Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1886, Page 3, Image 3
TELE OMAHA DAILY BBJE SEPTEMBER 2 , 188 . THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , fJoptctnber Opens Up on Chicago's 'Ohange ' With Lrwcr Prices. NO FROSTS STOP A CORN BOOM. \Vlicat ntiil I'torlftintis Fluctuate Dur ing tlic lny ) In a Very .Vnrniw B Good Cattle Sell Stonily. ciucAoo M.\UKIT. CitifAoo , Sept. 1.-.Special [ Telegram to die llni : . ] The delivcilcs ofliiat weiu lljjht , but of pork , lard , ribs and corn wen- ( | iilto heavy. Klcnilnj & Hayilun , 1'oole , Klioniinn nnd Norton iV Woitlduijlon took the liulk of corn. Armour took lar o ottantl- > tloi of neil { nnd ribs nnd a fair piopnrtlon of tliol.iKl. It.V. . lioblnson nnd Oir. ( Jiillen- tlcn .V Comes stopiird the most of lard. Jiobcit Warren also took n laitfe itiantlty | of poik. Lester took In and sent out enoiiuons quantities of corn , ami piobably stoiiped a little ol' it. Xditini & Wortlilnctoneie picking iccclptsRiid onlj stopiiliiK the stuff In ccitnln houses. A jiieat many traders weiu tryliiK to borrow places on pro visions , fables weie. Inclined to weakness , Karly the open board market lett tills way n little , responding to the incrca o of ' 00.000 bushels on passnige. Tlieio weie no icpoits of liost last ninht which rather a-lded - to the easier tone. Tlio njien hoanl htarlcd out Octolier wheat TTJjfo and .sold It un In a jeiky mnnncr to TM 'C whlnli was the official close. On the regular board It opened about steady Coin wits drrlili'iily weaker , October openIng - Ing nt-ii : , < c. The same option In pork was quiilcd nt $0.1)5. ) Them was \ciy little sign all through the mornliiK of any Improve ment bciiiK on tlm way. Where ftost hail been piudlclcd Inst iilcht there was higher teiiiperatuio to-day by about 15 dec ; . This slatuof things , hi eonlunctlon with ( > ' ' - ' cars ot corn to-duy , nmrtho fi'-Ci I'stlinated for to morrow , niovcd n very black ejo for tlic ninrkct. The opening which was at u dn- cllnuol % e Irani yesterday , was within "sc " ol the lop for the day. The decline fiom Ill'iC to-ltl c v\as very steady , but was not tiLTompanled by any particular feature. Par ties who ordinarily would have been buyeiH were at raid of It because of milder weather iiro pi'cUs , and tlio piobabllitles ot moio corn bcliiB received than tlieio was any use for. and , as matter of nriiielple , were not disposed to go in very hcavilv on the soiling side. The general temper ot tiie crowd appealed rather bearish and It is considered likely that any attempt to have advanced prices , had there been a disposition to do so , would have lii-en combated. The clo. c was heavy and lather slow. After wheat sold at 78'hr8'4-c ' , within a quarter nt nn liourot open 'tig , It became quite sharply alfectcd by tliu easier tone piuvalling In the othur pits and declined steadily to IT c , arouiiit which lijiure it ranged until about noon , when it nicked up a few points on the efforts of a tew local houses with bull ish propensities and talk of a uood showing lot exports at New York. 1'ho lecelpts here to-day were 11 ! ! cars , while. : Ci,035 bushels weio taken out ot store. Tlieio was no spe cial attempt at any heavy trading , as tlio raiu-o of 5 < c wilt clearly show. The illuming fressioii closed steady. Provisions attiaeteda big crowd , but they weiu not traders , its the range ol a fo. . " * until alter 1'J o'clock Illustiates. Then theme - meiitury stiengtli in other dlicetions linned it unto tlio top lor the day and closed it steady. Towaid the close consols came in lower and Walker began bitvini ; wheat very heavily. There was talk of 10,000 bushels taken for export , and altogether the tone became - came wrv linn , wheat toucliing its highest point atthu eloso and local scalpers jumping lor olTcrings in a vet v lively manner , AKTliUNOON SiSblOX. : iitlX ) ] ) . 111. TllO Bhoi Is weiu after poikery biiskly toward the close of the day. riiiiiilnir Octolicr up fiom 10.10 to SlO.iiO. Tiadlng In otiier ar ticles wcro not MIC.'I as to cause any decided fluctuations. The general tone was sllnhtly lirmer. Wheat was steady at 70c for Septem ber ; 7Sc for October : V. > Wi ! > J < c for Novem ber. Corn was about uuchiiiigcd attljf c for September ; for October ; -Jli c for Nov- veinber ; ISc for .May. Oats were steady at a5 5 aiWfc tor Soptoiiiber273 ; r ; 'i7fc for Oc tober. 1'orlc was active , stioug and higher at S10.K ) for September ; SlO.'i'i tor October ; SlO.lOJor Xoveiiibcr : Sll.1'2 for January. Lard was linn at S7.)5for : ) September ; foi October ; § 0.00 for November ; SG.07 } tor January. Shoit rilis weru higher at . ' ? 0.17i } for September : SO.W ) for October. 3:15 : ] i. in. lilts nn October wheat , 77e , ealls , 78'4'c. I'utson Octobci con\-K \ calls , 4ryie. : CHICAGO IjlVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Sept. 1. ( Special Telegram to tlio Hir. : . I ( J.VTTI.K With cattle coming at the rate ot OO.OO'i head for the week , and shipments to the east being loss than last week , it is not wonderful that buyers were bearish. The actual receipts Tuesday were * S > , b'78 cattle , and to-day about 12,001) , making an incieaso ot 5,400 over last week. The 10- cclpts of cattle last month weie 81,000 heav < ier than during August , lbS ! > , nnd tlio receipts k for the past clidit months nre'J5,000 heavier ft than dining the corresponding time last year , The offerings , however , are almost wholly of medium to pretty good natives nnd common to lair western rangu cattle , The very best cattln are sell ! UK at steady pi ices. Yesterday some superior 1670 Ib. Illinois cat tle sold at $5.2r , and to-day another lot of not quite fat but liner sold nt.VJO. ? So It will be seen that extra euttlo aru selling qmto as well as at any time In months. Hut cattle that sell this way are only about one In a thousand. There was no maiket for common cattle to day. Low grades were as neatly unsaleable as they have been in lltteen years. Monday common cattle sold 10o lower , Tuesday 15@ SSo lower and some cattle still lUQvSVt lower to-day , making -JOitfSOc deeliuo in three days. Uut tlm worst pint was the fact that larca muubeiH of common to ptetty good na tives , wliloii come In