Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1886, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tl.E OMAHA DAYLY BEE : SUNDAY 4 bi + j1'TEM13ER 5. 188f3.TWE 11VE PAfl , . I , ) ,
Colfihinalion Suits1
1/'c / fir rereil'A/ this ( leprfi't-
mrnf clolrr st05 elf rrw rir1'fcurl / . Ili )
m(5i ( It (1 curlp nrrerto bi f/ f u'o sails
era slf/I1'(1rrd color , wl.irh is sonie-
tldnhurev will appr'eriule.
Couibltur/lot , Sails In all prices
( 'roll , $11' ) to $ O.
1'llerc is mo li'iufillnnurterlut
made Shut ulilit ( e thtt sort , clc/rust
ruin . 'leis e/'c ( t us h fn'o(1Ilret by
r0mbtniur'lrrfs ( us a trunfiitluU
it'lth other' nirlerhris. At no , luau
hts flier been so niastfrelrris worn
as fills ? arson. ' 1'Iii j r'onlc in plain ,
In ( A1 eolois , In str'iprs. ( fish litCnh-
: : : I'Sa conlbinrltlon of eotorinf/I also u
° . ( wit plaids flail ( fir ; ! /orf/roes b5 Nrlr (
. , VICII rotn'inf/s. dill ( fire used (5s h'iin-
+ 4 : t(5iuf/x. Soul ) asr. Nice its pnuefs ,
ofhc1's roc fronls , etc. .1i , dress h
° noes1lctc t01Iwrrt sootC ccls'ct or
plie iIs.
fl /firm ( , slack ( J'111csowls stteh
as Ji'tu rocs/era ltoirscs C(1u crfi'1'fJ
J'lEIi Pclrel5 , all colors , 15J inehrs
their , t ( $1.
Plaei 1 i'lr'rfs , all rolois , 1 ! ) echc5
wide. at $1.25.
I'lrlin i'elrcfs , ! tEuclics iolde , at
I'liFH fell ets , 1 ! ) ilmltrs lolde , fit $2.
' Plain i'elre/s / , 20 iru9(5's wlic , at $3.
All S11k 1'Initt 1 facets at $5.
! ) - . Striped J' Pets at $1.25.
ID-huh Slt'ipe(1 Pets tsat $1.75.
1-Iuelt Sh'Iprd 1'elects rut $2.
Strlpet J'crlets fit $2.35 , $2.50 ,
$2.75 , $3 , $3.0 , $4 , $5 , $6.50 ,
$ T.5Awr(1 , $ ! ) per f/ord.
Thrsr rclrets eomp1'1sc snluc tcrf/
r'holrC f o1'clf Irs , and c1'/rfiut bC Jbltiif
in lll 0(11131' sfVC 1St this cit.
17-ftu'h Silk fills/y a fitlt line oft
eo/ors / , at $1,50 ,
t 24-itch Silk Plush fit $2,50 , atf
Now Goods G
New 000dSa
1'crfSf1151 ! , and .11akC Up Elc/aat. (
21-melt IJtacl Satin Ith(1dfilla at
21-lnrh l leek Satin Xhiulania at
2Biel ( IJtaek Satin libahulltt at
$1.37 1-2.
22-eselt 1Jerclr SltEa 1Uiitanta at
Colored Satill 1
21-hint Colored Satin Ithadanit at
22-Inch Colored Satin lf11adaina at
r an ! Silk
At 85c. , $1 , $1.25 , $1.35 , $1.50 ,
$1.75 and $2.
All t/urn'autecd to be the best caliie
In tills market , (111(1 to 171ce satisfaction -
tion to the wearer.
The Fancies , Foibles and Fashions of the
Gentler Sex.
A Pointed Lot tcr from nn Cnlaha
l Much Time for Style-
. Poulntno Notes.
A CrItICIHlll from a I.nly.
1'0 lhu I Utor of the BEl : : Iii looking
, ' over thacolunutsoflastSunday's BEl,811
observing render will notice how much
since is duvoled to femininity. Clippings
from va1ous other papers show that
these a11ushlg carlcatures are by no
' ncun8 original With the Unuha "knights
of the quill. " Sonlu of then are exceed.
! ugly tunny , Ind of course all of thou
are exceedingly truthful. Any ono with
tilt ) slightest : qprcciution of satire could
not repress a snlilo at tire graphic do
t scrl1)tint of a , Vahan trying to throw a
brick. Liturnlly 811(1 flguratively , throw
w- lug stones belong to the sterner sox , and
jt is really of no consequence to a woman
so long as 11110 has a broom. It is a great
pity , however , thntthose Clncinnmttigirls ,
t # , fo ° iusuuime , who have so much tinto for
' ' : luuu8mnmll , and whin recognize n0 el ins
tqon It , CXCOpt such as their ova selfish.
nlss Ilietates , should lutve been created
. with a eln'Ielo "like a toboggan slide. "
a - thus dcbnrrin.r ! hunt from Ono of the
most ussunlin7 : old scientific pursuits
' known to nwdern civilization , ltunnmg
tilt risk of seoniog inlJnuty-Was not
r "the gray hrftht tuatter" of their Creator
at ftllllt ?
