Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Dcllmtd lj ) f timer In nny part of the city ftl
In t nly tents per week.
11V. . TIM ox , .Manager.
nrfiM-J-sOrncp , No. 4:1. :
Now York Plumbing Co.
Now full jjootls nt Keitor's.
Srliool bonks at Crook well's.
For school books mi to Muslim : ! ! .
All kinds of Kfliuol booUs nt Muslini'll's.
Dr.V. . 11. Slii-iTHilon , dontist. 27Mmn.
Tlio oily council incuts Jlunday nielli
in rt'Kiiltir session.
'I'lio public schools open to-morrow , as
do also ihiacadiiinit'S. .
Don't fail to read our advertisement on
tliiR pawn. ( . 'oiineil Hlull's Carpet Co.
J. O'Hiiun was yt > sUrdav lined for
being ilrtuiK iinil.xleupin on the .sidewalk
instead of taking his cot nt tint hotel
where ho had registered as J. 11. Gor
Iturtress Mottaz , the boy who gat his
oyn am ! fauu so badly injured by KIIII-
powderHomutimua o , Is forlnnntcly , and
contrary to the. oxpuctatioim of all , { joint ;
to titivc nolli oiC'f.
II is Raid that the Kansas City man
wlioflo bust t'irl lost his roll ot SjU'-100
while hero , lias been trying to oxplniii to
his frientls that ho lost his money by in
vesting in a creamery or dairy in West
ern loawa.
Complaint is made that the youthful
handlers of ni ur-shootcra arc demol
ishing the glass in homo of the Hchool
bnildinjr.s. A watch lias been .set , and
fomo of the reckless lads will have to put
Ihcir Christmas money into paying for
window lights.
The city clerk's receipts for the last
month amount to llitt.U , a light month
indeed. Of this amount $27 > i was paid in
on judgments , and § 111.00 from licenses.
Many liecnses of the saloon men arc un
paid for .July , and but thrco have been
| iaid for August.
Some sneak thief has had the audacity
to break Into the ollico of the Council
IJlulls Detective association , in the Ouera
house block , and steal a pair of hand-
cufl's belonging to Hugh ( Joss. The thief
nlso got ! r'0 ! belonging to Dr. Capoll ,
whofu olllcc is in the same block.
Two young fellows named Crocker and
Walker arc said to have been amusing
themselves by firing their guns oil' inside
the city limits , ami making a target of
the Hall school house. When wanted to
coma to the front yesterday and pay
their lines tlioy were not to bo had , hav
ing skipped across the river.
N. .1. Diivin , a line looking fellow just
from Boston , struck anti-prohibition too
hard , and had not been in the city over
night before he was in the drunk
that ho swore that he was the only and
original I'atsy Holliver. He was brought
in in a Imok , but went out on foot , and
with less cash.
A wjtiicss , deaf and dumb , wrote out
her evidence in the police court the other
day , and in describing a. row between a
husband and his wife told what each one
said to the other. The talk between the
two disputants formed , in fact , the bulk
of her testimony. The judge was pn/y.led
to know how she knew so well what the
man and woman were calling oaoh other.
Frank Murphy appeared in court
yesterday with a badly smashed head.
He plead guilty to being drunk and dis
turbing the peace , and after paying his
> ine began to complain of a young man
named Sweeney for hitting dim with a
club. Jt appears that INIiirphy while
drunk , came prowling about the house
occupied by the Sweencys , and the boy
went out witli a club and knocked him
senseless so that the police could carry
him oflf easy.
The Ulo Chief , published at Glomvood
Springs , Col. , by Swan & Held , has
greatly enlarged and improved. The
senior editor and publisher is one of the
Swim brothers of this city , and expects
soon to visit his family and friends here.
His paper is largely devoted to cattle in-
tcrcstsand , the price of newspapers there
is well up , single comes selling for tun
cents. Mr. Swan is i\rgoly : interested in
stock , the newspaper being really a side
issue , and yet a prosperous and prolita-
bio one.
The Mueller Music company remem
bers the UIB : with a number of pieces of
sheet music recently published bv the
well-known Dilson & Co. , of Boston" The
Bun is more of a stinger than it is a
singer , but it "hums" some , and it has
ninny friends who do sing and play.
They liavo been trying tliu now pieces
and pronounce them winners , and the
BEB relies on their judgment. The music
lovers long since learned that there is al
ways something new and pretty to bo had
by calling on Mueller.
Special trains have been put on by the
Union 1'acilic to aecomodato the Council
Blufls folks who want to attend the ex
position and fair at Omaha this weolc ,
commencing to-morrow and closing Sat-
urday. A special dummy will leave
Council IJlulls every day at lUioX ) p. in. ,
arriving at Omaha at 12 :50 : and connect
ing with the 1 o'clock special train for
the fair grounds. Passengers will be
landed close to the entrance of the
grounds. The tickets for the round trip ,
Including admission to the fair grounds ,
is only $ l.CO. Thn tickets can bo bought
nt the transfer , the Broadway depot , or
nt the city ticket ollieo , corner of Broad'
way and Pearl streets.
