Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Lincoln Real Estate Owners Holding Their
Property Too High ,
Crooks Ilrnuh Lincoln iNir flip Htato
J'ali Kcynold ( SocH to Jail
Capital Oily \O\VH mid
IrnnuTitr. I KE' t.ixrot.x ntmicttr.1
'Lincoln real estate Is moving slow , " re-
mniked n dealer In dirt lo the HKI : reprosen-
tatl\e jcsterday , nnd tlio prevailing opinion
fccems to bo thnt if the present stiff prices arc
maintained there \\lll boury light transfers
durlnir tliii lull months. Since the advent of
one new railroad nnd tlm near approach of a
second , parties who at the last nmrk up put
up piiccs of ical estate 50 per cent In nil-
v.ince of what the market rcollyvarrant3 ,
h.ive scon In the now road * nn excuse for
maintaining prices and oven adding n litllo
to them , evidently acting upon the phu that
a city Is built upon high prices ami tlmt fic
titious values aio the evidence of a gonuiuo
boom. S.ild a prominent business man and
one who is Interested In Lincoln realty : " \Vo
hnvo prices too hluh hern for the coed of thu
place , and a collapse Is sihoiit as liable to come
as any further nthauce. " Thu
fact Is n poor man cannot purchase at pies
cut prlct-H In Lincoln without going two or
three miles out on the pr.ililo , whctu theic Is
no way to cot in and out of ( lit1 city. If tlm
city had good streets and walks and cai.s the
present high-notch prices would bo more In
Keeping with the eternal Illness ol things ,
but lacking all these they have lots nnd
rents as well Jup lo prices that ate not com
manded In places whcio p.xved btlet-Is ml
cable roads the doorway.
POINT * roi.irn AI. .
Police Judge A. F. Parsons has himself ,
nnd has by his trlcnds , been announced ns a
rnndldate tor congiess in thH district , and ho
will proceed at onru to contest the ground
\vlth Allen Kleld for the Lancaster delega
tion , Mr. I'aisonsis an attorney of Lincoln ,
who has heretofore been active in politics ,
nnd In which work ho has made many
trienda and been himself : sold out andslaugh-
teied by parties who now seek to control at-
falr.s In Lancaster , and who
Mould bo pleased to have a delega
tion tor congressional matters to use our
tr < ide at random. Mr. Parsons' fi lends are
very enthusiastic In his behalf , and It looks
as though the county would have an elegant
little contest of Its own bnfoio the tegular
( meets. Mr. Patsons and Mr.
'leld both come from the same ward In the
lty , and It Is expected that the buttle will be
? litter between them there , and many assert
that Paisons \ \ 111 have no ditllculty in carry-
Thn administration has boon trying to do a
little extra by Colonel Davis ol tills city.
Last sprint : lie wr.s nominated and conllimi'd
us icgfstor of the Lincoln land olllcc , anil ho
nt once succeeded Major Ploico In that posi
tion , .lust lietore the udloninmont of con-
L-ioss It was announced that Colonel Davis
liiiil also been appointed iccelver ot the same
ntlluc to succeed Dr. Koot Uut\erv few be
lieved this , how GMT , especially In view
tit the fact that there weio not
olllces enough to go around and supply seek-
ei.s with one apiece , to say nothing ot two.
Nevertheless the appointment was a fact ,
ud the other day Davis lecelved olllchu
iiollco of his secondappolntmeiit. However
ss ho had the best ot the two offices in the
land dlstilet , and couldn't hold them both ,
lie had to decline the last ofllco nnd let It uo
ulsowhoic. A icpubllcan has stated that ovl
dently the administration , having given al
the demociats In Lincoln ollice , prelerred tc
double up lather than take ehancu with dem
ocrats out in the .state.
Thodcmociatlc county central committee
lor Lancaster county was in session yester
day , at the otllco of Sawyer & Sneil , deciding
upon the date for their county convoutlor
nnd appoitionlng the delegates lor the ditlei
cut wards and piecincts.
Senator Van \Vvck was booked for i
speech at the farmers' picnic up at Uaymoml
this county , yesterday , and to spc.ik a !
j'Inttsmouth in the evening.
Up at the state house yestoiday the and
toi's olllco was In receipt of .papers fioni th
Jleclmnics' Llfo Insur.uico company of Phil-
fdelphia.vhlch company dcsiicd to be placed
In knowledge of the tacts necessary to per
mit them to do business In the state of Ne-
The city police have had for several davs
In charge a young man , or rather boy , whoso
proper place Is out to the reform school ,
where ho will probably BO , as. ) udgo Parker
will hear the laets In the case Monday.
The advance of dead beats nnd crooks have
reached the city In anticipation of the state
fair. Tluco ot the gentry commenced opcia-
tlons at the H. & M. depot on tlm dead boat ,
bflggliiX from passengers method. One of
them had a hand tied nn part of the ttmo and
could bo aejIpplo at pleasuio. Ollicer Hyatt
nabbed one or the tile ycsteidny , and upon
his appearance In court the police jud 0 lined
liimfe.iOand costs and sent him to jail to
board It out. Ho will not visit the state fair
the present year.
Uoynohls , the dentist who collects both his
own and Ids paitnor'.s fees , failed to get ball
and wont to jallwheioho occupied quarters
lor along time hint winter and .spring. 1'he
ease again * ! him promises to bo one that will
Khohini something more lasting than a jail
for a season.
