Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1886, Page 8, Image 8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ 3 TI-IE ni1fAIIA DAILY BEE : PRIDdY , SEPTEMBER :3. : 1346 , II N UNh APPY IEIIZIZ111GP1 An Aged Minister Who Wedded a Woman y Fifty Year a His Junior. HE WOOED HER BY MAIL , Details of n Sensation Wldeh Be veloped Yet.tcrdny-t Decd of Ileroisnl-F1auie in tlio 1S'nll-Otlior LOaul. A Minister's Mnrrlagc. Ycstrrduy nfternoon Ofieer lVhnlen nrrested Rev , IVarren Coeh ran , nn ageti minister resi dint ; on Isaacs strcct near Lentell worth , ' 1'Iir charge in the warrant wns prrlerrod by his wife , ttho charges Iiui nud a tvoulnn , Mrs , Fxina Allen , with hnvnigassnnlted her. To tiiu o unacgtnnhmled with the fart in this trio the : lhovo paragraph scans little - tle or notldmg. Behind it , hetvcver , there is a story of rare sei ttiunal : interest , to give { vliich fin detail would require sovcral columns of space. Close slndents of local lore uiny rev member tlutt in Mny last a stilt was con- In ntred by Rev , l1i' ( 'oehrai foi divorce front his wife , Knte Cochran , 7'lie hunt- ter was kept out of the public press and has cohscgnently never been aired. A for' weeks fitter Mrs. Cachran's attorneys filetu a motion in the district court to compel tlm plainti0'to make more spe- cibc charges. 'rho attorneys for the Rev. Coehrano say they proposO to do this with a vengeance. A sTIIANnE STOIY. : The story of the Rev. , Sir. Cocluvt's ' last nia riago niul the few nenthls of his L weidcd life is a slrango and , though tvo11 nigh Incredible , is berne out by facts in every instance. his side of the case is reproducai partly from the divorce path- lion and partly from his own stale- Illtltlts. Mr. Cochran is , or was a Congregationalist tionalist minister and tor years held n paytoralo hero 111 [ removed here many years ago from 1Visconsht , where , In his younger days , he hind the reputation of hieing ono of the most eloquent preachers lit the slate , ! le is new over eighty years of age turd very feeble , though mcltally as sound ; tlntost as in his yohulger days. Sono eats ago ho retired - tired from time pulpit , 41esh ing to cud his days quielly 11nd removed from the cares of pastoral toil. his first wife was dead ail his grown up children tvero nil uutr- rind. ' Iin F01''Ni ) A { t'IFE. A few nhortlns ago , alfairs being in this conuitol , Di r. Cuclnan dehrmhned to commit matrimony. IIe thoulht that if lie could get a wife tvho would care for him : uid Hake the reluainder of his days pleaSmnt , be had better do so , lie cast about , accordingly , for a partner , lie I teas hided by a Irimul , lvho prohably all unintentionally steered Iitll ) upon a rock which lies proved , fatal to what little luthpiocss , he nay Itavo cohuhted 111)011 env joymg in his runaulingdays. ' 1'hefriend i wino was acquainted with a lanky calling herself i11rs , Rulil , living in North Bun(1 , placed the lte' . Cochran in correspond- ln1ce with her. Drs. [ Muhl was not loth to open such a correspondence , and in a very short time a COURTSIilr BY ltAlt. sprang up , which was atone none the less ardent of Mr. Cochra n's part by the fact that he ivas ; mil oelegencrum or that his love ntnkingLadto be dune at long range with the aid of ten , ptyn1r iiik.Il'le wns not kept 11u four weeks before both parties agreed that the muu ried estate tvouhI be ntutually agreeable. Tho' were accordingly tnil ted in nmtrinloiy , thin cerelnonv t king place at the residence of the bride's brother in North band. CRU61d.Y UNlECEIVID. ) : Scarcely had Mr. Cochran lived with his wite a lily before , as he clams , he fond that