Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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AtlvcrtlftmentS undtrthlt lie d , 10 cento | ifr
line tor thoflr-'t ' nisoition , * etnts for cscli s l > -
icqueiit In'crt on , nnd $1.M n 1 HP per month
No adtett.ccmont t ken for lisa tlnn Si emiM
for Hi o first In'crl on. Sfvtn wotds will bo
counted to the line : thfy must run coneifu-
Hvoly find must bo paid In aiUnnco All ndvcr
tlstments must t/c linnJod In before 2 o'dock
p , m , und limit r no clrciim lances will the ) bo
titkcn orOlc'onMin cd I ) } telephone.
I'ntlts a < Urti liiK In tlic < u lolmnnt i nd bav
in ? the answers ni'dre'scd In cnro of Tut lift'
will t > leno n k frun tht e't to rnnblt them to ( ret
tliclr IctteiP , n none will bo ddlveifil pxerpt
on pro'OiitiitlMl ot clunk All hii wer < i to fid-
TcrtlEt ninnl" plioi Id bf pnelo rd In i nv < loms.
nusniEaa GUANOES.
FOlt 8I.r. liii | > lrniont atom uiidbln < kmlth
i-hop , romhlni'd or = epnruli > d , In ono oC tlio
liveliest lowni in Vibiii kn. Vor ftirtliprpnt
tlculiirs ndilrttB 1 * I ) , post box 104 , lloeiiier ,
3Hoil SA I.K-VV 111 dl pooc of npnTor whole
lutPirtt In old cMnblmhPd Innndry bu l-
nt P J peed rtitbons for soiling. Addli * M ' _ ' ,
llioolllco 77 ii *
IiiOll < < Al.t : sinnll Druir Morn In suburbs of
Oiimhn.jmvod Ktieet. Hunt ron onuhlc. Ad.
Orosa U TOlicoollico. iOl ( . '
1 7Mll SALI ( Jood tmjlnjr frinct rj ftorf.onc
1 of tlio best locutions In city Kood ren ous
foijilliiij I.r.1 , llto olllto Kfi 8
of Thn olddt
grott ry business In tlio city , with nvory
K < \ welfpnvlnjf trnde. Will ptrhnmto for
Otnnharpnt p tntn or pnrt cnMi nndbnlanoo w-
cured notes Coed reasons ulvcn forsnllliiK.
AddugR UlWonos. " _ _ MI7 _
"TilOlfs Yl.K-Or "trnilo lor Otniihu propirty.
JL1 Tlio bt st located llviry business v > lthslo < k
In Hie ell ) Lonir leitfio of burn nl C'H up rent.
Mn ) lie llros , Mill ritrnnm 411
. SAM ! An olil nnii w7n t'snblMicil |
J.1OU business , nd < liu s I. 10 , IUo _ oftlto
. . SAM : 'Ibo rompli'tp liirntturo of the
J. ' Nebraska Vint Knr Works ( nil MIIIII on
i : . Krobg. Jones st bet 9th nnd 10th Ft , Oinnhii.
_ Wt ) _
TOO II HA F.I : An elcmintoMahlMied business.
J the licet of the kin 1 In tlie v\csl located In
this ell ) ; nt t piollts ? 5,000 OJ per annum ; will
In ar tlostst Invtstliriitmn ; Invoice aliout
$15,100(10. ( 1'nrtlos with mciins wishhiK to step
Into n line business tiddiosx 1C 7 , lite olllc" 014
Foil SIAI.I ; Tlist < lass meat ninrKct with
nloo llxtnree , nil < ninpltto : L-OOI ! trade ;
bent of rtiiMjiiH for ptilllnc Call or wilte to
flco W _ .Mn mi , IfKl HoHiuil. _ fill _
HOI'si's Tots,1111 msi.itnils money lonuod ,
n mlo , Ifitli nnd UOIIK ! is RtroetR 018
" | j > oit s A I.I j Several stocks of Roods , dolnirn
JL1 benltli ) btiFlntss , ownership clear. Pntls-
fnetlon Kunumtocd ; terms oils ) , feme Omnlm
pioperty tnkon In evclinniro. Mm Khali * I.o-
licck , lAlirurnnm t. 017
JOST On 10th Rt. , AUK. 28 , n bundle contain-
-J Inir I suit of dothes nnd I 8hnwl wrapped
In lad'spngiiimct nnd secured wlthslmwlstrnp
Vlndor w 111 rtcolv o sultnblo rtwnrd by nddrcas-
Inif M 12 , llto olllce. M5 6 *
LOST On Ited line street ear trnek ( joint , '
north nnd wo t , inemnrnn lum boox con-
tnlnlii diary nnd papers wit liont viiluo lo
Under. It livery roipu-sti'd nt 014 Nortli 2lRt St.
ornBst. nmlr'B olllco II X .M. In Nob. to 1' llelti-
rlth S.'O . !
1OST Mifht red covv.ilifht cat cropped , left
j turspllt ; white stripoon loins 1 ho dollars
rownid for Inforimitlon th it w ill load to her re
covery. John 1' . 11) rues , 171.1 South 10th attctt.
TOST Mondnv , Aiir. ( 30 , from stock jnitls ,
J ono rod nnd ono vollow cow , huv hip rope
uroiind hoins. Frunk I'lvoiikn. South Omaha.
732 4
STltAYKI ) OH STOI.KN-Tuosilay nlfflit , n
Inrge shepherd do ? , Imlr clipped ; had in n
leather collin with license on , yellow dnik nnd
wbllo ; liberal rowurd for IIIH return to noith
west coiner N 15th nnd Cnllfoiiila sts Win
Blunrt. 7.n 4
QJTJlAYin : 1'rom Omalm 1'nlr ( Jiounds ,
r blark froldlmr.Oiiofront foot white to lneo5 ;
jenrsokl : weight iibout 1'JOO. ' I'lndorvvlll bo re-
nuidcd by rotuinluir to Adnin Thompson ,
Full ( itomuls MU 4
rPAKl.N Ul' In my pasture on Military rend ,
JL ono dnik buy borso , black iniino nnd tall ,
Binnll white en hind feet , shod nil mound. John
Btnlion. _ iiuir 7l42l,2BM < p {
TYklirTill' A bluck nmi wuTtfT.I ycnr oid
cow , nt the cor. of ,10th nnd llrlstol , ono
mile north of Ittnoi's brick ynid. ImnKlX
nir. 21' S 4 11 18 25 *
UP At Tlth nnd Hnncroft sts. , n
-L bluck horse , 4 white feet , white strlpo In
Inco , 7 j ours old , weight 1100 pounds , fnrdls
& . MilKK. U-20-J7-8 IHO-17
FOUND lly It. B l.lvc cy , il law n tennis bnt
Apply to the UKC counting room nnd pay
fornotlto. 7724
T71OUNI ) On the rend between ( illmoro nnd
JL1 South Omaha , n posnothook contnlulnu
money. Ovrmr inn linvu HIUIIO bv provluvpiou-
Prlj nml pnv IIIK for this notice. Inquire ot VV.
M Ilin roughs , loom 0 , Troiuoi bloclc , Onvihn.
( HI
BOAIIIMNC1 1224 Cnpltol nvenuo , northonst
corner Thlrtoonth street , hoiit-o novrly
fuinlsbod ; ovurjthtngflist-clnss. 7'W7 *
BOA1UHNGDay or vv cok. 1307 Cnss 7J07 st. *
B OAHU-And lodgings , ntlCJ N. 16th t.
TpUliSONAIi- jouiiffhidy would like to mnku
J the ncipinlntnnco ot some > OUUK mnn or
widower between the nKos of .Wand forty. Ad-
dioss Jcnnlo Waiteis , City ] ' . O. MO n *
T > KHSONAI/ ( rentlomnn from the east ro-
JL malnlm. In Omaha und Council lliullo until
Jan , would like the acquaintance of n influul
hull about SO or 29 years of ngo. Address .M ,
13 , lleo olllco. 8404 *
T > KfiMTNTli jTrSnir Nannie V. VViuren
-L clalr\ojnnt , Medical nnd business Medium
Iloom No. e , 121 Noith 16th St. , Oniuhn , Neb.
" ) iitSONAr , Mis It ! . Thomas , toucher "of
" pjtilutlnif nndjmi'-lq lOll Ditvciipoil at. Mi ! H )
) : . To buy ronl estnlorto borrow
nioiiev , or it mi nbMriiLt of title , ( ro to
the olllco nl H. ( ; , I'nttorcon , Uth nnd Don Kins.
STUDENTS nnd i < ruollonorfi of Hlioitlmnddts-
Bitlslied with prouioifs , spttd or loglblllty
to cull Or uddicss l.vpcileiuc , tiS8. : 17th st.
ATHIMONIAI. I'uper tontnlns nonilyuo
advoi llsciiionts from 1 idles nnd ( 'entlenien
wnutlnir torrespondeiit" . Sou * il muntliE for 10
Addicts , Helping H.iiul.'l ) Ln hnlla 3t ,
8KI-S *
ITANTKD-Cimh pnld for n llirhtJborsc do-
' 11 lory wiiKon.utani I'm mini st. H.I14 *
IIS. HANOI.1'II the imous mind leiulor
tells past , picsoiit und futuio , Comes well
rtioiinnended Itesldos.tUI N IDtli Et.'ind door
noith nt Dnvenport. I.ndloaUSc , teutsMs. No
ono r < tch pd on Suiidny. 881 o *
Acoouiraodntlons nt the o
-L bed ) Ilouuu Opou fcc\.l. \ Ctb , a w cor. 14th
nnd Jones. 815 G *
TTIoft lACMANoTc'-ror horfps nnd"cowsi
J IIOUMS nnd lots and vnciint lots by Ilnllou
iiio.o , inio Doiujiaj &t. hoc u
TCNOi ( 1 1 A IUI V nnd Tj iio'u i itlnir echooL
Hooma 7 uud 8 , Iron bi'iif 0 , W. llnKor.
