Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1886, Image 1

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    flJB Jb & i fci nlff 0
Bhocis of Earlliquako Felt at Many Differ
'I ' ! ent Places.
Sensational TroniOM In Tail HitllilliiRS
-l'i intern' Ncr\CH Completely IMccl
The Ciln1)o Houki Ijlkc a
Sturiii-Clinscd Sliip.
At Chicago.
Cuio.Voo , August 31. Erratic notions on
the part of the baiometor In the signal office
heic tills evening caused the sergeant In
charge to pause in a middle of an observa
tion. His hands , he noticed , Humbled
violently mid tor a moment lie thought him-
sell ill. The locking of a largo chair in the
middle of the room and the rattling of bottle :
on the shelf quickly brought him to the real
isation tnat a qnako or the earth was in pro-
Kiess. The lirst wave began at exactly 0:01 :
and lasted six or seven seconds. Its motions
weio from west to cast and tlieio were about
three or lourvibi.itlont , to a second. Tin
barometer went up MOO of an Inch in MOII
minutes. Soon alter the shock II marked
80.17 and continued to lise iiuildly. Tin
effects ot tlie shock weu not geneiallj
noticed in Chicago except In the uppi'i
stories ot tall buildings. Persons who Imp
pened to beeonveising by telephone ut tin
time , suddenly lound themselves ' 'put oil , '
and lei a time the tioiible was heaped un
sparingly upon the central ofllce.
A panto wascicated In the public library
reading loom. The lloor apai iment does noi
lest upon Joists in the ordinary lashion. bill
Is snspomfed t.-om the loot ot the comt lumsi
andtormsn soil ot gallery or half stoiy ,
Only about halt a hundred uuoplo went hi
the loom at the time , Imt the flwaylnji
ot the lloor caused them to rush tonor-
Btiicken to t\\o uanow stairways , wldcl
weie choked In an Instant with btnmglln ; ;
masses ot liiim.inlty. Tlio ciusli was onlj
iiiomentarj and Ihuciowilscanipeicd qnlekh
through tliu bioad hallways and Into tlu
Rtreet. So tar asjcnowti all escaped witlioui
bcrious Injuiy.
At St. Louis.
ST. Loi'is. August 31. A very rtistlnc' '
earthquake shock was experienced hero thi ;
evening l ( J o'clock. It lasted for about (
quarter of B minute. The shock was not a
all violent ami tesembled a seiles of watei
waves , ( iiiests occupying , upper lloors of hotels
tols in-shed down badly frightened. At Mn
faoniehall. w heiu a company ol Knights Tuin
plnr weiu diilling , pictures swung nutwan
tiom the walls. is'o casualties have jet beef
At Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI , Allgtlbt 111. At 9:10 : P. 111.
city time , a slight .shock of caithquako was
felt here. Printeisui tlieSun office btaileii
to run down slairs , thinking the building :
falling. Tho.slioclt wasquito peiceptiblo a
the telepliono exchange and other buildings ,
but It was not noticed much by persons 01
the sheets. Itepoiteis In the police he.ul
quaiters m.uli : a stampede from the shakj
building into thestieet , as the building has
been expected to collapse lor several years
At all the hotels there was more or Ics-
flight and contusion , but no casualties
The bamo , may bo said of the thca
tres , though a panic was nairowtj
aveiled at HeucK's. All the clock :
in the Western Union office stopped at 8.r : )
* tamlud : time. Piobably the woist scare o
the nlurlit was In the composing loom'of tin
Commercial Ga/ctte ollice. Them tlio sway
ing teirlllcd the piinters and : i dnimi or s (
jumped out of the windows to tlie loof of th <
adjoining building. a..distanco of six teet
None werubeiiously Injmed.
At Indianapolis.
INDIANAPOLIS , August 31. At 8r.Q : , stan
dard time , a shock of caitliqnako was dib
tlnqtly felt In this city. Opinions differ as t (
the dilution of the shock , but tlio majoiitj
of poisons put it at about thirty seconds. Tin
hhocl : did not appear to cause the swaylnj
motion noticed in the earthquake of twi
3 ears ago , but was ot a tiomnloiis , qniverini
chaiactcr. A large piece of coinlce of tin
Denlsoii liotel was dislodged from the Wabasl
stieet front and Its descent came nearstilk
ing a passer-by. Many :
of the house lushed Irom thet
rooms in alaim and similar scenes weie wit
noised In a number of oilier buildings. A
lire watchman on duty in the comt liousi
tower , at an elevation ot 111010 than 200 teet
iound his domicile swaying in such ai
nlainilin ; manner that Im concluded to seel
safely at a point near the eaith. JSo daniagi
lias jet been repoited except the tailing o
pieces of the Denlson house coinlco. Tin
.lonuial's specials Indicate that the bhocl
was u'oneial throughout the stato.
At Teiro Haute two distinct sliocKS von
felt. Tlio shocks weio about ten second
npait and each was of about twenty second !
dilution. Windows wciuiatllcdand in sev
eral eases plastoiing was dislodged trom tin
ceilings. A laigo audience was present a
tlio opera house , attending a mlnstiel show
The building shook until the people bccim <
panic Ktilckcn , being under lliu impicsslot
that the structuio was about to fall. Thooi
In the galleiles felt the shod
the most seveii'Iy , and they rosi
and made a rush tor the exits
Thoeio\\dsin the other paitsof the housi
followed , and theioas .stingi-ling am
lushing tor the doois. Almost the ontln
audience fought their way to the stioet policemen , who weio pie.sont , stoot
in the < lom ways ami attempted to keep tin
frightened people back. Ono man w.i
pushed over the gallery , but saved himself b ;
calolilnu' tlie lalllmr , Ts'o one wasseiiousl ;
limt. Reports tiom various qtmitcrs of tin
eltyMato that slecpcm WPIO awakened bi
the swailng of beds and the rattlluj o"
windows. _
Al Clovolnutl. ) , August : tl , An cnrthquaki
shock , lasting about one minute , occnnei
here at U3 : ! ! p. m. Bulldlngb swayed per
foplibly. No damage Is yet lepoitcd. J'eo
plo left the tlip.ities and inn Into the fat I cot ! :
ami exeltoment prevails.
At Detroit.
DKTIIOIT. August 31.At ' . ) o'clock a shod
of earthquake caused considerable excite
inenl In this cllv. It was of short duration
but distinctly felt In dlfleicnt parts of town
liitheFu-o Piess ofllco the edltoilal fore- -
Hindu a stampede tor the. street , while In Hi
cnmposlng loom the weekly man all Moppet
\voil : , but those on piece \\oik kept light ou
At Milwaukee.
MIMVAITKIIK , August 81. Laigo building
wcie shaken to tholr foundations about '
o'clock to-night by an eaithquako slioek tha
lasted neatly a minute. I'eoplo lied In at
flight to the stieet. Windows WPIO biokui
in nimicioiK buildings and pletuieb fell lion
the .vallh. No inrtieular damugo was done
' 1 ho shock was felt only In linger bulldimrs
and only in the eential part ot the city. 1
wasthomo'jt ' mveu > In the fouithaul , h
the lashlonnblu ifsideucu dL-tiict.
