Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1886, Page 11, Image 11

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LAUGhS ON TilE IhiLl ? ShELl4
( A Trifle Over a Dozen Spiccd for the
Occasion ,
& Ynrle(1 JtqMortnlcvlt o' I'tO'4 ( 81141
1tlnie , - .lltrI1trH tisliapq In
. II'itveii ntitl ( 114 , Seitatop's
IItierJ'4)IfltC(1 1'ir.
ft gm 1)11 ' 3.
SnrIRP lit Jlearefl.
; si. . Iintu , ? In Cl , fraUd ) ( 'urrcn ? .
Tue pa'snn' ben in'aclilu' iuitt Iteaveli
'lo tIM vI in' ro oiitt'n t I e rti ii
'Ilinit t(4 titnili' tif ) ( alitt t'tT1 ,
A n ii ' .1 I ( ' ( 'I ' I 4(1 ( ' I I Ii ii ii iet ' 4 . iitl 4(114I (
Say' . ; tlu fok iIit'rc niP saints , or nhigt3ls ,
M4)IIi1' ) ililyl n ' 011 Ii nr4 V I t Ii glI4 I 'trl ii gs-
( I UlJtV ! ( iti it .ti t ( If aeLlIlI'i4ie1t- )
'i'll tIitie whIch 11i rcL of 'ciii sitigs.
4IiI1 I sviiiiltn ( aitti think Orniiar ! ,
\ liii It'ft tti ( a year avi
I liW ) MIW tni'kel to nil ot tlit'iii fili fixiti's-
F'4)1 SI O ii UI ti't. St by itiii'ti tI splay.
S li vt'ie lniiiitile atiti . ) k e a I lvi it'
44 iiiiy v It Ii s'lio iii I 'iii Ztl lilal I it ;
1 rt'koii i411i tloii 'I rel to litliti y&t
\Vlieii slto tnlks vltli &tii nogt'l or saltiL
\Vlieii she looks itt ( lie atnttliyst 1eiice ,
A tid wt1ks flit tli.t . sti'i'cts IItV'IL vItlt zoliI ,
loii't S'1)S(3 there are tliiies wlieit sliu
, ltiiii for
q,1113 liii' In whIch tii anal her stro'.tt'.I ' . ?
' 1 1 l ( 011 I giity I aiit tl irougli tlii' iiitli1er ,
I ol th ' sti I v1ii'r , i iy colil I ii ' she'il s'al t-
lon't I > II tltltik she'd as Ilef Iiai. , the stIle
As the beaiitLmutet , iearIy.liIiiged gate ?
Aiiil thu 1)4)11(1 ) ( Oil the fiiriii by tlii' vIllir ,
' v liei o lie iietl , to PIk cat-taIls itiiil ilo'ets ,
I liii I It'r ti inn Ii : i % tlii hI i crs1 aI IICItII ?
- Caui , sli' 11111 Ios u t Iii s ol I fail it of nut"
Set tile liIiiklti' lii tIllM s'ny tIilitioriiIn , '
'Iien 1 loo1i'iI at lir IttlSI'S 1111(1 ( ios. . ' ,
A ii ii I coil Ii lii ' L lid II vI ' 4 Ii I ii' her vl Ut iii ' ,
'Steati of staylit' tip there long 'ttli 1loses.
As for me , lt'i loiieotne 'ltliont her-
So toh'iiiii llki roitiul the old lnre ,
' [ 'I in t I ' in loiigl ii' 1 o ii ho an i I go to her ,
'L'hio , 1 lCLkii l'iit lnckhiig of grace.
hut It I shioulti be sent ilown to-.t'otlier ,
I' iii I CuLt I d t th v ii ' III i her by the lire-
v I I ) ' I shat voi t ll lie ii leer I ii heave it
'fitait sltth ri' 'lOtigSIlO ( of Ia'iat ?
' 'rat it' t ott ) iyi lox , thth s vay o f talk I ii' ,
Si i. t Ii I , ) ' ( ) tO lilt' t'othier .1 . a y
.I II ii I Ia fetched ii i ti tO ! i Is way 0' t hi I ti1 I it' ,
\Vlilcht .hii4 Ilkit Mariat s ottvay. ! .
So I ' iii t ryl ii ' tO I I v' J t'4t flM site 1 lit.-
( ; 4) to iiiei't I ii ' a'i Ml it' uM4't ( tr 41 o-
. .ti ii hiet ti it lit hii : ii gs i Oil II I I iii ( ' au ( I s'hiIspers
, , J tI au. I ' thi I' '
( ) . giits ou'LlptiIt i oiigti
111141 No UMo lbt It.
' 'Sani , Ct11 yer loitil toe a tloUtr : tlutt
ver has ito use foil" stid JiiiiTt'bter to
Saiti , Jolitiitir.
' 'Certainly , .Jhin ; 1'i&t 1)1Ct'3eI to 8C
eoiiiiiiodtte yer , ' ' sti&I Sam , hiatiding Jim
it ( lOhILV. :
.Iiiii % tS SO SlIrL1Set at his hick In
getting the itlOilOy that lie It the cciii to
tee if lie was : tsvake or inervh.y dreaming ,
end bi doing SC ) thiSCOVClCI thttt the dollar
was mmmdc of loath.
' ' 1'lii yeitj is IL coiiiiterfiit , Sam ; I
I ( hilil't thilitlc you would do mite that
\a3. ' '
' ' 1 know it'S counterfeit , , Jini. Yer
askeit me Itir I hiatt no use for , an' I
giye it to ycr. l'iim always kind ter my
triend. ' '
What lie GOt.
' ' \\'hmtt is a eotitiiigoiit foti ? " aketI a
titigLtllt o ( a well known attorney time
other tlty.
' ' \'elh , ' ' stilil the lt'galite , ' 'if I take
your . Ct5t IttitI lose it I get imothming. '
, \es thmtt' all ' '
, yes ; : rigliL'
' 'ibit iI win that case you get itotli-
I rig. ' '
' 'how's that ? I doii't think I utider-
bLatid you. "
Tim : ittornoy calmly repeateti his state-
iflOilt. 'I'Iie still noiiiiuhed litigant her-
sested :
: "Jf I iindorstiiitloii. : . III neither case I
gt ILI1thIiiig. ' '
' "IYll. ) Oi1 knosv , thtit' : not iiiy fault ,
hut that is the Illeaning of : t coutimmneiit
fee. Shmtll : 1 bring suit ? \VIiat tb you
s:1y : Io ; cii , i ant very sorry. Good
mornhimg. " _ _ _
Not a DU(1C.
"Getlomen. " tic said to the reporters
its the smcrill ) put time knot whore it would
do Limo most good , ' 'will you grant tue
Otto 1tut rCltieSt before 1 uio ? "
The relortcrto ) IL man , saul they
"Then write tue down as having hicen
simply 'hanged , ' 'imot launched into
eternity. ' l'tii no di tie. ' '
'j'lmis request ettied : sonic constornttioii :
among time young relorters ) , but they all
kept their void.
A Jtartorltor'ei iIiii.
"Sea here , ' ' called out the barkeeper ,
"soil haven't Itul ) : for tiutt ( I rinki' '
' "l'rime , ' ' replied the gemitienian , svho
was imiodestly retirii , through ton door
edgewIse , ' 'trill ) , 1 tIlt itot. It is a habit
into svhmieti I have fallen in tity IitVamicing
. years. It 1tIme ; lust iiiliriuity of noble
' 811(1 : tcqiliitivo mimuis to absorb inure
than theY give out. ' '
So siying : lie gently but 1iastiiy closed
limo door just iii time to receive upon its
: resotmuthing ) : a hung starter , lenion
squeezer , two beer glasses and it do-
' 'Vlmiit 1)roinptnoss anti what utnaninti-
ty'suhtI : tIme gun tionuuiiausing to dry his
hiis % vitIi tin itliseiit etiI , ' 'That bar-
teimder titList 1)0 ) 1L hmiiniuin ( latling. "
DnhIy'H Little Lmtimihs.
"Mamma , " said little Ioi.hle Pretzel ,
time day , 'do you see little 511001)5 makiii °
- 10v4) to etieh other ? "
"Yes , dear , " replied Mrs. Pretzel , " 1
eo how itilbetlomiatu time lanibs are. "
"Are thmoe lunb making love , Inini-
"Yes , I believe they are phighting their
love. "
"Do they light the street lamps ,
1118111 iiifl
' ' \1i ) ' , no , lny elithi , svhat mit such a
' silly Idea in your lituiti ? ' '
' ' o1l cliii , iiiainniit.
"W'hiy , Dolly. 1 never liutimnutted such a
thin" . ' '
i "fes , diii , manuna. You 581(1
those lambs svorc plighiting thick- love ,
nmnt if tIio. ' they must be
liun-plighitors. '
Time Roitianco 01 i StliiitlIOV Tour.
' have you hmearti of JItniiaim ; , she who inns-
tei(1 time lmiuim : , aiiil uus thoroughly ecu-
'veisant with time thuumgiiess ot that heic ?
' I Site commiti mianco the Polka IuiliZeS ittiti (115.
. . , course Iii learned Phrases Iii a most pecmii-
; Isv lamigmnugo that was 8taLtlIulg to my ear ;
s. And she hind a great devotIon to time n'sthmetlc
notlotm , vearhiim lilies on her giurmuents ,
i2 antI she nmoyutl with languid grace ,
' .A mud when site anti 1 wire waIkhumm , why time
VII ) ' she kept on talkluiir , 11111410 iflO feel so
j4 tlenst'ly coniiiion that a blush caine to my
lace ;
Sue hitch gainemi hierwondroums knoiviedgo at a
fumilouis eiutern colit'gm' , anil she 'as a
: head iuuiti sltoutidem-s up above time commimmmouz
imeid ;
Aimd the way we talked of weather vlmen
1)15111 1)001mb caine together meeuumeti to her
flu ieat sliti atl so , must uugmteIui uuuid
S ulsuutl.
Ju time balironimi she was quetnly , niut she
; S mnovt'tl . alommg scrt'imel , wIth a hiaitmhmty
* S ' .ny of smltmbitlmig PeoPle who eio not so
i'c learmied.
I'lmoughm I tried her heart to soften , yt she
iltubbetl moe hard 811(1 often , uuuitl a ramrtiig
A. thIrst for vengeance In may immanly bosom
S burued.
: Years lased on-at last 1 foumut her with a
tloztui her theIr looks
5' Imeoulo round , but
s5ere not udmnlrlmig , amid mio jmaIIsO front
S thieiii tell.
S Amid as I was Interested , humforumiation I re-
qum'steil , 'vhmen they told time she wits
5 , S waiter In that secoudelass hotel I
. - S A 1t oklet' VIsii.
