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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 31 , 1SSO , SPECIAL NOTICES Athcrtlxmonts under tliU lie d , 10 tout * per line lor Iho first ln ortion , * tenls for each subsequent - sequent ln crtlon , nndVt \ n lint' per month No BiUcrtlsomont taken for li s thnn " emits for Hid llrst Insertion. PcMn words will bo eounlf'l to the line ; they mu t run consocu. tholy nnd must ho paid In nd\nnco All iiiHcr tlstratMts mu t bo hnndcd In bnfoio 2 o clock p in , iiiicl iindir no tltcumMnntes will the ) bo tRVin or tll ontlniird by telephone. PnrtUs tuhcrtitlnK In these. lolnmnsrind Imx- . Inptho nnaweisn 'dies ' til In cnio nf lti > llrr. Trill t lt-n o nvk for n check toennhlc them to cot their Ittlorfl , ns none will bn delivered f'teopt on presentation of cluck All htiswirs to aa- vertl tmoiit should bo cnclo ed In tn\tlot > e . TO Z.OAM MONEY. WXii )0 ) Tnlonn on Oinitlm city proiottj | at fl $ percent. Intoieit. Q. W. Drty , over llli ] > OUKllH t. 013 _ 01'I It ( i\l-Money : to oan. J. J. Jliihonoy , 151/11 artmtn. 001 MOM'in ! I.nN On fat m and citj prop- oi tj.nt lowest nites , H. A. Hponcor IM > 1 iirnnin at. 14' > . I \ M > < ) ! ' rnoo to lonn in SIMHIAI. nmnmitH tn suit , on short tlnio mortuKcs , thric to tweUo months tlinu nil pioficrty Im proved or unimproved , Cnli lit tlin Omaha Htinnelal Kxchmnto. second lloor of llnrkor Illoik , . W. Cor1 I'nriinin nnd 15th Ht PM W rhn\o chonp tnoiiti > on Innirilmc , tn any iUnntltyto | lonn on Insldiiclt ) propel tjor Tarm land. Mar linll & Lobcek , 1511 rarnam SU riit : rn > T mono } to loan. 11.0 Pnttor on , G 13th nnd Doiwliw " 18 riSAVt IAMX : < n VMii.isprc- OMAHA timed to mnkn lonns In nn } amount , on any kind of approved pctilrlty. I.nruo collateral lonns n ppcciHhv. Alto on chattels and real tatnto In amounts nnd llmoto null. Lower rnlc , boiler terms , nnd prompter service than nny loan fluency In Ihnclty For furtbnr pnrtlciilnrs call nt oftice on Iho second lloor of the Ilnrker lllock. touthmst corner of rnrnnm nnd 11th > t roots. 4 ! > 0 _ ft 7 , and Hpertent money to lonn. Mortunsos v ) . tnkon tn uxihniiKo for real estnto Contrnl Investment Co , Hoom 7 , Harkor Ulook.cor 15th nml 1'iirnMn U20 OM'.V TO LOAN At lowest i nice of Inlor- JM r t on farms mid improved city propoity. V. .1. In > .V Co. , f > , ( tounso s block , 8 l ! . corner Cnpltol nveiiuoiind Itith st. 70CgepO < 7 ? > iv TO LOAN At lower rates than anywhere - where else In the eltj , on f urnlturo , pianos , oignna , IIOIPCS , wnuons , oi F-tock of nny kind. Itomomber , nt lower rates thnn anv other loan company m the city City I < oan . \ Mortinmo Co. . room 10 , 1401 Pin mini st , opposlts Pa-ton hotel. _ _ 411 MONI3Y to lonn by the tindnrsluned , who has t tlio only pioporly oicanl/od loan nircnoy InOmnhn I.onnp ol flO to $1,000 mndo on fui- nlture , piano * . orKiiiiH , horses , wnifoiiR. innchln- cry , Ac , without rcmo\nl No dolnys. All buplnoss strictly contldcntlnl I.onns so mndo thnt nny pnrl can bo pnld nt any time , cnch pay ment n diiclnR the co t pie rata Advances nindoon flno walches and diamonds Persons Fhonld carefully consldor who thov nro donllnnr with , ns innn ] now concerns nro dnllj com In if Into existence. Should you need inonny , call and see mo W. II Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthncll lUilldllifT , ndllainoy. 413 . CiNT Monov to lonn. Stow art ACe , GPP.H . , Iron bunk , 12th nnd Fill nnm 435 _ _ 0 > noooo To lonn. Bums WJO nnd upwards. P Ioncstiatos ncmls , 15th and Douglas sta. 46il _ 'OITKT TO LOAN O. K. Davis * Co. Koal M Kstote nnd Lonn nsonts , 1C05 FnrnnmSt. _ _ _ _ MONBr TO l < OAN-On Rood securities. McUaroclc. room 7 Rodlck Block , BWFarn Bt , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46. M' OMKY ' TO I.OAJ < On real oetato and ohnt tola. D. L. Thomas. 450 _ MONI.Y TO LOAN In sums of t200 nnd up wards on first-class rcnl estnto security. Fetter Cobb , 3B15 Farnam Bu too M' ' LOANED ntC. F. Ke l * Co'e. Laa.n office , on furniture , pianos , horses' , wasons personal property of all \inda and all other ar ticled of value , without removal. 319 S. l th , o\cr Dlnvhnm's Commission store. All bus IICBS Btrictlyoonndontal. 401 BUS1UES3 [ 71 OH S VM' Good im > Imr orockerj storo.ono A1 of the best locutions In city good ronsons for soiling IjG3 , Deu ollloe 57(1 ( 4 TXf A > Tii > A pnitncr In'nn o tnbll ihcd Kood ' ' imvJnc businoss. r.itliei frcntlomnn 01 Indj.tinlyn modornto amount ol cnpltnl ro- iiilrcl. | A line chiincc. Address "Jiir "Iloo olllco. CM-GO * TTMHl SAT.I Ono of the oldest established K Krocery business In the city , with a > ery largo , \\ellpnjinpr trade. Will oxchmiKO for Oninlin real estate or pint cash and balance se cured notes (3ood reasons uUon for soiling- Address 1415 Junes. _ I'll" ' n Or trade tor Omaha ptopcrty. JJ The best located lUcrj business , with stock lntheclt > . Loner lenso of bum ut cheap icnt. Jlnjnoliios ,1510 rarnnm ill rpo i\OIlAN.I. I 01 farminn lands or city JL lota n brick store , ncnily now , In Iho town In ceniral Nnw York ; rents for $3J5 M. C. llomlnRtonNelljh , Neb. _ 410 si * TMK SAM ! An old and well ostnlTllshed X1 Krocory business , addi ess Ij 10 , lice ofilco. 105S-21 * _ _ r. OK SAM : ' 1 ho complnto furnltiiro of the J. Nobrnskn Vinepnr Works Call soon on } . . Krcbs. Jones st bet Cth nnd 10th st. Omuho. _ _ _ _ _ _ ! TTlOIt SAM ! An elcKiint established business. .A ? the best of the kind In the w cst locnted in thlscit ) : ntit jiiollts JI.OOJOO per annum ; will benr closest ImostlK-ntum ; liuolco about tlriOJ ( HI. Parties with menus wishing to step Into a flue business nddroas K 7noo _ ofllco. _ 44 TT1OH SAM , First class mont marKOt with -L nice flxturos , nil complete : good trade ; best of reasons for eclllntr. Call or wilte to eo > V. jHuBsqn , 10. 