Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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DcllH'icd by cnrncr in nnj-tnirtof tliocltynt
llU'llty CUltSlUT WCCk.
IMV.Tii.Tox , - - - Manager.
HrnM > ; OincK , No. W.
NiaiiT Ktiiron No. 21.
New York rinnibhiK Co.
Now fall Booths nt Huiter'H.
Tin- very best cabinuls at § ! ) a do/.o.n at
Mrs Witliuroll eiitt-rtiilns thu Hnrmony
rjiip.iion to-night
The jiirms In HIP United Status court
vill IHJ drawn to-day.
Tlio Saints' church folks had u picnic
at Lnku Maniiwii yt-Morday.
Onr do/on cabinets and : i large panel
for $2.r > ( ) at Hflinddt'H { pillory.
'I'lio Scainllnavian Baptists Imtl a plons-
anL .sociable nt their church last evening
'Lho work of laying the street car tnu-k
on upper Hroadwuy will boaiu ne.\t
Hereafter Jlcno & Co. will remain open
from 70 : ! ! in the morning until 0 o'clock
In the evening.
All oily teachers are expected to atlend
teachers' meeting to morrow mnrninu at
U o'clock at the ( ( loonier school building.
Another case of diptheria is reported ,
u three-year-old child named Kdntutul-
son residing near the Third street school
being the unfortunate one.
Kli Hall , of lioomer township , this
county , was yesterday 1100:1 : united in
marriage to Barbara Seel , of Harrison
county , by Justice Schur/ his ollico.
The police picked np a cra/.y man who
Bcemeil to have wandered in here from
across thu river. The fellow could not
give his name , or any information as to
his friends or home.
Since the suggestion was made in the
Bii : : it is noticed that the street sprink
lers do not wet down tins crossings , con
sequently there is less dilliculty in cross
ing the htreets now.
The Crestoii Advertiser has discovered
the skeleton of u baby laying in a basket
on a vacant lot in that city. That paper
nys nothing about the "snakes ' the
Under had.
Clark , "the newspaper liend , " has sud
denly found out that there arc such.
things as "chestnut" protectors , : uu ! ho
takes space in his sheet to describe them ,
How ho "got onto" it and who "mnjr up"
one on him lie does not explain.
John Helm , of the Ogden house , was
yesterday jtre.sonted with an elegant fish
ing rod which was brought to him by L.
U. Hrackett , who got it during his recent
eastern trip from the manufacturer , Mr.
Stubbs. 'Iho rod is made of laneewood ,
and is a beauty , It weighs only ten
ounces , and when packed in its case
weighs in all only seventeen ounces.
One of tlid evening papers recently
made the announcement that the street
cars hereafter would run every ten min
utes. Yesterday morning It looked to
the passenger on the car that left the
transfer at 11 o'clock as if they were to
run on an hour's headway instead of ten
minutes , as the ear waited at the dummy
depot over fifteen minutes for three pas
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & K. L. Squire. No.
01 Pearl street , Council Ulull's.
Highest prices paid for county , town
city and school bonds. Odell Bros. &
Co. , No. 103 I'earl street , Council Blulls ,
Electric door bolls , burglar alarms , and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the New York Plumbing Co.
Personal .
K. E. Bust , of DCS Moiues , is in the
G. D. Etistis , of Carson , is at the Pa-
Dr. F. Honghton , of Calhoun.Nob. , is
in thu city.
Bon O. Ithonds and wife , of Lincoln , are
at the Pacific.
C. E. Myers , of Griswold , was in the
city ycstei day.
Hon. J. Dooley , of What Cheer , was
in the city yesterday.
.7. S. Dowell , of Missouri Valley , was
in the city yesterday.
Mrs. Philph and Mrs. Bntterliolil , of In
dependence , are at the Ogdon.
C. M Witt , a well known Ncola mer
chant , was in the city yesterday.
C. A. Gagor and wife , of Logan , la
were yesterday Bluff City visitors.
Miss Bessie Patterson , of St. Louis , is
the guest of the Misses Bedison.
Mrs. E. Hyan and Miss M. Barrett , of
Dnnlap , were in the city yesterday.
Miss Ida Wallace has gone \Vellcsloy
college , expecting to remain a year.
Nat Brown , of the Merchats hotel ,
was on this side of the river yesterday.
G. C. Prescott. of the Piano manufac
turing company , is in St. Joe on business.
Oflioor Nick O'Brien and wife have
gone to DCS Moines to attend the state"
W. A. Stow , E. S. Clarke and L. II.
Miiync , of Omaha , attended the races-lyes-
Joseph Samuels and wife and P. G ,
Cowlcfl and wife , of Sidney , Jowa , were
in the city yesterday.
