Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1886, Image 1

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The Oity of Charleston Leveled by the Con
vulsions of the Earth ,
Hlxtj IVfooiiH Killed \Vonndril lly
the Catnxtrophe I'lio AililH to the
Ilortot 'J lie Disuii biuic'e.s
Tlio levnntictcil Clly ,
Ctt vnt-i-srov , S. C. , be ] > t. 1. An earth
quake , such ns ncvei before has been known
In Ihe history of this city , visited Clnrlcstoii
last night shorllj aftei 10 p. m. , causing far
more loss of lltothin the e > clones of tlio > ear
before. 'I he citv is wiecked , the stieets encumbered -
cumbered with masses of bilck and tangled
telegiaph and telepliono wires , and up lo an
eaily hour It vvas nlmost Impossible to pass
fiom ono pait of the citv to another. Tlio
Hist shock was bs far the mo-it severe. Most
people with lamlliis passed the night in the
Directs , which oven this moiningaic crowded
vvllh people atiaid to enter their homes.
Jlore than ii\tv poisons were killed and
wounded , mostlj colored. Among the killed
areM. H. Lvnch. Dr. Hammond and Alnsley
Kobison. Pi res broke out in diliVicnt paits
of the citv , but without danger of spiending.
Theie Is no wiij of leaving the cilv. The
princlpil business poitlon ol tlio citv vvis do-
Hro > cd last night bv the eaitluiunke and
hundieds of pcisons rondeicd homeless.
Men ate frantic ; women aio beseeching
mercy from the Almighty and children nro
In tears. The mini station house , city hall ,
Hibernian hall nnd many other
well known buildings , Including St.
Michael's chinch , weio liroparably
damaged. .Many people were seriously , If
not fatally Injined. H-oad stieet piesented
n spectacle of the utmost honoi. Men with
hatchets foiuht v intently to roscua Impi isoned
iinfoitunates. Meeling stieet , from IJiotd to
lliuel , Is a wreck nnd lined with unfortun
ates. To add to tlio honors of the sceim ,
many llrcsbioko out nnd were inclTecluilly
fought bj tlio tire department. The night
vvas hideous with tlie gioans of tliodjIng ,
screams of the wounded and pravers of the
uninjured. It is impossible to intimate the
losses of llfo or property at present. Up to
1 a.m. todaythcio had been ten distinct
At 8:23 : precisely , this morning , another
wave swept ovei the citv , coming as the other
did , from the southeast and going In a north
west direction. Bj that time tlio people who
hid been out in the public piiks an 1 open
places all night ventured into the houses to
get clothing and something to eat. The
nppioach of the quake wns heialded
by tlieusuil lumblliiL'-sound , resembling dis
tant thuiitl'ji. Then Itgiaduallynpproiched ,
the earth quivered and heaved , and In tlneo
seconds pissed , the sound dying oul in the
distance. This is the onlv wave felt since
20 : ! ! this moinlng. It was not destructive ,
nil destruction hav In , : been done nt t:55 ) : last
night. The citv Is a complete wicck.
The two most historic churches In
tlie city St. Michael's nnd St. Phillp's-aie
in uiins , ns aie also Hibernian hill , tlio
police station , and many oilier public build
ings. Fully two-tlihds of the residences in
the city aio uninhabitable , wrecked either
totally 01 partially. It Is impossible at this
time to given coircct estimate of the casual
ties. It Is expected that between titty and
ono hundred persons have been killed
nnd several hundred wounded. About
twenty houses weio destioycd by tire.
Scarcely ono hundred houses in
the city aio occupied nt this time. The people -
plo arc all encamped in the open places. All
( stores aio closed and n scarcity of piov Islons
Is feared , not from want of piovisions , but
because no ono can be got to teach the stoics
to sell them.
Two slight shocks of caithriiiiko have been
felt since the lirst , at 8:33 : this morning and
ono about 1:85 : p. m. , neither doing any
further destruction. The city Is literally in
ruins , and the inhabitants nro living in open
B quaics and public parks. There Is a greal
rush to thuiailroad depots to getaway , but
owing to the nkcs , no trains have
bee n able to bo dispatched fiom the citv.
Telegiaphlc communication is also cut off ,
save one wiio of the Southern Telegiaph com
pany , which Is crowded with nnxlous privnte
messages It is Impossible to depict the rnln
nnd desolation that prevail heio. Not a
single place of business Is open save dnu
stoies , which mo busy preparing preset lo
tions for the wounded. It Is impossible
also to give any conect estimate of the
killed nnd wounded , as bodies nro constantly
being dlbinteried fiom the debris of the
wrecked houses. Ono undeitakci states lie
furnished eight coftlns nn to noon to d.y.
Many of the dead aio Ij Ing unbiirlcd , those
being of the pooi classes of coloied people ,
vvhonwnlt burial bv thu count v.
There ate not halt a do/on touts In the city ,
nnd women and childien HID experiencing
great piivations in consequence. As night
appioacliosmost ot the heads of families are
tr.v Ing lo construct tents out of bed sheets ,
spare awnings and othei mateiial. The him
isabont to set upon nnothei night of honoi
foi poor Chaileston. Heaven enl > knows
what It may mine foith. Without any othei
violent shock of caithqtiaku It Is calculated
tlmt at least tin eo-toiutiis of thu city will
hnvo to bo rebuilt entitely , If Iho houses aio
to be inhabited.
The city Is w tapped In gloom and business
Is entlicl ) suspended. The people gencinlly
remain in Urn streets in tents and undei Im-
pmvlscd slioUii , mid will c imp out to-nMit ,
learliignnotliei hlioi-k. Tlio gas works aio
llijmeil. and probably thu city will bo with
out light to night. St. Michael's chuic-h
Bteeiilo will come dovv n , iikuw ! . > thn steeple
of St. Phillip's. Tlio steeple ot the Unltui-
Inn church has Inllen. Thn poitlcoes of the
llibcinian hall and thu station housu aie de
molished. Theru Is much Injiiiy to mansions
on thu east nnd south battery. The poi tlco
ot the Haventil mansion is down. Hardly a
liousolii the city escaped Injuiy , and many
iiro so sliakon and cracked that a haul blow
would bring them to the ground.
I lie shock was soveio at bummorvlllcnnd
Mount Pleasant and Sullivan's island , but
no loss of lltu is loportod there. Khsiues In
the eaith aio noticed , from which a line
band , apparently from u gioat depth , exudes.
A sulphurous Miioli Is very notlicable.
'llueooilom Jhes started in as many sec-
tloiib with the hrst shock and the city vvas
soon Humiliated with the llames , thus lead
ing all to believe what vvas lett by the quake
would bo uevomed b > liio. Howovei , the liio
depaitmi'iit was so well divided and handled
that the llres vveiu under contiol by dujllght.
rrom rr > tol.M ) residences and stoieswere
consumed. 'Iho loss by lira and eailhquiko
cannot boaccuiately estimated , but can bo
jihiced satelj at b'i.iSoo.OOO. As far as could
bo ascertained dining the night lilttcn or
twenty were killed nnd a much grentei mini-
bei wounded In nil sorts of wa > s. The loss
of human lltu will bolnign audit will tnko
chi ) s to got nt thu nccuiato number , bliocks
i-uuallv us bevmowero fcltnta distance of
ino miles nnd have done Inestimable damage
to thu lallnuds and telegraph piopi-rty.
