Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE CXMAHA DAILY BEE : FlttDAY , SEPTEMBER 3. 1SS0.1 WHOLESALE AMD JOBBING HOXJSES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. AtlltHt 1. 1 1 II \ I Mh \ T * . W holpsnlo Agricultural Implements , _ _ rnn Inirei. PIP . 1 to Council HlufK Iowa. KKVSTON'i : MANITACITU1MJ CtX Mnko the Original nnd Complete Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press , COIIN PlliUKllB : AND 1T.RD Ct'TTKIl * . No J.'OI.IW , IWiiiiKl 1'ilT Toiith Mnln Street , _ _ COUIIPII llutr , , limn im U ) HUADL1 V A , CO. , Mnntif'r * nn 1 .lobnci 1 ot Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Carriage , ninl nil kin U of Piirin Maelilnnrr. 1100 to lllfl South Main Street , Council llluilj , lo-wa r.O ai.rAW * . T H.Dotmt.H , QBO P. Wmnitr. I'rcB.A.Tnw VPre * iMn. . SOP XCounsol. Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( ItiPiirporntod ) Manufacturerof Axle. Pick , Slodco nnd Sraitl Iliitiillog , of every tlorlptfon. CARPETS. COUNCIL HI UFI'S CAUl'ET CO. , Curtains Window Shades Carpets , , , Oil C'lothg , Curtain Fixture1) ) , Upholstery OooJi , Ktc. No. 405 llroadwny Council IllulT * , Iowa. c/fMns / , ToiiAri-o , Kir. PKKKGOY & MOORE , Wholpinlo Jobbers la the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes NOB. 23Mnln unj 27 I'onrl Sta. Council UluffJ , Iowa. COJ/A//SMOA. / SNYDEll eV LILVMAN , \ \ holosalo Frnit and Produce Commission. Merchants , No II Ponrl St ; . Council 'l I1AKLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , Druggists' Sundries , Fto No 22 Mnln Bt , nnd No. 21 Pearl St. , Council Hlults /mm. O. W. 1JUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Qonoral Commission. No. 613 Qreadway , Council Illuffs. WIKT & DUQUEri'E , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 nnd 18 Pearl St. . Council Illuffs. gnOCKKIKS. L. KIUSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also holosalo Liquor Denier * . No 410 llroud- way. Council Hluffs. IfXKA'BSS. ETC. BECKMAN , STUOIIBEHN & CO. , llnnu'ncturora of nnd Wholesale Dotilori In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 625 Main St. Council Ulullj , Iowa , 11A.T8 , Cai'S , ETC. METCALF nilOTHKRS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. N04. ; U2 ( mil nil Ilroadtvny , Council Illutfj. KEELINE & FELT , W bolero Iron , Steel , Nails , Heay Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council IlluITii , Iowa. IIILIKS AND D. II. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tullow , Wool , Pelts , flrcnso nnd 1'ura Council Ululfs Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils HTO. , ETTO. B. Theodore , Agent , Council IlluCfs Iowa. LUMBER , PILINO , ETC. A. OVEHTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Pllln. , Andllrldgo > Iatorlol Spoolaltl > > sWbolosalo Luin- bar of all Kinds. OlDee No. UO Main Bt , Counoll llluffs. Iowa. VIRES LIQUUH3. JO11N LINDEK , 1 Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , Agent for St Gottharn's Herb Hitters. No. 11 Main St Council lllults SCIINEIDEIl & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , A'oCW itatn St. , Council muffs. HO ! for the LAKE TlHShaimrOLLIE MAY Ketvly IHtid up , and under the chnrgo of a sulllful onginooi and pilot , isno\r mincing pious , uro trl | > s on LAZE MANAWA. Wo trill give charters to parties for ono hour or liny length of tlmo ilvsliod. Hates of ehurtur given nnd orders tnkon nt olllcco.2iH Mnln t. , between hours 10 to 13 u. m. ju UAOU & ca SPECIAL NOTICES. I advertisements , such us Lost , Foun To Loan , Tor Bale , To Itont , V > ants , Hoarding , oto , will belnsortod In this rolumn ut the low rate of TKNCR.NT8 PP.ll LINK fortho nrst Insert t Ion mid Pit o Cents Per Line for each subsequent insertion. Leave advertisements at our olllco Ho. U Puul street , noai lliuadtvuy , Council lllulfs WANTS. "ITTANTini . - VlrM-plobS barber. Lending > \\Hifes. None but n Avorkmaii noodnpptv , Cluia. llclsler , No. 4U1 H'ti ay , Council limits. v\r.\ > Ti.i - iiyoung lady , position as com paniun for lady or with small Inmlly , c.y dresa Q. 1' . , Council llluHd. ANTI'l A good kitchen glrK MaitluHughua.OlUUlh nvo. FOU H A I.i0r Trado-A m aci o farm , 116 BCIOS uiuliir plow , 40 acres pasture , 40 acres buy giound , good house and barn. \ \ HI sell or trade for merchiindl B. AildrvM P. 0. box 118 | , Council Illulls , Iowa. ' SAM : Old papers. In quantitlo gto I lee offlco No. ia I'onrl btroot. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , OOXJOSTOIILi BLiTJinins Practices In the Stnto ami 1'ctloial courts Uooui37aml8 Shtiyart Hlo-k. SPECIAL NOTICES Adttrtl pmi > iit nndPMhl IIP rt IDcpnMpcr line tor tbt-flrM lii * ( > ttinn. ' eMiti for inch sub- ( cqiipnt HIM rl on nnd $1 60 T llm per month No advertisement tuKin for h < sthnn 2.1 cpnU for tlio llr t ln ttt on Pftrn ttords will bo counted to the line ; tlioj must run con ccu- tltol ) nnd must be pnld In ncUiinci1 All Rdvor tlscracnti mint bo linndul In bnforo 2 o'clock p , in , .inJ iimli r no tiiciiniMnncos vt ili tlioj bo tnkon or dlMiintlnupd l > > telephone Pnitlis ndtcrtislnir In tliouohiinn nnd hav ing the nnsts CM nddiufipd In cnio of TIIK HER will plt-mo n l frv n check toonnblc them to ( jut tholr letter" , ns none will bfi clcllvcrol ovcopt on pro cntnilon of cluclt. All MISWCM to nd- vortlfomonti fhould boenrlo cd In rnvi lope * . TO LOAH T OANS Ixiims llpnl p'tnlp loans Collntonil lomis. Clinttpl loiins Long timp Imns. Shoit tlini loiina Money nl ns on hnnd to lonn on tiny np- plot pd spcurlty. Investment mciirlllis bought nnd lold. Cull nt thn olfipc of thu Oninlm I'lnanclnl PX- rhnngo , fppond lloni of the llnrknr block , s w. coi.of rifti'ontli and 1 nrnniu sU. Corlctt , MUUIIKOI 759 ANDH 1'KU CKNT tnoiiPV lo loan on ) hunts' and cllj pioport.v. L. P. Hammond , llooni 3,15J2I > ouglai St. , Oinnlm. 70S $600dOO-'ri ) loan on Omnlm citi propoity nt 0 pirccnt-lntuiest. G. W. lu ) > , ovoi 1IU - HIJ Grr.n n : > T Moiii-j to oau. J.J. Mnhonpy , 1WJ rarnnni. 61' ' _ " l > iriA7."ViTNi > CIK to lonn In Rinoumaio unit , on ehort tlmo mortnireg , three to trrchP monlln tlrao on propel ty Im- prored or tinlinproxcil , Cnli nt the OrnshR f'lnnnclnl RxchniiKO , second lloor of Barker Illock , S. W. Corritrniim nnd 15th St 001 WKhavo thenp money onlonfftlmo. In nny iiunntlty.toloiinon lusldoclly propertj.or farm Innd. Mrvrslmll & I.obcck , 1S11 Tarnnmst. 