANCIAL. Now rorlc. Sept. 7. Movr.v On call loaned from 5 to 7 per cent , dosing nt5 per cent nhkt-d. TUIMK MKIICAKTU.B I'APUU 4QJ per cent. a-nni.txn : ESCIIANOK Quiet but steady andunclmnned ; S4.btl < for sixty day bills and S-I.M for demand. ( iovr.usHhNTS ti'jvcrnments havu been dull and sKv.dy. STOCKS Stitcks opened steady , first prices In the majority of eases bsinsr unclianired from last night's final licurcs. 1'acilic Mall slunviHl the widest dltfcrence. being up3 percent There was very llttlo feature In enrly tr.iiliui : , prices on the general list being eonipamtitely steady althuugti them wa a heavy iiiulfrtouo uud Xortlnvesteni , Oraaha and I'acilu ; Mail , follow od later bv St. I'aul and Lake Sluiru , displayed decided wcakne > s In spots. Them wns a fractional advance In Pacltlc Mall In tlm afternoon , with a general better feeling throughout the list and the market finally clo cd ubout steady at a shade under opening in ices. STOCKS OK WALL STIIEET. 8 ? cent bondv. loo'i ' C.&N. W . U5 < U.ij.4' < ' 8 - . - I' ' " preferred . . 141't New 4's 120 X. Y. C . 110 1'aclfic iV * of ' 05 I'Jfi . OU'L-OU Tran. . . . S2f Central Pacific. . XPaciue , Mull 57 ? f C. & A 141 | P. 1) . & li a > - pn-fprrcil. . . 100 IP. P. O 127 c. B. &q JSi .Hock Uland p. 1. . & vv ISoySt. L. i-S. K. . . . 1) ) . ill U ao',1 preferred. , . Eriepreferred. Si.'tiC. , . tSI. P. . . Ul preferred. . . 75 I preferred. . . 123 : iluolb ! Central. IS4. JSt. P. JkO 43 . , 11. AW . . . . . ICpreferred. \ . , . llljf Canfr.aA-Texas. SIX Texas Paellic. . . H'i LakeiJhoro . . . . 87K Uulon Pacific. . . &GS' UAN. , 45V. . , St. U As P. . Ui i Mlclu Ontral. . . 71Kil preferred. . . S4W llo. 1'acifio. . . . 110SVestorn Union. Ko.-tliern Pao. . . e7KiO. . II. * N prof erred. . . MAKICET. Clilcaco. Sept. 7. Flout Steady , but winter \vbe.-.t . ' uucfiungec ; \ tlour. | 4.06'9 4.10 : southern , IXSOt .O ) ; Wlficnnsin. * 4.KX34.lUUiculiran Mift spnuifwhcat.1X.Wj 4.10 : M > un seta tukere , Si' < i > . 4.lU ; patcuts , 34.3CKri4.60 ; loir crados , 51.7 . 175 ; rye tlnur. quit ! t JJ-iVJiiO In bancis , and SltWcsJ' 4-0 In evks. WUeat Moderately ctlveopccttla ; ; alwut y'"clo inffr > n.lelo cd \ under ; cash. 75i-io Oc lober , " 'j1. Corn Weak and lower : declined Vt below ye tcnlay' < i rlo e aud closed within ' * of In- < ! ide Prices reached ; cash. * S'1 ' \ October. 41 7-IS. Oats Comparatively quiet : about the sumo to easier tluin at the close yesterdaj : cash. 2"il4 ( 'i5W ; October , 'J5 , ' < , U > e ( jiiii-t nt 41KJ. Harley Dull at .V . . Timothv Prime , S1.SO@1.S1 Whi ky-Sl.l.\ Pork .Moderately active , ruled Irrcul ir ; ami declined 15 U7\c. early milled 3 7He , clrwlns Mrady : cash. 10. 10 ® 10. IS ; October. 10.U ! > , < 310.15 l ird L"n ettled and f-aslor : September df-clim-d av : * V. and ttie other .v < t lOe ; ra h. bulk Meats-Shoulders. S.V < K < * fi-W hort ear. ! 05 ; hort ribs Sr > RVrfrt.671 . Butter Fancy nmkes In tooil demand ; creamery , \ltMP \ ? . dalrle * . iVA7c. : Chi'f t Better : Cheddars full crt-am. ' 'iWtK ' : . Hats. } " fl ? c ; Young Ameticn.O'V 'aii"c. Egcs-Klrmat l.Tc. Hides llratv grer-nstiited. TkV llcht , 3Wc : bull hides , hfiles. r. c , drv allwl 11 ( I'Jo : dry flint. ivrti4c : : calf skins , b 104c ; deacon' . We each. Tallow No. 1 country , 3j } < 33c ; cake , 3 ic ; Vo. 2 , 3c. AKTrii.voo.v BoAiin Wheat Steady. Corn Firm ; Ootnln-r. 4'J lHOc. Oats Firm ; October , 3c. . Pork Unchanged. Lard L'ncliungci ! . Hecelpts. Shipment. * . Klnur.bbis . 14onu -.000 Wheat.bu. . M.UW J6IM ) Corn. DU . : Ol tS.OU . CCK.tWO UTP.OU . ,003 BhrifT.Dti . 71,00. ) Ijlverpool , Sept. 7. In more ile- mandiniw ; Xo.Q winter firm at Cs ' .HI : sprluc , linn at Cs o > td. Flour In IO < H ! demand for spot and fair demand for futures. Corn Spot , September , October and No vember , llriu at Is 5d. Toledo , SuptWheat Dull and weak ; cash. Kic. Com Steady ; cash , 42Kc. Oats Neak-cted. 8C. Louis. Sept 7. Wheat Clo eil loxvcr ; No. 2 reil ca > li , 77c ; October , . Corn -Lower : No. 2 , cash , : V > H@I7o. : O.ltn hcn-.rr : No. i cah. . ! ! SJ < c. Pork StiMdy at SlO.TT lO.&j. i.anl Firm at StS.-w. Whisky 31.10. Butter O.iiict and iinchancpd. Afternoon board -Wheat Wheat easy and a shade lower. Corn SP lower. Oats ' 4c lower. Knns.iH Cltr , Sept. 7. Wheat Weaker ; No. 2 red , cash , ftVjonjic ; October. 03J < (4 ( WV ; Noxember , fticbid. Corn bteady ; No. a , cash , 31fc bid ; Ortolwr , 31 V bid ; November , S4-I4ir.'J..1-0c. ( Oats Nominal ; i'm asked. New Orleans , Sept. ' 7. Corn ( Jlllet ; In sacks , mixed , 4c ; white , 4'Jc ; yellow , StHj Products Unsettled. . Lard Iteiined tieree. S7.-jrifa7.37' < . Bulk Meats Shoulders , ; ; lone clear and clear ribs , Stl.STK. Ntw Yorlc. Sept. 7. Whttit Keeeipts , 2C.N.OW ! ; e.\ports. 201,000 ; spot a and options ' ( ir e lower , closing . bottom tom rates : ungraded rC'l. b2.s'.Kc ) : No. 3 red , Vi"tc in elevator , w ssi4c atloat , sc , f. o. b. ; N > . 1 red. W c ; No. 2 red , October , closing at > * Vc. Corn Spot a shade quiet ; options 5 @ ? ic lower , closinu heavy ; receipts. 61.000 : ex ports , b'J.000 ; unirmiicd. niiS-5-Ke ; No. 2 , r1 tS2c In elevator , -calloat ; October closiui ; alsi c. Oats Firm ; receipts , S.'i.OOO : exports 10.