Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1886, Image 1

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    F -
Aloxanc1 r Abdicates Because Ho Tclt It
llis Duty to Ilia Countrymen ,
AfiVrs of the Government to be Handled
By a Ohoicn Regency !
Home Rule In Scotland , Its History and
Ktituro of Its Workings.
Will They Bo Arraigned for Treason ? A
Clever Irish Cartoon.
nrnrliVllllnu toP.osv Any Man That
llrc-atlies llnnlnti'H UlinlliMigo
Grist ol' Important
i rsesvi.
AVlintVns Nonlntl for Pcnco.
SoriA , Sept.Xesv | York llciald Cnlilc
Special totlio Uii ; . ] Wlion the pilnoe setout
out nn Ills Hittirn to Hulgaiia ho was moved
bv the feeling that It svas tils duty to give
effect to the desire of the country , because
\vllhout Ills presence tin ? iioacc of Hulgatla
was evposed to most seilous disturbance ,
] nob.ibl > to a devastating elvd ssar. Now , hi
view ot the 111 will of Russia and the Inac-
tlvlt ) of the powers , It seemed Impossible to
look for an > thing likea peimancntieslora-
tlou of pnaee , and as the prince could only
come to the conclusion that Kiullsh suppoit
was puioly
I't.Arovit IN ciiAKArTrit ,
nnd menaces him with tlm fate of a second
( tordon. Alex.imlei , niiiler thc o elicum
stances undertook a last cllnil tocome tt
Mich it loyal understanding sslth the czai u *
would he neither Inconsistent with tin
prince's dignity , nor uppiopilate In a rulci
who had just resumed the lelns of powcis li
Bul'/aila. Alexander honestly hoped thai
his dispatches would 1m e a good effect. Tin
failme of hiselToits In this diiection is well
known. Supported by none of the power ;
TIII : rxinr.sini.v HOSTU.I :
attitude of Russia , the priiicosavs that then
was nothing left fin him hut to sield again t (
Bulgaria the decision of his destiny , and t <
take the step , sshich he could still take will
dUnlty , namelj , to depart fioin the piovlncc ,
The prince has decided to ic lgn his func
tlons , and the decision has been ahcady com
innnicatcd to the Gciman and Kussian con
UK wn.i. roini A itnocxcv
composed of military olllecrs and politicians ,
representing Bulgaria and East Hoinuclla ,
the mlnistiy having tor its chiefs , Karaveloll
and IJidoslavlolf. Intlnce days Aloxandei
svlll leave So.ia. So far , the question ot tin
national L'ovcriimont has not been settled ,
J3ogdanoff , whoso departuio has been piema-
turely announced , was with the pilncelasl
SVII.T , i.nAvn Tim COU.VTUY.
1 now hear that to-morrow the prince will
resign the sovreign power , either into the
hands of a council or regency selected to rep <
icsent all the parties , or by a proclamation ,
as the sobicnjo can only bo convened In tlirei
weeks. Diligent inquiry at the Russian
English and other legations satisfies mo thai
the prince will leave the country in the nexi
few days , but will not abdicate In express
tMins , as showing that ho laid his crown ai
TIII : Kir.r : orrun T/.AII ,
who refused to receive It , and that ho svonU
not resign It Into any other hands. Tin
prince will leave the power in the hands of r
council of regency , consisting of Karavelof
Stainboulotl and XarekolT , who will convent
to ? lect the prlnc's successor , not the som
brangc of ICO members , but the great natlona
assembly of 400 , who will proceed to elcc
Prince Frederick , of Oldenburg , I am toh
that Itussiu will respect tlio
i.vnr.i-nxnr.NCK OK uur.oARiA.
Dolgoiouki will piobably not come hero
and 1 am alr > told that Itussla docs not con
tcmnlatu entering Bulgaria. An Intcrestliij
scene oecuued hcie , accoidlng to Sir France
Lascelles. When the diplomats sslthdrev
the pilncu addiessed his olllcers and held
Ijiscolles , who had also wished to letlre , se
that ho could witness the scene. The ui inci
addicssed the oflleers In a low voice , chokei
with emotion , and they woio greatly aftected
The piince said that ho could never forget
TIIK ni.ow nuAr/r HIM
by that poitlon of the corns of oillceis svhnti
lie had treated as brothers. Others had it
deemed this dlsgiaoe , but the memory of i
was Ineffaceable. At a mooting of the officer
held In the palace late last night It was dc
elded to resist outside aggression to the lasl
nnd that forcignm bliuuhl never enter Bnl
Barla except over the body of the last Hul
garlan boldler. An ultimatum was dcllverei
to the pilnco by the Herman legation to-das
giving the pilnco the limit of ten ( lavs Ii
\\hldi to fullill the dusho of Germany an
xi\vs KIIOSI TUP rmsoxKua.
Some hours aijo theio aulved nnwsof U'.u
soir , who , with other fugitive olllecrs , wer
taken prisoners by the Bulgarian gendarme !
Tlio last act of the prince as u ruler will bo t
pardon them. Olomnnt , mctropolltnr
Is back , and was paidoncd by the prlnct
Clement now says that the bast solution c
the problem Is for the prlnco to become rccor
clled to Russia. Nccledolf , second secretar
of the Russian emlwsy at Constautlnoph
arrived hero to-day to succeed Bosdanoff.
An ISdlnliiir U Home Itulcr on .Hove
incuts Tor it Otinnue.
Emxuuneni , Sent ! > , [ Now York Herali
Cable -Social to the lluEj I have called 01
Mr. Waddle , of the now Scottisl
Homo Itulo association , \Vacluio 1
nn Inlluentlal business man nnd 1
also known as the author ot the tras
cdy , "Uunbar , " under the pseudonym o
"Thl&tlosvood. " llolsof daik comploxloii
nnd his manner Is pleasant and genial ,
found him sitting at a desk In his prlntliij
woiks. I explained to him the puiposeei
my visit , nnd ho leplled promptly : "I at
glad to Klvo any Information In my power ,
1 have already been In communication will
several Scottish friend * In Ameilea , wh
take a deep Interest In this matter. What
can , I1I1 toll you. What originated th
inovemeiuV Wull , wo ha\o been of this mlii
inmo than Ilihly ) U.HH , It was then rcr aidei
tvs somcvUuit , .Now it Is not bo
Opinion Is rapidly upcnlns In a dlructlo
this. Kpitvlln ; ; t ncniliy , It may bo sal
im : I'jtocnrss OK HIOIAMTV
Is duo to small nationalists. It Isllkotn
the ctlscrluuds , and not tuth
proat empires of the world , That theory ,
however , Is practically contrary to the ex-
ire < s provision of the articles of union be-
Scotland and Kngland. The English courts
invcbecn striving In recent years to e\tend
heir Jurisdiction into Scotland to the con-
eiuptoftho Scottish courts , and this , moro
hail all ) thing else , has stimulated the detei-
NOT TO UFrnii nNcnoAriiMr.xT ,
mil has drawn renewed attention bv the ar-
Icles ol union. Those aitlcles weio at best
> ai1. Yon will remember their history , lie-
foio 1TOT the two countries weio at diggers'
li iwn. Himland had determined with her
laval lorce to suppress the Scottish attempts
( ican } on commerce , while Scotland had
caolved ,
nit to have tnu sniii"ioveieiirn as England.
