Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1886, Page 2, Image 2
THE OjtfAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER & iaS6. A REST BUT NOT AN ARRES1 Dilatory Action of the Sionx Oity Author ; ties in tbo Haddock Case. SOMETHING WRONG SOMEWHER A niu 'Varsity FlRlit Between Tell nnd DCS MolnoN Death ofn Ills- toilcal War CooU Iowa News. "Where nro Iho Minister's Siotx Cirv. In. , Kept. 3. [ Special Tell to tlio Bitl : It was conlidontly e ; that early In the week Iho arrest ( the party , or pintles , Implicated In the Hni ( look assassination would be made , but up t the present lluio none lias been iimdo. Tli ! somctlilni ; Is radically wrom ; somewheie liu lnnliiu to dnwn upon the iiilm ! > of 111:111 : of Iho most coiisrevatlvo of our citizens an considerable talk , and oven denunciation ( thu methods of procedure , nro heard. I/ei' : ' lit , undoubtedly the ringleader In the coi splracy , Is still atlnrse.nnda week hnsalmo. . paused since the verdict wns rendered nn nothing apparently has been accompllshei Your correspondent docs not jirvtcnd to sn wlmt Is wroiif , ' . But Incotnpctcncy , or inc of clTort somewhere , lias deterred mattci greatly , If not even made Impossible the flnr clearing up of the whole mystery and brliif Itnr to Justice the right parties. From tli llnst It was apparent that Lcavltt ha considerable to do with the alTttlr , and shoul have been placed under nrrcst for susplcloi nt least. Ilia .ovhlunco before tlio coroner Jury was v cry damaghiK fo himself , and yi he wns allowed to leave tlio city anil now It evldftnt ho cannot bo found. Several othi parties , prlnclDally saloonlsts , who nro b ( Ileved to have bad a hand In the affair , lm\ also quietly folded their tents and sto away and are now bciiif ! hunted for hlijli an low by the police , but without result as ye 'J 1m exact nature ot tbo coroner's verdict not known and as matters now look will IK bo for some time. It future events do m Justify the COIUMS taken during tlio slttlncc ( the jury , Sioux City will not likely soon ba\ an opportunity of setting herself right bcfoi tlio world. Tlio University PKM.A , la. , Sup. " . ( Sncclal Telegram 1 the BKB.J A temporary injunction has bee granted by the circuit court of Mason count to restrain the Dos Molnos university froi rcitiovlin ! any of the property from the Pell university , which , under the terms of tli consolidation of the two schools , should L brouulit tO DcS Mollies. Much opposition ( the plan of lemoval has developed at till place. Tlio great body of the alumni are vet unwilling to hive : their school , which is tli older , merged with the Des Molnus tiulve jslty , which is much younger , Death of an Uid War Cook. MIMIUII.V , la , , Sept. a. [ Special to tli DKK. ] Aunt Docky Woodly , nn old colore woman of considerable historical notorlet was found dead hero this inorninir. Sli was all through the wnr as cool and ns such went with the Seventieth li diana Infantry on the march from At hint to the sea , and passed m the grand review a WnshliiKton nt the close of the war. Sli was well known to the old soldiers of tli northwest , for whom she had performs many kind nets. Iowa's ICIeplmnt. Well. BKI.T.K PLAINK , la. , Sept. 2. No change I the situation to-day. The big well elephan is still unchained. This afternoon the bl cone wns loaded with sand and cement an lowered. It wnnt down slowly and linn having at times to bo forced. As yet there i no perceptible diminution in the flow , thomr the cone Is down sixty feet. Hopes stl center on the cone. A 3IOOO Plro. DKS JToiNKs , In. , Sept. 2. ( Special Tclo Brain to the BHE.J A flro at Donnellson 4 ee county , to-day destroyed tliongrleulturr Implement warehouse of George A wnk-nechl link two small dwellings adjoining. Loss ? * ] ,000. Congressional Choice. Ci-.DAn HAIMDS , la. , Sept. -Special [ Tc ; cgramto the BIK. : ] William K Fuller wa renemlnated for congress by the republican of tlio Fourth district to-ilay. KENYA'S I'ltJaDIUAMEXT. Ills Democratic IJocuinouls Whlol Are Pull of IHundcrs , WASHINGTON , Sept. 2. [ Special Telcgraii to the UKK.J Senator Ktwna's proplietl soul seems to have hinted to him som months slnco the ungrateful task ho hai I Taken on his shoulders In accepting tin tthnlrmanshlp ol the congressional commit iTfje , but ho must bo satisfied now that the hal ' _ * , not told him or lie would have adherei 10 his first Intention of refusing to accept th lesponsibllity Charged with th talk ot furnishing the doni ocrat masses with pabulum nnd ptittlm words Into the mouths ot democrat orators 31r. Kenna found lihusclt with nothing t tlrawupon. A campaign book was oneo Iho first demands , for It was the only wa ; I that under tbo civil service laws money couli ' 5m ralged. It was shovelled together , no Itow the achievements of the party in powei but from the alleged non-achievements o tlio party which retired eighteen months ago The book , nt the low price of 0110 dollar , i 10 1:0 Into tlio departments , nnd the govern . ment employe , from the charwoman to th chief , who has not at least live of these upoi JIIH or her shelves , may expect early rclojr.i tlou to private life. JJut Kenna had no tlioir'ht ot the possibility of some baitlylfi formed potfion becoming Imbued with th Idea tlint the book was made to read , am only a strougdemocrntpaperiiiiotod.some es tracts and hinted that it sounded miicl like "rot. " Mr. Kcnnn's next effort was Ui Issue of a financial of a vagu character , such as ho had been done In forme times by the republican committee. Hi neglected to state , however , whether It wa the view taken by Mr. Morrison or the om endorsed by the administration , and In i couple of days some meddler picked up tin inoiithly debt statement and showed that : better state of things financially would Imvi existed It n small boy had been put in tin treasury department to sweep out und casl checks that Imd