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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1886)
OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 5 , 188& ' TWE1/VE / PAGES. * - ' T\TTO TTVT/ " * * "HPT-ITO T" * A Tri ( )7 DUK1IMG 1 HE JrAIK , fit it m "ff J.AMINEHART : J.UOVGREN WALTER'S f M LclicnSale ! MUSIC IlcSt | Ptogiapto , Reid Estate / 500 fine Oil ft Ir'ctimi nf Paintings and Steel t > io nl iiinl unltn- 'AGENCY ' . , Engravings. 1'imril ' ninpnrt } in i 13 H. 16th Street These inrMiro nro , 1 > < otnp oi ilio mo t ! ! ( ( . ' I'lOmilK'Ilt l.lll < | 1 , ( 'nl'lncts , ! ' Oniiilin , Nob. mill \ \ III Iif'lUiKI Mitli- licit out I-O T\U. Snlo Cutiinuts , Always Imvo tM'tmiH'iu'i'soii Mon- ilny inonlnjr. Koit. fine ' | su'cnns on Gtli.niiilcctillnuu un liuml. Come awl til till Is soM , at the jthnlininn Til Infk , fnr// / investigate our A Auction , W , COWAN lloonifl & of CO , htlliVDdllUlflS > U list. Nos. 108 & 110 North 14th Street. $10 Fimiisli'fi : Goods "WHITE Sewing Machine Hats , Caps. Trunks , Valises. THOttNroN A. CO. 2X07 Whobale&Relail 121 North 15th St. . Fai-nam St. Oninlm. THE POET JOHN C , SAXE , Clouded Closing of His Life Pathetic De tails of Somber Days- IMPATIENT WAITING FOR DEATH. Once tlio Nation's Wit and Humorist The Thomas Hood of America IIin Present Condition the lie- Bitlt of an AouUciit. Edward Unify in Brooklyn Maga/.ine : In a largo and luxuriously furnished apartment in a four-story brownstone house on State street , in the city of Al bany , and almost within n slono's throw of the great capitol , sits , or walks , or re clines throughout the day a man of 70 years of ago. With hair that is silvery white , a full beard that is gray-white , a form that is bent and emaciated , a step that i.s slow and tottering , and a cheek that is pallid and shrunken his blue eyes yet full and lustrous alone indicate the strength and pride of other days. This man is John Godfrey Save , the poet. He was the nation's wit and humorist , whoso delicious rhymes brought to him- eclf fame ami n competence , and to many a household the cheerful smile or hearty laugh. Even across the sea ho was Known as "tho Thomas Hood of Amer ica. " Yet alas ! how intensely pathetic is the rounding out of this man's days I For some yours ho has been dead to all the world. Few people know that ho is yet nlive ; few of his numerous former admir ers think of him now other than ono who has been , but who no longer moves among his kind. The victim of a deep- seated , over present melancholy , his clos ing years are touchingly sad and un eventful , the never ceasing c&re of the few relatives that are spared him even failing to rid him of the deep gloom in which unhappily his mind is now shrouded. Up to the year 1875 John G. Saxo was & splendid and conspicuous specimen of virile manhood. Ho stood six feet two inches tall , proudly erect and muscular , with a luriro , round and finely poised head set upon broad and stalwart should ers. ers.Tho beginning of the end was the poet's dreadful experience and remark able escape from a revolting death in a western railway disaster in the spring of 1875 , while on his return to Brooklyn at the conclusion of a lecture tour ill the couth. The sleeping car in which ho had a berth was thrown down n steep em bankment , anil he was rescued therefrom by ( ho merest chance. As delay wedged in between the broken timbers , stunned and bruised , a fellow passenger who hud escaped bclhought him of a sum of money which he hud left behind him. On returning to the cur , ho stumbled upon the insensible pout. The latter was thereby discovered and rescued from what would inevitably have been doatli and destruction by tire , as ( lie sleeper m which he was found , alter a brief inter val following his rescue , been mo a muss of seething flame , His flesh was bruised , but no bones were broken. Outwardly ho appeared to liayo escaped with slight bodily injuries. Not so. The poet's nervous system had rceeivod a bhoek , from which it never rallied. Ho begun to experience a greater degree of bodily and mental fa tigue than had been usual with him , \Vorst of all was Its depressing influence on his exuberant spirits , "which bncamo more and more .subdued , until at last his mind had lout much of its wonted buoy ancy. The old poet is now much changed in form and feature , being merely a shadow qf his former self. During the first thrco years of his residence in Albany ho spent name hours each pleasant day in strolling about the beautiful park near by , or tran quilly Bitting there in a shady arbor , watching the children ut their play. But during Ilia past two years no public eye has been him , for in that long interval ho has of his own choice been carefully se cluded in his room. It is a lung time since ho last con sented to receive a stranger , or oven a friend , or an