_ _
pfPTuTlE CUitlJD-Dr 3F. il. Mooroof Chi-
JLV CUKO , cm o rupture without un optrntlon
ortlienidnf usclobs trns.-eo. wil bo at Co/-
icns liutuo Omiiliu , be | ) . tito 11. Defers to pur
tlisdiud In Oranhu. C. ' > 0 4'
fTloTtTTlfNlv-NiTuiro I'lnno fj 4'A"
n Jj _ Huspe. Ill I Domrlus. _ 6JO A"A
If 15I1NT Fiiunro Pliino , $ l monililr. A
Hpgpe. 151.1 DouKln ? . i _ 811 _
% rpllF.r.8 , Hofps , Sliiuti3 , ele . plnntpd lroe for
.L poitnns bujrlnvol Uou laa Co , Nuiserles.
C.O. llo-n.ird , Prop , . 1' . O. box 2DO. M7-nl2 *
F iiTii , fTpor uumtb.
1MJ (1J2 (
Foil JSAI.K Furniture of n nlr-o collate ,
complete ) for housckiupliig. In n vorr doplr-
abe ! purl ul ths rlly. ( llousu lor Itont ) Ad *
dresu M Ih. live OUIce , NiT 7
FOK SAM : A llnllj lire nnd burplnr proof
Oaiik t.ifu with tlmo lock , uood njnorr ,
Lift prltoJimOO. will 6ull tlicup. Arbnxtou ,
Neb J. A. Uiitlianl.- . H''B
1I10U h U.K.-ICO In car load lots. Address
-t ? t.llbnrt llro * . , Counrll lHutn , Si t
'T , -uii SALE Horse , ubactou and liarntsf ,
J ' nut.elms rlif. Inqutru after C p. m. KlO Col
lege it. bOI 6 *
FOK.SAI.KNearly now piano for II-SB than
_ JmlT prlco. 411 X. 14th. Tit <
] T\JU \ ( BAI.K- Furniture null onto ol sU-room
' bouta , llm ou part. Cell l-W North STth
t'.rtot , two blocVs from lied Car lino. tu
Foil < 5\Ti-Open btipjo , iri < S7 N. IPth B
0704 *
I eli SAM : Nice family drivm ? ' ? rte
llcnnisen llro' ,1519 Uougbis. 4firt
IpOKI K Chtnp HjOhcndlHrzopoii ) mans
JU Appl ) on | irtml eMltnnl r lilier fHim ,
one mile north of Aiiehor mill ? nnd siinllfs
foutliwcitof oinnhn. f.'n 9
f J Ol * il- > Ixits Kaiin , l.anil monp )
lleinis lotli and Douglas sheets. t'-5i
s II I. rurnuuio h-iooin tioil n com-
lcto for iioii'pViCPplnsr ! price fWJ , jmrt
inmtnt IT ilrolrr I. lloiifo rent ? . ! " > per month ,
IBP location 1719 DoiiRlns t. CM
stl.K-Two No 1 , t'con < 1 h mil , cnnnpx-
p nrrojs , nl o two enod , second hnntl
r > liRrton , ut Ilin jlocjirc etroct 21o.
I poll MAl.t' Cnnip , non columns nnd window -
dow enp s iltnblo for fronton tirlek build-
luff. I'oi piriiciilarsnpply at this o'lU'o ' Ht
W\vri.l > vn pvperleneed wotnnn to ilo
( boun work ( Iood wiues pild.unt )
111 fiiiinlriioil | pint11 ; for HIP tiirht woman I nil
botwttn 3 und Op m. , 11J N. Oth bt. I.Ubi Hog-
er . 8K )
-\\rANTI.D-AI once , n chl nurse. Imiulic
> V room 1rolKliton ( Hlk 8 < s 5
IJU Olrl for pt nornl tiouc work Small
WNT , no children- . ' -'J Diivoiiport n.
876 *
t > Apirl af.
' ' ' ' '
Mrs.\V. VV. llltKfhiiur.'s'rj's'lOlirsl.
Dlnlup room plrl nnd ihnmbor-
maid nt I.ludnlo House-IJ b lutli st. _
W AXTiilminedliltoly : , drl lei ponklug
und boitsewoik. y. W , cor. Callloiuln nud
2)th ) Ms , H'ootid house. 8.10 II *
WANTHU-Uood kitchen irl. 1S14 Plctcost.
8(7 ( 7 *
" \\7"ANT'T | ) (7.iiotl ( took , 7 female . .PfefoMed ,
I'lntt Vnlley house , Aslilaud , Neb 8.10 i ) '
WAN I'UD-ftliI forxencrnl homework , linn-
lly em ill. wnireg K < > od foi u competent
Klrl.pplv to 1) J. O Domilino at O'Uon time
\ Slierl ) , 15th et ne\t to postolllio 814 B
WANTI'.D irlrl for ironeinl | IOII P OI k nt
1524 Mioinmli uveld ! house neitliol Or KO
Pt i" >
-A competent tilrl Itir Kt-neiul
liousowoik In small luinlly : lufeieticts
requited. Mis Med.le , 24.-'Culdwcllstn et.
tt' \ > Tii : ( tooil Kill for tren-
VV oial hoii i'work , nt 11114 Piiiiinm Bt 8"i
fAN rii : Immodliitoly , foinulo cook , cnim-
V blnof InkliiBClinrKool "ilWihiB upi" nl o
" vounir Indies to wult on table tot room nnd
bonid , 1011 Doiliro K.75 *
WAM'ii > 40ulrlsfor private families tlr-t
nnd peiond vvork , nlso illnlnit loom.kltcli-
cnnndntii > OKlrlHKooi lomnlo peek , best of
VM US C ill and see Omalm Kmployinoiit llu-
rouu , HUNoVth 10th st. 810
W ANTKD ( Jood nM to do ( tenornl bouse-
work , -Gcrmun proton cd , 1 J4 Doiitrlns at
810 5
If AXrit-At : onceneook nt the Coinmer-
V cltil hotel , cor. Oth and I.eavenworth Sts
Head cook at the ruinous ies-
tnurnnt. 319 S llth st 78ii
\-\'ANTii-Cook : nt 012 Douglns Pt. , Olive
Ilriliich. b8 !
-\V.vNTiD-Good kltcll ° " Slrl , M S 1 ! th Bt.
\ \ IM 5 >
WANTED A girl to ilo house work nt N. W.
cor. ot 2ftb and Sewitrd stieuts. 777 C
WANTT.D Ulil to do Bcueial housewoik ,
112 N Oth 70) ) 4 >
ilTAN'TKI ) Ono dWiwusher , two wulteis
ono cook , ut Norris' Ittstnutnnt , 104 S.
llith St. 78- >
f _
ANTKD filrl for Rt'ncinl bouscwork nt
No. JIO south If.tb stiojt. 7K ) 5 *
WANTKI ) Good ( jlrltorBoneinl hoiibonoik.
1417Cas3bt. 707 4 *
Good chnmboi mnlds at the Win-
ser hotel. 7G.1
WANTI'D A girl to do general liousowoik ;
( rood wntroH vUll bo paid. Knquho nt No.
322 Chlctigo nnd 21st. 750
WAI 1'niitnloon mnkcrs. nt W. H. Gib
son AT Co.'s , 317 S 1.1th st. 81 , ' 5
WANTii > 2dlnlnjrroom ulrlsllrst clnss
woman cooks. No. 1711) ) Ginning st , bet 17th
nnd 18th. 747 i *
ANTii A cbnmber maid t UU UoiiKlus.
Olive llrnnoh. 700
WANTED Two diniiur room Kills nnd two
dlshvvnvtioig , atlUJ4N 10th st. 077
WAMTUIi A middle lurid woman to woik
out us hoii'o'.toperln ' a wldowti's Inmlly
Addioss to W. Kohout , NoilolU , Neb. , 1' . O. box
272. V
_ 7JJ _ _ _
\ 7ANTii : ) Oood cook unn laundress : no
t othois need tipplj ; lotoreiuo required.
Apply Mrs. W. II McCord , 204 S. 1Mb. 6 > 1
-\\7ANTii > Iy ! PeptomborOilint 24JG Doltrn
V V st. , n neat nnd competent Kill with recoin-
inoiirtntions to do ( renciul lioitbovroilc , sinnll
tnmib nnd Rood WIIKOS , 030
ANTiiOlrl : foi puiornl litiusowoi li.Gor
mnn proforrod. No. 11)18 ) Capitol uvoniio.
NTKI > Olrl for Bomnul houeoHOife s o
cor S7th nnd Chnrlos M.i 4
W ANTKD A eood iiur o girl at 4GJ Con\ out
W ANTKD-lllnimr loom jrlrli at tile ran-
Held bouso. 575
WANT1CI ) Oil ) , 1DU Howard. Mis NV. M.
lliislimnn. 421
7VNTiii-TlilntlOS 8 i5tb St. foi ( fi-nornl
lioiiscwoikln small f din lly 40.1
WANTHD Olrl for general housework at
181J Webster st. BT2
WANTIIO 2,1 jonn ladles nnd gents to
Icnrn tolugruphy. Prospects for positions
when competentKood. Address W. J. D. room
l.Crouneo blank lOlh st , Omnlm. G.J3
ANTUU Gootl solicitors ntUOPJons
hIJ d *
Shovellers , court bouse block ,
Monday morning- . 818 I'
W ANTKD A partner In nn tstnbl'shcd nnd
Rood pn ) inpr business , eitber lady or run-
tletunn ; umodointo niaouni oJ incuns roiiulred ,
\VA.vrKD A flist-oliuB ciirnr salesinnn to
it soil city ti ado. Mint have K < > od relci-
em os. Krllch X LaiiKeludtor , 517 8 Kith st
WANTlID Actlvo business men , J M
Trench i. Co , in Jliihlmmu block. 8 80 *
VJ AN rinT Tl-iTsT-cTnls "bTuiTcri
None but a woiKinim uouduppl } .
Chug HoMci.Nu. 100 U'waj , Council lllutTs.
