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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 5 , 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. rr.nva OF srnsciurriotf : Dnlly f > fn ni.i7 Million ) ItiulutllnK Sunday IlRr , Onn Vtnr . $10 < M ForBlx Months . r > 00 1'or Tli roe Mont In . U W Tlio Omnhn Smiiluy HKK , limited to tiny , Ono - . 2 00 OMAHA timer , ? ; o. mi AMI nn PAHS-AM irnr.r.r. Nnv VuriK 'if Kirn. UIIIKI US. Tliim-sK llriiinso WASUINJI1UV OKHCK , : > Sl.lKlirUTEE.VTIISrllU.T. All communications lolntlntt to nr-ivs toriul mntlorsliouM bo adarossoil to the Km- TOIl Of TUB IlKr. iiiJsisESs w/rrniMt All Imflnimlf'UoM mill remittances should l > o nddresiocl t TUB Hi : * I'riiusmsti L'nMi'\.sr , OMAIU. DrufH , t'lioeks nntl | io tnlllcu or < lnr tobomivlopnyublo totliPoiiUrof tuocompiuj- , THE BEE PUSUSKIIlTcipm , PROPBIETOHS , K. UOSnWATKH , KDITOK. TJIi ; l > Airjy KKK. BM orn Htntcinciit o'Circulation. Htntc of Nrbiaskn , I _ ( 'ouiih of Joii la . f88' Oeo. It. Tysohuck.serretarynt the UPC Pub lishing company , does solemnly swear that llio nrttml circulation of the Dallv lire for tlic week ending Sent. 3d , ISbC , wns as follow 8 : TMal Saturday. 2Sth ta,7T8 Sunday , aith 1'J.l'Jft Monday. : ; oth IM.I : : > Tuesday. Hist m,4fiO Wednesday , 1st WMfi ( Tlitirsdnx.'Jd liMM ) Friday , : w I'AOOO Avorape 12,0'Jl (1KO. ( B. Tzsciiuch. Subscribed Rnd sworn to before nio tills 41h dnv of Sept. , 1880. N. I' . , IHKAI. . I Notarv Public. < on. U. T/schurU , bolmrflr ! > tduly swnrn.t'c- poses mid says tlmtho Is secretary of the lice Publishing company , tbnt the artiml nveraue ilally riiculatlon o the Daily Heo for the month of January , IHST was 10U3 , copies ; lor February , issrt , lo.VJj copies ; for March , MM ! , 11.637 copies : for ADrll , IbSO. 12,11)1 ) copies : lor .May. l fcO. 12,4.7. ) copies ; for Juno , IBM ) . I'.ati copies ; for Julr , 150,12H4 ! copies ; for August , Ibbil , 12-lGl copies. ( ! KO. JJ. T/.sniucic. Subscribed nnd swoin to before mo , this lib dny otHcpt. , A. D. 18W. N. P. FEU , . rsi'.Ar. . | Notary Public. Contemn or tlic Sunday Itcc. Pace 1. Now York llernld Cablegrams Specials to tbo UKI : . Ueneral Telegraphic 2ft ! W.I. 1'apeH Iowa and Nebraska Mews. City Nmvs. Miscellany. Pace 8. Spcclnf Adverllsemenls. General nnd Markets. Paso -I. Kdltorlals. Political Points. Piins Coiiimonts. An Eminent Methodist. PiiRo * > Lincoln Letter .City News. Jliscellany. Local Advertisements. I'.njo ( ) . Council BluffsNews. Miscellany. Advertisements. Pane 7. Tbo Poet John O. Saxe. My Son , n Story , Abbreviated from La Figaro. Miscellany. Advertisements. Page y. General City News. Local Adver tisements. Pave ! ) . Women's Ways nndWorks. SlKht Seeing In Italy , by Mirkun Uhasa. Mlsuel- lany. AdvcitlseinenLs. Page 10. San Francisco Overdone , by Minnie Itnlli. Methodl ni in Nebraska , by George \V. Fiost. Miscellany , Advertise ments. Paso 11. Laughs on the Half Shell. In Prose and Poetry. Honey for the Ladles. Ponpermlnt Otops. Impieties. Musical and Dramatic. licltalnii * . Educational.-Poetry. Page 12. ISail Yams Coupled Up.-Six Fingers for JBlIss , a sketch by Paul Matthews. lirldnl Hells and Ulossoms. Ad- veitlsements. WHAT tlocs Omaha propose to do for the Charleston sufferers * CIIUKCII HOWE claims tha earth. Brag is a dog which will not win in the i'irst district. Evr.N an earthquake could not shako Nebraska from the prosperity which is following in llio wako of the onergotio ciuleavor of her active citi/.ens. FLOODS , drouths , liros , war nnd pestilence - lenco , combined with the greatest earth quakes of the century , will long make the present year memorable in the annals of history. MEXICAN diplomacy on paper maybe weak , but when it is combined with "clnli-con-carno" and mescal jnico , no American envoy is safe in its immediate neighborhood. TUB "Mendacious Carpenter" Irom ' Me'ndota continues to keep at a safe dis tances from his native town. Enraged cltix.ons of Illinois who have boon swin dled and bilked by this notorious rascal nro longing for bin return in order to prnsont him with a fall suit of tar and feathers. GHNKIIAI. Uui'M telegraphs that the report thai Ucronimo was mirroundnd is n canard which ho does not believe , ( icnoral Drum beats sympathetically with the rest of the country. No ono else believes it either. A photograph ol Ocronimo in irons will bo the best evi dence to the public that the wily Apaehc has been really trapped. TUB return to Dublin of the Irisli patriots O'Urion and llodmond , who cnmo over to the Chicago convention ol tbo national league as the voprpsenta tlvos of Air , Parncl ! , was greeted witli an ovation. The address of the former gentleman was of the kind to tire tlic Ccltio heart , nnd indicated that Ho had retained all the enthusiasm and zeal im parted by the Chicago mooting , perhaps n little intensified by contact with Irish nir , wlilch seems to have a peculiarly stimulating eflect upon the combative quality. Mr. O'I5rion , however , gave no assurances In bclialt of Irish-Americans taat they will not honor on demand , and it is not to bo doubted that the knowl edge that this la so will have a very great liitluoiico in strengthening the courage nnd hope of Irishmen at homo , while il can scarcely bo entirely impotent in its effect upon-popular sentiment in Knj' { land. The Irish cause is inoro than holu- * ' ing its ground. A I.ADV stenographer in the Indian bu reau at Washington , who hits been faith fully performing her monotonous duticj for many years without attracting nnj outbido consideration , has at last reaped the reward of fame which sometimes unhappily not always comes to fidelity nnd patient merit , The absence of the commissioner gave the lady n chance , 01 rather forced it upon her , to show hot real worth , and as a result it is found thai the tdmplo stenographer , whom few ro yarded , has the wisest head with rcspoo ! to Indian allaird of any ouo connected with the bureau , besides good judgmenl