THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. SEPTEMBER G , 1890. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING ZSO SIES OIF COUNCIL BLUFFS. A'tHH I I.ll ft 4 I 7WP/.B.W ; YTS. Di-LRE. WKLLS & CO. , lapieasats , Fte' rmincrt Hlufl * . Iowa. IvLYsTOXE MANTKACrnilXO LO. Make tbeUrirmH ) nnrt OotnpMe. Hav L&tdsr , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , CORN PltEI.I.KItS A > 'O FEKT > CfTTFR . Nrl.'Kjl. . Ijf , , lio. nucll.lC j oith ] Main Street , Council HnC , Iowa > m\HU-YA- . , Manufru an J Jobbers of Agricultural lmplementWaoDS , { ! , Boggles , Carnapo * nnd oil klnl * of Farm Mnchlno-y. 1JUO to 1116 Sou tb Main 9tret. Oouncfl III u In , Iowa. f O Gt.r.Asov. 1.1 ! Dorms , Ono r WninitT. Pres-JLTroas. VPres AMdn SoAGoumyL Conncil Blnlfs Handle Pactorj , ( Incorporated t Manufacturer ? of Axle. Tick , Sledire and Small Hunting , of every description. COUNCIL m.urrs CARPET co. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixture * , Cpholstory Goods. Etc. No. 405 Broadway Council Bluffs , Iowa , , TOIIACCO , F.TT. PKUEGOY & MOORE , Wholesale Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. 28Main and 27 I'oarl Sts. Council Bluffs , Iowa , ( U.U.UIW.M. SKYDER & LEAMAN , Wholesale Frnlt and Produce Commission Merchants. No 14Pearl St. Council HlutTi I1ARLE , HAAS & CO. . Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , Druggists' Sundries , Etc No 22 Main St , und No , = 1Pearl St. , Council Bluffs 0. AV. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission , No. 5U Broadway , Council Bluffs W1RT A ; DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries , NOB. 10 and IB Pearl Su , Council Bluffs. GROCERIES. L KIltSCHT & CO. , Jobhers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No 416 Broad- wuj , Council HA.RXESS. ETC. BECKMAN , STROHIJEHN & CO. , Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers la Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No 523 Main St. . Council Illutls , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gloves. Not. 312 und B14 Broadway , Council Bluffs. HEAVY HARDWARK. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Sails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council Bluffs , Iowa. HIDES D. 1L McDAKELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow. Wool , Pelts , Grease and Furs Counoll Bluffs Iowa. UIL.S. COUNCIL BLUiTS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Illuminating & Lubricating Oils ETC. , ETC. F. Theodore , Atftmt , Couuoll BluOs. Iowa. PILIKQ , ETC. A. OVERTON < 5c CO , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And Bridge Materlnl SpoclaltlPS.Wbolosnlu Lum ber ol oil Kinds. oaioo No. 130 Mala St , _ Council Uluffs. Iowa. rTlKES JOHN UNDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Afent lor St. Gotthn-d's Herb Hitters. No. 13 Mulu fat. Council Jllutls. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , o Cta Main St. . CoancB Dlufi. HO ! ( ortlieLAKE Th3Steani3rOLLiE MAY Newly fitted up , and under the charge of a Mclllful engineer uud pilot , Is now loaning pleas ure trips on LAKE MAlsTAWA. We will triv e charters to purties for one hour or any length ol time dcslied. Ruteti of chart n r piren und orders taken at oltift'0.2JJ Mulu 8 t. , between luiur 10 to 12 u. in. L. DAUU A ca Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards , DROA1MVAY , COUNCIL n Dummy Depot. ss te = 3 S and Mules kesit contuntly on bund for sitio at retail or in car load * . Orders proiudtly filled by contract oil she rt Bolioa. htock ld on tximmltalon. EHLtlTEK 4 BOLEV. Proprietors , lephon e No. 114. oriueny of KIEL SALE BTAI1I.ES , cornel ve. unl 4th street. Creston House , Tne only hotel in Council Bluff * bavin ; JB"1 } " re Esoa/pe And all ro < Mcm Iniprorciut-ats. tit , JJ7 aud SIS Main it MAX UOUN , Prop. SPECIAL KQTICES AdvjTtlwnipnts under this lip'tl , 10 corns per Hoe 1tir tbt ftr t msortion , * rPntf lor pw * Bub- pq pnt IDM-rtion and $1.80 s line per month So advertisement taken for > p i than Sfi cents for the am insertion. Seven words will lie enint 1 to the line : they BH.M run coti tir - ttvelj- ana mu t be naW in mlvsnw All ntlrer tf cnnmt muM bo li n < 1 3 in bclorc Sot ork p. m , anfl undrr no clrcum'tanws wil thcj be t&kcm or < 11 inllnu 5 hj tokq > lioii . r rtltaflurti'lnj : hi the t column * und bur- Inp the Hnsw pr n 'drt-Mi-d tn care of THT 111 c * 111 T'teRM' ' ft'k fir < brt. . toMiablr thpm topnt tbolr lettrrf. RS tioie will bo dellrpred rKtfpt on preo7itRTK n of ch k All an w r 10 ad- rontwnients houM It cnrlowd TO S.OAJ7 ilOITET. T ' IAN S Loans LJIUJS Itcfil ftnte loans. C < i.l Krnl loans. t'liatlpi lonni Ixtnptirae loan . Short l lint * loans Money aiwnjt on lianfl to loan on any ap- prouxl weurlty. Inifstmenl ' curltkt Imucht and * nW. tail attlip omtf of the Omnlui ritinnrlni rs- thnniro. second lloor of the llnikcr blocK , s. w. cor. of rifU'fnth and I'arnam sts. C'orbptt Munuper. _ 7ft9 AM > K rr.ll CiNT inonev to loan on O fanninnd oily pi-ojxrt } . Lr Hammond , Jloom a. lf > J.'IotiylB sU , Oinalia. 701 * _ ( SSOO.WIO To loan on Omntia citj property nt r P percent. Interest. G W. liny. o\er 1-112 r Mone } to nun. .l.J Mahonev , ] M Farnam. fi' ' " ( .heap money onlonptlrac , in any loan on inside city propertor ( arm land. Marshall i Lobock. 1611 Farnam st. to : I'nK CKNT money to loan. It C Patterson , 6 13th and Douplns. CW 6G G 7 , andlpVreoiit money to loan taken In oaclianpc tor real eitnte Central Investment Co , Houui 7 , Barker lllook , cor 15th and I'ar&un U2 * ONKV TO LOAN At lowpM mtes ot Inter- i' t on Tamil and improved city proiicrtv ) ' . .1. Daj i Co. , Fi rroutise' ' ! block. S. K t-onier Cupltol ii\enut > and Ifith it. _ 7 ( cpB MOMJY TO LOAN At lovvpr ratosthunany- where else In thpcltj.onfurnituro , pianos , orpnns , horses , wapons. or stock of any kind Hemembcr. nt lower rates than any otner loan pitiiipany in thp city City Loan A Mortpare Co. . room 1& , 1401 Tarnam st , opposite I'axton hotel 15 MONKV to loan by the undersigned , ho has thp only jirot > orlv orjrunl/ed loan appncr in Omaha lrfiin ol JlOto fl.O'lO made on fur niture , piano * orcan * . horse B , wneon * . machin ery , Ac , , without removal No delays. All business strlctlv confldentlul Ixiuns no made that any part can 1 * paid at any time , enchpav- mcnt reduclnc the cost pro rata. Advances made on fine watches nnd diamonds Persons should carefully consider who thev are donllnr with , ns manj new concerns are dolly comlne into existence- Should you need monev. call nnd Roe me W It Crolt , Itooro 4 , W Ithnell Itulldlnc. 