J. C , Mitchell , the Union ticket Hgcnt
corner of Main and Broadway , is dislrib
nling some very beautiful illuminated
programmes of the autumnal festivities
nt SI. Louis. The exposition opens there
this week , thu pageant of the veiled prophets -
phots , the cordon of Knights Templars ,
nnd oilier attractions fill the programme
for the coining seven weeks , continuously ,
nnd special rates are being made , so
that any who dcsiro can visit St. Louis at
little expense , for railway faro at least.
Ho will courteously give further informa
tion to Inquirers.
The Nonpareil devoted a half column
yesterday to scoring the school board
lor not increasing the salary of N. K.
Tyson , the janitor of the school building
on the hill , It makes Ihn wild statement
that Tyson , being an export engineer ,
nnd an excellent janitor , gels only $15 a
month for his services , while other jan
itors are being paid $00 to $70 a month.
The lengthy appeal for a raise of Tyson's
salary might look all right if facts wore
elated , but , as the Bii : : Is informed by
those who surely ought to know , Tyson
is already paid $50 a month , and is given
house runt and fuel free. This makes it
equal to $75 a month , which is more than
ho was getting \vlinn on the police force ,
Ho Is doubtless a good janitor , but it
looms that if ho is dissatisfied with a
salary equal to $75 a month , there are
other good mini who could bo had to till
the place , There is no need of a regular
engineer to run the steam heating appa
ratus , and this is the 'lirst heard of oven
Mr. Tyson claiming to bo an engineer.
Bushiicll lias an elegant lot of Episco
pal prayer books and hymnals nt all
prices. Just the thing for the new
HO\ViLL-MEAl : > - Yesterday nfu-rnoon ,
nt the M. 1C. parsonage on Fletcher ivenup.
by lr. ilcCrcary. Mr , (5w > . \ \ ' Unwell and
Miss Mattie Mead , both of Omaha.
The Opening Services in St. Paul's New
Episcopal OhnTCu To-Day ,
Other Doings III the Hliim ? Tlic Mntl-
neo ol1 Spcoil Y osier-tiny An An *
tlnc.'ioiiH Sncnk Thief Police
I'olnla I'olnts ofl'lcty.
St. I'nti\'n \ New Clmruli.
The HUB readers are given this morn
ing n description of the now and beauti
ful St. Paul's Protestant Kplscopal church ,
which will bo opened to-day for the wor
ship of ( Jod. The readers will bo enabled
to understand from the ( IcKenplion the
details , which they can study at their
leisure , of a building as complclo in every
point : ind as richly furnished as any in
the west. The church is of gothio style
of architecture , the side walls being
higher than is usual in Episcopal
chnrehi's , allowing ol larger windows in
the nave , thus insuring plenty of light
and n bright , cheerful auditorium. The
walls are of Missouri sandstone in rough
ashlar , from the.yards of Divxol it Foil ,
of Omaha. The stone being easily i-ut ,
the architect has scl/.ed this opportunity
to display the beauty of design in carving
to an extent rarely seen even in the most
costly churches in the land. The tower
and west Iront of the building is a beau
tiful blending of the rough ashlar with
CMpiisitc carving , giving nn appearance
of grace and strength , which must be
seen to bo appreciated. In the work of
the exterior nothing could bo added to
make it moye perfect. The great
west gable , rising to a height of
sixty feet , terminated by a stone
cro-is , is _ Hanked on the north
by the massive tower ami on the south
by the octagon wing , which forms the
rector's study. It is pierced by a rose
window , thirteen feet in diameter , ami
beneath this window is a porch running
across the entire front , in which are
three mam entrances , thu doors being in
solid oak of the best workmanship. The
transept on the north adds u beautiful
feature to the outside appearance of the
structure , with its gothic porch and oak
doors , like the great west front. This
transept is inteimcd to be used as a lenten
lecture room and is to be divided from
the nnvo by the pipe organ , which , it is
hoped , will cro long bo heard in the new
To the architect , Mr. S. E. Muxon. be
longs unstinted praise for this beautiful
creation which has arisen under his in
spiration , and which is to-day the most
perfect specimen of architecture-in our
city , if not in the entire west. The entire
church is a home work , homo architect ,
and homo mechanics from first to last ,
and the result shows what can bo done
by local talent , if allowed suiUcicnt room
to expand.
The entrance to the clmrcii is by three
massive doors in the west facade"admit
ting to a spacious vestibule , on the north
of which is a room fitted nn for a cloak
and umbrella room , while tne beautiful
octagon room on the fcouth is the rector's
study , it being beautifully fitted up tor
that purpose. Every window and every
article of furniture is a special gift , and
the room is a special teaturu of the
church , being so admirably ndapttdfor
the various uses of an active , working
parish. In addition to those rooms are
two rooms at the cast end on cacit side of
the chancel , while the room in the tower
upstairs is intended for the storing away
ot sowing material and garments to bo
made by the ladies , ' society of the parish.
Over the vestibule is a gallery capable of
seating fifty people , which can be used
when occasion demands.
Entering the nave , or body of the
church , the attention is attracted by the
lofty roof rising to a height ol iifty-six
feet from the lloor , and supported by a
sell-supporting truss , as unique in con
struction as beautiful in design and ap
pearance. It seems to be an adaptation
of a bridge truss to the gothlo ecclesiasti
cal style of the structure , each truss in
rounded arches terminating in a
Latin cross. The. architect can certainly
rest his reputation upon this most
beautiful specimen of work , which must
bo seen and studied to be appreciated.
