TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 3 , 1880. NEW REPORT OF OLD DEBT ! Amounts Owing to Undo Sam and Ow < by Him Since Birth. BENEDICT THE PUDLIC PRINTEI Jtotimls nnd Tnjlor Anxious to Gel I Onmliii 1 ml Inn Movement In Sciln- Sonnelnlous Snreo Postal Pointers. Gnvcrnrnnntnl "Mlack Mst. " W vsmviroN. Aturiut 31. [ Special Tel Bratn lo llio Ilt.i : . | The "black lint" of cie lte > rs and debtors of the Rovetnment , Wide has just been published In response to a tcs lutloti ot thu house , adopted last January , nn Interesting \oliinip. It was compllcel I 11. A Klsh. assistant treasurer of tlio t'nlti States ami consumed tlie best pait of s nuuitlis in Us prepaintlons. The book shov that there Is owing to the gov eminent Si1 MW.llH.lO , divided among the follow ! ! bureaus ; Treasury tllsbiirsciiiiiiits , 31US7' W55.53 ; customs service , S Oltt.lWT. 10 ; intern revenue' , S3.KCO.aw.so : ; diplomatic scrvlc 8l,10li > 11.7U ; sales of public lands , SI.81 ! H3.0I ; Interior dcDartment , grXMOII.5l ; j dlclni v , S lsnTi7..V ! ) ; cnptiu ed and abandon ! propiii ly , Sfla7.083.77. Much of tills Indebte ness icsult.s from cmbe/.zloments , dofnlc lions and disputed account ) * . ' 1 heso dub run liom n few dollars tip to millions. Tin : i.Aitnr.Hr AJWUNT.S citAi : < iin : tit ) txi : ill list any one man is tlm sum of 31.20. or..rx ) chained up against Samuel Swartoti who was collector of customs at Now Yoi under Van Bttrrn In 18W. Swai tout was dofiuiltornnd tills Is thu largest Item tbat .11 pears In Mr. Fisher's work. Thu smallest n debt of 1 cent duo from the government I ( it'orgo J. Abbott , who was vice consul i Sliellleld , Knclanel , In 1871. This 1 cent h : been eatrled alomz upon the books nil the1 jears. Another cicdlt of 4 cents dates bac to 1HIO. The first 12,000 cases mentioned I tlm book ate amounts that have been coveic back Into the treasury under the net of Mn j , 18GO , the cieelltois having failed to call It their warrants within thu tlnuo jcais pi fecrlbed by law. Those sums vaiy froi SUI.OOO to a few cents , and amount to 85C UJO.Ml. Then theiols n list called the IHUST In whlelt thu Indebtedness of thogovernmen amounting to S.W.osO.tU , Is duo to persoi known to bo dead , but whoso boh s have in claimed the money. Among thu debtors < the government many do not ow It uu > thing , but bad book kee : Ing In the department , over wine the treasury lias no control , b nig responsible for It. The largest dofa cations ate charged to collectors ot custon anil collectors ot internal revenue. Thu s < cession states of tlm gov eminent are In (1 ( fault lor the war tax charged up again1 them , the heaviest helrg charged n/nlnst All bama , Snil.O , and Georgia S477.40I. Tli total amount owing the govetnmunt fun this houreo Is 8i,4.'J,402. ! ; Tnu goveimnci Btiircreil heavily from r AHA UK or NAT ION.U. IUXKS and through its sub ci1ptlous to encourae private onterpiises. Thus the govcrnmct : lost by tlm Hank of Columbia , of ( ieorgi town , I ) , 0. , 5H10.U5 , the largest amount ovt found in this way. The goveinmcnt sul hci Ibcel S tW.OOO for 2,25U shaies of thu Chew it Delavvato Canal company's stock at a tu par vnliio ot S'-'OO per shaio ; also SSW/JOO fc 10.000 shaies of thu Chesapeake & Ohio Can : company's stock. Tnu secretary of the treai urynlso. bvatithoritj ot congress , subscribe for boo Mmre-.s of tlie Dismal Swamp Cant comuany stock.Till Till : AMOUNT SUNK In enterprises ot the kind mentioned wa SlKB.sW ) . The list just published does iu show half the Indebtedness of the govert inont and owing to it. Two ot tho' depart incuts did not icspond at nil to the call fo Information , ami the sixth mulitor of tli treasury , having clmiiro of postolllco iu counts , .stated that he had dealing with ffi.OO dlsbtusing otlleeis each year , and that I would take twenty-live cleiks four jcais t complete the information asked for. Till' JJP.VV 1'l'Ht.ir I'KINTKH. The commission of Mr. Honcdlut , the nc\ public pi Inter , an i\ed heio to-tiay , and i now at the white house , liuving been slsnei by thu president in the Adirondack * . It i expected that Mr. Benedict will bo In thocit by thu 1Mb of September , and Mr. Hounds i especially deslious of izottiim away lo tak lioldof hlsputcha.oat Omaliiiby that tmu The latter has gl\en tip his housoon the coi ner of Connecticut avonuu and K stteet , am has gone to the Kbbit honsu to board , Dtepat atory to his departure. Mr. .Benedict's bemIs Is SIOO.COO , nnd ho Is liowtiiigaired In prepai lug it and settling up his private business There are 2.800 persons employed In the gov crnmcnt printing olllce. THE NEW CHIICF CI.l'.ItK. Cailet Taylor , chlet clerk of th government printing oliice , has lesigncd.ani Air. Hounds , public printer , has appolntei Glllwrt Uonedlct , of Now York. The latto Is n brother of Mr. Benedict , whom the picsl dent lias selected to succeed Mr. Itoundt and ho Is expected to assume tlm duties o his now place at 12 o'clock to-morrow. Th new public printer will leliovoMr. Hound on the liftoonth of September , ana in tli meantime his In other , who has been MANAOINO HIS XKWSl'Al'KIt at Kllonvilie , N. 1' . , will make hlmscl familiar with the ollice. Mr. Hounds 1m continued in olllcu for a lomtor period thai ho Intended , but ho has done so at the u quest of tlm pieslelont , who did not wish ti make a chaimo In that otllco , The larg business Interests ot Mr. Hounds and tli newspaper enterprise ) which ho lias ' nevi : INTO AT'OMAKA , has com ] > olled him to hasten lliu piosldont' nctlon , and his icqurst , tiiat tlm cliangi should not bo dehiyed later tlian Septembe in , has been comnlled with. Mr. Tavlor wll accomp.iny Mr. Hounds to Omaha. The ad vent of the new oiliclals causes homo iluttc among tlm employes of the printing ollle nnd tlm burning mtcstion of tlm hour i "whatwillbotlmpolleylnregaidtochangesi" si HANOI : INDIAN .MOVKMIINTK , Captuln John Doret. of the Fourth cavalry who was in cliaigu of tlm Apaclm Indian who leeenlly Islted hero dining a tour e.ist leturned to Koit U'.i\cn\\ortli lust Tlnn.