I'lio sltinllon hecanvj stMincd and war
seeiuod Imminent. Scotland kept the tiump
card IIT luht to cheese her own so\'eielgn.
Still Scotland showed her willingness to
come to terms on the Insisof equal treatment
tor the cotmtiles c nicerned In u federative
inion foi co iimcrclal jmrposfs , leaving her
! aws and ln > lltntlons , Including the
" riniisit PAUI.I VMIIVT , ivrAcr.
Comml'-sioiieis wore appolnUd. but when
.he tciins of tin'pionoied union caiuo to bo
ro\eiled much tumuli emucd and the popti-
"ar Indignation had to be quelled bdiag -
oons. The coimnUsIoni'is being dl-giacutully
bribed , ehcuKted p.-'titions all thioiuli Si-ot-
and azilnat tiio Scottish scheme , and aitlcles
lof union weiu .uloptuil which tluew away the
ir.UMit'Aisii in1 scisuiv ! :
lo tlio throne ot Scotland ; destioyed the
Scottish parliament , .tcrepted fortv-llvo iup-
resent dives in the co utuuus out of a total of
wheieas the niniibiir ot Scottish mem
bers ought to Invo been 171 , thus leivlng
Scotland no ptactleil Iiilltifiice in pailiament
and making Scottish lepiesontitixes simply
wn NISS : ! : or KXOMSU veins ,
AppieheusUm that the articles had not
been ic-snertcd led very caily to Dantul
Dutoe'sarmimentto tlie effect that the Eng
lish mid .Scottish parliaments weio origin
ally Insed on the neople's lights.and that the
Uiltlsh ] iarllanicnt ortrlnatlng Jrom the un
ion of 1707 would perish , if the articles weic
violated. IJut this , It tine , thcoiotleally , is
uracticdly futile. Illegal cncioacliments
upon Scottish rliihts as a nation Invo been
uceumiilallng. At the same time tlio nation
alistic deeentrall/itlm leeling has been
gieatly developed dnilng iccent yi'ai .
NATIONALISM is i\ -i in : AIII
In Ireland , Scotland and \Vali-s. 3iuch cor-
icspondeiiceon the subj.'ct in the nowspap-
eis suggested our association , and so far 10-
markable.success has been expeilenced. Hut
progiess has been temporarily checked by the
excitement of n general election. Still a busy
campaign lor the autumn and winter is
looked I or warn to.
1'iu.vcii'i.r.s or ono WM KTIO x.
The leading pilnclplcs ol the association of
which I'lofes-Hu Hlacl le is the clialiunn are
to piotcct the Integrity of tne ompiie ; to su-
cine for tlio voice of Scotland in the imperial
puliamont a hearing as full as that now enjoyed
joyedby Scottish momb"rs when discussing
imperial allairs ; to promote the establishment
of alegislatweslttlng in Scotland , having full
con'rol ' of all puiely Scotch questions , witli
an executive government rebponsihle to it
and their own ; to bccurc to the 'ovei nmun t of
Scotland the same degree ol authority as that
at present possessed by the Impmial govern
ment in the control ot civil set vants , judges ,
nnd other olllcials. with the exception of
those engaged In the military , naval and
diplomatic bcrvice , and In collecting the In-
teinal revenues. Slnirularly , few are to he
found opposed to the platform and pilncl
plcs of the associatfon.
A A-AIIIHU Mi'.jinKnsmp.
Our members comprise extreme radicals ,
whlgs and torles. Some wish the details had
boon moro developed , but tlio gieatest hinder-
era of the spread of ma views are the class o (
angllnod Scots , who disparage the national
feeling and aie not to. bo aigucd with , for
Scottish character is the piodnct of Scottish
history. 1'atrlaichs and others , who think
themselves u.inky and canny , say , "Xevei
mind ; don't tioublc about homo rule ; It Is
sure to come. " Hut It won't come fioin the
clouds. Kngllshmeu are excellent lellows ,
but ttioy havoa douilneeiing spirit , and II
the sectsdo not stand fortheinselvesEiiKlibh-
men won't stand for them. At present
and there lb the source of most of her griev
ances. Ills n hasty assumption of Knillsli
men that English methods aio the best and
must suit everybody. John Uull has not time
and no knowledge for the management ol
Scottish aflalrs. They arc as distinct and as
complicated as those of the laigci
nation. Much attention to them is needed ,
but littleis obtained. Indeedsome antagonis
tic English inteieslsmaintalndecr fotestsas
the Scottish maintain the people of the high
lands. Finthcr , many Scottish questions
aio viewed thiough English spectacles ,
Scottish opinions favor the abolition
of the law or hypothetic. . English members
dicad the effect of piecedent on Engllst :
law. Cases of distraint in England actuall )
far outnumber Mich cases In Scotland , Iio-
land and Wales put together. The result It
that theio am Immense
on all manner of subjects In Scotland. ]
may mention tlio amendment or alteration
ot the codification of the Scottish civil ami
criminal laws , which ara quite distinct ami
wo think snpoilor to tlio English laws. Then
theio aio such subjects as encouragement ol
the flshoiles , conduction of harbors , the
settlement of the trawling question , ar
amendment to the poor laws , ancouiagliif.
llnlft and repressing vngiancy ; an arrange
nient for securing better count)1governmeni
and a widening of miuilcinal administra
tion ; the keeping up of the standard ofedu
ration , the stimulation of universities , and ;
plan for dealing with the pio&ont ccclcslas
tlcal dead-lock the whole field ofso-calk-c
private bill legislation , Including matteis ic
luting to lallways , docks , water , gas , am
sanitation ,
This can bo centred inEdlnlmit : ! ! at half the
cost Involved in doing the woik at Wostmlns
ten The majority of the inhabitants ol
Scotland aio at easy distance tioin Edin
burgh. Moieoyor , economy Is piomoted b )
making imjulrlos In the localities them
The imperial parliainont ought to retain
the army , navy , diplomatic and consulai
set vices , the o.\cbo ! customs , tlio coutio
over the colonies , India , the foreign polio
and the decision as to peace or war. Al
these arc enough to occupy the most august
assembly In the woild. Members ought tt
.sit in local lesUlaltues , ami the Westmlnstct
objections that Gladstone's plan tor the ex
tension of local government to Kn Taml and
Scotland would annltillata the impurlal pai
llamont is tliciuby obv luted. Scotch bills con
sUlcrcd at Edinburgh mlht go to Wcstmln
stcr to bo put on the table of thu impel ial par
liamciit , and unchallenged to b como law ;
it they wote challenged , passed or i ejected
no alteutlon could be made in thorn , the
technical form being for the imperial pallia
uient to inomormlizo the queen to refuse hui
us&ent to the Scotch bill in question. Suppose
al | Scotch trills weie rejected. If an election
followed in Scotland , the bill , if roatllruiod ,
mu&t soon pass , for tlio friction would be un
likely to extend beyond a postponement o\cr
ono session.