1 HoMfiird. _ W _ TTO1JSKS I ots.I nrms.Uinds money loaned. JLJ. Ilomls , 16th nndJJouiclis streets. _ 46J " | 7 > Oll SAI.R Sovornl stocks of goodn , dblnir n J-1 healthy business , ownership clear , satis- Jnctlnn Kiiainntocd ; termn ensy. Foino Omnha Jroneity taken In Oichnngo. Marshall Lo- lieck , 1611 rnrnnm ft. 405 I.OBT. OTI.AYii : > Tnim Oniaha Fair ( Irounds , blnckKoIdlnir.Ono front foot while to l-nco5 jearsoldiwolKht nboutl.OOJ. I'lnclorwlll bo ro- varded by reluming to Adam Thompson , Fair Grounds DW 4 LOsT From Iniifiry , bliturda } eTe7nlniTT be- tween 17th ami M St , a dark bilk and vors'od mld shawl. 1 Inilin will bo suitably ronsrdod by leaving snine ut 2207 Fmnam Ht. 07U 0" _ rO ir I'lom P. W , cor. fair eroimcis , A bay ponj mure Jtcturu to IMw.iid I'nssoth. fcW J * T OST A nioinornndum book , between _ _ d J-J and Popphlon on lltli or Louven * ortn. Pnpernlnlt Plcaso rottim lo Chns Ando o'i , 7th and l.imvcnworth , nnd iccoho toward. Ki7 iM * HZZZ T ° vfn3 MMICKN UP Tonm nf horses , liorso and mure , L dark nnd llclit Iliinx Potoison's Htablo , cor 14th iindNloliolia. John A. Johansen. . foTj 1 * BOAIUJIHQ. TOAHD-And lotlglngs , nts _ ! N 15th st. 4C3 55IU VAI'K BUIIOOfi-A | irl\nto abliool for Hinall boys and Klrls will bo opened by Mrs. I'nnnio I'dffnr. huptombor llth.nt'inl nn < l Cnl- ilornl-i KIN. Parents wlshinir to place theli Lhlldren with her imjulro at 614 North 2Jnd st. 6-t.a _ FIHONAI. A rellned JOUIIK lady of HOQC finnlly , wllh an mcnmo aulllclent lor tier tmpport , wishes to correspond with an Honor- iible , klnd-hcnited western Konthunun ; object matrimony , llofeionces ovchanireMl. Address Lilian roster , 15J Oth a\o Now York Cil > . . _ . _ _ _ 1)1 ! HSONA1. To buy roiledtato , to borrow J. money , or Ret an nliatuu t of title , BO to the olllco of lu C Pattoi ou , Uth mul Uouelns. _ _ tu 1JKH'-lNAI--.Mrs lr ) Naiuiio V. Warren - > elalr\onnt , mul business Medium Itouin .No , U , 1.1 N'oitU lUth St. , Omaha , Neb. JSjOl' cr.-A pt-reon cuilliiK horMtHuttlo H. J-1 Cocbrtinana claiming to bo myullols Menltliily sollniK and oilurnUo disposing of pioptirt ) Ironiiuy nouto and prombo- . , also ilinnlntr mo Indobt 1 hereby forbid till per wins purclmglni'oi othonvl-o , rocohintr prop- P'ty ' fiom her or Uustlpu her on my account. W. Cot hi an &iu i "XXfANTlTu 2 uiifuriiUhi.ll looms loss thnn : IT blocks Irom Guriiriiu'b cj acker factory Apply r , U. Vi\lnu , llco olllco. Must mo\o Monday. 540 JQ I.OP inist SUlt ) to tiado lorirood UiUIni , hortc , looms 1 und a , Ouiuha Nut. bunk. HIENOOUAl'HV iind Tjpowrltlnir tchoo _ llooius 7 ana 8 , Iron bank , ( j , W. tinker. IRQ HUN l Ni.inm | inno moutiily. A , 161J iJouirlus. S73 FT ! IlKNT-Squaro 1'iano , ft monthly. 1513 pouslas. i63 rV you want to learn Rhortlmml or tsru-writ- Inirnttend Valentino' ShnrtlianJ ln tltuto jtpo : Itlonbull < lrifr.41nialiil ! , Ntb Foil HUNT A store on n peed retail street Apply the Omaha Heal Ustato nnd Ixian Co _ _ _ 167 _ f PIIKKP , lltiVo * smib | , etc . plntiteil fro c for L iifon < bujlnif ol lo ijtlns to Nitnerlo.3. CO. Howard. Prop. . P (1 box "fl. W7 nliJ _ 17OlfTti7vf ! Orgnn , < J iioT tnontrir floopo , I ? 1511 Uoinfbn _ 27 < TDK BAJ.E-MlBCEI.r.AKEOtJS , , "IjlOIl SXI.IJ rurnlturf and lensof Prorln J lioiife. I.lnioln , Neb I.on rutu thrto joir . ( lend locution nnd doliiff BOO 1 bu lne . AJdres ( Ptoria House , Lincoln , Neb f > , " 2il " " IpnlT"s"VT.I -fintl worth ol hoii ohold lurnl- turt , $ "Uper month Addiesa. L , 35 , llee ofllcc. 8 "I _ lilOK SM.lT-Mce fnmlly dicing hoiso J-1 llcnnl on Ilro , I'l'l Don gins 46(5 ( LilollTsAT. ! , I iTriiitirre7nitTu t n n ol slt-ionm ' hoii'o. time on part Cull I''O ! North 27lh street , two blocks from Hod Cnr line. EOT S A I.I. Or will Undo for finm or Insldo -I1 cltj proper ! } 'Mock of fiunl nlitr | uoods hnt , caps and boots nnd shoos ( ! P. Ihomp- t-on , P , O drawer if ) , Omnha 20-82U UoTTii.s ixjtn I aTiiH.Laniis"monoy losinodT IlemN 15th nnl DoiiKla' stroi 14 471 IpOlt AMcA inoiflum il/e i'ifo nenriy now , with ln lde door ( omblnntlon lock 1 12 drawer cabinet nnd letter IHo with doors. I niLillnm Mro latter prosj. 1 plntform cnlo 1 iilntforni counter scilo. Pnnotto A. Swoony 111 ! II in in ; j st. 8J7 _ "IJpOK sAMI Purnlturo 0 loom house com- Jpinto for liolisckocpinff : price fWl. pnrt pn > menl If desiiol. lloufo lent } 2."i pur month , line locution , 171H Donplns st 4r > 171O21 SAM : A horoimhbrcd llntnblolonliin JL1 mm n , 0 > oars old , sound and penile , never benn trucked , will trot n mlle boltor than three iiiliiutco any dny , pnco fl.OX ) . C. U lllhbliH , IJUtl DoLgln ? atrcct. 7 OK SAM1 Two No. 1 , second h'Uid.eanopv } 1 top Surreys ; nlso two flood , second hand pluctons , nt I4U1) ) ledge ) Btreot - > ' FlilfHAMl l pliTno , fuinltuio nnd kllcho _ _ rarmo 7l7sjothst m , SAI.K Cnonp. iron . win dow cnpssultablo for front on brick build- IIIR. Tor particulars npply nt this oflKo. Bit WAlITED-rEMAI-E IANTKDnirl forpenoral hou o orlt,0or- mini proforicd. No. 11)18 ) Capitol nvcimio. " \-\TAM iU-Jlil : nt Mis M Goulds. 2'U'l ' DoUKlaa St. Wngos f4fij to conipntent plrl. 6-1- ! * ANTii r.lilto holt ) nbont. the house In W pmalllninlly. Apply 1.