nnd executive ability. Miss Minnie Moon how trippingly goes the alliteration i * to bo congratulated , and wo take pleas nro in heralding her doubtless well earned fame. Unquestionably the nation has other faithful servants In petticoats no less worthy of being publicly known and commended. It is such facts as these that are steadily strengthening the claim cf woman to consideration in the practi pal ail'airs of lift ) . Dullcl For the Fnturc. Omaha should build for the future. The day for narrow guage policies , pub- Jic or private , is past. Wo are to bo a jrroal city , the metropolis of a magnifi cent section of country , the depot of sup plies , the outlet of a great agricultural section , and the financial center of a va t region of tributary territory. To-day a city of 80,000 inhabitants , a few years will sec our population quadrupled in num bers. Plans which now scorn advanced and generous ten years from now will bo looked upon as costly mistakes entered upon because their framnrs failed to grasp tin ; requirements of tlic failure. Omaha should plan to-day for a city of n quarter of a million inhabitants. Our public buildingsshouldbo constructed on this basis. Our pavompuU , our snwers and sidewalks should all bo built of sub stantial and durable material1 ? capable of sustaining the tralllc which is to pass over their surface or the increased use which will result from a greatly increased popu lation. It will be the height of false economy to build for present requirements. Ten years from now Omaha will look back upon tlic present as ono of the years of her infancy , She will have outgrown her swaddling clothes. The two and three story brick blocks will -be shamed by eight and ten stor.y structures lining her streets The property owners who have invested in temporary improvements will find themselves distanced by those whose wisdom and foresight induced them to lay their foundations deep ami to erect substantial superstructures. Stone pave ments will still be mooting the proper requirements of trallic , while less durable material will bo replaced by the only pavement lit for a great city The citl/.ens who built for the future will bo reaping tiio bonolits of their sound judgment , whllo those who imag ined that a penny wise and pound foolUh policy would pay will bo discovering their costly mistake. Kntorpriso , push , vigor in extending our facilities for trade and commerce , liberality in providing for a population and rusli of business which is already in sight , a willingness to incur indebtedness because incurring debt will pay the debt ton times over in the near future these will bo llio motive powers which will force Omaha into the position she deserves and can maintain as the Queen City of ( lie trans-Missouri country. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unfair to Taxpayers. At the last meeting of tbo city council the Holt Line company made application for the extension of the water service to points along its track. This request , if granted , means additional taxation levied on the citizens of Omaha for in creased hydrant service. In taking it into consideration , the council will do well to ask what taxes the Belt Line pays into the city treasury in return for the ad vantages of lire and police protection , water service and other adjuncts of pub lic improvement. It will surprise many readers of the Br.B to bo told that not a single railroad running in or out of Omaha , the Bolt Line included , pays a dollar of city taxes on their depots , depot grounds , side tracks , shops and right of way. Tlic in significant sum which they turn in as taxes on this .class of corporation proper ly goes into the county treasury. 15y a forced and false construction of the rev enue law they are entirely ovompt from city taxation. Every other taxpayer in Omaha is obliged to contribute to tlic city fund. The poorest property owner who works in the shops pays his proportion of the expenses of building up this city and maintaining its government. The railroads alone are permitted to escape scot free , to reap the benefits of public improvements for which they were not taxed , the protec tion of police for which they do not pay , and ol courts for whose maintenance they refuse to contribute a dollar. This is all wrong. It is without a par allel in any other state ot which wo have knowledge. Omaha wants her railroads to share in the general prosperity. Ihit who should insist , with every other city in the state , thai this railroads shall not reap where they do not faow or force upon others burdens which they arc themselves unwilling to share. Americans n Short-Laved Unco. It is unpleasant to bo told , on the au thority of indisputable Statistics , that in the matter of longevity the American people are inferior to those of several other countries. Yet if the fact shall lead to an accurate ascertainment of the causes of this inferioritj' , and thus indi cate the remedies , it is well to know it. A medical journal of high character re cently published a comparative analysis of the mortality statistics of the United States , Ifranco , England and Ireland , which does not make a flattering show ing of the probabilities of life In this country. The analysis was made up from data covering the same period in the * several countries , nnd as during this time there Was no unusual development of disease in either country , the record is presumed to present a fair average of other yours. These statistics show the average dura tion of life in the United States to bo less than twenty years ; that is , of all those born quite one-half dlo before reachIng - Ing their twentieth year. Of course the death rate is largest among young children , about forty per cent , dying before the ntro of live , and in tills onu class the death rate in England is somewhat higher than it is hero , lint after that period the rate with us Is maintained on a high scale , it being shown that only twenty-two American men and women out