Clmileston is now t-iitiiely isolated iiom the
outside w oi Id.
Thn compositors of the News and Courier
ilecllno lo vvoik to-night , expecting ftcsh
Miocks of the eaithqunko. and the i > aier
tannotlsiuo to-mouow. Thu following in ti
de was pictured foi publication :
Necessarily the description that can bo
given of the disaster , which 1ms betallen our
city , i-oiibisls lu a iiairatlon of expeiiences
niid observations of Individuals , the subject
lie tu thu samp and the experiences of nil
being nearly alike. The story told by one
careful observer may well stand for n bundled
others , with slight variations. While en-
L-agcd In his usual duties In the second story
louiii of Ihe News nnd Courier otlicc , at the
[ line of the first shock , Ilio vviilcr's attention
was vaguclj attraeted by i\ sound , which
seemed to come from the office below , and
\\hlch was supposed for a moment to be
eaused bv thompltl rolling of n heivy boilv.
ns nn Iron Fife or heavlb lailcn tnu k.
our the llooi. Aecoinpanv in , ; tin * sound
was n perceptible tioinor of thn building for
pei haps two or three spronds. The occurrence
I'xclU'd no surmise or rnmmvnt. Then by
swllt ih'gtccs or. pc-iImp1 * , nil at onee the
sound deepened In volume , the tremor be
came more decided , the eai caught the r.ittlo
of \ \ liiilnashrs , tras fixtures and other
loose object1 ? . Men In the office glnnn d liur-
rledlj at rich other and spinng lo their feet
with slat tied questions and answer"Vimt ) \
IstlmtV r.nthqiiake ? " ami then all was
h"wlldPiiiipnlnndQfliifuslon. Then the Ion ?
loll deciiened and spread Into an awful ro-u.
Hint scemud to iiei\idi'at once the tumbled
earth and still air atone and aiound. 'I ho
tiemor was now n Hide , lapid quiver , that
agitated tin : whole hilly , stiong-w ailed build-
Ituras though It vveio belnir shaken by a hand
of Immeasurahlo power. There wns no Inter
mission in the motion of thuinlghtv subtoi-
r.uiean engine , rrom lust to lust It was a
continuous , mil } giuiltig foicc at even
moment , and as It appion-hed and reached
the ( .Hums of Us m intfcstatlnn it seemed ,
lorafew teiiiblo seconds tliatnu vvoik ot hinds could possiblv suivlve the
shocks. Tlie Hocus woio moving nuclei foot ;
the surioundliigs walls and pattitlonsero
vlsiblj swajed to and tie , theeiasli ot tailing
masses of sione und brick and was
henid ovei head , and without , the toirlblo
roar filled the ears , and sccmul to 1111 Urn
mind and limit with da/ing perception ,
bewlhleilng though's and toi n few panting
breaths , or while ion held join breath in
dieadluluntlclpmon of inuncdhiteamlcruel
death. vou telt that lite wa tilic.idv pist and
wailed foi the end as the victim with his
head on theblock awalls the fall ot thenxe.
A sudden lush was made to endeavoi to at
tain the open all and luid n place of siloty ,
but before the door was reiched all reeled to
gether to the tottoilng wall and Mopped ,
Icelln. ; that hope was \aiii and that It was
onlj n question ot death within the building
or wltliont to be burled undei tlio sinking
root , orcuishcd by the toppling walls.
The upioir slowly died away in the seem
ing distance. The eaith was still , and oh ,
blessed leiief , that stillness 1 Hut how rudely
silence was bioken , as wu dashed down the
stairways und out into the slieetl Alreadv ,
on o\ery slue nrose shtleKs and cries of iiain
nnd lenr , pr.iyeis and waillngs of terrified
women and chtldien , commingled with the
hoarse shouts ot excited men. Out in the
street the air was lilted to the height of the
hollies with a whitish cloud of diy , stilling
dust from limo and mortar and shittoicd
masonry , which , falling upon the pivement
and stone roadway , hid been reduced to
powder. Thiongh this cloud , as dense as
lot' , the gas lights Ilickeicd dlmlv , shedding
but little light , so that jou stumbled at every
step ov er piles of biick , or became entangled
In lines ot telo.'iaph wne , that depended In
every diicellon Iiom tli"li broken supports.
On every side weio liunying fonns of
men and women bareheaded , partlallv
drofsed , some almost nude and miny ot
whom weie crn/cd with teai and excitement.
Heica woman is suppmted half fainting in
the arms of her husband , whovalulj tiles to
soothe her , while ho cauies her into an open
space at the street coiner , where piesont
safety seems assuied. Tneie : i woman lies
on the pavement with uptmneii lace ami out-
stietched limbs , and the ciowd passes hei
by , tor a time not p uising to see w hethor she
be alhe or dcaif. A sudden light tlaics
through a window overlooking the street. It
becomes momentaily brighter and the civ
of tuo resounds from the multitude. A rush
Is made totvnid the spot. A man is seen
doubled up and helpless against a wall. Hut
at tills moment somewheie , out at sea , ovei-
liL'.ul. or deep lu the proiuul , is he ird again
the low , ominous ioil which isahcadytoo
well known to bomistakon. It glows loudei
and nearer like the glow lot a wild beast
sottly appioachlng his prev. Jt Is forgotten
a aiu in thotien/ied mMi tor open space ,
where alone theie Is hope of secmilj , taint
though It be. Tall buildings on cither h xnd
blot out tlieokiosnnd thebtais and seem to
ovcihnng every loot ot ground be
tween them. Their shattered cornices
and copings and tops oC tlioh
fiovvning walls seem tilled from
both sides to the center of the street. It
seems that a touch would send the shattcied
masses lett standing down upon the people
below , who look at them and sliiink together
as the tremor of the earthquake passes undei
them and mjsteiious rcverbeiations swell
and roll along like bomo lulcrnaldium beat
biimmonin , ; them to die , and It passes away
and again Is experienced ttie blessed feeling
of dellveiance trom Impending calamity ,
which It may well be believed evokes a mute ,
but earnest , offeiin. : of mingled piayer and
thanksgiving from o\ciy heart In the throng.
A-'aln far along the street and up from the
allejwa > s that lead Into It fiom either sldo
Is heard that chorus of walling and lamenta
tion , which , though it had not ceased , was
scarcely noticed a moment before. It is a
dieadful sound , a sound of helpless , noiroi-
.strlcken humanltv , old nnd voting , stiong
and teeblc alike , wheie all are so feeble , cill-
ing foi belli iiom their lellovv-cieatiiie.s , and
raising their anguished voices In petition
to heaven for mercy , where no human aid
could av all. It Is not a scene to be described
by any moital tongue or pen. It Is not a
bceno to bo forirotten when oncolthad been
witnessed , and when a witness has bhared
all the dangeis and feels its agonj.
The flint shock OCLIIIicd at seven minutes
ot ten , as was indicated tills evening by the
public clocks , the hands of which had all
stopped at that fatetul houi , ns though to
nuufc the end ot time for bo manv , who had
heard the pieceedliu hour pealed lorth by St.