"Oh , t1Oar" sighed Widow Jones , "it
.lolih hail omils niade a will , there
) Q all tltl trQublo ntoumt tim
hiroricttv. ' '
"lo the lawyers bother you ? "
"liothmer jim ? 1'hey itlmmlo'3t worry mete
to tlcnhi. I declare , I somnetimtmes wish
John hn.hmit hiud. "
Vtititeul i Inrc't ( Iuic' flu fl IilIni- .
'l'iiero is a imev Iulmy : ill 1Inncor. 'SIO. It
l a snimhl : one. lt little lIv ( ' VvitrohI
sistPr Vutt'liCl ( ( it eirftuily : for a f'w utilim-
lit e mu ii ul thou tuirneti t ( i t Ii I ? 111 : i ( P VII 81
head 0 ! tIm famiily : imutl said :
( ' 4)31 I ttti t 1tu : 1 t hi : Lve Ptid : : i ii othme r do I mr
auil got a larger one ?
itttnoqt I'eifiut. ,
"liaco ( ) ally oflhriuItt ? ' ' iruiumiretl
I I mm' I o hghmni rm'ti ) tsm'tI g'r , tim rough
his hose , o I a struuler : by hmI suit' .
'UIm , yes , sir , ' vtis the Polite ( ' ) , "a
Soil. "
' 1m , luiilt'eti ! iou'.q he ime tobaet'o ?
"N ever ) ( ' I t iii : tuly forum. ' '
" 1uii jzhimd to hmt'ui' ol that . i'haCCO is
IiltItStYOtmSt5' , ' sinful. Ioc he 1mu1uuge in
spirituiotis liquors ? '
"Never ttstemI a ilroi ) in 1ui lift' . ' '
"lxcehlemit. Stay oumt nights ? ' '
"No , sli. Novel : thlmmks of going omit
after StulhOr ) _ "
' ' [ 'iii nimmeim ) I'flStl to kmiov , sir.
\ouir son is it remuturkable yotnm. Ilmami. "
' 'Ohm. lmt"s nut a youulg man. Lles it two
nmommthms old biby. : '
' not her 'l'hii im . 1zi mm Cmttm'l
At itl ii I I sin oLe aim ul :1 : uiit : ii V I I I cii o\v
mmd at IilhlIitii't lie 'll 1 i'l'
limit lie Ilrt.Mlm't time ligmue to 'ear a mother
I limlmlarl ,
Because lie isn't bohittimat vay.
' 1 lie Gr'ateHt Elmet ol' 1tl Ijift' .
" \Vhat timis coumutry needs , ' ' cxelmtnied :
lion. 'l'iumi Cuinpbeil : on the last dty : of
time rect'mm t congressiommni sessloul , as lie
p1 : m t'ed IiIIO Ii : uiit I mmmcl ( > 11 ramu at I ca I ly be-
twecil huh4 coat tails anti 1)oimltiti toward
time 'COilStClllttiOhi of 1'trseuts with time
otlit'r , ' ' 'hmat tlmms country mioeds , ' ' lie coui-
I I mm mu ( ' ( IngmLe I iy , it $ jut t I to to I mum i rat ion of
his uttitunle lie lot I lie skein of his
tlmoum'lmt , ' ' vlm itt t hmi con utry noels-ls-
I-fe'wt'r unemi timid niore of thmommi . ' ' a'tmut
thou hit' sm t ( Iovum : tmulut a tutummit that
StlillO4I ( ( mnort' like laughter tintum it (11(1
I I ke a il ; i mm u , tititi t lie re mmorter Imoimilerem I
( ) Ve1 his lust reiiiai'k till his in'ul : tidied.
fIme L'r enolu . 'i'i 3) tim.
A iuImeI1er. : s'hmile olicilmig a l'titYer '
lie hail mint tllime to prt'jmure : ,
( .ot stuek I ii thU iii l lii Ic
4 uid m'ave up ti U rId U
4S.nd sat Imlunsehf ( town 1mm time chmmhr. :
lbmt tIm worshipeis save elgit or temi ,
Still bo'm'd ; so liii jiiiuiieit U ) ) : uutlit
- ' nd v mtim t4lI 1.1 imillgtmat Ion
' mitt uImuihl ( tugititlomi : ,
I 'Excuse . ' ' hlofltlil'ii ' ' 1' '
i n t. , , 't mmmcii
flel'ri , iuuiI il'ter.
\Vaslmington ( 'ritic : ' 'Fmiuik : , ' ' ' time
lrCsiieilt , sharply , front belmitmd his news
"ILer ( ' , ' ' respontiecl his wife , amlswcring
to her nune. :
' ' [ See by this piner : that one Photo-
graphmer got sixty of your mmegatives. ' '
' "rliiut' corret't. "
I -'mutt I : umotlmcr , SeV'flteCtl ? ' '
' 'imeciirttte : lgtiuI : , ' ' sime i'elliCuI , count-
lflL - Out her fmn"ers _
' 'Seveimty-scvmmui iii all , Frank. ' '
' 'Voti tire ( Itmito clevem- adtition , ( ro-
% 'er. Youmi inatiieummttles : huts not becim
ume"lected , I see , ' and there svns .jmist a
little edge out time smile she gtvt' : lilimi.
' ] ernmit me to remmiark , ? 1rs. ( loveland ,
that I (11)11 't like it. It strikes inc as
rather too imiuicli of a goomi thium" . "
"Aim , iuuheed ? ' ' vel3' sareisticlly'wehl : : ; '
5111)1)3)50 nOW , for instance , that
of giving these men seventy-seven negatives -
tives after I ititul intrricti ; you. I had iveui
31031 just one before 1 imiarried you , then
% v hit ? "
' 'Umu-uitn , ' ' ho grmmntcfl , scratching his
chum. "Uni , Frances , I tuke it all biek : _
IOU 8i0 I lie president of time United
States ztiil I lmavcit'tawoittto say. "
itSl most q unit LuH Otto of the Tote-
pliorme ( ; lil's 'l'rieks.
1ouisviile Courior-Joui-nul : She stood
besiulu time telephone : imui ttirxmed time little
crank , exasperation in her toulgimu and
in ' ' ' '
rage evciy 'yzunk'
"lii , tiieio , when will youu resurrect ,
3'oum uunresponslve knavVml sonic olmi
tOSSil Please connect tlii busummess with
tim 1rave :
' ' ( ) % v , then , old corpse. just hold your
breath , while tune time chnnco aiIords.
I've nearly tired myself to death , and
snalled my vocal chords.
"Pleutse give 1110 hr. IAivcr Pad-Ohm ,
tioctoih ; that you ? My little boy is feel-
hug baa ; lhCaSO tell inc v1mat to tb.
"lie ate cuemntbois , , apples too , a most
u' .coimmimioum lot , and no' lie's turned a
bilhioums home , nut ! doubled in a kitot
' 'Besites'-Just thou tmmc central ilend
switclietl tO uuimotlmei wire , and thou time
title thmat iumtcrvenctl hued all her mind
with ire.
It lUtist have been some barrel milan ,
with lunkimig casks to memid ; hmere's vimtit
simo hmeurml : as lie begaut out the other end :
' 'liltiflifleL' time hmonil ummtil it's tight ;
highmteui time nmiddle buul : ; vator 'iil
swell it "l alt right , if it's left to stamid.
' 'AlhlY a coat of IitcIi vithmotut , amul
s'imeii it starts to swell , youi umeetimi't have
tim slightest tloubt but 'twill do very
sul I. "
You shomilil lmave seen the doctoi wimeut
time wires 011cc nioro mu right , tumid
nmaluun got lmet wits again nut ! riddled
hmini svitlm sPmte.
' 'You nasty numsty , hmorrmd beast ! Paint
Joimuiny iiVitht ) Pitch ! You'to either
iiittl or tight , at least ; I can't just tell
ss'hmi elm
lie stood aglmast and weathering Saul :
"Did you ever , muow ? A wounan is time
bhanicdest timing living iin.yiuow. ' '
Time Somatov'a Jhtunav
Arknnsaw 'I'm'achei "It's only about
twice a year , ' ' reniarked Statu Senator
% Vihhiaun E. l\Iasomi \ time other day to an
Arkanstw : 'I'rnvehcr reporter , ' 'Gmat I'iii
smlIiu.t enotight to foal my vife Last ? mloui.
mluy : I hlyet : a trick that ought to serve
its a capital suggostiout for otimerhumsliands
to coumduict operations ott. Along about
1 o'chok lit time aftcmmioomt I began to got
faint tumid I uiumgry1 ; haul been working hard
nil tlmy : mmuitt svas its famimishmed and as
tiurged as a hunted wolf. As I sat in immy
oluiem , chmtir : woimdering what I was going
to Ihuid uvhmon I tzot imomo. aim emitirely now
runt ! marvelously brmlllaumt imica hashed
upomi mime. it broke upoui my intellect
nitieli as it stray lmltuuk : dances before time
vision of a tirowning umutui. It mmmdc may
niouthi fairly water us it developed its de.
tails in my greedy brain. 1 uumada a bee
hue for tIme teltqmlmono amid called the ccii-
ti.iul a 111cc.
' ' ( live inc j,5J3 ! , ' ' said 1 , auth titan I
chuckled nil over , auul amy mmuouth kept ott
' " 'Iiuir-r'vciit t lie I '
- telephone. 1IIIt my
muomithi olome to thmo fuiimtmel auui In it shmrmhi ,
falsetto voice , asked : "is that Semmator
Itsouis : house ? ' '
"Yes' caine tIme answer anit I recog
nized my wife at. the other emmil of the
' 4 'Is time senator haute ? ' I asked iii time
58)1'O ) feimmimmimme voice.
' . 'No ' tim
, was reimly.
a'Vehl , timoum , is Lairs , Musoit there ? ' I
a , 'Yes , I am Mrs. Mason , ' was the
answer ,
a' 'Ohm , is that you ? ' I cried ; 'ltowdo you
do ? '
I' ' \ ' how tb do' responded
I'S'liy , 301t my
vIfe ; but I knew by her tombs that she
tuttimi't time VOlllOtcst ithea whom site wits
tahkhumg to.
' 4 'how tire all time children ? ' I asked.
a' "t'imo' are nil very 'ohi , ' said wife.
4' ' 'mYell , ' said I , ' 1 imuupponed to be 1mm
towit shmoppimig to.tiay amiut I thougiit I'd
go over to your hmoumse to diumuer. '
' ' \Veli , that sort of stat.gered immy vmfe.
Situ imuistered up voice enough to ask ;
a'Vhmo are yimtmV
' "I'imomi h answered ;
a' ' thoii't the voice
'Vliy , you recognize ?