_ | _ _ _ ggii-10
WAN l -lonninl nuents. ( iood Hillary or
M cmitn nn the dollar to wholtRiilo our
goodi. Itaro ehaneo to muXn inone > . No coin.
iution. btilctly business. None but
men numl appl ) . Addiess , with f.tainpS. & H. ,
1124th Stj Council llliiHg , In. _ tf't 11
WAM'III- expeileneed man to sell I.a
dies' clo Iks In ndiy KOOdFtoio. ( iootl
fiilnry. Cull on or nddresi Mj cri. Nlfs'ej ' A. Co ,
l.ineoln , Noli Bli .1 4 *
V\JA ! Tiii ; All enpri/tnlc , rollnbln man to
IT connect hlun-elf nith a wealthy coiponi-
tlon In n position of ti list. The rlarht man enn
eoeure KOIIJ pay and n pot mnnont position. Ad *
diets , with lefCHWo , M 10 , Hieolhce E21 0 *
A > THU-aooii bulkier ut 2211 CumltiB
Bt. FOS i
WANTIID Two younr mtn to Introdnton
new tinoluees. Iniiunv cor ICtli and Dav
enport , room 20. 770C *
\\rANTI.D-Oenoinl HBtnlF. Good aalarj.or
VV fiOu on the dollar to wholesale mj goods.
Haie chauoo to mnKii iniiney No eoinpptltlon.
hi l let ly bueliU'SS. None but buMnesu moil need
aiM'll. Address with btaiap 1' . SI. Weaver , In-
dlniinpolla. Hid. TfC O a _
WAN'IKIl Six car poll tors for llnUhliiK.
Apply on 2ltu bt. between t'aniiim nnd
To l e. 774-4'
" \TAhTKl A Kooj ng iit with expeilenee
it In eoll'-ltliitf lilaiik Hook work with small
capital oun Inn o an opportunity to tro into nn
eflH'jllshed business ol Spenie * tnndinir. This
Oder U for SO days ouly. Address M ft , Iloo
ollice. 77J-4
WANTii--At : once fin oxpcrioncod nnstra-
tor , must bo oed poniuan. State terms.
Address 0. It. Orcon , Kearney , Neb. 7&J 6'
WANTHD Youiiff man to work In talloriui ;
etoro with Kood references. M 1 , Hoe
ofllce. Tia 4
X"\ANTED Flrst-cla ax aller'nt Ixiula & Meti-
i > eor' rostaurnnt , Nu. > 2i Uruadwa ) , Coua-
oil DlulfB. 7J1
W.\tiCKn Nenipapor prues feeder. State
Join mil Co. , Lincoln , Neb. (43
\\rANll D 10 men iif xooiinppairance
make $3 to $5 | > or day , Uuiiat 1412 South
IBlb snect. 664 t >
IV NTr.U-Imraodlntely , two d
IT dilioolho.-s to cirry hor'o unites on
Dallv i : cuing Boo. Inquire at Circulating dp <
pirtnicnt. M"
VrANTEl ) An experienced clotliltnf Sjlcs-
V V man , also an oxporteutcd clonk fnlo'Uay
or entleimn Mnot tprik ( Icrnmn. J. I * Ilrftti
dolsA gen ntn and How urd TV )
| _
> "AN1 in : 20 caipontcrs , Apply nt cloik
J > nrd Phaw A 1 if Id. _ _ _ 7nc'
\\TAKNriJ Anp\pctlenceddry iroods nlos-
IT rain with references nt The inlr,602 ,
{ 04 , jMnndSO'B I ! th St. 7tU
I\T VN riiA ; clsa' n'p ' miin ; imp wlm nns
IT nnosfiblHliPd tr uleltt N'ebrnsku outside
of Hit' ltnp ildlcnu vnllo ) , reference requited
Addto < lll Sllliiifer , Atchls-iii , Kan. .VW
* A > Tit-Iiborois ; for inllrond work 11
S Albiluhl Labor Agcnc ) , Ii03 1 amain ,
_ _ _ TU
\\"AS rtii : \ ciirl'itrp irlmm M by Uintton
.V Dnimimii'l ' , 1H7 Hiirnor M4
"V\TAN rTD Men nud women npedliir prollt-
ii nblppinplovmeiit Hnlir ) or en nm"lun. |
( itieds Miiplo r.vei)0oilv btijs Adilress , with
stump , Conveiso Mtf. ( Co. , 125Qnlne ) si , Cbl
taro . MS _
\yrA > rMhortlmnd students ; expert
IT tutol to it her. Tetin , $ JJ for complete
tour'o. Address K.20 , U"0 olllee. WiOl
\\7 ANTIvD-Olllreworkbyu ) ouiir ( mun of
IT cxpcrlunte nt leisure Irom 4 ; 30 p.m. Ail-
die's M in , llec ollli o 87 6 *
WAN rr.D A situation ! > ) a ni ti'ln s meat
mul p slij conk isolur ) Address M. 17 ,
Hro onito. _ SS.M *
\\'rA > Tl DIlimtlon bv tnunirinnn lodilrp
VV dpltpuuitron Can furnl-h Kontl noi'o.
AiltltcM , M lf > , HOP 877 fi1
WAM'I l > Mluntlon In ment market or
sausage fi-ctoiy Address It 71 , llto olllco.
7-7 4'
WA"\TM Ily J ) ounir In lies , postloiu
with prlvuto fninllics to do fiishlotmhlo
Addiuss U)5 ) S or 1.111 N.'itb.
WANrni-Hj ) njo inir Indy liosltloniiBcopy-
lBt In oilier : bc t of roi i once Addicts
lit ) n 18th it. Umnlin umpiojmuit ImitnilWi
Wi 0
"Ituiitlon bv n jouivr mnn of
V tomnetate linblts ns coacliiiiun. Aildie 9
M 0 , lite olllco 7lKj )
\\rANTii-Sltmit : on b > n joiinir huh as
V V tlcik In di > goods stoundihes ; < M .1 llto
ollltc. 7TK 5'
WI' lly nn expoilenctd iliexsm ikor ,
uoik in families 01 nt my loom , 1 ! 0 ! Chic -
c ijo st C8IJ 4 *
WAN 1'RD tu louts In Munson's shoit linnd
bj innll nnd or ill > < votihu , b ) expoii-
cncpil MoiioKiiiphcu ri.rlienlui attcnt on then
to iciiulieiiients of diet Uion wor. .
ly ] ) ractlcnl. inpld nnd cnslo t leuined Addn ' s
Mt' ' , Hoe olllto. S > 45
WANTIU ) A small stock ol hnntwnie ,
htoves.ttdwoitli iibout $ JOuOfoi Chlciitro
cnburliiin proper ! ) mid tash. Ceo. A HoriiiU ,
U4 Minkot st , LlnciKO t"i57
WANTii : > ABontleraaniind wife , no chll
( Iron , would like n nil c plaio to board und
room Inn | n iv ale lumiu No liouiillng lioiiso
nted npply. Address SI 11 , llto olllte. SIH-V
' "ANTKD 1 lady boaiders nt 2414 Chieitso
st Mis i\ans : 811 S
\\-ANTKD Rood lot lor ipsidcnce : state pimh
ii price uud locution ; ndtli ess il 4 Iloo olllto.
7W 8 *
DTITl W\NlTFT > oJ.O'W vTirds7)TdliT"to be
delivered nn the Anthon tim't , nc\twest
ot CinlKhtoncolloK-c. Uo lfS . Hill , UOSfm-
mimt. . O'l 10
v\AM'ii > I vjsii to puiclinsn n half Intel-
VV ostln n linidwnio , tiiinlliiiooi honvo fur-
iilsliln bii lno s. Addre-s K lion310 N. See
end treot , Council Illulls WJ fi
.NTIID A good sotom hand No 2 Hem-
iiiBton tpe viritor , foiMMsh. Ad Ire's 1 * .
O. Ilox414. fill
W AhTKIJ Tennis. T. Muirny.
_ r,26
WAJ > rii : > Tobuyngood business pioportv
for wholosule or rotnll put poses. ( ! i\o
dc trlptitm nnd lowest pi Ice. L 61 , llto olllco
407 _ _
117A.NTHO A pee Irosldente and lot or ccod
II biiildlmr lot In Kood location Olvo low CM
price and tei ins nud lull c'sei.ption. ! I,5)Icc.t ) !
olbte. fOI
FOlt HUNT New C-rocniiol lion o 2710
Sow urd st , Inquh o 1JIO C inipbull 84 ) l > *
Foil HUNT-8 mom cottrgo , 2Ut near flat K ,
$10 , A. P. Ttirkoj , 1 Ml I ni mim 8" > 7 4
TTlOll SAI.lT"6lTllU.NT l hive 7 ni-wi7-ioo"m
X1 houses lei siloorrent In my addition , r 1
wll sell lots nnd build suth hou cs us pei ons
mny wlBh.on oiisv turms Cull nt room 2 , At-
I ngton bloc , A. b. I'uttlck , M7 lr > %
FOH HUNT 1 room cott iso , Hainey nciir
! Mth. f30 per month , b. A. bloninn. 1512
rarnam si to
FOt ! ItKNT Torimonthsu ! fninl'hol lieu = o
of 7 roniiiBlias city water nnu IIUBO rlstcui.
015 Vlih'imn uv c. 750 6 *
POIt ItKNT A line new 7-ioom boiiso.hny
window nnd line Initfo looms , Foiuli and
eiisl liont , anil good bnrn , city nnd Bolt wnter.
InqlihoolC li. Kilckson , opp. ] ' . O. b294
TriOIl itliN r A 10 roomed hou-e , moloin
* nnd cantial ; nl = o novvb-room hoiiso , by Hal-
lou Hios , 1510 Dillons Pt. b07 fi
TT OH ItKlNT IJ room house , with fiiiiiituio for
- - sale eheup. Address JI 7 , Iloo otliee.
VJ7 4 *
IilOH lliNT ( jootl V-ioom hoiiso iiKnloin
1 linpioioincntB , Inquiio 1318 I'lirna u , 710
17 > OJt 1CKNI A store , peed lotuTity toi dTv
Koods , boots und shoos. Inquire 1412 B ,
nth st , f.FS
Foil Ki.NT Novvfi loom bouse , 1 mile trom
P. 0. , clty wntor , elc. D. C. 1'uttnrton ,
Oiiialni Nnt'l linjik. 740
Poll KUN r 7ioomhousu 24th ncur Daven
port. Inquire nt 1-03 I'tunam , Jo.siiib
Itosenstoln. fiK )
T The Germ in M. K. ohur'h nulld-
JHUT , on the southeast cornorTwellth nnd
Jackson streets , for anv legitimate business. Jt.