-dir fiom Albmiueiiiue , X. M. , where ho wen' tinder teleuiaphlc orders from the war tie partment to meet ( iencral Miles. Last Sat uiday Imagaln left Fort Le.iveiiMortb , will six ot the Apaehea , to take lour to llnlbiool nnd t\yo to Wlleox , Arit lloforo ho lint reached 'J opeka , less than a hnndied nille ; away , n disnateh from Conpr.il Drum , aetini becretary ot war , was received thorn , tnrniii ) Captain Dorst and his Apacliei back the hce end tlmo to Koit Lea\cn\\oith , wliero tlm' arrhed Saturday night. No one out theri can understand these movement , and nil In formation Is lefiisod at the war department wh I Iu the Indians am lepoited us being ver' ' uneasy. , , Illglioniclalsat the Htato department de clliiii to make any statement about the Sedg wick Incident. Ollicial dispatches have bout received , however , Horn tlm City of Muxleo the natnro of which renders Itlmposslblo ti keep tlm matter seeret. Tlm seandal Is o iiiiieh moment nnd Its details uro boini > yhlspeied uhiiut in the dopattnmnt cot rldors. Much of the story Is too fiall ti bear printing , , , I'lisTori'icp. roixrs. Joel 0. H.wnuy has been rommlsslonei noting postmaster at Ames , Kun , Tlm suhediilu tlmo on the Star ronto fron wntioo to N\\ton ( , .Neb. , has been changed ninuuHV. I . - mgovvlllgo Into effect Septemlo 7 nuxt , I'ATKNI'S TO WKSTI'.HXmtS. The Aebiaska and Iowa patents Issued tc day weio ; DoWitt 0. Jewel t , Sanelspiing In. , hay lewder ; Krncst A. Killell , asslgno of iivo-oigliths to B. U. Button , S. A. Kvflogi and W. H. Haitman , Waterloo , la. , powde case ; Joseph K. Itlckoy , Clarlnda , la. , stii Keens'operating table ; Henry O. Thoma Fremont , N'eb. , bedclothes holder ; 'J oh n K Voorhees , Pella , la. , eheckiovv cornplanter Edward Williams , Dubtumo , la. , windmill. Sedswlolc Senels a Denial. WASHINGTON , August 31. Secrotarv eState State Bayard received this afternoon a tele gram from A. 0. Seelgvvick. stating that th storleacirculated about him ate ridiculous ! false , and that pi oof to that elioct would b' nroduced whenever ho was calleel upon b1 Ihusccietury of Btato therefor. AND HIS SPJU3E Ufllolnl Coiidrtnntloii ofn Dolmttch. NEW YOIIK , Aucii ; t31. [ Special Telcgn to the HiiK.l The World's special from t City of Mexico Is.iv : Consul ( ! eneral 1'on In an olllclal capacity , sent the followli toleuiam yestordaj : "T. ] ' . Hnynid , MCC tarynf state , Washington : Our special em has dlsgraceil lihnolf. . Demand hisimme ale recall. We feel humiliated nnd bow down ultli shamr. Turther particulars , desired , will be fninlihed. Hulllfo It to say wns found dead drunk in n hnu'p of prosti tion , nnd now Is the laimhini ; stouk of t Mexicans. ( .Signed ) J'DIM n , Consul. ' A meeting of the American colony asset bled at the pallor ot JI 1 < > 1 Itinbtdo to dor.--o the afoie > ald lele ram nnd nd < tpsolutlonii. The tolezMin was Indori and n committee appointed to \ \ on Sodirwlrk. They went up stalls , but cnv not llnd him. "I ho eommllteo appointed n-lopt lesolutlons inported immi'dlateb stiong tei ins , stilting that SedcwicU had tl graced the Inited Stales and demanding I Immediate recall The debate was snirlt and In n * pitit of fair play tlm resolutlo were laid over to glvo hedgwlck nnotl chanec. It Is ascertained theiew.is presc n gentleman wlioliadneeomtianied Sedgvvi on thu eventful Friday and the meeting once lesolved Itself Into a coiut. Consul Poi interrogated this gentlemen and ho nt h admitted that he accompanied Kodgvvlek ti disreputable house , but that Scdgwlek < 1 not dlsgiiieu himself. They did not walk the "diocts , but all went in a elo o hack. TI gentleman is an Ameiiean. Tim meeting t Journed. 1'owards tlm close ot the meetl sluing olfoits wete made to get a verdict favor of Seduwlok anil great excitement p vnlled , attempts being made to smother ai deny the It uu status of .ilfnlrs. Hut the fac as well known , remain as ubove. CITY or Mn\ico , August ni. Scdgvvlc speclM Anti'i lean envoy , had another cons tatlon with Minister Jackson , jcsteidny , 1 the puiposo of procui ing data for his repi to Seeieiaiy llaynul on the Cutting caso. . the American legation nothing is said : gardlng the rumor. ? In circulation concern1 ! Sedgwiek. Jackson has taken no part the matter. _ Dustlnjj ( hoVlilto House. WASHING ro.v , August 551. [ Special Te cr.xm to tlio Uui : . ] Tlm reign of tlie nalntt and decointors of the white house Is iiidi : drawing to a close. The painters have re.uly llnislied tlm Ilisteoat of white paint i tlm exterior walls and ate now engaged i the second. ' 1 Im buildlni ; In homo places almostus dlitynovv as befoie thcpaintli began. Tim gnats and other Insects tooV hand in the decotations nnd befoio the III coat ol paint dried thcv sacriticed tin bodies on theclean vvhito walls. Thousan of them lighted on the wet p.ilnt and tliu they stick. In oidct to give tlm second cr n ehanco to dry without tlm aid of insects t lamps on tlmcaiiiagc way will not bo light for about a week. The cleaning of tlm e.i room w.is huished to-day. The walls ha been kalsomined amUlmcliandulteisrleani' It isn noteworthy fnct , developed while t woikmen weto cleaning those chandlle : that tlmv are composed of 5.000 pieces glass. The count was mailo by order of t commissioners of public buildings ai grounds. Minister Jackson's Successor. WASHINGTON ; August HI. ( Special Tel cram to the UIK. : ] The nnme ot Alex ha ton , of Ceoigla , Is prominently mention tor minister to Mexico to succeed Mr. Jac bon. Mr. Lawton was nominated minis ! to Russia early in Mr. Cleveland's admin tratlon , but It was then discovered that li political disabilities had not been lemovi and his nomination had to bo withdraw Congress subsequently passed an act ie. t ( Ing Mr. Lawton tocituenshlp , and ho is note to ho honored as the successor to his lorm law partnnr , Mr. Jackson. Minister Jac son's resignation is said to have been caif-i solely by tlm dissatisfaction of his vvito wi hei new home. I'KISPAIUXG THIS POOU TlioNortlnvcstom Ilonrts l-'latirini c tlio Coinliifr Coiullitatloii. CHICAOO , August SI. There was an a : lay session to dav of the gcneial mauagei committee ot the lines In tlm Northwcstei frolulit association , called byj. K Tuckc jf the St. I'aul road , to picparu for the pot ing oC all business , both passenger at : freight. Tlio following lines were repi jcnted : St. Paul , Northwestern , Uuilln : on , Hock Island , Chicago , Huilington S'ortliern , Central Iowa , Illinois Ce : ral , Minneapolis & Northwestei ind Minneapolis it St. Louis. The who lay was spent in preliminary discussion . ' .xcepting that thu subject ot territorial llmi , vas agiceably dl.sosed ] of. It was decide ilint the territory .should bo piactlcally tl lame as that of tlm old Nmth western Trail issociation , including tlm business In boi llrections between Chlcauo. 