At Diiuiiquc.
IHnjuquK , la. , August 9 -An 1 earth quaki
shock was felt heie nt S:53. : It shook tal
buildings severely and a part of the oudl
nice In Ihe opera house i.\n out and for ;
moment llieio was a scene of contusion
I'lluteis In the ton stoiy of the Herald olllp
lan I ami the building and Kue.sU ran lion
the upper looms In ( no hotels.
At nut-Huston.
UUiti.iNQTOX , la. , August SI. A sllgli
shock of c.ulhquako was felt hero at 0 o'cloo ]
this evening. Some of the o"cupants of hL'l
Imllulugs beat a hasty ictteut to the streets
Ko damngu done ,
HI.OOMINGTO.V , 111 , , August 81. Xot fa
from U p. m twosepsrnto carthquako shock
wcru Ulstlnctly felt ull over this city , UcsLs
lutiilture and cliaudeliers bwajcd. Th
latter oscillated north and south'
Chandeliers depending four feet
fiom the ceiling vibrated three to four
Inches. Buildings shook so that the motion
was plainly felt. Some people heard the
rumbling much as If nn empty barrel weio
being tolled upon the lloor.
At MenUvlltc.
MiAnviu.R : , Pa. , August 31. At 10 p. m. ,
a shook of eaithquako was felt here , fol
lowed Immediately by a slighter shock , the
whole lasting about twenty seconds. The
streets weio nt OIIPC filled with people.
Guests rushrd from tlio hotels in their night
clothes. Women and chlldien were crying
anil screaming , and everyone more or less
alarmed. As far as c.ui ba learned no damage -
ago has been done.
Atow York.
Xiw : YOIIK , August 31. At 9 : . ' ) ) this evenIng -
Ing n very decided c.uthquaKo undulations
were fi'lt here , and according to Itelograms ,
at the Baltimoie , Washington & Richmond.
In upper slories ot iho tall Western Union
building In this city tlio waves were plainly
discernible , and persons walking about ex
perienced a sensation as ot falling.
At Washington.
WAMIINOIO.V. August 31. At 9"i o'clock
lo-nlghl desks In the associated press olll-o
In the Corcoian building began to vibrate in
a pccullai , but unmlstakcahly fashion thai
suggested an earthquake. A lew minutes
later thu janitor icportud that tlie
UDpur stories of tlie building weiu
locking back and torth , and tlio night
manager of the Weslein Union Telegraph
otllce , made a similar announcement ou lliu
additional Information that the clock on the
western wall ol Iho loom had slopped. Tel
ephone messages trom a gentleman con
nected witli tlio Associated pii'ss
ollice , who lives ou . Massachu
setts a\ontie , and from oilier poinls
in the city icportcd that ornaments on man
tel pieces weio rattling. Teltviaph opora-
tois in Atlanta a few minutes betoro this ,
had notified Washington operators that a
"shako'1 was coming , and to look out lor It ,
hut no attention was paid to tlie wanting , as
It was icsraided as a joke
Major Powell , of the geological survey says
that there is a line of weakness In the citM
of thu eaith beginning somewhere boutli of
Haleigli , N. C. , and extending In a line
along the lido water past Hichmond ,
Washington , Bailimoiu and Troy , N. i" ;
that this line ol weakness is
matked by displacement , in some places
this displacement is a feature In tlio locks ,
and in the neiuhboihood of this displicc-
mentis lound the ; principal wateilalls which
constitute the wateis of tlie Atlantic slope.
"It will bo inteiestlng , " he adds , "to discover
the legations of the nolnts ot origin ot thic
earthquake to tills Hue ot displacement of
weakness. " .
Professor Simon NTewcomb of the Xautical
Almanac , fniiiis-hes the following liguie-t 10-
gaidlng the oaithquake : Tlio first shock oc-
cuired at'.tjffl , 20 , second shock ati:5t ) : , 30 , and
lasted unlll U:5 : ! > .
Two shocks occuned. The second was of
longer duialion and mote bi-veio than the
lirst , and a lew secondslater It was fell in all
pails of the city , and eieated consideiable
consternation , boveial meetings in nrogiess
in vaiious paitsof the city wcrobioken nn
bv frightened mcmbois tlilnkins the build
ings were tailing and lushing trom tliu halH
into the stieets. At Albaugti's opeia
house a lurje audience became Iright-
cned by the locking of Ihe building and a
stampede ensued. The occupants of the
gallcilos , mainly gentlemen , jumped to their
feet ns soon as the shaking t > cganandiiishcd
pell mull down tlie blair * , falling over onu
another in their efiorls lo escape Horn the
building. They stopped for nothing until
they i cached the street. The audience in tlie
lower pat t of the house was composed pi In-
clpally of ladies.but they wro less frightened
than the galleries and very few
lelt their seats. The performers went
on with their piece and quiet was soon
lestorcd. No one was injnied. People in
tho-Hlreet did not feel the shock. The HrM
knowledco they had of the occunonco was
obtained fiom the sight ol the f lightened In-
mate.s of the houses rubbing irom them into
thu slieels.
Tlie Western Union operator at Bowie ,
Md. , about twenly miles trom Washington ,
lelegiaphs llial Iho eailhquako cracked the
walls of his .station and stopped the clock.
Keports From Charleston.
Niw YOIIK , August 31. The point from
which the railroad leadlnsr Into Charleston IE
repoited submerged is Havcnels , eighteen
miles distant tiom the city. It Is probable
that a pait of the track under watei lias ocen
covered by a heavy rise in thorl\er. Telegrams
from cities In South Carolina anil Gorgla
say that the utmost consternation prevails
on account of tliu non-iccelpt of of news
from Chaileston , and many fear that a tcr-
ilble calamity has happened theic.
Since tlio earthquake shock theic has been
no telegiaphlc communication with Chailes
ton , S. C. , trom any point in Iho country.
Tclcgiaph anthoiitles have been unable to
got piess dispatches or other communication
tiom there. This elicunistanco occasions
gieatconccin. Tliat section of tlie country
bcems to have bech the center ol the dlstuib-
Savannah , Ga. , icpoils that the shock was
Iho soveiest ever felt In thai locality. Ills
known Ihat a bridge in the vicinity of
Charleston was shaken from Its foundation'
and the wiies all lost , but thai is nol so ser
ious as Ihe fuel that various other points ,
tlnough which there should bo communica
tion wltn the city , aio unable to geUnuyjlilng
from that place.
