Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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Messrs. Hamilton , Swobe , and Murphy are
No Longer Syndicate Directors.
KfTortH Matloto H.ivo It Speedily Con-
Hiimiiintcil Kiill Details of nn In-
IcreilhiK ! licinl Sonsntlon
Oilier Local.
The South Omnlia Sy nil Ionic.
Yesterday nniosUniportnntnn < l ratlior development in tlio South
Onwliu Hjmlicnto < iiini > bln transpired in
the United .Stall" * court. Itvus nothing
lent than the forcing out of tlio threw
rncnlcitninl directors of tliu syndicate ,
Alcssrs Tlionuis Swobe , C. W. Hamilton ,
anil Frank Murpliy. who liavo nil alonn
objected to the sulo of the land to John
11 Hosier , of Pennsylvania , for $750,000.
Thuco fjcntlpinon , from present appear-
nnces , are left liiyh anil dry , and unless
tinfursuuii intervention occurs , the sale of
the land to Hosier will soon be perfected.
Tlio Hi.I' has from time to time noticed
the pro rli-H of tnis trouble. It may bo
remembered that some time ago
the troubles of tlio syndicate
wore thoroughly aired in a paper
or petition lilcd In the United Stuti-s
court by Messrs. Hamilton , Swobo and
Murpliy for an injunction to prevent the
other stockholders from deposing of the
property to Hosier , .on the ground that
the contract price was too low. This In
junction was granted and later on Her
man KounUe was appointed receiver of
the syndicate , to take charge of the
affairs of the concern , until its troubles
could be settled. The petition of tlio
plaintiffs was met by an an-wer from the
defendants , which , with several other
bills and crossbills , formed a tamrled
and complicated mass of litigation. The
plaintlll's , Messrs. Hamilton , Murphy
mid Swobe , charged directly that
the other stockholders wore
hi n conspiracy to defraud them by dis
posing of the property , nominally to .I.
Jl , Hosier , but really to themselves , so as
to force the plainliliti ( Messrs. II , M. and
S. ) out of the syndicate. These charges
were backed up by a lot of details which
it is not necessary to reproduce here.
Affairs were in this shape when the
others directors of the concern , Messrs.
1'nxton , Her , Woolworth and Swan , put
their heads together and prepared for a
grand coup d'etat. Hosier , they claimed ,
hud his $750,0(10 ( ready , and was will
ing , nay anxious , to buy the
land. Tlio contract was ready to
be signed , and nil that was required was
the consent of the three stockholders ,
Messrs. Hamilton , Munihy and Swobe.
Hut they refused to consent. Very
clearly there was but one thing to do.
The Gordian knot must be cut in twain
the bucking trio miibt bo ejected without
further ceremony from the board of di
A few evenings ago , accordingly , a
ameetingof the lour directors was held
and a paper which was drafted roughly
as early as July ill , was presented , pol
ished oil' , signed and given into the hands
of Mr Woolworth to bo liled in tlio
United States court.
This paper is a supplementary petition
to one already liled praying that'Messrs. '
HamiltonMurphy and Swobe bo stricken
on * the list of dcicndantri in the case of
John 11 Hosier vs. Swan , 1'axton and the
other defendants. This , it will bo re
membered waa suit brought by Hosier
ngainst the directors of the syndicate to
compel them to make the transfer of the
land ii question. In support of their de
mand that Murphy.llamilton and Swoho
bo stricken oft the list of the defendants ,
the petitioners go on to recite the dilli-
cnlties which have already been outlined.
They conclude by statinir that at a meet
ing of the stockholders held a few days
ago , Alessrs. Murphy , Swobo and Hamil
ton , were , by u vote of the holders ,
of two-thirds of the bonds of the syndi
cate dropped off the list of directors.
Consequently , as they had no interest in
the affairs of the svndieate , they could
no longer bo considered defendants in
the suit. Judge Dmuly at once issued an
order granting their request , and
Messrs. Hamilton , Swobo and Murphy
are no longer either directors or
defendants. They have , however , mo
tioned to bo reinstated as defendants , on
the ground that the other directors had
no right to eject them from the board
JnUgo Dundy will hear this motion later
on.It should bo stated hero that the peti
tion of the plaintiffs relates that in
the place of Messrs. Hamilton ,
Murphy an.l Swobo. there
olocteifas directors , Milo \ \ . Keith , of
North Platte , Robert D. Fowler , the well-
known packer of Chicago , and S. Woller-
ton , a gentleman of the same city.