Yon see wo hardly contemplate bills pass
ing that ought not to pass. Wo are not revo
lutionary fellows here. Administrative
legislature business means good hard work ,
and things would wear a dillerent face. In
stead of from six hundred to nine hundred
men , a gi eat lot of orators , wo have a hundred
quiet Scotchmen , caietnll ) legislating upon
Scottish Interests under the eye of Scotland.
If they could not do the work well , then 1
should like to ee the impcilal parliament
that can. We arc not enemlm of England ,
nor are wo allies of any particular political
party. Hut wo Insist upon seeing Scottish
work done and the lemoval of the congestion
In parliament.
Till1. MWY DPI UI. .
Many details tire ncces ailly left over. For
example , details of finance , it would be the
duty of oIllciaN to woik up these. Perhaps
n portion of the direct taxes set auart for
Scottish purposes would promote economy.
Ablgpur--o at London tempts cxtiavajant
demands that am readily gianted by Eng
land and Scotland with a te'ponso inadequate
In many things. Patents , copyilu'hts and
factoiyacts must bo Identical , but their ad
ministration might bo local.
iiirciiu CAN nno sri'AitVTioK.
No ane man no man whoso opinion Is
wfiith consideration nppioves of Scotland
wlthdiawliig liom the empire. An1 we , who
ha\e spent so much of our blood and
) much of out ticasmo in building
up that emplie , to walk away and lei\o U to
the English'/ Not likely. I do not appre
hend any dilfting apart of tills kind. Drains
alwavs command attention. Besides , the
Scottish Held would then be lar ei and theie
would be less need for the Scottish .south to
go to London. Our gieatest appiehcn lens
are of the lelnsal bv preponderant Inlliienccs
among the English ol a system ol local gov-
cinmcnt. A nicio county management
fcheme is insufllclcnt , not meeting the
national demand for homo legislation , not
constituted In a foini lit to be cult listed with
lesislatho DOW CM. A iefiial might i.iKo
angry feelings , but the adoption of the acso-
elation plan would pave the way tor incor
poration with our kinsmen aeroii , the seas in
all colonies.
IMi Kditoi'ialsou Alt \anlcrfH < Vl-
illcatlon TliajMko It Nut.
LONDOX , Sept. ( ! , 1 a. in. | Now Yoik
Herald ruble Special lo the Hnn.J That
England leels the slight Inflicted upon her
tlnoiih ; the loiced abdication ot Alexander
by Itusila is evident , and Is shown by the
action ot Salisbury In sumii'onlncTlioinlon ,
as well as by the tone of the p ipuis standing
near the. govcinment.
'llm Post , tlio papurof Sii Algol non Boilh-
wick , Jf. P. , thus concludes a
I.ONO A\D ANdin KDiToniAi , :
"Wo cannot belles e that in tlio end the
whole of Europe will apmovo ot a policy
whicli tends to make the c/.ar tlio aibiter ol
the whole continent. "
The Telegiaph is still moie ancrv. It ha
an editorial in the course of which it says :
"Tho car ss-ants to contiol IJulga-
lia because tlnoimh its rldgu ot
hills run the road to Constantinoplo.
The central Euuipean states appear inditler-
ent to liis aims , and the ricnch , ana at least
tlio Prussians , are delighted at this progiess.
It Austria , Fiance , ( Jormanv and Tin key arc
content , we ss'ay congiatulate tlicm on
1111:111 AsioxisiiiNo i'iispicuirv : :
in judging what is for their svolfaie. IJnt we
are a inaiitimu power , and it Is our business
cuu duty , to be stiong at sea mid in the great
stations laved by its waters. Looking to the
daik and loweung lutiiio s\c cannot too soon
take all the needful steps and icly on our
selves. "
The Chronicle is rather moio sorrowful
than bitter , and tints hangs its editor
ial head : "Piince Alexanders public an
nounccment of his intention to resign
the throne of Bulgaria will be
read evcrysvhcio In England svitli
genuine Rilcf. It svould be a strange
nnxcxciATiox OP TIIIATV : itKiiir
if the signatory poweis of the Uerlln tieaty
mo quietly to Htand aside sshile Russia takes
the liituie ot Uulgaiia and of Eastern lion-
irielia into her own hands.
The Nesvs Is also sad. It obseives that the
event In question Is , of course , a great til-
nmpli for Russia. At one stroke it restoiea
the picstigc of the c/.ar In the Balkan pcnln
sula. It Is a warning to this nascent nations
of the east that they must look to St. Petcis-
bmg , If they would be safe.
Till : T1MU8 Ulbl.IKP.S
England's position In the matter andtsayf
editoilally that : uTho ccntial Emopeai :
posveis may bo imiKing tiio best of unpleasant
and unavoidable ciicgnistances , hut they can
not successfully contend that the course ol
cs'ents Is pieciscly such as they svould pro
scilbewcie they masters of the situation. "
The "Standard , " which , of course , is close
to the tory Kovcmmcnt , scolds Alexandci
and makes him out
TO Hi : A Si.MI-POITIOON' : ! ,
and not a hcio. 11 makes faces at Germany
saying : "This Is the first serious check tlm'
liisiiKiiclc has iccelved , and it will till tlu
hearts ot the French ucoplo svlth joy am
. " The to what Is
hope. attempt represent oc-
cuiiing in Itulguiiaas disappointment and
niSASTKlt roil KNOLANI )
Is useless In the tace of so patent n fact a !
this. The Standard , however , takes cense
latlon In bellevini ; that anything that In-
ci eases Russia's Intoiest and absoibs her at
tention In Emope , svlll divert Itlln semi
measure fiom Asia , Thus it proceeds : ' 'Wt '
Khali acquire moro tlmo to make our owr
arrangements , and to render Russiai
machinations in Asia moro harmless , "
An lilsh member of parliament , atone o
the clubs last night , was heaid to'say : "Poo ;
Salisbury I Unhappy lUndolph ! Perploxe (
by Painell in westeui Europe und by the c/a
lulls eastern extiemity. Hot ween two sncl
mlllbtones how shall they escape bclni
lie Will Ifou- Any Alan That Brcntliei
Uu tlio 1'urainotta.