6 rEll'CENT money to lonn. H. C J3th nnd DoiiKlnc. _ 07 , nnd R per pent rnonojMolonn i tnken In oichnnpo for ronl ostnto. Cpntriil Inn slment Co , Koom 7 , Darker Illook , Lor 15th : TO LOAN-At1owc tinlcsot Intor- MONiV fnrms nnd improved cltv proppity. P. J. Day A Co , 6 , Promise's block , S H corner Cnpltol avenue nnd ICth si. 70rsoptl ONKT TTlToAN At lower mtosthnn nny- whore eMo in the city , on furniture , plnnos , organs , horses , vtagons , or stock of nny lilnd Itomombor , nt lovrcr rnti'i than nnv other lonn company in thn city. City Lonn A. Mortgage Co. . room 15,1401 Pnrnam st , opposltt Piotton ' hotel. CO'i _ MONKV to lonn by Uio undersigned , who hna thponly properly orgnnl/cd loan ngpnoy In Omnhn Loan * ol $10 to f 1,000 mndo on fur niture , plnnos , organ1' , IIOISPS , wagons machin ery , Ac , without removal No delays. All business strictly confidential. Ixjnns BO made thnt nny part can bo paid ( it nny tlmo , ench pay ment reducing the po t pro rata , Adtanco * made on flno watchei and diamond1 ? , Persons should carefully consider who thovnro dcnllns with , as mnny new ronpprns are dally coming Into existence. Should you npod monov , call and Pee me. W. n Croft , liooro 4 , Wlthnpll linlldlng , 15th and Hartipy. 00 6PKH CP.Nl1 Money to lonn. 8to art A. Co , Itoomn , Iron bank. 12th andPnrnnm CO" 3o7oo6 to loan. Sums * 5X ) nnd upwards. Lowcstnitos. Homls , 15th and Doualns sts 003 ET TO I.OAN-O. V. Davis A Co Heal Bstat and Loan agents , 1603 FarnomSt MONEr TO LOAN-On real estate nnd clmt tola. D. L. Thomas. _ Oil Tl/TOHJty TO LOAN In sums of KM nnd up- JI-L wards on flrat-class real estate security. PottorA Cobb jHfi Farnam St. fil J y o Jv ! : LOANED ate. P. itecdiico's JJ-L office , on furniture , pianos , horses , w personal property of all itlndg and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 3. 11th , otcr Dlnuhnin's Commission store. All ius DOSS strict7 confldentau HU UUSIHESS CHANCES. IiiOK SALE Sinnll Pruur Ptoro In suliuibs of Omnhn , pnod street. Hent icasonnblo Ad. dross L 70 Hoe ofllco. 701 C * FOJt SALi : A ( rood mont mnrkotln a ll\o ( OMii. ( looil rciiBoni lor soiling. Addttss lock box J9 , St. ndwaids , Nrb. 070-J FOU SALK Good pnjIiiffcrookpryEtoro.ono of the best locution1 } in city good roiisons for sollinff. L 63 , lice olllco 670 0 E OIt SALK Ono of the oldest established grocery business in the city , with \ ory largo , ivollpn > liflT ] trnOo. Will oxchungo for Omnhn real estate or pnrt cash nnd balance so- cuiod notes. Good reasons elven for snlllnc : . Addiesa 1415 Jones. Wi TTlOllsALK Or trailo lor Omaha property. JJ The bpst located lit cry business , with stock In the city. Lonir Icnso of burn nt cheap rent. Majnollros ,1G1U rarnnm. 411 , SALK An old nnd well established X1 grocery business , nddross L 10 , Hco offlco. _ 105 S-ll * fj OJl 8AI.K The complnto lurnituro of the f Nebraska Vinegar Works. Cull soon on E. Krobs. Jones st bet 9th and 10th st , Omaha. BIO TTiOll BALK-An elegant established business. Jtho best of the kind In the west located In this city ; not profits $8,00000 per annum ; will bear closest investigation ; invoice about $15,0)0X ) ( ) . Parties with means wishing to step Intoji Jlno buslntws qddrosa K 7. Hoe offloe. 1114 "I71OK SALE First-class raent market with -L nlco flxturoB , nil complete : good trtulo ; best ot reasons lor selling. Call or write to Goo W. Hanson , 1621 Howard. fltt H OUSES Lots.Pnrms.hands money loaned. Hernia , Ifith and IJoiiglan streets. 016 TT1OK SALK Several Itooks of goods , doing a - - ' healthy buslnpss , ownership clpnr , satis faction guaranteed ; terms pnsy. Fomo Omaha property taken in exchange. Marshall A Lo- bock , 1511 Parnnm Kt C17 LOST. LOST Light red tsovv , right oar cropped , loft par split ; white stupe on loins rive dollars reward for Information that will loud to her ro- covery. John r. Byrnes , 171J South 10th sttoot. 714 4 LOST Mondav , Aug. 30 , from stock ) nrds , ono roil and one vollow cow , having rope around hoi us. Prank Pivonka. South Omaha. 73i 4 * S'lllAYKI ) OK STOLKN'-Tupsday night , a largo shepherd dog , Imli clipped ; had o i n leather collar w Ith llocnso on , yolloiv dark and white ; liboml rownrd for lus loturii to noith wo t coiner N 15th nnd Callfoinla sts Win. Slunrt. " < * _ "J-1 , LOST A llvoi-polorcd frotlor bitch 4 months old. Liberal reward loriutuin to2141 St. Mnr's nto. 7DI J * "O1 KAY Kl ) Fiom Omaha Pair ( i ion nils , k. ' bliu k gcldlmr.Ono fiont foot white to 1 nco5 ; ) cars old : weight nboutl.'OO ' , i'lndoi will hero- wardpd b ) rotuinlng to Adam Thompson , In I r G i o u nils r/j 4 1.OSP limn S. W. cor. fair grounns , A boy pen ) mare Hcturn to Kdwiud Pnssotli. U15 3 * rouiro. I7toiIM ) Hy It. Lit osey , n lawn tennis Imt. Apply to the HEE counting room mid pay for not Ice. TO 4 T71OIJN1 > On the road between Gllmoro nnd -L South Omaha , a pocketbook ( ontalnlng money. Owner cun hat o same by proving prop erty and pavlngforthli notice , liuiulru of W. M. llurrouglis , room 6 , Fronzor blook , Omaha. ( Ml BOAKDUTO. _ BO \ ltniNn-1 t Capitol at onun , northeast corner Uhlripeiith street , liouso newly furnished ; ot er ) thing llrbt class. 7307 * BOAKDlNQ-Dayorttcok. 1307 Cassst. 7J07 * _ OAltD-And lodslnga , utu ± j N 15tn st. 013 PlIltSONAI. Ijidlps or gents socially or nmtrlmonliill ) Inclined , wishing IOUOH- pondoneo with the opposite Boxes , should nil- dross tbo Corresponding llurouu , Wilboi , Neb. btrlotly confidential. Lnclose tuo cent stump foi reply. "HW PKUbO.Vb wanting to purchase a good news paper and Job ollieo In a live Nnbratka tow n , should adurees l.ook Ho.x 29 , St , Kdwards , Nub. _ B80-3 1D1UVATK SCHOOL-A private school for 4 small boyd and gliU will bo opened by Mrs. Funulo I'AlKur.buptember Uth.ut 2Jrduudt'ul- ifornla tts. Parents wishing to place tholr children with her inquire ut 611 North 2.'nd et. Mrs. L L.Tnorans. teaclier of . pointing and music. 1011 Day enport st. 063 JO OLUsoNAl bu ) real esinto. to borrow X money , or Btt an abstract of title , go to the o til co of IL o. Piittorton , 13th and Douglas. _ _ iti 'I J KltSONAL-Mrs. Dr Nannie V. Warren X clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium lluom No. l > , 121 Noith Uth et , OuiaLa , Neb. 8U 13I3CEtLAJTEOU3. OMAHA HA1HY ASSOC1TION will stait wni-oti No 1 going toutii nt 5 n m nnd H p in e nre compel Pd by lucrPitsliiB bu liu s to put on n wholO'nlo will ondrnvor to do muplibi ttpr In tin future bj our tuitions vv ill nl n tnkp onicrs for IIPVT trnd 21tn ictb st C. 1) . Huulunson , Manage r 7oa n DTTMHTTtPIIY and 'ivpevTrTtlmfuho _ > t llooms 7 and S , Iron bank O , \ \ . Bnlior lip OrPTt'HH Ct'ltKO-Dr M. M Mooioof Chi ll c-nt-o cure's ruptuio without an operation ortlio aid of ueplpss trus'ps.V II bo lit ( "or- /PUS homo Omnhn , tep. oto 11. llefprs to par ties cured In ( imnhn. WM 4f U uiiNi bqlarr- I inno ? J montniv . , A : ? H. > * lH. 1Ql . , _ lA * WO ' 'liiou IUNT Qqiniro "Piano , $ i montniv A JL1 JlospoJSIpJtoiigl is. O.'l ETl ( ( TA pprson inlling hpr rlf Katie K. ( nihrnn mm claiming to IIP nit wife U stcnlthil ) sell up nn l othiiwlsc disposing of pioiMl ) hominy liou'o and pipttil o * , also ruuninir mo m di 1 t t hi rob ) forbid nil pot- fens piiii'hiising 01 othmwlko rci citing prop 011) I nun In r 01 tru'tins hci on my ncpoiint , W ( OPhrnn ftflI 3 * rPHLr.S , ItoRps limit's , ptp , plnntpd trop toi L jit IMUIS buying ol Io > igins to. Nuisoili's. CO llownrd. Piop-.P. O box -JO. s7 nlJ * _ FOlfltL vr Organs" , $ i per montu. Hospe , 1B13 Douclits r < X TOR t3Arr-MiacEirANEOUB. JTtolt SAI.I I'uimturc of Groom boueo , 1 nl.o ncvr Chlckoilng plitno. AP Clink , 1123 Douglas st 'ifii 3 * FOltAtjii Nenrl ) now pinna lor loss thnu hnlf pilco. 