Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Chicago Traders Transact But Little Busi
ness In a Speculative Way ,
Dut. Little ClmnRO From Saturday in
Corn , O\t nml Provisions Home
Improvement In Prlcoof Cattle.
Market Quotations
CIIICAOO , Sept. 0. | Special Telegram to
thcBKK ] Wheat was dull ami firm to-day ,
with good buying ft ml only limited offerings.
The bears Insist thnt It was steady bcc.i\iso \
of the lightness of the offerings , ntid claim
that Chicago must get down Into line with
nil other markets before prices can Improve.
The fluctuations wore within \rry narrow
llinlta , ranging from 77f(378j&'c ( and ellnglng
close to 78eall tbo forcnonn. The croud
mused Itself less than usual figuring on tlie
visible supply.
Corn Only a moderate business was done
in corn to-d y. In the cash market low
grades were quoted higher owing to Increased.
nhlpplng Inquiry by parties who claimed to
have special rail rates. In the speculative
arena HntchtnHon , Fleming and Dayden and
John 11. Lyon were rather free hellers , but
on thp whole trade was ns dttll as It has been
nny day for two mouth * . The closing inota-
tlons nro piactically the same ason Satmday.
OATB Very little doing was In oats and the
market was featureless. October closed nt
Sfljfc and May nt : W < e. No. a In store and to
jzo to store ranged at 2' > @ 25Kc.
1'novisio.Ns In provisions pork sold off
lOc , lard closed just a shade lower and ilbs
6c hlahcr than Saturday. Almost nothing
was done In lard. Trading was eonlined to
j > ork and rlb < < . Karly In the session thesamo
disposition to Bell poik manifested , hut niter
the half hour or so quiet and lostfulness
was restored to the market. Oetober pork
closed at S10.23 , October ribs at Sfi.iiO and Oc
tober la'd at SJ.72k ( , September being quoted
at 87.50.
AKTIUINOOX BOA ill ) Wheat eased olT
nllt'litly on. the afleruoou boaid , but recov
ered later and closed as at 1 o'clock. Corn
was strong , morn active ami higher on Im
proved shipping demand and piovislons were
unchanged and dull.
3 IM. . Wheat privileges , 77J < c and 78v' } (
78jS o ; corn privileges , 424'c ' bid and 4ic )
( tellers.
Ontcxno , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram
to the JJKK.J CATTM : The weather is extremely -
tremoly warm for the season. Many of the
packing and dressed beef concerns were
running short-landcd : on account of the ab
sence of their workmen , who were In attend
ance at the labor plenlc. The great bulk of
fresh receipts to day were made up of natives
chipped last week at near-by points , and
vreic not as ficsh In appeaianco and "bloom-
Ing" as those direct from other .shipping
points. In a general way , values on natives
trero somewhat stronger , yet big heavy steeis
were not making any inure money than last
week , while medium natives were fully 25 ®
BOc higher than the lowest of last week , and
Iftc higher than on Friday. Shipping and
dressed beef operators weic liberal and ac-
Hvo buyers , the former buying larue num
bers within a range of 5-l.8D@ri.lO , and dressed
beef dealers at S4.CO1.M ) and along thcio.
There weie 170 loads of Texans on sale ,
among which were twenty loads car
ried over from Satuiday. Trades wuro
low , and prices no better than
last week. The supply of range stock was
equal to the demand , with little or no Im
provement In pi ires as compared with the
rloso Friday. Native , butclmrs stock was dull ,
but there were few of the local buycis on the
market and prices were equally as low as
last week. Shlpplne steers , law to 1500 Ibs ,
Si.wra.v.i' ; ; 1200 to 1:150 : lus , ; ( m to
100lus. ! ! S3.25Oi.OOstockersand : ; feeders. 8-.00
tern rangets , steady ; natives and hall breeds ,
S3.00rt-i.75 : : cows. S2.,0@i.OO : ; wintered
TcxaiiH. S2.75@.80. Sales of : xt ) Nebraska-
Te.xas , lOiO Ib53.10 ; m ditto , 101S Ihs $ :1.50 : ;
BOS Montana-Texas , 10HI Ibs , SiUOtittO Mon
tana-Texas. 10HC Ibs , SA3J ; 482 Wyoming-
Texas , 074 Ibs , 62.80 ; 115 Wyoming , iH7 : Ibs ,
Hoos-Reeelnts 17,500 , airaiust 12.000 last
Monday. The maikot was laiily active with
an advance of about 5c on best solid corn-fed
Block. Other grades weie about steady.
Rough common and grassy stock , S4.40@I.CO ;
fair to L'ooil , Si.7G@4.bO. : and the best heavy ,
84.90@5.10 ; light sorts. ? 4.40@4.bO ; rough
nna mixed , ? 3.1 > u ( < $1.75 ; packim : and ship
ping. 2.iOto : no Ibs , SI.75M5.10 ; light weights ,
JfS.7Sti-l.UO : skips , SS.50 8.75.
Now Yorlc. Sept. 0. MONKY On call
easy. ranging fiom 4 to 0 per cent , closing
at .1@J per cent.
STKm.i.vo RXOIIANOIC Quiet and steady
at 54.81 if for bixty day bills and $4.84 for
GovKiiNMtNTs Governments havu been
dull and steady.
P STOCKS Stocks were again more active
and higher , the feeling in favor of higher
m prices being much mote pronounced than for
some time back , i'lii-t prices generally
showed advances ranging from * ( , @l per
cent above the closing IlL'ures of Satimlay.
mT" Trading was quiet init generally lirm throughout -
out the tiioinlng hours , but alter I' ' , the up
" ward movement gathered renewed strength
T" and culminated shoitly before 2 p. in. , alter
T"k which there was a slight recession , the
k market closing rather heavy , close to the best
figures reached.
STPcent bonds. . lOO'/.C. ' &N. W 110
if. B.4W's pietened. . . 143
Now -is N. Y. C
Trail. . . .
Central Paclllo. Paclllo Mull
C. & A 141 P. D. A K
preferred. . . . 155
c. B. &o inn Hock Island .
D. L. .Vs\V St. L. it a. F. . . .
_ > . &K M prcferri'd. . .
Erie ! 12C. , M. , feSt. P. . .
prefened. . . r * tirufcrred. . .
Illinois Central. St. P. i\ : ( )
L , B. &W. preferred. . .
Texas Pacltlc. . .
LakoShoiu Union Pacific. . .
' " W. , St. L. & P. .
Mich.'Central ! Nl'f ' piefened. . .
Mo. 1'acllle Western Union ,
Northern Pac. . . 106
piefcried. , .
co. Sept. 0. Flour Quiet , Imt
unraiiKPd ; winter wlioat Hour , S4.05 ®
4.10 : Hinilliprii. SS.BOW4.00 : wUeinislii ,
. . , .
4.10 ; Mlnuusntn uakt-is , * 8..VCcM.10 ) ; patents. < 3 < , co : low sriuluH , 81.7Vu)2.75 ; rye Hour.
quiet at pK.25@'ii : ( 111 barrels , and Sa.00@
S.'O In nu'l.s.
Wlient ( julpt ; ndvancpil J/onnc | ringed nt
xouborobnturiliiy : casli , 70 1-lOc ; October ,
Corn Opened i c lower and closed about
ku butter limn iJMiudny ; cash , 40VAtoWo ;
October , 4aSc.
Oath A llttlo htandler. rencted W@ > / from
Inside nrloes of Saturday ; cash. 25'to : Oc
tober , a'Kr.
ltr -jiilt > t at We.
Jiarloy Dullnt5T c.
, ,
Tiinutliy-Prline , SI.T9.
WliiMy-31li. ; !
