Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1886, Page 12, Image 12
155 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 188G. tfWELVE PAGES. BAIL YARNS COUPLED UP , Chjico Chunks C.p Tact pnd Fiction for Eail- road Men. PACKING FOR LEISURE HOURS. The IjlelitnhiK K.xprcsn anil a NlRliton the Itnll A French Air Olpnvrr Capability ol' KiiKlnccrs Otlicr Itcinn. A Mglit Ulilc l j Hull. Iti mull Ilixxl fii ( / ifIfif / niifinn , . Into the night wo Hew , llnough the great plains brondcnlni ; far To the south ot bills and the ninth of sea ? , low under moon nnd star. And wec.iied with n midnight shriek the slumbcilnt : haunt * of men , Dived Into HIP gloom of foicstswhliled out by nverand fen ; On nnd away , and over nwny , tlnongh Iho ntL'hl Hue a movlnc Hume , Till the folk have n dllleient speech and the lands have another iininol We hnd left the cloud In oar wake , the sky had been , Dtit hero was the union stood still , and the world went wlldeilng past ; And then- grew such a sense of space , like a prisoner's suddenly freed. In that siiimbeious rest of motion , safe borne on the wlnjjs of speed ; And the silvery ereys of midnight , the shadowy land , the stieain , Drew part with the phnntom ptctiucs 'twlxl sleep alijl a waking dream. So the night went by and a wave of light gained over us while we sped , The stars went down in the rosy wave and the westering shadows lied ; A wide opalescent water lay blanched In the dawn mists dim. And the blaof the advent day grew llame on theenstvin ilm. The wink of the world bpgan for team and harrow and hind. Tlio smoke curled up from the farm house roof and mixed with the morning wind ; Then we came to a world of meadow. " ! a pas- total land of klne. The mends weio Kioycil with the early dew , the poplars waved in a line ; The ga/.lng cattle looked up to stare as over their plains we Hew , Their bells rang ciisp In tl'e morning chill , you could see their tracks in the dew. Then tlie hills began , and tlm covert slde.and the pear nnd the apple tree , And heie nnd there was a village spire , with a Hie we shall never see. We stayed by a town stieam-girdeil with gar dens green to the manic , Aiul'laborlng man unloading red tiles fiom a resting barge ; With bleaching linen , the < vhltc and brown that Hupped on a UUP In the breeze. And carts Inld up in the central street , and nveiiue rows of trees. It was easy to see it was market day , the folk were in market blouse : Theio were booths and stalls and clatter of life , and cludter ot homely news. Terrible Fate ot a Sinn \Vlu > Was Hun Over by a litglitnlni ; lixju-esn. Merchant Traveler : "Speaking of rail roads , " said the candy pilgrim , as he turned a car seat and slowly divested himself of his duster , "reminds me of a Blow one in Kentucky. The only way that you can tell the direction the train is running is by the way the seats are turned. I was on that train one day last Winter going from Kussollville out to Adair.sville , a distance of onlv twelve miles. On the train was a clotninumun , who was fretting considerably about the Blow time. Finally he concluded that lie couldn't stand it any longer and ho got out and walked. Ho got so far in ad vance that he thought the train had probably gone back , so ho sat down to wail for it. The exercise that he had taken had exhausted him very much , and before ho knew wliat ho had done bo had keeled over and gone sound asleep lo- twecn the rails. "About tl o'clock that night the passen gers and olliccrs of the tram were startled by a continuous blowing of the whistle and loud crics is if some one was in deep distress. We immediately went forwaru , and found to our horror that the train was slowly but surely passing over the prostrate form of our clothing man. "The bravo engineer whistled down brakes and made an heroic ellbrt to reverse - verso the engine. Hut alas ! she would not reverse worth a cent. It seems that this was the first live thing that this train had ever caught , and that it intended to run over this man if it took all winter. "It had passed now over his feet , and the engineer said that it she continued to make schedule time , and it the water did not get too low in the boiler , it would probably arrive at his knees by midnight. Tlio poor fellow seemed to realize liis sad fate , and to appreciate the fact that death would sooner or later occur. "Ho called for paper and pencil , nnd thciHi by the dim light ot the conductor's ' lantern , the dying traveler