IVu really do fuel very nntelt hunliliatcd
that Ivb cmuut appreeite'7ni11t juleps"
t and "the CS'IV morning cocktail , " and
t mgrutfully ndmit a defective organiza.
tion 111 res ) eet. A breath untainted
by thorn or villainous tobacco is cetainl
a n ovidelco of dupeaved taste , and Open
to thu severest criticism , 't'hen , too It is
i mstorious that wit should ; prefer t o .r U5
sip over a unp of tea about thin inauitics
that wt do , tocanvassing peCS0nt or pros.
P pehtiyo Candidates for (1w next big steal ,
hut suIoSU ; ) w1) try to rectify these
mistakes in our creation 1111(1 educations - -
s itl our inisbands and brothers respect
I ' Ind nhuiro us any lu0a'CI 11'ill they
11(11) ) ) 118 ?
' , Women ore struggling mldCrever dis
advantage to lilt lhonorable andndo
I ucudent Positions aid ill spite of tthnost
0 1lositIOll. .
) they are lill
lug up the ranks sitlu by silo thou
brothers. They are not a success , .
' 11(5118 , uo basu batl catchers , nor in the
brlek lhrowing not , but niny a Wo11n11 ,
by a piiliont ) Crso'eruncc under Ilifictl
tics which would o crwhohu a 1111111 ,
r kCaps thu wolf front thin door. And not
that only , She Call 1111(1 lees edit news.
papers with a diso'huinatiIIg intelligence
that deus not tuvote nil his colia111s to
pltchiirr Into teeIdu u nor iIce tut it
nceessa'y to 11111111tertiSAilallts
but "III C1' 1)8(15" Or "hou1hiy 8111I griddle
11uur , " AhIow us to held tip to riilicule a
maul lry1i'r to w o k uP IIi u sauu ( not the
Jiver ptdariuto ; eakes. Let tls take ; t sly.
pc0p at an old of yang hi ; heior in the
. 1'l'Vcoy ' of his dtt siug rouul , trying to
thread a necilIe oi. sov n1) In uggravat.
lug ( 't'ilt. ln't us $1112111' 8t his nl'Ut'ltl 11'tak
ncHse , wldrh We lied tltrro , " $ huu $ IInit
111.1 too tight" anti I' ' sbly : "a enlsCt , , ,
.fundayesitiishair 'sioufiltlbuIlisnun : ; ( ,
> We eoifeus tnnli'ul ag of eeneupt for
, lilt "ul'alt ; . " . '
I8.tlvr" ; I.ndt'r it Sv1ieit Ivc see
his u:1rt : it in tii. + ;
If tither sou ; Iv silt'S ie lint Ipeculiarity
ail tve8knrss in tu + utli + r , alns ! 'tis no
hitl'll thing to d0. IC wit urn luektuc for
( Lorosml ( , virtue , self doufel , and pueC ,
undcliled relicion before God and man ,
neither roan nor wou18n cau claim it : dl.
The world is full of shining examples ,
but woueu always lead the van.
UJIAIIA , August 80.
\Vonnn the If01alice Whecl of Society.
1Vashingtol Post : IVere mint to coi
lute more in their wives they would he
better. Women kayo a liner aii more
exact $ ense of honor than viol ; their
ideas of right and wrong are not per
vetted by motives of expediency , and
sordid calodations are less apt to tnfn
mice their judgment ,
1Vhenever a thief or an enbezzkr is
brought to justice we generally read that
the Itiat's ivifo is { ) rostrated by the
knowledge of her husband's crime , This
coiichmsively shows that she was iu igno
ounce of his wrongdoing , and no one is
more astounded by the ehnmx than the
iyoumm whose name has been dishonored.
And it is et her the greatest blow falls ;
the pity of the world , of pity be extended
to her , is tempered by scorn , and , be she
ever so innocpnt , she never escapes a cer
tain amount of condemnation.
WOtlld Gray be now a corpse , or Eno s
fugitive , or 'iVard a convict , if they 118(1
coulidrd tut their wives ? ' , Ve believe not.