Mrs , Andrew Kussoll , who has been
visiting the family of W. L , Bedison , re
turns to her homo this morning.
Miss Cora Woodbury and Miss Maggie
Green Mart this evening for Albert Lea ,
Minn. , where they wilt attend school.
O. P. McKesson leaves to-day for Lin
coln to make arrangements for exhibit
ing the implements of his House at the
Nebraska state fair.
Miss Lucy Vanderveor has returned
homo , after having spent her school va
cation with her grandparents in the east
ern part of the Mate.
( J. W. Manror and family of Bontrico.
Neb , , has removed to this city. Mr.
Manror will represent the Pern plow com
pany on the road hereafter ,
A cow broke into my orchard Wednes
day night , doing damage to amount of
fit ) . Owner can have cow by paying for
the damage , \t \ , BIHJNS ,
Near Northwestern Section House.
Dr. A. P. Hancliett has taken posses
sion of his new house , No. 120 Fourth
street , whore his many friends and pa
tients will find him iu the future. Ho
will retain his ollico us before over No , 13
Pearl street.
Again Wndilnd.
Kli Hall , of Boomer township , whoso
wife died so suddenly ono year ago ,
causing u sensational Inquest , was again
married yesterday by. Justice Solmrz ,
Jlr , Hall , in answering the necessary
questions , assorted that this was only his
fliii-d wife ,
Too Much Wutoi- For Itontiueu.
Owing to the rain there was a light at
tendance at the meeting of the Rowing
club last evening , and adjournment was
taken until seine future time , when a
larger representation can bo had. Ihcro
nro ura about QUO hundred members al
ready enrolled.
Sonio More Speedj Sport for Those Who
Like Horses.
Tlio New Kiro Alarm Itonos JtcliiR I < o-
cntctl A Need of Mote Kerry
CJU-H A Vnrlcty of Hlnllj
1 It'll IH.
The Dftvliiu Park.
Yesterday opened cloudy and not very
promising for the races , Unt no rain fell
and the track was dry and in excellent
condition , a little too dusty , but in the
afternoon there was just a sprinkle ,
which hclpsd some and intu'lercd not at
all. The worst feature of the weather
yesterday wac the wind , which blw
fetoiilly iii the faces of the horses as they
came down the homo stretch , keeping
them from making as good time as would
otherwise have been recorded.
The attendance was fair , and
never have there bean races
whlcii ontiM'd more enthusiasm
and excited more Interest. The contests
seemed to bo honest ones , and the horses
wens sent to win. There were many
starters , anil fast ones. The horses got
oil' much easier than usual , and there WHS
less of the scoring so tedious to specta
tors , and yet so .seemingly indlspensiblo
to a IIOIMJ race. There was perfect order
on the grounds , and many ladies were in
attendance who seemed fully as much in-
teiosted as their masculine attendant.1) .
The balloon man did notgo np , having
run short of wood with which to gener
ate hot air , and the wind doubtless being
an actuating cause. He promises to
mount into the air to-day , however.
The dogs ran a race \ylitch pleased the
boys espec i ally. These side features prove
of little interest in comparison with the
The first event of the afternoon was
the finish of tlie'JW : : race , four heats of
which were trotted Tuesday. Great in
terest was taken in this , as it was evi
dently a cent jst for blood. Consul , who
had been sold the day before , had a now
driver , the noted Ben Walker. The
horses trot an easy start , the positions
being Itowluy Hauler at the pole , Alnieta
second. Logan Chief.CoiiMil. Jerry L had
been drawn. Before reaching the unarter
pole Corsnl went , on" his feet badly , and
was broiight. nearly to a stop. Rattler
kepi the lead to the half.Logan Chief and
Almeta following lapping each other.
Consul iiiislu'.d along and soon after
the half trot his nose ahead and kept to
front easily , passing under the wire as
winner of the heat in 2:27J : , without a
stroke of the whip. Almela was second ,
Lo an Chief third and Rattler fourth.
The next heat proved the deciding ono.
It was a pretty heat and a fast one con
sidering the wind , which came into the
horses' faces as they came down the
homo stretch , The start was a line one.
Lognn Chief took the lead and kept it to
the quarter , but Consul kept steadily at
work and lapped him on the half , and then
they went nose and nose , seeming from the
distance of the stand like one mov
ing. Rowley was several lengths be
hind. On turning into the stretch the
white nose of Consul was seen poking
ahead , and while Logan Chief
was strongly urged Consul proved too
speedy and came under the wire two
lengths the winner. Time 2.33.
The complete summary of the six heats
is :
2C3 : TiioTTixn vtmsK SSOO.