15th and Harney Ofi f > I'EK CKN'l Monc.v to loan. Stewart A Co , UHooni 3.1 ron bank , 12th and Fanmm 007 3Oooo to loon Sums fMO nnd upwards. $ Lowestlates. Bemls , 15th and Douclayits OkKT'TO LOAN O. F Davis & Co. Koal Bmtt * end Loon agents , 1505 Farnnm St. MOKEy TO 1.0AOn real estate and chat tola. D. L. Thomas. Oil _ MOXEV TO LOAN In sums of J200 and up wards on first-class real estate eocurity. Potter & Oobb. IBlfi Farnam Bt. 012 MONKT LOADED at C. T. Bred & Co'S. Loan office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons personal property of an kinds and all other ar ticles of ralua.without removal. 31 S. 18th. over nineham's Commission store. Al1 bni oess Btrlctlr oonfidentat 013 ETJEUTESB CHJUICES. FOlt SALE Implement store and blacksmith shop , combined or separated. In one of the Ih ollust towna In NebrasLa. For further par ticulars address L. D , post box 104 , Boomer , Nob. W3 01 OH SALE Small Tlrup store In suburbs of Omaha , puv ed street. Heut rea onnble Ad. dross L TO Ilee oftice , 701 0 * FOR SALi ; Good payinir grocery of the bpst locations in city stood reasons for selling. L 03 , Heo ollico 570 S ' feALi : One of the. oldest established E'Olt EToccry business In tbo city , with a very larjre , well-pav inp trade. Will pxchanpe for Omaha real estate or part cash and balance se cured notes. Good reasons clven for snllin p. Address 1415 Jones 1 7 TJ O tIK Or trade lor Omaha propert } . JL } Tbo best located llv cr } Iraslntss with stock in the city Lnnp Jeiise of bani ut cheap rent. Maj ne Bros. , 1511) ) I'arnam 441 .SALIl An old and wall established PVOK procery business , uddrets 10 , line ofllco 18.VS-21' r. Ol : SAI.K The compliite lurnituro of the JL' IJcbraska Vlnepar Works Call soon on E. Krebs. Jones st bet Vth und 10th Bt , Omaha. C19 SAI.B An clejrunt ostabllshofl business. -L' the beet of the kind In the we-n located in this city : nut profits M,000.03 per annum : will bear closest inv cstlpation : invoice about f 15,000no Parties with meanswlshinir to step into a fine business address K 7 , Hoe oftlce 014 FOK 8AL.E rirst-class moat market with nice fixtures , all complete : peed trade ; best of reasons for si.lllnir Cull or write to Geo. W. Masson. 1021 Howard. ( ! 15 HOUhKS Ixns.rarms.l ands money loaned. _ _ Boinls _ , 15th andlJouRlas _ streets. 610 _ iC > OR SALR Several stocks of foods , dolnp a J- healthy business , ownership clear , Batls- laction jruaranteod : terms easy. Jime Omaha property taken In exohonpe. Marshall 4 Lo- beck , Ifill Farnam st. 017 LOST IOST On 10th st. , Aup. 2f , a bundle contnin- J In ? 1 suit of clotlies und 1 shawl wriijiped In ladj 's possamcr and secured -with shawl strap Ilnder w ill receive suitable reward by address ing JJ 12 , Hoe cilice , KJ3 C * LOST On Hed Hno street car truck polnp nortti nnd west , memorandum boon containing taining- diary and papers without value to finder. Deliver ) locjuestodat 114 North 21st St. orusst. uudr'B ofllce U. A M in Neb. to 1" Heiu- rich 820 3 * LOST IIt'ht red cow , ntrht ear cropped , left tar split ; white stripe on loins Ii\e dollars reft aid for information that HI loud to her ro- cov cry. John F. Byrnes , 1718 South JCth strout. 754 4- LOST Monday , Aup. 80 , from stock jurds , ono rod nnd one yellow cow , havinp reps tu-ouud horns. Fnmk I'Jrouku South Omiiba. 732 4 STHAVED OH TOLEN-Tue 1uy nlpht , a lurpuchepberd dop , hair clipped ; hade ? a leuthtrtollur with license on , yellow dark and white ; liberal reword lor his i el urn to north w est corner N 10th and California sts. Wm. Sluurt. 735 4 * QjTKATKli-rrom Omaha Fair Grounds. O black ( flcllnc.Onefront loot v hlte to Lm e : ! irurs < ild : weight about l.UOO. Finder will be jo- warded by rolurnlag- Adam Thompson , Fair Grounds 5U.4 FOUKD. TvAKEN CP In my puKtuif on Jliliuu-y road , pne dark bay horse , black munu and tall , small vi bite on hind feet , shod oil around John Stubetu JUiK 7,14.21 B.scp 4 * T AKIN I'P A tilnck aitd Hiiiui 3 year ok ! cow , ut the cor. of 30tb and Urlntol , ono mile north ol luuer's brick yard. 1 nine E. For. ' t 4 H IB ai DP-At 1Mb and Uancrort Bts. . n J- black bnrso , 4 white feet , white strljH ) In Jaoo. 7 jaarb old , neifht 11UO | K > undi. > lardU ' 0-20-27-f U-lO-lT FOl'M ) HyiLK Uvetoy , a lawn tpnnls ba Apply to the GEE uountmp room nnd pay fur notice. 772-4 IIOI'NH On the road between GO more and South Omuha , u ] > occetiook umtatume tnonej. OWHIT in have mine bv proniiBproii- < * rtv andpujlnp for thl notice liuiniro of VV. M. Uurrougbs , loom C , I rcinmr block , Omuha. BOAHD1NO J2I4 Capitol avenue , northeast corner Thirteenth btrect. bou o newly ttirnisbed ; cv erytblng ftrM-Uasi. 7J07' B OAUO1NG Day or w ce k. 1307 T-.tOT * r J K. Itth tt. l ) KltSONAL- j ounc lady would like to m Ve X the Koqualntance of * omc young man or w Mower betw een the ( TM of 8W nnd Sony. Ad- dies * Jennie Mailers , City P , O. K70 6 * IpEUSOKAL AKCntleman from the east re- Juiainlnir in Omaha and Council Uiuffs until Jan. , would like ilie acquaintance of a r flnc < ] lady fthouiSUorSSjtaj-B of nc . Addrcwil. IS. lleo office , Eii * 1)1 Ki-ON * I-Mrs. L I T&arn&A. teacher of j.mntioy uod tnusic , 1C11 ! > > c-uport st. K2 U ) I3El--i : A M , Mr * lit Nftrr-ie V Warrtn i ( Jairv f > v ant M flicnl nn < 1 luislness MPdhiin ' Room No. C , l.'l North 1Mb st Omaha , N > h. t 619 i f ] LR-O > AI To buv real e tate. to borrow 1 tnonrv. ir Bft an attract of title , po to the office of K. C Pattcrmn , iutb and Diraclas. 4(2 bllECEiLAJTEOUS , \\-ANTl n-Cash paid for a brhlhor ede- liv t ry wacon , at 871' I'aruam t. * 1 4' HAMioM'H thp < * mou inlnd rtmdpr MHS tell * paot , 7 n erit and luturp Oouie * wpll rtHximmemlPd Htidr UK N Ifith t. Jnd door north of liavpntKirt. I * ik36c , gpnt * Ml.No one rpceived on Sunflaj SW fl * "t7llR T-CLA ! > P Accr < rrinodattcn at thp PP - J- body Houw C > i > n t | t. Sth.s w per 14th and Jones. M6fl * otrilANOb ror horws * n bouf s nnd lot * and vncaut tots by Haluu Urn * . 