he was badly deceived in his rosy heed expectations of what mar- vied life was to be. According to his story , she , ) roved to be hot only a vulgar , low bral woman , of brutal cruelty in her treatment of ldm , but a positively profane and obscene woman as welL liar lmguage ; on 1111L13 ! occasions , ho claims , was simply disgusting in its vileness , very often , it is alleged , Mrs , Cochran Would break into the room whsro he was engaged in his devotohs nud break up his imrayuhg with n series of ribald songs and jests. Furthermore , it Is alleged , the woman , ivlho was younger than her spouse by half a cohtiry , was accustomed to treat hits with shocking cruelty , taking advtuitage of her superior strength to accomplish 11(11purpose. ( . The aged husbuul : bore all these trib- lilatloms for weeks without say , fig a word about themll to ills friends. 1'innlly , however , he could stand it no longe'1 and Commenced divorce ] ) roccedhlgs in the district court. lloping to keep the stot' of his married life from the 1)111)110 amtrshis erie inal ) otition cou- tnhed no allegations jut support of his claims , ( XCOpt these of cruelty. The atlornuys for Mrs. Cochran have called for "more fmtcls , " and tlho attorneys have prepared an anionditoy petition which oitlincs him detail the facts given above , TInER'ro Ki1.L HIM. Tito trouble which ( caused the linv. Mr. Cochran's arrest occurred yesterday. Ills version of the albdr is that fin was pursuing his devotions fin his study , hay , lug ] naked the door to keep his wife out. She donaided entrance , which he rev fused. Enraged beyond measure , she took tut axe and broke hl the (1oor. Thin she minute a rush at hint tvitli the iiIliftCL 11x0 , Snymg at the sane tlino ' 1'vo a good mind to kill you , Von--- . " Dir. Cochran wronehod thin axe from her , and stet tier assault its best Im could , lie did not hmmidle her with soft gloves amid thin consoqueneowas that sie received in- jurles upon whil0h she bSSC $ tor COI n. 1)lnhlt. Mr. Cochran sonrhit , his mltter- ne5's yesterday with rogaelrto the alvisa- bhlity of sweariii out a tvarrtuit for his wife's arrest , but was instructed to allow her to be the aggressor , Y1'11O 11118. IIUI lt. IS. Dlr. Coohrmtu's attorneys claim that rev cent imVOstigntinns stloly protly elumirly flint "Mrs , Buhl" was not huhl wife at alt Dotoetives have looked line nuttter up and hhtd that In iho east the two lived is husband nud tvifo , but thistle introduced her as Ilia conslit. 'lmuy were "lired" from sovei al well known la ga hotels for ffprop0r r0latIoas. Finally Rnhl doser - ser ed tar , alttt she found hev way back to Nebraska , ivliaru she told her acgaaint antes that Rllil ) was (1wuL ( Om time oilier haul Dtr.Cochran's attorneys olahm Ie Is now alive aid na riod in the cast , lie will be produced If the case over goes to trim. - A OF I I ) OF I11'1ROISM ACOOmphshod at 8plrit Lake by n Young Iowan. limo Selnmeler , bookkeeper for Heim. Ted & Co. , has just returned front Spirit like , whore , on Dlonduy last n gallant dead whlah resulted fatally ) happened The new lake stoann r "Queen , " In its second trip hind been out from the shore but a short time , ii ten n gust of whtd blow into time water the lint of tlma little uhlo year old daughter of Mr. Jlutchin- son , proprietor of tle Orleans hotel. Time child reached hrto time water to regahl nor lint aid In so doing full overboard. 'tic captain called for somebody to save the child , ad 1 iui diately a young man nained llulbert Schmlrf , took oil his coat and jiuupcll into the n-star nud seized the child. 