Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Hot Newa Succeeded by Cold Intelligence
to Boora Speculation.
Corn Hulllshly AfTcotrd l y tlin Wave
1'rcim the North If OK 1'rodticln
Stan on Ano'.licr Itonm
CIIICAUO IS x .MAititir.
CIIK Uio , Atu'iist 31.-.Special [ Telegiam
to the Hi r . ] Pioin the scare over tlio safcl >
of coin on tliosroioof scotching hot weathei
? pcetthtois In less than thirty dus have
passvd ovci until now they me gieatlj
ttlaimcd for the safely of tin ) same nop on
lie SCOIP ol tiosl. The signal service icpoit
said there was fiost last night in Minnesota
seta and Mnnltobn , It picdieted , in case Hie
vve.ilhei.w is clear , n frost lo night In Wis
consin nnd Minnesota sure , nnd possibly In
n lovvnand Norllicin Illinois. Thcio
sales of October wheat nt the opening
at 7b'.jC ' , mid lutei afis < ( . The clo-o was
78S@rs ) c. bcptcmbei eloped al 70'fcc. and
November at bO' ' c. Thoiopoits of Host In
thu noithwest , which bjomed corn , alfeeled
wheat to a lesser degiee , nnd assisted lo
maintain llrmness at let thu collapse of
the war bubble. Cables weio lame nnd
theiu seems to IK * little doing In an cxpoit
vvnj , bn\ers \ showing nlrontot Indllfoiencu
at Hie pieM-nl. Tim usual nnmbi'rol Diro-
pean tl op shot tage items weie nllonl , how-
evei , but they weiu not piessed upon popular
attention. The \eiy hcav > lecelpts nt
spi ing and vv Inter points was the
chlet nignmeiit , and it wasiibod with ellect.
Theie was lather fieu selling by thu
p.utj nt7seu7S"fu ( lei Oetobei.
The coin maikct was excited nnd hlghei
today , the lluctiiattons in prices being lie-
qiient , nnd the changes covering a much
wldci inngu than at any tlmosliao the 10-
cent bnlgo on diought news. Speculation
tiulliif : was on a libi' scale nil thiiHli ,
though the gieatest excitement was witnessed
niotind the opening and jnst.t lew minutes
beloio the close. Slatting sales vveru tit
about le above jeslcidaj's closing bids on
'change , or nt 4 ic for Oetobei pioperty , the
boom buing stalled this llmu by icpotls of
frost in HO i no pails of the noithwest.
Theie was heavy buying dining the
tirst hour by local shoils , and a
good also tor long account , ItoburtVar -
ren taking a largo line tot Oetobei , while
Leopold Bloom was a free bujer foi Novem
ber delivery. One or Iwo prominent local
houses sold Inigely at the opening , and latei ,
\viicn the niniket displaced such reiiuuknblu
buojancy , thoi coveied. Fiom for Oeto
bei at the opening theie was an advance to
48)ic.liuniiieaetloii ) set In that can led the
lirlio down to 4 lc ( , though veij fowttades
weio made undui 4.ic. Laloi it being given
out that the weather buteaii ) ) tcilleted lio.-
to-nlKht \Vlsconsln and Michigan , mid
possibly in noithuiir Illinois and northern
Iowa , tlieio was a insh lo huj , und Oetobei
ndvanted sh.nply ' .fe , sullim. at 4l'Hc. ' The
closing bids stood at 4 IJjJ' < t-14c tor Oetobei ,
42'fic for.Septembei. 45c lot .November , nnd
4b 4c foi May. This was In advance lei the
daof lj < c in the moie active lutuies , and ot
l fc In seller May. The loiuign maikets
weio rcporled sliongei ,
OalsMeie active and sliongei in a .specula
tive waj In sjmpathj with coi n , September
and October closing 'sC'i' ' c better , and May
% c hi hei than jestetd.ij' . The maikel iu-
ceded a llttlo Irom e.xtiemo outside quota
\Vanen , Stcwait.Aimoui and a few otheis
stalled a stampede among piovision shorts
thlsmoiningbj taking all kinds ol hojr pro-
duels offeied. Ihoj weiostuadj and i.Uhei
henvj biijcis all day. Poik ailvanced 4c ( ) ,
lard lOn mid libs lie , the close being a shade
Inside the best pilces ol these nion. October
pork closed at fcl0.02 } < f. October i Ibs atG.H7X {
nnd Oetobei laid at 5H.75 , Septembci laid
leaving oil ntS73.ii Thisiange is a gain
for the day ol 30c in pork , 5@7 > e in lard and
12J e in libs. P.icKcis say they .ue moved to
take this lit m stand by the know ledge that
hogs and coin will bo higher next ju.ii nnd
that it will not be possible to make pnik anil
meats as cheap as they ate now selling at.
Today thoj hold that hog piodnct Is too
cheap. The bears , as usual , laugh at this
assoitlon and insist thcro Is nothing to this
Ci mi , 8:30 : p. m. The feeling wasstiougcr
thisntternoon , Octnbei wheat advancing to
7bJi and corn loU c. Puts on wheat ,
77Jic ; calls , 7bX < < M > > > ic. Puts on coin , 4 Vi'c
bid ; calls , r > } { dtfi : "dC.
CHICAGO , August 31. [ Special Telcgiam
to the Hnn.l CATII.K The maiket was
well suppliedu ! th all kinds of cattlebntvuiy
few lieht , medium and heavy fat cattlool
supcilor quality sold at slrong pilces. All
othci kinds sold unevenly and lowoi. 1'iiccs
worn 10@15c lowei and tlieio weio many low-
grade catllo Unit seemed absolutely unsale
able. Thumiikct foi natlvo cattle , which
came Into competition with tango cattle , was
the woist of the season , Shipping steers ,
1350 to 1500 Ibs , 54.40 5.00 ; 1203 to 1350 Ibs ,
S4.00@4.5 : ! ; 0.10 lo 1200 Ibs , 83.50@3/JO ; Ne-
braskaiis , 1255 Ibs , § 1.73. Tlio receipts to-day
included 3,000 tluough Tcxans and over 3,000
wcsteuiH. The maiket was badly glutted ,
bujeis dolng'veiy little. Bids in many cases
weio 30j(40o ( lower than yesteidaj- . Some
Bales weio made 15c lower and ihernweio
man ) calllo which It scorned Impossible to
hell. The Noithwcslern and the Montana
companies sold theli choice heavy catllu , av
eraging over 1'JOO Ibs , nt 81.00 , or
about 50c below prices thieo weeks
ago. At n Into hour many
cattle , including tlio Haleys Vooihces ,
Dater and othei lots , were unsold , besides
moil ) than halt the Texas cattle.
Northern rnngeis Sixly-siK Wj-omincs ,
avciago 1,010 pounds , S3.25 ; 44 Wjomlncs ,
average 1,001 , Si.25 ; 175Te\ans.a\eiago 1,030 ,
Jf'l,25 ; hb Tt'xans , nvuriigo l.OUJ , § .t.21 ; 3I0 !
Montana Texans , 1,070 , feS,40.
Hoo1Tho maikct opened active , and dur
ing the activity ne.ulj allthuhogb weio sold
"at oucu at an advanto of fi ( 10c. Alter the
Hpmt , haivuvei , nnd nftei indent ouleis had
been disposed ot , the market was rathei
quiet , closing with u pint of the mlvanco
lost. Hough and common mixed sold at
J4.00r ? 1.21 : good to choice fed. mixed , S4 > 0
® 4.W , and best heavy at 55C ? < i5.2U. J lght soi ts
wen ) not salable.
Now York. Aminst 31. Movity On call
loaned fiom 5 lo 8 pei cent , closing at 7 per
cent bid.
PIIUIK MuncAxiii.u PArnn Unchanged
nt 4fi1 per cent.
Hmii.iNn KNCHANOK Quli'thut steady ;
84bl'f lor sixty da > bills and S4.b4 for de
mand ,
( iovi'imnvxih ( Jovetnment bonds were
dull but steady to day ,
STOCKS--Tho unusual dullness In llm stock
market still lontluuos. Fluctuations con
tinued within a veiy narrow range and little
Inteiest lsla.konln tliu maiket on onu shin 01
on the other. Prices weio lower at thu open
ing this moinlng , the declines ranging trtmi
} 4 to ' .fc pei cent gonorallj' . The weakness
continued iintllabout noon.nftoi which theie
vras a slight ruictlon , but In the last hour
prices loccdcd again and the market closed
weak at 01 about the lowest injures icached.