1'eorla , t : Louis , Burlington , Mississippi river point St. Paul , Minnesota Transfer , Mlnneapoli Milwaukee , and Lake Michigan ports 1 Wisconsin. An adjournment was had unl LO o'clock to-monow morning. Still Another KoHton Failure , BOSTON , August ill. Nichols & Farn ivorth , dealers In shoo mnnufnctuiers' good iavo suspended. This linn carried on bu less in this city for many years , nnd hi anked with tlio leading houses In the trad I'ho cause of tlm failure Is nttilbutcd to on ildo opeiations of Farnswoith , for who ho linn Is endorsed , It Is said , to n lingo o .cut The tirm dissolved yesterday by tl withdrawal ot Farnsworth , who filed a vc intary petition in insolvency on his IniMvh ml account. Liabilities heavy , but no ual nates given. Strides Forwnrtl. AiNswoiiiH , Neb. , August SI. [ Special the t ho Hin.l : A meeting of busines- , men vvi leld Imro nnd tlm preliminary steps cwei auon lor the organisation oC a boaid ( nule. John C. Sullivan was chosen pros lent , nnd V. J. Smith was chosen secrelar Ihooiganizatlon will bu iiertected at one' A ono hnndied barrel ( louring mill will I srected nt once. The cltUuns hero have eoi tlbuted S'X)0 ( ) , which is to bo donated to osponsihlo and practical miller who bulk mdopoiatcB the mill. A VilliiKo Disaster. SOUTH HOVAI.IOWN , Yt. . August 31. . S'eaily thoentlro business portion of th Illagoandn number of dwellings burne ast night. Atter a liorco licht the llamt vero cot under eonttol about a tills mornlni oss estimated at S75.000. Tlm loss Is now toitiul to bo much great * nan atllihthiipposed. The loss amounts t 5100,000 , if i,0t , more , The 1'olioo Detail. The police for September will bo di nllud iirf follows : Day Force Tlioums Cormiok , cajtaii Fohn RIoDoimld , deputy marshal ; l avv once Jiisperson , Sixteontli , Dotlgo 1 Sleholasj John Hrmly , Ninth , Tenth an Jlovontu north of DouglasJorr J'tJ raily , Tenth , Howard to dunot ; Joli S'ornmn , South Thirloonths H. T , IIivzi 'iirnuin btruot ; Patrick Hinelmy , Th ! ; oonth , Harnoy to brlil o ; Dun Kennedy L'wolftb , Uotiglas to Oapitol nvciuio ; At Irovv Crawford , Douglas street , Thti eontli to Sixteonthj James O'Hovlt ' L'umingi Richard Hurdish , at largo ; P ; Moatyn , scr-xcant ; Peter Matza.sorgoani fosoiih Howies , streets and alloys ; Pi [ Jorrigan , btrcets and alloys ; Mlchtu \ \ halen , court oiHcor : .lolin Tnriibiil Mty biisinessj Polo Turkolson , pain Invor. Night Force Charles Dlooni , Sixth an 3ovonlh , south of the tracks ; MikuDumj -.oy , i unth street , Hovvanl todopotVi ; ; iam White , Donulas ; Thonms Pierono ariuun street , UVulfth to 1-iftue.nth ; Pi Nlnrpliy , Tliirteonth , Howard to bridg < M Carroll , lower Fnrnant and Harnoi l > an Mellrido , Sixteenth , ( 'n&s to Niel ) lns : I'liomas Ormsby , Ninth anil Tout ! lorth of Douglas ; Alike Hiloy , Bonl j hirteenthj Pat Ciisaek , Citming streo I. J. Donovan , Sixt'entli. Doilgo to Cas : lames Urady. Twelfth. Douglas ttf Cap ol avomio , ( Jeorgo Trumble , iatrc iriver ; AI Sigvvart , jailor. \ GOSSIP . ABOUT OFFICIAL ! Sotno of the Tiaits and Fcculiaritios State Department Officers. ' FRIENI THE NEWS-GATHERER'S A Nnturnl Oisatilllty That Ciuiund tl Arroht of the Soconit yccrctnry 1'ostnl uu tlio Decline. A Hespectctt Olllclnt. WASIIIN-OTOX , Atunst 12' ) . iSpeclal Co rcspondenco of tlm Hii : : , | The man wl above all others Is tlm most respected In tl state department Is cvtiovoinoi Poitcr i Tennessee , tlist assistant H'etetnry of .staU While the other high oiliclals , Including 11 secielary , Pilvate beeietaty Hi.vnn nil Chief Clurk Urown , are nnsleie and djfllnu to approach , ( Jovei nor Potter Is genial , all bio nnd , what Is moiu important than al get-at-able. IIo Is always leady to answi any rt-asonablo question not In tlm nature i a diplomatic sceiet , nnd never Indulges I ptevarieatlon or falsification lor the putpoi of throw ing the Inquirer olT the eccnt. ( ! o crnor Poiter will give a dliect answer 1 every iiuestlon put to him. If the qiiestlo Is ono such as he cannot answer beeausu i Its encioaehment on the line of dlplomac ; Im will tell tlio questioner so frankly. l'i this teason dovetnor Poiter Is more high ! esteemed by people having business wit tlm state department than any other olllcii there. AN AVVKWAUD nit.KMMA. The second assistant secretarv , Mr. Adei Is an uxnerleuced diplomat. Ho has bee connected witli tlm state department for number of years , and upon him devolves tl ; duty of wilting neatly all of tl : letters which are from time I tlmo addressed to foreign goveri ments. Mr. Adco la the gentlema vvhocieateilngre.it deal of amusement few years ngo by attempting to arouse . ) itdi < Wyllu from his bed at midnight. Mr. Adi was Imrn deaf ind dumb. Ho Is now able t hearonly such winds as are shouted in h ! ear. His aitienlation Is entiielj mechanic ! and Is of a most peculiar chaiacter. Whe becietaty Kolger died it was deemed In nottaut tonjinolnt ( . now beerotaiy of tli lieasttry vvitliont delay. Jtiduo Oreshai wasehosen and Adee volunteeicd to sucin a jtidijo competent to administer the oatl Ho did not hear the oilier gentli men piesent say that they wottl send a messenger for Judge Wyllobftpn ceeded at once to that gentleman's house f < tnejmiposeof atoiislng him , althonisb It vvn then midniglit. IIo rang the bell. Judi ; \\j lie's mghtcapned head was thrust fioi the window and 1m Inquired what was wan I'd. Adee could not hear him , but ho tiled t explain his business. The Judge couldn't in dersland him and for n few minutes thet was considerable commotion between th dooistep nnd tlm chamber window. Nultlii could understand the other , and the judtft who is somewhat Irascible , concluded tlir .some crank hud designs upon him. Seein an olliccr In the vicinity he shouted to him t takeahat crank to jail. Thu ollicer pr < eeeded to do so. Adeo tiled to explain , bti tlm policeman , like Judge \Vylle , was unabl to understand him , and it was only vv hen th other members of the party met the nair thn thu allnir was put In its pinner light an Adee was icleased irotn the clutches of th law. ni'.CAY OF THE POSTAL CAUD. The report of the postmaster general fo the last liscal year , which Is now being pn pared at tlm department , shows some mtei estlng figures in iclatlon to the postal set vice. One cntious feature shown by thl report is the point at which tlm ordinnr American draws the line of economy. Fioii the time tlm postal cards were lust intioducei into tins country until tlm rate of letter poj tnge was ledneed to two cents per oune there was a steady and constant Incieaso li tlm sales of postal cards. This change ii tlm law wont into effect on the 1st of Octo ber , lb3 , and for the preceding twelv months the departmenthaddis-Dosod of some thing like ; 5soooo,0X ( ) posjal caids. Thus , I : ton veais , tlm annual consumption ot postn cauls had incieaseU from a lew millions ute to n third of a billion. Tlm