Michael's chime * , without a thought but of a
loiu and happy life. The second shock ,
which was but a faint and eihp echo of the
Hist , was felt cUlit minuses later. As it
passed the wrltei started homewaid to lind
the scenes enacted on Ifto.ul stieet mound
the News-Cornier olllco repeated at ovei } step
ofthowav. bt.Mlulnu'Ts bteeplo towcidd
hi'li , and while above the gloom seemed 1111-
1 n j n led. The station hoiiiu , a musslve brick
building acioss the Htieer , had apjiaiontly
lost its loot , which had fallen mound
It. A little ttutlici on the roof of the portico
tico ot lllbeinian hall , a haniisomu building
In ( iieclan style , had been ciushcd to the
gioinul , canylng down a pait of the massive
granite pillars with it. All the wav of .Meet-
hustieut , which In respect ot its gencial
direction ami Importance , may bo called the
"Hioadwav of Charleston , " the midway was
piled up with debris Iiom the toiis ot the
walls oi the Chaileston hotel , which to cairy
out tlmcompailson above- Indicated , occupies
the position of Stcvv.xtt's up-tovvn stoio In
Now VoiU ,
Thothlid shock was felt about ten min
utes attei the second , and , of course , caused
the gieatest alaini in that neighborhood ns
olsowheto. At Marlon square , corresponding
exactly with Union sijuare , New Vork , a
gieat crowd had collected , as even the edges
ot the wide spaces embraced in it could not
bo reached by the neatest buildings In event
ot their fall. From this ciowd , composed ot
men , women and chlldien of both i ices , rose
Incessant calls and eiles and lamentations ,
whilci ovei the mostly half-dressed throng
was shed the lurid light of thn contlagratton ,
which had broken out and just enveloped
boveral imlldlngh in Humus. In tlneo other
natters ot the town laigollres weioob-orvod
miller toll headway and the awful bUniii-
cam e ol oai thquake may bo full } appreciated ,
perhaps , when it said , with these ticmcmlous
lires bla/lng all at onto aiound them , and
ihieatoning their property with total do-
btuictioii , the people , whom you met on the
streets ? , or saw galhpied together in groups
lu open places , evidently did not glvo them
thoiuht. No one watched tne iiiady llamcs
of pillared clouds lislng high Into the still
night air. All were too Intent on listening
with strained senses for the dieado.l occui-
runcoof that hoiilblo growl , 01 groan ot
power , under the seas and undei the land ,
to give thousht ton new tenor , though It
had threatened his own homo and many
homes In the doomed city ,
Ciovvds poured in fioni every direction to
the SQiiaie , just described , as though It
had been indeed n clmimcd circle ami
life depended on passing within its
crassy bounds. Street cars , canlages and
other vehicles were ranged In lines on tlm
sheetsbiiriouiuling thesnuaie.whlfe. hordes
stood as though snllllng trio giomid InaiK-
ions Inquiry. The colored peopleeverjvvlieie
weieloud andunceasliiKln tholrdeclarations
of alaim , In singing hymns nnd in fervent
appeals for CJod'b mercy , In whlcli appeals
dod knows how many a proud heart , who
heard them aiHIngln the night and in the
hour of 11 Is wondrous might , devoutly and
humbly and slncciely joins. Danger brliics
a'lof ' us to thu lev el of the lowliest. There
were no distinctions of place or power , nrldo
or caste lu the assemblages that
githcictl together In Clmleston on
Tue dav night. It was a curious spectacle to
look bick upon. It Is n good one to remem
ber lor vvhlto and bbck alike. There wcie
Instances of nnspliish devotion , of kind nnd
loving icgird between master and seivant ,
mistress and maid , In the picseuccof a com
moil ill aim llucitenod ruin , that showed as
nothing el e could show , how stiong Is the
tie that binds our white peole and our black
people together , and this ies on of the diead
\lsitorwomajhopc , too , will nevci bo tor-
AnIved at his home the writer found the
amo scenes of distraction and wieck ,
which marked neiily cvey home
In thn citv. All the houses In
the nelghboihood had suffered seriously nnd
the stietitw , jauls and girdciis were tilled
with fallen chimiicvsand tragmentsof walls ,
vvlille the walls tnal weio It-It standing weio
rent asunder , in miny eases from top to bottom
tom and weic baillt shatteieil In every In
stance. Women and childien , loined from
sleep , or Intel united in theit evening pur
suits b > the sounds of the. inln being etlected
above and niouiid them , lushed out Into the
stnets and huddled to-fllier awaiting the
end , vvhitever It might b'1. ' Invalids were
biought out on msttreisos mil deposited on
the loidwav. No thought was given to
tieasmeslettbciiind in tlieelloitto sive that
prcullai treasure , lite Itself , which suddenly
fiecimo so pieclous in the ejcs
ot all invalid women and tobust men
alike. Vntll long after midnight the streets
were Tilled with tugitlvcs in sight ol their
liomc' . Thtough the long houis tnat tol-
lowed few were the eves , oven of childien ,
that clo ed In sleep Charleston was full ot
those who watched for thn moinlng , nnd
nevet in any citv , in any land , did tlio first
giav shades nuik tlio approach of duvn
appeal so beautiful and welcome to eves as
thev appeaiol to thousands of people , who
balled them this morning from the midst ot
countless wiecked homes in our tlulco
scour 'ed , but still patient , still biave , still
hopeful , still beautiful city by the sea.
\Vonien and childien are tunning about In
the open all tciiibly agitated. There aie
tliieo or foui steamcis In port , Including
buoy tendeis , and manv inhabitants aio pro
vided witli berths on those. Fortunately the
weather has been good and haidstitpsaie not
as sevcie as they mlirht hive been. The sit
uation , howcvei , is becoming horilblc. Cut
olt fiom communlcUion with the rest of the
world , nllllcted and liaiiutcd with the pros
pect of Immediate death that Is about the
condition of this community. No trains have
dcip.itted or aulved hero In twent.vfoui
horns. It is said that all the railroads leid-
ing into the city aie crippled. Thn statement
is also made that all railway tracks aio
twisted Into tlio shape ot smlces. 'I he hist
shock was by lat the most severe. Its effect
can be jud-'cd bv the experiences of Captain
Dawson , ot the News andCouiiei , who lives
In a massive brick residence on thill stieet ,
near KntliuUo street. Ciptaln Dawson was
in ills room on the second story when the
lirst shock occuned. The house seemed liter
ally to tinn on an axis. The tirst shock was
followed bv a se-ond and third , less severe
than the hist The alt was hlled with the
dies and shucks of women and childien. It
was voiso than the woist battle of the war.
When the lirst agony was ovei It was iotind
that tlio celling of every room in the house
was ciacKed.i ; huso tank In the attic was
pouring its flood ot watot into bed looms ,
in the parlors , statues hid been vv lunched
Irom theli bases and thiown to the
lioor. In the hall a massive lamp had
aetinlly been turned aiound. In
fiontof the house was a largo porch wijh
heavj pillars and solid marble steps. All this
was swept away as tliouu'h it nad been shaved
off with n i.i7or. Among the casualties aie
the tollowing : Mis. Williams who jumped
li Jiu the second storv ot liei lesidenco at the
cornel ot Weiitwortn and Meeting sticcts ,
and injutcd lici spine badly ; .Mrs. I' . Galliot ,
( eoloreJ ) , vvas stiuck bv a brick , oppositethe
Pavilion hotelandhei lic.tdbadly Injuiid. Her
daughter was also badly hurt in the same way.
Mrs. Iloueri Maitln , vv ifo of a shoe im-ichant
on Market street near King , was bidly hurt.