reunited from the "manage nient" so hlchly landed. Hut Mr. Kenna's latest seems to prove hi : worst. Ilo has Issued a statement , complliu from nncltmt history , published a few dnyi nini'0. which ho terms "Defalcations Unite KemiblliMM Itulc. " Ho places the ninoiin lost nt a little over 91'J,000UOO , mm in thli ho includes every disputed account every apparent liability , every unsettla k judgment in which even the debtor hlmscl has not yet iieard the amount duu from him Gelt to the government , and then adds to I ulleuatlons and charges made by Intcrcstcn parties whether it appears upon tlio books o : the government or not , Ilo neglects to com pare tlui iHM'contago of these dtretectlons dnr Ing republican rule with those under provlom domocnitlR administrations , nnd has left his whole statement so full of tlnws that it Is al ready being picked to pieces. Three dayi utter its issue ho was compelled to cuter at explanation , nnd it seems us If it would re null n his whole time for this purpose. Totel tha truth , the past eighteen months has beci n very barren period fora campaign commit tec , and it can do but little , although It luu the power and books at IU hack , but thresl over the old stniw upon which the democrat : grew tired along ot feeding. A flight IloUucilon. WASHINGTON , Sept. 3. [ Special Tolegran to the UKK.J Though tbo receipts of the gov eminent for the mouth of August were large the reduction of the public debt will not hi more than Sl.'JlO.GKJ.iU on account of tin heavy expenditures of the mouey authorize ! by congress. _ , t Treasurer fSulln'd Anllction. County Treasurer Dollu received a cfi' blesram yesterday announcing the de.utl of his father in Udrmany at the nUVancec go of eighty-one yjeura. KACI5 TO PACK. Cheeky Church of Xcmnhn In th Proscnco of lion , Ii. O , Lett. Tlio evening train from Lincoln yo lerday over the H. & Al. had among il many pas eiiR M the Hon. H. C. Let a former prominent resident and a popt lar democratic loader of the stato. lie it was , who c testimony given before th legislative committee that Investigate Iho llowe-l'alrick ease , proved so coi clusivcly that Church was not orthodo In the matter of honesty. Mr. Lett ha hoard that ONcerptSjfrotn his tcslimon hud been published in the Hr.i : , but neve saw the nrtlele until yesterday mornin wlion he 'arrived at the Capital hole Subsequently ho met the redoublabl Church , candidate for congress , anil wii surprised at his exlra show of cordialitj They breakfasted together , and notwitl Btan'ding the fact that Howe know fu well the damaging evidence against hit mibhrthe.d in the Bt'i : , and the fact thi : it was taken nom Iho recor of Mr. Lull's testimony he never rcferrc to it nor indicated by action or word c appearance that any such thing wi : already in the possession of every rcnc iug man in Nebraska , and nuiueroii places outside the stato. Meeting Mr. Lett Inst night n report c of the HKIJ learned the foregoing fact ; and also many other points going to shoi the bra/.en character of HoWo. "You have read the KKK articles o Howe's candidacy ? , ' was asked. ' 'Oh , ves. The last one I saw for th first time this morning. " "Your testimony was correctly put llslied , was It not1 ? * "Yes , sir , every word of it. " "Your statomonls tire as true to-day a they wore then , Mr. Lett ? " "Just as true , and I have not a word t change , tor I could not did 1 so desire for they are the truth , the whole trut and nothing but the truth. " "Have you anything further lo sav o the subject ? " "Ob , no. 1 am out of politics and Itav been for some years , ami I have no Intel est in Church llowo's fights now. 1 think however , Mr. Barker's evidence in thn investigation was the most damaging o all. Down in old Nomaha there ar many atlldaviU that Church Howe ha heard road , which perhaps he would nc like to have made public , now that hi operations are in a larger political liold. Air. Lett took the overland train fo Colorado , where ho has charge of th stone department of the Union Pacill railway. Ho seemed desirous , like al old Nebraskans who know Howe's rae record , to banish it from mind nnd sa very little about the man or his mci sures. Traveling Guns. There is only one thing of equal sin priso to seeing the Hon. Charles II Dewey getting on a train , and that is hi getting oft' . His presence seems as ncccs sary to the complete equipment of n firsl class train as a I'ullman palace cai Last evening when the overland froi the west pulled in , among the first t alight was the great Omaha travoloi The reportorial instinct knew at one that there was some news in the ah either personal or general , for the Hon Charles II. always travels in prominoii company. It was not surprising then t see I' . P. Shelby , assistant trallio manti gor of the Union Pacific , with hoadquat tors at Salt Lake , make his appearance Ilo was closely followed by General A U. McCook who has had charge of mill tary affairs in Utah and is on his way ti ' St. Joe for a state fair cncampm'enl whcnoo he will proceed to Leavonwortli Then came Colonel Hawkins , Jay Mot ton , son of the Hon. J. Sterling , an Wallace Kirko , son of Chicago's greti soap manufacturer. The latter two hnv been on a big hunt north of Grand Is land , and report a good time , althoug ] the pot-hunter had evidently been amom the chickens before the legal timo. General oral MeCook and Colonel Hawkins re mamed over to dine with Air. Shclbj Messrs. Morton and Kirko went to th Club for luncheon , and Air. Dewcy ox ctised himself from the party in order ti meditate on the good time ho had amoiij the veterans at Grand Island , and t think how soon it would bo that ho wonli bo an oyo-witncss of French militar ; movements on the Champs do Alars. The Middlo-Wclxht Giants. Yesterday report reached this cit , that Al Marx , who Is in training to bo Michael Fitzgerald on the 8th instant hai been thrown from a Imgey and