1'ork Kusa-r : declined 10 THSko , and clovd
at liiBldo liKtirivi : c.i li , 510.15' ; Oo
tobcrSU.25@lO.'JrK. )
hR d Dull anil but llttlo bottfrtlmn noinl.
nnlj ensli , S7.60ciT.WX ; October , S0. , ' < @
' '
'u'ulk Meats-Shoulders , 85.87J ( ac.OO : short
clear. SO.U'Sja.tiJ ; Mioit ribs , SO.025fCctO.i55.
Untter-Qiilet but hteady ; cicamcry , 17 ®
22e : ilalries , IStTcJlTc.
Clieoso-Qulet ; full cream clieddars ,
Ti@nuts : , 7Jj@SK.i ; YOUUK America , 12 > i
@lHp ,
llnlos Heavy green salted , 7Kc llelit , 8 c :
li trull hliles. hides , ftfe ) ; dry failed 11 ®
12c ; dry nint , la Hci * U sklnn , ti(3toi ( o ;
deacons , 50o eacli.
Tallow-No , j country , 8 ; < © 3Vo ; cake ,
fyipl * 0. f , uC.
Corn Finn : October , 43 0-tCc. Oats Fltm ;
) ctober , Sfi c , Pork Unchnnged. Lard
Itecelpt * . Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 14.000 12,000
Wheatbu. . 81.1XX ) 70t)00 )
Corn.bu . 4RH.OOO 273,000
Jnt5 , bu . att,000 1W. ° 25
Fljeb . 7ooo 1,000
Uarler.ou . 87.W/3 10,000
New York , Sent. f > . Wli6 t Hecelpts ,
187.400 ; exports , ls7.000 ; spot tinii : options
K@ c hlither , closing stendy nt near the
) c t rates : iincradrd red , WXjtMc ; Xo. 3 red ,
We ; No. I rctl , 03c ; Xo. a icd , 8b@b8' < c ,
f. o. b. , Ki'fc niloat.
Com Spot nrin ; options ? ( * Yc lilRlicr ,
closing linn ; receipt * , HO.OOO : ex-ports , SO- ,
( XX ) ; ungraded , fiOg.VJc ; No. 2 , Sli/c In ele
vator , fi'JJiC delivered ; October closing at
Oats A sbado stroncer ; receipt1 ! , 113,000 ;
exports , S03 ; mixed western , S0a34c ; white
western , 35@41c.
Petroleum Steady ; United. OTc ,
Ek'Bs Klrm and demand fair ; western
fresh , l.W@tflc.
Pork-Steady but quirt
Kard Two to tue point lower nnd heavy ;
western steam , spot , quoted at S7.fJ < 5i7.70. (
Cheese Firmer hut demand llKlitestern ;
llat , Hi < ( < ih te.
Huttcr-Qulct but flnn.
Mllwnukoo. Sept. 0. - Wheat Steady ;
th , 7RJ/e ; October , " 73/e ; November , 7U > ic.
Corn .Steady ; No. a. 40'4e. '
Oats-Dull ; No.V-Wo.
Hyc-FIrm ; No. 1 , We.
Itarlvy Drooping : No. 2 , CSc.
Pi uvlslnua Steady.
Pork September. StO.10.
Cincinnati , Supt 0. Wheat Kasicr ; No.
a retl , 7Htff7 J4c.
Corn llcnvy ; No. 2mlxed ,
Oats Haider ; No. 2 mixed.
HjeKasier ; No. 2 , We.
Pork-Dull sit S10..V ) .
Whisky-Steady atSl.IO.
Mlnnon polls , Sept. 0. Wheat Firm and
higher ; No. 1 hard , cash , 7 , " > c ; October , 7fic ;
November , 77) ) < rc : No. I northern , cash , 7o ! ! ;
October , 71 ; November. 75Uc ; No. 2 north
ern , eash , 70e ; October , 71o ; November , TJ | < fc.
Flour Finn ; patents , 84.0ffi4.M ! ! ( ) ; bakers ,
Heceipts-Wheat , 210,000 biHtcls.
Shliiienl.s | ) Wheat , 10.000 buslmls ; Hour ,
20.000 barrels.
in Stoie Wheat. 2,823,404 bushcl.s ; nt St.
Paul , : i-iO,000 bushels ,
St. Ijouls , Sept. G. Wheat Strong : cash ,
J e hlijhiir ; No. 2 cash , 77j-i@77'iic ; Ou-
tober , TOVe ,
Corn Firm and steady ; No. 2 , cash , 37Jfc ;
October , SS'-i-e.
Oats Lower and nominal ; No. 2 , cash ,
24K < f'jic ; October , 2.1c.
Pork SIO.ST ,
Lard SO.b.r > (30.b7J ( < .
Whisky 8UO.
Hutter Unchanged.
Afternoon board Wheat Steady and Jn'c
Coin Firm and } 4c liinlicr.
Outs Nominally unchanged.
Toledo , Sept.O. Wlieat lligbcrandlirm :
Ciish , bOc.
Corn Steady and lower ; cash , 42J4c.
Oata Nominal.
KniisaH City , Sept. 0. Wheat Stcadv ;
No. 2 red , cash , ( Ho asked ; October , OHJ c
bid ; November , CSKcbid.
Com Steady ; No. 2 , eash , 32c ; October ,
33 @ l c ; Novcmbor , ar. c.
Oats Nominal ; 24e bid , eash.
NowOrloann , SepL 0. Corn Dull weak
and lower ; lu saeks , mixed , 48c ; white , 49c ;
yellow , , " > 0c.
Oats Kasier ; choice \vnstern in sacks , 3)c.
Hog Products Firmer , but not quotably
Chicago , Sept , C. Tlio Drover's
Joutnal tcpoits as follows :
Cattle Receipts. 8,003 ; stronger for desira
ble natives : shipping bteers.S3.vXu ! > 5.25 ; stockers -
ers and feeders , 32.00@i.tO : : ; cows , bulls
and mixed , Sl.503.20 ; bulk , S2.Wc ( 2..jO ;
through Texas cattle , steady ; common to
good , S2.50Jfi. : ' . > 5 ; western rancers , steady ;
natives antt hall-breeds , S3.00 ' :5.75 : ; cows.
S2.MKiKi.OO ; wintered Texans , 5'i75 ; 304
Texans , 1011 $ Ibs , S3.10 ; 00 Nebraska Texans ,
1018 Ibs , S3.05 ; ays Montana Texnns , 10:11 : Ibs ,
$ : UO : : t5G Moiftanu Texans , 10M Ibs S3.0 : ; ;
432 Wyoming Texans , 'J74 Ibs , S2.bO ; 115
Wyomfngs , 1348 Ibs , S.55. : (
Hogs Receipts , 17,500 ; strong , but early
averaged steady : rough and mixed , S 3.00 ®
4.75 ; packing and shipping. S4.7G < cj5.10 ; light ,
S3.75Mt.UO ; skips , S2.50yH.75. (
Sheep .Receipts. 8OOJ , ; hteady ; natives ,
S2.00@.90 : ; ; western , S3.50ffi3.iX ) ; Texans ,
5l.7rM43.75 : lambs. S4.oo@i.oo.
The Drovers' Journal special cabin fiom
London quotes American cattle Ic higher ;
best dicssed , per lb , 13c. General supplies ,
however , are rather large.
KUMBUM City , Sept. G. Cattle Receipts ,
3,000 ; shipments , none : choice corn led ,
5ft ( > 10o higher : others steady ; common to
cholre , 3.50@1.55 ; stockers and feeders ,
32.20g'3.30 ( ' ; cows , Sl.SOO'.O.1) .