1111(1 Gray gone to his wife and said : " 1
have taken money from any corporatiion
to specnlftte with , but I will repay it when
the market turns , " we think his wife
would have said : "I'ut it back ; make
restitution ; tell the directors , and we
will be just as happy without our carr
riage or our summer cottage. " A woman
instinctively shrinks from time thought of
wrongdoing. ' 1'ho man , u self.deluded
fool , easily persuades 111niself Hiatt the
1)101103' is only a lone ; he has a sure timing
1111(1 nu harm can be dote by his "ber
rowing" what lie needs. No such Jes.
nilical sophistry beguiles to a wife. She
knows it is a theft , and cannot be niailu
to see it iii any other light.
.Nov and tiler we hear of a nun falling
because of time extravnguiee of his wife
aid daurrhte , ; ; ow aid thei the hear of
a man w'le can say in the words of Owen
Aleredilh ;
when they Asked moo about It I told thorn plain
I.oiu It was that inl turned icy brnlu.
I lo + v $ Inukl 1 heed ivhcro may tmid lead boon ,
yvlieu my bract wnSdruanlhg or Celustlnc ?
True , now and then a nun stems for
his Celestine ; but how often ? IVenutn is
society's bnlanee wheel , mutt the nlfill
who I ocs not conlide in his wife leads 8
life which eanfot atulit of the liglmt of
day being turned o1 it.
The Good Itomsekeepcr ,
Lester ! H ( uh.
flow call 1 tell hcr ?
By lid ecllae ,
Cleanly sheh'es fund whltemmed wall :
1 can gUOSS her
B' ' liar dresser ,
By time back staircase eel hall ,
4 mid with pleasure
ltiko her meusmu
By the Wit ) ' shin keeps her brooms ;
Or the ju'ophitr
At the 'kccpbtg"
Of lwr back 011(1 lased rooms.
By her kllrhmt's air of licalness ,
And its general eoepletencss ,
\Vhcrc , In cheanlhless 111111 stveclueSs ,
'l'liorose of order blooms.
Uncmplnyed lYonien.
hula c. L8phnnl In time Forum : To the
tlwughtful wonuui the question recurs
amain and ac't'in , What can be done with
trio purposC1ess , tnltrniucd women will.
iilg to work for wages , but tumble to
spend tiatu and nmouoy in a doubtful at-
tuntpt to fit tlimisuhwes for a particular
uccn'atioii ' ) ? A Wouitul's exchange is
ulliotl ' s storehouse for tu1 tsirublo aril.
ulna , a few of which are bought in pity.
It is a do mco of those who tire earnestly
waking to i1011) their fellow wonml , amid
not a natural outgrowth of the law of
supply and dounud , ' 1'lio training school
be"nis at the foundation ; it tits a girl to
hoT her own , asl.hig no favors.
A wontuu s duty begins with time womai
nearest to her by tics of blood and utlicc
lieu , std stretches out to those accounted
less forttululu than herself ; but It doe
Will place on Sale the Second Shipment of G. Hr Gilbert 's
Dress Goods at 5 o Cents on the Dollar.
There are only 4 styles in this lotgall ; new , desirable goods. Every piece
has Gilbert's original ticket and brands , which is a guanrantee that
every yard of these goods are first class in every way ,
Style 1 , is a 54 Inch Camel's ' Hair Serge
All new desirable mixtures and very stylish ; at
Cents , woe .
Note the extra width
Style 2 is , t
In mixtures , with Fancy Bourette side band for trimming. This lot is 44
inches wide , and our price Monday is 65o.
Style 3 . is Striped Serge ,
44 inches wide , all good colors , and in such demand that we could have
sold every yard of the lot to a jobber at the price we ask for them
Which is 35 Cents per Yard.
We have only one case and would advise our friends to come early if
they want some of this lot ; 65c , worth $1.25.
Style 4 is SolidGolored
44 inches wide with Bourette side' ' viand , in self colors ; a great seller ,
and will be in great demand Monday , at the price 65c. worth 1.25.
not end there. There are women far
above her in the scale of wealth , per.
Imps , wito need a wider outlook and
broader sympnthics who need to be
drawn out of themselves and their exclu-
sivmress ; who need to be interested in the
cream' , busy , struggling world outside of
their circle , and to fuel that upon them
rests , in part , the responsibility of ntak-
bug it bettor and purer. In some ways
they aie morn restricted thorn the women
who sews for thou. Time wife of a teamster -
ster , if she have the time , can take up
ley renturcrative employment , and her
f iotls neither question nor repudiate
her. 7'hc wife of a millionaire , possessed
of unlimited leisure , nitst he 1(110 , for
"he also Js idle who might be better emu
Ployed. " If she cur endure time epithet
of "peculiar , " she laity- give her life to
the and improvement of
tenement houses or devote herself to a
ptu ticilar lisle of study ; otherwise her
work for lmerfollow 11ien and wanei will
be communed to charitable balls and lash.
iomtble bazaars. 'I'o do aught which would
bring h mr a return in money is not to be
thought of for an instant.
