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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1886)
B OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1. 1886. ri-na DAILY BEE , COUNClfBLUFFS , WEDNESDAY MOUNING , SEPT. 1. DtFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Dflixued by rumor In nnypnrtor tliocltynt mintic'tits per week. H.W.Tn/io.v , Manager. TKM.l'HONKS : HiOtflCK , Nl ) . W. KIMTOII No. 2) ) . . MINOR 3IKNTIO.V. Now York Plumbing Co. New fall goods : > t Kulti'r's , Tlir very best cabinets ut if. ! : i do/on : it Gorlmm's One tlo/i'ii rnliini'ts mid : i hirjtu jmnul for $ ' , ' fiO tit Schmidt's gallery. The Whiles inatiliiito oll'tee luia re moved to No. IMJ Broadway. Moth stores of II. Kisuinun & Co. will lienceforth bo open every evening. Fi-ud Ktntelborg and Eljxabcth Beubcn- biic have received a permit to wed. Von will find llarkness Brothers open for business duy and evening hereafter. .lames Kinney and Harrooil I'lynn , of Neola , liave been issued marriage license. K. of L. L. A. No. ' .2CGS wil' ' hold a ball In Masonic Hall on U'ednesday evening , September IB. Hereafter Uono & Co. will remain open from 7:110 : in the morning until 1) ) o'clock in the evening. L. 1) . Montgomery and Tillic 1SI. An- tunrietb , of this city , were yesterday granted a permit to marry. K. S. Fagely , who was arrested for throwing a brick at and bitting Thomp son on Aloiulay , was yesterday simply lined ? ! ) .CO. The slroolrailway company is during the car rails taken up Broadway prepar atory to tlio extension of thu Broadway Jine'of cars. lr ) A. 1' . Hatichett will move into liis new lionsc to-day , and hereafter his many patients and friends may lind him at his old number. 120 Fourth street. Harmony Chapter ( ) . 15. S. gave a pleasant basket picnic in 1'airmont ' park vcs.lcrclny. They were joined by the Missouri Valley excursionists. The three-year old son of Tony ( Jers- Daclier died yesterday of typhoid lever. The funeral will take place from the Catholic church this afternoon. Masonic Special meeting of Bind" City Lodge No. 71 A. F. & A. M. for work In the 15. A. degree. All M. M.'s in good standing arc cordially invited to bo present. By order W.'M. " Morris Williams , one of the BRE carriers in Council Blnll's , yesterday fell on" his pony and received a bad cut in the liead from which ho will be conlincd to his home for several days. The water in Lake Manawa is nearly a foot higher than it was before the dam was wit in. By this raise all boats arc now enabled to roach Mark's Landing. It seems the crop of barbers in this city is a little short just now. Ono shop hav ing been short for a week yesterday had to send to Grand Hapids , Mich. , for one. At the residence of the bride's parents , No. 1-101 Jligh .street , this evening , Miss Tillio M , Autcnrieth and L. 1) . Mont gomery will bo united in marriage , at 8 o'clock. My friends ami customers will now lind mo in my new quarters , No.10 ! ) .Broadway , whore the store will remain ojjpn each evening until ! ) o'clock. 11. I'riedman. The uptown grocery store of J. W. Klceb , No. 102 Broadway , has boon pur chased by Mr. Lansbnry , of fowa City. Ali > KIcob will continue in charge of his jtorc , No. DIG Hrondway. . Yesterday afternoon four of the young ladies of the Sol Smith Russell company took a horseback rule around the beauti ful drives of Council Hlull's. They wore tlio Misses Banckor , llaggor , Ferguson and Nelson. Last evening's Globe credits No. 3 with tin-owing watcrat the lire yesterday , when No. I's was the only hose off the reel. Glinrlio Nicholson says when No. ! ) gets water first at a lire below box No. 1U , "they will bo lilies. " Complaint is daily made of the inade quacy of tiio terry cars to accommodate those who wish to go over to Omaha and vice versa. This complaint could bo easily remedied by running a couple of extra cars on the two morning trains and tlio last two evening trains , Many persons suppose the dummy train that leaves Omaha at 10 o'clock at night and leaving Council Blull's at 10 : 5 o'clock is only run on Wednesday nnd Saturday nights as a special for'Lake Manawa business. This is not so , the train has been put on as a regular and the ferry cars will make this run also. Now that the dummy trains make so many moro trips than tormerly , Charles Muck , who has