competition with west- em c.tttlu , could not bo sold. There wcro Itilly 10,000 cattle on the market to-day. Ono car ot 10XM Hi steers , ( j.V.'O. Shipping steers , it ; 0lo 1.100 IbS. S.K5CiUX ! ) ; 1800 to ISM ) Ibs , : i. ! iLM.0 ( ! ! ; 05' ) to 1'Jouibs , 8.1.50@-4.00. There a Hood of lance stock trom all sections to-dny untl tlm market was "paralyzed" . Tliu largo number left over tiom yesterday made up an enoimotis siipily. | The liesh receipts weio about ' . ' , 00 throngli Texans and 6,00(1 ( northwestern Texans , half-breeds and natives , \\nsdecldedlftho woist maiket ot thii season and pilees were isclowei than jestoiday and fully -ViGpOo lower than ! ' ( hist week. Many large lots ot cattle wore unsold at a late hour. Mho market - IK ket was badly glutted , ( iieeubaiim bought 400 or ftCO western cattle for feeders at about S'JiMQ.'UK ) . trj Dakota Texas 1057 Ibs , ailfeedens , ll'"i Ibs , Sa.OO ; 4S feeders , UOS om 1MKI 83.55. lions There was a sudden and unox- jiectoddiop of 50lOc ns complied \vith tlie highest \fhtrrday , but at the decline there was talily nctlvo demand , with prices about tlm same as on Monday , the advance noted vesterday having entlicly dlsappeaied. Koiigb nnd common mixed sola at $1.55d4 < 84.0 ; good to choice corn-fed , mixed , S4.75 fu.4.85 , and best heavy at Llghl soils continue unsaleable. FINANOIAL. New York. Sept. 1. MONKT On call easy , ranging nom a to 7 wr cent , closltic t a per cent asked. 1'llIUK MlCUOAKTlLB l'ArEK-4(35 ( per ecnt. brKKMxn KXCIIANOE Firm at S4.81)for tlxly day bills and S4.81 for dnmund. GoVEitNuhNTS Uovomments wcro dull with a sliado lower quotations , fsio < h > Dullness was tlm ruling feature nt tin ! stock uxelmngu to-day , but a lirmer tone prevailed throughout and tradiiiff was fiomewhut moro animated , being again slightly In excess of the previous few days Tliu n.arket was weak at the ODonlux , lire prices ifunerallv showinp declines of fiom } ( to 9) per cent. Hubliicss was dull anil rather heavy In early trading , but prices soon allied and continued tiriuuliuost the entire. day , and the market closed firm at about the bist natures rc.xchcd STOCKS ON wu.t. srr.Br.T. n ? > cent bonds. . lOo C. &N. W . 1U'4 ' ( I. S. 4U's . * K n preferred . . . 14 New s. . 1M'SN. V. ( . ' . . . . . , H' ' H 1'aclfic d's of ' ! ' . ) . 12'Orccon ) Ttan , . . . SI Central Pnclllc'i ' ' 'flc'ilr ' Mall . W , ; < U. & A . 141 T'.l ) . , t K . 2Vtf pn-ferred. . . . 1.V , P.P. C C. it , A ( I . 1S4 Itock Hand . Wl 1) . 1\V . l'is ? < St. L. * . F. . . ' 1) . ifelMJ . 'i t prefened. Jiile . ai"iC. , M. it.St. P. . . ' , " 1 preferred. . . 74 luefeiied . . . I'-'O'J Illinois Ontrnl. ixi St. P. \ ( ) . 4d I. , I ) . , Vr W . IC.'i' . ' preteired. . . losjtf Kmisas\Te\as. i i Tfxas P.iellic. . . 14j < I.akeSliore. . . . & * i } Knlon P.iellic. . . ' ' ' ( , Midi. Cential. . . 70 I piefeiied. . . Mo. Pncliie . 10Vslein ! \ Union. Northein . . SJ S ( ) . . It. A : N . pielened. . . > lil IMIUDUCK 31 VltlCMr. Chlcnco , Sept. 1. Klour Steady nnd unchanged ; winter wheat Hour , S4.0.VSI.10 ; southern , SUi ri'DO ; Wisconsin , 54.CW ? ( < H.ioMlchigan : soft spi'lni : wheat , ? ! < .f > o * 1.10 ; .Minnesota bakem , $ : i.50vrft.lO ; patouts. 'l.iW l.fiO ; low" ! 51.7' > ' < t-i.7."ij } ; rye Hour liuet nt i3.ii.Vrfcj.60 In ban els , and S'J.00 ' ® 1.20 In sacks. WheatOjicni'd yi'ft'jc ' under closing of Pst"rday nml closed } e undei ; cash , 70' ' { > e ; Jrtobur , 7h 110November. ; . Vc. ) Coin Oiieiipd JffiiJ < e lower nml closed about lc under .U'stciday : cash , 41c ; Septem ber. 41 ' * < : October , 42 lii-lOc. Oats- ' .f'-jc easier ; cash , 23)jc ) ; October , Kye-Steady at 4l'c. ' Uarley MU Ttmothv-Prime , 31. 0. Whi k.Sl.lf > . PHI k Moderately active , but ewer ; eash. S .K.C ' .I.K ! ) ; Scntember , ILilUH ) ; October , SHMfirtJlO.OiJJ. Laid Dull and niiebangcd ; cash. 57.M ; Octobur. .tii.'TKC'iO.'fl ; November. SiUW. Uulk Muiits' Slmuldeis , 5. ' .75 5.87 > i : short clear. SO r-if.70 ( ; ! ; short libs SWJK. Hiitter Steatl.ami . unchanged ; cieamery , fiS-Jc : dairy , i'JKf'ilCe. Olieesu Firm ; lull cream Cheddars , 8Jv@ S 4'e ; Hats , n oeli' e ; Young Ameiiea , - - . Hides Ili'iivy green salted , 7Xc llcht , SJi/c : linll lildei , hides , 5V ! " ; drv salted H0t > IBo ; dry Hint , irgUu : : ; calf skins , leacons , WJceach. Tallow .No. 1 country , tyMacake \ , JJfo ; No. 2 , Sc. Arriiit.voo.v HOA m > Wheat , iinrhanccd. Corn , unchanged. Oats , iinclianccd. 1'oik , stionger ; October , S10.2.1) . Lard , nnchaiiL'cd. HecelntA. Shipments. ' Flour. bbls TT.UOo 4,000 Wheat.bu 141.000 72,000 Corn , bit Kil.OOO 1011,000 OntF.bu tfiJ.OOO 10U.OOO HyeDn 5,000 W.OOO Barley.ou lO.WJO A 00 Now Yort , Sept. 1. Wheat Ke- cclnts , Ki'i.OOO ; exports , 24U,000 ; cash J @lc lower , closing steadier ; options opened a shiido easier , later advanced Jjif'C'fc ' , niter- ward decline f'4@Jf'i' , closing hteady with a iccovery of ; 4oikc ) ; uncrailed red , 8KaiHc ) ; No. 3 red ; Nj'.tW .H'c ; No. 2 red , fcTi'/c ' In elevator ; S"c f , o. b. , b'TDjCjtST iJc alloat ; No. 1 red , tKc-5 No. 2 led , October , closing at Corn .Sjiot lots are down l@l'N'c and op tions lK' < 7tliNe ; closinc steady with some re- covei > ; recchits , 40.000 : export" , 11,000 ; un graded , MfcrolKc ; No. 2 , fll4.Mlj } c in ele vator : OU44.Vic ( ! nlloat ; October closed nt O.its Klrm ; iccclits | , 12 < ) ,000 ; cxpoits , 1.400 : mixed westcui , S tallte ; wlilte. iilt'i'llC ' , Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 01jfc. 1'ork Quiet and lirm ; old mess , 810.r > U ( ! 10.75 : new mess. 8ll.l.Vnti.f,0. ) haid About 5 points higher ; western steam , spot S7.-IO. IJutter Quiet and Him ; wcstcin fresh , Kgg's Fltmcr and demand lair at K > @ Cheese Kirmer ; demand light ; western Hat , 7J4'r < 8c. Cincinnati , Sept. 1. The chamber of conimeicu held no be.snion to-day , owing to exposition p.irade. Milwaukee , Sept. 1. Wheat Weak : cah anil September , 75 ! ( il7. ; ' > c. Oc tober , ? : ' . < e. Corn F.ilr demand ; Xo. 3,40c. Oats Steudy ; No. ' . ' , : ; te. Kye-Qulet ; No. 1 , 5U 52c , liarley Un.settled ; No. 2 , 5Sc. Provisions Lower. 