SJlccnt bonds. . 1KI4.C. ( ) Ar N.V \ 113'
IJ.b. 4U's m' < profeuod
New-4's 12rtPN. , Y. C. . . , . ,
Pacific l.'s of 'U5. 125J4'Oreeon Trail
Crnlral 1'acllic. . 41 PacllicMttll
C. k A 141 P. I ) . &K
jHi'tcrted , . , . 155
O. JJ.i\s \ . . . 181 Hock Island. . , , .
1) . L. t\\V , , . , . St. L. & S. F , , ,
D.AsIl ( J ao prefened. , .
Ella , . . . . . , . . . , Ul > 4 O..M. * St. P. . .
piefeiri-d , . . 72t \ proterred. . .
Illinois Central. 1SJ St. P. A ; O. . . . . . .
L , U. A W pioferred. . . , 80 Texas Paclhc. . .
Lake Shore- /UnionPaclhe. . . .
l > 4tN 43\W.St. | L.AB P. .
Wich. Cuntnil. . . WA pieferred. . .
Wo. Pacliic 10bj'Weslcrn ' Union.
Northern Pao. . . 87 > lo..It. JN
luefcrred. . .
> t.\aicnr.
Chluntro , Aucnst 31. riour Stondy
nnd uiiphaniced ; vvlnlor wheat Hour ,
S4.015 1.10 ; soulhern , SV.W J.OO ; Wisconsin ,
I.1- * ) In .
> V heat Fairly nollve ; ojicncd 'ic higher
nnd closed V1 above jeftrritav ; cash , 70 ;
.September , 70 1-10 : Oclobei , 7rt-10c. ! !
loin Active ; closed about 1K < * above jes-
tcrda > ; cnsh , 4'Jc ; September , 4J 3-1 Cc ; Otto-
boi , 44c.
Otis Ojioncd strong and aboul Jfc higher ;
c.i h. and .Seiitember. 'JVit1 ; Oclobcr , ! i"jic. ,
K > i hlcadv nt 4'ic.
Itarlcj Dull at 17' ' , c.
Fla\-seod-1.0 M4
'limotliy-rrime ,
. .
1'otk advance- and
Opined linn at lOo -
flospd at u decline of 7'4cillOc : cash , Si'S-Va '
! > . ! K ) ; Soptcnibei , iO.sXjtO S7K ; Otlober ,
fcl0.02'jOlO.r ' (
I.Tid hlronccr and .Vdlite hUlicr ; closed
medium llguies : rash and September , : < i Oclobei. sr..77i < , ' . ( fi.S ) .
Hulk Mo tHSlioiilduia , S" .75 i".ST :
slmit cleai. SO TOC ! .W ; slmit ilbt , Sf < \ \
Huttet ( Juiet but Hi in ; cieamery , Uftt'JJ'ife :
daily , I''WH.JiC.
Ulice u l.asx : full rrcnin clieddarsS } , ' ®
8e ; Mats. I'fn'l ' e ; Votui , ; America , I'Q' ' " *
KKUS U'iMo. ' ( ! !
Hides lleavv grrcn salted , 7 Hunt , Mfc :
bull IdihM , hides , fiHc ; iliv Called \ \ @
I''c : diy Mint , MOjUo ; call skins , bCiilOije ;
deacons , 50c each.
Tallow No , 1 country , fih@l3 c ; cake ,
R t ; No. ' - ' , 8e.
Flnni.bbls. . . . . .
Wheat , bit nooo 4.000
Coin.mi 4JM.OOO 2,000
O.lN.bll 2 IS , 000
Hje.Ou 10,000
Bnrley.oit 10,000
Now York. Aitiust ill. W\\tat \ \ Hecclnls ,
223VX ) ; exports , 171,000 ; cash M@lc Iiluhci.
but only modeiately active ; options opened
linn and advanced % < "Kc ; lalei vve.ikcntd
Coin Spot advanced lSl ( } c nnd options
IJijCi'-'c ; closed tilinjieieipts , I'M COO : expoits ,
. ' VHW ; nniii.iileil , fjOJifCi. ' > Jl4 > i No. 'J , "ilc In
elevatoi : 5iii.jJj ; Scpteinbei closed
at : , l e.
O.Us " 4'frT" < f ( ' hl lipi ; inoio active ; ro-
rcljiN , 7.1,000 ; expoils , 110 : nn\ed vvcstein ,
! ! ( ( : * ! ; white , inoMlc.
Petroleum Meii'lx ' ; United r-losed at Ol c.
Poik Klriner and niotu active ; old nicbS ,
SlOoOc.flo.7. " . : new mes . . n.lfK ll..V ) .
Liiitl f7 ) points higher ; inoduialely actIve -
Ivo ; western ste.ini , sjiot tf .40 < ( ? 7.41.
Hntter I'u in and fair inqiiliywestern ;
fresh , l3 ! a'i ic.
Chec'-o ririn : demand only moderate ;
\veatuin , 74fii c.
( julet und vve.ik ; wcstein fresh ,
Oinolnnatl. August ! 31.Ylieat Klriuei ;
No. 'J led , 77trt7bc.
Coi n Ilishci : No. S , 43c ,
Ontb mixed , ! i7Jfc.
Kye No , ft"c.
Pork 810.25.
1. mil 87.00.
Whlskj FlrmatSl.lO.
niilwatikce , AiiL-ust 111. Wheat Quiet ;
cash , "i e ; Septembei , 75 . .
Corn Vo. 2lO' ' e.
O.itsXo a.aWc.
! ! > ( U'eaK ; No. l,52c.
IJatlej No. 5 , r c.
Poilc-SepU'inbei , VJ.b7Jjc
nilntioii : > tis , August 31. Wheat Finn ;
KC hiuliei ; Intuics neRlected ; No. 1 haul ,
c.ish nnd .Suplenilici , 7. > iic ; October , 7G ac ;
Noveinbi'i , 7 ' : No. L northern , r.ish , 3e- |
tember , 7U'4r ' ; Octouer , lllJi'c ; No. a northein
c.ish , beplvmbur , 7lc ; Uctobui , T-J' ' c.
Coin-No. U , 40 c.
O.xtsNo. . 2 , 'r.jjc.
J { > a N'eKlectcil.
15ailoj-No 2 , .isi c.
1'orkMeab , bcnluinbor. Sd d" . .
Klein ( Jniet ; pitenU , S4.lOidl..0 ; bakers ,
S(0@3 : ( no. , 72,000 bushels.
Shipments , wheat , I1OCO bushels ; flour ,
12.UOU b.uiels.
Bf. IjuulH. August \Vlioit-Pli m
and lii''hci ; No. 2 cash , Tliiti'J < ( c ; Hep-
tcmbei , 7 Xc.
Coin Stions and higher ; No. 2 , cash ,
@ ' \ iXcbeutnmbi1 \ , : ! b'4o ' bid.
O.its-Stcad > ; No. 2 , c.ibh , aiJi/20is ; Scp-
lembur , 2 > c.
K\c Kasy at tOe.
Whlskj S1.10.
Pork Hlghei ; SlO HO@10.40.
Hnttei Veiqnlct but bte.ulv ; creamery ,
lN@-S.'c ; daily , 15y ( ! > 0e.
Now Orleans , Aucnst 81. Coin
Quiet but steady.
Oats Qiilol nml ue.ilc. Kasiei at ; jJ.CO.
JloKl'iodnctb Unbottledfrencially ; higher.
Poik1060. .
J.aiU Ituhned ticrre.S7.00 ct'.Vi .
Hulk Meats Shoulders , 0.15 ; Jong clear libs , ? 0.X ( ) .
Ijlicrpool , Aiunst 31. Wheat In
more demand ; new No. 2 vv Intel dull at Os
9d ; spring steady at Os OJd ,
Klnur In pooi ilemand ; him .it 8s 7d.
Coin In moid deni.uiil and stcadj ; spot
nnd Oetobei , is Cit ; August and Seiitembei ,
4s l < fd.
Kansas Oity. Ancnst 31. Wheat
Iliuhur ; No. 'J led , cash , Oi c bid , Me asked ;
Hoptcmbei , CJ > ie ; October Gl e bid ; OWe
Coin I Usher : No. 2 , cash , : tt@T.JKc ;
SeptembL'i.MJa'QT c ; Oclober , W c bid ,
: ) ! &c asked.