been conductor of the dummy for nearly live years , now takes charge of the trains from ( ) : ! J5 o'clock in the morning until it o'clock in the after noon , when Conductor Inlow takes charge until 12 o'clock at night. Yesterday ollicor Beswiok noticed a boy pick up a pocket book at tlio driving park ; ho followed the boy to the stables , where he made him return it to tlio judges who were in the judges stand. It was afterward learned that it was the property of Judge Clinton , of this city , who claimed it. It contained quite a largo amount of money. Malignant Diphtheria has made its an- pearanuo in lla/.cl Doll township , this county. Tim people arc using Dr. Thos , JofForiH Infallible Preventive and Cure for that terrible pestilence , consequently no excitement. Kloctrio door bolls , burglar alarm.s.and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the Now York Plumbing Co. Sec thiil your books are made by More- house & Co , , room liKv'orott block- . Personal Paragraphs , J. V , Malloy of Woodbine In at the Pa cific. cific.F. F. ( Jlass of Persia was at the P.icllic yesterday. P. O. Phillips of Dos Moincs was yes terday at the Ogdcn. J. W. Smith and U. Williams ot Maple- ton urn at the Pacific. Miss M. Hmcn and Miss T , V. Lane of Malvorn were in the city. Tlio Sol Smith Russell company is registered at tlio Ogden houso. T. J. Hart well and F. Hobmson of Oak land wore in the city yesterday. 11. O , Moullon and several hulios of Glcnwood were in the city yesterday. I ) , D. Johnson of Weeping Water Neb , , was au Ogden guest yesterday. I J , S. Manson of St , Louis , who has charge of the elevators on the Wabash , is at the Ogdon. Leonard Kvorolt , accompanied by his two younger brothers , loft last evening for Concord , N , II. , where Tony and Ned will attend school. Mr. Kvorctt will then go to the coast of Maine to rusticate. Miss Stella , nml Bottle Graves leave this morning fora visit with friends at ( iraud Island , Miss Bottle will goon to North Plato ( and Miss Graves return home to Council Blull's. Mrs. Lester Keils and party of friends from North Platte , who have been so journing on the lake * of southern Wis consin , are in our city for a few days , the guests of Mr. Gco. Graves and family , 13 Cabinet Photographs f.3. Quality Uio tlnost. i3horradenl7l3road\vay. ! ) THE FEATS OF FLEET FEET , Etching Events at tbo Driving Park , and More Tor ToDay. . A VARIETY OF BLUFF NEWS. The .Missouri Vnllcy "Doe" Hoot ! In SJoro Troiililc An Oiiuliud An M\plo > Hire CiKnr Stump. Tlia l-'itn nt tlio Track. Tlio raniis ojicnotl voitonlny with Ihc itsinil small iillut'iiiuu'ii ohiirncturlHllc of the oiniiln < ; ( lvv. : Sonic cxcollont sport was olloroil , and nil who nttriidiul were Kroally iilun wl. The atlraolions oll'orcil for tlic olhur days are ovr.u butter , itiul thcro is no tlonbt bill llial llicro will bo a lai'Ro altonilanco during Iho ruuiainiiiR days of Ihu races. Thu Irack was In o.\- condition , in fact uuvur as good , Mr. C Ilaldcnu served as starter , with N. M. Pusoy and Win. II. Carson of Siottx Falls , as associalo judges. Winlo Cary was one of Iho tuners , and W. 1) . llardiu served as olerk. In the'J : 18 class Ihrro were seven en tered and all starlcrs. They drew i > osi- lions In tlio following order : St. Nicholas , br. B. , by J. M , Vale , Sheldon , la. ; C. 1 * . C. , br. ir. , byM. O. Hlley : Sleepy live ) : , b , g. . oy L. .1. Dawes , Denver ; Victor SpniRue , K. s. , by .1. S. Wolfe , Cedar Rapids , la. , Kdwin ( J. , s. y. , by < . ( irinies , Kansas C'lty ; MoFarland , blk. s. , by E. Pyle , HiimboH , Neb. ; While's ' Hlne nVll , b. li. , bv Mm White , Ottawa , 111. The lir > t h eat proved an auspicious opening for the mooting. The horses gel oil' without , the. usual tedious scoring. From the slart VielorSpra < rueoainerijuiit ; down to steady work ami kept erooping up , the half mile post seeing him in easy second plaeo anil on the next quarter ho got his nose ahead of Si. Nicholas , who , wilh C. P. C. , had been huddled together. C I * . C. made a bad break just before reaching the half and losl ijrouml before he g/H onto his feet and at his speed again , and coulit nol recover. The others kept their relative positions throughout thu mile , McFarland bringing up the rear nml barely e.soaping getting the Hag in his face Viclor won Ihe heat