of 100 live to be fitly years old , and only about four out of 103 live to bo eighty. The figures for Eng land and Ireland make a bettor showing of longevity than this , while those for Franco are still more largely to our dis advantage , the I'ronoh statistics showing that forty-eight people out of 100 attain the tige of llfty , and 23 per' cent , of all these born live to bo throo-scoru and ton , The death rate among children under five years is also very much loss in Franco than in the United Stales , as it is like wise in Ireland. In short , the attested figures show that at all periods of lift * , up to the time when natural causes assert their power , the mortality in the United States is relatively greater than in cither of the other countries whoso statistics are brought into comparison. Commenting upon this disagreeable truth a contemporary finds an explanation in the injudicious and harmful systems of social and business lifo in this country. The high rate of mortality among young children .may be due to hiiuUiciont care , want of physical strength on the part of parents , and abnormal conditions of lifo. Among tlioso between ton and twenty of age llio most probable causes nro soda ! excitement bordering on dissi pation , and the severe mental and physi cal strain incident to our methods of education. The cause most largely oper ative in increasing the mortality account at a later period of hfo is lomul in the tremendous tension nnd restless nctivllv that pervade every department of busi ness and professional lifo in the United State ? , wliich are not present to any thing like the tame degree in any other country. In the eager conllict for suc cess and wealth , the American is wholly thoughtless of the great draft ho makes upon the vital forces , which ho can no\cr repay , and which in thousands of cases brings its speedy penalty in physical nnd mental decay and untimely death. This , it may bo remarked , is not a now lesson. It is suggested every time some prominent man in the world of business falls at his post , overwhelmed by oxccss of labor and the strain which nature could no longer withstand , or when some professional man breaks down under a pressure too great for mortal endurance nnd is taken to nn asy lum , if not to the grave , a hopeless imbe cile. It comes homo almost daily to the por.sonal experience of thousands who are themselves intensely engaged in the struggle of life , and the fact that it is so little heeded is not encouraging to its repetition. Nevertheless ills n lesson too important in nil its aspects to bo ignored and cannot bi < too often retold , with all that goes to Illu-itrato it and render it moro impressive. An ICu lm ; or DoMtrtiutlon. The sti uggtis of the last quarter of n ooniury in modern naval warfare has been between the gun makers and the designers ot defensive armor. The con struction of the rilled gun with capacity to hurl solid shot and shell through eleven miles of space do'ilt the death blow to wooden ships of the lino. The Armstrongrilled ordinance called ! out the modern ironclad. Ever since there has been a r.\eo between the ordauco makers and the armor makers , the ono striv ing to invent a projectile which would penetrate any defense , and the other working to manufacture an armor which would defy the assaulls of llio ordnance of Krupp and Armstrong. So far no ship has yet been constructed whieh can bo considered shot proof. There is a limit to the armor carrying ca pacity of seaworthy vessels and that limit has been reached when twenty-four inches of steel have been welded together into an armor plate. The announcement made that the French have invented a shell which can not only pass straight through eighteen inches of steel armor , nine teot of teak backing and ten moro incites of steel plate behind that , but is as gooil as ever when its journey is over , is startling if true. Such a projectile ends the controversy so far a.s armored ships are concerned. No armor that could bo devised could stand for an in stant against Mich a leviathan. With such a gun the poorcs : equipped sea coast fort could sink with a single shot the best armored vessel in the world. If the French gun is an actuality the ordnance makers have llio field to them selves. Men-of-war will bo practically useless except as commerce destroyers of weaker vessels and cruisers to employ the time of the occupants of the ollicers mess. The tendency of modern warfare is to increase the destructive facilities of combatants - batants and thus to shorten the contest. Long protracted wars are things of the past. The breech-loading rille and rilled gun are the modern peacemakers whoso mighty powers is a threat against infrac tions of international peace. The great engines of naval warfare stand as a menace against trouble on the waters. "War means light and light means kill" as General Sherman puts it , nnd modern scientific discovery is yearly emphasizing that meaning more and inoie. The Inhibition Open. The Omaha exhibition is now open. There will bo few of the great crowds who visit it who will not agree that the promises of the management have been moro than fulfilled. Hard work and faithful service have accomplished the result which is a credit to the city nnd to these who have the details in charge. The cxnihition is full , Interesting and suggestive. Every available inch of room la occupied and well occupied. The art collection Is n feature which will be grnatly appreciated. The displays of our merchants and manufacturers are handsome and striking , picturing Omaha enterprise and local activity. The people of this city , aim especially our workingmen , have never before been aflorded a chance to FOQ such a displa1 , and llioy should not allow the opportu nity to pass by unimproved. To-day the exhibition will bo thrown open in the af- tovnoon , so that thousands whoso time ! s fully employed during the week can at tend. The building should bo crowded. Hditontlon and Motherhood. The discussion