A common thief entered the bnsomont of
the Opelt hotel , stele n case of ogirs and
li'gKcd it otf to boon companions for a feast
Ho was anested , convicted and aunt up to
the county j.xil tor thlity days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. ( Julio ontertalneil the
choir of St. Paul's M. K. chinch at their losl-
ilunco Wednesday evening. In n choir social
Biieh as they propose lo have semi-monthly in
the future. The opening social Is reported
as an entiio nuccess In all the patttculars that
go to make it such ; the rotieshmnnts were
very fine , and Mr. and Mrs. ( Sullo proved
very hospitable eniertiiliieis of the singers ,
who , themselves did not fall In appreciation.
This ( veiling the sixth anniversary of the
Lincoln V. M , C. A. will be obsorvcd.and the
association have seemed Robert \Voldensall ,
the western International secretary ot the or
ganisation , to deliver the lecture. That It
will be lull of Interest mid a collection of
facts concerning the organl/ntlon gleaned
tlnoiigh year * of travel , may bo taken as an
nsMiicd tact anil the society liopo to see a
largo attendance nt their anniversary meet-
During the past week the thcatilcal season
hns boon fairly Inauirurateil with Sol Smith
Kussell Thursday night and "Tho Devil's
Auction" Saturday night nt Funke's Opera
house. The now People's theater was also
opened to llui pwnlo of Llocoln the past
woo If , Miss Maud L'owe nnd coiunany occu
pying the boards theio tor the entiio weelc.
Mi. and Mrs. Mason Ctegg have been nt
St. Joseph the past week , visiting trlonds
nnd cnjoyine the exposition In progress there.
Mis. C. S , Ulackman , of PhiUsniouth. was
visiting trlcnds nt the capital city during the
past week.
Miss Lllllo Potvln , of Lincoln , hasgone to
'Wheeling , West Virginia , to bo in leadlncss
fornttendanco atschool near tlmt ulixco , where
Bho passed the year.
Mrs. < ! eo. Minor and children from Mon-
mouth. III. , mo In the catiital city fet n two
weeks' visit with Mrs. M's sister , Mrs. Plielps
I'm no , at Seventeenth nnd 11 stiocts.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles A. Pleipo hnvo nr-
rived in Lincoln , nfter n few days' visit nt
other points In the county. Mr. Pierce Is
cashier of the bank at Bennett , where him
self and wlfo will make their home ,
Ite.v. ami Mrs , 0. C. Plerco ate homo again
nt Lincoln , alter their summer vacation at
Philadelphia and other points In the Quaker
state , Mr. Plerco has resumed his labors as
pastor of the First llaptlst chinch.
WHIN , Kins ? of Omaha , U. F , Thomas ol
Liberty , and T. J. Plckett of Franklin , were
newspaper visitors nt Lincoln tun past week ,
Mrs. Will S. Jay and children are at homn J
nvnln In Lincoln , after sineral weeks' visit
with pircnU and friends at Dakota City ,
Neb. - - -
Mis. Sarah Zlcmcr ami Mrs. Sarah flrimv
Ingenue two Cleveland , O. , ladles , relatives
ot Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 0. Zloim-r. who are visit
ing , with the latter , nt Lincoln.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Uoorgo II. Clark , who have
been vUltlng at Iowa w.Uorlnz places , are at
Lomu nt Lincoln ualn.
Mr. and Mrs. U. K , Little are at homoaftoi
a sununor tilp to HIP lake country of Mluuo-
tota , \ \ Iscoiisin nnd Michigan ,
Dr. 0. 0. Kennvamt family visited at Falls
Citv and points In that Immedlato vicinity
during the cailv pait of the week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Opmihclmer , who have
been ou an axteuded trip to eastern cities ,
BIO rtl liomw to Lincoln again. Duilnc theli
trip pxleusUo purchasua weto made for their
etore In this city.
Mrs. J. J. 1 laholt had as her guest ouTue *
± 51Q
In the southeastern part of the Citjt , is only two miles from the Post- Xo oHtri' ( nldttiou in Uic < Vr// / lit lim'tuff n better mtlc tlutn this bcitiiUfnl
and i > oimltn' pttice. It.M only two inilcn iwrtlniwl of tini > tn > tf > Jllc , anil lot *
oj/ec / , mid is bctna rapidtu built np. Lots arc selliiifin this Addition for tti-f bctHf/nnlilfor $ X > O to $7i > 0. 1Init'i' } > both /M IIN ' .S nnd Intufnr * ! < ' In
$ U50 on lena time. If jfnn sec these lots j/on will ccrtainlitbny one or uioir. Ori'hnrtl Hill on nnnHlitiUHH/iHent * , cheaper tlnm tlicifcan be bouyltt in < / /
other Omaha.
part of
It Is the cheapest proper 11in the southern part of the city.