Seutember 1 , 2:15 : a. m. Up to 3 a , m. theio
had been no communication from Chailes-
ton. The brldso that has fallen cariled the
telegiaph wires into tlie city. A ropoit has
boon received from a point twonUMivo miles
tiom the city tliat thuiailioak Uacks leading
fiom theic to Chuilcbtou have been sub-
uieiged. _
, At Kichmoml. ) , Ya. , August 31. At 5:10 : to
night nbo\eini shock of eaithquako was fell
in this city , creating llio groalest oxeitemcnt
known heio in ten yeais. The .shock lusted
about Ihipo minutes , and men , women and
childion who had ictired jumped
fiom their beds and inslied out ol
doors. Kx-Stalo Senator Atkinson
bald tliat glasses and other mtlc'es ' on his
mantel wuiu dashed to tlio floor. Pur.sons In
bai looms .said thuy thought they weio drunk ,
as tholi leet became unsteady. Decantere
and glasses Clashed and eonstei nation
prevailed for n while. Broad and Main
stieets me yet lined with excited
iieonlo. Thoguaids at tlm Virginia piison ,
In their fright , opened Iho cells of the pris-
onuis and il is now said Ihe ptisoners aie
prisoners aio frightened and unruly. The
militia of the city lias been called out , and
there is the wildest state of excitement
thiouglioul the place. _
At Savannah ,
SAVANNAH , Ga. , August 31. People In
every part of thoclty were thoioushly twit-
tied , niuliushed tiom their houses into tlu
streets and sought the open squaics
and other places whoio they would be
out of danger of fallina buildings ,
Isegioos weio paitlculaily denionstiuuvt
and lan about the stieeH wiinglne tholi
Imniii and giving vent to oxclaniatlons ol
tenor. Smeuil chlmnoys fell and nianj
buildings sulfeiedotlicr damage of a slmllai
iiattuo , Clocks weio stopped and
lamps and ornaments shaken from the tabloe
and mantels. No buildings weio demolished
so far as yet known up to 4 o'clock. No lives
weio lost or injuiy to poison lepoited. Dis
patches fiom tlio sniioniullug towns report
i-xpuiloncc similar to that ot this city.
Suveial publlo meetings weio biokcn up , aiul
the audiences rushed wildly tilghloncd intc
tlie streets. The streets were ciowded witli
fear sti ickon luhablt-\nts , who would not gc
indoots until after the second bhoek , whlcli
was scarcely peicoptible , occurtcd , liftecn
minutes lati > r. Fmnituro was moved , and
w ludows and lamps weio biotcn in vailoua
hotel ; , but no soilous daniago Is reported ,
The tepoit that the Bomboii liouso had ovci-
tiuncd h without foundation.
At Macoii ,
MACONGa. . , August 31 , There were twc
shocks here , lasting In all about tlueu min
utes. They stampeded the town , people
running out of thu houses and gathering in
frightened knoU In thoopon air.
At Augusta.
At'oustA , Ga. , August St. Asovcro shocls
was felt liaio at U o'clock to-night followed
at IntcnuH by four distinct jars. Peopli
rushed Into the streets and HIP. principal
thoroughfares are now filled with frightened
people. The town Is wild with cxcllemcnt.
The shocks continue and Signal Onicer Wil
liams reports ten distinct shocks nt'Jtfl.'Ji.w ,
10:01,10:07.10:21 : : , I0:2r. : 10:29 : , 10:31 : , 10:45 : ,
BONcnty-llftli meridian lime ,
AUGUSTA , Oa. , August 31. All the bridges
here are safe. The shock continued to be
feltns late a.s 10a : a. in. The town isteirlbly
exclled. Thousands of people are on iho
Rtiects , and no one Is sleeping In Augusta
At Atlanta.
ATLANTA , Ga. , August ni. The city was
thrown Into a state of the wildest oveitc-
incut. Tlie shocks wcie accompinlcd by a
rumbling noise and followed one and
other In quick succession. At tlie
Hist shock the people , but few
of whom had retired , were filghtrueil
did not kaow to what to attribute their
stiange sensation , but in almost every In
stance thought il was caused bv something
i mining about theii houses , lieioie they had
time to consider a second and much
f-oveier shock was felt , windows
being rattled , and brlc-a-biae ami oinairicnta
falling liom the positions. From every part
of tlieelty ppoplo inshed wildlv fiom tiiclr
houses Into tlm stieets. Several lodges and
public uipi'tlngs weio In session ,
and Ihose present lushed ppllmell
Into the street. The scene at the
negio churches was one of iho utmost con
fusion , the necroos tailing upon theit knees
and praying , declaring that judgment day
was at bund. It Is repoited that several
ladies fainted and sick peisons were liui-
iledly taken from their chaiis. The chim
neys of M'\eral hulldlnirs smashed thiougli
houses , In so\cinl Instances with cotibideia-
blc damage.
A Trnlu "XVrcckciI.
Aroi's"rA , On. , August 31. Al Longley on
the South Caiollna road , fifteen miles fiom
hcic and one hundred and twcnly-live miles
fiom Charleston , the earthquake do-
stioyed the mill dam and the water washed
awaylheioadbed. A train dashed Into the
flood and the engineer and m email were
drowned. The engine is now lortr leet
under water. _
At Memphis.
Mr.Mi'ins , TPIIII. , August 31. A violent
bhock ot c.utluiuake was experienced heio
at STi : to-nl < ht. Its motion was from noith
tohouth , and lasted tully ten seconds. It
had a rapid oscillating movement. Great
consternation was felt , and many who weio
within their offices and residences , fled into
tlie stieet. Numbeis who had retlicd , feel
ing Ihe sensation , rushed out of their dwell
ings , not waiting to dress tliemselves. The
guests at the Peabody hotel liunied down
stalls , thinking Ihe building was falling. It
was the same allover Ihe citv , anil many
women went Into hystoiics. It was Iho se-
vt'iest shock ever experienced In Ihls section
of thu country. _
At Nashville.
NASHVJI.T.E , Tcnn. , August 31. 1 wo dis
tinct shocksol earthquake weio tell here to-
niiiht , the longer pne at S:51 : > , and the short-
ui at 8:5T'/j. : It was very peicoptible lo all in
tall buildings , but not lelt by a majority ot
Loutsvii.i.i : , A ugust 31. .V decided earth
quake Mioek was lelt here at about' ) : ! ! ? u. m. ,
lasting nearly half a minute. Vibratioiib
seemed to ho north anil south. Xo damage
as } ot icpoited. _
At Lc.xlilKton.
Lixi.\o'iox : , Ky. , August 31. A sliirht
shock ol eat Ihquake was lelt in tills city a
9:15 p. m. \ibiationslasted litteen sec
onds. _
At ltal iKh.
ItAi.ninit , N. C. , August 31. Shocks were
felthoie at 0.VJ and continued neirly six
minutes. Buildings rocked , walls cracked ,
floois broke loose Iroin Ih ir supporls , cliim-
neysfcll , lamps weio overtuined , and the
motion of the earth was very decided. The
sttects were rapidly filled" with people.
Scieams of frightened persons could bo
heaid. Tlio negroes were in great tear , anil
such decided shocks weie never befoie felt
hem. Hepoils are now lhal shocks vero felt
all over the state. At Wilmington they weie
veiv .severe and came near wiecklng several
buildings. It is safe lo say that no such ex-
citemenl was over known Lcic as thiseaitli
quake has caused. _
At Charlotte.