U. 1'ntteiton , Uth nnd DoiiKlns. 411
T71OK JtHN'J1 10 room rnsidonco between
DoiiKlasaiHirarnain , on 2Jtt , v/Ith all mod
ern Improvements. Ludw lok & Sony , S K. toi.
15:11 and DoiiK-las. SiUS
FOK MSi : ; VVo hnvo cloven uoius on II. 1' .
It 11. tinck , K03 feet fionf. will Io.i o All or
pnit for MVPVcars Ucilford .VSoucr. OJ7
1/OK HK.NT Kloely furnisbod room K.-J
r Dodjre. 8 0 14 * j
FOIt KKNT-Fuinlslied front room. 110) )
Hottnrd f > r. 71 o *
rnoii HINT FuniisUod looms , 1001 iiowaid.
I1 B74 0 4
tro. Adclicsi H. 8 , llto olllto ,
i TT'Oll HUNT Nicely fninlshed liont loom
i JO Biiltnblo for 'Kuntlcmen , also boa id. COU
8. liuh i or St. ilury's nvo. 67H-S *
FOlt HUNT 1 iirnlslied room sultnblo lei 2
peatloinon , with or without bouid , 1 ! ( ) , > n
17tb * t , MJ B
F Oil HINT : Nicely furnished rooms with
board. 1914 I'nuUt. tJ7 B *
1OIt HUNT 'IwolnrjfO tinnlstiol rooms , nil.
vale liunily. 712 ICIh si. 8.W B
FOlt HUNT Furnished looms forlUht house
keeping in llctmcr's block cor iighth : and
Howmd. _ 814
FOK ItlJVTr A lurtfo , ploasnnt , well fur-
nlslied room , suitable for two jrc ntlBtneii.
211Fouth2'itliao , 10) feet fiom rarniini st.
709 5 *
T31 ( lt Ili.NT-I''innt : room on rnriium , oxccl-
JU lout olllto location. H. W. HuntrobS , KIOH
I'm in1 , in to. )
Foil nisr : s rooms and 1 nlcoi-e room ,
oust front , with Hist rl.iss board,5M I'.ons-
nut st. KM I , *
FOH UKNT-llooms und board In private
family , with homo comforts tor four non ts
1337 n Siil st , near wurd. 64U 5 >
Foil llKNT-Nleely furnlaht-d front room In
InudBome cotttjrt ) . $8 per inonib , 40B Wul-
nut it. Elirht minutes walk southeast U. P.
depot. 7iVI
Foi ; H15.N r Nice fuinUhcd room , nil mod' '
ern Improvements ; releroncca required
JKW 1'iirmim , upstairs. 74J 4 *
FOH HUVlDuilmKalrlhno , n Inrtro fur
nished front room , U.M. tor , 9th und Daven
port. 7b8 &
"IJIOIJ lU'.NT-Nevrlj furiiTihcd loom , J OOpor
JU month ; iniulre | Kuuluinn Uros , , KO-i Far-
nnm. 770
FOH HKNT furnished rooms , VXf * Dod e.
fiafib _
Foil nr.NT-Ncatly furnished room with
_ _ u eoffltili'g _ room , SOT N IBth. SOU *
Tj ntBN'V ' 3"room 7pIeH ftntIy Idcated , tor
-1. llpht lioohfkeoi'liiir , furitlshol or unfurn-
leheJ , to parties without children , Heferencis
required. Adaruss V. O. box 015. CVJ 0
FOlt HUNT Newly furnl licd front rooms.
.WZ S ICtli , cor Icth nnd llniuoy. POO &
T6Tnn T-l nr wcTTfTu nl liwl cn t I rent
X1 room nlth nlitnd , nt $16. Also ono nt $10
per moili. lOJSOoorifianve 0945 *
TOOK HEN f-M lib boa-d , a suite ot furnished
JL ioom KlOCnsist. ( . ' ' 30'
Foil * * A1 K Pnrlnr , tindroom mid kltpbeli
fiirnltuiPcaipeKriinire nnd beitlniisttives ,
nllnoul ) now.iiiiretitlo borso five ) PHM old.
all ut u biririln , giving up housekeeping , 2.114
FOlt ltiST : Very dtPlrablo front loom In
pond Incatlon suitable for two gentlemen ,
JsntbSt. 40P4 *
| T\l \ ltivrFuril8licd rooms. 401 i.
JL1 811-0'
" 1710 It UK > rNfvlj"ruinlsTicd Voom.SMI ft.
J Mnrj's nvc 7f,3
POUHiST-A : nltely fnrnlfhert front room :
tei ins reasonable , nt S1J south ilrd strict.
7 3 t
I rum 1 UINT rutiilaliol rooms. Ol'i riennnnt
7C4 O S
_ _
Cltut lti : > r FnriiMieil 100 118. Ituiulre .VOS
- Iiirinm st . upfetftlis. 7Md ) *
171O11 IlKNI' \ tow ollici gpnces for lent ,
JL' ono with ftont window on irronnd lloor.
rnqulu'ofj S. Itlchaidsoti. 1W1 iirnnm ft.
_ _ _ _ _ _
"IJlOlt HUM' J lnr e fuiiilshel rooms with
JL modem coiivinleiipo ? , nUi tlrt clnsa table
boat it , dinner 0 p. m. , lulbrciifts ioiiilred | ,
roc BAi.3-nouaB3-i.orjj.
\\'isti' : < llADila the name ol u beautiful
ii nildllinn comprniiM 20 iicres ; lui lot" ,
B tunted on the Mllltory rotil. ono o ! tl-o llnesl
tboioiliililntos It adit K Into the eltj.aiid Islor
sitlo nt C-1JO ] > rr ii"ip , toi a few dn)8 only. W
(1. ( 'I oinplctoii iV Co , Otnnhii National Hank
b7 fi
I I < Tour property with us nnd wo will sc
LJ ) on totho best or oiirnbllllv . iiinkliiK no
phnrKo foi uiivt itslu | > r nml uliowuiK ptoiii rtj
unless s ilo N miiilt ! VV , ( l Toinpletiin .vl\ ) . |
looms ' . uimHOinuliii Nullontl Hunk. 8"'i ' fi
T ) \.Follorri > iit icil oMnlo , po to VV (1 ( ,
Tomplotim A. C.i. , Umnh i N'utionnl Hunk
t)7rf ) o
Guicoitv : , t niu.i : \ ,
Houl TH ute nn I Itontnl Aironts
1IIJ Doiife-liis street.
VVo Inix o 1) ) ir nliH for ever } body.
Auiol'ioierty ;
lliulnc ItlouKs
OiilMdo 1'iopcity
Houses unil Lots
Tnll lot on Put mini itrept.only two blocks
* liom ( dint ho nn loriR'i lot . $10,003
Tuoslori lirUI.Immne'i block on OIIPO !
the Uo'st cotnii i o i Douglas sttLeKuasii
pujmentol flil,5K ) ) $ , ! IK)0 ( )
PomtDi } Iiu6liu Mock on llmiipy
Tluc-toiy ( hi k < k husiiu'M * block oil Pai
niiin'i-\l K Terim eusy SSJ.OtH
TliiL'o niu now IIOII-.PS , noitli liont , on
C'likanibtKOt on lot l.l'xl r : li-ntln ! <
now ior.rita tUli1 pci month ? 10,0)0 )
Two -plendld nortli fiiuitlotcl\sa | each ,
In Wist nml Add Tiont on KarmiMi . $ 7.0JO
Kino corner lot on Mnut em , M feet
finntonUumlng , bv l-tdcep ; -rooiii
lieu c. . . . , ? fl,000
I.iit iKllolnlilSthualio - o. siiiiiiibl/e $1,500
Corner lot on I/url , B1\1U , Ml * tiaoks In
tun. One I n n t one 4 10 > m liomu f 7,600
Hc-ldenco nu I'oppluton uvo , north ft out ,
S inom , liiin , cistern , ctu. Corner lot
GJ l-i\tM ] . . $ 4OCH )
Itcoidcnro In Idlewlld , nortli trout. U
100 n , bnin.c'UlLin , tto. Cornci lot ,
fiOvlV ) . Toinis in'-v . .S 4.-00
I'our-rooin lioii con full lot In 1'mk
i'lau > . S 2,500
Oooil lot , Wit 10) , 1'ii'k I'lnoo , uinnlnxr
trim ( 'ass to Ciultornln , u
Hiinsionil'luco I 4jJ . . $1,0X1 to 2,1110
Kll'jPliii ' - . .J T 4 . . ire to 1.010
Ou-hiif.l Hill I/ . . . . ( OJ to 1,003
Ilirvtiioine > . ' . . . . . .Ul to 1,000
Ilo Iford 400 to 7.VI
Aillu ton 700 to VfiO
Itits In Otimlri View , ICIikwood , Priivn Pnilc ,
.loroiuo 1'ar'u , Mntoln I'lice , VViliitit Hill , West
Side , Mil ) no Phi , oniid AmUlei I'lntc , nt piices
tint will miilteyoii moiioy.
We nave 21) ) lioii'-oj nnd lots lor sale cheap ,
siniill ca-h p i ) incuts nud balance month ! ) .
Pronoit ) ot all Muds Inallpirtsof the city.
Telppho 10 No Ml , orenll and " -to UK. Mi
\\7ANTKD SiUmlurn by u youiifr man who
) ' undoistiiiids the tnro of hordes unit tan
milk ; ulso < nu rnrt Hot nil or Meam tin nines.