Onljitt niilr ami the pnntofllrf Kilutitnl on J.ettrrnit'orth ,
a half front ,
In only a mile and a half from the postofllcc , south of the cemetery , in
destined to lie the malnciixt and wcxt thoronr/hfai'e to the citn ; ( hi * com
the northwestern pttrt of thi-C'lty , and is beautifully situated. If'care selling mand * a lai-ffp share of tlawe in < jnt' t of hotnc. * or lotn nit speculation ,
Lots in Majine J'lace arc wlUny ranidlif at $1,200 to $1S 0 on cau
ing these Lots for $630 lo'JOO on long lime. Ifc can suit you with a lot
terms , while loin In Jlanscom and Jlcccc riuccs , arc held at double this
in any direct ton. price.
.A. o
Directly west of Walnut Hill. 1 We arc offerlnu lots for $1 , > 0 lo $200 , on easy terms. It is beautifully situated and has nearly all the conrenlenees enjoyed by Walnut Hill , where lota are
held at three to four times this amount. See it. Onr list of other property is the luryest in the city , and prices and terms the best. Jtclow are a few bargains deserviny special mention.
370 feet front on Leaven worth , $3,500.
Terms to suit.
2 lots fronting on Ilunscom Park , $ lOoO
lo $1,3.10 each.
House of 4 rooms , lot 00x104 , on 20th st. ,
House of G rooms , 2 lots , line location ,
$2,800. Easy terms.
Ono of tlic finest lots on Walnut Hill ,
$ .125.
13 lots , West Side , $1,800.
ta IP
IVl ? 3l T7"f"liO
IVldly IIC
day anil Wednesday Mrs. Nf. Adams , of. Nebraska - I
braska City.
Mis. II. O. Phillips , who has passed the
lone-heated teim ot the summer at mountain
re-sorts In Coloiado , armed home at Lincoln
on Tuesday last
Mrs. L. C. 13utr and childicn , who have
been in Colorado the last two weeks , aio ex
pected homo the lirst of the coming week.
Miss Li.zloYltman \ , of Omahawho visited
several days in Lincoln , the guest of Mr.and ,
Mis. Ilayiien , relumed to her Omaha homo
Mrs. Chancellor Mannntt and children ,
who have been enjoying Colorado bree/es
through the hr.itcd term , are nt homo again
in Lincoln.
Miss May JarKson of the "hello" office lias
been oat at Fnlrbury and other points In the
state visiting with acquaintances.
Mrs. K. T. Roberts and Miss Painter re
turned Tuesday fiom a ten days' visit at
Denver and mountain resoits In Colorado.
Mis. II. W. Parker , of Ucatricc , wns visitIng -
Ing Lincoln friends on Wednesday last.
Miss Lulu Clinic has gone cast to leassumo
school duties nt the Pennsylvania iemalo
college. Her mother , Mis. J. K. Claik , ac
companied horns far as Chicago.
A very pleasant party of young people were
_ njoylng themselves at the residence ot A.
M. Davis at Twelfth and P sttect , Wednes
day evening. The party was given by the
Younii Ladles' society tor the homo tor the
On Frldnv evening tlio Young Peoples'
society of the Unlvorsallst church hold n
social on the grounds of the church at
Tweltth and II streets.
norr.r , Aur.ivAi. .
Among the Nobrasknns at Lincoln hotels
yesterday were the following : F. S. Ramsey ,
Sutton ; < ieo. F. Sawver , Western ; J. U.
Strode , Plaltsmouth ; W. 11. Harslow. Crete ;
S.M.Uarkcr , Silver Creek ; J. H. Wheeler ,
Frnmont ; D. M. Toniblln , Akion. Colo. ; A.
V. S. Sanmters , Hcatrlco ; F. 11. Holt , Pick-
erell ; 11. 0. McMacken , Plattsmouth ; J. S.
Cameron , Omaha.
Tlio Snake Harvest.
A farmer nt Elkhnrt , Ind. , found a rat
tlesnake in n load of hay , which he had
driven to thu market. In the snake
were two live meadow moles.
Snakes that cat poisonous snakes catch
them by the so that they cannot
open their mouths. Then they swallow
their dangerous prey head lirst , and the
unhappy reptile never lias a chance to
A mountaineer sold a pailful of wlior-
tie berries in Hnirorstown , Md , , for six
cents a quart. While he wns picking
them in the mountains ho killed eighteen
copperhead snakes and tlirco rattle
A stage driver near Yellowstone Jake ,
Montana , saw an enormous serpent run
ning through the grass , its head being
lifted litteen foot above the ground. It
was at least thirty feet long. A party of
men pursued the reptile , tracing it to a
cave , but failing to kill it.
Judge Uatly and Captain Cram of
Orange City , Fla. , saw two immense
snakes lighting in the road. Their teeth
wore buried in eauli other's necks , and
they appeared to bo nearly dead , ISoth
snakes wore killed. One of them proved
to be a rattlesnake six feel , long and the
other a land moccasin suvca feet in
Mark ( jilbort , living near Santa Rosa ,
Ciil. , was bitten on the linger by u ratlle-
Eiiake. Ho tied u small cord tightly
around his finger below the wound and
drank a pint ofwhiskr. The linger soon
assumed a variegated colors of snake ,
nnd the end of it took ou the shape of
the serpent's head. 'The linger was
llnally amputated.
The Rev. Mr. Fairweathor of Cham
paign county , Illinois , says lie saw an
eagle seize u largo black snake in a field
near Clifton bridge. The bird carried
tlio snnko high into the air , but the snake
tinally strangled its captor , and the two
fell to thu ground together. The Rev.
