Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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The Postoflicc Inspector's Office Olosod and
Removed to Denver ,
Tlic Union PncUle's Tenth Street
Property Wreck nt the
'J lie Slock and
Inspector's ( Joodliyc * .
The oflico of postal inspector of this
district was virtually abolished yc.sti-rday
Kvorytliinjj excnpt llin fnrnitnro of tliu
plnco , wliu'h haf licrctoforo boon n ctl in
co incction with this hiisino.Hs Mere has
boon packed up , anil sonu1 of it ha ? al
ready UOPM shipped to Denver. 1'ho rest
will follow to-nitflit. Tliis olllco lias boon
in existence for yours tuul under the res
lioclivo heads has donu sonui of thu finest
work over done in thu service in the
country. Its last chief was Mr. Spangle ! ' .
Iluis now in Yellowstone nark on busi
ness and will return shortly when .ie will
po to Chicago where ho will become
allied to tininspector's ollico at that
place. His assistant Mr. Itrown ,
who , for years had been the
faithful clerk of the olllco here , and
who , Koino time njjo , was raised to the
Position of inspector , will remain and
Keep one of the rooms which have all
nloiiR been used , Hi ; will also reside
hero , but bo unilor tins direction of the
Denver olllco , which is now presided
ovwi'byj. 1) . Kliifr , formerly inspector
hero ns successor to Major iMiray. Mr.
Anderhon , the clerk , goes immediately
to Portland , Ore. , where In ; will open an
olllco under the direction of the same
This change is severely commented
upon by parties who know the nature of
the business transacted nml the superior
advantages possessed bv Omaha for the
transaction of the same. It is claimed
that thu change is duo largely to thu
apathy of Nebrasknus , as well us the
onorfty Denver di.snla.ycd in securing the
consolidation. When , tliu question was
being considered , it is thought that it
Nebraska had done her share , the con
solidation would have abolished the of
fice at Denver.
Union Sowing machine , 200 N. 16th st.
Union Sewing machine , 209 N. ICth st
How it is Bcliifc Cleared and Its Pro
posed A < lvtti tJijjOH.
As a consequence ot the order re
cently issued to clear all Union Pacific
property of houses belonging to otliera ,
Captain.Kent's house on UK ; east side of
the first Tenth street crossing has taken
wheels and moved away. Tom Casey's
house , fronting on Leavenworth street ,
will bo the next to go. This will leave
the space mentioned , reaching eastward
to McUavock's uuilding vacant , and it
will so remain for some time. I' ' is the
Intention of the Union Pacific company
to beautify the spot , yet leaving it open
so that pedestrians and drivers , when
coming norlU liavo a _ view of all engines
mid trains approaching from the east.
This is valuable property , and it is un
derstood that the Union Pacific company
prefer to keep to it open for this purpose
than to sell it for warehouse usage. It
Imd an excellent ofl'or for this purpose
& few weeks ago , from Hie. agricultural
firm of Deere , Walls & Co. , ot Council
Bluffs , which it declined , This oiler was
ulso directed to McGavock , who is erect
ing a magnificent storehouse of seven
stories on .Nineth street adjacent. The
company mentioned would liavo then
taken nil Mr. McKnvock's contracts off
his hands for the building and extended
tin ; same to Tenth street , but the oiler
was declined.
{ Union Sewing machine , 209 N. 10th st.
Union Sewing machine , 200 N. ICth st.
Clnrlc Brothers' ShtnpiiiK Clerk All
I" Their Basement.
Morris Anderson , shipping clerk for
Clark Brothers , tea and spice dealers , on
Hnrnoy near Ifith street , met with a
stranco accident sometime between mid
night Sunday nnd Monday morning.
Monday morning lie was found crawl
ing among the chests ill the basement of
the store. He was unable to recogni/.c
anybody and lapsed into insensibility.
Dr. Leo was called and found him badly
bruised about the head nnd ordered him
to bo immeniately cared for. Ho was
taken to A M. Clark's residence where
lie lay Monday in a semi-unconscious
Btnto. He could tell nothing of the man-
Tier in which he was injured. Yesterday
ho had in n measure became more
rational , but was still in ignorance of the
cause of his accident. Several theories
nre advanced , one of which is that ho fell
down the hatchway. This is likely the
case though boiuo hold that ho could not
linve so lallen without being instantly
killed. Ho was not working at the time
of the accident nnd it in yet unknown
why he went into the store at the time of
night nt which the accident occurred.