LOMIOS , Sept. fi. [ New York Herali
Cable Special to the lJiiJ : : Utach , ginci
his victoiy in the icgatta , has been at Rains
gate for a shoit holiday , svhcnco ho rctuincc
to-night to resume his training at liainea
svhero arc hU training quarters. The edlto
of the Spoilsman met him and your correspondent
spondent is Indebted to the Sioitsnmn ] fo
an account of the Intel viow. It seems tlm
the latter on Satuiday received n cablegran
fiom Ilamlltou liushby.Now Yoili , as follows
"Will send llanlau's forfeit ( ilOO ) wher
notllk'd that Beach accepts. "
This being shown him , ho remaiked
"Haitian knows that 1 have been over hen
for months and have been ready to row iiln
and I do not Intend entering into any mon
matches In England. I have two more 01
hand , and all being well , Intend sailing fo
home October 13. "
Replying to a question as to rosving Ilan
Ian in America Beach said : "I havi
received nn oiler of 2,000 to rev
llaniiiii in America , but I Intend going honn
and if Haitian , or any one else , wishes to tr ;
their hand with me , you can say I will pull
any man brcathinsr , on the Pnrainclta rls-cr ,
for from S.VO a shlo upward , and svlll post
half or all that nmouht nt once. Beach looks
ssnndeifnlly well , and Is nil the better for
his trip scawaids. Ho has trained seven
pounds In wclgbt , To-morrosv lie attains his
thlrty-tlfth year , and in reply to n query ns to
having n spiee , sid ! "Yes ; a icturn lohaid
woik In my bout. "
llio DclcfjixtP1 ? Sppcoht" ? In America
A OlevL-f Ctrfooti. :
Drni.iv , Sept. 5. ( Nesv York Herald
Cable-Special to the Br.t : ] O'Hiien nnd
other retui tied Chicago delegates havebcon
making this n holiday , receis Ing the eotigi-at-
illations of a scry number of citi/ens to
Inquiries whether It svas tiue , as lias been in
timated in a recent speoeli In tlio house < if
commons , tint It might prove to be the ease ,
that Redmond and Deasy ss unlit
bo called to account as members
for ntteianees in Chleaso , alleged to
be Incompatible \vith their relation tosvard
parliament. U Is Implied that oven treason-
nblcutteianco outside the jutisdlctlon nf the
lealin svould not be cojni/able williin the
realm by the courts , uorcan pailiament now
take up bleaches > if the pi Is ilegea of its mem
bers committed outside thu houses , as s\ lien
Sir Fiances liiiidclt svas committed
to tlie tower lor ssrlting a pam
phlet ucalnst the speakei's outrageous
conduct In Imprisoning John ( lain .lones ,
ssho made lemaiks In his club about ceit.iin
paillamentary pioceedlncs. Cleaily ( hero
Is noproceduto puipci foi an alleged bleach
of prls liege outside the lealm.
O'Bilen'sictmn was signalled by .111 un
usually clieeiy , ) et pungent , number of his
weekly paper , Unitdd lieland , just out. It
has among man ) closer things a cat teen of a
stalwart Biitisli ssoikingman nnd taxpayer ,
who stands be-foio a union workhouse. The
back 'lonndtu him bows Salisbmy , wealing
a L'leeu Prince 'Albert coat , oiango coloied
tiouseis , svilh u jaunty Chesterfield
top , thrown open and holding a
Piccadilly hat , out liom which Is diopplnir a
paper 1 ibled "Imuiloiil Relief Scheme. " lie
Is Intiodnclng to the taxpaver an
obsequious poison , svho svitli n
svhlte. hat held In both hands
; it his breast , Is seemingly boss ing. llos\cais
ascnilot lmntin coat and top boots. Into
sshich buckskin breeches are tucked. This is
a ruptctcntatiso landlonl. Behind them
stands JoeCliambeilain , in a dude costume ,
sslth a glass on hiseje , also smiling , and svho
has just diopped a torn document cndoiscd
"Gladstone Land Puichas ? . "
Salisbury issayinijto the taxpayer : "Dear
sir , 1 intioducc a deserving pcison , svlio sadly
needs tlio iclief of a couple of bundled mil
lions. " Chamberlain1 adds : "The secmlty
is so excellent. " Tile taxpayer reaiai.Ks :
"Why , j on bo the two chaps svho a couple
months ago told me not logise a beggar a shil
ling. " Chambfilain adds : "But the is such
a good li loud to the union. " To that the tax-
pi.\er. jciking his tlnitnb tossaul the workhouse -
house , icsponds : "Then let him no to the
union for icliul. " The cartoon is beina ; mul
tiplied by liundiedM and thousands and sslll
be sent by O'Brien to allpaitsof the realm to
gether svitli a ueijny edition of Gladstone's
pamphlet issucdi by the publisher , Murray ,
vestciday. , _ . - ' . - '
10 KK T Aiuan'puAi GR.vyo SALIS.
A St. Louis' Man Feels Insulted By
NIISV Yoinc , Sept. 5. [ Special Telearain to
tlio BIE. ] The World's special Lon'don
cable says : A scry angrv man , svho lof t hero
for Paris yestei das' , svas Marcus A. Wolll ,
ical e.stato dealer of St. Louis and leading
member of the Knights of St. Patilck of that
city. When he came over two or three svceks
ago lie brought as a gilt to the Irish cause
1,500 , collected by the St. Louis Knights of
St. Patrick , svitli instructions to send it over
to Painell. He svent on a tour .throtigli Ire
land and Scotland , and did uoticach London
until this sveek. Ono of the tilings ho
did svas to svrito Parnell a note saying ho
svould bo pleased to call when It svould suit
his consenience , adding that he svas from St.
Louis ami a member of the Knights of St.
Patrick , svho had entertained Painell sshen
ho went out to Ainciica some years a o. lie
said nothing about the money. Xo anssver
came and the next day Wolff sent a telegram
asking if his note had boon received. No
answer came. Waiting still another diy
lie svrote. a letter of some length
explaining more fully svho ho svas and Ids
anxiety to see him In icgard to the mission.
svlth which lie lias been entrusted , but still
leservlngall mention of thu money. Again
no ansss'er. Ho then sviote to Painell nn ex
plicit letter saying that ho had 1,500 for him ,
but as It seemed Impossible to see him lie
svould letnrn it to the Knights of St. Patiick
In St. Loula , und this biouglit a telegram fiom
Painell saying that tlio liiHt note had not
been opened and that he svould bo glad to
see him ( Mr. Wolll ) at the house ot commons
that evening at t ) o'clock , but Wolff did not
go. He took his draft for 1,500 and svent
over to Paris. Ho suys ho svlll return next
week and send Parnell his caul , and if ho
wants the money ho can call and get It.
Wolff puts his own constiuction on the fail
ure of Parnell to see his first message , and
it may bo mentioned that Wollf is not tlio
nrst to make complaint ot tills kind. Fi lends
of tlio Irish cause , svho came over heio ex
pecting any efforts on Parnell's p.iit to make
them feel at home , will bo generally disap
pointed. For a leader of the cause ot de
mocracy and human lights he Is strangely
rcscivcdaml exclusive.
Terrible TrnKdly , In AVhloli a HtiHbnm ]
Accidentally HIiootH Hlw Wife.