Mr. Fairwoathor then killed the snake
with a club. Ho still preserves the club
as proof of tlio story.
IlcmlnisceiiooB Kiiffjjested by the Death
of Cnltlu Stowe.
Cincinnati Sun : "Tho IJecchcrs and
the late Calvin E. Stowe were the leaders
of a coterie of very pronounced aboli
tionists on Walnut Hills in 1840. " said
Dr , Kemper Jnst night. "In fact , the line
between the pro-slavery people and the
abulitiocUu vri * tuiro din-ply dra.vru
132 feel on Lcavomvorth street , house of
10 rooms , largo barn , city water , etc. ,
The lincst building lots in Hcdick's Grove ,
$1,800 to $12,000 each.
East front lot , Hanscom Place , $1,500.
Nice house of G rooms on Colfax. near
street cars on Lcavcmvorth and Far-
nara streets ; ? 3G90. Easy terms.
4 lots , Davcndort's Sub. , near Sauudcrs
st. , $050 each.
oct'vccn these two Presbyterian churches
than anywhere else at that time "
"What manner of man was Calvin E
Stowo ? "
"Ho was a short , thick-set , mild man
of practical turn , and intensely devoted
to his books. Ho was known as onu of
the most broadly-cultured men in the
west , especially in Greek and Hebrew.
Prof. Stowe did not , however , cut , much
of a figure in the seminary administra
tion , but for all that was well liked and
profoundly respected for his learning.
"For his wife not a great deal could bo
said at that time. Catherine IJcecher ,
th ( ! spinster daughter , was the bright ono
of that family , and Harriet Stowe was
ranked rather below all the others in in-
tollollcctuality. Catherine had an odd
sort of dog-cart or chariot in which she
used to take Mrs. Stowo riding. It was a
Oncer craft even for those days rather
the talk of the town and an excellent
exponent of the Beeclier character. "
"Was there any romance connected
with the Stowe-Ueechcr courtship ? "
"None that I ever heard of. Both were
nuiot , rather phlegmatic , and not at all
the port of people to do quiet things in a
love allair. But they were sincerely and
unalloctcdly devoted to each other each ,
it is said , being proud of the bonds which
united them. Stowo was proud as the
husband of Harriet Beccher she as ( lie
wife of Profosnor Stowo , the learned lin
guist and theologian. "
"What was Mrs. Stowc's strongest
point ? "
"Decidedly her abolitionism. She was
the strongest in the family , which is say
ing a great deal. Her husband was
equally positive in this direction , though
less inclined to assert his views without
provocation. Both Stowo and His wife
wore practical people , quite domestic ,
and lived very quietly in the seminary
grounds. Their house was the principal
station of the Underground railway in
this city , and they were constantly in
volved in some scheme to aid escapinc
slaves. I remember a witty remark made
by Mrs. Stowo in connection with the
well-known enmity of the two churches
First and Second on the slavery ques
tion. It so happened that one Sunday
there was no minister for the Second ( abolition
lition ) church , and the congregation went
en mass to the lirst , or pro-slavery ,
church. The pulpit there wns vacant
also by n curious chance , and although
tiio Kov. Lyman Bocchor , president of
th'j seminary , was present , the pro-slav
ery elder , who happened to bo left in
charge , could not ask him to pi each , be
cause the First Church congregation had
registered a vow that the 'arch abolition
1st , ' as they culled him , should never
preach in their pulpit. But they turned
the service into a prayer-meeting , and
of course , couldn't well omit to invite
the Kov. Ly in nil to lead in the lirst invo
cation. Ho got upon liin feet promptly
and proceeded to address the throne of
grace for un hour and a quarter , in the
course of which ho managed to evolve
a very presentable sermon. After church
Harriet approached my father , who re
presented the other wing of the church ,
and wittily observed that 'the Boechors
can manage to preach n sermon as well
as to run off a nigger occasionally. '
"Another church story about the
Bccchcrs became nubile property about
the same time- . Old Kov. Lymsn B. was
in the habit of taking his Monday mornIng -
Ing holiday , and ono Monday ho went
fishing. Ho came homo saying lie hadn't
got anything worth stringing. Next
Sunday his congregation was kept awake
by nn awful and mysterious stench , the
Boiiiro of which nobody could determine.
Finally Harriet left the family pew ,
glided up to the chiinrol rail and carried
her father's light overcoat and the noi
some odor from the church , The old
gentleman had pocketed his lisli nnd for
gotten to remove them. "
"Where did Mrs , Stowogct her ideasof
the peculiar institution ? "
"From the fugitive darkles whom she
befriended almost dally , and perhaps
partially from a short residence with her
husband in Kentucky where ho hold a
pa&torato for u short time. But nobody
believed she possessed such literary tal-
rnt us was demonstrated in 'Uncle Tom's
Cabin1 until the book hud actually begun
o create a furor chcwhcro. "
House and lot , Boggs & Hill's addition ,
$1,250. Terms easy.
22-foot lot , Cuming near IGtli , $3,500.
GO feel on Snundcrs , near Cuming , large
house , $0,500. ,
2 nice lots , Snundcrs & Himebatigh's ad
dition , $300 each.
Fine acre lot , West Omaha , $0,000.
Lots on Georgiuavenue , $2,000.
House , 2 lots.iWalnut Hil'l , $2,300.