of the higher eduealion ot woman has developed , or rather newly brought forward , a somewhat startling theory as to its effects upon motherhood. In his address before the Ih'itish medical association , a short time ago , Dr. Withers Moore mosl emphati cally declared that the higher education of woman Is a mistake , on the ground that its physical effecls are deteriorating in a direction that militates against motherhood , Ho referred especially to American experience us illustrating nnd supporting his views , ami said that if the causes In operation in this country whieh he held to bo productive of the dec ay of motherhood continue to increase for tno next half century in the same ratio as they have for the past lifty years , the women who are to bo the mothers in this republic must bo drawn trom trausatlan- tie homos. So pronounced an opinion from a source entitled to respectful con sideration lias qulto naturally attracted attention hero , and the views of sonifl prominent medical men regard ing the theory have been published , The doctors ot course disagree , nnd the fact is shown that there are in this country sorna who are quite as radical in advo cating this view as the English medical man. Among these is Dr , Emmet of the New York Woman's hospital , whoso opinion is grounded upon personal ex perience in his hospital practice , An other not only ullirms his faith in the theory from experience , but says it is based on wcll-kuowu scientific principles and has the nuthorljjr o $ Herbert Spencer and other sociologists and biologists. Ihil ttio number wuh think this way are In a small inlnorHyf" The weight of opin ion is heavily ngaliftl tbo theory. Nevertheless the decline of motherhood in the United States is an admitted fact , nnd if it be not duo to the cause cited by Dr.Mooro , what other cause or causes must it bo ascribed to ? fl'luJ general opinion regards the demands of fashion and so ciety as the chief cause. Sajs one ; "Women waste their vitality , as is well known , in the way they wear clothing , in their habits of living and in the efl'ort to maintain the demands of society. " And another : "The trouble finds a more prolille cause in Hie foolish tends of so ciety. The entire system of female dress is faulty. The corset is an abomination , and perhaps the worst. A woman's skirts , swinging to her waist with n mere band , and depending for their fixity of position upon the tig lit ness with which they girt the body , is another source of enfeebled phyMcal power. Cosmetics are a third and very fruitful cause ' ' A dlsiiko of maternal duties and household cares , with the limitations they necessa rily impose upon freedom of action , which is doubtless moro general with American women than these of any other country , is another cause that ought not to be disregarded. Hut while il is very pleasing to find that the almost unanimous opinion of these learned doctors who have ex pressed themselves on this interesting anil highly important Mthjcct is opposed to the theory that higher education is to any serio'i- . extent responsible for the ad- milted decline of molherhood in this country , the other causes to which the un fortunate deterioration is attributed are of a nature thai does not permit of great hope of romed.y , at leasl for some genet a- lions. The misfortune seems to bo that the average American woman is every year increasing her devotion lo the de mands of fashion and society , and there fore accelerating her speed along the line of deterioration noted. How shall women bo brought to surrender the pleasures of society , the allurements of fashion , and the freedom of a childless state , for the cares of home and the sac rifice ? of motherhood ? Only perhaps through the general diffusion of that higher education whieh shall teach them llio hollownuss and mockery of the one , and the sacrcdne s , the bontilv , the real delight , and the perennial satisfaction of the oilier. Tun lirst touches of frost have been felt in the state , and accurate reports of the condition of our corn crop based upon shucking and shelling will soon bo in order Notwithstanding all tli3 roor backs of the past four njonthj , most of which originated iii.tlie fertile brains of speculators , it will be found that Ne braska has suffered less from the long season of dry weather than any of her sislor .states. The HiI : , has kept its rend ers well informed of the crop prospects , and the accuracy and reliability of its re ports will be proved before many weeks are over. The ' oi'dps for 18SO will show a faTr , average. The yield of small grain has1 boon excellent , that of hay below the average , while our great staple corn will return at least a two-thirds crop witn an increased acre age. A singular fontiirn of the harvest will be the returns from the western part of the state in sections where , five years ago , agriculture was considered imprac ticable. The "arid region" is "arid" no longer. Abundant rainfall now visits it , and farmers who occupy ranges for years given over to ranchmen now proudly ex hibit their products in agricultural so cieties , side by side with these from the river counties. METHODISTS will find two articles ot special interest to their religious denom ination in the present issue of the Sunday BII : ; . The growth of Methodism in Ne braska is ably discussed in an article from the pen of one of the ablest of pioneers of the church in Nebraska , while a .sketch of the lifo and labors of Hishop Fowler , the mo t brilliant of the leaders of that denomination , will be found in another column. Methodism has been a progressive and an aggressive religious force in tlic west , and nowhere have the results boon larger in proportion to the moans than in the field of Nebraska. Qt'iKNr VICTOUIA telegraphs her sym pathy witli the Charleston sufferers. Vicky's sympathy is cheap , and never manifests itself in any moro substantial manner than a dead head message , = = = = = 3 POIjlTlOAI * I'OINTS. The prohibitionists