Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1886, Image 8
- - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ -U- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - I : o TIIE OlIAIIi1 DAILY BEE SUNDAY SIPTPlt73ER 5 , 13SaPVLLI'E PAGES. . . . , , , I r 41 , o" , ' " o Y { 502 , 504 , 508 , STREEt , The LarLiest nd Cheapest I Calico and 1us1 in DEPART1IEN'P. J00,000 1111tiT Unbleached Muslin , 2c Per Ya d. I C LSIs CANTON FLANNELS , 5 0 dera du. 2 L'.fsf4.s Jxti'a { ' 1avy ! ' 1 ( F1aiii , I Oc Per Ya dt This is Ji1 ! / ivorfh .div. : i C.Lsi s Per Yard , 1O LISls's F'i tae Muslin. . .illerr'IWxt ( lift LJnblcttChCi , 5 c Per Yard. DRESS . 2 ( ) I'Ii'IS Wool D . ess Flannels , Per Yard. 2 CASiiS WOOL CASHMERE. C Per Yard. Worth lOc. Jdo 1'IECis : All Wool Tricots , C Per Yard. Thos ( Tricots a a near two yards wldc , u1td worth 81.6U per yard. 40 PIECES C Per Yard. 'Jhoso Silks , It bought In the rrgulnr way , could not be hold at lest tlmn 51.59 n a and. II ut Its I Icy vuro secured b } our buyer 1)l nvender- inn barguhi , we vlII sell therm Ut A7c. 1ve haws lu black turd all tau fall shndcs , ' a L 5O4 "s lO1i H SI n c THE CITY'S BIUCITsW1NGGRS. List of the Tenchers for the City Schools for the COllling Year. The public schools will open for the fall term to-niorrosv , after n vacation of nine weeks. The teachers , who have been spend. lag their vacations at the summer resorts or ylsltlug friends in other cities , have returned refreshed after their season of rest , and sup , plied with the additional strcii tit of mind and muscle that wlll be required of them at ( cast for the first few weeks , In Inannging time fractions young lads Who hnvo lost all thougtds of disci , line , surd nail in a stock of base ball lore anti sloneuruised feet during their suanncr's rest. The school houses have all been ruptired 1111(1 omde as pl0asaut as schoolrooolscan be. As aJnrcc nutuber of changes have bean rondo in the teachers ' the lst ( of those who will assume charge et' the sc s to ninrrosv ism esh/ published : 1s1P'udh School-Monier P. Lewis , rriucipal , S. 1) . Beals Alonzo Norton. lienshaw , Sa mantha It , javls. Mary it. Ilarrls , Margaret It. McIntvro , Mary E. Qiiakanbusli Claire Itustii I'nutecs E. Shuldotl , Villa ii. Ship. pey Arta M , Ila ris ernln E. ] ( eysor , IJollu l. iervis , Fannie lVJernl , Fannie Arnold , J , Sovlslnn. Central School-Fannie Maxwell. Carrie M. Chupmmn tFranc331. Briggs , Ida E , Mnck , Tina Mcthcnn , Ieclo A , , inhuston Ultra Sehilesiii er , Clara E. Elder , Euuua IV healley , Alice V. Tipton. Cass School-Grace 11. Wilbur , i hneip ill Nelda Jounett , Lillian A , Llttlehel , knit ? J , Robinson , Susie 11 Ereleth , Lucy 1. , Leeds , Mary E. Shrouds , lfaltle C. 1 watt , ] : Olaf ] iced tizzlu A. ale.Aiuso. Cnspular School-glary li. Ne vton , mrinrl pal , Allis lhawucr , Mary l. , Kent , Iiucat I 1)a ) 'i. School-hatheilre M. Rena , ilu- clnalJontle. . . Anule q , hair , Mar ) ' i : . Jurdnn. Judge schnal-Jennlo 31.3Ic1Coml , princi pal : Emma Newcoinb , Llzziti it. N , edlpun , Idoseilo Eddy , i'uuiiy liutterOcld , Alary 1 , huchanafl. Farnaua school-An uaP.1'rulad , prinet- , pal ; 3f. Elirabeth Allen , IJztlu d. Elcoek , Mlunio I : . 11'Ilsei , lento E. Crane , Kate 31 , Sitwell.3lartieAI Iidld ; , Flreiicu Dim liar- ' ( vtyMarylr , Lomax. .iarhnan school-liIon .d. 1Vhite , princl- 1 , ) al. ISminmt J. Caren , ltotlio 1' . Itead , , lay ; I 1 . IrmtrluI , bla1 1V. Ile ) ' , llattie Allemi , 1 Mary S , Alter , Mary is. Corson. t izard school--Anon lrnos urlnelpal ; Sadie 7lunker , Ida IC , 1Vilson , lllunlu S. 1)'u , Gutdgla Valentine , Euuutt B , Littlehield , Cathuino Fees , lelln M , 1Vllsuu Canllin Tslllott , ( 'ebells E , Shaper , Anna , . Bluer , Etlima , It , ltice Jaen son school-Stacia Crowley , principal , Euunt Fl tcii , Lnku selinol-Eiuna VVliituinrc , principal , Sarah 1. , l'hontpset , Irena Ilarrls , Maggie J. Lntcy. Lttveiwortlt school-Minnie J , 1Voo(1 , principal Ida h , Iteiuingtmt , Sarah 19 , 13ron'n , Abbie C , Lelghton , Floronee 11. Void , Agnes 3feion5ld , Jenule (3 , Salmon , lda 1C , ( h anlee. Mary 11. Lucas , Ida Aim JohInstorl Olive itubbard , Soil : ; sc tool-Santh M. McChcano , prbmcl pal ilultle M , Jone , , Ilatlle S. Eddy Iteno M , lInnllton , Iluidab F , Isnneson. 