Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1886, Page 3, Image 3
OMAHA DAILY BEE : tflUDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 188(8. ( THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Feara Entertained That Corn is Abont to Take a Sir Drop , ARMOUR AND THE BUCKETSHOPS A Story Tlint He Htm Tlioin Short ntitl Can Kxort u Hard .Squeeze Ac tivity In I'rovlslons ( Quotations. CHICAGO ( Jit A i.MAKKKT. . CnifAno , Kept. 2.- [ Special TcleKram to tlio Hi. i : . ] The coin receipts to-tlay OUTran - ran tin ) estimate n little. Theiu were 70 ; cars In. Wheat was inspected to the intent of iK-i oils ; : jol tnrm being spring and 111 winter , Ofo.its tliciu wens 'Mi cars , Tim withdrawals ycstcnlay wore H.HVJ bu of wlu-at , : ilfio70bn of coin mid 4/jO : ) 1m of oats , The local temper on account ot tlm hit- Vt o veil weather coiullllon.s ninl heavv iu- U'lpts was a littluless bullish In rein , which opened at 42 > Kc for October , solil nt 4V * , ( & Wjtfi' , nnil then WJfc straight. Wheat \Sasln \iilto \ | lively demand from local sealncis and A loin ; line of small traders , which mndu prices rather II rm. October opened at % o and sold sl'jadily to TH c. Owing mainly to tlio over supply of llvu hojru thu provision market was heavy. October ) > ork opened at SIO 15 , lOc lower , lull to SlO.pytf and thun 10- cjvuiud to SIO. 15. Hy 1 < ) :3 : October \\hcat had Dirked up to 7S,3 c , COI | , tu4K3 : Jtfc , and oats ' 41to 27c. , Tiiuie a tapidly Increasing trade In pio- visions , principally pork. October sold nu to S10.-SO , an advance of J5c. It proved a dilllcult matter to push wheat over 7SYc lor October , though at this liguio it was bought With Milll- cient tteedom to absorb nil oll'oring.s. Unt com shoucd adlsposltlon to ease oil' , nnd cai ried \ \ heat with it back to TS\c. For over an hour mound noon It tailed to mine mote t luiii n i nlnt away tinin T e , bntaftor that i loachcd the highest polnlsagain. There was iiiou ! incitement in ilbs and purk than any thing else on the floor. I'ho story Is KOIII. ; around In a very quiet way that Armour has thu bucket shops very heavily " .slioil" on poik and has .tailed a llltlucamp.tlgn to wipe them out , and no one doubts liU ability to do this very thing If he- is MI disposed. Local shorts swallowed the Ktoryand rii.shcd In to cover such stuff as they had sold , forcing the nricu ot October up to SIO. ID by noon. It having earlier ( told as low as 10.12i . im advance of 27J e. JJut tlieMj prices Tailed to hold very lontr. Alter the local crowd hadiotall ; they wanted. values reacted to S10,27K < < ilO.iO. : LesL'vnsky varied the monotony of the rib crowd by buying light and left aoont 100,000 Ibs altogether , but he did not get even this much without thu boys running the * market upon him about 15e , October touching iG.70 niter having been u drug on thu maiket around the opening at 80.47 (5:0.50. : Other parties Bay he did not buy as many ribs as lie 18 I'lortited with abo\u and that the crowd frightened him oil by running the market be fore he uot all lie wanted. Tlio Incident con tribute d by his buying was about nil there was In the maiket. llie close was steady and lirm at quotations. Small stnlt was genetally linpioved oats better , rye. steady , bailey alho steady for the higher grades , but low prudes were moie plenty and lower. Seeds v eie ( inlet. A very bearish feeling seems to be crowing about corn , and bets ate made that the pres ent and prospective , heavy icceipts , cotfpled with thu nbseiieoof any damages , will break thu maiket to a lower point than It has been for months. My pJo : : ; wheat touched 78 c , mainly on local buying in such small lots that they rould not be- traced to any special influence , but It quickly bioko back jVe , there being plenty lor sale. At the atternoon session trading opened very moderately , with no great change In values tiom 1 o clock. Corn sold moderately at 42X&t3c ( and wheat dragged , around "TbJJc. A lame inteie t was shown in provlsons , thu ciowd being nearly as laigoas In wheat. The final closings wcie : ' ' - " ' ' 414'c ' September ; 42J < ( $ ic : ! October ; 4ic ; November. O.its , veiy dull ; 2 > % c Sep tember : 37 @ 1J7 > ! ( ( c October ; 28 0 Novem ber. 1'oik , lirmer : 310.27i September ; 5510.4-3 " October ; S10.20 November. Laid. higher ; 37.52 > f September ; S0.b7 ! October. Short ribs , steadi1 ; iO.02 September ; SO.GT'.J' October. 2:45 i' . ji. Puts on October wheat , 78.fc } ; calls , 7D@7iXc. ! On October corn , 4'ijic , calls , 4 ! > fc@43jC. CHICAGO IjlVE STOCK. CHICAGO , Sent. 3. [ Special Telegram to the UKE. | CATTU : The history of the cattle market for tlio day can be lelated in n very few words. Prices are the lowest since 1878 , and the number on sale the largest , with an exception in January last. With fresh ar rivals there were some 10,000 to 17,000 on the market. A few fancy 1COO Ib steers sold at $ ft.00@0.20. and such were tlio only class tor which there were lixcd valuations. Plenty ol good , useful butehuiiiiE steers sold at S3.00 © 5.60 , and as good 1300 and 1400 ib corn-fed Colorados as were ever marketed licroat 3N.00@-1.50. while best natives , except ttio fancy class noted above , are not making over $4.50(314.75. ( Texans , such as are used for canning , $3.00(3 ( 3.75 , and Mich as suit the bhon tr.ulc , S2.85 ( < 23.2. > . Western rangers were extremely dull nnd lower , thi-io being in all some 10,000 range cattle on sale. Na tives and half breeds sold atS2.50@3.f > 0 and cows at $2.50(32.75. ( A buycrfor Armour said that only once befoie did he buy cattle as cheap as yesterday , and that was in 1H78. Dr. tjmtduth , ot liloomlngton , had a cut elf from Ids .Montana range , his best.and.ln tact , about