Union Sowing machine , 200 N. 10th st.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. 10th st.
improving Kniith Tenth Street.
Yesterda morning n force
of pnvurs was sot to work
on South Tenth street , by Mur
phy , Creighton & Co. , to pave that street
from the brow of the hill south. The
nfccent will be of cedar blocks , while the
it retches beyond , on the level surtauo ,
will be nl aspliallnni. It is the intention
of both companies to wish the work with
every means under their control. This
iuformallon will bo appreciated by the
neHi'iits of tlmt locality , who for some
tune back have * been remonstrating
thu titrdinetiH with which the
Improvements were being under-
I nion Bowing machine , 20 ! ) N. Ifltli st.
Union Sowing machine , 200 N. 10th st ,
Avooii'tf Contingent.
Yustunlay morning , the over-
rlnnd pusaougur train curried
to [ Grand Itiliuid a fcpuclul
car containing U. S. Grant post , i : ) : ) ,
( A U , of Avoou , Jn The occupunttj
re about thirty in number , and tliu.
t\uiv uudiir the comuiuuU of li ,
A Wilson. An owuiUuul baud from the
tanu place , about Hftium htroug , uccoin-
panted the uxgurdipnl U ; , muter thu loud-
OMliJj ) of ! : . IIViuur. . The cnr gu
Cither side bqro largo .struuuiuns om-
bl i'Ui > \\UJi l the word "Avoou , " while
HIP curulce mul uid ) - wm
WHUreutlis of luavfcs anil
and flag- .
I Dion Sowing i 3Qj ) K
i wing . sop $ .
Ijbey Iiulul o in Tliuir Sen
alunul KUIIIU\U- C'ui.ilnji Street ,
iloml ly o\tiilu u it .an of j i.ty
joinci , Jatoly owiKd by I otiunltu m
Lowrcy , nnd now the property of his
successors in the grocery business on
south Tenth street , rnn nway last even
ing on Cumlng street. They wore .it-
Inched to n proccrv wagon nnd scattered
some things ituliscrlminntely on the
street. Spectators say that the driver
jumped from the wagon , while n young
Ind of about ten years remain upon it.
Although the outfitcollided with a couple
of liny wagons , nobody was injured
This team has a reputation of being first
class runaways , nml their escapades liavo
now become commonplaces .with those
who know.
Union Sewing machine , 209 N . 10th st.
Union Sewing machine , 209 N. 10th st.
Her it Co. filed a petition in the district
court nml secured an attachment ngnin&t
J. A. Frojluin for $251) ) for goods sold nml
.Judge Ne\iHe grnutcd n tcmpornry in
junction A. 1' . Okerlund from collecting
n ju.lgment against the Western llor&u
and Cattlu Insurance company.
Robert Ashburn , who ligured in the
sensational habeas corpus case recently
in an attempt to .secure possession
of his two babies , has com
menced n libel suit against the
World for $5,000 , the nllcfjeil libel con
sisting in the publication of mi item call
ing Ashnburn n worthless vagabond.
Ilosn Anderson has filed a suit for a
divorce fiom her husband , Amps Ander
son , to whom she was married in Omnha
in .January , 1870. The petition alleges
that she has been fearfully abused by her
hif-baml. She asks for n divorce nnd an
injunction -training i the defendant
from .selling eertain real estate in Im
provement Association addition. The
injunction has been granted.
Union Sewing machine , 209 N. lOthst.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. ICth st
A Pa I n fill Kail.
Monay evening nman named P. Ander
son , residing nt the corner of Ninth nnd
Hickory streets , while working on a new
building , fell a distance of live feet ,
astride upon a scantling , nml suffered
very severe injuries. Hu wns attended
liy Dr. Lea , who pronounces the patient
ns doing well.
Koplovln of a Horse.
In Justice Uerkn's court
yesterday morning M Itoblin
sought to replevin a horse
which ho says belongs to him. from botli
James Stephenson and Sheriff Coburn.