1116 DouplasSt. B _ _ _ U'rT.Nor.R I1Hli nrt Tv .writln ? ft hook > Htioras7 and S , Iron bank. G , W. linker KVPTt RE CfHnO-Dr M M Moore of Chi- e po. cures rupture without an operation orttie aid of uelpsstrus o * . M 'II l > o * t Toi- ? en lieu e Omalia , frcp Moll. Hefirstopar IK cured In Omaha K > n 4 * F OiTui : > T > q tare i luno U montniv. A -c 1S18 liomrlft * . _ CIO "ITiou lll'.NT .Sjunro Piano , ft monthlv A Hospel513 _ _ Douglas. _ 021 rpUKCS , Hose * , % hrubs. etc , planted tree tor 1per on buylnp of l > oupfa Co Nurseries. C.Q Howard. Prop. . ! ti box 20 h-C nlg FoTTTVilvf Orpans , ts" per mouui. jlospo , 151S Douclns. OJ2 _ _ FOB BAJ.r FOK VAI.K I irnltun of n nice pottnce , pomt > ] etefor bousektepmp in n very desir able pan ol the city. ( House for Hcnt. ) Ad dress M IB. lice Otllcp S > 17 7 * FOlt SALi : A Halls fire mid burplar jiroof bank g < ife with time lock , peed anew. l.i't price Ir > ) . ( M. will yell cheap. ArliiipUin , Neb J A. fnthnuU Mii ) FOK SALI : Ice In car load lots Addresi Ullbcrt Hros. , Council Hluffs ESJ 1 FORSALi : Nearlv npw plnno"for less tlian half price 411 N ] 41h. 744 4 FOK SALn rurmture andl ease ol six-room house , time on pnrt Call 12O ! North E7tli street two blocks from Red Car line. 883 POir&ALUHJpcJtT buKP 15C7 N. ll'th St. C70 4' Foil SALI : Nice fmnlly driving lioree. Honnlson Ilros. . 1'W Douglas 40P Full S LE Chenp.rOlhtadlarpeponj mares Aiiplj on premises , \villurd Il her farm , out mile noitli of Author mills and six miles snuthwest ol Omaha V-d V HOt'sisix > ts 1 arms.Land * monej loaned. Herals 15th nnd Douplas streets. f.23 AI.I , Furniture 0-room house complete - pleto for housokecptnp , price f Kin , part pnjment if deslroJ House rent f2j per month , fine location. 171 ? Douplas t. 024 FOK SAKE Two No 1. second h md. canopv topSurrejs also two peed , second hand phaetons , nt 1409 Dodpe street 2J5. Foil SALE Cneap. iron columns nnd win dow caps suitable for front on brick build- lup. For particulars apply at this office M3 - \ \ " "ANTKD 1 peed second hand nt t'nion \ llakcry , iJ Mam stteet , Council IlluUs Sept 0-1 I ) Three dlnlnp room pirls at PanT - T biium's restaurant. Steady pmco b)2 B \\'ANTii ) 2 peed cooks , male or female , i' also 0 A No. l waiters at Llv e und Let Llv e Coffee House , 14th ttroct opposite the Puxton. Good wages. fr93 0' VT7AVTK1 ? > An experienced viomun to do IT peneral housework. Good wases paid , one In fumilj , peed pliice for the n.'ht woman Cull between 0 and 0 p. in. , 112 N Sth ) St. Lulu Rog ers. 8K > TlTANTEIl A pirl ut 2428 Capital Av onue. AT "ANTED A tirl for penoial housework. > > Mrs W. W. UlnBhum , 812 S ICtU M.b"5 b"5 7 * T\rA-"s'"rEr > Tininp-room ) pirl nnd chamber- IT maid at Llndale House , 212 b 10th Bt. M47- W VTi : Immediately , pirl for cooking- und housework. b.A\.cor. Calllornia and 2Jtb sis , second houBc. BJH 0 * T\7"ANTED-Good kitchen plrL 1S14 I'ierceBt. M * M7J TrtrANTED-Oood cook , female ptelerred , > > l lutt Valley bouso , Ashland , Neb KiO " \TT'ANTr.I ) A pirl for pcneral honsewoi k at T i 1524 Sherman ureJid hou o north of Grnco Bt. B04 WANTED A competent pirl for pent-ral Housework in small latnllj. rcforcnccti rctiulrod. Mrs Meiklc,2J22 CiUdw ell strict. 8.IB 7 * \ \ ' -ANTlin Immediately , a peed pirl for pen- era ! housework , at 1V14 Farnam st KJ \7T7ANTKD-40plrlsfor private families first T I and second w ork , also dlninp roomkitch en and ntirt-e plrls , pooa leinnle cooks , best of wapes Cull and see Omaha Employment Bu reau , UII North ICth st. no TX7A > Tii > At once a eook nt the Comine ? i T clol hotel , cor. tfth und Lcav cnworth Sts. b09 4 WANTED Head cook at the Famous res taurant. 31 h lltb st 7 n \\'A > TED COOK at 912 Douglas St. . Olive T T Branch. blB r-ANTEIJ-Good kitchen girl , 314 S 13th rt. T 7W3 5 * WANTKIJ A pirl to do house work at N. W. cor. ot 2Mb and Sew ard streets. 777 0 WANTi : Girl to do general housework , 112 N Uth 7 < W4 \\TANTK1 > Pno dishwasher , two waiters ' ' one cook , at Norris' Restaurant , 104 S. 10th St. 785 " \T7ANTKI > Good pirlior general housework. 1417 CassBt. 707 4 WANTED Good chambermaids at the Win- ser tiotot 705 WANTED A Birl to do peneral houscwoik ; peed wares w 111 lie paid. Enquire at No. 222 Chicago nnd 21st 755 WAKTKI ) Pantaloon makers , at W. IL Glb- pou & Co.'n , 317 b 15th fat. S3. & 2 dining room pirls , 2 first class T Tivomou cooks. No. 171U Cumlng fct. bet 17th nnd 18th. 717 7 * ITANTKU A chamber rnuid ut 912 Douplas. l Olive Hranch 700 WANTKU Two dlnlnp room girls and two diebw ushers , ut 10J4 N lutb st 077 VXTANTKH A nilddlo aped woman to work ' i out us noi ekeeperin a w ( dowel's family Address to W , Kohout , Norlolli , Neb. , P. O. box 272. 7134' "VT'ANTKD Good cook nna Icunrtrcse : no > others need apply : reference required. Applj Mrs. W H McCord , 2Ut S. Ibth. 653 i By September inh at 242(1 ( Dodiro 'T su , ancatand comjietent pirl with rocom- mendatloni to do peneral housework , small f umilj and { rood w agvs , CM T5f7ANTLI Olr ) itirpenerul houhework.Ger- T T man preferred. No. VJ1S Capitol avenue. \X7ANTiii Glrlfor general housework s o T 1 cor 27th und Charles 5U ! < WANTUll A good nurse girl at 4C3 Convent 572 T\7A > Tin-Dluluc room girls at the Tan- T I fluid house 575 \\7AJ TEi > Girl , isu Hovrtu-d. Mrs. W. M. T T liushman. 421 ANTKU GlrlntlOS B .Mil bt. for general housework in small family 405 WANTKU Gbrl for general house-work at 1S13 Webster kt. U72 " \\7ANTKI ) 2o yountr iudios und gents to T > learn telegraphy. I'ro .i > t ets for positions when competent.good. Address W J. D. room 1,0'rount-c blork Ittth st , Omaha CJ5 WXHTEU-BIAI.I ! HELP. TTTANTKB Oo&d solicitors Bt&26 Pleasant st I > 65SI 0 T\TANTED Shovellers , oonrt bouse block , T T Monday tnoriiing. bis 4' WANTED A partner In an < - tabl Bbed and cooJ paying bubineu , u.ther lady or gen tleman ; u roodnrute amount of meant required. Addres * I , U Hoe ollicu. bJJ u TVTA > TKI A Orfl-t-lasi cigar alctman to TTtell / nty trade. Uust bav pwid reler- cnccs. Xrlich i. Ijincg adtcr , 617 S 13th bt btMB MB 4 * WAXTKD An experienced man to tell Ln dins'tucuks Iu Bdry good store. Good fftlarr- Call on or addreu Mjors. KltRleyi Co Lincoln. Keb. e 13 I' T\7A.Jriaj Good butchet t Sill Cumiug T T SI- 0 j 4 " \VrAXTl I \n in rtetio , rtliatle mm to T T connect h1tn * > lf n tb a wealthy porporn- lion in a pf iM'mottrust 1 hp rtcht mtin ran * e > -un peed i r aiia a net tnanent jwition Ad dress with re-f rnHe M 10. nit oftac 1 a * TT' U Ac < tr" bu ltip s rntm J M " 1 > Fn neb 4 U > , Bushman block \-l"AXTKn T wares. NpnM nt a workman need apju Chas Heisler , Jvo. 4ilu B way , Council HluBs. . tag 10 T. jtJpnsral acetit * . Good wlnry or T ftii centoti the dollar to wholesale oar pools Harp plinnf * to roafce monp.v Nt > - - - - strNtlv. traimp * * Nonr but men nppd nt < l * Address , with sums.S. A H . lit 4th St . OouucJi.ilUun * . , Iiu WM 11 " \\7ANTE1 * Two yi-rnnp men to Introdm-p a T > new bu'UiPM. Inquire oor 18th and Ia\- enport. room ) ! 