m IJ ( | fJ TELE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 2 ; 1SSG. v SPECIAL NOTICES Ailvfrtlfimctits under this ho id , 10 cents pr line lor tlir llr t ln ei tion,7 cents for each sub sequent insertion , nnd $1.50 n line per month No advertisement taken for loss than 25 cents for the Jlrst ln ertlon. Seven xvords will bo counted to tlio line : they muflt run eon i-cu. tholyntul must bo paid In ndvnnco. All tidu-r llcineuts must bo linnded In bofoio 2 o'clock p , in. , ami under no clroiimMnnees will tlicj betaken taken or dlscontlnu * d by tclejilione. Pnrtlf s ndvtrtulns In tlio o columns rnJ hnv- Ing the nuswcrs ii'Mres'id In euro of THE HiK : TI III plcn o risk frr n cheek toennble tlinm to set their letters , M none will bft delivered except on pro'eutntlon or clieek. All nnsvtois to ad- vcrtlcemcnts should lie enrlo e < l In > nv clones. TO LOAIT-MOHET. 07ANIIH I'KIl CI1NT money fo lonn on 1 leu ins anil til ) piopprty. I. . I' . Itntnnuind , Ilooin : i. 1522 Douglas t. , Oinalm. TD-i , To loan ( in Omaha city property nt fi $500,000 pe cent. Interest. G.V. . Ditj.over 1312 DoUglnSHl. ! IIZ _ _ _ _ _ _ " Gl'Hlt cr.Nf-MomVto ooii. J.J. Mnhonoy" IWU'nt nntn. m I'LNl ) or Sli.OOO to lonn In SPLC1AL to cult , on short tlmo mortagcs , three to twclvo month * tlmo nil property Im proved or unimproved , Cnlt nt the Oinnha rlnnnclal Exchange , second lloor of Darker lppkj > . W. Ow 1'iirntim nnd IMIifet _ Ml _ vo chonp inonpy on longtime , In nnv nunntlty.to loan on Inside citrpropeity.or farm land. Marshall & Lobcck , lull rarniim sU mi _ _ GI'IIH cr.NT money to limn. 11. C rn pr on , inth nnd Douglns. IOJ _ _ _ _ " AIAIIA riNANriAt. KXfllANIiKlspro- pnred to mnko loims In any amount , on nny kind ot npprovoil security. Largo collateral lonim n Bpeclnllv. AIM on chattels nnd null titato Innmounlsnnd time to suit. Lower rates , bolter forms , nnd prompter service tlmn nny lonn ngnncy In the city. For further particulars cull nt ofllco on the second floor of the llnrker Block , douthwcst corner or Fnrnnm nml 18th treeW. _ i < 04 _ / ! 7. nnd H percent money to loiin. Tl Uxkon In oxclmiiKO for rent catnto. C'cntrnl Invedtment Co , lloom T , llnrker llloolc , tor Ifith nndMONT.V TO LOAN At lowest rules of Intor- MONT.V tnrmsiuid improved cltv property. V , .1. Hay k Co. , 5 , riounse's block , S. 12. corner Capitol uunuo and IGtli at. 700scp8 TO LOAN At lower ratosthnnuny- MONI2V where cl o In the city , on furniture , plunoi , orgnns , horses , uniron * , or stock of nny kind. Knmomber , at lo prrnten tlmn nnv other loan ooinpnny in the city. City Loan & Mortffnuo Co. . room 15 , HOI rnrnatn st , opposite 1'niton hotel. tOj MONIJV to lonn by the umlGreljrniMl , vho has the only proiiorlv orsanl/od loan nitcnoy In Omaha Loans ot flO to JI.OOO mivdo on fur- nlttirc , plnnoq. orffims horses , wnion , macliln- cry , Ac. , without removal. No delay1 ? . AH btiPlnuRn Ptrlotly ronlldentlal Loans fo mndo that any part can bo paid nt nny time , ench pav men ! reducing the co t pro ratn. Advances made on flnn watches and diamonds. Persons should carcfullj consider who thov are dcnllnc with , ns many new concerns are dally comlmr Into existence. Should you need monov , call and FCO mo. W. It Croft , Room 4 , Wlthncll Building , mill nml Haincy. 00 I'KIl CUNT Monov to lonn , Stewart & Co. , 6 lloom n , Iron hunk , 12th andKnrnam. CO" ; 30.OOO to tann. Sums J.VJO nm $ Lowest rates. Ilcmls , 13th and Douglas stg. G03 TO TOAN O. F. Davis * Col RoS MONKT and Loan agents , 1KB Fnrnnm St. L09 MONEY TO LOAN-On good BccmltJcn. A UcQavock , room 7 itodlck Block , IDOVFnrrmm Bt. _ _ _ _ ( lit ) _ _ MONI2Y TO LOAN Ou real estate nnd chat tola. D. L. Thomas. _ Oil M ONKYTO I.OAN-Inaums of $200 nnd upwards - wards on first-class renl cstato eecurity. rotlorACobb lBlS Farnatn St. _ (112 ( _ MONKY LOANKI ) at (1 V. Herd & Co's. Jxmn oflleo , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons personal proportr of all kinds nnd nil other ar ticles of value , without removal. 313 S. 13th , over lllnirham's Commission Btoro. All bus nosa etrlctlr confldontau i13 ; BUSIWESS CHA1TCES. TJiOU SAI.i : Sinnll llruir Rtoro In subuibs of JOmnlm , paved stioot. llont roneonable. Ad. dross I , 70 lice olllco. 701 C * Foil KAI.i : A Rood moat market In a live town. ( ! oed reasons for suillugr. Address lock box 3 < J , St. Kdwaids , Neb. 67"-3 FOK s.vri : ( iood pnjlnx1 crockery storo.ono ol the best locations In city good reasons for selling. L03 , llco olllco 07B 4 ITKfli hAI.i : One of thn oldest established - proccry buslnesa In the city , with n very lame , welf-pnyimr trade. Will atchnniro for Omaha leal cstato or part cash nnd bnlaneo se cured notes. Good icasous cl\on lorfcelllni ; . Addreaa 1415 Jones. _ W57 _ 17IUItiAMi-Or tindo lor Omaha pioperty. -t ! The best located Ihery business , with stock in the city. J.onir lease of burn at cheap rent. JIn\no llios , 151'J rnrnam 411 rpo i\OlIANdK Tor fin mliu ; lands or "cTTy JL lots a brick store , neai ly now , In llvo town In central Now Voik ; rents for $ J 5. JL C. ] ] omln8tonNcllBb , Neb. _ 440 si * " SAIjU An oliTnuil wTTi grocery business , uddi oss L 10 , Ileo ofllco. 1058-21 * _ fj < l > ll SAI.i : The complete lurnltiiro of the -F Nebraska Vinegar Worka. Call soon on K. Krous. Jones st bet Oth and 10th st , Omabii. _ Oil ) _ TTiOK ALK An elegant established busliioas. Jtho best of the kind In the west located In this city ; not profits W,000.00 per annum ; will brnr closest investigation ; Invoice about f 15,000 oo. Parties with moans wishing to step Into it tine business nddross K 7. Hoc olllco. 811 TfWMl SALK Flfst > cTas9 moat market "with -L 11 ice fixtures , nil complete ; Kood trtide ; beat of reasons for flclllntr. Cell or write to Ueo. W.Mnsson , Ifi21 " Howard. _ 015 _ H OIISKS Lots"KurmBl4inds money loaned. _ Ilomls , 15th nndJJoiiKlns Btroots. 610 'ijUJK'SAIjK Several Btooks'ot Roods , dolntra J-1 healthy business , ownership clear , satisfaction - faction guaranteed ; terms rnsy. some Omahn piopertr taken in o.xcnnntro. Marshall * Lo- beck. 1511 Fnrnnm st on _ LOST , LOST A llvor-coloiod potter bitch 4 months old. Liberal toward tor return U > 2I41 St. Mary's nvo. 704II * LOST Momnrnn lum bonk nnd map of Ne braska. Finder return to Paxton hotel. Sultnblo reward. 70J1 * QTHAYiirroiii : Omaha Fair ( TrouiuisT k " blaokKcldlmr.Onofiont foot whlto tolneo5 ; j ears old ; wolirht nboutl.'XX ) . Kinder will bo re warded by TOturiiliitr to Adam Thompson , Fair (1 rounds " JL T , O8TPiotn "S. W , cor. lair irroiinnsl A Eay J poii ) mare. Itetiun to IMwuid I'nssoth. FOUND. TTlOUNn-Oiitlio road between Ollmoro nnd JL' South Omaha , u po kotbook containing money. Owner enn haf o viumi liv proving jiroii- 01 ty nnd puvlnir for this notice. JiUjUltu of \ \ ' , II , llurioiighs , loom tl , 1'ioiuor block , Omaha , O'Jl ' rpAKKN UP Tunnt of bnraca , hnrgo and innro , J dark nnd light bay.ntllnus Peterbon's stnblo , cor 14th mid Nicholas. John A. Joliiiuson. BOAHDIMQ. BOAltU-And lodgings , nt322 N. ICthst. 