the best ranccix that come to this market. I'rlmo Montana rangers , averaging 1200 Ibs nnd upward , at § : ! .i > u. A buyer bought for IMoirls about SO1) rangers averaging 150 Ibs , t 83.00 for feeding In one of the Pcorla distilleries. Armour bought neatly : i,000 cattle for his tiade yesterday , all to bo slaughtered In Chi cago. In this lot weio about 1,700 Texaus lor canning purposes. Hoob J'he market was active and pjlces a ehado stronger , closing lirm with about , all S4.03rf-UOMlc1ilcftn ( * oft 8prlmr licatc3.rX3 ; 4.Ut Minnesota baker , S5..Vit-t.lO ! : patent 54.i'Ji'rt4.00 : ; low prudes , Sl.7-VW.7ft ; rye Hour. rjuiet at SViysfr'a In barrels , and' &UH& * . i in tacks. Wheat Stronger , opened about the < iaine and closed \ft \ > atovc jestctitny's close ; c.xsh , 70' ' . ( arr.irfr : October , .s\c 78 > * c. < orn Killed stouly moot of the day , clos- Vc under ye leitlny ; caili , 41 l-l(5c ( ; October , 42 LVlOo. < ) .it Steady and at times ' /c better ; cash , S5V ' : October , U7 .VtOc. H > c Steady at fi''c. ' imilpj Stcadv at > . Klax-ecd-Sl.iO. Timothv Prime. Sl.v i.s , ! ' . Wliisky-Sl.l.'i. Pork Active , but lirm anil * .20'Wc ! hlehcr ; cash , tn-5 ; October , $ K ) . : < 5ili.a7 ) . I.Tidilx.inced ( ) 10 ' 'c , closing steady ; cash , sr.47 i.October. . \ . C..v > . Mtilk .MciU-Shouldeis. S1 > .7r " > .v'J' ; < ; short cli'ai. > O.IM ; sholt libs , Si > . < 10. llutii'i sttMilvand unchanged ; cieamery , GfrCJ'.V ; dally , i'iwlCc. Oheesc In good demand : full cream chcd- dnrs , svc 'as Hats , VlhWJ' c ; Voung Amer- Kgcs-KIrm at . Hides llt-a\ gri'en salted. 7K1 llirht , SJ bull hidis , lildes. flJie ; drv salted IK'O KV : dry Hint , I * < ( l4c ; calf skins , bOWtfe ; deacons Wc ) e.ieli. Tallow > 'o. 1 country , 3jv@ ' ! c ; cake , KccclnL * . . Klonr.b'jls . ti.oou 11,000 Wheat , bit . CM.OOO OO.IKJO l.'orn , till . UTO.O'JO 3511,000 Oatstii . tlluou ! lir,0K ) Itye.ou . 4,000 10oo , Uariey.ou . OO.JJOO 1S.WX ) No\v York. Sept. 2. Wheat Ke- eelpts , 4 < M,0Xj ( ) exports , 175,000 ; spot ? ftglc higher and falrl ) active ; options advanced 'f@'Se , elo.slng lirm near best lates ; tin- graded reil. sv.a'.iic ' ; No. 3 red ; NXS Me ; No. 2 led. h7'd/S7a / < e In elevator , n.s > 2/ssc ( alloat , bsj c , f.o. b. ; No. 1 icd-l'3c ' ; No. 2 October , closlngat Mt'se. ' Corn Spot j Sc and options % &lic higher , closing lirm ; receipts , MU'oo ' : ex- potts , ; MuOO ; ungiadcd , M > fCir.V.'c ; No. 2 , ol@ fil' ' c In I'levatoi1 , f > ' . ! ( < t. > y c tilloat ; October closed at filjj'e. Oats M'aC higher and fairly active ; re ceipts , 115,000 ; exports , 6S ; mixed western , iWjtiiHchlto. ; . ! iiic. . Ql'etrolenni Steady ; United closed atOlc. . Kggs I'irm ; western. l.V < M5Hi'c. I'ork Firm and lairly active ; old mcs.s , S10.nOM10.75 : HOW IlliLss , Sll.2Xtfll.oO. Laid Stionger ; wcstein steam , spot , S7.i7'xr.t7.n'i. : Mutter Firm but quiet : westein 12 < i2-2c. Cheese Kirmer and in better demand ; western tlat , 7J4ti > e. Cincinnati. Sept. 3. Wheat Stronger ; No. 2 icd , 77 ( < f7bc. Corn-Stionger ; No. 2mixed , 4t@ : 3J4e. Oats , Kn.sier ; No. 2 mixed. 27LJ5.7ie ( ! ; ? , Itje-Oitlet ; No. 2-We. l'ork-ltill but higher at S10.50. Laid Stionger at S7.00. AVIilskj- Steady at 51.10. . Milwaukee. Sept. 2. Wheat Firm ; , 70 0October ; , 78J e. Corn-Dull ; No.2-He. Oats-Steady ; No. 2 , 2. ' > Jfc. KyeOulet ; No. 1 , Gl'ie. Marley Weak ; No. l.SSc. J'ro visions Firmer. 1'ork September , S10.15. Mliinenjioll.s , Sejit. 3. Wheat Flour Quiet ; patents. 54.40't4..r.O ( ; bakeis , S3.403.50. Kcceipts Wheat , 80,000 bushels ; Hour , 275 barrels. Shipments Wheat , C.OOO bushels ; Hour , ! 28uoo bauds. St. Louis. Sept. 2. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 cash , 77yj774'c ; September. 77J4c. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cush , 37'4/ot:57 ' : ! Oats Firm and higher : No. 2 , cash , 'W % @ 20o ; October , 21 ! % . Jlyo Kasy at .We. 1'ork Stiong at 810.75@11.00. Laid Finn at § 0.75. Whisky S1.10. Butter Faith- active and firm ; creamery , 30@23c ; dairy , VXtiifc. AKTinxotx : JUiAKi ) . AVhcat linn and ' c hlu'hcr. Coin Jsc better. Oats steady and unchanged. Now Orleuns , Sept. 2. Corn Easier In sacks ; mixed , nic ; white , 5ic ; yellow , 5l'e. Oats ( Juiotand weak. Cornmeal JCasler at fe'i20. Hog Products Strong and higher. Poik-S10.75. Lard Helined tlerce.S7.12V. Hulk Meats Shoulders , ? U.-0 ; long clear and clear ribs , SC.75. KUIIS.IS City , Sept. 2. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 red , casii , ftf'ifc bid ; October , Ol c ; November , GS'tfc bid , M c asked. Coin Steady ; No. 2 , cash , ! J1 % bid , 82Vc asked ; October , 'Me ; November , 35) ) < Je bid , Cc asked. Oats Nominal at 25c bid , 25 ° < c asked. Toledo , Sept. 3. Wheat Steady nnd higher ; cash , Sic. Corn Steady ; cash , 42Kc. Oats Nominal. Liverpool , Sept. 2. Wheat In fair de mand ; new No. 3 winter. Cs9d ; spring , Os lJ.a'd ) , Flour In poor demand at Ss 7d. Corn In fair demand ; September , October , November and December , E STOCK. ChfonRo , Sept. 2. The Diover's Journal reports as tollows : Cattle Receipts , 11,500 : prlmo firm com mon weak but steady ; slapping steers , i.2o ! @ 5.2.5 ; stockers - ' ' - cows , bulls and S2.lXa2.50 ) ( ; througli . western rancors , very dull ; natives ami half-breeds , 5 > 2.r,03.50 ( ! ; cows. S2.50@2.75. p Hoes Keeolpts , 12,000 ; stronger ; rough and mixed , S4.00@4.W ; jiacking nnd shipping , S4.80@5.70 ; light , 83.755 4.8.5 ; skips , S2.40g ( 3.CO. 3.CO.Sheep Ileceiptfl , 4,000 ; slow , common 15 20e lower ; natives , S2.00@4.0U ; Texans , 81.75 © 8.W ; lambs , 54.00@5.00. 