The roof is supported by this truss , with
out the aid of pillars , thus leaving every
seat in the church available and ol equal
value for seeing and hearing. Where the
trusses unite to support the roof at the
intersections of the transepts the effect is
still further heightened by the massive
timber work looking at the same time so
light and graceful.though , weighing fully
forty thousand pounds.
The walls of the nave and ceiling lire
painted in quiet colors , no contrasts
being visible , and all blending in perfect
harmony , the stained glass windows
being the only bright coloring save in the
nhance ) , where the decorations are in
beautiful t ; > sto and quite elaborate. The
1 ointod roof of the chancel is in blue
ground with silver dashes , which grow
closer together as they approach the
point of the roof , where the eilect is ob
tained as if some source of light was in
the roof hidden from the spectators. Thereof
roof is divided from the upper wall line
by a silver frieze , beneath which is an ex
tension of the blue ground with gold
stencil work , the lower division of the
being in plain terra cotta , which serves
as a background for the costly and beau
tiful old oak fui'nituro of thu chancel.
The central point of thu church Is the
stately and massive altar ami rcrodos , the
gift of Mrs. Marshall Key , in memory of
her husband , The panels of the altar are
carved in bold relief , the central panel
containing "I. II. S. , " the side panels the
grapes and wheat , symbolical of the
bread nnd wine , The roredos extend
beyond the altar on either side and to the
bottom of the windows , the central panel
being illuminated in blue ami gold by an
artist of the city , Miss Hello Hatcher ] anil
forming a background for the beautiful
brass cross which is the gift of Mrs.
George Koclino. On each side of the
cross are largo brass vases , given as a
memorial to Mrs. Sybil Stiles , by her
sister , Mrs. Mary Hobmson. The credence
table to thu right of thu altar is of oak ,
and is thogittof Mrs i , U. H. White. The
chuncol rail is also n memorial given by
Mrs. C. K. Sholus , and is a line specimen
of carving. The beautiful altar books
are the gift of Mrs. I. H. Fuller. The
clergy stalls nro in keeping with the rest
of the furniture , and weru given by Mrs.
Mary K. Benson. The chancel chairs are
the ones used in the old church , newly
upholstered in peacock blue damask ,
by Mrs , Shepherd , The brass altar
desk was presented by Mr. Van
( ilcsen , and is an enduring and beau
tiful memorial. Standing on the
north side of the chancel is a beautiful
lectern in solid brass , the gift of Mrs.
John N. Baldwin. South of the ohanciil
Is the pulpit , a piece of oak carving
which would require more space than
can bo here spared to describe. The side
panels are carved with the emblems of
the four evangelists , thn center panel
rcprnsuntlnjr "The Sermon on the
Mount. " This exquisitely beautiful gift
is presumed to the church by the heirs of
the late Robert Percival , anil is inscribed
on tlia base : "To the glory of ( Jod. and
in loving remembrance of Hobeit 1'erci-
The oak hymn board on the cast wall
of the nave is a memorial by Mr. Simon
I-.iseinan to Ids httlo daughter , whom ho
recently lost. Thu altar , pulpit , looturn ,
cross , vases , etc. . are from ( Jeissler's ,
the well known church furnishing liouso
of Now York , ami the various memorials
Iistify the confidence placed in this { inn
y those ordering the expensive gifts.
They urc each and all wormy of a more
extended notice. The pews are of now
de ign , being also in oak , nnd are solid
and rich in appearance , being at the
sninn time most comfortable scats.
These , with the chancel rail and credence
table , are from the linn of ( Jrant. Swain
it Co. , Richmond , Ind. , who have sus
tained their well known reputation.
Tlio windows of the church are all me
morials , ana consequently very bountiful.
Tin- Stewart memorial window , in the
south gable , is a specimen of work rare
in this country , being evidently an en
deavor on the part of the artist , Mr. N.
H. Eggleston , of New York , to reproduce
the effect obtained by the ancient work
ers in stained gla1- ? . The only painting
in the window , which is a triple window ,
is the faces of the three ligures in tlio
central panel , all the efl'eet beintr ob
tained by theo \ of glass , the lights and
shades being produced by doubling tlio
glass \ \ here necessary. Above the fig
ures of Iho central panel , which termi
nates in a dark blue held , is a c.ross ,
which appears us if made of mother of
pearl , surrounded by jewels whieli have
the appearance of real stones , so brilliant
and yet soft is their coloring. The side
windows are filled with lilies and Hour-
du-lis , above them being a scroll work of
beautiful shades of green and royal pur
ple. The window is inscribed "In loving
memory of .John T. Stewart , ilr. , Joel
Littleton Stewart , Eleanor Marlu Stewart ,
this window is creeled by their parents ,
John T. Stewart and Maria Hunter Stew
art. 1880. "
u < ist of the Stewart window is the
MoICnnc memorial window , iriven in tlio
memory ot Dr. A. B. Melvune , by his
widow. This , as are all the windows in
the nave , is a double one. On one side is a
lantern hanging from a vine , on a back
ground representing night , with the in
scription ou a scroll , "For thou art my
lamp , ( ) Lord. " On the other panel ,
representing morning , is a group of an-
numeiation lilies , with a scroll inscribed ,
"And the Lord will lighten my dark
ness. "
The James window is a memorial
given by Mrs. W. C. James to the mem
ory of her only son , who died some years
ago. ! This is a most attractive window ,
bright in color , and Hashing with jewels ,
yet without a set design. The effect of
the combination of colors is most pleas
I'ho next window in the west is given
by ; Mr. L. C. Braekett , in memory of his
wife. In the right center panel is a chal
ice resting on a Bible , with the
words , "Be thou faithful unto death , "
and on the left is a rustic cross and
crown of thorns , encircled by a scroll
bearing the words , "I sat 'under his
shadow with great delight. "
The great rose window in tlio west
gable is tlio gift of the "Acme Club , " a
toiety ; of young ladies in the church ,
whose untiring energy and faithful work
has resulted in thu purchase of one of thu
most attractive windows in the clmreh.