-01 Howard f/13 i IAN TANl io-C.irlfor : Konoial housowort so AN cor 27th nnd Clmiles rM 1 * TANTit : > A Kood skill mnkcr. Apnly"iTt AY oncotoNo 10JN. 10th St. , cor. intli and idKO. 671) ) ad * \7A > Tii > A good nurse ( 'lrl at ICi Convent > r > 72 ANTIO Dinlnif loom B'rls ' ut t'lornn- w Held house t > 7B WATSTKl ) X ROOd rlrl lot Benefal hou o work. Oermnn porfcrrod. Goodv\ngcs 1B24 DoiiBlasetrnot. Ml 1 A > TKI2tl ( rood Rills foi Hist nnd ocond W v\ork ; nlso dlnln ? room flilt , kitchen nnd chnmbor wnr't ' Cull on Oinnhii Kmiiloyinont Ilincnu , 111) ) Notlh inth strict fi'KJ 31 ANTKI ) Dinlnir loom help ( into Cltv Kestiuirnnt. 11 N. Ifith Also sonic ono to tt ork for board meal times. 50J 3J \X7ANTKP-A clrllSorlrt jonis old to tnko TT care of children , nt 8Jo S SUtst. ANTKD A good nur o Bill , nt 414 Con vent 8t. "li'ANl I'D A unod trill to do ( ronoial house- i\ work ; raust ho a treed laundress ; Gorman preferred. AU-4 Comontjst CJ5.M \\7ANTia ) A second Rlrl Apiih between TT 6 anil Op. m , at the ollico ot C. U. .Mnvno , ICtli and I'm nn in. M" _ \\7ANTnD-A thoroiiRhly competent ( rlrl. T T Call 3d liouso north of I.oavonwoith nest sldo Coltaxst. , ouo block from Park live cars WO K ) "l"\rAM'ii u girls i\iiorlcncod : hinds at T C. r. Whitney's bln eri 11-1 rnrnnm. IJ.'O,0 > I'Kl ) Siihismoii callmtr on stoim users WA take orders for the Haj State Holler rompoiind. Lnrse commission paid. Addiesi T. Kdwards , wesibrn auoiit , 7'J ' Dearboin St. , ChicaKo. fill .80' _ AV l'ii : ) limnctllatoly o7BlrT ior Ronoral W housewoik. 6SldthSt. , 2d tiou o liotn H. H. bildtfo cast Sid" 508 , W * A > THI > Immndintely n kitchen W cor Ifith mid Howard st. 4't" > WW W AN 1 HI ) A ( ! oed prirl for pihnto fnmily. Aiily | ) nt U O Jones st. 4J3 ANTKO Oirl , 15U Howard. Mrs W. M. Bushman. ? 2L _ ANTi:7TliTrrtToi : S5th st. for genet al w housework lu small lamlly 405 . Good rospon lblo per on to tnko WANTl.U chaiKoof Infant. Mrs. 8. A. Slomnn 1014 riirnnm8t. _ 3 \\TANTii > ( Jlrl about 15 years of who \ can dollffht housework nnd likes children. A pleasant homo to the ilorhtono. lloforenccs reiiiilrod Mrs J. L Hlce , northwest cor. fc-nun- ders and Illondo streets. 2t < 5 LTANTKD GoTid Klrl forRonoral housework \Y Mrs S. A Slomnn , 1911 Fiunnrast. IM filrl for aenoral Uousoworlc at WANTKD ! ! ! bur.5t ° 72 - ' \TfANTI5D 25 youn Indies and genta to TT learn telegraphy. Prostiects for positions when competentKood. Address W. J. D. room l.Crounso block Itith fit , Omaha. 738 WAUTED-MAI.B HELP. A jounf ? man to wash d WANTnn around the liouso nt 1017 Ilur- noy st. One first class barber nt 412 WAXTKD . 038 30 * \TTANTKD Adruifclork Immediately Must W ho registered in lowii. Address C E , Smith , bhenniuloali , Iowa. COl 33 " \TrAXl HI ) 10 men of Rood appe ir nice can TT innko M to f 5 per day. Uallut 14U South 13th stioot. 581 4 * > ni ) An experienced milkoi ; none WA othei need apply. .Inquire ut blonno i. Biuo'a store , stock J urds. 655 A ( rood reliable joumr man In a WANTKD ( rrocory , onoaeiiunlntodwltli tlin'inhliioas nndclty. Apply 1U02 Cumlnir st. 5U .U * WAM'i'.D Nouspnpor press feeder. State Joiunnl Co , Iiincoln , Neb. 61.2 WANTKD AcooilKonoral blacksmith , ono nocu-tomoil to tilow workand ntrrlcultn- ml Iniplemonls. Rood wnuxa nnd stonily woilc for n irood moohanlo of soboi habltd Address Win llurston , roilur Itaiids , Nob. 4TO , W * "V\7AN 1 ii : > A boy and pony toe my n route TT on tlio Dully o\onliirf Hoc. Imiulro at sub scription ( lopiiilmont. 401 WANTKH Immodlntel ) , two IntolUpont sdioolro/s to oarry hoi o rontns on Dally i\uulnglloo. : Inijulro nt Circulating de- partinont. Ml WANTii > A cigar salesman ; one who has an established tr.ulo In Niibrnska outsldo of the Itopuhlluin valley ; rofcrenoo roqulrea. Address 1) H SalliiKor , Atohlson , Kan. UU \ VANFKILaborers for ralhoud v ork , li IT 8. Albright Labor Aacnoy , 1J08 Farnam , v\7ANTii > A carrlauo ttlmmor by Grntton TT A.DrumroondIJ17 llnino ) . aat \V"ANTK1 > Short-hnna students ; oiporl- TT oncodtoachor. Tnrins. J.'J for complete courao. Adaross IC2fl , lift ) olllco. U/HJ GXTUATXOII WANTED. WANTKO-Situatlon by nn oiponencoil nnin to take euro of hursca nnd dtlv u Ail- dross L Ol llco onico. 58-I ) * WANTKIJ jounr ( mnn of c-porlonco wants ultuation with private liimil ) . or to drhe dollvorr lu city. Hoieioaco tuinisliod. Aadrt es T 4. , llco nllico. Mil .lu * \\'AN rKI Position by u lire ! class licunsa I IT Btutionury uujflut-oi. Addicts I. , til. lloo oll'ico , f > n 1 * v\7.VN 11.0 Position as COOK u smiuTfamily. Inciilro | 15U Jackson 49U MlbCiiLLAlfEOUS WANTS. \\7A.vriU ) 1 \\l-i ) to piiielmgo n half Inter- TT est In u hardware , furultutv or house fur nishing uuslnosj. Address U. Irons , UIU N. Sto- end Bticot , Council lllutls. tl > J-Q " \\7ANTJu A KOiitlemnn wants to board T ? with arospoctublofamily. Apply person- idlyor by Icttorto W. S , Seuvej.lil S Hth st. saa jo \\7ANTlu Five smart boys or girls to soil TI an anlclu used ( net ery family. Also Iho for Council Illuffa uud onp for every town lu the West. Von can make big wages Apply or add - d n ss , Omaha b'poolalty Co. , UW South lltli street , 000 A ) "IATANTi : | > A peed haino for jcnu cV.l. Atldro < 4 Mrs , \S.\\rlcht , J713 Dodpo t , Omaha , NcD. 57 * \\rA > TKI > A Kood oeonn hand No 2 Horn- T T incton typc-writor , for cash. Addrc s P. O Ilor 114. 614 WANinn-fl.OOOfora jears on good rent estnlc ccuritj , P. O Hex Mi 417 ' 10 V\T * 11 i > An s or loom hon o In irnotl TT locnlitj and for long time. Address 1,20 Hooolhce. 27181 * U rAMl > Teams. 