1'oik Cash and September , ( JO.CO. Minneapolis , Sept. 1. - Wheat Unsettled and lower ; No. 1 haul , 71 } c , September ; 7lic , October ; 77Kc , November ; No. 1 noithern , 72Wc , September ; 74c. Octo ber ; 75 > 5C , November ; No. 2 northern , 7L'c ' , casli ; 7l > < c , October. Klour null ; patents , -4.Wfr74.iO : ! ; bakers , . Kecelpts-Wheat , 74,000 bushels ; flour , 100 barrels. Shipments Wheat , 2,000 , bushels ; Hour , 23,000 banels. St. Louts. Sent.1. Weak ; closed about yestei day s close ; No. a cash , 7.4iri ! > 77-k'c ; September , 77 , } c. Corn % c below yestei da v ; No. 2 , cash , c ; Sentembur , : ! 7'4V. Oafs Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 'JiJ/ia'iOc ; Sep tember , 23c. Uye ICasy at f.Oi. WhlMcy 8UO. . . Pork l ewer ; 5510.SO , cash. IJutter Steady ; creamery , ISQ'JSo ' ; dairy , Ai'TKiiNoox UoAKi ) . Wheat easy , ' © c lower. Corn lirm and unchanged. Oats un changed. Now Orleans , Sept. 1. Corn Easier In sacks ; mixed , 51c ; white , 52c ; yellow , 5o. Oats ( jnlntniul weak. Uornmeal Kasler at S2.20. llog Products Unsettled ; generally higher. l'ork-810.50. Lard Kelinedtierce.S7.00@7.12X. Uulk Meats Shoulders , S0.15 ; long clear and clear ribs , 30.00. HausnH City , Sept. 1. Wheat Weaker ; No. 2red , cash , fMfo bid ; October , ( November , 05o bid , ( JOu asked. Corn Weak : No. 2 , cash , October , : K bid , ! 54c asked. Oats Nominal. Toledo , Sept. 1. Wheat-Dull ; cash. Kc. Corn Steady ; cash , 42J4e. Oats Steady ; cash , Ijlvnrpool , Scpt.l. Wheat Sunplv good ; new No. 2 winter dull at Os 9 > 1 ; spilng btoady at fls 0fd } , Flour Supply good ; firm at 8s 7d. Corn Supply poor ; spot , September , Oc tober and November , 4s 5fd. rave sTooit. Sept. 1. The Diover's Journal icnortsas lollows : Cattle Hecelpts , 12,000 ; all below best 10@ 20clov\er ; shipping steers. 8a.frO@4.UO : stock- era and feeders , $2.00 ( < ? : i.50 ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.25@3. ! ; bulk , ? 2.20ij'j,40 ( : thiough Texas cattle. 15c lower ; steers , C'J.Oova.'i.lS ; cows , I2.2.XS2.00 ; western rangers , common almost unsaleable ; natives ami lialf-bieeds , 8Ji5MI.OOi : cows , 82.60S2.75j winteied Tux- ans , $3.70iiur : . lloxs Itecnlpt1 ! , 17,000 ; slow , 5@10 lower : rough and mixed , S4,00@4.80 ; packing and Hhlpplng , $ lbO@5.lO ; light , S-.7. : ! ' ) 4.HO ; skips , 82-NK 3o. ; Sheep-Iteccipls. 4,000 ; clew , natives , S2.00 Gll.OO ; Texans , S1TSS,73 ; lambs , 84.00 Q'j.OO. Ht. Liouis. Sept. 1 , Cattle Receipts , H.OOOj shipments , 2,000 ; weak and lower ; common to cholco shipping , .GO < v$4.n5 $ ; butcher steers , 83.5034. of ) ; cows and lielfma , S2.ii5Mi.M : ; Texans and Indians , 8J.25C ! < $ i.M ) . Hogs HocelptB , 5,000 ; shipments , 1,400 ; active ami lirm ; butchers' and bust heavy , S4UO$5,15 ; mixed packing , & 4.40S4.b5 ; light , S I.10M4.70 , Knutius Olty , Sept , 1. Cattle Keoelpts. l.bOO ; shlpmonts , none : choice corn fed steady ; others dull and 5 ® lOo lower ; com mon to choice , $ H.80 < 3i.5U ; stookois and feeders , S&UWiiiUO ; cow ? . gl.50@2.75. Jlofrb-limilnK 8,000 ; Bliijiinents , 800 ; ationeor ; choice 5c higher ; others steady ; common to choice , Sl.llKfCl.bO ; giussers and pigs , $ a.60a l.oo , OMAHA Tuesday Kvonlng , Sept. 1. OATTI.E Tboro was nothing in to make a market. llooa The first few sales made early this morning were nt about ycster day's prices , but when the news of the decline In eastern markets was received U weakened , and the bulk of the G.tlcs were 53tOc lower than yesterday. Tliu maiket dragged nil day , and the buyers did not appear In any hurry to buy. Heavy liogg went slow nnd a lew loads weie left over. Just bcfoie sundown a number of loads were sold , but the pens were not domed. Snnur There weie n few In to-day. IICCKIPIB. Cattle . 300 Hogs . 2000 Sheep . I'M Prevnlllns ; 1'rlce * . Showlnc the prevailing prices paid for live stock on ( Ids market. Choice steels. 1W ! ) to 1500 Ibo . S4.W < a4.W : Cholco strei * . 1HXJ to liOJ ! lb . ; i75t"t.l5 .Medium steers. t'KO to UV ) Ibs. . . anocM.OO Fat little steers W.VJ to UMUM . . . . H.i5C'i.l.SJ ! ( toot ! feeders 1K 0 to IOJJ HH . n.0 < > ( ' ? . : i5 ( teed to choice coin-fed eows . iMHKfM.'J.'i Fair to medium gra scows . 2O.T < i'i.O * ( iood to rholce bulls . i.50r W.iO : Light and meduini nogs . 4.ajl.4ri ( iood to choice heavy hogs . 4.4.V. 4.5'i ( ! oed to choice mixed lui s . 4,40yf I..M ) ( ! oed to choice sheep . : i.OOMt.5 : Fair to good sheen . 'J.7'w.00 : ? Common sheep . . . . . . . . . l.50ig2.50 Hoprcscntiitlvo Hat 03. . . No. Av. IV. No , Av , Pr. 60 . 1111 J.T.15 l > . 10i > 5 SB.15 cow * . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 13 . 101 53.00 1 . IW ) S'.VM lion * . No. Av. Sbk. Pr. No , Av. Shk. Pr. r , ! ) . . . . ' , > l2 bO Sl.a * > 5S.:81 240S4.45 70. . . . ' . ' .T3 f-0 4.40 5 ! ! . . . . 217 bO 4.45 OS. . . . .IVi 100 4.40 M. . . .2ft ! 4.45 . . . .27:1 : 4.40 ro.'i5 120 4.50 W..250 40 4.45 ( H..212 KM ) 4.50 71..31M M ) 4.45 114. . . . JIM 200 4.50 rJ.,3J 100 4.4" 70. . . 21S SO 4.50 05. . . . .JH M ) 4.45 74..2 { . . . 4.50 12.2i2 ! ) 200 4.15 &I..242 irO 4.50 47. . . . 2W 120 4.15 7(1. ( . . .215 200 4..ViV Tiinow ofr > . No. Av. fc'hk. Pr. No. Av. Silk. IV. ! ) . . .2 < ! 0 . . . S3.50 I..fi50 SO S4.00 1 . . .140 . . . ! ! .50 7.2fiO 120 4.00 l.JIO ! . . . B.75 5..IU2 120 425 1..110 . . . 75 1..400 . . . 4.50 It 1111 0 Of I'l'lOU1 ! . Hhowlngtho hlghestand lowest prices paid for mixed lo.ids of how on this maiket d'ir- ' Ingtho past suven days , and for the same time last year : August August , 18bO. 1&S5. AVedneMl'v.25th 4.40 @l.75 S.KO ( t.lO Tluusditv.aoth. . 4.20 ( it 1.70 I.H5 ! ( . ) Friday. 27tli. . . . . . l.a ) fi ? .50 11.75 ( i400 SAtiiulay. UMIi. . . 4.0 : oM.'W ' H.OO Ca.s5 : ! Jloudav , JiOth. . . 45 : ! W4.fiO ! ! ,50 Ttiesdav. Hist. . . 4.45 @ 4.0i September September Wednesday. 1st. ( < i4.52h' ! ; t.05 Stilpiuoiits. Showing thenumbjrof exrsnf livestock shipped oat of the yards during the day : HOOS. No. Cars. JU. Dost. 8 . C. J > . & Q . Chicago Ijivo Stuck Snlos. Showing the numbpr of cattle. hos and sheep purchased by the leading buyers on to-day's ' market CATTI.n. Morse , Itogcia & Co . Ml Others . 14 lotal . 711 HlfttS. G. II. Hammond & Co . 517 Anglo-American Packing Co . 554 Sipilres it Co . 