have organized In moro than litty counties in Pennsylvania. Over 103,000 copies of Ulalne's Sebago lake speech were ordeied for cliculatlon In Maine. Senator Uavcs seems to bo cutting out the work for conjrrcssman I 'mg In the senatoiinl light. The Providence .rourimi remarks that Mr. Itlalno's tingle blast has a slight twang oC the fish-hum. JiuUo Noah D.ivls declines point blank to be a candidate for the New York com t of ap peals bench. An eastern paper says Klljnh M , Halites Is a iMoio pictiuosquo flgine In Illinois politics than Joint A , Logan , ithodo Island piohlbltlonjstswlll vote their own ticket In spite o ( tempting overtures from the tepiibllcans. , , ( iovcrnor Hill has evidently concluded to foster his boom by prompt action against the New Yoik ri ngsters. ' Fiedeilck O , Pilnco of Motion will not angle for the democratic npuilunllon for gov ernor of Massachusetts thl § year. Congressman Henderson , ronoinlnated in the Eleventh Illinois dlstitct. is known as "tho best friend or the Hoimepln canal. " Ex-Congressman Tjipmpson , secretary of tlft ! deiuociatie congressional campaign com mittee , thinks Cleveland Is cui tain to be ro- nomlnated. , , 'Ihe managers of both political parties are complaining of lack of ( muls. Formerly such complaints weio heaul mainly from democratic managers. Ex-Congressman Howoy Is talked of as a candidate for governor by the Now Jeisey republicans. They have been diligently looking for a man forsomo time. Frank Lawli'r , the Chicago statesman , may be found any dny during the recess of con UTC.SK mlxint : drinks behind hU own bar , is a position he Is calculated to adorn. Nathan < ! off , of West Virginia , declines to stand again for the national house , although he can have the icpubllcan nomination for the ask Inc. He lias got his ejo on the senate. Theio will be three complete state tickets in Michigan tor the fall election. The demo crats and greenback-era furnish one and the republicans and prohibitionists the other two. CoiiKiessmauVise \ , of Virginia , has writ ten a letter declining to stand for rcnomlna tlon. but In consequence of numerous later developments ho may bo induced to recon sider his decision , The talk about mnktm ; ex-Postmaster ( Jen- cm ! .Inmcs the piohlbltlon candidate for governor of Now Yoik Is said by that gentle man's friends to be unauthorlmt nnd unwnr- laliteil , Mi- James Is .said to be in sympathy with Die objects of the prohlbltloiiNts , but mm Illliig to become their candidate for any ollice. _ _ Didn't Cnro Muult l''or Vrsitvlm. .S'f. / oi < / fiVo/W'JVmiwnt/ / / . Vesuvius Is again In eiuption ; but ns long as Hen Ilutler Is not nuuiliit ; for governor of Massachusetts , we don't cine much for Vcs- m lus. _ HIP Scum ol' the Karl I ) . About the limit despicable ciealure on earth Is the man who lurks \lsltlui ; team against the home players and then cvults In Ihelr defeat. As the hoodlums say In the grand stand , "Put him out.1 Arter the Hattle , ( Jen. 1'ozer A. Pryor , who acted ns John It. McLean's second In the iccent tall ; be- tvtccn the latter and Mural Halstcad , tins unite to liar lliulmi to reco\cr liom the ef fects of that tcrttble allair. lie-fore Noon. /J.xluli . < lilrnf ( r. Itev. Mr. Noon Is to become piesident of the Little Itock , Ails. , university. Herealter students of the institution who iccelvc n icp- rlmand can clalr.i tlm title of A. M. , because they have been called bofoie noon. Proof. Diufllll TlltlKTlljlf. The supposed sea seipent now so often seen near ( iloucester suggests a useful Held tor amateur phntovrapheis. An instantan eous photograph taken at such a time would not only furnish tangible pioof of the occur- retieu but would pos > oss considerable scieu- lllic value. Tlio Knrttiiinkc ] a The oecmience of eaithquakes can never , of eoiitse , be prevented. Nor should there beany deslio of such pieventlon , since wo now know for surety what was long dimly seen , that these ( headed shocks aionn almost 'indispensable benelit to man. Science shows that tlieyaie In reality the Instiumeiits by which the crust of the eaith Is protected liom moie teiilble catasliouhes. Lilni-ntiu-o in Chicago. l'liitiiiltl ) > liiii Itcconl. Stiiclly lileiarv ventmes do not seem to tlouilsh In thcatmosphcic of Chicago. Thai go-ahead town has no time tor ii'stheticjo- laxatlon. lletween the ups and downs of the pork and giain market , the tumults of pro pagandists who Ui-o the boycott and propa gandists who tlnow bombs , and the vicissi tudes of the base ball business , the Chl- c.igoans manage to cct on without any liteia- ture to speak ot except the literature of their vivacious i The Seasons nml I'"urtliiiinlccs. | SI. Lotiit < ilol > c-ltiii' > cnit , A sou of law of connection between sea sons and earthquakes has been traced. The number has boon found to be gieatcst about the time ot the equinoxes ( March 'M and Sep tember 'JO ) , and to picdominatc aiound thai of September. This will account , perhaps , for the number of shocks expcilenced in va rious parts of the woild in the past few days , and also piepart ! u > to expect similar manl- lestatioiib in the coming two or thiee weeks. < - . Henry George at Home. ; \Yiu loift Sun. Henry George lives In a substantial-looking house on Pleasant avenue , just above 130th sticct. He Is in the business of publishing his own works at IS Astor place. He floats around evenings in the beer saloons In Har lem and feels the political pulse of the work- Ingman. Ho has come to several conclusions since his name was mentioned lor mayor. At first he positively declined to run , urging hat ho was in good business , nnd that It would not pay him. Then ho said , so badly would the workiiigmen bo defeated , that he felt , as their candidate , the varnish on his reputation would bo washed away. Then a number of Ids admirers persuaded him to re consider his decision , nnd he has done so , nnd it was made public at last Thmsday night's meeting. Mo doubt the Central Labor Union will