in l'JlJSl. ! : ! Nicholas second , SleopyDavo third , Kdwin Q. fourth , Blue Hull fifth , C. P. C. sixth and McFarland seventh. MeFarland was Ihen drawn , the race bring evidently too hot for him. There were bets that ho would bo distanced , ami in thu first heat the Hag just grazed his tail. - . The second heat ivas a more exciting one , but not so fast as the previous one. Kdwin ( } got a litllo Ihe of the start on the first quarter , and Victor Sprague broke bn-Jly. going oil' his feet several times. Thu limsh was a liot one , and despite his breaks Victor Sprague was lapping Edwin Q , who won the heat in 2U : : ! , Sprague second , Sleepy Uavo third , Hlue Hull fourth , St. Nicholas fifth and C. P. C. sixth. In the third heat Kdwin Q kept thelcad to the half , Victor Sprugno kept on his feet this heat , making only si short break- on the first quarter , and then coming ' down to a 'steady gait , St. Nicholas crowded til ) into third place , and at the half getting for an instant into second place , but soon dropping back to third again. Victor Sprague came in winner of Hie heat by a neck. Time , 3M : : } . Kd win Q. second , St. Nicholas third , Sleepy Uavo fourth , C. P. C. fifth and Blue Hull sixth. 'Tlio fourth heat was a surprise party. Si. Nicholas had gone a little lame , and C. P. C. was not in thu best of conditions , having run away and nearly killed his owner last Friday. Tlio oilier horses were full of go , and it was expected that Viclor Sprague would take llio heat and close the race. The coulest was between him and Kdwin Q for the llrst half , with St. Nicholas pluckily gaming and com ing to the front , but after tlio half-mile pole was passed Spragtie's peculiar way of going oil'his feet caused him to drop behind , and on Ihe home slrelch was an exciting race , and a change ot position. Sleepy Unvo and Hlno Bull came under the wire nose lapping nose , Sleepy Dave being given the heat , Blue Bull second , Spragne third , St. Nicholas foiirth , and C. P. C. lifth. Time 2SU. : The lifth race proved Iho deciding ono. The horses got si ready start and .strung out at equal distances from" each other. Victor Spragno kept on his feet , and steadily went to Iho front , but on thu third quarler Sleepy Dave came tip and closed on him , lapping his wheel as they passed under the wire. Kdwin Q was third , Blue Bull fourth , St. Nicholas fifth. Timu 3:35J. : SUMMAIIY. Victor Sprasuo J 2 1 .T 1 Sleepy Dave ! i 3 4 1 a Kdwin Q 4 l 2 : i St. Nicholas B 5 I ! 4 5 HlueHull C 4 C 'J 7 LP. . 0 0 (5 ( 5 fidr McKarland 1 dr. The running race was for a purse of $100 , all ngus. The starters took places as follows : Willie Nicholson , by . ) . K. Nicholson , b , g. of Council Binds ; Castilian - tilian , br. in. , l > y W. Seannon , Council Blulls ; Jim Shelby , b. g by . W. Bowo , Kearney , Nob. ; Countess , eh. in. by C. M. Lanson , Kearney , Nob. ; Beeswing , ch. in. , Win. 'J'ompkins , Macedonia , Icw.i. There was hard work to get the horses oil' , .Jim Shelby being the cliief cause of trouble , acting badly , and once throwing his rider ami taking a gallop half-way around on his own score. After furnish ing a halMiofir's amusement for the crowd and work for llio starter , the "go" was had. Beeswing took and kept the lend to Iho half-mllo , Shelby close onto him , ami Castilian leading the others. By the last quarter Castilian had his aheadand kept It theiv , winning the race in 1:45 : , Jim Shelby second , Boos- wing third , Countess fourth , Nicholson lil'tli , Tlio third race was for the 3:23 : class , for purse of $3,00. The sttirters as jilaeed were : Kthan Allen , b h , by A , Thomson , Omaha ; Jerry L. grg , by J , T , Brodoriok , Chicago ; Consul , eh H , by ( Jeo , ll.Biloy , Kiiirbury , Neb. ; Almuta , ch m , by L , W. Sinclair , Salem , Ind. ; Logan Chief , br s , by J. ( iraimni , Biggs- ville. 