Consul . l r 3 ii i i
Logan Chief . 3 11383
Rowley Uattler . 4 4 4 l 4 a
Almutii . : i 233 2dr
Jerry L . 5 : i 5 4 tlr
Annie T . Cdls
Kthiin Allen . 7dr
Time 2:2 : U. 2:23 : } , 2:20 : , 2-25 * , 2:2CJ : ,
2:23. :
Tin : 2:25 : CLASS.
The second race was the 2:25 : jiacing , in
which the Htarters took positions as
named : Julia Lee , blk. in. , by G. Grimes ,
Kansas uitv : Mattie Stipp , b. m. . by J.
S. Wolfe , Oeilar Rapids , la. ; Jack Rapid ,
g. g. , by C. E. Mayne , Omaha ; Mattie
Ilarle , g. in. , by M" E. Harle , Council
Blulls ; Express , b. in. , by Silas Walters ,
Council Blulls ; Mollie Cooper , b. m. , by
A. C. Arnold , Donison.
There was some trouble in getting a
start , and the judges began talking live
dollars to the drivers. After Jack Rapid ,
Mattie Stipp and Mattie Harlo had each
contributed that amount , they got off.
Little Matt m Harle pushed to the front
before the quarter was reached and trav
eled along so easily and speedily that it
tieemed she would bo generous if she did
not cause them all to catch the Hag. Ex
press and Mattie Stipp were crowding tip
a little by the half , with Jack Rapid keep
ing fourth place. Mollie Cooper broke
badly on the naif , but when she got down
to business traveled nicely and made np
much of the lost distance. Mattie Harlo
began to weaken on the third quarter ,
and when thu horses came into the home
stretch Express had his ahead and
came in the winner , closely followed by
Mnttic Stipp , while Matlio Harlo us third
was lapping her. Julia Leo came in
fourth and Jack Rapid fifth. Mollie
Cooper got the Hag. Time 2:24 : } .
The second heat was largely a repeti
tion of the first. Mattie Harle sped along
well until the half mile pole , Mattie Stipp
kept steadily in second place from begin
ning to finish. Jack Rapid kept third in
the race for the first half ,
when Express pulled along stead
ily and surely past him and
niter keeping neck and neck for n little
distance with Mattie Harle , passed the
little mare who dropped into third place
as they turned into the homestretch. In
this position they came under the wire ,
Express winning tlio heat in 2:21 : } , Mat
tie Stipp second. Mattie Harlo third ,
Julia Lee fourth , Jack Rapid fifth. Ex
press showed himself an easy , speedy
goer , making the heat easy , while Mattie -
tie Harlo , of whom much was expected ,
had to take the whip to retain third
placo. much to the disappointment of her
The third heat was the deciding one ,
Express winning the heat in 2:27 : } . On
the first quarter Jack Rapid led for the
first time , Mattie Harlo , Mattie Stipp ,
Express and Julia Leo following in the
order named. On tlio next quarter Mattie -
tie Hnrlo had gained tlm lead , and Jack
Rapid had dropped to third placo. Then
Mattie Harlo began to weaken as in the
two previous heats , and Express caino to
thu front , holding his place , despite liu
constant urging of Mattie Harle's driver
The little mare could not got her nose
beyond the wheel of the winner as thov
csinio nndor thu wire , Multio Stinp third ,
Jack Itunid was fourth and Julia Leo
last , barely escaping thu llag.
i , filOO , First nionoy was given
Kxnrcss , Hocond to Mattie Stipp anifthlrd
to Mattie Harlo. Tlio summary was :
Kxpret *
Mtittlo Stlnn 3 'J 3
MnttloHiirle : i 3 2
Jack itaitld. . . , , , . .5 5 4 , 4 4 5
Mollie Cooper , tils
The only running race of the day was
thrco-fonrths of a. mile niul repeat , for
thrco-ycar-ohU. The starters were ; lied-
light , rn g , hy J. W. Casscl , Carson. In. ;
Lulu Brown , oh in , by J. U. Nieholson ,
Council Bluffs ; Harry , s g , by Hoed Bros. ,
Arcadia , Neb.
The horses got n quick start , Mr. T.
Brady getting them off in n hurry , In
stead of allowing them to wear out the
crowd. They rau in a nice hunch , but
Lulu Brown won easily m 1:19 } , Hedllght
second and Harry lii&t.
On the repeat thcro was great trouble
in getting them off , and the rider of
HarrV roared greatly because he did
not get a better hliow , while
the starter explained clearly that
it was the rider's own fault. Lulu Brown
won the heat and race in MM. Redlight
jowiid , Harry distanced , The follow-
.iiilti Brown . 1 1
o HlRht . : . 3 8
H\riy : . ! i dis.