Mr. M. J. Lvnch was tnglittiillvhurt mitont
ot his son's store on Meeting street. A stone
ot gieat weight lell upon him and bioke ono
of ids legs , It not both , llewas taken to a
place of safety in what was thought to be a
dv Ing condition. Waller Dully vvas with
him. Dr. Chase Infoimud a reporter
that ho had been called away
to * attend to two persons who
hid been liijmed at tlio house of Mrs. Las-
trus , at-n.Uazel stieet. No further paiticu-
laisof their injuries could be had. A col-
oicd woman In an unconscious condition was
found in trout of the maikct on Meeting
stieet , while n policeman said ho had seen
two dead bodies in King stieet , south ot
Broid street. Dr. Huist infoimcd a icportet
that there vveiu in the city paik , at the coiuei
of Wentvvorth and Meeting streets , no less
than twelve wounded pel sons , who had al-
reuly received professional attention.
Among them was a voting girl whoso leg
was broken. A colored man named Chalks
Hivers , living at No. 3 King stieet , was
stiuck by a falling wall near tnc comei of
King stieet and the Mattery , and his left leg
vvas bioken below the knee. His wlfe.Sarah
Itivers vvas also Indly wounded at the same
time. Moses Uiovvn ( colored ) vvas badly
wounded on King street by falling bricks.
One ot the sons ot Mrs. J. N. Kobe-son , liv
ing on Coining stieet , neai Cannon , Is
reported to be badly huit by the tailing of
a phuzn. A veiy sad case was
that ot K. Alexander , a young chemist , w ho
was crushed to death at his boaidlng house
on Meeting stieet. Hn had just bougnt a
small steam pleasure > acht and took his lirst
and last trip In it last evening. Mr. Hammond
mend , brother of Isaac Hammond , is thought
to bo fatally wounded , both hips and lo s beIng -
Ing broken , and also his left aim. Ho said
to Mr. Paul that ho did not know whethci ho
jumped fiom a tlneo stoiy win
dow on Uroad street or was
thiown down. He crawled trom the sidewalk
to the middle of thn road , and on being re
moved uttered the most heart lending
sluleks. A coloicd woman in Heausoin
stieet vvas killed. Isabella Howaid , of Hav-
enett's court , was seriously lujuied. It is rc-
norted that n tactoiy girl living at a boird-
Ing house on the coinci of America undLiko
stieets vvas killed. A coloied woman , living
In tnujaid ot Captain Km.ill's house on Hull
street , vvas also killed In Pitt btieet. The
house ol Mis. AnnoTorke. on Session sticot ,
fell in and wounded her , It Is thought fatally.
A young gill , named Jesscn , was also
iiiimud at tlio same place. On being
taken homo she commenced blcedini ; inter
nally. It is thought that show ill die. Miss
Mamie Palmer , lesldence John street , re
ceived diingeious Internal Injuiles by a full-
Ine chimney. Alnscly Itoblnson was killed
by a falling pia//u. Julia bmalls ( a coloied
Infant ) vvas Killed. Louisa Jacobs ,
( colored ) , of Chalmers street , vvas
killed. J. C. K. Kichaidson , living at No 12
Friend street , wits seriously iujiued In thu
head by his house falling In upon him. His
condition Is very ciltlcnl. His colored ser
vant was likewise seilously hurt , Feveral of
his limbs being broken. Mi. Kdmund Lively ,
of Ulchmond , Ya , who boaids at ! K ) > I'lttti
stieet in that city , was walking in fiont
ot the city hospital , when a side of
a house fell on him and badly Injured his
back and head. He crawled tiom under the
debits and saw some men at a store on the
corner of Wa vek and Queen streets , whom
ho supposed to have been killed ns ho left
them Iving on the Mdoualk , Ho staggered
on us tarns the Citv hall paik and then tell
completely o > cicomo.
Owing to the demoralised condition of
uciv thing heio It Is impossible to glvo coi-
rect tacts f minor than these. ; The number of
casualties has not vet been nscertained.
Piobably fiom thirty to forty woio killed
and over ono hundred iujiued. The loss to
piopeity will probably be eight or ten million
dollars. Thico-fouiths of thu buildings
In the city will huvo to bo re
built. Theio was very little shipping
In port and none ot It was injmed. The dls-
tinbances have not at all affected the , water
in the harbor , although it Is evident that the
shockscumo from a southeasterly dliectlon ,
and theioforo from tlio sea. Tliero are no
signs of a tidal wave as jet.
LA.IIII : , 11:50 p. m. Another shock has
just occurred at UV : > rather more soveio than
any i > lucu last night , knocking dovv u so\ oral
From Other South Carolina Points ,
NKVV VonK , Sept. 1. TUo following dis
patch was iocci\od by the Western Union
Telegraph company from Lnngley , B. 0 ;
"The shock bmst mill dams here and some
thousand feet of railroad track were do-
stro > ednud no trains i mining. The West
ern Union started hand cars fiom Summer-
ville to lestoro communication. Qreat damage -
ago ia repoitvd to Suimnmllle. 'iho jail-
; ji = = -f.
road Is badly broken"n both sifle's of the
Uinnehville J * * v-jCte
H vv KNI 1 , S. C. , gcpt. 1 The lailroad
Is under wnter In sou& places between IfcW
and Chiilpston , t\vcjly-llvo miles north tit
hero , nnd the cirlli caSred In 111 s vcraMjlnoos. i
CottMiuv , S. C. , September .MM I'MS '
last night this Pit } vvns vlsiled byajcrriblc
earthqmko 'Lhc lirst two shoc.cs vvw foal-
fill. liulldlngsswr.vSl from sldo to smo nnd
tlieeaitn rose iinQi-ll like vvnvijs of the
ocean People rhA-d madly from their
houses Into the stf s. Some sprang fioYn
windows nnd woiu Jp lured. 1'he experience-
ol those in uuildiifefflt the llnicoT Ifielifst
shock was that of b'au'g locked nslf In nshlti
at sea. Man } of thimnst substantial butl ( ( <
Ings weie shaken ta""thclr foundations nnd
walls cracked and spuing. , . Xibp minutes
nttei the lirst shock'a srcoiia. rJpt , mid ten
mlniileslilerathlrd. OtherdtibaT
until 1 ' 05 a. m. , when the eighth1
felt , nnd this one lusted for n ' '
half. At 4 o'clock tills mom
cime , ami nt l > ' " > 0 alul 10:30 : n. mj
was again undo to tiemblp. "V
sleep was had by nny of the Inhabl
Columbia last night * The neirY(3es' (
the end of the worltliad come"
prajei meetings uuho street c
.Summeivllle , t nt-tvvo-i AwN
Chaileston , was itkiilv dcJUoXldj
e.iithqiinke list nltrlfc ' 1 hd "p.i3
Iiom ihisplneo to lEIinrlesti -
from the tiack neatstiuiiiuifti . _ . _ . . .
and the engineer nnd llfcrthailfcrjp kit
The pnsscngpis < mthp vvilBkfllTffr.ihi
those of this motlilWrt tialn , J'
telegrnh ) companyQlncninn ,
Still Another -vMfiltfil
Niw : YOIIK , Sept 1. Adesf ) | "
at Bill ) p m. another oaithqtnk
felt at Charleston. S. C. , Augusta , *
Columbia , S C. At Augusta the _
were notlcahle foi about two m In ut < ?
Ham P. CIde tCo. Imvotccelvcd
Ingdcspitch fiom Charleston : "
earthiimiko heio last night Our steamorsj
Delawaie and Viigluia and theii vvluuvesj
escaped any injury. * ?