1. Murra > . " \\rAN rilTobiiy a ( food buslne s property > > for xvholnMln or retail imrposts ( ! l\e tlOHMlptlon aiidSoxTcst pi ice Lfcl , llcoolllpi' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 407 _ \ \ > As rri > v pooliosidcnce nnd lot or ncoT ' bnlldinjr lut In peed location ( lixolowts prlcp and tr > i ms and lull dr > cnption L 5J llecl olllee ( , OI _ _ _ _ \\TANTii : ) llnomnndlionrd In pnoil prlxalo > fatally. Can Ri\o best of tofcruncix Ad- drew K 4J. ( ice ollico sjl TAN ! Mi A pooir lioiisp oifinontlilr pnT- meets Addicts Il.iiTi , lleo olllco. B V "ll AM I.Tf-lo liuj n nirn rc'ltleni o or jrttod billldlnir lot Inn deslrnblu locution Ad- dre H , M , llcoolllco G.V > lmtiips must bo clioai > to brpald for In monthly installuients. Adilieai 1.1. Hpponipo 1 ! ron BEHT Kousua AND LOTH. "IOK KIJVT 7rooinhon o 11th nenr Dn\rn- 1 port Iniiulro at I.W3 1 ninam , . .loph Ilo'oimloln tQ F" il \T-Ahoil90 of II rooms completely turnlshpd , hnmlcomc grounds , S K col How ard nnd Mth its tSJO' ITum UiVT Tlueo room cottiico. 21st and JL ; ClnrkcIO. A. P. 'Inke.v , HOI Hit nnin t. MJ JJ OK UIM llon-o s o cor mtli nnd Pa- 1r ' clllc , 1 block fnim 11 A. M depot. ! ill > 0 * TTlOll UINT housoOth nnd r-rootn house , - Nleho- JL7 Ins. Apply M 1' . Martin" , aid S. lulh ht 51S TTltTltlk The Onliwn"boii o Lending J lli t-class hotel In to\x n of 1,200. T\\o inll- lends one Just biilldlmr Piopr'otoi ' xllntstl > tsu to tnllfornln J. K Moiiison , Onawa , lowii , _ _ f.VJ 31 FOK lllIVi House 0 rooms , $18. if Itojferi , cor Siundoisnnd CumlnK ats _ _ _ _ 4C < 1 FMKltr.M ThoOeimanM K chur h inilld- intr , on the soutljeii" ! c-nrnor 1'wolltli and JneKson streets , for mix lojitlmntu buslnosi. It. C. I'ntturson , 13th nnd Douglas 111 "llioir lliN 110 1 room iiMidinio"bclxxien J Douulns mid rainiun. on lid xvith all mod- tin Impiovuments Ludxx luk & . Ken > , B R eoi 1'ltll llllll DotltlllH. , , 'JS FOK III.l lei ntoimot jeiii tlioJstoi } liriL'k bulldln ; on the n o cor of 10th and Douglas Imiiilio nt diujr store otmo ij.icc FOIl 1R VhlJ Wo hax o eloTen nci os on U P. U U tiaek.BO ) tpot tiontx.-ill leiiso all or ' ' TDK KEHT JiOOMS. Foil ItrVT-Nlcolj fuinlshpd front mom suitable for2 treiitlemcn , ulso Lonrd. ixU b ll'theorPt ' Miiij'sn-.o mb Jl * F OK KiM : rnriilshed flout loom , ? 3 CO per month Apply at 7-4 r.ort'1 istht , r.7i . u * F OK II KM roinlahod looms In Hi location , 2010 Woh tcr r > > 7 Foit Ill.M' riunistioil looms to lent with board 241JHninoy fi'JT 1 TTHMl UIM : Vor > tlpfllra.i'o front loom in JJ peed location sul'nblo lor two irontliimoii , 61S 17th Bt. 4UM Jl I poll HRNT Two Innrofutnishcil rooms , prl vntoiamili,7UN 1'Jth fifJ . * ) ' "ITlOlt IIKNT Hoom with boird auitublo lor JL7 two t'ontlomc'ii 18U IoUo ( . &I1 OK IIH.NT A niccTFTunTi-lieil roonrnTfli bonid , for ffontlotnen ; also luinlshoiloi nnruiiiNlioI Iront piirlor. Itolciencos rcquliod Id-.I 0 ipitol live. 510 0- O U HKNT I nnii'hnl room on Novndnst. F IH2N f KiiinUhoil room on DavoMi oil 't v o-t of Itith. ( Hit llooi and fiontioom Uusli AJolny218 IWij-t 50J JJ Foil SA Mi Pin lor , oedtoon nnd kltchon furnltnro cm pcts.i : IIIK < > nnd ho ttlnir s-tov os , nitnoirljnoiv.n Hontlc horse IHo ycnis old , all nt u baiUn , KhiiitT up houjo vuepinir514 T OK iUNT : fiirin lied loom ? , 2-0) ) lod-o oil HIN j Nlci ly luinaiod looi'is vvth | modern convonlonces for ono oi two ifon- tlcnicn 010 N 17th st 4'r ; Pi > U KINT A low oll'c" ' > spnces foriont , ono with fiontlnilou on mound lloor. 1 nqulio of J. S lichurdon ! , 150.11 ainnm st 4 W Sept Ji FOi : ] { i : > T Nowh liirnislied Iront rooms , u J cor. Iflth mid Hiuney. 457 Jl Foil lll.xr rurnishcd rooms , 1C01 Howard. 1.M31' TTj OK KUN'T _ Inrse funilshoil rooms with JL' modem con\enioncos , nl-o tli t-chis table board , ( linnet C p m. , refeicnccs ronuliud , ISMDodifc. . ' 00 riOU icuf r Onoolosnnt front loom wiTh I ' ulune , turnishud , at Jbll Inrniuu street. _ _ _ _ Tmoll"IUNT : T\ftei > ept. 1st , vord i rooms without bonrJ. Uns nnd bath , 2ilj Dortifo. 25J | 7ioitui : > 1 I'm lor nnd two \erj nkelyfurn- L lulled rooms with board , house Is surrounded by n nice lawn and has bath room ami KHS , nlso da > bomd. S W , corner oC 20th and \ \ obster. 108 you ItUNT Fui nlshod looms at 1707 C s st 63J ' loil UKVT Two ptoro rooms on Uth st. , ' T..lolmson , lUt 1'arniun 214 7OK 171 OU MAM : Tuo lots In block 0 ICIlby pl.nco ; JL ? line location ; ? HJ ) each , J300 cash. A , P. Tnkoy , 13)41'lini ) im HC8 1 Foil SA i-Lot : inPlnlinlow.onlj tM. ( House and lot In Omaha View. only 51,503. Ho ises nnd lots on i-nsy payments. KHI loot on Cuss stieet , only is/WO. Thr o line cost liont lots , ltesoi\olr addition. II. W. limitless , 130 > rarnam stieet. 574 4 * FOK SAM : Two tmsiness lots B w coi St. Mnrj's in oiiun nnd It-thfcts , four business lots no cor lilth snd .Inckson ? ts , 10 acres wi II Improved ndjolnlnu oity. All the abom cheap lor cash Appl } to C. L. Christian , 1217 How ard St. fiT : 4 FOK SAM-6- : > oem house and lot 1)1115 ft , Shlnn's ! ld add , beautiful locuion- , $ Jili ) . fi-room house mid lot oO\U ( ) tt. , on Irune st. hot Hamilton and Charles , fl.SJO I houses of I ) rooms ciich.clt } water nnd tniB , on Klntr nnd ( iiltlw ell bts. , S2.000 , vor ) onsj terms. U tin ma In Iowa , one In Fremont Co and one In Ida Co , to trade foroltyiiiopoity or moioliandiau. 20 acies nice Kiibuiban property on military ioiul , S1W porncio , n bnmaln New u room lioii&o. Ininace.irnitocity wnter , ja8. cl lcin , ( rood barn , llnu location , coiner lot , Hi < QO. W. ( i 'lumploton & . Co. , Hooiua 7 nnd S Omaha Nat 1 bank. 4bJ 2U EM. STH KM.V & C'O , , Heal I stnto , room . \\ltMitHbulldIns , cor. lltli mid Haimy. 127. liuslnoss property , 44\Ui , on 'ieutli st , near llariioj Iniprotod , 193. OOxfl ) coi nor on 13th St. , Improved , at " 193. Klvirunt cornei lot on Ilnmoynt 1G,001 , 1U8. llnecoiner on la ouport lull lot-bar- Knln fj.OOO. 15 Corner on Farnam , 162x131,3 ( rood boiibes. Ine property , $ j.