CiiARi.oi'TK , N. C. , August 31. A severe
shock was felt here. Several chimneys were
demolished and the giealest excitement pre
vailed. Ciowdsgatheiei ) in Iho streets and
lor half an hour there was much contusion
and fear on tlio pait of the peonle. Three
shocks wote felt , the fust being tlie most se-
At Columbia.
Cor.UMiiiA. S. 0. , August 31. A terrific
shock of eailhqiiako swept over this city from
Ihe southwest at UJ3 ; to-night , bhaklng build
ings fearfully , and since then theio have
been ten distinct shocks , but none having
the foicu ot tlio liist. Tlie lirst shock lasted
fully thicu minutes , and It looked as if
uildlngs would bo shaken down In different
parts ot tlie city. But so fur no casualties
are reported. Tlie streets aio filled with
people gelling away fiom tholr bhaklng
houses and cliildien scieamed In tenor.
The compositors in the Heglsler ollico
had to lea\o their cases seveial times , as tlio
building seemed to lie in Imminent danger
and In the dlrecl line of iho shocks. A laro
political meeting was held in the comt
house , but It adjonined in a panic.
The walls of tlio comt house were
clacked and one paitltion badly so. The
colored people assembled In the streets iiray-
Inir , At this hour (10:50 ( : p. m. ) people aio
congregated on tqo streets and in gaidens
fcaiing a recuirenco ot the caithquake.
At Chni-leston ,
CiiAui.isTON' : , W. Va. , August 31. At 0:55 :
to-night an earthquake shock was felt hcie.
It was very soveio , lasting lor tlireo minutes.
Many people who had retired tor tlio night
weio bo frightened that they IOSQ and
fled fiom their houses. Theio were a num
ber of chimneys toppled over , but at tills hour
no 1 miner damage and no deaths are re
poited. Gieat excitement piovalls.
The SlKiml Officer Predicts Them In
Several States ,
CinrAoo , August 31. "Theio will evi
dently bo quite a general host during the
night , " said the signal officer heio at 10:30 :
tills evening In answer to an Inquiry. "It
will probably bo light in lown , " ho continued ,
elanolng over his dispatches , "and very likely
the same in Illinois. There will bo a deposit
In Michigan also , and should the fall of
lemppiatnro bo somewhat accelerated , it will
bu a very heavy one llieie. The chances aio
that many parts of Wisconsin will see what
Is known as n killing fiost. Clear weather
is piovatllng tluoughout this entire disli let.
and with falling tcmporatine , light wct t and
noitliwest winds , and low dow points 10-
porled fiom nearly every station , theio Is
not much doubt that the icsiilt will bo
lia Moijfns , la. , August HI. Special to
the State Heglsler Indicate a prctly general
though not heavy fiost in noitliern Iowa
last night with the piobabjlltles of a iccui-
luncu to-night. Coin is genei.illy maimed
and beyond damage. No fiost in this locality.
ST. PAUL , August 81. Th < Pioneer Press
specials from different paits of Minnesota
and Dakota show xhat tlune was qulto a cell-
oral fiost last night and the night befoie ,
Garden truck and late corn was damaged to
BOIUO extent , but not very exclusively , tiraln
is out of danger.
Two Deaths From nil Old Feud ,
KEOKUK , la. , August 31. This morning
Frank Lake * > hot and killed his wife and
then himself at the residence of his son In
La Urance. Mo , These people had been mar
ried about thlity yeais. Tlio affair was the
result of an old family feud.
Ilubuquo Moving for a Court House.
DuuuijUK , la. , August 31. Dubuque county
votes October next on a proposition to erect
a com t .house costing 9100,000 or S'
The Town of Belle Plaino in Dangof Prom
tbo Natural Freak ,
Alii Telegraphed l < 'or to Chicago nnil
Scut to Divert More
From lown.
The Well Kpouts Torrents.
CinrAr.o , August 31. [ .Special Tuloeinm
to the Hr.i : . ] A dispatch was receded at tlio
city hall this afternoon from the mayor of
BeilePhilne , la. , vvhleh discloses a terrible
state of nVfalis In that location. Fioin the
accounts clvun It appears that an artesian
well four Inches In diameter , burst when a
depth of IbO foot had been reached In boring ,
nml Instantly a volume ot water was forced
In the air ton distance ot seveial hundred
feet. This Kiadually Increased In sl/o and
volume until a stream of water fully sixteen
Indies In diameter was formed and the up
ward force of this stream is equal to the
power of powder or dynamite. The water In
large volumes is spouting high In the air and
the supply seems Inexhaustible. Two glgan-
llcih eis have been lormed by this phenom
enal water burst , which are running through
the town at tlio rate of twelve miles an hour ,
and are caiiyingcrythlng ! before them.
House and Ihes are threatened by this pe
culiar freak of iiatinc , and the citizens
ol Iho lown aio appalled at their Im
pending danger , which at picsent
they me powerless to overcome. Finding
it impossible to divert tills damaging Hood ,
an attempt was made to Insert sixteen inch
boiler iron lubes in Iho well , but these weio
Instantly blown out and forced high In the
air. Finding tins phn useless the leiillled
people then attempted to fill up the huge
apeituie through which tins lenlble geyser
was spouting its deluge. Fifteen cailoadsot
stone weie emptied Into the well , but those
weie Instanllv blown out and forced upwaid
as though propelled by the force of a burst
ing magazine of giant powder. Bags of
sand weie hurled into the air by the tremendous
deus force of the spouting water. The
Noitli western railroad was called upon for
assistance and instantly sent a largo gang of
men to lliuiescue. The bridge gana of the
county \vas also called upon , but up to this
hour no abatement In the flow of water was
perceptible , and tlie inshlnc rivers formed by
it were washing the channel It had made deep
er and wider , while tlie barrier formed by this
immense volume ofwater was spicading
over the low lands in the vicinity. AH other
wells in that vicinity hate dried up , and the
monster land waterspout Is apparently draw-
inn its supply fiom tlresc wells.
The nuyorot Belle Plalne In his last ex-
tiemity tclegr.lphed to Chicago for the best
engineers that could be secured to como im
mediately to tlie snot and use their skill and
energy in attempting to stop this peiilous
condition of alfairs. City Engineer Ai tine-
stall , to whom tht ) matter was relened. at
once started out to find an engineer who
would supply the demind , and succeeded in
Inducing Lngineer Moigan to undeitake tliu
mission. Aitingstall and Moigan ate , how
ever , both ol opinion that but little can bo
done , it nnytlnnc , to stop the flow of water ,
but that it niiv be po.jiblo to direct tho. riv
ers Into less daiiieroi : directioii5tiulconnno
them totlieii presenTchaunels. Morgan will
go to Bi'lloPliilnoto'.iight ' , and If more as
sistance M HKeflssartf jlr. Aitingstall will
send all that is needtd. 'J his" is icgarded as
one ol the most phenomenal fieaks of na-
line which has yet bean made known.
jiouu AIIOUT run Avin.i ; .