Ono of the fiiWst 'residences ' in the city ;
for prices and terms call at office.
, MlliIUv a
Tall Opening , 1886.
We Shall Open To-Morrow , Monday
Sept. Otli , Our New
Stock or Kail Dress
embracing a well assorted line of
of the best manufacturers. ! ! ! the new and
desirable colorings for the coming sea
Velour Fantaiso.
Bayadere Fantaiso.
Plush and Velvet stripes nnd checks.
Ombreo Velvets , stripes and checks on
all-wool ground , with plain to mutch.
Mono , Silk and Plush stripes.
Plaid , Plain and Fancy Striped Vel
Plaid Surnhs , with plain to match.
Chevron Diego Kayo.
Hoyuro Conle.
Diagonal DCS Indo.
Many of the styles that will be shown
to-morrow have no duplicates , therefore
an early rail for inspection is invited.
Cor. 15th and Dodre-sts. {
\ Free Hide To and From tlio Fair
for All.
To all the People : You are respect
fully invited to participate in our fren
rides to and from tno fair. It is not
necessary that you bo a purchaser , but
ALL are invited. Our wagon will run
from the store every hour and all the
week , and wo expect all to attend. Yours
The New York & Omaha Clothing Co ,
How lie HlsUeil Ills Life to Deliver n
1'uruol , and Thus AVou n
lloantlful Brldoi
If you happen to bo on N inth street and
want a cigar , says tlio Now York Mail
and Express , stroll into that little shop
tlii'.t opens wide upon the sidewalk ,
nearly opposite Cooper institute , and
look up at the crayon portrait of a beau
tiful woman's face. Most people sup-
nose it is an advertisement for some
brand of cigarettes , but It is not. Ex
press involuntary admiration ; that will
be natural , and oiler to buy it. You can
safely do this , for tlio gray-haired gentle
man behind the counter will courteously
but firmly say .you nay , even while ho
produces a private box , unstamped , but
containing nn article \vhioh you will
smoke witli delight. Then , if you are a
good listener and. appear sociable , ho
will , or at least he did tlio other evening ,
remark that every man's life has its ro
mance , ami that ho is not as old as he
looks. Ho looks 'it ( least lifty years , but
his dark oycs ; ire bright , and his strong ,
shapely hands uro tvhitu and smooth as a
boy's , )
"Twenty years stgo , just after tlio war , "
ho said , nutting .that unstamped cigar
box out of sigl/fV / the custom douse was
just getting work trying to make
up for Dycnrs of demoralization. The
popular idea in regard to smuggling was
more liberal than now , and the president
might have imported his bride's trous
seau and a cargo of whisky and cigars
for the white house without stirring up
tlio entire press of the country. 1 .was
captain of the Carmen , a tlirco masted
schooner , trading between this port and
Havana , It was just such a cool August
night as this that the Carmen lay be
calmed oil * Barnegat on her trip south.
Wo lay about a mile from the Jersey
coast. It was almost dark when I heard
n man's voice hull us Suddenly n rowboat -
boat bumped our side , and a natless in
dividual scrambled aboard with n wild
glare in his eyes and big diamond in his
shirt front. Ho unhitched the diamond
and handed it to mo with the remark :
"Will this pay for my passage to the
port you are bound for ? ' The stone was
worth $1,000 if it was worth anvthinsr ,
nnd as the bruezo was springing up I
called it a bargain.
" 1 lauded the fugitive iu Havana , and
Lot fronting on both Saunders and 23d
hi reels , 2 houses , $5,200.
House of 0 rooms on Lcavenworth. near
Park avenue street cars , $3,050.
22 feet on Farnam street , between 19th
nnd 20th , $0,000.
22 feet on Farnaui , between 20th and21st ,
Lpcclal bargains in 13th street property.
S houses , 8 rooms each , corner 22d and
I/.ard , .f 8,500 ,
Lot on N. l&th street , $2,500.
lost sight of him for nearly a year. One
day , however , ho came auoard the Car-
men just as I was making ready for Now
York. He introduced himself as Don
Esconccs. He said ho was getting rich
as a tobacco-grower , and felt that ho
owed everything to me. 1 told him that
our accounts were squared , and asked
after tlio sweetheart ho said ho had left
behind him.
"That was what ho wished to see me
about. Would I take a parcel and deliver -
liver it into her hands at the Brunswick
hotel ? It contained a present of great
value , and ho begged that none but the
lady herself open it. Tlio name Mrs.
Agnes Anstrutlier was on the wrapper ,
having urcsentod mo with a richly
carved rosewood box containing lifty
cigars at least seven inches long , and of
the choicest leaf in the market , Mr.
Don Esconces left mo witli the mysteri
ous package. The trip north was stormy.
Strangely enough , I found myself lying
oft' Barnegat in a dead calm on the very
anniversary of my night adventure witli
the man whoso message of love I had
voluntarily undertaken. I had been
wondering all during the voyage how I
should contrive to smuggle the package
unopened through the custom house.
Doubtless it contained iewols , and it was
pride rather than daring that prompted
mo to take a desperate chance.