I'mmi ' iIrs. 1\lyayaul' \
'a 4 tlou't catch the tutuno-spoak loud-
cr1' she hleaiCd.
'a 'Mrs. Alya-yahV I repeated tumid with
.rr -
11mM In order to Preciiie all embarrass-
lug comphicamomis 1 shut oiTtlmc telephmoimo
as tight as I cotilti. 'l'hon I threw nmy
ehf into a chair and Iaughmeil till I hike to
vent imito : tOiCxy. ) Laughi ? \\el1 you
ought to hmtvo : st'efl time piastt'rlmmg fail
aroiiumd' lIlt' ! Hut , to umako it bug story
short. I rt'at'hut'd iiommmt' tubotut : i.i and of
till time ti liiimeiI I eu-t'm e1appd cyt's oil--
gosh it vis : a 1)nimquut't ! Vhfo hint ! 1mev
mI's b1iem ; silk dress emi , : iuitl simm' humd
slh.ked time clii iml ten up o that 1 could
hard ly h'hentlfv ' them
'a ' [ think vm"d better vait dinner
avhui1o , dctr : , ' sail wife.
a' \ hy , So ? ' I skt'iI , ihless you. I mum
as iitmumgry its out : thhigator.
" 'l'hmeui wife told umie she was expcctmumg
a lad.y guuet. timid 'hmt' rcimetuu'(1 ( time tie-
tails UI t imo telehilmoult' lit thmr' afternoon It
voM afe .trfuml orahi'ul : , butt I
look inmiorPilt , aliti Of ( 'olurse I voumuivroti
SVhi ( ) time lady could hi' .
'S * ililt't'i , I dent kmmov , ' simii : svmfa' ,
'lttmt her s'oieuVas sttuimgvhv ; ftiumilitr : : _
I've I)4f'II huu1./h11mg mnvst'hf , to ( lentil try-
lug to guess vimo itVt. : .
'eli , we svtitt : d 1iftt'mt umimmutu's anmh
thit'ii inL dowmi to time hanr1net-tn'i : ' It
al feast it Ve hmud : SolihI Ilumd hisim
aumti t 1)1" roast anti about a dozomi little
smth a d lsit tt mm ii vi ft' st'mm t ommi a ad bong hit
it ' ' ; thIumm oi Pimmk ice creummm : tumid ; u frosted
et'u for uieseit. I stood It just : 's ' ioiuz
Its I comuid.V imeum it caine to time thmiek
it'e creumn : I hooked at vi It' kind tif smile.
\S'itS ; iimti said mit a fmmltto voic ,
"My ikar , 1 am sorry Mrs. Iyayuht ;
didn't couimc.
' ' 'aVife ' dropped hmer hrcsdcmu clmimmtt cup
its if hme'd been PtrtiYZcd : _
I , ' \'ihiitnt : E. i\lusumu-you \ : brute , ' shio
' 'l'iie children onoyetl the joke as well
as I thitt-ys , an ( I vi fe , too , got I o I utigit-
bIg : tboiut it : tfter avhmile. ( ) mui boy ,
iiiim I s , stud : ' 1 ) o I t mugu i mm , ht ; i L's lii ight tY
I oil' , ' to hmtvo a big Linmmer once mut a
vimiie _ '
' 'limit look hmt'rc ouu u0orteryoul ; : iroit't
takiumg mlItiis on mite. Coimie , conme , 110W ,
tiitt' ulOt uighmt , YOU iulli411't tell time
Stot. 011 111(3. ( h'ut it on somuchouly elsa-
lint it on Bill Campbell. ' '
F'lirtat lout.
Ft-rtm imj TlriiaI , I , ? , .
Jhi time ml lrtimmg auld di'ci.iviuig
. ( Jill di % 'at I umg , thud-lIe I 1ev I ml g ,
\ Ithi its teimi poIal svectmiess , tones tito
1)1cm ) 50 IO Ot a day :
4 hut a thi nh I I it L liii' ii mory II tmgcrs
( ) 1 1 lie I out-hi nt slemmdci Ii ul gems , I
Stolcum su et'tnm'ss , siumhieu nuot blushes that
im'j , vamilshmcd all a\vay.
lImit perhaps you kimow time imleusure
0 f litssess lou I mm you r mmuctsmmue ,
AImh ( a year ut ndapt.'ltlomm has remimotiehled
youui' desimo -
\Viut'um ye ii 1110(11 ( 13 time rapture
(3 ( I' your imymi mcmi t : ul ci ptutie ,
1 S YOLI hm I 'mi I m m atteimi mat I mmg to coimstmuct I lie
1ltchmemt lhie _
- - -
I'JI'1'IltMt'I' DflOI'S.
It's mint mt all simmaulur t hint a fat maim
shm uuild lIiit I t it I ulicumlt to stoo i to aluythm I mmg
' "l'hmnt's a title buusiuioss openhmu , " reitunukoal
I ho coil d'aIir , soft I y , us lie hooked Uo\V a time
hole into aim euiIht ) % cellar.
Jim tIme report af time escape of a prisoner it
I s st ated t ii It lie let t his ( immy bel m I tub. I ) Id
time mitum ear a bustle ?
- ' - tern ble flC'ileml ( ( t hmapemmetI yest eni a y tea
a you mm t- mum umi vl io 'as imuuma i I I u d ice v Ii 1dm
ho dimi not kuov were loaded.
I' I he I its NeVI'I S liii led , " is tim o head lug Iii
alt exehmtmie. Fromim this vu limier timid lie
in mist 1 iva , I mm a tmum ly imrolm I hi tioui to vum
"l'iit'me is a divinity thmat dothi hedge a
ItiIlg. " but there is lIttle mmccd of hmeitgimmg a
khlig if you hiao it sell baekeal ( Ii ) .
A new ga omelet just luivemmteil is caihe.l the
I ( \ \ ash I mm gtouu . ' ' [ 'Ii is is melimu ed
satime bohied uovmi amid straimied through silk.
-1 i fe. -
TImOIIdi several craumks nmay succeed lii
jOi il ti I 14)uIgiI liguma vI LI mOOt 105 I ii t t imel r
hIves , Ict time iunmg suiuierimmg PColle Like hicart ,
they can't nil do It.
A patent for mmmakinr fO(1 ( ( froumu uvood has
beoum :11 > 1)1 ) ied for a 1 Vasli I mm t o ii , says t lie
Voik'orltk . . 'alh People vIio fuiritisii
"boat-mi" should ; ipply for tin iimfrimmgcnmemmt ut
liens imialaa a great mistake In not .saltlumg
their eggs betore thmty lay timein. Time egg
souIii keep loumger and sell betteiaimil tue
imuni would mmot imave to woik so hal-a for
mmighmcr wages.
Owlumg to time fact that tue mend of the so
called Mhssmsailii ) river is sticky amid haid to
vusim oil froimi the bate feet. utmost of tie Imor-
scums viio go across t' St. Louis stltl use the
brluhge.-Chiicago [ Tribune.
' [ 'lie Pittsbumrg Ilumutmano society is draithmmg
a law requmlrlumg every horse car conductor to
linmig Oim tue outside of time cur , whenever the
imummiber of passommrcrs aboard reaches the ire-
scribed hhmmilt , a notlcc that time ear is full.
\Vhmtmn time conductor Is lull no lrhmm ted imoilco
is needed.
Mliwaumkee hits a snunumuer schmool of phltos-
osopmiy Which 15 110W I fl SOsSltm disMissing
time 1LeimceImes of the \Vlmerefore ; tnh time
( 'orrehutive 'I'ooumess of time Absolute Utter.
'l'lmo relation whmicim buimuing qumetmouls
bear to time Price of beer Is of umrgent lmmmport-
alice to every chtizemi ot Milwaukee.
"Ilow Is timis ? " said a immaim iulalresslmmg a
jmmaitlce of limo peace. " .Eaekson was muirested
tailimmumraier , bitt are trying imlimm for hog
stealiumg. , ' ' .ity triemuti , " time justice repitemi.
" it Is triuc tiiumt time luau c'ounmmmtttemt uiuiurder.
but lie also stolca hog. 1mm this country Iirst
tm-3 a uimaim tor tue travcst offence. "
Smn : 1'rtumeisco News-Letter : " 1aEovemnemmts
car Otti forum l'ioimcers , " says cue of t ime dm1-
lies. Yes , thwy are ummovin. mumoviug to time
graveyard , IitmVIimg froiut tIme rinks to lay
their alit bommes 1mm time suuIimlils ( before tim
creuuuotorlcs get mu goes start. It is hot imaid
to move it ploumeer , oven wiiemm lie is heated at
time b5tr-roommm stove aummi Is dee ) ) him a desem-lu-
ttoim mmciv gold was struck mm Murderer's bar ,
In tue sprlmmg of 'SO. It Is not imecessury to
swing a chum is'er hunt to move him , or to cx-
milottti a bouimt ) umimiler his chair. "Colimmiel
Swigiletomi , whmtt is youmr ? " will brIng him
to his fettas quick us mu bent iiimu umuler a
schoolmmmartmm's bustle.
Dr. Spmmrgeon huts Issumeul Iii reguhar suucces-
slon 1SOO sermutoims.
Ivammroltst Saumt .Jano3 Is contlumetlug immcat-
immgs \Vlieethuug , 'aS' . Vim.
Four imew clmuirelmes are Immhtdhmmg at St. l'aud ,
Mlmmim. , at time expeimse of $250,000.
'i'imo Cedar lIunhls ( loua ) aetiomhist ! ails-
trict reports lOiJ , commversloims mmmrimm time
Preseult year.
IlishmolVhmitaker , of Ncvmala ; , hits been
elected time as.sistnmmt bisimoim of l'cmmmmsylvumia ,
tuid hits Ilceepted.
'J'hmo large suumm of $3,075 was paid time oIlier
day in FmmgIaumtI for a toit , ' of tilt ) sermumoim
PmetCiied l ) Jolmn Kmmox 8fl years nsa this
iimoimthm. ' 'F or time tvhm icime lie sas I ii iii bi to
prcuehuiumg ; for a semisoim. "
A imumumtbem of tim young Lutherans in St.
14)umis ) hare fanmmmed an association to secure
hunts numch elect tt stitumim of turthmm ; I4umtlwr. in
fmoumt of their stmuiltmary : imi that city.
l'robabiy thai youimigest preachier In time
vomitl is .1. l. Hill Jimpthst , only 19 yours of
11541 , vimo , rtaclmmf it serimmcmm on time ii uult. ,
itt St. Iattiil's , N. II. , to mu larizmmcongrtagttlomi.