try to get the assurances ol the unions that they will K\O ! him HO.COO votes. Anndmlicr promises to give § 10,000 to help along his canv.iss. The Old Cottajje Porcli. JVaiViau I ) . Vrncr In lftu > Y < nh Ah , few nro the paintings , once fiesh nnd biiL'ht , In iiiemoiy's halls sublime , That aio not dlscoloied or blackened quite By the pitiless hand of time ! But one there Is which oblivion's torch Hatli spared In that picture dome , And that is the vine-wieatbed cottage porch Of my boyhood's country home. The honeysuckles nnd lose vines sweet Kiitt sheltered It liom the sun. It wns my mothers tavoiito scat When her household woric was done , And , with bur sewing or darning , she Would hum to her.selt a song , While Ias I playing about her knee As glad as the day was long. Het'oro It the lawn sloped down to the brook Amid towerlui ; oaks and limes ; And my lather , too. In Its leafy nook Sought and his pint ) betimes. And bin talk to my mother I bring to mind Of how happily , years befoie , He had led her , a bude , through that tollago- twined Old poich to the cottage door. And often , too , as the nteht winds sung In the hush of the sullry eves , When the crickets chhped and the fireflies swum : Their lanterns amid the leaves ; Ills talk was > et ot remoter joys' , \Vhoso breath 1 could vaguely leel , When those vines were stirred by the whir ring noiBO Of his grandmother's splnnlng-wlicel. I remember , too , how I helped to bear , One after another , those Dear collided foims thiough the old poich there To the ehurchyaid's restful close , And soon after Unit , by stiangei lorms Alone weio the old seats lilted. While 1 was bicnsting the world's datk stoims llcie and tlicie , as destiny willed. Hut still 'tis my prayer that the day will come , Though the seas now roll between , When ere \\ith faculties weaic and numb On the stuff ot old iigo I lean , Though winter freeze or mld.siimmer scorch , ' 1 shall yet have the power to roam Rack , back once moro to the cottage poich Of my boyhood's country home. A Definite Answer , Merchant Traveler : Ono hoi afternoon in July a traveller stopped at a fiir.n house and asked for n drink , A country girl barefooted and sun bonuntad passed him out a dipper and said "thoroM the well ? " lie was evidently inclined to indulge in a little rural flirtation , and after making all the known varieties of "sheen's eyes" at her over the edge of the dipper , he made bold to inquro : "What might your name bo , miss ? " "Wall. " sfTo said , iname i matter-of-fact tone. "Kf 1 can convince young Smiler that it's about lime lo come down to business , it might bo Mrs. Mary Jane Smiler before next winter. At present it ain't nothin'but ' .Mary Jane Simpkins. " There is on exhibition at one of the Oih kosli , Wls , , drugstores n book valued at $2,000 , tlm property ot Dr. Lompster. It is tliti Cuthollo churcii service written by bund In the tenth century , bound In oak wood , covered with leather , and having bronze clasps and corners. THE EMINENT METHODIST , Bishop Fowler , Who Will Preside Over thi North Nebraska Conference. A SKETCH OF HIS CAREER An Accomplished Scholar nnd tin Klo < iucnt I'roiielH'r Ills Momornblo KuloKJ' on Lincoln Keinliils- ociices ol' Disluip Slmpiuti. | ] \'riltrnfor \ tlic Omnhn Rinnlay llff. ] The North Nebraska conference of the Methodist Kpiscopal church holds its scs slon at ToKamah , commencing on the Uth inst. The presiding olllecr is Btshor C. 11. r'owler , whoso cspiscopal residence is in San Francisco. Bishop Fowler is well known In Omaha , by the large body of Methodists , and by manyeill/ons who have heard him prcaeli here , and who have known him in Chi cago. where ho resided for many years. The bishop is by birth a Canadian , but his early life was spent in the states , nml he studied and graduated at tlm institu tions of his adopted country. Ho was for a time at Cu/.onovia , a Meth odist institution , and graduated , we be lieve , at the Northwestern University. There is scarcely a post of honor within the church tmit the ui-hop has not lilled. His llrst work after his graduation was in Chicago , where he lilled the pulpit of three of the largest churches in succes sion and gained the reputation of being one of the most successful and cloiiuenl preachers of the northwest. Ono ot the first public addresses that attracted al most universal attention was ins eulogy on President Lincoln. The address ranked among the best delivered in the country and at the request ot the leading men of Chicago il was repeated , so uni versal was the desire to hear it. His lid- dross on llio dealliof Itishop Simpson , de livered in San 1'rancisoo , had scarcely a iiecr and no superior in llio country. Itiihop Fowler was successively elected to the very responsible positions of pres ident of the Northwestern uni versity , missionary secretary nnd editor of the New York Christian Advocate , the most widely cir culated paper of the Methodist church. " It linds its "way into nil thu states and territories , and is read in every English speaking country on the earth. It lias 00,000 subscribers , and is by many thought to bo the most important relig- iou.s journal in the world , lu all these \ariod positions Fowler took front rank , There is not a position that he 1ms lilled Unit did not require all the energy , and resources , and zeal and de votion of the strongest nntl most versatile of men. The head of a university of llio si/.o and importance of the Northwestern , has continued drafts drawn upon heart and brain , that , if responded to , give little time for thought or recreation ptitsido the constant nml arduous duties and responsibilities that press upon every moment of his timo. The work of a missionary secretary of the Methodist church is one to break down the strongcsl constitution. The labor , the long journeys all o\'er the country , the public addresses in an hundred con ferences during the year , if he has strength to make them , the care of nil the missions extending