Si. Louis. Sept. 0. Cattle Receipts , 1,100
head ; shipments , 700 head. Quality poor ;
good cattle would sell higher ; common to
choice shipping. 83,50 ; < 54.7.'i ; butcher steers ,
Sa'-MQUX ) ; cows and heifers , S'.25@i.50. :
lloirs Ifeeeipts , 1,700 head ; f-lupnienls.
none. Good quality active and firm : com
mon , tliill : buteliers and best heavy , S4.S7.rfi
5.10 ; mixed packing , S4. ' > , ' 3f.80 ; light , 4.00(6 (
4.70 ,
Hogs Receipts , 1,800 ; shipments , C50 ; firm :
common to choice , S4.10W4.iJ6 ; gras > seis and
pigs , 5 .50(71-1.00. (
Monday Kveninir , Sept. fi.
CATTI.K The market was very dull on
dressed beef and buteliers' stock. The de
mand for feeders Is Increasing and suveial
bunches changed hands to-day.
lions Theic weio not enough in to make
nmatketand very little was done. Values
remain about hteaitv at former Quotations.
SHIEI' : There were a tew In to-day.
Cattle . 800
Hogs . : . 4'JO '
Sheep . 12S
ProvaUIns ; Prices.
Showing tlio pnivalling pricei paid for live
stock on this market.
Choicu steers , ir : > Jt to 1500 Ibs . S l.20@ 1.35
Choice- steers , lieu to iK)3 : Ibs . 3.75ct ( 1.15
Medium steers , 1250 to lilVJ Ibs. . . 3.r,0 ( fl. < > ! )
Kat llttlo steers , lO.Vto 1153 Ibs . . . . : i. ( ( cM.8J
Good feeders , 1KX ) to 10M Ibs . .0ci5't. ) ( - )
( food to clfoicu eorn-fed cows . 2.'JUC'f.25 : !
Fair to medium grass cows . ti.OiiMa.fjS
Good to choice bulls . l.fiOa.f > 0
Light anil medium nogs . 4.20QC4.45
Good tocholeu heavy I'ogs . 4.45 ( 4,00
Good to choice mixed ho s . 4.40M4.50
Good toelioieu sheep . fi.OOt'fti..iS
Kalrtoeooil sheep . 2.75C < fi.OO :
Common sheep . l.fiOaso ( !
Kcprcaciitutlvo Sales.
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
Lance Creek Cattle Co . 23 , . . .1001 52.bO
„ „ . 20. . . . 044 2.W )
„ „ . 22 , . . . 1112 2.)5 ! )
Marques . G5..113S 3.10
W. McGlllllls . 72. . . .1210 S.40
Dan McGinnls . 155..12o'J 3.-15
S > TIEHS. :
No. Av. J'r. No. Av. Pr.
82 . 770 ffj. : 20 . 024 § 2.75
1 . iO 2.75.
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Slik. Pr.
82.2Hi ( 120 : jyyn3 : 240S4.50
80..22C. 120 4.45 : iO.40 : ! 100 4tO
of Prices.
Showing the highest and lowest prices in Id
for mixed loads of hozson thN market d'ir-
iiiKthu past seven duys , and for tliu same
time last year :
Anirust August ,
Monday , i'Oth. ' . . 8.50
Tuesday. 31st. . . 4.45 @ 4.61
September September
Wednesday. 1st. 4.35
Thursday , 2nd , . 4.SO < < J4. < rt S.55 @ 3.85
Friday. 3d 4.0 ! ! 8.00
Saturday , 4th. . . 4.45 ' 3.G3
Monday. Cth 4.30 ( u'4.50
Showing the number of c.irs of live stock
shipped out of the yards during the day ;
No. Cats lit. Dcst.
S , , . . .MIL , . . , . , , , , . .Chicago
liivo Stock Hales.
Showing the number of rmttle. hogs an d
sheep purchased by the loading buyers on
to-day'b market.
( i. II. Hammond < fc Co , ( shipped lu ) . . . 100
GouMMiller 230
Gibson it IJitngato , , i
E. M. Gibson . 05
Trcrrmln A Trerhain . . . 87
lotal . C04
Anelo-Amorlcan Packing Co . 112
II. P. Urady . M
Others . 'M
Total . . . . . . . . . . 202
All sales ot stock in this market are made
ttercwt , live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead boss sell at Wo per Ib for alt weights ,
"Skins , " or hogs welclrin ? loss than 100 Ibs
n oval no. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs
nnd stags 60 Ib * . _
ilogs steady.
Dull as usual on Monday.
The market for feeders is Improving.
Not enough hogs In to niako a market.
Outline t&Ockamp were both at thoyaids
O. 11. Hammond recehcd ti\e loads of cat
tle to-dav.
M. Owen , Crclghton , had four loads of cat-
tin In to-day.
Fairlngton Hros. , Kmcrson , had a load of
cattle at the yards.
Leroy Penoycr , Cential City , was a visitor
nt the yards to-day.
W. II. Stone. Plum Creek , had 128 head of
sheep t the yards.
,1. .Itirgetisou , Mlndcn , came in to-day with
t\M ) loads ot hogs.
J. TViay nnd ,1. U. Jminlngs. Culbcrtaon ,
weie both in with four loads oi cattle.
Gibson , t Hungate bought eighteen cars of
feodeis , which they Avill ship to Co/ard.
K. I ) . Gould , the Fullciton banker , and
Thomas Miller \\erohure and bought eighteen
cai.s ot feeders.
K. C. Green , of the Kll 7 cattle company
was heie to-day. The company has sixteen
loads of cattli ! on the way here.
Lance Creek cattle company , husk , were
( in the nmikut with fifteen loads of cattle.
T. li , I lord came In with them.
On the market with hogs : Morse , Rogers
&Co. . Ninth Hend : KllcSit Co. , Cedar Rap
ids ; Ullss it Bliss , Schuyler ; W. J. Davis , St.
A llvo stock man asks why it is that the
Omaha butchers cliargo Chicago pi ices lor
their meat , when they are buying cattio so
much lower.
General Produce.
Monday Kvcnlng , Sept. f > .
Tlic following jir/r-c / ? ure jor rnnnil loin nf
pnulwe , nsxuldon tlio iiutrltcl tn-tVty. The
iinntiitlims on , fruits represent thc ) > riccs nt
u'hli'h nutxhlc orders < iru filled.
l > i Trcit The receipts of good butter con
tinue to be M'ry scaice while the demand is
goud. Dealers Iintl it impossible to supply
the demand lor choice dairy butter , and
creamcrv butter Is coming into moru general
use. Snippers cannot be too careful In
handlinl : their butter. Small neat packages
sell the best , nut cure .should be taken to have
only ono made nnd color in n package , lor
when good butter is packed with poor , it ne
cessitates the whole being sold as poor butter.
The butterine law hag already had the effect
of lessening the consumption of thnt article ,
nntl tliu market will be better than ever for
ehoiee dairy butter , provided a good article
can be obtained. Poor butter is the same
drug in the market that It always has been.
Strictly sweet , solid and uniform color ,
packed In new clean tubs , commands 15c lOc ,
or oven more , in the market , but there. Is lit
tle or none coming in that can bo graded as
such. A small iiuantitv of faim dairy butter ,
packed in crocks , has sold at lK@20e. Fair to
good country butter Is sellliiir at 10 < M12.jc. }
Poor at 5q/sc , and slow. Creamery uutter ,
not the very best , at Itrf320c , Choice cream
crv butter is sellinc at til@22c.
Etios The receipts am very light nnd the
demand stiong on accouht ot its being fair
week. The few cases that came in to-day
sold leadlly at 12@i2j < e.
Ovsrnns The oyster season lias opened
tip with prospects for a large trade during
the year. Pi ices are about 5c lower this year
than the usual opcninir price. 'Hie following
are tlio prices at which countrv ordeis aio
tiled : Mediums , 80c ; standard , Uoc ; selects ,
40c ; best selects , 45c.