acquaintance of former days. "I cannot bear , " ho said , with pathos , "to bo forcibly reminder of what I once was of the days of my hope and strength , when the world had charms that are now dead to mo ; oofore sickness had deprived mu of my health , and death had robbed nio of my loved ones. " In 1831 , on his first coming to Albany , the eminent physicians whom his family consulted in nls behalf , predicted that ho would not survive for two years longer. Until quite recently ho devoted : i good share of his time to the perusal oft ho standard poats and the lending maga zines , of the latter to who e pajjcd ho wa once & valued contributor being still sent him regularly and unsolicited by the publishers thereof , in kindly ro- membranco of past services. For some years ho has not read the daily papers , and evinces little or no interest in cur rent events. "It pains me , " ho said , "to meet with the details of so much crime and so many casualties. " Indeed , lie reads comparatively little of any kintl now occasionally a Page or two maybe of one of his favorite prose authors' , that mainly consist of .Haw thorne , Dickens and Thackeray , judi ciously selecting therefrom matter of cheerful tone and subject. When undis turbed he is much given to musing ; but at tinios will converse willingly and llucntly , displaying a power of memory that , in view of his tceble physical condi tion , is quite unlocked for , recently sur prising his son not a little by repeatina verbatim one of Charles Lamb's longest essays. His thoughts often revert to his irre- pirablo loss of wife and children , speak ing of each tenderly and regretfully , and manifesting a keen interest in tlio proper care of their graves over dNvellinir on the domestic afflictions which Have broken his heart and enveloped his once brilliant intellect in a brooding and in curable melancholy. In his room hangs a small portrait of Thomas Hood , which was given him by the English humorist's son , and to which ho attaches a more than ordinary value. Ho sometimes remarks mournfully , while gazing nt this picture : "I wonder if poor Tom Hoe J ever suf fered in his latter years as keenly aslsuf- fernowl" Again the observation escapes him : "I do not see how any human being can continue to live in a condition so utterly hopeless as mine. " Is not this very , very pathetic ? At rare intervals , in his brighter and more hopeful moods , his retentive mem ory revives a former interest in old friends and pleasant associations The name of l.uiigfellow is often on his lips ; that poet's death afllictcd him deeply , contributing not a little to the glooi _ tlia was just then fasteniug itself upon his buoyant nature. Tlio Wall Paper Business. Joe Howard in Boston Globe : Septem ber 20 will open the "pool year , " in the wall paper trade. This means that the members of the American Wall Paper Manufacturers' association will bogiu ou that day to neil goods from the new stocks manufactured since last spring. There arc twenty-four members of the association , thirteen of whom are in New York and four in Brooklyn , Of the rest four arc located in Philadelphia ono in Buffalo , while there is ono associate mem ber , non-manufacturingon Statcn Island. A peculiarity of the "pool" transactions is that all invoices of wall paper shipped before October 15 or nftor March 1 , fol lowing date from the day of shipment , while invoices shipped between the dates named may date as late as March 1 , the object being to concentrate the bulk of the wall paper business within live months. All the largo houses in Now York agree that the coming pool year promises to bo ono of brisk trade and general prolit There are no dilToronccs of any moment within the association , and notwithstanding the fact that the concerns outside the pool have increased In number since last year , the association's schedule is so arranged that costly antagonism without is not ex pected. Styles in wall paper change al most completely every season. In the hundreds of samples there is but ono which was in the market last year. It is a border that proved especially popular , anil they have decided to run it again this year. The now styles are hard to des cribe to persons ouUido of the trade. In a general way f may say designs in wall paper have for several years been run ning to rather largo figures. There are many of this style large but not loud fig ures in stock for the coming season. Blanks , papers with the desiirim worked on plain surfaces , brown , bull'and white , nro decidedly the most on demand be cause they are the cheapest , ranging from Oj to 13 cents a roll at wholesale. Satin papers and what are called onibossoil , grounds are also generally in good de mand and con a little more than the blanks , the prices varying ac cording to quality from 13 to 17 cents H roll. Uron/.ed paper , plain , colored and embossed , are of a higher srrade. costing from Si ] to ! ! cents a roll , anil contain many really rich specimens of wall paper art. Somn of the embos.