018 TIKIIHOMH wanting to purchiKon good news. X paper und job olllco In a llvo Nebraska town , should address Look Box 2V , St , Kdwurds , Neb. _ C8Q-J plUVATU SCHOOL-A private school for J- small boys ami gliU will bo upencd by Mrs. FunnluKdgur.teptombor 13th , at 2Jrcl and Cu | . ifornla sts. 1'nrcnts wishuur to i > Iaco their children with her inquire nt 6U North 2-'na st. _ _ _ _ _ 62S2 _ piirs ; ) .VAl.Mrs. L KliiomnB , teacher of J ; painting and muslo.lUll Uuvcupoit st. tui 3C ] Di : SONAl , To buy real estate , to but row money , or get nn al tt ait of title , go to the olllco of It. U. I'utteisou , lath and Uouglus. 4t2 . -Mrs. Ur Nannie V. Wiirren Jclalrvoj ant. Medical and business Medium lioom No. 6 , 121 North ICth St. , Omaha , Nob. 010 U IB OBLI. AHBOUB. I.- ! , O,0.lt there Is nny mam her of the order that can put me on truck of any work suoii nsclorklntror iiuiduoit , or driving team ( tini M tiling to accept any Uiiui ol woik ) , would confer n fiuor by mldio&slnirii In ol her who U u Btrautjer iuiliocily. fcu N. ITthst. TI < il _ _ OMAHA UAlltV ASSOCIATION will stuTt waioii No 1 going bouth ut G a. m. and 3 p. in , o are compelled by Increasing bu lnccs to put on n whole. > ulo wagon. We will endeavor to do much better In the future by our patrons. M III also tuLu oruurs for new tradoatouroRlcu. SUnlCthst. a 1) . Hutchmson.Muuniscr. 70H3 CUJtHD-Dr. M. 1. Moore of Ch | . J-v cugo , oure rupture without an operation or tlie aid of useless trusses. W'll bo ut Coi- zeua Uouto Oumhu , Sep. 0 to IL Itcfcrs to par t'S cured In Omuba. 056 i > .Y nnd Typewrltfm ? ciiool. llooms 7 nnd S , Iron bank. O , W. Ilakor. ItO _ _ " "ijlOlt lti : > 'l sq mro I lane $ J monTniy. A JL1 ' Jlo p6. 18H UoiiBln9. _ _ _ 020 _ 'liloit KINT : Sqttnro Piano , Si monthlv. A JL HoBpo | 5H Douglns. _ _ 021 _ V'O'I ( KA person calling lior elf I\atlo U. i > rochran.nnd clalinlng to be mjvlfols stealthily 'elliiiB nnd othirnlso disposing of pioperty Irom my hou p nnd iuotnl o , nHo runnliig mo In deht. 1 hcrohy forbid all per- ons iiuicliii'lnir or thnrul o recoUIng prop erty from her or trusting her on my nccnnnt. W. foehrau r'i | 3 * rplliip : : , Itosps , < hrufTs , etc , planted tree tor I persons buying ol lo ) 'iflas Co. Nut series. t'.o. llownrd. l'rop..P. O iinTit ) . b 7-nl2 TJMHt l tl : vr 01 gtms , spo r month , I ? IBI'I Uouiflas _ 1710U Al.i-Onen bu gy , 1507 N. inth st , JJ 070 a * Fnit < IAM : AfoMlnir bed and gnod cook stovu us good us now. Cneup. Apply nt room li Lj oil's blk bet Chicago and Dnumport. fJMMt SAIi-flmipHfef.t : ! Koo-l sholvlnff.l 1' 0 foot show rase ; 2 0 foot iron stands , Stotts * Co. . JIO B 15th st. C51) ! FOlt S.VIi-A : ( rooil , frc h milch cow. In uulro at Jim I'ulcotior'fl saloon , McStmno's llrookllno nddltion , west of city. osa I * "TTUMt SAt.i : I'urnlturo nnrt lease of 1'eorln -1 house , Lincoln , Neb. Leasu runs three jours. ( ! on < l location and doing good business. Address 1'corhi House , Lincoln , Nob. i > )23 FOlF SA"TLlf $ ioi ) woFtTToMiouicTiold nirnl" tuie , $ Jpcr month. Address , L , : io , Ileo olllcn. 823 FOlt SAM : Nlco family driving horse. HomilM > n Ilros. . l.'l'J Douglas. < fafl _ " " | riim"8 .tijT5HPurtitttiro nndi en o ol sir-room .L1 house , time on part. Call 120 ! North S7th street , two blocks from Kcd Car line. M-l HOUSED LotsrHiirms.Lanrts money loaned ! ilcmls 15th and Douglas streets. G23 FOlt SALlI-Hoiso and bunuy. Apply ut stables s TT cor llth and Chicago sts. 711 3 * 3F SAT.n Two No. 1 , secoml hnmlcanopy .T top Surreys , also two good , Eocoml liniul phaetons , atI4UU Dodge street. 215. SAI.R Cnoip. iron columns nnd win dow caps sultablo for front on brick build- lug. Tor partlculais applv at this om"o. fIJ IlSilbP. _ 1VA > TK.I ) A llvolvmau with a small cnpl- > > till , Call tl'J ' N. 15th SU bet. J nml 2 , 7at-i * . A chamber maid at 812 Douglas. WANTI.Ii . 700 _ _ WANTIIlT A secotufglTl nt 1721 Diucnrort st , Hofeunccs reiiilred. | 707 2 * _ \VAVnn A girl to do general housework In fnmllv ol three. Nochlldien Apply 2420 Duvoiiport st. 70" . 3 * V\rANTii ; > A girl to do genoinl housework. > V 1110 Jackson st. MH ) 2 * _ V * . ANTED A good aim licss nt Cityjiotcl. I T I 10 1 Two dlnlnir loom sills nnd two WANTKD , at 1UJ4 N\JOth st _ J77 _ fTtTA'XTKii'-lnrco Hfsiiuss dlnlni ? room VV irlrls nt tbo I'lizion. Apply nt the olllco. 8 3 A competent Kill lor general WANTKl to Ashland , Neb ; oed w ages. Apply at B23 N. IDth St. , city. ' J : ) - Institute hotel , cor 13th WANTii-CooK . OS.1 4 * V\rANTiU A middle ased voinan to work VV out ns nou'oU'Opcrln a widower's tamily Address toW , Koliout , Norfolk , Nob. , 1 * . O. box : ' 713 I * At HlOPhermnnavo plrl to do gouornl house ork. Hufcrencosroiiiiiied fi8l 1 * -'ANTUl ) ( lood cook ana laundress ; neVi Vi others need applj : leleronce ieiiilrod. | Apply Jlrs. W. II > lcCoid,20l 3. IMh. A good shl for housework in WA7STKU a. 1.35 N. IBth St. C" > 1 2 * : > -airl to do ironeial housewoik , WANTii or Sweod proloired. Apply at 07j North Center ( , t. Oil 2 * V\7ANTI5I > lly Soptomhor Uth at24 fl Dodpo > st. u neat and competent plrl with recom mendations to do Kciicinl houionoik , Riuall 1 amily and wood w UBOS , _ OJ" ) An oxporloncoil second Bill In WANTU1) ofthiuo. No ciiiluren. Highest wases to competent sill , Mrs. A. J. llaiiscom , 1824 UoiiRlns st. 709 2 * A Kill for Ronornl housowoik WANTKU family , Sherman avo. , Mrs. Dee " Smith. 03" WAJfTlin-Glrffnr general house orkGor- mnii preferred. No. 1018 Capitol avenue. : ) - , lit Mrs. M. Goulds , 2fil WANTii-Cltl Wages ? l > 9 to competonC girl. 5S1-2 : Girl for general housework s o WANTtn and Charles IM 4 * A good nurse girl at 4C2 Convent WANTED 572 ) Diiilnt' loom t'lrls at the ran- field houso. 675 A good Bill for BOnorAl hoiifo work. German pcrferrod. Good wages. 1024 Douglas street 589 1 - sooond iilrl. Apply between WANTKIJ-A , at the ollioo of C. E. Mnyne , 15th nnd Fnrnnm. f > 07 WANTlMi A Ciood girl for piivate family. Apply ntHjfl Jones st. 430 ANTlTu-GIrl , ISUTlTowiird. Mrs.V7 M7 Bushman. 1 _ PANTim OlrlntlOS S : .5th st. for general houpowork In small fainIJy 405 'ANT KU Good responsible person to tuKn charge of iiifnut. Mrs. 8. A. Slomim 11)14 ) Fiiriiam Bt. 3-U _ f.TT'ANTl'n flirt about ISyoaraof ago who > > can do light housework and likes ehlldion. A pleasant home to thorlgrht ono. Itofoioneos required. Mis. J. L. Itlce , northwest cor. Snun- ders and Illondo streets. 235 \VANTI5U-Good girl for genoral'housowork V > Mrs S. A.SIouum , 11)14 ) Painamst , l.iO Girl for general housework at WANTKD . 72 : > 25 young ladles nntl gents to WANTii . Prospects for positions whencompetentgood. AddioaS W. J , D. room l.Croum-obloek Itlth st , Omaha. 