1)y this time the little steamer ivns sonic distance away , but n yawl which w as bt'Ing towed at her stern wits manned ; uul sent to the rescue , IVhen the latter liad renehed withht n few feel of the child 11nd Schurf , the latter was taken ttithi cramps , and tlm eiv the child toward the mien iii the boat. lie then saik amid hiss not { 'et beetu found. ihld he rang on to her the child would have been dragged down by Hint , lie seemed to rrnhze time fact and natanlly threw her toward the relief parties. Sclutrt was about nineteen years of ago and front Davenport , Iowa. Ills sister and ntotinr { vnre within a slhomt dis- ( suer of time smite at iho tiule. The nuthrr's felliiigs over the tleuth of the } ouu niali were e eeedhtgly m lnfni. Mr , ( ; enree Paterso11 of Oniahia mind other Onuhnns were on time boat at ( lie tine. 'T'his young In :1H'S : deed is coin nu'hdrd universally as one of great heroism. 1'ItMES IN TILE % VAiL. ASlhgllt BlazeYestcrdny Moriiiti iii Creighkanl Block. 1'cstcrday niorming about 9 o'clock , thin hails of Creighton block wore lined with ( smoke and examination ( traced time velunmcs to a slcopimg apartinent on the top door , oe- 0111)10(1 by Burdick 11nd 'Taylor , two young utoi engaged mu business in time city. Both of these hail gone to their olllces , and knit locked their door. The latter hind to be burst open. 't'he llamas were discovered in a sohall anteroom used for bathing purposes. The door wns covered with Ihmolemnl anti it is supposed - posed ( hint an ignited match dropped upon the hit tar nud alOwl 3' caused it to break himo Iln11hes. 'l'lieso climbed tip on a bath towel which hiumg against th i wnil and reached to the door , i. purl of the carpet , the lottel , amid a lmrtlon of the woodwork and rack was injured but : Lt a noiiiimL l rate only. Over Weight Iluggage. Tim public at large hnvo no iden of the trouble time railway ollicials in the baggage - gage department have withm persons carrying over weight bagtraga. Not a train loaves but seine ono raised a grand row hecause they mire not permitted to carry a small stud house with its contents - tents free , when the general rule of all roads allows only 160 pounds of baggage to each ticket. Strange to say , the weaker or fe role sex are the strongest opponents of this rule , and the way some 0f them act and talk would surprise their best friends , who know them whore social - cial requirmuents make them appear as meek OS evetin : out the uilk emu's lacteal products. 't'wo ' engagements have beat sumiiiarily broken oll' thus week by the 1111110 intended accidentally overhearing the way his "future" wasleeturiogabag. gageuan. It should ho remembered that 160 pounds ail no more go , whether iho trunk or valise or grip owner is It prince or a ucasart , a nlmut or a wonitll , for the baggage department recognizes no distinction of race , color , previous condition of servitude. It is a wonder all the railroad baggageulen (1o not be- Collie crazy after n mouth's service. At tuiy rate , total deafness would be a bless- ule to the 11L'lll in charge. A Big Month. The following is a record of the arrests shade by the police durimo rue month of August : horse stealing----------------------------- 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Passing forged checks--------------------- 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Selling olort'ngcd ; propert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - Assanltwitbl11tent to kill----------------- 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( ! rand larceny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fu.dh'rs frmn fnliee. . . . . . . 2 Obtaining nunlu } by false preto11ses. . . . . . 