A hiammaisomume bmmus tuolet Is to be erected in
time EbisCOIul chapel of St. Jaumies , itt hibe-
you , him immemimory of l'mesidemut th-aimt. IL will
be shummulam 1mm desigim to time omme placed iii
time m3auule cdhtico In muemmmory of l'resmdent ( lar-
held ,
Evangelist Moomly 'iii shortly open his
slxthm tnuinimma schmooh ( or ( iumistiun vimrkcrs
In Chicago , whmeri3 strouoo luau becim m-alsel
toward time summit nt'emhctl for stuitablo bimliat-
lmmgs. flis co-wom-ker , Samllcoy , will sail for
Europe \'ednestiay ,
I'htere are sIx services ( iaiiy on week-days
lii St. 1''uml's eattmwlrmul , L0IlbOim-timtCU iii time
nomtimwest chapel , tue 1mm the cimoir , aimd 0mm
In uimo crypt cimauul ; amid loutscmvices on
Sutudays , of hmlett otme Is in limo uothmvest-
crim eimupch. ;
A petition tac , been prepared inNew York ,
s'Imtt-hi viii be tale before time cuimmtmmg Ephseo-
1)11 ( 'Ouitefltioil , mtskiimr that some imetloim be
takemm toward a uimhiieatlomm of time cnmistiamm
cliumehies. it imas been sigimed by tmuuumerous
imminislers , amiti is still open for signatures.
'I'hme St. Paul Globe relates tlmat as Blsmmop
W'iiiple WItS walkhimg alommg a sheet In that
city ommo ihiiy list immoimthm an alleged "savage"
Dli thu oupusito dmiewaik iolmmteai lmimmt oimt tea
a coimmpanioiu amId said : " 1'lmcru goes olin
white muman vhto never lietlm to mm Indiamu. ' '
That was a coimmlImneimt womtbm haying.
Iv' iou ui-a sutThrimmgwlth weak or in-
hlanuett eyes , or granulated eyelids , you
can be qumlokhy cured by uislumg im' . J. II.
McLean's Strengtlmolllng Eye Salve. 25
cents a box.
" 4merrllk Jmrncml. ,
'nit's sat together in the soft mmmoonhighmt ,
1'iotu time i4ek-4 amid gazed omit o'er time sea.
I to was a lmaImd.'ommme. ummaumly youth , imntl qumite
A mmmmtclm flr Suehi a lovely girl as she.
'rhmelr trystiig-haeo roimmaumtic siot ,
Knotvmm , us the iovers thmommgimt , to them
abut' ; '
For , as old 'Siiui < e wommlal say , they did mmot
'l'imat 1 had , matte limit secret all mimy own.
'I'imey were cuiraged ; shictl nanmeil time happy
\\'itliimm \ ; i mimommthi tlmey twain wouihd be iimad
( ) ult . . -
2aieamtt Imile they spootmeil ; amid lmmm ashamed
to sty
I uist'ii to imiala ) close tammd vateim time fuim.
'l'hiispecial umlimt they sit there , slow to
si'amk ' ,
' S iaivers wi I I , . 'lm I u-aim cod I ii sl hen t hi lss ,
1liitui iii' airt'v hit'it'Iust' , niual num imi'i ciieel -
liulhieztSCi ) , ItS levemssiii , a temmder kiss.
Sue slam teti , slmiikeml , amid timrumst tishule imi4
imrmum ,
'l'imeui tummIel away tier imeail aimil softly
"Vlmy , dtiiimiz I' ' lie exeluimned , ' 'what was
I lie imitrum ?
\\'hmnt I caum't a iellov kiss liii fumtumue itriale ?
limIt still she sobbed , Anal then dowmm by her
so in
Jim iiti ahmrumi lie kiuclt , amid begged tinut she
omiiti sPeak.
" % 'imtt calm I 'ho to soothe immy sweet ? " lie
cried ;
"Wlmid was ti'e immeamming ol : that dreadful
slmmlck ? "
Shin inised lmer hicail a little , dricil a tear ,
'i'Iit' eni or Ii imsi a , I bier tact' i mm one I lot va-e
"I-h timhmmk , " siw sobbed , ' 'that If you icahly
i1)Vcti ) ilit' , dear.
Vout vouhti go off sonmewhmem-e , nmmt get a
S Ii ave. " _ _
l1ONiY 1 ( ill TlIil4Al)1H. .
\eimetiaim bunts lumgre.ut vutiety are comultmg
iii favor.
' ! 'lmo mmmooumstommegmovs Iii favor for bioochies
aiui tmairhmiums.
( flggllmmg girls imobmty lIko-exeptimmg time
young mmmiii wimo are in iovo timeimm.
S I timis lei cimunm isPtt es at-c of sapphml rc , mumby
or icam1 , often cmmcimck ml by brilihimmits.
( 'imevrolm , tmliuette , diugmemal nmui iiasket ,
\ OvaJim ettects are seemi In time hew \voolemis.
Jet triiimmmmhimgs tie i-icier timami ever. Beads
emit cit cuboelmoum tutu itoveitles iuuitl ate \euy
? aioimmir huamals with nppliquue lhuumios of
silk tuimd bead emigluigs ale mmovehtles lur trlmmu-
liOiilmVailC hoots iastoumcml with silk cord ,
: umc Worim svltit tailor mimude hresscs lit time
A sistem of time sumltauu Ot 'l'turkOY Is earning
her hivIumg lii 11cm liii by giving lessomis lit tim
i'tinbic lamigumuge.
I b'ml ci otii , crossliarred vl t ii liii a hhi ek
boneR' hues , is used for jackets for wear him
time early aumtuimmmmi.
Crossed keys studded sitit peatis amid
hmot-sesimoes smmrrouumuleI ( vmth leans are luvor-
lte desiglis for broocimes.
A New York mimoiisue imas semmt mmotes to her
forummer cmmstommmems olIemlng tiO lt'r ccitt ulicouimmt
i I I hey svi 11 COllie back and ubamulomi time mmmiii
'I'bie basque pomnicul lim froimtwmtiu a P1)5th.
hiomi be'k : , I i t I mo or m in len gtiu ovem t i me i m I i s , IS
Vttil for eveir souL of tIues , lroimm gingimamn
to cloth of gqld.
Piaiim skimts of velvet , pitmshm , sIlI or cortliu-
l0V i I I imue heal ices iii ud e iii postii I iomm
fiushmiomm and lomg , swccmlmig draperies of
woolcii mmmutetai. ;
A iuiiof : (1litF t shines hits been mimule ut
I3oston , Mis. 'l'imo shines commtaium S23 iiea's
of batlmer amid the tops alomme coimtain 1O )
smmiuii ; stlalC(1 ( PieeS.
' ' tow' ' untm1cmans " wmlter"hmavc
\'el3 , suvs mu ,
aumy regamil ftr Utile. 'I'imis is especially true
ot time yomimig 18413' vimo mmmanglt's time iduuo
fromum cam ly immormi till tLcwy eve. "
lltmttomms aii to be feutuires of time coiuiiumg
SCaSii'S ) urimumummimigs. 'i'imose on time jackets
will be of larger sue , but iil correpommd iii
desigim to those utcd 0mm tlu. dress.
Short cout tom auituimmmm weut- lit closely at
time [ amok. i'iie fm-omits am-n loosti mimi fastcmm
0V01 time vest Vithu olin button. A wmmlstbmumd ,
fastened at tile bak selmuS , kcep the coat In
ErmfllUelleI bumtterllies witim the markings in
tliaimmonds are mnoummtcd uupouu delicate spiral
snlimgs , Si ) ihmitt time wings imuve time tiemiili-
ions inotloum of its hivmn hl0ttYuC. ) 'l'ime 0i
iialiieilts are especially Imuvored for hairpins.
Ulsters liar tIme coining seasoim are niado of
Scothhm tweed vithu iiliht collars am ! nun or
timree sitoit capes , 'l'iie hat eorespommds to
tue ulster. l'imesc garmnemihs are eoimsideied
immure stylish hmen they are inude witimoumt
velvet acessories.
( ; rice : Newell , time thmirteemm year old daughter -
ter of a New Yotk pimysiclaum , is thou ehmuimm-
Pioli pedestriamm of time season at .Jeffcrsnn
lligiilinmts nuimong time ynumlig irhs who are
ViSitiIg there. Sue walks regularly about
twenty mmmiies a alay.
F'ortail amid sligimtligimres , skirts are mmuuaie
s'ltit vimte or nmu-rouv Plaits and short
(1m-mtlery. For pemsoiiH who tim-c shmomt ; mmmd
stoimt time skirt should be iIuhmm , wilim bug
drapery In straight hilts , or thin dress mummy
be plaited in froumt , with drapery at tue back
Iiuiyt'l-s of wedduuig presents wimo are host-
tatirug IilmOfl time iumcrmts ot almmiropriuto arti-
ems tor jiuireimase uumighmt be pie.tsed with time
presemmts seheetett hy it nice oltl lady. bhme
sent a puir of lint-irons , a milllng-piut amid a
mimotto tvouhcd on cardboard ioadimmg , "Fight
Oil. "
A miovel design in cngaemimemmt m-hngs is to
divide time hug tuua [ beimat time emit onus apart
ammO. hmolmi tiieuim so by a suimail mold bit- : . t
jewel 14 thmemm set aim etch cmiii , and thin result
Is that time jewels ame very close togetiier , butt
still not imimited , aumd ire thuns quite typical of
C mmgmgeimmeiits. :
A tmavehing cloak of Scotch twecal has a
full skirt. it is opeim fromim time waist , mmmiii bias
deCi ) revers fusteimeal back with hurge buttons.
'I'he sieet'es arc raLlier wide aimit have ttmuers
liii hsiicd t'lthi biuttoums. itt time side time iiiumts
are tastemieii uizmmber bumtton-tmimiimmmed lapels.
aViuin ieverm alit ! a hmigii collar comimpiete time
'l'uIuiamms In mmev numtunutn shiapos vlii be
very hlohiumiartimo seasoim thmm-otmgim. Timi're Is a
varla'ty of styles brought mit , so timut fact's
call ti stilted to becouumlmmg slmabus. Tuirimaums
cait liii vorui num tummy occasiomm , time 1)1810 ) or
time elaborate styho of their garimittmrtu settlimmm.
time matter ( if their appropriateness for ( mull
dress , Street or travehimug wear.
