Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Tke OspiU ] City S-adc Lsrpe IMeatioas
to lit Qnad ! l id Otiop.
TcfTi , f Cm f. , Again Hoflprtfiir * In Ilic
Senatorial Contest 1-rtlrtl
111 * Siaie Cn $ li l Other
1.1 ncoin .Votes.
* rt oM Mddiers are to the Irt l
nd ih < IS. & M. is sending dtrabl ?
irnins Jo tin1 reunion at Uraad Inland
Yesterday Ihp B. < fc M. dejjot * a ; the
JlvelfoM § era * -itnes < < nd in many days ,
and nmonir the crowd * Ibat troappd tip
down the long i 1Uoriru alarre t > ? r-
were dressed in blue witii badpes
s that thjr ere of th * rand
tinny oi the rfiwblic. The crowds of
pilgrims enronte to the rcuniwu i-snif
from fciis-t and M uth , and every man Lad
FtrspptKl to his back a qmlt or blanket in
< vhkk to wrap himself on the touted
tiuW. Tho'xj were flat ; * and banners in
abundance and at many a ; live different
bands were noted at the platform of the
depot before the different section' , of the
(5mm ) Island train left for the weM.
1'rotn Lincoln a lanre delojr.ition went to
the front ytMerday from Tarrasut
post of this place. Alonp with
the pttet , it * officer'nd members ,
n band was taken , and the delegation
will be augmented with additions. ] itietn-
bcirj. who will advance to the reunion
Inter. Amonj ; the individual exctui on-
JKU to the reunion yeMi-rday were Serre-
tj ry I'.o iren and Attoin'ev General
LeeM1 , of the tate officer- . County C'lerk
liell , County Trca&urer liochc. and Do-
putj Sheriff Sir-Oar , from the county
offices ; while John McClay , Major Pierce
jind ot.heri holpoU out the quota from
citi/.cus at larjre.
Ex-Senator Tefit , of Cast , county , who
has become a congressional candidate ,
yas at the state capitol yesterday look
ing over the work that had been done by
Howe and Weaver in previous days. Mr
TefTt has been in a s > ort of semi-s-fclusion
for several years , and his reappearance
on the turf comes both likea memory nnd
a retroi-pection. The IIUK man "in a
short interview ascertained from
the lips of the candidate
that it was his friends and
not himself xrho had brought Mr. TeSt
into the race. A < .hort . discussion was
enterud into regarding state politic- and
the senatorial succe-sion. all of which
were met bj Mr. Teflt xuth such a uc-
cuSfful noil-committal air Uiat all doubts
were removed as to hi * being a fuli-
fledged candidate. A ? Cass county hn =
done in the past so it is prp nmrd it will
do again and supply him with his home
delegation a a nucleus , and there is no
more open field in which to struggle for
htiencth than in Lancaster , and ex-Sena
tor Tefft is a man who does not let new
neil from under his foot-gear when he is
in the field as a candidate for anything.
< -OXGllEa. MAX LAIUI > ,
from the second district , in company with
H. Bostwick of Ha-tmg * , was at Lincoln
yesterday for the first time since the ad
journment uf congress Although it is
ouU-ide his district , there is no question
but that there was a ii < niifieance in his
visit , e-pecially as the railway magnates
were here at tne same time , and the hotel
registers noted several district-StatCBtnen
in the city who could be thus easily seen
without the expense of roundabout travel.
To the BEE man , Mr. Laird expressed
the fact that the BEE was a lively news
paper , but , remarkable as it may seem ,
lie had no eulogies for its independence.
As the lower temperature flag was float
ing from the nubile building , the inter
view was short and pointless. Mr. Laird
returned at noon to Hastings , to attend
the reunion at Grand Wand.
THE B & M. orric'iALS. '
Yesterday the special coaches of Mr.
Firkin-and of ( Manager Hold-
rcge were side-tracked at this point , and
General Superintendent CalveitandB.
A : M , Attorney T. M. Mnrqnctte were
holding a business meeting with
the mentioned of the official ? . i'rusl-
dent IVrkiiis. and Mr. Holdrcge are on a
tour of inspection of the pew Grand
Island line , but they are also looking a-
well after other new lines , principally
the Ashland extension toVihoo : and the
TCorth Platle country by wav of Nortt
Bend. The BEE received a Lint that the
corporation has also under serious con
sideration the building of a line betweer
Platt ! > rnouth and Nebraska City , and th <
citizens of the latter place may enjoy :
direct line to Omaha in the near fulun
as well as a second line to Linccln by th <
Missouri Pacitie.
rou A iifxr.