411 N. 141h 741 4 17IOU SALE-Opon buggy , 15G7 N. IPtli at. J ( j7d 3 * IilOltSALl' Pianiturn nnd Ipnso of I'potia boueo , Lincoln , Neb Lenso runs tlirpo ) oars. Good locution and doing good bu lnpsg. Address Pcoila House , Lincoln , Neb fij3B TJloit s"\T.ll-Nlco family driving iioreo" -L ? llcnnlgon llios .Piio Douglas 40i ! T71O11 SALK Kurntturo aurtt oa oot six-room J-1 hou o , tlmo on pnrt. Call 1202 North 27th street , two blocks from Rod Car lino. 8'JJ HOUSES IxiFs.l aiiiTsTLaudsinonn _ llouils 16th and Douglas streets. I ? OH SAI.n Hniso and bilge ) . Apply at stublos s w cor llth nnd Chicago -4s 714 3 * " 171OK SAI K rurmturo ( i-ioom liouso com- Jpleto for housekeeping ; price $ ion , pnrt payment If dpslio I HOIIMI ipnt } 25pei month , line location , 1710 Douglas M. Wl ITtou SAM : Two N'o.l , second hind , canopy ' top buiros , also two good , eocond hand phaetons , nt 140 1 Dodge street 2.T5. SALK Uicnp. lion columns ind win dow cnps suitable for fronton brick build- ing. Per particulars apply at this olllco. 813 WAWTED-rEMAJiE HELP. " : Girl to do Buncinl hou otvork , WA"NTin 70)4 ) * _ \\7 ANir.ii Good girl lorgonernlhoueowork. 1417 Cassst. 7074 * \\7"ANTH1 > Good thiimbermalds at the Win- V > ser hotel. 7i"i _ A girl to do scueriil hotisnworkj WAN1KD ( will bo pnld llnquho nt No. 822 Chicago nnd 21st 755 _ _ _ _ _ VI/'ANI / KD-Oood Birlforgoneinl lieu ewoik , TT good roleronces required. Call nt25U Davcnpoit st. nt mice. _ 750 J * : Dlshvi nshor at Summit rcstnur- WANTiu . 742 3 2 dining mom girls , 2 tlrst clnss WANimj cooks. No. 1719 Cumlng st , bet 17th nnd ISth. 747 i * AN'lHD Good girl lei kitchen woikwnge9 ; { -4 per week. 101 1 Hnrne ) st. 75J .1" : An nppientico girl for dipes- WANrin , nt 1017 llowaul St. 7403 * \\-ANTnO-Good girl forgeuoinl housework TT at2441Capltolnvo ( iornmn or American preterred. Piimil ) of two. 74" ) 3 * \\7-ANTnn-Dlnins : loom girls nt Summit lostnuinnt , 10)Sllth t. 7113 \\TANTKD Aghl forgcncial hniisovvnik.ttto TT in fitmil ) . Apiil ) 2210 Howard nem 22d. \-\7-A > Tin Allvclv mnn with n small capl- \ > till. C ill 119 N. nth bt bet , land J. 721-2' \\7AN FIJI ) A chimbci maid nt 912 Douglas. \ > 700 AvTiJll A spcond girl nt 1721 Davenport W st. Itofeunccs leqiilrod. 7072 * A gill to do gem rill liousovtoik in family of thi co Nochlldien Apply 2UO Dav onport st. 70" > 3 * WAVmi ) Aglilto do gcnotnl bousevvoik. Mlfi.luoksan Ht liJO 2 WANTED Two dining loom girls nnd two diehwnshers.ntlOLll N.lbthst 77 : - il7st-cln < s dining loom WANTju-liuco girls nt the Puxton. Apply nt the olllco. " " WANTKD A competent gill lei general housunork to pn to Ashland , Neb ; good vagi s. Appl ) alfiiJ N. 19th st , clt ) . 07.1 ANTKD-Coolc Tiibtltuto hotel , cor Uth end Capital avo. G8i 4 * A mlddlongpd woman to vvorlc WANTKD out as nou-ektepoi in n widow or'slamlly Address to W , Kohout , Noifolk , Nob. , P. O box 2W. 7H4 * _ _ TT7-ANTin Good cook ann laundress : no others need nppi ) ; iofoioiu''e rorjulrod. Appl ) JIra W. II.McConl,2U4 S. Ibtli. 653 WANTIClA good girl for house ork in family of .1. I'.D. ) N. I'Jtli bt. 051 2 * WANTKD Qlrl to do general housework , Gorman or Bwood preferred. Apply at U7j North Center st. uai 2" _ WANT15IJ By September Dth at24.'fl Dodge St. , n neat and competent girl with recom mendations to do general bousovvoik , small lomdy and good wages , 030 > T.I > An experienced second girl in WA family of throe. Nn children. Highest wagps to competent gill , Mrs , A. J. Hnuscom , 184 Douglas Bt. _ 709 2 * W ANTfc.I > Girl for general hou'Owoilc.Oer- man prof on od. No. 1918 Capitol avunuo. 68 , * -Giil nt Mis M. Goulds , 2010 Douglas st. Wages $1,50 to competent girl. Ml 2 * _ WANTii : > Girl for general housouotk s o cor 27tb nnd Charles 6'JJ 4 * WANTiu-A good nuiso girl nt 4fii Coin out 572 WAJSTii > Illnlng loom girls nt the Pan- Held house 676 ANTh.l-airl , 151 ! IlotrniiT MrsT wTJlT lliislinmn , 421 AM'ii-Glilat 10S 8 ilth st. fofgoncral housework In snmll Inmlly _ 4U'i WANriii Girl for general housework at ISUWobstorrft. i)7J ) WANTin : i young ladles nnd gonta to lenin telegraphy , Piospocts for positions when competent , good. Address W , J , D. room l.Crounsu Itloek Ifllli st , Omaha. C25 " WAHTBM iXALE ANTKO-Pix onrponlors fnr llnlshlng. Appl ) en 24th Bt , botneon F.inmm and 1-6 Igu. 771-4' _ WANTKD A good HBO nt vslth experlonco in solliltlng lllank Hook woik vtlth small fupllul onn huvo an opportunity to go into an t'stahlishod business of 20) ears standing. This /offor U for ' 30 days only. Addiess M 5 , Heo ollieo , 773-4 "ITTAJ TISHAt once an experienced nlistio- t > tor , must bo good ponmnn. State toims. Addicsa O. L. Green , Kearney , Nob. 761 5 * An experienced clothing salesman - man , nUo nn cxpoiicncod cloak snlu ludy orgcntloman Must speak Gorman. J , L. llrun- dels\ tons , Utli und Howard. 750 \\7ANTKD-Young mnn to work In tailoring i > store vrith good rcloruncus. M 1 , lloo o Illce , 713 4 _ ANTnh-l'astry cook. Gate City Hestnur- imt , ll'Jn IClh. UH . J ) Dlshvtnsher at Summit rettnu- rant , 105 S. ] 4th st. 74J j WANTED Vest und pnnta maUuis : none but llrbt-rlafs men need apply. Win Mel- drum , 111 ! ] Farnam , 7J1 U \\TANTKD Flrtt class H alter ut I.ouloi Met/- ' ' ger's restaurant , No. 625 Hroudtt tij , Coun cil Illutlg. T-'l \\7ANTIJI > 2 good barbers In Paxton hotel i > barber shop , N. A , 'iopper. 70J2 * " " "NTiU-A : wagon maUer. 4JO S 14th. A Murphy. 671 J WANTUI ) Newspaper press feeder. Slate JoumalCo. , Lincoln , Neb. &ii AN ! Kit A boy and p'ony to airrj- rdiito on the Daily ovunlmr HBO. Inquire nt sub- flcrlptlon department. 401 W ANTKu-ifiamodlatr'l } , two intolllgoirt , , , sthoolroj-s tq oarry horco routes on Dally Lve < n is ; 1110. Inijulro u Circulating de partment. S3 ; " \ \TANTKD Tw ) nr 3 good can enter * nnd > > cnbluct makers I1 U. Mead , 2W 8 ICth. . _ ' ft < 7 A i\t vSi i.n Vp'TO sooona cook. Inquire nt thoOanfliW hlilno 0(172 ( " \ A1ii ] ! VsraltU who can do plough ' > work ami mv' t hoc'ing Good xvngps nnd Mpndyviork Jtllrrlcd man preferred Lp\vry A Mark } , 1 ronwnVNeb. CM 8 T\T V > 1 151) Oood stotip inn oiw nii I lirirTH l liuors In Clilciiiro nt llfty cotils nn hour. Nottiko. no trouble Apph nt Hnlldprs' llx- ch injre , 13'Ln Snllu.slreut Cblpaifo KiJ3 * YVA NTI H ,1 , CIM ehisscornlop mnVcrs nn T ? 