025 \\7ANTED Fir&t-cla sw alter nt Loulo i Met-- ger's restaurant , No. 625 llroadwuy , Conn. ell Ululla. 7J1 A.NTIil ) A young miin for dollvoiy at Molz X Hoseustuln's 1-TO Farnam et. cf.fi 1 \I7-V > ! T' : | > " ff od barbers in Paxtou hotel barber shop. N. A. Topper. 7032 * Good wngou maker nt once. II , WANTED E. Itogors , Cumtug and 21th sts. 6U7 1 * WANTliD-A boy or girl to wash dishes nnd do housework. 1019 Hurncy street , t 710 1 * t NTI5D-A wagon maker. 420 S 14th. A' Murphy. 674 2 AP TKD Two or 3 good ptirpentcrs. nnd cabinet makers , F. D. Mead , 20JB. ItUh. ot.7 . ; y WANTEI > A good dress goods snlcsmitn nnd window dresser , only experienced men need to apply. A. Dormaa. cor ISth Jind Jiiokson. Oil 1 A.vni : > A good tocond cook. Inquire lit thoCnnfleldhoiisu. 6 7 8 Vl7ANTii > A blacksmith vvho can do plough ' i work and horseaboulntr Good wages und steady woik. Married man prcfcired Lotviy i : MaiUy , Fremont , Nob. 04i 2 . ) -Good busliolmun C.Schmltiber- ' 1 ger. Millard hotel. O'il 1 ANTl"i > Good stone masons and bricklayers - layers in Chicago at fifty cents an hour , Nobtrike.no troublii. Apply nt Ilulldura' Ex change , 15'JLu Sullo btrcct Chicago. 6523 * NTKD 3 fiibt class cornlco makers nn WA boy to lentil trade. John Eponeter.cor 10th und Dodye. 67K-3 \\.ANrhTf ; 10 men of good nppoaranco outli > 1 muko 1 to $5 per day. Cull ut 1112 S > 13tlt street. 601 t W"AVTi5lT Newspaper press feeder. State Jouiuul Co , Lincoln , Neb. * > 42 WA N TE O Aboy and pony to o irry a route on the Dally evening Uec Inquire at sub. ecrlptlon department. 401 ANTKU-lmmodlatcly , two Intelligent KihooltOjs to carry horse routes on Dally Evening Uoc. Inquire at Circulating de partment 637 i A cigar salesman ; one wbo has i > an cstablUhcd trade in Nebraska outilde of the ItcpuhllcAn valley ; reference required , Addruae I ) . II Salinger , Alchlson. Kan. 630 Tl'ANTKU-Laborers for railroad work. K. 11 B. Albright Labor Agency , UOS Farnam , \\AVTit : > A cnrrlnffp trimmer by Gratton > A-Drummond , 131i llnrnoy. 381 \\--\XTl.D fclr.UK-A young man of good addressntid penmanship. The HrndMroct company. 0U9 2 \\"ANTii : > A good boj with good iccnm- mondntlons to take care of horse nnd cow , npply ira Dodge , before 8 n. in. 603 " \\7'ANTii ) A first class trimmer nnd salcs- ' lady. It. M Genius mlllliieiy C' 51 "VX ANTIU ) 'short hand students : oxperl- ' oiicO'l ' to ichor. Totms , $ J ) for complete course. Address K 2A , Ili > o oilloc , liGOsS SITUATIOH WAHTED. T\A > Tin : situation by nn ovperionced i ilrup clerk. pcnlis Gorman. Addtuss , lj ( Vj , Dnllj ileo _ ftj "Y\7ANTii : > A situation l > \ nil active > T man of oxperlcnco a Indoor or outdour palcsmnn , liook-kceper , or olllro hantl In any cnpncltj , reeoUlnjr or shlppluir clerk n irooil marker or packer In nny bu lnes , eopeelally the wholesale or retail crocerj , willing to no- cent nny position olloiod. Address I. ( M Ileo ollice. ( .3V1 . * lly an ox | orieiiced dros nuikpr , wotlc In famllkB or at my room , intu Chicago cage St. 680 4 * 4 - ANTiuposltlonby : a llrst-clnss lieetisol > stationary cnglneoi. Address L , id , Ileo olllcp. 54"i 1 * \\ANTin situation to tnko care of horses > ' and gencriil work lu iiilvnto lamil.vitool ( roferoncos. Iiuiulru A. P Sanderson , Ulii Jutk- ton. CHI 2 * ' WANTS. " \\TANTi2iiToront n house of H-iooms , ecu- l trally located. AddieSsli.OS. Hen oniec. 070 1 * _ \\7ANTKn A hor'o to use fur his rocd. ork ' llL-ht , lHst of references given. J. AV. II. , 1812 Cluric bU 017 1 * WANTKM All votornni vlsltlnir Omnhn.par- tlcularlr these who had u dose of Ander- sonvlllopiNon tocnll iiponComrad \V.S.8of\\oy real estate agent , Ills Hth st. IM 1 " " W" . Addn-ss LGt. llco olllco. Oli' > t llT \ V.VNTmF.OOOflO yards of ilht to bo dollierotlrm thoAnllion tuu t , ne\twe t of Croltfliton collcffo. llog-cs & Hill , linsrar- nnm st. OTI 10 i Iwishtopuichasn n half Intpi- est In n hardware , fin nltiiru or homo fur- nlshlnffbuslniris. Address K. lions , ! 110 N. Second end struct , Council Dlull 81 < M II " 1 " \ , r A NT I : I ) A irondVdcotn hand No 2 l tern- ' ' iiiKton typo-w rltor , lor cash. Adilro-q 1' . O. Ho v lit. fill r.YNTii > Teams. T. Muir.iy. _ 06 ! WA > TKI > Tobuynirood blislne < "s piopoity for wholesale or retail iiiirinscs. OKo description mid lowest pi ico. L ul , Ileo otllcu " _ _ _ \ \ AVrin ; A ( rood residence nnd lot or KOOI ! bulldinir lot In uood loc.illou fllvo low es price and tei ins nml lull iloscnpt'ou. L 5J lleet ofllco. _ _ _ _ _ tfll _ WANTlii ) A hoiisn. Iho to s6\on rooms for family of four. Must be In nice locality. Not mnio tlmn 12 blocks fiom Knrmtm and ISth. 11. Do'.or.iVM 1'la s-int t CIJ 1 * ' t OSES T moiTlllJNT A smaircottTiiro lorsitii"iin I -L SJtli on Chicago. IniulioM ) ! ' tollojo si. Tlioif KINT : flood ? -ioom house modem lmpro\oiiieuls. . Incpilro 1313 Furnam , 710 Foil ItDN l A store , wood local 1 1 y Tor7l rv eoods , boots und Eboes. Innulro 1112S. llltli st. 0--8 21th i. . . . . poit liuiuiio at 1205 I'm mini , .lo-ouh Ito'-eusloln. Ost ) oil ifnvr J.room house , 20th and Nleho- las. Apply M P. Mm tin , BIO S. 15th st. 518 TJimt IMVT : TluTOoriiiiiifM. K7cirur-h niilld" JL' ing , on the southeast corner Tuollth und Jackson stiects , lor auv legitimate business. It C. PnttoibOii , 13th nud Douglas. 411 > lt KIINT 10 room"icsliioiTco between Fl Douglas and t'nimim , on 23d , with nil mod ern Impio\omciits. Ludttlck i. t-'cay.S. B. cor. Ifitb and Douglas. u9j OTU , E A Si ; Wolnvoeloven aoios on 0. P. H. It. trnalc.f-Oi ) foot tiont ; will lonso all or pnrt lor llvoycnr-i Uo ll'ord ! e Soner m * roii SEHT uooais. FOll KENT 3 rooms , pleasantly located , for light housekeeping , fuiiii"ho1 oriiiituru- ishod , to parties without chlldien. Heforeucc'S eiiulicd. Address P. O. bo,15 l > ' ) > ( > ' Tj"OK ItENT Luivo ivcll fiirnlshciTcnst Iriilit JL1 room \ \ 1th tikov o , ut $15 Also olio at 10 pcrmoih. 100S Georgia live 1)915 * OH" HE"N"TvTThToa -d , a suite of 1 uinlshed looms 171lCnss ) st. bUll' TTToil Itn.Vr-rurnlshcil loom "bii llrst lloor" JL1 sultiiblo tor 2 KOntlciuoii , $20 per mouth , 150S Cass St. 72J3 * 17011 llUNl' Luigo ( Te > iiBble fiont io < mi7 ij newly turnlshedory ic.isonnble. at Sll n 17th st. " ' " : ! * rKN'T A room 2 vroO fect , oiTl'nrnnin F t ? St. , jilenty of Hsht. Suitable lor Unlit man- iilucuniniror buslr.esa purposes. .Muir < V Hem- lu ton , 15th und I'aruam kla. 711 2' OK itTivF Nicely sultahlo for2 ( rontlcmun , also l.oanl. 0)2 S. I'Jth cor St .Miiy's mo. fi7H 2 * F OH HKNTSecoud story fionT nniTTuialler buck room uuwly nml .icndsomely turn- Islied. All modora con\enlcnciS. d2S S 17th BBS l * ' ( IK HUNT Neatly furnished front room suitable for two gentlemen , 410 n 14th st. B30-1 * OK HUNT "NIcclj-lurnl'lTod rooms "atlns N-Sth streen ( ! W _ r6nt vvllfi JJ board. 2412 Hartley W7 1 tjlUU'UCNT Koom with board sultablo tor -L' two ( rantlumon. 