scriousl. injured. Notwithstanding the raii Colonel Forbes hitched up hie eli Dexter , and drove out to Marx' training quarters. Ho found tha the "Texas Cowboy" had boon throwi out of a buggy as reported , but ho hai sustained no injury vhatovcr , but on th contrary was in the very best of condi tion. Ho is confident of his ability ti down the young Irishmen , and as ho ha the "hurricane lighting" tactics and i several pounds heavier than Fitzgoralt ho will undoubtedly make things live ! for Michaol. The hitter came up from Bellevue las night to order a now boll ; the star am stripes above the green. Ho looks like i young giant , and as ho expects to hav. . a match In Chicago very soon and has ti return to Utah to fight Jack Murphy , i Uocky mountain champion , ho says hi wishes his match with Marx was to conn oil'nt once. Fitzgerald depends inainl' ' on his science for victory on the 8th , ani scorns to have no fear ot the result. IL returned to Hollovuo this morning , am will continue his training until the eve o mooting day. The Sloinau Stook. Yesterday afternoon the bids for tin Sloinan stook wcro opened In the Unitcj states court. They were found to bi lower , if anything , than those origin all ; tdvortiscd for. Aloyer , Hannerman & Co. , bid GO } cent ! ; ash on the dollar , taking the appraiser : nyontory as a basis of calculation. Jos. Frond &Co. , $28,230.00. ' Holding Bros , & Co. and several othoi inns put in partial bids. Herman C I'ccliholiuor , of Uotrolt , put in a bid o P31.800 , for the stook or about $270 high > r than that of Aloyer , iJnnnorman & Co I'ho attorneys in tno case claim that thii jd | was received nftor the time for oloa. ng , August 81st , and an otlbrt will b ( undo to have it thrown out. The stock was awarded to Meyer , Bai icrman & Co. for 11,200 , they being UK ugliest bidders. Personal Par Airs. N. B , Falconer and sister came it iom the west lust evening. Mr. and Airs. Thomas Rellly ani laughter , returned yesterday mbrninj : roui Grand Island. Airs. Thomas Pioronctand boy returnee iiomo yesterday , after a month's visi .van . "the old folks at homo" in Illinois Otto StroeUor , a well-known Now Yorl ionrnallst. arrived last ovouing on t his brother-in-law Paul Woln ; isit to - - , : iugoii , of this city. Klder H. C. Barlow , of Tooumsoh , foi : wenty-eight years state evangelist o ho Christian church , passed through tin Mty yesterday morning on his way tc North , Band , A quartette of prominent Engltsli .ourisu occupied the Pullman car Kearney noy on the westward bound train las light. They were Colonel Chartries ant uid are on tholr way to San Francisco. Alex. U. Charltou and brldo canio h from "Bsctor last night , and. took tl night train for the JtocKy mountains an the Pacific "coan. Their sroelal obioi live point Is Oakland , Cal. , where Al f'harlton's mother and his sister , Mr Kdholin , reside. They will return nboi October 1. after which they will bo " ; home , " No , 1U13 California street. largo number of friends were at tli depot to meet the nowly-marrle couple. John Wood has returned after seven weeks of pleasure nt his old homo i Rhode Island. William Thompson , of Denver , is visi ing his old iricnds , John Wood and Job Kerns , of this city , nnd it is presume that he will return to his mountain hem accompanied by a bride. Kv-Chlof Ihitlcr of the fire departmei 1ms been away for several weeks , bavin n pleasant time in the east and attendin the convention of ( ire chiefs at Saralogs Ho will return homo in a few days. Our ninrtliiovleh. A Chlr.igo man named Maitltiovlch , wl : says ho is a native of MoiitencKi'o and \vi born about uluhtcen miles from Solia In Uu irnria , tells the Chicago papers that Prim Ale.\nndt > r Is really very unpopular nmon the lltilgarlaus , who are full of pratltudo t Kiissla. It Is only uocessaiy to observe tin Sofia Is more than two hundred miles froi the nearest point on tlio Montenegrin hoi der. der.In In a matter of so momentous linpor mice it is well that the truth should li known. Alartinovich Is not a Clncagoat Ilo belongs to Omaha. Hero his voracit has never been questioned , Neither hav his opinions. Thn one IIIIH always bee respected und the other have nlwaj boon soucht by a knowledge-thirst world. . The fact that Marilnoviuh wr born not nearer than two hundred mile to the Montenegrin border in no wise ii capacitates such a man as ho from o : iiresslnjj an opinion as regards the popi larity of Prince Alexander , the more ci pcclally so that thousands of , and not tw hundred miles , separate him from Iho lau of his birth. The Board ofTrnilc Mooting. An adjourned meeting ot the board ( trade was held last evening lo furtht consider the proposition for the crcctio of an additional story to Iho board c trade building. Air. Sidney Smitl chairman ot the committee ai pointed to collect subscriptions ft the purpose of adding the story , roporte that the committee had secured pied"c amounting to $3,000. Ho said ho did m think there would bo any trouble in rai : ing the desired amount. i A miscellaneous talk was indulged i relative to the proposed improvement an the committee was instructed tocoutinu the work of solioititing subscription and also to get the consent of two-third of the members of the board to the issi anco of the proposed bonds. The board then adjourned to meet at o'clock on Saturday evening to receiv the report of the committee. For Travelers' Convenience. While payincr a visit to the railroa ofTieos yestcrdsy a reporter for the BE had the pleasure of witnessing a mo ; excellent device for the accommodatlo of passengers in getting on and off th ulatforms of railway coaches. It is s arranged that a brnkumnn can , befor leaving the platform , pull a lever , ci after stopping down on the ground tur a small crank" , which will cause an adu tional step to extend down from undei neath the Jo\vest permanent stop ani about equally divide the distance be