1 Imv to Ipijiti tiadp .lohu Hpouitpr , per 10th and llodgp. 07S-.I . _ _ _ [ if , . ? , , _ . _ - \\TAN I LD id inixu ot goodnppeiriuoo mnl-c f 1 1" 1 fcr Oat. ' Callnt lUi 3'UltU ' 13th stuct _ _ 601 4 _ V\ANTII : > 20 cflnTpnTprs ] Apply nt sioplt _ Mnrds _ _ Sliaw , v I li Id. _ _ 7 , "i6 * _ V\7ArNTI3 An Pxpnrlpiiccd iliy goods snlo- > > in mull h i < icMotucs at Thu Pait.Su ! , 601 BOrt nnd W a 1 th t. TIB WAN fiTi > A c'lBn'snii-jmnii ; ono who mis nn ostnbll hi'd trtdo in Nobrnskn nutslilo of HIP Ilf puldicnii vnllo ) ; rofcicuco required Addio < sliH snliiiKC'r , Alchlsoti. Kati r > lrt VT'AM -Lnbnrorrf ir rallroiiilvork 1 li S Albright Libor Agency , 1J03 Parnnm , I A c'lrrTnlrMfrJnTiTujrby GinttoiT X Drnmmoiul , 1,117 llm no > Jill WANTi : ! ) Roy to dutrlbntp clrculntfl nnd dillvpr pai'kniros In ( Imitliu tuodnvs In ono'iveok ' Snlnry ? 1 per day. Addriss Mon- nicliLnundr ) works lui V. Randolph St. . Chi- ctigo I II _ _ _ 7CJ 3 * V\TATrr.l ) Mpn and v onion noodlnir pioflt- ii nhlopniplnvnipnt Snlixry or commission. Goods staple , livpr ) lied ) buvs Address , with stamp , Converse. Mfg. Co. , 125Qulncv t , Chi cago. v\AJsTiDOLiiiKA : : young mnn of good i' nddiessnnd poiimnnshlp. TliulinuMtooi compali ) . n 'J ' 2 " \\7A KTI.lTA"g7 > ol boy with good rdcon ? i i mondntlonsto takucnioof hoi se nnd cow , ir-l DoJgc , buforoSu. in. CM S \TrAJfTii : > Short hand students ; oxpcrl- TT oncodtnahor. Totms , $ JOfor oomploto courip. AddrussK 2H , line olllcc. fibU3r > WANTED. WAVTIJH Situation as ouglncor : cnn take cure of mnchiiioiy. Address 1120 .1nck on St. 7-y J' AN I l.l > T-Mluntlon Tii nipnT rnaria > r oT snusngu factoiy. Addicss L7I , Uco olllco. ; 7-7 4' _ WAVTIJH lly J ) oung lallos , positions with private families to do fimhlonnl sot * In j. Addioss 303 S Utb or UU N JOth. 72(1 ( 5 "V\rANT13l Astntlonnry onglnoor of twelve TT ) onrs uxpurionpo dcslrps u situation i. in finnlBh ropomnioudatlon. Addioss P. F. 1' . 25 J Cnldwollst. 8i7 3 * _ iil ) bltuntlon bv an cTTicfloilcod TT drug clerk. Speaks Gonnnn. Addioss , L 03 , Dally lice _ ittl 2 * " \T7"Axni > Hy nu oxpoilanocd ilrossmnkor , T > woiK In fnmllks or ntmy itiom , IM Chicago cage st. fiSO 4 * UrANTii : > Situation to tnko pure ofhor-ps and gpneial woiltln prlvnto lniinlgood rofoionccs. Inquire A. P. Sanderson , UK ) .lack- son. OKU 2 * _ MISCELIiAITEOOB WAHTS. ! A nicely fuinlshod nlcoto or TT largo room ; In private lamll ) piofoited. AdarcbS L 72 , Hue olllco. 725 3f \v -A good slnglo driving horso. Koom 3 , Omaha National Hank Hulldlng. _ I UT WAN ! pt > 400,000 : j nrdH of dirt to ho delivered on the Anthon tinet , nextHp"t of CroUhtou college. Hoggs & Hill , 140S Tut- st. , 00" ) 10 UrAMll > I wish to purchase a half intPi- est In n hniUtvnre , furnlturo or liouso fur nishing business. Address E. Irons , 310 N. Sco- end street , Council liliills. G.J9-6 \\rA > lii ) IV good secom hand No 2 Horn- ' ' ington type-writer , for cash. Address P. O.DOTifi. , 514 W'ANTUU Teams. T. Murray. _ C76 \ \7"ANTJRD I'obliy a good business property f for wliolowla or retail purposes Give description ont lowest price. L 51 , llcoolllce. l \TA > riu A goodTosldeircoluid lot or good ' building lof In.cood locution. Give lowos pi lee nnd tpi ins and tull description. JiSJllc'ct ollieo ' Ji cot ran KBUT HOUSEB AITD LOTS. Foil lti : > T A smnll cottage bet 21tn and Sotli on Chlcngo. Inquire S07 Collcgo st. csj : i * TTWJt Jtlivr Good V loom house modem -LJ impiotcmonts. Inqulio iai Purnnm , 710 OK ItbNT A stoie. goixl locnllty lei iliy goods , boots und shoos. IiiQUiro 1412 S. l.itli st. GbS "ITIOK itHN r Konl months , ix ruinl = Eoiriiou'o Jof 7 rooms.lms city wntor ana larjo rIstcrn C15 YlrKlnia avo. ' , ,3 * oil Jti : > T A completely furnishpd house of ten rooms , pose * lon irhcn at onto. Lnrso nnd hnndsnnia grounds. S. E. oornor of llonnrd nnd 14th sts. 7(58 ( S FOJt KKNT Now 0 loom house , I mlle from I' . O. , olty wntor , etc. 1) . C. Patterson , Omaha Jsat'l bank. 7411 FOJC JUJNT 7 room house 24th near Dnvon- port. Inquire at LJ05 I'lirimm , Jo33ph ItOEonstoln. 5.SO Foil IIIJM' .j-room houso. 20th nnd Nloho- las. Apply AT F. ilartiii. Jltt S. 16th Bt. * H18 Tl < ltItiNT ThoGormnnM. K.chursh bulld- JL1 ing , on the southeast oornor Twelfth and Jackson streets , for nnv legitimate business. It. C. I'litterson. l th and bomclns. 431 Tmoii JtKNT to room rnsldonco between JJ DouMlas nnd Knrnnm. on aid , with all mod ern imptovomnnts. Ludwlck A boay.S , K oor. 15th nnd Douglas. li'JS T71OK liUASG Wo have eleven acres on II. I' . JJ U. It. traok.BOO foot fiont : will loasoall or pnrt for II vo > ours. Bedford i Souer , U27 HE NT BOOMS. FO71 IlKVT NIcely furntsht d front room In handsome cotttjro. | 8 per mouth. 4011 Wal nut st. Eight minutes walk southeast U. I * . depot. _ _ 70.1 FOK itKNTowly furnished loom , ' "ill St. Mnrj 's ' avo. 7&J FOK HUNT Nice lurnlshcd room , ll mod- oru improvements ; ruturonces roqulrcd. 1509 rarnnm , upstairs. 743 4 * FoltTtii.N r Vorj dcslniblo fiont foonTTii Kood location suitable for two iroutlcinon , ni. S 17th si 4U8 i * _ IrtOH HKNT J ronraB , jiloasantlj located , tor lltfht houRukoopliiHr , furnished or unfurn ished , to parties without children. Iteferonccs rcqnlrid. AdUro H I' , O. bO\645 , 003 0 * TTH ) 1 f 1 H3N Ti i arjo"well furnished cast front JL1 room with idem u , ill f 1C. Also 0110 lit ? 10 per moili. 100S Georgia ave , C94 5 * TTIOH 1USNT WIlFbonrd , ttBUltoof furnlshud -U rooms Kill Caaa et , eiw TjiOirilBNT riirnlsTicd room on llrst IToor , X1 suitable lor Z fe-entluiiion , f20 per mouth , 1508 Cnss St. _ TOil * TOH HDNl' I irpo ( loanable front room , -13 newly furnished , \ ory roasonablo. nt B14 n 17th Bt. ' 717 S' _ 17IOK IUNT roora 2H100 feet , on rninnm -L' st. , plenty dl llfclit. Sullublo for Iltrht man- ufutturlnir or bnsli.css iiurpobcs. Mulr& . item- liitrton , lllh iuiitFnriUim | ble 711 a * FOit KKM' NjMly furnished front loom suitable for KMntlomon , aUo board , Giu s , 10th oor hi Mur 'i ) nVo. _ 57H i * Tmoil SAM : I'lirfor , oodroom nnd kitchen J-1 furnlturn c.trpMn'.rnnifo and hoiitliifrstovos , allnoirlynuw , u fronUe horse flto years old , all lit u Imrtfnln , RlvDjf | up liouaokcoplng- ! TT1OK UKNT-i i luw oltloo Bpocos for rout , i.1 onowith fiont window on uround lloor. Knquiro of J , S. ' Itichardson , 1509 1 nrnoni M. _ _ 4.WBoptji5 TT1OU ItKNT Jariie / furnished looms tlth J-1 modern con voiilgncos , also tlrstclnss table liimnl. dinner ft 11. m. , reforonots roiiulrod , * 1814 Dodge. i VQd _ FOB HAI.B-HOUSHB-I.OT3. V17ANTUII KNO\VN The ncHtest. enoiipest TT homo In Omaha Is for sale for * 2OUO , con sisting of now ex | roomed bonso , lirlck bneo- ment , burn , outhoutos , two cUtoins , bcuuillul Kronnds IMxltT , four blocks from street cats , excellent neighborhood , worth double the mono/ . Apply khurp to W. a Soiivoy , Agent , lllSoiithUthslroet. 