And from the wife and daughter of tue
millionaire to the girl who starves be
hind n counter rather than go lute a Comfortable -
fortable kitehci , the sa is povo is met
Ivork. Alas ! hoe weak we arc. iV01nei
n11ty say that all honest work is ea
nobhug , and all voluntary idlemiess belit-
thing , and that , in compu ; ison with the
woiui who never lifts a finger to serve
another , nor has u thought shove her
ova adorrunentuld Iwrsoelalconquests ,
the woman who ( lees tilt work of her
kitchen , if she do it well , is worthy of all
the honor ; but the cotvicttou has not yet
becontu a port of thorn ,
how Is It At home.
I'httndelpha ( A'emte.
1'hat slue hiss a prutb face ,
1VclI f laioi' ;
Shin moires with quiet grace ,
Vuicii is low ;
51w has eyes of softest blue ,
leethliku arls ;
Wealth of hair of gulden line ,
Waitou curls.
Bill her heart , is it kin4 ,
'l'ender , true ?
Is she nedcst tuid rellned ,
( le(1Ic too ?
Fairer vtshou 1 may never meet ,
As I maul ;
tike is surely very chinning on the street ,
flow at hone ?
'Oruig Wooten 'Vho Give Too lank
itttentki to P10.11101. .
lirooklyi ilingmtzinc : 'l'imo newspaper
Wit alias his shafts of humor at no object
with such keen ploasuru turd thought as
il'uo1 ho directs tlmeni : at the modorl
young woi n aim , her en prices nod teoden
Iles. And it roust be iruknowledgod that
hu does so not without cause ht mummy
mstiuwes , 11'hlln there are thousumds : eyeing
yoing w'oueii Who ropr.isunt what is best
and highest iu young woui11mlmot , whoso
purnOSes in ltfo extend beyond time friv
olities of dress aid outward adornments ,
there are , our the other hand , a large er-
eoutage thltt look a1pun life "as a joke
Burt's just begun , " to borrow an expres
sion Lour a popular opera.
These young Wonei live tinder the do.
lesion that social dislhiotiou , beauty of
t1)o15on 111111 l richness of apparel auks the
Iwomn1' , ru , They are slaves t0 customn turd
fashion , and revel in external attractions ,
'hoy accept time glitter for time gold the
heraldry and trappings of time world for
the priceless essence of womm 'e worths
which exists + vltlun the mind. Their
highest nttahnient is not the possession
of a true ivonmmbood but that their 1)o
sitbou in society may hO of a conspicuous
order , aid thereto they bend all their
energies , ! lours are spent over the lmt-
est fsshtou plates , wullo days are giver
over to the making aril perfecthig of
now apparel , i'hoy forgot that n true
Wonua11 exists indcpoudort of outward
oumhellmsluncuts , that dress is regarded
by nmrny as only the Ivy that encircles
the oak , and is hover mistaken for the
thing it adorns.
It is not the queen of fashion that
strays time sceptre of influence or ather-
ity over nmcn. It' is ( in the hmmd of the
true , noble , sensible and virtuous wonii1
that aulitortty is jilncod , and tvltere she
dwells there may be retinonent , culture ,
intelligmmee and amoral power be found.
Time influence of such a young womit
upon society is of tue most salutary kind.
But what ms that of the reigning society
belle ? Non may admire her for the
nionucut , when , mum brllliumtly : lighted parlors -
lors , lair beauty anti charms dazzle the
eye ; but what are the after couclisbons ?
"Silly creature , wrapped up in herself
and the world , " was time comment of an
apparent adnirer upon 8 young belle
after an eveimftul soejal occasion in New
York only a few weeks siucc. Fashbom
811(1. folly- never gained aim otuice of resPect -
sPect worth the possession , mind never
will , Young vouch- inns ! too often mistake -
take adulntlon for respect , only to hind at
the end that it ivasbut hollow ni0el mry
taut , like a pyrotcohj is dbsplty , prepared
for the occasion.
A true young wo11lat's ambitions
stretch beyond the bull romn and the mil.
liner's esthblislino nt. She wisely strives
to make lmer life g : ttld in ivoluanly vur
twee , and by her exiuplo : inspires others
to secure the sumo priceless crown of
womaihood. 't'his is the wenan that
con11uands the respect anti ndinirmthom of
the world , not temporarily , hit perma-
nently. In her , friends recognize a rich
stoic of pm netictl good sense , had a beautiful -
tiful harmony about her eiiu acterlhnt at
once inspires smety0 respect , which soon
tvttrnis into love. )
The Coquet IC.