51. o 1. Pithnan , liumia I : . ! ) ekes. Inuna E. 1)ixuu ) , Adn C , Jones. lichen l .1VyekoiT , Not'a 11. Lennon , Clara 1. Cooper. 1 ncllie school-Muggle McCarthy , t 1 n itch- pal-hula Shnllouberger , Mflry E , ' 1'lolnp- sml , bhtry 11 , ( looduuut , itoso C , lidd ' , Alice AI , lInrmon lichen L , hunt , Addle Ulnd- ( tone Jose + tdno Egan , Fannie M. Nuv9us , M'F.1i. G uwlef. t'leasttn ( school-Mar ) Fitch , prhlcipal , Canto 1)l , hlnitiey , Mnttha 1'arratt , Dora llarro , lsther.lncobs. bprclul teaches-l'enmars11lp anti drssv Ing , Kale M , Ilan ; vocal bmsie , Lucia A , Roger ; uallstiteuies , henry iuunneow ; Manual trning sel wl , Albert 31. Buiuuh ; au)6litulo ) leacher , butte A.Povdl , - - - Mrs. U.Skellon , foe Stn Fraucisco , Cana , , Is hr our city and sv111 lacturo under the auspices of the Central 1V , C. U , Sic will speak in the German otttnr Alq ndny evening , S'ptenbcr 0 , ub j net : ' Sovhr' th Seed { mil lion ping the harvest , " b lo a Ir o t'il nltoet all the ladtca of OuahaTucsday afternoon , Sep- ( ember 7th , In tholsl , L , church , vItunshe will lecture to theta on ' ; hone .lnllu once , AAts. SORLI. , 1'tesidcut.A Flno resideaco situ , 10)x:11 } , facing 'pare , 35O O , J , B , Eva'ts & Co. 1 , _ . . . . . . . . , , - s.r + .v + + wr.Wwxasw w.MIY ' - " "Y-CPfR The Axforll Glass lieu incubator Will be 0110 of the best features of thin fair. It bits already been shown here twice. But improvements have been so muucroustnd novel that every one will enjoy the sight , old and young. It has 1)0.011 exhibited fromn Canada to Mexico. At the grand opening M01mlay the ladies atd children are earnestly invited to Celtic early and see the novel sight. It is nnlusillg anti Instructive. hundreds of cgs hatching by this nroeess will be shown. hmnenso eggs from Australia , &c. 1)o not miss the dark room. Sue the cheek's heart beat. Sec it growing in the shell , it will repay your Thu kov error general of Canada thought it the most rlituresting part e ( the exposition. Conte the first him t1 day : end enjoy your- sclf , lhis is particularly interesting to ladies , us it op0us a field for them. Old gentletnun can uaako good wages svitlr small labor. It is a bonnnza bee it at the fair. Trying to Pass n i'orged Check. Yesterday atteruoml n dapper looking little fellow , svhio has been around the city for several days with no apparent occupaliol hi view , , entered a place of business on Eleventh street and desired n ehecir cashed , It Wits madu out on cite of the United States National bails blacks , and signed " 1Villta t Paxton ; ' 1'le nbs nee of the middle letter "A. " h1 the said name , and the fact that the clhecl ; Was made opt , with n pencil , raised a suspicion of forgery , 'm'ho business titan , to w beut the request was mono , excused hnnie- Ililt I netitu : by tellinit the strmi'er ; that ho 41111 not hnvo the requisite amount then , but would in n very short time. 1101 check- holder departed la the dltection of Farnani street , and so did the business moan , 'l'imo ' tat- tur nolded ! Pulicenian haze. and the latter lollnwed the loan and ldflced hill and a coIn- rulimm miner arrest. 1101 check had mys- terlunsly disappeared , so the only charge nmdu wits that of being suspicious characters , gigue parties gave their names as Low Marshall - shall tutu .1. 