„ The Hlioclc In Georgia.
S VVAVVAH , On , Sept. 1. Three distinct
shocks have been felt hero since midnight.
, ' 1'hu last occurred tit : > a. m. All the shocks
weio short nnd not violent. The people
me still greally excited and sitting
out In the streets and squares
or crow ding avenues. Among the telegraph
am1 newspaper offices there is an linpios-
slon that Charleston suffered seriously. It
is supposed the cables under Ashley river
bridge were broken. At Tybeo island ,
mouth of Savannah river , the lenses in the
light house were dcstiood , I'eoplo on the
Island telephoned to the city they nio In a
stiteof terroi. There vvas no communica
tion vv 1th the main land till dnv light and all
inhabitants assembled on tlie high lands.
Their chief cause of fuar Is tiom n tidal
wave , the island having been swept In Au
gust. 1 ! > 81. The catthqiiako Is tlie topic of
the houi. Kffoits to reach Charleston
from all points : tailed. At TV bee the
shock was mpio seveiely felt than
in the city. The poorjlo > nn the island lushed
fiom tnelr houses to the beach. Tlio oscilla
tion lasted several minutes. Tholuuern
lenses In the lighthouse weie bio'ceii ' and
tlie machinciy of tlio lamp disarranged.
Thekeepei huri.od tip the tovvei as soon as
posslblo and anangeu n temlwiarv light.
The people on the beach ran hltliei and
tliithei , notknowiii ! ; wlieio to go and t eat
ing cveiv moment a tidal wave would sweep
over them. Tlie v > atet was agitated nnd the
waves lose high on the beich. Houses
on tlio beach , svv1jed nnd shook as
it tl'oy would full to pieces.
A telephone me sigo fiom Tvbee at 4 o'clock
this moinlng stitcd the people were still
gatheied on the beach.
AuntsrOi. . , Sept 1. Two distinct
shocks ot oarthciuatef were felt thlSMiibinlng
at 7VJ : nnd 0:20 : , eitwtiiqo. The oxcFtoinenT
has somevvhatsuhmdcd. A numbei ol house ?
have been rondrtfldto the ( he waideus as In
danger. 1'romft all paits of tlio city
nnd Burrounding nelghboihood come
icpoits ot small by
shocks , such ns falling ot
culmncs , nailing of wails , binasiiing of
crockeiy , etc. In the railway accident at
Lingloy pond , ten miles from AiKtistii , tlie
tiroman vvas killed. Another South Carolina
lina lailroad Ualn Is In the ditch at
Hoise cieek , font miles fiom the city ,
and the tiiema i killed. The latter Is a stock
train and is now completely under water.
. ) . H. Averill , mastei of transportation of
the South Carolina lailroad compiny , tele
graphed fiom bummervlllo that many per
sons weie killed nnd hundreds nio homeless.
The whole business portion ot the city is
badly wrecked.
On tlio Atlantic Coast.
Nnvv YOHICS a. nl. , September L Tele
graph officials in tlila city lepirt tlie earth
quake shocks continued on the South Atlan
tic seaboard during the night and great ex
citement is reported. Ncgios were para-
l } ol with fear and all classed of people
excited , staying in opan squires during the
enllro night. The WesUnn Union agent at
Richmond , Va. , telegiaplis the initiator of
thoNevvYoik ofilea saying : "Om man at
Charleston , S. C. , ale demoiallzid. All his
force deserted but one man , Ho siys there
is big loss of life and property. Am trying
to get n bulletin of everything tinglblo , nud
will send It to you. "
The Western Union manager at Wilming
ton , N. C. , sends the following : "Tho fain
dispatcher of the Atlantic Coast line has just
been In. He .sajg the section master sta
tioned twelve miles from Charleston reports
the suock wiecked n bridge near there and
sa } s a darky fi 0111 four miles norlttot Clmiles-
ton lepoited the water tank down and the
giound upheaved , misplacing the tracks. A
special engine has been started to bilng any
leports available.
J.VCKSONVIU.K , Bin. , Sept. L The eaith-
quake shock last nljht wns quite seveie here
nnd vvas felt an far south as liai tow. It
commenced nt 0 : 7,1 sun time , and lasted
about Ihlity seconds
Iho Country In General.
Ci.Nci.v.VAii , Sept. 1. There was n d
dilTeronco In the soveiltyot the shock in dif
ferent buildings nnd ( intercut pirts of the
city. Many people did not observe It at all.
The govern men t building , the laigest and
stiongcst In the city , locked violently witli
tlueodUtlnct vlbiatioiiH. A laigo clock stop
ped and mirrors vv ere broken , In the largo
MIVen story flats Iho vibrations weie seveio.
The most decided shock wns felt In the 1101 th
em part ot the city and in Ctimmlnsville ,
where tlio lights were out out nnd bottles in
ding stoies biokon. ' J'lobably twenty oi
thirty meetings of lodges and societies weio
broken up. (
Throughout the Htate dispatches Indicate
thobhoekvvus general pnd occtined almost
nt the same Instant. At Hamilton Jho board-
eis in the hoteU ran from tholr looms In
flight nnd the walls tiriauld to sway one nnd
a half incites. At Denison n meeting bioko
up In n panic. CoMiocton toll two shocks.
The same stoiy ( ( OUKM from nearly # very
town in Ohio , but up nctimldamage was
The shocks werofeltAt Calllettsburg and
AMiland , Ky. . and at lljintinglon , W. Va. ,
where It was most HOVOK- .
SciiKMicTAiiy , JJ. Y , , Sept. L Kaith-
quake shocks were fejt hero at 0:3J : and
U:86 : o clock last ovcolng , nnd many persons
w ere made sick for fiom two to three houis ,
The Great Khoolr ,
AVAsatxaxox , Beptvmber l.tfSpeclal
Telegram to the 1JBE.J Major Powell , di
rector of the United States geological survey ,
was Intel viewed by a icpoitcr to"-day and
made the following statement : "Tho *
earthquake was well observed by W ,
J , McOeo , ot the geological biirvey , In-
the third ( and upper ) story of the
brick 1'ouso on Corcoran stioot , After the
culmination of the first shook the phenomena
were timed. A tough substitute for nseis-
moscopo was Improvised out of a tumbler of
water , pbiced on the stand In the centre of
the room , nnd the high headboard of a bed
stcnd served as a iiulo seismometer. The
following Is thn record : Time , seventy-fifth
meridian , Utfl'f p. m , ; duration lirst shock
( estimate ) , 60 deq' ; time of teiuiluatlou of
% same. 2fti tlmo of termiintlon of light
liemois , ity { several slight tremors followed-
bulvvro nof'tlmedi ; time ot recommence ,
ment of cnniimioits tremors , 10 OS ; time of
culmination of second shock , 10.0t'j ' , dura-
tlpn of second shock nbout M see ; time of
ti'rmliiatl\i ( ) ot second crles of tremors ,
10:13. Dliectlon of vibration ns Indicated
bytheliuprovis"d selsmoscope. the pmcepti-
ble dircvllon vvas from north M ) cleg ca t to
east , tlmtj-pvtery llltlo noith to cast ; but
there vv is jjjTaitulptPiniliiito component In
an * nndulaUnaf verj pcrpeptiblo In tlio
jfjtho liquid nnd of nrllclcs of
Mphly upvMtnK The ini-
ejrcuT Irjratlon nppcued to bo n
foi \ J'onp-lialf ot the lateral Impulse.