1S1- Dodge st , 11 TjlDIl SALi : Pariori bedroom nnd kitTFlion JJ furnlturn carpets , laiiKO nnd heatlns'ftoves , nil no.irlynow , a tientle horse II vo yeais old , all at a bargain , tfivliiK up housukeoplnir , 2514 IJoilKlllS St. 5'Jj T OH ItRNTPurnished roomV--OTlodFo 171011 Itll.N f Nicely lurnls'iod rooms "wT J-1 modern conveniences for ono or two iron- tlemcn.B10N _ " 17th st. _ " _ 4 ! _ Fou H"INT A few ollloa "spaces for rent , ono with front window on urouml lloor. llnqulroof J. S. Klcliardsou , IJU'.M'iiniiuii st. _ tM Sojit-25 T71OH HUNT 2 Innre furnished ioon7s wltli -L1 modern conveniences , also first-class tnlilo board , dinner 0 p. in. , rofoioncus required , ] H14 DodBO. 20U FOB UALE-KOU3E3-I.OT3. USTATIJ JJAUGA1N Two choice lots RKAL on corner , fronting on Dodge Bt , Ifllliy place , only $2,500 ; $1,1 ( JO casb , balance 1,2 and il .Minn. .1. Itlco iV Co. , room 0 , over Commer cla.l National bunk. 075 TTKHlVAlTiT-TwoTouTlrililoch ; SKIIhy iilfico ; Jt ; line location ; 88jo enoli. SJJO cash. A.I' . Tultoy , 1301 Kurniiin. 56S 1 " \\7ANTKI ) KNOWN -Tho neatest , cboaKSt | IT homo In Omaha Is for sale for fi,000coti- sl tlng of new six-roomed house , brick basement - mont , barn , outhousej , two cistoins , beautiful gronnds 120x147 , four blocks I nun street cnid , excellent nolghboibood , worth double the moiioj1. Apply sharp to W , S. Beavey , Agent , 111 SoutlUUli street. r.-U-J _ FOK SAI.K-Lot In Plalnvlow , only fnso. Hoiieo and lot in Omaha View , only ! 1 , ' > 03. Houses and lots on easy piDinents. 10J feet on Cuss street , only $2,500. Thri'o Hue east front lots , Keservolr addition , II. W , Huntress , I30i Farnam street. fi74 4 * RUAI < KSTATK IiAKIiAIN-44 feet , oust front business lot South Itlth street , f3blO. J. U Itlco ScCo. , Koom t ) , over Commercial Na tional Hunk. 340 T 'pint h A LI ; Two business Una's w cor 8L _ Mary's uvonuo and IMh fcts , four business lots ne cor 10th tnd , Jackson Sts , 10 acres well improved adjoining cltv. All the above cheup torcnsh. Apply to C , L. Cbrlctluu , 1217 How- ardSt. B774 _ T.AI ; , 15STATIJ llAllOArN-IO acres tlvo and R ono half miles out Barnaul street , J IHO per ncio. This Is thonp. J. Klco iCo. . , room 0 oor Comiuercl.il National bank. t > 75 IIAL : ESTATP. "iiAUGAirf-pineiotin Hun- J.X , com Place. $1,100. fttScdsh. balance 1 nnd 2 y c.i is J , L. Itlco iV Co. , Koom H , over Commer cial National bank. , 75 TllfirsA"l.KHouse and full lot In Omulia JU View addition , (1,60.1 Onlv $4X ( ) cnsti , bal ance $12 50 tier month. II , W. Huntress , 1103 JUH mini street. 7152 * H 1/3 tBKarms , Lands money loaned _ llomls , 15tU anil Doiitflua strueta. DIP ' K' l'SHiSELIIVabltf real estuto ail every other day. See It. ' 281 HILLSDALK Highest ground , handsomest location of any lota la or around Omnha , for f 150 und fl"5 a. lot. Come and see thU ground. Ames' lloal Estate Agency , 1501 Far- nnm. 610 Tmoit SAr.K Nico5-rooin bouse and 2 corner JL1 lot * In Walnut Hill ; < 4 cash bat to suit. CalMartlq 110S Uth st. 645 RAltE llAHGAIN-UtO acres Rood urauhT land lu Knur uud Cedar counUei.Nooraska ; 6i per aero cash. A. It Graham tt Co. , Wisiier , Nebr. 685. B-B S.VU'-Jty W. 0. ShHvcr : 1 Improved property : 707 Full lot , front , cottngo 5 ro. > m , can" minis tints ; on port st. newt 2fcfc This is worth In- " t , tpons easy $ ttfti 71i aofiil hou V.s rooms , lotoOxlsi.onst front , boniitlful view. . . 3,0ft ) 710 HcmitifulcgttaBo , full lot , nn ( jcno glanvo. iKvirlJiiiuenworth st . . . . fi.OOO Oil House nndIutn | | | In Omnlm VIon' . . 1,500 712 Now 2 story litiuse , full lot , Virginia nvo nearPuppfi'toii ' nvo . . 4rxX ) 711 lloii'o It rooms , with gns , city vrntrr , hcntjjd Uy- steam , large hnrn , shade , etc ; oil Georgia nvo near Luivonvvorth I , . . . . . 7,000 6X-Liirgu ( ) lot , < M UAre | 5 rooms , OJfoct ft om red car I pie . . 1,050 703 House 4 refill ! * , lot 21x6(1. Joining licit Line on Itth st. . bargain . 2,000 3 cottages nf fi rooms eneh on Clrir- les St. , Milnn'saddltlou , so > : th front. terms oisv , each $ 2,000 i nlmprovod Prf'lierty : B2G ; tl loot lot In Nelson's aJd , , nonr Cumltig tioet . 800 321 riill lot In shinn's 1st 1,7V ) : ril rulllot lu Hlmebaugh , prU-o 2,2.0 3-J1-4 lots In Jerome Park , nil for . . . 3,700 Sis I MI north of I * . P. shops , nonrtrnck- npo : barsntn . . . . . 1,2. ) 3 311 Lot on South iiMot-iitli street , near Hickory street 3,10 312 2 lots ( annor ) In Shluti s 3d add. , both . . . 2-TO 275 Lot In Polhnm Place 750 Irfit in Ilartlott's add. on Leaven- worth sticet , 51 foot front . 2,500 279 2 lotseach i"1x21'l feet , flouting on Hnnsiom Park ; bargain , for both 5,000 Lot on Virginia avenue In llanrcom Plncc POO 3 tuco lots In Ilurr Onk. nil for 2W ) 201-5 lots in ' Kllby Place , " ouch . . . W ) .1 boaiitlful lots In Tnlior Place , each 1,000 Ilo.uitlfullotson Callfoinla street . 1.2U ) 'WJ l/ot in Patrick's mid. , nonr Smmders street 1,250 2 beautiful lots ou t'lillforuln , oppo site Crehrhton college , each fiB.xlt'J ' feet , MOW cash , bnlanca to suit , both . . G.'iOO 327 44x170 feet on Iliirney , good location M.ttXl 207 Lots on California , near 21th . . 1,000 -Ooodlot , Patrick's addition ; easy terms . 1,1"0 Secure a. lot In "Shrlvor Place , " jou can't mnko H better Investment Lots $ : tT > each ; veryc y tcrmJ. W. G. Shrivor , opposite post- ollico. ( Wt 3 GIll-iOltV UADLKV , Heal Kfitatc and Jtoutnl Agents 131J Douglas street. Wo hao bargains for overj body. Acre Property lluslnc s nincXs Inside Property Outside Property I louses and Lota Homes. Pull lot on Pai nnm street , only t o blocks from Couit housu corner lot . $10,003 Two-story brick business block on one ot the best earners on Douglas streoteasli ( pujmentol SIH.IVIO ) . . . . (01,000 Four-story business block on Haruey sheet. . . . . . . . $3D,000 Three-story brick business block on I'ur- . 2\1S2. Terms " . ' . n.un , \ oil" } $22,000 Three nice now houses , north front , on Chicago stn et , on lot Iix1 : 1. . Itcntlug now for -Yi to SI'l ' each per mouth . . . $10,000 Tnospli ndld north front ! otsr > 0\lbfl each , InWrsi Knd Add. 1'nmt on Pat mini. . $7,000 Vine ooiuor lot on street cms , M feet front , on Cumlng1 * , by 124 deep ; n-ruom bouse . . . , $ R.OTO Lot adjolnlnir the nbovo. same sl/o . . . . $ (1,500 ( Corner lot on lrnrd.il ) v3J ! , MP tracks In toir. Ouoll and ono 1-ronm house . , $ 7r.OD Heiiiloncoon Popploton n e , north liont , 8 rooms , barn , cistern , etc. Corner lot G21-2.\100 . $4,000 Residence In Tiflowlld , north fiont. II looms , bni-n , cistern , etc. Corner lot. 5IK1W. Terms easy . . $4.200 Four-room house on full lot in Park Place . $2r > 00 Good lot , C5VW3 , 1'nik Plncn , riiliiilng tr.im ( nss to Calllornln.il biiiguln . 2r > "f ) Pine lots In ll.ui'-cofri PInco.JLOOJ to . . . 2.4IH ) Pull lotslu Kllbyrttltco.tril to . . . 1,000 Splendid lots liijOrobatd Illll.fiOO to . . . 