Yesterday some fifteen of the member !
of the Plattf-month Sportsman's clul
pas-ed through Lincoln en route to Cus
ter county , after the Jest ire chicken. Thii
is one of the long established and mo
enthusiastic gun clubs in the. state , and m
year pas-es by without numerous
excursions of this kind "with Genera
Livingston at the bead. The hunter
had a handsome bench show of a dozei
choice pointers and setters , and they ha <
several ca-es of bait packed in ice
enough and to spare for the envy of th
presidential party in the Adirondack * , .
, yesterday the absence of several of th <
officials who had departed to the reunioi
was noticable. Superintendent .lone :
v ho was hero lor 11 day from institut
work , departed westward , and Judge M
B. lt < Hi ! e or the supreme court was ores
unt at the court rooms on business callin ;
" lain to Lincoln.
Hppoiuted by the governor the past weel
number the following list distribute
over the state O. A Stubbs , Brad&huH
EtuuK'H H. Uorr , York ; Daniel Gregg
Kobranka City. J.V Maxwell , Lincoln
I ) . L. GraverStratton * , U. L. Prttumat
Willow Sirings , Gartield county ; Fran
L. Gregory. Omaha ? J. C. Camcroi
Omaha ; S. A. Sloman , Oraatia ; Lewis J
Beltzur. Imperial. Chas countyDanit
C. Bond , Elm Croat , Baffulo count ;
Clarence D. Clark. Kearney ; Thaddeu
S. Clarkspn , Omaha- . Barker , Hu L
.villc , Sheridan county ,
The fakir men are coming to town , s
well a large delegations of fcnea
thiuvns. , thuga and bums , all of wtiot
urc drawn here by the near approach t
the state fair. The officers are alread
t-n aged in locating and spotting BUJ
picious characters , and they express
determination to Leep the upper ban
of the gangs il possible. One of th
officers remarked that he already reco ;
uized a half-dozen parties who had DC
Struck the city for a twelve-month , an
lie was lameutin-j the fact that , believin
them crooks , he Tiad not the evidence t
make arrests Jit once.
"Hash is higher , "remarked a rcgnls
boarder at one of the uptown re.laurant .
and he produced a slip of paper whic
proved to be a published agrctmei
between restaurant men to advance tfc
price of meal tickets fifty cents a ww
all around. Tee exptMJted ttata fa
harvest may have some bearing on U ;
The city council at its last meeting vri
confronted by the hackmen of the fit ;
who desired the ordinance rescinded thi
fiit d Uie charges by backs at fair time
This ordinance it wul be remembered fixe
the charges from otj to grounds f <
hat k at 25 cents eacli way , and tt
prodigious kick back owners raise woul
go to show that they expected to exact
nmctt hhrber rate. The m Jtprofr iciRd
me wnv U en undei adn.-mm'Bt by th *
< * win < ll SJM ! ft 1 * an elfcj nt t pi > oruitiity
f' r them toliibit thfir tmck bone n > 1
eive thf fwojOe the benefit not of i h" l >
I'.it r awttinfilf rtc < .
< t inor , of Plutt moBth. wms : n
yct Taiy ( coaff rntip with the
H A ; M. offx-mU xnd rr ngim : for more
f rralt r. on tbe new bruacbf < > . U * MI-
ncmnces that hp will pal in fivteletnor *
nti the Ashland brt.nrh north and two on
th * Ashland rut off line to Omitim.
C. F. S. T iplin , of Xfbfft'kA City , tfe
chnirtnan of 1be Mate pr' > lnhtioti : com-
t it1 ' , KR in Lincoln ? > * t < rdat conier-
fing with cold wite-ritft-and th oindi-
datfon that ticket who reside in tlii <
ciiy. Tbr utincninofmrtit has bwn wsd
thai the pixthibs intend orirsninntf ' etrry
wbool dislrxjt in the sUik * for the cam-
The "Devil1 * ; Auction" i bookifd for
Fanke's opera hou - on Saturday even-
ing. the -3th , and its annomieera it i *
that it ill be its last appearance in Lin *
coin. On previous vi it litre tUis spec
tacular drama hacil * a much wonder
ment and drawn large boos * ? , and its
appearance ajrain is the signal fora proal
attendant- .
l hanj 1'earie of Falls-City , A VV. Artec
ot Aurora , anil E. \Varrenof Nebraska
City , were parUesof political inclinations
who vrere at the s-tate capital vciterday.
Police court bad a very Jipht docket
ye U-rday morning , only tvro drunks
ctominp before the maci'trate for sent-
t'liee. The strike of the ciiy pris-oiiers
came to an end nnd all was peace and
quietness at headquarter *
The new IVoplcs' theatre wac opened
Monday t'u-niiiE by Maud Hone nnd lier
coratmny , ulajinu'to n crowdwl houe. .
The new theatre is a pern , ami the pro
prietors , propose to make it a first-class
lamilv theatre in which none but troupes
of known chamcttr will be admitti-d.