1V. Allen. Ii nil prohability they will not have time pleasuru of attending the fair. Saved Front a Ilorrlblo Death. Yestestlny P. II. Jaluison , the energetic depot eassoti er agent of the Bnihington & Missouri , found n druelcu titan asleep on the railroad bridge smear Bol'd's pacl3ng house. lie lied just thou to get 111(1111511 out of the way of flit approaching train which a tow nutes litter would hnve nmtiu in ince upat : of the sleeper had not Johnson iii- rived. _ _ _ p _ _ _ Departure of General Crook. General Crookcommiinndhlgthsdepartment of the Platte , and l4lauteruit Kcnyon , one of his antes , scut to Pot tsmuuth. Ohio , yesler din to attend too reunion of the general's old cou n aud , the 'lhdrtyslxth Ohio , mid the unity , of 1VcstVirginia , which did good work tot the uulou nudur the gollelt Crook , Aha. Crook nail her sister , Mrs. heed , nccmn p.tied the xenonl as far as thehrold Itonie iii thhe v'icIaity of Oakland , .hl . , Iiegait LIIIInery , Ladies visiting the Omaha fair shiould not fail to see our beauthfut stock of fall Alllliilery , the finest display in the oily. All the leading fall 1lets and Bonnets. lleautihll Feutli Ornanonts , and the largest line of f iuunhlg novelties in the vvcst , 1'lease leave your orders for heats early in the week , asweare greatly rushed in order work , lint bavo ; : n largo force of export ' 1'rinnucrs mod Atillliie s we guarantee sttlisfaotinn , 'limo Order IVor1 Our Specialty. i Ii.tNK 0. EAysglt , Na , 441 Nnrtlt 16th Street , Opp , Jcffur tin Sgnnrc , a Nuty bfilt. } V , j. 1Velslinus & Co. , proprletors of the City mills , have purchased the old Davis titltl , al the corner of Seventh and Jones stlcets. 19ey will lake down ( lie building umus'o It to Twentieth and Piole : , whom they Jer sey aild Corset DEPARTMENT. if a htce itov , ou rrltihif ha till of otn' riorelifcv 11te Jitl setiso1) in , Iersei/s. iI a flint ti Ji'ty of )111 eXtrt htt'/tiins ( fol'this au'elu All - oo rat an Coat ac else a $1.5Q c Ernhroi ered ! est Fro Tailor /lade , for Thellilrtido and Corolitte ElISIW lliji Coivefs ire /tire phtcetl oneca- tcrCUUnct ; Jurthis itecclr tit 49 Cents , In rvhUc rliti eo1oi s.Tor'1)lt' price of this Co-c1 ivrrs $ 1. 1)u. . SrofNs Electric lletiltlr , hest Jlcullli CorSCt in hie Ivorlfr'or tilts tvccia ( rl - liCf/turf ( prfcc $1.75. have bought a lot 100x10 feet , with track facilities. Besides the old building , uvhich is 73x40 feet and three storicslhey will put Iii another building 31x130 feet , to be used fur a store house. and also a large boiler and engine house. 1 bey propose to overhaul nod reconstruct the old mill so that it will be as good as new , and they will also put In new machinery of the latest and most approved pattern. tVJten cmupleted and in running order it will be the best equipped mill in this part nt' the state. Thu power Will be sup- ilett by a sixty horse power engine and huller , 'the cotupan } will nnanufacturo lumdn } , ; grits , rye and buckwheat flour , all kill ( dull. ' [ 'hey are talking of putting in a null for the nianufachue of oat meal , butt hnvo not derided deiiuitcllr upon that 'Idit ' 85 yet. Welsliais & Co. have for seine thine been located at the foot of Farnum street , but Ihoir present quay tors have become too crowded tor their erowing business. 't'hey have rondo a great success of lnmtufac- nuing buckwheat flour , their special brands ha'inlt a wde ( sale lu the western country. : tad If other equally enteprishfe Inca would eomtuencu the manufacttue of wheat flour , the local graln market sv'ould be greatly lm pmovcd , At the Fair. Owin" to lack of room in the exposition - tion hiiitding V.11'alter's exhibit of the celebrated [ Mason & Ina chin organs turd pianos Will be in the art hall at the fair. An object of pecttlinr interest will be time fatuous Mason & Ilttnlhid "Liszt" organ , just arrived from Boston : 'juts organ is a marvel to all organists and musicians , and is eminently adapted to