Oats Finn at 27@77 > ifc ,
, August 31. The Diovci's Jour
nal iciiortsas tollovvs :
Cattle Keeelpls , 0,700 ; best stronccr. but
rommon 1016olov\ershipplnif ; steers.S3CO@
f > .00 ; stockerb and feeder * , S > 2.00C'J SO ; cows , .
bulls ami mixed , Sl.50ffsH.40 ; bulk , 82.25j ( {
a.W ; trough Texas cattle. : i,0X ) , oxtiemely
dull and lB@33c lovvor , fc2.-tOf l.,0 ) : ; western
ranceisveii weak and \Ma.2r \ a lowei ; natives
ami half-breedi > . g.i.OO t-l.OO ; cows , 82.00 ®
: i.OO ; vv inteied To\an . si.00 : ( ! .40.
lloss Kecclpts , 12,000 ; stionser , closmi ?
weaker ; roiiRh , inil mixed , fr4.oo@l.OO ; jiack-
IIIK and shipping. Sl.tKKjfWi ; light , 5fJ.755
4.lXnklps ) ; , ji.40iii.70. ( :
Sheep Hei-elpls. 2,000 ; slow , but 15@V
lowei , natives. SJ.OO@1.00 ; Texans , SU-O e
2.7. ) ; lambs , $4.oo@l.ou.
St. Ijoiiln. Amrtist 8l.-r.utlo Hecclpts ,
3,000 ; shipments , 700 ; dull and 5 < ( 10c lower ;
common lo choiui shliijilni. , ifi. : .0VCi.75 ( ;
butcher steeis , 83.50 , < ? 4 00 ; cows and heiteis ,
t lercipts , 3,000 : Bhlpn < cnts , 800 ;
ni live and % Hu ) hl hei ; biitdieib' and best ) nnd mixed packlnj , fc4.50&l.b5 ; light ,
S4.lO@4.7r > .
KIIIIHIIH City , August ! ! ! , Cattle Ko-
celnts , 4.000 ; shipments , 000 ; choice corn led
a .shade low or ; others lOo lowei ; common to
choice , M.80 ( < 84.50 : stockeis nnd feeders ,
S > .iOtaiO : ) : ; cows , Sl.W-.75. )
Hogs Itcci'liits. 2,500 ; shipments , .WO ;
activ D and 5gilOa higher : common to choice ,
S4.10 ( ( ? j.bO ; gi.isscrs and pigs , fe.50iji4UO.
Tuesday Kvenlnc , AiiKiist 31 ,
CATII.I : The lecelptsveio notaslieavy
to-day us on Saturday. The market was
rather quiet , but iniltu n coed many head of
caltlocnaiiKed bunds. Value * icimiln about
slend > at toiincriinotatioiib.
lUx.s Thoietelptsot hogs were vciy llb-
eial and the imuKet active at an advance of
SfttlOc Thciowcri ) a good ninny bnyeis in
thu maiket , and the pens wciecleaied eaily
in iluuliiy. J. K. liojd had abujcronthu
SiiKHi' There was a small bunch sold to
iiKciu : > rs.
Cattle . , , . . . . . COO
llogs . , . , . , , . , , , , , 1 100
Prevailing I'rlces.
Showlnc thu prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this maiket.
Cholco steere , 13.10 to 1500 Ihs . S4.20@4.85
Choice steers , 1100 to l10J ! Ibs . 3.75M4.15
Medium steers , 1250 to 1S.VJ Ibs. . . 3.00 4.00
Fat little steers , 10.V ) to 1150 Ibs , . . . 3.t ( < ri.8J :
( iood feeders , 'JOO to 1000 Ibs . 3.00 ( 3.85
( ! oed to cliolco corn-fed cows . 2.0ou3.25 (
Fair to medium grass cows. , , . . . . . S.OO'ff-.ttt
( iood to choice bulls . l.SO2.50
Light and medium nogs. , , . 420@4.45
(5ood to choice luavy hogs . 4.S5 ( < $4.ns
( Jood to choice mixed hous . 4.45C M.50
Fair lo good ahum sheep. . 2.00Q3.50
llcprosonuitlvo Sales.
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
Qamllij Smith. . , . , , . 21 1073 $3.50
" . . , . 24 1113 3.50
W. U. Davidsou . 18 1205 4.10
W10MI.XH 1
Owner. No , Av. Pr.
Duibin Land iC. . Co .41 83.00
COW s.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
0 b7t S.75 12 . . . . t02 S3 00
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
117 77 53.00 W 77 S3.00
° r
No. Av. Shk. Pr.No. . Av. Slik. Pr.
IV ) . . . 271 100 54.41 OS . .227 Sj 54.W
C7. . . 25.1 200 4,41 f ? 8SJ 2M ) 4.5.1
24./.2J 40 4.41 01..245 100 4.5.1
74. . . 52 120 4.41 47 . .22.1 40 4.5.1
73. 201 40 4.41 51 r.3l bO 4.M
7I..2.H1 120 1.41 GO. .J.i7 . . . 4..17 < 4
04. . 214 M 4.50 00 .247 . . . 4.f > 7'
61 . . 211 IR ) 4,50 .V < 277 120 4.00
03. . . 207 100 4.50 04 211 200 4.1X1
VJ.HK3 bO 4.50 57 .310 210 4.05
in now or is.
No. Av. fc'hk. Pr. No. Av. Khk. Pr.
S . . lt-3 K ) $1.00 17. . 2.17 bO S4.20
12 . . .2 ! 1 2bO 4.10 fi . .HOT. bO 4.20
5 . . 3M . . . 4.1.1 2 . ! MO . . . 4.CO
IS..200 120 411 1. . . IUO . . . 4.50
Showlncllie hUhesl.iud lowest prices pild
' 01 mixed lo-uls of hojs on IhU 11111 ket d'lr-
ngtlm ] > .isl suven days , nml lor tin : b.imc
I nit- last JIMI : *
Aucnst All tlst ,
lb > 0.
I'm-sdav. 21th . . 4 Y ( ti\.r \ > 3.1(0 (
1.40 @ ) ,75 3.SO ( ( { 4.10
riiuisdnv. 2'ith. ' . 4.'JO ( H'l.70 US. " ) C't.W ! !
Pihlav. Siili. . . l.0 ! ! fit fpfl 3.7.403 (
4.i'0 ( OllU ) i'.fiO ( , < . ' . .S"i
Mond.iv , 10th . . 4.J55 WI.OO H.6T ( itSUO
J'ncsdnv. 3Mt. | . . 4.4"i (1 ( 4 ( V.
Showing tlin number of cusof livestock
ilppcd out of tliuj'aidsduiing the day :
c.v 111.1 : .
No. Cats. Itt. Dcsl.
17 , . . . .C. H. fcQ Chicago
i'Z Mil Chicago
b H. L , Chicago
No. Cais. lit. Dest.
7 C. H.A.Q. , Chicago
All sales ol stock in tins in nkct are mndo
ic. cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead lings sell at Vc per lb lor all welgnts.
"bklns , " or hogs weluhinc loss than 100 Ibs
no value. I'legnant sows aio dookc I 13 Ibs
and Lings bo Ibs.
Cattle slow. *
Hugs all sold.
Hos ; .1 lOc better.
F. M. Sackett , Albion , was heio to daj' .
A few sheep changed hands to-day.
T. Kelnhoinicr , Hislm : , was after fccdcis.
AtlhnrSpcaiman , Spiinglleld , visited the
Mi. Snell , ot Sncll & Agnevv , Ashland ,
was in to-dny.
Hammond received241 head ol cattle sill- )
pcd in to them.
John L. Dunning , Rising , was heio look-
ini ; after leedeis.
Thomas C. 1'agg , Wacomade ills Ilist visit
to the j ards to day.
Benjamin Yokiiiu , ( Jcncva , was looking
niomul the vnids to il.iv.
A year ngo to-dny tlieie weio 650 hogs at
the jaids but none sold.
Dnrbin Land it Cattle , Hock Creek , had
520 head of cattliat the yai ds.
Kd Coopei , of Coopeis Tcwkslmrj' , was
hero and bought ICO head ot feeders.