2S2 T. E. Sanders . i : 1 Ian Is it Fisher . ( ! ( i Others . 141 Total . 1,0117 All sales ot stock 111 this market are made per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated. lead hogs sell at4c \ per Ib lor all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs no value. Pregnant sowsaio docked 40 Ibs and flags 60 Ibs. Kotos. Hog maiket lower. No cattle on the marker. A few boss weie lett over. A. H. Swan was heru to-day. Sam Heushaw , Cential City , was here. Squiies & Co. are on the market again. < ! . H. Hammond icccived 220 head ol cattle to-day. A. C. Orifliu , Cheyenne , had 1,4 3 sheep at tlio yards. Swttt , tlio Chicago packer , was a visitor at the yards. F. II. ( Jenaid , Donance.washeie and mar keted hogs. "Sundown buyers were plenty to-day on the hog market. J. W. Jones Aurora * ; was hero and sold a load of hogs , Tom Harris , Central City , was licie with a load of hogs. W. il. White , Tekamab , was heie looking alter loaders. T. J. Taylor , Shelfon , was looking o vcr the maiket to-day. Morc , Uogcrs & Co , bought 5'J ' head of western feeders to-day. There weie 1,700 hogs sold heie to-day , and only eight loads shipped out. Henry Shlnstock , West Point , was here and niatketed cattle and hogs. W. H. Ueagle topped the market to-day on hogs , with a'load ol 245-1 b. hogs. Mr. Parsons , buyer for J. P. Squires , has returned and was buying hogs to-day. The Anglo-American Packing company weio the heaviest buyers on the hog maiket. Hennett Ewln. Exeter , was hero with four loads of nogs , the best string that has been in for sumo time. 15. Whiter. Burnett , stopped off here on his return from Chicago , with the view of ship ping to Omalia hereafter. The following gentlemen were registered at tliu Exchange hotel : F. II. ( ierrard , Doiranco ; Thomas Harris , Central City ; G. E. Welngait , hustings ; J. W. JonesAutora ; E. W. Hurdle , Herman ; U. Ewln. Exeter ; W. M. VMiito , Tekamah ; H. Ciimmings , Utah ; O. Thackeray , Ciicenbiish ; Ed. S , Miller , Barneston. Itncky Mountain Husbandman : It Is stated that them are serious obstacles in the way of driving cattle to the Canadian Pacific Irom Montana ranges , ( iranvillo Stuart and Percy Kennett , who have been looking up a trail In that direction , reiioit most of the streams dry , necessltatliH' , In some casen drive ol fitly miles without water. Thedrlves on the Northern Pacific are all light , On the matket with hogs : J. M. Hedge , Y titan ; Uucklnv t H , , Stromsburg ; O. W. Lament O'Ndfl ; Ueno & Storrs , Oakdalo ; J. 1) ) . Hatliold * Co. . Clear Water : A. I ) . Sears , ClaiksC. : McMillan. Scotia ; W. II. Ueagle Ar Co. , Loup Cltv ; W. A. Killgoro. Kearney ; 'A'alkor Uios. , Wavorly ; Fisher it Wagner , Voik : J. Ulvett. Cheneys ; ICelly & Co , . Ex- cter ; Hnrtman it Dunn , Staplehurst ; J. M , Miller. Auiora ; II. E. Vandrnir , Hradshaw ; . ) . Welnghait , Hastings , und Lewis it McC. , Ean-le. OMAHA WIlOIjIiAljIS MAKICI3TS flcncrul 1'rnitiioe. Wednesday Evening , Sept. 1. Tltcfollmi'lna price * arc /or rauinl lots of piYM/uce , as said on the market to-day. The iiiijtiilloiin on fruits represent ttie prices at which out-nltla orders tire filial. Eons The bulk of the receipts are selling ' , Stilctly sweet , solid nnd uni form color , packed oin new clean tubs , commands 15 to ! & > , or even more , In the mar ket , but thcro Is little or none coming In that can bo graded as such. Fancy butter In stone crocks is bringing oven better prices. Fair to good country butter is selling at 10f3l2 > c. Poor at 5ji8c. ( and slow. Cieamery butter , not ttie very best , sold this week at l8@'So. Ciir.usK Fancy tin Jcicam Cheddars , 9 > fancy full cream Hats , two Inbox , lOo ; fancy lull cream Young Amcricnsfourinbox,10)fc ) ; fancy Swiss , 14c : brick. 12 } c ; Limburtr , I2c. J'oui.Tiiv There has been a falling oil in tliu receipts , w hllu theru U a good demand , In view of the near appioacli ot fair time. Prices have accordingly advanced. Old fowls , per aoz. . S2.50S2.75 ; spring chickens , largo. 52. 50 2.75 ; spring chickens , medium , SI5om.2.oO ; Billing chickens , small , not wanted ; ducks , 82.25 ( 3.53 ; turkeys , not wanted. ONIONS Southern , per bbl , § 350 ; home grown , perbu. , fci.oo. CELKUvTherolsnot really enough com ing In to supply the demand , but It will not bo handled very extensively until next month. Shipping stock , per doz. , 40& OvsTrns There are no oysters of any consequence In the market yet. The season here does not open as n rule until about the 1st o September. The market will probably open at from 35 to COc. , according to the gradu. LKMONS The Now York market has ad vanced Si.50 per box stuc yesterday ; this would lorcc up pncis licit1 , as slock Is very Heht and vciy limp In transit. Fancy lemons , per box. S10JOO ( 10.MX UANA.VAS There are not many In the market nt present. As the weather becomes cooler , so tltat dealers em handle them with nfety , there will ben better supply on the market Bananas , jcllow , per bunch , § 2.00 ® 3.00 < 'AUKOtis'iAFnrifs The market Is now thoroughly cleaned tl | > . There Is not n pound of California fruit of nny kind In the hands of jobbers. Kiesh carloads are being looked foi by next week , which wll ! no doubt sell At much higher prices tlmn have been picA - A ailing during the lecent glut. Mr.i.ojfs I'.iucy lnrip Miiscnlino water melons. S17.Xt@ ( ' < J.00 : Inferior and smaller si/.es , Mlo.OXX3l3.00 ; musk melons , per tloz. . SUKXKl.'W. bwKKi 1'orA.Tous Iowa homo grown are in me market and celling at. * per Ib. l r.AX < s llnrdlynny coming in now. 81.05 01.60 per biisliel. for clean stock. CocoAM'Ts Oocoanutsper 100 , J5.00 ; less tlmn hundred , tier 100 , 56.50. HONIJV Cnllfoiiiln , I.V ; California , strained , lOc ; Nebrnskn , choice , I'iQlJic ; Ne braska , tlark , 10llc. M.M'i.r. Sviifi' Hulk , U to 17 gallon kegs , per gal. SUM : cal runs , per gal , S1.03 ; half gal cans per cal , Sl.lO. Cinr.n New i i > ik. per bbl , S7.00 ; ilo. naif bbl. S4.1XI ; Crab , pci do * qts , S2.75 ; jllclilgali relined. per bbl , t-C.,00. . Vixr.nAu Whlto wine , Iiifl7c ! ( ; elder , 13 @ 17e ; single stieniith , 13c ; triple stix-ngth , 1'Kis AMI PATHS -Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes , i > er Ib , lOc. iwtes , fancy fnrd , 12Ib boxes , 14e : dates , Persian. W Ib botcs. psr Hi , lOc , Ni'Ts I'ccans. lance polished , lie ; pecans , medium , t'c ' ; Kngllsh wnlnuts , I4c ; almonds , Tarragona. 