"Tills action , " said Judge Woolworth
tea reporter yesterday was taken in per
fect accordance with the provisions of
ttie original deed of trust of the land.
This says that any director or directors
may bo dropped from the board
by a vote of the holders of two-
thirds of tlio bonds of the syndicate.
There are $1-100(100 ( worth of bonds. At
our meeting the holders of $1,100,000 of
the bonds decided to let these three gen
tlemen out. So that our action was taKcn
In n perfectly legal way. This instru
ment which was tiled in the United States
court was drawn up "bout July 01 , but
was not perfected until a month later. "
"This ought to leave the way clear for
the tale of the proportyy"
"I hco no reason why it .shouldn't , " re
turned tfudgo Woolworth. "That js , so
soon as .some little other matters can bo
disposed of , "
Mil. SWOIti : TALKS.
Blr. Swobo , one of the ejected direct
or wus scon yesterday by a reporter in the
United States court room. Ho had just
returned from a western trip and know
almost nothing of the trouble which had
just developed.
"What do I think about it ? " ho said ,
rnwatlng the question put to him. "Why
it's a big conspiracy , that's all , Thcso
follows uro trying to swindle us out of
our money by forcing us out of the con.
cern. They can't do it. Why , their
plan is to soil the land for half what it is
worth. Wo propose to bead ( hum oil' . "
"You liavo petitioned to bo taken back
as defendants in this hiiity"
"Yes. and even if our motion is not
granted wo propose to make a light on
the injunction suit commenced by Mil
ton Hogors in the district court. That
injunction still holds , "
"Iliivoyou any other plans about the
" "ny you will pursue * "
Jo , but you can bay that if necessary
wo will tnKo the case to the supreme
court at Washington , in the event that
wo arc bmitt'ii in the lower courts "
"What do you think about the action of
the other four directors ? "
"There Is only ono thing to say it was
> 'mplv outrageous and illegal. They had
no right to do It. Their meeting was
bold in secret and without giving us any
notice thereof. "
Mr. Hamilton also expressed himself
as greatly Mirprised that the other di
rectors should liavo taken the stop that
they did. Ho said that the matter would
bo contested to the last extremity.
In addition , the directors of the syndi
cate have filed a motion ) n the United
States court to hare the injunction 10-
straining thorn from soiling the land dis
solved. Judge Dundy has as yet taken
no action in this matter.
Yesterday afternoon , General Web
ster , who had heard of the
attempt to remove the trustees
of tjio syndicate , went into .Judge
McC'iilloeh's court , in the absence gof
Judges Neville and Wakcly. and secured
an injunction ro < training Messrs. Hos
ier , 'Swan. Puxion , Her , Woolworth
and Keith and all other par
ties owning auv of the
syndicate bonds from ousting Messrs.
Murphy , Swobo and Hamilton and tak-
iutr leps to convey the property of the
syndicate to Ho'ler or any of his associ
ates , Messrs , Paxton. Woolworth and
Her. This injunction lias boon granted
nt the inst.uiro of Mc-srs. S. K. Uogors ,
Hamilton , Murphv , Wood , ( Jeo. Barker ,
H. F. Smith and Milton Roger" , each of
whom owns $ .VQ)0 ) ( ) ill syndicate bonds
This \\as done to prevent the removal of
the trustees , Messrs. Hamilton , Swobo
and Murphy , and the appointment of
Keith of North Platlo and Allerton and
1'owlor of Cnieago.
AK' ' l"st tlio Nolirnsku
mil ! Cattle1 Company.
In the United States court yesterday an
intonating nuswer was Tiled in the case of
Henry G. Wiley , Achsor H. Poole , Walter
X.Tillson , I'raukC. Grablo , Wallace II.