8t. Limls. Sept. 2. Cattle Receipts , 1,200 ; shipments , 1,100 ; active ; good natives firm ; common to choice shipping , Si..Vji ; ( 4.75 ; butcher hteeis , 8:5.2504.00 : ; cows and heifers , S2.tt5f23.35. Hogs Receipts , 2 , < 00 ; Rhlpn < onts , none ; active and 5c lower ; butcheiV and best heavy , S4. ( 0@5.10 ; mixed packing , S4.U5 ( ) 4.85 ; light , UO@4.GO. iCanauH City , Sept. 2. Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 1,500 : choice corn fed steady ; others wcaic and slow ; common to choice , SW.o@4.50 : ; ; stockers and feeders , 8u'ocii.0 : : : ! ! ; cows , gl.5u@ . > . ( B. Hogs Recelnts , 3,000 ; shipments , 000 ; weak and 5c lower , except for good pits , which were stronger : common to choice , S4.10Oi.bO ; grassers and pigs , S2.500t4.00. oniA.ii A iiivta STOCK. Thuisday Evening , Sept. 2. CATTJ.K The market was very dull and slow , and theio was nothing doing. Huis ( The maiket was a little better on choice ho s. but grassy btntf was Mow sale , SiiKir : Tlieie weio a few In to-day. HKCini'18. Cattle . ! K)0 ) Hogs . 1 ( X ) Sheep . 4WJ Prevailing Slmwing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this mai Ice t. Choice steels , 1:150 : to 1500 Ibs . S4.20rt5l.3.5 Choice steeis , 1100 to UXW Ibs . 'J.75i(4.1& ( .Medium st ours , 1250 to iiv : ) Ibs. . . : M > o > w4.K ( ) Fat little steers. 1050 to 1150 Ibj . . . . ; i.iiy < Ki.8J Coocl feeders , IKK ) to 1000 Ibi . ; UXifc ) ( . : ( iooil to clioice coin-ted cows , . . . . 2uo ; i,25 Fair to medium grass cows . 2.0 ) j.n Coed to cliolco bulls. . . . 1.SOWJ.M ) Light and medium nogs' , . , . 4.2JM1.45 ( iood to choice heavy rogs . 4.45jiiO ( ( Jood to choice mixed hos. ; . , . 4.40 4,50 Coed toehoicu sheep . : ! . ( Xr.i. ) : 5 Fair to good sheep , , . 8.75c < ti.OO : Common sheep . l.504f.,50 Ueiircsoiitutlvo Sales. cows. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 . b J7 S2.50 20 . b'J7 83.01) ) 8 . W57 2.00 2.001IUI.U 1IUI.U No. Av. Pr. 1 . 1550 82.00 siuii' : : . No. AV. Pr. in . TS ea.00 , 11OO5. No. Av. Slik. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 73. . , . 205 IfiO 84.80 72. . . . SO 10084.45 01. . , . 227 ICO 4.80 54 , ' .KS 120 4.45 2)7 ! ! ! 4.iO ! BS.20t 3iO 4.45 70. . , . Sit 120 4.85 58. . . . 248 100 4.50 25. . . . 44 400 4.3.1) 53. . . , 230 80 4.50 74. . . ,210 2bO 4.37K 37..270 80 4.60 fi0..3IO 120 4.87H 60..20 4.M (53 ( , , . . 247 4.40 05. . . . 270 60 4.50 228. . . .218 400 4.40 < B.S04 IWJ 4.502 C0..2W 120 4.40 00 , . , . 887 ICO 4.50 fA .231 SO 4.40 < U . .2i > 0 2SO 4.55 S3 202 4.40 27..2sn 4.f > 0 H- ? } 4- * ° 4S 3W lr < > < < " 35..e2i M ) 4.40 W. . . . 314 2SO 4.05 4..KI7 40 4.40 lrlce , Sliowlngthe hlghestand lowest price ? p.ild for mixed loads of hoxson this market tl'ir- Ingthe past seven days , and for the same tlmu last jear : Slnwinit the numbt'r of cars of live stock shipped out ol theyards during the day : nous. ? < o. Cars. nt. lp.t. ) . T. . , tQ . Chicago 5 . c. It. iVO . Huston 1 . It. I . Huston 10 . . .N. W . Chicago Ijivc Stuck Snlcs. Showlnir thi ! niimbor of c.attle. hogs and sliecp purchased by the leading bnycis on to-day's maiket. . . ( i. II. llammond .V Co. ( shlipcd In ) . . . 574 Otheis . . . IB ' 1 otal . 007 lion1 * , fl. II. llammond , t Co . : is7 Anirlo-Ameiiean Packing Co . MX ) Squires tV : Co . 41X5 Not tluV Co . 815 Clark Ilros . ino Otheis . CO Total . ivjs Alt sales ol stock in this market are made percwt. live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell nt We per Ib lor all weiglus. "Skins" or liogs weighing less than 10J Ibs no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs and flags &U Ibs. NotCH. Hog maiket active. CattlcHlnll. There weie it few sheep on the mnikct and bold. llammond received thirty loads of cattle to-day. Mr. Olnrk , of Clark Hros. , has returned Horn a trlpeust and was on the maiket again to-day. Mr. Nelson , llnrtlngton , Neb. , was here and sold a load of cows. Mr. .lameson. Weeping Water , had a load ot cattle In to-day. Andre.v Marquess , Wm. McCJInnes and 1) . McGlnnos , Shoshone , were all In to-dav with cattle. Thomas Wilkinson , Broken Bow , had 23l > head of sheep in to-day. Sides Hros. , Lowell , marketed 110 sheep. B. Kwin , Exeter , marketed two loads of lions to-day , JRI in number , averaging ! H4 pounds , that topped the market. On the maiket with lions : W. U. Thomas , Council tllnlls ; F. Daniiing & Co. . Shelbv ; Dowlingaud I'nrcell. Noith Hend ; Hawks & RHey. Cedar Itauids ; M. Nelson , Harting- ton ; J. Philpot , Weepini ; Water ; O. IJmgoss Weeping Water ; I ) . A. Halo , Madison ; E. M. Hrass , North Loup ; ,1. Wilhelmscn. Dan- nebrog : Win. llohnlanm , Waco ; 0. 1) . Moore , HowaKlO. ; W. IVrloy , Hrokon Bow. Ed. Gould , the Fnllerton banker , was heio looking after Icedeis. Thos. Miller , of the same place , was on tiie same business. OMAHA AVHOLiIOS.ViiE .HAKICUTS Ocncrnl Proiluoo. Tlmridav Kvonlng , Sept. 2. Tlicfollmvtnu price. ? arc jor round lots of jmxliicc , tmsolil on the ni'trkct to-iltiir. Tlio qiiotitttnns on frnlti rciircscnt the prices at which oiiUWc orttew ( ire tlllcil. s The bulk of the leceipts are selling su Strictly sweet , solid and uni form color , packed Din new clean tubs , commands 15 to luc , or even more , in the mar ket , but there is little or none coming in that can be graded as such. Fancy butter in stone crocks Ib bringing even better prices. Fair to good country butter Is soiling at 10fJJ18 e. Poor at 5 ( Hc. and slow. Creamery butter , not the very best , t > old thir. week at 18JOc. CIIKIISI : Fancy nit Icieam Cheddars , J' ' c ; fancy lull cream liats , two in box , lOc ; fancy full cream young Americas.tourin box,10 > $ c ; fancy Swiss. 14c : biick. 