770 8 * " \\T ANTEIOeofrnl ap-tnt * . Oood "atari. or TT vic on tbt dollar to wholesale my ptodfl. K re chanet to makt nmoev No competition. Strict i } busmpss None but busrne * * men netrd npil < dilrps * v < ith stamp F. M w t * ver. In- J , lis Ind 7l f O Z "rx ? u carpenter * for tin1 blnr. ' ' Apply en 24th St. Uptwoea Tarnara and _ _ 774-4 * . . > \ peed peit with experience > ' in sollrltiup Hlank Ikmk work with final ! capital can have an opjiortunity to po into an established bii lnp s ol ) j earl standinp. Tills oflpr 1 * for W da.ts only Address M fi. lice olhcti 778-4 \\TANTEn-Votinc man to work In tallorlntr Ti store with peed reftrenoes M 1 , lite olllco. 71d 4 \\-ANTEH Flr t-clusswaiter ntljOUlpA Met/- 'i per s iv > tnuruut , No 5 A Broudwuv.Couti- cil Blulls 7-'l "ITTAVTKl * Npwpjinper press ftedcr. Hate IT Jouttiol Co , Lincoln. Neb. MS \\r AN t ll KI men olooJ appear me > make fStofiperdny. C nil at 141S South 3th Mrttt Ml 4 * WAKTii : > Immediately , two Intclllpent dtboolrq/9 to curry bori-e routt" . on Dallj CxonlneBiclu.julro . at Clrculuthir de- larttnonu M7 " \\rANTED-An eiporioncod clothlnp RIIB | - ' ' man , nlso an ujpuriencod cloak saleslady or pent toman Must speak Uormuti. J L. llrau- dois \ Sons. IHtti an J Hovard 7" > 0 -AJTI ii > 20 carponters. "Apply at Block * . 3 i > rilsShaw _ i. hbld. 7JMJ * TV"Al'XTB An extiorlonced dry iroods sulos- ' man with references ut Tlio Talr. 5C. ( Ii94 , , " 00 and M S 1M li St. 7lli " \\7AMLli A cirasa'esman , one v < iin Has T T an ostnblislud trade In Nebraska outside > f the Rnpjlilicun vallp } : refereaoe required Addre1-1) II Salinger. Atchlson , Kan 530 lAMiiLnt : > orersfor rallroiul woFk Fl T S Allitipht Labor Agency , U0'i Farnam , .111. lTA > Tit > A cnrn.ii.-e trim-Tier by Grutton * * , Drummond. 1317 lint nev 3J4 TV'ANTKr ) Men nnd women nepdlnr pioflt- ' able emplovmc'iit Salniji or eomnip-iion. Goods stuplo Evttviiodt huvs. Addrcis , with tump. Converse Jilif. Co. , 125Qulue.v st , Chl- : nso * WAJTXED. WANTED-Sittiutlon br vounp man to di Ive delivery w aeon Can lurnub good nor e. Address , JI J5 , Bee S > 7" C' r7AVTTl > situation In meat market tir T snusnpe fiictory. Address L71 , BepoHlco. TJ74 * "V\TANTED Bv a v oune tofly position as copy- T 1st In office : best of retdienco Adorers IIP n ICtn st. Omuha uuipjojmcnl bureau b5j G ATTA > rri : > - ttnfrt1on by a youn ? man of 'i tompenaejjijbit& as coachman. Address M B , Hco olhc j. 7TO 4 * ( "VY"ANTCItllviin exporlenood dros mniter , ' T vvorkmfnmllKB or at mj room , 1102 Ohl- cayo St. . , CSC 4 * WANTED tA. small stock of hardware. stovcs.eto , woith about f2 , < XKfor ) Chieairo suburban proRcrtyjiud cash. Goo. A , HcrrieU. 04 Market vt , Cblcapo bC5 7 * rANTKD Jlailr bourders at 24H Chicago St. Mrs Evuns. Ell b IANTED HbodTlot foricsidcnco : state cash T price und , locution ; address M 4 Bee office. , r 7K2 D UCT AA > JJU .XIJ.OOO j ards ot dirt to be delivered ou the Anthon trant . next vv tst of Crelphton collog'e. Bogps i. Hill , 140bFat- miin t , * * ' 0 10 \TlTA > lii ) I vi i h to purchase a half interest - ' est In a hardware , furniture 01 bou-e fur- nlshinc business Address E. Irons , 310 N. Second end street Council IlluDs. 02JH1 A peed socona-hand No 2 Rom- inpton tjpe-Hrttor , for cash. Address P. O. JtorlH. 514 Teams. 1. Murray. CO \\7ANTKU-Tobuy apooa business property T T for wholesale or retail purposes Give description ana lowest price , L til , Boo office 407 | VfA.NTKi > A eooJ residence nnd lot or peed T bullmnp lot In ( rood location Give lowte price and terms and full description. L 5 } llect office , 004 K.KETT HOUSES A27D Z.OTB. r K KKNT New t-roomod house 2HO Seward St. , inquire 1310 CtimpboU. b40 C * "C1OR RENT-8-oom cottnge , Cist near Clam , J flO , A. P. Turkey. 1104 rarnam 8574 FOR SALE Oil I1ENT-1 have 7newC-room bouses Tor sale or rent In my addition , or I wil sell lots and build such bouses us persons may wish , on oasv terms Cell at room 2. Ar- 1 niton block , A S Putrlck , B37 U FOK RENT C-room ootta e. Xlurney near 20th , fSO per month , S A. Sloman. 1512 Furnam Bt Foil KKNT A fine now 7-room bouse , bay window und fine large rooms , south and east Iront , Una peed burn , cltj and soft w ater. Inquire of C L. Erlckson , opp. P O. TjlOR HE.T 0-roora house , with furniture for - - ' sale cheap. Address SI 7. IJee offlco 7D7 4' Tmoil JtlJNT Good Viodm house monein JimprovcmentH. . Inquire 131S Farnam , 710 F'OK Jti : > r A suire. peed locality lor dry Koods , boots und shoos. Inuulre 1412 S. 1,1th su CS8 TP9IUtI > T J < ow 6-roora bouse , 1 mfle from J-1 P. 0. .Utv wutor , etc. D. C. l'att i > on , Omaha.Nat'l bank. 74(1 ( FOK Iti : > ir 7 room house y4th near Daren- port. Inquire ut L 5 Fainnm , Jo.-iii ! Rosenstoln HVJI TTIDKKKM ihe German M. E church tiuild- Jinp. . on the soulheast corner Twelfth and JucVson streets , for an } legitimate business. IL & .Pittlpr gn18iU and Iouglus 4 11 P ( K JIINIIO room rosldeneo between Douplus and rurnam. on Sid. with nil mod em Improvements. Ludwick A. Soaj , S E cor. 15th und llouplas. uas T7 > OR LEASE \Vehivoulevon acres on I" P. JK It , trackHot ) feet fiont , will lease all or partfortlvou'ars Bedford 4 Souor 027 roa KENT EOOMS. I OK KINT Nicely furnished room 1B23 Dtidge. TJTOR RENT-rurnibhod fiout room. 1103 - Hov\urd St. b71 o fl I OK lIUNTTjriynisbed rooms , 1C01 Howard. -T1 B74 0 4 U KENT KTctly furnushod rooms with board. 1 14 Paul Et. 637 V POR RENT-Twri Inrpti furnished rooms , pri- vateliimllv. 712 linn st , _ M 6 T710R KENT IJiiriilblieil rooms forllytit bousa -L keeping iutlleemer'fi block cor Eighth and Howard. * b4 ! POK KKNT Front room on Farnam , excel. lent onicnlbaatlan. II. W. lluntrebR , 1UJI FflriiBtn. un _ FOK KKNT s rooms and 1 alcove room , turn Irwnt.vUli urfit oluss board , 5 1 Pieasr am fcU h5B t * FOK ItKNTi-Nitoly furnl bt-d fiont loom in handsoino eovniro tb per month 4 1 Wai nut M. Eight minutes wulk southeast r. p. depot. _ sj _ 7 _ 3 _ FOK KlINT Nj < , eiui nibbed room , ell mod ern Improvements ; referc'ncej ruquitod 150U Ftirnum , upstuirs. 