W. K. Walton , ot the Geneva Elevator
company , was a visitor at tlio jaids to-dav.
Fishei & Wagner , Yoik , topped tliu hog
maiket to-dav witli n load ot choice heavy
310-pound hogs.
AV. H. Davidson , Spilngheld. drove in
eighteen head ol coin-ted cattle , his own
feeding. Tiiej averaged 1,20.1 pounds and
m ought 54.10.
The Kansas City maikct is so pom that
shlppeis , in some cases , are compelled to rc-
shlji then stock to Om ilia. A load ol butch-
eis'slock was icceivcd liom Kansas Citj to-
dij and sold ic.idllj' in this maiket at satis
factory pilees. it would bo bettei foi ship-
pi-ts to send their stock here in the nrnt place
and avoid the extia chaigcs.
On the maiket with hois : , Ileaton
ifc Co.Veslon \ ; M . Camcion , Herman ;
Moisc , Hogcis iV. , Co , North Bend ; F. Kiopf ,
Sclinjlci ; 11. Lewis , ( ienoa ; Hawks A : Hilov ,
Albion : John Wiggins , Columbus ; A. It.
Black , Him Cicek ; D. S. Shields , Chapmans ;
A. HcdL'Us , F.lm Cieek ; , ] . ( ! . Hall , Gibbon ;
K. K. Day , U'.ibash ; Ciowcll L. & ( i. Co. ,
I'cnder ; (5. ( L. Smith , Uljsse&C. ; P. Wvandt ,
Mllfoul ; Parklntist it Wells , ( Jiand Islanu ;
Fisher \Vagnei , Yoilc ; F.V. \ . lllllubrandt ,
Caiio ; L. .Spells , David Citj- .
General I'roiluoe.
Tuesday Kveninu' , August 31.
Tltcfullowlmi / ) ) Ices < uc jor round lots nf
piitli ) c , us \ < > l < l on tlie tn-ilu\i. \ The
ynofdi/ons / nnnifts ic/rcsc/it / thcjxlccs at
u/ik/i / / nutkhle onlcm urc ttllat.
Kois ( 'Hie bulk of llio leteipts aie selling
atK'tb'sC. '
Uunui Stilelly sweet , solid and mil-
foi m color , packed cin new clean tubs ,
cimiminds 13 to lOe , or even moie. In tnu mar
ket , but there is llttlu or none coming in that
can bo giaded as sncli. Fancy buttei In stone
clocks is biinging even bettei piiees. Fair
to good countiy bntlei Is < 3illiiig at 10 < 7Z > 12 } c.
I'ooi ntrxgtk ! . and slow. Cieameiy buttet ,
not the very best , sold this week at 18o ( > JOa.
Cnr.nsi : Fancy lull cicam chcddais , ! > } c ;
fancy lull cream liats , two In box , lOc ; fancy
full cream Young Amciicas.tourni bov,10 > c ;
fancy Swiss. 14o : brick. 12' c : Limburg. 12c.
1'oi'i.Tuv Old fowls , i > or ao/ . , $2.50 ;
spring chickens , large , S2.00 ; spring chick
ens , medium , S150 ( )1.75 ) ; spilng cnickcnH ,
small , not wanted ; ducks , 82.25@2.50 ; tin-
kevc , not wanted.
ONIONS Southern , per bbl , S350 ; home-
giovvn , ) > erbu. . Sl.OO.
Cir.iuv : : Them is not ically enough com
ing In to supply the demand , but It will not
bo handled very extensively until next
month. Shipping stock , per do ? . , 40c.
O\srr.ns Tlieio ore no oysteis of any
consequence in llio market jet. The season
heio does nol open as a rule until aboul the
1st of September. The maikct will piobibly
open at lium 35 to COc. , iiccoidlng to the
LIMO\S : The New York market has ad
vaiiccd % l.r 0 jer ) box since yestordav ; tli s
would lei cc up prices heie , as stock is veiy
light and \civ little in tinnsit. Fancy
lemons , pei box.
U \.VANAh 1'hoio are not many In the
market nt present. As the weitnei becomes
coolei , so In it handleIlium with
safety , tlieio will boa bettei supply on thu
maikct. JJaimnas , yellow , per bunch , § 2.00ii !
8.00CAI.IKOHNH Fiti'iTs The market Is now
thoroughly i leaned up. Tlieio Is not a pound
ot California 1 1 nit ot any kind in the hands
ofjobbeis. 1'iesh cai loads are being looked
for l > y next wei-K , which will no doubt sell
at much higher pi Ices than have been pit *
vailing dining thu iccent glut.
SInr.oNs Fain v laigo Muscatlno watei-
melous. $17.0U@ 0.00 ; Interior and snmllci
sl/es , 5510.oo@l.r.00 ; musk melons , per do/ . ,
ofAroics Iowa homo grown are
In tun maikct nnd selling at3c per lb.
HiiANS Hardlv any coining in now. 81
@ 1.50 per bushel , foi clean stock.
COCOA.NUIS Coioaiiuts , per 100 , $5.00 ; less
than hundred , nor 100 , § 1.50.
UOXRV Callloinla , ISc ; California ,
sti allied. lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 12@18o ; Ne
braska , dark , 10 ® lie.
MAi'i.i : bvnui' Hulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs ,
per gal , Sl.OO ; cans , per gal , 51.05 ; hall
gal cans per gal , 1.10 ,
CIDKII New ork , per bbl. S7.00 ; rto. half
bbl , 84 00 ; Crab , pei doz qts , $2.75 ; .Michigan
leaned , per bbl , SO.OO.
VINKOAH Whlto vvlno , 13in7c ( ; rldor , 13
@ 17c ; single sticngth , 18c ; triple strungtli ,
Fins AMDATKS Figs , lajor , 4 lb boxes ,
per lb. lOc , nates , fancy faid , 12 lb boxes ,
i4o : dates. Persian , 50 lb boxes , per ID , lOc.
Nina Pecans , laige polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , Oc ; English walnuts , 14c ; almonds ,
Tarrauona. 2oo ; almonds , Languedoc , 17c ;
lirazlls , 12c ; lilbeits. 14c ; peanuts , hand
picked , lancy Virginia , S c ; peanuts , hand
picked choice Vhginl. T ojpcauuts , roasted ,
Do extra pei lb.
MATI.U SUOAII Hilcks , strictly pure , 5X1
lb boxes , perlb , 15c ; 10-lb tin palls , stilclly
imie , pci Jb , He ; 5-lb bricks , 24-ib boxes , per
Ib , 12 c.
PiOs' Fcr.T , TUIPK , KTC * . Pigs' feet , per
K bbl , 34.00 ; do , X bbl. SiOO ; do , per kit , We ,
Lambs' tongues , per bbl. S J.2a ; do , jcr kit ,
82.50 ; do , quirt iars , per doz , 55.25 ; do , plm
jars , per case , 2 do/en. 50.75. Tripe , per } tf
bbl , 84.00 ; do , per } ( bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kit ,
We ,
PBOVISIONS Ham , sucar cured , 14o ;
boneless ham , 50 lb boxes , 12 o ; picnic ham ,
breakfast bacon. siiL'nr cured ,
bliouiders , be ; cleat sldo bacon , be ; dry sail
bides , 7 > < e ; dried bCeMiams Ir@l6c ; drhd
beef , regular , 12c ; lard , 4Q-lb cans ( Fuir-
) nks ) , 7 tc ; 10. 3 and 3-lb p\U ! , do , 7fJ ( (
8' ' c.
c.Ni w POT \Tor.i Tlicic Is an Incieascd
Icninnd for thoice.stopk. farmers are not
irlnglimln enough to , snppl\ local demand ,
llieie aio e-n lots arrluii j now from ont ido
oints. Choice quotable at uo IOo.
( JHAis Corn , IVsj old oats,23o ; new oats ,
2sc ; rje. 3.Vn40c : ,
I't.ofit Avn i ITS Winter whe.U
lourbe < tinalit ( > p.ili' ; second quality ,
8J.IO ( l'J.r > 0 ; best quality spring wheat Hour.
) .ilenl. 82.7 , " ) ; binn , fiOo jicr cwt ; chopped
eed.OOo pet cv t : white corn meal , T.Vjel ; -
ow corn , < * ' Per iwt ; scieening , iWc
> ercwt : lioiiiiny , Si. > iO per cwt ; shorts , < V >
ter t-vvt ; cinham , SI. 75 ; liay , in bales , Si.y" ! > 0
TOOpcrton. _
WOOL Medium. KiiJiOc per lb ; flno heavy ,
12iil5c ; llghl. 14'17c ' ; co.use , 12nl5c ; buny
tvool , 2a.V ( olf.