CKDAHHAi'int. la. , Amrust 31. Monday ,
August 2) ) , Wm. wt'irandhons began Iming
an iutcshm welUit the Intoisection of Beech
and Washington .streets , Belle Plain , on the
flat about four blocks south ot the Hurley
house. The contract called for a well with
three Inch easing and a How giurantecd.
They bored a two inch hole and themized
that the How ot water tluou h it would wash
it out so Unit they could .sink a tl.reo inch
casing. Tluuttlay they struck water at a
doptli of Ib5 teet. Al this time they had
about sixty feel of tlnee inch casing "down
and tlm w.Uer lose with stiong loioo twelve
feel above Hie sin la-e : in a solid tlitco inch
stream , plainly .showing tlie strongest
flow jet btiuck. Filday morning the How
was under contiol. but durhu the forenoon
in an attempt to force the tlnee-ineh tube
into tlie two-Inch hole 11 .broke loose , wore
away a sufllcient space outside the tubing to
allow the watei to boll out aiound the tubing
at the slntaee. At sundown Fi iday a stream
of water a fool In diameter wrts pom ing out
At 8 : liO o'clock thp city authorities weie ap
pealed to , to take contiol ami give relief
trom Impendlng'danger. Already many lots
and houses were more or less flooded. At 9
p. m. a gang of men were set at work , the
mayor and council personally superintending
until nearly inornliiif. All expedients were
tried , bill the water could not bo controlled ,
and Saturday inoi nins : Eugene Palmer pro
pose a liftecn Inch tubing could be driven
down to blue clay , believed to be about lilty
feet , and bv thus coiitinlngtho flow to a com
mon enter the oiitslijti flow could bo stopped
and then the one in the tubing controlled ,
The plan ( ailed. II Is iihpossiblu lo estimate
thodamau'es. Tlie south pait of the town Is
Hooded anil the cellars are filled with water.
Tlio How continues unabated , making two
ilveis tlnough Hie lower pait of Iho city. In
helplessness tlio mayor to-day appealed to
hydiaulic enslnceihig science of Chicago
for leliof.
Valuable Trotter Killed.
Convno.v , la , , August HI. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE.J This morning a valuable
speed horse , Sunnier , owned by W. Little ,
of Jit. Vernon , 3Io , , and driven by B. Mor-
rey , was run Into by a caieless driver at tlio
Wayne county fair heio and Instantly killed.
The horse had won sevoial races this sum
mer , and was well known In southern Iowa
and noithcrn Missouri.
Death From Ijookjaw.
WATnm.oo , la. , August 31. [ Special Tel-
cgram to the BEE. ] Tlio nine-year-old son of
Mr. Thoreman , of | hl ? place , has just died of
lockjaw , occasioned by cutting his foot a few
days on a chicken bone.
Bettor TliniiiBello I'lnino.
Niw : TOK , la. , August 31. [ Special Tcle-
giam to thu BuK-J Much excitement has
been occasioned here > y the discovery of oil
in a well thirty-Hyp feet deep , dug for water ,
Thu oil commenced llowinc iii largo Quanti
ties , with nn abundant supply pion < lbcd.
in iho FOK.
ST. Jonxs , N. F. , August -Special [ Tel
egram to the BIK : , ] Another Iragedy of the
Banks is icpoitod , twelve victims this time
probably losing their lives. TJm lishlng
schooner Meteor , just arrived ut Bay Hulls
fiom thu Grand Bunks , bilngs the sad news
that while tishlng on the 38th lust , n sudden
gale of wind sprang up. An impenetrable
for bhut down on the scone and nix dories
with twelve men on bond were unable to
reach the schooner. Theio is a bare chance
that some of them may have been picked up ,
but the gale bln\v wltli such fury that It is
thought the boats cquhl not live long in the
fearful sea that wi ; ? running a slioit time
after the storm bmsi ,
Now York J > ry Goods.
Nr.w YOJIK , August viThe oxpoits of
domestic cottons fpr the past week were 0,703
packages , making for the expired portion of
the year a total of lC3ltU , packages , compared
with 160,810 for the samu time last year. Ill-
418 In ifcj and jl'Cii ( : In l&SJ. At jobbing
hands ; there was a very good duimtnd , while
ot agents aiders for new and duplicate selec
tions In connection with deliveries on old
engagements liavo rctnrneU a largo total of
The Richmond Convent ton to Mnrk n
t'erlod of ( Jrcat Succcsse1' .
CntOAfio , August 31. [ Special Toleeram
to the BIK.J : A. A. Carlton , of Massachus
etts , gland lecturer ot the Knights of Labor ,
left the city last evening for St. Louiswhore
be will umleitako to settle some dlfllculty
slmllai to those he has been HxltiR hero. Be
fore going lie saldto a ropoitcr :
"I think the Hichmond convention will bo
the most Impoitant held by the order. Ono
f Ihe icasons for It Is the fact that the picss
thionghout the countiy Is endeavoring to
make it appear thatlhoro is division and
quarreling In the order. I beltuve , too , tint
there Is a more conservative feclins among
the leaders every where than thorn has been
before , and I think we shall fed the benefit
of It al lllclimond. If wo do , 1 think we
shall go away from Hlchmon-l feeling that
wo are In fact Just beginning lo walk , with
promise of a glorious manhood befoie us.
The prospects are thai more will be accom
plished In the way of legislation in the var
ious states than has e\er upon accomplished
befoie. "
. "Do j ou look for the same Increase In mem
bership this year as lastl" '
" 1 see uo leason why theio should not bo
t.'iusainu iclaliui Inciease as last year. It Is
now estimated that there me one million
niembuis in the or.'nnlxallon. Such an im-
uienso oigani/ation requires a laige number
ot teacheis , for I believe the Knlslits ot
Labor , or something of the soil , fuinlsli the
only safeguaids ol our institutions. They
aie thocoiiservatoisof thu covcinmont. On
one side me the extremists ! ! element which
have more hno lor foreign institutions than
our own , and sue moui moharchical in tlieli
Ideas than otherwise ; and on tliu other tlieic
are anarchists nml tumps , it these two weie
to settle it theio would be no hope for the
republic. 11 must bo settled by the people.
It can't bo settled by the exttemo class or any
section. "
A fSronUlyn Ilutchcr Iioy Squanders
a Fortune and UlsnppenrH.
Nr.w YOIIK , August 31. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.n. [ When William Symons ,
a prosperous ami popular Biooklyn butcher ,
disappeared nearly a month ago his fi lends
supposed ho had become temporarily insane
and had wandered otf. Finally , being un
able to cain any clew to his wheieabouts.thoy
began to look over Ids accounts and dlscov-
cicd some rather good reasons why he might
have skipped out , even though In a state of
complete sanity. Not only U all his own
money gone , but SO ,000 which had been put
into his hands by a dying lelative , to be kept
lor the benelitof the relative's heirs , are also
missing. He had never been asked togivo
any seeinlty or to take out reeular
adminlstiallon papers foi the money. It was
some time longer bet'oro tlie manner in which
ho had gotten lid ot all this money , dining
the few months thai it had been in his pos
session , could be discou-ied , but within a
few days a young lad , a nephew , was < ound
who had been accustomed to go with him fiu-
ouently to tlio lacu Irack and tiom this clew
it woikcd out that ho had been ndespi'iuto
better , plunging with lecklessness woithy ot
the meal Walton himself , though with none
ot his luck. Ho seems to have become im
bued this spiing with a mad infatuation for
the tint and spent upon It e\eiy cent he
could lay lil-i hands upon. Besides the Irnsl
funds mentioned , 52.500 given him by a fe
male cousin to invest for hei and S'M.OOOof
his own money is known to have irene into
the capacious maws ot bookmakers since
laslbpiiiiir. Nothing liast.beun hoard of him
since his disappearance and II is believed ho
ia cgmiiiit dtaincj .p
Beach arid Teomer to Ho\v thu Final
Kaeo To-tiny.