743 4 * _ T7 OH RENT Newly furni'bed room , fH 00 iier J- month ; inquire Kaufman UIOE..KOJ Far num. 77U _ T70R RENT-Vurnished rooms , r.'OJ Dodpe 505 b _ T710B KKKT Vfrr deilrublo front room in J- peed location suitable lor two gentlemen 61i b 17tb st 4Utv-4 T7\OK \ KUNT Furnished rooms , 101 N. l&th , J ? H31-d _ FOB KENT-KenyIurni8hed * ] room.SU St. Maryi me 70 ; _ POH ltixr Furnished room * . lnqulr 20 ( Fm-nsm Et. . up fctairs. _ 7b01) T7VOH RENT A nU-tly f urnUbod front room J-1 terms reasonable , At fell ) auth 2rd etroeu 7t i _ _ _ _ _ _ FOK 151T ] uruUhtid rooms. IfluR "KENT "rooms pltmwvntlv IOOBIPI , tor Hpbt Do istkeprmR , furnt bo1 or i-nf urn- : TO parties wlthonf rhlldrpD Hf f erenpi eddaro P o bot'4fi. W6 9 * [ 7 ' < ( tK 1i'M Xowly firl , hPl front rot n i L' S S Kith , cor Ifith and Hartley. * * _ _ i ] > ( > K KENT WlTh t-oi-d , a suite oTlqTnUbtt ! rtxims 1716lns t. OwO' I [ M > K slO rlcirT tipdr 0'n n 1 Kitchen furn'ture ' pi n t * ranpp and hprnt Inc Moves , nil nearly npw , a centlp bor p Jive yv r * old , all at a Imrtratn , glvinp up houseWWplnff , 2MI u MS FOK KKNT A fevr offto cpiiws for rent , one with f i-ont w in low on pround floor F.Dqulrt of J S. Kh-hardson. 180I" 1 arnam ft. _ . KENT S arirt furnl-lipl room * > ltii tnotlern convonlpnres uKi ftrsn-hiD * table loard , dinner E p. in. , reierpnots rc utreJ , " 14 Hcidpa 206 _ FOB A. HVtll.l ! . Real Ksiate and Rpitil Aeents l.ili ! UoiH-las ttreet. We baveb * iratn for everjbodj. Acre Property llusliif Block * Inside Prop Tj Outside Property lloucs and 'ull lot on Furnam street. only twoblosk * k fn > m Court hou e comer Jot { 16,003 [ no story brick bulne-.s block on one of the best oorupr * on Doupla * street ( casa pajmentof flO.'iPOi f31.003 Four-storj business block on ilarnry street . fSLlKiO Tlirep storj brick business Mock on Fur nam , 2ixlt : Ti'rms oixsy $ ,010 Three nice new houses , north front , on Cblcacohticet ou lot llUxlie Rtntlup now foi Kw to $40 each per month f 10,000 Twn spit ndid tiorlti front Kitn.MU"0 each , In W cst End Add Front on Farnain f 7.000 Tine corner lot on street cars , 54 feet front , on earnings , bj U'4 deep ; 0-room bou e . , f KAO Lot Hdjplnlmr the above , same Biro I'i.riOJ ' Corner lot on IrarJ , 00x13M P t tacks In resr. Onell iiDdon 4-room bou p f 7.DOD Ucsideiice on Popplnto n nve. north front , 8 room * , barn , cistern , t tc. Ctiruei lot C2 1-2x100 . $ 4,000 Itesldence In Idlewlld , north Irntit. V rooms , barn , cistern , oto. Corner lot , WlAlV ) Terms oa-y. . . .14.200 Pour-room house on full lot In Park piaco . $ 2nno Coed lot , fi-'itTOI. Pa-k Place , runnlnif from C usto California , a bai gain 2AV Hanscom I'luoo . . . $1,010102,4110 Kil'n Plnce . fc.0 to l.tnt ) Orchard II 111 . n to l.Otll lluwtnorno . . . . 701 to ! . ( ) ) Htiilford . . . 400 to 751 ArlliiL-ton 70D to 750 li t In Cimaha View. Klikwood , I'ruvn Park. Jerome J'nrk , Lincoln Pluci , Wnluut Hill , Wpst Side , Mm tie Place and Ambler Plaee , at pi Ices that will mahcyou money. Wt lime -0 houses und lots lor sale cheap , small cash pav ments and balanop monthlv. Propert } ol all kinds in al ! parts ol th city. Telephone No B.14 , or call and sue us 553 GCKID South front lot. Pelbatn Place , f7iO. Graham , Croipbton Hlock. 77ii 4 TTHW SALE-J. H. Evan * \ Co. . lira ! Estate -I ? Apcnts , lolo Hoclg-e stteet , invite especial attention to tht follow Inir barpaius as a sample of tbt character of tiropurt } listed with them. Corner l ots Lowes addition , H.OJO , Miinns 2d , ? 1AU. Hawthorne , fl.ttK ) , \alo & Roods. f700. Clarendon , two lots , 52,000. Patrick's , $1,400.SulnuLHll. ! . two lots , fl/iOO Utrrr Oak. 75x102,12,000 ; Oe - ton , two lots , ? 2t-00. Shull's , M add , two lots. fJ,300 : Hanscom Place , fl.WO. Deer Park , f'MO ' Plninvlew , fKiO , Goorpla ave nue , J2,10o ; Furnam street , two lots , * 4.5UO : IsnucB A Selden's , $2,000. Kilby Place , f 1,250 : L ( avnn worth Rt i eet , $5OiW ; two lots , Omiihu View , (1,400 , Coltax St. , EusU'i'tintsShull's d add. , f 1.000 to SI.BOO ; Uansoom Pluco , f 1,013 to f 2,4K > Park av o- nue , $5,000 ; Hawthorne , 11,100 to Sl.VW. 1 ates A Read's , $750 to fSTO ; Crtston , f UJ to $1,230. Tabor Pluco. J 1,103 : Potter's ud- dition. (1.200. Jerome Park , Fl,100 , Kilby Pluco.fl.2JO.vest End. 51.KW to fUOO , Pluinvlew . $750 : T o lots , Omaha View , fl.lKi for both. Shull s 1st , 91 fuel $2.100. Puundt'rs t. $ l..lOOfm'inp : Htincoml > ark , two lots WX241I , , prand location for reM- dence. the two lor f 6.030 Other Fronts , Fouth front Hamilton St , ? 1.5flO : south Fronts , Lowe s udlltlon , finest lots In ti > e addition , t-75 10"OJ , Hanscom Place , barpitins at fl.rO. Sl.nOi ) and fl.SJO. Hartlett'K addition lots only S2.I.OO ; HlniehauRh Plucc , f 1.700 , Isaacs A Foldiin's.ei WO to > i Acre Property : Finest ncrc In West Omaha , improved , f8HK ( > : another without im provements. $ .J5OOD ; a thud on Bolt Line. 3,000 , ten Hcres , Hriithton , 53.00JJ acres ut nil pr ces in all outside additions Residence4Cottaires nt ? l'iOO ' to f 4.WO In all parts of the city. Select } our locality and come to us to buy. Houses and lots on monthly psj ments. Handsome dwellinps from SI.WW to $12.500 V e e in su 4 j ou If } ou can be suited In any location In Omaha. Business Proper } ; V > e bav p a line line of business property both improv od uudv a- cant Cut this out nnd brinp It with you. S78 11 PvOK SALB 10 room bouse , Goorrlaave ; closets , basement , well , all complete , ? 4.WO 12 room bouse , Idaho Bt ; closet , pantry , cel lar , buth room , spcukiup tubes , shrubUer } , tiee- , . nice } an1 , bat n.uurrlape house , 2 larpo cisterns , city water , all complete. fl > ,700. 4 room bouse , outh front ; pamrj , clogct * . lurge Imv ' window omtern , cellar , good out- hou eg , e'usy teniiK , SS ! ao. 4 room houso. jmnlry , closets , bav window , peed cellar , well and outhouses , very CHOMP , JI.S.X ) . 5 room cottage , buy window , tinsels , collar , well , cfstein. fruit trees , a bargain , $ ,15J , or w itb 4 lots , ensy terms , f 2V > 0. illots , Plain View , tun double your money , . Slots , W. A , Rtxldiclc addition. $ l .iO. S lots , Tal or place , lor 1 week. f 00 C lots. Kilby place , w 111 iiicTeaso 20 per cent be- f ote snow lulls Henutif ul lot Creston jilnco. Fairmont pUiceAn investment in these will double } our money in 1 year. Patrick addition. Lotsoiieus } terms and low jiriees. If jou have bouses to rent or sell orlotsio sell list them w 1th m I do a strictly commis sion business und will look after your interest. J. H 3'arrotte. Money to loan on fair rate of interest. .T H Parrottc , KB 4 SALE Choice corner lot LWxl3. ! . Carthage POK thago addition , 51,030 , eus } terms This U a bargum No agents wanted , Inquire 412 S Utb ! St. , barber shop. &U 6 * FOK SALK On easy paymentsbouse nnd lot within half a lilock of street cars , bj Hullou Uros. , 1510 Douglns St. 805 V BARGAIN A choicp corner lot on SPECIAL N.21st,2blocks from stront cars and one Mock from propound cmlilo rood , in Denise addi tion , I1.2HO , peed lot In Lowe s addition , f 103 cash , f 701) ) Br ; an A. Co , 27 Puxton buildlnp. NU5 9 ' ft. Shull's odd , cheap , FJ.