- 000 ; mited western , 30 if34c ; white western , 34 ( < j40' c. Petroleum Steady ; Unitod. C2-\c. Eggs Firm aud in tair demand ; western , ICc , Pork Steady but trade light ; prices mi- Lard Unsettled and 12 to 25 points lower , closing heavy ; western steam , spot. S7.50. Uutter Finn on all line grades. Cheese Firmer but quiet ; v.'cstern Hat , SV < .Sept. 7. Wheat Easfcr ; , 75J < c ; October. 77Vc ; November , TOJ.Cc. Corn Dull ; No. 2 , B9 c. Oats Steady : No. 2. - Kc. Kye Slow ; No. 1. Me. Barley Easier : No. 2 , 57fc , , Provisions Quiet. Pork September. S10.00 ; October , S10.10. Cincinnati. Sept. 7. Wheat Easier ; .So. 2 red , 77Cl7tc. Corn Heavy ; So. 2 mixed. 42fc. . O.its Firm : No. 2 mixed , 27j c. Hje-Dull ; No. 2 , .sc. ! Pork Easy at S10..V ) . Lard Neglected ut S7.00. \VhUky-lu good demand at Sl.IO. Mliincnpolls. Sept. 7. Wheat Steady ; No. 1 liatd. cash. 7. > c ; October , 7Gc ; Novem ber , 77J-a@77f4c : No. 1 northern , cash , THc ; October. 73 } c ; November , 75c ; No. 2 north ern , cash , 70c ; October , 71c : November. 7-JVc. Flour Heavy ; patents , S4.SOfA4.4.'j ; bakers , S3.SO < 23.50. ISeceipts Wheat , 111,000 bii'licls. SlnjiuicnthVheat , ls,000 bushels ; flour , 3J/JO barrels. _ _ _ L.IVE STOCK. Cliionso , Sept. 7. The Drover's Journal rcoorts as follows : Cattle IlecelDts. 7,703stroiucrand ; a shade higher : bhippln ? steers. S-X-MXttllS ; gtock- ers and feeder = , S2.10aHo ; cow. , bulls and mixed. Sl.aiQllOO ; bulk , S2.20Ct/iM ) : " Sli Te > . - B C2 C.wcaker : cows , S2.i a aJio" : "steers' , 5-i.tVvIc5.'i5 ; ; weslcni fanKo , steadier ; snod crailes , stronger ; natives aim half-breeds , S3.0CKi3.S ) : cows , U'-.iOfS2.75 ! ; wintered Texans. 3i75c < y.20. Sales : North ern rangers , 014 Muntanas. 1037 to I'M ) Ibs. SibOTaasO ; ill-S Wyoinmc-'lVxans , fti'i to 1047 Ibs. 62.vx 3.20 : ; 7 Montana Texans. U71 Ibs , Si9020S ; Colorado Texans , 10.VJ Ib.s Si'.K ) . Hozs KecfipL' . 14,500 ; steady : rough and mixed. $ S.05 < ij4.5 : packing and shipping. S-J.b5S3.10 ; light. : al.y ; ) ; bkips , SiCCHji 3.7n. Sheep Receipts. 4.aWshado ; lower ; natives , S2.OOg4.U5 ; western. 3..5i ( 3.50 ; Texaui , 81.75 ; iOO ; lacibs. f * .2C@i.Ott Kanfa.iH City , Sept. 7. Cattle Receipts. 2,000 ; shipments , 1.7CO : good corn fed kteers stiong ; good sra > s ranco steady ; coiumon to choice. . " . : ( 4.0 ! ; stockcrs and teeders. SiCOScit.a'J ' ; cows , S1.50 < ir2.73 ; ittnss range sice's , Sioavj : ? . Ho s Ketx'ilits , : i,0W ( ; shipments , none ; strong nnd about 5c higher : comnion 10 choice , 34.10(24.110 ( ; grasben > and pk'S , SiCO ® 1.00. 1.00.tit. tit. itouN. Kept. 7.-Oattle Receipts , 2.COO head ; jluiimcnts , 1,000 head. Firm ; stronger tor good natives : ranse cattle easier ; commiiu to choice shipping. $3.X ( ) 4.SO ; butcher steers , M..W < 34.00 ; co s and heifers. S2.2K3'150 ; Texyns and Indians , S2.25C4.11U. Hiiirs Uecelpts , 3.000 head ; shipments. 1,000 head. Shade lilgner ; bulclieri nml Ijest heavy , StCM.ailS ; mixed pickiiL'.S4.-iOa4.ji ) ! ; iglit , OMAHA HVB STOCIC. Tuesday Kvenlng , Sept. 7. CATTt.K Tne receipts of cattlu were more liberal to-dc.r. but there was littledoingaside troni the .sale ot butcl-ers' niT. ) There are a good many cows couiini ; in and they are bell ing all ot Mo Icvs than a week ago. lioos The market was about lOc higher to-day and active at the advance. Theru wcwagood many btijers on. the market , anxious to pick up as many choice loads as possible , and thu ueua were cleared early iu the day. SIIKKP A few were sold on the Market to day. JSKCF.irTS. Cattle 1,200 Hogs 1.100 Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live urock on this market. Choice steers , ISM to 150) Ibs. S4.CO4.35 Choice 3tir % JlOUto 180J Ibs 3.75 4.15 Xedlum steers , 12.VJ to 1350 Ibs. . . 3.60'rt-I.OO Fat little steow , 10W to llMllN . . . . S.or , : i.W Cixvt feedcw , Wo to 1000 Ibs lO aiil ( iiKxl to choica corn-fed cows aiAX-faiTi Fair to medium srass cows iOTtej. Uood to choice bulls Light aud medium nogs. . . , , . 4.400C1..V Good to cliolce heavy rots . 4.5-V < > Good to choice mixi < d Iios . 4.W 4.CO Good to choicw etieep. . S.OCk < { 3.2. % FatrtogooU sheep . 2.7SC2H.OO Common sheep . Rcproscniatlro Sales. COWS. No. Ay. Pr. No. AT. Pr. 21 J034 82.45 bO t 7 52.75 23 . . .J140 2.60 B 708 2.75 6 lt > CS 2.75 5 754 2.75 DULLS. No. Ar. fr. , No. Av. 1'r. 8 1513 11.75 ' ' I MILEr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IOG . .103 53.25 noes. No. Av. Shk. Pr. .No. AT. Shk. Pr. 00 & 1 WO 54.45 . . . * M 200S4.S3 CO . . .2rt4 4n 4.45 70. . .34S N ) 4..V 70 270 itK 4.4'i W . . .IMS W 4..Y > IB. S * > SfiO 4.45 57. . * O ICO 4..V 01. . .912 240 4.45 R8 . 3811 K 4.57't W. . . 279 1(50 ( 4.M ) ( B. . .Sfl . . 4.W ) 70 . .211 S ) 4.M ) ( W. . . . 0 H ) 4.PO S8..JRB .V,0 4.SO ( B . . . l 1TO 4.TO M..1W ll 4. : ( . . ! H 2 > 0 4.1V ) ! . . . . 200 4.TO 8S. . .2S7 tO 4. o M..245 500 4..V > TIIKOW Ol'TS. > o. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. .Shk. Pr. 22. .1W 137 S4.W 12..SCO 20J S4.3T 2. . . .SW 40 4.25 Ranee of Price * . Showlnethe hlahestanil lowest prices pild formlxiillonUof hosson thl * market d'ir- IngUie post seven days , and for tlic snme time last year : Aiisust Anen t , Tiiesdav. 3lst. . . 4.45 I < 14 ( > ' > September September Wedne dav. 1M. Thursday , 2nd . Krldnv. 