Norrlstown IIa'maid ; Diurlmmg a thunder.
storumm i-it New ] ticimmuiomui two timunabembolts
vriit thmroumii mu niibov , one at cmii elmal. A
voting iamly S head reposed oil time piiiow , ruumal
hmer lmuii ' : ts singed and rimhimeal anal her taco
buirneal. Next timume shin will imaumg her hmair aaim
thin back of a timair hum a distamut pitt of time
Intuit where a tiutummaicrboit cami get at It with-
omit soicimiuig her face
"if time \ltmxlcumms : ummeet a mrotty wotnaim on
thin street , " says mu letter lii time ev Omicans
l'icayuuit' , ' 'aitimomugim ' an oumtimn mitramiger. they
vlhl say to bier , ' , mule Street I so iii etty I I
love you I' o oil cimse is mmmciii t , alit ! I lie Jam I
Is mmot expeetami tm ) imotice it. Sucim a comumpi -
mimetit waspaiti a liuett Boston girl in 3lexico
City , amid hiiaa mustoumisimeal bier hmiailm-sIokUim
atImimitar by tahimi tier iiturmisol to hilni , ' '
Motimers-liilaw have a better tiu'mo In Persia
tutu iii boiime other countries. 'i'imemo they
mime regmuitled as tu umatuurmml gtuartihmms of time
itmexperlenced bride ammul time mm-uhmt'u ctmmetuket- ;
of time yotmumg Jumotimyr auuul bier lliimtiit Oifslmlimlg.
Froimm time are leummed time iU Ls
of imamiisekeeaiiug U mmaier hmer (13'U nil lmumr-
chases ate umiado fromum time hmtmckster ou feumiahe
imetlillor , totS mivisit to time bazar by a yoimmu
wife beCome situ huts bicsstut imer hmuusb5utmmi with
cimibhrcmi vouItl be eoimsldera'mi a scammdai
aummommg time U imper , mimidaliu Di' tr.tdosmmlamm class.
'I'imu imew vuoheims for autuuumium wear suits-c
hmair-litme strils timid cimecks. They sitI bum
used for tuilor-mmmtdu ; costummites syltimotit otima'r
accessories , itimouugim velvet tuhuuumuimmgs sviil
raimimithmm hum as hjigi laser as duurlne time past
season. 'l'imo fabrics are exeedutmlmgiyholt amid
mural of light sseighmt. s'as'y blue. dark green ,
biack , gmay aumut dark red have white striuaus ,
ss'imhle zeml stmhmies on I1ItVY bluue grnuumds , Imlaclc
striime3 on gray groumliths anal browim icrommilmls
witim stripes of lighter tInt are also ea'im.
Somuuu of time imow striped s'eivets for trhuui-
nmiumg exhIbit exceedingly tustelui cnummbhimm.
ttons ammd shmow at lumuervais hue hues ot
goialcn silk , syimicim gieammm ss'ithi imuettilie
bm-hglmtuosm uimmual time soft , ricit Pile.
Miss Lotta hlarrehi , of Cainbtitige , a stu-
tietit hut Ilmistimit tmimhverity Is lt'sidemmt 01 the
college 1raterumlty Ialla ( iauimumum. ;
Mr. Joseph 'I'eimmllO viio huas tuiready becim a
geuierouus contributor to tim fuitmds of thma
Plihiadelpimla aeauittuiiy of Fume Arts , ltas just
mmmade an addmtloumal gift of S25,000.
11ev , Dr. W. wr , Everts , of Chicago , will
mnuko a tour lhmrotighm time freculuncu's sclmqols
of the southwest tlit fall , and will attend time
cohoreil niutioumsi cous-entlon sit Memphis ,
5eiitcimmbcr .
1I ! . Slodilard of Nnrthmsmmiptomm , Mmtso
uviio ha'i becum stiualying at Oxford ummilvenaity ,
i'mmmlammd , for time hat t\so yt'ar imas receiva'mi
the appoimitummemit ( if asslstammt professor ( if
literature at lberkhey college , C.siuforumia.
Thc iosvs Stai Agrletuhiumrat cohit'e is
peemiliriy fortuumate iii sea'uurlumic as hlrt'sidt'ilt
air. \ \ I. ( iusmmmberlcuhmi , I .i. I ) . , ss liii lotso
imrntiv years has [ mcii lie ( ilicieimt secu'tamv of
time Ohmio Stain tiomuil of Immtrlcmultumrt ? . 'Ilik
( ' ( ) hieiO is aioiimg a hrarticul ) work , is svehl
eiiImipieai , aluul hits mniw mu hrighmt fiuttmrat as ii
sumcei'sfmit iugrieiultimrti eni it'ce
liaivaruls cataio.put' i'ivt't foumr thhfteremmt
Scales of time estimimated at'iit'um'iitmmrt' : ' for stut
tlt'im t 'a' I lvi mm ic , ruumm II I ii g fmnnm S Pt 3 ( aimI I him' sct
soil to $ iat : , amid svithm SSI'1 its mumoherute , hilt
a ssr I ter svhmo stys lie ii ms h aual'l cure ! ii i i y
iumto time Siihjtct as-ers that ouily i icid Ci'Oiio'
his svhli euiabho a stumaleumt to camuy hmimmmself
tliioiigiu at i larvmul for ' ( ) O a ya'iuu.
" m unaim g t iut' mm H timera ills mmre-sm'um t S iii id e to
I leimtei iu'mg mm mm I sersi Iselm I In' na-a'uslaim 4 , 1 I Is
1aeii t ( JIm I umet'il I elm ii id I mm iii ia'a' , ii meme a mottubi y
ii us exa'm ted iumi 0 55011 uft'm mimt'ii I aim d rommu mmu'mm
I hun tim gi ft of I lie pope , t'ommsisti ii ic of a
hihizhmly artktit'ahhv gotteim uuut eatuinguic of thiat
a , I I I ti ut I lit' I I bmarv ssim helm , I mm tue coumrse
time thirty years \sl , 'L'iiis , time imperial geul.
C m il , mull em I 11am stomumm it i ic mliii saeki mug am I tIme
towum , semit oil to ltammme ius mm v.uluabie aililitlomi
to tilt' Vatiuuui hhImrtry. :
i'lmt' scuuml-anmiutal stueimtclmt about ihamtoum
schools , imaitskmmeah , aleuk ssItim factS amid Hg-
1miu5. A' Ii ilimmY of i.OOO elm I 1(1 ( I elm tit't ssee mm
ii vi' 101(1 ii I I i'm' ii iS ill uistt'i ed mimi d aim much umui at
trim a iii lien ui I a it'hlmi ) te I _ h' I so immmmi tired
mutual etgimtysix teacliems luke emit' of time
: ; oo.o ) gi-umu immar seimuiel elm h hI iQmi , eu itii iuvt'rige
0 1 O iii Is to mu teal-tier. I it timua hrimmmur
sehiooislil teachers imavta aim :' OF i put.
i II is. I mm time 1 ii gimer st-h mools t imu' ii mm mimt'a'r fom'
whmlrhi thma' each limstruui'tor is mt'spommslbies Is
suiithiemFromum ( ) ctiht'r , 1SS' , to 'atttcim : , iS'1 ,
I I i u' rm'gistm-ut iiui ( famr evamm I mm g sd iools 5 % us ( ' 0(30. (
Xeulv 100) ) also ss me tim time evi'mmhuig alrasvlumg
schioo ha. ' 1im I nige huohimm-tiomi , ( a I yoummm u
5sflhiieml Is mm ole tvomt I m y. 1,1 mc ; iopum iar I iii iiC
iOu I I i mat tam as-s atial you mm i ummeum I niLe umu t lie
evelihimic scimool mttteulhummca' ( .
Tile Vaimitig 51 aim 1unut 1'otvum.
IhtU Ganctsomt
- " I itt In ii hit iimomustaeime aumal I miii v ,
4. I i tt he volca' , ssi t it Bmm ii huh tsviumm g ,
A little coat , eahleai cimiassay ,
Of citlicu black or durkest gm-ay.
A lIttle tuck hum his eye ,
1. little collar , very Imlgim ,
- " little pmml-si , thmmut"m vety light ,
'l'tvo little shine.- , , toes hmuiumted ituilte.
.1 hittla' silver iiaimdetl oath' .
: ' , , hittiu' mimbbers fmr time rtimm ,
4 h i t tht yel in is col ni eh glost' ,
A little miwuitim that says ' 'fly .hovc. " -
4 % hittie walk svlthi pretty Lout ,
A little "Laity" for sweet Site ;
'I' Ii tt it' Id ss , a st olm'ii curl ,
iu'luuuts Ii ) St'C ii baiict glib.
A utile stmuil tuboumt time towmi ,
4 little mLimmmmer sierriemu dossim
.L I ittiat elgurettie to litimt ,
A little club , to get mit mmlghmt.
4 % little inch : of ychians' hiaim ,
A little abmiu ! ofgmassip mare ,
A little tiny taiiors bill-
lie's euut ( if town , time dude is iii.
S - -
'I'limm buliet of time l'.trls opera cost $900,000 a
ltoiaimd lteeal is imear to time cud of bus sea-
soil :11 time iiostaaii Immtp.etumi
1mi iss al mumudh iller Is uiai it stauri ml ; witim
her ii mmsbaimti , mtm. .Louua I out si e Ctmutmmuck.
'ahlie. ' Ithmca imt'gmim : bier very hatest furewell
touir of Ibmis cotuimtry last Mointuy night iii St
, Joimui , N I ; .
Miss Agness Larcoumi , a clever yommmmg
Eimgiisim sopruimu , has immade a mmmost successful
uipeumuilcc in lh'rhium.
uIm- . IosepiiViifthni imu : beetm engaged to
reim lieu 10 m. h m > ii is .1 ummmts i ii \ [ I ss I I e Inn Daum-
smay's toumr svitiu "Oume of Umur ( ilrls. "
air. .lacobson , time violimmist of Cimmchnmuti
luas leeml olluted time position ot lamuileipal
simaliumist it time college af mmiumsle , Chicago.
aliss : Iumioim ; Itootli , llwimm ilamotlus immumial-
saimme imiece , is simorthy to ummako lieu- bow its a
star iii coimjmmnctiumm wttlt the 3ouimg cmaummethlami ,
Junes 0. Isarrows.
'i'he once fammuoums contualto , Mailamno
Alboni , sang at a cimaritv comleert tut Aix-les-
iiaitis Oh tim 7th imist. 'i'ime mugeul artiste was
I lii omen sely allluummle(1. (
'I'ime 'I'imalia ( aperu coumipammy will have a tlmrce
svcaks' S&LSOO : comnuumemieing October 1st , ut
time New Yrlc I'imulia theatre. umumdcr time mmmtmu
igeimment 01 Heir Gustave Ammmherg.
Etehka ( lerstem- , having recovced from a
soniowimat muiarmimiumz hilness , recemitly ai-
iaarcl at a beneimt commeert iii l'arls , almdsammg
ssltii nil tier old buihliiuimcy antI 3ower.