1,000 Lntslll Ailingto.ruMlKinn , $700to . . K1.1 Lots in Omnlm View , Ktikwnod , Pruvn Park , Jerome I'nrk , Llnqoln I'lai'c , Wnliiut Hill , \Ve t Side , Mnj no Place and Ambler Plueo , nt pi ices tlmt will make you money. Wo have 20 h | > iicos nnd lots tor snle cheap , small ( .ash paynlcntt and baluuou monthly. Prouerty ot nfl kinds lu all parts of the city. Telephone No.kil orcall and sen us. 53 .uTiTslAliril.\HGAIN-Cor l ( > t on 2-M "t. , Plalnvlow add only S7. % ) .1. L. Klce & Co , room li over Commercial Nut'l biinlc. " P.STArP 11AIK5A1N 41 feet trout on ITKAL st hot Uth nnrl 13th. with ! J-story brick blockpaMniLftlsh rental. Millie ffiO.OOO , M cash. .1. L ltiJcrT ( rCo.rooiii 0 , overCommor- ciul Nat. banit. fa . - ; . . . / ' * ' * p. _ . _ . , . . . . . .T. ? iitv Harris. Conojei , rioujran'l ' Harris , lloal Lstato'JtUS Dodge Et. Omahn , Neb. Corner lot on bherman itvo. S cash Intl. easy . . * S . . . . . $3,800 Coiner lot 22 and Lake , eaiy terms . 1N)0 ) Comer lot In Craston add cheap nt . 1,100 ! t\lr ! > ' ) on Cnmlnght . . . . 4'xO UUM'tScnst fiont Pr.itt'8 Mil ) . 1,200 3 new llvo-ioom cottages cor 2" > th nnd Pierce lot'.io.xiai all tor . 5,200 10S' . It f i out 20 and nunam with Sl-.OOO Improvements . 2nfOO 4 ncro lot In West Omaha . 10,000 51 It tiont with elegant cottn'ic Furnnm , near 20 . 10.COO Lot m Hurdetto Court only U blUs fiom stioct curs . . . . 303 Lots and ncro property forsalo in nil the out lying additions Ll t your propel ty with us nml consult your own interests by seeing our list buloio purchasing. 584 HICKS A 1NGHHAM Heal Kstato and Loan Ilroker , Opera House Block , Improved 0 room cottigo , Douglas and 2fl only. . . $1(00 ( 5ioom cottage , Dodge nnd 20only . 26)0 ) 7 room cutiugu nil conven. , Suunders near Ciimmlngs only . 6500 10 loom and Iftroom FioiibO on Iot'l3\2 ' > 0 with nil modern Improvements 17th sticet , cheap . COOO 11 room house 1U and Leayonworth with a 4 room cottngo ou the alloy lor all . . . 6500 10 room house , lot 11)11x150 ) corner in Lin coln Place , n bcnutltul homo . 4(03 ( 1 < ! room und 1 5 room cottage on north 17 , lllIKO lot frdxin2. cmh § 2.500 . 7000 0 loom house 1H18 Webster , full lot . fiWO tlioom hoii-oon 17 and fuss . U-'OJ n room house on California , fulllot . . . . 2600 7 room boiiso noith of Lenvenworth on Virginia ave . 4COO 10 room housu uortli of Lontenuorthon Virginia nvo , cheap . 7000 2 houses 1 5 and 1 4 rooms 2.J nud Plorco cheap . 3TOO 25 room cottages 28 nnd Charles , full lot , cheap for both . . . 4000 1(1 ( 100 in hou u llnnsrom Place with all modern liiipro\ouieuts. Scoit . COOO 1 0 room eottago Virginia avo. near Leavonwortli . 2900 Afowot the most desirable lots In Crea- ton place , uf Ilirurps that will Bull 2on9tlront lots on Lowe avcnuonnd Iliu noy , each , It sold thU week . 1000 linrknUnvmM , on l.omcnwoilli , 1 lot at 1000 I'tlen place lot , block 2 , West Omaha , terms easy , prlcol001 to . 1210 2 lots West Ciimlngiidd.n lorner , nt . . 420 Lincoln plate lotsiiomSHO to. . . . 4CO Lots in Marsh's ndd. near bt. Mary's avenue , vrrydoilniblo . 2300 Hauscom place lots , S1WO to . .TOW 44 leot on. auiideis , clioap , worth ; TOOO. . . 2500 Lots In Hurlford iilnco , this sldo of MIs- souii Paclflo railway and canning fac tory. on Loavcnworth , > ery easy toims. tWHo I. . . . 45o A low lots In Lmcnwoi th Terrace , ju t boutliwest of Jerome Park and HlKQ- land place , toriusoasy , JfilQ to . . . . COO IOJ.X120 on CUBS and Hfllh sts , ' cash . . . 2500 ii12l ; IfimcuVSoldonV.CMfMp . UTOI 3 cast front lots , within one block of einnliig lactory and Missouri Pucitlo depot. 'Ihoy are decided bargains utSiV ) , as inljolnhig lots nro selling ut S" > flQ and J'lVl ; terms oasy. 10 lots In Drake's uddltlon,2tth und Dodge St. , $1,7)0 ) tc2.m ' > v > 1 GO f cot on I'uik luonuo nnd Howard , f 0,000. . 75x150 feet , Popplbton nnd Vlrginln avenues , . t. 75x150 feet , Virginia avenue and Shiroly , a corner , $1SH ) . U'o Imvoonly a few of those beautiful lots in block n , Hunscom Place , left. If you want one secure it < iulck oryou will bo left. Convoynueas always at the dqor ready to tuko you out to too what waconsIdfirttf < * > t > eU bargains. Hicks 4r lughmtu&l5 > Boutli 15th street , Opera House nicely REAL CSTAlJE5l4IlOAIN-2 beautiful lots on west Cumlug'&t. , $700 each , fine bar trains. J. U Ibupfc Co. , room 6 , oier Com mercial NntlonirHitmk. 075 E.\ < ; ifiiiiTnlltfttno ( iwVost tilde ots ate high nnd bPHuHMil.full sl/e , ami on month- ) v pnxucuta , S250. IL C. Puttcrsou. 13th and Douglas. * ' " _ 615 " * oTl rtAlii-i\t' < l"fi8t-My now home , No. Ul 1 Seventh Blrtt't' , ' Council Illutfs. Klght rooms with furrxvce , gas , bath-room nnd nil modoi n coin on Ionics. Charles T. Olllcer , with plHcorii Pusey , Cquncll lllulls. MM HILI DALi ; bus advantages which can't bo beaten by nny location. When you see the lo tsyoujwllladmltlt Ames. I5J7 Farnam. B40 BOWblNd ( J.'UJKK lots , $110 10 per cent , cash und $5 per month , Marshall & ixibeck. Agents. 949 _ REAL ESl'ATK I1AHGAIN. I it 51x132. on Davenport bet. V3d and 21th btroeu. with 5-roora cottage , will be told this week for t , VW : two-thirds cash. J. U Itlce & Co. , room U , over Commercial National bunk. U55 _ HOW you con make money ? fly buying on easy payments a Hillsdale lot for $15' ' ) , that will be easily paid for and double In vaiuo , Amea'ltoal KstiUo Agency , 1507 Farnnra.ai _ _ BOWLING GUI : KN lots. $150. 10 porcentcash and $ i per month. Marshall & Lobot * . Agents. iH'J _ BUY NOW in the pew addition of rt'ost Side. right by thu depot and Cunning factory , full elzo and only IS5J. It. C. I'ttttewon. 615 . SI.OStAV , SA. 1 Heal Ktnto IlroRrT , 1512 Fnrnam street. Parties who RTO looking for Investments In cholcp Inside property would consult their In- toiostsby ctirclully o.xnmlng what I have to offer. Fntnnm St. , opp court lieu o , 4txl3J , choice $ 18,001 Kiirnam st. , cor 21th. 131x132 2.WO rnrnnm t , corlKtliWxlli2 75CTM rnrnam t , m-arll ! t,201x132 ail ) Fnrnimt..noar82dHixl.K S.UKI rnrnntn st , nearJSltli.osxl'M 6,50i ) Fnrnam st , cor Alice , sXo front , ITxl'K , el cap 2,001 Dodge St.cor Kllbj place , lOOxUI , . . . : , 2sO Dodge St. , nour27t1iVsi\lJO 2,010 Dodgost , cor2th.MxlS ( ! | 3fi5i ) DoitulnBSt , near22dtVnlM , cheap . . . . niw Douglas st. , near 22J , fifixKU 7.000 13th si. , near Pierce , 81x151 , business , liu. pioiod 8.401 S 10th t.ncnr Vlndiict,75'i\ll5 n,10i ) SlRthst , near Viaduct , MKIO-1 4 , ( > M S 18thst .nearVl.ulutt , ) x1J3 S. W Ninth st. cor Ito s. 44xlM 3VX ) lHhstcor\Vcb ! ter , rents for $1050 I'.OOJ ' imh st. near LeavenwortliM.xl3i ) , Im- protcd 3,510 20th st. near St. Mary's nu > , 40xUO Im- pio\i-d . n.OTO 20th t. cor Capital no , flfixl.K Improt od l.tx ) ) 20th st. cor. UcllCMie road , 151x1(0 ( , Im proved 3,100 21st st. near teiuo iworlh,50\l2il HtlMI , 21ft st near I.oavon ( iilli , .WxlU 2 , ( n Slthst. near Dodge , 4 < xl5) 1,500 Lvavenuorth cur. 21st lf.'xlll ; tlnuly Im- pro\od . . . 