LONDO.V , August 31. The lasl of Iho pre
liminary races in the international sculling
sweepstakes were rowed to-day. Tlieie weie
two heats , the first between William Beach ,
of Austialla , and George Bnbcarof England ,
and the other between John Teenier , ot fhe
United States , and Neil Malteibon , of Aus
tralla. Beacli and Teenier weio Hie winneih.
Beach declaies ho is wonderfully well and
confident of beating Teenier In the final
to-morrow. The belling on the iciult ot tlie
final heat between Beach and Teenier is
seven to four on Beach. Tlie race will take
place at 3.uO p. in.
The Ro.80 Ball U coord.
Baltimoie . 1 10000700-0
Brooklyn . 1 00001000 B
Pitchers McGlnnlsaml Hendoison. Base
hits Baltimoie 10 , Brooklyn 0. Knors
Baltimore. " ) , Brooklyn T.Umimc Biadldy.
Athletics . 0 030010000-4
Mctiopolitaiis.3 5
Tun Innings. llaso hits Athletics 7 , Metro
politans 19. Enois Athletics , Metiopoli-
tans 0. Umplio Valentine.
AT ST. Louis
SI. Louis . 1 040002 1
New Xroilc . 0 200005 5
Pitchers Healy and Keefe. Base hits St.
Louis I'J , New Yoik 7. Kuois St. Louis
1 , Now Yoik . ' ! . Umpiio I'leiee. Tlio
game was called at tlio end of thu seventh
inning so the New Yoiks could catch a train
for Detiolt.
St Louis . 1 332001 1 10
Cincinnati . 1 0 0 0 'J 0 1 0 4
The game was called at thu end of tlio
eighth inning to cimblu both clubs to , catch
t-ast bound tialns. Piteheis Heaidon , Richmond
mend and Font/ . Base hits Uiowns 14 , Cin
cinnati 5. Knoib Biowns 4 , Cincinnati 3.
Kansas City . 0 0003210 2 8
Washington . 0 01000000-1
Pltclieis Wli'dman and Madigan. Base
hts | Kansas City I'J Washington 5. Knors
Kansas City 0 , Washington 0. Umpire
AT Pirrsnuito
Plttsbuiir . 2 20020100 1
Jjonlsvllla . 0 01013000 S
PUcheis Moirlsand Ileckor. Base lilts |
Pittslmr.'O , Louisville 10. Krioi.s-PHtsbuig
B , Louisville * . Umplie-Walsh.
At Shecjishoad Buy.
Siinni'siiEAi ) HAY , X , Y. , August 31 The
weather was cloudy , the track good , and the
attendance tair.
Pmso , thrcu-auarters mile : LVail Jennings
won , Llttlo Minch second , Mute llilrd.
Timo-l:17. :
Handicap , sweepstakes , mile and eighth !
Boium/a won , Klgin second , Krnest third ,
Timo-201. ;
Two-year-olds , tluee-uuarters mile : Maggli
Mitchell won , Kingdom second , Louise third ,
Twin City handicap , mile and quarter :
LouUett won , Maunieo bocond , Feiona third
Time 15:121 : $ ,
Sweepstake ? , for threo-ypar-olds. mlle
Endurer won , Pontlac second , Mamie Hum
tblid , Tlmo 1:44 : %
Seven-eighths mlle on turf : Witch won ,
Valet second , F.uor Third. Time 1 : ! , ' / ,
The AVahUHh Object H ,
CHICAGO , August 81. The bub-committee
of the Southwestern Passenger association
met this morning and agreed upon a gross
money pool plan to eontiol tlio business o :
the association lines. In the afternoon the
committee of managers mot and consldeici
the leport , but failed to make any piogtc-ss
toward a settlement , as the Wabash objectei
to a system by which tlio allolmenU of bust
ne s to thu roads are lo bo made. Thu meet
ing will probably continue several days.
Investment in Mexico.
CJTV or Muxico , August 31. A poweiful
company of Knglish capitalists , with head
quarters In London , has got possession of at
old concession fora lallio.ul fiom Toxaikatu
to this city , and will build a load which , 1
Is calculated , will involve an expenditure o
at least 835,000,000. This is the most im
portunt Investment of Kngllsh capital evei
made in Mexico
Kussia Displays Her Totnpor Over the Fail
ure of tlio Uattonborg Bounco.
nruln niul ( lie MOM to Lrntl Opposite
Sets In tlio lilooily Colllllou
OyatlonH totlin Hctui-ii-
Is Wnilintnlncnt ?
KOXDOV , August fil. | New Voik llpiald
Cable-Special to th < s llii-Tlio : ; ) stock
matket lingers and sensational pioviiu'
poiiespondenls yesterday and to-dav luno
been eiiculatlng news th it the gicate t war
of model n times Is Imminent , because It Is
the intention of Germany to allow Atistila
and Hungary with Tin key to inter-
\ene in the Uiilgnilan tioubles mid
fight Itussln. A gteat war may bo
Imminent , as foteshadowed a month ago In
an Intel \ low heio with an eminent states
man , but the intention Imputed rUnne to
( Jeriuany nml Austria Is contradicted In
e\ciy dispatch. Thh moinlng , for Instance ,
the latest information trom Helgrado leaves
no doubt as to Kim ; William's desho to effect
a piompl and complete i ( 'conciliation be
tween Sen la and Hnlgaria. This
Is to bo done Immediately , so that'
within a few weeks all tiace of hostility be
tween tlio two eonntiies will disappear.
Milan's conduct will bo apmoved of In Vi
enna , \\heie trampilllly In the Ualkin pen
insula Is earnestly deslied.
Tuesday's .seml-oflipial l-'temdenblatt writes
In that sense. It trusts that the failmo of
the revolution In Scrvla will bo a lesson to
the people In the cast , and teach them
to respect law and older. It believes
the nnest system of consplmtois
and police involutions has received a severe
blow. Tlio whole aitlclo Is favorable to
Prince Alexander and conveys tlio impies-
slou that although ( ! einiany may have no
special interests In Ilulgarla , It Is of Immedi
ate concern to Austi la nmt Hungary that
peace and order should be maintained south
of the Danube.