all over the world , and not only the spiritual but the temporal intere-ts of the missions to at tend to , make a record in a faithful secre tary of labors , and anxiety that cannot bo surpassed in the annals of Christian zeal and work. Everyone knows who has had the least experience the constant strain thai comes upon the editor of a great journal , who must be the brains and heart ot the whole enterprise. If his brain tines not coin all the articles that ho spreads before his read ers it must at least know what others have written and it must pass in review through ills mind before he can judge of its Illness for publication or its adapta tion lo the wants and wishes of his read- eis. It is a treadmill life , the great iron wheel rolls round daily or weekly or monthly as the case may bo. but il comes with dreadful certainty and his articles cannot be pigeon-holed to bo brushed tip and rounded oil' for his renders , but they must be spread out to the public ea/c with every issue and be fair game for public criticism. In all those Bishop Fowler has maintained a position far above mediocrity , and has left the im press of his individuality on all these various enterprises that make up so much tbo life and success of the church. Il was only natural that tbo church should have its eye on such a man when selecting , from its thousands of minister * ! , men to occupy the most re sponsible and honorable position at its disposal that of bishop , or superintend ent of all the interests of the church , both temporal and splrilual. No man can look over the work assigned lo him as bishop of the M. E. Church and not feel the inspiration of John Wesley when ho exclaimed , "TUB WOKLD is MV PAUISII. " He is a bishop of no dioecso of no divis ion of the ohiirch , buthis mission extends all over the world , in every church and conference , ami missionary station on the globe , within his denomination , and ho superintends and inlluoneos the spiritual wants and needs of 25,000,000 , of the hu man tamily. A year is the full measure of the appoint ment of any preacher except the olllcors of the general confession , nnd a few other exceptions. From ton to thirteen bishops do all this vast work every year , in moro than an hundred conferences , the world over. Ono or two bishops visit foreign countries annually , Kishop Fowler's sucjess as a bishop lias been fully equal to that of any of all the ro- spon 8 bio positions thai ho has hold dur ing his busy public Hfo Ho Is known and honored throughout the church , and of is known by all denominations of Christians. But with all those honors crowded thickly upon him in Htile moro than 11 ocoro of years , perhaps the crown ing power of Bishop Fowlor'.s life is found in his masterly pulpit add reuses. Ho is , wo have often thought , moro at home hero than on the platform nr in any other role of publlo speaking , though lie e.xeul.s in all. It is thought by many that the inantlu of thu peerless Bishop Simpson has fallen upon him moro than upon any bishop of thu church , and vet no two men could bo moro un like " in their treatment of subjects. Bishop Simpson at times carried away his congregation with a strange power of sympathetic enthusiasm such ns but few nr.itors over exercised over an autlioneo. Men rose unconsciously to thnir feet and nrowded around the forum where ho WIIH speaking as though their Hfo dnpondcd on catching every word that fell from his inspired lips , Ho swaged them like the fields of grain ready for the harvest with the wliuls of heaven. Wo saw this old time power of the bishops , that ho had practiced in so many diil'urcut ami varied addresses , particularly in his conference mormons nnd war 'addresses , when he * poke nearly at the ohwo of his lifo , when at the ecumenical conference in London. He delivered an addre'-i at Exeter hall , on the death of President Garlield. He followed James Knssoll Lowell , who de livered a scholarly and finished address , but when Bi.ilio ) ) Simpson arose the audi ence wns spell bound , and ho held thorn us the magieian holds tils votaries , with ibsolute sway , to lead thorn whitherso- aver ho would. Men wept , stood upon the seats , waved th ir haU , responded , ind women waved their handker chiefs , stood upon their leet tid ) seemed lost to till but the wonderful Influence of the orai .r. ltisio | { ) Fowler , Id his pulpit address , nma/es you ns ho unfolds his subject \ \ 1 It the Impregnable strength of his poMt'o n and his womlerful knowledge of the tliiMne he Is presenting to his niidlenee. Ho seems to cover the whole ground , < o leave nothing to be said , and in h i Illclits of fancy or when reaching tlm climax of his discussion you seem to sen all there is to be seen , ns though tlm whole mighty subject were In a nutshell nnd each nearer could comprehend \\ith the impassioned speaker all the heights and depth and lenglh nnd breadth ot tin ) theme. You go away feeling tb .t it will bo useless to lUteu to this- orator again , as ho has paid till them is to bo sultl , bill if Its a morning discourse and you hear him ngiiin in tln evening you find him sneaking on a widely dlttercnt thcmo , nut with t' ' > \ same power , the same coinprchcn.s'\u \ low , t lie same power of coneentrntioti , nndyou go nwny feeling that the iwningi sermon is the masterpiece of the dm. We weleomo the bishop to Nebraska , where ho presides at throe conforonee-t , nnd wo very mneh reirrct that the IM < - gngements of the bishop will not permit him to preach in Omaha during the ses sion of the conference. Every oll'ort win made to induce him to spend a Sabbatli bore , but his time was so fully occupied with conference work that it was im practicable. OUU I'AItMUIlS AND BUiVKU. An Interview With Sir. Blorctoif Kronen , Mr. Moreton Fro won passed through" Omaha last week , and as he has taken & prominent part in England in the move- ' incut to remoneli/.o silver , and Isal.sO'1 nearly related to Lord Randolph' ' Churchill , the lory chancellor of the