-JO. Graham , CreJpliton blk 77b 4 i COM .TOCK EJSUON Insurance , Real Estate and Loan Apents , second story Merchants' National bunk build- in B oiler tbo Jollowinp projiertv for sale 1 ulllot on Park avenue. HO'tiUbU , contain- inp tvo handsome larco cottaires , u barn imd uu abundance ol bnmll fruit , f2,500 ; will divide House and two lots in Lincoln Place , house nine rooms and finished In tine style , f 1,000 ; Miiall cash pavmont and balance in Install- menu. A tlno bouse of nine rooms and grounds well shaded with trues in Shinti'e rtd addition , corner lot. IHSxlw , fJO.'iOO. ' will divide and Bell CJilCJ vltli bouse for VifM. A -veiy desirutilelot In Hartlett'juddltlon.sec- end lot eust of Euclid Mrtet , WUUs , luuinf on Ltniv ennortn street , f2.5'iO. Fncrooro bouse on Suundcrs street near Grace , J2.7l , i Sen en room bouse , Center street nonr Cum- inp. Seven room house , No , 1Mb , neur Luke , $ : .5ou. Lot on Dlondo etrettt , one-half blotk vest of Suundorh. south front , GOzlilQ , three room house , fruit trees , etc. , 2bOO ; bouse and one-half lot , East front lot in Hellman'E add. , 0tb street , &U14H , with 4 room IIOUMI. t3'U3 Nine room boube and full lot , Idlewlld add , iiurnev street , Capitol Hill add. , east front lot , ' * ) - lotsin Kilby Plane ut from fCOO to fl .ULiU. 25 lots in Dwight ALymun's odd from f 555 to ( 410 410A nacre lot Just west of Creiphton colltre , in Park place.1,10 feet front on California struei , F3/A3 ; ii cabb , balance 1 , " und j } ears. A barE - E Corner in Burr Oak lOOjc 153 , I F2.700 Lots in Hillside 2nd add . 1,403 to H , UIO LotsmKirkwood. . . ( vw to l.Ui ( LoUlnPlalnviow. . . . ( WJ to HK ) Lou in W est Cuminir „ 70J Ix > t in WiJoox' 2ud ami. . 1100 LotB in Walnut filil . 700 to l.dJO Lotsin J. I.Hedick'sadd l.fiOO to 2,0iO IxiU in Richmond , . 303 to 45J Lots In febirubtn Place , . 55J to b" > 0 Lots In Washington hqure 1,403 to 2.0JO Lots in FoUom Place . . SO ) to fOO Lots in Cottage Purlf . , WK ) to 0,0 tots in Vun Camp'Bdd. . . two to 4UO Lots In iHii-r J'urt bOO to ( OJ Lota in Patricks 2d add IfS ) to ,003 Lotsin A. S Patrick-'B udd ooo Lot * tn Tuuor place . . A number of very dceir * able lou in Ifunsoom jilaoe , including sev eral oorntir , at from l.OJO to . , Improved and unimproved bujlutu und resi dence property iu all parts of the city. 7U5 EAST Iront lot. E. V. Smith' * add. . OXL Qralmin , Crebjhtoo BlocJc. 77C i IX'T near Sauti ler * Street eio c to car line , I Jl. Oraham , Crrtehton Hlork 77 4 j l"5 EL E TALlK fiAH VfS"- 1 pititlful K < tf -l > on w t ( umlnr St. . $ f < W P ch 11m- bar i pln J K Rht A. Cvn < om B. ovpr C om- intrclal Natkmol Hank. B7d ' OlLi _ ) ou e ana h > t In nmnha addition. $ l ii ( J4tl pafch liHlnon * flSM jx-r month lxit in Shrlver Plnee $ Si. * 2A don. tmlnnpt ! ' > mentW ) lluntre * * , ! * < 1 nrnnm trpf't * S1 4 * _ H ui'slt * > Lot * Farm * lAnnmonpyoant > < J Hemi * . Iftth and iKiucIa * streets 610 mwo nnp eat front lot * Klrkwoort aid bmn J. tl,4t . { novnsh Ur hamCreiphlon blk 778 4 vtM-7 it 7 and R IMiino feet. In - block a , Hr t addition to Smith Umaha. Call on Tied t.pinon. oare rarm r JIOHT , or nddre s btorf f Linde , r. O. IHU tffi. Hapld nt > , 1) . T. 7 _ Sl'ltC1 11. IIAHO AIN-We offer for three d } onlj otH < of the tw t irner lot In Kllln plaC' in flam A ran opi irtunlt < fern po > d iii\t > ttnrnt 1" 1 > . l anucr \ OA . ifilfi Howard STH'hPMi : .v MtTriti.iL. SlH-ciuHiHipaln * feu u it ( lavs only nrr lot nn IB i faM fnmt oiih fl , > 0 pHor | SI,1 * ' lieiorp w Inter , certain M7 4 . onh HOUSP nlid lot in Omaha View , only S1.503 Hoe p unJ lot * nn eii j pionicnts. 10 i ftct nn Cu * * street , only fl.Wil Tlirpoflne ea t front lot * , Itpiervolr adtlltlnn H W Huntress , 130 < I'arnum ulreot. 6744 * A MtTCHGLU IBlf , ] > odpo M- > Wt ba e JnM compldtpd u carclul i-nnMi * for lmpr > til anil utiunproxod proptrt ) and aie now pn-pnn'd to show to our patrons a lt t coinjirlelnc ionic of the bust uirtraltiii in tbo citv und one that muM be Mitinctor ! ) to the most c.iretul fpiculnlor. 1'lcaw call nnd * ce some of our liarpiilns M7 4 RK\l. isr\Tl ! lt\Ki MN 44 fePtr"ea "t front b Rlne 'ilot South Ifthstrept , f2.nif ) . .1. l luce A. Oo. , Itooin fi , oer Oommcrclftl Na tional Hank. 040 T OTS In Klltir I'liice. fTM each. Orahatn U Crplphton block 770 4 LOT in Phlnn's 2d add bariraln. corner , at $930 Grnhain. Crelphton blk. 770 4 VCIt and all of the 2 * Nest Side ots arc E lilch and bpautlful.full sire , and on month- Ij paj ments , fiiO It C. I'nttcrsou. 13th and Douplns Gift K ran "XTlILnvs lilp real estate ad every _ other duj See it 2SI 13 rill Bt. louth front lot , bargain. Sl.'I Uiuhnm , PtPlphton blk. 77U 4 FJXL lot > hlnn s "d add , f-UJ ! ( .nihuin. CrciirliUm tilk 770 4 SLOM VN. SA VN.KesU KesU Estate lli-ol-er , 1512 rainntn street. I'artlf" ! who arc looklnc lor Invp-'tment * In choice Inside property would consult their In- teieMfrbj carnlulli fiamlug1 what 1 hae to oltr. rnraam ft. , opp court houon , 44x132 , choice . .f 1B.OOD rianuin it. , cor 24th , ISJxlt ; . . 2i. ! < HK ) Tiirnam it .eorirth , fiCxl32 . 7.rini ( ) rnrnuin * t .near'tli-t,201\132 . 20ffl Inrnumtt-.noarKd.roil.t. . . MflO riiruuin Sv.nearlXlth)8slSJ ( . & .100 ramam Bt , cor Alice nie Iront , 4"i.\lC. , cheap . . . 2.0H3 nnljres.t.oorKllb } plaoti , 100X12T , . . 2tvK ) l > odk'C > bt.npar27th.l'Vtxl80 ! . . . . 2liTO ( Ilodcost , cor20th frlxlis . . B-f-TO Douplas St , nonr22J , BOx 1V1 , cheap G , " " ! ) DouplB- . , near 2J < 1. < W.xl32 7.000 13thsu near I'.ercc , 64ilM , buMncBi , 1m. prni < d . B.400 SKth FL. near Viaduct , 754x115 . . r.UHl S 1Mb st .near Viaduct. iVAl ) ( . 4. < H1 b Ifitt' M , near Viaduct , Mil CI , 3.VK ) N Iflth st oor HOBS , 44xlK . n.SllO Nth t.1 cor Wob'ter. ri-nt > for f 10 W ) . . . < KO ICth St. near Leavonwortb , Kil32 ) , im proved 3,100 20tht. . near St. Mnrj 's nc , 40x1 0 1m- pioved . fi.OOO 20rli ht cor Capital a\c , fiGxKB Improved 12,000 SKh ct. cor. Utlltivue road , 15Jxl40 , 1m- pro\ed . . S.4IW 21st st near Len-v e iworth , 50x120 B.IKX ) Slbfit near Lcm enw orth , Mxl12. ) ! . . . 2.IKW Si th ft. m ar Dodpo , 44x150 1.51KI Leatnworth cur. 21bt l.L'xlll finely im proved . 