Tl iiic-llli : , lai. ;
THK 2 : 10 UVPB.
The trotting for the 2-10 : class for purse
) f ? ' . ' . ' ) ( ) , haif n line field ot starters ,
ihieed as follows :
George R. : Edwin Q.- Kiltie B. , Dr. in.
jy A. Perry , Dallas. Texas ; Jennie Cobb ,
1.111. by E. Pyle , Humboldt , Neb. ; My
iirl , b. m. by 1) . Dantrford , Council
( luffs ; Fred F. , b. g. by J. L. Nash ,
{ earney. Neb , ; Cyclone , b. s. bv M. E.
Harle , Council BlnlR
This first heat was an exciting ono. Ed
win ( J. made n break at the first nuarler
which lost him the lead , as he fell back ,
while for a few lengths Kiltie B. got her
lose to the front , the only time in the
leal. Jennie Cobb kept steadily closing
ill gaps until she got to the front , ami
won ( lie heat in 2ilJ. : ! : Cyclone did some
excellent trotting after passing tlio qtar- ;
or , and to the surprise of many
came In a good second. Edwin Q , after
; etting down to business , did some
speedy work , and came in third , My
Girl fourth , Fred F fifth. Katie B and
George R were distanced. The last
named horse acted badly clear around ,
mil came down the home .stretch on a
gallop , under the winon the dead run ,
md half way around again before iiis
Irlver could wring him to a trot.
Tin ; second heat was a hot contest be
tween Cyclone and Jennie Cobb. Fred
I' trailed tlio whole mile. Cyclone did
some excellent work pushing to the
irout , steadily gaininu ; until on the home
stretch , he put a length's gap between
dm and Jennie Cobb , winning the heat.
1'inui 2JO : ! } , Edwin Q making a spurt
which brought him in second , with Jen
nie Cobb as a hot third , My Girl fourth ,
ind Fred F last.
The third heat was a surprise party to
: he backers of Jennie Cobb , who was a
Favorite in the pool box on the opening
mil had already taken a heat. She \yns
not in the best condition , siio having
joon one of the horses which went
through the lire at Omaha , and
not having fully recovered. There wna
talk of its beiu a put-up iob by which
she lost the second heat. By the opening
at tlio third heat there was belting on
lier getting distanced. Cyclone broke on
the first quarter and made another break
on the .home stretch , but lie came down
quick and won the heat. Fred I1. , who
was allowed to slarl out trailing , crowded
np fast and got second place on the half
mile , and kept it to the finish , but got set
back to third for running , and Edwin Q.
given second. Jennie Cobb broke all to
pieces before reaching the half mile , and
could not make up enough to escape the
llag. My Girl for a time" kept snmddled
up with the others , but they were too
speedy for her , and she came in fourth
Time 2:30 : } .
Before starling on the fourth heat
drivers were changed on Fred F. , Ben
Walker taking the lines. It was [ ire-
dieted that Fred F. could be driven to
win. and the experiment was watched
with interest. Ilarle , who was driving
Cyclor.o , was caught napping on the
send-off , ho evidently not expecting to
catch the word "go. " Edwin ( . sprang
to the front , with My Girl close _
onto him. Cyclone following , while
Fred F. before reaching tlio quarter went
off his feet , and had to almost come to a
standstill. Before reaching the half
Edwin A. made a break , and Cyclone
look the load , while Fred F. was so far
behind that it seemed lie must get shut
out. Cyclone came in winner of tlio heat
and race in 2:55 : : , Edwin Q. second , Mv
Girl third and Fred K fourth.
SU.MMAKY 3:40 : JtACK.
Purse S2.W.
Cyclone . 3 ill
Kdwin Q . S 2 2 3
-My Gill . 4 443
Fred K . 5 5 : i1
.lennio Cobb . 1 4 dis.
Kiltie B . His.
( i oni'Ke R . Dis.
The business houses are to close this
afternoon , and an opportunity thus
given all to attend. The programme
offers greater attractions than any day
yet. Tlio ampithealros should bo packed.
The races will be called promptly , and
every effort made to get the horses oil
and races through with without tedious
wails. Jf lliey succeed as well as yester
day there will bo no cause for complaint.
It is surprising that more Council
Blulls people do not attend , as Iho races
are better than any yel had hero , and
Ihoro is no occasion to go away from
here to sec speed snd sport when both
arc so liberally offered hero , on the best
mile track in the west
The following is the progra mine for to
day :
Pacing , 2-10 : class , $250.
Free for all , trolling , $300.
The enlrics for these contests are as
follows :
Lady Lotla , by D C Langford.
Alex , bv Peter Podvanl.
Warren Dailoy M E Harlo & Co.