-uuu. 213. xUi on Donvlng , fi.r.OO. 201 3olioiolotH 1'atrkk'H let.Vd'n$1.0 < U ench 195 line east fiont conier lot on CixUforula st , . fl O. 210. liouso and lot on Saundcn , near Oracc , t,700. 201 , Clioicolotln Walnut Hill , $75X A bargain. 202 2 of the best lota In Donockon's Ad'n , f EM each. 237. Four uleimnt south front lots on corner , on Ciillfoiola , J2,0iO ( each. 220. Throe of the choicest lots In West Side , to oxclimiKo for InMdti iiroporly 211 , Two choice lota on hUcrmun n\cnne , ut a bin-Kill n. 217. lliiubiuMIns lots lu Washington square , cheap , 110 Nleo south front in House ! & . Stcbblns' Ail'ii , $ l'i(0 210 , Cholco corner lot on Dodifo , $2,500. 200. Fine and south corner on Charles , with5loomcotlngent ( . ' , t&o. 157. Splendid property m lluiiacom place , ole ant bouse , $ J.bOO. 175. Tine , two story , ton room house and lot on Chicago , near Ibth , 17.0 W. 207 Good lx room cutiugu and lot In I-iikc'B Ad'n , * 2,70a. 03. Fhu room cottage In Paulson's Ad'n. J3.100. 133. dooahouso and fullloton N. aoth , 52,800 , IbS , Two cholee south front lota on corner * with two couuics , Bhlau'B''nd Ad'n , fl.3uo. 651. ACII and nil of tlio 24 West Bldo ots are high and bcnutlf nl.f ull BUe. and on month ly payintUUf2JO. ! Jt. C. Patterson , 13th ana Dougliva. pis " TNOH 8\li : At Cost-Mynow homo , No. l ) 1 Soenlh etroet , Council Jlluirs. Kluht rooms with furnace , gns. bath room and all modern conveniences. Charles T. Officer , with Olllcor & Pu.ey , Council UlulTa. tQJ-i Tnoil8Al.K S Hno lot8Tonneckon'saddition , J-1 near Walnut Hill , must bo sola In a week. Thoo. Ol.en , 218 South 16th utrMi374 81 i IIKOOHV K AtHMY : , i i ) . , ir , staia mj Hontnl Anonls , I1J Douglas street. Wo have bnrjjnjns for ovorjbodj. Acrol'iopcrj UuMmt- UuMmthh hh [ dp Property ( lut ldo Property . . Houses and l/ots If.n Homes. roll lot on rnrnfyunrpct onlv twoblocl.s from Cotut house ( ornorlot $10XW ( Two Morj brk kniirfelni's * bloil on ono of the lieUcornc rson DoiiRln * street Itnsn pajmintof SH > f > U ) $31,000 I'otir-Mnrj buslnp'Ji Mock on Harnej treot $3J,000 Tlirpp tory brink l > nlnp-g block on 1'nr nnin"t IT2 Tefifli t | l ? V,000 Throe nice now bii * s , north front , on ( hleniostiiet < ii lot ll.'vl.ti. Hoiillnn now foiTi to # fi eiuh per mnntli 10,000 Tt\\o \ xplt mllil north froiitlots.iVKlVi each , In W t t Kiul Add 1 rent on Parnain $ 7,000 I'ltio cninpr lot on < tn Pt cm sW ft ft > j front , on Cumins * bj U'4 deep ; fl-rooin hoiiic , $ R.nro t nl tidjolnlnp thp abo- snmp "l/e SiV ) > tornorlnt tin 1/nrl Hii\t1 ! , M 1 * trucks In ion. Ono ) i n I one4 lonm lioii e $ 70) llo ldi IHO on I'opi 1 ton n\ , north fiont , i rooms barn , cisii rn. ett L'oinoi lot I. . ' 1-2VKM . ? 4,0(10 ( llixiilomu In hill-wild , north liont , li ioom < > , bain.clslt in , otc. Ooriipr lot , r > 0\IM ) 'J erms l asj . $ 4.200 loin-room bouio on full lot In Pnilt 1'lmo . < 8)00 ) (3oi > d lot , r-itHi ) , Park Placi- , running Ir nn ( nssto t alllornli , a baignln 2 , " > 0 1 inn lota In ll.insconi Plncii.fl.wij to 2,41 U lull loriinlCllhPlnco ( Mill to li > M SplenJid lots in Oiclmiil Hill , JiVW to 1 wxi Lots in Arlington. mixliK ) , $700 to MM Lots In Omaha Vlpxr , l\ltk\voinl , I'IIIMI 1'nrk. Jotomo 1 nrk , lilitpoln I'Inpt1 , Wiilunt lllll , Wn t Sldp , Ma > no I'lnt o nnd Amblpi Plate , at prices that will nuikp yon immoj Uoliavo 'H linii os and lota tor sato cheap , small oish pi ) incuts nml bn'anoo ' montlih Prone.rU ol nil kinds In nil pnrUul the oil ) . Come and tuo us , C8I H , U K. linnir , Aithur Harris. > Conojor , Ions mil llnirK , Ho il 1 state 14ns Do l c it. Omaha , Noli. Corner lot on Miiridnti n.e , M casn b.d. ensj . , Corner lot 2J nnd Lake , o i y tdrnid 1 . Cmnoi lot In fii'ston u Id elioapnt . . 1,10. ) uixl'iion CnmltiK6 ! . . . . t.'iiO lWixlV ) 'n l fiont Puitt's snb l..MJ 3 IH'\V IKo room cottaws tor 2 > lh miii Plorio lotlfxH.'nll lei . 0,200 ins' ' , it Itonl2il nnd 1'nrn.imvith $1-VK)0 ) linpinvemonts . L'lHOO 4 aeiolotln Went Omiilni . . 10,000 r.tlt it nut with okvuit foltn.-o r in > ini , ncai LO 10 , ' 10 lot in Hurdetto Court on ) } iltilksfiom aiioet ems . 10) I ots nnd aero pioporty forsilo In all the ott hint ? udlltldna I.Kt jour propeitj wlthus mill consult jour own inteicsts b } s Plnar our ll t ln-'oio piiroluisliu' . 4 > 4 nHIsINRIIIIAM - Heal l > tnto mid I onn llroker , Opera Hon o Illocl ; , Impioxtd II loom cottiiuo , Hont'laa nnd 29 onlj $ 'IO ) D > , Do l emid : enl > ' ! OJO T loom cuttugo ml convun , bnundiis ni'ni ( innitiliirs ) > oiiU C500 10 loom nnd 1 G laoin lioii'o on lot I i\-"fl \\ith nil moduiii iinproN onu'ius 17th slicct , Lhi-ip TOCO lliojm hou-olliund I eHTMi ( ortm1th II loom LOttiipo on tluuilloy tin ill 050) ) 10 loom house , lot I I'Kl > o oomoi in Lin coln Plncn , u bLiiutltiil homo 4101 I d loom nnd 1 i > 10011 * .otta p on noitli IT , 1m i0 lot Gfl\l 2. cash W r > K ) . 7000 1 loom liouso \\olytor.fnll ) lot . . IM 0 ' . ' room house on 17 nnd Cass . . t > 0) ) 11 loom housoim Calllornlii , full lot -bV 7 loom honvo ninth at tai\en orth on Virginia uvo . 4COO II mom hoii-i ) north ol Lea\om\orthon \iijrinnn\o.clnnp 70JO 2 houses 15 nnd 14 looms 22 nnd Puico elioap . . -V > 00 2 " > room cottimps285ind Climlts full lot , ehoap for both , ' . . tMO IDtnom lieu t > 'ilAti ' tom Plieowlthnll modern Imi rox'oin tuts Sto It M30 1 (1 ( loom cottn u Virginia IHO. ntar Lcnvonwortli ' , . , . . . . 