ST Louis , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram to
the Ur.K.l Word has reached hero from Car-
linvllle , III. , of a , terrible tragedy svhlch oc
curred there sestcrday morning at the iesl-
deuce of J. \VIUoiighby. \ . Tsvo burglars
enteied the room ot,5Ir. and Mis. Wllloughby
and while searching the room they awakened
Willouithby. jlotnthloses immediately at
tacked him anclstrtiik 1dm oscrthe head svlth
aievolver. HoseUtJdtlio icvolver and suc
ceeded in wrenching It away. The lomn
ssas pitch dark , and In tlio struggle Mra. Wll-
loughby svus knockedtlown and beaten , liei
screams almost muiuleiicd her husband , and
as soon as he htctin'tt the lovolser ho turned
It In the dlreclon ( lid" supposed the burglars
sscro standing , and fired liveshots. . ol
the men dropppd. but Immediately
arose and both juinneu thiouh u window
and made their escape. Tlm husband then
lighted a lamp and vis horrified to dlscovei
the body ol hU svife lying on the floor svitli a
stieam of blood tlowaic from her left side ,
Her svhlte nlghf panp 'Jits svercsaturated svitli
her life blood laid tiio room looked more like
a slaughter liyiuo than anvthlng else. A
physician called and pionounced Mrs ,
Wllloinchb'H wound fatal. She ssas acci
dentally shot l y horllusband wlillohc was tir
ing at burglarh. The bullet passed thiough
her body , and death Is expected houily. One
of the burglajssvas shot as he lei t n bloodytrall
for bouiu distance. Neither has been ar
Tim Woi'stlmnd Ills ! riot.
WASiujfOTCiy , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram
to the HnK.l-Smlth M. Palmer has filed hi ;
bond asieglsterof tlia land ofllce at Sallna ,
Kannnd hl coiiUnlb.slon svas sent him Fii-
day , Special Agijnt Cleary , of the gencial
land office , has beiin onieieii fiomlitcliell
Dak. , to Garden City. Kan. 'I his land tils
tnctissald by Mr , Spaiks' assistants to IK
the worst district for frauds in the United
States , and Cleary , who has panned oul
pretty svell fur nosv appointee , ( he suc
ceeded Special Agent Jame.s ot Kansas ) . Is tc
be sent to lout out tlie lotton cntnen. deary
bad just got Ills fairly buttled at Mitchell.
i \
But No Harmonious Pool Settlement as Yet
Arrived at or Likely to Bo ,
Us Pacific Itoiul Will MiiUo tlio IO\v
ItntcH for Americans Uttcn-
ofdio A. , T. At s. ! ' .
to Chicago.
No Pool Settlement. .
CmcAdo , Sept. . " ) . [ SpecialTcleiram to the
Bit.j : : II can baldly be said that the seiies
of Koneial miuagcr'3 meetings which sveie
held heie during the past sseek. for the pur
pose of pooling all the fieU'ht and passenger
business bjtweeii hcioand points In the sstst ,
sonthvsest and noi tlisvest has been suluclently
successful to svailain the belief that the de
sited pools will bo tornud at once. It Is ex-
peeled that the meeting to be held hoie Tues
day ssill lie in the nature of a veiy stiong
battle bctssecu the lines which , dining the
past week 01 ten das , has-o been doing some
sei ) diplo.natlc skirmishing. They have
been ti ) liu to sccmc positions of stiength to
hold them i-ecuie In the contlict that Is to
ensue. Thus far no complete and no absolutely
ronect repoitfl of the managers' dclibeiations
hasebjen published , or made public in a
veibalsvay. for eserv uinntuier t'olored the
nusvs to suit the position Ids line wanted to
take. Foi tills icasou some ol the lines are
gioatly exasperated because ol the peeullaily
malicious ii'porls that base been published in
certain pi ices , sshero bigoted sievss tiom llio
outside svoio made to do sciviee as tlio actual
records ot tl'o pioceedlngs at ceitain meet
It has not heretofoeio been mentioned that
the chairman ot ono meeting duliui ratels lelt
tliocatlicilng when eeitaln names sseie men
tioned lor commlltiemen , and that he told
tlioso piosunt to fight it out themselves.
.Mcctlinrs yestenluv accomplished but little.
Noithsvestein passenger atTaiis me anpu-
cntly tur liom settlement , and sse'siein
lieisht matters reecisud but sei ) little anno-
ablu Impetus , lor tlie leason liiat the \ \ abash -
bash will not consent to joining any pool , or
becoming a paity to any nesv ame ment ,
until the Indebtedness ol liui Western Fieii-'lit
association Is svipcd out. Tlie Kausis City ,
St. .Joseph it Council Blurts load svlll also
decline to become a member of anya-iee-
ment until it is paled the moneys duo It by
other lines that aie nosv anxious to begin
anew. Neithei the Builliigton nor Alton loads
aie over-svilllng to Join any pool lei live
jeais. svhlle the Bock Island is anxious to
entei into a pooling conttact tor that length
of time.
Ciurvoo , Sept , r . [ Special Telegram to
the Bii.l The Ciniidiaii P.icllie Is stilling
up the other traiiscontlnontil loads in a wa >
not altogether to tlieir liking , It piomises t < i
gisotiicm no peace In Its competition lor
tluou''h triitlic. and although it has not
opened Itie on passoiit'er business ) et , it is
making things watiu lor llic ticlght men. It
ssas stated by n prominent fieight agent yes-
teidav that a leading Sun Fiancisco cominis-
slon lirm had seemed a rate ol r r cents ; i
huntlied on canned goods trom San Kr.iii'
cisco to Chicago over the Canadian lines and
their connections. In iminv other lines ol
shipment , upheld by tlio old tiaiisconlincntal
pool , ttic rates have been cut by the Canadian
Pacllic from : ! 0 to . " ( ) percent.
"The Canadian Pacliie people am pelting
after us svlth \engeancc"iemaikel ( atialnc
manacei yesteulay. "and it looks sei ions lei
American roads. What te , theie is nc
prospects of tlie ultimate victory ol oui Jlues ,
To buy oil Van Homo's company svould le
quire an annual .subsidy of Sl,00',000. That
is svhat it lias cost lo ke.-p tlie Pavliic Mail
out of the field and the Canadians base : i
very high op'nlon ol their load and tlie place
it tills in tt.uisnoitatlnn. Compaied svitli
other lines uinning acio = s tlie country the
Canadian Pacific is almost tiee liom debt ,
anel can theiefore bu operated on a closer
niatgin than A mot lean lines , sshich mean *
low latcs and licice competition. "
The A. , T. & S. P.'s Chioas" Visit.
NKSV YOIIK , Set. ] ) 5. [ Suecial Telegram tr
the Uii.J : Theio are new rumors of the ex
tension ot ttio Atchison , Topeka t Santa Fe
line into Chicago. This special dispatch sva'
reccis'cd and generally ciedlted as seini-olli-
cial in Wall stiect from Boston , the conv
pany's headquarters :
The pioposed Chicasro extension of tlie
Atefiison lias been undci considciatlon b )
the diivctois rccentl ) , and the nros'allinii
strength of .stock Is due to the fuser svitli
sv lilch the pioject was received. As It Is ness
talked , the old loute. surveyed two or three
veins ago , fiom Itaudolph , a point on tin
Missouu river , lo Cameron , Mo..and tluougli
Peoiia , 111. , stands a good chance of belli ; ;
DEPATUII , III. , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram
to the Bii.J Two sets ot engineering corps
base just linishod surveying two route *
thorough Missoml , Iowa and Illinois to Chi
caco for the eastern extension of tlio Atchison -
son , Topeka & Santa Fe railway , and official1
of that road are now considering repoit'
submitted svitli a view of building the road
contemplated at once. One route tlnougl :
Illinois strikes points on a line svlth ( Sales'
bmg , and tlio ottior extends east fiom Keo-
Icuk , la. , toward Pekln , III. , and liom there
north. The svoik has been In pie rcss quietly
since early in the spring.