GAMI : Shipments of prairie chickens are
quite Hbeial lor this time of the year , but de
mand is remarkably heavy und receipts all
meet with ready sale on arrival tit 83.00 per
dozen for all biids in good condition. Ducks
also in good demand at 32.00 2.50.
VKOKTAIILKS Celery , migo bunches , Kal-
nma.oofdc. . Sweet potatoes , per Ib , 3e. On
ions , choice led , perbu , 51.00.
IJK.AHS Continue rather dull , with prices
ranging ( torn ? > 1.00@1.50 per bn , according to
Arriis : Stocks are not moving very rap-
Idly. The market is well supplied with good
cooking apples , and they nro selling at a wfdu
langn of prices , according to the quality.
Choice shipping ttock is not .so plenty , while
choice stand apples and fanc > eating apples
are scarce. Common stock , S2.oO ( 2.2."i :
ehoice shipping stock , per bbl , S2.iO.2.75 ! ( ;
fancy stand , stock , 82 75c . : { .00.
CAMPOIIXIA FnriT.s Pears. Duchess
Hem re Die ! , per bnr. S3.50 ; Winter Nollls ,
per box. S'-.TJ. Peaches , per box , $2.25.
Grapes , Muscat or Tokay , per box , S1.50.
Plums , per box , $1.50.
LKJIONS The change from excessively
watm to compaiatively eool weather has had
the. effect ot lessening. the demand for lemons
to some oxtent. The New Voik market took
a sharp advance , but pi ices here are steady.
Messina , S0.75tolO.OO.
BAXAXAK The cooler weather permits of
bananas bcliiL' handled in butter shape , and
tlio market is better supplied. Bananas , yel
low , per bunch , 32.00j2.50 ( ; large , per bunch ,
HOME onowN GIIAIT.S 'iho market is
well supplied with choice stock and prices
nro lower , but it is not anticipated that they
will go any lower. Farmeisaro bringing In
a good many which are not suitable for ship
ment , and will bell nil the way from IJ c up.
The following are the prices at which out
side orders , for choice stock , aio tilled :
Shippinu stock , per lb. , 4c. : 10 lb baskets , 'Me.
MICHIGAN PJIACIIUS' 'Ilie receipts this
week have been of much better cpiality than
hist , anil RIO holding tip better. Baskets , ac-
cordimrto . . . , sUe , S. 75@1.00. Crates. 4 bas-
1 .I. QlVl
J > vlnJ < J.'AJ
MIM.ONS The market has been well sup-
piled nil tlio week. Muscatlne. per hundred ,
520.00 ; smaller sizes , S10.00@l ,00 ; musk
melons , per doSl.OO. .
WILD PI.UJIS Very tew roming in , and
good stoek will bring 51.23 per half-bubhel
basket. AITI.KS There Is a good demand ,
but shipments tire very light and mostty not
In shipping condition. Firm stock will
bring Sl.OO uer bushel.
HONKV Nebraska , choice , white clover ,
15 ( < Jlic. ( ; Nebraska , dark , 12c14e. ; California.
1-lb sections , 15c. ; California , strained , 8-1 b
sections , 12J < , ' @l4e ,
MAi'i.nSrn Ait-Bricks , per lb , 12J ; penny
cakes , per lb , 15c.
MAI-M : S ntip Bulk , U ) to 17 gallon kess ,
per pal. , Sl.OO ; gallon cans , per gal. , 81.05 :
halt-gallon cans , per gal. , SI.10.
Pins' Fr.irr , Tiin-n , KTC. Pigs' feet , per
2 < M > bl. , SI.OJ : do. , jr-bbl. , 82.00 ; do. , per kit ,
VOe Lambs' tongues' per Jbbl , S3.25 ; tto ,
per kit , S2.50 ; do. , quart Jars , pur doz. , 35.25.
lo. , pint Jars , per case , 2 do/.en. S0.25. Tripe'
per 3bbl. 3 . , 84.00 ; do , , perbbl , Si.OO ; do.
per kit , lKe. )
Coc'DANt'TS Cocoanuts , per hundred ,
85.00 ; less than liundreil , per hundred , 85.50 , ,
Fins AKi lATib : Figs , layer , 4-lb boxes , ,
lb. , lic. ( Dates , fancy fard , 12-lb boxes ,
; times. Persian ; 50-b | boxes , per lb. , lOc.
toasted , 2o extra per Ib.
GIIAI.V Corn , 29c ; old oats , 2Sc ; new oats.
25fcc.7c ; rye , 40e : wheat , No. 2,6Sc.
Fi , < iUH AND Mn.i.snii'Fs Winter wheat
flour , best quality patent , Se.bO ; second qusil-
Ity. S2.40tSJ.fOhest quality spring wheat
flour , patent , 82.75 ; bran , 50o percwtchopped ;
fofcd , tOaper cwt ; white corn meal. Sl.OO ;
yellow coin meal , OOo per cwt ; screening , OOo
per cwt ; hominy , 82.00 per cwt ; shorts , 55c
per cwt ; irraham , Sl.CO ; hay. In bales , SO.OO ®
7.00 per ton.
Grocer i' List.
PICKI.EU Medium , m bbls , 80.50 ; do In
half bbls , 83.75 ; small , In bbls. 87.50 ; do In
half bbls , 84.25 : gherkins , in bbls , 88.50 ; do
in holt bbls. 84.75.
bvuur No. 70 , 4-gailon Kegs , 81.22 ; New
Orleans , SS ( < i40o per gallon ; Maple Syrup. X
barrel , strictly pure , 7oc per gallon : 1 gallon
cans , S9. l per doz. ; K gallon cans , 5.25 ; > or
dor : anart cans , ( f3.00.
IIIIIKD KIIVITS No 1 quarter apples , 8W@
< c ; In evaporated boxes , OKOt c ; blackber
ries , boxes , * )4fJ > ; peaches , eastern , 4KS (
C r peaches , evaporated , 15 } < Jfl7c ; Salt
Lake none In market ; raspberries , new , 18
; currnuts. 7 > f@7 > ic5 prunes , new ,
CANNICD Goons Oysters , standard , per
can , 3.SO ; strawberries , 2 lb per case. 53.10 ;
Linbcrrlfb. a lb pur case , $2.10 ; California
rar > ,
berries , per case , " 3'iVo' ; ' egt ? plums , i lb , per
cane. 52.50 ; pineapplea ! lb , per case , 13.20
G-V50 ; 1 lb mackerel , per do51.20 ; 1 lb sal
mon per doz , Sl.-VK3i.fX ) ; 2 lb gooscbcrlei ,
per case , 81.75 } 2 lb stiing benns , per ca e ,
51.70:8 : lb lima beens , per ca o. Sl.OO : 81b
marrowfat ivas. iier ease. $2 40 ; 2 Ib early
June peas , per S2.75 ; 8 Ib tomatoes ,
per case. 82 15Q2.25 : 2 lb corn , | x > r ease. Sl..tO
( u2.10:2 : lb corn beef , perdoz. $1.70(32.00. (
Ron : K lncliU&eY ; ; Inch , 10Vc ; M Inch ,
sVoAif I'owdered , 7Vtfc ; cut loaf , 7d7l4c ;
granulated , C4c : contectloncrs' A. Cl c ;
standard extra C , 5'iW > c ; extra C , 6flojVic ;
medium yellow , -Vi o c.
STAIICH Mirror eloss l lb , 5 fc ; .Mirror
icloss. 3 lb , SKc ; Mirror glos , C lb , 0c ;
Gra\es corn , 1 Ib , 6c ; Kllipsfoid's corn , 1
lb , 7c ; Klngsford's glog" . 1 lb. 7c ; Kings-
ord's gloss , 0 lb , 7' ' < c ; Klngsford's pure , 31b.