1 A59alit alld battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r , ' 1'lircatenillg to hill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 onceating stolen mules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Crnellyto aninials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Caning an Sunday------------------------ 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Assaulting ohhheer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Petit Ilrcetly : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 I'eddling without license----------------- 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Peddling on ] loughs and Farnam streets , S Carrying colicenledweapomis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fast driving------------------------------- 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Discharging firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w Intoxication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:13 : Leaving taut unhitched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 l7 ustituthou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 Obstructing street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , Disturbing the pefco : , . . . . . .n0 . Vagrants and suspicious persons..104 . . . Counitting nuisance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Keepers of gambling houses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 077 The Exposition Ycstordny. In the exposition building yesterday morning the scene of m0 tivity described Wednesday was rnpeutted , N. B , 1'aleoner's this- play was being put in posltioi mind promises - ises to be a most elaborate one Indeed. It will be cluulged from day to day. Sam , uol Burns teas gutting his unto shape nud half n hundred others voro also busy around their stumds. : Time art gallery is not yet arrumged : in detail , but even at tire present it coinIrises gnliis whikti , in time expositions at Ch)1cago , wore not excelled. Julius Meyer will have a magnhficent thus. play of Indian curiosities , with n real , live , simuon-uure Indian chief , lloopott from the Onhaha agency to mount guar , over 1111(1 Illustrate their uses. Josepd Gnrneau is nutting in his display of the products of his factory and they already Ilrosent an attractive appearance. Po- Ilccuiol are now stationed at the doors who have iinstrnctiouls to allow no exhibit - hibit leave time building and nllosv every exhibit to enter. 'lime exposition wit ! posttfvcly opine Saturday night , Every exhibitor must be ht place by that time , Sol Salith Itussohl , In his soy comedy of "Pa" It is laid Sol Snilth Russell keeps his audience In a constant state of laughter. Thu new play takes Inunonsoly wherever hennas appeared this season , and a rich treat is in store for Omaha theatergoers ltt ho1'd's oera house this evening h Ull SaturtIa3' , niatimuo and night , ' 1'hnro is it breeziness font a ilmra ) , olutut , tvhole- sei a for perneatin' time ploy , anti eip piing theough every flue and bit of business - ness tit it , that is delightfully refreshfnn. Sol Smith Russell will introduce u fbi o lot of now songS anti specialties mid the stage settings arc said to bo very elaborate orate an(1 novel. The sale of stints opened yesterday moruiug with a rush , band Tickets and Tloket Agent. M , II. Judd , time agent of time UnIon Pat' cilia hued ofioo m both Council lllufl's and Omaha , was seen by a roportur for the Bun yesterday mornolg , lie says that hereafter luml tiukots nmy be procured only at the railroad ticket offices at limo peons nmentloned , instand of , as heretofore , at time ] turd otlices on either side. ' 1'lnu rued huts not much land loft not' , but Innd railroad tickets are sold to ivhoovem gives evhleeo that ] lo is lu search of some t0 buy. If he doesn't buy front time romil : , he buys from sonic other person , and limo road is iu(1irectly benuftted thereby. 