Tlio Kuljjlits Propose to Publish n
1'npsr oI'Tliclr Osvn.
PniiAii.i.i'uiA , Sept , 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the UIK. : ] At a special session ol
the KCiieial assembly ot the Knights ot Laboi
In Cleveland In .May the subject ot establish'
Ing an ofticial organ ssas much discussed ,
and finally n clicnlar svas ordered sent to the
local assemblies throughout the country ely
Ing a prospectus for the paper , and request
ing their action. This clicular has just been
piopaied and ss'ns sent out yasteiday. If
states , among other points , that a a public
jouinal of the order Is ne'cessaiy , svhlch shall
be an exponent ot the principles of the order ,
thoionghly educational in Its relations to
labor , non-partl.saii and non-political ; that
not moio than one-fouith of the tspaco of the
paper Hhould be allotted to advertisements ,
and that these advertisements Hliould be con
fined to coneeius of a legitimate , eo-oper-
utlvo nature , It recommends "Kqulty" as Ita
title , with the sub-head , "Tho OlliclaUnmiial
ot United Labor ; " that a per capita lax of
live cents be levied on the members of the
order to absolutely guarantee a seciiio basis
lor the publication of the paper ; that svhen
paid In and the Kiibscilntlons shall amount tu
thesumof , the geneial executive
board Minll boanlhorl/ed to proceed svlth Hie
establishment ot the newspaper , svlth a pro-
licicnt editor find as.iiflic.cnt number ot able
associates , who should comprise tlie staff and
that the publleatli n bu placed lu the hands of
a manager , selected for ability , svho svlll be
appointed by the general executive boaid
liom members- the oidcr. The geneial
siiK'rslsion | of the publication Is to bo vested
in the general executive boaid.
The circular , svblch Is signed by Genera !
Secictary Turner , then says : "It Is estimated
that the uinning expenses of the publication ,
based on an ultimate circulation of JXM.OOC
copies , svould amount to S'i' 0,000 per annum ,
The most appioved appliances svould bo re-
milled to meet such a circulation. Aboul
§ .10,009 would bo requited to piocuro an un
proved perfec'ing pi ess , type , etc. , necessary
to meet the piintlng requirements of the
older. I'he necessity for a public journal ,
sshleh will be an exponent of the principles
of the older , and thiough sshich iii.ilteis of
public Interest could bo icviewed and attack *
ansvvoiuu , is manifest to all meiubeig. You
are therefore requested to take action on the
follow Ins ; propositions and submit the result
to this ollice : 'Shall the paper bo Issued
svcekly as a public newspaper. " ' .Shall it be
by compulsory or voluntaiy subscription ol
members ? ' 'Shall the subscription j.rico b (
50 cents or SI per annum ? " '
Know at Helena.
Sr. PATI. , Minn. , Sept. s. The slna
service reports snow at Helena. Thermome
ter 31" .
Hsory 1'rosppot ol'n Hull Cnmpnlnti In
Stocks and luxine s. Yditu , Sept. ft. [ Special Telegram lethe
the HIK | The stagnation sslileh mniked
business on the stook exchanao llio earls-
part of list sveek , has made the commission
houses feel blue. The. business which ssas
done svas done at declining quotation but
only to the extent ol a liaetlon. A steal
many tradris le aii to think that the only
ssav the maikel eeiild bo moved out of tlio
rut ssas by sharp drops. There seems to bo
nobody here lo buy at ( nee prices , they ar
gued , but If theio svas , at a lattllnc decline of
5 or 0 per cent. It would svake up the market ,
andbii\cis would soon eomu In at tlio losscr
level and a foundation would bo hud fora
bull movement. Bulllicio is no one In tlie
Ftieet now to lead a dish like that. ' ( lonid
could not do it If ho ehose , but hi1 icmains
quiet , piobably because the state of his health
compi'ls him to. ( Jould liasovoissoikeil him
self In the past , and oppeas now to bo taKIng
an enforced lest ; that Is , comp.ucd with Ids
foimei label %
There Is no organlred bear force in the
niiiiket , and when bull le.ule.s can
not manipulate .stocks their ssay , be
cause of ads ciso conditions , the. maiket sinks
into n state of compaiatiso stagnallon. They
bc nn to uiinifest signs ot icnewed ucllsity
the lattei p.ut of tliu week , and pi Ires has o
been rl'iiuas busliievt lneieased In solunie.
While the money maiKel ssiis in a dnnueioiis
condition they sscre atiaid to do antliing , but
it app'-ais tobii woiKlnrr to a condition ot
case. Of com so the. bank nio anx'ous to
K'eep lutes stillly at 0 per cent , as It enables
them to maho time loans ut that liguie
svhlch Is a bonaiua to them , alter seeing their
inonev t-'obi''u'ing so long at'J per cent , set
then aie not likels to bo able to keep Up Mils
nioic- limn aumpleot sseeUs Ion ei , unless
the mosenienr of punluce liom llm ss-cst con
tinues in unexpectedly lai .re volume. It U
milking big earnings lor lallioads , svhieh ic-
iioilan enormous ineiease oser the same
time last seal.
Hull op'etatnts deilse creat enrouracement
liom this , and point to it as Insniing a IM !
in the m.iikct to an absolute eeiialnil ) Intel
on. Tliev had much anxiety about the e.nlli-
quake calamity In the south , as the clVects else
so ternblo an esent aio lai leaching , but II
parsed ssIth no svoiso ellect on the stieet
than lo tempoiaiily Indispose the lank
and lilo ol ti.uleis lo do an ) thing ,
thus ( leepenln the dullness. Knconiaged b )
this the bull leadeis aio beginning to act
nvain. They point to the fact that but little
stock comes out on bad nesvs , and that hold
ers s n confident by the svuy they hold on
that better times and higher pi lees am suiely
ahead ot us. Holding to their position , ns
tlie ) did llnoiuh sshat looked like sellout
danger , the leadeis say the time Is ab out npi :
now lornn npssaid moMMiient.