20c ; almonds , Langiicdoc , 17c ; Ur.u.lls , 12c ; Hlbcrts , He ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Virginia , 8ljc ; peanuts , hand picked chiilco Virginia , 7 } c ; peanuts , roasted , ' 'c extra ncrlb. MAIM.K SVOAII Hrlcks , strictly pure , fie Ib boxes , porlb. IRc ; 10-lb tin palls , strictly pure , per Ib , 14c ; 5-lb bilcks , 24-lb boxes , per Ib. 13'c. ! rio ' Fr.RT , THIPK , KTr. rics' feet , per bbl , S4.00 ; do , } 4 bbl. 32.00 : ito , per kit , We Lambs' tongues , per > ( , bbl. S3.20 ; do , per kit , ? 2.r > 0 ; do , nu.ul jars , per do/ , § r.Wdo \ , pint jais , per case , Udo/.en , 80.75. Tiipe , pcr'i mil , 84.00 ; do , per ' { bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kit , IMIOVISIONP Ham , sugar cured , 14c ; bouoless bam , 60-11) boxes , 12 } < c ; picnic ham , ll.fc ) ; breakfast bacon , sugar cured , UXc ; shoiiideis , Sc : clearsliio bacon , Sc ; dry salt hides , 7' c ; diied beet-hams in@Kic ; dried benf , legular , 12s ; laid , 40-lb cans ( Fair banks ) , 7Kc ; 10. " > ami 3-lb pails , no , B''c. B''c.Nr.w POTATOK * Theio is an Increased demand for choice stoefc. Faimers are not bringing in enough to supply local demand. Theie are ear lots aiilvlng now from outsldo points. Choice quotable at 00@70c. ( JiiAiN Corn. 25c ; old oats,23c ; new oats , 2te ! ; rye. R5TiJ40c : wheat. Me. Fi.oun ANH Mii.i.sri'i'TS Winter wheat quality pateiit.S2.bO ; second quality , 52.4002.50 ; best nuality spring wheat flour , patent. 82.75 ; bran. .We per cwt ; chopped teed , COc per cwt : white corn incitl , 75c ; yel low corn meal , Gfus per cwt ; scteeiiing , COc per cwt : hominy , Si.50 per cwt ; shorts , 55c per cwt ; graham , 1.75 ; hay , In bales , 50.50 7.00pcr ton. _ Markets. Wool , Medium , 17@20o per Ib ; fine heavy , I2 ( l5c ; light. I4i. < 4l7c ; coaise , VJ@l5c ; burry wool. 2c5e ( off. THKii Prime slaughter sole leather , prmu r k sole leather , l"g. 30@tks : ; Morocco oil pebble , 2&f < $ 2c ; top pings and linings , SO.QO IO.OO per def HKAVY JlAiHiWAftE iron , rate , S2.25 ; low sti'nl special , 4c ; crucib lesteel , fin ; cast tools do , 12wlSc ; wagon spokes'per sot , S1.75WXOO ; hubs , per set. 551.25 ; felloes , sawed dry , 551.40 ; tongues , each , 75c ; spring steel , 7ii'Sc : Burden's horseshoes. S4.40 ; Buulen'3 mule shoes. S5.40. Baibop wire , in car lots , Sl.OO per 100 Ibs. ronl Nails , rates , 10 td 5U , & 2.50 ; steel nails , 82.05 ; Shot 551.05 ; biicksliot , 51.B5 : oriental powder , kegs ' $ -.POJ do , half kecs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kens$1.00 ; blasting , kegs , 553.85 ; fuse , per 10 teet , fiSc. 'Lead ' Bar. S10. French zinc , in varnish asst , EOe ; Fiench zinc , 75c ; vermillion , American , IHc ; Indian red , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cooi- son's , -jc : Venetian red , American , IKc icd lead , TJ-Jc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2Uo ; chrome yellow , K. 12c : oclne. loche'.le , ! ! c ; ochre , French , 2JCc ; ochre , American , l ) c ; Wintei's mineral. 2Kc : hehlgli blown , 2'o paiush brown , ti c : 1'rlncc's mineral , -c. IJitv PAIN' .S White lean , 8cFreno nzi no 'Jo ; Paris whiting. 2 c ; wliitimr , gilders' , c ; whiting , com'l , l , ' < c , lampblack , Gcr- nianstown. I2c : lampblack , ordinary. Be ; Prussian biUL',5"ic : ultramarine , 18c ; vantlyko , brown. 8c : umber , bunnt , 4e ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt. 4e : sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine. U5c : rans creen. common. 22c ; chrome trrecn. N. Y. . 20c : cliromo green. K , 12c ; vermillion , English , in oil 70o ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib cans. r 'c : raw and burnt sienna , 1'ic ; vaudj'kc , blown , l.'te ; re fined lampblack , 12e ; coach black and ivory black , Hie ; drop blacit , lOc : Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramuiinobhie , 18c ; chrome green , ij. , M. it I ) . , ifie ; blind and shutter green , L. , M. & L > . , 10 ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian led , I5c ; Venetian led , Oc : Tuscan. 22c : Amoiican vermillion , L. it I ) , , 20c : yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. & O. D. . 18c ; good ochre , We : patent dryer , 8c ; grrtming color , light oak , dark oak , wlanut , chestnut and ash , 12c Unuos AND CMEMIOAI.S Acid , caibollc , 32c : actd. tartarlc , .We ; balsam cooalba , per It , 4"c : bark , sassafras , per Ib. lOe : calomel , perlbTJc : cliinchouinia , portr , 40c ; clitoro- form , per Ib , 40 c ; Dover's powders , PIT Ib , 81.25 ; epsom salts , per flj , 3 } < c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib. 18c : lead , acetate , per Ib. 21c ; oil , castor. No. 1. per gal. , S1.50 ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 : oil. olive.per gal.,81,40 ; Poiorlganniim , 50c ; opium , S3.HO ; quinine , 1. .it W. and II. AS. , per or. , 70c ; potassium Iodide , per Ib , J-3.00 : salicin , pero40c ; sill phatc morphine , pel oz. 552.40 ; sulphur , per lb,4c ; strychnine , r.eroz , 51.25 , \Aii.Ni8iiKfi Barrels , nor gallon : Furni ture , extra , Sl.lO ; furniture , No. 1 , 5-1.00 ; coach extra , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , S1.20 ; Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum. extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 3.50 ; hard oil finish , 81.50. bPiniTS Cologne .spirits. 168 proofSl.t do 101 proof , 51.15 ; spirits , second ouality. 101 proof , 5J1.14 ; do Ibti proof , 81. W. Alco hol. Ib8 proof , S2.0i per wine gallon. Itedis- 81.50@.00. Biandies , importodo.0d@8.50 | ; domestic. 