Magnolia Maid , by C E Maync
Anna J , by D D Johnson.
I'UKi : re : : ALL Tiiorma.
Hilly Boy , by Gen Grimes.
Amy King , by L W Sinclair.
Logan Chief , by J A Graham.
LiwSy S , by P P Cook.
In thu roadster contest there are fi\o
entries. Besides these , iherp will bo a
dog race and balloon ascen ion.
of Von no.
Thcro are some strange conllicts grow
ing out of changes of venue. Ono of the
chief troubles seems to have arisen be
tween Mr. Wave , who as county atlornoy
is Iho prosecuting attorney in the slalo
cases hero , and Squire Hondricks , as hon
est a magistrate as ever was chosen to fill
the position of justice of the pcaca. In a
state case brought before Judge AyleS'
worth some time ago , Mr. Ware , as pros
eotilinjr attorney , had Judge Hcndrlcks
snbpienacd as a witness , although the
latter denied that ho know anything
about the case. As the defense asked for
a change ot venue from Judge Ayles-
worth , this summoning of Judge Hen-
drioks as a witness nnido it appear that
the prosecuting attorney did not want to
try the case before Hondricks. The the
ory being that the state is willing to
trust any ot its magistrates with n hear
ing of its cases , and the prosecuting at
torney saying so plainly lhat ho , as a rep-
ruicninliyo of.lho stale , did not want to
trusl ir betoru Justice Hondrioks , Iho lat
ter naturally took it as an insult. Judge
Ayleswonh sent the case to Hendrieks ,
despite the sunmmi , and Ware was mad.
When the case came before Hondricks'
court \Vnru \ was ponty , and thu court
and nrosccuting attorney did not havea
love feast. The atlornoy got hot at
what ho deemed a wrong ruling of the
court on some motion anil dismissed the
Yesterday Mr. Ware showed that ho
had not forgotten or forgiven , The cases
of MoN'ulty and Yitlle , for assaulting
Spiers in a .saloon on Broadway , oamotm
before Judge Aylesworth. The defend
ants asked for a change of venue , by
which the cases would no sent to Justice
Hciidricks , the next nearest magistrate.
Mr. Ware , as representing the slate , then
filed some very strange objections to hav
ing the cases tried before llendrlcks. In
hie atlldavit ho set up the claim that Jus-
tieo Hendrieks was prejudiced against
the attorney for the state , and the right *
of the slalo could not be rightly rep
resented. He swore'that the inncistrntc
ofuses to allow him. as state's attorney ,
0 examine any of thy lilps and record * in
ijs otllcc. in wliioh the stale has an inline-
liate and dlrccl interest : that upon joint
nformntions liu magistrate allows dc-
'cndant's to be trio I separately , making
great embarrassment and unnecessary
jxpense for the .state , the magistrate re-
'uses to outer of record the objections
n'operly and locally made in benalf of
: ho slate , anil greatly embarrasses and
irojudices the intoro lsof the stale.
Jndgo Ayl(3 worth concluded that if the
Utornoy for ( lie slate and .Justice Hen
drieks were .so at swords' points as to
make it dlllicnlt to try a ease there , he
should send the case olM'whore. Then
the attorneys for the defense , Limit &
Mynster , seeinc that Iho cases would go
to Justice Schur/ . filed objections to him ,
and Iho cases wore sent to Justice Frainoy.
The showing of hot blood on the part
of Ware will not make the public think
my less of Justice Hendrieks. Mr
Hendrieks is an old resident , who has
gained n .standing and reputation here
which cannot be injured by any such
proceedings on the purl of the jounger
man , who has been placed in tins position
jf county attorney by the action of thu
jourd of supervisors hi election de
fending on not nvm * half a do/en voles ,
ivhilo Jnsliee. Hendrieks was elected by
the people directly. If personal qtiar-
, 'flls are to cause > tito : cases to be tossed
lithcr and thither , or dismissed
iltogether , because Iho court and Its
ridings nro not exactly in accordance
with the wishes and views of the attor-
ley rii ! > ro. onting the stale , It is high
time thcro was a change. If this is tun
precedent then the county attorney
should he elected tlrsl , and then let him
lame the justices who are in his opinion
suitable persons , and with whom ho can
work in harmony. There is little use for
he people to elect justices if a personal
'celing between an attorney chosen by
tlie board of supervisors and justices
chosen by the people causes juslieo to bo
hwarted , and the trial of criminal eases with.
Wanted Moro Kerry TrnliiH.