wrote ids will , and prepared to take the trip to that land where 'sorrows never live , ' and the hotel men don't charge a drummer 50 per cent more for a meal than they do a farmer. Ho also wrote to his house ; Uut when ho called for more paper , and said ho wanted to write to Ins girl , there wasn't a dry eye in the vast assembly. Old men wept and beautiful women fairly howled. This sentiment seemed to strike a tender place in the murderous engine , aim the mule- lioad in the boiler actually cried , while a little bnll's-oye ' lantern on the brakoman's arm shed tears as largo as wild-goose plums. Ho did the square thing by the ulrl , and don't yon forgot it. lie willed her his insurance policy and transferred It right there , but she never got a cent. " "Transfer not madov" properly sug gested a hardware man. "No , not that , " continued the gumdrop - drop drummer , as ho slowly rolled a cigarette. "Transfer was O. K. You see il was nn accident policy , and ho died a natural death. " "Natural death ! " echoed a do/on voices. "Yes , natural death , just as turo as I nm Kitting hero. You see it turned cold about thu time the trail , struck Ins knees , nnd the poor fellow died of pneumonia. 'Twas the saddest dealh I over saw. " Hi ) Wii8 From Texas. Chicago Herald : Hero is a true story about a famous railroad man , II.i. ! \ . Iloxio of the Missouri I'acilio railway , is noted in railroad circles for his prone * ness to give his inferiors gco.t , sound lec tures on the slightest provocation. Hoxio IB a hard worker , and all who have ever BCCU him know how round-shouldered he is. Ono day a brakeman called on him with n letter-request for a pass in his pocket , leaving the door wide open as ho entered thoolllce , and wearing his luit on liis head in true brakemuu stylo. In a loud voice ho called out : "Is Iloxio inv" At this the general manager looked up from his desk and replied : "Yes , sir , Mr. Iloxio is In. " The brakeman took his lettor.out of his pocket , grabbed the corner of the envel ope botwcen his thumb and forolingcr and sent tiio missile spinning and whirl ing iion | Ids superior's desk. Iloxio looked up in amazement and said : "Now , young mull , would it not look bettor fiir you , when coming into iv gen tleman's olllco , and especially so when asking a favor , to remove your hat , wipe vour Feoc , and Inquire in u quiet voice : Is Mr , Iloxio In ? " , , . The brakeman looked at Iho general manager u moment , asked for his Jotlor , cot it , wont out , closed the door , mid iu i moment nmreuod Ju againolo ud Ihcdooi Has but lately been r > latted and already has a large sale. It isiibeautifully situated on high ground , thereby c'oihmand- mpr a fine view. It is a part of the best portion of Tuttle's sub-division and is bounded on the north by Central Park , which is well settled with homes. Ames Avenue is the southern boundary and the Belt Line and Saunders street a few blocks east of it , Lots are sold on easy terms , or , if preferred. The prices ranging from $300 to $500 each according to location. It is within easy access of schools , aud religious ser vices , a fine school house being located near the N.W. corner of Lake View. Quick transit'between this beautiful addi tion and the business portion of the city is assured , as a number of gentlemen have organized a stock company and will within the next ten days run a regular To and from the end of the street railway lines and Lake View , and enough will be placed in service to make trips everv hour in the day , This will bring Lake View very near to the city , and is just what the man of moderate means wants , who cannot aiford to pay $1,500 to $2,000 for a naked lot. The terms are so easy 011 these lots that no one need pay rent , but can secure a home in a fine location for a mere trifle. Lake View is for sale only by T , A.SJSI TO IBIS iSIHIOWlsr V JJB XV softly after him , wiped his fcot , put his tat under liis arm , and in the most polite nanner possible inquired : "Is Mr. lloxic , tlfc general manager , n ? " "I am Mv. Hoxio , " replied the general manger ; "what can I do for you ? " "You can go to li 1 , you round-should ered son-of-a-gun' ' " retorted the brake- nan ; "I don't want none of your favors I'm from Texas. " i'lio Locomotive as nn Improver of Stock. President Scott , formerly of the Cin cinnati Southern railroad , was greatly annoyed by the claims for horses and cattle killed by trains of the road on their way through'Kentucky. It