The jobbers ol Hie city have organized
and it is the first tcji taken by whole
salers to secure Missouri river rates for
Lincoln. Their first meetinj ; was pro-
uouuced tnr one of their nuinber as very
enthuM.nMie for retorm in railroad rates
Among the Kebra'kans at the capital
city ycMrduy Mere noted the following :
1'ranl. McCartney. Nebraska City : E. H.
Mo-her. Ormiha.'K A. Uibk Beaince. C.
O. Cummmirs McCook. A. G. Day ,
( Jrafton. B. F. Thomas. Liberty ; 11. C
} Veb = U-r , Hasting ; 1 > . L ( laup. Weep
ing "Water , E. Monteomerj , Albion ; T.
A. Wilson , Tecumseh. .
If you are sufferiu } : with wcnk or in-
flumed ey , or frranulated eyelid- , you
can be quiekJy cured by usin < i Dr .1.11
McLean' * Stfcnpthemne Eje Salve. 23
cent * a box
Curiouo Life-Savins Machine A. Sea
AVagun TwentjSeven Feel Hipti.
An ocean tricycle , twenty-seven feet
high , IF in course of building in Camden ,
and will be completed so that the invent
or may test it in the surf at Ocean City
within two weeks. A tricycle on which
to ride through and over the breakers
which beat on the Atlantic coast may
have been dreamed of , but that it would
ever be thought of when awake and so
ber has entered into the minds of but
few beside E. C. Lake , who has secured a
patent for his invention , and expects to
find millions in it. 1 he object of this.
probably the largest tricycle ever built ,
is not simply for excrei-e and amuse
ment. as are the los pretentious three-
wheeled vehicles , but it is proposed to
utilize it as a means for the saving of life
from vessels wrecked on the dangerous
beaches. This one will be u-ed by the
lifesaving station at Ocean City , and if
it proves a .success , as all who hav-e ex
amined it believe it will , others will be
built for the life-saving stations all along
the coa-t.
The machine may be run by two men
easily , and yet is so strong and so con
structed as to pa--ihrou < ru the roughest
water without injurj and without even
wetting the men who may ride upon it.
except such wetting as may be due to
"It can be run out to a wreck at any
time , " said the man who was superin
tending the wort , "and it will , beyond
question , revolutionize the present sys
tem of saving life on the coast. There
need be no trouble hcrealterm launching
tbe surf-boat , and the motor ued for
shooting a line across stranded vessels
may be Jaid aside forever , once this ma
chine is in working trim. Instead of re
quiring an hour or two to reach a wrecked
ves-el , it may be done on the sea-wagon
in ten minutes , and without tlie least
danger. The imperilled crew could be
taken ashore on the machine , if deired ;
in fact , a perfect communication be
tween the land and tbe wreck will be es
tablished , and absolutely witnout dan
ger , when this machine j put into gene
ral use. "
The "sea-wagon , " as the inventor has
nami-d it , is compo.-ed entirely of iron
and st el , except the small triangular
jilatform at the top , on which those who
work it will stand. The heels , which
are eight feet and a half in diameter , are
of steel , and sire placed at the points of
a triangle , each side of which is twenty-
four feet at the top. The frame is a skel
eton , the iron bemz so arranged as to
present as little resistance to wind and
waves as possible. The inventor expects
the roughest seas to break through it
without doing the least damage to the
machine. The motive power is by the
working of two levers at the top plat
form. These levers each have two steel
rods , whifh lead down to tbe front
wheels of the tricycle , the tires of which
are notched. A shoe on the end of each
steel rod catches in these notches , and
propels the machine by moving up and
down of the levers. The rod * , are so
placed on the lever that , while one is go
ing down lor a fresh grip , the other is
pulling upward. By ibis means the mo
tion is continuous , and the rate at which
two men are expected to bo able to move
it through the water is three miles an
hour , as fast ae the average gate of walk
ing. The third , or hind M heel , acts like
a carter , and. swinging on a pivot , lol-
lowt the leading whoe.l of tbe tricycle ,
which is steered by the levers.
Very few vessels are wrecked in twenty
or more feet of water , and if the "sea.
wagon" operates as its maker expects il
to , it may bo run out to any stranded ves-
sel. A ladder arranged so as to be ex
tended from the top is placed on one side
of the vehicle , and by this not only will
the crew of the machine mount to the
railed platform , but crews of wrecked
vessels may do the Eunie , and be wheeled
to tbe land. Six men could thus bo car.
rind at a time ,
lit itrict rctcrt ) to Ptritr Ptrr.imb tn :
aeu. Or Fnae i llntlut l'r atr < : n-Uiitu
t-o Animonit. Ilm or Alum. Kr Pncr't Eiirktu
VLCUIL , Loiuun. Ontice. pic - C T-JT < Jt . uouwj
ffUC fAKOtQ POWDia CO. . Odessa oai St. Ituis.