For several weeks past il has been ini-
lossiblo for the ferry ears lo accommo-
lalo more than half the teams who
have wished to go over thu river. There
las been a constant stream of wagons of
every description from day break till
dark trying to gain admiltanco to those
cars , while many drivers who have at
tempted it , have loiind on reaching the
depot their chances so poor they have
returned their conveyances lo the stab le
.ind had to KO over without them.
This could bo easily remedied by the
Union Paeilio pulling on another box
car with the ends knocked out and
starling the ferry cars from Council
Bluffs about 5:80 : or 0:00 : o'clock in the
morning instead of 7:05 : o'clock. On
Broadway each morning there are teams
us earlv as 4:30 : o'clock in position to
await tlio first trip. The ferry cars could
easily bo dispensed with on the 10:25 :
run , and put onlo an earlier run in Hie
morning. i
Council Bluffs is now supplying Omaha
with a great many brick , llowcrs , grapes
and fruit of all description , as well as
vegetables and the 'loss by detention
waiting several hours for a chance to get
on the ferry cars is'grejitcr than many
persons would imagine. ,
llo Pulled It Ou Him.
* Ever since .lake Rogers sold out his
'bus line he has been talking c.itllo ranch
in Nebraska , and every 'time ho meets
MeGrew , the insurance man , lie Iries to
induce him lo invest his surplus cash in
3'earling calves and open tip a ranch out
in Nebraska. YestoEdayi MeGrew was
walking by Ihe Pacilip house when Jake
opened out on him as follows : "Say ,
Alack , when are j'onTj'omg to < ro to Ne
braska with me and open up' that 'oatllo '
ranch ; yon see you can buy yearlings for
fiom fourlceii "to eighteen dollars per
head , and feed them on grass for about
two years and- "
That selllea it. Jake never said
another word. MeGrew has attached to
his upper riirht-liand vest pocket a chest
nut protector , wiiicii consists of a little
sailor's electric boll , and when Jake
started in on his same old cattle ranch
story , Mack started the bell on him , anil
the ex-omnibus man fell off the window-
sill. The boll is a clipper , and MeGrew
carries it in his vest pocket , and when a
man commences on him with tlio same
old chestnut yarn ho starts it on himand
that settles it. MeGrew , you know , is a
real quiet sort of feliow , and has to keep
a chestnut protector to keep alive.
It AVixs the Sun.
"No. my darling , the rod on my nose is
not from liquor , it is the sun. " So said
the proprietor of one of the largest
wholesale houses in this city on his. re
turn homo the other evening when his
wife mot him at the door.
You see , one of our wholesale cigar
men thought ho would take a trip on the
road last week just for a change and to
get a little fresh air. Bold Watson is Iho
regular traveling man for tlio linn , and is
a hustler , and the color on his nose is
caused by Hie hot sun vhcn he drives
from ono town to another. The pro
prietor took a few grijH , drove from
Lopaii to Magnolia and got his face all
reddened witli the sun. lie also stopped
all night at the hotel in llondamin. lie
is now at homo waiting for the races to
come off. His wife thought the red on
his nose was something flso , and he is
wailing for Watson to come in so ho can
show to his wlte what an effect the sun
has on a man when ho drives across the
country in an open bnjrgy , It is a fant ,
but the proprietor says : " \To , thank you ,
1 will stay at home the balance of the
your. My health is no bctlor , but I have
n healthier color. "
Another Sain of Consul.
The reported sale of Consul to Mr.
Smith , of Maplelon , for $10,000 seems to
have fallen through. Mr. Smith wiis to
arrive last night with the wherewithal lo
complete the purchase , but yes-
terdav afternoon Omaha parties ne
gotiated for the sunsaiiopil : , and
paid down a portion , of , the purcliaso
prleo , which was fixed ill $10,000. the
balance to bo paid lo-ttoy , when the horse
will bo delivered bv MKBalloy. The now
purchasers arc C. E. Mnyilu and Dennis
Cunningham. Consul is cntored
in tlm Omah.a < and Lincoln
races , and will doubtless .out down Ids
record Iho re. The reported change of
ownership from Mr. Bailify to Mr. Smith ,
and now from Mr. Bailey to Mayne and
Cunningham , formed'tho.topic ' of much
talk on the track yeste.rday.
The Tnlilq Turpod.
J. E. Harris , the whitu < man who was
on Wednesday fined 8100 by Judge
Aylesworlh for losing his silver dollar m
n "coon" house , not being satisfied wont
before Justice Frainoy ami swore an in
formation against Iho colored woman for
keeping a house of prostitution , She
was held in the sum of f.'OO for appear
ance before the grand jury , which she
furnished , and then hied information
against Harris for frequenting her house
of prostitution. His bonds were placed
at f 250 , and while hunting bondsmen ho
slipped away from the olllcor.