seemed as hough it were not possible for a train to run north or south through Kentucky without Killing a horse or a cow. Anil every animal killed , however scrawny , scrubby , or miserable it may have been Ijcfpro the accident , always figured in the claims subsequently presented as the best blood in Kentucky. "Well , " said Scott , linally , 0110 day. when the KUDtli claim luul just been presented , "I don't know anything that improves stock in Ken tucky like crossing it witli a locomotive. " Slow Traveling. It toolc mo three days , says a foreign correspondent , to come from Visp on the Rhone ( near /ermatt , Switzerland ) , to liayronth ( between -100 and 500 miles ) , and I always took the fastest train. Oa ( lie Rhone road the rate of the fastest train is twelve ipiles an hour. It was not on this road , "however , but on the way from Augsburg to Nuremberg , that the conductor , while talking to a passen ger inside a coupe , had his coat pulled by an assistant , who exclaimed. "Hcrr coiuluctour ! It's time to go ! " Where upon that oflicial replied in a bass voice of imperturbable placidity : "Ja , ja , Gleich * ' ( presently ) . Seventy-eight Miles nn Hour. Cincinnati Commercial ( Jiy.etto : The day is very recent when the talk of u lo- comotlvo making a mile a minute was received with a due amount of doubt , being almost universally disbelieved. To-day , however , sixty miles an hour is not tlie limit , and locomotive builders now essay to increase the speed from ten to fifteen miles above that liguro , The latest novelty in this line is a locomotive designed by M. ISstrado , which is to bo experimented with on the southern lines of Franco. M. Estrada , convinced of the valui ) of large wheels , has fitted liis en- gin o , tender and coaches with wheels eight and a quarter feet in diameter. Tlie engine is ot the outside cylinder type , with slide valve on top of the cylinder , and all tlie gearing carried outside. The following table of dimensions will bo read with Interest : Tntnl loiiidh foci . SI Wliitli between loiiKiniilltmls , feet . 4 Dianii'liu-ot wlnuls , lout . by Jllsumeo hctwrtm iixleo , ruur to miiMlo , feet . . 6 > i between axles , nilUUlu to lend- , Inchon . IS Mroko , luotiru . ri'i from axle f > a. vie , tcut. . . . . . . . ( ii ! ( irnto smliieo , Bijunio u > ot . "lj lletitlnjr tin-Cnno , sriiiiiro loot . 1,408 r | iuultr or boiler , oiitilo feet . 141 Woiuht of oiiftlno , empty , tons . ; if Wuliilit of engine1 , loiiiloil , tons . 42 Tim locomotive Is expected to make an average speed of from seventy-two to soventy-cjght miles per hour. The coaches peculiar in that they are carried in- Eldii from girders , while the wheels run uuder the centre of thu longitudinal seats. Two axles sixteen feet apart sup port , through elliptic springs mounted upon the oil boxes , those longitudinal cirders , which have ends curving toward the ground. Kach girder carries throe other elliptic springs , from which is ens- ponded by means of iron rods the lower frame on which the body of Iho cur is supported. The coaoh is separated into two stories , the lower of which is made in three pendant sections , with doors , which may bo used as baggage rooms , etc , Above is a single compartment with central passageway , reached by stair ways al oaph end of the coach , and com municating with the other portions of the train by hinjjed platforms. The result of the trial of this new locomotive will be watched with great interest. Capability oi * Kntliiccrs. Mechanical Review : So common is tlie belief that one locomotive nncineor Is as valuable to a road as another , " especially when engineers are waid on the mileage basis _ , Unit wo mention a case , without naming the road , which proves the ab surdity of such u statement. Ono of the oldest , and heretofore considered the best , engineers on said road lias been running one of the fastest express trains , and seldom , under the mosl favorable circumstances , could ho reach junction points where important connections arc made on time , always dropping three to eight minutes behind schedule , and sel dom reaching either terminal on time. A short time since this engineer was out of health and took a two weeks' rest. A young man who bad been running but a tew years was detailed to run this train ; the .same engine , the same fireman , the same quality of coal was used , yet the new engineer took this train , anil from the very lirst run it exactly on the time schedule , reaching junction points and the terminals with a promptness that ex cited much comment ; and what was more surprising was the fact that on figuring the amount of coal he had used in mak ing this time for each week , it showed that he had run the train on an average of 000 pounds per day less coal than had the veteran engineer who seldom could make the time. On the return of the old engineer from his visit ho was given an other train to run , and was so aggrieved over the matter that it was referred to the division of the Brotherhood of Kn- gineers , of which lie \yas a member , as yell as the young engineer. Investiga tion brought out tlio facts as cited above. The investigating committee sided with Iho superintendent and master mechanic in .the action that had been taken , promptly admitting thai the young engi neer had sho\yn himself to bo a more competent engineer than the older engi neer , who bad been transferred to the running of a less important train , and one that \K \ lower speeded. A KiiKuoKtion to I'arcntH. Now Haven Register : It is by no means infrequent that the papers of the country are called upon lo record sensa tional incidents , in which the moral char acter and habits of young girls nro in volved , which suggest most emphatically Iho inattention tuny must have received from their parents at Iho age when they most needed a parent's advice and coun sel. Whenever such cases end in a tragi cal manner the remark is invariably made : \Vhcro \ could their parents nave been ? Tin : question may well be asked , but it is rarely that a satisfactory answer is returned , or that other parents are led to direct their attention because of it to their own children. In the cities of this country it is a com mon , ovory-night occurrence to meet scores of young girls on the public streets idly promcnding up and down. It is probable that nine out of every ton of these are proper enough girls in their habit * of life , and well moaning ; but , in view of the dangers which besot their paths from their being out without a male or a parent protector , it sometimes senms rumuikublu that their parents do not see those- dangers and ward them oil' , It Is not at all improbable that many a proper-minded young girl has turned oil' into the first path of wrong-doing while innocently Promenading , as a habit nightly followed , the miblio streets. \VTioro Ihore are crowds of light-hearted and ready-witted girls , whosolovo of fun and adventure outruns their discretion , there is sum to bo anequally largo crowd of mlddlo-aged and voting men ready to address them anil initiate them into new ways , which , nil things considered , it is just as well they remained in ignorance - anco of. It is not our intention in this article to create , an impression that the girls whom wo have referred to indiscriminately are reokless and dissipated as a rule , but it is important that the attention of parents should be again called to the natural di rection the habits of young people take when surrounded by conditions inviting the utmost freedom , of behavior. In other words we imagine thcro would bo less use for the industrial ochools and like establishments if thcro .was less streetwalking - walking at nights , fewer cheap dances and the exorcise of greater : forethoupht and caution on the partofi ; > parents. Wo commend this line -thought to our readers whose children come and go as their tastes determine. Itoyat Jioino lille In Clilnn. Hong-Kong Daily Press : The sons of the Manclm emperois ( hwangtsz ) under go from their tendcrest youth a system of the strictest education. Rising at a"bout 3 o'clock in the morning , they lirst take their lessons in Chinese literature , under the superintendence of the only tutor who has the title of sliihfu , or "master. " The tutor rises from liis chair as soon as the imperial pupils enter , and receives from tlio latter a courtesy , ( ta-ch'icn , ) which is then returned in the same form. The tutor takes the seat of honor , and when the lesson is learned the pupil brings up his book , deposit ? it before his teacher , and returns to his seat to repeat the task by heart. If the lesson is not learned the tutor requests a eunuch in attendance to bring the ferule ( ch'ing pan ) , and makes a show ot administering correction. But each Imperial pupil is accompanied by eight fellow-students ( pwan-tub ) , known in the Manclm ha-ha-elm language as - - , who study the same books as their young master. When