As for ( Jermany , It Is well known In offi
cial circles that Count llozlicd yesteiday had
along Interview with hoia Jddesleigh , re
sulting In a dispatch to Burl In assming in
character for peace. Ucsldes , all the morn
ing dispatches show dial the rapid kaleido
scopic changes in Bulgaria me leaving no
loophole for Turkish or Hushlan interfeionce
Tliu Hulpirian litnz.c.
Nr.w Yor.ic , August : il. [ Special Telegram
to the JJii : . ] The Times' London coi respon
dent cables : "To-night I learn ( lie details of
what the wet Id is likely to leain within a
few days. The conclusion of my infoiniant
from It all Is that the greatest war of the cen
tury is close at hand. The fact comes in part
fioma gentleman who dined at Jungenheim
with Baltenbeig's father Saturday and In
part froma diplomat , temporaiilyhoiefor the
pin pose ot consultation. First of nil , the
secietof the Fiaiuenbad Intel view , hi thai
DeGiers urged Bismarck earnestly to prevent
Alexander's return to Bulgaria. Bismarck
* 1dcclIr7ecytirrbriifiiltlilnftSir. > A great amount
of telegraphing between Beilin , Vienna ,
London , Homo and Constantinople ensued.
Whether DeGiers Kot an answer
before his uncxpt'cjedly hasty depait-
ure is not known , but the lesult was
that Alexander was not icstrained
trom going to Bulgaiia. It is belle\ed to bo
ceitain that tlio uiessuio of Gei many , Aus
tria and I ngland lias cairlcd Tuikey over
once moie , and that the porte will authorize
Alexander as a tributaiy prince to enter
Macedonia , .subdue it. and Incoipoiate it as
a pait of his dominion held under tlio potto ,
with a view of forming eventually the king
dom of Bulgaria. Against this plan , it is
said with practical certainty , that llussia will
attempt to occupy Bulgaila , when she will
boieMstod by Austria , Tuikey , lioumaiiia ,
BuUarlaanu Servla. This will enable ( Jei-
many to hold aloof , keep Franco in awe , and
satisfy the kaiser whoso sciuples have long
delayed n collision between tlio Teuton and
Muscovite. In the -liort , heated , diplomatic
\\oilc eominif , England Ib believed to bo ready
to assume the lead , and it Is far moio
piooablo than It was Saturday that event
ually she will take a hand in the light. It is
a delicate tlilnir to picdict sneh u vast colli
sion. 1 would not diealn of doing ft on my
own Responsibility , but it Is a serious tact
that the most ti listed men In the English
foreign sei vice belie\o to-night that war is
inevitable. TWo war coi respondents ot tlio
London papers stait for Bulgaria to-monow.
Alexander's Return.
Buciunnsr , August 81. Tlueo leaders
of the conspiracy against A lexamU-r , includ
ing tlio ticasuier of the lovolutlonary fund ,
have taken iPtuge In this city. The go\cin-
incnt decided to expel them and notified the
refugees that they must leave. Tlio eonspli-
atois thcieupon appealed to the Husslan
legation lor piotcction and telegrams weie
passing between the legation and St. 1'cteis-
bmg dining the whole ot last night. Alex-
anilei willariivoat 1'hllliiiopolls to-moirow.
Tui.sovA , August ill , Ale.xandei's Journey -
noy heio liom SHtova was a
fcuiies ol ovations. The peolo ) ) headed by
pilests lloc-ked to dillctcnt iiolntB on tlio
louto of tlie pioccssion and gicetcd the
piincu with shouts ot wolconie. A huge
crowd lelt Tunovuto meet the mince fi\e
miles distant and escoited him into town
amid meat enthusiasm. An mldicss ol
welcome was presented on behalf ol the
populace , ami in leply Alexander congratu
lated Til nova upon lm\ing commenced a
counter i evolution In his la\or It is now
said that the prince will pioceed to I'hilll-
popolis to-Uay.
Br.iu.iN' , August ill. A i-oiiespondent of
thoTaL'hlattat Kian/enbadhad an Intenluw
witli DeCleis , In which the Hussiaii toieign
minister stated ho would leturn to St. I'etcr-
binSeptemliei 3d , Ho would go by way of
Brilln and have anothci eonlcienco In that
city with Bihimuck. Nothing limil had been
decided in legaid to llnluaiia In his icrnnt
intcivlew witli thu Cei ! man chancellor , r.- ' it
was not known then that Alexander
would ii-turn to Sofia. DcGieis bald he did
not know what the c/at's piesent intentions
weie , but ho was MIIU Hnsila would not oc
cupy Bnlgaila whllo that countiy was tian-
nutl. Itnssla'H position would hoeiy cilt-
Icalbhould Alexamlei iiibi-t iiion ] the oxoeii-
lion of the men who leil the conspiiacy
against him. DeGlei.s spoke in condemna
tion ot Alexander's couihP , and alluding to
Kngl.tnd'a action In the piomlsos , said bho
nseil evt-ij thing that came within her leach
as tin instiunumt tigainst ICusala.
Loxno.v , August 31. Dispatches horn St.
Petei shin g Mute tue Novoo Viemya declaio
that I'iinco Alexander must IH : piuvcalcil
from letuinlng to Sollu. iinil sajt , that all
Hnsslaiib would cntliiislastlcally suniioit any
bteps Kussln might take to pie\0iit him.
Bcm.iN' , August ill. Tlio Xoilh German
Garetto lelteiatcs tliatGeimnny lias noliuci-
est whatever in Bulguiia , It .says ills not
woith whllo to keep a single ( iriman holiller
under aims on account of Bulgaria. The
necessity lor German aimameiits is duo to
France. "K\oiy Fieuch newspaper , " the ( la-
zeUo tays , "i > io\es tlutt Franco h making
uipld piupaiatlons to tight , and thutllnani-lal
baerlllces mo bulng made to itilso tliu ( > )11- )
ck-ncy of horaimy. Gcimany mu&t always
keep her ojcsllxed upon France.1'
PAIUS , August 31. A dibpateh tiom Berlin
says : I'd nee DolgorouU will not go to Bul
garia. 'I ho Husslan armv , prior to thocour > i
d'etat , will not re-enter 1'rlnco Aloxnmlrr'fc !
service. Thp dispatch also snys that rrinrot
Alexamlcr is not at all sanguine of restorlnp
order and would abdicate , onlj that he Is en-
couiagcd by England to pcisovero , ;
A Kcncnnl ortho Kiotlmr mill Mnt-doi *
Hxpeotcit To-Day.
Br.t.r.vsr , August 81.-Xcw | Voik Ilernttt
Cable-Spt-cial to the Ucc.J C'onsldcinble
nnvlety is felt in this cltj regarding the re
sumption of police duty nt Snaiik Hill to *
moirow , owlnc to the wietched teellng of
pilde. The polleo authoiltlps llnnllv refused
to accept the terms offered by the trailing
cltl/uns at Shank Hill ns the price oC
theli aid in biippie ing ilNoulor. While U
isceitnln that the nullioilties will follow
closely the suggestions oll'eied b > these they
ne\cithiless ) leliise foimally to baigalu with
any one until the police icgain possession of
the Oraugedlstiicts. Hence the
and Hie Oiatme leadeis refuse tonlil In any
way towaid the suppression of dlsoider. A3
one bald to mn to-day : "lt thu police icf use our
aid , and rclinc to glvj us n lecal positou ,
and insist on sending aimed Catholics Into
Piotestnntilliitrlct-Msltli an unneeessaiy dis
play of ( oicc , let them go n'u'nil. '
They assume the icspoiiblblllty for
all that occuis. Wo me not to
go out.sido our houses to help to stop disorder.