Tills wns measuicd on the
idho ird of thu bodstctd dur-
jckand found to ba 115 or
Amplitude of vibration. Dur-
- - „ --v _ . , 1 shock tlie hcidboitd , eight
nnd oiijna'lf feet high , swung tluough nn
aidot frsli JfMJialf to three-fouilhs of an
.Inch. H " * j " njitcd tint " the amplitude * os-
shock vvas twice
were recorded the follow-
In the t nlted States and
piov luces , 8 ; New 1'n-
fl ; Mississippi Val-
iolil.Mt. Dm ing the
twelvc ii f i.i to 18\T tliere have
been thtftittod States and Can-
ada JiiM-c wfelisfrlbuted as follows :
Atlantic WT < 5llsslsslppi Valley , GO ;
f "ViomJthls list It appears
that In , ica eanlfouakes occur on
an average 01 tw elvTu | Uli } s and oueo a
month on tlio tic slopeJwIany of these
ftlstuibanccs Ivvcvei' , sosAlght as to bo
mijoilty of people , nnd it
the list Is moio coin-
populated nud fioquently
than in either the scl-
ijipl Valley 01 the sparsely
the signal service ,
who has fof many rs ifndo eaithqiiikes a
slud } and has'fclQfetoclok ot n number of
uevoro ones In JaiJiin.ajfys'thit of last night ,
while not cspcclaltySwere , waejievertholoss
the worst lie ever ( yp'erloncerThiithls coun-
tjy. Ho cxpi esses surpifso at tfuVsteldo ox-
tt of the phenomena , ' 6nd tlilnk yiknly
tlmtvvhcn , thorepoitsnio nll vVIll bo
found tlmt the mea nffected Is Inrgctrthan
that of any prevlousCoAithqunkes of vvlitch
there is n recoid. Upon n glebe of ton
inches in diameter , ho siys , ono can tisuilly
cover the area of an earthquake , even a
severe ono , witli the end of his little hngei ,
but this one seems to luvo nflectcct half a
continent and wo don't know how much
A Shook In Sinvrnn.
SMVIIVA , Sept. 1. Sevcial well defined
shocks ot earthquake weie felt hero between
10 and 12 o'clock last night. No damage
w as done.
CommissionerKofiisc to
Let Them Land nt Cnstlo
NKW YOIIK , Sept 1. [ Special Teleginm
to the Hru.l "Three bundled Mormons ar
rived on the Wyoming , " vvas the mess.ue
from Cnstlo Gnrdenthnt woke up Emigration
Commissioners Starr nndlStophemon } es-
terday moinlng. These niitl-Moimon citi
zens mndo up thoh minds to make tilings
hot for thoiioS Moimons , and they hastened
to Castle Garden. When tlio Wvoming's
prssengers were landed all tlio ates were
closed , and no onn was peimilled to go outer
or to cntei the rotunda. At the mgistiatlon
desks the commissioners asked each man or
woman individually where lie or she was
going. I'ivo modest looking Luglisli girls
weie np.nlv thiown into hsterics when told
the kind of lite they would lead In Utah.
Ovei ono bundled of the emlgiauts weio
detained , nnd will bo sent back ns piupers
unless a bond tor SMO is given in each case
as security that thev will not become depen
dent upon tno city or county.
Commissioner Stair said : "Wo have been
ciiticlsed in regaui to admitting poliamists
here. We have detci mined to take n step
that no other commissioner over dieimed of
1 moan not recognl/ingchinch Immigration
by tlio wholesale only , but individual Immi
gration. I guess we won't have many Moi
mons landed at Castle Gaidcn agiin in n
hurry. Wo hnvo tno law on our side this
time. "
Efforts Itclni ; BIwlo to Stop Its Plow.
The Damage IjxnKtterntcd.
CIDAII : H VIMDS , la. , Sept L A special
from Hello Plalno says the aitcslan well
there is sMH vomiting lorth floods of watci.
The engineer from Chicago , ( Jeoigo Morgan ,
is hern but expresses no definite opinion jet ,
except that the slops so far taken were the
best that could have been taken. This aitei-
noon he will make an estimate of the volume
of water nnd capacity , nnd nsceitain as near
as possible Us souicc. Ills belief is that It
will in tlmo exhaust itself. A cone twenty
feet in ienglh and ( apcrins from twelve to
thiitv inches is being undo of heavy boiler
iion. This Mill bo ( listened to n live inch
tube loaded vvito sand and will bo sunk in
the hope that it will gradually Bottle in the
hole and plug it up. This will not bo done
bei ore tomonovv. b'loilcs nbout the Im
mense How doing gieat dimai'o arucxi''geia-
tions. The How Is bolng led of by two chan
nels , which nio snlllclent to prevent nn ovei-
A Test Cnso.
Dns MOIMS : , In. , Sept. L [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Uir. : ] Papcis weio filed to-da >
with the clerk of the United States dlstilct
couit , asking fora writ of habeas corpus foi
the release of Itovcnuo Collcctoi Thompson ,
w ho was arrcsled a few dn > 8 ago on Iho
ch.uge of contempt of couil , in lelusing to
product ) In couit ceitnln books and papeis
pertaining to ills ofllco. The question raised
by hlsaiiest has been pending in the state
dlstilet comt , but the defense takes this now
move to-day to bilng It Into the fcdcial
couits. He vvas originally summoned as u
witness in a liquor case to prove a violation
of tlio mohlbltoiy law , and lefuscd to make
public tlio accounts of his oflica wiien ordered
to do so. This is n test cnso nnd the Hist ot
the kind , the collector holding tlmt a lederal
ofllcer cannot be compelled to pioduco his
books and papers nt the demand of anv
state court , _
Two Ex-OovH. For COIIKI-CSS ,
Dr.sMoi.VKS , In. , Sept. 1 [ Special Tele
giam to HioHii.JTheio : : Is verygenciul sat
isfaction hero to-night over the nomination
ot ox-Oov ernor ( iear tor Congiess In the first
district this afteinoon. This is ono of the
close districts , tlio present incumbent , Mr ,
Hall , democrat , having a mnjoilty of less
than 100 , which , it Is believed will bo wiped
out. The republicans now have two cx-gov-
cinorH running for congress Ceai in the fiict
dlbtrict nud Klrkvvood In the second.
An Kill tori a I AVoricling.
DBS MotN-ES , la. , Sept. l.-8pectal | Telegram -
gram to the UEK. | This afternoon theio was
a wedding In newspaperdom that vvas the
theme of very favoiablo comment. Mr. 0. S.
Meiarland , editor of the Marshalltown
Times-Republican , vvas mauled to Miss
Minnie Klobeck , daughter of Colonel Jas.
Kiobeck , editor of thobtaats Aiueiger of this
city. Only n lew Intimate flends | and rep
resentatives of the pi ess of this city were
The London Papers Deolnro No Suoli Earthquake -
quake \Vas Ever Known.