12 > c : Llmburg , 12c. J'OL'i.Titv There has been a falling oil in the receipts , while there Is a good demand , In view of the near approach of fair time. Prices have accoullngly advanced. Old fowls , per ( toz. . $3.no2.75 ; spring chickens , laige , S2.00@2.50 ; spring chickens , medium , S1.752.00 ; [ spring chickens , small , not wanted ; ducks , 32.3j@2,50 ; tuikeys , not wanted. Oxioxs Southern , per bbl , 5350 ; home grown , per bii. . jji.OO. Cii.inv : : There Is not really enough com ing in to supply the demand , but It will not bo handled very extensively until next month. Shipping stock , per do * . , 40c. There are no oysters of any consequence in the maiket yet. The season here does not open as a rule until about the Iht ot September. The maiket will piobably open at fiom 35 to COc , accoidlng to the grade. jjusiojrs The New Yorlc market has ad vanced S1.GO per box since yesterday ; this would lorco up prices neie , as stock is very light and very little in transit Fancy lemons , per box. S 10.00 © 10. 50. BANANAS There are not many in the market at present. As the weather becomes cooler , so that dealers can handle them with safety , there will be a better supply on the market Bananas , yellow , per bunch , § 2.00 ® 3.00 3.00CAI.IFOIIXIA FKUITS Tlio market Is now thoroughly cleaned up. There is not a pound ot California trult of any kind In the hands of Jobbers. Fresh carloads are being looked for t > y next week , which will no doubt sell at much higher prices than have been pre vailing during the recent glut. MKI.ONS Fancy largo Muscatlno water melons. : Interior and smaller sizes , Slo.00 ( ' i5.00 ; musk melons , per doz. , . SWIIKT POT ATons Iowa homo grown are in tne market and selling atio : per ID. UIIA.NS Hardly any coming In now. 81.23 (21.MJ ( per bushel , for clean stock. COOOANUTS Cocoanuts , per 100 , 55.00 ; less than hundred , nor 100 , S..r 0. HONKY Callfouila , 15e ; California ; strained. lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 12@l'c ! ; Ne braska , daik , 10@lle. MAi'i.n Svitur Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs , per gal , 81.00 ; iral cans , per gal , S1.05 ; half gal cans per gal , 51.10. Cinnii New oik , per bbl , 87.00 ; cto. naif bbl , 84.00 ; Crab , per do ; ate , $2.73 ; .Michigan refined , per bbl , sO.OO. VINKOAH Whlto wine. 130l7c ; cider. 13 @ 17c ; single sticimth , Wo ; tilplo stiength , 5t20i ( ! . Fins AND DATHS Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes , per Ib. Itic , Dates , fancy find , 12 Ib boxes , 14c ; dates , Persian. 5t ) Ib boxes , per Ib , lOc. NUTS Pecans , largo polished , lie ; pecans , medium , Uu ; English walnuts , I4c ; almonds , Tarrairona. 2ic ) ; almondu , Lungucdoc , 17c : Brazils , 12c ; lilbcits , He ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Viiglnia , 8Jie ; peanuts , hand picked choice Virginia , 7 > e ; peanuts , loastcd , L'c extra peril ) . MAi'J.B SUOAII Biicks , stilctly pure , 50 Ib boxes , perlu. ita ; lu-lb tin nails , strictly pure , per Ib , 14o ; 5-lb bilcks , 2Mb boxes , per Ib , mVe. Pius' Fr.r.T. TIMPH , KTO. PJirs" feet , per K bbl , S4.00 ; ( lo , / bbl. S2.00 ; do. per kit , UOe. Lambs' tongues , per bbl. S8.25 ; do , jier kit , 82.50 ; do , qiuit jars , per do , 85.25 ; do , pint jars , per case , 2 dozen , SO. 75 , Tripe , per If bbl , S4.00 ; do , per } { bbl , S2.00 ; do , per kit , We. We.Pnovistoxs Ham , susar cured , 14c ; boneless ham. 50 Hi boxes , 12 , ' < c ; picnic ham , HKo ; breakfast bacon , biicar cured , UXc ; shouldeifi , be ; clear bide bacon , Sc ; dry salt sides , 7Ke ; dried beef-hums 15@10o ; dried beef , tegular , 12o ; laid , 40-Ib cans ( Fair banks ) . 7 c ; 10 , 5 and 3-lb palls , uo , 1XM 8Jc.NEW NEW POTATOKS There is un Increased demand for choice stock. Farmers are not bringing In enough to supply local demand. Them are car lots arriving now from outbido points. Choice rmotablo at ( < 0@70c , ( iRAix Coin , 25c ; old oats,2Sc ; now oats , 2Sc ; rye , SSfcMOc : wheat , COc. Ki.oun AJJU iln.LsvuKFs Winter wheat quality putentS3.bO ; second quality , 52.40@2.50 ; best quality spring wheat Hour. patent. 83.75 ; bran , 50c per cwt ; chopped leed.OOc percwt : white corn meal , 75o ; yel low corn nipai , C5c per cwt ; screening , fiOc percwt : hominy , SJ.fiO per cwt ; shorts , S5o percwt ; craham , S1.75 ; hay , in bales , S0.50 7.00 per ton. tciicranrot | < . WOOL Medium. ITMMo vor Ih ; fine heavy. IftiU.y ; PKIU , 14 4nc ; coaisc , li T.V ; ; btirry ' wool. Siniic oil' . - LK.TIII : i'rlnio Plaughtor solo If.itlicr , ! Hc ; prmo c V Solo leather. DtXstifcc , Unner leather r > pr foot , ai i'x ! : hem. kip , 7ftrfMo ( ; oak \ , \ \ SXjrtttc ; French kip , Sl.OtW 1'JO ; hem. call , S1.M ( < JUO ; oak call , Sl.CtW l.'i'i ; t''ipneh ' .ilt. SVAVrfl * " ) : Moroeeo bimt Ipp , SOS A ? : Miirlcc < i oil ix-bble , 2i < ( < 4 ' .V : top- plncs and llnlncs , sn.OOaelo.OO per doM IIKAVY JIMIWVAUK Iron , rate , S2.a > ; low .tonl special c. sl , 4c ; crttclb le < teel , Oc ; rnt tools do , l'"lv ; wagon siiokcs1 tier sot , hubncr ! sot Sl.ij ; felloe sawed tlrv. SMU ; unnjite * , enclt , 7."e : . each , 7.V : quarft nuts , wr Ib. " ( itlie ; cell chain , per lu , ( XftlQe : tnalieable. GdW. Iron Nvedues , fie : crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth , -let stiriiic steel , 7disc : Hnnlen'i hoi'e < slioes , S-4.40 ; Huiden's iiuilo shoes. S.V40. liaibup wire. Hi car lots sM.OO per 100 Ibs. ion I NalK rates. 10 to K ) . S'J.60 ; steel nnlls S'.rtt ; Shot Sl.tu ; buoksliot , Sl.W > : oriental powder , kt-KS S'-O : do , half kec , S2.00 ; do , fiuartcrkt't .Sl.'iO ; blasting , kt'Ks , S'2.SJj fuJf.perlO icet.ftV. I.eadllnr. SU' . . 1'AI.ST" IN Un.inecad. . ( nnaha , 1' . 1 * , ) SP : white , St. Louis , iituu. S7.7B : Mnr- rllh-s iripoii. 