it becomes necessary to admonish the latter more seriously , the ha-hn-chu are beaten with the ferule vi cariously , but when the imperial pupil acquits himself well they are , on the other hand , commended or rewarded. A recalcitrant and obstinate prince is , as the last resort , actually himself Hogged , thotnrh probably only nominally , by the teacher , or taken ncforo the emperor , \ \ ho directs a onnch to pinch his cheeks ( ch'ih pa-ion ) . The late emperor , Tung-chili , was frequently tweaked in this way by order of the empress The Chinese lesson occupies two hours ; after this come the Manclm and Mongol lessons in composi tion , given by the teachers who enjoy the loss honorable title of scfu , and wiio are obliged to meet their pupil at the door and make the first obeisance. Then come lessons in various spoken languages Manclm , Mongol , Tangut and in local Chinese dialects. After these come courses of instruction in foot , and horse archery ( ma-pu-chien ; ) athletics , fencing , putting the stone , etc. , ( kung-tau-shih , ) under the guidance of a class of instruct ors called au-ta , The whole of the young princes'day is taken up with mental or physical exercises , and they retire lo rest at a very curly hour. At .suitable intervals - vals their meals are weighed out for them and on no account are they allowed to indulge in the pleasures of.tho table , Al Iho ago of 15 Ihey must mnrry. One year before a wife is selected ipr the heir ap parent he is provided with a hand-maid taken from the fumilic.i of the inner dunncrs ( noi-ch'i ) of the imperial household ( noi-wu-fii ) > who must ho one year olderthan himself , and prepare bun for a husband's duties , On liisaccossion this handmaid ( taci'- ) iporkoko ) receives the title of fei. which is given to her alone among those in mates of the harem wiioro selected from the inner banners. No one but the Empress is allowed to paw thu night with the Kmperor. The Kmpcror sleeps with eight handmaids ( cliang-tsai ) sil ling upon his bed , nnd sixteen others ( ta-yiug ) underneath the bed , all of them girls from the no-wn-fii. Their function is to keep watch over his majesty , and they are not allowed to sncc/.o , cough , spit or utter any sound , The movements of the Kin | > oror alter awaking In the morning are signuliml by a clapping of hands , on the part of the eiinucn on guard , Once a year on Now Ycar'rf Hay tlio Emperor and Kmpross presldo at a grand banquet , thu Empress sitting on the Kmpcror's loft hand. This is the only occasion during the year on which the Kmperor can see his wives together and compare their respective meris. Tlio Kmpress presents articles of food ( k'o- sliih ) to Iho eunuchs , who receive il from her majesty on their knees , and the Kmperor performs the same politeness to the women. SIX PINGEES FOE BLISS. LTliUndmlrnlilollttlat-kotc wnn th- > prize of- fere'l by tlie NHBSIIII Literary Mnjm/.lno I'or tlio best p.oductlon. Tlio writer , I'uiil Muttlion-- u member ot tlio now sunlor class of Princeton college , nnd IB u son af .lusllco Stanley Mat- lliv.s , of tlio L'nltcJ Suites supreme court. ] Pablo was an Arcadian goatherd that's the Italian for cowboy. A\ hen I saw him for tlio lirst time , the innate poetry of my nature , which always crops out on Italian soil , and Iho perfect picture - turo that ho made tending his Hocks , im pelled me to hail him a3 such. Ho had no idea that he wusanythingso romantic , and so at lirst-under the impression that 1 was reviling him , ho was inclined to be angry. Ho changed Ins mind , however , and laughed very heartily , as ho always did at everything ho did not quite under stand outre nous , Pablo did a deal of laughing. To be frank , 1 do believe that Pablo understood but one thing thor oughly , and that was that ho was head over cars in love with Mni : , the pretty daughter of the crusty old forgemastcr of San Pietro. Pretty , did I say ? She was delicious ! One look at her would have made your head swim , To my sorrow I did not see the incip ient st-igca of the ail'uir , for when I found myself , near the end of'the summer , in the litllo mountain town , the thing was settled as far as they wore concerned. What thing ? Why , everything , of course. But alas for the Jovors' cosmos ! Her old spoil-sport of a father wouldn't hear of it. but at the lirst mention of mnrriago Hew into a rage and made such unpleas ant and personal demonstralions that poor Pablo betook himself to bis Hocks on the