"Leaving the Carmen in command of
the lirst mate , with orders not to await
my return , I had a small boat lowered
and pulled ashore , determined to run the
blockade of the revenue patrol. I had
the paokago belted under my shirt. No
sooner had I hauled up on the beach
than I was hailed by four uniformed pick
ets. I scaled the clilV and escaped n pistol
tel bullet by accidentally stumbling bond-
long , Two of the patrols gave chase and
the other two seized the boat and rowed
for the Carmen. I learned afterword
that a breeze sprung up just in time for
her to escape them. I ran as I never ran
before or since through the woods , along
an occasional piece of road , dodging be
hind fences nnd fording streams , and all
the while those human hounds hallooed
in my track , spitting lead after mo and
arousing a hundred farm dogs. Once in
the moonlight they succeeded in hitting
me. See that soar on my neck ? But I
eluded them before midnight and reached
Jersey City shortly after daybreak , to bo
arrested lor an escaped burglar , for
whoso capture a reward offered.
"I got out of that scrape by acknowl
edging that 1 was only a tramp who had
got bullet-bitten In a henroost , and Iny
m a hospital n whole week. On being
released 1 got rv now suit of clothes , a
Turkish bath , nnd iluttcred myself on my
pule and interesting appearance , The
clerk in the Brunswick hotel sent up to
my lady thu note of self-introduction I
wrote with trembling hand. She would
BCO mo , and opened thn door herself.
What a vision of loveliness she wasl
Mutely I gave her the package , but she
courteously insisted that I take some re
freshments and a little courage before
gratifying her curiosity. I told my story ,
and her soft , white hand tenderly ton : he < t
the livid scar that testified to its voracity.
So interested became she iu my adventure
that I had turned to go before the seal
upon the smuggled souvenir had boon
broken. She opened it with her back
toward mo , Suddenly she uttered a low
cry , half turned , and fell in n swoon. Thu
paokago , for the sanctity of winch I had
risked my life , contained , not diamonds ,
only u number of old letters. Ono was
not so old. It road :
lKAit MADAM : 1 have just been married
to a Cuban mnhlon , whoso love may cnahlu
me to loifc'et my dishonorable past. 1 feel
compelled to icturn these leaves horn the
book of memory , anil to frno you ftom tlio al
legiance they ) iiotust. 1 can not ask your
torciveness , because I can not iorxlvumyself.
There wag the noise of carrhuro wheels
nt the curb in front of the little store ,
and the prematurely old smuggler and
tobacconist stopped talking and began
to close up for tlio night. His auditor
still in suspense , saw a beautiful face at
the carriage window.
"Who is she now ? " was askod.
"Oh , that is 1117 wife. She always
comes after mo. Tlmt is tier portrait.
Her name is Agnes. "
Union Sewing machine , 201) ) N. ICth sfc
Lot on N. ICth street , $3,250.
14 feel on Hnrney street , ? 25,000.
House and lot , Shinn's addition , $1,700 ,
monthly payments.
House of G rooms , mile nnd a half from
postofllcc , $1,800.
5-room hoiist , 140 feet , South 20tli street ,
$3,500. Easy terms.
Lots , Yatcs & Rood's addition , .fSOOcnch.
Call and examine our list before buying.
If you have property to facll , for quicK
sale , list it with us.
Oysters in Now York.
Joe Howard in Boston Globe : "R"
there , oysters ! Wo had some for dinner
to-day , but in reality , as slaves to fash
ion , we should liavo walled until Wednes
day. But what are you to do on a hot
Sunday wiicn the oysters are opened and
laid on a plate of cracked ice ? Eat 'cm.
I am glad lo know that the oyster season
opens in better shape than for four or
live years past , and the whole crop was
never in better condition at this time of
tlio year. Advance orders give evidence
of a bolter season's business also , the
western orders , particularly , being a
good deal heavier than a year ago. A
careful estimate of the supply thnt will
bo in the city on the morning of Wednes
day places the number of bushels at 5- (
000 , and from present indications this
city and Brooklyn will consume
30,000 bushels a day. while about
20,000 bushels a day will bo
wanted for tlio west. It is estimated
that al. least 75,000 bushels will be wanted
in England this Reason as against 00,000
hist year. Noticeable changes in the
trade are tlmt hotels and restaurants are
demanding a much better grade of oys
ters and that the general public are de
veloping a decided taste for the smaller
or "dinner oysters , to the neglect of the
old and big saddle rocks , etc. A short
time ago saddle rocks brought $20 ami
: ? : ! 0 per 1,000. but the dcalom now con
sider that are doing well to got $10. The
trade become .so largo that a number
of the lending dealers have superseded
the old sloop with steamboats carrying
about fifteen hundred bushels and built
expressly for the purpose. The saving
of time in transportation more than
makes up for the cost of the boats. It is
to bo especially the fashion this season to
have the snmfl-Hizod oysters at dinner.
These are round , about thu six.o of a sil
ver dollar , and are served on the half
shell. The arrangements for supplying
them include 10,000 a day to Delmomco's
tip-town , 4,1)00 ) to the Brunswick , 8,000 to
the Hoffman house , 1,500 to the Metropol
itan hotel , 1,000 to tlio Gilsoy house , 2,500
to the Windsor , 1,000 to the 1'ark Avenue ,
and 1,000 to Dolmonico's down-town.