81. ! ai.X ; ( ) . Gins , impoited , S450 @ 0.00 ; domestic , 1.35 ( < < 3.00. Cliampagiips , Iniliorleil , per case. SW.OO@34.00 ; American , per case , 810.00@10.00. Gi-ocors * filnt. PICKLES Medium , in bbls , 55.50 ; do In half bbls , S,25 : ) ; small , In bbls , S0.50 ; do In halt bbls , 83.75 ; ghetklus , In bbls , 7.50 ; do In Halt bbls. S4.25 | . ftvituv No. 704-g\lton | ! Kegs , 81.10 : Now Orleans , 8a-iOc ! per gallon ; Maple Syrup , J < barrel , strictly puj-f , Tlo per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , l > ,25 per doz. ; K gallon cans , 555.25 per dor : quart cans , 83.00 ; I niKi ) FnuiTSNo 1 quarter apples , 3lf@ 4o ; In UMiporotPd boxes , K@y cbIackber- ; ri 1 1 , boxes , b@SJ < ; peaches , eastern , i } { @ BJtc peaches , evaporated , l5'Ciji7c ( ; Salt Lake none In umrkPti raspbeiries , new , 10 g'JOc ; currants , 7 IT > ic ; prunes , new , 4 . UANNEII Uooria Oysters , standard , per cag , 83.iOstiawberrI6s' : ; , 2Ib per case. 89.25 ; rasnbcrrii'o , 2 Ib per case , 82.20 ; Califoinia peari , per case , 81,50 : apricots , per case , SW.t-O ; peaches , per case , 85.20 ; white cherries , per case , 85.VK ) ; iiluma , per case , 83.00 : blue- Ijerries , per case , 8a'J5 ; egg plum" , ) ilb , per case. $2.50pinpapple ; , ' 'i iu , per case , S3.SO Q5.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel. l > er do , 81.20 ; 1 Ib sal mon per doA Sl.55Qjil.CO ; 3 Ib gooseberies , per case , 81.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , tier case , 551.70 ; 3 Ib lima beens , per casp. 81.60 ; 2 Ib marrowfat pnas , per case. 82.50 ; a Ib early June peas , per case , 83.75 ; 8 Ib tomatoes. per casp , g2.32.54 ; 2 Ib corn , per case. 81.'J3 :2 : Ib corn beef , per doz. 31.70fj .OO. K-Jtf lMliVioInch } \ , lOJi'c ; X inch , . biio Aits Powdered , TKo ; cutloaf. granulated. OXc : conlectloners' A. 0 ! < c ; standard extra C , 5K-i.Cc ( ; extra C , 65Kc : medium yellow , W < &sc. STAIIOII 3Iirror gloss , 1 Ib , 5ifo : Mirror gloss , 3 Ib , 6Uc ; Mirror gloss , Olb , 0 > c ; Uruvos corn , 1 Ib , Oc ; Klngsfoid's cotp , 1 Jb , 7o ; KIngsford's gloss. 1 Ib , 7c ; Kings- ford's glow , 6 Ib , 7' < ; e ; Klngsford's pure , 31b. 6 e ; Kingsford'sbulk , 4c. OKFKKS Ordinary grades , 10Jf@llc ; fair , 2c ; . choice. , . . . I'i 1.14 * * .1 S- - - fancy green and yellow , 18K14Ko ; old gov- eruiueiit Java'JO , 'J'jc ; Interior Java. 16 > f@ SOc ; iloctm , 2-Ju 4o ; Arbuckle's roasted , H c ; McLauBhlin' XXXX roasted , 14 > < o ; Dilwortli's , H c ; Uud Crow , H > ic. MUM JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Artists" Material. A. JTOSPE , , TR. . Artists' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , 1513 liondns Street , OmMm. Agricultural Implements. CHURCHILL PARKER , Wluilrs.ilu Denier In Affrlcnlluriil Implements , Wnpons , Carrlnar * and llugeli i > . Jnnen Mroot , between SHh nno lOlli.Oinnba. Nob. JsININGER cP METCALFCO. , Agricultural Implements , TV < ironsCarTln&p , llitealPs Hte. . Whr > Io le , Oiiahn. PARLINORKNDORl < \ ? MARTIN Wholesale Dfnlors In Acriculturnl Implements , tVaron and nimBl . 101. W3. B und ! " . Jone st Butter and Eggs. McSJTANE ,0 SCHROEDER , Itttycrs of lltttter and Kgprs. nefrlRer.ntnr nrd I'nrlilnir Home , lUti nil I.cnven- worlliSt.r I1 H. It. TrackOmalin. Butchers' Tools. LOtUS HELLER , UtttclierB' Tools and Supplies , ? 3u BO CiitlnSJ of nil kinds nUnjBln Block. 12IS Jones ft , Oinnhn. Builders' Hardware and Scales. HLUEBA UGH ,0 TA YLOlt , Puililcrs'Hardwaro&ScaloKepairSliop Mechanics'Tooli nnil IliifTnlo Sfnlci. UW Pouiilut it , , Omaliii , Neb. LEE , FRIED 0 CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tlnnnre , Sheet Iron. Ktc. AxonH for Howe hcaloi , nml Miami lMwdcrr , > . .Omnlia.Nfli. HECTOR 0 WIL11ELMY CO. , "Wholesale Hardware. oftPm ncentf for Jefferson Ktppl Nnlls , An tln FowdcrCo , FnlrbnnVH siiindard Srnlc . Corner 10th urul llnrnci , Omnha , Building Material. OMAHA LVMItER CO. , Dcalorln All Khulsiif ilulldhiff Material at Wholesale. 19tli Street iind Union Pnclllo Trnrk , omnlm. Boots and Shoes. ir HAND SEWEl ) SHOE COMPANY , ManufueturcrinndVlio1eiuiIcUealcra In Boots niul Shoes , Completectock of Hiibltcr Goods nlwajn on linnd WJ B. 1.1th et. , Omalia , Neb. A. T. Auttln , W. V. MORSE C CO. .Tobliers of Hoots and Shoos. 1411 Fnrnam et. , Omnlm , Noh. Mauufactorj , Bummer ttrect , Ilofton. Boer. M. KEATING , Agt. for Aiiheusor-llusli Brewing Ass'n Special Umnilf. FaultUadwetter and Krlan cr. STORX C ILER , Lnger Ucer Hrowers , 1521 North lllh Street , Omnlm , Nob. Coffee , Spices. Etc. CLARKE JIROS. , C CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. TeM.Oofrc , Hnlce . lliikli 1'o.vdPr. rhvorlnzEx- tracte , Luundnr Uluo , Ink. Ktp. 11H-10 Hiirnoy fclrccl.Oiu.ilia , Neb. GATES , COLTS r MILES , Home Coffee and Spice Mills M'f'g Co. CnlTcoRoi'tnrsand fplco Grinders , Manufacturers ofllHklnit Powder , Plavorlnu lJxnict' , Ululnc. Ktn. Try ouo cnso o ( ojr 1-2. packiiRC HomcBleud Uua ted Octree. HWJ Howurd Bt. , Omnhn , Nob. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epeneter , Prop. Manufacturer of nalvnnlzod Iron nnil Cornice. 023 nd 10)nnil US N , 10th tt. , Oniiihn.Ncb. O JiOLTE , Manufacturer ! ! of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , rinal8.Motnllei-kjlltl > tctc. 310S. 1'Jt i tt. , ( iniali.t. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Galvanized Iron Cornice * , etc. Succlf IrapniVPd Pnt- ent Mctallo SkyllKht. MM iindMI ) S. I''th ft.maha. ) Carpets. OMAHA CARPET < JO ? Jobborfl of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths. RUSTS , Linoleum * , Muttlues , Ktc. 1511 Dotiglai Btrcut. S. A. ORCHARD , ' Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattlnxa , Curtuln Gondi , ltc. 1123 Tainaui frtrcct , Omaha , Neb. Crockery and Notions. IP. L. WRIGirJ\ Agent for tlio Manufacturer * and Importorsof Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , ClilniueyB , etc. Offlcc , 317 South 13th el , Omnha , Neb. Commission and Storage. TFI'ITir te TH6M Kuoccsiiirn to Iinao QrltUth , Commission Merchants And Wholeialo li.'uleru In Country Prodnen , Fruits , nutter , Kaas. Klf. ( inods on coniliinment ispocliilt'MO N. Itllb Bt. , Omiiba. J ) . A. HURLEY , ConuniHfiion and Jobbing. nuttor , KgRBand Produce. Ciinslnnmentu eollclted. llcoiHmiirtcrs for Stoneware , Kerry Hexes and Urupe lliinkc'ia. 1411 IJoduoMruetOwaba. FEXCKE ItROS , , Commission Merchants. Frulte , Produce and ProvltlonB , Onialri , Neb. 1' . MILESTONE < 0 CO. , Dcalera In Hard and Foft Coal , OOlceand yarJ.l'ith ' nml Nicholas SIB. , Omaha , Neb , Vurd Telephone , an. QEO. * ' , iMKAdll , I'rOS. C. F. OODIIMAN , V. PfCB. J. A , 3UNIIKHI.ANI ) , Beo. und Trean. OMAHA COAL , COKE cl ) LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. ZKIHnutli Thirteenth Btreet , Omiilin , Neb. j. , T. jonxsoy o co. . Manufacturers of Illinois \VhitoLime. And hhlppera of Coal und Ooku , Ceinunt , Piaster , JJnie , llnlr , Klre Brick , Drain , Tile und buwerPlpo. ( inlet ) , P.uton Ilotll , Kurnum it , , Omnlm , .Seb. Telephona till. Confectioner/ , F , P. FA I" < 0 CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobber * of 1'ruttiNutu und CljruiB. 