3d . 4.30 fu4.7l ) Saturday , 4th..1 4.45 ( i24..pi7S 3.0.- Monday , nth. . . . ' 4. : i-i4.5i ) TuUMla7th . . 4.45 fa4.a % 3.70 I < ivc Stock Sales. Showlne the number of rattle , hogs and sheep purchased by the leading buyers on to-day's market rATTI.K. ( } . H. Uammnnd .fc Co. ( shipped In ) . . . ' - " . ' . ) Harris & FNier . : < 9 Omalia Packing Co . 100 Others . . . IU 'total . . . -IC3 non . Ancln-Ainprlcan Packing Co . 1K1 H. P. Brady . 7.1 (5. ( H. lluiiunond Co . W3 Clark Bros . KM Sniiirei iV Co . ! Vi Others . 45 Total . 1,342 Shipments. Showing the number of cirnof livestock shipped out of the yards during the day : CATTI.K. No. Cars Hi. Det 11 . K. 1 . Chicaiw 11 . Mil . Chicau'u . No. Cars Ut. Oct. 4 . C. , B. .V : Q . Chicago All snips ot stock in this market are madt ) percwt live weteht unless otherwise stitwl. Dead hots sell at Vs Per Ib for all weights , "Skins" or hogs wclghlnz less than 100 Ibs no value. Prcirnant sows are docked 40 Ibs and s'ags So Ibs. . _ .Notes. ( loss all sold. A few sheep * old. Hogs took a step upward. Not much of a cattle market A. ( jairow , D unbar , was a visitor at the yards. There Is a good deal of Inquiry after feeders. Juhu liyan , Ithaca , was hcie , looking after feeder * . Bennett Ewin , Exeter , was in , looking nftei feeders. < } . 11. Hammond & Co. received 2C9 head of cuttle Unlay. ( icprseV. . Lee , Harvard , was in. making iuijuin for feeders. A. F. Nihart , I'isins. was here and sold two lo.uis of hogs. Tlie sundown buyers were absent to-dav , the hogs were all sold early in the day. Laekman and Wilson are botli in with their cattle , shipped from Mountain Home. Julin Spencer. Vacoma , was here and mar keted a very tine load of nogs , which brought trie- top price N. B. I5ergren. . a prominent live stock man. wan in to-day and marketed hogs shiptxxl from Mead. A. Lavertv. Abliland ; II. Ford , Marquette , and W. M. White , Tckamah. were looking around the yards to-day. On tn market with cattle : Swanzey , N. it D. . Hock Creek , 3 loads ; C. S. Miner , Hock Creek , i loads ; L. 7 Cattle Co. , Ho"k Creek. iWhead ; J. C. Wysoug , Cedar Kapids , 227 head. On the market with hugs : Smith & D. . Bhiir ; Mur e , Hoger * & Co. . North Bend ; Howling & Purcell , North Bend ; Bliss it Schuyler ; A. O. Sears. Clarks ; Hipp & L. , Humphreys ; F. Hey , Silver Creek : D. A. Hale. Mail-on ( ; G. G. Vreeland , Juniata : Morrisscy Bros. > t Co. , Hampton ; Spelts ifc K. , Milford ; John Spencer , Uenuan. OMAHA WllOLESALilS MAKICBTS General Proiluoe. Tue dav Evenlnn , Sept. fl. The following pri' s arc for round lots of prtxtuce , as solil on the market ttnlny. The r/iinr/itfn/isoii frnttn represent tlic prices at wJilctt niaaui' ( a tilers tire fillet ] . Bt TTiiii The ri-ceipts of good butter con tinue to be very scarce while the demand is cood. Dealers find It impossible to supply the demand for choice dairy butter , aim creamery butter Is cominir into more general use. Shippers cannot be too careful in liandlinp their butter. Small neat packages sell the best , out euro should l > e taken to have only one tirade and color I a p.icka.e , lor \vi ! " ' " 9d butter is packed with poor , it ne- ceisitates The \Vhole Deinr ! ' J w butter. The butterino law has already had tfio effect of lessening the consumption of that article , and the moiliet will bo better than ever for choice dalrv butter , provided a good article can be obtained. Poor butter Is the same drug In the market that it always has been. Strictly sweet , solid and uniform color , packed In new clean tubs , commands 15rtlGe , or even more , in thu market , but tlieru is llt- tlt * ot none coming in that can be graded as such. A mull quantity of farm dairy butter , packed in crocks , has sold at l i-JOc. Fair to good country butter Is sellini : at lOcau jc. Poor at 5 ( < i'i'C , and slow. CreauiPry butter , not the very best , at Ib'u-iOe. Choice cream- erv butter is selling at 2l ( < tt2c. Eo TliB receipts are very light and the demand strong on account of its ttting fiiir week. The few cases that came in to-day sold readily at OYvnins The oyster season has opened up with piospects for a largo trade during the year. Prices are about te lo er this year than the usual opening price. The following are the prices at which country orders are uled : Mediums , : c ; standard , 35c ; selects , 40c : best selects. 45c. UAMCHceelpts of prairie chickens heavy and a great many packages In very bad con dition , owing to hot weather. Sales arc drag ging , SiOO being about out-ido prlcu a- talnable for choice sound brood. , whole on" stock is entirely unsaleable. A reaction may be looked tor ns soon as cooler weather bfts in. Ducks are quotable at SL25 to 2,00 , ac cording to variety. VrnErAiu.Es Celerj' . largo bunches , Kalamazoo - amazoo , ( He. Suvct potatoe-i , per Ib , : < c. On- inns , cnoice red , per bu , S1.00 ; southern , per bbl , 33.50. 