111. ; Howloy Uutllur , oh s , by O. Howloy , Atlantic , la. ; Aiinio T , s in. by J. Somisan , North.l'Ialto , Neb , K. Carniehacl , of .Tabor City , had his brown stallion , Trouble , entered , but lie did not start. The lii-it heat provort an excellent one. On the first quarter Logan Chief led with Battler anil Jerry L elosn onto him. Kthan Allen got crowded on the llrst turn and Ihu horses then strung out. Consid , u ho was a favorite on the pools , kept coming up until he got the lead and kent It , coming in winner in 2:21 : } , Logan Chief second , Almota third , Howloy nat tier fouith. Jerry L fifth , Annie T sixth ami Kthan Allen seventh. In scoring for the second heat the Bulky of Annie T got iv spoke knocked out of each wheel by a collision with Kthan Kllen , whoso sulky was also torn loose , Klhiiii Allen was drawn , but Anuio T kept driving. In the second heat Logan Chief took the lead and nil wore nicely bnnohnii. Almeta and Battle did n little skipping , but got down quickly and all traveled steadily and hotly. Consul cnmu under the wire a length ahead of Logan Chief , but the driver of the latter claimed the heat , Consul having been drawn in ahead of Logan Chief on a homo stretch. For this violation of the rule Consul was set buck to last idttco nnd Lognn Chief given the heat. Aliucta second , Jerry L. third , Hawjey Hauler fourth , Consul fifth. Time The third heat wag the prettiest one of the afternoon , though not the fastest Tli < 5 horses were nil in a bunch to the half mile , except Jerry L. , who was trailing. As they came along the last quarter they wgaii st ringing out , ( ' 'omul having the 3ad. On the homo stretch Consul went IV his feet , but caught quickly. Not , uiek enough to save himself , however , or Logan Chief got a length the start nil kept it to the finish , running the eat in 2:211 : , ( " 01111 ! second. Almela third , lowloy KullliT fourth , Jenny L. third. The fourth hcit : caused another claim A foul. Consul got llio pole on the sec- Mid quarter , and kept it until turning nto the hniiH'.stit'lch. when Ids driver werveil him out , ami after getting into ho stretch hi- pulled into the pole , right n front of Logan Chief , who was just ibotil to ttikc it. This foul caused the udgo to M't Consul back lo last plncn. lowley Battler was given the heat , Al- ncln second , Logan Chief third , Jenny 'A. fourth. Consul lifth. The time was ! : 'J."ii. By this time , 7 o'clock , it was get- ing too dusky to have another heat , and lie announcement wa made tliat tlio riiui ! would be linMied at leO : o'clock this iftcrnoon. vxrmsiimt : iiAri : . _ . . _ . . . Thief rJ 1 1 n Vnsnl i f > - n lewloy's Kiitller -1 I 4 \ MiiK'ta ! ' - : i a Jenny L 5 a BI Tliiio-'JiHI'r ' , 'J : ' ! 4. 2:2" : , 'J:2-Ut. : TIII : SUM : ATTUAUTIO.VS. The balloon ascension by Professor 'arkor ' was rather tame Tlio hot air niloon ascended to n moderate height inly , and Professor Parker rode on a rapc/.o hanging to it , but performinjr 'ew .startling feats. It made tun for tlio joys who watched the balloon filled anil uarted. and seemed to relieve thu nion * ) tony of one wait between heats. The dog race was also : i tame one. i'our hounds , fa t runners , made aquar- er of a mile , but the most the spectators got out of it was the sight of a man on lorsoback , followed by' several dogs on he run. A gentleman's driving race will occur on Thursday. Itwasa relief not to hear a band play- ngnnd replaying the same old tune , as on sonic former occasions at the park. The pool sellimr was light , yesterday. Two small Mined lights and no blood shed , was the extent of the cllocts of inti-prohibition visible on tins grounds. The score cards were excellent , and > roved a great convenience to judges , oportors and spectators. The judges have the thanks of Iho iress gang for the liberal supply of emonade furnished the reporters' allery. TO-DAY'S HACKS. The unfinished 253 : ! race will be called it 1:33 : o'clock. The other races are to be as follows : Three-fourths mile and repeat , run- ling , for three-year olds Hod Light rn K , J. W. Cnssol , Carson ; Surprise b f , lames White , Council Blulls ; Lulu "Jrown ch in , J. I ) . Nicholson , Council Mulls , 2S.l : class , pacing Mattie Slipp , b. in. , I. S. Wolfe , Cedar Ranitls ; Jack Rapid , g. g. , C. K. Alayno , Omaha ; Express , b. n. , Silas Walters , Council Binds ; Julia . ,00 , , blk. m. , ( ! . Crimes , Kansas City ; Mattie llarlo , g. in. , M. E. Harle , Conn- 3il Binds ; Mollie Copper , b. m. , A. C. Vrnold , Donison. 