uplands and didn't dare come near the forgo of San Pietro for days. Of course Nina fell ill , whereat tle : old map was mightily alarmed , for , would yon believe it t the old follow was really very fond of her , or at least thought so , which is the same thing. So when she took to her bed ho began to show the white feather. "Come , come , " ho said , "we'll see about this thing when that fellow has drawn Ins conscript's number and served his term ; but 1 won't give my daughter to a man who may bo called oil' to the wars as soon as he's married , that's Hat. " It's maivelous how quick Nina got well , and it's a queer thing , too , how , in this country , where there is no such thing as a telegraph , Pablo know within the hour liow the old lima had committed himself. The fact of the business is that ho lay awake all that night racking his brains trying to tniiik how to escape his lorm of military service. The next day ho went lo the forest to cut wood , and while there a woeful acci dent befell him. His axe turned in his hand and chopped oil'three of his lingers. Now bring on your military examination ! Ho hurried home and tended h's ' wound as best ho could , and wlien it was healed took his military examination and was duly exempted. Then , with subdued regret in his nye , but .triumph in his hypocritical little heart , ho once more presented himself before the t'orgemas- tor. and holding up his wounded hand exclaimed : "Ah , Santa Marial see what a misera ble man I am ! But como , thorn is a good side to everything. Now 1 can marry your daughter , for 1 can never servo in the army. " But alas for his sacrificed lingers ! Tl.o unfeeling old man stopped him with a "Never ! " ho bellowed ; "never will I give my daughter to a cripple. Take yourself oil and don't let me catch you hero again. " And from the tone of his voice and his emphatic geslnre.s it looked very much as though ho intended to pitch into him but Pablo didn't wait. Wiio could now fathom the depth Into which our little Arcadian wa plunged ? And who could say Jack Robinson before Nina was sick again ? Uut all to no pur pose. Her father was adamant. She had golten well too quick the tuna before , For a whole week they didn't , sen each other just think of it and Nina found that slow pining had absolutely no effect on her unnatural old parent , and besides , didn't ' suit her looks a bit she couldn't ' help her rosy checks , poor girl , as some can. can.To all her prayers and tears he made but one reply , "Never , you understand me , never ! A maimeii man shall never marry my daughter. Cripples ought to marry cripples. There's the hunchback of Saint Andrea , let him marry her. " Ah , how this old man committed him- sell ! After this Nina did not mention her lover , but one morning she was sei/cd \vith a longing for the tree air of the hill side , and while she was roaming over the uplands of Palneea , si range to say , she met Pablo , looking wan and disconsolate as a disembodied spirit. "Let mo see your wounded hand , " she said , and when he showed it to her , shamefacedly enough , she pressed it to her lips. "Ah , my Pablo , how noble you are ! " Then , snatching the axe from his belt and raising it , she placed her hand upon a. stone. "Tell me , this is how it happened , is it not ? " And before he could prevent her the axe had fallen , the stone was red dened , and beside it lay three lingers of the fair maid of San Pietro. Then. lieroine-liKo , she fainted , when it was all over , Tenderly ho bound her hand , tenderly ho called her back to life , and together they returned to San Pietro she trium phant and ho in tears. Anil what could the old man do ? Had ho not said that cripples ought to marry cripples ? Why , ho eurseil thorn and married thorn , of course. And I danced at the wedding. "Che vuole ? " PcrmiitutloiiH of u 1'aragraiili. I Joseph Marcel was trying tosotagamo lien al Point uu Prince , when the game cock How in his face v.nd pecked him severely on the loft eyelid il A Canuck farmer had his eye pecked out by a game cock the other day. it served him right for trying to sot the lion on china eggs. ui The ferocity of tlio game cook at cer tain seasons of the year \yas strikingly illustrated at Point "an Prince recently , when a Canadian farmer had to kill one of those noble birds in self-defensu. IV A Canadian farmer was killed the other day by his favorite game cock. A man novpr knows when ho is safe from harm. v Olio of tlio mosl brutal