7J& _ J : SALK-lxjt In I'latn > Ion , ouly fuw. HOUEO und lot Jn Omaha View , enl ) * lrX)0. ) Housts and lots on easy pa ) munts. 10J feet on Cass street , only $2,500. Three line cu t front lots , Hesertolr addition. H.V , Huntrtm , UPS 1'arnam gtroet. 674 4 * IAIKSTAII ; u YKii.Al.N 4 ( feet , cast front business lot South IBth street , f S.oifl. J. Ij. Illce & Co. , Uoom 6 , over Commercial National - tional llnnk. JMO I7IOUSAL.U Two Duslness lots s w lor bt. Murj' < > avonuii und Itttlifcts , four business loti no cor Itith nd Jaokson hts. , 10 ucruswell improved adjoining oitv , Alltue nbcuo chtap forPiiaU. Apply toU. l . Chrlstimi , U17 How- WdSt. 677 4 RKAI * K < 5T\TR II VWlAIN-IOncresfhoand onp half mip | out Fnrnani lrp t , flB'pPP ntro This Is thpap. J. HIcovV Co , room C oor OomniPrclnl National bank , ( " > * , ITIOH s vTi-loit ! p nnd full lot in Omnhn JVlcwnildltlon. . SI ( X > \ Onlv ? 400 mli. > . bal nncpflJiVl PIT month. IIV. . HunttpusW \ livinnm trtit. 7152 * HOt'si.s-Tiits ' rnrnr , l.nni * monoy"ioiinbd llomls , Titli nnd Doughta stn-pts ( dfl Hll.I.Sl\lK lllvhv-t ground , hiiiid oiucst" lopntlon of nnv lots In ornrouml Oinnlin , forltVnnd ) $1'5 a lot COIIIP and spo till * Itround. Ames' Heal INtnto A i-ucj , 1V17 1'nr- nnm. _ _ (110 ( _ _ f > l'.AI. VATATP. Il\nlAlN-1 ( ochoUolnts JLVoniornpi , finntliiff on DtidtiP Pt , Klllit pliu'o , onlj J.'rtBi ; fl'W cu. h. bnlancii l.'iiml 0cnrJ. . . J , iui i- i/o i UiuiiiC , OH'l Cvi'Mlici clnl National bank b'l ; T > IStON A ( OMST JLV ItiMirancp , Itial l.itnto nnd l.onn ARpnt" , 'ppond story lptphll lts Nntlnnnl bunk buildIng - Ing oltpr tlm tollowliifT piopt rtv foi < KP : i till lot on I'm K mount , iB' ' U1" . ! , containing - ing two hiiiiilioiiic lump mttnvus , n limn and nn nluindniico of tiunll fruit , Jl-'UJ , will dltldp ItoiKo and two lo'i ' In l.lnrolu 1'lmo. luni o nine uxnns ntul IlnlMiPd In HUP < t > lo , f 1,000 ; t > mnll cash pajmtnt and balnncu In Install- lllDllt' A HnoliniKo of nlnotnomi and Bround wpll ohndiMl with trees in Shlnn'RHd addition , cuinci lot , 1I5\1M ) , rlilMiti ( , will dlt Ido nnd tell GOilJS with house for } 0 W ) , ACiy do'lrnhlo lot In ltiirtlptt'snddltlon , pc- end lot onM of r.iiclld street , MxlA1 * , tnciiiff enl l < on\punoitlistii.t , f tiW. litoriHiin hoiiEO on SnunJcrs street near (5 rape , ? J.70J , Seven room bouse , Center street near Cum- Ing. $ Jtmo. hot on joom house , No. 10th , ncnr Lnko , $ J,5(0. ( Ixjt on lllondo strppf , otip-hnlf bloik wp t of Siuiinlhr ? , south li out , bOTl , , l , three room housu , trull tries , otc , t-VOO ; housi'iuid ono-hnlt hit , $1,800 Unst fi-ont lot In Itpllman's add , 20th strrct , 64\140 , with 4 room house , $1 , ( i ) . Nine room housu and full lot , Idlowlld add , . H urnoy street , Capitol Hill add. , cast front lot , 60x14,1 , . . .WO. Twonty-lho lots In Rllby Plnpontfrom $ COO to $1.000. Corner If. Ilurr Oak lOflx ISO . . . $ f2,70n Lots In HIIMdo ind ndd . 1,400 to $1MW l-otj < in Klrkwood. . . WM 1o 1,001 Lots In Plaint | P\\ \ . 60J to MX ) Ixits \VestCuinlnif . 70J Lots In Wllonx'nSml add . < M Uitsln Wnlnutlllll . 7PH to i.nno Uts In .1. I. Itodick'sudd 1,600 to y.OJ'J LolKln Illohmond . .100 to 4r > 0 I.ols In Slit rid in I'liuo CT > ) to avi Lott In Washington bqiiro 1,401 to ' ,000 Lots 111 ToUom 1'liico . L1)l ) to , tlU IxjtslnCntnuo Pnrk 5IW to MO Lota In Van Camp's ndd. . ! ' > 00 to 400 l.otRln Doir Pint- . KW to HBO Lots In Patricks .M add 1S3J to 2dOO Lots In A. S Patrick's add ino Lots In 'labor pi IPO 1,000 Anumhprofory ilcsir- nhlo lots In lliuiscom place , Including sov- oralcuintis , nt Irom 1,000 to t,000 ) Improtpd and nnlmpro\od business and rp-d- dunce piopertj In all pints of the olty. 751 1 r > < HI SAT7iv-li\\T OTsiTrlx or : Improved Piopoity : 707 1 nil lot , south front , cottage 0 rooms , can builds thus on Dm en- port ? t noai } il. This 19 woithln- tostmntlng ; teims easy . $ 4,600 714 Good house , H looms , lot 60x181 , east front , beautiful \ low . 3,000 710 Dcautilul cottage , full lot. on Geor gia ave. near Lent cnworth st . . B.OOO 094 Ilouso nnd full lot In Omaha View. . 1,500 712 Now 2 story house , full lot , Virginia ate near ropploton ave . 4IJOO 711 Hou o 11 rooms , with gas , olty water , heated bj steam , largo ham , shade , eto ; on Georgia are near l.uniMiuorth . . . . 7,000 COS Lnrgu lot , cottage 5 rooms , 00 feet fiomrodcai HUB . 1G. > 0 703 House 4 rooms , lot 24xGI ( , joining Helt l.iue on llth St. , bargain . . 2,000 ! cottages of 5 rooms Piuh on Char les St. , Miinn's addition , -o > : tli front , toims easy , cnch . $ 2,000 Uuluiuroted Property ! a.6 ,11 foot lot In Nelson's add. , near Oumlng street . BOO & 4 lull lotinPhliuVs 1st . 1,750 1U3 Full lot in llinipbaugh , nrko . . . . ' . ' ,3.0 nil 1 lots In Jpromol'nik , nil for . 3,700 3l8 Lotnorth of : U. P. shops , near track- ajro : bargain 1,250 314 Lot on South blxtoenth street , near Hickory street . 3,10 012 - lots ( cornei ) in Sbinn 8 3d mid. , both . 2rOO 27" ) Lot in I'olhnm 1'lnco . 750 Lot In Hmtlctt's add. on Leaven- worth street , GO loot front . 2,600 279 21otscnchrOxJt J feet , fronting on 11 nibcnm Park ; Imigiiln , for both 5,000 Lot on Vliglnlii n\unuo In llnn ootu Place . fQO .1 nice lots In Ilurr Oak , nil foi . 2,500 281 ! ilot m "Kllby Plnoo , " each. . . . B5J .1 bpnutlful lots In Tabor Place , each 1,000 Itoaittlfut lotson Calltiunla street 1,200 , ! OJ Ixit in Patrick's add. , nonr Saundpi s street . 1,250 ' beautiful lots on California , oppo- HtoCroighton tollc p , each fO\4J ! fopt , 1,030 cash , bnlnnco to suit , both . 6,500 327 44x170 fopt on Harnoy , good location .1,1-00 297 Lots on tnliforniii , near U7th l.CCO 2K-Goodlot ) , Patrick' s addition ; easy terms . . . 1.1CO Sccuro n lot In "Shrl\oi Place , " jou can't ninKo a hotter Investment. Lots $ . 5 oucli ; very casj tcims. W. G. Shrlvoi , opposite ) iost- pnico. _ 081 U GltKUOItl A II AIM , I , V , Itoul Estnto nnd Hontnl Aironts IJUDongliis street. Wo lm\n bargains for overjbody. AcioPioporty Business Blocks Insldo Property Outside Property Houses and Lots Homes. Full lot on Fnrnara street , only tw o blocks from Court house cornorlot . $1(5,000 ( Two-story brick business block on one of the bust oornoru on Douglas stroctfcash pajmentof 510,5001. . $31,000 Tour-Mory business block on Hnrnoy Btrpot . $30,000 Thieestoiy brlok business block on Far- nnm.iKxl K. Terms easy . $22,000 Three nloi ) now houses , north front , on Chicago street , on lot It-'Tl C. . Itontlng now for $35 to $40 each per month . . . .810,000 Two splendid north ftontlots,50xl80 each , In West Knd Add , 1'ront on Farnam . $ 7,000 rino oornor lot on Htruot cats , 54 fuel front , on Cumlngs , by 1-4 deep ; 0-rooiu bouio . , . . . . . , ? 