BrHIJIm 11atarhle. (
Her pleasures me la love's coy ;
tl'imnn hers she glvofm them out n thought ,
hut , like time m ) ilor , takes moo , a joy
In Iilmlug than In II Ifoe chughit ,
% Vonlan'H IleHt Friend.
Chieago News : A hnir'1111 ' is a wonman's
best friend. It lits m multi pheity of uses
and she is never wit tout oin. If luer hair
is short yet cau hop nth 1111011 it that bum a
recess of her 'su or a pocket of her
reticule you wihlnnlin en ( the . If she
bultoms her shoes slfn uses a blur 1 p in ,
and tvho over samv 'a sv01uau buttoi her
loves ivitlt unytlting else ? It her boil
Itches does silo seritteh it with her linger ?
NUIISUliSe. Shit whips oft it uairidn ant
uvIfuves herself. 5npgOsO a nickel has
dropped between the bas of the wooden
foot grate in time &ttcat carIous she
soil her lingers as a udun would , lain then
not get it ? Certainly nut. Out comes
the luurpin and thq coin is lifted oat
ivitlmout troublc ,
If hur siutwlpln is t 1't , where so geed
a subsIUite ( as thin lei "pmIt ? If shun cats it
nut does she bike it nutpick ? Alost mis
sure liy not. ' 1'hc Jm irpin again. ! t is
with tutu hairpin titgt ho rims Orion the ui
cut lcavi s of a boutL o inageziue ; it is n
lutirpin ivitlt ivhieh sflo uutrks the progress
gross ii herfavorite hook ; ifatrunkkoyis
! IlI6Sil1R a hair1)i1 O pi , ns thin ra1rtato' ;
lock as neatly its ; t huirglmr's skeleton key
would ; with It she .elf nns he linger-nods
and , if it Is a clean one , oven picks Igor
teotu. And the feat" of Imth securing
thud she will make g iimple bow-legged
htirpni ; aeeoilI ilsui ueurlysnrpasstime belief -
lief of tutus , Allogeth r , It deserves to be .
classed munong the gr atiuvortiois ) of the
world , and the grave of the orginal
man who created time first one could have
no prouder opitltplt than this ; " 'i'bis
is ttio kind of a hairpin lie was , "
Selling Dfnideims l'ubllo Auction ,
Court Journal ; A suigular customn
obtains to this day in 801110 of tun towns
on the Lower lthiue , funnily , that of
"sehlit ; ' " maidens lit public ; u etion.
For nearly four cc turlcs , of Easter Mon-
day-auction day-thin town crier or
olerk of St. ( hoar Gaped all the your6
paoIto together , , , ; tad to time I iir ( , b0st bolder
sold the pen'de'oof daueinc with the
chosen girl , alms her only , during the
entire year , lle fcts Ilowod itito time
public poor box.
How 1VOnnun IJunr the Open Cam's.
Boston Gazette : flow a woman's hind
wavers as sure approaches an open torso
car for a ride ! Sub tirst lhiiiks she will
take too empty sett iii front , but suddenly -
denly - remembers thmit 1)001)10 on tire front
look- very conspicuous , and sue once
heard of a wounn getting hit in time head
with a brake. Slue then turns her eye to
lute middle slip , only to condudo that sue
isn't going to cliutb over ( hurt wheel-box ,
any tvay. l'herc is atothe sett iii the
slip behind , she sees , but that baleful
Alrs. Smart is in the cue behind it , mind
site should hnvo a tit to feel teat sum was
looking at her back all over all time way
down town. Just as she is wondering 1 (
tbitt fmtt niw : on the rear scat will throw
away Imis eigmu if sue sits ( here the
ductor calls : ' 'here , lady ! ' ' grabs ilcr by
time arm amid inserts her in a space shin
umin't noticed at all , but which shin occupies -
cupies scroitly ii hI the r01iainder of the
way , inconscbous of vittiperativo travelers -
ers about lice wlto will just uuiss their
Crniinnl Use of Corsets.
St , Pant Pioneer Press : I believe there
are more slim wdstc(1 women to the
squnro iiilo to be seen upon time streets of
St. Paul than in any other place 1 was
ever in. Sparking of this , a gentleunm
said to me : " 1)o you know , every time I
sec m ivonian going along time street looking -
ing as ( hough ture first good putl'of } vied
would blow away time upper half of her
or break her right in two , I feel mss thomgii
a law against the criminal use of corsets
would be a good thing , "
'Vonmen of Iho 1Vorld.
Miss Kate Field is lecturing in lllieui
Airs , Lotv 1Vullaco has tvriltel a book
f01 Children.
Aln : ic Vau'/.mitt is rcco criug tune use
of her parlllyred limbs.
Airs. Gtmdstone ma a women of inlinite
resource. It is said she darus hur buss
bumd's ; stockings ,
.Jcuiy Lind's daughto' is coiling to
this country ; hut , nuts ! she has not ii-
uerited her fiotmur's marvelous voice.