ehnn'chies and halls. A representative of time Mason & Ilumlin company will preside at the 'Liszt' ' organ and a ( nano virtuoso will putty on time Alasoh & line tin pianos , demonstrating then , beautltul ( olio gtmUty. Thin iov method of 51(11) h m g and ten. leg in tieso 1011 05-th0fr 1Latent-the lutist valuable uuinrave1 tent since pianos bavo beet made , will bo shown. Cloud Ilurst in Utah. l'nssengeis front the west toport a serious and extensive cloud burst iii Utah , just below Salt Lake. It ocenrred 1Vednesmmy night , amid washed away let titles of the Denver & lbo Grande track , ( lestoyed aeverat bridges amid caused considernble other dnuage. All , ass ° ° g' rs from time far west ticketted over the I ) . t It. C. lutvo beet carried by the U. 1' , since the elouul burst. ' Going out of Bushtevs. The entire stock mast be sold regard , less of cost , at Alellomald's'euaporinm. I4adies'timid ehtldrets' - mmnts of every description. Black silk suits , taco suits , colored silk suitss wash stilts , tricot stilts , homespun and lu all the Intestslyles and nutorhds. Cruelest sacrifice ever seen in Omelet. Infants' Outfits , Fine Ilnnd Enlbroldcred lllankuts , (3artyliig Cloaks iuid Robes , at really less than It would cost to make , (3loaksl Wrapsl Jnekclsl Shawlsl Chinks , ll rapsl Jnckots. Shawls. LargestStock West of Now York. 1'ho former very low prices cut ri"ht in two , Every garnmort miulst be sold , Suchm an Opportunity never before allured to time People of Onndm , harlies' Fine Merino Uniiiei'svear w'iil ho soul exactly at half price. Cloak Nantlu null 1)r ) s Trim- nmlugs at a great sacrifice. Itoninanis of 1'Inin and Brocade Plush and Quilted Cloak Linuimligs at n great bargain. No udvortishmg dot"o. 1 inn positively going out of bus lucss. Cases and lix litres for sale , Cues. MCDoNALn , 1105 Faramtl St , opposite Paxton Hotel. A1tss Dyor's private school will begin on Seplembor ; 7 at 21.1 South Etghlcodh street , . - - - - iIstrlct Court , pistrlet court will convene on September 1 h1) calendar is n very largo one. Arnoig the nacsl bnnortal cases wlll be tire rehearing - ing of time Lnue trial apt time charges of fruul against Ilahuat Lowy , the purchaser of the Loyal L Smith stock of goods , For bargains in real estate , quick sates and large profits go to J. B , ls ans & Co , I ' 1 POUR LADIES' { CIoaksVraps , , BoiicleWalk ingiackofs That Must Be Sold at Once. 1'/esef/tir1)tr'tts iI(7e eailslInCil iO its by ( fit orc'/'slo/'I.l 111(111 mffImlII rem' tvitlt insf rttellous to sell ( N once , 1I ( ' bare Nrcrforv nirn'Irctl the1) ( It ) n'iCS tlint ( viii Insure ( t sIte fo el'erflone uI/o a ( Illlilles theist. dnil of these eleflI /tIun'nls ourle ( s ( ' urr'ed by fif'rbt/ ) ( 51)1(111 de- posit. JI' ' mafl/ store if free of eimru'f/c 111lif , nuulteil , J4elow Ive rn'ntiart n felt ) i'ltC5 ttshlCs trim icit wcharelinulrels of oilier styles. ' ' Wool Chinchilla Newmarkcts , will box pleats , Cord L a ( ie ani Tassels , C , Bo'ucl , or Wool DI monti Newmarket wish fancy L ( E1OS 7rilnmad Ba.k , , i Ml waol Jersey Cloth Nawmarkets , plain or fancy r La1OS ( [ Back , Plush Trilnmad , , Boucle Walking Jackets , $3.29. Boucle Wraps , Fur Trimmed , $ E. Long Veal Plush , Satin-lined Sac uos , $17 The Finest English Lester Seal P1u h Sacques , perfect in IGhape with superfine satins lining , and seal lou , $35. These are the finest good. in the uarkt. C1ItitGES AGAINST T1IE I'.11L ° sON. Mrs , Edwards Accuses 11ev. itamcl \'ltIi Abuse of tier Child. There tvera two sensational turns yesterday iii the case growing out of the abduction of tlw adopted dnttt hmtar of Ileetor ilaimel , of ' 1'rhrity cathedral , the facts of whichm Were published him the Bee. 