4t time tortimcoummllmg leds Mumslcul festi-
vat llachu's IIiISS hum B unimor ss'ill be coim-
dueted by Sir Arlimuir Sumllivaui w-itimnuut emits
amid somume obsolete immuisical in.stummients still
be c'mnpioyed iii time ot-elmcsti-a.
iii Miss Ammimie I'ixiey's mmesv PlaY mmext sea-
soil , "TIme btacon's bauugimtei , " sue imimner-
sonites tue ss'ihlfiml dauigimtcr of stern Nets
Emmgiaumd parcmmts sViia ) goes cii time stae
against thueir svishics amid shocks timeuui
Extensive Preiarutlons ; are iumakiimg iii all
hrammcimes of thin Amimericaum opera organizatimmm , _
'I'lmta ballet is to b gra'.ttiy emilargeal for mmext
5035011 ; tiuiit3 , ' comypiiees who iulC to be utitiemi
to time coumpummy svill sill fioumm Liverpool on
Septeummiwr 7.
Miss Hose Coghian begiums her seasoim o'm '
Svpteiumbcr 27 lum Yoiit'ms : _ I ht'i repertory fair
I I i is ycamsvi I I I lid mid o " 1' usci ( thu N I gim t , ' ' ' 'As
oul I 11am I t , ' ' ' 'Sd toni I or Sca ii aid , ' ' 'Lutm-
doim Ajsulmimemi. " "aEasks and Fmiees. " "l'bme
Lady of Lyotis" tumid "A Scrap of l'muper. "
( ; erimmamm immmusicnh papers state that tue miuutn-
ber ot LIszt's kummovum coImmiiaamitinms Is 017. Of
these , 6 ! are orchma'stra svomlcs , :13 : being ti-an-
sirliutiomis her thin amicliestra of oIlier coimmjio-
sltlammis' . ' 17 ame for time hmimumioforte , O ( ) bamtmg
trammscrIptioums ; .o am coimiposhtioims for time
organ amid 3' ) socui.
Iouuis Jammmes amid rmuuleVmtlmiwmimdmt hum-
mtuiguumutcmi : timt'ir stan-lug tomum mut 1aeVicket-'s !
timeatme , Oh u ieago , iast at o ii d ; uy mm igl it. 'lime
pimiy svts ' 'Vircinhus. " .Jmimmmes' ioiuuiltuoum svas
receiveml with Fmeat favor by thin hut-ge amid- !
eimce ireseuit. I'lmo ! , , rirgimmht of 2ahiss'muiui -
svrigimt svai cue o time utmost cimutmmmmmmg : char-
mucttmmlzutioums of that muctress.
Lotta hiss mecelved miii ape fionm lhrazih. It Is
aim immteliigeimt beast , but liii apptmaurs to imave
Iuiieim a viethumu to a waill-icutowim mirofesslommu 1
immaiamhy. Loitmu says of him : "lit , hems been
)5iumiieul ) by tail ) uiUchm limmimmigeumee. lIe hits tIme
'blppest hmeaah , ' to uisc mu slang expressimaim. of
I. , Fve ! huluit IC0-KJ '
anybody ever mumet ulimiiue ( - ( ,
'I'uesday umigimt FiemierhekVartie. . at limo
New York Grand opumrmthmouise , lilayemi "Juuiiuis
Cmm.sumr , " numml this oecmsiomi svas sigmmmuiiied by
mmml Ineimieimtmul event 01' smauimosvhmat uumimusummul
imiteiest. .alr. iixott .Joimes , late laroressor of
elocu I haiti I ii I I mtrs'mumd ii it I vamslty , iii mih I img I mis
first apu''mraumct OIl time t-amt' ' , iii time chmammme-
ter of Mitre Aumtouiy.
'l'ime Emmumiia Abbott 01)018 commmpany opeums
its seasoim of 18SI-)7 ( ) hum aEolmtrm'aL it immoumg un-
eouit ; tmcea'ssionS to tim om-gatmhzitioim nm-tm liait ;
\'ouoima , a lItitlimmomo shimgamr. lately rctummumt'at
( rout Eumroia' , amid VaiIcr.iieum btmlTo. mIiss
Abbott ttXuaIct'3 ' to give Itemmuttumuhems thmroumghi
time eoulmtiy ' 'Luiemezia l3mariu ; , " "Ciowmu lit-
iumonmts. " "Cmumuilvmui of'tuiiice" aunt ° l'auut
mm ii \Thugi ii ha , ' ' i ii add itloum to I 1mm , forimmer
OhOFitS ) of hem mehmertoly.
'aliss 3fmuuual ltimlcs , limo youngest dauvzimter
of ( leimemmi N. I' . biulmics , ionic her dainut Just
sva'tak i mm .I umsi c I i al I , b'omts iii mtmt Ii N. I I , , its
ltmtdhmmg hitly of it thciimsumm ( 'ouk s commmpuny
I ii " 1 umgotim mm m. " lIes imles t iia l'ortsuimommtim time-
atmiemh couistituieumcy , ssimiciu is mmiuummeromus for
good tiutmiamrlmmalmcts timmm bemucim puomi trotu ttmum
mestmts I ii time viol ui1 ty euimmta I mm tuoops , 'l'ime
Ihmutoum Trmulmscrhimt's ciltk' says of her lmrfom-
11180cC : "Of colimse she is to be juiuleed hero-
tuittur by mrmi'tro pol I Lilt atmu to birds miii ml by nu mit-
ropumh I tim um em I t ic-s for vm'msat I I liy ; bitt svhmen t ii is
coummes. judging fmoumi Imi-umighit , tIme eimaumces for
, ilss iiaumks ate uxe&'iiemmt for a latom-abie me-
1441)V ( 811(1 Capital.
l'rav , Chtoily ticar , sue hmuugimhmmg said ,
'limo ttitIereumcu tell to Ilium
"l'ttet'ii caiitmml , muumml labor , so
'l'hnit I momty tlumm ; by see.
11mm sat time imimmidrum ( iii bits hcmmecm
Anil mtrikaui , her limettY himiamb.
Il Otttimi Is capitmi , ummy ainar ,
'l'ime huuuglmhmme hosur saimi.
'l'imo gentle umu mtkleim gravely said ,
( Jim , yes , mimy dear , 1 see ,
' 'l'is etimi tul liii 1 i st-mi' ye st-ed ,
ilti thmomm 'tsvill labor tie.
An elapimant : ' , an immghishm mmmcli.
agoil mi , svbm m 1mm tii u reimi ng 'Iii to I 'ot tsimm oum us aiIm 0
mimormillmg imbotut 1st-n ss-t'aks ago , mutt into lId-
set tarmacks , muimd , sohiiuig a sauumtr3 romimmi time
loft leg , tlmitmw btimmt to thu gmoutitl before bme
hat ! tlmmmu to hirotect biiuimsmihf. 'l'hue ammimmmmml
timeum guhloped roiuumtl hit' barracks sqmuumm' ,
creatiiug thin greatest comisteruiatiomm , butt utter
eathimg a dish ot lOt1t005 nuid driniciimg sommie
water , be quietly went away.
--i----- _ - _ _ - - - ; ; - - - : - - - - : ; = ; - . - ' 7
- _ - , - , - - - - -
; - S.
, $ . : : '
Time' mul'o'mi ' portrnhl i that of lii- ? 'te1itaIumy'
( lilt' ut t ho , tvi ialy icon iv ii moot samtvtma-s I mm I
uihiciuu , , of t ii is elI y , amid smm lit t a ii mive ty fur
r-t't iruilt ita' 0 r liii ) piiyslciitii hI thin
mm s immurllv uieei'uty to say that iii' Is mro'
prouaiiemi all tlit I ) tmmuhu tt.iiIt-iui tutmmi 1mmrgmemml
uiiuittitt' , tmrlmmir air mat ii street umimmi Ctitiinl ) its- ,
mimic , ior tiimmt Imtth iii toll Immmmuir&mdy jitiii.l , mu
mm'pmitnt'o m eimiimmmajmismmralt , , tyalit ulmmtt ot thu doc.
taitiiltmi.m.ii , ,
I it'mt , imimi mdreil ol mmit'd ii'aI itimat maim rut leiti i'mutes
fitiumi till tim w-'stormi tiht mi-a moot I eu-u-it u ro ium-o
I ti'iit a' , ! syoc Ii my liy I ) m- ai e St a mituiiy ahimi I li ' tm-
ciitt 0 hilYsciiiiis aiim , I sutr'num-t , Iacsiiio ii mm mm ii i-ad 'a
of t muse' , treimlu 1 lay emirmcleiileumec ) Ii ) Liii ) immost
skiiltmml mmmimmmnmm.
Tim o simiJt'tt of Lii i'a skt'teim 'ii s i a ised lii I ho
tiemtit-mmi liimsmmms , , iiiutiiig lmt'a'emt , imi'a eiirt3 yotmuit
mim a , i-img 5tmi ( ) , mui iurivimiais tiiilitimmiuhic litutmeiti -
tmul , .ii utemit iii I lie bvst ciiimiges ni ttit taummi ,
hot 111)13- ) iii' ( ' , iiit'gi' ( it 1 'iiysli'hitims it mitt Sti rgeons
mmmii imimmi depart iiimmt ( if I 'ohm mimbimi Cai iiogo ) Sammy
iiuk city , i-hisS a f Isau , lit-I it.t lie I I ' 151,11 , mit .l os Ii-
emil Colia-go , Hems' 'nr1c , eiimss n I I 8m5 miii 'fl ' 1mm
i-oil iii imig oh' his imi'it , I i-tat uduiemut itmum , ir , McM o m
miaimy hits tmu'Keil sinoimli etiuursos itt s-mu-moims
hoi-iiil-3 , shiieo cmii , mrhn. ii iotm ii is liriuct li-c. I tu
millS iimuid o ii sticcimmi sOul ) ' of al i'ousts , 0 f ) itmimOmm
unit mnxiimtl itod ulriiiitry dimemt5tB ( if iilfl. Time
doctor is 0 itl U f timauc inaim 0 t htiiimili itutlil , , ( 'hO r-
gy , kn'mm , i't'rcauamioti ' mmmiii iiiitmmr4ii limmilme-s liii-
ommtm4 , syit , ) mm niuld ho mouiimil in the tt'mutmt iulmt ( aim
uiiy tmiotsSinmm. No hit cii gout tuarstimi minim lit
Ca ) ii trse ititim h I iii limiif nit Imouir w It mmml I eI ilti
tim itt liii -ii 5 ill thu ur''aence (1 C ii iii aim o f I lit'
ciemirest iui-c'mni iani , wIt iom OmllL1)IO lii iii I 0 0)-
titimi liii iiimumomiiii'i , , timmisunry nt I'm ' timuSt ioimiiix. ,
liii.tiiaiiiL'lil iittiiutmh , tiiiit miilgiit pm o ; eimt mtscli.