The center panel of the window is three
boys , robed as choristers , the outside
panels being floriated designs in rich
subdued colors.
The west window on the north of the
nave is a voryjneat one , inscribed , "Pre
sented by the Rescue Hose Company. "
Our lire boys are thus represented in this
beautiful building , and will doubtless
always feel : v kindly interest in the good
work being carried on by tins progres
sive church society.
The next window on the north is a
pleasant contrast to the bright ones on
either side , being darker in color. On
each window is a cross , with rays extend
ing from the arms , and setwitli jewels ,
which glitter in the sunlight and relieve
the darker colors of the glass. This
window is tlio gift of an old Council
Bluffs resident , who thus shows his in
terest in his former home. The inscrip
tion reads , "This window is erected by
S. Bloom , of Deadwood. Dauota , as a
token of friendship for thu members of
St. Paul's parish. "
The next window in the nave is that
presented by Ivanhoe commandery , No.
17. Knights Templar On it is embla
zoned the emblems and banners of the
order. "Tho Bcausant , " or black and
white banner of the Templar , occupying
the cast window , the red cross banner
with Maltese cross the west , both windows
dews having a heraldic design , the cen
ter top panel bearing the lamb and ban
ner , or "Agnus Dei , " and the inscription
"In Hoc Signo Vinces. "
The chancel windows , live in number ,
arc especially beautiful , being figure
\yindows , the north window representing
St. Paul , and is presented by Mrs. Rich
ard Green , in loving memory ot her
grandfather , Mr. George Hood'Borough-
bri'lgu , England. The central window is
the Sistinu Madonna , a full-length ami
accurate cony of Raphael's celebrated
p minting. 'Jhis window was given by
the Sunday school in memory of Leo
Webb , son of tlio former rector of St.
Paul's church. This window has on each
side of it a copy of Fra Angelica's an
gels , one being presented by the young
men of the church , the other by the
young ladies. Tim south window in the
chancel contains a figure of the Good
Shepherd , and is presented by Mrs.
Montgomery to the memory of her grand
father , Sylvaiius Dodge , the father of
General Dodge , of our city. The chancel
windows , as all the windows of the
church with the exception of three ,
are from the manufactory of
Me Cully & Miles , of Chicago ,
and are beautiful specimens of the art of
glass staining. The designer of the cele
brated Stewart window is Mr. N. H , Kg-
gleston , of Now York , whoso exquisite
taste is also seen in the interior decora
tions of the church. The carpet of ( ho
chancel was presented by thu Sunday
school , which has thus crowned its work
by finishing the only part of the church
which can bu called fully completed in
every respect. Wo Imvo ondcavorcd'to
give our readers some idea of the Inte
rior decorations of this elegant church ,
but the most elaborate description must
fall far short of the reality. It will well
repay all lovers of the beautiful to visit
St. Paul's cliiuvh , whore hours can bu
spent /studying its various details. The
gas fixtures which are ordered have failed
to arrive , thus detracting , in a manner ,
from the finished effect which their pres
ence would produce.
Those wiio ga/.o with so much admir
ation upon this beautiful structure , and
who know the history of its building ,
oven from casual observation , must nil *
miru still more thu energy , pluck and
persistence of the rector , Rev. T J.
Mackoy , who has been a daily inspir
ation to any and all who fojt their own
energies flagging , and thuir confidence
in its success waning. To him is duo thu
credit for oven thu incipiency of the great
enterprise , and from a feoblu start he has
worked on , overcoming u.any obstacles ,
until now , when thu building in all its
beauty appears in reality , as ho saw it
long ago in his coulidunt looking future-
ward , ho modestly shrinks from receiv
ing praisu for what ho has donu , The
BKI : has watched thu progress of thu
building , and it has suun and
known that this most wide ,
awaku and faithful rector has not only
watched but worked , It has been a sur
prise to many to see how familiar ho has
become with every stone and timber , but
those who have noted his constancy and
anxiety , the thought ho has given , the
time bestowed , working while others
others slept , thinking while others
tdrenmud , do not wonder that every do
sail of the building bears a close relation-
thin to his own individuality. With nil
bliis burden upon him he lias kept up
nravely with his other work , has shown
bo weakening in the vigor of t bought and
holdness of spueoh which charautcri/.us
i is pulpit utterances. I'ho BVK feels that
tn giving its readers a full description of
lie new building , it would bo amiss if
publia expression was not given to. the
feelings of this community concerning
.the rector , who has boeli trulj * n leader
for his parUh.