Miss Besslo lialtoim , dtutgllerof .Joseph
Ilattom , novelist and correspou(1mt , is
about to adopt time stage as a profession ,
lllnte , l'ntti will bring hm husbuml ; with
her during nor next A11ud'ican tour , but
only mts a conmpuliou. : Ile will not sing.
AimCI , havng ) coigu0 ed tune Englisim
lumguugc : mroper , is turnburr her attention
to Its slang , Sue Is sitit'to be nutking
rapid progress.
There ' "artists"
arc over 20,00' woven
hi Paris , Iaoltldmg pahitars , sculplo s ,
engravers , tvool eutturs , designers , no.
tors , singers and nmusiehuts.
According to time correspomlents , Mrs.
Cluvelmml has reduced guuid sunkmng to a
line art. She looks 1t ) ersou strfdght in
time eyes before sin nIlo111 hur hand , tand
thme1 slntkes as thoiglt she mnonut it.
Aire. Alargmuret Custer Cmluoun , widow
ct' Captain Calhotui mumtl sister of Gone al
Custer , victims of the nltssae'o ; of 1876 ,
is briving remulhigs fit thin summer resorts
Iii 1Visconsha sad Alichi4ran
Interest in Captahu llowgute is revived
by the apllut11iont ( of his daughter to a
clerkship tut limo olllce of the seprotary of
limo tronsury. Sao is n graduate of 1'assar
college , and is luiehly esteonmed by her
associates ,
At least one of time wommen of time Van-
derbhlt fanlfl' is mistress of a trade ,
Wuueh phases her above the vicissitudes of
fortune It happened In this iviso ; Sumo
lesson papers wore rcipmired for a nubs.
81011 school in which situ is hutch iutur.
osled , find limo ftutds lu tutu treasury were
exhitustcd , Mrs. Vanderbilt took time
matter in her own hands , bourrlt a small
printing press , and in a ranarl nbiy short
thuo turfed in time lesson tropers-tvimiclu
were , by time wtv , beautiful s eclmuns of
ty agrtypimfree of all cost to thmo lliis-
situ school } Since then she pmts printed
a lot of cards and lettcrdfuads for her
favorite charity.
.1 : it , l'rtteohaCl 1 $ suf. n/elf ( Ini' -
lrraslra roc tliesV relrlrofet ( el-
r'eteeiis. Jfa.e pr eut lderrsttt'e in
llttrodttr'ity/ , the people of .1i'Ir(1s-
k(5 fills trorld-frfined rel.etren , 1o
rrtrrferu 111fifit/itrfed hits flutt soft ,
rA'li , ereirntl' ! jfi1s11 (5s the "Louts. "
.1 dress nidt' of these relretee11s 15(55
It Acker foot. Shunt ( t sill. rlt'et. .1
1nfivfistce oU'Ctl' ' a'rUlafalirs (
( 't''II f/rfivl of flu'enufle ( "iMSII5"
fwua Else clirrrfl'sf itllu'first ganiitlest.
"Louis" Velveteens l
21luck Itlnek lit (8fic. (
211-Iltclt Black itt sal.
25-lucli Bhtrit mt .ti.25.
2s5 Inclt Itlmck nt
27-Imcll ihick III b1. 0.
27-inch Blmclt III $ I.GS.
\lI\TeteiIs \ \ , Co1 id. 1 1
2.I1-inch Color. ul $1.
2 5.11X11 Colors at $1.45.
Venice Velveteens.
IO tttcn 1tlack nt SOc.
21.1 n : 'II Itluck mt ( l Sc.
221-hitch Bhtelt at 75e.
\Tellje \ ' Co1oiid.
19 lncll Colored 1'clcetcenr at
22-inch Colored { 'el 'ecers ( ul
211-iuelt Colored I'CIICCCelll nt
A Trip from Milan Into the Country-A
Visit to a Favorite Summer Resort.
The Cave orllucca ( Ii Pionrbm Itcuuti-
11t anti linshful Italian 11utd-
cns Silk Mnuufac-
MILAN , Italy , Angust 15-Correspond (
m1Cc of the I3nn.At I ) o'clock in the
morning , on one of time most glorious
days inntginablo , ivo found ourselves
scntcd in the roar carriage of a train
boned for Erba , a favorite summer resort
of northern Italy. Our destination ivhs
not the little town itself , but the liocea
di I'roiubo ( Alouth of Lend ) , a good-sized
grotto high up on one of the ntountutns
surrounding the beautiful valley of
iirimutza. For time lirst half-hour we were
whirled through fertile plains , liel(1s of
Corn and ( , retc ; of shapely ) ul tlbeuy
trees , and each little shttiun We Passed
seemed proltier thou time lust , with its
vine-covered winders and porchc' ; , mind
old-fashioned 11ow01 gardens tilled with
oleander and azalea bushes , amid sur-
ronndedbyhedges of suflloversordill'e -
ent ylll'iOtiCS Of cumint : mtsturs. lioyont
Iosarbo time cointtry became nmoro nloiu
tainotis , mind beaitittul villas and country-
places iu shindy valleys , piebu esgno
towers out time hilltops , and rapid tor.