1211 Karimm Bt. , Omnbn , W. E. RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Bpcclultlei Ilultor , Kgf.s. cheeie. Poultry , ( luuio , Oy ter . Kta. Ktc. lUhoulh 14lh uroct. WIEDEMAN < 0 CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llulttr , Gome , FnilU , etc. 230 B. IHh it. Omnha , Neb , WESTERFIELI ) JiROS. , General Commission Mcrcliants. HX ( ! Dodge Btreet , Omaha , Nebraska. Oounlgnmouti solicited. WEEKS 0 MILLARD , General Commission Merchants , . And Jobbers of Foreign and Ionie llo Frnlti , Torre- euondenco solicited. Warehouse and onico. HON. Tlilrtpenlh M- , Omaha , Neb. Telephon" 774. Live Stock Commission. M. ItURKE ,15 SONS , Live Stock Commission. fleo. Uutke , Manager. Union Btocli Yarda.B. Omaha. Telephone Mi. SAVAGI ! 0 GlTEEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , eiilpmcnU of uny and all klndi of Block ucliolted , UolOQ BUxrk Vardi , Omaba , NeU Coal and Lime. OJM&J8BBERS'DIRECTORY Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER .V CO. , Jobbers of Clears , Tolmcco , flung nml Ammunition , tto l S Illlirt. , VOO to UJl Kiniim tt .Omiihn Neh. WEST ! ' FRJTSC11ER , Manufacturers of Vine Clarars , And Whole nlp Hcntom In l.pnf Tolmroo ! " , Nos.lIB mill 110 N. 14th ftroo Dry Goods. M. E. SMlTlf.P CO , . Dry Goods. Fiirnisliincr Goods & Notions 1102mill tICI DouuliK. cr > r. llth St , Oinnhit.Nfb. Distillers. Distiller * of Mqunt-.AIrnrinliinilSplrlK. Import ere mill Jobberof Wlne- and Liquors. WILLOn'SPIilXGS DISTILLED V CO. < nnl ll.KIl r CO. , Importer * mid Jnhliar * of Kino Wltirs nnd Liquors , holoiunmifiictnrriKOf Knitted * ' * Kn t Indln lilt- tcunnd Dorun Icl Iqiion. 1113 llnrnoyst. Drugs , Paints , Etc. jr. r. CLARKE DRVG co. , Drnjr , Paint , Oil & Glnst ) House Wetlof Cblrnzo roundels I.lno of llriiKKUts Bun- Orion. I1K llnrney "IOnmliti , GOODMAN DRUG CO. , Wholesale Dnijjpists. Ami Denlcrsln IMInU. OIlKnnil Wlndo-r tilnit'.Omnhit , Drain Tile , Etc. A. II. BU'EH.rt'1" . J.W.riEDronn.Fcc.ATfonii U. .1. UAlisnX , V.l'rvi. nnil Supt. THE If K10 N It YD It A ULIC DRAIN TILE co. , Ofnoo 511 N. lllh ft , Oninhn. Neu. Machinery nnd Vuppllei for Marmtiiainrliie Cement llrnln 'lllo. Engineers and Contractors , RAYMOND iP CAMPRELL , Engineers nntl Conlmotors , Brldc < > . Viaduct * . HoorTriu p . ! Menm 1'lle llrlTlmr , PilingOnkmid l'Un < llrlilto 1. > iintic > r. 15th tu nr Kuriium , Onmlia , Neh. Furniture , " " 7y iWEY .P STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. I'linnim ft. , Omaha , Neb. CHARLES SHH'ERICK , Furniture , Itoddinir , Upholstery , Mirrors , ate. KOU1203 and 1210 Knrnnm ft. , Omahn. Groceries , PAXTON GALLAGHER ,0 CO. , Wholesale. Groceries and Provisions , Nils. TO'Iff ) , 703 ami 711 H. 10th St. , Omnhn , Nob. JIcCORD , BRADY d > CO. , Wholesale Grocers , IStli anil T.cavcnworth el9. , Omalia. Hardware. . HROATGJf , Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Steel , Sprlnga , Wnirnn Stock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1203 nnd 1211 Hnmejr St. , Omnlin. EDNEY t > GI1JBON , Wholesale Iron nntl Steel , Wnconnnd CnrrlnRe Wood Stork , Houvy llnrdwaro , Ktc. I''IT nnd I''I'J I.cuvcnwurlh Ft. , Umiilm , Nob. MILTON ROGERS 0 SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tilcg , Jlftntlcs.Qrutcs , llrusa Goods. 1521 nnd 1323 Fuinnm Stru'jt. ' Iron Works. PAXTON .0 VIERLING Iron Works , Vfrmipht nnd Cist Iron Building Work , Iron Ftnlrs , Hullmit , Itoums nndClrdcrj , Htentn KnKlnee. liniss Woik , ULncral Fniindry , Mnitilno nnil mncUnillh Work , omcertnd WorksU.l > . Uy.nndlTtliBticct. Jewelry. EDHOLJI Wholesale .lowolerrf andjluaic Dealers. Denlcrs In SllvHriraro. Dlimnndii , Wntchei , Clocks , Jcweler't Tools and Mntorlfiln , ctr. 1UI und 13J litli t. , cor. Dortgo , Uiiiuba , .Ncli. Lumber. LOUIS liHADFORD , Dealer In Innnhcr , Lath , Lime , Sasli , Uoo , Kto. Yards Corner "III nnd DotiRlas ; Corner inh und Doii7lH3. CHICAGO JAJMni'Ut CO. , Wholesale Lninhcr , 8148.Hthetroct.OmnlinNeb. r.Colpoticr , Mnnnsor. C. N. DIETZ , Luinher. 13th and Callfornln Htrrets , Omnlm , Nob. Fit ED W. GRAT , Lninhcr , Lime , Ccnient , Kte. , Etc. Cor. t'.Ui nnd iouKl" ) > t . , Omnlm , Neb. HOAGLAND , Lumhor. T. W. JIARfEY LUMISER CO. , To DcalGrs Only. Office , 11031'iirnnm etrcet.Om.ilm. GJTAS. R. LEE , Jlnrdwood Lumber , Woo < ] Carpete and Parallel Flooring , flili und Ilouglag Omnhn. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , WholcRivlo Lumber , Ktc. Imported ami American rortliiml Cement. Stnto AKOnt Jor.Mllwniikeo llydrnullc fcinont anil licit CJulncy WliltelJma. Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. T.lraltO'l. John K. lloyd , Superintendent. Millinery and Notions. I. OliERFISLDER 0 CO. , f Iniporterr nml Jobbcio of Millini'i-y and Notlonn , ni3unil 1215 Ilurney Htroct , Omnlm , Neb , Notions. c. A Gooi > Rijir , o c67 Are thannly Dhcrt , Impoitenof German & French Toys & Fancy Goods In Nobrimkn. Chlnico pi Iron dupllcntcd wllliontadd- Intf rrclRlit , HIS I'liriiiun SireetOinuliu. , T. T. ROHINSON NOTION CO. , , AVIiolcialo Iinnlert In Notions an I Fnrnltililn" ; Goods , Jill and m S. Tenth Nt. , Omnlm. VJNYARD , ( > SCHNEIDER , Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery und Gents' Furnishing Goods. Firimin Bt. , Omnhn , Noli. Overalls. ( JAJTFIEL1 > MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Manufacturers of 0 vow Us , Jeain I'aiiU , BUIrtB , iio. : llfl-Jund 1104 I > ou lu htrcct , ( inifihn , Noli , I Pr in tiny , % ItEfi PlifNTINtr'COMpZrN ) ' , Job Printers , Jilauk Book 3faUevs. And llouk Illndcm. 