2300 A few of the moVr cil-sh iblo lots In Ores- ton pinto , at llJnres that will soil 2castfiont lut.s on Lowe : niiunnd Hainoy. p.nihl'ft ' ftlld this t ok 1000 llntknl ) ad lon I Iruonwoith , 1 lot nt 10(0 ( UtkM place lot , lijlo < c 21 , West Omiitm , tei ins ( n-v , pi ( ee $ ) I10 1 to 12V ) 2 lots We st Onmlntf ilild , r. oornor , nt 4JO Line oln pi ice lotA fnirn f 10 to 4oO Lots in Miitsli'i , Hurt , ncnr fat. Mnry 8 avonno rv d Slrtiblo . . 2.100 Hmi'-com plncu tots Vlt o to nOJU 44 froton tMitiinlois , i huip , worth KM ) 2oJO Lots In Iliirtford pi ibo , this side oi MU- souilVac'ino * t-hilmij nndcniinliif. lac- torj , on I dinenwoith , tri tnsj torniB. $ i03to | . . . IJQ Afe lot" in I ! 1l m'woitli Toiracp. jn t Routliwost of JorrtMu Park nnd Jllgu- hind p" lee , tot msuasy , ? . " )50 to " " 0 " lOlMJJonClificilhil'DTll tS , UcnMi . . . . 2" > W 1 ! Jxl l IsinoA bolOftn's.eneiip . 'oOJ ' I ) en t 1 1 Out lots , within one block of oinnlnir tnetorv nnd Mhsourl Pnclllednnot. lln-j nro ( Iceiiltdliir mnsat < tVis a lioinliu lots nro Eolllni ; ut &VX ) mnl tivi ; terms ois > 10 lots in Ilmko's iuiditlou,2sth and Dodge St. , $ lr > 00tc f-.VW ( lOfui ton Paik.ixpnupn'id Hownul , r.OJ1 "jvl'O fuet.Fopnlotou nnd Vlrjlnl > i noiinos \ , \luOfcot , A'lrslnln n\onuo mid Shholj , n corner , ? IKIO \ \ \\tiliii\oonlynfo\v- those bo uitlful lots in block li , Hans-om Pl.ico , loft. If > ou want ono xccuio it iiil < k orjon will bo loft. CunvoMintes iiluujH at the door ready to take you out to bee what \vo coniilui the host haririiins HicUs A. Imrlu im,215 South loth stieot , Opera Ilou o sTsinr.iotsonij \ it.c. Uth nn 1 Douglns 515 _ TflOIS KXCILVNtSl : cb.OOORtoclfiliVirooilsT ? ) ? J Ojiiha property Archer i. t Itch , "IBS 15th st. 405 _ _ _ _ _ HUWjoii" maUo moneyH \ Unyliu on ois > pajrmontin Ilillsdalolot lei ? 11) ) , tint will bo oijlly puid for mid double in value. Ames Ho il I tito Aeoncy , 1507 rarnam 803 _ BOWI.lNnuilHKN lots.PlM ) lUpui nnd S5 per inpnth Marshall & Lobetk , Aganta. 49 7MUAN-Lo50by : ! ) ) o JV Irene stieot botwoc n Hnmlllon mid Cliiiili s , \\ltliti-ionm cotuiuo on$1MJ. ) ) . Small cash puincnt.lmL monthlj. Call FOOII foi this ,1 i , llicu \ Co. , room (1 ( , ox cr Commoiclal National bank. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jT'1 _ _ KRAIi iTA'il3 : nAHAIN-2 ( lull lots In t-hull's lat nddition , boms UOUfionton Pierce et , KM tt on SJd ht. , loKCtluu ith 1 hona ( > s , rents for IV ) per month , room to build 4 others , ui'l ' lie poll In us tills \.ook tor $7/1011 H , cash .1 , L. Itko Jt Co , room 0 , over Com mercial Nut , bank , _ _ _ 47- _ FOlShVLK Howlln/nreoiilotsnt SIW 10 percent cis i n id ? " > pur monty llnsy , iiiiilsuro to ilonb'e ' In a vu ir Bee this line nd- rtltion mid SOD maliwlots whilu jou can Rot Ilistehoico Mm sliiill X Lobcolc , Auonta , 1511 1'nrnnm stieot. , UlS A GOOD lot In Oknhoinn , tififtr the \ ititon Bt. cm line , prici ) $1 OOJ. Potter fc Cobb. 15U1 I nrunm nt , Omnhn , N'ob Kil Foil hAI.K Fine lot In Plilnuow , flilO. 1CO\1-H feet. Cnstt-tiuet. fi'M Throollno loiHln HoJor\on nddition. UlxlUJ feet , btiull A 1'li t nildltion. A Iqt In South Onmliii. iml > SIVt lloforo j on buy or sell call on H W.IIuntross , nifti rniiinin Btreot. Lin > oui pr < poity with mo , d81 30' ITIOIl h Via -i o | the host lotTlirWulniit Hill , II must bo sold In u uok. Thco Olaen. J18 South nth J7SJH _ _ nHI.SlAIi ; iio-t npiiortunlty for uottlntf yuitncniaphoinu _ 8W Foil SAM : cheap homo ? , TiT ono nciolou ono mlle south of llnniinoiid ft Co's. Pack- Incbonao. For tonns nddroas , W. 1' . MiiHm , South Omaha. : N-3l ) BI'Y NOW In the new addition of > Vo i sitlo ! i I/lit by Iho depot nnd canning factor ) , full Bl/o nml only J250. Jl C. Patlouon 516 Foil SAI.K-lloiMiniMJrooiilotsatS150 10 pei cent O'lsh iitul < 1 poi month Olfors the easiest nnd surest Investment to double jour money In n your of nny property In the suburb an nmikot. I.eiins shniv soutlu- > line propoity. Mnrshnll & I ibecE.AUonts , USQ r | , 1511 ramiim street. g"IIL3DALK-i ouiitiful locution. SOU f OTS selling todnK for SHOO to J100J sold a year J-l .IKO for f 100 to. f.Vt Think ( if this and Kt a lot now in HllNilnio torilSJ to * 17j and on uay terms. Amos'KeaU.stato Ayuuoy , 1' > OJ Karnnm EXTHA Fl'KCfJvTPTSATlUATNS ollciuil bB . , HuCcUor , Gadd .V Co. , , , MillnrJ Holol Block. Choice lot ISO Uj-rfo-st , Miller & Cttldw oil's nJdlUou ; u baiK6Mikf.'l,4to. Neat now cottivSuwjth two lota In Walnut Hill : splundld barfei * , f-.HH h en t front lots In Wiicox nddition ; very cheap and on easy term ! ) . 1 ! 0 lots In West Omaha , , * 1.0X ) to ? l.m i fine business lots , lltli and'lUncrott , near Vinlon ; tor nil $ tjao. Flrst-clnsj biirtraln. > lnrfO lots 14Ixll ! , 21st and Wubsteri-ts , with twoolceuntrealdonccsall modern con.union- COS'l ) IK ) . CnlirornluandSM etrouls , H.'ilK feet , onlyS mocks from caraj when rarnam extends will bo one block ; line min-'uln , f 14,20) . 250 cho.'co business and losldunco Jotsln South Oiunha nt bargains. J splendid lots in Molroee Illll $900 , Easy tonns. Calkin's subdhlalon to Mn > field , lota $303 to $300. Fa i tonns. I.lit your property with Hntcuor , Oadd & Co. , Jllllaul Hotel blockf 329 SiOT Ot tt rsr SUM' full lot , only f-'W mnn'hly * - jmjtnenK II C Patterson , l.lth mil OoUff- las 615 O Southern Minnesota , Northern lowi , Central nnd Northcm Knims. 