33.50..KX1 .KX1 * Thfi cooler weather permits of bananas belli : : handled In better s'liajH ! , and the market Is better eupplied. Bananas , yel low. per bunch , S2.OOM2.tJO ; large , per bunch , 2.50tOO Hour cr.owx GIAPES : 'Iho market Is well supplied with choice stock and prices am lower , but it Is not anticipated that tney will go any lownr. Farmen > are brim-ing in a good many which are not suitable- for ship ment aud will sell all the way from IKc up. The following are tlm prices at which out- slun orders , for choice stock , are tilled : Shipping stock , per Ib. , 4c. : 10 Ib baskets , : i.c. MICIIIOAN PEACIIKS The receipts this week have be jn ot much better quality than last , and are holding up better. Baskets , ac- cordlnc to size , 3. 75 1.00. Crates , 4 bas kets. 8100 MELONS The market has been well sup plied all the week. Muscatiuu. per hundred , S20.03 ; smaller hires , S 1C. OCKi 15.00 ; uiusk melons , pcrdoz. , 51.00. Witn PLUMS Yen' few coming In , and good stock will bdug SL25 per half-bushel basket. Cuxn AlM-LES There is a goo < l demand , but shipments are very light and mostly not In shipping condition. Firm stuck Hill bring SI.U ) ner bushel. AITLKS Stocks are not moving very rap idly. The market is well supplied with good cliolca staud apnles and fane ) eating apples are bcarce. Common stock , Ky ( IHi.f- * * . * "i" cholco slilppitit , ' stock , per bbl , Siiuj-i'S ; fancy stand , stock. $2.75a3.oa GALIFOKMA PHUITS Pears. Duchess Be-irreDiel. per bor. 53JO ; Winter Nellls , per box , Si.i Peaches , per box , S2.25. Mil' , at . r Tifcv porlbox , $ L" iiX' ' . iiini * . tH > r b x , ? l. ' > wtfi4A L .Vfo.N. < Ilie cjiniice from eXcr rt-nriitoconiwn : tieicool wenthnr 1ms had th > effect of I'Wiune the demand f < irlemons to * omp extent. The Vew York murVct took a sharp ii1\ai.c . hut puces here ait steady. Fancy Mp ina , v 7j.ilo * 00. HOXKV Nebra-ka , choice , white clo er , l.Vd ino. : NebtRsknrilatk. l * 14c. : California. 1-lb ection . OnHtornli , strained , 2-lb ection . MAri.K SrVAR- Bricks , p r Ib. 15 : penny ' i. per Ib. 15c. * M.vrt.K Si rrp-MJulfc. 13 to 17 pillor , Kes , per rml. . 51.0J : galimi e n , t > er gai. , 81.06 : n lf-eaIoneans. ! prcal. . Si. 10. PHIS'FKET. TiniiKTC. . Pits' feet , per Ybbl. , 54.00 : lo. , 'i-bjbl. . 52.00 ; do. , per kit , iw l/Biubs' tongue. * ' per Vbbl , * 3.25 : do. pvr kit , S2.50 : lo..fjuiirt iar , i > er dnz. . S5.9S ; do. , pint jar" , per ea. e. 3 dozen. Sfi.i"i. Tripe IT' { bill. . S4.JUdo ; , . per U-bbl , SiOO ; do. per kit. VX\ ) CoroANt'Ts Cooonnuts. per hundred. SVOU : les than liiindrvtl. per hundred. S" > . & " > . , Ni is Pecan * , large , polished , lie. ; jiecans. ; English \\nlniits.l4e. : almonds , Tarragona , 2ft ? : almonds. Lanpuedoc , 17e : llrnzils 12c ; Illlerts. 14 < - : peanuts , hand picked , fancy Virginia. $ Sc ; peanut ? , hand picked , chobe. Virginia , * H'c : peanuts roasted , 2o ustra per Ib. iu'AS * Continue rather dull , with prices ranging fiom jl.OUitfl.50 uer bu , according to quality. < iii\ix Coin. - > c : old oats , 2Sc ; new oats , Cf 27c : rye. 43c : wheat. No. 2.V" > c. AND Mil.i * Tt KKS Winter wheat llour. best quilltv patent. Se.M ) : second nuiil- Ity. S2.4X ( < tSifO : be t .niality spring wheat tlour , patent , 52.75 : bmn.oOc per cwt ; chopped feed , Steper cwt : white corn meal , Sl.O" ; > elluw com meal , lOc per cwt : screening , r < > c per cwt : hominy , 32. < o per cwt : shorts. ftSc perewt : grahaui. Sl.OO ; hay , In bales , SC.OOM 7.00 per ton. Gi-ocer1 * ' Iitnt. PICKLES Medium , in bols , ffl.V ) : do In half bbls. Sar.'i ; sinail , in bbl.s. S7.'O ; do in halfbbis.3i.2i ; gherkins. In bbls , S.M ; do Inhalt bbb. S4.r.\ A o.70 , 4-jniilon Kegs , Sl.i'J ; New Orleans , ; ' C < r4tc per Ballon ; Maple Syrup. lurrel. strictly pure. Tuc per gallon ; I gallon cans 551.25 per doz ; 4 gallon cans , 53.25 per dnz : amirt canSitKX UANSKD ( ioon- * Oysters , standard , per cas , St. : : ; strawberries. 21b per case , J2.10 : rasube rrieN 2 lt per case , S2.10 ; California pears , wr ca e , S4..V ) ; apricots , per cas-e , fc4. 0 : peaclii'spcr ca c. S5.30 ; white cherries , per case. S.V.O ; plums per case , SXRO ; blue berries. per ci e. Si'ii ; ergpmins.Jib , per csiM . S2..V ) ; pineapples ' - It ) , iier case , S3.20 e/i.50 : 1 Ib maikcrvl. per doz. 51.20 : 1 Ib sal mon jwr doz , SU.SV'tl/0 : 2 Ib goosebenes. pel rn'.p. S1.7S : 2 Ib Airing beans , per ca e , $1.70 : 2 Ib lliiLi bcuns pel caS1.00:2lb : marrowfat D as iwr ca e. S240-.2 Ib early Junepca * . per C.VP , S'.l ; 3 Ib tomatoes. pt-r pat' . S2.1'i < e2 2.1 : 2ibcorn. porcasiSl.IO i2.10'J : Ib corn bref. per dnz. Sl.TlKiiiOO. KIIPK h iudi , 3ic : \ inch , lOijc ; ' 4 inch. Powdered , 7V c ; cut loaf. 7rit74p ! ; granulated. 6 , c : confectioners' A. O'-ac ; standard extra C."i' , . ( < ic ; extra C , SJiQS-Vic ; medium jellow , SUtaS c. STARCH Mirror gloss i Ib , 53 c ; Mirror gloss .1 Ib. 5tc ; Mirror glo-s. 0 Ib , OHc : ( iravps' coni , 1 Ib. ( V : King foid's corn. 1 Ib , 7c ; Iviuirsford's glotf. 1 Ib. 7c ; Kinirs- cnl's ulnss , 6 It ) , "Uc ; Kin sford's pure , 31b. Kin sford'sbulk. 4c , eminent JavaO'fJV ; interior Java. lO1 JOc ; Mocha , 2i < a-4c : Arbuckle'1 ; roasteu , i.c : ; McLaughlm'XXXX roahted , l o : Dilworth' lSs4e : Red I'ro-sS. 15c. CASDV Mixed , 9' * 12c ; stick , SKSi ( > Xc. CitAcKGK' ( iarneau s soda , butter and picnic , 5'ic : creams , bhe ; ginger snaps , s c ; citv coda. 7-ac. noAi" Kirk's bavofl imperial. 62. < " 0 ; Kirk's , satinet. SS.OO ; Kirk's standard. S3.05 : Kirk's white Knsiian. S4.00 : Kirk's White Can. 50.50 : Dome S3.v > : Washboard. 