1 to'ilo nans. 3c : French xlnc L'tven seal , V-c ; Fieneh.Inc. rod ' ! , lie ; l-'icne'h zinc , In varnish a1" ! , uoc ; Kicnch zlne , 76o ; vt'iiullllon , American , Ibe ; Indian led. lOc ; rose plnlJ. lie ; Venetian red , Cook- honXUUc . : Venetian red. American , lie } " " 'joe Ditv I'AINV. < White lead , 8el-renc : MI ' ' 'c ; 1'arls whltltip , ' Kc ; whltlnir , cll ? f \vliltlnir ; , com'l , l' < c , lampblack , (3er- itiaiistown. lic ! : lampblack , oulinary. N.1 ! I'nisslan blue.Weultramarine : , IScjvatiii.vke. bro\\ , be : unibtir , burjit , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c : sienna , burnt , ic1 sienna , raw , 4e ; 1'arls utecii. cenitliH1. ' c : i-arn ereen. common , --c ; clitome I'reen. Jx. . . BOc : chroiuo preen , K , I2c ; vermlllion , Kiiultsh , In oil 70c ; raw and burnt timber , 1 Ib cans. r.'c ; raw and burnt sienna , We : Vandyke , brown , IHc ; re- ilned lampblack , I2c ; eoach black and ivory lilaek. lOc ; drop blaelc. lOe ; I'russlan blue , UK ? ; tiltraiimiiiieblue , 18c ; chrome preen , I , . , AI. it 1) . , Ific ; blind and shutter irreen , K. . M. & ! ) . , Ifio ; I'arlsinu'ii , l c ; Indian red , l.v ; Venetian red. ! V : Tuscan , -"e : A met lean vet million. L. A : I ) . , 2"c ; yellowoclnc , ! 'c ' ; I , . M. it 0. IX. 1N3 : peed oclne , Ific : patent drver , 8c ; plaining color , licht oak , ilaik oak , wlamit , chestnut and ash. 12u Ditiuis ANi > C'viiMirAi.s Acltl , carbolic , " 2c : ncid. tartaric , Avc ! ; balsam coualba , pur III , I'c : bark , sassafras , per Ib , lOe : calomel , pcrlbiVo : chlnclmnliim. peroJOe : chloro- rnim , per Hi , lOc ; lo\er's powders , per Ib , 81.23 ; epsom salts , per Ib , ! ij c ; glycerine , pine , per lu. ISc : lead , acetate , per it > . lc ; iodide , per II ) , 511.00 : sallein , pero40c ; Mil nhate morphine , pei oS2.40 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c : strj-chnine , ier o/ , Sl.'J" ' . VAHNISIIKS Uaircls , perpallon : Futnl- turc , extra , S1.10 ; furniture , Xo , 1 , 51.00 ; coach extra , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , Sl.SOj Ja- mar , extra , S1.7.r > ; Jainn , 70c ; asphalttnn. extra , 6Sc ; shellac , S3.50 ; hard oil titilsu , S1.50. bPtitiTs Colocnespirits. 188 proofSI.I do 101 proot , SI.15 ; spirits , second duality. 101 proof , S1.14 ; do Ibs proof. 81.18. Alco hol. 1S8 tii-oof , SJ.OS per wine gallon. Kcdis- tllled whiskies , § 1.00681.60. Gin , blended , 81..r > 0ffi.00. ( Hrand'es , . imported , * 1.00 ( < $ H.r > 0 : domestic. 81.JO@ ! iOO. . Gins , impottcd , S4.W ( Sii.OO ; domestic , 1.2x : i.OO. Champagnes , imported , per case. Sv."Soo@34.00 " ; American , per case , S10.00@10.00. ' GroccM * Tilst. ricKi.ns McdIAtii , 'in ' hols , ; do In half bbls , S3.25 ; jiuali ; in bbls , S0.5U ; do In halt bbls , Si.75 : ? ; gherkins , in bbls , S7.W ; do in halt bbls. S4.i ? , ' iNo. 70 , rl-gaiJon KCRS , SI.10 ; doz : iiiiart cans , 33.00. ' IHHKI > Knurrs it-No 1 qtiaiter apples , : ! K@ 4c ; in evaporated box/c.s / , U > i(2&icbliiekbei-- ( ! ' ; ri iiboxes ; ( < < } ; jxiaches , eastern , 4ft ? 5ic peaclics , evaporated , 15V , ( l7c ; Salt Lake none in market : raspberries , new , 10 ( S20c ; currants , ' 7 # @ J < c ; prunes , new , 4 % Gbpns Oysters , standard , per lilt , S3.KO ; striiwberries . 1Mb per case. S2.25 ; raspborrich , 2 Ib i > er case , 82.20 ; California pears , per case , 54,50 ; apricots , per case , . 4.v ( ) ; peaches , per case , 85.20 ; white cherries , per case , 35,00 ; plums , per case , S3.GO ; blue berries , per case , 52.25 ; egg plums , Ib , per case , S2.50 ; pineapples , a Ib , per case , 83.20 05.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz. JJl.'JO ; 1 Ib sal mon per doSl.ft501.00 ; a Ib gooseberies , per case , 51.75 : 2 Ib string beans , per case , $1.70 ; 3 Ib limabeens , per case. Sl.COilb : ! marrowtat p as , per case. 52.50 ; 2 Ib early , per case , 93.75 ; S Ib tomatoes , per case. $ ! 2.35@2.54 : 2 Ib corn , per , Sl.'JO (32.10:2 ( : Ib corn leef. perdo/ , 31.70@3.00. UorK ' M inch,9Jic98' , ; Inch , lOji'c ; ) / inch , niedluin yellow , Iirror gloss , 1 Ib , r % c : Jlliror gloss , 3 Ib , 5'jc ; Mirror gloss , C Ib , 6 > ? c ; ( raves corn , I Ib , Cc ; Kinpsfoid's corn , 1 Ib , 7c ; Kingsford's gloss 1 Ib , 7c ; Kings- ford's gloss , r lb,7Jic ; Kingsford's pure , 31b. 5c ; Ivingst'ord's built , 4c. COFFISKH Ordinarygraues , 10 @lic ; fair , llfoillj c ; piime , Il ) wl2c ; choice , U 'Aoiii'j'u ' ; fancy gteen and yellow , 13 > ( a)14yc ) : old gov ernment Java , SOjf'Jto ; interior Java. 10 > @ 20c ; Mocha , 'iVitUa' Arbucklo's roasted , 14Kc ; McLaugLlin'o XXXXioasted , " " ' iMlworth's. 14'ie : Itcd Cross. 14 > ic. CA.uny Mixed , OK@12c ; stick , SX@ . . UitACKEiis ( iarncati's soda , butter ami picnic , 5 > e ; cicoins , 8k'c ! ginger snaps , " " - citvsoda , ttoAi's Kirk's Savon imperial. S2.70 ; Kirk's satinet. S3.00 ; Kirk's standard , S3.O5 : Kirk's ' whlto Jtussian , SJ.OO ; Kirk's White Cap. S0.50 : Dome , SS-W ; Washboard. S3.10. 1'er caddie , 28c ; round , per case. § 1.00 ; square cases , S1.70 ; mule squaie , 51. 20. _ Dry Imiuoor. UlMiNfcIlXtf ; AMI ) TtMnKUS. 12 fljlt ftiU ; ft18 | ft 20 ft22 | fts | * It 2x4 . ll l5.fl5.60'lfi.tiOlIO.OOil7.0U ! ' 20.00J21.00 1.1.50 15.001 IO.MI 18.0Ui7.00 ; 21.K)2J.OO ( ) 2.\8 . 1S..W 1SOU 15.50 lil.OO 17.0D.8 J.OO 21,10 2x10 .' ) 15.50 18.00 ] 17.00,20.iO21.0Q , ( ! ViM Ifi.GO Ifi.lM 17,00 SI.OOKi.00 4.4x8 . I at ) ) 1G.UU Ui.50ll7.fiUllO CO 20 OJ J1OAISDS. No. 1 Com. s. 1. & 12 , 14 and IB ft . S17.50 No. a " 12 , 14 and 10 It . 14.7- No. 3 " " 12,14 and 10 Jt . lil.SO No.4 " " 12 , 14 and 10 It . 12.00 FKNCIXO. No. 1 , 4 AC Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , romli. . . 517.03 No. 2 , 4 it C Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rotijih. . . 1H.50 SID1NO , 1st com. , la. 14 audio tt . . . 821.00 2d " " " . 20.00 Fence " " . 