Downing and Ilollin A. Downing against
the Nebraska Land and ( 'little company ,
Samuel Howman and Dwight Mo-
A few days ago the plaintiffliled ) their
petition in this court , alleging that they
hold mortgages against the Nebraska
Land and Cattle company , in satisfac
tion of which they desired to sei/.o A largo
herd of cuttle owned by the company ,
near Kearney , Nob. , but held by Howman
Ai McLain , who had also sel/ed them on
a mortgage. The attachment was issued
and the cattle were sei/.ed fcr the plain
Now , Messrs. liowman and McLain in
their answer set up in defense that the
Nebraska Land and Cattle company was
organized in New York , for the express
purpose , not of conducting a legitimate
business , but of defrauding their credit
ors and cheating the public generally. A
nominal issue of ijC > 00OUO worth of bonds
was made , it is alleged , and distributed
among the stockholders of the concern.
None of those bonds wore ever paid for ,
it is claimed , and beyond their value as
waste paper were woith nothing. Still
mortgages ncainst the company were
given to the different stockholders to be-
retire thorn. These mortgages , it is al
leged , though fraudulently bxeoutcd and
legally worthless , were satisfied
by the seizure of whatever
property intent fall into the hands of the
company. Messrs. Uowman and Mc
Lain allege that they were among the
lirst to fall into the trap , for in 1883
they sold to tlio company the herd of
Battle over which the litigation arises.
They took as security for the debt a
mortgage again t the company. No\v ,
[ hey claim , the stockholders of this
fraudulent concern are trying to euchre
them out of this security b"y seizing the
C'ltlle by way of satisfyins : worthless
mortgages given to secure worthless
It Transacts 11 Great Deal of Import
ant Public Business.
A meeting of the board of public works
was hold yesterday morning. Mr.
jhill was not in attendance Qbccauso of
us sprained wrist. Chairman House
and Secretary Hruner were present.
The contract for grading Hurnoy bo-
, weon Fifteenth street and a point 500
'cot west of Twentieth , comprising
2,000 yards , was awarded to Stuht iSt
lamclat 1J ! ) cents per yard.
The grading of Twenty-second street
'rom Davenport to Cass. U,7JO yards , was
iw.trdeil to Katzj& Callahan , 20 cents per
, 'nrd.
The contract tor building the south and
west branches of the North Omaha sewer
was awarded to Patrick Fox. These
comprise 4,5)0 ) feet of from 8J to 5 foot
sewer , 'iho cost was ! ? 0.40 per foot for
i-foot sewer ; if5.35 for 4-foot sewer ; $1.40
! or tig-foot sewer , and 73 e'entb for the 13-
null sanitary sewer pipe.
The contract for eight inch sanitary
sewer pi pi ) in district thirty-three was lot
to John I1. Dailoy , at sixty-one cents per
The contract for the building of the
jascmcnt and sub-basement of the city
tall , was la to llcagan Hros. , for $40,040.
This contract was ordered by the council.
I'he contract , however , has not yet boon
drawn up b.y the city attorney. When
it is done , it will have to bo presented
to the council. If it should bo drawn this
afternoon , it could bo brought before the
council at their special mooting to-night ,
and also signed by the chairman of the
board of public works , who leaves for
the east to-morrow. If work upon the
building is delayed until Mr. House's re-
Lurn , u week hence , so much time will be
The ( Jrlst Ground Out In Jutl c Sten-
iJcrg'H Mill.
Michael Troy , the man who assaulted
M. Hartigan , was arraigned in
police court yesterday morning.
Ho plead not guilty Oand was hold
for trial next Tuesday in bonds of $300.
Hartigan wanted to file against him a
charge of s'.s.sault with intent to Hill , but
upon advice of his attorneys , filed a com
plaint of assault and battery.
Mary Morrison and a young colored
girl had been arrested with a follow
named Ed Daniels for disturbing tliu
peace by fighting. Hoth were lined if 10
and costs apiece. Daniels was scut up
in default.
"Judgo , " said the girl , "you'so got no
right to punish mo , but i'.se gwmo to pay
datar fine. "
"I guess you haven't the money , have
you ? " suggested the judge mild'y.
"You'd bettor go to your beat. You can't
pay it. "
"Shoh ! " howled Mary in tones of
nnguUh , "I ain't gwino to jjo to dat ol'
jail. Uv co'so 1 got do money. You
Eon1 an ollieer right along wi mo lo my
house and I'll get It. " And she dragged
Ollicor Mike Whalon out by the liancl and
started for her house. She succeeded in
raising the monov and sent it up by
twicer Whalon.