Sad Efidiac of a Life Bctnanoe Bfgca ia
An Uniie < sc - fulVoi er f the Si
ter T Ofnt't-DOr M . n IIc-
uHlted In Pai-K Onl.v to be
teetered by Death ,
"I hare a j lot for a historical novel. "
said a friend to me the other d v. und
f vsr jyetKToas luncheon , -writes Hal-ton
in Ike New York Tkn . be rocltwl a
story in which us central figure was the
only son of Lewis Cas > . of national fame
Lewis Cas * himself WRS no inear hero
for & tale to point a stirring epoch , u
American history , but the son whom lie
loved so dearly , for whom he planned so
muchand of whom so much was expect
ed he , rather tfian his father , is the
chosen subject of the novelist. To love ,
not statesmanship , was In ? life turned.
Hewent to West Point and was on tbe
way to distiuclion in the national uni
form , M hen there came suddenly into bis
life the factor that changed all its pros
pects , all his ambitions. The face of a
beautiful woman came between him and
the fortune that hitherto had seemed
surely awaiting him rather he him-elf
brought that face into the way , and be
himself kept it there years on years , till
in a foreign Intid he died.
It was something like fifty year * ano
that Michigan came into the union a lull-
lledged state , with Mephen Mason for
her lirs ! governor. Hi * sister , already
known a- the liand'-ome.-t , wittiest , mu-t
popular woman in all the northwest , pre
sided at the executive mansion. Emily
V. Ma onwas bip-brained , big-hearled ,
geneious. Suitor-be-ieged her , but now ,
as in the day * some lime before , when
-he had pre-ided in her father's home ,
when he was Michigan's territorial treas
urer , she was , i : not careless and regard-
"c.sof deAolion , at least found irrespon-
ive alwavc. She was fir-t lady of her
tale in the time when that meant more
ban it means in this latter day , when
official hospitality has new bounds and
political cenerosity runs in worse direc-
.ions. Old Lewis Ca s was her admirer
: md her friend , and pride wa- not lack
ing hen his heir , the young Lewis Cji.-s ,
came home one day from the camp on
he Hudson full of a purpose to ask
Emily Maon to be hi- wife , -he would
'lave made a royal daughter , and old
yewis Cas knew it and hoped for it-
:5uthe : she wa- not to be readily won.
leryounc-uitor's admiration , she rea
soned , and reasoned thus openly with
: iimselt , was not the quality he
bought it , was not a finality
with him ; when he had grown
olderreen more of the world , and seen
he world clo-ely , then he might find new
deals , and this nflection of West Po"it
daymiirht seem tiv that time old. worn
ancl .inde-irable. He argued in vain -lie
smiled at his fervid protestation'-
iled < red him friendship and gayly tf > M
him to "wait" until the passinir of a few
years should prompt him to come to her
with frank avowal ol thanks for this
day's decision. She wa- older than he
'It will be a glad tiling,1' ' she told him.
'always to claim yon for my darling
younrrer brother. " As for him. IKwort -
that lie bad years enough to know his
own mind , and , so swearing , he went his
way. More than once the gossips said
thereafter that love finally was to have
his way , and the beautiful woman , re
lenting , was after all tD take from Major
Lewis Cass a wedding ring. A time came
when the Michigan capital was agong in
expectation of a social event such as had
not been known there in many a day , an
event "when , so it was jiromi-ed , the an
nouncement finally was to go forth to the
worid that Emily Mason was soon to be
Emily Cass. That event did not come ,
foroia sudden Governor Mason died ;
troubles came financial troubles and
the brave girl found herself almost home
less ; the family fortune wagone. . N ° v
eis may have it so. but in real life this is
not the lit and proper time for wealthy
sweethearts to come a courting the girl
of pride and independence. And Lewis
Cass kept his wedding ring.
Such few dollars as were left to her
Emily Mason gathered together and
with a spirit brave and fearless and earn
est enough to glorify her sex , she put
aside > ocial distinction , quit the scenes ol
her young life's happiness and womanly
triumphs , to go out among strangers to
earn a livelihood. Not for herself only ,
but for the orphans of her brother , tu'is
she to battle. Down on a Virginia farm
she showed her enterprise , her industry ,
her pluck. The war came and found her
with a fortune tot mean in its proper
tions. Prosperity had waited on all her
ventures , and all through the Old Domin
ion county of Fairfax she was known as
a woman of boundless generosity. But
the marauding troops ol war times Jud :
her fields in ae-olation and sent many
dollar's worth of ner property to utter
extinguishment Did she then give way
to moans and hysteria * Not she ; while
armed men stood ncainst one another in
bitter battle over the smoking ruins of
her home she hurried to Richmond not
bearing memoranda or bills for her
horses , but instead to volunteer to do
what she could of a good woman's , part
in the terrible time of the war. And in
southern hospitals she labored unceas
ingly till the union was itself again and
no more need was there for the smooth
ing of the wounded soldier's pillow. To
day in many a northern home , in many a
southern home as well , there are men
who carry the marks of bullet or shell ,
and who still bear in memory's mirror
the face of who , calm and loving nnd
all-devoted like a tender sister , soothed
their hospital hours , and but for whose
ministrations death would ha\e come.