{ c : Kliigsfoid'sbulk. 4c.
CoFir.r.s-Ordinary grades , lO'flJllle : fair ,
fancy green and yellow , WJ tfU'tfc ; old gov
ernment Java , 20il80e ; Interior .lava. N > Jc ( $
20c ; Mocha , K24e ( ! ; Arlmckle's roasted ,
15c ; McLoughlin's XXXX. roastul , 15 j ;
Dilworth's. in < e : Red Cross. 15e.
CANDV Mixed , n' < fai2c ; stick , S'XclO'fc.
CitACKKits Ciarucau's soda , butter ami
picnic , fijjc ; creams , bJic ! ginger snaps , 8lic ;
cltv soda. 7' ' c
SIIAI-S Kirk's Savon imperial. * 2.fO ;
Klik's satinet. S3.00 ; Kirk's fitftiidard. S3.0' , ;
Kirk's wliitu Ru-sian , 34.00 : Kirk's White
Cap. Sd.50 : Dome , S3.H5 ; Wnshbnard. 83.10.
MATCIIKS Per Middle , 28e ; roiiml , per
case. Sl.OO ; square cases , S1.70 ; mule squaie ,
General "MnrkctH.
Wooi.Medlum , 17@20c per lb ; fine heavy ,
12ai.le ( ; light. 14t 17c ; coarse , 12ai.5c : burry
wool. 2ri5e ( ; oil.
Hinr.s Uieen butchers. GK$7c ( : preen
cnreil aUW if ! llr-v "int , HfrfiMc : dry salt ,
I'ftZioc ' : damnecd hide ? twtvthlrds price.
Tallow He. Grease , PIItnu w'llUs. ' : ic : jellow ,
2c : brown. H'fc. ' Sheep Pelts U5fti)7&2. )
LBATHKU 1' slaughter solo leather ,
S2c : prmo < % k solo leather , I0 ! < ( iSc. : )
Upper leathe ; per foot , 20ij2.1c ( : hem. kip ,
75ctH.1c ( ; oak V , p , MftiMe ; French kip , Sl.OO B
1.20 ; hem. eall , Sl.uoiai.lO ; oak call , S1.00c S
1.25 ; French e.tlf , § 1.25 1.Sri ; Morocco boot
leg , ! iO@Wc : ; Moroeeo oil iwhble , 2J < 8 2c ; top-
pines anil linings , Sil.00@lO.00 per def
HKAVY iiAiiiNVAitK iron , rate , S2.25 ;
low stenl speci'il c.nt , 4c ; cruclb lesteel , On ;
east tools do , 12 18e : wagon spokes' per sot ,
Sl.7.1ai.OO ( : ; hubs , per sot , $1.25 : felloes ,
sawed dry , 51.40 ; tongues , each , 75c ; iivjes.
each. 7 , > o : square nuts , per lb. 7iilte ( ; cell
chain , per lb , ( K < 12e ; malleable. G ( < i ! < c | Iron
wedges , Oc : crowbars , ( ic ; harrow teeth , 4c :
spring bteel , 7ji ( > 'c : Burden's horsesiioes.
S4.40 ; Buiden's mulu shoes. S.1.40. Barhup
wire , in ear lots. $4.00 per 100 Ibs. ronl
Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , 52.50 ; steel nails , S2.rt ( :
Shot Sl. < ! 5 ; buekshou Sl.hS : oriental
powder , kegs , S2.M ) : do. half kegs , S2.00 ;
do , nuaiter keis.S1.50 ; bl.tstlng , kegs , S'J.J5 :
fuse , per 10 teet. 05c. Lead Bar. SKI.
PAINTS IN OIL > \ lueeao. Omaha , P. P ,
3 < e.white ; lead , St. Lculs , pme , S7.75 ; Mar-
ellles green. 1 to 51o cans. 2c ; French zinc
Kreen seal , 12c ; French zinc red seal , lie ;
French zinc. In varnish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; vermlllioti , American , 18c ; Indian
red , lOc ; rose Pink , I4c ; Venetian red , Cook
son's , 2 ic : Venetian red. American , l' < c
red lead , 7'j'c ! ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2 < Je ;
chrome yellow , K , 12c : ochre , roehe'le , 8c ;
ochre , French , 2c ; oehre , American , IKc ;
Winter's mineral. 2 } < c ; Lehlgh brown ,
panish brown. 2Wc : Prince's mineral. Sc.
DIIY PA1NV8 White leart , sxFrenc : : im nc
i-'c ; Paris whiting. 2Uc ; whitinir , gliders' ,
Jf -whiting ; , com'l , ( IMc , lampblack , Ger-
manstown , 12c ; ' lampblack , ordinary , & ;
Prussian blue,55ci ultramarine , ISc ; Vandyke ,
brown , 8c : umber , burjit , 4c ; umber , raw. 4c ;
siennn. burnt. 4c sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris lb cans , r.'c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 1'Jcf Vandyke , brown , 13c ! ro-
tinedlampblack' , I2c ; coach blaek and ivory
black , lUc : droo blacic , IGc ; Prussian blue ,
40c ; tiltramariiiobliie , 18c ; cnromo green , L. ,
M. & D. , lOc ; blliid aiil ( shutter irreen , L. , M.
< k D. , I6n ; Paris irreen , Ibc ; Indian red. lac ;
Venetian red. Oc : Tuscan. 22e : Ameiican
vetmillion. U fcD.,20c : yellow ochre , Oc ; L.
M. & O. D. . 18c ! ' good ochre , Ifio : patent
drj'er , So ; grainlnn color , light oak , dark oak ,
wlannt , chestnut ami abb. 12c.
Dnuos AND C'JKtiiCAi.s Acid , earbollc ,
32c : acid. tartnric'a3cbnlsam copaiba , per
lb , 4"c : bark. Ra ( i trasi per'tt. lOc : calomel ,
perlbT c : chinclionium. peroz. 40e ; chioro-
lorm , per 11) , 40 e ; Dover's powders , per Tb ,
51.25 ; epsom salts , per Ib , H' c ; glycerine ,
i. .A : W. and 15. & S. , "per o'z , 70c ; potassium
iodide , per lb , S.'i.OO : f-allein , perez , 40c ; sul
phate morphine , per oz. 52.40 ; sulphur , per
tti. 4c : strychnine , perez , 51.2" .
VAK.visnr.s Barrels , per gallon : Furnl-
tuie , extra , S1.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach extra , 31.40 ; roach , No. 1 , 81.20 : Ia-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; nsphaltum.
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 58.50 ; hard oil linlsti ,
bn KITS Cologne spirits , 188 proof , SI.14 :
do 10L prool , 81.15 ; splills , second Quality.
101 proof , 81.14 : do 188 pi oof , SI.IS. Alco
hol. 188 proof , 52.12 per wine gallon. Redis
tilled whiskies , S1.00f H.50. Gin , blended ,
81.50I2.00 ( ? ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.OOQiO.00 ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 51-.00@0.50 ;
Golden Sheaf bouibon and ne whi-kioh ,
Imported , per case. S'i8.00@33.00 ; American ,
per case , S10.00@Ki.00.
Dry LniaDer.
| l2 ft'l4 ' ft'ltl ' ltJ20 ft S3 ft 24 ft
noAiti ) . * ; .
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and Ui ft . S17.50
No. 2 " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14.75
No. 3 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 1 .50
No.4 " " 12. 14 nnd 10 ft . 12.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . S17.03
No. ' - , 4 ttOlnch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 1S.5U
Istcom. , 18. 14 and 10 ft . 821.00
d " " " . 20.00
Fence " " . 11.00
1st com. , J ln While Pine Partition. . . .st.oo : ! :
2tl " " " " ' . . . . 27.01) )
Clenr > y In. Norway Pine Celling . 15.00
A Cinch , white pine
O Cinch , " " . 211.00
KOInch , " " . 17.50
fiToru noAiuifi.