tween the ground and the regular ate ) thereby making it more convenient fo passengers , especially ladies , to get o and on" the cars with some degree ol eon : fort. The device is simply constructed and in point of safety , durability nn cheapness of construction seems to carr its own recommendation. At the Ilabbi Benson lectures this ovenin upon the subject of "What Will the Las Pages of Our Century Record. " Thi lecture is the first of Iho fall scries c intellectual discourses lo ho delivered b Dr. Benson. The choir , composed of th best musical talent in the city , have prc pared some excellent selections. Divin service from this evening will coi : tinuo to bo 1'eld ' rcgulaVly at Eth synagogue , both Friday evening at 7:13 o'clock and Saturday morning at 1 o'clock. The Sabbath school connccte with the congregation will reopen ncx Sunday morning at 10 o'clock , at whic time school oflicors , teachers and pupil are requested lo bo present. A Christian College. A copy of the second annual catalogu of the Fairfield Normal and Collegia ! institute of Fairlield , Neb. , for 'aV3 ( has made its appearance. It is a credit able pamphlet of twenty-two pages containing lists of Iho olllcors , th courses of studios , the different institu lions of the college , the articles of in corporation and by-laws of the same , tc gethor with a showing of the students ii attendance , who during the last torn numbered 3-12. The institute is under th direction of the Christian church , an seems to bo in a flourishing condition I'ho pamphlet was forwardcdby Roy. R C , Harrow , state evangelist of the dc nomination. A Mall Mun to bo Wedded. Frank A. Knst , of the letter carrie force , has been promoted from Distric No. nineteen in tlio southwest part o the city , to District five , bounded by Fii teonth and Seventeenth anil Dodge am Farnani streets. Ho is enjoying a shor vacation at present and on Tuesday nex will leave for Iowa City , la. , where nn Wednesday , ho will bo married t Miss Maggie Anderson , of that place i'lio kindly wishes of all his associate will accompany him on his journey. To Farmers. I have for sale fifty line mares , which will sell on tiiiiq , Also for sale or trade for Omaha prop 5rty , the following ; 25 good horses. 10 top buggies. 10 sots of harness. * Will sell this property on monthly pay nonts. Also a few choice houses nnd lots ivhioli I will trade for drug slocks. Cal U Park & Fowler's ollico or al my resi lenco , 10U North 10th st. P. PUUVN. riiiildlni ; Permits , Inspector Whltlock issued building lorinits yesterday as follows : Edward Lnrkln , hrlck basement for tenement , ( irnutnnil Colfax . S 1,00 Milton Honors , ono-story frumo ware house , 15th nnd Iznrd. . . , . , , . . 2,00 , M , I' . Frankhausor , frame addition to cottage. ! ! M7 Uoilijo . 25 \V. \ C , Matthlson , one and a half story frame cottage , Davenport bet -7tu nnitasth . 85 Four permits aggregating . S 3eo < Pounil a Pookotbook ; "Honesty ia the best policy" is the gos > ol of railroad men , and if anything o ittlo or big valno is found around thi lopot , or on the trains , it is a moral cer jilnty it will bo returned to Its owner ITosterday Bradley Johnson , one o Depot Master Haney's employes found t , ) ocketboolc containing valuables to tin unouut of about seyuuty dollars. Tin > wuer can have the same by calling ot iiradluy and proving property. SHE ROBBED ; TI1E RECTOR * Eov. Hatnmill's Acl pt'oil Daughter OarrU Away 1 $ B r Mother , IMPROVING TtfEVATER \ WORK * Church's CitcekTlio Strike Kntletl The Hoard of Trmlo A Kot-Ror Arrcsicd ni Traveling Guns-i'niicr ' Local. A MNMna Girl. .Tlio Kev. Mr. llnmniil ! , Uio now rcctc of Trinity , was very much excited yesto tiny ovnr tlui suildon disappearance of li niloptoil daughter , Fannln , aged ton year wnll lo : should bo , for the little girl is c unusual brightness , advanced inoro tlia her yours would ordinarily Indicate , an a pet of the llannnill household , as wo as a general favorite with all who kno < her. yesterday about noon she went t the grocery store on an errand , 01 dorcd the articles purchased sent liomi but never returned Herself. When IK absence became prolonged beyond reasonable time , anxiety suggested search , but notwithstanding the fact tin all places where she might have visit o andjill the outgoing trains wcro vvatchei no tidings of the missing one wore fouiu There is a vein of sensation in tills iHsiq pcnranco. Some thrco years ago tli Kev. Mr. UamtnlJl adopted tli little girl with the full coi sent of her mother , who was loft a wldo' in very poor circumstances in New Yor City and with six children to care foi Her husband was an extensive dry good merchant in the metropolis , anil while o a visit to the Montreal ice carnival i 18S2 lie contracted a cold which deve oped into pneumonia , which resulted fr tally. After his death it was diseox-oro that all his money had been invested i his business , and further oxamlnatio showed that there were no assets whai over for the widow and children. It wa at this time the Rev. Mr. Ilamnnl teethe the child , Fannie , and provided her wit the best of homes , in which ovorythin that ail'ection could suggest was pr < vided for the Httln one. The niothu seemed overpleased that her daughtu had such preseutgood fortune and Jutur bright prospects. Sometime afterward she visited her child and was n joiced to see how contented sh was in her happy home. Tli mother subsequently remarried a ma by name of Edwards and moved to Kan sos City. Hev. Mr. Ilammill and funi ily came hero , the former to assume tli responsible position of rector of Trinit cathedral. The mother never visited he child again until about a fortnight ag she asked permission to call at Air. Ham mill's on her way , , "Us she alleged , ti San Lrancisco. Tbis , Was readily grautoi and the meeting took .place , the child of course , after the absence of so man' years , and considering her