IjKMiiKti 1'iiino slaughter solo leatlicr ,
We ; prmo c i sole Ic.ilher , iiTKiiifcsc.
Upper le.Uhcf per foot , 2od2.lct hem. kip ,
7.1ttsV ( ; onk k.p , b.VSt V , Pteiich kl ) ) , Sl.OtXn )
1.20 ; hem. calf , SUMftiUO ; oik call. Sl.OOd *
1.21 : Prench cftlf. PI 'AV l " 1 ; Motocco liooi
eg , "lO&JSJc ; Moioeeo oil pebble , 2S.iJ ( 2e ; top-
ilncsand linings , Si' 00 ( flo.Od pei dor1
HI.AXI il vjinwAiiK iron , rate , S2.25 ;
-ow sU'"l special cast , 4c'ciuclb ; Icsteei , IV ;
cast tools do , 12"elSc ; w.ieon spokes'per sot ,
S1.7.1n ( i.00 ; hubs , per set 512.1 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , SI. 0i tongues , each , 75e : nMo * .
each. 7,1e : square nuts , per lb. 70111 e ; cell
chain , per lb , < < < il2c ! malleable. OY < { SC : Iron
wedgesties ciowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4e :
spring steel , 7(3 ( 0 : Burden's horseshoes ,
SM.40 ; Burden's mule Miiocs.S1.40. Hiubep
wire , in car lots. 5 ? lee per 100 Ibs. ion I
Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , SJ.50 ; steel nulls , 82.05 :
Shot Sl.0.1 ; bm-Ksliot , 81.X5 : oiientnl
powder , kegs S'.M ) : do , half kcirs , S2.00 ;
do , quarter keen. 81,50 ; blasting , kegs , $2.35 ;
fuse , per 10 feet. bf > e. l.c.ul Bar. SlO.
PAIN rs is On.--'NN iiiecnd. Omaha , P. P ,
} c ; white lend , St. Lo'iis , p ure. S7.75 : Mai-
elllcs gieen. I to 5 It ) c ins. 2c : French /Inc
LTCCII seal , 12c ; Fu'iichInc ml seal , lie ;
French 7inc , In varnish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75e ; \ cimllllonmerlcan , Ibc ; Indian
red , lOc ; rose pink , I4c ; Venetian led , Cook-
son's , 2-ic : Venetian icd , American , ijfc
'llfll Ml Ulttl wiiw * & llll U
Dnv 1'AihW Willie lead ,
c ; I'arls wldliiiK , % < * ! wlilllnir , Kll
e ; wlilUni : , eoin'l , I' ' c , lainiibl.ick ,
nianstovvn. 1 % ; lanill.tck ] ) , unlln.iry.
I'rnsslan bliie.'naiiilti.iiii.irlne , ISs niul
brown , sc : nnibci , burnt , -le ; ninboi. law , 4e ;
slenn.i bin nt. 4c' slenn.i. raw , -ic ; Pails
( ricen. nennlne. U-c : i-ans creen. roininon.
' - isclnoine \ iTi't'ii. It. Y. . UOc : elnonio nieen.
K , r.'c ; veiniillion , Knciisti , lu oil TOc ; raw
and burnt umber. 1 II ) cani. r.'c : raw and
bin nl sienna , 1'ie : valid ) ke , brown , itc : ! relined -
lined lainnblaek , iSc ; eoacb bl.iek and nory
blaek , IGc : iliou black , ICc ; Prussian bine ,
40o ; nltrniimrinobhic , 18c ; cbronio'rcen ( , l . ,
M. it I ) . , lOc ; blind and slmtter urecn , L. . M.
A D. , Ifx1. ; I'.trHifieen , Ibc ; Indian led , I5c ;
Venetian red , ffTuscan. \ . c : Amcilcau
vernnlllon. IV I ) . , "Oc : jcllovv oelire , Oe ; I , ,
at. & ( ) . 1) . . We ; Kootl ocbre , ifx- : patent
drver , Sc ; KialniiiK color , Jiu'lit oak , dark oak ,
\vlannt , chestnut und ash , 12c
JJiiCosANi ) C.IIMIC.U.S : Acid , paibolte ,
! i2c : acid , tnitarlc , AJcbalsam ; cooalba , pel
B > , 4 o : balk , sassafras , per tu. lOc ; calomel ,
perlbT.V ; cldiiclinnldia. per < > / , 40e ; cliloro-
roim , per ! ( > , 40 c ; Dover's powders , per lb ,
51.V5 ? ! ; epsom salts , per Hi , H > fe ; gljcerlne ,
pine , per Ib. ibc : lead , acelate , per lb 2lc ;
oil , castoi. No. 1 , per gal. , fcl.50 ; oil , castor ,
Xo. 2 , per sal. , SI. 10 : oil. olive.per ;
I'oiorlirannnin , 50c ; opium , J > 3.yO ; ( ininino ,
1. .it W. and K. AS. ) , IM PO70e , ; potassium
Iodide , pel lb , S00 ! ! : salicln , per 07 , 40c ; sul
pbate morphine , per o . S'J.40 ; sulphur , per
4c ;
p\tia , 58c ; shellac , ' 5350 ; liaid oil limsn ,
bpinns ColocneSpirit,1) ) . 1S8 proofSl.l
do 101 jiroot , 81.15 ; Spirits , second duality.
101 proof , 31.14 : do Ibs jiroor , 81.1'i. Alco
hol , isb proof , SJ.OS per w ine gallon. Uedis-
lilled whisklch , Sl.006Bl.50. Gin , blended ,
ifl..r)0i'j.0 ( ( ) ; Kentiick/ bourbons , S2.00caO.OO ;
Kentnckj and I'ennsjlvanidrjcb , S'J.OO@0.'iO ;
( iolden bhe.if bourbon Piiid rve whl-kies ,
pci case , 810.00 ( < i > 16.0 ( ) .
Grocers' Jdst ,
PICKI.KS Medium , in bols , ' > .r.O ; do In
halt bbN , $ : ; .l * > ; small , in bbls , S0.50 ; do in
halt bbN , S.7. : ! > ; Khetkins , in bbls , § 7.50 ; do
in halt bbls. S4.'i' > .
\ iibi' Mo. 704paiion KORS , SI. 10 ; New
Orleans , 8SeZiOc ( ! pel itallonMnnle ; Syrup. J <
bairel , stnctly pine , 7i/e per gallon ; 1 gallon
cans , & 9.45 pel doz. ; Js gallon cans , S"-ij per
rtoz : diiait cans , Si 00.
JJIIIKD KitLiTS-Nol qnailer apples , JJ , ' ®
4f ; In evauoiatedboxcb , ' ( rtil e ; blackboi-
n i , boxes , fe@t > H ! peaehus , eastern , 45tf@
fi e peaches , evaporated , ir J ( ail7c ; bait
LaUn none in niatket ; i.ispbeiries , new , 10
( Suoccnriant3 ; , 7 6j"Kc ; mnnos , new , W
( JooiS Oysters , standnid. per
cas , S.ViO ; sliavvbeines , Ulb pel case. $2. ' > ;
iRspbcirlCit , "Ibpur case , S'J.-'O ; California
peaii , net case , ? 4,5l ) ; apiicots , per case ,
S4.'d ; peaches , pel case , SL' O ; white clieiries ,
pei case , Sr .W ; pltnns , pel case , SH/'O ; bluu-
burries , per cabe , S'-J.'i'J ; CKS plums , Jib , pei
case. &U.W ) ; pineapples , " It ) , per < ' , g.20 : !
( & 5/iO ; 1 lb mackerel , per doS1.20 ; 1 lb sal
mon per dor , Sl.bygl.fjO ; a lb goosebcries ,
pei case , SI. 75 ; 'J lb string beans , per case ,
51.70 ; a lb lima bcens , pel case. 51.00 ; Sib peas , per case. SUM ) ; 3 lb eaily
Juno peas , pei case. 82.75 ; a lb tomalops.
per case , 5r2.r : > < g'.J.54 : 2 lb corn , per case , 81,00
( a2.10'J : lb coin beef , perdoi. 81.70@2.00.