The war was a consecration to her. She
ended hospital work to devote her ener
gies to the education of southern orphans ,
bho was bu-y und she did good. For a
lime lier home was \Vashingion , and
had been her will old-time
it - social prom
inence would have come to her again
Brilliant men nnd women were her guests.
Her pen was busy then , and the literary
world talked of what she did , though her
own name was not on the title pages of
volumes that her genius created , fehc
was passing the prime of life when for
tune took her over the sen to France.
Why she went there were some to make
clever guessesguesses with sentiment in
them , but no words were given by the
noble woman to stand for explanation ; if
acts spoke they forsooth onemed no in-
barrassment to her. Major Cass had
gone to Paris before her. years before ,
and gone there to stay. Why he went re
quired no toil ot cnesiing , he himself had
never striven to hide the reason , love un
accepted , a blighted courtship these
were his promptings , and he had sought
no mask for them
And Paris mascotte town of the uni
verse Paris brought Euiilv Mason and
Lewis Cass together. He llad boooine a
Frenchman ; in his ways and in his
thoughts he was deploying all that pic
turesque commingling of careless gayety
and fateful cynicism which murks the
manhood of I ranee's capital. The com
ing of Emily Mason brought new light to
him , kindlw anew old'firtss , or mayhap
turned into new life embers long smolder
ing under ashes of fashionable formality.
And again he declared his love , the Jove
that ho had laughed at when he wore
the vnform of a West Pout ; cadet , the
1 JVL that fcJie liad said was to be fleeting
and changeable , and find new jd'-als , the
love that later she had denied because
The nest / / rt 8' Ivu I orrr ( tilting , fill br nni < ii7 thr tlniJnny df'tlfr * oftiii : - . ' < t i ! i' ill no dottbt IK iti > jtl'ii of ' " ' i ifrleiil- . ftfJifit 1.1 Me
i 7nrruiif . /o ri//rr f7n rtiminnrr. TIfl Itl riT ( i OTHI1'AIH Oli .at 1 J lit rarnaiti v'r/f ( . ( f < nof r < n fo f ; f i antirontro-
> f'o / ? flio e in + ro tt-li of
And Gents' Furnishing Goods ,
Tlietj icill not waste tJicirtitnr bti jta yiny tliein a n + it.aslliei/Jinrr fparetl no paint in t-tlretiny tlieir fall and fHnler Sloe ) , of Clothing , Wits and
I'tiriiMiiny Good- , that tliey should be able to display nn ininjnallcd ftocJ. in Quality ami ( juantity trct-t ofYrir 1 orl. City.
. ! . , no article trill befotiwl of inferior rjiinJH ; ! . .Yi / m ; but sitrJi a * it-ill furnish riilirt * ati + fartioH , T-i" nior/.H if tr'll homul > ifjfr/r f tt
gratify any tot-tc tlif m > rninit < liij > iniurt > ( iwl. nmf the jirirn * trill In jouml In yowl UK reach ofcon > ] > rtiton.Thr wo.-f ro ; ; rs' / ref
Erer shown irc-tof Xcic Yorl ; City , rnn ln-ftntml in riri"ljtofpnt > rrH > > an < 1 qualiiit.cqitnl in tliira Hitifinil at ; > r/Vr / > JO per eent aiiranee of rout to a business irntf irr > 7irif your coii + iilt-rution in our Mmlfto call anil t-ntiffy auytfouM you may hare of the abore statement. You
arc induced , but not forced to buy. ! > not i > er/efilij Mf/i-s/ia/
1119 harnam Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
adverse lortunes fell upon her the love
that siill was the some love , devoted ,
earnest , and e-mr-enduring. But yet
again she saifi him nay. ; after giving
tl c strenirih. . * and fullness and
tbe best of her lile to others , it were
not met-t , she argued him , to render now
husks when the Kernels tvere spent else
where. His fortune and his name she
put aside now as aforetime ; yet now she
did what in the old days she had hesi
tated to do : she avowed that ever and
always her heart had been his , all and
supremely ; fate had ruled it well to keep
them : u > art such had been her ill-tuned
solace when tendre thoughts nnd repin
ing had come stalking into her dreams ,
and now perhaps she really saw it so
it was fate which ordained that not more
than brother and sister should be these
twain , met confessed lovers in aire.