tender age not recognizing her , v iother. Notlnnj was then said a ? , Jo .any change in tin Homo of the child [ being made , nor wa there the least suggestion of any inten tion on the mother's ' part to take tin child. Mrs EdwAvds loft , apparently ti continue her trip lo San Francisco. Tin disappearance oiFiinnjc yesterday make Mr. Ilammill morally certain that tin woman remained in-tlio citv or had ai agent here , and that 'the fittle < jirl ha been taken away. Mr. flanuuil can ' account Mr - , her absence ii no other way. ri.13 6 ; will leave 111 stone unturned 'ascertain Fannie' whereabouts. Hoas Ueoply grieved n Mrs. Edwards' action , if slio really ha spirited the child away , especially is In us willing to 'submit the question o vrhich home is the better one for tin child to any selected friends of boll parties. There is a bare possibility tha the disappearance of the little girl ma ; bo attributed to some other cause , bii there is very little foundation for an' other theory than abnetion. The pres unt husband of the mother is said to b opposed to having the child back oven i the mother should wish it. Mr. Hammil telegraphed to Kansas City last nigh and personally visited all the trains , am is determined to throw some light on tin mystery no matter what It may cost. THE STRIKE UEOI/AUED "OFF.1 riio Ilorseslioors Gain Their Point am Etui the Strike. The horscshoers met again last nigh and took a review ot the results of th strike. They quit work last Monday be cause they were too -poorly paid , rc-cciv ing from $2.00 to § 3.50 jior day , and m pay for overtime. They formed n union gathered into it the best workmen in th city , and demanded a raise of wages , i uniform rate of $ J5.00 per day for flee worhors and $3.50 for lire hands , witl r > 0 cents an hour for overtime. This wa asking a good deal , compared with tin wages which jour shpe s had been re solving , but the proprietors of the lead ing shops of the city , realizing that tin men were earning the wages askoi by them , acceded to the demand und the men returned tc work at once Other proprietors have given in am union men are now employed in all o the leading shops of the citv. The proprietors priotors who employ "cowsfioers , " as tin non-union workmen arc called , are Kar bach , Moore , street car barn , Nelson Uogors , Longfrcy and Muhloon , Thesi noyer employ but a few workmen am tbo union , feeling that it has gamed i ? rent victory in the interest of organize ! labor , at their mooting last night do slared the strike oil' . All of the men whc went out with the strikers remainci loyal , except four who wore unable U liold tlioir positions and went into seal shops to keep from beiiig thrown out 01 jniploymont The horseshoors approci vto to the fullest extent the very courto ins treatment they have received at tin muds of the bo qs who have agreed tc , ho now scale of pricoj . WATERWORKS CHANGES. Important Improvements Contour plated l > y the New AdiiilulHtration , The now managers of the waterworks lompany were busv yesterday in aosunv ng charge of th6' ' ' comp.iny's business , Mr. Wilio , the now secretiry , will remove , o Omaha at once , and assume chanro ol .ho } ocul ollico. A Vp'/dy important iiu- iroyoments arc being planned by the ne\\ nanagemont that will'givotho city a bet' or water service'th t. it so much needs , 't is proposed to remove the pumping ajv Kinitus and plant1 ' rffpor of the coni1 > any to Floronco,1 _ ' Tnu first and mpsl mnortant reason for thischango is tlnil it Florence the current of the river is nero fixed than at the present Kite > f the pumping houses , and n slcaror quality of water can tluu jo obtained. 'Iho valno of the ground n the vicinity of the present works alsa nakos the enlargement of the plant an ixpensivo venture in its present locality , t is proposed to build si plant at Flor- iiice that will have a capacity sulliclcnt o moot the demand of the ciiy for year * o come. The water will bo pumped ill- cot into the pipes at Florence und con- luctod to the reservoirs now used by the iompany in this city. The contemplated improvements will involve an oxpondi- uro of nearly threo-ouartcrs of a > niillion lollars and will give Omaha a water- vorks-system in keeping with the city's idvanceraent in other improvements ol t public nature. Picnic aln ItitfTVt. Last night a "oloet party of Omaha 1 dips and gcntli-mon wont lo ( ? rar Island to visit lht > ( i. A. K. eneauipuien It was composed of Mr. and Mrs , L. > Honnctt , Mr. mil Mrs. U. K. Yost , Mi Uertha Yost , Mr. and Mrs. Lyinan Kiel nrdson , Master Ralph Kk-hardson , M and Mrs. ,1.V. . Morse , General and Mr Cowin , Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Morstna Mrsiporgo K. I'ritchott , Mrs. Sa : .lonos , and Mr. John K. Wilbur. Thee o ant I'ullman bull'ot enr Dogota Was o IWlallv arranged for tiie party by G. V C. I'utterson , the ellicient storekeeper i the eomimny , and everything was i royal order for luxurious comfort an pleasure. In addition to the goner ; stock of good things provided , each met ber of the party brought along a bask of fruit , etc. , so that really tins trip wi lie n basket piouie nn n bullet ear. TI party will remain at the grand rcunk until Saturday , and will bo at homo c the Hogota especially if it rains. Army Orders. The department rlllo team , Ineludin two alternates , will proceed , on the 01 inst. , under cliargo of First Lieulonai John Conklin , Ninth cavalry , commam ing the team , lo Fort Loavomvortli , Kai sas , and report : it headquarters dopar inent of the Missouri. Second Lieutenant Grote Hulchesoi Ninth cavalry , has been relie.