II is luither siigued that lalhoad building ,
now stalling Into lenewed acthity , opeiatc
to dlstiibute iniuiense amouiils ot mone >
thiflughoiit tliooountiy , and this makes busi
ness good eseisssheie. T'he lailioad com
panies tlicmsL'lses aie linanciallv iimcli
soundei than they sveie , because ,
In one svav or another , they
luse Kii olr led IheiiiscUos liom the float
ing debt. Soaio base done it by passiiiK
dividends , ollu-is liv leducing them , und
otheis by lundlng it in long bonds at loss
lates of intetest. The ) aio in a compaia-
tlse'h clean shaiio foi a now start , and tne
incieasing demand lor our gi.iln abioad
inoinisus a giosving business , svhon lei : i
long time tlieio has been serv litt'o to give
encoui-a omeiit toeitlioi the juoducer or car
rier Ti lie , prices are .so low that proiits au
at a minimum , but these must ccitalnly ilse ,
11 business continues to gtosv , as theio are si
many promising signs ot its doing. At anj
late , holdcis ot largo stocks consider tlio.s
aie past the daiigoious rocks , or most o'l
them , and that the situation Is safe enougl
to svairant a fall campaign on the bull .side.
Corn All IMjtllt Au AvciMfjo Ylcia-
Pnnturea Dried Up.
CIIIPAOO , Sejit. 5. Tlie Fiumei's Iteviesv ,
in this ss-eck's issue , svill print tlie follosviiijj
eiop summary : The fiost , svhicli lias pre
vailed tlnoiighout a poitlon of the coin bell
dining one night of the past sveek , cause ;
very little damage to growing grain. He
poits Indicate that while tne diouulit and
continued hot weather seriously injured the
geneial piospocts of corn , it also acceleiatei
the ripening of grain , and In sections ol
Missoml , Kansas , Iowa and Minnesota , r
poitlon of tlie ciop has sufficiently nmttncd
to be beyond danger liom fiost. Ilcpoilsln
dlcate that , as a whole , the coin crou svill bi
out of tlio svay ot frost within fifteen days li
not attacked julor to that time
nnd a largo pionoitlon of the
ciop cannot bo seriously monacei
even nosv. The gencial prospects lor the
output ot corn shosv no marked improve
inent. Tho'tenorot tlu lepoits from all the
states , except Ohio , Indiana , Michigan ane
Minnesota , continues to pi edict , a short
ciop. In the lour states named piospects
continue lasorablc lor a lull aveiage vlelel.
svldle the mnloritv of counties estimated
yield at irom 45 toOJ per cent , itenoits tunn
one-liall ot thecounties svould indicate a gen
eral average ot 05 per cent.
Tsventy-slx Ohio counties csti
mate an as'ciago of ( il per cent ,
Kansas , Missouri and Wisconsin gs- ! (
ptoml'o of about one-half the usual yield
KeporU Indicate that the nastmes are lapldls
diylmr up , tnoiigh In poulons of Illinois ani
losva late rains have served lo iciiosv giat !
Kaily planted potatoes aio generally good
but the late planted aie poor , nnd in mans
distilcts aflat iallnic ,
Hogs are eeneially icported healthy , will
only scatteilng ropoits as yet ol eholeia.
The Coininu of UDSS Hcnccllct Liable
to"lM" Homo Poliliciil Forms ,
WASHINGTON , Sejit. 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKI.JTwentysoven bundled
nppolntniontf ) , not ono of svhlch is controlled
by the civil service regulations , makes the
govcinmont piintlng ollico n campaign auxil
iary not to bed Lsplscd by the tleinociaK II
Is safe to say that Mr. Benedict's coming svlll
woik the beginning ot an exodus of a re
markably stalwait natuie , and then the dc
mands for patronage fiom deraociats stiug-
gllng for m-clection svill bo fiom nosv to No-
sember hugely onswcied by places in
this department. Alreidy eonsteinatloii
lelgnsat the oniun. The majority of the
foremen , tor It is they who sveie most con-
CiTiied , sveio confident that Ceneral itogers ,
of Buffalo , svas to bo Mr. Honnrt's successor ,
nnd so they fixed up a nice little slate ainoiiij
thcmselses and worked their Influence
In that direction , There wme
two oilier cliques , however , one
btllcvlng that Koatinu' , of Memphis , would
be the nesv public printer , and the othet
hopinir foi the success ot a Baltlmoto man ,
whom Senator Ooiman svas bald to'bc back
ing. These piitics made up tsvo different
RlatCH. 'I ho appointment ot Mr. Benedict
took every one by suimlse and bioku all the
comblnatioiiR that had been so catetully pie-
iiuied. ' 1 he amusing thing I.s thitt men , svho
hcietofoie pioto.ssed to bestrongiepublicans ,
are now iIa.v ) ing the democratic racket. Al
though Mr. Benedict has not yet taken
charge ol the ollleo , it Is safe to say that he
svlll suiiound himself svlth men svho are In
perfect aceoiel with the administration.
These foiemen aio not under the civil tor-
vice protection , and It Is quite possible that
the .iosv publio printer ss ill consider that a
democratic printei , binder or pressman can
puitoriu the supervisory duties of lineman
Justus sscll us one of lopubllcin proclivities.
Ktonc-Uiitlorti JUnko a nroatc.
CHICAGO , Sept. C. The htone-cutters'
union of this cltv to-ilny svithdievv fiom flic
Trades union. The stone-cutters nniuhei
about fittcen huudii'd , and ( heir svlthdi.isval
caused the first sei Ions bio.ik In the amalg.i'
mated or anl/atlon. The icason given foi
the withdrawn ! is tnat bilck and stone
ip.isoiib belonging lo the Trades union : > u
allovrcd lotlo ilone-cutlers * svork lei > - ' .
leas , pci day than the established late.
DLtljliU I lililtMj Dili ulUUl
The Qushiiijr Geyser Under Control and the
Impression It Made.
Partisan licinnval hy a li" )
untolal 'I lie Soooiul IHMirlrt Sillt
Hui-crsMrul Sinto
Otltei l > s\a psv .
nmMoixti : , la. , Sept. . ' > . [ Special lo the
Bi.ii.l "Some people tit-soi Know svhcii
the ) 'vii got enough , " bald a seteian obseiser
ftniii dnssn east the othoi da ) . "Ileioyoti
people In Iowa have shut up tlie saloons and
taken a svatei diet , and yet you'iinot satis-
fled , but imvo to tuin IOOMS the svatois of the
osver legions. "
lie had just been leading about the geyser
that svas deluging BellePlulne , and ver ) uut-
uiull ) thought that people ssho wanted water
bad enough to seta liver loose sseien'tim-
tilhd to intieh sympathy. That experience
at Belle Plaino is Indeed very singular. For
the last fevs .soars tlie people ot the state have
boon somess hat troubled to get all the peed
svatei lliov needed dining dis sse.Uher.
Wells would fall , and small brooks and
cieeks run thy , and f.uiueis especiall ) svc-io
fiequently einiuiiassod to tiiul enouuh svaler
lor Mock. .So the ) begnn Iiitioduelng theai-
teslaii svell sstem Into Iowa , and In the last
few months theie base been number of ai-
tesian svells bored , and a gnneial Inteiest has
been taken lu the subject. Bui theio
Is little p.eneral know ledge on the subject , i
and people aie not so nitcli to
blnmoif they fail lu some Instances to lake ,
tlie pioper pit-cautions. 'I he aitejian wells' '
at Belle Plaint' were discovered hist .Match ,
sslth the exception ot ono on a faun tisu
miles from town. Tliete aie no oilier vvelhi
of this kind within a bundled miles , nm
this 0110 which is much damage ! H
in tlie main stive ) , and it appeals that the
borers neglected to put in sullicient tuhini ; to
can ) elf thuwatui safely , and the hist they
know a toirent svas tinned loose upon them' .