'limo ehnnge nin11tloed imposes rout sit ! . arable more work upon the ticket mcn , The Poatolltao in August , Time sale of stnips in time postotlico dur fug time mouth of August announted to 89,70.1.04 , 'Fhe sale of stumped onvclopes daring time s11uio time reached iho stun pf $1,1&1.75 , Slice the inlrodncllon of ( lie letter shoot envelopes , scarcely more titan four days ago , 4,600 of tie sane have boot suit LOCAL 1.ACONICS. Brief Interviews Gntiaercd on the Streets. Corrny ( Connmiasfvlcr Tinnite-1Ve have three more county bridges to build this year , and shah have then completed very soon. 'T'hat w L'l make a total of ten bridges built lit this county this year. " ( lcaerul Croob--'Time department of the l'lato ( t s nheul of all other departments - ments , I believe in point of 11mnrksnan 8lll ! ) , Its shown iy the recent r'.tle cotl- test. Our tnnrksmen hnvo nchioveti a high average. " Colonel Ilurnlviuu-"I expect to leave In a day or so for my new post of duty ht Snit Fra11cisco. Yes , of course 1 shall unto to Ica'e 0umht. : 1 anti sure i ran' t say who lily successor will be. 1Vhea I tuns in 1Vasluington the matter itaI not been decided. " 11 , 11 , 1'honmpso-Cur ( Scrcirc tpctt lotion l4frir-"Our ) business this year , both freight : md passenger , isvery large , showm c big increase over that of last year. What this iuerense is due to , I am sure that i tail's say , unless it is that time general growth of this western country. " .t. R. 1'entol.- , returned yesterday front n ttip to SI. I'aul turd Mluuoapolis. 1 took in the exposition ti'ldlo in time hat. ter city , sad I can assure you It was a big thing. ( loth the 'twin cities' ' ; u'e having it boom on a t'cry suuihmr scale to that wldclmOmahaisenjoying. " NICtV OUTF'rrs Fptt NHt'SI'A1'EItS. The Onnha Type b'uundry nntl Sup , plyIlou5e lir I'rlntes mutt ! I'uhlishers. The \'estorn Newspllpcr Union at Onhnba is prepared at all tiuies to outfit pilbhiahhers on short notice witil presses , type , rules , borders , lnks , composition , sticks and rules , and in fact everything tit the line f prhite s' nud publishers' supplies. 1 utter terms amid snore liberal nrecs cap be secured tuna by sending to Chicago or elsewhere. Save money b ' buying near honho. Second hmuml ; reels ( in the printing hue bought , and soli. IVe often have great bargains in tlmis partict Scud forTttal'utx'raus'Arxuatar lair. , out' niontilly tradu journal , ( lint gives lists of goods amid prices timid froni tole to time noelalnms unttquahied bargains in new auul second baud material. 111sTEaN NuwLI'Arnut UNION. 12tha Street but. Ilowuu'd and Jackson , Omalmt , Neeraska. Elueate lour Sons. Endow than with a legacy that cannot - not be squandered and scud then to time UNIVEmtSiTY OF NOTICE DAJIE , an institution now in its forty-third year , mind unsurpassed for its advantages to uii part to your sous au d wards a thorough mind finished education , either in a thor ough cotnmercialbusiness ( ) course , which is a distingulshing feature of Note Dane university , or in a full course , which comprises - prises classic , lacy , scmtnee , Inathcmntics and music. Special advattages are ofered to students - dents of the Lute 1)cpurtntcnt. TILE MINIM UEI'Ah11'MENT , a separate institution ( St. Edward's hell ) for boas tinder twelve years of ago , wlmo are tauclmt by sls'rntts or TILE IiOLY CROSS , under whose