\od froi further duty in connection with the id partmcnt rifln competition , and will pr < cced to Fort Niobrara , Nob. , and repo to the commanding otlicer for duty wit his troop. Major Guy V. Henry , Ninth cavali" Inspector of rillo pniollco for the dopar ment , will proceed to Fort Loavenwortl Kansas , on public business. Tlio Thlrtconth Street Tllot. Again. In Judge Slonberg's court yestord.i afternoon Carl Harm , the basket make was arraigned for trial , charged wit having assaulted Ollieor O'Hoylo in tl riot on Thirteenth street some weeksagi lie strenuously denied having been coi nected in the matter , and his sou , young follow about eighteen years of agi did some tall swearing in his behalf. . dozen witnesses , however , testified tin weilo O Boyle was holding Sweeney dow Harm struck the ollieer and kicked hit several times. Judge Stoubcrg pr < nounced him guilty and sentenced nil to serve ten days in the county jail an also to pay a line of ? ' , ' 5. His Skull Clacked. "Judge , I've got a cracked skull , an want a warrant for Mike Troy , " said ft W. Hartigan , as ho staggered into tl ; police court room yesterday cveninf holding a bloodsoaked handkerchief t his head. Ho stated that ho had bee standing at his homo , at the corner c Twelfth and Cass , talking with Troi when tlio latter drew up a loaded can and hit him across the head. A warrar was issued and Troy arrested last'night He alleges that ho struck Hartigan i self-defense. Hartigan has a severe cu across his head , but Is not dangerous ! hurt. Missouri' * * Hanks. Yesterday morning's passeugei Da the U. & M. saw what ol settlers claimed to bo amoj unusual occurrence. It was notl : ing less than the fording by about twent head of cattle of the Missouri river , short distance above Plattsinouth. Thcr was nobody in charge of the herd. The seemed to take the notion of making trip to the Ipwrv side , and quietly tunic their heads in that direction and walkc across. An "old settler , " who huppcnc to be on the train , remarked that ho ha never seen the water of the Missoui river so low betorc that it could bo wade by a herd of rambling cows. An Army Order. General Crook issued the followin order j'csterday ; "In accordance with paragraph 1 ! special orders No. 128 , current sorioi headquarters of the army , Lioutenar Colonel Horace B. Burnham , dcput judge advocate general , United Stati army , is hereby relieved from duty a judge advocate of this department. Tlio department commander takes thi occasion to express his appreciation c Colonel Burnham'a conscientious lidelit to his duties ( luring his long tour of soi vice in this department. " On a Hunt. Yesterday morning the firm of Saokot Preston & Richardson , of Council BlufL was splendidly represented at the Unio Pacific depot by a hunting party , i which a good sized number of pointer figured. There were seven dogs in th number , bright and brilliant specimen of their breed , Two were English setter in white and blaok , while the others wor Irish , with a rich hazel color. The part go to Fullerton and Cedar Hupids , am Will remain us long as the pleasure lasts Cahlc Material for tlio O. II. II. Co. The cable line material mentioned ii ( ostcrday's Bui , as having arrived con signed to the horse railway company Domes here addressed to U. J. Miller , th iiigineer of the latter corporation. Unti 10 arrives from New York , which ma ; not take place for about ton days , noth ng will be douo _ in the matter of put tin ; the material into place. Appraisers of Diunagofi. Injustice M'jCulloch's court yostorda : I ? . L. Stone , Isaao Piorco. William Wai ace , Charles 1 $ . Rustin Charlns Shivericl mil John T. Boll were qualified as ap miisors to assess the value of property ii : ot 0 , block 803 , owned by C. II. Brown , uul in lot a. block 315 , which it ) wantui jy the Omaha & Republican Valley rail tvay company. _ Tlio TrnviH Trial. Court Officer Whalon has been busy fo .ho past two days summoning witnesse , 11 tlio case against Aimer Travis , ohnrgct vlth an assault with intent to kill his col > red brother , John Alexander. Tin irosecutlon has summoned the majo ; > ortion of thn colored population of tin ilty. The trial will occur to-day. Died nt Si , Joseph' * ) . Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock iVHIlam Stuovcr , aged sixty-five roars , died fit St. Joseph'j lospital. His funeral will tak < ilaco to-morrow at 9 o'clock In tin nornlng from St , Mury Magdalon'j ihurclu _ _ ilrovltios. William A. Armsberry has commenced uit against Frederick Xoiglorot al. foru llvision of the estate of the lute Nelson Vrmsborry. City Treasurer Buok Is making up the lolinquont tax list which will be pub ished in a few days. Captain Woods , deputy city clerk , is aking in the G. A H. jubilee at Grand island. Excavations were commonccgd yestcr- lay for the Seventeenth street side of the otaming wall for the court house. County Commissioners Corliss and ) 'Koefto were out in the country ycster- lay looking after ford and bridge con- racts. There will bo an adjourned mooting ol he city council this evening. Sol Smith Kussoll , in "Pa , " at Boycl's o-nlgUt. THE TALE OF A TAB Which Shows Thnt Ydunn Men Shoul llt'nd tiit IjfilirlMon Their Conts. Plttsbiirg Dlspateh : Several weeks a < ; a gentleman , known In this transaclhi us Kugeue He-uling , bf.ight n dark gr:1 : Norfolk summer eoat while making summer trip to Boston. On the inside i the eollar of the eoat was fastened tl manufacturer's tap bearing the insignil cant characters. "Lot 31,7111. B. IW. A\ hen Reading tore the tab oil' his 03 caught some writing on the side wliii had been next the eoat. Ho roc "Melissa 1'ollny , West Bowdoln , Maine lie put me talTinto hlspoeket , trunsaeti his mi-si noo1) ) and a couple of weeks afti his return to Pittslmrg decided to make test of Hits geutlo hint to mankind i general. He wrote a letter to Mi : Policy , in which he told her that ho hsi discovered her name upon the tab an congratulated her upon her eveellei workmanship , sasiim that one who eoul sew so neatly must , indeed , be a j'oun lady of oilier commendable and lovnb qualities. He emphasized his sineeril by calling her a "pretty tailoro.o , ' ' an professed the strange