: -X lncliOJic ; inch , 10e ; if Inch ,
'ow dered , 7 } e ; cut loaf ,
granulated. 05jc ; confectloncis' A.
standard extm C , 5J < ( iZfic ; extra C , " '
medium jellow , 5l/W6Jic ( ,
CANHY Mixed , HK 12c ; stick , 8. . . . , .
UiiACKiiifi : ( iarneau's soda , butler nnd
picnic , 5 > < ic ; ci earns , 82c ; ginger snaps , b c ;
citv soda. 7' c.
STAitni Mirror gloss , lib , 5 c ; Miiror
gloss , a lb , 5Kc ; Miiioi gloss , i > lb , o > c ;
(1 raves'corn , 1 Ib , Oc ; Klngsfoid's coin , 1
lb , 7c ; Kingsfoid's glo6 , 1 lb , 7c ; Kings-
ford's gloss , 0 Ib , 7) ) c ; Kingsfoid's pure , 31b.
55/c ; Mnu'stord's bulk , 4c. , , ,
OKFIISCulinarygiadeslO : : % < < Mlc : fair ,
@nj cprnio. ; < ( ; . ;
fancv gieen and yellow , WK@H > ae ; old gov-
frnnient Java , 20 < J J c ; Inteiior Java. Ki > f@
20c ; Mocha , 2-Milc ; Aibncklo'h ioa/5ted ,
14i c ; JIcLaughlln's XXXX toasted , Ufc } ;
Dilwoilli's. 1 l'4c ; Ited Cross , 14's'e.
boAi-s Klrlt's hivon imperial. S2.70 ;
KliK's satinet. SJUX ) ; Kirk's staiuHrd. 8J.O | > ;
KlrkN white Kusslan. 84 00 ; Klik'h White
Cap. 50.W ) : Dome , SJ.S'.j Washboard. S'UO. '
ilArrnrs 1'er caddie , 2fee ; round , per
ca-p. 81,00 ; sqnaiocases , S1.70 ; mule sijuate ,
5 ? 1 t XJ _ _ _
- - -
3Paclref Company.
England , France & Germany.
'Jliobttnimslilisof | tiu | tll knonn lluu urn
built of Jion , In wutor flsrlit'computmoms , and
uio funildlieil uitli uvui'r tOiuUltu to riuilvo lliu
pntB.iiro both bi fo niul UKri. ( alilu. 'J hey curry
tlio L'mtuil Males and l.uroprau mullsund lo ivo
Nc VoiUThursilaya ftnil Siturdays for lv. \ .
mnutli.m.NOONChoiboulfl'AHl3 ( ) ( iind HAM-
Iti.liiiiilnK , the BtonnuTS lenvo Iluinlnirtf on
W'MlncsilnjH uiul Siiii > ) , , , Ilnvro , lukliu
DRSM-niruirtiU hoiitliiuniuomunU l.omlim.
Fin > t cabin * . > ) . $ J uiul 575 ; btuui KOM.
llAlhonO titkL-ls from VI ) mouth lo llrhtol , Cur-
illtr , London , or to any jilucu In the Houth of
KiiL'Innd , I'HIIK. bteoniKo' fiom Europe ouly
J25. Bend for -Tourlrt &
, „ „ & m. ,
Oenurnl I'usseiigcr Agents ,
61 Droailway , Now York ; ' Washington unil la
Ballobts. Ctileuco l | | .
Red Star Line
Carr > lntliortol lnm Royal and United States
Mull , gulling oiry baturday
Between Antwerp & New York
Salon from ( u ) to t"i' . Excursion trip from
tllO to tl : , Sucoiul Caum , outwuru , Jlj ;
pruimld , $4 > ; oxciirjion. ( UO. Stoorura nusiayo
at low rules1'ctcr Wriuht ic bens , tiouorul
AKCIUB , K Uroadwuy , New Vorfc
Ilciny 1'iinlt , Uls Imiuiiiibt. : I'uuUun i Co.
uruaia tt. ; U. Vicctna u , JJ 'l i'mu
Artists' Material.
A. JIO PJS , . / ; ? . ,
Artists * Maloritils I'iunos nml
Till IKnialis Pttcct , Omnhn
Agricultural Imrlements.
" "
L J'AltKMt ,
ilO Dcnlcrln
Airririillurnl IniiilouipiiH , AVncrons ,
Cartlaiicn nml llucplf. Jnnc * Mroct , bclwccn Vth
nml imli ( imiilinct >
Klc. VVholc le , Oiinh .
\V liolc ule Dealer * In
tiltttnil Itniilpiu
V ( ? ou niiil tlUKRlcs < UI W1."Oo uuil'OT June * ft
Butter and Eggs.
.IMS//.iA/ NCi
Uitjcrsof Huttpr and Kt
nefrUcmtnt nnit I'nrkliiR llnnip lilh ami l.ouven
worth Bt I 1' It. II Irmk.oniiMin
Butchers' Tools.
Tools autl S
Cnslniti of nil klinli ultra ) Blti slock. 1215
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Hitildprs'irardvvarp&Sc.ilc ] t ( > | iiiir SIiop
Mechanics' Tools nnd lltifTulo Hcalo. HOj DoimluB t. ,
Oiualm. rsdt.
Jolilicrs of Harilvvaro niul
Tinware , Sheet Iron Ktc. AuonU for Itoivi' bciiloi ,
nnil MlRinl Ioni1er ( u . Omnhn.Ncli
Wliolesiilo Htirthvnre.
Vr'cMern nccut * for Jeffi-rnon Mci-l > nll . An tln
Powder Co , liilrbankii Mniiilnnl M-ilee Coiner
10th nnil IlRMior , Otnnlin.
Building Material.
" "
Denier lu All Klnilnof
JUiililliiff Mntorial at Wliolpsalo.
18th Street niul Union I'lielflo Trick , Omnlm.
Boots and SAoes.
lInnnfnct > : rer niHl Wholcunte Dealers In
Hoots and Shoos ,
Complete * itoek of Rubber ( lootls nlwayn on hnnd
MM S. nth it , uranlm , Neb. A. T. Auntln , Anon I.
jr. v. MORSE .0 co.
.lobbprd of Hoots and Slioes.
1411 Fnrimm tt , Onmha. Neb Mnnnfuctoiy , tiummor
ptriet , ItoBton.
Agt. for Aiilicnser-Bnsli Brewing ASB'II
Special llrnmlH Knust , Iliulwelser anil Erlanncr.
STOltZ ( ' JLEJt ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1121 orth ISlh Mrect , Omnhn , Nob.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
JiROS. ,0 CO. ,
Omalia Coffee nnil Spice Mills.
TCSKOotlceiJ-plcc' Ilnklni : 1'owdor. UnvoiliuKr-
trade , l-iundnr nine Ink , 1IH lbllnrnoj-
tOiniiha , Neb.
Home rolTccnnd Spipo Mills M'f'sr Co.
CiiireoRoiistcrsnnd Splu-arlnilnrs , Maiiufiiuuri-rs
of Ilnklnu Towdcr , I InvorliiK Kxtriict" , Illuluf. Ktc
Try one < of our 1-Ib paeknun Homo lilcnd lloattcd
OolTec. ll J lion ard l , Umnbii. Not.
John Encnelcr , Prop.
Mnnufacturer of OiiHanlzed Iron nnd Cornlco. 023
1 ) odRo nnd 103 nnd US , lOlh Bt , Oinalm , N Lb.
Mnniifactiircrti of
Ornamental Gnl\ani7cd Cornices ,
Dormer \VlniloB5,1 Inals. MetnllcI-kyliiJit.etc. 3108.
12t i 61 , Om.ilin.
C. Specht , Prop.
Giilvnlilr.rd Iron Crirnlccn. etc. 8 | ) < ct'8lmprOTCd 1'at-
cntMctallo'-kjrlli.lit. fOT und51US l.'lh Kt .Omaha.
Jobbois of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
I.lnolciinm , Mattlnga , Ktc. 1511 Dougla * atrcet.
S. A. ORCIfAJU ) ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain Goods , IHC 1123 Karnam btrcet ,
Omahn. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
ir. L.
.Agent for the Manufacturers und Importers of
Crockery , Glassware ,
LnropF , Cblmneyn , ttc. Office , 317 Soutli 13th et.