1'orsnlo at low prlcusnnd otunsy toiinsnf pnv- Inent llnllroiul laro refunded to purchasers \ \ oeklv excursions He t land * for the inonf- ) Porftirthoi Inroimiitlon address O II Ncl'on , Wfi S. 10th s | . , Oiimhn. Neb Mi * : lots for Si'iO. Tl. C Pallor < on. HM.i : Two eptlonl of rtiolce inriu I7OK In Howard count j.Nelmiska.pat I lex ol linlnnco rolling tnbtc land , ipU lull I xoil , near rood ui'liiiixl ' town * III oitor this Imid tor noM thlrtj dm at olKht dollars nnd IIfly cents | or noio , Ono third eisti luilaneo OIIP. two mil three jeirsnt < P PII per pent. AddH a ( leo N Illckp , P O Itox rni , Omn'ia. ' Neb 4)1 ) 31 . , r.srvrn \WJAIN 1.01 in RP.AI mldli on line tnwi ) ei h .1 I. Itlco A Lu ,100111 U , uvi'i Commercial Nat I llank 177 iTvi. TNI A i iT iFviuiTfu 'foot , east front bu lnc s lot "onlli Kill street. M.ftnl J.I. Itlce A I'o , Hoom 0 , ever Cimincnlnl Na- tlonnl llnnk. MO \\ri > i'"piniiot8 $ r > o u c Puitoi on , istii T nnd DoiiK'tis ' fi' ' " > . COMS1OCIC- ilorx' Meieh ills HHMiiN.v National Hani , bull line oltoi the follovxiiitr speilnl bmtialns In ii-al estate A dp-ii abhImiliiDSH lot in otilh Om ihn , $1,1 X ) , $ l"iUcii h , Inilnluc. 1,2 nnd.l xoir < Tun lots In Putrid. s21 nddition , lOil foi-t past ftom the street cms , $1,05) ) oueli ; $ J * > 0 i ash , bal- unto i I'Br. 1 Itteon east front lots In Kllh } plncp fiom ' Tixo envt front lots In Plain Vlow on 2nd ft , oppoiltu J. 1. Itcdlcks house , fflJO oanli ; euvj terms 1'ull lot on 1'nrk IIXPIIUO Wi\lls'j cpst fiont. contnlnlnu tx\o linndsomi Inruo < ottaues.n b irn nnd an nbumliince of small fruit. $ U',5Ji ) , will ( llxiilo ImproXL'd mil unimproved biHliunBiiml ios- | tlonpo propurtj In nil parts ot the cit } No tumble to shoxv property. _ 1J \\7KST Hll > i : kits bv fho depot mid emi- nlnw factory , full sl/o , on monthly paj- ) f.'iO onch. li. C. Pntterson , l.ltli and IJlCIIMONDi IIICHMONI ) . H1CIIMON1) At -IV present prices lots In Hlchmond nlTord tlio In st oppoiliinlt ) lei speculation of mi ) nddi tion t.i tlio city of Onuilni. Illchliiond Is on the notthslilo of TonMinwoith stiocl , nbout two iinda half miles nest fiom the post olllio , mid onlj n tow tods from tlm We-tMtlu slatlon ill-ill tln > tannlnir laetorj. l/ts ) me now ' o linjr fioin SIO ! to Jl'iO. J'J ) cash nnd ? V1 i-oml nnninillj. ' 1 ho price will ndinneid 1 pi r rent Inn lou dii ) s. Now Is the tlnio 10 bit ) . Ills on \ Conistneli , nRcnts , 2d sloiy v UK hunts National bank ImlUlliur. fil l B < \CHssi ; . Itenl I > talo.1l7 S. list , bus for si'o ' : Milk dahy , wood pn ) in ? business , 15 lie" ! cows , 4 horsus , I delivery wiiRon , 41) ) milk ciins , tank , etc. dm rent or Ini ) the propottv w hero It is on 2 1 nores pasturu , $ JOW , Vt cnsh ball ) oar A irrent bargain 8-0 IlSlA I.K Von eiin timTno such lofs Tis Rl lliOM ) nt f l.V ) nploco. Amos' Itonl I'.stnta A'enc ( ) , rxiT 1 m mini st. 8 JJ IJMMtSVM' ItovrlliiK lionn lots nt $110 10 per conj ci h .mil ? 3 poi month Offers the cttslist nndsiirust Invo'tmont to double jour inonuv in a ) o ir ol any prnnei ty In t in suburb nn market Let us show vou this line propert- MariOiull .V I-obock , Atjouts. li'iU bill rurnamstieet "IT1OII SAM : n dolrnl > lo lots in Hnnseom U Plnco ; turma ousy. O. P. btobblns , box.Ull. fi 0 8.1 * _ 1JAHU U \ UOAIN1410 njrooo 1 HI nnin V ) land In Knnx nnd Codni co intlos Nonpiskn ; Ji'i pet ncro cash. A. It. Uiiihani 4 Co , Wisner , Nobr. tWo b ! ) . . . alvantugaa wnich cnn't bo nil.I.SDAt.Khas lou it ion. When jou BOO the lols you w Ilia-linlt It Ames. IM7 Piirnnm. 81J BOM MMt C'th.KV lots , RIW ) 10 IHU cent cash and $ * > pei month. Marshall \ I.obock. ARcnts Hill RI I , LS n vf7K Vcs , thixt's t'm nimo , nnd t n o lots sod for SIR ) to $171 on easj terms Have jou seen rhfs ground ? If not , do at once , ns it costs nothintr to ildo out to tills bountiful locution Amos' Heal listato n oncj1507 I'm- mini. _ _ _ _ _ sOJ Fen sALi : IlowliiiR-Oioon lota nt $150 10 l ir tout cash nnd $ " > net month , 1'n'y , nnd sum to iloiiblo in a your , "oo this flno ml- ultlon acil secure a few lots vvhllo von can got Hrst cholco. Marshall A. I.obcck , Apcnte , 1)13 ) 1511 r.unam sticct \T < > HUASS llANOor free lunch required to 1 > sell U o > t side lots at JJiO H. C. P.Utorson , 13th nnd Douglas. 515 suburban homos n noco9- LAKORplttoixmiiko sitv nnd this class of lots uriows wltli the rest This is to bo considered Sec Hlllsdnlo nt $ r > ) nnd buy one when } O i can at tills flaunt Ames1 HIIH ! Hstato AKOIICJ , 1537 PHI n'im st. 80J 17P.AL KSl'ATR llAUGAlN-Keantllul 001:101 l lot in Illocl : O , L-JIVO'S llrst addition north- otiHt irout COxIT ! * 3K ) , h lit cash. J. I. Hico X Co , ioomi1oTor Ciminoio'iil ' Nnt Hank. J33 ON'nuniftimo loiirtnsnoFes in Tirookllnc aiT- dition , price $ ) . Potter JeCobb , 151"i 1'nr- nnm at , Omaha , 8 1 R"lo o on lUtn stioot nnd IT. P. tiack.nt n b u- pnln .1. L Hico \ Co , Hoom ( I , over Commor- t inl National Hank. 34.2 \ nSTATK IIAIUiAIN liniuitlful now KH\L modern house with lull oist fiont lot on Virtrlnln nxpiine , Hnnseom place , 5M,7" > 0 , half c.i h. .1. Ii. Hico i. Co , room .0 , over Commer cial N'ut.baiik _ 471 HlLLbDALH. B01 BSACHSSF Heal II = t io,3l7 S. 13th st , lias fors'ilo at n bargain : Improxed nnd unimproved farms In Ne braska Tour 1-4 sections In Douglas Co , J40 per acre 110 ncro of splendid farm land , all Improve ments. In York Co , $ .10 per acre ; also ciops , graded slock nnd fuinlturo for sale. Only for u short tlnio at this pi ice 1-4 section In ritmnco Co , cheap at $1,000. W ) act 03. Hint Co , S-3 per acre tOj nnd 500acres In Nnnco county , J1250 per nere. J.OVO ncros In Antelope Co , $15 to $30 per note. IBO acres In Hiidlson Co , $10 , or oxclmtiKO for cltypioperty. Alinelnrm of200 ncrna InDocatur Co , Ta , $30 porucio , or will trade for conenil morrlmndKo. AlRofurmsln Knn-ns H. SACIISSE.UITS Uth Btroft , C'-'O TTIOU SAI.I2 'i line lots.Oonneckoii'H addition , 41 nonr NValnnt Hill , niuat bo sold in a woclt ' 1 hoe Oisen , 218 bouth street. U78 31 iATr isl : ATI : HVKOAIX is root , enat fiont huslno-s lot , cornoi alloy , South ICtli Rtreot , 51,00) ) . .1. L Hico A. Co , Uoomtl , ever CommoicialMnt bank 341 rpin : NBW Aiini6"NwT ; T smnroTiir J contain92H lots and will all be hold Inside of SI days nt the loxv of 5J50. It. C' Patter- eon 13th and Doutrlas. 