More Fun nt the Track.
The matinee at the driving park yes
terday afternoon drew a good si/.cd
crowd. The first raecjwas one for a purse
of $200 , between Watlc Cary's Sunshine
and Rowley's Rattler ? -Charles Gregory
served as starter. In the lir. t heat a scud-
oil'was had without any scoring. Tlio
horses kept neck nnd nock to the third
quarter , when Sunshine' , by a little break ,
lost a length and did not succeed in clos
ing up the gap , Rattler coming in thu
winner in tfin. : ! '
In the second heat Sunshine wont
around the turn two lengths ahead , and
by a little skipping on the halt , Rattler
lost in getting back to his feet , so there
was quite a gap. Rattler closed most of
it up , and would have won the heat but
for another brief breaK on the home
stretch , Sunshine coining in steadily a
length the winner. Time 2:211 : } :
The third heat was a pretty one. the
horses keeping neck ami neck nearly the
whole way around. Rattier won the heat
by only a neck. Time 2:20J. :
Although Rattler won the race , the
speed shown by Sunshine and the heat
won in 2:21)3 : ) shows him to be a good one ,
and full of promise of a better future.
sl'MM UtY OK Till ! Sl'tiClAI. ,
Rowley's Rattler 1 U 1
Cary's Sunshine 2 1 'J
TFme-2H : : ! , 'JW4' : , 2 ; n.f.
Ill the roadster race four holne horses
started. They drew places as named : L.
Hoist's ( Sray Jim , T. Bray's Mug-
irie , Dr. Smith's Electric Bull , George
YVisnor's Bethamy.
William Liuebergcr's Doe was
brought out , but going a little lame , did
not start.
In the lirst heat Bray's Maggie took
the lead anil kept it easily. Dr. Smith's
horse insisted on running most of tlio
way round , and was sot back a notch for
doing so. Wisner's ' horse would have
got a flag had there been one The heat
was won by Maggie in 2f : > ! IJ , Gray
Jim second , Electric Belt third and
Bethamy fourth.
The second heat was a puzzler. The half it seemed to bo as much of u
running as a trotting race. The la l half
the horses got down to business , except
Electric Bolt , who insuted on being
up , and came in on the run. Gray
Jim won _ the heat , _ Maggie
second , Smith's Electric iiult
third and Bethamy fourth. Time
atfG. Hoist , in coming down
the homestretch , innocently turned in
ahead of Bray's ' Maggie , taking the pole
away from him. Hud it been in any other
sort of a race ho would have been sent
to the stable or set back , but Jt was evi
dently an innocent blunder , ami it only
raised a laugh at Hoist's expense.
The third heat proved a settler , Bray's
mure took the lead and held it to the fin
ish. She proved to be a steady , pretty
trotter , and evidently capable of more
speed. Electric Belt went up and run as
in the other heat much of tlio distance ,
and came under the win { on a gallop ,
with his nosu lapjiing1 the marc. Holt's
gray lost on thu lirst qlionor by a break ,
but along the back Mrct'eh showed line
speed indeed , and kept .closing up thu
wide gap , fairly Hying o cr the ground ,
but the break made b'efo'rp reaching the
first quarter caused too. great _ a gap to
fully cover. Gray's Maggie won the heat
and race in 2r : > 8 taking the1 money , while
Hoist's gray Jim took'second , an elegant
buggy whip.
sr.MM.viiY or TiiiidAnsTiiis. ; $
Brav's MaK < ; Ie . ' . . . . „ 1 2 1
Hoist's Cray Jin 2 1 3
Smith's Electric licit. . . . ' . . . . 3 ! i
Wisiifr'sliethany > . . . . : . ' 4 41
Time 2-i3K : , 2M'J.W.- : : ' ;
Now is the time for 1 gen nine bargains
at the Council Bluil's Carpet Co.
Pulpits nnil Pews.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be administered in the Congrega
tional church this morning. Subject of
address by the pastor : "The Joy of
Obedience. A cordial invitation is ex
Services at the Baptist church Sunday
at 100 ! ! a. m. and 8 p. in. Scats free.
Tlio opening services of St. Paul's
chnrch will be held to-day as follows :
Holy communion 8 a. m. Morninp prayer
and sermon by tiic Bishop of thuliocese ,
10t0 : ! a. in. to be followed by the apostolic
rite of confirmation. The evening ser
vice will be held at < 1 p. m. , when Bishop
Perry will preach. The evening service
will bo choral , the large chorus choir
being supported by a full orchestra.
Quarterly meeting services will be held
at the M. E. church to-day. Rev. W. L.
Smith , presiding elder of the district ,
will be present and conduct all the ser
vices. Love feast at 7 p. m , Holy com
munion will be administered in the eve
Services in the Union chapel , on Har
mony street , at ! J o'clock this afternoon ,
conducted by Rev. E. M. H. Fleming.