Larry Casey , a young Irish boy who has
figured frequently and prominently in
police circles , had boon arrested for rais
ing a row at home. ly ! request of his old
father , who appeared as complaining
witness against him , ho was sent to jail
for liftium days.
Several unimportant cases of drunkenness -
onness and lighting were disposed of and
the court was adjourned for the morning.
The Omaha Typo Foundry ur.d Blip-
lily House tor Printers and
Publisher * ) .
The "Western Newspaper Union at
Omaha is prepared nt all times to outfit
publishers on short notice with presses ,
typo , rules , borders , inks , composition ,
sticks and rules , and in fact everything
in the line of printers1 and publishers.1
supplies. Hotter terms and more liberal
prices can be secured than by sending to
Chicago or elsewhere. Save money by
buying near homo. Second hand goods
in the printing line bought and sold. Wo
often have great bargains in this particu
lar. Send lorTiiK PuiSTHits' AuxiUAiir ,
our monthly trade journal , that giy i
Tlic information contained in tlio rcpoit n > rde ly tie hygienic
authorities of the Nation on food adulteration is not only valuable , but
suggestive. The people of this country are getting to a , point where
thev will not much longer brook the trifling with adulterators. In this
connection we wish to say that we believe that the public will not for
get the Price Bilking Powder Company , for their ettbrt ; , heroic nnd
it lo the bread-tainlers of the world to
single-handed as was , bring - ex
posure and conviction , The issue of their was purity in human diet ,
and the decision of the National Food Analysts was that DU. VK ICE'S
CREAM BAKING POWDEU was the only one they could recom
mend to general family use , being free from ammonia , lime , mid all
drug taint.
Persons doubting the truthfulness of this can write lo any of tlio chemists named !
Prof.R. OGDEN DOREMUS1M.D.L.L.D. , Bellevue Medical College , New York.
Prof H.C.WHITE , State Chemist. University Georgia , Athens , ( la.
Prof H. C.KED/IE. Late President Slate Hoard of Health , Lansing , Mich.
Prof.H M SClIEFfEH. Analytical ChcmM , St. Loins. Mo.
Prof.CIIARLE'- DU'lGHT , Analytical , Wheeling W , Va ,
Prof.JAS.F BAUCOCK , Slate Assa.ycr , Boston. Mass.
Dr. ELIAS H BARTLEY.B.S. . Cliomlst to the Dep'tof Heallh. Brooklyn , N. Y.
Prof.CUUTIS C.HOWAHU , M Sc. , Starling Medical College , Columbus , Ohio.
Prof.M. DELKONTAINE. Analytical Chemist , Chicago. Ill ,
Prof.R.S.G.PATON , Late Chemist Health Department , Chicago , 111.
Prof . ) N ( ) M.OR1MVAY , Mass. Institule of Technology , Hoston.
Prof. R. A. W1TTHAUS , A. M. . M. D. , University of Bullalo.N. Y.
Prof. A. H. SABIN , Slate Chemist , Burlington , Vt.
Prof.-JOHN lOHLANDEllJr.A ! M. , M D. , Piof. Chemistry and Toxicology ,
College Medicine and Surgery , Cincinnati , O.
ProfH. AUSTEN iteWILHER , Profs.Clicmistry.HutgcrsCollcge.NowHrunswick.N.J.
1'rol. C.KORC.E E.BARKER , Prof. ClioinMry , University of Penn. , Philadelphia.
Prof. PETER COLLIER , Chief Chomibt for the United Stales Department of Ag
riculture , NVasliiiicton , 1) . C.
Profs. HEYS & RICE. IVofs. Chemistry , Ontario Seliool Pharmacy , Toronto , Can.
Dr. JAMES ALBUECHT , Chemist at the U. S. Mint , New Orleans , La.
Prof. EDUAR EVERHART , Prof. Chemistry , University of Texas , Austin , Tex.
Paof. E. W.HlLOARD.Prof. Chemistry , Univorsityof California , Berkely , Cal.