In order to show the remarkable in
crease in the demand , it may bo said thai
tliuro are 0,001) ) oyster houses in the city al
thu present time , which employ 18,000
persons , nnd that the number ot people
now engaged in the industry nt Prince's
bay , ( treat South bay and in thn Eas !
rivur district , is 13,000. It is thought ono
reason the crop is unusually largo this
season Is because of the work of the now
state ofiiciul , the oyster inspector , whoso
ollice was created uy the last legislature
Ho made a number of arrests early in the
summer of porhons dumping scows load
cd with rciuso on the oyster beds , am
this has evidently had a good efl'ect
There are some fears that the drum ant
fctar fialios will repeat their ravages of
last year , Despite tlio unusually heavy
crop , prices will bo about as last year , because
cause of tlio expense attending the gath
eriii'r and bringing to market. Choice
small dinner variety will $0 per
1,000 ; oitra saddle rooks , $15 per 1,000
Shrewsbury and East Itlvnr bay , $10 per
1,000 ; medium , * ' 1.50 per I.OIX ) ; Shrews
bury cullons , $5 per 1,000 ; Princes bay
sounds , $8 per 1,000.
The Sanitarian reliitcs n case in which n
rat had died undr.r the floor of a large
drawing roon and was giving great of
fcnse to the owner of the house , who hue
had thn carpets ami furniture romovci
preparatory to taking up the floor. An
ingenious friend drops in , Etiggosts thu
the doors and windows bo shut , stops on
lo nstnbln and traps ncouplu of blue hot
lie Hies , and , rutuniing , cta them free it
the apartment. The iliuj , after a little
undetermined Imping , settle pertina
oiously on a certain crack in tlm lloor
and on the removal of ono plank nt thif
point , the cause of thooffcnsu wasvc.idil ;
For Jtonl , Fiirntblind.
My residence , No. 2028 Charles St
Beautiful location within ono block o
street curs , Hufercncos required.
Mits. 0. F. DVUKU.
lis Wonderful Factor ) and Busy Workmeni
somotliltic About UN llitslnoss Its
Hxtcnl Seine rrontliicnt
Itu 11 ill n K ; ) .
A visit to Iho busy cornlco factory of
ChtK Speeht , the cornice kiiu. levcaled
many lulcicsting features In particular
hue of binlius. . ( > n enteilng the shops
which aie located on South Twelfth street ,
mo Is Improved with the lively manner lit
which the galvnuledoikets besllr them-
" \t" > . Mmy new and novel plans for eor-
. . . 'os of all-M/CS nnd deseilptlons nro to bo
seen In the hands of the mtlsts in vntloin
dages of completion. No sonnet Is n - < ct of cornice
nice- * completed than It Is placed on ROIHO
: > ulldlng mid In ever > o.uo It Is ono of the
uost biMiitlftd pieces \\oikumnslilp to ba
Icslicd. So mueh In demand me the ser
vices of this cot nice king , thnt one might go
iitoalmost nu.v town of nny slro In Iowa.
NehiasKa or the wtMt and there will be found
nen placing cot nice-tun tlm ver > best build-
ngs ( n the tow o , and upon Inquiry It will bo
found tlmt in almost nine c.uscs out of ten
hat ChrK Specht Is Iho builder of the
Mlvnnl/ed woik. In fact , there
mo eight shops In thu slate nnd Mr. Spechl H
teknovvIcdged b\ nil lo do eluhlj per cent of ;
ill the work done , thetobj justly earning tlio
lame "Coinlcii Klmr. "
Mr. .specials placing cornices on ninny
imminent buildings In Omaha , among which
lie the following : Union Paeliie lie.uhpiar-
cr.s building , trlmmlngaml slating , six stolen
'or A. J. Poppletoti on Kluventh stieet ami
one on Parniim : the Hail.-er buildings on
Kleventh , Thliteenth and Knrnani ; Kiuit's
ualt house nnd stable ; tlueo stoics for Mr.
ilaeomlnl on Thlilconth and Jackson ; thicu
Mores lor Hyion Iteed ; QuiMlev , Man-
nlnir , Tom Muii.iy .lolin Finnic
and P.uldoek : whole blocks for
Furny , Tuft , llaiold , Sandois , Hiown , Itoo-
tier , Schrib and olheis and le-ddences lor
Itciioial C.irev. Messts. Davis , Lehmiinn ,
Itaiictt. Shelton. Nash , SweeiMoCor -
iiilck , Cnmnbell , Mout < t and others , besides
rows for Kd. La kln , Dr. Paul nnd others.
Peteis Coos' new hotel. Iho First national
bank , Frank Itamge's new building and tlio
i.rMlllaid ; block will nil testify to Mr.
bpccht'shniiillwoiK. In fact every building
ot any importance has Sped it's cornices
on It.