Hard and soft coal , wood , lime , cement ,
etc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. No. 030
Broadway , Telephone No. 130.
See that your books are made by Moro-
house & . Co. , room 1. Everett block.
1'J Cabinet Photographs ? 3. Quality
the finest. Shorraden , 317 Broadway.
The IJnnk or Ncoln.
Mr , A. A. Watts , who has been cashier
of the Council Bluffs Savings bank for
nearly Ihrce years past , has resigned that
position to enter into business for him
self. He Ims formed a partnership with
Henry Ruslin , the son of the well-known
[ ) maha capitalisl , and purchased the
Dank of Ncola , at Neolu , la. , and will
lake possession on September IS. Mr.
Watts will bo president of the now bank
and Mr. Rnstlii , cashier. They commence
operations with a cash capital , paid np , of
fiO.OOO , nnd with ample reserve funds.
Mr. Walts was engaged in the banking
business at Jefferson for live years and
served n term as stale bank examiner for
Iowa. He is a thoroughly qualified
lankerand ) ha * n reputation for business
integrity that will fve him a high stand
ing among the bnsuicHs men of Noola.
Mr. Watts and his excellent wife have
liosts of friends In Council Blulls , who
will regret their removal from this city.
The New Fire Alarm ,
The city council yesterday afternoon
were around locating lire alarm boxes ,
riieru is talk of having thirty boxes put
in , instead of twenty as called for in the
contract , The manufacturers are lignr-
ng on what will bo Ihe cost of the addi
tional ton boxes , and if prices arc within
rcacli the number will probably be lixed
at thirty. Tlio plan Is lo have the loca
tion of the boxes settled , and men put at
work inimcdiatclv stretching the wires ,
so that when the boxes arrive the only
work lefl will be lo put them In place
mil connect them , which work can bo.
lone in forty-eight hours after arrival
liere. _
Haptlsmnl Service.
The sacrament of baptism will bo ad
ministered in St. Paul's church. Sixth
street , to-morrow ( Saturday ) evening at
7:30o'cloek. : T.J.MAriCAY ,
The lire alarm al 10 o'clock last nighl
was caused by the burning of a small
frame building at Ihe corner of Eighth
street and Avoniio F. The damage was
but slight.
, la.
Arc opening new nnd beautiful designs
Moquette ,
Body Brussels ,
Velvet ,
Tapestry Brussels ,
3-JLly Ingrains ,
-JPly Jnfl rains.
fl Carpets. Etc.
For offices , hotels , lodge rooms , Call
for prices at Harkucss Bros , ' , 401
Are now arriving and in stock. Tri
cots , Fliinnels , OasiiinereSj etc. Ex
cellent i'or traveling and lull service.
Black Silks nnd in tlio ne.w colors.
Quality the best and prices the lowest
for good goods. Ladies wishing relia
ble goods will call on Harkness Bros. ' ,
No.101 Broadway , Council Bliill'a.
A few more of those Lisle Thread
Hose left at 25c. , in black and in colors ,
at BarkncHS Bros. , No. 4.01 Broadway.
In many new patterns and a largo
stock to select from. Boor 3Ia ts , Rugs ,
Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. . at llarlc-
iiess Brothers , No. 4 01. Broadway ,
Council IHufl'B.
P. C.
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
House , Sltrn nnd Decorutlvo I'alntor. 1'nplcr
Mncho Wnll OrnmncntF.
None tint best InmUs umploycil nnd charges us
low us others.
Sixth Annual Ball
-01VKN I1V
L , A , 1668 , KNIGHTS OF I W ,
Tickets mlmlttlntf Hcntlommi nnd liullos ? 1.XX (
City Steam Laundry !
No. fU N. Main Street , Council
I' incat work and loivett prlrenfor
/lint work. All collar * and cn/fn re
turned in collar and cuff boxes
Iwthonl extra charge , which guar
antees work In same condition an it
leaves as. Oat of town orders re
ceive naineCattrntton and at same
rates aa city work.
rates , Real estate handled , In
surance written and all kinds of
bonds bought by-F , J , Day No ,
39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs ,
Established 1881 ,
On December Mint , jtro.rhno , fJie parlnfivhlit nfOivult , 7'"mircP
mr , finmtni tta the Council lilitfl'tt Carpet Co. , c.rplrcs by limitation , ami
on that date there will bo
Toijct reatlu for thin r1tnHttr voflron \ > entire stocli of Carpet * , Cnr
taint > , < ) il Clotli , Mattintilttii/i * . tl'intlow Shinies , Draperies of all I ; i nils ,
mt other Jlonais ruriilshtng ( lootlaai J'JtlCKX Til A T WILL SKLT.
of Conned Itlitfan < 1 vleiultu trill flmt it to their lntereln to
call anil examine our ( foods and This is the /I rut opportunity
cverojlered in this eltu to obtain the above yooils from /'nil , fresh utoelf ,
at the opening of a business season.