Prof. S. W. McKEOWN. Analytical Chemistry , Youngstown. Oiiio.
Dr. IIENR1CII JETTMER , Analytical Chomlst. St. Louis , Mo.
Prof. C. GILBERT WHEELER , late Professor Chemistry , Chicago University ,
Cnieago , 111.
Prof. J. II. LONG , Prof. Chemistry. Chicago Medical College and Chicago Col
lege of Pharmacy , Chicago , III.
Prof. G. A. MARINER , Analytical Chemist , Chicago , 111.
lists of goods and prices and irom time
to tigo proclaims unequalled bargains in
now and second hand material.
12th Street , bet. Howard and Jackson ,
Omaha , NoUraska.
Tlic Land League Languor on a Short
Visit tu Oninlin.
Yestecday morning , the renownedMich-
ael Davilt , the great Irish leader , came
quietly into town. He was met at the
depot by Thomas Hrcnnan , formerly sec
retary of the Irish Land league , and es
corted to the Millard hotel , where both
gentlemen breakfasted. They then took
a walk and drive around the city , and
Mr. Davilt was met by u few of the morn
prominent Irishmen of the city. During
liis stay , which will bo only of short dura
tion , ho will bo a guest ot Mr. Hrcnnan.
whom he will also accompany to Spirit
Lake for several daj's' rest and recrea
Mi. Davitt is disposed to be as
little as possible in public while
ho remains in town. For this
reason his coming was unknown save
to a few. llo is not disposed to trespass
upon his friends who , ho knows , have de
sired to do him the honor of a miblic rp-
oeption. llo is on his way to the Pacific
coast where ho will rest preparatory to
opening his lecture tour which he will
continue , missing here in the fall and
reachinc the cast later. On that occasion
he will also speak in this city.
Mr. Davitt , as ho walks along in his
unobtrusive manner , with his mild and
intelligent features , brilliant eye , and
empty alcove , is yet a character to at
tract attention. It is nearly six years
since ho was in Omaha before. At that
time , his name , too , was world
Wide , but , if possible , it is
now. or rather his ideas now are more
universally popular. At that time ho
was confined to his room in the Crcigh-
ton house hero , by sickness , from which ,
however , ho afterwards recovered , to re
turn to his native land , subsequently to
sufl'er imprisonment and later to still
more thoroughly educate his people in
the objects of the league.
Mr. Davitt is looking quite well , and
thouuh feeling a little fatigued yet , is in
excellent spirits.
Tim Clinlriuan'H Absence.
J. E. House , chairman of the board of
public works , leaves this evening
for the cast with his daughters , Millie
and Jennie. The former ho will leave to
rest at Chicago with friends , the latter
he will accompany to Boston and leave
in the conservatory of music at that
place. Ho will bo absent about ten days.
This powder uovor varies. A marvel of pur-
ty , strength nnd wholosoinonoo.t. Moro econ
omical than tlio ordinary kinds and cannt be
Bold Inoompotlllon with the multitude of low
U t. short wolght nliirn nr phospnnte powders.
Bold nniy In onus. HOVAL HAKINO rowiiru Ua
181 Wall gt. , Now Vork.
" T/ie dangerous qualities of contain'
inated drinking water are not obviated
ly the addition of wines or spiiiti"
Medical Officer of Privy Council ,
"The purity of APOLLINARIS
offers the best security against the dan
gers which are common to most of the
ordinary drinking waters"
London Medical Record ,
OfallGroctrtDrus , ittt &Min. Wat.JDealtrt ,
I'rofessora , Teachers ami Scholars ,
All Jtcatlji for the Jiautinc of
Scliool Duties.
The return of shorter dai/a and
cooler weather , mark * the dote of
the lonji summer varalion , and on
Monday next , thousands of " tncrry
lads and l < issics , " will take their
places behind long vacant desks
classes will -rcoriianlzcd , and the
prunaration of lessons and solving
of knotty jn'obteinn , will begin in
earnest. 'Jhe problem.- with the pa-
vents at this particular time is
"ir/icj-e shall we. get our Hoys'
Cloth ing ( Itis-fAll i'"and the\\K ee vHxw. .
to suggest that an immense shotting
of neat , wear resisting flothing for
bays of all ages , can be found at the
great wardrobe of
1'tOit Farnam Street.