And Lewis Cass ? Then Lewis Cass
died !
Lniily Mason brought his mortal rem
nant home across the ocean and laid him
at rest in the sod of his native north
western stale , to find _ herself his heiress ,
btrange lives ! ICot ignoble , but noble
yet strange lives still.
My friend is right ; he ha ? his histori
cal novel material in alundance.
It is well known that the inhabitants of
many eastern nations shield themselves
against infectious disorders by wearing
Aromatic Gums on the pit of the stomach.
Their instincts are right , for strong per
manent odors antagonistic to the liv
ing germs winch cause disease. For this
reason Allcoek's Porous Plasters , being
composed of fragrant aromatic gums ,
are the best safeguard to wear on the pit
of the stomach in cholera time , or in lo
calities where sewer gas and malaria are
found. They not only prevent infection ,
but will cure diarrha-a , dysentery , chol-
ra and bowel complaints.
The Sicilian Slock.
At noon yesterday th * new bids for the
Sloman stock were opened at the office
of the United State clerk. The bidders
and their bids were as follows ;
Myer. Baunam & Co. , of St. Louis , 03J
per cent of the invoice price.
Kinper Bros , , of Atchir-on , $2M11. !
Frobe Bros . of Tcrre Haute , Indiana ,
? 2.2 HHO.
There were a number of other bids for
portions of the stock.
The corrected invoice of the receivers
place the value of tne stood at 51.887.80.
On this basis the bid of Myer , Bannam i :
Co is the largest and the stocu will prob
ably be disposed of to them.
The roce-ivers will make a report on
the bids to-day
Pozzom's Complexion Powder pro
duces a soft and beautiful SKIII. It com
bines every element of beauty and purity.
Sold by druggists :
, \ Rurclary.
A burglar entered the boarding house
of Mrs. Cully , 2010 Web
ster street ' about dawn yes
terday mornirir , and was busily en
gaged in rumaging the bouse , when the
the landlord awakened and frightttned
him awake. He secured ? 3 for his labors.
Laboring men'miist be paid.
tin ) ford Sauce enricbee hot joints ,
chops , etc. _ _
"Paitr" Sicfc.
Bob Glen , familiarly known as "Fatty"
the heaviest man in Oroulm.has been tick
for about leu dav back , but is now reported -
ported convalescent.
HnifnrJ Sauce cAceHod bv jwjue. Try it-
Eleven large stacks of wheat were
buin&d by an incendiary nttur LiUmv
reeeuUy. They belonged to George Sel-
deii aad were worth fl.003. A reward of
$300 is offered for the capture of tfae tire-
ANhut pow3ir will 1 use this vvsirm
weather * \\Jiy Pozzonrs Compl * xion
Powder lasts long < r tuan anj otiur , and
it not fcttckr.
U. P. Encinc oT-4 Meets IVith One of
the Fatalities of the ItaiU
Yesterday morning when day
broke , the Union Paeihc
yard men in Council BlufT-
found engine 374 lying on her back in the
ditch at the junction near the freight
Her upset was most complete and she
looked as helple-s as a turtle upon the
dome of his shell on a marble pavement.
The engine was coming west at 12.03
this morning , drawing tram 17. When
she reached the junction switch , before
she could be checked , she ran upon the
switch which the yardman at the place-
had left open. Engineer Bond saved
nimself by juming. while the fireman was
carried down by the engine and remained
in her until -he"had settled' a- above de
scribed. It is remaikable that he es
caped uninjured.
Purify your blood , tone up the sy-teui ,
and regulate the dige-tive organs by
takinsr Hood's Sar.suparilla. Sold by all
Sherman Avenue.
There now remains but a small 7 > art of
Sherman which is not finishd by the
pavers , and that distance will be couercd
by next Friday. A Bir reporter was so
informed by Mr. Murphy , a member of
the firm of Murphy , Creighton < VCo. .
1 his will give a paed road three-quarters
of the distances from the depot U the lair
grounds , and lorms one of the
drives in the country.
j nifcpor ( of Medirtne ut tbe Rorul Vnlrornltj.