OniBhn , Nob.
Commission and Storage.
Suoccaiors lo IHHHO Cirinil'i ,
Commission Merchants
And Wholeinle Dealers In Country rmilueo , I > ult > ,
lluttur. Kir i. KU' ( ! toiH on lOiiHlirniuont u
epuclalty. , ) N. llitli 81.OmuCu.
J ) . A. HURLEY ,
Commission nnd .Tobhing.
nutter , I'KKBnnd rroducc. ronilRrment * sollcltHd.
lleuiliiuartora for btonewnre. Hurry lloxi-s and
tiripo llabkeis. nil llodbotlri 11Omaha.
Commission Merchants.
Trillin , Produce mid I'rovlnloiiB , Oniulia , Neb.
I' . MILESTONE < ( ' CO. ,
Dealers In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Olllco and ynril , lull mid Nlcholnn nit , Omaha , Nob.
lurd'J tlei > liomi/T7. !
QEO. i'jMiAiur , I'res P. F , OOOIIMAV , V , lrt .
J A.KUVlu.iiiMKD , Hoc. und 'Iroas.
Jobbers of Kard and Soft Coal.
Wl ( mull Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb ,
, T. , T. JOHNSON" S CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
Ard Milpnurn of foal and Cokp. Coinunt , 1'lai.ler ,
IJmo , Hair. Hro Urlck , Drain , 'llio und MMvi-rripe ,
omen. 1' ix ton Hotul. Kiinium St. , Onmlm , Nt < b.
Tclephono fell.
J51 , r. FA Y tfCO. . ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of 1 lulle uunnd ( 'IKHIB. 1211 1 unmin St. .
Oin ih i.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
HpeUalllcs Iltilter. V-w , Chics ) Poultry , ( iamo ,
llyiters iir. : . IU ( llZSuntU lilh utreet _
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , lluttvr , Uiunr , I r"ll . etc , 2JO 8. lull it.
OlUllllU , > lll ,
General Commission Merchants.
HOI lode | btreet , Omaha , Nebraska. ConslgntnenH
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobbert of KorclKn and Dorncsile Krults Corre-
uuonileiuopollcltud Wnreluiutoiind olllru , 110 N
'I liirli'iMilh M , Omnhu , Noli Tell I'lumo 77 > .
Lire Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Ceo. liurke , ManniaT.
PolonBtock Yardn.H. Omulia. TClephono 68 ? .
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
ghlpmenU of unr und all klndi of glock nollclteO.
Union bU > ck VanU , Omahn , Neb.
Coal and Lime ,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Joblicrs if ClEfiU" ' , Tobncoo ,
Cliinn nml Amnniiilii.ii . ] \lo7ri1 ; lllli t. 1020 to
I'm n 1111 t (1 ( iinhii '
of Tine ( M
Anil XV li"U' nlo l > ( Mlpr In l.pnt 'lolmrooo , Nee 109
mull ION lllli > iron , o nn tin
Dry Gooifs.
.i/ . / : . SMITH 10 ro , ,
Dry flooiN , Ftti'iilslilnuiooiN : ( & Notions
rot lltliSt Omntm Sit > .
Uutlllcrs of Mqiioi , Alcolml mid Rpltllii Importer *
nml Jolibprnof VMiicnniiil Liquor ? .
CO. aiul ILEli ,0 CO. ,
Importi-rn nmt Jnhlflinnf line VVInoc niul l.lqtinr *
SulP inimifiioimoi * of KftmcHltN r n ImllH lilt-
11'minimum 19 liM1iiini | llU" L1
Drugs , Paintt Etc.
Jl. CLAltKli DHUG CO. ,
Driiff , I'ltinl , Oil &
\Vc tof Clilcnconiiinlpln . . . . 1 HIP of Drumil't . * Sun-
1IH lltuiil J ( t . ( Jinnti
GOO/.1fJ Ar J/f CG CO. ,
\VllolPSIllt' DlUffjjisls.
Ann > cnlcriiiil'Mltil' | , Oilnml W imJoir nlno'.Oraiihi ,
Drain Titoc. .
A. 11.81 s I'rcn J.\V 111 Droll ! ) "cc.ATro i
II. .1. CAIIFOV V.rrm. ntul Siipt.
TIUuiox iivnitAULic
ltAlX TTI.E CO. ,
Omen 511 S HIM t. Omntm. Neb Hnchlncry nml
for.VnniirnctiirliiK CVmrni l r lii 'I Ho.
Engineers and Contractors ,
KnjrHieciN nnd Contrnetors ,
IrldKCs , VlnilnctB Ituof 'lru n , Stcnm I'/Ie / Drlvlnu
Vlllui ; , Ouk mm I'lniIlrliluf ruli ft , nc ir
> iiriiiiin Onuih i Ncli
sr o ST
in Kurnilnro.
t , OnmliiNeb.
Furniture , Betldini * , Upholstery ,
Mlrrorf. etc. lSon.1209 mill 1310 Fnrniniit : ( , Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wliolpsalo ( irocpi'ios and I'rovIsJonH ,
Nos 7a' > , T07 , TlMuliilVll .S. 10th M , Omnlul , .Nob.
McCORD , TlItAnY.V CO. ,
"Wholesale Groccra ,
anil I r ivennnrlli pi' , ninnlm.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , VV'iiKO'i MnrK , llnnlwaro Lumber , etc. 120) )
nnil 1 11 Hiiinoy M , Omatiit.
AVIiolcsalo Iron and Stool ,
Wneonimil Ciirrlnno Wooil Stock , Ilctvy UnnlTraTO ,
Lie. 1JI7 anil 1 Jl ) l.cMvermorth ft , Oni ill i. Neb.
Slovosi , Itanj-L'S , Furnace * , Tiles ,
Mantles , ( irutcn , liruis Good ? 1 21 und 1121 1 araiim
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wliolosale Jewelers aiiiLAInsic Dealers.
DonlCM In "llvorwaro. Diamond * , Wildim , Clocks ,
Jonulci s'l'dciUaiid .MiitorlHls. etc 1UI uiullOJlJtli
Hi , cur. DodKU , Iniiah i , Noli.
realer in Lumber. Latb , Liino , Sasli ,
Doors , Ktc. Yanli Cornor'th nnd Douvliis , Corner
.Illi and Doujla- . .
Wholesale Lumber ,
814 S.llthEtreotOm ilm.Xcli. i .Colpctzer , MsmiKCr.
13th and Cullfornln plrcctd , Omnlm , Neb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor 6th nnil DouKlun tt ! , Onmlin , Nf b.
To Dealers Only.
Odlre , H031'lirnnm street , Omnh i.
JlnnVnood Lumber ,
Wood Carpetn und l-urni-ct Plooring. Ulli d nnu
Wliolesalo Liunbor , Etc.
Imported nnd Aimrloim rortlnnd Ceimnt. Htnto
AliClil for.Mllwiuikuo lUilmulli Ccmtiit und llcut
yulnc > Whltii.lnn > .
Live Stock.
Or Omalia.
l.lmilod. John 1' . Ilo > < 3 , tiuporlntcndont.
Millinery and Notions ,
1. OltERFELDER 0 CO. ,
liiiportcru nnd Jobbcra of
Millinery ami Notion ? ,
iii ; on.I IJI'i Jl.irnoy HtroPt.Omaliu , Nob.
Notions ,
Aio thu only Direct Importers of
Gorman A' French TO.VH & Ktiney Goods
InNctniikn. ClikiiKiiirl | < i'niliii1latcd | without uild >
IliKlrrlclit. HIS I arn.llii hlrc'ttOiiiiilui.
VVholi'fHlu Dcnlcra In
Notions and FiiruiHliInpr Gooiln ,
miuid 4 < l.i U 'J < iitlihtlinnliu.
Jobbers In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing'
Gooils ,
] 0 > 1 and 10M K.irnam nt.Oimhn N3l' '
Maniifartnrcis of Overalls ,
Jo-un I'.inta , hhlrts , 1'tc lift ! mid 1101 DoUKlnh .Street ,
( } intiliit , Nub
T > Kt/.ic ty * J * JliilJJtllr ' l\J4TM I Jlj\j
Jol > Printers , Jiluiik Hook llakera ,
And llook lllndvrn KkS and KH South 1'uurtLOntb
Btruot , Oraulu , Ncli.
Auxiliary PnbliNliers.