10" , mid I'M South fuuiteuntb street , Oniuli.i.Nob. WESTERN NEWS PA PER UNION Auzllinry I'ublishers. r > o lor ln'rrpe.I'reiifO and Prlntcm' fuppllo . S J PMIes , Vinegar , Ktc. NMoitRrs < o m7 " .Manufacturer * , I'acVcru und Hoali'ri In Pickles & Strictly Pure Aiu lo A'inepar Unking rowdcr. I'lnrurlnit Ilxtruew. U'nl'lo t 'in , KrcnchJIuiU" ' . Wotli Ulnliv , ( Iroccre1 ' - " l-ola ugi-nu for Vurk M.UU hund HoSiie der. Hull.tJH"JKjrllnt. | . Oumlu. OYAHA JOBBERS' UIREGTCRY- Safes , Etc. G. A Nil HE EX , Omalin Safe Works. .Vamifaeturpmif Piro and lluralnr Proof 8afc , Vanll DOOM. Jnll Work. Mitim-M and Wire Work. Cor. lllh nd Jac fen ! < t . ( Hnr.lui , Neb. \'ER .0 CO. , Agents for Hall's Snfo * Lock fo.s1 Tire and Hunt nr Proof S ifo , Tlmo I < > pk . VaulU and Jail Work UQi I nrnin MrcM Omaha , Neb. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. nrsnitotr ( x co. , Wliole alp MamidettirpKof Sash , Doors , Hliuds niul Mouldings , Itianch oftlcc.Uth nnd liard H .Omaha , Nob. ; T r. L'.iY. i .v , Sash , Door , Itllnils , 3iouldlngs , ilhiK Pnpor. CIP. inn Sniilh Thlrlpnnlh street , Omalin , S't'b. A cninpleto utotk of llulldcr * ' llurdwaro. JtOlIN MA\lrrACTTRING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , JtotitOlnci.stnlrWorknml lutorlorKuril Wmitl 1'lnlth Ju > t iH'cni'il N. t' cor Hid nml lAtareiiwoitliStii , Omnhn. Ni'ti. Pumps. ri'MP co. , "Wholosnlt1 rumps , 1'lpe , Kitting Stonmntul Wilier Siim > llf Mcnilqnuilfr * f r Mint Kiiii-tCo'c Iliunln. Illl I'Hriinm i > i Oninhn. Xeli. A. "L. NTR A NG CO7 1'unipM , Pipes nnd Knpines , Slonni , Wnlcr , Unllirny nnil .Mllllns S\i | > hllfn. Ktc. 1I3J , lOiHiiill'J * Knrnnm Bt .Oinitti.i , Noli , _ Z/TST / WFNI > ENG INi-Taiid 'PUMP COMPANT. IlntlnJny Wlnil Mlllni c-luiim nml Whtor Sil | > ii1l0 > , tMuinliiiiRllniHlii , lioltlnit , UIMO. Ulft mul IUI I ur- nam et.Oiimhv M. K. Trunks. jr. n. MARHOFF , Wholesale TriuliH ; , Jininnt llolnl lllnrk , Omalia. Wagons and Carriages. A' SIMPSON \ The LeudtiiRrOurriucro Factory , ( ItSTAlll IHIIKK ISM. ) H90 and 1111 Ipilio : rtrcot , Omnlm. White Lead. "CARTER WHITE LEAD co , , Strictly Pure AVhilo Lend , 20lli Btri'CtnnJ t I1. ttr..nmitti . W 0 It UIMCOJAINTECl WITH 1M * KEOOn/Utiy / OF THIS ecrjuTnvuiui. ess cr , * ntnA\l'.a \ tVni unr THAT THR CHICAGO , l\v ronnon of Its cwtra nil prlnclpii lines w > ! The Croat Rook Island Route Ounrnntcei ! lt putronn lint tenjin of p n oiint rlljr luTunlcil tir ix nlld , Iliorouclilv Imll tlM road- IIP.I. smooth tracks ot cnntlatioim hteil rail. itubBtnYi- tlully built nil'crM nnil brlilRos , volllnff nU'ck HI ncnt rorfiTlion na human ( .kill cim in.'iUo It. tlio lafety uppll LIICP or patent hutIorRplatroiiiiBnnd air hrAkcg. and Hint cxnctlnardlffrlptlno which - a-iircinii tlm prno- tlrnl operation nr nil tt Irrvlns odier Hiicilaltlrn ot .Ills liinli- are ImnslVra at nil connri'tlnir i > ulnt In Union Dfnuttf , nnil tin , , ini iirtab4ed | coulfulta auil luiniloxof Its I'uspenffor hiinlpnicnt. The I-'aat Kyiiniw Trnlns liatweon Chliv.po nnil P orl i , Ciinnoil liluiri. KnnfAs City t.wtrrnwnith and Atrhlion urn conipon-cl of well \enlllaltU. finely ' linMrii-rt Dny ( 'oni-hM Jlnujilllcent 1'iillniaii l'nl , l > | . ; > r tin ! iRlcst ili-flk'M. and KUniituou ] Illnlnic run. In wliloiiflnlioiiitcly iviokril IIICKIH nin Irlrinily entpn. Hctni-rnClileairiiunil Knn nnCllvatid Atchleoli nni also inn tlm Ctlclir.iti'd HfcUnliij ; Clmll Cars. The Famous Albert Uoa Route J'llio illn-ct And fiiiorito ilna ljo ; ci'n Chlonsonnd Mlnurnpahii nnd St. I'AUI. v/heio lonncctlonsnlu liiadi , III Union Depot * for ull points | n tlm If rrllm IPH anil Hrltl-iti I'lDTlnoc . Oter till" Jiiutu 1'ast iiprcbS : Tralni nio nm to the vnlt rlne plarrii , cillnnu < i ro- i > rl , plctnriwino loi-ulllti-ii , nnd hi.ntlni ; mid ll lilli- ( KruiiinHor Iiiua and .Mlnnijta. . H l nlin llto iniiiit .loHlrahlo rouln to tiir ilcl : li > at lUlda and iiu lorul laiidxif Interior ) > Hl < rti btlll nnolhiT llllir-CT LINK. TI Seme * unit Knn- ItivUoo , lias lii-fii oiwiipil li > > t\vF n rni. In. i tl. Indian- nnolla and Lafarrttw.oiut fonni-ll llluirn Kanni.ii city , AlllinpapolU and ht. Paul end InUrliu'dlaiO polntt , . lor dtialli'd Intonnatlon roe > lai and l-oldrri , ohlaliinhk'.na w ll in ilrkc'ls , at rll urlnclnnrilrLHt onicot In tlic united matui , nna o'aiuulai ur by ua- dlt'SHllll- H. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , I'rji-'l A , ac.n'1 Jl'cr'r , O , > n'l T'lit A : roe P. BOYEB & CO. and Jtil Work. 1020 I'iirnum SLreet , O\iulm. Neb. LINCOLNBUSESS DRECTORY Ituceiitly Unlit. Nonlir Fuinliiliod Tlie Tremont , J. C. KITZOIIHAM ) A ; PON , I'ruprlalors. Cor. Hli anil I'Sts. , Lliu-oln , Nob. rtnteflM.Wnerdiy. Street CUM ( roniliouo to any part ol tlio city. J. 11. W. HAtt KINS , Architect , S. ] . : anil I'J. Ul'jliiuilglllouk , Lincoln , Nob. Elovutor oulltU fatrtiut. llrneilerol , nroerterof .LOU'AT UATtr.K. KlIOUJ-lIOUKOATTf. ! F. M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer Kales initilc In nil pans of tlm U S. ntfulf rntos. Itooni 3 , Ftiitu Illuck- , Lincoln , Nrli.-j Gollowuy ami Short Horn btilU for i-alc. H. 11. GOULDING , Farm Loans and Insurance. Correspoiiilmiro IP icwuM to loans sollolloJ , Itouin 4 , lllthitnU lllofk , Llnuolii , Noli. Iti versicle Short Horns Of Htrlttly ( iiiro HitU-.s niul Illild iiiiinliri'n ilbinit HI llouil. I'mnHIo * tciiro'iMitol : Killiart" , Itcnlo. . . Itoso of Hnnioiis , Mosi Hoses , Knluhtly Duulin o. , rim frcok Vomit ? Mitryu , 1'liyllUcs , l.oiiiiii ! ) iinilTnit' Loves. llulU liifr-.Uil. 1 I'liro llalos Kilborl , 1 1'uro Hntrt L'niio.'S , 1 Hii'oot .Shaiuii , 1 Vniinir Jliiry. 1 1'iuu Crulclc ! ; lnniU mul others Coiiio ti'iil Insiicrl Hid liiTl.ilillt" > 3 , UIIAS. M. IIHAN- SON , Mncoln , Nob. _ Wliou in Iilncofn Ntop nt National Hotel , Anil KPI ti uooJ uinnoi1 furi'io. I. A. PI5IA\VAV l'roi . PUTS ATSTD CALLS. On , lorn , Oal1'ork , l.nt-il nnil It. It. Ptocl.s , Itii'l-uiKf mulHIiort' ! ' mo , tft'iul lorl'iico Citciilar. H. I1 , ll.orr Tn. , | ! W Wusliliittiiu ; Bt. , Chlwiuo. III. llotcronvo ! Air.erkMn Us- i. . , . , . . . . v , , i , , ttii Hunk. i-FULLY WARRANTED- BUOUIS ® FOR SALE OY 9 .T AvuiiiriMt.-airiiiiin''i-t. ; ! li.ll. ilwiiiun | "IV ' loii lilt : ; .ii-r.'i llrniinii Kunc'lo , O. l.iuiL'ii , lh KuiUli W. K. Mtnctril , Ifcil llownulst. it. I. . Vim " , , tru,151U l Jitot , 0. W. Sictiimr , M7 i-outh UtU si.