awakening wit hi his heart of something akin to gmmii regard , if no alleotion , for the lady wl had made the garment. The letter carried safely , and In dt time came the following frank , yet moi cat , reply ; V * KST llownois , Me. , AiiKiistlK , 1SM1. HKAII rni UN t > : 1 received your letter i congratulations , and thought I would tluir you ( or It ; and I hoiw the coat Is made nlc But 1 shonUl like to know wlmt Klnil of a co It Is-lf it Is a Norfolk. As to the "pret ; talloross , " there Is no such word In the bool but I do not know what the mule .sex won ilo If It wcro net Tor thn old maids to do the tailoring. So 1 will close , with many thanl nnd lots ot Rood wishes. Yoms truly , _ S. POLI < IY. P. a. You say you i > urohascU your co sonic llnio KO. llftvo you liemi thmklm ; over all this time ? Kxeuso 1110 for buhi i saucy , but 1 hope you have got It settled. ! . . Mr. Reading had evidently "got it so tied , " nnd , If any doubt had remained i his mind , the guntlo hint in the postserii had wiped it away , for the return ma carried a letter full of burning words an such other nonsense as a lover , or on ambitious for that position , is apt to A correspondence followed , anil lettei Cassed each other , going and coniin etween them , at an average of twie and then three times a week. The conclusion finally reached by tli young Pittsburger , who had receive ample encouragement in his suit , \vn that life would bo burdensome withoi his "pretty tailoress , " for she has reall proven to bo such from her plcturi which ho got one day last week ; an after till , the term "old maid , " which sli had applied to herself , was a ruse to tci the interest of her Pittsburg admire She has his picture , and from the dissc : tation she wrote upon it has certainl concluded that her strangely capture lover is a man of Handsome face tin kindly features , for she writes : "Ifyo are just luilf as good as you look , I ai proud of your professed admiration an interest in me. ' That sentence is whatclinche.d the ma ter as far as Heading was concerned. H immediately wrote a proposal of ma ; riage and asked that her acceptance c refusal be by telegram. Icstcrday ho n colveu the following : Kugeiie Heading. Yes , with pleasure. iMllLISSA. The overjoyed lover almost hugged tli District boy who delivered the messag to him , and , after reading it over an over , wrote the following with a troml ling hand : Good. I am coming as soon as I can get leave of absence. And just now thcro Is a clerk aboi city hall who is fretting under restrain and every day ho prays his chief of di partment for a vacation of two weeks I go to Maine. The Stuir That brought Them. Arkansaw Traveler : Colonel Ph Janery , drummer for a great whisk house , has just returned from a trip 1 Northern Arkansas. When asked coi corning his experience and success , li said : "Nothing worthy of the name ( adventure occurred until Iho other daj L was driving along a mountain road , st cure in the belief thatall was well , an doubtless would have remained in th : condition had not a violent rain ston come up. I was not very Well acquain ! ed with the country and was foolis enough to drive down into a stream. A most instantly my horses wore swept o their foot. They wcro washed arouu and lodged against a bunch of willoi trees , where wo found just enough brae to keep .tho entire aBair from sinking. began to shout for holp. I shouted unt I was hoarse and then drawing up m , legs I waited for my wagon and team t bo swept _ to destruction. The wate grew swifter and I saw that to get out c the wagon would bo certain death. Fin ally my loud cries , I was delighted t see , attracted the notice of a number o men. " 'Halloa , ' said one follow , 'what's th matter out there ? ' ' ' I have been washed against thes bushes and am likely to bo" drowned For God's sake , como out and help mo , " 'Wo can't como out there. The wate will wash us away. ' " 'Yes buldon't ' that I , you see an about to drown1 41 'I see all that ; but life is worth mon than money. Wo can't help you. ' 1 'Havo'nt yon got a boat1 'Yes , but It might turn over. ' " Tor God'ssako , men , save mo.1 " 'Would like to do it but the chance are against you. ' " T'll pay you for it. ' " 'Pay don't amount to nothing. ' " 'I'll do anything for you if you' ! como out and save us. ' " 'Sorry , but wo can't risk our lives thii way. " tf 'But I tell you I'll pay you for it. ' " 'That's all but can't rlghtj you pay t man for losing his life.1 " 'Suppose I'd toll you that I've got t wagon load of Bibles , what then ? ' ' 'Would make no difference. ' " 'Say , fellows , as there seems to bo nt chance , I'll ' toll you something. Thisis ; prohibition country , isn't itf " That's what it is. ' " 'Well , now. lot mo toll yon onn thing I am a drummer for a whisky house and my wagon is loadad with sumplus. ' fl 'What ? ' "I repeated the remark. " 'No Joko1 ' 'No Joko.1 14 'Well , wo don't want to risk our lives for money and all that sort o" stull' , but f you've got whisky we're with you ; ' uid , sir , ithoy swam out und saved mj wagon and team They could not on- lure the idea of 'such H lot of whisky. The County Farm. Mr. 1. N. Pierce left the county poor larin yesterday and removed with his family to the corner of Twenty-eighth uid Leaven worth streets. Ho has been iiiporintendent at Iho farm for the past light years , Mr. John Mahoney , Mr. 1'jorco'H micceasor , tool ; charge of the 'Sardine box" ye tor iay. \V < ; tided. John Humphrey nnd Jane White were named ycsteritay by Judge Berka. I-'or Halo llesldcnoo. My lot , house ( with or without fnrni .uro ) and barn for sale on easy pay nciils , For particulars apply to MKS. F , M. l'uuui'd. 22JV Dodge St. Humgo'ji arrival of now fall goods. Bargain South Sixteonth-st. near via- luct10x11)3. ) . Will Increase rapidly when induct 13 comiiluted ; if 1,000 , S. A. SI.OMAH , 1013 Furnnm , Crtptnlu U'lmck Atlanta