Xlio CnlnBtropltc OCLMIIM In n "Yonr
of l-'rllijs : Tlip Hot CnM I'olloo
Hack on HhuMU Hill Other
Iillce Anicrlua In
LONDON , Spot. 1 , I a. m. fN'ew York
Ileiald Cahlo-Speclal lo tin Hi i. . ] The
Daily News commenting on the eattli-
quake of w hlch It lias a Ions detailed account
bj the Commeicial eible sa.vs : "Tlie United
Slates enjov theli luedomlnaiice In bhness ,
even In this catastrophe. N'o such eaithiiuake
has been known In tint lime , in Its extent at
least , If not , happily In Its tutal effects. The
loss of propertj al Chaileston alone Is estim
ated at S'Joooow , but this Is haidly woith
taking Into account as acheck on the cntei-
prlso ol an Ameilca city. "
iiiviomcu. ON i : unmjrAKKs.
All other topics than the eaithiunko | nave
been passed In the last twenty hours. The
Post becomes hlstorleil on eailluuiakes , and ,
alluding to vesteidaj 'seal Unmakes , rcunrks :
"Thopiesldent of the Hrltlsli association ,
when he wrote his Interesting address , had
ev idently no notion that before ho could read
it to his audience at Itnnilngham that the
Noilh American continent would bo shaken
by a tiemcndousontbieak ot volcanic foice
Weie the superstitions of the daik ages still
He , there Is no douut tint this year would
bo set down as an aniius ninabllis and that
some fancied connection would bo seen bo
tvveen thcciiilous fieaks of natme which-
have mniked the > e.u and thedlstmbances of
social oulcr In vniious parts ot the globe , "
bovn : sri-i us i n lot's VIKVVS.
The SI , James ( .iaaitlo i elapses Into super-
btitious views , reuniklng : "Kightcon bun
dled and eighty-six began on a Fiidaj.vvlll
rend on a Filday , ami contains llftv-tluce
Frldnjs. Font months In the jeir have live
Frldajs , live changes of the moon occur on
aTiiday , and both the longest and shortest
dajs In the twelve months arc on 1'ildajs.
This might , Indeed , bo tcimcd a Friday
jear. " . . * '
covii'Aiirn WITH OTIIFI ! iAiiTiijtTA.Kis.
The Tek-giaph exhibits a map of the terri
ble Lisbon eaitluiu ike , Intended to poitray
the fact that the countiy shaken on Tuesdav
night was a pirt ol the aiea of the American
continent ovei which that gicat historic
shock was felt. While thu laiger clTects ol
tlio movement weie experienced In Ktiiopc ,
the waves ot the loices weie piopigated
across the Atlantic and lelt along the whole
eastern seaboard of ( he states and Canada ,
from South Carolina to Labrador.
It is not , poilnps , to bo argued that thcie Is
any permanent connection between the two
aicis nmlci tl-ebed of the Atlintic , but at
thcparticulai moment when Lisbon vvasde-
stioved , the entile aichot the globe , as out
lined In otu map , vvas subjected lo a nenien-
clous subtciranonn strain which it w as unable
to resist. It icfers t-jSu William Dawson's
addiess bi-foie the I3iltlsh association , In
which lie asked "whether the great foices
which formed the Atlantic ha I linallj ceased
to opeiate , " and then replied , "It
is posslblo that alter a long peiiod of quies
cence has elapsed theie may be a new settlc-
mout of the ocean bed , accompanied by fold
ings of the cruut , especially on the western
side of the Atlantic , and possibly with 10-
ncvved volcanic activity on itscastein mai-
The Times has a vciy Incomplete cable dis
patch about the caithquakc and makes no
ITS ixn.rn.vri , ox sr.cuitniKs.
The btandaul takes a fiscal view in con
cluding a long leader and , apparently ad
dressing a volcrmito capel couit , obscives :
"How the Anipi lean earthquakes will inllu-
ence spcuiltieb time will show. The most
substantial cities of antiquity were icaiedon
a soli tiven by volcanic violence , but possibly
when shocks disrupt canals and level stieets ,
Investors and insurance companies may feel
a little more timid. "
The Police Ilesunio Control after n
Sturdy Context.
I5ii.r\si : , SepU2la. m-lNew York Herald
Cable Special to the Hir : ] At 0 o'clock
last evening the police lesiimod duty at
bliank Hill , from which they weio dilvcn a
month ago , and at Ts'iOa cio-vd of boj.s and
joungmcn diovo the police oil the uupcr
part of Shank Hill , tiling several shots. Until
9 o'clock the police and troops made continual
chniges up Shank Hill and cross sheets ,
captuting seventeen prlsoncis , but thov weio
not compelled to hie , although the riot act
was read soon after us a piocaution to enable
the tioops to net promptly. At l > o'clock
mi : : IIF..VIMI : ) coxinor , .
Thoj cleaicd the stieets nnd cloned out
heavy lelntoiccmentH and now the town is
so tranquil that the troops have been wilh-
diawn. The whole nvcnini : was most satis
factory. No lives were lost , excepting a po
lice had the head of his bieeches ctitbj a
bullet passing trom hip bone to hip bono
w Ithout touching the f-Kln.
vveioout all the evening at work disposing
thociowdsot loughs. To thelrnld , and lethe
the fact that the police wc-ro not allowed to
cany aims , thu lack of bloodshed Is laigely
attilhuted. boon aftei 7 , as 1 walked up the
Shank Hill road , I found manv indica
tions of heilous noting. The stieet
lamps were put out on all bides on the
stieets. Kven the bhnnk Hill lamp lighters
weio not able to keep them HI. Shutters
wcroclosc'd ' up In thu shops and juivate
windows ns bands ol bojs passed up and
down jelling nnd AT Tin ; I-OMCK.
Soon nftei the patrols weio diawn it was
seen that a crowd had collected at the corner
of Cinveii Htieet. 1 stood within twenty feet
of this ciowd watching , with some cinlosllv ,
their method ol shooting the police. They
had onlj two old pistols , nppaiently of the
blunderbuss typo. The ciowd weio all
bo)8 undei touileen veils old , nnd the
pistol ow ner knelt In the middle ot the street ,
aimed and Hied nt the police Ilneo blocks
away , with the great.-st deliberation and
coolness. Why he hit no onu was ceitalnly
amysteiy. Alter standing lira fifteen min
utes the police got up neivo nnough to charge ,
but as they had not taken precautions to
block the sides of the stieets , the
11018 IIASII.V OU11IAN llir.M.
The police ceitalnly charged fearlessly. I
saw ono man clubbed within arm's length of
me , hence 1 know that this part of thu police
vvoik was also well done ,
The chinch bells began linglng in the
catholic dish let during the disturbance.
"Bloody papists,1' jelled the oiangemcn.
"Police are killing us. " l r. McKee , n
cleigjnmu , said , "Well done , "
when the police captuicd a
rioter. Immediately several persons
the roughest abuse of li. McKcc , and
t Iircatpncd ( o lell his coiiErpcnllon and have
him discharged "ns n liai unworthy
to bo a inlnl ter , " etc. The
night's work Is logarded ns the
most satisfactory. The police now conlrol
the whole cllj , and with , \ little tact thov will
easily pievenl futuio ilollng.
Toeinpr Ovoreoni ( lj the
and is Defeated.