These enterprising people are sell
ing bogs' suits from $1.SO to $15 ,
and givcgrutia with each suit a chest
of tools , drum , empress wagon , gun ,
wheelbarrow or other useful toy. It
will certainly pay parent's of boys
to visit L. O. Jones C Co.
Buocosiora to J. O. Jacobs
At the old Bland , 1407 FarnnmSt- Union b
tclogriipli solicited nuil promptly lUtoudoJ to.
Tuleplionu No. i
13th St , Cor. Capitol Avenue ;
roil THE TlltATJIEf.T Or * ( . ! ,
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
PR. Mo MEN A MY , Proprietor.
Siitccnjtars' iLieplul nnd I'rivute I'mctico
Wolmo the facllltlef , npparatut and runulln
for tbo BiicceBSfiil treatment of c\erjr form of dl .
rase unulrlus cither medlenl or Hiirj-Iciil treatment ,
and IruHo alfto COIIIQand Invrttlat ( j ( or thcmtchM
nrcorrespond with n . J.onr ; experience In treat-
lui ; c& ea by letter euublcn ntf tu treat many ca ei
Bcrentiflailly without BeelnRihcm.
WniTK IPOH OlHOUI.ABlon Deformities anil
Brnceii , Clul > Feet. Cnrratureg of tliu Spine
DIBEKES or WOMEN. 1'ilc' . Tumors , Cnncers ,
Catarrh , Bronchltln , InbaliUoni Klcclrlcity. I'ar.iU
ytls , Kpllepey , Kidney , Kjef Ku , fekla , Blood and
ill surgical oncnitioin.
Ilutlurle * . Iiihalem , liracvg , Trudgen , and
all klodifof Medical and Surgical AppliaiiceB , inaui
ufacturert and ( or Kilo
The only reliable Medical Inttilute making
Private , Special $ HerVous Diseases
' rA 81'BCIAI.TV.
( rom halcrer cause tiroilucol. miccemfully treated.
\Vo cm remoTe Hjrpullltio-pi > i oi from thosjrtteui
without mercury. , ,
New restorative treatment for loss \Halpowcr. .
C ll and consult ui or urndi iiinui and post-cmc *
addresi plainly written enclo o etimp , and o
will Bend you. In plain wrapper , our
VJ-O.N I'IUVATI , Ei-Ecui. AVU htnvoud DISBAIES ,
or , STI-JIILIS , < ; oNowmcii : , OI.EET , VAIIICOCRLB ,
UniNAiiy Oiwjihe , or tend hl < lory otyuur cutu for
nuoplnloq , , , ,
Pereons unable tel ltn may he treated at llitlr
IioDiri , by cnrrcHpondence Medicines and luitru-
Uents sent by mall or express HKCUHELY 1'ACK-
KD I'liOM ruortts to Indicate
tontrnta or oeuder. Oue personal Interview pro-
fcrrcd If convenient. Fifty rooma ( or the accouv
inodatlou of patlenU. llourd and attendance at
reasonable pilccs. Aildrcst all Letters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical institute ,
Cor. 13th St. and Caoltol Ave. . OMAHA. NEB.
. F. P.
Office No. S2S Broadway , Council Bluffs.
to K u. i < - . .
8 to 5 p. in.
7 lo B p. in.
Hoom No. 6.
e Cor. IDoiis-lo/a ana X 2 = tli. Sts. ,
Will open its doors to the public irllli the most complete
/.1 of
Ever shown in Omaha. U'en'ill adhere strictly to the
motto ,
'PRICK DOE1 ! (11EITY ( IIP ! "
And will expose to the people of this city , the trite value of
s. Jic sure to attcml our
And receive one of our iHtinlsoinc souvenirs given to era1// / /
one ivhoatlls.
To prove to the- public that we did not exag
gerate when we said we had the
Largest and
New York and Omaha Clothing Co
1308 Farnam Street.
Or ( he Liquor JIuUit , VoBlllvcty
Cured by AUmlulHtcrliiK Dr.
Unliteti' Oolden Ni critln.