20,10) Lcineiiworth cor. 15thoa\oo , ilucly Im- pio\ed . 10.0CO Lcn\en orth cor. Cherry , Gnrdon's add 41x112 2W Leiuonwoith cor. 21d , I32\50 , Improved. ] nix l Cumlnir st. os\it' ; , impioNed 7,5ml Capital ave. , r lxl3J , Impioved (1,1X0 ( Geoiglan\u. near Lemcnworth , 50x150 , Improved . . . . 4,500 Georgia mo. near LonvciiHorth , 53x150 , on grade 2,000 G eoi gia mo. near Lciixonworth.lS'sxHO , Hue homo 7,000 21th st. Just oir Fnrnninli0.xl25 ! 2,501) ) Haruey st. cor Ittth , 152x47 10,100 Haincyst near 20th , 100x1(57 ( 15.in Hinney st. ncnrSOtli , 41x107 , Impiovod. 0,5)0 ) Hume } st. near 31st , KJxl'U 4,000 llnrnuy stneur 20th , 33\120 and 5G.\IVS Impiotoil O.SfO .lnch on st. cor. Uth. fif.xl.T2 , Impiovcd . . 25.000 Jackson st. near ir.tn.m.xlK , Impif ved. . l.VO Jones st. near tilth , Sxl.K , improved 12OT ) Iluitst , s.xH,3eottmn" ! ) < 7riOJ Convent-st. , 48 It. through to 23d , Im- pioved . . . 4,000 , 2'ith st. nuiir Leuxenworth , 100x148 , Im proved . . . . 4,500 25th st. near Loavonworth , 325xOS'f : ' 4 comers . . . . 15,000 nise'andd , 1JI\217. near Saundcrs. . . . 4,000 , Inn ) Asso. ndd. , r > Oxl5J , cor. 17th & Dorcas 3.MO Imp. AS--O. udd. , dTAlSS cor 17th and Mtttthn , Impiovod 3.20J Imp. Asso a d..00x188 , next to coiner. . 1,550 .lei omo Pai k u Id , ii4\125uoxt ; to Farnam 3 0D Kllhy l'lnuo,61xlVi. on grndo . . . . 1,800 Kilhy Place , lUOvl5 ! , Allen st. near Dav enport . . . 1,000 Kllby Place , 10H15i , corner 3W 10th St. near Centeriaixl3S 4,00) ) Ma on t. near 11th , ! xi : . Improved . . 3,1100 Pnll Hherldiiu avo. none \Voolworth 1,100 21lh st. ne ir Leavimuorth , Improved . . 3,50J Popplofon mo , JflvlOO , Improved , very cheap . 2.200 mcorSowardl'2xl20 ! $2O)0 ) Illondo t , ne\r2Sth , 50x1110 Improved 2,325 West Sldo udd. 2 lots adjoining ucur depot for. lf ( West Side add near cnnnlnif factory . , fiOO \Vost Omaha ndd. H btk. outh ol Lonv- emvorth 187\165 7,500 Walnut Hill , 3choico lots for 2,400 South Omaha 2 choice lots lor. 1,50) ) Orchard Hill choice lots for 700 Melrosolllll 450 Hanthorno add 2 choleo lots for . . . 2,200 IHmnbaiigh ndd near canning factory acio lor . 050 Illmcbuiigh and fcuundui-'n add. choice lots lor 500 Cleveland Place 101x131 coiner n.tutl Lowes udd. 10x127 3.000 Ijowcs'iuld 120x127 1.NXJ fmcicsin Tiittlo'ssub cheap * . S..TO Uth cor Maltha HJxHS tlnolj Improved 7,000 A splendid ivsidciice in Idlouild 50x150 bam etc. . 4,300 fiill HTLLSDALT ; . Vp , that's the name , and tno lots BC I lor ? ! " > ) to $175 on easy terms. Have j on een this ground ? If not , -Jo at once , as it costs nothing to ride out to tills beautiful location. Amos' Heal Estate agency , 1507 Far- nnm. 040 FOR SALi-owllug | ! Gieeu lots nt $150. 10 per cent cash und $ " < nor month , llusy , and sure to double in n year. See this line ad dition ncd i-eouro n few lots while you can got first choice. Marshall & Lobeek , Agontc , 9IS 1511 Farnam street. BBACHSSE. HenlKnnto,317 3.13th St. , nns lor .sale nt a bargain : Improved nud unimproved farms In Ne braska. Pour 1-4 sections In Douglas Co , $10 per ncro. 1FO acres ol splendid farm land , nl ! Improve ments , in York Co.D per ncro ; also cropa , graded stock nnl furniture lor sale. Only for a sboit tlmo nt this price. 1-4 section lu Furnace Co. , chcapftt $1,000. 8.1 acres , lliu t Co , $20 per acre 30-aiU500aciC3iuNnuco ) county , $12 50 per acre. itl)80 ) acres in Antelope Co. , $11 to $30 per ncio. 10 ! ) acres in Madison Co. , $10 , or exchange for city pioperty. A tine fiinu of 200 acres In Dccatur Co.Jn , $30 per acre , or will trade for general merchandise. Also farms in Kansas. 11. SACHSSB , 317 S 13th Btreft. C41 KSTATi : IJVROA1N-45 feet , east RKAfi fiont biisino alotcorner nllov. South Ifith ctreot , KI.OOJ. J. L. Itico & Co. , Hoom 0 , over Commorciul Nat. bank. 341 HEAVY gams in population pushes Omaha to : the front See Hillsdale lots that > ou i can now buy for $151. Pick one out , pay for it in installment's and sell It in n jeai s tlmo for twice Its cost. Ames' Heal Estate Agency , 1507 Kuril am st. _ _ B40 ' _ HAVF.you seen Hillsdale ? If not , do'so ut once nnd pick out a lot for $150 that will not only muko you money but help you save some. Ames' Heal Estate Agency , 1507 Farnam street. 040 _ HOW IH it your neighbor has made money ? JJy having courage to buy cheap lot * . You cun do the same in lllllsflnlu , whora lots now selllnirfor J15J each will brlnvr double that In n j ear from now. Ames' Heal Estate Agency , 1507 Farnam st. 010 _ FOIlSAt.K House , H rooms , city wntor and gns , 1 mile trom P. O , , 1 block from st cnrs , price S2i)0) ) ) , small piyments , balance month- ! ) . Inquire rooms 1 an I 2 tmaliu Nut/I bank , 4ii RKUHMIIEIt now Is the time to buy cheap lots. Theyiriowr In value faster than any others. Sou fUllsdulo. Ixits $1W each. Ames' lieal Otute Agency , 1507 1'arnani. DIO H fl.LSI ) ALE- Lots only $150 to $175 , and III soil for double this tiguro In 12 mouths' tlmo. Come nnd see them. Amos' Heal Ebtato Agency , 1507 I'm mini st fiiO FOK SALT : Wo7 FVvo sixteen loTs iu Haw- thoriio addition that we will sell : best nnd cheapest inside property in Omuho. llctlford & Souur OtJ _ T > USil & SlILHY'S bis real estate ad every Lv other day. Sco It. 241 KXclANOU-fooostookdry goods fo XJ 0 nuha property. Archer & Fitch , 218 d 15th SL 405 _ _ JEAVP.N\VOHTH SI'.H. It. trackage , one or J more lots or un acre , at n great bargain , See J. W. Logan , at Loavuiiworlh liuslncsj Phico. or 0. , W , llaker , Hoom 7 Iron Hank bulldlnif. 44 _ FOHrtAI.K Or oxclmngo lor general raer cliandl3o,20J acres finally Impiovod land In Southern Iowa , adjoining county seat und rail road , in Decatur county. Has a line fl-rooin hoiiAO , large b un , 60-foot shed , good well , ppriiu nnd running water : 100 apple trees , cherries , grapes , etc llornhurd anclujo , 317 8. llth Bt.nmha ( Nob. 041 T .OTSsollmw today for $ fiOO to SlOOJsold n year JU ago for $100 to $ .50. Think of this und get a lot now | n lllllsdnln Inrtl5) to $175 nrrl on easy terms. Ames * lloul Estate Agency , 1507 Farnam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 64) ) ILTILLSDALK sells ut $150 per lot. till ) RUoll & BULIIV'S nl'f ' real estate ua every . other day. Bee It. _ 281 _ BSACHSSK , Heal Kstato.317 H , 13st. has for sale : Milk dairy , good paying business , 15 fie.ilcows , 4 hor.soi , I delivery wagon , 40 milk cans , tank , otc. Can rent or buy the propoity wheroit is oil 2fcO acres p.uture , $ JOJO , Yt o.ish ball year A great bargain. till HILLSDALE You can tin : ! no Biioli lota as thcbO ut $150 aplucu. Ames' Hual Estate l.W Farnuni t. 010 Ions \ M-nnwllnir Orcen Ion at $110. 