2'IO : class , trottinir Millie G. . g. in. , i. ( irnnes. Kansas C'ity ; Jennie Cobb , br. n. , 11. K. Pyle , llumboldt , Neb.Cvolone ; , b. s. , M. 1J. llarle , Council Blulls ; Al- nont Forrest , eh. s. , L. J. Laws , Denver ; Victor Sprague , g. .s. , J. S. Wolfe ; Cedar iapids ; Edwin < i. , s. g. , (5. ( Srimcs , Kan sas City ; Fred F , l > . g. . J. F. Nash , Kear ney , Nob. ; Kittio B. . b. in. . A. Perry- Xillas , Tex. ; Genl. Schuyler , b. g. , J. II. Soeley , Ottawa , Ills. ; My ( Jirl , b. nr , 1) . . .angford , Council Blulls. Substantial abstracts of titles and real state loans. J. W. & K. L. Squire. No. 01 Pearl street , Council Blulls. lr. Jefl'oris Preventive and Cure for Diphtheria can bo obtained only at the oliicc , No. till South fib street , Council Jlulls , la. , or sent bv express on receipt of price , $2.00. Ten year's trial has n-ovon it to be infallible , not only in liphthoria but in all kinds of.ore . lliroat. No physician required. Bnslinoll has an elegant lot of Kpisco- ial Prayer Books and Hymnals at all irices. Just the tiding for the now church. A Xexv Addition. The well-known wholesale 'harness louse of Beekman & Co. ha .sadmitted William Strobehn as a partner , and licro- if tor the linn name will bo Beckinan , Strobehn & Co. Air. Strobehn was forin- ) rly the head of the wholesale cigar linn of Strobohn & Co. , of this city. By this new addition , the harness house will be linancially strengthened , and it is their ntention of branching out and enlarge- jig their business extensively. A $15 Cigar stump. Yesterday morning as James JlcGrary , of Island Park , south of this city , was Irying to sell a load of hay to a man on Fourth street , corner of Tenth avenue , ho suddenly noticed his hay was on lire , the department was called out and one stream of water put on it , but before the department could get there the hay was almost consumed. It was a total loss and the farmer's wagon was somewhat burned. It was afterward learned that a boy named lluglios carelessly threw the suinui of a lighted cigar at the man and it ignited the hay. The boy settled by paying the farmer ! ? lfi for his loss , Hard and soft coal , wood , lime , cement , oto. Council Blulls Fuel Co. No. f > 3 ! ) Broadway. Telephone No. 1JO. ! "Dutoliy" Dusted. A who is known " " man only as "Dutchy , residing on North 8th street it seems , threatened to shoot a man a day or so ago. The case brought before Jus- lice Fniinoy , who sent a constable off with the warrant and subpunias. The ollicor wjrved tlio siibntnims before ho did the warrant , and "Ihitehy , " who it is claimed is cra/.y , just then happened to have sense enough to skip over to Omaha to await dovelonments. Whui ; he gets crazy enough to return to this side of the river ho will be arrested and tried. Highest prices paid for county , town city and school bonds , Odcll Bros. & Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Blutls , Iowa. W ill. It the circuit court yesterday si case of attempted will breaking was on trial , It appears that , Heinrich Alpon , a farmer near Minden. died last December , and by a will left $500 and his host cow to Anna Bruhn , a woman who had been keeping house for him. His relatives claim Ihat the will was nmdo while ho was not in a suitable mental condition and that it was not drawn in proper form , Alneu had been drinking heavily , resulting in partial paralysis. Ho was unconscious until noon , then rallied talked vrilh his friends , at 7 o'clock in the overling made his will , and about K o'clock bank Into unconsciousness am diyrt at midnight , The jury \YfW still closotcd last ovonlng , Irying to roach u conclusion. Bound for Grand Island. A special car from Avoca passed through here yesterday bearing the U. S Grant Post G , A , R , of that place , under tin * command of E , A. Consignoy , bound for the reunion at Grand Island. The car was bountifully decorated , and coutainci about thirty veterans. 'Doq" Scott an Kor It. Mrs. V. H. Scott has ii\ed \ an informa tion against her "recent'1 husband , Doe" Scott , who , jby the way , it Is laimcd , is her sixth husband. She not icing : satisfied with having him sent tone no county jail in default of payment of i .1115 Hue , imposed on him last Monday jy .fudge Aylesworth for clubbing her inniercifullv. now swears ho throalened o kill her. That her "Doc" is a tough ono no ono Icnics , and it is claimed by another voinan , who resides ; ti the Scott mansion n "Duck Hollow" .that she will tlso swear out a warrant israinst "Doc" for rnpo' ; claiming that ) iie dark night recently , as she was eturniiig home from a visit to