A 12 Inch. 12 , 11 and 10 ft . 4il.OO
B12 Inch , . . 42.00
D 12 ineli. " " " . 23.00
No. 1 Com. 12 in. , s. IK. 12 , 14 . 18.50
Istnnd2a , clear , ij < jjich , s. 2 s . 850,00
1st and -'d. clear , l w , 2 Inch , . 2 s. .
d , clear , 1 Inch , H.SS , ' . 45.00
A select , 1 inch , s.2 g . iO.OO
B belect , 1 Inch , s.3 s . 23.00
snip i. A P.
No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 inch. . . . . 817.50
No. 2 , ] > hun,8 und ,10 Inch . 15.50
* A * Standard. . .j..f . 82.50
Wnelt clear. . ? . . . . , . l--o
c-lnch clear . . . . . 1.1)0 )
No 1 V > ivj
' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Cedar * A . . . . , . . . ' . 'j ; . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 240 !
Lath . I. . 3.33
Qnlncy white llimr ( beet . SO. 80
Cement ( Akion ) , . , . . < . 1,05
Hair . , . 015 ;
Plaster . , . , . 2.75
Tarred felt , per cwt , . , . . . , . 2.00
Straw board . , , , . : . . , , . 1.55
IHrlsHf"IlblgO'rHWs Palls or Kits
, .
riBii I 300 | 100 Wj ) ui ill T' 10
Norwegian I |
KKKllcr'uirs 14 X)7 ) 606 808 80 3 10 1 04 90
EcU. , , , 18 009 M8 604 80,3 80 1 10
Holland llcrrlnga , now BO
Artists' Material.
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
Artists' Materials' , Pianos , nud Orpana ,
1M.1 IHHislns Ftrfft , Omlm.
Agricultural Implements.
cnuRcnrL PARKER ,
AirrliMilttiral Implements , Wagons ,
niul lluritli' * . Jonoii ttrect , bctwt n tth
nmi lOtti.Oninh * . Nrb.
Agricultural Implements ,
\V Ken , C rrlMos. nngsln , Bte. , Wtioleutlp.Omiihft ,
Wliotr tute Dcnlorn In
Agricultural Implements ,
JVmons nJ lliiRiilrd. t01.M1.iKU mul HJT , Joncii ft
Butter and Eggs.
Huyei's of Utittcr niul Eg
UcfM rilot unit I'urkltiR llinllc , Kill nud I.6KTCB-
ortliRI , 11. p. It. H.'rr ckOm hn ,
Butchers' roots.
Hntcliers' Tools and S
Cntlngj of nil klmti lwn ; ln Block , till
Jonc tl.Omahu.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Bulldors'Hard wuro ftScaloKriinii' Simp
Mcchunlcs' TuuU mul nuffiiln Rnilcn. Iltt > Douglmi it. ,
Onialiu , Nob.
LEE , FRTED < f : CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnwnre , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agent * for Howu Senior ,
and Mlnml ltowi1er'onnihnNeli.
Wholesnlo Hardware.
WeMern nccnln for Jetleiton Steel Nallr. Auntln
1'owclcrCu , Knlrhnnkn Stnndnnl Scnlcs. Corner
IDth nnd Itarner , Ornnhn.
Building Material.
Dealer In All Klnd or
Duilding JIatcrial at Wholesale.
13th Strceland Union I'nclllc Track , Omnlm.
Boots and Shoes.
X HA XT ) fill WED
Manufacturer ! ! nnd Wholcfiilc Dcalcra In
lioots and Shoes ,
Complete Klock of Uubber Omuls nlirarii on hand
'M B. 13th Bt. , Omaha , Neb. A. T. Austin , Ancnt.
w. r. MORSE c co.
Jobliers of Hoots nnd Shoes.
lilt Farnnut fct. , Omnha , Neb. Manufactory , Bummer
Mrcct , Boston.
for Anheuser-Bush IJrcwing Ass'n
Special Urniids. Kaiint , HudiTClncr and Krlangcr.
Lager Heor Brewers ,
1521 North ISIh Street , Oinnhn , Noh.
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
Omaha CofTee and Spice Mills.
Tca , ColTee > , Fplcc . IlakltiK 1'owder , KHvorlmtEx-
trnclB , luiundry Illuo. Ink , Ktc. 1414-10 llnrocr
Street , Omaba , Neb.
Homo Cofl'eonntl Spice Mills M'f'g Co.
CotTeaRoiitiMannil Pplca Grinders , Jlnnufaciurura
oflluklne Tnnder , riivorlnit Kxtract * . Illulni : . Ktc.
Trv ono cn * > o ( if o jr 1P ) p.ickriKG Homo lllcnd Houttod
Ootree. liKlllonrartl t.Unuhii. Neb.
John Epeneter , Prop.
Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron and Cornice. 923
Dodaound 10.1 and 103 N , 10th ft. , Omnlm , Net ) .
Manufuctureri of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndotrr , Finale. Metnllobkjllpljtetc. 310S.
12t i st. , Omaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
Oalvanlrcd Iron Cornlcea , etc. Spect's Improved Pat
ent MrtalloSkyllaht. COS unJtlU S. 12th nt.Onmha.
Jobber * of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil ClothsIfugs ! ,
Linoleum * , MntthiRS , Ktc. 1M1 Doilijlm ntrcet.
S. A . 6RCHA R'I > 7
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Clolhs ,
Mnttlnga , Curtain flood * , Ktc. 1123 Kiirnlm Street ,
Omnha , Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
V' . L. 'WRIGHT ,
Agent for thoMiiiiufncturerinnd Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chluincjs , etc. Odlcc , o7 ! South 13th Bt.
Omaha , Nil > .
Commission and Storage.
Bucce ori to Innnc Grllfltli ,
Commission Merchants
And Whnlemlp Hiuilpm In Country I'mrtiiro , Fruit * .
Iluttcr. K\IK . Kir. nnoitn on ronpluiimunt n
tpcclalty. aXN. IHtb Bt. , Omuliu.
I ) . A. HURLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing.
Butter , Kct'sninl I'roducc. ConslRiiments solicited.
llendrjuarters for htonewnrc , llerry llox < H and
( irupo lliiBkuif. 1414 DoilKUetreetOmnhu ,
CommisKion Merchants.
Fruits , Produce nnd Provisions , Omnlm , Neb.
Coal and Lime ,
Dealers In
Hard mid Soft Coal ,
Office and yard , UHh nnd Nicholas | . , Omaha , Neb ,
Ynrd Telephone , urr.
UEU. 1 .IMIIAOII , I'rer. C. F , OOOIIMAN , V. Pres.
J , A , .SUNDKIIIMNI ) , Koc. and TreuB.
Jobbers of Hard nnd Soft Coal.
2U > South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Net.
, T. , T. , TOII\SON ,0 CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Bhlpiiers of Coal nnd Coke , Cement , Platter ,
IJiuii , Hulr. Klre llrlck , Drain , Tllo jiinl KcwcrPlpo ,
onicu. Paxton Hotel. Karnam et. , OinitbnSi'L ) .
Telephonu HI.
F , P. FA Y ,0 CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Frults.NulBiindCUuia. 1211 Turnum HI ,
Omnlm ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
BpeclultlcB Iliiiter. Kgin , Cheete , Poultry. Game ,
Oymors. Itln. , litr. 112 South itlh tu' > 't.
1'rodnco Commission Jfcrclumts ,
Poultry , Ilutter , Gnmc , Krults , etc. 2N H. 14tbit.