11.00 or.u.mi AND' ' I'AitrrrioN' . 1st com. , J4'ln White I'ltto 1'artltion. . . . 533.00 2d " " " " ' . . . , 27.00 Ulear In. Norway 1'itiQ Cellln ? . 15.00 Fr.ooin.s'o , A 0 Inch , white M ! no . ' . . " . , . S'W.OO UOInch. " "i. . ? . . 2i .oo flinch , " " - . , . ) . . . 17.50 fitOOK 110 A 111)8. A 12 Inch. s.l s. l 14 and 10ft . 84iVOO W inch " v " " , . 42.03 1) 12 inch , " > " ' " . iis.03 No. 1 qom. 12 In. , a. 1 B , 12 , 14 . 1S.50 Mxisii\n. ] 1st and 2d , clear , i f | ii6h , H. 2 s . S5"K ( ) 1st und 2d , cleat , ir,2f nch , s. a s . 50.00 3d , clear , 1 incli.n.ii s . 45.00 A select , 1 inch , s.'J a. < Ml.OO U select , I inch , 3.2's.1 29.00 . . No. 1. plaln,8aiid iy iuclt. . . . , . S17.50 Nu. 2 , pUnS : audio | ncl . 16.50 blli.vhl.US , I.ATII. * AStandaid . . . S3.KO fi-lneh clear. . i.f.O o-lni-h clear . . i.S < 0 No. 1 . . . . > Cedar * A * . , . 2,10 Lath . a.35 1 1 Ml * * 1-1 C Qutncy white llmu ( best./ / . . 50.60 Cement ( Akron ) . . . . . 1.0.5 Hair . , . I'laster. . . 2.75 'larred telt , percwt . . . . . 2.00 Straw board , , , , . . , . J.B.I MENDELSSOHN 5 FISHER ARCHITECTS D , L. SHANE , Suner inttt Cint. Arrived Out Sul'cljr. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Artists' Material. A. irosrn , JJL , Artists' Materials , I'liiuos and Orpnna , 1M1 l > ouslit * Mrrct , Omelin. Agricultural Imp/ements. CliritCllILL J'AltKKIt , WliolCfhlP Itonlrr In Affrlfnltnral linpleitii'iits , AVnsrons , Carrtniire ninl lIucRlr * . Jones Uri'ft , tictwcon Sth ninl lutli , Onuilin. Nob. t1 jnsrcA t'co. , Affi'iculttirul Iniph'ineiits1 , . , Wlio1r < .itcOniib > . ' t l-\l { Who1c > iietcnlpr ! In Acrrit'ttlturnl Itniileincnts , n mid UnxKlc * . ' . ' ) ! . .W.IWJ unit ' .07. JnnM it Butter and Eggs. J/i-.V/MiVW .P fiCiritOKDKK , Huyers of Hutter and Ktjps. ncrrUcntnr ninl I'lttklnc tlnusr. lltti mnl en- worth IU . t ' P. U. H. 'l'i i ' 'k. lininlm. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS JIKLLKlt , Hutchers' Tools and Supjilies , CuslntZJ of nil kind * nlnuynlii Flock. 1215 Joni'stt .Umntiii. Builders' Hardware and Scales. "jriMKitAcan < o TAYLOK. Uuilders'Ilartl ware ftScaloltenair Shop UcchanlCB1 Tools anil IlulTnlo Senior. | | K > Douclaa t. , Otnnlm , Nt'b. LEE. Fill ED P CO. , Jobbers of Hardware nnil Nails , TlnwnraShpot linn , ISIP. Aiirnti for llono Scnl s , mnl Miami I'omlrrfo .Omiilin.Ntili. JtECTOJt tll WJLIfELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Western nucrtj fur Jcffcrnon Slpcl Nulls. Aiiflln Powder Co , fiilibnnkri Stmnl rd Sonic * . Corner lutli mid lliirnvr , Cimalin. Building Material. EK co , Dealer In All Klndnof Bttildiiifir Material at Wholesale. 18th Street mid Union 1'nclllc Tnirk , Omnlm. Boots and Shoes. AMERIC X jrAXD SEWED SHOE COMPANY , ManufucturcrB nnd Wholesale Dealers In Hoots and Shoes , Complete slock of llubbor Coeds nlwnrs on hand M ) S. 13lh si. , Omaha , Neb. A. T. Austin , Auenl. jr. v. MOUSE o co. Jobbers of Jtoots nnd Shoes. Hll Fnrnnin 1 1 , Omnlin , Noli. Mmiufucloiy , bummer rtrcct , IloBton. Beer. M. KEATING , Agt. for Anlieiisor-Iiusli Brewinj ? Ass'n Special llrnnds. Faust , Itmlwal-er nnd nrlanirr. STORZ ,0 ILEIt , Laper Ueer Urewers , 1W1 North ISth gtrcet , Onialia , Nob. Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLARKE BROS. .0 CO. , Omnlia CofTco and Spice 31111s. TeasCoffeesPplrr * . Halting Powder. KlivorliiBl ! tracts , Ijiuiidrr Illue. Ink. ICtr. llll liiUnmcy Slrcot.Oninlia , Nob. GATES , VOLK MILES , Home Codec and Spice. Mills MTff Co. CnSeo Roisters mid Splcu ( Irlndera , Mun-ifiicturera of Itttklnx I'owaer , KluvorliiK 11 truet . Ilhilni : . Ktc. Trr ono cn o of our l-n > naikHec Homo IJIcnd ted OoiTce. 1UO Howard M. , ( Imnhn. Neb. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epeneter , Prop. Mannfaottirer of flalvanlied Iron nnd Cornice. 023 and 101 nnil li/S N , Kith ft. , Umnha , Neb. 21UEMPING cO JIOLTE , Munufacturera of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Klmils , Wetallc&kyllght.etc. 3108. 1'Jt i et. , Oinahu. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Galvunl/Prt Irnn Cnrnlco , etc. Spect'fllmprnved Pat ent Mftallc hkylluht. 60S nnd Sill tj. ltli lm. Carpets. OJIAITACAJtrET CO. , Jobborn of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Ruffs , Linoleums , Minting : , Ktc. 1S1I Douglai slroot. A' . A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Matttnes , Curtiiln Oood , Kto. 1123 Kurnain btrcet , Oraahn , Neb. Crockery and Notions. " W. L. WRIGJfT , Agent for thoMnnufacturcrs and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , etc. OrTlco , 317 South 13th St. Oinahn , Neb. Commission and Storage. CfjflFFITlf ,0 f' SuoceiHors to Inaao UrIRItli , Conimission Merchants And WlioloinleDeHlem In Country Produce , Friiltn Butter , KEI . b'te. Goods on consiirnraent H iperlalty. ; tt > N. I'ilh ft. , Onuilin. J ) . A. HURLEY , CommlHSion and Jobbing- . nutter , r.nKH mProiluce. \ . Cnnslcnmcntii Bollcltcd. IleailquiirtPrs for Moncnaio , Hi rrj llozi'u and lir.ipo lIutkelH. 1111 Dodcenreetomuhu. J'El'CKE BROS , , Commission JfcrchantH. Fruits , Prodiu'i ) mid Pruvltlons , Omnlin , Neb. Coal and Lime. J' . MILESTONE M CO. , Dealers In Hard anil Soft Coal , Onlcoand yard , llitli und NIcholUH nl . , Omaha , Neb. Viircl Tclcih | no , tfn , QEO. ! ' . iMiiAnn , Pros. (5. F.noonvAN' , V. Pree. J. A. Hu.NDUltl.ANl ) , Bee. an.l Train. OMAHA COAL , COKE M LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. Sff.1 South TlilrtOPiith Street , Oimihii , Neb , , T. , T. JOHNSON < 0 CO. , Mnnnfaetiirers of Illinois Whlto T/irne. And Shippers of Coul and Coke , Cement , 1'lusti'r , IJmo , Hair. Klro Ilrlrlc , Drain. Tlio mid KewerPlpe. ( mini. P.trton Ilotjl. Karnani bt. , Omitm , Nub. Tt'leplioiiofell. _ Confectionery. F , P. FA Y < 0 CO. , Maiiiifacturiiif ? Confectioners , Jabbers of riulli.Nutu und Clfuie. 