Mrs. Scott , she nun "Doc , " who was on his vay homeward from the beer garden , at vhich plaeo he was for a long time 'head pusher. " She says ho was drunk , uid that ho assaulted In r and raped her. \VhethiM1 \ she will llio the information or tot remains to be seen. Yesterday she vas at the city building and told her slory , but said she'd ' wii't snvhilo before she would swear against liim. Tlio Missouri Valley IC Yesterday a gav party of ladies and { ontlemen from Missouri Valley came lown to spend ihnday in lids city. They vent direct to Fail-view park , where they icld a basket nienic , after which they strolled around Iho city taking in the sights of the metropolis , after which they euirncd by llio evening train to their ionic. The parly consisted of Mr. and Mrs. lolin .SchultK , Mr. and Mrs. BrvM'o. Mrs. I. 11. McGovron and daughter Hatlic , Mrs. Axtell , Mrs. K. A. Boies , Miss Kmma larris , Fannie Baldwin , Mr. and Mrs. I ) . 11. Harris , W. II. Spencer , Mrs. W. Milton ami daughter , Airs. 11. Har- jens , Mr. and Airs. . ) P. Lahman , Air. Mrs. Bob Harris , . Homer Dnlton , Ali.-s , euii Josmc , Aliss Klla I tollman and Chas. llargen. lOiiKino and Cars Ditched. A cou | ilo of freight cars and an engine wore ditched in the Union Pacific trans- ryard.i , but luckily no one was injured. ! l seems an engine from Omaha backed over the bridge for a train of loaded 'reiglit cars , and after being coupled on o the train started for the bridge with a switch engine belonging in the yard.s lore behind Ihu train to help ( hum up the "dump. " As the train reached the switch the engine left the tr.iek , llio switch being open , as did the next two ears. The rear engineer noticing Iho trouble , reversed his engine and parted he train , thereby averting an accident of greater proportions. T > ricHtuicli Not Guilty. The jury ill the case of youngDries - jack , whoso father runs a confectionary stand in the opurn house , and who was tried for assaulting an Italian named 'Alike , " before Judge Ayleswortli on Monday , returned si , vci'dict yesterday norniug of not guillyj It seems Dries- jack was sprinkling the Street with a lose when the wale r .struck the Italian tvho was just coming up out of the bar- Di.r shop in the basement ! of the opera louse. Alike got excited , and the two clinched and it ib claimed Alike lost a couple of teeth in the fracas. bDI : ' ; 1 , 401 BROADWAY , la. Are opc'iiing new and beautiful designs in'a 'a ' Moqnette , Body Brussels , Velvet , Tapestry Brussels , 3-Ply luyralns , % -Ply Ingrains , Ray Carpets , ETC. For oflic.cs , hotels , lodge rooms , Call for prices at Jlarkucss Bros , ' , 401 Broadway. Are now arriving and in stock. Tri cots , Flannels , Cashmeres , pte. Ex cellent for traveling and fall service. Black Silks and In the new colors. Quality the best and prices the lowest for good goods. Ladies wishing relia ble goods will call on Ilarknoss Bros. ' , No. 401 JJroadway. Council muffs. A few more of those Lisle Thread 1 1 OHO left at 2i > c . , in black and in colors , at JliirkiicBS Bros. . No.KM Broadway. OIL CLOTHS In many now patterns and a lar/jo / stock to select from. Door Mats , Hugs , Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. , at HarK- IIOKS Brothers , No. 4U1 Broadway , Council Bl nil's. _ _ _ K , . IS-ICE , M. D. , Hi' othur . Tumors ruinovoil wltbo.i tiu ) j. Over thirty. voai-s * pruotldnl ( ttporlenoo , No. II Vcai-lSt. . Council 'Hlull . ff ! Consnltiitlnii free. _ ' . Justice of the Peace .lourmilx , C'oiiuly and Itiinli IVorlc ol'i.H Kiiulu aSi e Inliy. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders MOREHOUSE & CO. Room 1 Kveret Block , Council Bluffs , Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind ing in Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. JIKPBUBNCKS : O. D. Notional Iluak , M. li Smith Jc Co. , CltlzunsHunk. . Decro , Wells \ Co. , kirbt National liank , O. II. liisuriinco Co. , " * i er & Pusoy.ltaiikors.C. 11. Bavhics llnuk. BOSTON TEA COMPANY , Wholesale and Retail Grocers , Ko. ! 