Cant'Ho treed roferpubes. Ad U ess XIto ) olllto ,
Conne I lllulfp. , It
VV .r ' r
Improved 1'iopoiry : :
707 1'ull lot , touLU.f fiont , cotlngo S
loomx.cnn iJiilldU Hats : on Uavcn-
poitst ncai'UId. TliN is woithln-
vc-tmntln ? ; terms csnj . . . . $ 4,503
714 Qoo I lioti o.3ioo tis , lotuOvlSl.ciist
liont. bpimtlliil view. . . 3r 0j
710 Ilo lutilnl cottnpo , full lot , on ( ienr * I.eiivptiVTOitli st 5,000
fill-lions > nn 1 full Int In Omaha Vio\ . ' . 1,500
71 ew S toi > house , full lot , Vlrsiulii
nvr. nuir I'oiM'lcton ' mo . 4,500
711 HOIIMJ II loom- , with flnis , city
water , heated by sto im laii-o ham ,
Flindo , etc ; on CJcoiKl" nvo no ir
I.L nenuoith . . . 7,000
COI-Liu u lot. toltn o 5 rooms , ( > J foot
Horn i oil cm line . l.OJO
iOj idri o 4 i,10111 ? , lot ilxuO. joining-
Helt Line on lltli st. . bin train . 2QOJ
Ilcottnifos ol 5 roomi oich on Ch ir-
los St. , hhlim'saddition , soiitli front ,
toiaiscniveach S 2,000
iJiihniiiovo I 1'rcuorty :
il-'O ,11 loot lot In Nelson's ndd. , near
Oiimlim-stiocl 800
' 21 riill lot in Sliinn'R 1st . 1,7V )
: > ' - ! ! 1'ull lot In lllnicb until , pike . . 2'J'O
H21-4 lotsln.lLio'iiul'iuk , nil for . . . 3.TCKJ
! 5l8 Lot noith ot V. I * , shops , noarrinc'k-
nuu : biirKnln . 1-i'J
! )12lots ) ( coinui ) hi blilnn 8 lid add. ,
both . . . 3 , " > 00
275 Lot in I'ellnim I'lnco 760
hot In lluitlott's mil on Lcnvon-
woilh stroi > l,50 loot liont 2,500
279- : . ' lots , o it'll 5) I leot , flouting on
Ilnnseoin 1'ark : bnririiln. for both GIXX )
l.ot on VliL'lniii nvenuo In Hun oem
1'lme , . 803
a nice lots In llurr Onk. nil lor . . 2,503
201 5 lots in "Kllhy 1'liico. " cnch . 6'iJ
llouillliil lotson Callloinla httuot . l.-jQ
1127 41x170 roct on Hiunoy. jrood location il.COO
217-I.ots on I nllloi iiln. near J7th 1,000
2JO-ood ! lot , Patrick's additions onsy
( onus , . . . . l.K.O
Foouro 11 lot In "Shrlvor Place , " jou can't
miiko u better Investment lxit ° ffci ouch ;
verj easy t cum.V. . O. blulvor , opposite po t-
oillco. 8SO 5
* Itcal Kstato ,
ItoomHWhhiipll iiiiHiHmr , tor. Ifith & Ilnincy.
211 'Iwo tliolto Ion on fihciiiiiin iivinno noiu
( iituubt. A bplundid mvtBtnicnt II taken
308 riuo lot In 1'ntlick's 1st nddn. A
liai'aln at . $ 1,000
10 I'll II lot on tor Cnl. nnd liroun avo.
Kast iiont . 1,100
217 l Ino building lots In Washington Siinniu.
140outli liont , full lot. Houstl A. Btcb-
liliH' ndn . .J 1,500
2 0 ' 1 lut'c choice lots In \ \ et hlilo lo soil or ex-
uhanxtt ,
210 ( iocdcornoi loton Oodrfo . , 5 y,500
237 I'our clo/iint south liont lots on cor
on Cal , oath . . 2,000
20J Two ( f "d lot" In Donokln's adll . . . B'tO
SOJ-CI flieo lot in Wiilmit Hill . . 750
221Fulllot In Lowo'g 1st . 760
f.t ts In Hanscom I'lnco liom $1,230 to
124 ( io d tnron Saiindora . . fl.OOO
ItU ( Jnool tlio lust tin nut a InSliliiii's-d
ndn . . 1,500
l'5 Coi lot In Mnrbh'B ndn cheap ut . . 3,000
14J-T o lull lots on onr 1 111 It trom cnr
lino. Ti rrnco ndn 3,600
200 Cor lot on tliiulog o.Pxl'.M , 5
ron m cot two. . . . . . 2,650
187 ' plendld piojmity in Hnnetom I'lato ,
iiojnnt : cottilfo. 3,800
207 Good U room , cottugo und lot in
Lake's ndn . , . 2,700
208 rivuioom tottn q and lot In 1'aul-
ten's ndn I ' ' . 2,100
11H-Cood HoiiMi nml ( nil let on h' . 20lh 2bUI
1"7 \I J. on Tenth at nonr llarney. 1m.
proved. . 18.0CO
123 SSviifl on Hainey. 'lino tinslucsstor.
nor. HentBforflOpormo 10,000
107 llxiltlon 13th fit niuit Howard. Tlno
location lei < , iinu. or loiifectlouory
Etoie. Willcplliheap Miiko olloi.
I'lO Kle nnt couiPr lot on Hainuy . 1,5)00
121 22K | on Dodge. Impioved. / blk *
fioml' 0 , ! , . , . , 12,500
163-wixwi. ImpiyvvJi CoronlJtli Bt 1B'IW )
Bfi * > 5
FOHSALK-J. II. lUnns & Co. , Itcal KstHte
Aiionta , 1510 Dodgp sticet , Invite esputlul
nttentlon to the follou'lnK ' burtfUlug us a sample
of the obdrncter of proper ! ) listed with them ,
Corner Ixits : Lowe's addition , f 1,0 JO ;
hhlnn's 2d , f,200 | ; Hawthorne , tl.OOO ;
Vales \ Ittod's.ftOO ; Clarendon , two Jots ,
IAOOO : Patrick's. J1.400 : Wiilnut Hill , two
lotstlMK ) ; IlurrOak. T5iia2 , J,000 ; Creston -
ton , two lots , ? 2tOO ; Shull's , 2d add , two
lots. | JJX : ( ) ; iluiiscom I'hioo , fl.800 ; Veer
l'urk , $ JO : I'lnlnviow , fBJO ; Georgia ave
nue. T2,50a ; I'arnnm street , two lots ,
t4GJO ; Jsa-icH & Bolden's , J2.00U ; Kllby
1'latP , ? 1,2. > 0 ; I.oaVdinvorlh btroet , $5,000 ;
two lots , Omalm View , $1,400 ; Colfax st. ,
Cast 1'routs : Shull's 2 < 1 add. , ri,600 to $1,800 ;
Hunsconi I'lnco , $1,050 to f-,4JO ; I'ark ave
nue , 16,000 ; Hawthorne , $1,100 to ( l/MO ;
Ynios & , llomj' * , $750 to $ BM ; Crcston. ' $ WO
tol.2jO ; Tnborrinco , (1,103 : I'ottor'snd-
dltlou , $1,200 : Jerome 1'urk , $1,100 ; Kilby
riacol,20U ; VVeet Knd , $1IOO ) to ( l.WU ;
I'Uinvlew. $750 : Two lots , Omaha View ,
$1,400 for botb : Shull's 1st , 91 tcet , $ .2.100 ;
buundcisht. . $1,300fudntr ; Hanscora Park ,
two lots.fiOzjIUt , Krund locution lor resi
dence ; the Iwo for $6,000.
Other Fronts ; touth frout Hamilton St. ,
$1'iOO : south Fronts , Lowp'a fldlltlon ,
linest lots In tJ > o addlllon , f < T" to $ WX ) ,
Hnntrom Place , bnrirnliis at $ liOO. $1,100
nnd Jl.s'O ; llartlott's nddltlnn , lots only
2n09 ; illnipbnUKb Place , $1,700 : Isaics \
Aero Property ! Kitten ncrp In We t Oranhn ,
impiovtd , $ VOJ , anothct without im
provements. $ $1000 : R thud ou Helt I.lnp.
J3OOU , tpnncres. llrlnhton $ J,00'l ! ncici nt
nil t Ticcs In nil outbid" ndlltion"
IlceuU uco : Cottages nt fl/oii to J4.K)3 ) In nil
pirn of theiltv eltct ) our loonlltv nnd
tompto us to buy. Houses und lots on
monthlv pivniriits Hnndsoiiip dwelling
Irom $ lVO to Sl..VO. vv p cnn mt ) ou If
one in IIP suited In tiny loc-itton In Omnlm.
nuslnesa Proper v ; Wo have n line line of
business property both Improve 1 nud vn-
Cut this out nml br tip it with ) on. 878 11
IJMHl SIn 10 room houop , Oeori'in nvo :
1 cloM-ts , bnsemelil , veil , nil complete ,
U room lieu e , Idaho st : clo rt. pnnlry , eel-
la ! , bath loom , ppnkliir ( tubrs , rhrubbcry.
tires , nlcejnril , biru , eniiliirp lieu p , 2 Intce
cMoi ni.clt } wntor. nil complete , fn,70ii.
4 loom lionfeoutli front ; piiutrj , closd" ,
InrKc bnv window , cistern , ttllnr , good out
house' , p is ) tcriu , $ jJVl.
4 loom bou < p , Jmn'i ) , tlo-ei , Inv v lnlow.
Hood cillnr , vveli mil outliou e , veil ctioip ,
$ lsiO.
fi room rnttnire , lui ) window. do et , cellnr ,
w ell , elUern. fruit iic'co nluiiirilii , $ - ' , ' , or
With 4 lot" , pn y ti rill" , $ ! , Y1U.
illots , I'lnlii View , uin double Jour money ,
$ ToO.
2 lots , W. A llt > ddkknd < lltimlJSO. (
n lot , Tuliei plnee , tor 1 week , " 0) )
fi I < it , Kilby pluie , wllluieieiiso2vi percent lie-
fine "lion tullv
llpmtlfiil lot , froMon plncp.
Tnlrinont pliicn An Investment In lhc e will
double voiirinouc'V In 1 > eai.
Patrick addition Lots ou ens ) terms ninl low
jirli c .
Ifvou bnve bouses to nut 01ell 01 lots to
thorn with mn 1 do u stilellj tomtnls-
Plou bti lue s nud will look nftni your Intcust.
J. II I'nnotto. , . .
Monev toloation fair late ofintcrt'St. J. H.