ex" chequer , wo think his views upon the ; ' present silver crisis will bo of interest- They will bo found in the following in * terviow : Hoporter It was stated recently in Hid' ' Now 1'ork Sun that financial authorities * in England have been unable to establish ; the fact that a close connection o.xists be tween the price of silver and the pneo of wheat , so that when the price of sil ver is depressed the price of corn , wheat , cotton and other commodities that wd export to Europe will continue to fnlL This Is a feature * of the silver question wliich is of the first importance to outf farmers , and I should like to know whether in j'our opinion such is the ease. Mr. Frowen Certainly it ia the ca e. The grout Asiatic nations use silver as curre.ncy , not gold , and thus the lowetf the prieo of silver the more ot it they ob tain in exchange for their exports. Tnko the case of India. The Indian funnel. wants rupees ; the rupee is his standard of value just as the dollar is yours. Ho solid lus wheat anil cotton in tlio London mar ket for gold , anil with that gold buys sil ver , which the Indian government coin lor him into rupees. Now , owing to the fall in the price of silver he gets more sil ver than before for wheatbecause whereas tlio English pound sterling used only to buy ten rupee's it now buys fifteen. Reporter So that in fact if gold prices in England had remained steady , Hie Da kota wheat farmer would have got the same price as of old for his wheat in Lon don ; but the Indian wheat farmer would have received 00 per cenl more rupees and would be therelore able to undersell our own farmer and force him to rcducu his price. But surely if the Indian farmer gets moro rupees for his wheat yet thu lupee must in that proportion have lost its value in India ? Mr. Frowen But this is exactly what 1ms pot happened. ' The rupee will buy just as much land , or wheat , or cotton as when silvei was DO per cent dearer. Tlio royal commission , now sitting in London , has been able to establish tao fact that prices in India Inn e not only nut risen , but have slightly fallen , that is to say , the rupee is worth a little more than it used to bo to buy hind , labor or other Inr dian commodities ; therefore , you will recogni/.e that owiiii ! to the fall in thu price of silver Asia is able to undersell America in European markets. Reporter What can bo done to remedy this ? Mr. Frowen The remedy is simple : Restore silver hero to free coinage. The. price of silver has fallen because by log- illation hero and in Germany tlio natural coin.igo demand for .silver has been cut oil' . If your mints instead of coining two million , dollars per month would coin five mil lions , yon would find that the Increased demand for silver would raise its pnco so that the silver bullion in tlio Bland , dollar would be worth as much ns the gold bullion in the gold dollar ; suppose that you were dealing with the values of beef nnd mutton , not with silver nnd gold , and your legislators decreed thnt no ono might eat mutton , what would happen ? The value of sheep would de cline to the moro value of their wool , jnsfc as silver has declined to its mere vnluo in for silver spoors ; on llio other hand the demand for beef would be stim ulated immensely and the price of beef would rise rapidly. The world would , m shorthave to pay n tamine price for beef , just as the world IH now paying a famiim price for gold You are now giving more beef and more wheat and labor for gold because legislation , by demonetizing and depressing silver , has thrown the strength of an Immensely increased de < nianilou tlio gold stocks of llio norld. On account of your large export trade to Europe you nro vitally concerned to se cure that the competition of the Asiutio nations is not as at present stimulated by the cheapness of silver. It is quite within tlio power of this country by giving sulllj ciont employment to silver in currency > to re-estnbiish its former price , nnd mnko your standard dollar of the same bullion value as your gold dollar. Until Eu ropean legislation in 187 ! ) began to play tricks with silver , your wtandard dollar of the same weight IM to-day was worth it cents morn than your gold dollar. Your trea ury ollielals have for the last eight years , it seems lo mo , doiio more ( o do- hlroy your trade , to ruin your fnnnonr. and to depress nil prices , than could have resulted trom till other causes , rings , mo nopolies and strikes combined. Time Hail Man Iron ) Kokoino. Leadvillc Herald : Ho was u bad man from Kokoino , 01 at least he said ho was , and some ot the pcoplo in a State street ilaneo hall believed him. Of a rough , shaggy and uncouth appearance , with aim eye and several linger * gene , and an ugly looking scar across hl.s face , ho oor- unlv looked the utiterrlfiod monster Hint'ho portrayed as he sto9d with Ida Imck to the bar and a huge forty-four lu his hand. "Come up and drink ! " ho shouted with ; \ voice rcsi'inbliiiL' ' llio roar of a moun tain Hon. "I am tVild Bill of the Rookies , nnd everybody drinks with mo , " A Jew of the moro timid accepted the invitation as If under protest , but the larger portion of old timers ga/.oit on the jpcoimou with considerable curiosity and aomo amusement , "Come up and drink , I say. " roarwl tlm Inimiin brute. M ho noticed the unmoved llguroH standing near. Then , ns tin : uu- ilieneo were quietly watching to see what llio awful man would do , a quiet little lohcoman stopped up , and , placing one mud on the gun nnd the other on his shoulder , said"I'll take this and you , Loo. " A remarkable change at once same ever tlio "terror , " llio gun slipped from his nerveless hand into .that of thu sllieor , and ho walked oil' in company with lus captor as meekly ns a lamb to the .slaughter , On Monday he will faua tlm terrors of the law , and will probably be lined for carrying weapons. General John 1) , Terry , of St , rouls , formerly president of the Kansas Pa'ii.o ' , > in the city on a visit.