'lime Ilrst step was time arrest of Edwards , time present husband of time girl's uiotuer , on the charge of abduction. The case was called in Judge Ileisley's court and ant fora hearing on Tuesday. Edwards. it appears , followed Ilamei back from Pacific nncll mi amid was joined mere by his wife. rhny have since been svnteidng for au oppor- tnnmty to get possession of their little girl. The second move was the counnehceuient of habeas corpus roceedhms lit Judge 3IcCul- loch's court , by Mrs. Awards to secure unssesslon of her child. Site alleges in her petition that Ilex. Ilmnol has desist time , rovided per vi Iii p al nsuilielent gl(1 all' ' ( tjtiig cl nod nsutllele food. n coiver- satmon with a Be reporter Ms. Edwards al- le es tlmt slue lied seen Ilev , lhtumel kick her daughter and otherwise abuse her. Judge McCulloch grmumtrd time writ of habeas corpus , bat time officer Into whose hands the papers svero glvemm could not timid ehther 1fev , a his wife. Mrs. Edwards sl P's that she Is sure Mrs. Bamul has gone out of time city and has taken the dint with her. lime case is creatlug conshierahle excltemcut ammmg 11ev. ! lmnel's circle of friends. Great closing out sale , at auction , at time Iiototi dry goods store. Auction to coniuienco llondtty , September 6 , munl coitnue every day until Closed out. Ul 1 aid (110 ( South 'lemitlt atreot. JoaN Llsutmuiwi : , Proprietor. The Ladies Will Find Great Bargains at the big closing out auction sale at t lmo Boston dm ; ) ' goods store , tilt mid 016 , Smith Tenth street. " 1Vlndy itob" at Largo. Ronert Poland , butter known as "Windy Bob , " wits sent to tbecnuntyjall for ninety days and lincrf 5100 ny Judge Stenberg about n nmonthm ago. Yesterday evomihmg he was at. low'ulmyJullor1m1111ertoaccengriimy hlui on n trip dawn town for tine bemelit of his health. la sonu mautmer daring the evening ( lob caught Imis keeper elf his guard end mnrlo a sneak iltromigh a dark alleyimnd escaped. Ito huts uobabl ' lull limo city , 1 ho slice ho w his absence still be fndethmitely prolonged. Corner lots are nlwnys n safe invest- ment. See list of ohiemila corners in our , eeial cohuuns ollercddbyJ. B. Es'aims & Co. Celcbratingtho Conmpletlon , There was n timile of rejoicing nnmonc time residents of Sixteenth street last night. Shortly alter nuon yedentuy time last paving block was ltd , conmuleling one of the lbmest paved lhoreughfalcs in ten vest 'l'ime event was celebrated l1 n boconldng umnuor by time residents of the sheet and Murphy , Creighton & Co. , the contractors , 'm'ho street tor tlm entimo Icigth 0f thin ems-paving , iron Izard to Sinister 1'op )1oiOn's ulacetvns illtuuinnttsl by headlights , ( , ' ; ssero also the residences on eacli side tit tha street , luesemmt- lug ail flttaetlvo seemie , ' 17me street vmus11ned until fl late hour and fnitiotctl as time most pupu11tr drlvcsvay It the city. East fronts arc best far tnsidetmce , aid J , B Evnns & Co , have 500 line cast fronts on the mmarket. Just nrris'ed another Carload of cola. brat0d Coluulbns lhmti,3 con1)lli ) 1)y ' 'a hutr' , ; Ice at their depositor. , 111th hornuy street , 111NItvIIe11AN : , A lout' Chorus. For a long thmw too tcellig has been pro- v'ailant anuumg time music loving people of Ohnuha-and there pro a largo number of then here-timut a irained chorus , properly or'gnlmizemineiL Sustained , could tutu adepnato support hl this city. it sroald cuablo musical vemhnes , which t are unw lumposslbie , to be succcssIully carried out. Such a chorus is about to be orgamized ! n this city , Julius Meyer hits received a letter morn 1'rofest.or Nathan it iko.stnting that upon his return to Ouialla , the middle of this month , he swill organize a chorus similar to those now cemducted by the grunt niusical leaders li time casters citios. Each voice will be tasted i eisuially by hhn befomu It is mlmltted to the chorus , aid when limo bady is puce organized it will be regularly (1IiIled until tt is . of deice thoremight , clileleait svork. 