Gospel service of the Y. M. C. A. at the
Favilhonon Fourth street , this afternoon
at 4 o'clock ,
You will miss it if you do not take ad
vantage of the bargains the Council
Blufls Cat pet Co. are now offering.
Outstanding .Varrantw.
To the Hon. Mayor and Council of the
City of Council Bluffs Gentlemen : As
per your request 1 herewith submit report
of the total amount of general time war
rants issued to date , and remaining un-
canculud on thu warrant and balance
warrant register and includes all war
rants drawn upon said fund by this and
all preceding councils that remains un-
( ieneral time warrants uncuicelcd.C.Slli.8S ; !
General time warrants balances un- .
canceled . 2fr8.BS
Total . 500.7at.Tfl
Respectfully submitted ,
L. KiN.N'HiiAN. Auditor.
Council Bluil's , la. , Sept. 4 , 1880.
Attention , Union Veteran Lj
All members of Encampment No , 8 ,
U. V. L , , are requested to bo present at
regular meeting on Monday evening , as
business of great importance will bo pre
sented. JOHN Fox Com.
C. 11. WAititiiN , Adj.
Mrs. Joseph Lyman left last evening
over the Wabash foijSU. Louis , having
received word that her father is quite ill.
Arthur Tea West. a. . 'jivu. rustling mer
chant of whom Tabor Is. ( proud , was in
the city yesterday , making purchases and
shaking hands. ' ,
Mrs. ( J. W. Myors , : iidson | , Mrs. N.
Clark and hur sister , Miss Hass , of
Omaha , spent Friday with Mrs. O. E.
Taylor in this city.
Mr , F. M. Gault , of the Wabach , left
for tlio east last evening accompanied by
his wife. They will viit friends in Now
Hampstiiro before their return.
George N. Remington , ono of Noola's
prosperous merchants , was in the city
yesterday , by his wife and
her mother , Mrs. Seott , of Pennsylvania ,
and his young son ,
W. R. Vaughan has returned from Ala
bama , where ho was culled bv the illness
of ids sister. His niece , Miss Laura
Vaughan , returned with him and will remain -
main hum some time.
Mr. A. Wheeler , one of the formei pro-
prlutors of thu Ruvoro house here , has
sold out his interest in thu Capital hotel
at Des Moincs and will again take up his
residence in Council BlutTs.
Profs. MeDor-mld , Sprultt , Hqlloway
and Roberts now start oil' for different
points In Iowa to gather up and bring In
thu pupils of the institute for the deaf
and dumb , which opens its year nex
Go to Crockwell , No.ill
for school bonks , slates , pencils , pens ,
writing paper , tablets , sponges , ink ,
rulers , in tact , everything von want for
school work , at low prices. Call anil see
Crockwell before buying.
Carpets and ciirtalnaaro coins fast nt
tlio prices the U. H. Carpet Co. are mak-
GrtnvtiiK News Pnrngrnttli front tlio
Outer of Kcrnl-Clvlllzation.
Kstelline Hell : The following clip-
plugs are from tlio Harnny Hooter , ono
ol the 11101 prized of the Hell's many ex
changes :
There are cuts of the Chicago anarch
ists on our itisido this week.
'I'ho parties who threw thn old , rotten ,
bad smelling turnip tit ns while we weie
returning to our home at a late hour last
Tuesday night might h.ive been in better
We give notice to the sickly anil weak-
winded boy who makes n driveling at
tempt to run the disgusting opposition
sheet , the Hartley Howler , that wo have
been ver.y busy with lob work this week.
Our business' men know where to get
good work. How do you like it , sonny ?
\Vo \ again want to place on record ti prediction -
diction thai the weak and wobbly career
of the Howler isalmonl ended.
Numerous inquiries were made con
cerning IH last Saturday , and much spec
ulation indulged in as to why we were
not at our ollico or seen on tlio street.
Thoeauso was tills : While at.Hm Hotiok's
popular Palace saloon , we learned from
friends of a liondish plot to blow up our
ollieo witli dynamite. We instantly com
municated the intelligence to the city
authorities , and proceeded rapidly home ,
where we stayed till we. learned that the
vile plan had been frustrated. Thus
another cowardly attempt to down us
We are pained to announce that our
greatly respected fellow-citi/.en , Captain
Thomas 11. Howard , died at his hand
some residence on Coteau street early
yesterday morning , lie was universally
liked. The coroner's jury bad not re
turned a verdict up to the time of going
to press. He was a kind husband and an
indulgent father. He was an old sub
scriber of tlio Hooter and was paid eight
months in advance. His family will con
tinue to receive the Daper regularly.
We deem a word of explanation due
our readers in regard to an item pub
lished in last week's Hooter. It staled
that our worthy fellow-citi/on , Judge
Iv/.ru K. Fuller , had been arrested and
bound over for getting drunk and riding
up and down the street on a mule lie had
stolen from a neighbor and shooting
right and left , anil wounding several per
sons. There was a slight error in tlio
item , as it should have read that 'Haltly"
Ford was the man that was arrested nnd
our esteemed friend , Judge Fuller , thu
justice before whom he was arraigned.
In the hurry of getting the forms to
press for a largo paper like the Hooter
small typographical errors like this will
sometimes occur , and no one regrets
them more deeply than ourselves.