LONDON , Sept. 1 [ New York Herald
Cnble-Speclnl lo tlu Hi K. ] The Amer
ican earlhqmke Ins been lo tlie fionl , but
the Amerlctn sculler to the leai. The foimor
event Is iid ( o hive exeicKeil a gioat ellect
over the laltei , who Just btno stalling
handed me a speeli ! mnvsii.ipi'r sintlng that
his I'lttstmnr , with oilier cities , had boon In
jured. Ills American ftlends hpie use ( hit
excuse foi his p ilpabto Hunk. Ought 1 to de
scribe , the nee ? I'iiero vvas no rice to do-
scribe. The drtj was mn * ( delightful , and
Ihoetowds ot a uulveiilty i.tcn older , and
the dlspln > of a thousand I lunches , boats ,
whenles , and even canoes tliat might be de
scribed , but no lace. Heidi showed
gicat power nnd dash. Teenier was n
slow starter. Tim Inttei woie tiiinks of the
luckj blue , the tormei the unlucl.j jellovv
and lil.u k shorts and c ip \ II the luck signs
however , were tevetsi-d. Not only did llcach
vv in ba bundled vnrds , but lie turm-d nnd
rowed hick to meet Teemei , nnd placing Ids
shell nlou 'side , he exlended his hand In
nmltv , mthei than condolence. The Aus-
trallans aie glad to havuono vletorj to com-
pensito what the } call "theli beastl > Ill-luck"
nt cricket. Inteiest now centers for
Amcilcnnson tliolTith , when ( laudaurof St.
Louis , rows Heach ovei the simo comse. 1
I heard many Uvei men MIV that It Is consld-
eied trom his trials that ( latidnur Is fai supei-
lor to Teen. ei In fonn ,
The Chinese Kl o IT |
nrlf-H und Sluj Them.
Sit \xnii vi , Pept. 1.dvices fiom Chlnp
Fee , the chief city of the piovlncc of
f bcchuen , slate that the natives ol the
eastcm pait of that piovinco nnd those of
northein Cochin China have ilsen ngalnst
the Chrlsllans and aio massacielngthem and
deotiojliiL' their piopetty. This active per
secution Is atttlb tied to the limntidcuc. ! of
English and American misslonailes. In
Cochin China alone lifty Ctnlstlaus h.ivn
been killed , their houses binned and their
farms destioved. In Sedition , n general
massacie , tllteen of Cnrlstlatis Is icpoilcd
In piogress and they aie killed wheiovir
found. It is said that whole villages occu
pied by Chi istians have been de-shoved nnd
all lands occuiiied bj piolessois ot that faiili
have been destiojed. Tlie apostaltc vicars
residence in Sechuen was burned to the
giound. ol a piece oi lurnltuic , not a
book , 1101 paper was saved. The foiclgn
consuls baiely escaped Iiom Scchuen with
their lives. No efforts have beun made up to
late ic-poits to iiiiell the dlsoidei and so fai
as Is now known it continti's uiisuppies- .
Scxton'H IleiiKuid lor lininodintc Ao-
tlon lij the GoTcrnineiit.
Loxnox , Sept. 1. In thoeommons to-night
Mi. Sextvn moved his amendment in an art-
du-ss in icply to the queen's speech , as fol
lows : "Wo humbly loprejent to join maj-
'bsty that the choumstarices nccoi\tUnbhi''fov \
the recent riots in Belfast dictate the neces
sity foi special measures to maintain order
there , the most indent of these meiisuies
( icing the re-ostablishment ot jour majcstj's
authoiity in the dlstilct whcrefiom the police
have been expelled , by an increase of local
constabulaiv to niich strength as will ouabl -
it to deal with any piobibl contingency.1
In offciing the amendment Mi , Sexton
deemed he had acted conscientiously. He
chained that the riots In "Uelfa t had been
conceived uud pioscculed In the inleresls ot
the pioscnt government. ICIieeisl. Ho de-
minded the goveinnienl to restoiu ordui In
lieltast now and not await the loaiilts of
picdlctcd inquiiy by a commission.
What He HUH to Say About the Giont
CIIICAOO , Sept. 1. The Journal this
afteinoon prints a long Inteivlevv with the
condemned anarchist , Parsons. The day
after the Haj market meeting , Parsons e lid ,
he left the city lorKlgin and tiom there went
to Waukesha. Conceinln the verdict ho *
said it was a trial by the newspapers. When
nskcd how the newspaper criticisms could
have atlected the juroid , ho Slid : "Our con
viction did not depend entirely upon thcjm.v.
but on the judge , witnesses nnd counsel , in d
oven the bnillfls who summoned the jino ! * , '
and the veiy spcctatois. who with excited
countenances ciovvded tlio couit loom and
tlio nathwaj ol the Juiy through thu sticd.
No judge on eaith. Iio'vovei upright , could bo
unaffected by the howl ot the newspaper * .
No witness on eaith could keen It from in-
Hpiiin- and coloilng his evidence. "
Continuing. Pnisons said tlie venllct was a
( bnamlte verdict , and that dynamite was
used by striking diy goods cleiks In New
York city , and stiiking mliipis In Hocking
Valley and Heveilv , JI . , used It , as also did
Ihocai stiikeis at bt. Louis. I'.usons wound
up by decl.ulng lioe\pcted a ic-vcisal of thu
veidlct by the siipieme couit.
Yellow < ) nck A p pours.
Nr.w OIII.RANS , Sept. L ( iieate.xcltement
w as cioated today all along the lake shoio ,
when it bccamo Known tint Dn1.
Hunt , Soloninn and Scoles lind declaud
the cnscs of fever nt IJlloxl to le
jellovv fever. At Hlloxl , a panic
piuvalled and hundieds of poisons came tn
"this city bj tialn to night. Thov say the > do
not Icai vellovv level , but nut not willing to
sulftu thelnconvenleiicool quiuantlne.
A fJluc-NoHcd Kel/er ,
HAMI'AK , N. S. , Sept. 1. The cinlM'i ,
Howlatt , t > el/ed the Anu-ilcaii schoonei ,
Highland Light , foi fishing within thu tluec-
nillo limit oil ( lie east point of Piinco Kd-
vvaid's Ibland. This is thu ihst actual sij/.iiro
made (01 (
Two Noted IteMirH Duwlroj oil.
TIM : HAM i : , Sept. t. The gieat bath nt
Schovlngen on the North sea In S xith Hol
low has been destroyed by the. The Casino
vvas also destroved. Thu total loss will not
fall shot t ot fel.00,000.
Imn mnlU'H J.osu.
SU.NTOOK , N. 11. , Sept. 1A bilck build
ing hero , owned by Jninin i' . Langmaid , of
.Minnesota , binned to-day. Loss SIM.OOO ;
_ _
'Jlio Joht Hliiloniciit.
WASIII.NOION , bojit. L The following is
a statement ol thepubllu debt ioi Septem
ber 1 :
Interest bentlni : debt , , . , 1.911,810,767 73
Debt on which Interest has
ceased since matin lly , to
tal . , , . . . . . . 4tr , < 8UH S3
Debt beailng no Inteiest . G doVJOO MJ
Totnldebt . SI,718W,100 ! ; 47
Total debt , less nv nllablo cash
Hems . l,15t.7Ml-n ( 77
Net cash In treasuiy . 70M7,501 } \
Decrease * of debt dining
month . . . 1,1110,009 W
Cash In ttcasmj avnllahlo tor
reduction ol public debt . . . IM.GSy.GiU 70
'I otal cash In tieasmy , as
bhovvn by treasiiier's gen-
eial account . . . . . . 471.870,08174
llanluu IklhtuiiCL-H Courtney ,
HOCKAVVAV HIACII : , Sept. U. The thrc
mile race between llnnlun and Couitntty
took place nt Jamaica ba > today , icsultliif
.In adecisivu victory for the tormer. who Ui
tanccd his opponent by seven