Kmcht of ibr llortti Xunruin Ord r of thclrou
Crown. KiUirtit Cttmmundor at ilit Kajul bitu.ui h
OrdoroT Ihuutitlu Ktil ht < if the Hey it I Prufiiibn Or-
dirof ttie ll d Eiiple cUierulifr o ( tbe Jep * < u ot
linnnr i-tr etc Hart"
-MClUlt * CCl OCK'ABKKFTCiNlC should not be
ooiif luudcd vi tt ibfliordt of truhby cure tillK. It is
in iicbcnfrc < 1 thf word 11 jmiciu retuody 1 urn 1 1 tor-
( iucJil3rt * < nn.ant withit * inoilH of prepurallon und
ft-no * it to I * nut only li'-citt > te phLnnuoentmat
prt > dort , tiut wl < worth ? ot ttie lilpU rommuiidtittuiin
it bunw it d iu t > U imrtji ilit * world Itstntam *
* * i-M nt * * oj iit-ej Cc m Quinine , lr ( n und Culinartt ,
wbitli are dihrto rttd in jmre reuuine bjmuttvb I m pen a !
Crown Uerry. *
XnVKluulilf to nil who i.n ? Run Down Nrrroun I > jfr-
jifi.tic , Itiliouk. Muhinouk fn uRtditid wiiU weak Lid *
Her Majesty's Fayoritie CosmeticGIyceriDB
L't-wS l.j Ui.r Iloj-nt Uii-lmcK < tif ! I'riiiM-n ol Wule
und tUe ut'tiilitf ] < > r lit * * > km. Complexion. Kru -
UonK riiiti4nc | | IluuchDf .HJU Of druKCtMk.
1.11'HIG Oo-4 > Gi-nuinp hrrup of SurmiiHrlllii. u
- t tub t fhl Mtrfcuiiar.Ua m tbe men. el.
* Filth ) strrrts may be bad and de-
ftftive drainage and seuvragr wprir ,
i > ut fpr the prpnwt'uin 0f diseases of
ike diarrkccal t\'f \ ' > e there is no agent like
the polluted water suf/ty. "
A. Van der Veer , A.W. , M.D. ,
etLi f/ tit Mriiicei SK-trlf ej
lieStalrf / . ) ' ri ,
" The fttrity of APOLLJNAIUS
offers the best security against tltc dan
gers wkich are fffaamu 1o most < / " the
orattiary drinking waters"
London Medical Record.
. H'af Dealert ,
Elm City Military institute ,
'Tr tcr e llfft iir rur t > u "nfK. r < r
u-'i > y t > ttll-LUM H nf l\\S
e , ,
Dealers in
Spring * . Illinois 3MU.wir !
and Iowa Soft Coal.
Office 21S South Fifteenth sU
Yards Eighteenth nnd Izard sts.
G&PITSLPRIZE , $150,000.
' \Vedo tieroliv certlty tuat re pujiervise ths
emt. Tor uu ibt MMtivhly und yuanerlj-
of Tbe Ix-mgimia State Lotlerj-
and in pfrvi munare nna control
tlieurnwinfr'them f'rf ' and 'but ib f.Bne-are
conducted irltb hniicKfT. fii > rno nnd in ( rood
laitb to-R-urd all imnie-s. end we iiutbortTp tbe
Company to u e this perr fleate. M ub Jao-Bimucsi
olo-or Elrnuiurc. uttaobod n tu iidnirtlsment
WP. tbe .mdcrsicndd Bunks and nanlcers , will
I'EJ nil Prir.Cf tlrawu in Tbc Louisiana Stuto Lit-
lurn-s whicn mur l jirtispniod at our oountorj
J , II.
Pres. Loaisiina Rational Bant
.1. iv. un.iir.irrn.
Pres. State national But
A. \Ln\riv. .
Pres. Sew Orleans national Bant
Jor2S years by the
latureSor ISdui-ational und C'uurilable nurimvus
Hb a c-afiiuU ol I l.OW.IOJ to Uicb n ro rre
Jund of over t- " " . ' but WIKW tint-n uddod.
llj KnoverMboliiuiu : jiojiulur oic itslriinohlse
n us made u pail ol the pr ( , oiit Stuto Con&UtuUon
utloptud Ceoemtiei 3d .V. D 18TU.
Jlf Kraud wiiplt nuiutr drnwln ? tnU-j
uiiiiitlily. li ntnXT K.'iik-c < .r | > MJiJOi. )
Loul uttlie fciUoHinp distribution :
195th Grand Monthly
In the Academy of Music , \ < - iOrleans. .
Tuesday , Sept. H , 188i. |
UndM Hie jicrional f.uj > cn'i > n uno iua are- ;
nicut ol Gr.K G. T. DLAfiir.QAi'.n , ol 1/ou-
jsiana , and UHK. JUIIA-L A EAKLV , ot Vir-
Notice. TicVeis are SIO only. Halves , S5
Fifths S2. Tenths SI-
I'JUZEur llO.UJi
. I'uirr.-or
rxi - r/3
iw - ; ns
Ml aw
< < ill 4 H
J aij ia
JOJ - " J ( WtJC
yX 1'tiu * imnuiiUiirto . . . IK3.MJ3
AjHdJcaiittu Jar mink 1 olubi frhouH 1 * made
nnlr ta llm iilluw o" tbi > cenijiuny ia % 'tw Ur
For furilHr UiloriBfltiaa rui' otaanr , riruii
ulladdiMui. 1'OiTAl. KOTUS. Jlti-ri * Money
Ordwfc , or .N > Yurk UK > tinnrt id brdmbrj- ,
let. ourmner tr fiiiit ; * * ut our txi > tm&e u1
dr * a.
how Ortouu , IA.