Oiiialm , Ni'b ,
General Commission Jrerohants.
UWDoJiO Street , Omaha , Nebraska. Oonslirumeati
_ _
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Frulu. Corre *
spondencu solicited. Wurehouiannd ofllto , 110N.
Thirteenth rit.malmNeb. ) TelPphoiiH i7J.
Live Stock Commission ,
M. ItURKE .15
Live Stock Commission.
( leo. llurke , Manancr.
Union Stock Yards , B. Omaha. Telephone ( St.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
BhlpmenU of any n < l all ilncli of Slock ollolte < l.
Union Stock V nj , Ouma. , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Clears , Tobacco ,
Qnni mill Ammunition. 21N Io7i1 P. lllh it. , 1030 to
1021 PftrnamM Onmlin. Neb.
Mninifacturors of Fine Clears ,
And WliolcmlP Dmter * In t.P f Tohncooii , Nos. 105
miclliaN. Kth Mrrrt. Oiinhn.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMTT11 , > < Y > , .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Koods A Notions
1102 ntid 1104 l > c nlnii. < tir. lllh B ( , Omnlm. Nrb.
Dlfttllrrn f Mqnor , Alcohol niul Pplrll . ImportPrt
nml Jobbfrsof Wlncmnil Liquors.
CO. and ILEIt * CO. ,
Importrri nd Joblieroof Vine Wln nnrt t.lanorf.
Sole mnnutioiurrnol KrnnixlT'o E il Inclln lilt-
trro nml Dotnpi Ic I Iquor * . 1117 IlirnPT St.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
jr. T. CLAltKE DItir < ] CO. ,
LarKC- Unip , Paint , Oil & ( Jlitss House
TTcilof ChlcuBO. Conirli'lc UIIP of IlruggliU Bun-
irl ! < - ! > . 1111 lutiifj H , Om tin ,
Wholesnlo Dtnff ists.
Anil l > elcraln ralnln , UIUniulVliutow ( iMn'.O
Drain Tile , Etc.
i. .T.W.Tlriiroim.Pnr.ATre'ii
it. J. CATIIOV , V.l'rei. niul s pl-
DltAltf'rjLE CO. ,
OIHco 113 P. llth M. , Oiunhn , Neb. Mnchlnery nnd
orMnnulnoturliiit Cvmrni Drnln Tile.
Engineers and Contractors ,
KnprltK'ora nnd Contractors ,
fB , VladHrti , Ilonf Truf en , Ptrnm I'llo Driving ,
nK , Oak ami I'lnullrliliip Lumber. 15Ui ft. , lioar
Kaiiuini , Omnlm , Nclt.
Wholesale Dealers in
Karnnm et. , Omnlm , Nob.
Furniture , Uoilillnff , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 120R.120S and 1210 Fnrnnm t. , Ornthn.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and rrovisions ,
Kox. 7U > ,7I7 ( , TOJnntlTIl S. Will St.Omaha , N b.
Wholesale Grocers ,
ir.T TtitoA Tc/r
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , \\'HK block , llnrdwaro Lumberetc. 1209
niul till llnnu'7 nt. , Omiibn.
WIiolcsulo Iron nnd Steel ,
Wnjton nml C rriai8VooU Stock , Heavy Hardware ,
liitc. 1217 nnil 12i'J I.eaTcnworth ft. , Omnlm , Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , FurnaceB , Tiles ,
Mnntles , Grilles , HnienCoods. Ki21 nnd it23 : Karonm
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
WroiiRht and Cast Iron BnlldlnR Work. Iron SUIrd ,
nnllmfr. Ucunie nncl ( .Irdcru , Sionm Knplncp , llravs
W < irk , Cinoral Kmuulrr , Machine nnil lllackemltli
Wort , oniroancl Works , t' . I' . Ity.nnil 17th Ktieot.
t \c \ ERICKSON.
Wholesale Jewelers and Music Dealers.
Dcalcrn In Rllvarnnre. Dlnmondn , Wntchcs. Clockc ,
Jeweler's Tools nnd Mutortuln , etc. 1UI nnU 10J litU
pt. , cur. Doilge , Uuiulm. Nob.
LO via RRA nroR n ,
Dealer in Luiuhcr. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors. Ktc. Yunls Cornerth nnd DouKlan ; Corner
lUh iintl Don ; lun.
Wholesale- Lumber ,
814 B.Hth etrcct , Omaha , Neb. r.Cnlpctcr , Manager.
C. N. D1ETZ ,
13th nnd California Streets , Omnha , Neb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. ( ith nnd Douglas fti < . , Omaha , Neb.
To Dealers Only.
Once. Htn Furnora HtreotOraalm ,
llnrihrood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and Paiquct Flooring. 9th and Douulas
Wholesale' Lumber , Etc.
Imported nnd American I'orllnnd Cement , htnto
forMllwaukpo Hydraulic Cement mid Hot
yulney White J.lme.
i/Ve Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John r. 110)d , Superintendent.
Millinery and Notions.
Importer ! anil Jobbers of
Millinery nml Notions ,
1213 and 131S Hiirney Htrcct , Omaha , Nob.
' '
c. f > . Gooriiiic'jr'.c co. ,
Are the only Direct Imporlcraof
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In Ncbrnalcn , Chlcni.'o prlcca duplicated nllhout udd *
Inn irclclu. 1115 KHrnani ttrcct , Omahu ,
\Vholeialo Den lor i In
Notions anil FnrniHliiii" ; Goods ,
4(11 ( und < lti 8. 'rcnthft. , Oranlm ,
Jobbers In
Notions , HoHieryaiid ficnts' Furnishing
I'lir/mir. i.t. , O-nalm , Neb ,
' '
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jenna KintLBhlrta , Tie. UKnnd ! 1101 Doiiflm ritrett ,
Oiuahn , Ni'h ,
Job Printers , Ithink liook JIakcra.
And Hook Illcdera.W \ and HH South Kourtcentb
ttrtft. . Om.H lu , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
fletlenlnTrpe. I'remea nd J'rlntcri' buppllea. Ufl
Pickloi , Vinngar , Etc.
CO. ,
Xlnnufacturcri. 1'ackeri and Iiealrrt In
& Strictly Pure Apple Viiicprnr
Ilaklug I'owdcr , llavorlne Kitruru , fatiln fauie.
renu u' untr. roeern ' pec.-.5J
Folf arnti > lor York Mate f-nnri lledncd Apple Ci
der. litti ; eiworth tt. , Oiuulm.
Safes , Etc.
Omaha Safe Works.
Manufacturer * o ( t Ir * and lur ! larrroofS ff , Va ll
Dovrr.Jnll Wi rk.shuttrrn and Wire Work. Cor.
lit hand Jack ton Ktfi , Unit na , Nsb.
Rd1 CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe A l.ock Co.s'
Kir * ni l llnnt ar Proot Snffi , Tlm 1 < ock , VknIU
and , l ll Work IffJI Kurnira Klreet Oiuahn , Neb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
lr. .V. msnitow r ro. ,
Wholetale Mantifncliirerii of
Sash , Doors , Hlinds ami Mouldings ,
Ilinncli ofTlcc , Ulh and linrd p | > . , OninbaNeb.
. / ' . LY.MAX ,
Sash , Door , lUtnds , Moulitiiigs ,
Ilullillnr l'ni < er , etc. inn South Thlrtrcnth Street ,
mahn.Neb. A complete Mock uf llullden'
3iAyri'"ACTrjti\G co. ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding' Stair Work nnd Interior Hard Wuod I'lnlib.
Jnrl oprncd , N. V. ror. Cth nnd lA'Utuum.lthSla.
Omntin , Nrb.