maternal cpro : they pass nearly the entire day in receiving instruc- tiun mu mill the elementary branches of at English education together with a tnndaniental knowledge of Latin , French Grrnan , vocal music , violin , piano tutu draiviung , preparatory to enter either the junior or senior classes of time university. llotrd : , washing , ntculing , tuition and entrance fee for session of five months in Dlhnlni department , 3130. The ehelhtyliftli session will open on 'I'liCSltl' , September 7 , 18S6. Befure conehhdiuig w'ler a to place your sot o ward scud for a catroRue : , which will be sent free , giving you full infornut- ( ionof theUuiversityofNolrnDame , Ad. dress , RFv.'I. ' . \\ , C. S. C. , President University , Notre Dane , Ind. Charlton-Perkins. At the residence of the bride's ptrenis : near Exeter , Neb yesterday morning , September 2 , Mr. Alex G. Charlton was united iii marriage to Mrs , Ltzzie Perkins. Dir. and Dire , Charlton are both well known in OmahaMr. Charlton being the popular assistant cashier in D1eCanuo brother bark , cud Dlrs Charlton having been for several years a teacher in the Cass street school. llotit also arc active workers mt the Omnlia city' mission school on ' 1'011(11 ( street. Time happy couple passed tln ougli here last evening of their way to California , returning to Omnma about October 1st. when they twill hake up their residence at 1013 Ctliforna : street. J. L. 1Vilkle , manufacturer of paper boxes , 108 S. 14th street , Omaha. Dimtchinery aad help. Secretary Wheeler says that there is now tin aunoUuht of farm machinery being carted to ale grounds of time 4)mmnha fair nut ! being set in position as rapidly ats possible. 'Ilia work lots increased so muck lately ; that there is even now a strong felt want for a greater force of assistants. llr.Vhneler hits received a number of communications f oun Iowa , asking informallon concerning the fair for time benefit of large parties who pro- 1)050 to attend ft. TIIG NEBRASIiA STATE FAIR 10111 be Bold at Lincoln , septentrer 10th to lith , 1880 , ' 'IIE LAIUEsI' AND BEST J'RE PAVED GROUNDS ; horse and cattle stalls ; Sheep amid swine , ) ens : speed barns ; seed track ; MOST COMMODIOUS AND COMl'OR'1'AIiiY CUSHION SRA'I'FD ' ' ' ' ' ' AMP111'I'IIEA'1'RE ; F1F'l'Y 11Y ER FLOIVING'I'ANKS mud troughs of PUltl' ) \YA'1'Elt distributed in ail units of time grounds ; new amf secure buildhhgs for exlmibits ; lAliJtOA { ! ) TRACK RUNS INTO 'TIir ( } IUUNDS ) , Arrangements are made to transiort ALL EXI111IITS SHOWN A'1 .IIE 0MAIIA FAIR , OR EXPOSITION , or Iowa , or Illinois State Fairs , desiring T(1 ( EXI1IIIT.1'J-'TILE S'J'ATE FAIR , LINCOLN - COLN , in time for ( ho opening day , Sept. 13. EXIIII3ITS F1tOM OMAhIA l'RANS ' FOItTED FREE'I'O AND FIOM bIN- COi.N , provided they do not change owimorshiu , and retut'u the sauna route they canmo. REDUCED RAILROAD PASSENGER IIA'I'ES , l on'tfniltoattenITIIIS TIlEGREAT E. l'OSI'l'1 ( N 1' l ill : 11151. For pu'tealars address the secretary at Lincoln , Bony. IV. Fivur ts , _ Secretary. --I----- Onlithn's Mardl ( aras. This evening at 8 o'clock there will be a Nutting of all the young teen In tits city who ore ntterestcd in getting ill ) a grand nnrdi gruts festival during fahivoek. . It will be held lit thin rooms of the board of trade in ( ho exposition building , and everybody will be welcome. A1MOST 300 I.ov's WEmn soup IN "Ai.