ordinary Increas in the value of postage stamps sold is in tli neighboihood ot 1't to l.r > percent perannum and the sales of postal caids should , in th ordinary natme of tilings , increase In abou the same ratio , but since ISS : ! there has beei no increase to spoalc of. Dining the las year there has been a decided tailing oil Tills is duo to tlm fact tha people have , since the icductloi of letter postage , pone back to sealed corres pondonce. as the margin between ono am two cents is not Milliclcnt to Induce them ti use the postal card to so great an extent a ; formerly. Oiliclals of tlm dcpaitmont be licvo that the high water mark in tlm use o postal cards has been readied , and that tha once favorite method of communication I destined to become less anil less pomilat eacl year , and tluit the postal caid will finally le main in use principally as an ndvertislni medium thiough the malls. Notwitht > tandlni tlm inroads into thu revenues of thu depart nient , which has been made through congres slonal action each yoir , the leeelpts lor thi ( meal year ending 18S5 will show a net In crease over the leeelpts for tlm year 1684 o about one million and a half dollars. The re dnctlon of postage on newspapers from twi cents to ono cent per pound caused a fallini off in the revenues laht year of about 31,100 , 000. This shows that npwauls of a millloi pounds of newspapers were depO9ite < in the mails by publishers nloni besides tlm tons which were sent out li wrappers by private individuals , to whicl postage stamps were nfll.xcd. The depart mentis just recovei ing from the effects o tliu reduction of letter postage , and If then shall be no fin thcr cutting down in rates 1 will not bo live years betoio this Importnn branch of tlm government is again bolt-sus mining. Itiilldlnc I'orinftM. Inspector Whitlock ib&nud buildin ; permits yesterday : is follows : P. Soienson Hoieln. ono storv frame cottage , Twenty-ninth street , between l/.ard and Nicholas S SOI I ) . V. Sholcs , double two story frame stoto and Hats. Park and Woolwmth avenues 3,10 ( J. Klner , two story liame cottage , Con vent anil Howaid 1 id Julia \Vessels , frame bain , 710 north Twenty-second htieeU 'M M. Parr , ono stoiy fr.una cottage , Twmity-fouith and Mason V. . 01 S. (5 , Walker , ono story brick cottage , INM south Twenty-seventh street. . . , M ( ! . L. Hughes , two story bilck dwelling , Seventeenth nnd Vinton 2,201 Seven penults aKgicsatlng S'J.IO : Crlino in Kerry. Tit.u.r.n , Ireland , Aupnst 81. A farmci named Flashlio vvns found dead , with a bid let thinngh his heait , In a Held near his honx near Noith Kerry. It Is supposed lie has been muidered because of u' < railan tioubles Bon ton's Ilalr Orowor All who are HAM ) , all who are becomlnc BALD , all who do not want to Im hald , all who are troubled with UANDHUKK. 01 I IClllNC of tlm scalp ; should iwo IJiintonis IlalrOiower. KIOHTV PKII CKNT of thosi using U have grown hair. It never falls u bton tlm hair from tailing. Through sicklies * and fever * the hair sometimes tails elf In : i bhort tlnm , and although tlm peison may have remained bald tor years. If you two Hen. ton's Hair Grower according to directions yon are sure of a giowth of hair. In hun < dreds of cases wo have produced a good growth of Hair on these who have been bahl and glazed for years wo have .nlly bubstaii' tinted the following facts : \VogrovvlIalrin80 oases out of 100 , nc matter how long bald. Unllko other pioparatlons , It contains nc Btigar of lead , or vegetable or mineral poisons. Ills a specific for falling hair , dandruff , and itching of tlm scalp. The Hair Grower is a hair food , and Its omposition is almost exactly llko the oil vvhloli supplies the hair with Its vitality. DoUHLiK AND THlPhK STHUNUTH. When the skin Is very tough and Hard , and LhefolHce Is apparently ultortually closed , Lhe single strength will sometimes tall tu reach tno papilla ; in such cases the double or triple strength should lie used In connection with the single , using them alternately. Price. slnu'Io strength , 81,00 ; double strength , 82.00 ; triple strength , S3.00. If your druggists have not got It we will send it prepared on receipt of prlco. BENTON HAlll GHOWEIl CO. , Cleveland , O. Sold by C. F. Goodman and Kuha & Co. J5lh and Uouiflaj , 18tU nail Cuminira The City Fntlier * ' t W'ork After Twei WooICu Vncfltlon. The lirst half h6lir' < > f the council meo ing Insl night vv ijdfl olcd to handsha ing , the council oniituber being lllicdwl friomls of the nldfrtiUMi who were nil ions lo creel thorn "after their rctu from their wosterri trfp. All were wrcsc except Aldermaii 'Ku\spcr. The mayor's cojiiiii'nnlcnlion , appro ing certain ordiimmiw adopted nt the hi meeting of the council , was read ai placed onlllo. . The Contract of J. Uiloy for the construction of the nor Omaha sewer , was approved. Marshal Cumiuijjs.reported ) , in rep to tlie council's question conccrninc tl llutliiigof the two gill * , Belle Uiluian m Anna l'homi ) eH , that the informatii that they had been found iu the Cosm pohtan Tiotel hud not been Riven to tl press by the police. A motion to pla the * report on lilo was opposed by Alek Hiau Schrot'dor , who vvatiteel tlie marsh , instructed to inform the council who the girls were found. On motion of / elermati Leo the report was placed e Leave of absmico for ten elays vv gruntedI.E. House , chairman of tl boarel of public works. Samuel Stover WHS appointed inspocti of Iho North Omaha sower. The inspector's pay-roll for the mom of August was allowed. Estimates for a largo amount of pu IIo work were rcporteel by the boarel i public works ami allowed. The estimate of Murphy , Crolghton Co. for the paving of Sixteenth strec amounting to $ ' , ' 0,110.1)5 , ) , was approve nnd allowed. The proposal of He-gati & Co. for tl construction of the basemunt of the cil hull was received , mid the board of pul lie works instructed to aw.xrel the coi tract to tlio lirm. .Captain Monyhan petitioned the com cil lo appeiint tlio block walchmuti mi ployed by him as special policemen. U forrcd lo the committee on police . A paving district , including Tvvcnt ; fifth street , was orelcreel created. Michael Hatloti prc.seiiteel a con nmnicntioii alleging tliat on the Sfith i August , his wife went to tlio engir houses of thu water works compan ; where she was assaulted by one ' 1 time tin employe ef the company , and severe ! injured. Tlio petitioner nskcel Juelj ; Stoiiberg to issue a warrant leir Turner arrest , but he refused to comply with tl : request. The communication was r ferrcel to the eirjmiuittuo on police. Petitions