6 Main arcd 15 Pearl Street , Oouneil Bluffs. WAXTKn 100,000 HlOJil ! ( 'IWOMKliS. uThe Ideal Wavusesha Water. " llotllod direct at the spring , has been found invaluable in the treatment of diseases of Kidneys and bladder , such as Bright's Disease , Albuminiiria Diabetes , Inllama- lion of the Bladder , elc. The medical profession with great unanimity for many years past has been proscribing Wankcsha water for such ailments , and ARCADIAN as the most perfect examples of these waters is rapidly monopolizing thu patron * age of the experienced physicians and of intelligent invalids , Diluting and neu tralizing the urine , allaying Inllamaiion , freeing Ihc urinary passages of elTeto matter and acting us a natural solvent. The Arcadian is ( ho bosl of medicinal sigenls in diseases of llio .stomach and alimentary canal , .such as dyspepsia , bil ious fever , catarrh of the stomach , jaundice , malaria , nervous debility and kin dred aiTcctions. Prof. Waller S. Haines , M. I ) . , Iho celebrated chemist of Rush Medical College , says " 1 have never analyzed a purer water. " J. Ada 5s Allen , M. D. , L. L. 1) . , nresidenl Rush Medical College says--"This spring furnishes Ihc typical water of health. Try it and bo convinced. * D. G. Morgan & Co. , 11. A. B\ird : , 11. J. Palmer , C. Deetkens , A. Al. Buardsley , Taylor & CallIV. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Brick buildings oE any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame buildings moved on Litllo Gisuit trucks , best in the world. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Streut.Conml . Bluffs. "f t u. , 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Farmiiicr lands in Iowa. Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranging from 61.25 to $ ia per acre. School and state lands in Slimio.sota on HO years time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by P.P. Lanstrup , No. 035 Broadway , Council JJlufFs , Iowa. OraahaDentalAssociation .Nos. 1610-1.VJ1 Douglas st , Omaha and No 83-1 Broadwsiy , Council Bluffs. Painless Dentistry. No linmbucl Ons , Vltnll/Cfl Air , KtliiT nml Cliorofnrni , with tliulr IckcnlnKOtloct iivoldcd by tlio most wonderful uniiestlietle , purify- InK tlio bloo-l imil bul d'nv up thj tlasuos. Omaha Dental Association , Solo Prop'rs. flnld Cronni , Cold rial } icml Continuous Teeth , u kpevlalty. llcat tuotli (0 ; furmur jirlco } 15 per set. COUNCIL BLUFre Tall Meeting. FOUR DAYS' ' RACING. Trolling. ami Tuesday , Aug. 31st , Wednesday Sept. 1st , . , - Thursday , Sept , 2d , and Friday , Sept 3rd , Including special attractions by Prof. A. K , Walker's world famous Racing DogK daily and Balloon Ascensions by Prot'.A. S. Parker daily , in front of the grandstand. Othor.'allractions In llio way of Kiioed consisting of celebrated horses from Kentucky , Ohio. Illinois , Indiana and Wisconsin. Bcdnced rates on all railroads. Come everybody and have a good time , For parliculars , address FRANK STUBBS , Sci-rclnry Horses and Mules For nil purposes , bouelit nnd sold , ut rolull aaJ in lota. I-urgo ( juantitton to wtwf f row Several pulrs of line driver * , Blnaleoi-Uoublo. MASON WISE , Council ' OFFICER & FUSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , Eitnlil.'shcd 187 lowest rates , Real estate dandled , In suranee written anil all kinds of bonds bought by F , J , Day Ko , 39 Pearl St , , Council Bluffs , Established 1881 , City Steam Laundry ! J ? EMEU < C SEAltlGJfT , No. 34 N. Main Street , Council Uluflj ) . Finest work and lamest iirlccafor /IHC / woi-h : All collars anil ciiff'a re turned in collar ami ruff boxes itvtlioHt extra chit rye , ii'ltleli guar antees ivorlc In sawn condition an it leai'csuti. Out of town orders re ceive fame attention and at name rates as citu work. F. W. SPETMAH & BRO XO. 50 ! ) it r ll M.IIA.ST. Daily rcrcipts of new goods.Hats Cans , Cloiliing , and a full line of Dry Goods , all of the Jatual styk-s. Call anil ION.Vain St. , Council BlufTrt , In. , nml 20J S. loth .St. . Kooin 10 , Omaha , Neb. Manufacturer's ARuntfor tint CALIGRAPH TYPB WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Aivnlnqra. Kotifliip Slate , .Man tels , Plate and Window ( Jlass , Show- CIISOH , Klovators ( liiinil and hy draulic , ) &c , In tUoel'y cnu Imobtiilncd by piitruuUJnir tUu 501 i Coundl illi.lTa GJKO , W. S None but expor'er.coil ImntU cmulojcO , Out o flown orOeie by mull or express no'iulteil ' , find l.vul wi.rruiued. WHOLESALE" AND JOBBING ; 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS. DKKKK. WKLLS & < u WlioloMlo Agricultural Implements , Buggia ; , fnrrlnm * * . ito : . I'to.titnoi1 ( HlulK lowe , KHYSTONK MAXtTKAriTIMNG CO. Make the Original Hint Comilolo | Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill < S Press , COHN SIIKU.I.HS AND IT.Kt ) ( TTTKIl * . Nos. ir.Cl , IWl , I.VH anil i.Vj ; nnth Mala Ptroot , _ Council UiiilT' , limn. * imii > iiium.r.Y & n MnniH 'itin 1 .lobhor. * of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Cnrrtnirp * . ninl ( ill klnli ol Kami Mnohlmirr. 