8,000 Lot adjoining the above , snmo slo . ( < lr > 00 Corner lot on I/arl.flUxlli , MP trucks In rosr. Ono : i and ono 4 room house . $7,500 llesldonco on Popploton ne , north Iront , H rooms , bain , cistern , etc. Corner lot. CJ1-.HJOO . $4,000 ncisldoiico in Idloulld , noith fiont , U rooms , barn , cistern , etc. Corner lot , 50x1 W. Terms easy. . $4 200 lour-room house on full lot in Park Place . . $ 2,7)0 ) Good lot , ftixtOJ , Paik Place , running trmn Casa to California , a baigaln . . . . 2.6.V ) 1'lno lots In ILuiKctnn I'lneo.f llwJ to . 2,400 nill lots In Kllbj Place , S 50 to . . . . 1,000 Splendid lotsln Oichnrd Hill , $000 to . . . . 1,000 Lots in Arlington. 50x100 , $700 to . KW Lots In Omaha View , ICIrkwood , I'riivn Park , .Toromo Park , Lincoln Place- , Walnut lilll , Wp t Side , Mil ) no Place and Ambler Place , nt pi Ices that will miikoyoii mono ) . \\rmuo 20 lioutos and lots for snlo cheap , email cash payments and balanoo monthly. Proonityol all kinds In all parts ot the olty , _ Tolcphono No , Ml. or mil nnd scie us. 5.13 HICKS Sc INfillltAM KcnlKstuto and Loan llrokor , Opuin House Block , ImproNOd 8ioomcottngoTouglnsnnd29only . . $3000 C room cottage , Dodge and 2'J only . , K600 7 room oottngo all convon. , Baundcrs near C'ummlngs only . 0500 10 room and 16 mom liouso on lot 03x230 with itll modem ImpiovomcntB 17th street , cheap . . 6000 11 room housu ID and Lcavonwortb with a 1 room cottugo on tbo alloy for all . . 0500 10 loom IIOUKO , lot llxir ( ) ) > 0 corner In Lin- col i Place , n beautiful homo . , 4(00 1 H room nnd 1 ! > room cottuiro on north 17 , largo lot tOxlJJ. cash $ JJWO . 7000 0 room house 1018 Webster , lull lot . . . . . ( Vx.O 0 room liouto on 17 and Cus-s. . . , , . . U20J 0 room IIOUBO on Cnllfornlu , full lot . , L'WX ) 7100111 house north of Loinuimorth on Virginia nvo . . . . 4000 1C room houeo north of Lc'iucnworlh on Virginia nve , cheap . . . . 7000 houses . 1 S nnd 1 4 looms 22 and Plnrco Phenp . . . . . 8000 2,1 room cottages 28 and Chatlc.3 , lull lot , cheap for both . . 4000 1 U room hoiiso Hnnscom Place with all modern Improtomints Bee it . (009 1 0 loom cottage Virginia uto. nour Lcfttennorth . 2000 Afow of thu most doblrablo lots In Cioa- ton place , ut llyurca that will Boll. , , 2 east Iront lota on Lowu nvcnuound Hniiioy , ouch , It Bold this week . 1000 Barkiilnwadd.on Luatunworth , 1 lot ut 1000 Utlcapluco lot , bloik 29 , WoatOmnua , tejiiiseosy , price $1000 to . 12"iO Slots West Oumlng add , r. corner , at , , 420 Lincoln place Jots 1 10111 $410 to. . . . 400 Lota In Marsh's add. near Bt Mary's avenue , % ery desirable , , . , , , , , . . , , . , 2300 Ilunscom idaco lots , $1000to . UX ) > 44 fret on bnundors , cheap , worth HOOO. SWO Lota In Hartford plnoo , this Bldo of Mis souri Puciflo railway und canning fac tor ) , on Lenrcnwortb , terjh uasy terms , $ J01to . o A few lots in Lenen worth Terrace , just southwest of Joromu Park and lllgu- land place , tuiius easy , $550 to . . . . . COO 100 visa on Cass nnd 30th ets.U cash . 2500 l -'ilZlIsuacA.-8 ' - ldcn'scntap . aiOO 3 cost front lots , within oue block of canning factory and Missouri 1'uclBc ' depot , 'Ihey are deoldod barzams at $450 , us adjoining lou are soiling nt fr'A ) and } i.V ) ; terms easy. 8 ' 'JSk ! ° ' 8 njlltlon' ( S8111 und LMO * ' M fpjtnn Pnrkntpnuentvl Itowanl , f. 7ri\lV ) fpct , PopnldJon nnd Virginia at CHUM , $1,00i. 7'\lXf"Pt. ) Virginia atpiiuo nnd Shlrcl ) , ft cornpr , ? ! , * ( * ) \\pliniooiiU n fPW of these bpnutlful lots In Mmkil , Iliiimom PlitPX'left If jou want onp SCUUIP it quirk 01 joulll bo Inft "Ouiuoniii os nlnntsat thodoor tptd ) to tnkr > jou out to oc what PCon Mi'i the bo l biignlm Hicks X liighrnm , J13 < outh 1Mb tii'O ( Oporn Hou plllock , l\l Ur\l , K lAl.r. IIA11OA1V-2 lonutlflll lots onwiwt L'limlng t . $ T I cnch I'luoliir I.M1IH .1. ) > . Klip \ CD , loom 0 , liter ( 0111 moiplnl National IIink , < ur , E\t'll and nil lit tlio i'Ho t "rildir t nio hlgb ninl bpautlful.full l/o , and on mo.illi- It pn ) inputs , ? 'JO. H , C , Paltorson , Utli nnd tiouft'ii' . MS Ul SII i'sKLHY blir Jcal estate ad I'ti-ry olbci ilnt 8i'o It J3t SLO.MAN. SA SLO.MAN.Itoiil Itoiil IMnlc DioKpf , IMJ rnrimm tn Pt. Pnrtio * who nro looking for Init'Mincnt * In ihoiip insiilepioppri ) would ciin-.ult tlioli In- teioslsb ) caiuliillt \nmlng what 1 hate to ollir. Fainnm 81 , opp court hon oHxlt. . ' , pliolco . .f I OOO riirninu M , cm ' .Mth , I1-\l ! W 2'iKiO ( rnrnnm st , per U'thfj < ixl K 760X1 rnrmim t , ni'iii HM,20lxU. . Sii.WX ) I'ninninM nent .t'dsxm ) . . , . st.itJO rarnnm st , win IWlli , llbxlt : . fi.fiOO rntnnm st , 101 Alice , g.\o front , 45x1 ? . ' , plinni ) . . . S,0 ( > 1 l > odgost.cor Kill ) } pliu-p. UKlxlJ' , . ' . 2.SX ) Doditiml , itP r th.W'ixnO . . S.OH1 Dodge st , cor'Jrtlh WxUS . : i , .Y ) Douglas st , IIPIII . * 2d , COxtV ) , cheap fl , < HK ) Douglas st. .near 22d , MxlJJ . 7.COO 1 ) th s | . near Pioico , itxir > l , busincBs , Im. protwl . . 8,4W Slithstnoai ! Vliiduol,76)ixll ) 0\W \ S inth st , no r Vlndtiut , WxlUt 4,000 SKllhst , m nrVlMlupt , ixl . , Il.VK ) Nihilist , lor Hops , 44xlB . . It , ' * * ) 19th ( > t o < ii Wol tur , rents for $10 5(1 ( . P,000 lUlh st. ncai l invonttorth , 60x1 U , Im- pirttpd . 3f > 00 20th st ncnr St. Mnr > 's nto , 40xlCO 1m- provpd . . , fl.OOO SOtli Bt.oor. Capital at o , 66x13.3 Impititod 12,000 anlisu cor. Ikllo > uo road , PSJxliO , Im- protud . . . . . . . . . 3,400 21st st. npnr IatoiworthfiOxl2 ( ) , , H.OOO 21st st ncitt-LonVCiittorth , 50tl(3. , . . 2,000 2Cth st. near Dodge , 44x150 . . . . 1.100 l.onvunuorth cor. 2lsl l.Kxlll fluuly Im- protod . . . . , . Lcatonworth coi.lutliOflxOO , finely Im- prot od 10.0CO Loatonitorth cor. Cherry , Gnidon's ndd 4lxlU . . 2'WX ) LiMitonttorth cor. Aid , lUxMI , Improtol 10,1X10 Cumlng st. ( kSxlM , Impiovoil 7.5KI Cnpilnl a\c . , < Vxtl ! , ' . Impnupd tl.IKO Groiglu n\o. near Lent onttarth , 60x160 , liupiotod 4,500 Gporglauto nonr Lentunttnrth , 50x150 , on griulo 2,000 GcMiigln n\u. Luatunnorth,48 , < 3\110 , line homo 7,00(1 ( 21th st Just elf Pm-nitm , IttOvlJj 22UO Hanipy st. corlUlh , 1C.J.X17. . . 10,000 Ilninoyst nonr 2titli,100\lfi7 15iM IliniU' ) st. nourSOIh , 41x107 , Impiovoil. 0,5K ) Hmnu ) st. noir.HM.P.'vie 1,000 Ilninej nU near 20th , 3.1x1 0 nnd 50x150 Improtnd . C.fifO .liukson st , cor. llth , Wlxl 12 , lmpiopd , Sft.lWO .liu'ksoii sUnunr ran(1(1x13 ( ( : , linprrd . 15,0(0 ( Joins st. neni Ulh , nixllJ , Impiotod . l.'itH ) Ililitst , liSvHO,2cottnt'cs . 7r)03 CoiiNPntst. , 48 ft. through to 2M , Ini- ) miti < d . . . . . . . . 4,000 2"ith st near Louvunworth , lOOvllS , Improved - proved . . . . 4,500 25th pt. near ! , rn\omtortli , aiSxaO11 , 4 cornei s . . . I'i.OOO ' Glso'sndd ,1,11x 17. npar Snunders . . . . 