Constitution : Whack Bally Is in town. Ho reaehod Atlanta yesterday and is on his way to Jlexico. ilia company , however , is not with him. him.Soon utter reaching Atlanta , Whack Bally went up to the Unlo City ( Juard armory and. laying down n quarter , said to the janitor : " ( ilvo mo n quarter's worth of drill. " "A quarter's worth o' what ? " asked the liimtor in surprise. "Prill , drill , man , ( ! ive mo a quarter's worth of drill. Show mo how to right- shoulder-shift , carry-arms. A gun. The janitor looked at Iho military en thusiast a niinuto with wide open eyes , and then asked : "Who is you , anyhow ? " "U ho am I ? (5raeious man , don't you know me ? Why. 1 thought everybody knew me. Why , I'm Whack Haily , Cap tain Wluiek Bally , of the army that's going to clean up Mexico. " "You is.M "Yes , 1 is , and I want you to show mo how to handle a gun , so f can drill my men. Understand ? " "Oh , you want mu to drill you1 "That's the si/o of It. " "All right. Here goes. " Iho janitor took down a gun nnd handed it to Captain Whack , ami planted himself in front. "Now , when 1 uivo a command I'll go through it with this gun , and yon follow /.ample. Sec ? " "All right , go ahead. Give mo a big quarter's worth. " The instructor gave the commands ami wont through the drill. Captain Whack followed suit. The instructor found him a good pupil and kept him going until prcspiratlon dropped ofl'Captain Whack's " face. Then the captain got tired and stopped.- The instructor wanted to go on , but the pupil said : "No. I'm tired , wo will stop. I bo- llovo when I teach my company all that 1 have learned hero that I will bo able to whip not only Mexico but the world. " "bay , didn't you say you wanted a quarter's worth ? " "Yes , and I paid you a quarter. You don't want more ? " "No , but 1's only give you a dime's worth , ( ! et the gun and 111 give you tlio balance. " ' . 'No , thank you. No more for me. You can keep the fifteen cents. No. I just thought give it to me , and I'll give these darned newsyaper reporters a ban quet with it. " Halford Suuco makes cold meats a lux ury. _ Urenlclng Up Camp. The sharpshooters' camp at Bellevue is about "broke up. " Only about thirty soldiers remain there now , and they will vacate the quarters to-day , leaving only the team of fourteen behind. The latter have boon in constant practiceslnco they were selected , and will leave for Fort Loavonworth Saturday. About forty of thn sharpshooters wont west last night .for dill'oreiit stations in Wyoming and Utah. The majority belonged to the Seventh infantry , with a few members o the Sixth and Second. lie Forged a Chock. J. B. Kmnster , who keeps a boarding house at the corner of Twelfth and Cass , presented a bill for $15 to one of iris- boarders , E. L. Whitman. In pavmcnte , Whitman presented a cheek on the Omaha. National bank , made payable to himself .1 and signed by P. Y. Nichols. Mr.j Krciwr accepted the check ano ? paid Whitman $10 in cash. Ho then pre sented tlio check at the bank and was in formed that it was "no good. " MrJ Nichols was seen anil pronounced the check a forgery. Whitman was arrested. ! Ilall'ord Sauce in valuable to all cooks. * County Democracy. On next Saturday , at U o'clock , thoro- will be a special meeting of the demo cratic county central committno at thoj ofliee ot J. A."McShane , Thirteenth strecu near Farnani. RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only roM to tftke for , tes Holnos , Mar- Blialltown , ( uUar HaiililH , Clinton , Dlxlo. Clilca- go , Milwaukee and all points oast. To tuo people ple ot Nobrmka. Colorado. WyotnliiK. Utah , Iclatio.NovHilfi , Oregon , WiiKhliiKton nnd Call- fornln , It offers superior advantugos not jiogst- lile by ny ether line. . Among foir of tlio numerous points of iu- norlorlty onjoyrd by tlio patrons of this ronrt between Omnha auJ ClilciiRO.Bro HH twotrnlni nilayof PAY COACIIKS wliloh nro the fltmat thnt bitmim nrt and innimnltj- cnn errata. Its I'Af.ACK SUCHI'INO OAJIS , rfhloli are rnodnli : if ooiiifort nnd oloRHiiro. ltd f'AItr/JHDHAW- fNfl IIOOM OAII.S , imimrniMNoillir nny , and Its irldoly cnlohrntui ! PALATIAL DININn OAHB , .ho nmml of wbich ciitiiuit bo fniinil nlsorhnro. At Connell lllulTs the trnlnnof Ilia I'nfon I'nei- lo Hy. connect In I'mon Ioj ) > ot with tlioB * of lid Chicago k Northwufltern Hy , In Chicago .lie trains of lliln line innko close connoctlon , vltli those of nil caslfirn lines For nntrolt , roluniljiin. Itullimnpolls. flnoln- iatl , NlnsriirAriilla.niiirnlo , I'll iHburtr , Toronto , Montronl. lloston , Now York , I'lillinldlpHlii , Ilal- Jinoro. WnslihiBlon nnd nil | olnts In tlio oaat , i3k the tlckutuurnt for tlckntt. via tbo "NOHTIIWIJSTKIIN. " Tf you wlxh thu boit uoi'omnioiliUlcma. All Ickct HL'niilsfell tlckuts vln tills lino. M. IIUdlUTT. II. B. HAIII , Gunorat Jfuni'.ffor. Ocn , rnss. Aaont CIIICARO _ THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OP run ] hicapMitaaukeB&SIPaulli'i , _ , ' THE BEST KOUTE FIDQ mm id council BLUFFS ot . TKCH3 E.A.ST. TWO T1IAI.N3 DAII Y IIErWHHN OMAHA COUNClt. IILUl'l'rt Jhiciipro , AND Milwaukee , it. Paul , Minneapolis , U'tlar Knpitls , Uinton , Duhuque , Davenport , { ock IsIiiiilFrenport ( , Hockford , ' "lj'iii , Jiatlison , JiiiHvillo : ( ! , ioloit , Wliionn , Lu. Crosse , Ludall otlior linporliint polnti lu ! t , KortUewt und Bonllienst , For throuxll ticket * cull on tie ! Tlntcat Aion t HOI Knruiim vtrvvt ( la lUitou llotolhor a ' . i'ullmun hluencM und the lluait Dlnlinf Cart ntho world nro run on Ihti mvln llueaoftli * IIIKUOO , MIIWAIKCE & ST. Run , UAii.w/ir , nil cvury uttunUoii U paid to ituasciiiirur * by ouriuont emiilpyti of thu compiiny , H , Mir.i.v.ii , Uenrml Miui t.ror. J. TIICICKII , Aa l tunt Ho 1111 nil Mna er. A. V. II. UAui'iSHTKH , Oenurnl I'auong-or and " 4 ' . K. Ih rifoiii ) , Asitetntit Oeuoral I'atioo- or und Ticket AKont J , T. CL\UK , ( Juuanu SuiJOrintendniit ,