53.10. MATdir.s I'ervndHkJe ! ; round , per COM ? . SLOO ; squarecaaes , 51.70 ; mule square , S1.20. General 3Inrkets. WOOL Medium. 17' < j".Wc per Ib ; fine heavy , light l-k < i 17c ! ; coarse , 12c l.Tc ; burry wool. 2Ctt.'ic off _ HIDES Green butctiers. cured. bUM 'ic ; dr > lllntr UgiiJc : dry salt , yfttlOc : aamaceo hide ? two-tnlrds pnce Tallow be. Urea/c niime white. :5c : : yellow , 2cbrown. lc. Sheen Pelts 2V75s. LKATIIEH Prime slaughter sole Ip.ither , 32c : prrao r i Bole leather. VSa > c , " leatliei per foot ao3o : hem. kip , lg. 30@ac : ; Morocco oil pebble , 2S > $ Uc ; to\ > - pings and linings , SG.OCXtt 10.00 per do.M liEAVY ilAiiDWAHE iron. rate. S2.2o ; low st t special ca-'t , 4c : cnicib le-teel , Co ; east tools do. 12 rl&c : wason spokes' per sat , Sl. > ( < i3.00 ; hubs , per set , fel.25 : felloes , sawed dry , SU40 ; tongues , eaett. 7.V : ; avies. each. 75e : square nuts , ner Ib. 7(2llc ( : cell chain , per Ib , < XS12c : malleable. ( Virtc : Iron wedges , Gc : crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c : spring steel , 7@Sc : Burden's horsesnoes. 54.40 ; Burden's mule shoes. S5-40. liarbep wire , in car lots. 4.00 per 100 UH. ronl Nails , rates , 10 to GO , S2.50 ; bteel nails , S2.oo ; Shot 51.G5 ; buckshot. Sl.bS : onental powder , kegs , S2..r : do , halt kegs , 32.00 ; do , quarter kegs. S1.SO ; blasting , kegs , 2.35 tube , per 10 feet. 65c Lead Bar. SIO. I'AIXTS ix OrL > iiieeau. Omalia. P. P , He : white lead , St. Lcuis , p ure , S7.75 ; Mar- ellles green. I to 5 ID cans , ' 'c : French zinc green seal , 12c ; French zinc red seal , lie ; French zinc. In varnish asst , 20c ; French zluc , 75c ; vermilllon , American , ISc : Indian red , 10s ; roe pink , 14e ; Venetian red , COOK son's. Usic : Venetian red. American. iHc red lead. 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2Uc ; chniiue yellow , K. I2c : ochre , roche.le , 'Jc ; ochre , French , 25 0 ; oclire , American , IHc ; Winter's mineral. 2Kc ; Lehlgh brown. 2ifc ; panish brown. 2Wc : Prince's mineral , "c. _ Li v I'AIS * * white lead , soFrenc nzi no JcTTaris" T UtIiiff. 2M"i " ' ' . I'def5' ' Jfc ; whiting , com'l , l' < c , lampblacK , Ger- manstown. 12c ; lampbUick. ordinary. c ; Prussian blue.Vto : ultramarine , I8c ; Vandyke , brown , Sc : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw. 4e ; sienna , burnt. 4c- sienna , raw , 4c ; Pans green , genuine me : ians green , common. 22s ; chrome t'reen. > . Y. . 20c : chrome green. K , 12c ; veniilllion , English , In oil 70c : raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib cans , ux : raw and burnt sienna , 12c : vandyke. brown , I3c ; re fined lampblack. 12c ; coach black and ivory black. Ifx : : drop blacK. ICc : Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue iSc ; cnrome green , U , M. & D. , ICc ; blind and shutter green , L. . M. Sc. D. , 1O ; Pans irreen , Ihc ; Indian red. l c ; Venetian red. 'A ? : Tuscan. 22c : American vermilllon. L. fc D. , 20c : yellow ochre , Oc ; L. M. & O. D. . Ibc ; good ochre , Ifxj ; patent dryer , tc ? ; graining color , light oaV , dark oak , wlanut. cheitnut and nsh. 12c Uin'os AND UUKXICALS Acid , carbolic , S2c : acid , tartaric , 5'lc : balsam conalba , per tt , 4' c : barK. sassafras , per tt > . 10c : calomel , perlbT c : cldnclionidia. per oz. 40c ; chloro- fonn , perlb. 40 c ; Do\er's powders , per B > , S1.25 ; epsom salts , per tt , a } o ; glycerine , pure , per BJ. Ihc : lead , acetata , per tt > . 21c ; oil , castor. No. 1. per gal , SU50 ; oil , castfir , No. 2 , per gal. , S1.W ; oil. ollveper gal.S1.40 ; Poioriirannum , 50c : opium S3.SO ; quinine , 1. . & Vf. and It ifcS. , per oz , 70o ; potassium i lodiile , per Q > , S3.00 : salicin , perez , 40c ; sul nhate morphine , per oz. S2.4U ; sulphur , per a. 4c ; Ptrychnme. per oz. SL25. \AnMsnr.s-Bnrrels. per gallon : Furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ; coach extra , 31.40 ; roach. No. 1 , 31.20 : Da- mar , extra , 51.75 ; Jatnn , 70c ; asphaltutn. extra , 5Sc ; Bhellac , 3.50 ; hard oil tinlsn , fapiniTS Cologne spirits , 1E3 proof , 81.14 : do 101 proof. 31.15 ; aiiirits , second Quality. 101 proof , SL14 : do Ibp pnwf , 81.13. Alco hol , ibS proof , 8il2 per wine gallon. Kedis- tllled whiskies , Sl.OOMLia Gin , blended , 51.50(52.00 ( ; KentupV/ bourbons , S2.OCXatl.00 ; Kentucky and Pen > ylvania rye SiOCKgaM ; ( iolden tiheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 8l.50f < tea Brandies , Importedi 5.008.50 ; domestic. : ) . Gins , imported , 54 50 fe < i,00 ; domestic , l.25 a3.00. Chauipagnes , imported , per case. S2S.t5o@33.00 ; American , per case , 810.00@18.00. Fish. Mow run.Ill's H'f in.-Or llblsl'U Kn 3M ICO VO 'M 40 ' 12 111 Ben's S'l.Xo 1 L'b'8 00 3 M U SJ 1 M I Ml 68 (60 ( LVe GiU'd Fancy 5 WJ 3 003 75 1 55 1 30 M { & L'tf U'dMi'reF'crSOi)3C J3 751 Ml 301 M | t6 run. IlrisHf ' ' Kits frvf = n . HblsQ'rHblsI'Bllsor ri&u. * % rt jyj i > ji i/ i * , n Norwegian ! KKKller'nirsU X)7 W M3 803 10 ; . . . . ' 1 04 90 Eels _ jig < ' sojs coj * w'a ' so' ' . ! i ss i 0 Holland llerrlnire , pew * Q LAKE IJbU l"l KtS a nan . | 10 K ) 10 - No , 1 While Kllh. . c i 40 3 aO 2 TO S | SO Fuinilv White FuU. . 3 iO 3 1. ' . U6 1 &j OS 65 No. 1 Trout . 1 50 , 4 05 2 55 1 ifij U No. 1 Pickerel . 