4,000 Imp A'so. ndd. , CUxl50 , coi. 17th & Dorrns . . . . . . 800 Imp. Asso. add , (10x18' ( , cor 17th imd Martha , Improved . . . . . 3,200 Imp Asso add , ! xlW. next to coiniir . l.Vfl Juromo Park iiildlJ4xl2r , next to Fnrnnin 3HK ) Kllby Plnco , BJxl5Ti , on grade . . . . 1MO Kllb ) Plnoo , lOOxlJA , Allun St. near Day- onport 1,1500 Kilt ) ) Place , loa\I5 > , corner ,1,000 lOthst. nenrCentPi.fiOxna. . . . . 4,000 Mason st.npar llthiVlxllJ , IniproM-d . 3,0(10 ( Pull bhoi id in nve. nonrool orth. . 1,100 21th st. no ir Lenvonworth , Improved. . . . 3,5UO Popplolon nvo , 33x100 , Impiovod. toiy Oll6n | ) . . . . . 2,200 30cort-owardlKxl20 ? 2TOO niondoet , uoiir'JSth , 50x130 Improved . 2,325 \\ost Bldo add 2 lots Adjoining noiu depot lor. 1/0) West Mdoiuld. near onnnlnir factory . . 590 West Omnhn add.'J ' blk. south of Loav- onwoith 187xlti" > 7,600 Walnut HIM , 3 choice lots for 2,400 South Omaha 2 choloo lots lor 1,603 Ot chin il Hill choice lots foi 700 Mc'lrosollill 4r > 9 Hnwtlioino ndd 3 iholco lots for 2,200 Htmobnugh add near cunning factory ncro lor . . . . . . 950 Ilimobnugh and Saundcr s add. choice lots for r > 00 ClovcInndPlnpo 100x13" ) coiner 3,0/K ) Lo os add. ! MxlJ7 ) J.OOO Lowes'iuld Ulltl. . . . , l.NX ) Snores In Tuttlo's sub cheap V 0) ) llth cor. Martha nJx48 llnol > improvrd 7.00J A splendid residence in Idloivlid 60x150 barn otc 4,100 GUI TLLSDALEVi's , that's the nnino , unit tuo lots sell for $150 to $175 on oas ) torms. Hat oj on seen this ground ? Tt not , do at onco. as it costs nothing to ride out to tnis beautiful location. Amos' Kenl Ebtato ugoncy , 1507 Tar- num. 040 FOU SAM-llowllng Crcon lots at S150 10 per pent cash and $ > per month , Kasy , and sure to double In a ycm. See this flno ad- nltloti acd secure a lew lots vrhllo > ou can got flist choice. MauBhnll &Lobo k , Agents , 018 1511 rarnnm street. Foil H VLK Or Kent : An elegant 14-room bongo , with all modern Improvements , splendidly located. For Kant A complpto slaughterhouse , half a mlle north of Inlr grounds , lor n term of ) oars. For Salo-47 fcpt front on Hanioy near22d , with good 10 room house , $ SOM- 75foot east front by r > 0 on Parkwlld nvo. . with now 4-room house , good stable , ue ir now llro IK U hall , $5,000. Lot south fronton Charlns st. Shlnn'sEd ndd. , with 6 loom house , $ ,100. 2 clioioo lots , cor , In Lincoln Pluto , $800. Lot (17 ( .Mxllll , ponth front , on Hurt St. , liouflo 20x20. stable 111x24 , M.OOO. tin feet Ironton Cumlng , $0,000 , will divide. B-ncreson end of Snunders gtrcnt with now , good sized housn , stnblo , etc. , $3,500 ; Improvements - monts worth 51,500. A good assortment of farms nnd x\ild lands always on hand. Paulson & > 13 Karnam St. 7387 FOU SALK Nice .Vroom IIOUBO nnd 2 corner lots In Walnut Hill ; U cash but to suit. Cnl Martin 110314th st. (115 ( 8ACHS811 Hnal Kst todl7 8.18th St. , nas f or snlo at n bargain : Improved and unimproved farms In Ne braska. Pour 1-4 sections in Douglns Co , $40 per ncro. 1BO acres ot splendid farm land , nil improve ments , in York Co , f.JJ per aero ; also ciops , graded stock ni'd furniture for gale , Only for n short time nt this prlio. 1-4 section in 1 iirinice Co. , elienpnt $1,000. SO nci 03 , Hurt Co , $ . ' 0 pnrucro 300 and 500 acre3 In Nanco county , $1.3 50 per noro. 11,080 ncros in Antelope Co , 815 to $ TO per HO. 10. IliO aoros In Madison Co. , $10 , or oxchatigo for citypioperty. A line liirm of200 aoros in Decatur Co , In , $30 per IIPI 0,01 will trade for general morchnndlto. Also farms In Kniibns. 11. HACllnSi ; , J17S Ulli 8tret. Cll RAT7 r.SI'ATi : H\KiAIN ( 45 loot , east tiont buslno-Blotcorner allov , f < outli 10th street , fi.lWI. J. L Itluo ft Co. , ItooinU , oror Commorclnl Nat. hank .111 KXOIIANOK-JBOOOstookdrvgoods for 0-nuha property. Archer fc Fitch , SIB 3 Ji St. 405 T BAVKWVOIITII BC H. H. trackage , onolir JLJ morn lots or aniiPio , at H grout bargain. Hso J. W. Lognn , nt Loiivonwortli Huslnesi Place , or G. , W. Ilnkor , Uoom 7 Iron Hank building. 811 171 OK SALK Or exchange lor general mer J1 chandl80,20'ucros ' ) finally Improved land in Southern Iowa , adjoining county sent nnd railroad - road , In Decatur county , Has n line 6 room house , largo b irn , 60 foot shod , good troll , spring and running watur ; 101 apple trees , cherries , grapes , otc Hornbard Baolmo , 317" 8 13th T .UTS selTmi ; "today for f WW tiTflOW sold n year -U ago for f 1GO to jiV ) Thlnlcof this and get n lot now | n Hllhdiilo fnrSIM to 175 mil on easy terms. Amos' ItculKstato Agency , 13)7 I'm niitn YTILLSPALR Boifs at JIM per iotT * " ute K IJ.ill .V BIILIIV'S nlgreul nst.ito ad otuiy KB other ilny. Boo It. 2H1 B BAUHSSK ! , Itonl Kstnto.317 8 , list. ImsTiir sale : .Mlllc dairy , good piiylnir buslnps-s , l > frost- cows , 4 homos , 1 dc-lltmy vtngon , 40 mllK cans , tank , eto , Cnn rent or buy thu iiropoilv tv hero It ison 2N1 ncrus pasture , J-OX ) , 'A onsh bullyuur A great bargain C41 HILLSDALi : You can nnd no suchi lots as these at $ PiO uploco. Amos' lloiil Kstato Agency , 1507 I'm num st. Uio IpOUSALK-HowllngOrcon Iotsat5l5o7 10 1 per cent cn'ih und $5pet mouth Olfmsthu easiestBndsuroit invodtmoiit to doublu jour money In a year of nny pnincrty In the suburb nn mnrkot. Lot iiSBhoivjou this line propcrt- Marshall & Lobeck , Agents , WJO iSlll'arnamstifct. TJIOU SAr.i : tloslrahlo lots in Hnnscom -L Place : terms unso. U P. btebblns , IJOK jsfl. oU"HAM-Howllng < JroonlotTaTTf > 0 To per cent * cash and f i per monty. iu : y , nnd sure to double In n ) nr S" tills line ad dllk > n and Fooiiro u few lots while joiiimiRnt llrbi choice. Miirslmll & , Lobe -If , Agcnta , 1 Jll 1'unmin stitct. in1 * niLLSDALK-llOfct opportunity lot youu cugap liomw. tl.y < VIi-llovHuigtlrponlot : < int tl > 0 10 J' pnr crnt pt h nnd ? per month Oifprs the pilplnnd urpst InvoMiiipnt to doublu jour inoupj In n ypnr of nny pro-port \ In thosiibur > nn mm kit Lot us how voutbHlUie proport ) * , Mnrtlinll \ t jbook , Agonl * , 'TO 1M1 Farnam sticot , _ How von inn "iiinlio monotr lit buviniton' pi , 5 pitmimt a Illlh into lot for flil , tlmt tTlllhe ( "i llt pud for and doilbla In v line , Amis Kntl P < into \BPIHV. 1 > 7 Kama n til 1 t ) l.isn iiui.l \ loH.jiv ) lupirccnu h 1 > mill { S poi month Mnrshnll A. I/oV > pik , P40 1 > I'\ NOW In thntiCH addition of t\i t 3ldp I ) i IP lit bt the depot nnd i n un Ing f IK ton , full slp nud onlj fS3i II C. Pattor'on Rr > 1)UP. llxTflll VIN 14ltl MTP < geol "iiuinTo 1 \ Inn 1 In IMIOX nnd ( mlnr co inllc * Notirn ka ; 6' ' , pi i into cash A. H. Oiaham \ Co , \ \ i noi , S\li : Or oxiliarifo llonao and tot , L1 IMh and Mpholns lieu o nnd lot luth nud Ddiinsm L Mum no , Mb and Hondas xlVJ "IjVMt s.VLK \ luitgiln Lot i-ilvll. 