'This uucaus mu series el musical events for Ouiaha pcoPle this season. 'l'imo cable lien will cost lots of trouble 1o time great auction sale of fohn Liutcr lmohn next week at 01.4 : mild 010 South Tenth street. Just arrived , another carload of echo- brated Columbus litmrgv company's buggies - gies at their dcpo&torv , 11111 homey street. lllxiv ; llot.s : . MOVING FOR Tlll : MARDI GIIAF. The Success of it Talring h'onturn for Pair 1Vuclt Assurcd , Time proposed mart ( Bras is ltlrcndy at as- sired success and m ondses to be n highly at- irhictivo feattiro of time fair snook , Another meeting of the movers for the mnardi Bras tans lucid at time store of Collins , ( lordou & Fay last evening , mind was well nttelided , 'Time couunittce appointed ou Friday night reported that Choy lied niet with splenlid Success mid encouragement hum theh Canvass for parties to take part In time parade. 'Ihiey hind secured proumises of a puticipatlon : lit time parade lrom the pollee , hue deparmtent , Stephenson's stage coach , IIliott , bicycle dumb , Light Fiumds , ( ieorge l'mttchl : , 1)mvoy , & Stour , Collins , ( lordnn & ICay , Crnry's hnrses , ] lhgims.1. Sinmlenn uminersociety , iihaslmer's ninon , blackstmmltlms , Gearom & Colt' , llnlts , & Ihsemtsteiu , t' , .1. 1Vhitelmouse , Stendt'mlm Ross & (1'llearue ( , Clnrk Bros 1)inuulek , llospe , nn(1 time Ilarbcr.tsphnlt coumpmmy. A great nmhy others had prondsed to take Pam t hi the ( wade. 'l'imo . [ ardi ( Iras will be lucid nn Friday night omio of the best minys of the hilt , cud will proven moat pleasluv attrac- tion. All ellort uviii be Made to have every lieu of beahness mind every class of hade hum lhn city represeimied him the imadu. Counulttees were mqi m1) Ina e d lucent Leto the arrangcuuents for the avert as follows : Ihnluice-W. ( I Shrlvcr 1'.11 , Alien , J00 Eller , i'red Metz , Jr. , and i ins , Swll t. Vrngratunic mid ( .meal . Art.amigenents- Ccorgo Ray , E , A. O'liriem IV , (1 ( , llcushnw , F. 11.1'ickiugs sad Fred 1 , flaegIng. Another rmiectingwlllbe lucid rut Co11hts , Gou'duu & Kay's store on Alonday night. Auction at the lioston dry roads store ovo'y day next week tut Oil tutu 010 ,5oulht 'l'cutlt street , Join iasnlltttotar , Proprietor. 'l'imo cable cars pass rhrht b3 John Lht- derholnm's great nuelion salmi to take plnco next Moidny and Lime following week mit 01.1 tutu 616 South 1 unth street , A Tetagriuu. 'l'imo following teiegrnni was received this morning ( rout N. B. F'tlconur , who is ht Nosy ) 'ork nmuking fail purchases , limo tulogramm speaks for itself timid we can only add that judging from Air. Fal cotter's forute silk purehmses we lntoty this lot will lie wonderfully client . Any Otto fo'tslnmdo enoughu to get 50,11(3 , of litis lot svlll hover regret their purchnso ; par ticnhars ht A1ondty : evening's paper : N. Ii. F.u.cnsen. Niw : Ymnr , Sept , 8-Mr..1.1) , Cowie , care of N , Ji , Falconur : have just cam nleled time purehase of ! ls'u thmnusnnd midi. Imirs' worth of silks lit lust hulf their vnhuo , oil n(3w goods , : ml conlprls0 mil time nusv weaves mod it lot of slri tles in black mend cashmere ducbesso ; tire latest colors in velvutsOulytime lreset deplor able state of the silk nuu'ket made such purehmnses possible , lout will receive time goods Alonday , advertise thomt for ' , cdnesduy mind Thprsdiv. ; A' , Ii. Fal.coNEu. Scnntor Van 1Pyclt Ilas a Digboon , But Im is not creating half time stir in Omaha titcut Joint Liuilurlutlnl trill enatu : fatr week at 614 mind ol0 South 'lcuth atrceL m OIothh Q 1i ( ) ILL flOOfj Boys' SUITS , 'Ric'o iii o ' ( 'i'3 Iine Slllis , c'INc. gaudy Innde mip , anti guaranteed to he vrortla t35 fo 4P. ° 00.111 , WOOL a Fhis [ lot cotupriscs eight thither- emit st3 I e. , in ( : asxirmicrcm mind Cie. t'Io1 i , a1l guartttttecd 1o bevo1'IIi front $ lh to 3'20. ' r 1 MEN'S ' PANTS. , . . c exyts Boy 1 110an. 