3 00) ) 7U 1 bO 1 fiO 66 | OMAHA J033EIS' DIRECTORY Artitts Material , A. 11OSPE. , TR. . Artists' Material * . Pianos and l > n Hondas street. < im h . Agricultural Implements. ClfrRCltILL PARKER , Wholesale Dealer tn Agricultural IiuiilemiMits. Watrons , Carrtaces and Hncrl * . } "nrt street , between Vtb ami Itob Omaha Neb c METCALFCO. , AcHcuitnral In rA7tLIX.OREXl > oin'\ ? MARTIN Wholesale Dealers In Agricultural Implements. iVagnnf and Huccie * . .OI.iX./JJ nnil'QC. Jonet ft Butter and Eggs. MeSIIAyE .0 KCHROEDER , Hnycrs of Ruttpr nutl Ktrps. ncfrleentnnnil Puckinc Hi > u p , lilh anil Loiter wnrthst I 1 * II. II. Tr rkiim hn. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies. ? auuce Cntlni' f all kinds altraraln stock. IJ1S Jnncs'U.i'mMia Builders' Hardware and Scales. , CTA YLOR. Bnilders'Hardware&Scalo Repair Shop Meclutnlcs' Tools aud DulTalo t-calcs. 1 < 05 Ooustas it. . OmihA. Keb. LEE , FRIED iC CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware. Sheet Iron. K.c. Ak-ent for Howe Sciles , and Miami Pnwdfrt o. OmahvNrli RECTOR , P ff'ILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardwaro. W tern aeenl * fi r Jeffcnrn "leel Nulls. An Un Powdcrfo , FultbankiilanUrd > cales. Corner ICth and Hnrner. Omaha. Building Material. L uurn ER co. , Dealer n All Kind ! of Buildimr Maleriul at Wholesale. Hill Strc t nml I'nmn Pacinc Tnet. nmaha. Boots and Shoes. ' " 'AMERICAN HAXD SEWED SHOE COMPANY Manufacturers and Whulesale Dealers In , Boots and Shoes , Complete tock of Ilubber Goods always oaha = d a H. ISthst .Omahi. Nob. A. T Au-tln. Ascnu TH r. MORSE , C CO. Jobbers of Roots and Kll Farnam ( U Omaha. Neb. ManufacloiT. Suracer lostnn. Beer. .U. KEATTXG , gL for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n Special Urands. Faust. Bodfelicrand Erlancer. STORZ < 0 TLER. Laijer Beer Brewers. liU North IS'b. Slrect. Omaha. Neb. Coffee , Spices. Etc. CL.IRKE BROS. CCO. . , Omaha ColFee and Spice Mills. Tcju.Ootreo'.Epicc Buklns Powder H ronns3ti- tracts. Jjur.drr Illue. Ins. Kte. lilt lo lloraer Mreet , Uruaha. Neb. GATES , COLE D MILES. Home Coffee and Spice Mills M'f'cr Co , C * > Ce Ro iter and Pplco Grinders. Man3factcr'n nfnaktnE Powder , Flavoring Krtrael . Hlnlnii. Kte. Trrone c e of our 1-c. pickaeellomeBlend iotted Coffee. IttU Howard BU. Ooahn. Neb. Cornice. EAGLE CORXICE WORKS , John Epenetcr , Prop. Manafacturer of Halvanlicd Iron and Cornice. 933 Dodge and 103 and 106 .N , lOtb sU , umaha. Neb. IXG VOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices. Dormer Windows. Klnali.MeinllcSkjIipht.etc. r.103. llti t Omaha. WESTERN CORXICE WORKS. C. Specht , Prop. GalTanlied Imn Cornice" , etc Spect's Improred Pat ent Mrtallc ua and 5H ) t15tU il..Ounta. Carpets. Jobbers of Carpets. Curtains ) , Oil Cloth ? . Unoleuns. Mattlnjrs. Kte. lill Douglas alrr tt. JT. 'ITORCHAJID , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattlnjs. Curtain Goodi , Etc. li 3 Famani Street , Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , 317 South 13th li. Omaba , Neb. Commission and Storage. . , on to l.anc Unrit.l , Commission Merchants And \Vhoesale ) Dealer * In Country Produce FrnlU , Butter , Kz . Ktc. n > ods on cons icnmeut u spccialtr33J N. Ibtn SL. Umaba. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Batter , Ercsnnd Produce. Conslcnmems solicited. Headquarters for Stoneware. Ucrrj- lions and Crape liutktns. 1 < U DodpettreetOmaha. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Oruaka , Neb. Coal and Lime. 'p. MILESTONE C CO. , Dealers In Hard and Foft Coal , OOce and ysrd , K.lh and Nicholas "it. , Omaha , Keb. Yard Telcpbune. fCT. Q10. f. L\u.\nn. I'rca. C. F. GoonitAX. V. Pre . J. A. SO.VDLULASD , Sec. and Treat. O.ira//.l COAL. COKE iC LI21E COMPAXY , Jobbers of Hard ami Soft Coal. SO ) Snath Thirteenth Street. Oraiha , Neb. y , c co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And shippers of Coal and Cuke. Cement. Pla.ter. IJine. Hair , Flro Bnck. Drain. Tile and fcewer ltpe. rtdce. Paxloa Hotel. Karnam St. , Omana , Telephone bll. Confectioner/ . F. P. FA Y , C CO. , Manufacturing1 Confectioners , Jobbers of iYuiis.Nuu and Cl.-ais. nit ranura St. Om h . jr. E. RID DELL , Storage and CoramisBion Merchant. Specialties llulter. Egst Cheese , Piiiltrj- . Game , Ojsiera , Kto. , Ktc IHtoulU lith tueel. WIEDEMAX C CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Fottltrj , Butter , Game. Fnuts. etc. 23) 8. lllb st. Omaha , .Vrb , WESTERFIELD BROS. , General Commission Merchants. IKK Dodge tueet , Omaha. Ncbraik * . CuciU-nretnU si Ucm-d , WEEKS C 3IJLLARD , General CommlHsion Merchants , And Jobben or Foreign * ud Oumenle IVotU. Corre- ipondenre > nlleilr < l. W r hou itnl oQlc .HUM. Tbinecnih fcl. , gmttaa , Neb. TolcpUtKie i. Live Stock Commission. M. ItURKE < SOXH , Lire Stock Commission. Go. Iturke. Uanscer. Union Elcck YardsS.Omana. TaUplione iSJ. SArAGEA GREEK Live Stock Commission ifcrc-Jjants , ShlpffienUof anr u > l Ul kind * of biork Union Stock T rd > iiiaab.t , Net < . ! OHAHA I JOBBERS' PIHECTCRY Ctgars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER .0 CO. . Jobber * of Clirnrs Tnbacro. Ones anil Aniraiiii'l'on > ( o 3' ' * 'iilitl. W80 to I't.'l fr'ftrniun i i t > mnhn. NM > WEST < o F Maitiifncturfr * of Fine Hears. And Wbol * i l < < lp ir in 1-cof Ttib ( r" . N . W8 umllNN.IIlti ftrwl. Oniihi. Off Ocods. jr. E. fiMiTir tp co. , Dry Go nK Fttriiisliinir RoodA Notions \m \ ami I"M lii.nrl . < - , r ttth St. . Om hi. Nob. Dis filters. DKtlllon 11 iqunrd. Alcohol iinil pirtl Importers nml Jo. b r of \ \ nr ml l.tqimr * . WILLOu'Piti.