20. < 00 Lnuv onworth cor. IKth , MxOO , finely lin- 7irood 10.0CO I.en\en orth cor. Cherry. Garden's add 4U112 2,810 Leaenw onh cor. Uid : , llixS I , Improved 10,000 Cuminir BU ( > 8ilJ2 , Improvoa 7X ) Cntilta ! u > e , , 60x132 , improI'd CK ( 0 GeoiRlunte. near Loavcnworth , 53x150 , Improved 4,500 Georpla uvc. ncnr Lo vcnworth , 50x150 , on irrudc 2,000 Georpia avc. near Lemenw orth.4ltlsxl40 , flue homo 7,000 24th st just off Fnrnnm , IHOXlJi . 22,500 Harney sucorinth , 152x47 10.000 HarneyBt nour 20lh , K xlC7 11000 Ilamt'j st. nour 20th , 41x107 , impiovod C,5)0 ) Hurntys.t.nLar31M.F2xl32 4,000 Hurne > Mntur Suth , o3x20 and fiflxlW Improv ( id 6 "TO Jackson st. cor. 14th. Wxl32 , improi id . 23,0011 Jncl ! on st , near lstn.lWxl3i. impirved . 15 , < in ) Jones st. neur lilth , ( > T > xl12 , irajinn td 12,500 lluit st . ( iHxHO , 2 cottajrus 7,50) Com ent St. , 48 ft. through to 23d , Im- pioved . . . 4,000 2ith t- near Leavenworth , ) OOxl4S , Im proved . . 4,500 2Jlli M. near LeuvenworUi , 825x 0i > , 4 corners . 15,000 nine's add , 134x247 nimr Saundcrs. 4.0J3 Imp AfSO. add. , 6CX15J , cor. 17th & . Dorcus . Rri03 Irnii. AB < iO. add. . 00x185 , cor 17th and Martha , Improved Imp AKSO nid ! .6 xlh8. next to corner .leromc Park atld.l < )4xl25noxt to Furniira B.HVJ Kill ) } 1'liioe , 67x155 , on prado . 1,803 Kllbyriuce , lOOxlCS , Allen ft. near Iuv- enport . 1.W10 Kllbj 1'laco , 10"xl5i , corner 3,003 10th st near Center , fiOxIHK . 4.K03 MHBOD Ht. near 1 ! th , JBxlIC. Improved . 8.000 Pnll Sheridan ave near Woolworth. 1.103 24tb st. n ar Luavonwortb , Improved E.WjJ I'opploion ave , 83x100 , improved , very cheap 2.200 SO coreward 132x120 . * . . J2.6ro lilondo st , nour 28th , 50x1 JO Improv cd 2 ia Mest Side add. S lots adjoining near depot for. . . . . W03 West Wde udd near caniiinr factor500 West Omiihit iirttl. S b'k. ' south of Lcav- enworth 187x105 . > . . . . 7.W)3 ) Walnut Hill , 3 choice lotR for . . 2.4IX ) South Omaha 2 cbolo lots lor l.WJ Orchaj-dHIli choice lot * for . 700 MelroPoHill . . . 450 Hawthorne udd 2 choice lotfi for 2,200 Hirnohaugb add near canning factory HCIO for . . 050 Hlmebaugh and Saunder'fi add choice lots for . . . r. ' Cleveland 1'laoo 103x135 corner . . . . fl.OXl Lowes add Ifi0xl27 lUW ) Lo os add 120x127. . . 1.HIO 5 acres in Tuttlo'g sub cheap J1.20J llth tor Martha 13xl4f > tlnofj I m proved 7,01)0 A splendid residence in ldle lid 50x150 barn etc. . . . . 4,303 GOl TJ OK SALE Bowllnp Oroeu lots at flW. 10 X1 per r.cmtcnsh und $ r > pel month Oners tbo easiest and surest Invustmont to double your mono in a } ear of any property In tbo suburb an market Let u show vou this One propert- Marshall 4. Lobeok , AeonU. WM 1511 rarnara street OK SALti UoirllnpOreonloUat SliO ! 10 percent cash and fi per monty Ensy , nnd sure to double In ujoar r > ue this fine uii- dlilon and sooure n Imv IntB H hlle j ou can pot llrsi choice Marshall \ LobecU ApuntE. 1511 _ REAL HSTATE BAltOAIN"-40acreii flvonnd one-half mlles out Furnam Rtreut , f 183 per aero TliU is cliciri .1 HIcoA. Co , room 0 over Commercial National bank. C7t H ( ) U-sKS IxjtJ , r'arnTs.Lnn ds money loaned _ UP. in Is , 15th and Doiiirlas stroets. _ t'- ' ? _ Foil SI.n Or excbarpe Jlousn and ot. IKtti and Nicholas ; housu und lot and Dorcus. Wm L Monroe , bth and Douglas W POnsAri : A burjrain Lot filxUtt. 2 blocks from jio-totllon , f2lW ( > . balf cash. Mar- thai ) A. Lqbdcic , room MloJick block. _ 213 K A BULIIY'S nljf real estate aa every other day See It. 28 1 RkAb KbTATi : JIAUflAI.V-Hall acrotrack- iif o on llitn Mroetand U I' abar- train .1 L Hitu A Co . lloom C , ov er Uommcr- cml National Hank 34" REAL HSTATE B.MtGAlN-I t on .lacl. .im t-trout with 2 nouses Kentk lor fM \ r month Onl ) ST.'iQi I : H > terms. J UHliuA Co. , Jf urn 0 , ourr Coinn crcliil National Hnnk PUltsLK Houne. t rooms , city vrater uni pa . I mile from 1' ( ) . , I bin' ' k fiom n cum pried $2OJJ. brntillpa > inunte , balamti iiioniblt Ingulru rooiiiil nuU2 OmahuNut I btiib , U10 "pAHOAINS Inan/imit of the c-lt } . jJ $ V JO Nice cottasrn on ' lot on N 20Ui ht S4b > M Gooillurto lioutu ou full lot iu Haiiscon 1'lac e flWO Thrt-c ootlutu on full lot in Shinu's A-ld. t ! 2M Cottupc of 7 rooms and barn , KlinH't Add. f 4 yw b room rtwelllntr irooil barn , Idt | > v\Jld , fl.MU Nlin IKIIIII tin I'urimm M fl.iU ) I\K-eB Horn cxjtUiro on lull lot , JJiUunl A C aldwoll hiidd TutlU ' kub dlv i.JU | > Lf acrg Larsc liirm iu Hurt Co Neb -one of tbobettin the Hate nn oaty tornn , 7IU urrfc Btr&tif cri ibould cull ud e Pmireiiml fttn bargain in a erouJtip tit } , fcuai'h , I'llb unJ Dodie. _ _ _ _ _ BSI 10 _ FOUfeAI.K Tno DU UIIU.S lot < k w < or M Mary's mcnuu imi ) JHIifcts , four bunne > lotf ne oor 10th end JuctEStm Ri in acri w < 11 iiopmied adjomlniroiti Ml tin' abn-r o ) > ap furc&sh. AiiurUiC.L ] Co U'l n. IU' Hou rdSU .77 . * T KAL T.'TATK HA11Q AIN-Twoe'i - < > lit It on rofnnr , fmntlnr on l > o < lrf H ( Kili'V Vlacp , onlj $2Mii f 1 'W ' ) ra h , baia-i < ' ,2a' I 8fiar * . J Hkt' V Co . riH > m ( v , ovci lo i mtr otat National bank C ft ] t 1 N iw in ihf MP mlllt on or iA t iJ ruflit i > v the 'ippot n 1 o < ntiitir fai tm v ut Ut e and only 1 36 1 , K. ( . . ratteri > on nu flARl ! ? AH < ? \IN-T4 n acrf * cool arn In llainl In Kn > x nnd Cedar oo mtleti ri ki > , &H ppr acre CMli A R. Oraha-n Ao \v i er , Nolir. 8v % Sf IT WH hnvc * lxtm > n lot * In II iw- - * - thornf Hdl'tlon ' that we ill i'I' ' > p'tati1 iniklo propprtj In OmMnvHP ' ' "id A MMVO PBM front lots. Hanst on ) pim. .Crelirhttin llioik i\ril.\NO1. : f 6OV1ocl : < lrv peed * for -E1 Onslia property Atcher * Fitch Si * 3 IMlut 403 _ BOMl.lMl ( l'lii"s ) ot , $11 in prr rent rash utid f-i per month. Mnrhal ! A Lobei k. Appnt * I'lP ' ? A IVOHRAM- HICK Real R tatp and t-oan Hroker , Opera House Block , Irai'i overt 0 room cottage , Doupla * and onlr f > room collate. Dodpe nnd W otilv 7 room oottaite ml cnnven , Snundcr * near t ummitip * only fiTOD 10 room and 1 ti room lieu e on lot TOi iO with all modern Improvement ! 17th street cheap rWH 1 room IIOUM' IV and Li arotiworth with a 4 room oottairo on the alley for all CQ3 10 room boue. lot 100x150 corner in Lin coln Place , u beautiful bomp 4D3 1 f , room and 1 ' > room uottnep on north 17. liirpe lot Wtxl C. cash f 2.MiO J room bousp 1P1Bv ebstpr. full lot > room bouse on 17 und Can * . . . IS.T1J 'i room house on California , full lot CIKO 7 room house north of Leavenworth on Vlrplnla are 4iCT 1C room htiu e north ot Lpavenworthon _ . _ la uva.cheup 7.DT ) 2 houses 1 & and 1 4 rooms 22 nnd Pierce cheap BIWUi 2 5 room cottages 2P and Charles , full lot , cheap for both UJH IP room boupe Hanicom Place with all modern Improvements Spelt COM B room cottajre Virginia avtv. near Ixiavenw orth. SPOO Af ew of the most desirable lots tn Cres ton place , at fltrures that will Be.Il 2 east front lots on Low o in rnue and llaniey. each. It sold thl * week 10M riarknlow ndd.on Leavenworth. 