1100 to Ilia South Mnln Street I'ouuoil Ulurfu , I own. r.O. ( It.KtsoN , T. 1 1.Doroi. v * . nro.R WitiniuT 1'res.ATrnm. V.-l'roi - . ' - A-Mmi. Sn & ( < uinsol. Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( IiKMrporntctl. ) MnnufnL'ttirors \xlo.ritk , floiliro and SrnMl IlnmlliN , of t'vory CAtllW ! * . COUNCIL BU'Frs CAKPKT co. . Carpets , Curtains , Window Shade ? , Oil Cloths , Riirtnlii riitliron , ITpholsinry ( loojj , Ktc. Ma 405 llrouilwny Council I Icinrii. S' , TOHACCO , ATr. 1'KHKCiOY * JIOOKK , Wholon1o Jotilicis In Iho Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. ESMalii nutl 27 Vi irl His. Council lllulTs , IOWH. CO.l/.W/.SS/O.V. / / SNYDKR * LKAMAN , Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. Xo Hl'o.irl St. , Count-It IllulTd. I1AHLK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , . s' Smidrlt-s , Kto. No. M ln St. , aivl No. 21 Pi'iirl St. , Council IHuHn. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Qoncrnl Commission. No. 5U DronJwaj' , Pouncll Illnffu. WlllT it DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 18 mid 18 Pearl St. , Council UliilTa. OnOCBKIKS. L. K1USCHT & CO. , Jobbers ol Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wliolcsaln Llijuor Donlors. No. 410 llroail- wiiy. Council I IlAItXKSS , KTC. KKCKMAN & CO. , Mnnu'nctnrors of anil Whole lo Donlow In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. K5 Mulii St. . Couuuil Ulutrs , lown. //.ITS , CAPS. KTC. METCALV BHOTHKRS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Glove ? . Nos. 342 mid :1U : nronihruy , Council lllinra. 11KA W KKEL1NE & FELT , Wliolcsulo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council Illnirs , Iowa. H AXD troou 1) . 11. McDANELU & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TallowWool , I'clls.Oien'ioand fc'uri Council Illuirfl Iowa. COUNCIL 15LUFFS OIL CO. , Vhol iile Donlors in Illuminating & Lulirloatln 011 $ G ETC. , ETC. B.TliootloroArent ( , Council ItlnlTs. lo\f.v LUMUKlt , I'lLlXV , KTC. A. OVKRTON As CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , 4nd llrldgo Mntcrinl SpeolaUI''SWliolesno ! Lutn- lior ol aU ICIiuls. UIBco No. 130 Main St. , Council llluffa. loivn. LIQUOltS. JOHN LINDEH , Wbolosili : Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Aseut forSt. ( iottliai'd'fi Herb Illltow. No. II Main St. Council llliilN. SCIIXEIDEH & HKC3K , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , AuCVM MittH M. . Ci-lliicll llluft. ! for the LAKE TiiJSDinarOLLIE MAY Newly titled up. urn ! junior tlio clinrira of a hKiliful onirineoruMil pilot , Is now iimunm piuus- " " "LAKE MANAWA. Wf will Klvo c'lini-lurs to p.irllc-a for ono hour oi-anjr Icnslli ot'llino ilrslroil. llitti-3 of i-lmrlcr iflTfll nml < ' " 'l'- > ? ft'"liV" ' nt . . butn-cen lioiiM 10 to IJ 11. olllt ! o. S ) > Main 3 t. , j \i \ , DAI II .V 1.1 * . SPEOIALNOTIOES. Fpoclnl lulvi'itlst'iiionlF. m'li us l.oH , 1'oun To I win , KOIB.tle , To lH'iil. ft mils , lluiirillim , rtc , will beinfcrto.1 . In tin- column ut Iho low rnloolTKNCKNTS 1'IUt UXK lorllio tlr tllisor tlonnad nvufoatsVei'Iilnaforuiulinibsojuonl liifcitloti , J.uiivo u.lvt'illioniriits lit oil r ollico Np. W 1'i'Hl btroit. UioAdi.My , Couuuil WANTS. TT.rvriYfTTlilU'litu ! Kirl. V > .MRltn ; HiDflii-f. GUI Dill . - ! . V\\i 'ii.n I'll > ttiitmi CT nt Uiuio&.Mrt'- KIT'S. i-eMuui-iint , Xo. Mi llruiulwuy , Conn- ri | lliuaa. _ . _ 1' /oil b/u'i : "tii Trn < lu-A 1M iicro fni-in , IIS 1 nt-ros uiiU'ii-piuw , Wr.i'iCHpiiBtui'J.Wiiiiioa liiiririoiitiJ.KoixI lnaiboiiml l.-iin. Will t-oll iir truiln Jor nxi-cliiinilbo. AiUri"1' . O. box llbi , Council I'.llliU ' , Iowa _ _ _ _ _ I ) Aiimst.str.nt < " " ' ' -I'0 ' OK < 'U ' > l ll < ii.-o. : _ _ _ FOU SAI.I ! OM najiors. In run | > itillo to at lies oQloo Ku.'J \ I'tsurljilronl. _ JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , COXJNTOII. . raijTJ jTCS PradU'fs in Iho Slate and l-'odoral courtJ