- ntuuuy's ANNEx"'f0 SouThI OSIAiiA Eon X37,000 IN 10 u0Un8 , l'ills simows um utlr IN'IIIE AUDITION , ONLY A } ' 1I LON LEr 0 , 1V. G , Ahuluanr & Co , , 218 S , 15111 w _ Itountl fbr Ireland. Mr , aid : tics I'atrlak O'Connor ' , well known and highly respected residents of this city , eu last Monday loft eu a visit to their nntvo laud ( Ireland ) , They stop o11 at Chicago to visit anti bid adieu to their daughter , Sister Mary Cassia , for- nerly of Omahu. MrI O'Connor Is an old and respected citizonof ( his city. tiny hog been employed forz twenty years by the Uniou Pacific hallway coinpaly , first in Umciua and at the transfer since it lies been in operation. Mrr a ! Jlrs , O'Con- ' liar will visit their birthplaces , IVater ford nud 't'Ippcrary. A FFW'ClH)1CF 1/TS IN 'ALnhilIiiT' ANNEX" AIIF NOW OFFmtan AT P111 { ' tTl : sAil : nY IV. G. ALnttltutT &Cosul.x AOENTS , 218 S. 15Th sr. I'OBCO Court . Judge Stenbei'g's police business yesterday morn hug was minim. portent , live drunks were arraigned - raigned , three of whoa-I'at liearuey , Jolu10'liecfe amid John Blip- soi-w .ro committed , , Joe'r'honas , a little colored thief , was sentenced to hvo days hl jail for stealing a cap. lie confessed his runt. An Italian mhard V. Louubardo ( vas tined Vi tuul costs for throwing garbage lit front of another maim s house. Momma MONCI' 1t ll.l.lni 11tlI ) 111' rum' CIIA81NO 1.015 lx "ell.itlnummT's AN NIX" To Sou rmi 0lltu,1 'rmi.t 1N ANY 0111Elt st'uut'iultN ixv1:5TnuN'r : : , 1V. G , ALIIIOOIIT & Co. 219 S l irm Si' . Black unties. Law .loluisou'sillack Baby Boy ccnl- binatiolh of minstrels , went south on time Missouri l'aeltie ycstu dny Morning the3' will 1)1113'1m Omaha in about two ' "ALnuIt1U11T'8 ' A\NIX" : I9 'rim ! : SIOsT rm't'i.AR AlmrrloN IN O i.tuA , osLY .t FEw Clmdier. Lci'3 1.1FTV. : . U. AldtfIOlli' & Co. , 218 S.15Tn ST. . - Free Messages uI' ItelieC Nortu [ Green , president of the 1Vcst ern Lhiiou ' 1'elegrapb comhpply , ims authorized Manulgcr d. J.1)iekey , of ( lie 1Vrstera Union office at this place , to send free nessauges of relief to the suf- ferems by time recent cuthquakes at Charleston. r w , u.t. fsoNr ROYAL BIObq -'lltaif ± ° ° . ti 4 , 5 . 1 MI l POWDE 1 bsolutel. 1 Pure. . Tliis powder never varies. A marvel of party - ty , strength min whotnsotnenesa. More coo- omical tltun the ordinary kilute and cltnet be 501(1 inenmpetitlon with the nndtltnda or low test , ehortwelghtnhtim or limo ) auto powdur5. Fold oily n cant ltor ta 1iAlttNQ l'QWUzut Co. t88Wn11 St. . Now York. rasa a lode ai OMAhIA , NEIIRASItA. Paid up Capital. . . . , , . . . . . . $250,000 Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30,000 H , W. Yates , President , A E.1'ouzalin Tice President. 1V , Ii. S. llughes , Cashier , nmzc'roums : IvT v , Mosc , John S. Collins , H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Recd. A. F. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Car 12th and Farnanl Sts A General Ban hirig llnsniessTraasaeted , N. W. HARRIS & CO. B.INKERS , CIII JAH0. Counties , Cities anti others of BONDSOf grade bought and Fol(1 . Etstcra , ellice eN Devonshire 5t. . ltoOau. Correspond. cake Eonclled. WHITNEY , in- -Dealers - HARD AND SOFT COAL AND WOOD Rock Spriugt , II Iuols [ , ltlishourl lard Iowa Soft Cont. Ollicc-218 South 1'iftacltlm at , Yards-Eighteenth and hard sta. OMAHA E D C A S I T U I n 1a r , . ' - . .a ! 