1 lot at 1000 rtlca place lot. block 2 , Wo t Omuha , terms ta y , price $ lKWto ( 1S. > 0 2lots Wet Cumlnp udd. r. corner , nt 420 Lincoln place Iot.slroinf41i ( to 403 Lots in s add , near bt. Mary's avenup vtrv desirable 2HOO Hunsctim plact lots JlOCOto WW 41 loot on Saunders cheap worth 1)001 2'i.JO Lots In Hartford pluoe. this side of Mis souri Pacific rallwnv andcaunlnpfac tory , on I mvenworth very pa y terms. $103to * Jfl A few lotsin I juvenworth Terrace. Just southwo l of Jerome Fork and lllcn- land pluce , terms easy , JAM to 101x120 on Cas * and : wth st * , > cash 2503 1.UI12I Isaac A holdon'H Cheap 3Ti03 I ) east front lots , w Ithln one block of oiuinlnp factor } und Ml ouri Paclncdonot- They are decided bargains at f IV ) , ns adjoining lots are selllnp at 6.VK ) and $5Vi ; term * eass 10 lots Iu Drake's addition , 2Sth and Doflpe St. , 00 feet on I 'ark. avenue and Howard , ffi.003. 7Exl3 feet , Poppleton nnd Virgrlula avenues , ' 5x150 feet. Virginia avenue and Bhlroly , a corner , Jl Kl \\ehnvtionlrofew of those beautiful lotsin block C , Huuscom Pluce , left If j ou want ono Bncui-0 U quick or you will be lelt. Oonveunocs alwavsat the door ready to take you out to BOO what we consider the best burpiiins. Hicks A Inphram , 21D South 15th street , Opera House Block 382 SAI.i : Bowline Urcon lot B at f lid 10 FOK cent cash and fa per month Odors the easiest and surest Investment to double } our money in a year of any propert } In the suburb an market- Let us show you this fine property. Marshall A-LobockApontR. ( ISO 1511 Farnam street. BO1VLI1NO OKKK.N lots(150 10perCPntoasU and (5 per month. Marshall A Lohock , Pt9 BIAL ESTATE BAHRAIN corner lot , 03 rt. front on Saundtrs sL , I'atrlck'B first addi tion , 4-room bouse J,000 This must bo sold , owner wants monej J L. Klco A-Co , room fl ovpr Commoroial XBU bank. 837 SALE Bowline Green lots ut $150. Iu FOR jif r cent cash and 5 per month. Easy , and Burn to double In a year. Sou this flue ad- aitlonacd soci'ro n few lots while you can get first choice , Marshall 41-obeck. ABonts. B18 1E11 Farnam street. T KAVKNWOBTH BT R. It traekasre , one or -J more lots or an aero , at n great bargain. Pee J. W. Lorun , at Leavtiiiworth Buslnees I'liico. or G. . V\ . linker , Room 7 Iron Bank Duiminjr. 044 EAfTIFlTL past front lot Virginia ave n barpaln nt Sl.1'50 Tw o nice lots ou 1'mk avc each $3 500. A corner on Georpin nv e , TWO. Lot frontlncon Hanscom park. fl.0 > 0. ( kjnior lot facinp Hunscoin 1'iirk , (1.2G ) . Five lots Wllcox 2dadd Boutb Iront n ffreat barpaln at F3.00Q l tst front block 10 Hanscom place , $1.031 linst front , block 16 , Hanscom place , 1,750 A new bouhc to rout. 6 rooms , per mo , 117. House and lot on 1'oppleton ave rents for E23 p ° rmo . enl > $ J,0 10. Ono of the finest east front lots in Ambler place , only $0.10 Acre lot In Hellovldoro , 6 00. KOucicsof land 0 miles Irom Grand Island , S10 i * > r acrp. will trade for merchandise. lid loot lot nnd 7 room bouse on South 15th st , t ta Lots in Omaha View. Lots In Curtbnpc. Ixts In Isaac A helden's. Lots In boutli Omaha. Lots In Park Place. Lots in ovciry addition to the city of Omaha for Bale on casi terms. T. D Tanner i Co , 1815 Howard st , _ 7t8 4 CHAS CONOYER. I' K. Ixmg- , Arthur Harris. Conoyor. lane and Harris , Real Estate 1408 Ixidpo Bt , Omaha. Neb. Corner Jot on bherinun uvo. H cash bid. easy . . . . . . t8SOO Corner lot 22 and Luke , easy terms . 1,600 Corner lot in CroBton add ohoupat . 1,103 83x159 on Cumtnir nt . lHS < xl5b east front Pratl's Ub S new flv e room oottapee cor 2Mb und PlertelotHOxl82allfor . . IDS ) , ft front 20 and Furnam with f 12/WO ioiprovementB . 26fOO 4 acre lot In West Omaha . 10.000 50 ft front -with elegant cottage Farnam , near 20 . . . 10/W ) Lot in Uucdeuc Court only ii blks from Btieet ears 303 Lots and aore property for polo In all the out- lylnp additions Lm jour property with us und consult your own intereits by seeing our list before purchaslnc. 5b4 F OK SALI5 Or Rent An elcpnnt 14-room bouse , with all modem Improvements , sjilendldly local od For lli-iit A complete hlauphtcr house , half n ttilo north ol Our grounds , Jor a term of yearn. Tor Sulo 47 fett Iront on Hamey near Jd , with rood 10 room house , I-.OJO. 751uui cast Iront bj 153 on Parkwlld arc. . with new 4-room IIOUHI , tooa etublo , uoar novf Ili-ow null hall. S5.000 Ixit Hnuth Iront on Charles et Sblnn'eUd add. , wit Ilk-loom hoUMi , 2,100 2 clioiee lots , cor . in Lincoln PJncc. f OX l it C73-4xlKI , wiuth trout , on Hurt St. , house 20i2j. ( btahlo Iflx24 , f3KKl iiti-it et Irtint on Ciimtnp , ( M30 , will divide. 5-acic.fon ontl o ! baundiirs sttu t with new , peed fcized hou e , Htoulo , etc . W.50J , impio\o- tonnu worth fl.MO A pond fi ° sortment of farms nnd vnld lands ulwujfccm baud. Puultiuu A Co ,15U I'uinam rt 7.13 7 POltKVLi : Nioofirooiu house and 2 corner lots In Walnut Hill , > 4 uiHti baL to suit , CttlMurtln HOSHlh U C45 " _ _ liA L K"S I AT t : 1 1 V 110 A I N 45 feet , east front tuume-s lot , corner ullev. South inth Hiiiot. M..Wl. J L Klce A. Co. , Room a. oj er Coininertinl Xnt bnnk _ 311 HAMBORGTiMEBiCAH Corarsaaiy. A DIRECT LINE KM England , France & Germany. ' .Iht bjoiiiuaiiips ut Lm * ttell Uiunu ) ; iio uni built ot li oil , In wmertlirht nonipnrtine'its unj uie luniiblHKl with tnery retiulmte to niako lliu piirBut'e both ( .ale und iirrft.ublu. Tbey carry thu 1 iiileU Mil c unu Kurnpnun miMlK.und 10 ivu New York Thursdays und Saturduri for fir. mnuth. < IOXDUNCl. ) > rbouctPAillS nad HAM- HUHOl ibckltttiiiLrfi juuve Huuiburg on i.ncl SuiidajH , via. Hinic tukiaj Soutbiuuptoii and I iudou Firnt fiibin f VI , SBJ and t76 ; bteemife * iX lUllroad tlckeu from 11 } mouth to llrj i j , l nr- < 11U , lAindon or to any pliioo Iu thc > houih of F.nplund. FREE bicenipo from Europe only tit. Bend Jor "Tonrift ( iuttitu " an. itiLHARDioa. Ucnoiul Pnssc'iifcr AKent * . O Broadway. NOH Vork , Washing ; in nnd t * Ctileaao 111. C. GREEK SCHOOL OF SCIENCE , I OI.LKv.l ! < ) ' MV .I1.ISSKV , 1'KINC UTON , jfuvr jriibKV. Kir tin auu