A linking 1'owtlcr Trick.
The Chicago firmunder whose directions
Llio band of women are "tcsting"our bak
ing powder , has hit upon a very cunning
trick. The "test , " as performed by these
ladies , is to mix the baking powder they
peddle nnd that found in the kitchen
with water , separately , nnd call attention
to the difference of action. That found
in thu kitchen , if pure , will fount up
quickly like champagne. The baking
powder they desire to prove superior will
rise slowly , foaming likis new yeast , over
the top of the glass. This slower action
results from the presence of flour ,
albumen or n gum in their baking
powder , nnd is evidence of adulteration" .
To prove this , fill u glass half full of
water , mix together equal parts of flour
and some pure baking powder , pour into
the water nnd stir quickly. There will
be produced precisely the same effect--
the slow , foaming action produced by
the tests with the adulterated baking
powder ns made by our lady mission
aries from Chicago. The effect will be
oven heightenedby , adding n little lime ,
such ns the bnking powder carried by the
Indies and the other low grade adulter
ated powders contain. Of course , any
statements made in reference to other
baking powders , by parties caught in
practicing such tricks as those for the
purpose of deceiving the. public , will be
entitled to no credit.
Off for Grand Island.
The Grand Island special train for the
re-union pulled out of the depot yesterday
morning with ten cars. It contained
about a dozen passengers nnd of
these , only John Itonza and William
liutler were known to be veterans on the
way to the merry war.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. Ifith st.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. ICIh st.
To Farmer. * .
I have for sale fifty iino marcs , which I
will sell on time.
Also for sale or trade for Omaha prop
erty , the following :
So good horses ,
10 top buggies ,
10 setts of harness.
Will sell this property on monthly pay-
Also a few choice houses and lots ,
which I will trade for drug stocks. Call
ntJ'iuk & Fowler's oflico or nt my resi
dence , 15M North 18th st.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. 10th st.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. 10th st.
Omaha Hoard of Trade.
Every member of the board of trade is
requested to attend a special mooting , to
be hold Wednesday evening , September
I , at7 : < 3Q , at their rooms in the exposition
building , to decide the advisability of
putting another htory on the now board
of trade building. The demand for olllcos
in that part of town being so great , it lias
been advised by ninny to add another
story. MAX MI\IH : , President.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. 10th st.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. 10th st.
Unolo Kniu'H Nophow.
Frank G. Patrick , son of Ed Patrick ,
residing near the fair grounds , has been
appointed railway mail clerk , and goes
to work Immediately. Hu succeeds K ,
II. MKiilroy who has tendered his resig
Union Sewing machine , 209 N. 10th st.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. 10th st.
A. O. U. W. Attention ! All members
of No. 17 are requested to attend at St ,
George's Hall , Wednesday evening. Im
portant business ; to bo succeeded by
lodge social nnd Oriental degree work.
AHA. O. U. W. members cordially in-
Union Sowing machine , 2)9 ) N. ICIh si.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N , 10th sL
J. \t. \ WilKio , nmnufacturcr of paper
boxen , IW S , 1 fib btrcet , Omaha.
Nix In Yard master.
Huury Odull , who for fiomo lime has
ut'fjiig ai > bwltelmmn at the
direct fewildi blntlnu , has bugn
jiromoUui in Ih" | ) o llioii of titiai&tant
night yanjny ) ki'a \ \ \ phieo at the
laljgit 1 1 ; u buuit lilltiU by U ,
$ tnvii ) nielli nu. 200 N. UHli fat.
Muui. jjostv wjiiiij. IUDJJ njr'dt \ \ -
( IIAMMJ lOJa JN "Al-IIKIijIM ' 4 AN Soi fj | OllAHA MI4N | N ANY
ill-It U -I I.I 1,1 ' \ * ' INNf.aMI.diV \ U
and Conviction ,
The information contained in Iho report mmle by tie hygienic
authorities of the Nation on food adulteration is not only valuable , bnt
suggestive. The people o this country are getting to n point where
thov will not much longer brook the trifling with adulterators. In this
connection wo wish to sny that we believe that the public will not for
get the Price Baking Fowder Company , for their eflbrfc , heroic 'and
single-handed as it was , to bring the bread-tninters of the world to ex
posure and conviction , The issue of their was purity in human diet ,
and the decision of the National Food Analysts was that DR. PHICE'S
CREAM 13AK1NG POWDER , was the only one they could recom
mend to general family use , being free from ammonia , lime , and all
drug taint.