rents f'ou the gorges above , massed us
in swift succession. IVu found
'rmmm l.uvla.v l.rrrl.i ; rows el' fmuA
hanging on a ledro of time nmouulalus , as
it IveO , aid overlooking the country tor
miles miround. 'l'imo pluloraummt from time
terrace of time Uufhi del Grotto lfosso was
utngnilicent Iieyoud dnscri liol. At time
left , linrougtt a gap of the fills , tuns vlsi-
bln the little vllingo of Leeco , en time lake
of time snmin nnute. lulu the right we were
hecgcd in by time lseights of I'Icdmott
amt Iirngulzli ; , wlmilu before ns as far as
time eye could see , tuns a stietcim of phiin
amid groves , ( fitted himee mind lhurtu withm
beanti1mm1 Jukes , quaint old totvus and
luxurious stnnnwr ) ttlans ; ; Ivllosu parks
and tifeyards urn (110 ( undo Of the mmigh
bo'Imood , ' 'imo old Calliu del Grotto ItuSSi
ivas nmost Carioisly built , ivltil a siitll
tunnel running lhiwaghi the to ei minor
; fed lending one right Into mho heart of
the mountains muck of the hen. ' 1'o time
right , on time second hour , projected time
terrace , mind lheru ! v1) hind lunch under
an aw'nbug wt hi a mmu vCluusly m u imled
stone tvmil ; for a background. At loom
ivu massed through tlw tunnel again , : ltd
found at. the other end a nieTy group of
1)eismilmt8 ; itmlmeluig ; to time Ilmtlslu of firm tint -
t iquatud hmiiId nrgaf. 'l'ucmi wn took the
rugged Ittllo mountthin ; pate turd ulhnlied
steadily for two Imunrs , occasionally stop.
ping to exclaitm o o' time beauty of time
scenery- from sonme proninoul ledge em'
botdder. 11'ild ' 11o viers grin' in time greatest -
est profmsioa , bushes of bhtekberries ( not
yet ripe ) amid of time poISOnouS grinuprellu
grew ttungeronsly memo' limn path , mumd time
chestnut trues , covered ivillm burrs , seelmt
hmgly bred of tvatiur' for time advet of
Sim'loniber ' , shook stow of thou prickly
balls at us , Time Bocci dl I'ionbo ) we
found to ho
witli high rocks ovcrlm uigi ng time mouth ,
A crowd of Itmtliaus with toruhes wuru
ruinr ; , in and out , ind whet timey bad smut-
islkl their curiosity we procecilcd of min
oxpioriug tutu' . A pttltf struant llo viug
timt'uugh the cave dnnpencd cur ardor as
wall us osu feet , amid suddenly put am cm l
to rambling by joining mbethcr sidu .ivu
. , CLOAKS !
oil .lrotllt u'e mill I , en Oft P (70u '
1)eptfi'fNienf , St(5d u'ilt sitoto
(5 Elite of'
Jackets ,
Short 'W'raps ,
Plushlt Cloaks ,
4(50 ( t J'(5II Elsie of
Jackets ,
Cloaks , and
Newmarkets. a
i'Ims + h Cloaks at i 2 ) , $ ' S , ,91O , ,
$ S7.So , $ .10 , Eb ) , $05 , p7b ,
.Iaekcls front $11.5 ( ) to S'25.
J1 c ( (5k (511 oier fr'irnds to Conte Stud
5CC ( lit 1' sto'k of Cloal.s , as tt'C l.rioiu
therC lifts been notilllil.c tlwuil
shotrn fn this cltf/ . t
Jersey F an ne.s E ,
Eiderdown Flannels ,
Plain Flannels
Grey , i
Scotch Mixed Flannels ,
I let and forming a shall lake. Time for
! nations in the grotto tvee not as iliter
esting as we hind hoped to find thorn ; ill
fact , they were quite ordinary , so wo
wound our way to the sunlbgimtlim(1rested '
a tvhilo on the summit of the nuouuutain ,
drbnkiuig in the beauty of the sce11cr
and feeling loth to go down into the valyt
Icy , ms beautiful ms it was. iVe picked
i11iuunso bunches of w'i1d flowers of all
varieties , delicatn moultun pinks , ein-
ptuieile ( purple bells ) , for nw uots
daismes , (511(1 a lovely i vhito Inet eallut {
by the natives "i'iudmont heuther. : " At
a shrine , whore we stopped to drink , four
or hvu Bashful Itmtliut girls stood ar onnd'
to wait out us. ' 1'he were al.