The gallant Colonel IJrayson of this
city took a slight at a little unin
tentional item that wo inserted in the
last issue of the Hooter , and tired two
shots through our window. Fortunately
for us neither took olVect Tlio eojonel
comes of some of the best families of
Virginia and is naturally spirited and
quick to resent an insult. If the gfiiial
colonel desires it we would he pleased to
print an apology , though wo can assure
him no insult was intended. As we both
will continue to reside in Hartley we hope
to live on good ternn with him.
It has come to our cars that Hill Arnold ,
a cowardly , cringing sneak who has hung
around this city for some time , claimed
to be dissatistied with a statement made
in our paper tor last week concerning
him , iind went around the street's Monday
telling people that ho didn't like it. We
} ake this manner of notifying the sneak
ing , disreputable pup that he does not
want to repeat the performance , if he
don't like anything we liavo said about
him ho can keep his mouth shut. Wo
should have called him to account for his
utterances before this , but he jumped the
town the next day and has gone to his
former home in Ohio to reside in the
future. The ilastardlyctir had better re
main there , for if ho ever comes back
here we shall make it warm for him.
"Why the Monument is There.
"I see the people of New York say Gen
eral Grant has a monument in their
hearts. "
"Yes. "
"Such a monument cannot bo pur
chased with money. "
"No. That is the reason it is there. "
Jllnhtherin IsiiK'nIn nmliiiiK : Its nnmiiil vlsltn-
tlon. Ton yours1 trlillof Dlt. THUS. .1KFKKHIS1
KKMKDV Inr tlmt filial nu'lii'ly ' Ims iloinon-
Mralt'il tlio 1'iict Unit It is int'alllMaits it i >
Ivo mill euro. If you penult your thililnm to
dlo witli illlitlu | ) > dii , "Their tilnoil ho upon your
houd. " For Milo only nt tlio ollluo , No. ) South
Dili htruet , Council Hinds , lit. , or bunt by oijuosd
ou receipt of price. $2.
From the Council HIiillH Dully Herald :
JIri . K. M. ( lOi-nrd , wife of KnsrlnonrRcrnnl ,
of tlio Union I'acillc , this city , has been n cront
eulTororfor ninny yenr. > , with what was sup
posed to liocincor of the tlirout. It was so bad
tlmt t-ho win tluealciH'il with fin vittioii. Ilur
general henlth was completely broken down.
She could only swallow liquid lood , Mini even
tlmt horfitomaeh could nut digest or iisslmllato.
Physicians of Council lllulls and Omaha nvo no
reliof. Dr. .Icirerls.of this city , was called. In
lour weeks1 tlmi ho ciirnd her thioat , and com
pletely roitorcd her general health. Hnd Mrs.
( ierard not ohliilnoil re'Iof soon hho would liavo
died ! rom hlord poison , tlio t-aniocondition that
destroyed the hfo o ! ' Him. Grant.
from the Council Mluirs Dally filolio :
M. A. Mel'lko , editor of the Cam : > i .
lunv , 1'a I I'rooman , IIIIH lioen the perbonal
frlondof i ho editor of tlio Qloho for morn than
twenty yo us , and Is known wliorovcr hols
Idii wms : ono of the best moil Ihl IB. HcUal < o
an liitlnnitii friend of Mr. Clark of the Non-
paroll. Ho lias lieon untoit'iii'ito ' In the I net
that lil- > family was ravaged with dlphtheriu ,
and KM ally dihtrocBcd. Mr. Clark having heuid
of his calamity bout him MIIIIO of Dr. .loH'crls'
niphlhorln Cure , It was iifod at once , and the
llvot of tlio rest of Ills children saved , l.cltora
from Mr. MoI'lUe are unbounded In tholr ex
pressions of ffriitlludo for llndiiitf some moans
of averllnif MiolosH of hlB w'.ioh.1 urnup of lltllo
and tonderoncs Tivoot Mr. Met'llto'schildren
out ol elicit died from diiihlhorla hofoio ho luul
nn opportunity of utliitr lir. Jollcrle' remedy.
Dr. Jolforls1 dlphlherh tnodlnlno Is liifulllliln
for all kinds of wire throats. Indispenslhle In
putrid horotluout. In malignant scarlet fever ,
fihaniflmr It In 4s hours ton i-lniploform. Inlnl *
Illilo eitio for all Inflammatory , ulcorntlvn. put
rid , cancerous ulccrallonof tlio womb nnd all
eatarrhal conditions.
Kull printed Instructions how to Ube the medi
cine sent with It , No doctor iciinlred.
Ppnclnt ndvertlsomcnta , EUfli ns I.rM. Foun
To loan , For Sulo , To Itctit , VxinU. HonrUliiir ,
oto , will tiolnsortoil la this column at the low
rotoofTUNCKNTS PER LIN'K forlho lirst inser
tlon ami FivoConts [ 'or Line for each fuUnorjuoni
Insertion. Jcavo advertisement * t our otllco
No. IS real street , near llioadwuy , Council
lllutrg. '
t \ ; ANTKH At Iho Ogilon Ilouso , u ilrtt-cl-lFB
chambermaid. Apply at uniso.