If wo did we should probably be shot , or
attested lor being members ot a riotous mob.
Wo aie going to allow the polleo to take en-
tlio chaiKo ot the dlsti let niul it Is qulto a
laifte contiact , loo. You had better conio
around In time to see the tun. " 1111 : I'ourn
theio seems to bo a btiong feeling that If
blood-letting is the only way to stop the
IOMT , It is just as well to let the necessiuy
blood promptly. \\hllcano\ei\\helmiiiK
force of tioops niaUos seilous rioting Impos
sible , it will be suipitslng It no one lb killed
to-moiiow. As If to inciense
the iiiltathm as much as possible )
just before replacing the police the authoii-
ties to-day made seM-ial fuither searches 1'or
anus in tliu heart ot the Oianeo district. A
crowd swarmed like hoini-ls mound the po
lice , whllo soveial houses were upset from
attic to cellar dining the bi-atcli. Chaiira
Stew ait , of Conway street , whoso brother
John works with Clallin \ Co.of Now Vork ,
showed mo with great pride a full outfit of
ammunition which the police itid not tin I
while searching his home.
Work for Homo Unit1.
LONDO.V , August 31. At a meeting to-day
of forty advanced Gladstonlan members of
parliament , Mr. Allred lllingworth presid
ing , it was unanimously icsolvcil to iavor a
forward and airgiess'.vo policy. It was also
decided to notify Sir William Vcrnon Hat
comt and.lohn Morlev that the meetini : de-
siied tliattlie home into strmriilo commeiuetl
at the lecent elections should be btieuuonsly
Xlic I plscojinl Con vent Ion and the
Changes ItVII1 Diuciiss.
CIIH-AOO , August 31. tSpecial Tulccr.ini
to the Hin ] The national triennial Eplbco- il
pal convention which meets in Chicago the ! *
liist Wednesday in October will bo a veiy im
portant onu in the history of the church.
SVhllo there will bo lontino work , such as ad
mitting no\v dioceses and the tatlflcation of >
the bishops-elect before the convention , thu , > |
chief oiidimpottanl work will bo thuievlslon
of the chinch prayer book. This woik w.ta 11
besun six years ago and advanced some at
the Philadelphia convention three years ngo.
But the opinion pievails that the work will
bo all undone In Chicago this year. Tlio
changes which aie desired to bo brought
about in tbe ritual aie for inoro freedom of
of service. The seivice is thought to be too
long and too inflexible. The eaiitleloswhidi
have been diopped fiom the earlier book , It
is nowdesiicd to inseit , The delegates will
be divided on botli pioposltions , and the re
sult otlio convention will beeagoilv watched ,
both In this countiy and England. The linnso
ot bishops will be piesided over oy the senior
bishop , Dr. Allied Lee , of Dulawaie. Many
distinguished lights in the chinch are ex
pected to be picsent. Senatoi Edmunds , of
Veimont , is a legular attendant itl UIPSO
national meetings.
The Sons of Votci-ans.
BurKAJ.o , Augtibl 31. The fifth annual
convention of tlio National Encampment of
Sons of Veterans , G. A. It , opened heio
to-day. There is a good attendance of dele
gates , twenty states beinglepresenlcd. Gcn-
eial Walter S. Payne , of tfostorla. Ohio , is
commamlei-in-chlof. Colonel Fred D. Grant
was expected to attend , but ho tclegiophcd ho
was ill , and could not come.
California Democrats.
SAN FiiAxcibco , August si. The demo-
ciallc state convention met this aftei noon at
2 o'clock. Col. M. White of Los Angeles was
elected tempoiaiy. chahman. The conven
tion rcnomlnatos a full state ticket and allor
the appointment of committees , the conven
tion adjourned till 10 a. m. to-mouow.
Jlllco'H Ilausisc Seized.
WI.V.MIT.O , Manitoba , August 31. Tlio
baggage of Sir Charles Dllko and Lout
Kingston , who lecontly passed tlnough Win-
nines on their way to the Pacific coast , wnt
hci/cd by the Northwest mounted police on
< mt iing Iho teiritories.for contaliiiniilliiuoi' .
DilKo is traveling under Ihe namu ot Tctlow.
I-'Iru an < l
CHICAGO , August St. The Jouinal's Bnn-
net , la. , bjcciaUays tliein was coiibideiablo
fiost hisinighl In thu lowlands , but lhal no
damage ol any roiihcqiicncu occuuod. A 4
special tiom Ouincy , ill. , sayw tliu Knglo roller - '
ler flouring mill binned lids moniinur. Loss , j
'JTouu ; tnllyinsuied.
Wo.itlinr far Noli..x Hku an 1 loxvu.
For Xcbinska and Iowa : Local lalns ;
wai inor ,
That Tired Feeling
Tlie wfirm wrather hai a debilitating effect ,
especially upon those who are within doois
mostof the lime. 'Iho pccullari I common ,
complaint known as " tliul feeling , "
Is the icsult. 1 Mi frollng ran 1m rutlroly
o ricoino by taking Hood's SarcaparlIJa ,
v.lilch . gives new life and itrciigth to all
tlio functions of the boily ,
"I ecnld not flcopj hid no ajiprtltc , 1
tuok Hood's S.irsipaillU aiul soun bcg-m to
sleep soundlyj could get up without tliat
tired ana languid frclhis ; nml my jiiicillo |
Jnipioud. " 1 ! . A. HAM oiu > , Kent , Ohio.
Ktrcnytlicn the fti/tiioni
Hood a Hamparllla Is fliarartcrlzcd l > y
three icnillniltlt-i ! : 1st , tlm combination n ( iisrutsj SJ , tlio i > iopoittoni 3d , ( Us
process of wcuthiK thu iittlvo meUiclnal
uualitles. Theictulthainedh.-Imiirimi ual
strength , tflectins cuirs Mlhcito unknown.
Bend for book containing rutilltlona ) cvlilonce.
"Hoort1 ? Sjrp-ii'arllli tmics up my
purlilus my Moou. Miarii nsiay nniH-t
seems to muKo mn nu'r. ' " J , ] ' ,
Itcjjlstei uf Deeds , buytcl ! , Mavs.
, "Kriod'D BiiKdp.iiIHa t'OJts ull others , and
! j ( irtIiltsHcitlitiiii'.Ut. ! . " I. ruunmuTO- ,
J30ilauK.btieitKcw ; i'oil City.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
bolJ by all drtl dsU. $1 ; sli for 6. W'lrtt
ociy by0. f. HOOD & Co. , I unctl , Mass.
IOO Poses Ono Dollar *