It CAD be given In A cup of coflVe or tea without
the knon le < lne uf lUe person taklnic It , la absolutely
harmless , and will effect u permnucut and epeudy
'cure , wbet'.ivr tlu ; intlont U & moderate ririnUerov
ihu tticotiollc urtck. It baa been ( 'lven lu iliou *
ri : id ol cues , aud In every IniUnraafierfi't't euro
bufollowrd. It never fallii. The system ouc
Impregnated with the HpecISc , It becomes au uttef
tmpoislblllty ( or tliu liquor appetite to exlm
KU1IN & CO. , Cor. 13lb und DoiicUn. unil
18lb & famine til * . , Omnlia , Neb , '
A. U , FOSTKH & HIM ? . ,
Council Illuffr. Iowa.
Qill or write ( or pamphlet containing hundreds
cltMtluionlaU ( romlheUt worueu and uwnlram
Ur > nrWo ( tbi COUDUV.
I'rlceion application. Soldb ?
iue -'and Dealers.
cihiiJi'atjt . roo-nm ,
" "
THE llntton and Clinton A. Bnowden ,
editors , llepubllctin. reliable , en-
terprltlnK. I teit nowa f rum all
parti of tue world. 1 he lateit market report * . Heul
to an- '
IperBunuiu ; u ; C inontlif. I1.0O |
U . Bio. Four puei r I T T
Iri 8 page * froquenllfi liI A I I
ti P ge on Batardar , ll/l / l\ I I
loitauu itarnpi , postal IUI r"l I I .
ulal order , or realitered ,1-f X X A X J
TllK U11ICAQU MAIL , 118 OIU-aT Ctilcaso.
IP BBS * ( ft B" IPJin ftlS ? ETCET/aR / B" r tPfl wiP I fmnsn'
THE 0. E. EWftlE ttE&l ESTATE and TRSJS
S. W. C Jt. ir.lh AXI > I-'AKXAJfl , O.TIA1IA.
I Property of every description for sitlo in all parts of tiio city , hands for sale in
every county in Nebraska.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept. .Maps of the city slutn or county , or any other
information dcbiieiJ , furnished iree of cliargu njton app.ication.
OHO. nDIUCB , Manager ,
IIEFERENCES : Merchants' and.Farmers' . IJimif , nav | ( | nty , NPb. ; Kounoy National
BaiikKeariiuy , Nul > . ; ( .oliiiiibiis State Hank. Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's Jlank ,
i'ltttU1. Nfl ) . ; Omaha National Hank. Omaha , Neb. .
u. Will pr.y customers' draft with bill ot ladinu attacliod for two-thlnU valtio ot dtuulc
. , . Mtlk.J
areeakllf worn. ufeanrt reliable. Tnejr Imre bcun
teitcU lit tlioutumlt of cane * unit we cmi podtlrelr
aierttuutliiullcae > rliero Ibo liter , | > leen. kid-
nejtund towelure invohfcd. ln. ) UOI.MAN'H I'Ans
are at onca tliu teit , gulckett and clica | > eiti mi
tlcrliavfl uiude permanent cure. In tboutandi ol
ta e wuere medlcloa l < a > been utid wltnoul Q
Doodxeiu'.t ' * wbottrtr.
IIoliitr.ii'M Lit CT nuil Sloiuiu ; ! ! I ttd
AbHorb > ullliii | intlu > friiiu tim lilno I ,
liituur.ilei unil t Ua ucj iliu nlidlo ) > ti > lll.
.ivfr and Htotnncii I atl
Cure * Ililluumu'ri , liulu-i'slhm. .l.iuir'.luo ,
Dlurrhui'ii , MnUil , a. M > * lieu tailio ,
Jtheuiiiutldjii , etc
Ilolmim'- 1 \ or antl Sl < iiuuli Pad
lU'L'nlulo tliu ritii'ii.icli unil llowi'l * . Improruj
the Aiijiutlu. , tiirrccu A iniiilluilju ,
beuiitlnc Iliu C'i ii | > le > iu i. etc ,
IIolniiiiiN IAe r ami .Stomach 1'iul
I'tevrnli Se.i HcknrM , t'liol < rn , S
' '
V01V > ll'il '
tir Hiut on rccili > of
jao Wliiium St. , N , Y.