asking for the opening an extension of Twentieth , Twenty-firs Twenty-second. Caltlwcll , Hamilton an Sevvard strccU wore referred lo the con millee on grades and grading. The residents of Boggs & ; Hills' sci end addition petitioned to have the watc works extended oil Twenty-ninth tivi nuo. Fire and water works. A petition asking for the grading c Webster street from Eighteenth t Twenty-third , to a width of 70 feet wi ; referred to the committee on grades an grading. A communication 'was presented froi re.sielents , asking1 ftUU tltes nuisance exi.s ing in the shuntiojf'on Hurt street , nun Fourteenth strcelbo , i/Jjulud / , ivns reforro to the city marslml , wjth instructions t abate tlie nuisance ] , \ nisouT.ioNs. ; By Chuncy Thnt the street commii sinner bo instrudfcd 'to cut all of th weuels iu the strcqts iu the city. Publi property and hupjtoviihiciits. By Bailey Thai i'C Ls. the sense of thi council tliat six of thui present membui of tho)0ice ] ) ! force shotild bumouutceian patrol South Thirtuetith struct , Furuai west of Twentieth , .Cuming west c Twenty secemd. t , Mjarj 's avenue an other priiicijjal " smjtJs { jh tlie suburb ; Police. , „ . . , < < t The boards of'npubttc works was n structcd to ascertain why. Ryan & Ce liavo not commenced work of grnd < n [ eleventh street ami to relct the contra : if the work is not commenced at once. A plat of Mayno'H Place was returned us it was not made in compliance wit iho ordinances of the city. Tlio lire committee reported aelvorsel , ' .o the bill of John II. IJutler , : imouuliu < 10 iflCl ) , for horse hire , extra time , am for tools lost. The report was adopted. OHIMN'ANCES. Making appropriations for the paj Hunt of liabilities incurred during thi Month of August. Adopted. Ordering the grauimr of an alloy i : jlock 147. Passed. Creating pavinir districts No. 83 ant 30 , embracing South Sixteenth strcul L'jisscd. Declaring Iheiie-cessity of changing th 'rode of Luaveiiworth street botvvcei thirteenth and Fourteenth streets L'asseel. Dolining the duties of t to clerk of th polices court. Police. A number of ordinances levying laxe , o coyer the cost ot curbing , paving nm grading in different parts of the cit' ivero adopted. The council' then ael journcd until Friday evening. A Chief Attraction. Gco. Fox , chief of the Omaha Indian : md ono of the council of the tribe , calld nt the Bin : oliico last evening in compan , with , Louis Hamilton , a member of th ( nine tribe , who is connected with th secret service in this city. Mr. Fov is 01 Ills way to visit the various tribes in th Indian territory but was persuaded b ; Julius Meyer to remain over a week ii this oily , so as to attend the fair. Mr Meyer very generously agreed to pay hi jnard and expenses and to present hii : iVith a medal. Mr. Fox will no elottb irove to bo one of the chief attractions a ho fair. The Cliolern nocorel. HOVIE , August 31. The cholera record to lay Is : Alolfetla , fi new cases,0 de > atis ! ; San li.irco , In Lamis , liOnew casets-1 deaths ; lc ! ondo , 'M new cases , 11 deaths ; Hole na , i lew eases , 2 deaths ; lUveniu , u nuw cases ! deaths. IteiiutH'iil Women ire made pallid and unattractive b ; inutional irregularities which Ir 'icrcu's "Favorite ) Prescription" will in idlibly euro. Thonsamts ottubtimoiiials $ Y druggists , j-t Relticato Your KOIIH. Endow them wlthjj | ! legacy that can lot boHiiuandorcel.itm ) hend tliem to tin UNivr.iiniTV w jfforju : DAME , in institution nowiiii its forty-third year mil unsurpassed for its ad vantages to im > art to your soiiSjiiHi } yanls u thorougl md linislieil udiiiviliun , uitlier in a thor nigh commorcialbusiic.sscourso ( } ) , whicl s a elibtinguibhiug foaj.troof ( Motret Dame mivor&ity , or in n fulK'onrso , which com irises el.issic , law , ' SOM.UIUO , mathumatics mil music , ' , ' „ Special aelvantgi ; ) ) .nro offurcd to stti loiils ot the J , < twlirj irlincnt. THK MNl ! ' , l fVA"TAIKNT | i separate ) iustitunopiiSt. Kelward's ' hall or bojs under twelve'years of ago , whc ire tauirht by SISTKHS 01' THK HOl.V OIIOSS , inelor whoso maternal care they pass icarly the entire day in receiving instrtic ion In all the elementary branches o in English education together with t undameiital knowltMlgoof Latin , French , lorman , vocal inusio , Violin , piano and [ rawing , preparatory to enter cither the nnior or senior classes of tlio univer.sity Board , washing , nieiiuling , tuition .inel intranet ) feu for session of live mouths in ilinim dupartmeiif , : fl0. ! ! The eijrnty-lifth session will open on 1'ueselav , September 7,1BB6. Before concluding where to place jour on or ward sum ! for a catalogue , which fill bo sent free , givlngyouftill Informa- ion of the Univerbity of Notre Dame. Ad. Iross , IlKV.T , E.VAUH. . O. S. C. , President University , Notre Dame , Ind , TAKEN IN BY A "CON" S11AR1 An Iowa Parmor Eobbocl by a Bogus Unit < States Marshal. REUBEN JOHNSON'S FAT L. RIDf SIcKnii : Hurt llorsrlioois Hnj py Tito rnrme IJonds niood at Grntul Island Tito Council nnd Other A tloKtis tr. H. Mnrnlinl. An honest looking elderly gentlomai giving his niiiuo as Robert 'J'nylo walked into the polieo station at o'clock this morning and gave tlm pa tleulars of the manner in whieh ho Ini been made the victim of the neatest coi lidence game of the season. For thirl Years ho lias been llvinc iu Kiuggol county , Iowa , but recently decided to r niovo to Naneo county , Nubrnska. Wit his wife , daughter nnd son-in-law 1 liassed tltroiigh Omnlia on Sunday oyei ing in a prairie scliooner. Ho reached point five miles cast of Fremont ycste ilny and vvns slopping at the residence i George Godfrey when a young folio' arrived in n carriage and serve papers upon him charging him with Inn ing passed counterfeit money at tli transler in paying his faro noross th river. The young man gave his nanio si 1 houm Knlluy and said ho was a doput United Slates Marshal. Ho was going t bring the entire party to Oimifui , ui finally deeidcd that ho would b satisfied to bring only Mr. an Mrs Taylor if tlio entire part would turn ever all of their money t him so ho could tell whether they ha tiny counterfeit coin or not. In hi : tnicty to prove his honesty Mr. T-aylti consented to this nnd delivered $117.G into the bauds of the alleged ollieial wh promised to pay him for his Urn if ho was found to In innocent of th charge. "Mr. Kelley" then left his toai 111 Mr. Godfrey's barn and hired youn Godfrey to tiring him and Mr. ami Mr ; Taylor to Omaha. They loft the Godfre place at 5 o'clock j'osterdny evening an made tlm drive of twenty-seven miles t Omaha , arriving here jttl before midnight. "Kollcy" lei the party at Stevenson's barn on Tent street and went to socttro a boardiii ] place for thorn. Of course ho tailed ti return and it finally dawned upon th old gentleman that ho hud bcun conl deuced ami he hastned to report th all'air to the police. The team whic "Kolloy" left tit Godfrey's was hire by him at Homan's barnyusturday mon : ing. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are lints lei without a cent of money. There is n tangible clue to iho identity of "Kelluy.1 UK RODE 10 HIS DEATH. Reuben Johnson IiululgcH In a Kid With Fatal KonultR. Last night n very sorrowful occurronc attracteil tie ! attention of a BEI ; rcporlo on Ctiming between Eighteenth am Ninctconth streets. A crowd stood 01 tlm sidewalk and through this an en trance was effected. In the middle o the circle formed by tlio ctuious throng and upon the rough and hnrdcmei .sidewalk , lay a young man win had not yet attained lo hi majority. His eyes wuro plnml , and ai ashen hue had overspread his features Blood was slowly oo/.ing from out hi left car. It suemeil that a doctor ha < been fcont lor but had not yet arrived The reporter felt the pulse. It boa feebly and the next instant ceased. A tlio next moment Dr. Moore arrived , fuller lor the heart beats , but they had stillei forever. The young man was dead. Hi had c.spircd upon the walk , will not a relative near by. Vulga curiosity soon turned into obscqui pus respect. The bystanders spoki in lowest tones , made way foi tin doctor , and sympathetically watched bin as lie washed the blood from ofl" the douc young man. Just then a medium accc tnaii broke into the crowd. Ho thvov himself upon the body of the lad , em braced and mourned aloud in pitifu tones. He was the father of the boy Ories of sorrow came from a mountei boy in the street. It was with him tin ailunt young man had met his death. Yesterday evening John Hockbud nnd Iloiibcn Johnson took out their horse1 for a ride. They went along Cumin ; . street toward Nineteenth. Hoekbnd wiu ; x little in the lead. Suddenly he missci Ins companion. He turned and lookei behind. Johnson had been uiiiuatcd , up narontly by a passing wagon , nnd was ( vinz unconscious upon the ground Ilockbud immediately galloped with the amply saddle to the residence of the young lad's parents , 'ilio father returnee , an the horse of his son's , but thu son , a ; above mentioned , was dead. The wagon which ran into Johnson , 01 rather the wagon into which the Inttei liad run , remained fifty feet from the Hccne. An elderly woman , coarsely clad with an uncouth toilet , sat in front. Ho ililo her sat : i child of ten years. The woman's lace wns buried in her hands. One of the wafts of her wagon was broken , and by. Uanders wore tracing it with strap's , This woman was Mrs. Papo. Shu lives in State , opposite the residence of L . H , Williams. She and her husband are in the dairy business. She was on her way lo town when tlm mishap occurred. She saw Johnson and Hockbud approach. The former was on the north side of thu street , tlio la'tor ' on Urn south. The wo. man was goimr east. Her horse was- slow. She could not got out of the way jf tlm approaching riders , and ono of .lieni , Johtinon , camu so close that ho struck luirshafl. broke it and was thrown ipon his hide. The shaft was immediately repaired and the poor woman returned tome. Other spectators corroborate this itory nnd assert that Johnson was riding it a recKless rate when he struck the .votmin's . horse. Tlio unfortunate .vcim nan lived but a few minutes , Surgt- : al aid could not have assisted him , bn : aiise his injuries lay nt tno base of his The young man was berne to his 'athnr'H hoimi on the corner of Twenty- ilMh an Burt streets , where an inquest vas buhl resulting in ti verdict of acci- lental death. A VICTIM OF ItnOlihlgaSNKHS. \Irs. \ MoICalir Horlomly Hurt by a Cnieloshly Driven Tuuiii , Mrs. Me King , wife of the pastor of the rt. E. Church , met with u boriotis and minf til accident ut the corner of Six- couth and Davenport streets at 7:30 : last jvoning. SIio was crossing the street vhensne was struck nnd knocked down ly a lolivory rig tliat was being driven it a reckless rate of speed by a young toy named Gilinsky , who works for a ; rocory lirm on Eighteenth street bo- vvecn MitHon and Lcavunworth. The vvagon passed over her body and Mio was licked ui ) iu an unconscious condition , ttul carried into Frank Barrett's drug toro vvlioro Dr. Simon attended her. lor huad and face were badly cut and iruised.Vhun \ she recovered cf.nsciotiH- less she was removed to her homo. It j feared that she lias received internal njuries that mav result seriously , nl- hough at lust reports blio was resting asily. Gilinsky was arrested on tlm liargo of fust driving. Travis' Trinl. District Attorney Estollo has taken tlio 'ravis assault nasu in hand and Tiled an nformution charging him with an as- attlt upon Alexander with intent to kill , 'ho cou has been set for n hearing ou optcniber 3. Hoitsi-siioiits : HAPPY , Xonrly All of ilio Prominent Sin Owners IlccoBiiIzo Tliclr Clnlnis. The membeis of Horsoshoers' ns eml ) No. 10 certainly deserve eredil for t quiet manner in which they have co dueled their stnko , and they nvo to ! congratulated on the success of their d mantis for higher vvnires. All of the seem to be level headed ioitug meii in understand the proper way of sliowii tlio reason and iutlc < of their claims. very enthusiastic meeting was held In night nnd impmlant business transactu Mr John Dugati oeeuplod the ehaif , at among the llt-st things done was the n nouiicomnit that Dennis ( 'uniiinehat \ \ . A , Watson , James Shaw , Geori IJennett i\ ; Son , A. Murphy , John Moot 1'odersoti iV : Son and A. Mcllvoy , wl condtii't ihu leading and best shops in tl city , had tigieed to their 01 ployes1 I or im , and the lalt will resume work in the slir > | named lo day. Among those who so Ii will not aceedo to the demands of tl hor.soslioors is G. J. Karbnch. but tl men think ho will fall into line when I limls that his shop is the only one in tl city not employing union men. Yesle day a scab came lo Shaw's shop logo work , whereupon n union man employe there look oft" his apron intending to out.nud Mr. Sltaw immcdinlolv tlisiieiuse with the services of thu "scab , " prefo iug to retain his old nnd tried her * shour. This shows that the ) best of fee ingenist.s betv\ouii the empbyors an employed in me > st e > f the shops , mid tin thu stnko ! s but temporary. Assombl | ) . 