6 31h St'C ' r.Capitol Avenue FOR Tile Tuu ATuIe T or Air. Chronic & Surgidal Diseases. DR , McfIENI { MY Proprioto atrteen ) care ilia i ant uiitI hlvulu Trutt co We have the fucUltiee , appanints and rrmedlei for the aucccesfnllrcatmentof etey form of dl , . ( aaoreqolrhireitherincdkaiereurtIcultraameot ; , and Invite alto conme and luvet tigmtu fur thenelvcr , or correspond 1rillt Us. bong ereerlenro iii troll. In6' cases by letter enables u e , treat many caeca aclenliaeall' nithontseehii ihnm wltITE I'OR C1mUi.Mt on Deformities and Uracee , Club Peet , Curvalures of hit , Spine 1)I EA Ea or w'oiaen 1'Ilcr , 'rmnorr , Cantos , Cntnrrh , lironchttl ° , lulialatiun , Eicctrkhty , I'arul yde , Icni pey , Kidecy , Eo , lnr : , Skin , Dlood said all curt , opcratioue , ituttertes , luhaiar , , Irraens , Trusses , and ail a inch of Medical and Eurieai { Applnucer : , man. ufactiued and for limo Iha oalr tellable i edlcal Insttuto malinp Private , Special o HaNous ( Diseases Sl'iCIAt.1'Y. ALL CONTAGIOUS IILOOD DISI ASFS , front whatever aueproduced ucccaafuliytreaed , We can remure Syphilitic puiroa from the sstenr wilbout nlercnry , New restoratlve treatment for love of vital power. ALL COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDEN'pAL' ( Call and consult us or aend name and post oaicu nddreas-plalnly wrttteu--enclose stamp , uud we wilt send you in plaiu wre i per , our PRIVA1 E CIRCULAR TO MEN UI'oN l IUYAT , , ErtUTAI. ANU 1 ChiVuUa DIaa A ea , SE11INAL WeAKNEaa. Selina ATOnnuuA , tllrozN- cr , 5Th' , ( lusonautra , Cil-EET , 1'Amcoczl.E , Srmcrunr ! AN ! ) All. OIrE1FEa or TIIE QExno Unrxuu UnuANS , or scud history of your vase for en opinion. Persons unable t , vl ° il na may 1 o treated al their 110100 , by correrpoudenco .ilydiciueaandlustru- meuta sent by utail or express SLCUIIELY 1'AOK- ED PROM ODSEIt1'ATION , no marks to indicate roateutu or sender. One porauual inteniew pre , ferred if roiaveutent. Fifty rooms for the accwan- tnodatioi of patlrote. Iloanl and attendaue at reasoo'blo prices , Addrees ail Letter , to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Cor , 13th St. and Csaltci Ass. . OMAHA , H Eli , . , . . , c ' + dE E di + , To t 1 1t 1 W8 1 s it R 1 said W ( Largest and Cheapest Stock in Olfiaha ' 1 ALL 1 MANAGER ; , ' , g - - - - - - - - - - - - - : s Clothing Co ' 1308 Farnam Street. , n NOW OPEN " ' < SATURIDAY , SEPTEMBER 4 CONPANY , Cos. aougla : ari d 14th Sta. , , 71'111 open its doors to the pablic with the Most e'oIplcte ' stOCI , of : r OLOThN a Ercl'sltolUll 1)I Ouufha. 7Pe wlll ad1)cr a sta'ictlu to the t 7Noto ( , I DO1VN a ULI . : fad Will expose to flit people of this city , 11w true value of flootls. Be sure to alenrl ( our OPENING I " dud 1'ecclrc one of oat , ' lmIa(18OnlC 507/Ue)1II'S ( Jirt to euel't/ one IUhocalhr , SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 4r ' . t1) . . ' . 4 1n ) . . + . o M a W ° G d M' ci Fi o rA W 1H H d . r' ) q " m ° eY 14 f'i " ' . . . 0l. . b , . .Jo o H 0 0H a - o r0 p mU . .ii ri "qqa -4-DO po h - . . 19 d mpapi q D -1 Nail Sf QI LD0 "Fi q" m d M d a 4 f > , d F d Ho o a r1 Q m ° w 'i1 E-i Ha U , o" q M. BURKE & SONS , h 1 l1EOt BURKII , Mnnajar , U//ION STOC'l ( YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. IIEFERENCnS1 Mlerehmants' anti Farmers' liank , iatid ) fIly ! , Nub. ; Kesrnoy National Bank , Keaimey , Neb , ' Columbus State lizuik. Colaeubus , Nub , ; M1efoaald'N Batik , North I'intto.NebOnumha\atlnncllinnk ; : 0himaha.Neb. , 11'til pay cusleacs draft with bill of fades atlacimed fur tue tldrds value of stook a r iD11i04 S , lY. 4:011. : 1.llfi JII II I'I ' .M , OMAll.1 , Properly of every tlcFeription for sale tit nil patrts of time city. Ltumda for sale In evc'y couuly Ili Ncpraska , A COJIPIEJ'E Sh1' OF AIIS'I'IIAC'I'S Of 'Pitmes of Iou' las conmty kept. Maot , time city state or coutity , or any other nf ) rhmdion desiied , fu nlnlmed free of charge upon impp.ication. Cg Si RAYMOND , RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The larffeat stuck , 1'riccs the lowest. rhio rcpalrla r a epcct dry. All wurk wairantad.urnal / Doui ! as red 15th stied , Omaha. . .r- ,