CHURCHILL rr'jtr ro.r
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stvnmnml Water Supplier Iten.lqimler * fir Mail
Ko intOoXiomlK. 1111 1'nrnnm rt .Oniahn. Nrb.
Ptitups , Pipes and Kugiues ,
Btearo , Water , llallnnv and Milling Supplier. Kto.
ITO , HHHiidir.'t ( uinam M.Oinnh.i. Ngb.
llnlliulny Wind Mlllfi picnm and Wi.ter SnppllM
IMiimblnit Uoodn , lleltlnK , llo p. i'lK nml Id ) far-
nam t. , ( Jinahn. P. K. IVHnu , ManaKer.
Ti-lophuno Nu.VIO.
Wholesale Trunks ,
Mlllnnl Hotel lllork , Onmha.
Wagons and Carriages.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
ItlRI and 1411 DodKC Mrcel , OniHhn.
White Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
Mth itrcctnnd II. IMtj. , Omnlm.
Pr reanon of It , re\tr l poelllnn anil cloiR relation to
H principal llni'i , ait nnil.Wfit. at InltUI and ter
tntnal point * . runMltutr * the itioit Important ml *
ciontinenlAl link In tliat THUin or llirouah tranipor.
tatlon wbleh lu ltes und rnrilitAtPi * travel ami trarna
between cltle * or the Atlantic and I'arlflc < JOfcM . It
I * tiliu the faroi-lln nnd br t innto to and from point *
l a t. Horthen t nnd bmillipatt. and corresponding
point * Won , Horthnoit nnd Kouthneit.
The Croat Rock Island Route
Guarantee * Its patron * tbat * eni of personal ecn-
rlty afforded hy n , polld , thorouirhlr Imllntted road-
iwl. Btnnnth trackn ot fciitlnuaui Meel rail , ubiULQ-
tlally Inillt cul'rrt * nnil l.rldiceH. rolling nock a neat
perfection nil linnmii ulclll ran make It. the larety
apfillnucuiof patent rmtTfMK , plutfonrii and air braaea ,
and that exacting ill4 ( Ipllne. which roTenii the prao-
UKaluprnitlonof nil IK tralni. Oilier rpt-rlaltlr * of
/hU route * UFA Tran r.ira nt nil connecting polute In
Union DrpotH , And tlm niiniri | i ed vuinfurti and
luxuries of 1U I'ai.ionBrr ) Lqulpniont.
_ The Fait Kipr .i Trains tot n pen rhl.'atrn and
Peorln. Council IllunB , Kan u rity. I atrllniirtli and
Atrhlron ro vninpMed , of wHI Tontllatnl nneiy up-
linlMercd 1) T Cimrhrii , Unenlnrent I'lllliuan Palioo
Rlccppif of the Blent ip ltii. and fiinipttioit * Dlnlnir
Car < . In M hloh clihorntely < ookp < l inenlfl are leliurei/
eaten. Pei rratiChli * | ro nd Knnsnnltvan ; < ! AtctlttQ
.ru aldo run the Celubrated lUnIlulugululr Can.
The Albert Loa Route
I * the direct and fnvorlte Una b t rrn ChlrnKo and
M lnneupolt * andbt raul.Trhero connertlon * nre made
In Unlnnllfpomror all pointi III tliu Tenltortri and
lltltlxli rrnrlncui. Orir this rniilc Fun RiprrM
1 ratlin nre i nil to the wr.tarlnu phirn. MininiFr ro-
FortH , plutitrrsquo lonilltleH , ami htmllnir nnd nnhlna
Sliiiin. I * of lunn nnil .Mliilii'aoln. It IR * V the rnoiit
tillable route to I ho ilLtheat lluldl uld paitoraj
lulliln of Interior Dakota.
Mill anothrr DIKI'.OT MNH. rla frnKn and Kan-
kakiie , ha b en npnned between Clni In.nitl. InrUnn-
apollaand Lafarette. and Cniintil lllutrr , ICanraKOtr ,
Illlineapiilli and ! > t. I'aiil and IntrrmiHlUii : pohitn.
lor detailed Infonnatlon ge * Alapnnd Foldern.
ebtilnahlo. as well ni tlrkrti , nt Ml iirlnilliol Tlckol
onkos in tbe United States and Canada ; ur bjr aO-
R. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , '
1'reo't & Ucii'l ' ' ' ' ' "
M'n'r , Ocn'l T'M & 1'an. Ae"t ,
and JsIS work.
1020 L'uruani Street. Ouahii. Neb. '
Railway Time Table
The following Is tlio tlino of nrrlvii awl do-
partiiroor tniliis by Cent ml Ktimclunl Vlmu at
the loeiil tlopnts. Tnilns of tliu U. , SI. ! > . , M. &
O. arrive and dupnrt fioin tholr ilepot , cornorot
lltli und WebstorHtrootH ; trains on tlio II. &M.
C. . &Q. nnd K. C. , Pt. J. < V p II. from the IL
&M. depot all otnors from tlio Union 1'aclHo
( k'lKjl.
RrttlKO trnlns wilt luiivo U. K dopnt at 0:35- :
nTn-BUO-8:40-8M-HiO.JO : : : : : : 11W : ) n. m. : 111:0
1:20 : 1 : riO-2:00" : l:00 : 111:00 : 5:0d : ft : iW ( ' :10- :
7:00-11I : : p.m.
Leava Trunurur for Oinulia at 7:12 : lMlft.-0:30 : :
- ! -iia-lliniv-lO:37- : : : : : : u. m.l'J7 : S:1U2:37 : :
3n--ii7 : : : : : 4:37 : 5tX : ) Oi43 " : : : 7:50-8:50- :
11:52 p. m ,
I.cavo Ilvoailway 10 ' ' > p. m ; ArlvcOiiiulia
11 W. I.v. Omnlm lu 00 p. m.r. ; . llroitdwny
WX > . In ulfcut An ustJill until further no-
tire , Thihls luldillonnl to ptceent train Hervlco.
. .1V. . MOUSi : , ( j.l1. A ,
Arrival nnd drpaitnru of tniiui from the
Triint-lcrDupot nt Counull Illulls :
II 7:1,1 A. M. I 1)UI.1A. M.
H : lfiA. M. lDOi ) : : ) > . M.
( ) ti:4ii : ) > , M , I Jl7 : < niM. .
C'llCAtiO 4 KOatltWi BI-E1IK.
A ! ' :15 A. M. I A I'l5 ' ! A. M.
A :4'J : f M. I A 700 ; i' . M.
A 11:115 : A. ) J. I AOll.-iA. M ,
1)0:4)1' ) : ) . u. H O--M j . M.
A 7IK ) I' . M.
At.-nlnsitiilly ; Jl , dilljrxcont Bun-
diiyj 0 , dally cxoopt But.irdity ; I ) , daily except
will leave l * . I' . d Mot , Oiniilm , nt'0:11 : 7:3.1-
8Bl-JWlu. ; : ! ( ; in ; : JoO : ftt-tU.- fi > bW : p. IE
Ol'iiclCo j\m'j ; > s , n:4.'J : p „ , . . jic/nvtr hr. , : inA
a. m. ; Jxiciil r.r.rii' : ( p. \ \ \ .
Ixiiivo6to"k j r,1 lor ilmttha t * 7:0-'V"3lO ! .
V:30-Ur : : : > n m.iJiiL"i : : : : lTH:05 : - 8 ; 5 p. in.
Atlnntlo Kx . le . . O. 7i' n iu. ; Chlnivn lit. ,
le S. O , u : 7 P.m. K * . , \ . . O , 10:31 : n.m. ;
Mo.J'niUi.e | , S.O. t.:47p. : m.i id M. I' , r.x.
G09n. ; ra. .
L'icopt SuuUuy.