Country merchants will Htnl maim bargains by ealliiiji early.
TIiu World' * Favorite , Unit look the OOLI , > M over
all Foreign and Koinc.stlu < piiiigcr Alex at
Hie New Orleans Exposition.
A most doHirhtful boverasrn in cither hot or cold weather. Bottled dlr ec.
at the springs in Witukesha , Win. , and made of the finest freshly imported
Jamaica Oingor Root , the juices of tropical fruits , Arcadian .Mineral Spring
Water and Loaf Su < rnr. Eminent medical authority has pronounced it "tho
most perfect example of an aromatic Non-Alcoholic stomach stimulant. , whllo
as a beverage it is simply delicious. "
The Ideal Arcadian Lemon Nectar ,
Miulo from tlio pure. gpai-kliiiK Arcndlnnvnt T , combined with Fruit .lutcrg. I'rillt Adds nnd
Complete in Itt-ulf. Tor family use , plrmcs , etc. Itvlreshlnir iiud lilKlily bcncllcinl ;
U.MGllcnt ! for tlio sick room. For snlc In Council Bluffs l > y
II. T. Palmer , A. M , Ucnrdslov , Joe Driossbach , Ed. Daniels ,
II. A. Baird , J. W. Kleeb , " C. Dectkcn , Taylor & Calef ,
I ) , ( j. Jlorgan it C"o. , S. T. McAlec , Louie & Mol/gcr , Tibbits & Ward
F. W. Spotinan , John Short & Son.
Koranic In Oiimlm Itv Clivnuy & Olt'son , I'riink Ito/iPrH / , J. A. Fuller & Co. , GladstoneIlr : ! . &
Co. . Max Iteflit , Win. I'lnmliuf & Co. , I.usllo & I. 'sllo , Henry I'umlt , I ) . W. Snxo , Jus. Foraytu ,
F. Ilnrrctr A : Co. . O. H. Mnoro * Co. , Iliimmoitd A : Co. , W. S. IluldiilV , Smith A : Konncdv , Oco.
Ilcimrod , W. J. Wliliohoiispi 6" . H'\virfiir owrrioy"Js DiiiijYJ. C. Voss\Vilcox \ As"StuphoiiB , T.
W. Ppnirorcl & Co. , ( Joo. Ditzuii , Schmidt A : Moi-ller.
$2.50 Per Doz. or 25c Per Bottle.
Jf. T. Clarle Drag Co. , Stephcnnke roc.ael 0 Dlnnliiu , Meyer < C
wholesale fancy grocers , Omaha.
W- jHiL ,
Brick buildings o any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giaut trucks , best in the world.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street.Connil JBlufTs.
Wholesale and Retail Grocers ,
WANTED 100,000 31'OItK CUSTOJfJittS.
Fanning lands in Fown , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranging
from $1.25 to $12 per acre. School and state lands In 3liiinesola nnito years
time 5 per cent Interest. Land buyers faro free. Information , etc. , given by
1' . I' . Lanstrup , No. D55 Broadway , Council BlulFs , Jo\vu.
tM-H , Join-mils County ami
ICiinU Work ol'i.ll Sviiuls u , Spec
Prompt Mention to Mail Orders
Koom 1 Kvovot Block , Council Binds.
Standard Papers Used. All styles of binn
ing in Mngnxliics and
U. 11. Kntlonnl Jtuik ; , 31. B. BmltU 4 Co. ,
CltlxonV Hunk. HenriWolU A : U .f
Hi-at National JMnk , ( . ' . II. luturmico Co. ,
IDs or .V I'ubcy.Uiuiktrs.C. II. Suvlnus llaiili.
H , . BICE , M. D. ,
Over thirty yoBi-s' prmulcu ouperienco.
No. 11 I'uuilSU. Council llliltT * .
" Cousultntioit Iroo.
Justice of the Peace
Ollico over .Aturicau Kxprt Company.
n.xci'llcnt \ riluciitlonnl Inclltutlon , luniltth
lid with nil tlio modern IniiuuvuiiiuiitK , con
noted by llio SIKTI'.lia nrUIIAIUTV.U. V M
For term of tire months , (7f > .
Termslicslu tlrnl Monday In Hojitumlicr nnJ
first Monday In I'cbruui-y. Tor ciiliilof.'iios ml-
. Iiics i.\crt i n > .Council HlullB ,
Daily receipts of new goods. lints
Cans , Clothing , and n full line of Dry
Goods , ail of the latest tyk'i > , Call and