11) ) very pollluly uoliiy all " .scabs , whether resielunts or non-residents , I steer clear of the strcest car shop. Tl : horseshoe will bold : i meeting to-uigl at 8 o'clock at Erdomiti'.s , and every nigl until the strikes is settled. THIS PAVING ItONDS. A IjIsihtVoto Polled Hut All In Pnvc oPTIiclr Issiinnuu. The sjiccial ulcction to decide upon tl issuance of $50,000 for pavmg purpose : took place yesterday. It was piobab' the most tiucvcntftil balloting ever hel in tlio city. The usual attention incidei to elections , on tlio part of inlcrosti : caudidatus nnd nspirauts was vvantinj and those who did go to the polls , i HUH- cases out of ten , went because the happened to bo passing in the neighbo hood. In every ward the vote was lie'h so light , in fact , that it was suvcrnl time remarked in the hearing of a Br.u n porter that if onu or twoeiisgnmtlcd elen agogncs line ! se ) ttiKcn the uotiem , tile : might , in ono of Ilio wards , certainl' have brought in enough ballots to hav destroyed the allirmntivo voto. The bonds , however , were carried wit a majority in every district .luel wnrei , n follows : Firsl ward , first district , 173 for an ! i against ; second district. ! U for and iigatibt ; tliirel dihtrict , 18 for and 3 agains Total , ai7 against < j votes- . Second ward , lirst di.stnct , 41 for , am 15 against ; ceeotiel district , 100 for and 1 acninst. Total , 1 11 against K ! . Tliirel ward , ! )1 for anil 1 agnnist. Fourth ward , first elisltict10 for ami ngatnst ; second district , ISO for and ugalnst. Total , 7i ( against 3. Fifth ward , lirst district , 33 for an 10 against ; second district 30 for and : igahibt. Total OS ) against 19 votes. Sixth ward , first district , 27 for an ) ' against ; second district 31 for and igainst. Grand total 001 against 50 votes. The Spectacular Success. Another magnificent audience greetc ; ho production of the "Devil's Auction by Gilmorc's company at Boyel's lai night. The presentation was greatly in Droved over that of the lirot night , tli rough features of tlm opening perfoi : nnuco having boon entirely overcome 1'ho auelionco was wildly enthusiast ! > ver the splendid ppe-eiulty features c .lie performance , the three Lorcllas , th jrothcns Snow and thu elaticiiig of M'lle Stcccioni and M'llo. Itivcri beiuc c : lecially appreciated. The great tran ; ornuuion scene was adniii-iuly present jd. Tlm Mikado and tlio Alhambra ba uts wore also novel ami pleasing features The company will uppear again thi jvcning and will close their cngagcmcn : o-morrow night. TIII : NKXT ATriiArnoN' . Sol Smith lius.scll , vyhoso name am .vhobu . fame ) as a comedian of tlio bright s.st quality is known through the Icngtl mel breadth of the land , will appear a Jovd's opera house on Friday and Satur lay evenings anei Saturday matinee ii lis sparkling notv comedy called "Pa. " dr. Itussull is two well known as ai irtist of merit to require. me > ro than tin implo announcement of his coming tc nsuro him a cordial greeting. The sale if reserve seats opens to-morrow morn/ ng at tlu box-olhco. An Invitation , Progressive , liberal , non-Christiar eoplo interested in charitable enterprise vho will duvoto themselves or aid it rovidiiig a liomo for orphaned or othoi inforlimato children , are invited lc orrespond with the undersigned. Who , with a soul full of love for this .ind of work , will nnito with me , lady 01 ; ontlomau or both ? 1'ersons of home culture preferred. Who has CO to 100 acres of land to sell ui easy teims for the homo , not more ban ten or fifteen miles fro 11 * Omaha ? For further particulars , address J. It , Tiiovii'.sf.v , euro of HKU olici ( ) , An Old Timer Hcturnn. Billy Anderson is and old time .sneak hiof. About two years age ) ho was based out of Omaha for various dopro- atious. Where he has been in the mean- line is not known but its certain that he asn't reformed. Ill came into tlio city esterdav morning ami was found yes- unlay evening trv ing to dispoio of a set f harness belonging to Gco. Hoimrotl , liu Thirteenth htrcut grocer. Ho vvns lilud. Police PiukingH. John Eastoll' wont into a colored res- iiiranton Dodge streut ycslorelay aftor- eon ami commcnceiel amusing niius-oif V cutting the upholstery of thu furnituro. lo was urrvbti.nl by Otllcor Urady. John ( lallaghor was arrested by Ollicor 'uirnnci lust nitrht for Ktealing a hat of oid balls from Kills' .saloon on Tlnr- jimth strcot. John said Im was just inking a sturltir for a saloon of his own. THIS NHKUASUA STATUS KAIJt V'lll lie Hold at Itlncoln , 10th to 17th , 1HHO. THE LARGEST AND BEST FRE AKED GROUNDS ; horse and cattle .alls ; sheep and svviun linns , speeil barns ; l > ecel ( rack , AKJST COMMODIOUS AND OMFORTAltLY CUSHION - SEATED MI'lHTHEATRE ; FIFTY EVEH LOWING TAN IvS ami troughs of PURE ' distributeel in all parts of thu roundii , nuw and secure bulldmgH for Odbits ; RAILROAD TRACK RUNS S'TO THE GROUNDS. ArraiiKoments aru made to transport LL EXH1HITS SHOWN AT THE MAHA FAIR , OR EXPOSITION , or ) vva , or Illinois State Fairs , de-Miing'J'O XHII51TATTHE STATE FAIR , LIN- OLN , in limn for thn opening day , Sept. t. EXHHHT.S FROM OMAlFA TRANS- OHTED FREE TO AND FROM L1N- OLN , provided they do not change hvucrsldp , and return the same route my camo. REDUCED RAILROAD PASSENGER ATES. Don't fail toaltend THIS THE GREAT XPOSITION OV THE WEST. For particulars address the secretary ; Lincoln. HOUT. W , FI-HNAS , Secretarv , GAIETY AT GRAND ISLAND , Old Vctorans Put in a Peasant D.iJ' at Damp Grant , TWO ATTRACTIONS POSTPONED , Tlio Nmntior of Solellors Present nmj the Hlntcs Tliuy Ite-ulstor l.'roiu A tint her Hotmor Vov Van \Vve-k. Tlio Rival Itcntiloti. ISLAM * , Neb. , August ill. | StC | > clnl Telegram In tlm ilii.J C.tmp ( irant U ablitj-e with Inlotest and enthusiasm and ple.ism.seekers , am thionglng tluoiigh the vaiious iivenuos In pitisult of shifting scenes of c.imp life. Last night pnivoil tuilto severe on the visitnis who came with sroitlv cover ing , exnccting lo sniotlict In tents , and camp iites of the old vatlety vveio much .sought. This moi nltiit oDcnoil buAulifully and was lull of ntomlsc. Tholoronoon piogrnnitno comprised gnatd niemnlitig by United st.ttes icgular tieiops at 0 o clock ; tall of htates and assembly of comrades at the vat ions state houdiiitiutersat 10 ; aitillery drill ut ltSO ) : by Iho dllletenl luttuiles ; evolutions by regaLit * at'J , and skltmlsh dtlll with tiring by regu- l.us at , ' ! . The latlet was wilnessed by larco and Interested crowds. The attack of Kort Snmlur was postponed until to-motrow on account ot Incomplete arrangements , the tu- vtlllon not being In icadltiess. The repre sentation at the senate vvns also postponed until to-mouovv night. At A o'clock a diosi parade by old soldluis was given on the mala avenue. Aldo-elo-CampS. H. Jones formed the column , which was comuo-ed of 1.1KX ) vet e-rails In cemtiMnh's reinesentlng titleen states , Commnneler Tliayer put the boys through the manual ot arms , and as they vverovvithotil arms tlie sccno cieatcd some nieirlmenl. Tlm state lioniliptnifcns are places of the gieatest inleiest to veteinns here. It Is there they seek old eonuailcs , too often to line ! they aie chasing a phantom ol hope. The follow ing Is the number teglsteied tm to this even ing : New York , 10T ; Now England states , Wisconsin \ , 75 ; Pennsylvania , hS ; .Minne seta , aj ; Ohio , litt ; Wust Virginia , 78 ; Michi gan , .V > ; Indiana. 