'FJiesc 1'aal' arc north $1,50 . Crept Closing Out Sale , At auction , I will offer miry' entire stock of 1)ry Goods , Altlliuerv , , Gemmts' l urnish iii" . Goods , Beets lutd Shoes , lints , Caps , Pruuks timid Valises 1)t public auction , wishnm" to chum"e m y ptstness. 'l'imo goods hill be sold without reserve. Sto : to connneumce Monday , Sept. 0th , and contiuiuc from day to day until all is sold out. Jouix LiNIi1m:1rol.I : , Gl 1 and 010 S. 10th. A. W. Cowan & Co. , Auctioneer , a The , cw Yorlr Ihy Gootls Store. Our Stock of 1)ry Goods is conuplntc in every Department. Call and see our Novelties in Dress Cords , ! tubes , etc. Joan IL F. Lnur i. NN & Co. Personal L'nragraphs , 0.1. ltansey started on an Oregon jour- hey last night. Blsuop 1Vomthlngtan returned ( roan an astern visit yesleIay. Illram 11. Lee , of Bes Moores , is. , uepre- pIii ting the Stutu Insurance co umuany , ! s in the elty. Mr. and 3lrs. S. 11. Callaway and Mrs. 0. N. Jtamsor retuned Friday ! roux a visit to tile Atlantic coast. Sands 1Voodbrdc , the nester of local jourmllsuu In Oumhs , and uvlfe teruilunted 'm uxcecdingly i lensatt eastern trip by a return turn homo yesterday. F , it. Met fsey , associate editor 0f the liar. aid , ntrlvcd cstetday fiuum nn nxtnul0d visit to time l'aciitie coal , Joking mis hut In nod lmemlfits mu hi oated hnmudhoRhor instead or a hard uorkimig jnuroaIIsI. Professor lVnlfu , orchestral leader at flue labor ( Iron ( , went to Denver lust eight. Ile has been spending several days w11Ii bus S lilka'of Ofluhba , which cud intrily : mctums a lip tom , tlnmo. 11 , 31. Mauliu , of Mnntrunery , Frmmkllu county , Vcrntant , and family , arc in time city v'Isltlugtto 1101t. Joh ii m ' . . 'I'hnrstnn nut ii wife. Mr. 511ntlu is a cousin of 31rs. 7'Iars too , mnl also n scboolntntc mu td bor'hnodcoum paulon of Cumty Ceaunissioue'Uoriiss. 311ss Fannin Mitt ruicld returned lastoven- hmg frmiurfok ! , Va. , wluero she has ncei speitdbmgit tuost eljo nble vacation. bliss Butterfield was right In the cart hrputo belt , nod will Cetalnfy retain vivid recollecthous of lhls prominent avert of P SO. A. L. CIIAGE,11'ILL SPitiNlS , PENN , writes : After a trial of Ir. J. 11. Alee- he0n's'1'nr 1Vuma Lung Bnhn , I lied it' to ho limo Ipct remedy I bmtvo scup tar nil trnllilea of time air pnssugC5 tutu voteo , 1 hnvo used 1)u. . J , IL AicLeuu's Voiemin : Oil Litimunt for years , mutt svill not ho without It iu my house. An injunctlon is talkuti of bumf ; served on time cable Ilno on aceommt of its spoil- hug ( ho ah eut in trout of .11)1111 Linder. helm's big mtotlon sale , to conmmnco next Atdudny mu 614 and 616 South lemtiu street , 'flue comity cnpnulssioulrs y'estordty : appointed - pointed Chas. Mass as Inspector of time tor gaining Wall 11'luutedto onmp1ya conl'rTeNTax. I'rIrnNCmu ; : : bnnkknper ( : tvdi : rood icier. ences. Address Al 11 IJI.t : otlico. 'Jun pnlten Puce nre on the leuknut for eouks w ha men Imendjug for limo city to gut in titch r work during hth sveuu. Ahrady nbonl u dozem of Ihaul hnvo been piCi cml up multi 1dammed Imi the count jiii : milt imirims lent 11'111 keep then uamploy cat until alter the close 01' time fair. _ Closing tut flute , lining Ier idriI In quilt business , I a'n ' , nov olirriiig tiny mmtire stock of latrml. Warn , stoves , carpenter tools turd house- ftu nithutg goods at cost for cash until closed ctn. Good npporhuhlty for purtirs svishing to purnh'lse a luardsvurn : hnsinrss. 11 , B , Sis'ua1. : , N. 1V , Cam. 1OIm ( and Cuiiformila. Plume , ilulfl s , bid lit load of cattle. hnulultY , : , J Deparilfiont. Fiiie 'lac ' a Pound GIIIIIIJJ1UIS ) j ieiuhlr ( erico 23e , . - . f } a l5c Pa uncl 1 m r a I ( tjlitogulnr prltro ale. I 1 , 1 ' 28caPo nd L ( I- ) itogulnr pries { hV iE1 iocoa ( ca ms i ZfcaPtuod ltugilarpriro I ( _ _ 4tcaPound Ifl ore rut as i ltcg n nrr'ni'rte 1 - T , , i r r POUND 3.'s'at'Lisi + rJ + FRECII MIXED CANDY 2c. . 