\ nisriLLK'r CO. < nnl I LEU .0 I'O. . Importer * ami Jnbt > i > f Jini > Wlnr ? ml Uonor * . Sole mmiu'ieiiirirr > f Krnimtir * F t Indu nit- IIT * ami I" Uqunr tilt llnrnpr M. Drugs , Paints. Etc. IT. T. CLARKE DRUG CO , , Lnruc-t Driiir. Paint , nil & ( ila s House oaco Vm | > IHi Ijno of IimeplrU Sun- dues lilt llnrnfy it..Oiiiatin , GOO DM. I .V D R i'G CO. , Wliolrgalc Diarists. And Dc ler > In IMlnts Olio in.lVimlnw otii n.Omha. Dram Tile. Etc. A. It.SAfEH Pr" . I W nri'mnn SPC.A Treat 11.J. CAMON. V I'm.nmlMitn. Til E UJ O X II'l > It A L'HC DRAiy TTLE CO. , OKtf 713 P. Hlh H. . Omatn. Nfb Mnehlnrrr * Dd Supplies for Manufacturing Oment Dram Tile- Engineers and Contractors , ji r.irovr ; > , r KncriiiPors ami Contractor * , rliJSfS. \ ' l " -t . Hi nfTrn 5cf. SU-uro IMe Drlrlnc. I'lllng , Oak auil Pinp BM.Uc Lumber. 1Mb. fl. , near Fnrnara. Dmabn. Neb furniture. DEWEY ,0 STOKE , alp Dealers in Furniture. Kaniam t. , Oixatn. N > 1) . CHARLES SHH'EKICK , Furniture , Cc'ltlin ? , Upholstery , Mirror * , etc. 1SKI2M and 131D Furnam ft. . Oraalin. Groceries , ' PAXTOX , GALLAGHER < CCO. . , Wholesale ( Jroccries ami Provisions , No vnV'C.WOamllll S lOtht , ( hnaha. Xeb- McCORD , BRADY C Co7 Wholesale Grocers , I"41i anil I.eaTcnirnrtli ! . .Omaha. Hardware. w. , r. HROA Tcir. IFeavy Hardware , Iron and Steel. Springs. Vfacon Stnelc. Hardware Lumber , etc. 1 and 1511 llarncj ft. . nmaruu EDXEY ,0 Iron and Steel. VTaeonanrt ramme Wooil Stock. Heavy Harrtw.-r Ktc. 1J17 iiuU ISl'J Lu.iTpnworth f U. < mnlii. : Nob. MILTO.Y ROGERS < C SOXS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnace ? , Tiles , ilantles.Gratce. Brats < Jood . 1.21 and 1S3 Karnam Iron Works. J'lERi.IXG Iron Works , , nnrt Cast Iron Euildlnj Work. Iron ? lnlr , Hnllln.Itcami nna Clrtcrj , Mcam EnKlr.f" . llrn \Vurt. litncral r nndnr , Mnctilna and lllnik-mitl ; \VorK. OffircHnilWorkB.t" 1' Iljr and Kill licet. Jewelry. Wholesale Jewelers and Jhisie Dealers. Dealer , In Sllrerwaro. Diamonds. Wntchc . riocks , JoTeler'a Tools and Muterlals. etc. 101 and 101 litb t . cor. Uodjc. tiuiatm. Neb. Lumber. LOUIS BRADFORD , Denier hi Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Docn. Clc. Yards-CnrnerTth and Douglas : Corner tlh und Dou la . CHICAGO LU31BER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 8113. Illli street. Omalia. Neb. r. Colpetitr. Manager. C. J\r. DIET'/ , Lumber. IZtli and California Streets. Omaha. Kcb. FRED W. GRA Y , Lnmber , Lime. CementEtc. . , Etc. Cor. Gth and nouclas > ts. . omabn. Neb. JIOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Odc-e , H03 Farcam street , Omaha. CJTAS. R. LEE , Hardv-ood Lnniner , Wood Carpeu and Parquet Flooring. Sth and Docglai Omaba. JOHN A. TTAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Ktc. Imported nml American Portland Cement. Ftat ! .Ucnt rorMllnnnkMllrdrnnllc Ctincnt and Best WliltoLirao Uva Stock. UXIOXSTOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omalia. Llnlt J. Jo.'ia K. Bord , Superintendent. Millinery and [ lotions. I. OSERFELDER < C CO.- , Ituponert and Jobb n of HHIinnry and Notions , I'.n and 1:15 Harncr Street. Omaha , Neb , Notions. c. s. GdoD7iTcJrlc'c67 Are the onlf Direct Importers of German & French Toys & Fancy Goods In Nebrxtia. Clilcac * * prtc-ps itupllcated wlihout add ing Iri'lk'lit. lill Farnam Mrcct. Omalia. , / T. Jtojiiysoy XOTJOX co. , Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Fnrnishln ? ( ioods , I'jnmi.I dl' , 3. Tenth SU , Omaha. 1'IXYARD ,0 SCIIXE1DER , Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing1 GooUn. JtMandlOnS Firnam St..Oratlia.Neb. Overalls. VA XFIELD 3FA XT'F. ICTU11IXG G'Ojr/MJVT , Manufacturers of Ovoralts , Jeans Pants , Saint , Ktc. IlWandJlW Uouel s Street , Otuahn , .SVU. Printing. REES PJIIXTIXG Job Printers , Blank Book Makers , And Eoot Binders. 10) iul Itn South Kourtrrctti street. Gieaua , NeU. WESTERXXEWSFAPEIl UXIOX Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In True. l'rr vi an.l ) 'rintor ' Jjyi > llei. XQ Boutti TweJf i'i huccu Pickltt , y.'ntscr , Etc. /y MORRIS < & co. , Uanularturtra , Pickers tnd Uc Vrs in Picklfcs k Strictly Pure Apple Viu"-8rar Biklt.c ptn. . Flttfr" ! ! Tttra" , " . Tr.tlo Kaure. FrfccbMu.Wtahs - - ' . i-j < s Zitn" : * Co fc j ats I T Y'rk Milt far I 1-i.Cclrd Apple If < lcr. li / I.earrs i--n * rU OL ab . O/AHA / JOBBERS'riREGTGRY Safes. Etc. - NrW G. A XT ) HE EX , Omuhu Sufo Work" . ilannfart rei I V roand B ireiarPr.ijf . ? o , Vanll Do < ir . J ii w > ri. hntier < and W'ro Were. Cur. Illhaniljai l.n Ms < ira > hi N b / ' . IIO YER ,0 CO. . for llall'i Safe Jt Lock Co.s * n ml flnnt ar Pmof f' . Tim t.kfanl nmlJnil W.iri 10J > nr mm 'Ireot n naha , S > B. Sash. Doors. Etc. 