'l'lmo Omimitti it ito ii lemil imnO it amtu Is 0110 Of thu
lost mimivoit istO otiui ii mshumieimt s i it Liii , mu ot Iii
SI'tIalI iilg mu poim I ii lit Imoitmt list es'tiiiiig , iu gunt Ic.
Inimum fiimitlhiiuilitli lm. ) iIc\tviimmmty iilnt hIs iii'tii. ,
OmtM 55 iii : ' ' t citrotmi li3 iYrd Ml , t t tmtii I iii miii i1'i
tia'miiaitit is smiimplv mu illt-cctiimr , it gmmkiu to
11cm-Mills V kit I mgiii 0 cliy i ii eutmcim 0 f ill iulc it or
4 Fmm-il , Youiii ) taui.
IIo.tamm ( , itui ( ii.
l'iit' m mm a ! d elm toOk lmei thit'ts I mig gumulu
- ' ii I I iahaiemi i I ( iii a el mmui i ,
] 'tii si i mi I a' I I meant hem h use m coimlaj
\\'itii sssift feet imp time stair.
Uuioii time elmessimig L'iulim lie sat-
1iimm J oyamms hours ii esv lut-
1i ii I svhie Ii hue uose ti ) take ii Is hat
lie fomumul iiimmielf stuck fist.
"Ohm I woio lkaster imevem'
Sue cried as timut , imL' iali
"I ime'cu' cull miijurry you breummsc
Youu ui-c a youmumg oman. ' '
LIttle im'ops.
Lithe airops of water ,
Little beuiis : of sw&ut ,
Itetity ate quite pretty ,
hut tlmey'ium seryveL
TIme Im's Mmhnes druig stores at-c nosy closed
emi Smmumuiuv. : 'l'liis couimpcls citizens to mill tutu-
lhiusks omm Satumrdmuy mm I ghm I.
m coliium-imumtker bmaving apam-tunemits to let
posted ii is hi ii aim umotuim ci mm g time samume im on a
cotilmu : ' ' 1 ogl ngs for singl e gen tieuimuum. : ' '
Otto Liutimni-an tuihsinmmary timid 100OCO , gui-
bus oh New Euigiunt ! rmiumu were recently saiiut
to the Comlico 1mm the saumie ship.
Our late mcimresemitatlse to time Caummibal
Isiauuis is repimrtemt mimlssiumg. Nntimimmg stm-ummge
about tiuat ummdamr tIme circimmmmstammces , altimouiIu
a ltoliticimuli could imartily be aS tholimatte mu ulisli
aS 8 mumisslommaty.
At a revival nleetllm in a country town
hot bug ago a youimg commvert , who ss'ms lay
biusi mm ess ii mmml 1k umiamm , am-ose to Simeak. .J tmt.
mut lii at itmoumiemmu nun of thin bruthm mcmi slit rtui
ill with the imymaui , "Shall Ve Gather ; ut time
River ? "
A Jiuullalo umupm'r reports thiat after a semvice
time oh imer nveummumg lblsinp Cmixti saul to a rum-
iiortcu : "I simom , ihal I . i le to 4 ( ) eu-t I i me iroof
sim eel o f iii t pu-tyci. : _ mi ii cit-s littler iumemm
timmi t he pit i i ters mire so mm ii i mi iii m I I uu st i tim
liiLem. . limit youm'ie hiatt ) ceilat mu to bmuumgie it
mmii bamtiy"
Iliumarcil 1se ! , hmaal ties-er imappemmed to
scum t lie iii nom mm I im lime aityti in ii. i I e tulle dosvzm
to brem Ic last I lie ( it imor iii 1)1-ill 1i si u m-iek I hgt'l t ii
i'.uuigli mci. ' \V iu s. Il a mis' . syl mm t 's ti me ummatte r ? ' '
imiammhmed time mmtothia'r. "Ohm umumuoummit , ' ' sail
he. its 51)011 ) 85 imu cotihth Spetli , Lte got such
a joke nim time bum-tI ; lie s forgot to take Ills
uimoomm I ii. ' '
It Isn't always possible fomimhoums licoplo to
toiitiol thmel rmmngu y iussIoims esemm him time
huouisii ii ! ssorsulp. ! A iiioose tvmlktni ; imuto a
Stiimahty : SiiOoi at ( . , omumi sseek
agm to-duy aumml hulterruulah.ti time iecitatlons to
such aim cx ten t timut time suj ierh ii tanmateti t iiuui
to ktmock liiumm aottui ssmthm a Bible mtmid kill
iii muu.-l9mi ham id h ahmi a N otvs ,
"Iiml yamum go tam tim emmnhutory ? " aslceal ? atrs.
lmitifmii iiits. . Fitmieralgomimrefemrimmic to a
Itceim t in jmmt uI I um t ito ncighmborhmomut. ' '
replied time POS'ii aaiuiiessetl. "how natural
lie lookmui. ' oxciuiummeal the hirst speaker.
" .Just as it ime was musla'ep. " "I bmaidhy lie-
ticed atmytimimmg. I lies-er ctmjoyed mmmyseif less
iii lily lhtc. " "Vlmy. st-hat svts time mummutter ? ' '
" \Veii , it lookeui s'ery uuIutetm as tlmoughm syc
svouihml hmase ii ss'lnmlstoruum , auual I left time svln-
aiows biii ( at bioumme , iumd 1 svius so afraid it
ss'oimld raimm multI spoil mmmy new carpet that I
dim ! limit emijoy time fummemal as I shmomuid have
do tie. ' '
A New Jersey ice cucaumi muman wlckemliy atmd
ihtt ' 'lutmmum " I lit
lrofammeiy mmmc , ssmus tut ouico
iurresmcd. 'I'hme I reumibmilmu r cuti imi-hI metlul to time
juumigo : " 2aly lormi , ( mime st-tii-ii. 'I lie c'mse is mmot
botore you ; time iaiirtse ; svai iuiJumihichamuus , I
mu i'msv ' , bum t I m eiuu' lily mmxilmu ] ii mit ioi i I I uiij d ore
s-Oil , anal yam ii svml I bum i mu I Igum mm mm I limo , I s-amsi- , ' '
j mmdgtm leumhicul : "I st-i i I hear mm f ii o dot -
t tfls ( , 4' t teuim mat imuti e h I yomm'te an ii si bie. I
hue tomu 5) ) emits fomthue imimrue so lelmielmammms-
hIde. " Amid iiimtul , tJ cents hue ssas. This
svoiiitl eai ii to I mimi teat u t him t I mm Nets' Jemsamy
ii in 1emmmamk , ' I t I ma ii 't ssortlm a mi-mm , ' ' i-mini iy
mmmeamm s , ' 'i t ismm t storthi ro entu IS. ' '
At a recent Eiigiisiu stedmimmig cub feitttrtm ( mf
time servmcn symus time uuumbsthtimtioui for tue orgmulm
0 t t lie soemul iou , I Ii VUui teal by Ii m o iritltmgm-mamiimm.
a1lss Gracti ( recuuomt1u. who gtumlmiutcd
frommm Smimi I I i calhegmi last s'eur , sv ii I lie iti iurrom I
October 1 to lies' . Lyultioti S. Cumusyitaiti nt
'l'opsmit'ial. ( imus4 , , flit il I iii ii it'ai I itchy Jamavo I ot
A sit I In ' 1' ii rlt 'y , svImniam t hmuly limit um i ccci veil
lmlpni it t umie ii I iS lii issloii mules.
.A I 'hiiiaiiamltmim iii society huh m I ly is s'ormimm -
it-y beta imso mm tm U 1)1 t hue you ii g ! miii ins amf I hue
tulmuh iy hits mimarrIut ! a bim.ambai I i mutt mmr.
St i ; mmmgc t hunt thi am ( ummm fly si mouth ! Iuot Ii k ii I t , us
sotliti ot thin guctutaut cateluers ot time m.easoii mime
to lie fotmmmh mumumong time baseball chubs.
'Ilium brjmiesimmmiiais _ at a lecemit lotimlnmm uvcui -
ml I Ii g serai ati-mm um gmat so as I mm "lead I liii eye
uiousmi to time hmriiaa's , trui Ii _ " 'l'usma yet-y I it t tat
gh i is mimareiit'ai htthi I imd I lie brute mm n at t liii 01 imtmr
m'igbmt uummmhals uverum iurmuumgami muacara Ii ii g to
height , tt'itii two haL'rfCct gruiimullcm-m , at girls
us lilt , elosem4.
0mm time satmalv shore or the swthhbng tithe
stihiltIs mum mi y a I iii i' mmmiii cx pu-t'tuum : t Imjima , ; oit
pebtily beavim timid ( lii sIls-om-y straunts suumiatm'r
tim youth whin svniultl seek timete bimmmiais.
yemur molls by , muummi thin limits still cmnslm out limo
sihvt'u'y saum'ts uvitim ceaseless aimmsti 1)111 time
I iii his auth I ii ii you t ii s I iimt'a I mm ot thuel r c-nurse ,
as they tim lik lmotv imtmmcim it costs for ( iiVOi4'd ,
'l'hmo miecismon of it Kamuuttucky couirt that a
mummtuu'mm hssamothiemrt imtutst tettmrmm his hiutmsemmts
if slum doesum't liiiitiY iiiiim still I > oriualm5 hut a
cimeek Oil tiioe I lice Ii sitituratmi ) omuutm.t imqumules :
sthmo art' maady to himilmuverlsim usery gmmmu'mmimus
iuumsoluimisticatcd lover , stimo imujiticums to immll
Into their uet. 'rhils burl of feummale , imuw-
sui igmetti mu iii. I humute muimmuys mmatlct'mi * in r oul iii g
a , ma nt ti Mt ) t tmitmiys : mutt-mm m I ttimummemmt S I mutt ham
is smiry citrimfumi tm stmO0 sitihlahy slmi'ro ho is ho.