1211 rurjium St. . Omaha. W. E. RTDDELL , Storage and Commission iicrchant. Bpeclaltles Ilmter. Kstgt. Chi'oia. Poultry , ( iamo , Oyntera , Ktc. , lite. 112 Soutli illu street. Produce CommlRslon Merchants , Poultry , llutter , ( iamc , Fruits , etc. 220 H. 1UU t. Omaha. Neb , WESTERFIELD JIROS. , General Commission Merchants. i Omaha , Ncbraika , sollelted. WEEKS 0 MfLLARD , General Commission Kerchunts , And Jobbers of Foreign mid Domettle Fruits , forrc- ( pondente tiollrlted , Warehouse unit ( itMce , HUN. Thirteenth M. , Omaha , Nek , Telephone VTi. Lire Stock Commission , M. 1SURKE SONS , Llvo Stock Commission. _ neo. Butke , . Union Btock yards , H. Omaha. Telephone t82. SAVAGE : A GREEN , Live Stock Commission 3Ierchants , BhSpmeDUpf uny iind all kinds of Btock l/iilOoStpck Tanlf.OioaUa , Neb. OHAHflJOeDERS'DrREGTORY Cigars and Tobacco , " " V A" J/Kl'/JK ( CO. , Jobucrs of Clpnr. * , Tolmri'o. Quns fttul Ammiinlllon. S15 lofji P lltti > t. , 1030 to Hill KnrnitmM Oninlri. Vch rr/wr p JlanufactiiriM'S of Vine And Wliolc ti > DcnlPtK tn t. nt Tobnccm , No * . Itfi nn'llldN.lltli ' Jtrc-i'i , ( mnlia. Dry Goods , Dry Roods , KuruislilnirGood A Notions 1 Iff. ' mill 1101 DiMiitlnp. rnr. Itlh HI . Pniulm. Ncl > . Distillers. llftillers of | nr , Alcohol nnil eplrlt Imiorlc | ninl JiiMicrnor WltiMiiml l.lquorj. WILLO U'SI'ltl \ < ! S J > 1ST 11 , LE' V CO. and JLKlt , l CO. , Importer * ntui JoM'or r Vine WlhP nnil l.lqnom. Hole iimniitiioiiiri'raiif Kcntieitf' * KKH Imlln lilt- liT < niiilliinii'i > lrllgiinrM12 llnriicvL Drugs , Paints , Etc. 11. r. r LA it if is Ditra co. , Lnrco-t Dnt ) , ' , Paint , Oil Ailass ( House \VoftofCLloiico. I'onititt'tn l.lno nf llniKHlfts Suti- due1 * . 1IH jlnrni'y tt.Oniiilin. GO on jr. i xj ) it UG co. , \Vlioiossiii' Atul Doulrriln 1'iilntn , Ollmii Drain Tile , Etc. A. ll.SAl Kii.l'rm. t.W 1lnirnni > .Ppc.\Troii U. .1. OAn NV.l'ti's. . nnil SiipU Til K V .V / 0 X II TIt A ULW JHtAltfTILH CO. . Omrn 313 H. lllh nl. . Omnlin. Nob. Muclilnorr nnil t-upplk'a for.Mniiiilnctiirli'K Cvnu'iit lirulii 'illo. Engineers and Contractors , .0 CAMl'ltKLL , nnd Contractors , rldncs , Vliuliirl * . ItiKifTrnoi't , St"'iiin I'llo Drlvlns , 1'illiiK , Onk nnil I'lncnrlilk'oliMnilirr. IMIi - ! . , ncnr Kurnniii , Oinith.i.Nrh. furniture. D1WKV C ! STOXK , Wholesale Dpitlors in Fnrnitiire. Fnrnmu ft. , Onmli.i , .Vt'b. CfFARLKS Furniture , JJoddin , Upholstery , Mlrrnrn. oir. 120ft,1203 and 1210 Knrnnm it. , Omnhn. Groceries , GALLAGHKR ,0 CO. , Wholrsalo Groceries and Provisions , N < 7M. 707 , 7IB ( ami 711 ij. IQtlit . Omaha. Neb. , it it Any L co.f " \VltolcsaIo \ Grocers , 13th nnd I.rnrenwnrth I < IP. , Ornalin. Hardware. ir. , r. Heavy Hardware , Iron nud Steel , Sl > rliii ; , WHKOII Mock , Hnrdnuro I.uinlicr , inc. littl nrul I' ll llflni r pt. , Onnilia. EDNEY , ll GIBBON , Wholesale Iron anil Steel , W Eon nml fnrrlUKe Wooil Stock , Heitvy llarilwnro , Kir. 117 anil I' r. ) l.uavcnHortli ht. , Oniiilia , Net ) . MILTON ROGERS ,0 SONS , Stoves , Hatiffes , Furnaces , Tiles , Mnntla9irates , Itrussdood * . llil'l and l.'ttl Furnam btre.'t. Iron Works. PAXTON C VIERLING Iron Works , WroiiRht and Cast Iron lliilldlnK Work , Iron Stairs , Ilalllnir , llciinis nnd < ! lrder , Sti'nin Knylnp * . Ilrnm Work , ( ii neral I-ntindry , .Machine and Itlacksiulth Work. Uflici'iind WnrkH , U. I' . Hy.nnd 17th stieet. Jewelry. EDHOLM JO ERJCKSON. Wholesale Jewelers and31nsic Dealers. Dealcn In Sllvorirara , Dlnnuiiida. WntPhe < . Clocks , Jewelcr'sTiiolsand Mnterlal , etc. 101 and 1UJ litli pt. , cor. DudKU , Ouiah.i , Neb. Lumber. LOUIS ISRADFORID , Dealer in Lnniber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Doom , 12 to. Vnrds-Cirner7tli nud Douglas ; Corner ' .ith and Diiudni. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 811 S. Hlh street , Omalm , Neb. KColpet/cr , ManiiRfr. C. N. DIETZ , Lumber. 13th nnd California ptrcctK , Omnlm , Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Mil and DoiiKlan fit. , Omaha , Neb , JIOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Odlcc , 1403 Farnam street , Omnlm. CIIAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring. Uth and Douglas Omaha. JOHN A. WA ICEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. l&jportcd and American Portland Cement. Stnto Ayout forMllnaukco Iljdranllc Cciuentund llest ( Julncy Wlillf Jlme. Live Stock. UNIONSTOCK YARDS Co , Of Omaha. J.lmUe.l. John P. Iloyd , Superintendent. Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELDElt < 0 CO. , Importers and Jobborn of Millinery nnd Notions , Ii3and ] jl5Harncy Htreet , Omaha , Neb. Notions. ' " c. 8. Goonitrcn , o co. , Are the only Direct Importers of Gorman & French Toys it Fancy Goods In Nebraska. ChUiiKn prices duplicated without add- elKlit. HI , ' ) r'arnnni birei-t , Onnilia. . / T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Furnishing Goods , ial and 4li ( B. Tenth St. , ( Imuhu , ,0 SCHNEIDEIt , Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing ( ioods. 10fr. ) nd 1W F'lrnam st. Oninha , Nob. Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Punu , Shlrt , Ktc. IKKmid 1101 DouKlai .Street , Omaha , Neb. Printing , REES I'RIN'J'TNG COMPANY , Job Printers , Blank Hook Makers , And Hook Ulnders. 10) ) und 1W South Fourtventb treetOmahiNeb , WESTERN NEWS PA PER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Type. Pro e nnd Printer * ' Supplies. 'Mi Bonth Twelfth Mreet. Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. EDWIN MORRIS ,0 CO. , Manufacturer * , Puckers and Dealers In Pickles & Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar Jinking I'ovrdir. 