Persons doubting the truthfulness of this can write to any of the chemists mimed :
Prof.JNOM.OKinVAV , Mass. Institute of Technology , IJoston" '
Prof. it. A. WITTHAUS , A. M. . M. 1) . , University of It tflalo , N. Y
Prof. A. H. SAIUN , State Chemist , Uurlington , Vt.
Chicago , 111. ' " ' " " '
Prof. J. II. LONG , Prof. Chemistry. Chicago Medical College and Chicago College -
lego of Pharmacy , Chicago , 111.
Prof. G. A. MAK1NEK , Analytical Chemist , Chicago , 111.
A Swinging Hliovol.
Yesterday morning at an early hour
Llie steam shovel of the B. & M. rend was
being hnulod by nn engine to Platts-
mouth. As it was uenring tlio water
tank at Gibson , a few miles below this
place , thu shovel a heavy cast iron
dredge became loose , swung to one
side , struck the water tank and was
: hrown completely oil' the track and
jndly shaken up. The tank supports
sullered n powerful jar though nobody
was injured.
IHocktMl the Street.
Yesterday morning at ten minutes
: o eleven a freight train
on the Union Pacific road
blocked the crossing on ! Ninth street for
icarly ten minutes. Several cars and
ibout fifty wagons were delayed. The
former contained half n do/.on passuu-
jers , all of whom , though makinir a
dcspe rate rush to the depot when the
car reached the terminus , wei'e too Into
.o reach the overland train upon which
.hey desired to go.
Absolutely Pur'-
This powlor novr vitrio ? . A mnrvcl ot pur-
ty , strenifth miU wholosoiiionoss. More econ
omical tluin tlio orUlmiry kinds nnij cnnnt bo
sold IncDinpotltloii with the niuitltiulo of low
tostshort wolifhtnliim or Dliospiiato powilon * .
SoMoniy Incniis. Hovvr. llAKisal'ownmi Co.
468\Vnll et. . Vow York.
Products of Europe , Asia nnJ Ameritn Taste
fully Blended Together Combine to Make
a Grand Showing of which Omaha
is Proud.
It is not generally known , but suoli is
tlio fuel tliiit tlio inunufiictiirtid products
of many stales of Europu , Knp-
hind , anil also Asia mul Austria , as well
as tlio ( lillbront sections of tlio United
States , will contribute ) to interest ami
profit Omaha's 80,000 , people , anil the
hundreds of thousands of people whoso
homes are in the surrounding country.
Franco , Germany and Knglnml contribute
Jartrely in line woolens such ns no other
countries liavo ns yet equalled. Gentle
men's underwear , from Iho hair of the
oriental camel , as well as the celebrated
wool of Austria , KiiRliuul and America ,
will tickle the imagination as one thinks
of the severe "winter that is
not far distant. liritam comes in
again with its elegant hosiery
nnd Massachusetts with an line
of manufactured wooden goods and toys ,
making a bewildering display of cypress
wagons , wheelbarrows , gnus , drums ,
accordeons , chests of tools , etc. , the entire -
tire lot of which Iho management pro
pose to distribute free to its thousands of
boy patrons. In the clothing depart
ment the iir.r. man was astonished at the
wondoifnl exhibit of the finest suits ,
overcoats and pea-jackets that had over
mot his vision and has not oven yet recovered -
covered from the shock of surprise that
bitch u btiipondons imowing of wearing
upparol nnd furnishings for male man-
l.liul blioiilil bo gathered under one roof ,
and to Messed \ > , O. Jones & Co , the
Kuonomy Clothiers of HUM Fnrnnm St , is
duo tlio uiHlro credit for iliouohluvimion.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $250,000
Burplub 3O,000
H. W. Yates , President.
A. E. Touzalin.riee. President.
W. 11. S. Hughes , Cashier.
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
II. W. Yatcs , Lewis S. Reed.
A. E. Touzalin.
Cor 12th and Farnam Sts
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Of Countifi , Cities nnd others of
J lilphKriulol > ouulitnmlM > lil.'1-n
ollitu ( , H Dovonslilrc St. . Jo ! toii. Corrusiioiul-
once solicited.