exhibitions on record was the light at Point an Prince , Camilla , a few days ago , between a brawny farmer , with his hands tied , nnd n ferocious game cock. The bird had been I rained to Hy at u man's eyes , and in the Hllh round peeked his left orb into giblets. After thirty-nine bloody rounds tlm human brute caught his feathered ad versary botwcen his leolh and bit on" its head. A Diamond Swlnillor of Karl } ' Days. Chambers' Journal : The invention of what are ( tailed "doublets" in diamond Healing can bo traced baok for centuries. Ono moil'1 ' of getting up false stones has been described by Jerome Cardan , who has published in detail the method of the inventor , one Zocolhm. This person's way of working was to procure u thin /lake / of a very inferior and cheap exam ple of tlio slono ho desired to ' 'improve , " choosing those which had little color , and might in consequence be procured at a nominal price. As a bottom for his "make-up ' ho look a bit of which ho had ( limped to his purpose ; covering Ihl ? with a transparent glue with which ho had mixed tlio neoiwiry coloring ma terial , so ns lo bo like the hiicst specimen I of tlm gem ho intended 10 forgo , ho carefully - fully lixo'i vii the llakoof slono , and con cealed the joining of the t < vo so doflly by careful ( -citing as to make purchasers fancy that his gems were not only genu ine , but really liner than those of other jewelers , For a time Xueolina nourished and w s onablctt by moans of his cunning workmanship to deceive the cluvorcst lapidaries ; but detection came at last , and put an end to his fraudulent prac tices in gem-making , BRIDAL BELLS AND BLOSSOMS' Souio Tim % Hints on the Adjustment of Hymen's ' Halter. WHY SOME PEOPLE MARRY. TMo ( loltlcn "Wi'ilitlng A AVIllicrlnjj Vlt'w of Uacbclor lilfc Mint Nnir w Alms Ili-uililcr ( inrilttcr'n Ail- vluo to Itio Tletl. Ttioli- Coition AVic fl/fr.iMs / Ttinri'Hcinurial * A Imlf century , the < c two.'scliaiiK'iiik' wajs luul joarneypil thiough. Yet. lookini ! bai-k upon that time \\IIPII thrilled their heaits to love's sweet diiuip , It .penis but jpsti-nlav. tlip swell HI iiiuii Ince bells M > softly fell- So sweetly hiciithcd the Mimtaprulr , ' 1 lii'if-lucy id > onlliltil pair , Ami ti > lln'lr lives the vacsiin ; * lliup gelded inoie of jutlinu teals' ' . I'or sonls nulteil by lo\e's tip Alio\e I He's petty cares aio high , So toward ll'n sunset of tlieli UMIS , TliPM ) two may K.UO tlirouxh hai > | v tears. The thought of ileatli no sorrow brinus , Since impo tlstalnlmw Avioss that duik and lonelj se.i Knr theie Is tide's eternity. Anil 10 Uiese two walk side bv side , WiilliiU ! with eahu the eventide , \Valtini ? the slide of golden l-a'H To that sweet leahn lieyond the stars. And wliun together lliej shall rest. May children s ehlldien eatl them bhst , To Slurry orot to Slurry. Haltiinon- Sun : The cxpensivemss of feminine tires , habits and fancier is the te\t of many complaint * . The bachelor's outgo , it is alleged , is not halved , linl trebled or quadrupled "on assuming the conjugal noose.1' is claimed , arc spoiled by premature marriage , and one writer has ( lie hautihood to allinn it to "a matter of fuel that tin * greatest nieii who have lived were childless and wife.- less men. " This is explained by the distractions - tractions of housekeeping and "Iho inlin- lie task of laboring to satisfy wives brought tip with the idea that economy is meanness. " The disposition to con vert homes into costly museums of old china bric-a-brac useless furniture , , un appreciated books , etc. , instead of study ing to simplify and ininimi/o the require- iMeiits of daily living , is another viec charged upon the modern woman. "She makes nothing and wants everything , " one conilunanl | ) ! puts it. "Living cosla too much , " says another , summing tip 11 thousand objections in one. Jt may bu observed , however , in regard of this too much fuult-liniling , that it proceeds upon a narrow view of life and its objects. A pretty ell'eetivo reply to all is the con tribution made to the discussion by a , young lady , who says : "One has onlv to look around him to see that the married men are. the most regular , tcmporatu , law-abiding and prosperous. " Why Some 1'copli * MIUTV. Nasbj : Some marry for the fun of the thing , and never see where it comes in. This is discouraging. Some marry for the sake of a good companion , and never discover their mis take. This is lucky. Man is a tickle "critter. " Even