( ii t a'ii mliii ! mht I lit' , i'o mmio 'a to thai , mm-itimm'mt lii.
dumigl mig tat t itou mt. Liioi'a until iced i- I're-
I mtm aie rim ii liii tel ui'mt is , ' to miccoull push m ltnposilmio
( mm lOS. 'thu in' I i' u-lmm 0 i : iiiislci itus , I Iioo
smut , mostly al u u ii a' ' mimi-I ida' , tupiarecimitt' t hio'ao
rmmc-ts ittid ito I I i. . iiM t' mmmimmy jmmstmeo. 'l'horc nrc
ii tany itmum ma'r'iii , I 0 1 lit' hail eimtl 0 f I ii a I'
shill , hgtial rmuii t iii uh , of Imi-a mumisimlit iigu''a or t imol r
, , . , n PnitY Imismmztiillt'mtimco , who heroIn him I am-
iiiimi hmi iimldk. 'iii , imri ummaum , aiiii , iiittIumg limo
, itsirt , to lit' gm-eat , mmuml , gum Lii'mmi , 'dyes miii , muuial
himuvimig iuiiiad ill tima'lr t-lmncmi jimnitmsiaimm , , my tiio
iImiumhim mipoim tiit'li' sit'ct'i , uii tit'mui imitiii'i' iiiiitt
him-u emaIl hick ni tmlmility. I immtvt' nmmtlt-ei , mmgmiiuu
I limit I iiiiro is a ii ot Ii em cIits of m'hsit-imm , um w ho
mm rat ill t lit' limmiat t 0 f ' vu mmmi imig , towmi ' uu stmcca'su-
tti I iraetI i Iaiior Tiiaa , itt-n t in immtmi situ , ) liauvo
it'a'ui , 1aircaI I ( a t Ii , . ii'iitIsy I liii gtwt ii am r lb o
i'll y , ma hi cii imam b ri'migimt ia tim It ii dnimimiiid for
iIrsi'elass iit'miit'uii timluiit. 'rhmey were its gooit mis
cliii Iii liii ( ma . iii iiiiiiitili ( itS ii Cliii ii I ty to iv um .
mist mus he t hut ti-a uutimi storeS mm ore good eumam tmgl , , a
m itit ty iieih ain tu'tmiio , a elm y , its t tie un uuis , iiiil
st ores titmil Put ai imi I , m ii iii iii ic Wt'lLi rtilaent , by
110mm oat's , itti ii I lie maid emi , _ ' -m pimiceit ill I Ii o bitek-
giouiiiil , lust sam titoso ciiiuitr7 , ltmettrs stern rum-
lihuol by ii mb my t-iits'a am f llimYieiimiis. .t nil Si ) It ;
i- dint I iinai a iieii 1 mo'a'ai Is ( I I flu aitit o5t tom'-
gi at I eu ii go thu ia , ii iii riipmdhy i uta'giit ( mat Li ) timni r
, mm-aiaer , tiosit 0 ii , iii t ian vets mum-I , butekgroimuut.
11im'a ( ) urn I lie tiiotm viiua. lii uimelr lmnl'iim not utugo ,
immirl I liii i' ittimithia'timn-4 lit the 2i1 . 'atie ml t tist it nb
mitid its iilYsiciimmi . 01 to .t i-sm' , 1)r. ale.iommnn y
is kiimmg it Slaielmmt lit Ian 'aitia'ss I I 0 , h'scrves it.
.ii I I so immi' tit , ' 01 Imnr IhosY mud cit jut bIn mtiomi Iii
t Ii is u-it y iv liii louse snitiet iiIimg iittai-o to rim ; am in-
uimt'iil tiinmmm thmmim Lii ii n mm uitiii'r ii f you's u buy iuiiin
I- , , . i-te.i . tn'iii iiii it aieetor's (1 halo iiimi-s'lz. , mitd-
lemmi skii itiid it liii ity.
- -
- - -
etr , st-ill still immure ii gmeut ; muivatmt.tge ane
thicuilumt.utumutal worshmmisirs. No coimrt in thai
stork ! emIl coium PC I I imeumi to m-a'Luurn I lie gum iii
dm115 mimi it iet' trt't lit Coil Sti Ill miii him fiilJ thmu
mitm'laiieiioi y t ruth hecoiumes mippitta'im t to attic mm I
SuIi tors.1 [ 1 iuuist'i 1 hum ( o or ier-.I oil rimiti.
Ltd sscek a ltmussluim cmmtereal tlmeeegistcr's
oflice at l'ittsbiirg , to tue out a mmmmiri-lage
liccuise. lie stuted thit tout years ago ime svmus
immmui-riel ; lii itumssiu. ; A tesv days alter time cere-
iii mumy svts ) ( ( ) I ii e svas a irafted h ii to time
czar s arutmy I Ic sooim aiesem-temi utmul ilnailv
teiciical : l'jttsbmmrg , ssimm n ime beeauiio a 1)0(1- )
diet' . I it time u iimtiitI mime hi is ss I t ai , 551mm ) rum-
u ii itimi cut I im i Imissla mtumd sVmts I gui oiatmt of Ii er
iiumsbutmtl stimmiremtbmnuts , humid becim granteml a
atitnice by time rabbi 1mm tvimosu t'mmm'flt' shin st-ct-
shiipeti. A sseci ngo shme am-rls-emi ( im l'ittsbtmrg
amttt ( aimu mimi imm'i I iumsbumm : ii. 'I'iit' i r svas a joy ! tiE
I Cli lull ) ii milmd I lie t at ammmct , alechil eat to huh-my
agul mm , tfume regist em' is i ii a aiuimtumd a ry. 1 t
timeru ssui mm alisawce It Is tmeeesu'y to iit'iluIcO
mu decree hutfot n mu Ilee mu sam o f mumumii muge cm mu baa
graumtt'tl. Thus it is Iuijmo.sihlta to pmoctmre anti
thai megister hits ru'seivetl his deeisiotm.
.5 AcucsoN , ( iu..Aumzuut t.-'I'iit' other os-out-
I mm g i 'limisam i t .1 . I luaiemts tsus cit 1 led ii imoim to
Iiiimrv mt cotitile mt time resimlence ot 31r. Cal.
Stuti di i mm I I un iii liii's ml Istu-i ct. i-ri s-i ii g at
the hmaitmse lie la ii m nal I I crosuthem i ssl tim yom m n g-
stemsamulnng ssimrnmm sv'mam 50114)1)1 ) chmilaimemi.Vitit
souuiam ii i Ifleuti ty lie soomm fomtumd thai ita mpy eon-
I ale aumd iaromouuimeea ! thittu ii mum mu mummi I svmlu. ' [ 'I to
grooimu ssmusrhlhiuIii Timomuitoim , aged foilmuetum
yours , ssimn html u tin missuy m rommi his fitimer ; to
et nuirrieuL 'I'iiu' briule svts aIattle Smith ,
tim ti mu ) ioptt'tt ( I tiugluter oh 1mlr _ Cal Smimi t ii , mired
hitteeim. 'otltmg ims llmls camimpie may seeumm thmo
miuatchm was uuuade as readily mis if 'I'iiorimton
hmad bmieum mu widouser courting his third svhfo.
0mm time lit-st visIt lie uskeal time ghml to be lilt
ssic ! , nit time secommd oumtmuimmeil Lime futimer's ; con-
actit , oIl time timimu ! time bi-idu's fmtthmeigmtvc his
comlsatti t. .1 tist ttt thIs imoiumt souime o mm e i ii-
mormimea I 'i'hi orn toil I hit t lme I im'emmse tmuust be
ii ait belore I lie cera'uui oil y , a'otu iii be hmerfom-ummed
sviu a : im It b a'cmutmi e hi is iii i ii fu I d mIt y to confess
to all camncermieai that tlai ssus ; umuimihie ha ) pay for
tluam licammise. limit thin ebmuitiremi mut Fiuiiory I'arm-'s
sciioiih aimxloims to kumost' tiltt- time hiss' ss-oumid
mit t I ni mott mm coimsemu ii'mm cl umimule t'muelt a ) ! . thleumu
t it ( a imamalmy beta I of ii uumisuumoltl , uu utile up the
reqim isfi e S I .1 (1 ( hy stilmeii iiiummm , se Ii I for I lie
ileeuise mmmiii time sqtmire aummi ssitmiessuti tue
umuimriage : of time ciuhimi couple.
NLvruitmtri OUItiOSii'IES.
A tape svorum tl ) hung st-as talcmiuu 1m-omu
George lkuylm' , of Iloopestoum , one day last
: ( hu's. Baker , ofViniiamiah , Miehi , , crecteal
stmuiam.s smi I Ii steel s trmu's o Ii t I mtmm II , mmiii ! cautgii I
six st-li i t bhmtck hi rts o tin tiny.
, i _ II. Ciietlet' foutmual somuue wlmhto black.
bt'm-rhcs gtossiumg wild imear hironsoim , MIchm.
'lhmey sterti ilpat ; tiual very ssveet.
A svhmlte robhim st-as sea'im hour Jirirgstosvn ,
Iei. , just bufottu tmlimctioit day last svcmilc. II
is . iitmllosed thils Is what ruuitmemt the vouch
cm.oi ) .
Kimmg ( beige , a negro tO yeam-s old , is prov-
lug a to soummum of time iumost. celebrated
juum3'slclauis itm hiostnIm . lie hits two mtotm of
ribs anti tsva Imarts , mmimal apparently immuim time
! ovcr to KltSht'ti ii muti I tflilth ( ) ii.
A snake killed imtmar Cuhmtuumbtms , loss-a , is
suhal to have Immemmsturcd itt feet 8 limeimes him
leiuethi mmmi :11 : inches arolmtuai lime largest hart
of Its hiwiv , Its biemuui st'as immairly tim size of a
syatem-bmickt t , imumal was _ cosemett by a sc-.uiy
skiui mutmat sc.ttmtv hair.
I Imirrisamim 1 1. Ohivami , of bioltoum Bull Comumty ,
'i't xas , ia time uliOst ueuuimutkmitalc lelmositoryot 4
cohii lemul I tm t ii I s cotu mm tl-y toml ay. I V Immay
M'titim stiiuuign , mit lie has tect'iveul mme hess
t iii um I 01 svoum Ia m I , a tual si x I v of time limulhatis ,
mmiii gi mm m- I it si-in fiotit a bime slmnt tim tm otiumeti
bmil. : stiii icumimuhut hum bus haomty.
Chimmius % mmasaietm , of luwmtgimuc , Iiclm , , sass'
it highmt baitsvt'a'ut a bimmch innu hind. ) ' tumid a
I argo I masv l. 'l'iie light ( acti mm ed I ii ii mum air , its
hilghm mis thto trout tolls , mind ss'as a mletcriiuiumaut
mit iti giia , hur mit ii am a' p ii mmcy. Fl mmii hy tue immiwhc
gas'e Ii t I m mt ii r i mt I II a cmi ia 1110(1 ctnmtl ltioim , atm at
timam liii a ' lItmus' to time imamuulmit mthahi'utemmth3 , tin
- . . : -I-
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