: OR , IMFET. ,
Practice limited to Discuses ' of the
Glasses fitted for all forma of defective
Viaiou. Artificial Eyes iuserted.
1 ( dally edition ) will bo sent to nnr
nililrcM In the U. S. or C'nimclii llvn months for fl.OO.
Address T1IK CII1CAUOMA11 * llbstn-av. , Chicago.
MUSIC , Boston , Mass.
Till' I.AUGHST nuil HIJsT IIQUII'I'ED In tha
\VOH1,1) . 1UO Instiucturv , axiTmtmlonU lust year.
Tliiirimttti InMtructlons In vocal mill Instrumuntm mil *
elc , I'innoanil orKiin tuning , Kino Arts , oratory , J.ltor *
nturc , Krcnch , ( .crraitn anil llullati l.intfunuos , Kn ? *
llEti br.incliP1 * , ( JynuiiiHtlcs cto. Tuition & toJt ) ; buirJ
nnd room with su'.im hcitt nnil electric Unlit Hi to * ri
rcrtcrm. I'AI.ljTKItMbCKlnsHcpUMnbcrA Ml fat
IlliiKtriitoilCnleiulnr , with full Informitlon , mlJreia , U
U'OUIUKE llr..FrunklluSg.ll03lon..Mu3) .
Anil others buffering frocc
nerrous ilehlllty , exhausting
ii'limnlo ilistajstB , lirinmturo.
ilfellno of jounff or old are
IMisltlrely LUltil by Lr ) ,
loine'a fan'.uuo Klcrtro *
"vA tJ" MaKiietta Jlilt. Tlioufnnili
tt'A State In tin * I'nlon have been curea ,
111 - ; > # , str Instantly felt 1'ilenlnl mid eolil 10
f „ . Whom family can wpnr sumo belt , l lfptrlo
Kii > pcn orlenfrfOvithmalolnllH. . AyoM wi'rtlilt Im
itations mul bogus eoinpanlet ) Eloetrlo TriinBe * lor
. ' , " - - '
ItMrfiirr. 70U curedIn'BS Htnilntiimiiforiwni"1-1-
DR. rV. J. HQDNE. iKVfHTor ; . 101 WACASH Av. . r-
Cor. Capllol Avcnuo ,
roil TUB TI1FATUKNT Or All ,
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
PR. MoMENAMY'Proprietor.
. _ Si leen joiiru1 Uosiifial iiml 1'rlvatu l/rnctlco
\Vnhavu the facllltfi ! ! " , | iparutu mul leliicjlra
for tlioeucct'sedil tirntniculof orcty form of dls.
cii-u ruqulrlniclUitr nicillciilor mrijlcul Ircatiiutil ,
iiml Invlloull tixonioniul lnvtkli ut'jfortii'insilvi' ! <
or corresponds 1th us. Long C3icrlciico ] in ( rent-
lug ra ci ) by letter vnablr * tn treat many cabft
eCH'nlillfallylthont eiitnrlhcm
WHITB I'OIl CIKOUIjAH on Deformities and
nrnfe , Club Feet , Currttur n of Hie rjplno
Di8ZAiK3 or WOUKN , l'ilc , Tumori , Cunrcri ,
C.itnrili , BronchllU , Inualntlon , Illertrldty , 1'iiral-
y I , Epllcpey , Kidney , Kit * , Kar , Sklu , JllooO nnU
all tmrlc ; i onrruliniiB.
Katiorles , Inlialurs , Ilracrg , Trnsscn , oiul
nil ltloi8 ] of Medical niul Snrlcal | AjipHuncce , mini-
ufacturrd nnd for ealo.
The only reliable I''edlcal Inititulo miking
Private 1 Special f Nervous Diseases
from whatever cause nrodiicoil.eiiccceffiiljytreateil.
Wo cm rtnioTB S/Jilillltlo polwj from llic fyetcm
vrlthout murciiry.