10 1 per cent cash and $5 pur month Olfora tbo easiest and surest lnvotin.nt to double your money lu tiyour of any prooorty lu the suburb an market. Let ussliow jou this line proporty- Marshall i : Ixjbeck , Agouts. DM 1511 Farimm street. _ T71OH hALH-0 desirable lots in Hanscom - i1'laco ; terms easy. G , P. Stobblns , box a Q. 6,0 3 VOUt9Al.i-UowllnglreonluUat * 150. 10 per cenf cash and it per mouty. Easy , and sure to double In n > eur SeothlsQne ad dition and secure n few lots while you can get tlretcbolco. Marshall & Lobock. Agouti. 1511 Kuril nm street. UI3 ILI DALK llust oppurtuulty for getting you a cheap uomu. 640 I poit HAr.B Uowllng Green lots at $150 , 10 1 percent cash and (5 per month. Offers the easiest and surest Investment to double jour money In a year of liny property In the suburb. an market. Let ua show you tbla Quo propoi ly. Marshall & Lobeek , AgenU , 8W 1511 Farnffin ttreot. FOR SAt.K Or pxchnr-ro. Housn nn.d tot , IBth nnd Nicholas ; house and lot IMh unit Dorcas. Win I , Monroe , flth nud Douglas VI IHOIl H \l.i-\ baip.iln. 'Lot iixJ,12. ; ! 2 blocKS X > from iKvtniiix ) . $ .WOOi ) . half cash. MarShall - Shall A LobecK , room 8 Itedlck block. 21,1 _ BlfAL HsrAl'iTlAHll.\IN-CoriierlotTft : tit front ou P.viiidors st. , Patilek's ( list addi tion , 4 room hotisp. $1,000. This iiiuM tiosolil , owner * v mils money. J. U Itlce .V lo , loom (1 ( over Commercial Nat. tmnk. _ _ _ 111" _ . Foil \liK-Two oKuunt iMst-front eoruor lots In Iturr Onk : nntiirtl slmdo tioos. Hntchnr , OndiKvjl'o. . l.Mil Do.igl S St , Millard Hotel Hloek , Omaha. Neb. _ " _ Old _ _ HILLED ViK Itiiup nnd see "it yourseil , it soils nn Ua merits. Amos' Itoal INtato Aitpnoy , 1W ? Fnrnitn. _ 04) ) HOU US Lots.Karnis Ltuns-mouo ) ( onnod , Hcmls , IMh nnd Douglas streets filn 1A1K1K cities make s ihurbin liomi-s a necpj- J Slty nud this class of lots gro with the rest. This is to bo considered See Htllsdule at CIV ) nnd buy ono when you can nt this figure. A nu < s' HP * I IVstmo Agoncv , l"i)7 Kirnnmst. fW . , l.srTt : It Mill MN-llall ncretraek- UI.M ngoon I'Hh ' street nnd I' . I' , track. nt nbat- gain. .1 L. Hiep A Co. , lloointl , over Comnicr- ehilJCatlonni llnnk. _ _ _ _ ai2 _ KI\L r.sr\ri3 IIAIKIAIX iio'iiitirui now modern liouso with full oust liont lot oil Virginia nenmlliin'coiii place , } .I,7.V ) , half cash J. L. Hleo&Co , room 0 , over Commer cial Nati bank. tyi Hltw ( llll ritSTATK Tl.MiGAIN-Lot on Jnek on REAL street with 2 houses , llents tor $ W ) per mouth. Only $7,500. I'.asv terms. J. L. ItlooA- Co. , loom 0 , ( iv err Count crclal National Hank. . . 075 _ _ TT1LLSDALE lloautlful location. t40 ! i : Kcal Kslateil7 ; S. Kith St. , nas forsalo Itnprovod ptoporty ! . ' 0 1'lnu brick rosldoncolthnllmodorn Improvements , on Humidors st , lot l Ux00 , SJ.OUO to fi.OOU cash down ( 8.00J MO Nlno'room ouso and lot , -tllli st. , near St. Marjsuvo , * 500cash balance monthly . 6,750 Ml Throe-room coltriKO nnd lot S. 171 li St. , J1 , UO cash . l.GOJ 800 19-ronm hou o and lot M'jxliX ) on Hurt at. , f-OiW unsli , balance to suit 4.50J 30t ! ttou Cuinlnir > rlth store nnd ilwell- . 3,050 34 C 81 ft on Cumlni ? v ith stores nnd dwelling , barn , etc . 10,830 SOU Kino 8-ioom house , barn , etc. , lot UMxl'JO ' . . . . . . . . . . 4,500 300' ' JT ) room cottage , lot WlvlOO , both on Wehstcr , ono-thlid cash , halanco to suit . . 2,000 327 ficottanos on South 14th St. , to bo sold together or In lot * of. ; or il adjolnlnir l-.ODO . 253 h'lnofl-rooin house , Iot30xl40 , on I'Jth ' St. , cnsh * 100. ! . . . 2,300 205 Lot.IOrUO with house , well , etc. , on lUthat . 2,20i ) 300 6 cottages of ft looms , lots 30 vl''U , cistern , well , otc. , on 10th St. , J30J cash , $2o Ot ) per uiontli , each . 2,100 3fl fcl tout on Ciniiliur. Inialncaa lots , with 2storos , tluelllnf ? , barn ; nil rented. . $10,800 tull lota nd ij Ion with lartfo or 8in.iU housoa In K. V. Smith's ndd , 1'laln View. Jxiu e'a M add , Kmiu'/o'd ' udd. I'ntteisonsuhdlv , Inprovemont Asanmld. Sllllanl ACuldwoirsiuld , Walnut 1 1111. I'tiik 1'lnco , lllekorv 1'laco. Omaha View , HedfoulV ndd. Shlnn's add , Ames IMaeo. atiliui'a'-M add , Doulses" add. From f 1,000 to $1,500 small payments ; easy terms. Or the I.lquor llublt , l'ol lvoly Cured by Ailittliil-ttrrlni ; Ilr. lliiluco' Ooldcii Nellic. . It can bugUou Inn cup ot cutTeo or tea1tliout the know lodge of tbe person taking It , Is absolutely harmless , nnd will eOTect a pprmnnent r.nd speedy cure , wlietiirr the pntlent In a moderate drinker or tu alcoholic wreck. It liaj been Kl\m lu tliou. fj .Kla of cnsca , and In every inslancoi\erfeci euro has followed. It nerur fnlln. The system unco lnipU'Kimt > 'il nlth the SpcclJc , It bi-coin nn uttet Imp&ulblllty for tlio liquor appetite to exUt FOIl SALE BY FOLLOWING mtUaCISTSt UUIIN tV CO. , Car. 15th nml lanBl.iH. nnd ISth & C'nmlim Sis. . Omnha , Neb. ' A. 1) . FOSTKlt A ; 1I11O. , Council niun'H , Iowa. Callorwrlto for paniptilet coiilHlnltiK hundreds r ? -Uini/iilnls Irom tli bet \voniuii and men trcm t > l t ff th-co'iutrv. Delicious Flavor. No pains arc spared to innko these meats BEST that can bo produced. People of EPICUREAN TflSTES are highly pleased with them. If your O nicer or Mnrkctman da not keep them , lead direct to Armour .fc Co. . Clilcncro- Railway Time Table OMAHA. The following is the tlmo of arrival and do- partuiuot trains by Central Standard Time at the local depots. Tmliis of the C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. arrive nnd depart from their depot , corner of Uth and Webster Htreots : tinlns on the H. .V M. C. M. &Q , nnd K. C. , SU .1. i. p . from the It. & M. depot all others from the Union I'uulUo depot. miinoE THATNS. Ilrldgo trains will lonvo U. 1' . depot at 6:13- : D7i.V-8:00 : : : 8MOftOlItO:00 : : 11UU u. m. : 1JI:0 l:20 : lfiO-2:00-3:00 : : U4:00-Ou-5M : : : i':10- 7:00-11:10 : : p. m. Leave Transfov for Omahn nt 7:12 114:15 0:31 - ! ) -:42-I110r.-10i7- : : : : ; n. m.l :372U2)7 : : ) -3:30 : a:37-4:37 : 5:50 : 8:42 : 7:20 : ; 7:5U-8:50- : : 11:52 : p. in. I.cruo Ilroadwny 10 .T5 p. m ; AilvoOmaha 11(10. ( Lv. Omaha lOOOp. m. ; Ar. Ilionduay 1025. In elfuct August 21)111 ) until lurther no tice. This is additional to present ti alii nervlcu. J. W : MOHSi : , U.1' . A. CONNECTING LINKS , Arrival nnd departure of trains from the blcr Depot utCouncil lllulls : DKI'AIIT. AlllllVE. CIlICAnO , HOCK ISLAND i PACIFIC. II 7:15 : A.M. I 1)0:15 : A.M. ii : i5A. M , H5io : : i' . M. ca-Mi-.u. I 117:001' : . M. CIIIOAGO i. NOHTI1WFSTKI1N , 09:15 : A.M. I I ) 0:15 : A.M. litt40i ; > M , I It7uo : i * . M. CIUCACO , nuui.iNinoN & CJIIINCV , A : U5 A.M. A 0:15 : A. it. 11 040 ; 1' . M. Il il:20 : i . M. A 7:00 i ; M. ClUCAnO , MILWAUKEE ST. JMUU A9:15 : A.M. I A15A ! ) , M A ti40 ; r. M. I A 7OJ : t : st KANSAS CITV , ST. JOE It COUMI1L IIMTFK4 , A 10:00 A. li. I I ) ! ) : . ! . > A. M. UIJ 5l > . M. i A5il' : , tt. WAIHSII , ST. LOUIS ti 1'ACKtlU. A3:00i- : . | A'3:3J : | ' . M. sioux crrv t i-AOtnc , A 7:05 : A.M. I AO : . A.si. A A:2i : | > . u. I A H.VJ : I1. M. . . U. I | . il , I C. . II. ic O. I A. M. I 1 % M. _ -2I Li0i ' Yil.A'1i ! ! ! sJi10Jltl ! [ ' _ L5L ? 