1'nruittP. 83I3 (
TO.OU sl.i : rhoicp lOiuei lot 12tKI.IJ.CiiP-
JU thaw nddltltm , $1,030 , ctisv teiuif 'I ids Is
iiliiiKiiui No iiuiutxtintoil , lnqultt'4l2S
13th st , bill bet shop. 8 lid *
Foil * vl.i : On ensj puvmonts , bouso und
lot within liulf n block of stieot cms , i > j
llnllon Itros. , I3iiijoiijrhi- ) . i-01
SIM CIA1. IIAII(1A1S > foi Mile i > ) Ainoll
Culm , ben Ac Co , 1U2 Knimim tt.Kfoiind
Cor linrncy mid Twelfth sis ,4lb1K ! $ f0,010
H.nnevncirU lli.Mb ) litt , rout $ JPOO. . , ! OOX )
Cor Doimlns uud'tb. . tine investment 21,000 l.'tli ' uud llth , 4t by 1JJ , lin-
piovel . 30,000
Douifhu , Iienr Mth. 2.1 by KU 2U)0 )
Cdi. Dodge and l.'tlists , Mi by I , ! , ' , lent
M,0 K ) . . 30.000
Cor Dodife nnd20tli sts ,10 bv IIS . . .1.710
Doluc , neir2ithon irtiido , chenp nt 2,000
Ciilittol live , bet. Dili nnd 14th sts . .U
bv 1,0 S/tOO
Ciilllornlu St.,110111Kith , 14-room house ,
Improved . 11,100
D iv enport l.ct.21d nnd 21th , improved. i > ,0V ( )
" " . f 0KI (
coi lUth(0\7K ( >
Cor .Tn-liton nnd 14th , liiKIJJ " . 2fi,0 0
JiiekRiu bet. Uth and Uth , .1 bouses 11,0 0
.Inckson btt nnl 18th,3 houses 8,50J
I.envcnwoithuiid l.ltb Ms liuiiilio lor
11 lltiCllllllfl
Loavenwotth mid 14th St. . Ofl\l't2 . 21,003
Lcnvcnvvoitli neni Helt line. 100tl3J S.
front . . 2.003
Cor Pierce nnd Itltli. Hents lei $1,20J. t',503 '
Pierce noir utb , 2 houses . . r > ,030
. 5,500
Pbitoueur 21tb , 5room house , i asy
totms 1.7.10
Pacific neiu 24tb , 4 room house. Knsy
terms . l.SCO
Pleas mt st. neiirSt. Jlury's nvo .double
house , 10 loomed , nil modern impiove-
mellts . 13,000
S. P. tot nth and Dnvctipnit , 8S\120 2,0110
4S It on Convent c tcndinir to 23d. Imp. 4.0JO
2-hlncar Mason 8 loom eottniroenstfiout 3,0 0
Coi 2.1d und MIIROII , MI\1H , ft boiibos . 1D.OKI
Illundonciii SnundeifMvlJ2. ) Impioved. . 2,7.10
Slate st nenr LnVo , IO\U1 . . . . 1)00 )
South Htb near Doiens , o fiont dUxl40
Impioved . 5,000 nve fiont b'ixlLl ' 10 room house
nil modern Imp . . . . 10.0X )
Pnikitvo Ji\lirJ : , Pleirnnt house . 0,003
Mlehiifiiii neir Piirknvcvlble bouse , rent
SI.'JK ) 8,000
Park live , , toi. Woolwortb , ICOvtilO. im-
piostd . . . 0,100
IVoolworth , fiontlnirsouth on Ilnnseoin
PniK . . . . 2,530
Cor. VV oolwoitb limiting 'outb ou Hnns-
com Park . 30DO
lliins.-oiii I'lnto lots Irom $ l,100to . 3,003
( Jeorrlu ave nortb ol l.eavenwoith ,
WK140 . 2.MO
West I'm mini st. , 51.100 to 2,2.10
Cliolco lots In Kilby Place , f.l.0'0 to . . 1.203
Cliolcp lots In lllBlilnnd Place , oust front , 1,200
Waliiut Hill lots on Meieci nvo.south
front l.-00
AValnut Hill lot" l > JO
Omnlm View , fVilto . . 1 OJ3
fcoveral innns forBiileor oxcliunfro forOinnlm
propoi ty. Am on Calm , Son .V Co. , 13 K I'limum
St. Ml 4
SPliCiAfTBAItGAlN-A choice oornoi- lot on
N. 21i-t,2b'o'ks ' fiom stiott cars nnd one
Moclv from pi o posed entile load , in Denise addi
tion , ? l Ml ) , ( rood lot in Lowo's uddltion , * 103
cash , f70D. linii ! \ Co. , 27 I'tixton Imlllinif.
b J5
Saturday Evening , Sept. 4.
As usual , at the close ot tlio
\vcek , tlicre vvas very little doing on the
lions The leceipts were veiv light and
not enough to make a maiket. Tlio ntmlisy
of tlic lie b was not up to jesterdnj s , und
thu maiket was weaker In himpatliy vvitli
Eistein mnikets.
SniiEi' Tlioio vvcie a fjpotl many In to
day , but there was no maiket.
Kiciii'is. : :
Cattle . 400
Jlo 'S . 400
bheep . . . . . . . . . . l,0v,0
Prevnlllnjj I'rlce1 ? .
Showinc : tlie prevailing prices paid for Ilvo
stock on this maiket.
Choice ( .leers , WTO to 1500 Ibs . S4.20@4.i5 :
Choice steers , 1100 to 1303 ibs . 8.7.X < 4.15
Medium steers , 1S.VJ to 1350 Ibs. . . 3.00 ( < g4.00
Kat little steers , 10M to 11SO Ibi . . . . a.tttfe J.80
Cooil feedeis , 000 to 1000 Ibs . 3.00 ® J.n :
Coed to choice coin-fed cows . 2.yo@3.25
Kali to medium sia = s cows . 2.03 ( < u..rr !
( iood to elioice bulls . 1.50@if > 0
higlitnnd medium nogs . 4.30rt14.4'i (
( iood lo choice heavv l's ) . 4.4lipW.fiO
( iooil to choice mixed hojjs . 4.40M4.50
< iOod to choice sheep . Jl.OOiv ? W5
FnlrloKood sheep . 2.75jjU.OO (
Common slieep . 1.MJ.60
Ueprcscntatlvo Silo .
si'A ( is.
No. Av. I'l. No. Av. I'r.
1 . 1540 $2.50 ' 7. . 1057 S2.fX )
row s.
No. Av. Pi.
4 . lib. ) S3.00
N-OHIIIIU.V : iiANniit : < i.
Owner. No. Av. T'I.
Wells , ( iurdncr it Co . 77. . . . 1177 5 .10
No. Av. Slik. I'r. No. Av. Shir. Pi.
21.117 ! 120 S4.41 > 2l . . . .5U1s 40 S4.S5
48.'J")0 400 4.5'i 8.J50 ! 4.r)7M
' "J. . . . ' , ' ! ! bO 4.B5
Sliovvlnctlio liiuhestanil lowest prices nild
for inlxpil loads of ho.r-.oii this matket d'tr-
iii'tliu ( past seven days , anil for tlio same
time last > eai ;
HIilpnioiitH ,
Showing thoiiiiinbjrof cits of llvo fitoelc
shipped out ot the ) aids duiini ; tlie day :
CAI 11.1 ; ,
No. Cws lit. Dest.
1 N.V Chleaco
15 Mil Chlc.igo
1 X. vV ChleaKo
1 0. B.fcCJ Chicago
hllKEI' SINfil.t : IIKCKS.
3 N. W Chicago
fciiiii' : : Dornu : DI.CKH
5 It. I Chicago
All snips ot stock in this market nro uiada
PC : cwt. Ilvo vveiirht unices othervvibe statui.
JJpad hoics sell at Ke per lb tor ail vwUais
"Skins , " or hugs vveUliing loss tlun loj ilia
no value. 1'reKiinnt bows are doukeU 40 Ibj
and tags Wlbi.
_ _
Saturday and very dull.
Cattle and hog receipts light.
L. Spelts , David City , stopped off at Hie
yards to-day , on a trip Kast ,
Un tlio market with hogs : 0. A brains
Crovvell : S. McLcnuKhnn , valley : 0. ,
Flshei i Wagner , York , and U. H.Vnrren
it Co. , Grafton.
K. A. Page , Medicine Bow , had SOT head of
cattle on the maiket.
The Week of Speculation Closes With ft
Heavy Feeling All Around.
The Bears Working Unrtl to Pm-ee
"NVlicnt Down A liovvcr Tciiilency
In Corn Tlio Crtttlo
Cnir.vfio , Sept. 4. TclpRiam to
the Ui.i'ablps ] ( to-day described thp for-
plitn maikcts as''Inaptlvp " That was jm > -
cisply the vva > In which the i > lts startpd IUTO.
Theio was a little spun In piovisions anil
theie VVPIO btokeis tlipio In tlipli shirt
sleeves , but them was no grunt ttiitlp nftpr
the lust live iiilnutps , 'Hie seaboard
alippsof whpit for tlio wtok will nppioxl-
matt'lMX > , ooOlmshel . nceordlni : to the best
informallun of New Yoik conesuoiulpiitsof
Chipujo ( train honsps. Pnlnlh stocks will
show an Incipasooverlast week of about i-00-
thouhand buslu'ls , and thp ucelptsit
other pilmary points have been lariolv ; in excess -
cess of shipments. Advancini : Heights iiavo
the disparity between this anil thp
H'aboud maikcK Doleful prctlicllons aie
huaulnn cvcrj liand that ne\t week'sex
ports will show , a decided lulling off a * coin-
paipd vvitli tills week. Liverpool ninikpts
me quoted as quipt todav.nnd tuivato ad
vices v\prp lecplvcd tlmt oilers of wheat at
lignius below quoted rates hail been maileaiiil
accepted in Mvuipool. Cables ot unfavorable
wo.ithci In KiiKland evened a stimulating In-
llncnie lei a time tills foicnoon , and IIP.IVJ
bn > liiK bv Walkci , Jhvlght iVr
( illicit and otlicis tinned the maikct
up. Itut the pcncial totio was
one ol heavlnpss , unit the utlv antate
was not maintained. Tliouqh lieavv , values
lieltl well with unexpected steadiness that Is
tos.iv , no seiimis bit'ik oconucd , nml the
range of quotations at HIP close was not ma
terially chanced liom that of jesteidav. 01
the oppninjj this moinlnj ; . As pompaicd
wltli K'stciduj the closlm : range ot puces
shows no change wurth mentioning October
lelt oil at 77\c , November at 7U1p nnd Do-
cembeiatWV- is said among ttadurb In
the wheat pit that llntclilnson sold y.OOO.OOO
puts lust night nnd then sold 1,000K)0 ( ) litisltpls
this nioiiilnir to bleak HIP market and pet
wheat. Kent is also cicdlted wltli beiiitf a
lic.av ) spllei ol puts plose to tlie mtuket , anil
coiieentiuted buvinn was said to be largely
tor tlie account ot that gentleman. Jolin
I'lniiklncton , ol Milwaukee , is tinoted as be
ing a. beat on vvlicat foi ti' talJc. About 75c
lie thinks it a good ptiH'li.ibe , or Is soieprc-
Corn displnved n Rood deal of amnintlon
In tlie local speculative market , though
tlie fvc'lhiK was nervous and tlio
trailing latlici spasmodic in cliaractei. The
estimated receipts lor Monday were ovpr
' .KXl cats , and vvitli lake tieiijlits still abnor-
in.illlilKli , and outvvaitl movement ic-
stiicted ovvnn ; to scarcity ot leatly tonnaup ,
tlio maiket once moie showed an inclination
to i > .ig , 'Hie maiket opened easy , but tallied ,
anil clost'd sll.litl ) hlchci.