. D C.
JItke P. a. Money Ordure iigriule unJJ t41ro l
It projects Practical ScEtilts in Bs.Hng cxA
Etiac never befcre atttined ip. asy
CoaHrg ApparBtat , tsA trill
iDsis iis Prtsssl KEttots cf Cjo&g
, . or . .
In imb KIT Jrrflr nUnilttud mtLe o en. TMi. i < Son < j
: tbecluwoviic door ImrnuuoruuQiMia
ivr IthUaar e-oiitmmnc a biittbtol nir
r lit lurrnu tbu dt > or iuolL
tils Gauze Door the air freely
circulates , IncillUiUne Uiarnx-mcif routine , nnd
pmdutunK Iliad that i nnwani'llea in Cnvrr ona tiu-
tmiuu , Liid uctuUJr cooked with Im rounjoHaon * I
toil thun in tn oven Wl B clo od door
ICCH.LM BO enDrjnone tarinc ! " thawc znt oinxmli
It tleo produces lareer Loaves of Bread ,
JTUuSr * IMW ttumtion Irom tli cnut. tud jironjotut
tlit huultb ot t l.f ( LCiilr III Uiu rCl EUU2 IJUiiJTT
Mr.B. MAI T H W IXCH. Ttiucli w Hemp tiD EcnntnnT <
IdruStBUi fl.lvcn.itl.nirB "Mr < J Jll > u-al3udrnikEt
if ilt&t tliecvbn of tlie Ku&irfi. ( .urociimrtta wluj CIUIBT * ,
it iiut onlr inore cuuUlr Ijenti-d in > tori jam trout in
wull rnnr butasummlt of He .uiKinor etiuLiiUott
tlielond i.Uwd . therein inUau > rci.olfd. rliirm ) li > .
Inf beww.l4rCDTor.uDd i * lurprr i roi ortion pI It * bw'tt
JUJPIIU I iufl , ulna , tbuttb Doii uirt'tioti nlurl Intui
nf oUiuriu
SOLD IN XEB AS A ai lollcwK
P KESNLY , Coroo . .
DALLASfc LCTSOK , lUsTiuc * .
T C lUtWl.R ! , HAV SnifcCi.
H A1KL ) It CO J\EJIBA.H ; * Cmr.
W r TLMPl.CTON , . . . NELSOK.
I.KASStCO. - - ClIADBtnt.
I J SlcCAFrEKTi' O'Ncii.t Cmr.
Jl HA7LEWOOO , Oscrot. * .
lluilt Xew\j I uruUbel
The Tremont ,
.1. r rrrzuintALiiA KN ] 'ruin u > r& .
CV > r. * tb cud I'M * . , Linuoin.NiU
Tuill.M ! | .rr any. btruei c&rt Zruubuu > 9 to 007
| iui nl tl.e ciij1-
Architect ,
31 Si nnd 42. Ki'-'bitrdk UlwSk , Linooln.
.Nub. Miwt.
1 . MVOU1 > > .
Live Stock Auctioneer
titles tuudf in ( J ! iiaru of tbe C S. ut f uir
ruti . Itouiti 8. riHlc Illcu-l ; . IJiuoln Nclui
owfa } uuaSbcirt Hum bulls lor wile.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Currti6 ! > mi < U-4i'H' in icirar J to I mm ( . | . " ! ;
j.U Uiim.ia , TI.D.I.
Hiiverside Short Horns
( if nrHilj puit Uuioi i.uJ . IJiiu-b Te , j.fjf ultlo.
llmd iiuint.iTu Jii'Ciut ii. . tiutul.
1'uUlllHif Ilijirurt-llttij FiJhBTi. fr-J Ri ,
J UOlUt'K ll'tlK-k , UOK < > f > .bltll' ' iH ti > i I < Jr44
JilHtUllj J lUdlnifH1'iH I rftl 1 f ii , y IJulJ'i ,
I'lllIllM'k , IxiUllIJh 1.11'J 'J I Jl JXHtlK.
l > uil > lort-uid ] I'uri' Uutes 1 i' > t 1 I'un
1'uiu l'ruKhliUtit und uinorE < . . nut
ilirl xit l\te LurL Addifu , CHA U
National Hotel ,