AS l'IIi'ri't' AS rut"I'UInS : ,
With quick , bright eyes , rich color acid
lo'Cly mouths. ! n fact , in uorlhc'n Italy' ,
a traveler would tlmink it almost mum um-
possibility to hind a honi(1ly girl or young
Wommui. Tlicv afro very low mind far bo-
tiveen , cSpemttlly uunung time peasant
class. liv 5 o'clock we were back fit the
call's , and after dinuor hind lime for a
short ranble , tnd thous a cup of black at tue little station nut before limo
train curried us to Alilau. A day or two
later we visited
of ECha and 1osario. mIilau us en pidl t
becoming time greatest silk ni m'kct of
Isurouc , and It iq ceutabuy ) only a qucs
lion of a few ymi s before time city will be
to time world wlmat Lyons hits beau until )
very lately. Time silk eshtblisumelts at
Itosarbo are said to be us Iu : ge mis tummy in
northern Itmtly , mold luau process of drmtty
lug time silk front time cucooms , ulemuung ,
supu : atingg mumd then ttvisthi It on Imu'go
reels or spools , be so interesiajr thul col.
unns ) omight be tvriltci about t , and time
subject in no wise uxiduisted. IVu were
first shoivri by the nuumagur' of tic phmee
into : , large room , ivhei'u inluiense reed
shelves , pluced : 01111 auovu the oilier , wcrO
lmgiu with cocoons , white and yellow -
princediy , though at 0111) shin uUmur
shelves bell helps c ! ' uctutifnl light j
gm'eelm olit'9 , l he former suggested vary
sh ongly limo Jden of peanuts , bong iii nu-
lur ul appeu'aue mid coloring , thought
I'atlue auger in size. ' 1'lie next root we }
elte'ed ! vas long and well lighlcd , mold a t
narrow trou"la ran Ito length of It on
ewe side. 'IIIest , ivo'o Illicit n'illu boiling
tvmfem' , and before them mu t equal ii bs-
tnncos svfire iuIo'I1 ) sn Ltll eumlmIon , , into
wliicu time eocoomms wuru first thrown , to
lutve a thread of shik scraluhed front
tlmuni by nuuclhim'y. 'uen they we n
taken out ill a large hulie tumd lossmi into
lime troll rlis , helm ifd wWch sat lln wuamcn
and girls randy to htku lhu Iuruids : aid
hRSS ) timimnl el limbo lime iuuehinery iviiicit
curved over their heads tuul coamice lcd
with time reels behind thorn , and time Ialtur
ivoand tau rich ytilloIV silk pu Into skcums ,
'l'ime c0c0ons In the scalding ivatur con.
tinned to tltuil'ind , mumf time tlu'cils of
( uu ue had t0 ho mu 11ited to iii mmku ono VJSi-
u io th1'e .t m h ' 11 w host upeoous will luu'oll
600 yu'ds of silk , amid tau women lutist
watch , and as soon as one ms uxlmuustud
nttmch another , 'l'imn deftness with wlmlru
they knot time silk is reuau'kablo , l roe
( fie reels , in mu lotue tepat'Imunt , lee silk
Is tyonnd on to largo spouts , Iuru the
threads from two spools are min logeUmet'
Oh to h still largos' Ulna , After this it is ;
agtut ; w'ouud on a rcoluid limo skein
takcl and twisted lightly , as worded is ,
amid sent to : ul establishment in Alilan 1o
bit woven into dress goods , , lhuosl lieu
umidred W'oamcn amt gn'Is Ivo uuulployud
I n ti mhs oho plan , maid 1'cccivud trhnm tun
to tvrott'dour ects ) a tiny , Itcce dn g to
thlebm' itiillty. 11'immtt ' prised
sill' us Wan to
hind therm kll so Iwnltim ,1 ' IIiuI sk'iter ( . A'1
wore dressed in gay eoho'cd gowns , with
soft ke ctmiufs aeouud tut + ir necks at
5 o'clock they ohmultcd limo u iug
"Bosmm'lo" to time soft tt'imiue of tic nm8
ohintry , 'Their Ivorking homiest mn o front
5 to 8 and 0 to 1 i um the nwriiig , nm d
f'on 2 to 5 and t ) to 8 in lime pfturuoou
and evening , 't'he only miilhieult luiumj
about the Ivork , time mannge told us , as
tout tliuy mmiu obliged to keel ; their aunts
colstantly in the boiling Ivate ,
A1J1t1A11 C1tASl : .
r r