1'lnvcirlni ! l.'xtrai'U. Table hiiuce , trench Wuiti' " ' Wmh llluhiK. Oroiers' fcper' " ! * ! " ( olotafcemi lor Voik Mutefeand Itellued Apple Ci der. 11'oOI.vnvciiMurtti t. , OiuuUa. QVaHAJDBBERSMHREQTCRY Safes , Etc. (1. J Oinalia Sttfpnrks. . Mnnuf ctiirr ot Klrontul nuralnrrmofS frs , Vnull IHK'I * . Jnllnrk , shut , ct < nnil Wl \\ork , l\ir. mtmtid JarKiun St .Dn-.nlia , Nub , r. iori { , r ro. , s for Itnll's Snfo ALeck Co.s' Riul Nuns r Proof Sifi' . Tlma locko.nulU unit Jnil Wurk. KM I l'Hrni lrort OmMin. Neb. Sash , Door $ , ffc. . jif. A. nisnitoir . ( cot Wliolo ale MiiniifiirmrcM of Snsli. Jeers ) , Hlltula ninl MoultHtiirs , Iliniicli offlce , 12lli nnil l iirJ ! .Omtlm , Sch. ( i. JMM / . I A' . , Dour , UliniN , lillnf I'-ilMT. rlo. UX'I South Tlintrriith Street , Oiimlin. Sob. A riintiilolc''irk ( u ( IhiililDii' llnnlwnri' JJOI/.V MAXTI'\tCTriil\ . , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Wonl < llii.F Mnlr worknmt tntorlnr Him ! \Vnoil Kltilsh Jvist upoui'il. N.U iiir Sih nnil * : ciiwoitli Sl . Oiimlin , t l > . Pumps , , j > r.uco. . , Wholosnlo Piutiim , I'lpiKlttiupfs , Btoiimiuiil Wiiti-r Siipiillrii llt'rtiliiii.ittcr" f r Mn t Ko i U'n'r > ( iniiil ; . lilt Knrniim t ( iiunlin. Nrti , A. L. STHAM ! CO7 I'muns , 1'lpoa mill Kindiies , Bt am , Watvr , Iliillnny Hint .Mlllltiu Supiillrc. KtO. KO , ll ! lim1IUI Kllftllllll St , Olllilll.l. Nl'lh " _ IIMIwlny Wlnil Mlll i pit-sui mnl Witter StM'I'llCJ , I'liitiililiiKdoiMlf. tlcltltiK. llii iv ' . 'It ' nnil VJO Ini-- tuun * t. , Onuilin. H 1C. I't'Iton , Mutineer. Tclvtihcino Nu. 2'd. Trunks. It , / / . M.I Wholesale Mllliui ! llntol ntui k , Omiibii. Wagons and Carriages. The Lending Carringo Factory , 14011 utiil 1(11 IJoitco Mreet , Omaha. ' White Lead. WHITE LEAD CO. , Strictly Pure White Load , Wtli iitrrctnnil f I * Ity. , Omnlm. WHO 19 UNACQJAI > CTED WITH TNC QCOCRAPHY OF mil cooNTnr wiLl 6CE or CXAMIMINQ THI * MAP THAT THE GHIC GOrriOCKISi.AOS [ ( PACIFIC ilAiLVMV I'vrrH rn of Its cnntral p tliu : > it anil eiotHKr lRtlou tn nil prlntlpiil linen tnut nnrt Weit nt InlUnl n'ld trr- inliml palntH , t-oiibtltiitct tha l.utM ] nijiortnrt } inlit' contfnentftl link In that itvctri i i > f 11iiniiib Mnnrpor. lution nlilcli Inilti't : LIII | rniJUtiitm IrnMil tiTKltrilfl lii'tui'uncllk'Hiir the Atlnnllo mid I'wlllo CVaitK 1C In al thtir.ivoill nnil brrt niute tonniKiom i > inti rnst. N < irOii > iiiit ami Bnmhcnrt , MH | I'crirjpunalag lialnti West , Nurtlincnt nnd Soiitlnu'St. The Great Rock Island Route niurantco * Its patrons tbnt fcnsc of pcrronal fi'fn- lit ) nltunli'd by n pullil , tlinioiiKhlv linllnurd rund. uii'l. ' unootli trufkB ol cuntlniioim neil mil. ml , iuu- tlallrliulll Clllrcrtu nud lirldicen , lnllInK vtoikna dint | u > iri > ctl n n liiminn xklll tun inukii It the nufrt * nMillunce | of intent lililliMii.plntrniiiiHmill nil tlnUc mid that finctluir disc lonlilili iniToins the prati tli-al opsriitlon of nil Its trnin. oihVr Ktn-rlnltlfii lit Ills roiite me Trniiirvrs nt nil fonin'otluir points In I'nldii DcnolK , ntnl tlni n iirpiiF ed ccnifoitt anil uuurlosof luPiuneniri-r Uiiulpnifit. Pift , HI The Famous Alboi-t Lea Route Is the direct and riiroilto ilna Iwtuiwn Chlcsiroiuiil MliiniapiilliiinrtHI Paul , hem connrrtlon niumiiilo ' ' " " " ' " "I'epotHfor all-pnlnta In Ilio Ivirltoilos ami llrilitili Provinces. Iher tlil lonln Fnil ExprcBS J r.ilns mo inn lo the untoilutr plari'ti , Mtinmer re * iiorln. | ilctnirsiiiu ) Iwtlllles. ami linntlnc und llslilna lrimniliir Iowa and .Mljini's.itu. II I. iio thn mort drslial > l rniilf > tii ( lie rlcft heat llelds nnd pubturut lands of Interior Dak.itt. . Htlll anntlirr DIItMT MNIJ , via 8 n irn and Kan. knki'i' . Han lifun opvnnl liot ifti Clnclnnutl. Indlnn * f nulls and Lafayotln. and ColliiHl lllnirB , KniUkHCIlr. Wtmeapnlliaialbt. Paul nud intvrnirdla.ii polntK tar detailed Inronnalliin hen AIupn nml { oldrrr. plitaliiablB. in well n. Ikkvts , nt Ml nrinclpal Tlcki-t unico ' In tlie United BtatcB mid Canada : or by ad- R. R. OABUE , E. ST. JOHN , Pree't & Oen'l M'u'r , Ocn'l T'l.t & Pass. Ac'U P. BOYEB & CO. UKAI.EIIS IN and JsiJ Work. 1020 L'iiriuim Street , O\ialm. Neb. SUPPLIES o u Printing Dices. THE SIOUX CITY NEWSPAPER UNION to call the attention of Printers nnd Piihllrhi ers nf Nrlini'ka , D.lkolu , Mnnu | < ot and Wl'aluni JoVu to their vcrj coniplcto stock of Kino I'lat PapoiB , Unon Papers , Cover Papers , Col orud Klat-Papprti , Manilla I'ai'iiis , Ilnnk , I'rlnt nnd PiiHler I'apcm , Curds und fan ) Hoard , ItuioiJ I'apsra , Kuviiliipos , WcddhiK Mutlonory. Hull Protiniinmcii , VlHltliiK Cants , mid nnythlnii clue In the | nticr line required In n tlrnt-chiEH Priiitliu : unico. Hninplcs of aoods will ha furnlnhcd promptly to nil who npply for Ilium with Hptclnl prkoj lor n i'ina nuido up of as ninny dtllerent kinds of jiocnls nu iiiny lioru'inlred. ' .Vow li thotlmo to nuiko ontynuroidcrj for needs for fall unrk , ( Jol Miniplunor our you in ninl roinp.irn thu qnullly und prlcts nlth tlioitu ot other hini e . Wo ( airy no Infi-lror ttock , Twenty- Ilvo ji'ni ' uxper.i'iiio ainvlnci'S UK Unit the II1ST : ID C'HICAPlIhT und Kl\es thu vruatol tulUfuutlun to purchutcrs. Kolli'Ilcd , \vhleli prompt nttcntlnn will houiven. Addro SIOUX CITY HSWSPAPE1 UNION , > otiKltt-i Slreof , SIOUX Cl'l'V , IOWA , CarrylnK thollcluliim Hoyitt mil Uiiltixl Stiltui Mllll.SUIhllf CVfl > atUll.l | > - Between Antwerp & Hsv ; York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRAHCB , I'AIA , AND WINTlIll. . . flm $ ( i ° lu * ' ' , ! { jto"ralon trip rioro 1110 to $ ii. bcuonil Cabin , uimvai-.j. * li . at low rulus. Peter Writlit i. Sotie , Uoiioiv Agents , 65 Jlrouawtty. Now VorK. 'uiut , Uls i'-ufiiiiii bt. ; I'.uilSDii .V rceman , .IKl 1'uiu