The well is'JliHi'etdcep.and.thu subtorianeiiii
lakes 01 ilscrs sshich it scents to hasn pene-
tiatcd Is at a distance ot lui feel liom the
sin lace1 , leaving a depth ol seventeen feet lor
tliohikooiilici Itselt. The discharge tlnomli
the well is at a piessnre ot tliiits-live pouifds
to thosquaie Inch , and at the late ot about
five tlmnsaiid gallons n minute. That is
enondi to send out a stream laipe enough to I
( lighten the most con lu med cold svatei man
In tlieeounti ) . I'hodischiuge , happily novv.l
is under some eontiol extra tubiug , conol
shaped , having been forced down the svell '
and te.nsol an inundation aie over. However -
over , It Is piettv haul svoik to make the people
ple of Belle Plaino belieso In the old theoiy ,
that the Intel lor ot the eaitli Is a , ,
moulten mass. They mo lend ) to swear
that it is lull of w.itei , and that If an eaiih- |
quakeevor stiiKes the tow n they cunlidenily
expect lobe diovsned in about one minute ,
womt or I > ] , MOC n STK 111.1 onsiMm.
The iiisinccilt ) ot tlie deinocuitle
contempt lor llio pilnclples ol civil service
leloiin svas stiiklngly shown lune the oilier
day. Itevenno Collector Thompson dls-
clmrircd a young lady chiel clerk In tlio ,
deputy's olllee for the solo icasoii that she1
had been appointed by hi.s picdocesMii a ic-
pubiican and ho wanted the place for one ofy
hlslrioitds , blie had been iu the ofllco a
couple ot yeais , svas nmstei of tlie details of-
lici svnilc , and was pronounced by her HII-
peilor otllcoi the most otuciont clerk that had
over been in the place. Sim svas a sell-ieliant ;
gill , encaged In supporting a wldossoei
niothei. but she had to go because a lepubll-
can had appointed lier. Tnat's the kind oJ
leforineis Iowa dcmociats aie.
TIII : nii'i'iii.icuSPLIT. : .
Theio is a qneci state ot tilings In the second
end dlstiict. where the lepublicans aie run-
n'ng two candidates for cong'iess. The
ctemociats nominated as their candidate the
notoilous Judge Hayes , who baie-lv escaped
being Impeached by the last leglslatuie. The
bettor democrat ? of tlio dtstilct are dis
gusted svlth the nomination and Intimate
Iheirdcsiie to escape liom voting tor him.
So the Knights of Labor nominated another , Mr. O'Meara of IJavenpoit , and
many republicans thought their chance had
come to down Hay e.s and so favored making
O'Meara theli candidate also. When their
convention met the majority nominated
O'Meara , but the inlnonty , ssho had ten
votes less , insisted that they
must nominate a .straight icpublicaiit and
falling to have the convention do so. ssilh-
diew and nominated Sam Kirkwood , the old
sv-or goveinor , svho is very popular all over
losva. So now the lepublicans ot the dlstiict
aie suppoi ting two candidates one a thor-
oughbied i ( 'publican and the other a Knight
ol Labor Uemociat. The latter aio the ex
treme prohibitionists , svho think that it Is of
more impoifance to beat Hayes than It is to
.stand by their colois whether they win or
lose. A good deal ot haul lecling has been
developed , one .side calling tlie other side
bolteis , and the other ictoitlng by calling
them dcserleis svho have abandoned their
flag to gain a little temporary advantage by
uniting with the enemy.
sueciissriji. PTAIK I'Ain.
The state fair nosv in session has exceeded
the expectation ot tlie most sanguine. The
new grounds , used foi the lit st time this year ,
aio vciy handsome , compilslng 'JOO acre.s or
rolling land , svlth natural amphltheatie , and
evei ) convenience lor a huge display , is'nw
that the association owns the grounds , insur
ing the1 permanence of the fair on that loca
tion , a large number of business conceiiiH
have put up line buildings foi their exhibits.
So the fair ically takes on the piopoitious of
an exposition of continuing cimiactcr. All
of the building erected by the association , In-
eluding tlio halls for the vailousdopiu fluents ,
aio ot Handsome design and eomloiia.lo
character. The exhibits sseio nevei so lingo
as this vear , and tlio piospeetB lor
cross its the test of this sveek aio excellent.
Tialns , both height aim p.issongcr , nin ill-
lectly to the gioiindK , and 100,000 people can
bo cat rlud out daily.
Holiday Splicro Sludgers.
AT rs'isv Yoinc
Biooklyn f ! 2 0 n 0 S li
Athletics ! i 1000 * 3
dime stopped by tlio sheriff. Umpiic
Valentine. . , ,
lioulsviily ' . .V r 8
St. Louis 0 o 0 0 'J 0 0 0 * ! J
Pltcheis Itamsev and Font/ . Base blip
Louisville 15 , St. Louis 'J. KIIOIS Loui.s-
vlllo 1. St. Louis a. Umpire Kollev.
Beware of Scrofula
Bcrofulu Is probably more general than any
other disease. II Is Insidious In character ,
aiidnianlfrMs Itself In running sores , pustular
frliptluin , boils , swellings , enlarged Jointd ,
aliKccsst'Si.orecyeacto. Hood's Sar. aiarllli ]
expels all tiaco of snofiiln fiom the blood ,
liMvlriQ It jiuro , cm Ichcd , and hcallliy.
"IsvasRcserelyafTlIctcd sslth scrofula , nnd
over a year had tvs o running soi es on my nock.
Took five bottles Hood's Sarsap.irllla , and am
cured. " 0. K. I.ovwor , Lowell , Mass.
O. A , Ainold , Arnold , Mo. , had tcrofiilous
unrcs for sescr. years , spring and fall , Jlood'i
Baisaparllla cured him.
Salt Rheum
Is onn of tlm most dlsaKrccahlndMeisen caused
by Impure lilooil. It Is i cadlly cm cd by Hood's
Barsaparllla , the Kieat blood pinlflor ,
William SjiIfS , I'.lyrla , O. , piiflcrcd Rreatly
from cryelpelas and Bait rheum , caused ly
Iiandlhig tobacco. At times his hands would
crack open nnd blood. Jlo tried vatloui prep-
nratloua without , alrtj finally took Hood's
saparllla , and now ( -ays : " I am entirely svell. "
"My con had Fait rheum on hi * hands and
on tlio c.nlvcc of Ills legs , Ho tnod Hood'i
HaiMiir.rllla and Is entirely cured , " J. II.
Etai.ton , lit. Vcrnon , Ohio.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
gilr \ tut $ 5.
fc ) C' J , llnOJi. t CO , Aii''tlircarlei , Lowell , Haj ,
COO Poses Ond Dollar