-d bronzes this year are as handsome as have boon seen in the market , and rival oil paintings for delicacy of shade and color. But tlio most thoroughly artistic ' work in the wall paper line is 'found on the borders , many of which are as skill fully designed and carefully produced as the classic sculptured fiiczcsof antiquity. Ever since the dado crazu of a few years ago borders have been reaching greater artistic perfection overyyear , There are bronzed borders , four-band bron/.eil , cm- bossed bronzed , twenty-two inelic.s wide , and what nrn called bronzed blotehuil borders , an elleot peculiarly striking and unique , and the prices for these goods range from 65 to 8.1 cents And oven as high ai f 1.05 a roll from ilrst hauds. "MY SON ! " AWn tainted frofi IM { " ( uiim , In New Orleans Timci-DcniMial. I. A bivouac in Tonkin. A squadron of Chasseurs d'Afriquc , the advance guard of tlio expeditionary col umn , has halted at the approach of night. The little troop drenched by the tine , close rain which has never ceased to fall since morning , worn out with fatigue , all with empty stomachs has drawn rein uton a hillock wliick overlooks the rice fields and the bamboos. "Quarterinastcrl" calls a peremptory voice. Ono of the military cloaks moves , shakes and the noncommissioned , rises up ; - sioned officer thus aroused from slumber stands awaiting orders , touching his right temple with his lingers. "Two volunteers for a dangerous mis sion. " In the twinkling of an eye the entire detachment springs to its feet. The word "dangerous" has tempted every body , and every hand is lifted , waving in air. "Since all are willing , we must choose , " observed the ollicer , a staff captain. "Select from the right of the column. " The two men chosen advance. To each ono ho delivers a dispatch , adding some nib tractions in a low voice. The destination of both couriers is the same , but the paths they will follow are different. If one falls the other may ar rive in safety. The ollicer points to a plain. Across it is the route of the messenger , who salutes his chief hastily , mounts his horse and disappears. The other courier must cross the moun tain. But the night is black" , and expla nations of the route are dillicult to com prehend in this unknown country. "Mount and follow mo , "the captain orders. "From the height I can point out the route to you. " n. The rain had stopped. Under the night the two horsemen urged their panting steeds at a walk up the stcop and Htouy slope that overlooks the encampment. The moon had risen , illuminating the far-gleaming and rain- drcnchcd country with a bad and uncer tain light. "You understand ? " observed the per emptory voice of the captain. "Tho dis patch must bo given to the general himself. Ho is awaiting our arrival to begin the attack. Ho must know wo are there. " "All right , captain. " replied tlio cour ier ; "it will bo done. " And the silence of the two men , broken for a moment , reeommonceji ; there was no sound but the clattering of tlio horses' feet as their iron-shod hoofs struck the pebbly soil. Thoughtfully the captain observed the young soldier , who had unconsciously suffered his norsu to gain a pace in ad vance of ihut of his chief. Ho noticed the stiong ruddy neck of the young man , and tliu thickly-set , fair hair , cropped short according to regulation , which curled about his nape. With his broad , sloping.shoulders , his sinewy baokcleurly and boldly outlined under the uniform , his muscular limbs well gripping the sides of bis horse , ho presented the purest typo of that tine , vigorous , healthy ironcli race whoso descendants are steadily degenerating under the influ ence of the city debauch and enervation which are gradually creeping even Into the country , " \ \ hero are you from ? " the ofllcer asked. "From Gticrigny , on the Loire , close to Nevors , captain , " answered the trooper. The olllcur looked up. "I suppose yon know the place , cap tain ? " continued the trooper. "At least , you have been stationed at Nevers. There is a cavalry garrison there. " "Yes , there Js , " responded the captain. "That is to ! And how old are you ? " " 1 will bo tweuty-ono nest St. Martin's day. " "Any brothers or sisters ? " "No , captain ; I am an only son. " "Ahl Then your mother must have eufi'iiied n great deal at your departure ! " "I have no mother , captain. She died when I was quite a child , so that I might almost saj1 never know her.1' "Is your father old ? " "Ihavo no father either , " replied the young man , becoming suddenly more surious , "What ! Is ho dead , too ? " " 1 don't know , " answered the soldier In a low voice. "He went away before I was born , and I do not bear his name. " "Ah ! " exclaimed the captain suddenly. Then in a gentle voice ho added , "Pardon mu ! " 'There is nothing to excuse , captain , " said the young nun sadly. "You could not have knovrn. Until I was ten years old I did not know myself. Then one day at the village school one of my playmates during a quarrel called mo a 'bastard.1 I did not understand , but 1 knew from his tonp that ho intended to insult mo , and , as I was not a coward , L jumped at him , althougn he was stronger than mo. In the evening I asked my'parents at least those 1 called papa and mamma what that word meant which 1 had not under stood. They looked at each other , and utter a moment's hesitation papa said , us L was ten years old and getting to be a big boy. that 1 must learn the truth. " "Well , " exclaimed the captain , "and what was the truth ? " "Just about what T havn already told you myself , captain that my father had abandoned nry.mpthor4 and that she had died of grief iw.6 years after bringing mo into the world , Teaving me to the cure of mv grandparent ' . " "Poor boyr' fSftfd the officer , becoming suddenly ponsivtu And he repeated in a whisper to hiuiMJff , "Poor boy ! " Then mechjinicalry changing his tone , and addressing' ' the young man with al most unconscious , respect , he added : "And you " ill list ' hate that man your father ? " I "No. I pity him. If I have had no 1 father , ho hasfliaU no child. " "How do you know ? " questioned Hie oflicer. "Doyou now know who he is ? " i "Not any more than i ever did , " the soldier answered "But my grandparents told mo his history without ever telling me his name , and 1 know that he lias not been happy. And still , ho was not a bad man it was all due to his mother's in fluence. " "His mother ? " brusquely cried the cap tain , rising up in his saddle. "See anything , captain"demanded the courier , grasping his rifle and searching the long road with his keen glance. "In the bushes was it ? " "No , no. " answered the chief. "It was only my horse that started at the reflec tion of the moon in a pool of water. And you were saying it was all his mother's fault ? " "So it scorns. Ho was of a noble family and wealthy ; and , nevertheless , he wanted to marry the woman whose affections lie had gained and who was on the point , of becoming a mother. Unfortunately ho gambled , and ono night he lost a sum so large that he could not pay it , and had to apical to iiis mother for assistance. She said : "I am willing to save j-ou , but only on condition that you leave the womau you are now living with and marry the ono I iutend for you. " It was no use for him to make remonstrances ; tlio old lady was inflexible. Not to pay the debt waste to be forever dishonored she knew the fact and took advantage of it. Finally ho thought himrfelf obliircd to yield , und wont away without again seeing my mother to whom a lawyer brought aO.OOO trancs and a letter telling her everything , and begging her forgiveness. It was n fatal blow to her ; -'lie had placed all her faith , all her hopes , all her trust in that man. It had never for an instant oc curred to her to doubt the being who had promised her so happy a life and hud left her so bitter a reality. She never recov ered from it. " "And what mother's " was your name ? asked the captain , in a tone that lie vainly tried to render indifferent. "Claudino Seneschal , " replied the 3'oung man. "I am culled Pi6rrc Son- esclml taking lior name because I do not know my lather's name ; and , further * more , because 1 have not the right to bear it. " * * # # * Already they had ranched the moun tain height overlooking the plain. "Halt ! " exclaimed tlio captain. "Hero wo .ire. " "And my instructions ? " asked the sol dier , gently. " The captain's eye Hashed as ho an swered : "Give me your cloak ! give mo your helmet , quick1 ! I "Kb ? " the trouper exclaimed in bewil derment. I . C "Obey ! youiiirojUnder orders ! " And lightltf ( lolling his oflirer's uni form , ho flung onthe cloak Hold out to him by the siupuftcd trooper , and seized the helmet. > > , "Now , your isbjitch ! " The astound if youth drew the envelope from his leather bug anil gave it up. "Now , " commanded the ollicer , "re main hero and wait for mo. " "But ' < ' A- "You are under orders ! " And putting' ' inr.s to his horse , the captain disappeared in the night. ' - w 'in. Two hours havq passed , The clouds luu(5 melted away , and the moon , freed from'licr ' veils , shines clearly and calmly in the horizon , bathing the land in light. Suddenly upon the silence there bursts the crush of a far-oil' fusillade. Ten , twenty , a hundred rillo-siiots resound ing like the detonations of an im mense display of fireworks. Then cries- shouts n grout indistinct clamor which tlio wind brings to the sentry's beat ; and more shooting this time nearer. At last a mullled , rapid , irregular sound