Oats vvcie active and \vcak and closed a
shatle lower.
Octobei poik sold down to S10.10 this
moinint ; , advancctl to S1040 and closed at
S10.i5 : , vvith.Ialiuaij quotpil at 511. : ; % . OP-
tobei libs closed nt s ? ( > . ( > 5 and October laid at
50.7 % Septembci was 57.BO. Specnl.itlvo
tiadlngvvns not laige , except ucai tlio open
Cuiin , . " r. M. Octohpi wheat , 77e ; privl-
Iptii-s , 7P.4P hitl , and TS'o stjc spflcis. Oc
tobei coin.-c ) bplleis ; pihilcgus-il u and
Citir voo , Sept. 4. ISoeclal 'relpgrim to
the BKK. ] CATrr.E. Yeslerda > 's receipts
vveie . " 5,402 cattle and to-day about sixty
Durinjr tin1 hrst foul dujs tlie leccipts i aimed
from O.fiftl to 12-lso head , but Hie receitits foi
tlio week only avciagctl , C03 ; and liad the
run been moio evenly divided piices would
not have "ROHO to pieces" lib they did on
common to medium natives , which declined
a-jtailOc up to Thun > dav , xivcnln . Fiiday and
to-day lOyiMc was iccovcipd and tlie maiket
to-diy was mcicly nominal. The olfeilngs
vvcie almost cntiiPlv of ttalo stock and tlicie
was little 01 no Hie in trade , though values
weio nominally stumper. Ke\v 6j.OO@.V45
cattle did not Miffei any matpiial decline
tint ins the week. The delnuu ot nuitli-
vvestein 1.111150 cattiu this week vvas what
plajud tlie mlscliiet with pnceb. The ic-
ceipts ot wcslein i.uijo cattle tills
woeic were about ID.dOO nnd ot tliiotiu'h
Toxuiib 13,103 head. The inn of west
ern landers vvas decidedly thu heaviest
of tlie beasnn and was much laim than dm
inc tlip coiie&poiidlni ; vveelc of last jc.n.
Thousands of cattle that vicro poinln lo < U'l-
use the inaiket weie checked by vvue , and
that accounts lei tlie sudden fall oil In 10-
pclpts jcstt'iday and the absence ot leceipts
toilti ) . There weio some lelt ovoi cattle ,
vvhiclinntmallyhold atslrousci pi Ices to day ,
hut tlipio was piaptleilly no maikct. Tlie
only cattle sold to-day WPIO homo PO.IISO 1111
to 1295-11) tail end , halt Colorado-Texas half
biced at S-.7.1
Jlooh The eMimated leeelpth for the day
were 10.000 , nsalnst 7'J1U , Inst Saturday ; for
the wuek , t > 7,114 ; last week , 7 , CW. ( Tiado
wasdull and pilcosn lOo ! o\\ei than jestoi-
dny , I'ackeis and shippeis bought only
about 8,000 , so that theio weio quite H num
ber earned o\ei. Hou h and common sold
down toSl.Si'eZ'l.oS ' ' ; tali to iroodmixed , SI 75
( ? , , and best heavy , V UHMtS 05 ; liflit , S4.'JJ
OJl.75 ; lancj binKeinKbOitsrgJl)3@'j.09. ) '
York. Sept. 4. Mowi'.Y On call
easy , raniiing liom 0 to 0 > i per cent ,
tlosin ; : atfi pci cent asked.
PlllMtt ill'.UCAMlhK 1'AI'ISR 4(5' ( 1'Cr
OTUHUNO KxcirANOc- Quiet and linn
at 8 81 for sixty day bills and fe-l.St for
GovHits'Mi.vTS ( lovpinments woio dull
but steady.
biocKH 'i'lie stock maiket today asaln
developed into tlio dull and lifeless state In
which It has bin n cvriy d ly this week except
Kiiday. Knst juices showed ic ulartlianies ,
but tlic ditleionccFi were toi small filiations
only oitlier way. Piices then hat' cd elf jier-
cejitlbiy until about ltiO ! ; : , when a movement
in Jersey Cential was stalled , anil the 10-
malnderof tliullfjt lespouded slovvlv. Tlio
hlchunt prices were Koneially leacliod In ( lie
calls part of tlio last hour and weio well held
uutfl thu closo. whlcli was dull but linn.
STOOttS ON W < t.I. Sl'llKFT.
. cent bonds. . 10U'4 ' 0. & N.V . . . . llfi
U. b. 4 'B 100 % piufeiicd
Now Vh. 12'5 ' N. V. 0
I'acllic ( > 's of ' 9) . 121 > i . . . Hi1
Centinl i'ncilio , . UJi 1'neiiic Mail. . . . B7Jf
C.ifcA HI 1' . 1) . &K '
plcferiPd . . lO'i r. o
C. It. X ( > ! 1 Houk Island . .
I ) . \t. \ i\\V 121 % bt. L , & S. K ,
U. AK O ill jnetPirul. ,
0. , Msbl. \ . I' ,
prefeiied. . . 74K jpfeiied .
Jlllnols ( Vniral. 131 St. I' .
1. , It. iV\ \ piefeiicd. . . 110
. Texas I'aeilic
J.ulto Sliuio b71i union I'acilio. .
U AX 4' W.H . U& I' .
.Midi. ( Vnlnl fO I prpfeiind. .
Mo. 1'iicIliP . . . . IW't vVpsti-rn Union.
Noithein 1'ac. . . " ( & ( ) , , II.
pi elured
Sept. 4.t'Inur Quiet ,
hut nnrlian vil ; winter vvhpat liom ,
, 8J.WJJl.00 ;
& 4 O0'.v.10 ; > hcilian ! B < ! fU | > rlnMvh.tat ! ! , ! > . ! . & < ) < i
4.10 : Minnesota bakers , VWi (4.iO ( ; patonts.
34'JOW.OO : lowj'iadM , Sl,75' < .75 ; io Hour.
quiet at 8yy J.50 In bairels , and g..OJ ,
K.o In sai't'fa.
Wheat -Dull , fluctuated wllh.'iiMiiall rnniro ,
ruling about VP lov.'ei , and oloscd eail > at Vc
undir jCiH'iiJaj j casli , T-l t'-lOo ' ; Uctobei ,
77 Vi-10e.
Corn Opened iveak and ih-cllned L'P , clos
ing lc nbovo ypsleiday ; cash , IU l-lOo ;
OctoLei,4i MOc.
Onts-l'nscttled but tacash ; , 25c : Oc
tober , 'MXc ,
Kyo-Slow at 40e.
ILuloy J ! >
Timothy I'rlme. SI.80.
1'ork iloilpiateJv actlvp.but ensyBrt\ancp < l
' " but aettlut 5$7 ( , ' c to .i.d thp
rhxe and clo < cd steady ; cash , 310250cf }
ber , 3 10 S.
haul Dull and 2' , ? V lov er ; cash , 87.&OO
7.WV Ootobur. Srt.7.v.irt.7 ? %
Hulk Meats -hlumlilri < iyS7k' } @ < 1 00 : short
clear. Sn.lKK < e < 'i.ti5 ; shoit ribs , steady at
SO r.i > 4 < ( if. . fkV
HntterSleadv ; cicnmerv , 17c < J23c : dairies.
Ki j but Mcadv ; full prpam cbod-
dar , flnt , b'jdt ' couiii ; Amor-
-Up. !
Hides lleavv crepu salted , * KP llcht , PWc :
bull hides , hfdex , n' e ; drv silted il ®
11.V : dry Hint , ltllo ; call skin" . K < tlO' < o ;
deai'ons , Me each.
Tallow No i country , cnko ,
8 > 4cs No. a , lie.
HeceltiK. ijlnprnpnti.
Klonr.WiU . U.0ih > ,000
Wheat , bit . ss IKXI 20,000
Corn. on . W.U.WQ 1M.OOO
Untsuu . 1 , ( KH ) 1W.OHO
Iho.Ott . I'.WK ' ) 3,000
llarley.ou . M.ooJ C3,000
Now York. Sppt. I. Whfat Hccelpts
SVi.OiK ) ; o\miis | UMHX ) ; spot n ( .bade ami
options > 4 ( . < t V hUlit't , eloslntr steady with
slight tenuion , nnciaded red. WvtvVo , No. 8
led , SV ; No. 1 ted. m < - \ No. V ! ud , S7n ( 7lfo
Inelevntoi , " 'iuJ ' 'no ? Oitobei closed
at KSIO.
Coin Spot a shade and options ' Yo
ier. elosina steadv ; reu'lpK O-Utxi ; ex-
i.Sil.HOOjuuttindMl O cmVJiye 'o.'J , Mji (
i' in elevator. Vi'AnjVJ ' ( 4c dell\ercd ; Octo
bei closed nt fl ) > p.