'M. A. msnnoii' , r co. , \Vii ; > le. lc-'- Sash , Door ? , Blinds aud MonliHnspi , B-aneh olBe- l h at-d Irard ! . aha. Neb. G. F. Ll'.MA.Y. Sa h. Puor. Hliudx , Mouldintp * . Bulldint Paper , etc. Mil < Miuth T'n U M'I ' Street , Umaha , Srb. A comiiletp-.tork f lluiiacra' llantware JJO//.V MAXCFACTrRlXG CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash. Doors. Blinds , M"nliHni : Mair Work and Interior Hani Wo.xl V nlsh Just uirnvd. | N. K iHir Sill and I earcnwi'tlh ' SI * . I'maba , Neh. Pumps. CHURCHILL PUJFP co. , Wholesale Pump * . Pipe , Fittinps , Sloarannd Water Supjilies lira l < ni irirrn r r Mast Fo > nCo ! < x ls lill urnam t iimnha. Neti. A. L. STRAXG CO. . Pump ? , Pipes and Engines , Bteam. Walrr. tlallwar and Mllllnc up ( < l es. EU1. UM , PS and SK4 FarDMiu 11. . Dtunhn. > rti. rTST WIXD E.\GlJ\'E unil PUML' COMI'A S Y. DattadaTWIml Mlll - r.Kara ami WMer Fnrt > JI , Vumbmcor | ) > > 1 . llrlllrn HI P. OH and yja > ar- nam St. , Onmha. S K KVIInn. M nnkcr. Telephone No. lid. Trunks. II. II. MARTIOFF , Wlmlesale Trunks Mill.inl Hotel Blork , Omnbn. Wagons and Carriages. The LeadincUarriaee Factory , ( K'-TMII l lll ' " IS.- HID and lill Dixlire street. Otoiba. White Lead. R WHITE LEAD CO. , Strictly Pure White Load , alh street and I" P HT < i-n ha. GHIC O.BQCK ISLAND a PACIFIC RAILWAY The Great Rock Island Route Guarantees (14 ( ratron that Fpnsr of perron * ! rttr atfoMM by n rolld , thuromrhlT t > nlltfir-1 bet , smooth tnckr of < Mnitlanon * * t rail , tubttaa * tlaltrt > "Htrulrerts nnd hHdrt-s. roll ! UK tu-ck a * near tvrfrctlon & luitiinn ktll fan in&ke It. th cafpty Kppll& * of pittnt buiffnttpUtfornia and Airbrakes , nJ thac 0zaellDirilIiu-tpline which porcnif tlf prao- llral operation nf all iti train * nther pcrlalHfof Jit- * route arr Tranfn i all r.nnrftlne | x lnt In Union l > 4 > potr. and the uiiMirixsM.ti ecaldrti M luxuries of its Paucn r Equlprnc'it , The ro. t Eiprr s TminE h tw en ChfK fo and Portx Council DtutTi. Kc aj ( Itr I < ea.Tcnw * > rth fcnd Atctil i > li ate coniKi * l of w-l | r * utlAt4Hl. ) fln lv up hnif-t rt-l D r Ooarhr * llariunivnt Kullman I'Ur Fl > vM > ranr thf latent tlrsltm. tu'l > uiii > tunu Uliiinff C r . tn whiert honitfrly reeked iu a ! &m lr-ltnrlT eaten Reiweenrtitcaco and Kaii ar fit j and Al/Tilc a arc ai o ran llio Ctlebrttnl KecUnintf Ctudr CAHJ. The Famous Albert Loa Route Is the direct and favorite line betne n Chtcaeo and Minneapolis and St 1'a.ul. ivtiere connection * are mada In t'nton Dtr l * for al | polntf In ttj Ti-trltorles and lirlti h l ronnreit. Over this route Fntt Kiprrsa Trains Atf rnn to the walennt ; plaee * . rummer r - tort , pictnr * * iuo localities , nnd huutlntf and fl hlnj ; ground * of It > a and Mlniiesotx It U al o the mu c ae lratiuront to the rtct wheat CtldJ nnU pottonU land * of interior Dnkotn Still another UIKtCT LlSK. ria Fen : * * and Kan * kakce. lias b-en oi > uned l * lw-n I'lndnnati. Indtun- aiiolis and L tatette.and < * ouni-lt BIufTt Kann-xL'ltj , lliuneapolli < nritL : Paul aad intern cut-ui point * . For de-tailed Inforraitlon rce Maps and roMem , obtainable as well a * tlrketj , at ell principal Ticket ( > rnre in tie United Ulc3 and Canada ) gr tj a4 * - R. R. CADLC , E. ST. JOHN , Irca't iS Uta'l U'c'r Orn I Tfct & P&ts. Ag % P. BOYEB & CO , and Jail Work. 1020 Farnam Street , Oniaha. Nob. Bailway Time Table OMAHA. The following Is the time of ornvol nnJ de parture or trains br Ccnlrnl StunJurd Titu nt ttiii lowil depots. Tnilns ol tlio C . St. P. , M. .t 0. arrive tind depart Irom tlu-ir ilt-pat. corner fit Hlli nnd VS'olHtor-ircots : train * on the 1) . If M. C. II. i Q. nnrt K. C. , PU .1. 4 : li. fi-om the It. 1. iL cpg { all others from the Union Puvlfliy del > 0t' JlHlTjaE TKATKS Bridge trains \r\il \ leuvo L' . P. dopnt at S ; . " ' - B7-V-8i : * > .10 b.W- IUO:011M : ( a. ru. 111:3 -I 01:50:00 3:00 - H4:00 bAV 3W-l'tO- : 7:00-11:10 p. m. Leave Transfer for Oiinlia ni 7:12 : Il':159 3 fl : IHO:3S10f7Il't7 : u. ra.l17.U iCT ! Iyt : > 3:37 4:37 iW : fl : T-M : 7:50aW : : - 11-.KS p. in. Ixa\c Ilro.iriwn- m p. m ; ArivcOnmli * 11 IX ) . f.v. ( linaliu 10 00 p. in. ; Ar. llmnduny IU - ' > . In vifect Anifusl rJlh until further no- tlco. Ttm 18 Hddltloniil to present triiln eurvlco. J. W MUIthK , G. P. A. CONNECTING LINKS Arrival anil dcparturo or trains from tlio Trnnf for Depot at Council ItluHs UEl'AHT. AI1UIVU. CHIC.lflO , I'.OCK Ifil.ASBS II 7:15 t. M. 09:15 : .1. > * . H 9:15 A. M. 11 iJO : : 1L COMr. U. I17.U ) i > u. cuiCAin IL . - < oiirinvr.srr.iiM. A 9:15 : A. U. I AU:13A. : Jl. A B.40 1 > u. I A 7U : > r. > f. ciiiCAiio , uuni.iNUTo.s i guiNCV. A9U : \ . M. I A 9:15 : A.M. UCOP. M. I II ( ISM I' , u. A 7:00 Ia. . JL t-r. r.iuu A 9li : A.M. I A 0:15 : A. SI A :40l > . M. I A 7:0) : r. XI KA.NHAS CJTV , BT. JOC % COL'NCIf. lll.UtfS. A10 : ( > JA. u. I atiA.M. : : OSiil' . 11. I A Sail * . IX. W AOAS1I , bT LOl'lS & I'AUWKX ji. SIOUX CITV L 1UCI1IC. ATWA. : M. I A3:3A. : : M. Aflffl III. . ! _ A S.W I- I ! . _ Ucpiirtl IVKSTU'AHU. Arrive. " A. 14. UNION PACIFIC. t. . P.M. title Hxpri-x . 7Wa * loVCT.irT ! . " 'i' " * l SOtl 8libj : Via Plntlsmotltli 7'XVI 1 10 will leave IT 1 * . rteiiol , Urnnha. nt * B li 7SI5 f2il-0UJa. tn ; S.-JM-aii tui-iJi ; s jj p. m DI'aclllc Uxprusa , 6:30 p 10. ; Dunrer hi , lU.a il. m . Loc4l Kr.a:0i p. m l arcnock jranU for Omuha at * 7 0" x 10 Wi ll.ASn.ia.:2.JJ J.3J i.3 5 < - * 'jam. Atlantic Rf , to a. a t Jiu in. , r 5 i t r. , le 8.0 5:07 ji.r. ; I/cnl Er . l N n u Ivm ; Mo. Tc. Br , l . 3. a 1 II p. rc.d W , : Li , C.W * . a