1 } from postoftlop $2iixhalf oitsh Mm- Blinll \ ItOlie'CK. room * tlcdlck him k 213 BLAl r.M7\ I iHl VilllAlN'-Cornel lot 111 ft. Iront on Snundeis sl.Pntrlrks HIM nil II- tlou , 4 room houie fl.oOJ Ibis must bo gold , ovuior t\nns | im > ni > ) .1 L , ltlco& (0,100111 n liter Ponimpii'lnl Nat hank. r. , . ' 7 "ll > on \ll-'I ! wo niiKant onst-fmnt pornor -lv lots In Ilurr Oaks natural shade t-oos. llntchpi , ( Indil , V Co , I-MU DoitgUs st , Mlllnnt Ilptpi Hlmjk Oinnhn , Vob. _ aia HlLLSUALi : Como nnd PO It yoursolt , it nulls on Its merits. Amos' Kenl l > tntu AKPIIPJ , 1507 Fnrnnm ( Hi ) H Int8Knrms.LwniH mono ) loaned , Homls , inth and Houglni strnotA fi6 ! pities make suburban homea necessity LA11OU sity nnd this dim of lots grows with tlio root ' 1 his Is to bo pousldorod SPO Hlllsdnlp nt t IV ) and buy otm when .ton e-nn at this figure. Ames' Ho l IX.itogoiii1) 11507F i nnm si. 809 11 i.A t lTrATin ! Ale7rATS rim7acre trneTH J-\j ago on iwtlt street nnd U. P. trnok.nt n bar gain J.I. nice A Co. , Uoom 0 , over Commer cial NallonuUla k. B42 5" * " " RKALItSTATK nAUOAW-Lot on Jnrkson Ktiout ttlth 2 houses Hi > nu for $ CO per month. Onl ) $7,10n Knuy touns ,1. L. Uko.t Co , room 0 , oterr Comn prelal Nntlonnl llnnk , OTi KlLLSUALlihas mlvnntagos wlilch cnn't bo lumtnn Dy any lopntlon , \ \ hen jou see the Iqtgyou will tiilml tit Ainea , Ift07 Fnrnnin. 040 BOVVI.INO li'tl.KN lotn , > lM 10 ppr Pont , cash und $ " > ] iOi' month. Mm shall 1 Lohock. ' U19 U1 gnuiB In population puslipsomnha to the front Si > o Illllsdnlo lots thnt Mill cnn no liuj lot J151 Pli'k ono out , pay lor It In Installments , and si'll It In u touts tlmo for tttlci ) Its cost Ainus'Honl I'.atntu Agency , 1507 Painamst _ 040 ' HAVUOU soon lllllglala ? It not.'do BO nt once and pick out a lot for f IW that will not on ] } tnnki ) jou mono } but help > ou save some Amos' Heal Kstato Agency , 1507 Puriinm Btroct. 040 Otv 11 it > our nolRlibor nnsmnilo monoy7 Hj liitvlnireourairo tobuj i-hpnp lots You cnn do thosnmo In Hlllsdalo , tthoro lots now selling for J1V ) oiich will hrlnti douulu thnt In n Jonifrom now. Amos' Heal Kstnto Agency , 1507rarniim t oio TT1OKSAI.K House , tl loomscity wntor and -U gns , I mlle Irom P. O. , I block from st cars , price ? 2lKW , amnll pay incuts , Imlnnco monthly. Inquire rooms 1 juiil Omahn Nat'l hnnlc , 1)1 ) it RIlMliMltKIt now Is the tlmo to buy cheap Iota They grow in valun fnntor than nny others. See Hlllgdnlo Lots J1V ) each. Ames * Itenl Rstnto Agency , 1W I-'arntm. oio HILLSDALK Lots only $150 to J175 , nnd will soil for double this tlguro In 13 months' timo. Comonnd see them. Ames' Konl Fstuto Agency , 1507 I'arimm st ftlO Foil > A"l.Ty WoTmto sixteen lots In Haw- thorno addition that no will sell ! best and cheapest Inside propuity In Omaha. Hod ford & Souor iMT R USH & , RP.LIIV'S big. real ostnto ad every other day. Bee it 281 BKAtlTIKlMj past front lot A'lrglnln ave n bargain nt $1.150 Two nlco lots on PHI k nv e o.ich $3 600. A cornet on Georgia ave , $ " 00. lot fronting on Hanscotn'O. ( Elinor lot facing Hnnscom park , $1,260. Klvo lots Wllcov 2d i dd south front a great bargain in $1.000. Pnst trout block 1(1 ( Hnnscom place , ? 1COO. P.iist trout , block 16 , Hnuscom pi ice , 5J.750 A now house to rent , 5 rooms , per mo , $17. Hoii'-o nnd lot on Popiloton nvo runts foi $23 p rmo.onlj 31,000. Ono of the llnest onst front lots in Ambler place , only $030 Acre lot in llcllovldoro , $100. SOncrcsof laud ( > tulips Irom Grand Island , $10 per ncio , will ttadofoi incicliniiill = o. ( id toot lot nnd 7 loom lionao on botttb 15th at , $2COO. Lois in Omnlin Viow. Lots in Cnrtlingo. Lots in Isaac \ Seldon'e. Lots In Houtli Oiniilnu Lots In ParkPlncp. Lots in ot or > addition to tbo pity of Omnhn foi Mlle nn CUB ) toims. P. D Tanner A. Co , 1015 Ilott nrd st _ 723 4 OIIASCOiNOVLH , L If. I/mg , Arthurllnrris. Conojer , Ixmg and Harris , Konl Lbtnto 1-ina Dodge w. Onuil'fi , Nob. Cornet lot on Sherman ave. M cash bill. onay . $8FCO Cornorlot22 nnd Lake , easy terms . 1,80(1 ( Coiner lot in Creston add cheap ut . 1,1M ( ! xl5T on Cumlng et . 4,510 I8l > xl5s east liontl'riitt's sub . . lM ] Snow ( lie loom cottngps cor 21th nnd Pierce lot ( HlxlHi all for . 5,200 lOS'/j ' ft front 20 and Parnnm w ith $1.,000 improvements . 20.COO 4 ncro lot In Went Omaha. . . . . . . 10,000 60 It front with elegant cottaire Furnuin , near 20 . 10,000 Lot in Uurdetto Court only .1 blks from stroi't cars . SOO Lots and ncro property forsalo In nil the out- Iving ndditlons List your property with us and consult your own Interests by Boeing our list before purchasing. _ _ 6S4 _ H ILLSDALK iloiiutlful locution. BSACHSBB llonl Kstato , U17 S. 13th St. , nas forsnlo Improved property ! 320 Pine briek residence with nil modern Improvemuhts , o-i Snunders sL , lot UUzlOO , $ .1,000 to $5,000 cash down . $ 8.00J 2CO Nine room ou8o and lot , -'Dili Bt , near St. Marys ave , $500 cosh balance monthly . 0,751 201 Three- room cottage and lot B. 17th bt , $1UOO cash . lfKX ) 300 1U room house and lot CO xlGO on Hurt at , $2,000 cash , balance to suit 4,500 304 22 ItonCumlntr with store und dwell ing . 3,850 340 81 ft on Cntning with 3 Btoros and dwelling , barn , eto. , . . . 10,809 30U Kino H-room house , barn , etc. , lot 100x100 . . . . 4,500 309'i 5 room cottngo , lot 60x100 , both on Wehstci , one third cash , balance to Hlllt . K7 Ocottngos on South 14th Hi. , to ho sold Uuothpror In lots of 2 or 3ndjolnlng 12.0M . 258 PI no It room house , Iot30\140 , on lath Rt , oish SI TK ) , . . . s.'ijj 201 Lot.tUzllO with house , well , eto , , on PJthst . . . 3,300 300 6cottages of S looms , lots J0 xl20 , cistern , well , etc. , on lUlh St. , JTO ) caihJ O ) per month , ouch 2,103 , 330 HI tent on Cumlng. business lots , with 2Htoros , duelling , bain ; all nmtod .810.8DO Full lots nnd' lots with laua or small housoj H V. Smith's nda , PlilnViow. I/nve'a 2d mill , Koun'/o'a ' 2d add. PattiiKonHiibdlv , Inprovomont Assnudd. Millard X CuldtruU'a ndd , Walnut Hill , Park Pinpo , Hickorv Pluto. Omaha VPW | , Hodford't" ndd. Bhlnn's ndd , Amoi Plntu. Bhlnn'B2d ndd , Denises' add. Prom fl.OOO to $4,500 ; small pnyinnnts : easy to rins fiJ T In tliu city can bo obtained by patronising the 601 Ilrotulvruy Council IllUffa ( JIM , W. SVIUA'J > llK , None but exporlcnpcil hands oinplojod. Out i town cudois by mall or uxpruss solicited , ami U 11 WOlK VM.IJlllllcil. Reduction in Prices , IN Cliina f lasBware Etc , , , , At \ \ ' , S. lit mor AJ Co'b , No , 2U Main bt. C'ounuil Jilull'd , 10 N. Muin St. , Council DinH's , In. , untl 201) ) B. loth St. , Itoom 10 , Omaha , Neb. Manufnctui oi's Agent for the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES TcnK AwniniriJ , Uoollnjr Slate , Mnu- tcl , 1'l.Ut ! und Window ( Jl n , Show Casos. Klevutord Um"J and Iiy didiilkiVc. ) . i / i. 4- t