Oats-b'tead > neceipls , 70,000 , e\poi Is , t 000 ;
mixed weslein , 30jjaoo ; whtto westeiu , Jit ®
Petroleum Steady ; United closed nt C''c.
1'oik ririn anil modernlelv nelive.
1 ud Miado lower anddiilliwc.stein steam ,
spot , ? 7.K\it7 ( " < 0.
lUilter-Qniet , lit in.
Cheese Quiet , lit in.
-bte.uh , fait demand ; western frcsU
Clnuliinatl , Sept. 4. Wheat Finn ; No ,
3 red , isi c.
Coin -\\eak ; No. Unilved. 42@l2Ve.
Oats-Kaslei , No. 2 mixed , a'uS'JTJuis.
J { > u-gnletNo. ; vMc. ! ' '
1'oik- ( Jiiiet tit S10.W. '
laid-l lini at $7.05. l
Whlskj-bteadj at Sl.10.
Mllvvnukoc , Sept. I. Wheat Ensy ,
inactive ; tash , 75 > jfe ; October , 71 ; < e.
Coin Kntiiely nominal.
Oat * Active.
ItjeLocr ; No. 1 , WVp.
llailej-Aetive ; No. a , fiSc
J'lovlsioiis .
Sept. 1 Wheat
eak , low PI , No. 1 haul , 74 cash ; 75Jo
Octobei ; 70" , c November ; No. Inoitliein Tic
cash ; 7J1V1 Octohei ; 7"lo NovembeijNo. D
noithein , ( > HJ4opn8li ; TOUr October.
Hour Dull ; patents , Si.tKWMI ; bakers ,
' "
. , 7,700 bushels.
JTIoui 21,000 biurcN.
BU Ijouls. Sept , 4. Wheat Closed sanio
as jesterdaj ; No. 2 casli , 77c ; Octoopr ,
Coin Stioni ; and hlaher ; No. 3 , cash , S"3
( gi7Hc : ; Oc.tobei , Hsifciitfb1 ; .
Outs Low ei ; No. i. , cabh , 2520'vfc ( ' ; Octo
ber , 20 'a ' C.
1 { > e Kasy nt f)0c.
Toik-Oiilet at S10.75 nsked.
hard-Nominal at $0.75 0.8 ' .
Whlskj 81.10.
IJuttei Steadv and unchanged ; eionmory ,
20i3e ; daiiy , lO lbe.
New OrlouiiH , Sept. 4. Corn Dull and
lovvei ; in sacks , mixed , lhJi(24'.ie ( ; white , 60o ;
jellow , If o.
Oats-Quiet. Kisler at ? 'J.1G
Hog 1'iodtietb Unsettled and generally
JiMd Itelined ticice. S7.12 > ; ca . .ri.
Hulk Meits Sliouldois , 50.JO ; long clear
and clear libs , S7.50.
IjUcrpool.Scpt. 4. Wheat lloldeis offo
modeiatelv ; new No. B winter turn atGs Uiir
Sirlnu , turn at Os U1 d. ;
riour Kiim and fioldcis offei mocierntely
at bs 7d.
Corn Holdeis offer sparingly ; spot , Sop-
tcmber , October aiidNovembei , linn at4s 6J < d
Toledo , Sept. 4. Wheat Iriegular ai d
lovei ; cash , boc. "
Corn btentlj ; cash , 42 } e.
Oats Neglected.
KaiisiiH City. Sept. 4. Wheat Lower ;
No. B red , cash. 02Yc bid , ( ! -P asked : Octo-
her , G.t 4c asked ; .Novembei , 05'4c bid , 00 > io
Y'oi n Quiet ; No. 2 , easli , ni c ; Octo-
bei , : u' e hid , : ! : % asked ; Movembei , r 4 o
bid , " > 5 } < , c aslved.
Oats Nominal.
ChlcnRo , Sept. 4. The Diovoi'S
Joiunal repoitsas tollows ;
Cattle Ueceipts. onlv tlneo cailoads ; totnl
for week , 48,000 ; the maiket Is nominally
strongei ; shipping btoeis.SVXX&V-'i ; stockers -
ers and feeder'- , gl.Vi@U)0 ( : ) ; cows , hulls
and mixed , Pl.BVu.2r : ) ; bulk , 5f2.00f't2.40 :
tliiont'li Texas cattle , nominal ; cows , $3.00@
2.W ) ; steels , W.)0ii.l.lO ( ; wostein ranueis.
none sold ; natives and lialt-breeds , 52.75g (
a. 75 ; wintei ed Texans. S J.75-iil5. )
Hoes Keeolpts , ii.fioo : slow and ICe lower ;
lougli and mixed , 5 > : ! . " 0@4. 70 ; picking and
shipping. S4.7.i'5.0j ( ! ' ; light , ; ; .7.V l.75 ; bkips ,
Sheep IlecelpU. 100 ; Mow anil steady ;
natives , 8J.OO ( < S4.00 ; Texans , { ;
lamb" , 84.00@\00.
JCiuiHiiB City , Sept. 4. Cattle Itoeolpts ,
000 ; slilpmeiits , none : good cattle strong ,
common slow nnd haul to sell ; common to
choice , 3.0@4.50 ! ! ; Mockers and lecdois ,
5..KOn.iO ; ! ; cows , S1.M@2.I .
Hogs Receipts , 2i , > 00 ; fihlpmentH , none ;
steady ; common to choice , i-l.10M4.bO ;
grassers nud pigs , S2.M4.00. )
bt. fjouiH. Sept. 4. Cattle Hecelpts ,
l.'O ; .sliipmcnts , none ; liunor on nil grades
but sales limited toi want of supply.
Hogs Hecoiptf. , 7,10 ; Milpinentfl , fiOO ;
him ; choice and best heavy , 84.8'j@"i.lO ;
in ixcd packing , g4.noct4.t-0 ; light , t.lOQl5. ) ) (
General Produce.
Satnidav Kvpiiin , Sppt 4.
'Hir fallriwlnti ; icc < > me for round lots of
pi ail at c , ( tttol < l < in the mitiltet totii. \ \ . T/ie
iliuitiitlnni on fi nt ( iei > icicnt theilcui ] at
wlilUt uutvMc oxkix diu tlllut.
JJu1 ri i. n The i < celptH ot good butter con
tinue to bo very seaico wliilu the demand Id
good. Dealcis lind It iiimosslbld to .supply
tlie demand lur choice daily bnttei , and
cieamci y butter is coming Into moio geneial
use. ShlppciH cannot bo too caieful in
handling ihcli butter , bmall neat p.iclingew
sell tlie be-- 1 , out cute .lioiild bo taken to luivo
only ono gtade and eoloi In a packa o , lot ;
when good bultei Is tincked with pour. It no-
cctsiliUes tlie whole being sold nnpooi butter.
The buttoiinolaw has ? aliead > hud the effect
of lessoning Ilio consumption ol tlmt mticle ,
and tlmnmikPt will bo bettei than ever tor
cholcu ilaliy buttui , juovlded a good ailiclo
can be obtained. 1'oor buttci is tlio name
dinginthn mmketthat It nlwavH has lieitn.
btiictlv sweet , solid and unlfoim color ,
packed In nuu clean tubs , commands 1.0 100 ,
01 even mote , In tlie mailed , but theio Is llt-
tlo 01 none coming In that can bo giaded us A small ijua'itltv of l.tim daily butter ,
packed In croi ks , wild at It iOil''air to
good countiv huttei Is sulllmr nt lglB.i ( ' ( c.
I'ooi nt fift e , anil slow. UicnniPiy hutier ,
notthovei > best at lB < t-Oe. Choice cieam-
en Imtlei is selling at 2lC" ip.
Jifidb The maiket lias .idvanccd stnro laac
week , but it > latlicr unt-ettled , and It Is dlnl-
eult toghoan exact iUilntinn. | The bulk oC
the Miles tin HID jntst da > 01 two have been
made nt ' , 'c ' , but veitcidu ) Vi light leeuipU and
the iiiosjiict ot a heavj dcmind ( Uuing fair
wcu < has stllU-ned llu < mnKot : tof--oiio extent.
nii'l dealers iiiu asking 10c lei tiesh ( andlcii
eggs. A gieal deal nt Mock Is coming In that
has been held 101 a time buloie shipment and
Is not Miietl.v fiesh ; nucli stock v. ill not
command the top of the maiKct. Hldpiieia
am caulloncd to candle botoio hldpiiing , und
thus avoid pavlnx Sielglilon spoilt il c"r'ss.
l'oii ) riTlumtcipl : * Imu bov'ii liglitcr
this v.cck , und r ! nice block Is biinglir. bettor
pike' < .'e nnd fat old hoiih uiii in good
miiiPst , while laigc hl/oiol hnilnt ; chlckciii *
sell iiiickl | > nnd ut good pines. Old
I owls , pel tio/ . M..V.iiJ.oj ; spiiug Plliokt'llB ,
huge , SiW.t."JS ; lane ) . VJ/i'w..wi ; irilni ;
ehlckPUB. medium. VI. VW31.7"j ; sjulng chk-k-
i-iiH , small , not wintttl ; ducks , S2/iJi ? W.50 ;
tin KPJ- , not wanted.
Ovsu , us Tlic oyslei season bns opened
up with jiK'&m'plH lur .M.ngi ) tindi. Uiiiing
thcie.u. I'licc'n aroabiiiit fn : loivi < < II h jear
titan ( lie tihiial optiilmr pi IIP , The luliowlni ;
arc thu pi ices at which ( onntiy outers mo
lilul : Medluins , Wcj tilanJiinl , U' > c ; seleclf ,
40o ; best M'letlx , 4V.
O VMISll : ) ; > uier tsof pi iliiu ehlckeiis a'O
quite llbeial roi this timuol tlm \n , l ut de-
mind Kimmukahl ) heavv and iet''ptt > nl
meet with iead > ie on ut f..O ) * ) oc
do/en for all 1'lids ' in gt ) d condition , Di'ckrt
IIM | ) In food deiiund .it &MXJ- . i ,
Vr.iiKi.Mii.vs OJciv. laig" lunchps , UU )
am.voo , n > p. bv > eet uolali'c- , DPI Ib , ; Ji. On-
, ciiolco icil , per bu , fel OJ.