Adam , who had his wife made to order , found more or less fault with her. Don't marry a man tor his reputation. It is _ liable to b. : only a second-handed all'air borrowed from his ancestors. Many women have married men for their line exterior. Hut that's all there is to an ancient egg worth mentioning. Marriage , resulting from love at sight is not generally wedded bliss on a par with sour milk. One or the other gets swindled , and often both. Many a man has married for beaijtj- , only to learn that ho has paid $ . ' ( ) for what can bo purchased for twcnty-h'vo cents at all druggists. This is hard. Hut few people marry for pure love , and they in alter years suspicion that what were at the time promptings of thu tender passion were , in all probability , but the lirst symptoms of cholera morhus. The man who marries a woman simply because she is a handy arrangement to have about the house , does to from a pure business standpoint , and in the end , if not compelled to support him. she has done better than many women I know of. ItrolliciGaicliierou Detroit Free Press : Hruddor Amibad Cantilever , it am reported dat you am about to take unto yora-if a wife. Dat do report am true your recent acksliuns am proof. You has bin seen pricin' second hand stoves , squintm' at fo' dollar bed room sweets , an' nistlin' around' urtor bric-a-brac. Marriage am niillin' yon need be ashamed of , and 1 reckon yon kin depend on dls club to warm up do house for you and leave behind some hard-bottomed cheers an' a few articles of tinware. liriiddcr Cantilever , marriage am a lot tery or a dead-sure thing jist as yon make it. If you git stuck on sight fall in luv wid a gal fur her small feet , taper- in' waist , dimpled chin or wurblin nionf , an' marry her oll'-hand at about twnlvo weeks notis , you needn't be astonished if dar am a dynamite 'sploshuu afore you hev bin hitched a week , bmall feet an1 a good temper doan allus go together. Slim waists an' kitchen economy may network work in do same harness. Do gal who charms you by do way shu drums do planner may Daily refuse , as a wife , to run dem same lingers ober do wash bo'd. Firsly , doan' got married until yon know what you are boin' jined to. Study do gal. Let do feet go an' watch her tem per. Let do bangs go and watch her economy. Nobbcr yon mind about do way sho'diniplcs Her chin , but ax ycrsolf if she'll make do bed wld do foot lower dan do head. Von has got to do all dit stndyin' . Not one gal out of a thousand. ober stops 10 K\/.U \ up a Invcr. If bin ( ireeian or curly lic'r or droopin' mustache strikes her fancy she'll nubber stop to study his natur' nor to worry olor his habits. She is marryin' dat nose , or head or mustache. A mouth arlur mar- riagii , when ho hauls her aroiin' by do hair an' slaps her dimpled jaw she's per fectly astonished to think she made sioh a mistake. .Secondly , Hruddcr Cantilever , arlcr du knot has bin tied make IIP yer mind dit : do fuclior won't bo all plain sailin' . You iirogwiuo to bo tried an' tested an' truh- blcd , an' you hn\ gut t'j call up all yi r manhood. Yon will h'ar do basher scnipln do bottom of do Hour har'l when yon heven't got a com in. tor pocket. Do woodpile will rim out in ilinuary , an' do sugar an' bacon will seem to bu oar'icd oil' by do rats. If yer witam olwr so good-natured she will he\ her trials an1 Irihula.shnns , an' dar may bo times when she'll rup ! an' claw fur joii. In do y'ars gonn by my do woman has rushed upon inu win do rollin'-pin , an' I has retorted In a way to make her e.irs ache , but allilii time I kuowed hho wa * savin' an' good- lie.irlcd , an' slid knowcd I'd empty my pockets of do las' shillln' tu buy her anew now set of falsu fri//o.s. If yon aiii Milted to each odder an oeca hnnal row in do fain'ly will prove u stii-kin'-plastcr , to hold you ile clnsser together. If vim ain't suited if yon disk.vor dat von hev struck a patch of Canada thistle aV ean t sot bill ! , nn' if do odder nart.v Mlakivi-is dai she has taken a tumble oil' du mom > ment of romance an' brought up wid a thud in do sand-hulii of ivaluy , yon | i > t ohsquatulato uparl. ( in quietly'an' 'de- cemly an1 git onhitched by divorce , an' lot du wisdom gained by experience otan1 at yer right hand when yo inakiT iinodor choice , urnddor Cantilever , : uy feolinx an1 do iculhiii of dts club um will ye , ; n our good wishes , together wid at leasl. wnrih of tinware , kin lin eonnted on > wheniiver do fatal occatluiu arruvcs.