7 < 1 ° NOTE -A.tialnsdTilly ; Tl. dully except Sun. day ; C , dally except Saturday : D , daily except Monday. STMLK VAIID THAINS will leave U. p. depot , Omaha , ttt/0:10-7 T5- b351-0Ku. ; : ( mj J:00-3OJ-l05-5:25- ; : ! p. m Pucitlo Express , H:20 : p. m. ; Denver 1.4. , 10:51 : n. m. ; Local Ki,5:0j p. m. LeaveKtockynrU > or Omaha at 7il > S10- ; . . V.W-IlMn.m.230-.l'W.- : : - :0'i- : l ! : B P. m. Atlantic Ex , la fl. 0. T:55i. m ; Cliioavrn I' * . , le B.0.6:07p.m. : LocnlKx.le a 0 , U : 'l u.n , : VIo. Pao,15x.le. s. O. il7p. : , ' , 2d M. P. Ur. , C.OS a. in Except Sunday , A STAN'DAltl ) MKDICAL WOltll FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED Mfi3 ONLY St IIY JIAIC. , I'O < 5 1 PAI l > . SAMl'hU Vlll.K TO AF.t < tel VltilllT. rnnintiiroUwlUKHii Min , Kfr "M " cf V nilh unit tlia untold tnl < prlM ( rpiulitnic from lmtl rrcilon ruler- ti' c A book l > ir ornrr m in y inn * ml lillp uto.l Mini olil Hcinnun lJpr < ncrlit | mn i.irnllHCiitoantl rlirontrill ci c ( Mrli 0110 of which tMnTnliniblo So founubriho nu hnrwlni n otpcrloncn for ' 1 ypsrl < nidi n > iirolnlilf ncri < r bcforx fell to DIP lot of nnr iilirflc'nn ' l I KI , tmnnil In brantlf il Krffnch mui , lln. Mnho clcovem , fill clU.Kimrnnlrpil t > bu atlun. wor * In ovpry pn o moHiinlnil , llternrr nn \ profnv -tlinn l unr nthprvrnrk In Mill country ( or t ) "A . .rllio nioiior will t. rntunileil In PI cry ! n Unco. 1'rlcoonly ( I Tjy mnll , I'ooimlit tllU'tinlot imi < le , ttV. SPIIII now ( iolil mi > il l nwnnlivl iho niithor br hB Nntloiml Moitlcnl A nctntlon , 10 tlii > Hon. A t . lUMi-ll niiitn oclaiooniccnoftio ! beaM Iho re i > Bf II ri' prcirnlly M-forroil. Tlip scipni'o of l.lfoM worth moro to ttin yonns nnl mlilillins'il mnnor thl Koncrnilon Ihnnnll tlio KOI ! mhie < nr I'nliroriiln nnd iho lher mlnoi of Nornils onmtiliKsl t' K Chrnnlrlp ThcMlpncoof 1.1 to volntit out the rocks nnJ ( jnlek. Mmli on which thn rcinxlintlini nml liot > o of tinny HTiitniRiimn havvliten fnl Uj wrcckud Miinelu > Ur Mirror. . 'I li < i Hrlenco of t.lfn l of t rpntrr Tallin Minn nil thn nip Mcnl rntk publlitlicil In Mils rounlry for the past c i AilmiM'on < tUuilon. Tlia soloncu of l.Uo It mipcrb mul innlnrly trout- no on nervous urn ! tiliyilcnl iltbllltr.Dttrult Fn > o Iho 1'cibmly MoillCKl Inslllalo. or t > r. W. II. I'ntkcr , .V > I Miillltncli utrCL'l , Uviton , .Maji. . who ni y be coiuultuil un nil clcic i > c roiiulrliu oklll and oipcrlauco. Ohniiilo Hna otisiliuilo OHfivsos Ititl lm n turned Iho klll of olbnr pliy lclnn * | io dally Surh Iron UM 8iiPCGi9fallr without any to * Itiuco of fulluin Meiillon Onuhn l. o frailromMiinl. < onlr ono 111 the world . trent-tAllng II AF.fwttmrtta cnrrrnt. iclfrtuip. 1'owcrful , Pumblc , .fftrtnhl * fl'-d rffrcll'ff * AToln fmudrt , Ovrrt > ooouiirrd. HcrnlMtump roi-pftniphltt * Ki.Koruta ni'.i.TN KOK I > I IA IH. : i. HORNE. iNvciiroR. mi WABASH ME. . MARIt. The only perfect substitute for Mother's milk. Invaluable In chnlern Inrnntum nml Toothing. A pre-dln 8t tl rood for Dya- peptlcs , Consumptlvos , Convalescents. 1'erfeot nutrient In nil Wnstlnc Dlsonaes. Rnqulroa un cooking Our liook. The Care nnd Feccllna of Infants , mailed rreo. DOLIDEH. acJOOALU , CO. , Uoaton. MOB * USED IN ALL PARISOFTHE WORLD Catalocui > 3 and 1'rlcPi on appllrntlon. Sold by all the best Carrlniic nulliicmand Dculcri. _ OI'NOINN43Y.PI ! { mo pro BB.EXEI. & MATJIn , Buooossora to J. Q. Jacobs UNDERTAKER S , AND EMBALA1EKS. At thn old stand , U07 FarnnmSt. Ordora b telogrnnb solicited and promptly attoudod to. Tuleuhonu Nu.2J5 Cure without modi- A POSITIVE cine. Palo mod Octo ber 10,1878. Ouo box will euro the most obtlnn cnso in four days or loss. No nauseous dose's of cubebs , oopalnno of eandalwood that nro certain to produce dyspep sia by dootrovlnir the coatlnifs of the stomach , J'ricoSLGO. Sold by nil driiffilsts or miillod on iccelptof price. For further partlculara sent forcircular. P. a Box L1TI. T. C. u .XjXj a-iT CO. , CORE. fci'Johnet. . Now York. lucs-tu-8atlym& RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only road to take for DPS Kolnrs , Mitr- shalltown , ( odar Itanlds , Clinton , Dixie , Chica go , Milwaukee and nil points past. To the poo- tile of Nobra kn , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Noviuin , Oregon , Wiixlilnffton and Call * fornla , it offerj superior advantages not possi ble by nny other lino. Among H few of the numerous points of BU- ' " enjoyed by the patroni of this roml uetwoen Omaha nnd Chlcugo.aru ltd two train * n day of DAY COACIIKS which are tlio llnost t lint humnn art and fiifreniilty can creule. KB PALACK SLKRl'ING CA11S , ffhlch are modeU of coin foil nnd elegance Its 1'AHLOH DIIAW- INU HOOM OA IIS. unsurpassed bv any , nnd Us widely celebrated I'AI.ATIAI , DINIMI CAltS , thnortnalnrw lilch cannot bo lound olsowhero. At Council lllulTs thn trulnsof the I'nlon 1'acl- flolty. connect In Union Dnpot willi ihoFo of thtt Chlragii & Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the tinlns of this Hue maUo cloto connection with these of all eastern llne . Tor Detroit , Columbus , Iiiillnnnpoll * . Clnoln- nati , Nlairtiru Falls. Dutfiilo , I'lttHburir. Toronto , MontroHl. llostnn. Now Voik , I'hllndelphlii , Hal- tlmoro Washington and nil | olnts In the coat , ask the ticket nuent for tleketit via the "NouriiwisTiiiN : : , " If you -wish the best uocoiiimodatlons. All tlckot nirnniRsoll tickets via this line M. HI'HHITP , H. B HAII1 , General Mannger. Hen. 1'nss. Agent , THE CHICAGO SHORT LIE OF nifr THE BEST ROUTE \m \ mm ad COUKCIL BLUffS ol TI3IH3 E3.A.ST. TWO THAINS DAILY HIJTWEKN OMAHA COUNCIL UL-UWd Chicago , AND llllwfiukoe , St. I'linl , Miiuicaiiolis , Cedar ItapiilH , Ulinton , liibiiuc ) ( ] , Davenport , Hock l8liuiilKrctiort ! ] , Itoukftml , El iu , Jlailison , Janosvlllo , lU-loit , Wiiiona , IM ( Jrosse , And all other 'inpnrlanl points I'ust , Northeast and Southeast. 1'or through tickets call on the Tioltot nt 1401 ram. mi mroot ( In I'.ixton Hotel ) , or u Union I'Aoltle Depot , I'ulluian Bluepuia and thn Qnait Dlnlnv Caru Inthuwoild nro run on the main llnoaof liu | Ciitcunn , Mii.wu'KEB > v ST. I'AITL Itiinvxr , and uvury altontlon Is paid to puasonK r < i by cuurtiiong euiplojc-8 of the company. It. llii.i.Kit , ( ii ; m nil Muuager. J. lf. TdCKt.li , Atslitant Quueral Manngor. A V. II t'Aiii'KSTK.u , ( lunoial Passenger uml Ticket Agent. QEU. E. lluiKi'Diii ) , Abslstunl Qeuural gcr uuil Tickt-t Agent J T. rfciiiK , nuncral Superltitendonf. . A ( jniclr. fermuui * I uru fur U > st Maubuoil , UeLllltj- > n vciuine * , Wiknc > j. Naquarkorr < In * dl i > ultiU I'rcH'Ct. IlaoW ut l i. tltS. WUIC Uty. COIJU ALU. W.2