Out of the city are the Cheyenne depot ;
eighteen stores anil a church at North I'latto :
thu Union block , the waterwoiks biiildldgtt
and others in ( ! rund Island ; the Henry
block nl Coiumtms ; the Woods blorlc , uid
Schuyler ; the Clti/.ens bank nt Phlllps-
ucig , Kas. ; llcndcr building at llumulirey ;
n bank at H.-uret ; the Ins.ine asvlum at Nor
folk ; Flint National tiank nt Ciawford : the
Leo building at West Point ; Madison Hros' .
block at Hhiir : school building uud scvoinl
others at Missouri Valley ; the ( ilonwooil
court liouser the Miiilciman hotel ami the
lleiald building al Chulnda , Iowa ; tlio Ma
sonic hall at Tccumsch ; and buildings Iu
Plaltsmoutli for Messrs. Heck , Leonard ,
Duck. White , ( ioodmnn nnd others ,
nnd so on for almost ever. He-
sides eveiy building iu the South
Omaha stocu yaids me decorated wilh thpso
coinlccs. As to the liaikcr building and sev
eral others In the city upon \\hlcli Mr. Speelit
is placing copper woik , the Hist over intio-
dueed in Omaha , a prominent nictiltect
claims that no liner woik has Oeen done In
nnv city , or west.
Mi. Speeht should certainly feel proud of
\\omlerfiil success he has achieved in the
cornice vvoiklng , tor his name is known nil
over this westei n country , and bis work Is
iccogni/ed to bo the veiy lincst to no had. llo
. ninlojsover lifty men , eveiy one of them o\-
jicjlcnced woilonen , and doe's nu amount of
woik In a wcclt that would tiy the nerves of
any two men In thecouutiy , nut Spechtdon't
bcem to mind It , for his uciiial .smile Is ul-
\\nys with him , and his heal lug thai ol a man
sine ot the fact thnt ho is ulving satisfaction ,
None should begrudeo Chris Spochl the title
ot "coi nice king. "
How Cliiuliiniitiis Itociilvetl Hi
To\as Sifting : When the Human
senate elected Lucius Quinlii.s Ciiieinua-
tus consul by a handsome plurality , not
withstanding thu Tnmnmny defection
and tlio fact that n prohibition candidate
was sprung on them at the hist moment ,
they appointed a committee lo visit the
royal Komnn on his farm and announce
to him his election.
They found him engaged in doing his
spring ploughing. As they approached
with all the dignity they could command
while stumbling across ploughed land in
their long togas , ho stopped his oxen to
ascertain who they wore and what they
"Most noble Koman , " said the chair
man of tlio committee , In Unit ditap , son
orous tone suited to the occasion , "wo
are here "
"So I " said Lucius
see , Quintus , eyeing
them suspiciously , "but I signed a con
tract for some ot those patent bee-hives
last summer and found it was a note for
$500 that I had to pay at tlio bank. You
can't play the green game on me twice. "
"You mistake our mission altogether , "
said tlio chairman , with offended dignity ,
"wo are "
"Lightning-rod men , perhaps. lint I
don't want any lightning-rods , ntithor. "
' Dign , most noble Cinninnatus , to
give mo your attention for : i few brief
moments. "
"Well , hurry up , old boss , nnd make it
short , for I'm busy's a mule's tail In lly-
time , " and he sat down on his plow-
beam , fanning himself with an old straw
"Tlio republic is in danger , " ho began ,
reading from a long roll of MS that ho
"That sounds sort o1 familiar. 'Nuthor
'lection ' comin' on , I reckon. You're
goiu'to sound thu tocsin , ain't yey And
mebbu you'll wave the bloody shirt. "
"Jhe Koman Senate , reali/.ing the exi
gency of the situation , has elected you "
"If there ain't them pesky _ colts in my
garden patch again , " cried Cinclnmitus ,
springing to his feet.
"W-h-o-a tiicre ( Jit that. "
- - - ! out of . ho
yelled , as ho grasped his ox-gad and
started across the liuld to drive them out.
When he returned ho was perspiring
and swearing like a Roman troopor.
"lUnnkoty blank them blank colts , " lie
cried , "they'll jump any fence that was
over mado. Say , you fellersou
don't happen to know a poke that'll
keep colts from juinpm' , doyoY"
"The city which llomulus founded , "
said the chairman , scarcely hooding the
interruption , "In casting about for a
commander , every way adequate to the
emergency that has overtaken us , the
eyes of the senate have turned toward
you. "
"Shaw I Yon don't sny , "
"Your steadfast championship of tlio
rights of labor , your position on the sil
ver question , your uncompromising op
position to tlio Chinese , your roln.-wl to
avail yourself of tlm franking privilege
and your scornful rejection oi a railroad
pass while a member of your town coun
cil , the countenance that you gave to thn
early closing movement , your dolianco of
Canada on the lishcry question , your "
"Come , now , boys , Jet up ! "
"Your refusal to litivu your portrait
and biography published in a book of
'Eminent Men. ' your fiorviccs as a volun
teer lircman , the ability you displayed as
captain of a militia company , your hav
ing ne.vcr written communications
to the pr.ners , or shown yourself in an
open hack in decoration day proccs-
stone , your refusal to allow your photo
graphs lo be placed on bale , your never
soiidinc ; proof slips of your speeches lethe
the daily journals , never making a laiso
return to the tax assessor , or wearing
pointed-toed shoes , or parting your hair
in the middle , or crying 'chestnut ! ' and
above all your invariable habits of going
to the polls and voting the old ticket ,
without a scratch , have induced tlio sen
ate to call you to thu highest otllco iu
their gift , the Roman consulship , "
Cmclnnatus was so overcome by this
I'mo ' that lie could only press the
speakers hand silently and lead tlio way
to Iho house , whore ho tapped a fresh bar *
rol of cider and invited them all to join
him in a drink.
Dut lie accepted the nomination all the