_ _ _ _ _
TiTANTKIi-Hy yotniif lady , position n * co in
? i ] > tmion forl'unr or with small lumlly. v
drees y. 1' . , Council lllutrs.
xxrASTUi ) A wood kitchen girl. Apjilyt *
\ V Martin ilugliof , ClUUth avo.
OKSAlX-UrTrnilo A 195 aero farm , 116
iieros undo' plow , 40 acres pimturo , 10 ucrci
hay Kiound , good house and barn. Will cell or
tiiuie for inerolumdUo. AdJrctl I * . O. box lie ) ,
Council Hltillt ) , Iowa
FOIl SALE OH uiioi-3. : | In quiintitm sto
ul Uuo ollico No. U 1'oarl utruut.
On Dcrcinlici'tifNt.m / > rm > , tlir iHirliir > : liitofOiriitt ! , French P Trcy-
r , kiinirti f .i the Cninirll Ulntf * Cnrnct Co.wnii'cs by limitation , atul
on tlitit < lntc there trill be
A / " E " ! "
OF" rTe
To j/rf rctntu / < > tliin fluniffc we offer entire stock of
Or ALL 1U\1 > N , AX1 > OTIIKIt
Ctt ( sens of Council Mtiffmtntl vichiitti trill Jhnl it to tlictr interests to
call < unl c.i'iniiiiir tntryoodx < ! nrlcrn. This Is tlir jli'at opportunity
crcrojlercil in this clttt to olitnin the above ( joodsj'roin ( t full , froth stoclt ,
at theonrninifofa tninlni'ss ticusoii.
Country merchants will jltttl inanibartfainn calliiiff / carltf.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Arconeniny new and beautiful tlfsif/ns in
VliL'ET \ , TA J'JitiTJtr Bit USSKLS ,
Jtay Carpets , etc. .
JForofllccs , hoteJs , lottyc rooms , etc. Call for prices at IFu fitness Bros. ' ,
Arc now arrli-iny antt In stock. Ticots , J latincls , Cashmeres , Etc , EJC-
ccllcnt for traveling suits and fall service.
JilacJc Silks and in the new colors. Oiialiti/ the best and prlcca the
lowest for yood yoods. Ladies wisliiny reliable yooits will call on Hark-
nc.-is Jli-os. , jYb.J.OJ Jtroadway , Council JUn/'s.
A few more of those Lisle Thread Jfofe left at Xiic. , in black and In
colors , at Ifarkncss JlrosStOl llroadway.
In many new patterns and a larye stock to select from. Door Jfrtts , Unas ,
Curtains. Curtain I'olcs , etc. . , at Jfarkncss lirotherstOJ. Jiroiidway ,
Conncll Jilu/fs. .
f * ff. Utijis a pair of If id Gloves this wccl ; at Ifarkness lirothers ,
O tC . Aro. 4O1 JroadwaiCouncil Jilnffs.
Wholesale and Retail Grocers ,
lain and fi Fear ! § fr@@f , Giii&y ? Bluffs.
"pro. MILLER ,
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
HOUBO , SlKtninil llccornllvo 1'iilulcr. 1'iiplcr
Miitlio Wiill OrmimonlF.
None lint ln t hiimls oiiijUoycd and clmrpus us
Jew MONEY TO LOAN-At lowest
rates , Real estate handled , In
surance written and all kinds of
bonds bought by F , J , Day No ,
39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs ,
Established I88 ! ,
In thu cliy can be obtained by ptitronUlnjf the
001 llroudway
fiEO , W. SCIllNDELE , Prop ,
iinno but experienced hands employed. Out
townordois by mull or oipress HoHcltiH ] , ntid
nil \\oiK WMrunted.
NO. ffOO & 511
Dully receipts of new
Caus , Clothing , and u full line of Dry
IS N. Main St. , Council JJInfTs , In. , uiiil
SOU S. inth St. . Iloom 10 , Omaha , Neb.
MonufuctuMir's A entfortho
Tents , Awiiiner-s , Hoofing Slutc. Man
tels , Plato and Window ( JIuss , Hliow-
CiiHt's. Elevators ( hand and hy
draulic , ) & ( ! .
City Steam Laundry !
I Jt EMEU o su. t n ic IIT ,
No. at N , Main Street , Council HluT ( ,
I Finest irork and lowest prices for
flue work. All collars and cnjfs returned -
' turned In collar ami cn/f boxes
iwthont e.vlra charye , which ynar-
antccs work In same condition as It
leaves its. Out of town orders re
ceive saiitcZuttcntlon and at eaina
rates as city ii'ork.
< ! i'n , JotirnulM. County an < l
ISaiik Work ofi.ll EUinlN uSjiot >
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Hoom 1 Kvnrnt ISIock , Council
Simulant I'apcrs Uswl All stylus of binding -
ing in Mtigny.iiies nnil
O. It. National limb , M. r. Smith & Co. ,
CllUens1 Hank , Jlenre. Wcll & Co. ,
tirst National , C II. Inrurimco Co. ,
fllu or It I'ufey.lUinliurt.C. II. ftivlmri Hunk.
F. P.
ZStat . .
Office No , 525 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
uio riii. m.
} 1 to ft p. m.
7 to H ; > . in-
* " vo. .