approaches over tlio plateau. It is tlio gallop of a horse. The soldier's trained ear has recognized it at onco. Pierre Seneschal grasps his rifle , re solved to sell his lift ) dearly. Suddenly a horseman appears in tlio moonlight , and ( he Chasseur starts. Itis his cap'uinl Bareheaded , his face covered with Intended liaviny their Opening sale Saturday , September 4H , Iml owing to time consumed in plachnj tliclr immense stocK , were comjiclled to defer the oyeniny until > At which time they will open for sale one of the most complete stocks of Clothing mid Furnishing Goods ever offered for sale inOmaha. . At the same time they will do a. yencronn deed by donating 5 per cent of all sales made Monday , Sept. Gth , to the CHARLESTON sitjfcrera. The Kama to be placed In the hands of the Mayor of the City of Omaha to be forwarded to thepropcr authorities of the unfortunate city. All goods are marked in plain fif/iircs. Remember to secure one of their handsome souvenirs tjiven away to ever ] } one that NEBRASKA CLOTHING COMPANY , * Cor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omaha. FAMOUS REMUR1T , 319 S. Ulh St. ( /hi'tipntt ami host In Oinuhn. Oysluis bun'eil In all stylo-i. Mouls lit all hours. Opun day a lU nlKlit. Call uuU bto us. U. L. HM1TU , i'rup. Cut this out. blood , his cloak torn by rifle-shots , his loft arm , shattered by a ball , hanging powerless at his side but his eyes bright ly glowing with a wild joy he comes at full speed. Reaching the spot where the yonnjj man stamls ho leaps to the ground , and pressing him passionately to his breast- twining his Einglo uninjured arm about the lau's neck ho cries out in a loud voice , broken by eobs ; "My son ! " Notliliitf Mercenary About Her. St. Paul Globe ; "I'll keep this diamond mend engagement ring , " she said in breaking the engagement. "I'm surprised , remarked the mule member of the social contract , "that you should wish to keep anything that will remind you constantly of mo. " "I keep it , " she continued , as slio toyed with the gold band and its spiukling but ting , "not for its intrinsic value , hut simply as a reminder of how big a llirt a man can bo. " "If that is the case. " said ho. "and you do not want it for its value , I will ex change it and eivo yon a cheaper keep sake ono that will not tempt you to wear , but will keep just as well as a gen uine diamond. " Mmo. Yialard , upon whom the French military medal has boon bestowed for dis tinguished services upon the field of bat tle , is a widow fifty-live years old. and in , us blie has been for thirty-live years , the cautiniuro of the 131st regiment. TilE KKNOWKED French - Italian SPECIALIST , IH jiormaiioiilly Jocalcd nt 25JO.N' . Street , Oiiwlm , Neb , 1'or the purpose of curing Cattmh , Liver Complaints and Female Weaknesses } of all kinds , 1 care not how bad or how long standing. I permanently euro Ilia nuuve named diseases with Hoots and Herbs. Come and see mo. CONSUl/L'A- T1ONS FKEK. I am also plnsing within the reach of all the most valuable Bcmody in the world for the euro of Constipation of the Bowels , Liver Com plaint and Inactivity of the Stomach Sweet Cactus. This plant destroys all in- llumation and restores the lubricating power to the Glands of llio Bowels , which lubricate the knoadings anil make them blippory as they puss on their winding , downward journey. Hence a natural action and permanent health to the bowels is nt once restored. This plant has been long known and freely used by the Chinese to destroy tlui constipating effect that opium has upon the bowels , as \\oll as a flavoring fur their food , as it has a most delicious lluvor. There is n million ot Chinese in America , 'eight-tenths of whom live in cellars , seldom breathing fresh air. Nearly . . all . of . ilium . are sjttvoa to opium , which constipates the bowels and derange * , the whole system , ami yet a sick Chinaman tens i great n show as a Jumbo. Their oxtrcino good health is all owing to their ' diet , which is. nil highly seasoned with Swet't Cactus. THIS PLANT IS NOT A CUUK-ALL , but it permanently cures the Bowels , Liver and Stomach , When tliuso work right , all is well ; when they don't , all Is wrong. ' Ut * t * * * * J I/Jk * / * i Office 220 N , 10th St. , up-btnirs. 1C liirt Atlvlco. Wall Street News ; A stranger arrived in a western Kansas town one day last week and inquired of the owner of n va cant store what the rent would bo per month. "For what purpose ? " was asked. "To open a ijnvalo bank. " "Cau't have it ut any price , sir , " said tli" owner. "I have rented it to three iliiu-rent parties for that , and in every initnncn , after the depositors had run oin down and brought 'em back to bo lynched , w crowd attacked the build ing and damaged it $ .100 worth. My ad. vice to you , sir , In to drop tlio private banking business and open a butcher * shop. "