115 ; Iowa , 100 ; Illinois , ' .MO. lite m.ijoiity have not.veil re-glste-rod. ln'piesent.itlvus ol thu Women's Keller coins aie mosent I mm ICe.iraoy , St. Paul , JoiK , Hastings , Central City , Harvard , heaton , Atnoia , Albion , Iloldrego , Kent , Ruonpoit , Weeplnu Water. Tecnmseh anel ( iianil Island. During the day thu ladies or the coins testified their apptcciattou of the MM vices of Past Commander . Louise M. Jlciri . ol fc > t. Paul , by presenting her a be.iutilnl .silver jvntor set , the presentation being made by Ur.s. Webster in a neat speech. Tlio attendance has been visibly increased to-elav by laigoanlvals on .special trains. The tiain fiom the east on the Union Pacific , in two.sections of tniiteeti ears , was loadeel. A spi-cml also camu In trom Avoca , la. , with Hying banneis. Representatives ot lull/ ono hundied and thiity posts are on the grounds ami assigned to utiaitets. ( Jetieial AlBLook came In to-day Irom l.eaV-enworth. and Test Commander P.iul Vandevoort U < > n the giounds. Bands are piesent from Xorth Loup , .Munay , Mlndiiii. Peiu , btiDC- rlor , Tahimgc , llanly , Edgar , Kiankiln , fair- mont. Chirks , Chapman , Broken How , Spring Creek , Kearney anel Oakland : also diaiid Island and the Twenty , nnst inlautry band from Fort Sidney. 1 her are In every style of uniform and their orient colors and brilliant trappings give a variegated hue to tlio ciemd. This evening electric lights glow ed e > ver the c.imp and the air is tilled with a medley of setumlH. To morrow piemilses tobo a day full of Interest anel commanders of camp and citlrens. ( ' rand Island people aio straining them- celves to make thuieunioit pleasant for all. Anotlior Coiiiuy for Van Wyok. AI.VIA , JSeb. , August 111. [ Special Tclo- giamtotho BKE. ] Hem , C. H. Van Wyck spoke in the opera house in Alma thisniter- noon , lie was giccted with a largo audience who listened to his aelelressvllh intense in- tcinst. While the vital issues which atlcct the .social and financial interest of Nebraska were being discoursed on ho was greeted with tiemundous applause. The weather was inclement. It began to rain early Ibis mornIng - Ing and continued throughout the day , yet people came from all parts of the county to icar and see tlio bust friend they have In Iho United States senate. There is a strong reeling In this county for his return to the United States .senate , and the representative n the Nobiaska legislature from this county vill bo nolltlcallv killed If ho refuses to sup- > ortC. If. Van Wvck lor United States 6cn- itor. ' 1 lie M'liator discussed tlm question of aborand corporations with such clearness mil talrncss as to merit thu applause and tippoit of all who hoard him. Those who ipposo him nto low and Inclined to crawl nto their holus and not appear again upon hu political atena. Ho has made an fmpius- ion that will not easily be obliterated , and . strong ele'slrq nievalls among the farmers o expiess their choice for United Status enator at the general election this fall. Consul Kocorw' Kcmains. FIIRMONT , Neb. , August III. [ Special Tcl- gratn to the BKK. ] The remains ot Hon , K. i , Rogers arrived hcio to-day Irom Vcra ! ru.Mexico , Irom whence they wuicbhipped n the 30th by the govctnment , under dlrcc- lon of Consul llotf. Deieiased went to Vera ! iti7. live jeurs ago as United States consul , nel died eleven d.iys allur arrival , ot con- umption , with winch lie had been nOllclod n one ; time , riiofntieral scivlws weio con- tided by the Masonic order at 4 o'clock this ttcinoon. Jloinoiliil HCI vices will bo held uxt Hiinilnj al tlio Comfiuxatloinil church , ( inducted by Kov. ,1. H. Maxliuld , nsslbled by ! uv.s. Blown anil Swing , Two. Small Kir OH. KAI.I.S CITV , Nob. , August ill. [ Special to loHiJK.J The lite ilop.utment was called ut twice jestutday evening , although the oys did not get to do any wotlc In either in- tancu. At An. in. the tramu round lioii'o ear the H. & M. depot , was discovered to l i n Diet. About lull iho .south hide ol the roof ws binned oil , when the men about the depot lerci'ded In jinltlliL' out tl'O Ilio vvlth buck Is of ivater. At Si0 : ! a llro wasdlse-oveieel li 10 li.isemenl iiiulcr the Centtopolls liotnl. ut by the time' tlm liiu eoinp.tny appealed n the scene the llames had been oxtln- iilshed by ready h.inds. The damage did ut amount to imicu. Aciolelciitul Killing. Cr.Awi'oni ) , Neb. , A u { list 81. [ Special Diagram to the HICK. ] At o'clock this lorning William Miller , Klunal seivieo oper- 01 at Ft. Robinson , was Instantly klllcel by 10 ilihclmrci ) of a shot gun in lih own hands. Jllerw.is out shooting with a gun of C'oni- Issaiy .Setgi'ant Schehler near the post. 'hlld attempting to climb a fence the uim ruck a boaid and both battels wore ells- laigi'd , teating his liand fiom his wilst and iu chaige enteilin ; Ills month and pcnetrat- ghlsbialn. Miller was a 5011111- man of md hiniily nnd excullunt habits. Ills u ( ints llvu in iSlmmokin , Pa. at Colninliiis. Coi.uMiii'H , Nel ) . , Auirust -Special [ ileguim to thu HKI.J : Early this morning love's ollueted an entrance lolho nisldunccs Paul lloppen and L. Selni'di r by cut ting window hcuvii , tidciiK Mi. ilopnen'sgolii ntch. vvoith&5. and si'enilng fiom Mr. hrewbei a w.iteh and several othei aitlcles , gcthei vvoith 150. They attempted the mn gamu at thien otlmr places lint witio ighiDiied away. Thu pollen am well on the iek this time. J''li'Ht ' KroNl ' 1'lllH SriisiHi. Fosrr.ii , Xiili. , August -Special [ Tc-lo- am to tlm llinj : Quito a heavy frest toll m last night. G.tidcn tiuek was ilunmgud me. .No appaiciu damage ! ilono lo corn. SAM ; -v jjonJ mout itDirkut In u UTO town , lioo'l ICIMIIK fur AUlliiir , AcMreM Uix J.i , Kt. tl lisoss ivnnllinr to | iurcli ( n ( foo.l nowi- I'tinor uinl jo I ) ulllco la it moi.bnuk i n , li"\iJ \ ! ujarobi Joel : Dox W , St.