New restorative ireatmcntfor IOSB of \ Hal power
Call end coiunlt ua or ecndi n mo anil { loat-oniro
aJilrcei plainly written enclose etamj > , nud \ > o
ulll cend you , ID pliln wiapp'T , cur
t-'roN I'mvATc , Sreoui. * M > NI-.IIIOUH
ur , Kyi'liiLis , UoNcnuiKUA , , N'A. ,
UniruRVOiiuANS , or tcud liislury of } our case for
uu opiutoo.
I'oriom unable to \ Idt us may be treated at Iliclr
lioiucs , by corre > < i > otidcico. ! Jlcillclncs and Itiilru-
mcut sent by mall or eipross bUCUitELY I'ACK-
El ) 1'KOM OllSIUlYATlOX , no marks to Indicate
contents or sender. One iiorsonal lutcrvlctv Jirc-
fetred If convenient. Fifty rooms for tlio accom
modation of patient * . Hoard and attendance at
rca onatle pilcci. Address pll I-gttcia to
Omalia Medical and Surgical institute
Cor. 13th St. and Caultol Ate. . OMAHA. NEB.
Ol ! aTD4'y A Vulclr , rartnantnt
Cura for l * I Jf nliood , DcLllltr , Wen
v.u * b . i-alinew. hoijuu >
ril | uitililt < I'riwra. & > "k a n
froi. KU1E JIUJ. 00. UUlffl
Cor. ODo-afjlo-s and. l-atls. Sts. ,
mil open ittntiwi'ii to tlicjHilitlc ivitli tlic most complete
Hindi of
Evn < yliown / OinaJut. We will ( nUici-c strictly to the
titotto ,
And mill expose to tlie people of thin eitj'lie true t-alitc of
is. lie sure to attend
And receive one of oin < hantlnoHir souvenirs f/ivrn to
one whocnll * .
" '
1308 Farnam st. , Omaha , Neb/
When we say we are going to open with the largest and
finest line of
Ever shown in Omaha , we mean what we say. To prove it
to yourselves , come to the opening and see. Also get one
of our beautiful souvenirs.
STRICTLY ONE PRICU. Remember , Our Motto is "Honesty and Good
Value for Your Money. "
1M11LA1)EL1'JIIA , 1'A.
a rich , hcnntifiil GLOSS tuul
No Starch yet introduced can bo com-
inu-ciJ with the MAGIC.
One package will do tlio work of two
lioiuuls of ordlnury starch.
Holil tinder Kiiarantcoof tlic inuiiufaoturcrs.
SLOAN , JOHNSON & CO. . Wholesale
, Omaliu. Nob.
i 'iiiu cu. > 'ii.K.Mi'H 1'iuh.MiT
( food Innilf incuts v > lilt cacti bottlp. Hure
pure in 2to4das. Auk.yourilruegUt
Tor It. hcnt to HIIV addrekj fur 81.80 ,
iMALVDOH We 'O. 00. , Cprinefigld , 0.
Messrs. Kulin & Co. , Agents.
L A Homo nnd Da School fora ounu
I.tiOlns , ro-opcns OCT. I i.'eilfflitfully u- - .
on Oeorjrotown Ilolglits. I.urge gioun uu
lurKPtl ncooininocliitloiie.
MlbSKAHUC. IVlOliAth \\U6liloirtOU
Academy of the Sacred Heart
Terms , ] Pa-yaTole -d-verLoe
Including Board , Washing , Tuition in Ensliab or French , Instrumental music
Ueo of Books , par session or flvo months , $150 ,
References nre required from persons unknown to the institution. For further
uformntion apply to the Rt. Rev , Jus. O'Connor or to the Lady Superior.
QIKX DDUKB , Manager ,
JlEFKKIiXCKS : Merchants' and rVmeiV Hunk , D.iviil < 'Ity , Nub. ; Kttarnny Nation :
HankKnarney , Neb. : ColiinibiH Htato Hank. Columbin , Neb. ; JlcDonulU's Hank , Neil
S. W. COK. 1'ilh AXE > TAK-VArtB , OMAHA.
Properly of every description for sale in all jmrisof tnocity Lands for tale , lu
every county hi Nepnisku.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Maps of " state "I'Cy , or any otbor
uformatloii debiic-u , furnished free of clit. cuponapp. ! i ' .