'JPnke a Itox ilome to four 1'amirill , p i ; Sthr Opera very Eei- ki ill 9 CilUL'Cil NOTICES. Services TO nrq at time IihTercnt Churches. First German Free Evnng.dical. Scr- vie today mit No. 4 engine hiuuse , cer lieu. Elcwetth amid Iarcas streets , at 10,30 , a. im. Preaching by ltev. T , 11.11' . Bruc- churl , pastor. Sabbath school at O ml. iii. 1'rteuls and clmildreu are cordially i1)- vted ! and welcome. Unity church No. 113 Northt Sevet- ' tcmlth street. h'tev.V. . B , Copedumd : , pas , tar. 'l'ime paslo having returned front Juts suunne' vacation , services will be re- snnmed today. Seryices brgiu tit I1 a. 1)r. Snbjeet of morning discourse , "The Unknown - known God. " Sundaysebool mit 12:15. : No evening service. Seward street Methodist chmchu , on 'Twenty-second mod Seward streets. Prenchinglmytime pa'tor , Itcr. Chins. 1V. Savidge , at 10,80 , a at. Sahibttb : soundd conce't at 7:30 p.1)m. Scats free and all will ho wclconc. Sabbath scimuol at 230 ; p. nl. First Baptist clmrcli , fev.d.V.11arris pastor. Services at 1u:10 : a. in. mutt 7:30 : i uI. Smtdny school at 121)1. Prayer meet- lug , 11'cdnesday at 7:80 : p. nt. First Clu istimum church corner of Capitol - tel avoule flud'1'tsunIIuII 'tuedt. Rev. It. 11 , ingrnmii , pastor. I'rcnuhing at at 10:81) : ) a , mu. and 8:00 : p. mum. Sunday school at 12:00 : ht. A welconw to all , I l'resbytorinn ehurehi , earner Uodqe mud SuvenlIuulh mtieetS. 1'ruichimig by the pastor , Rev , IV. J. , Saidty school tit nuon. ) 'ollmig ' pcoplo's utecting 7:15 : p , tit , North I csbyh rinn , Snimmdors street , i llev.ll'm. it. 1oltdnrson [ , panto' . Sum- vice at 10:80 : n. m. and 7 : iU p. 1)a. Snndty : elm 0ol at . Votuii ; punplo s mooting at 0:10 p. rim. Come niittoot t1mtd reeeption of tie uv utemit hers at nun'nimmg sorvi cc. Shumge s uutdu welcond at all time se'- vices. ] Cointzo itlenorlal , English Lnthormt , coiner of Si xteuntIm mad litany sIremit it. ltuv..1 S. 1)nlsveilur , pastor. Suidnv school at 11:16 ii. iii. Clhu'ch survie.m amid prelehing : by the pastor mit iOCOt. : : nt. maul S p. em. German lutho an ehureim , 1005 Southt ' 1'sventienlustret : , Sru'viedeverySundfly 16 a. 1)t , Sunday school mit 2 P mu , E. . Frese , panto' . Stvedish LuthOrui cinu'cht eorrtcr of Nhietmieah and Chss : streets , lmo pastor , linv , 1. . A. I mguiesh'onm , will preach rtt 1(1:81) ( : ) n , mum mmd 78) ; p.1)1. Summmduy seimocl at 810 p. 1)t , All Srturlinttviuno are weir collie. First Al. E , Church , 1711 Davemipo t street Bev , It. N , AlcKah ; , Pastor. Morululg 5urvlao mit 10111) ; it , tit. tnn'e tvull sermnon by time p slor ; enbjoct , 'Lott-mat tumd Fishes. J'nvnim' surviCo 7:8(1 : ( p. um. Sunday school 2:8(1 : p. mfr. Young peopld's naenting , ' 7 :30 : , liand muelilg'l mtesdny e emminy. l'rtye' moet lug'1'hutln (1t'enhilg , AlI mm rn wolCoil ) 0 , St , lltu'y's Avunuo Cungregallonmtl eliiu'ch , llev.Vlllnrd Scott , pastor , Scr vices mit 10:10 a. tit , , b3 ' Itev. J , L , Mailo , No (3wcnhmg seev'ico. A , A1. B. clntreu , corner 1Sigitteentlm and V1'ubster streets. l'rcaclmimg mit I1 a. m. aid S p. 1)m , Sabbath school mat 8 p , 1)t. All itro invited , P. A. llubl'nrd , pastor. Nnrls : , liov. IL. N. A1c1Cmig : , of time Fist Metlmnl list church , ss'itl preach his fu'esvell ser- r. tpou to his people today at 1(180 lie goes trout this plncu to 1)o the president a of time Alethodltt colic"e ' at Turk , Nab , ( iospoi services lou'lglut met usual flt W' 0. 'l' , U. lluckumnhan , 'l'wolfth an ( ! 1)odgu striuls , Como and hrlug your 1 fr'lends. 1 Rev , Mr. Ilarsha will speak this cve nhmg u,01t ) , "Uses of lnrtbquakcs : amid UrutCtLnnitIu . ' ' _ _ ---S - Aliss SInmize's studio (1Vlthnchl ( block , 15th aid : Fmu'nammm ) vu 'upencd for pupils cud orders Sept , 7 , , Miss E. , , Suucct.