I > e ! er lnTypo. I'roiwi unit l'rlntcr ' Bupillo | . 609
buutliTncirtli till out.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
* "
Maiiufurturor , 3'ackcrs und iJenters In
Pickles & Strictly Pine Apple Vinegar
llaktnK I'owrtcr. Hnvorlnit listrnclB. T Mo t-aiuo.
t tench lii lu"i VV ueli llluliiB , ( JriUTB' Spe- ' ' '
holuiKKitufiir Vor Hutu hiuiil HeBuuJ Apple 01-
fler. IM J. uv ii > iortU > t. . Oiuuli.i.
Safes , Etc.
Oinnliii Safe > \oik < * .
MmufnclnrrMnf 1- Ire nnd llurnlnrVroofiifcs. Vkull
HOOT * Jnll Wirk.thiitipM nml Wlrn Work. lVr.
lUhnl llnck. > on Mo Omr.lii N ! '
/ ' . norKit , r co. ,
for llnll'M Safe & l.orK Co.s'
Uro nml Iliiru nr Proof Pif < i , TlniB I/cck * Vault *
nnJ Jnll W rn \ < Put i an lu > t onmlin , Soli
Sash , Doors , Etc.
III. A. DlSltliOU'iV CO , ,
Wliolemlo MtnuifnrturPM of
Snsli , Doors , lilluils nnit Moulding1 ? ,
llrnnch oflloo lih niul trnnl t < , ) iunli Nrli
Snsli , Door , lUliitK Jloitlilttiffs ,
Minir 1-siwT etc 1 )1 ) south Tliliirpiitli street ,
Otunlui , otb. A coni _ | loti' Mock of HulldiM *
AY ? CO. ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors. Blinds ,
Moulding * sialr Work mill IntprlnrllnnlVoiwl Klulsli
' " opi'iicil N V cor Pili mid l.emotiwiii'ln SI * .
limnli-i , Nil'
ClintCHILL J i' co. ,
" \VliolosalePiunps \ p , Fittinurs ,
StOHiuiimlntrr Supplies Ur iliiii ulvix f r Mart
Koi'tl'o MIMH | till I irmnti n Oninlin. Net ) .
Pumps1 , J'lpes mill Engines ,
Stcnmntrr , llnllnn > nnd .MIMInuiipillOf | Ktc ,
IW ) , ir.rJiuiiltr.M 1-uiniini M.Uiiuilii Nrli
r. .s. WJND IN
IlnlliulnyVlml Mlllji nPRin nnil VVhti-r ' . .
t'lunilmiKflooilit. llcltliik' , ll" i % .Ms nml WO ! >
limu ft , Oiiinli I 8 K H'lton , MIMIIIM r.
'lolutilinno ? < ii. 'ID
/ / . ir. 3i A it now ,
AVholptiilp TrnnkM ,
Mlllnnl Hotel lltock , Omalm.
Wagons and Carriages.
Tlio Leading Giirringo Factory ,
IWi nnil 1411 DutlKO ntnict ( imnbn.
White Lead.
VAltTEIt IJ'JflTJ' ] 1A1A l > CO. ,
Strictly riiroWhitB Lend ,
Mth ftrcctniul V V Ilj. . Omnhn.
Hallway Time Table
Flic lollowlnif Is tlio tlmo of arrival nnil do-
pnrturo of trnlns liy Central Stumlurd Time nt
the looul depots 'lYaliiH of tln C , St. 1' . , M. .V
O. nrrlvoimd depart fiom thulr depot , cornoi of
14th and Websternticots ; Irulm on thu II. .V.M.
C. II. A.Q nnd 1C C. , hU.I & p II. from the II.
& M. depot oil otlioia fiom tlio Union I'lielllo
' 01 > 0t'
llrldRO trnlns w III Icavo I ! 1' . depot at 0:13- :
U7. < JT > btX-8MO : ) h-V ) 1110(111 ll.Ud a. in.-111:0 :
- 1.30M8.00 ! -J.OO- 1H:00-5.IH > j:10-li:10- : :
7.00 11:10 : p. m.
IXMIVO Tran l ' foi Oiniiha at 7:12 : Utl'5 : 0:1,1
! l:4J-lllll : : r. 10.17-11:17 a m.lJ7-2:1J : 27 : !
-3 : W-J 37-4 : 7 - 'i.DO0IJ : 0--7r : : > U 8:5U- :
llkJp : in
Luavo Ilioiihvin 10115 p. m ; AUvoOimdm
11 IX ) . I.Oiiiahu lUOOp. in. ; Vr. Uiomluay
10 2S In i-flt-'t Auirust ' . " 'Hi ' un'll Inrlliii no
tice. ' 1 his is nililltionnl to pre ont tudn suivfio.
.1. W MOItbll , ( J.P. A.
Arrival and depnitnio ot trnlns fiom tlio
lor Depot nt Council lllnlls :
Uhl'VItT. AnillVI- .
tillCAOO , HOCK ISLAM ) Si I'll IMC.
H 7:1" : ) A.M. IMIslii A. At.
Ililri ! A. M. ltr > : ; iO iM. .
C0:40 : p. u. It 7.00 iM. .
ClllOAdO & OIlTllV 1.8TI.llK.
CO:1BA.M. : I I ) U.15 A.M.
Ull:40i : > M. I 117:00 : i > . M.
A .35 A.M. A : IIA. M.
llOllUl- . II UM : 1M. .
A 7.CO ! - . M.
CIIITAOO , SIll.WAl'KFK ft fcT. 1'AlTlj.
A'J:15A. : M. I A ICl'it. M
A 8:101' : . M. J A70JI-
KANhts cnr , far. , IOE i COU.NCII. iit.iri'ts
A 10:00A.M. : I Dfi.T. v. M.
Cfc:6r : > IM. . | A li : Ki 1' . it
w viivsn , ST. r.ouis x.
A3.00I- . | U , IJ I' . M.
will leave IT. I1 , depot , Onialia , at 8tO : 7:35 :
h ; ml0.00 a. m ; 2:00 il.uv- ; ( rKi B.OJ p. m
I'uolllollxjiriihs , h:20p. : in , ; Denver 1.x. , 10:5.5 :
n. in ; Loral l'xr .Ki p. in
I cavr stock yards lor Omaha at * 7:0 : - - S0 ; ]
O..W-llnn : m.SJO-aT : : : > - :8fl:0i : : - B : ftp. m.
Atlnntlo Kx . le H. 0. 7.Via. : in. ; Clileiiro IJ\ , ,
lo S. O , 5:07 : p.m. : Local Kx. , lo S. O. 10:51 : n.ra. ;
Mo. Ptttf. nx. , le. S. O. 5:17 : p. m i 2d M. I1. IX ,
0.03 a , rn
'Kvcoiit Sunday.
" " " "
and Jof1 : Work.
1020 I'limnm Strcat , O.ualia
or run
, , ;
\m \ mm and COUNCIL OLUFFS ot
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St , Paul , Minneapolis , I edur RnpitN ,
Clinton , Diibiuiiiu , Davenport ,
JtocK Island.Freeport , ItouKlord ,
Kiffin , Madlsun , .IniiMvillo ,
lielolt , Winona , Ln Cro su ,
And all other 'mportant points Uast , Northo-tit
anil Bout lit.itt.
Forthio n'h tickets ( .ill on tlio Tulit. : \oi
nt 1401 Kiiiiiinn Klii'i't ( in 1'txton I lot -1) ) , or u
Union I'm l..o Dupot
I'nlliiiaiihh I'iK'isiinl llio finest Dining Oais
In thu winlil inn run on llio main llninol tlio
CIIICAOO , MII.M.U'I.LI : x bi. I'tin , luiurtr.
mid over } iilliinlloii In paid lo by
couiliioiis ( 'inploi'Hol the cniniuny. |
U Mil.I.I.It , ( juni ml .MiuiHHtr ,
.1. r. 'li'dd n. AbiWiuit ( Junoral Maiiairor.
A V II UvnrEMhii. Uoucinl 1'ustonjjormul
Tlckot A cnt.
UfcO K H EA out ) , Assistant Ocnurairasscn-
e r und 'Jitkut Aircnt
J. T. CL.UUC , ( itnurai Sniiorialoiidour ,
D. L. SHANE , fiit ) > ei'lntcinl < 'iit ,
Ariivcd Our Oui iy.