015 _ nnAVVjjiiTnfl In popnTntlon puaiiesOmnlin to the fiont See Hillsdnlo lota t hut x on fun noxbii } foi $151 Piek one out , pay lor It in Installments , nnd soil It In u > oiirs time for twicoltscost Amos' Estate Aeoncy. 1GJ7 Km nnin st _ _ _ _ _ bOJ _ AVI' 5 on seen Hlllslnlei' II not , do so ut H once nd pick out 11 lot for Jill that will not only ninko you money but help jou save Koine Ames' Heal l.'stnto Aironcj , 1507 rnrnnm Btioot , _ SOJ _ FOlFSi\r.U U choice lots In humidors He Himobauith'sndd , ? ) tnii" ) onch ; o Hy lerms A. II IlrlBKS , Sivxo'siiittoro _ 70H KUATTT.Tf ATI : \TnfATx-lJ3 feet , cast front , Sonfh Kith Rtreet , $ S 010. J. L Hico A. Co , Hoom il , ON cr Commorelnl NationaMl ink. 3M cn'AlTlTlTsITNMiiiH Ju t " "pliici d on Ilio iimrKet.'ii West Side lolc , full sl/o , lit tia DI5 KiL'ATJ : JIAHQAIN-l'iill lot on .lack- KIIAL son st xvith ImpioioiiicnlKrmitri lorJJ pm month , noarht MnrKii$8rjK ) , si.MUuihli , liulJeiiis. This Is a positive bai uin torn luw thObonlv J. L. Hico i. Co. , loom Dover Com. morolnl Null liank _ 47ri HOW la it your nolxhbor mmnailo moiiHy ? lly having oouniiru toliuy nhenp lots. You can do tliosnmo In Ililladalo , whom lots noxr nolllni ; for $1M each will lirlnir double that In a year from now , Amos' Heul Kstato Agency , 1607 rarnam 8t boa _ * iJUKSAlii ; HOUHO , U j oems , city wntor ami -i ? gas. I mlle trom P. O. , I block from st ems , price sf',60) , small p i.x nionts , balance monthly. lii'iulro rooms 1 nml" Omaha Nat 1 binlc , _ U4U KHMr.MHHIt noxv ls tlio time to buy"clioap lota Tliov imiw Invaluo faster thnn any othnrx. Boo illllsdale Lots SIM oucli. Amea' llcul Uatuto AKOIIC } . 1M7 i'arniin. bUJ , full sUe , JJ50 , It C. Piittr son. 1515 niLLSDALK-Lots only J1W to $175 , nndTvTu toll for ( Ion tlo this llfe-uro In 1 ! months , ' time. Come nnd GOO them. Amgs * Honl I'.stnto 80tf FOirsTlH -We TTiivo sixteen lots in Haw- thorno addition that wo will sell : host and cheapest Inside property In Omuhu. Hud ford & Bouoi 755 _ EAL E8TATK HAHOAIN. Lot StxlU.on Ua.\cnport bot. 2Jd nnd 24th streets. wltl fi room cotuue , will be bold this week for $ I , WO ; two thirds cnih. J L Hlce & Co , room U. over Commercial National bank. : t55 F OU h \ l.n-1 ot the best lots In Walnut Hill. must be sold Inu week. Thoo. Ulfion. sia Eoulh 16th. 37B 31 V/P.ST blDi : low , full bUo.t-JO. 1U C. Pat- 1 torson. 615 Tt U&H i. SKLIlV'Sbbj real ustato ud every other day. Bco lu X81 KRAI. K T VTIJ IIll(1 ( MX 1 south front lots on llnrdelt street Jut on" > aun < lnr > M , Patrick's .til a Idltlon tan bo I ought thlswnck at $1 iiV ) iMih fl.HO for the MItuh nnd are a dtMlre.1 bnrjrnln imlv $ > " > 0 cnMi bnl 1 veins .1 \i \ Hire \lo , roomO ovt r Co nnu ictnl Nrtt. bank SUS "liloll \ , , i KOSI lence propertv nnd varant J ? lots In evorj tiUlllmi in o nnin. I'rtrnis to suit pnrchisoi Also tloslrnlilo b-Klnes * prop ert > . Olb'on , on * Co , Hoom.I , VMtlmcll IllOck ' " ' * _ Kni. . r.- TAI r iniKiAiv-cor lot on J.M l ,1'lnltiv lew ndd only ? 7ril 1 I , Ulco ACe Co , room ( i over Commercial Xnl I bank. _ _ 47 1 KAVIJNW01UU SI' U H tr.i-KaHO . , ono or lj more lots or nnncro , nt ncroat hinitln Sec .1. \ \ . l.ociin , nt l < oiivi mvnrlh lln < ines < I'liu e or Cl. VS. HakiT , Hoom 7 lion Hank building i81 IAOIt s Vl.b fi pxehiiTin'lor pnnpril mer chnn-ll0.20inoriM | tin ill ) Impiove I land In Southern limitndjolnlnireountv eit an.I . mil rend In DccMtui emtntv ll'is n linn Broom liou-o , liirito birn.iVI foot shol Koodwell spring nnd ninnhik wnter ; IX ) npplo Iroos , eh ( < nles , Drupes etc Ihunhird bnchs't' , J17 S lltli st .Omnhi Nob. VI } H1 Misl.4 lots.l ai inolnn U moiiej lo I'lo llcmls lr > th nn 1 Unt lis stniets 4il Kl ail siJi.nv'sbiK renl eslnto nd oveiy otberdnv _ See It. VSl HI 1,1,311 M.i-lllslict : Rround , hnmUomesl tointlon ol mi ) lots In nr annin 1 Oiniilui I'lOntid ? 17r > n lot Como nnd see Ibis id. AinoV Heal K-talo Afrencj , 1)07 . Par 803 natn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "IilOK s VT.T7 "NirHTTTTioni IIOIKO ntuT7 corneT -L1 InN In Walnut Hill , < -i cmti lull to suit Cat Martin 110S litli ft _ 4iVl BAItdAIN rnlllot on Wolnlor Bt , bctwoon lth and Hth st * . , s limited , ono of B room nnd ono of U looms ; treed unrn and lutdu tree1 * , nml ether iinpiotoinoiit * prlcp $7,0 Wj n m'tnnn I'otler .V Cubb , IMS rainain st. , tlinnba , Neb _ _ _ _ KJ1 _ \\ Sinn l.OT-Tnt $ XVI toll tlinnmnlvos > > Sou It I 1'attui 4(111 , lltli and Douclni _ _ _ _ _ "I 8\li ; lr ( 'JChiireo. Homo nnif lot , "II 1 Mil nnd Nicholas : lieu n nnd lot IMU and DorcasVni Ii Munron , Oth and Douirlin Vi3 Foil s.Vt.nliartriln Lot < M\l li , 2 bTockH from po tolllco. $ 000.1 . , half cutlt. Mar- ebnll k LobccK , room S Itndlck blook. 21,1 TjKAr , KSTATi : UAUdAlN-Corni i lot , (11 ( ft" J.W front on Snumlors st , PatiUiK'n llrat addi tion , 4 room liouxu f.l/HH Ihli mutt bu sold. owiior want tnoiu'y. J. I- . ltlcoCo , room 0 ox cr I'lHninqi clal Nat bank. ; ci * FOR S V.LI- ! l ro ulivnnt oist-fiont oornor lota In Ititrr Oik. natural stuulo tine . lliitaliniliid < t ATe , l.'lll DoilKlns et , Milliird llotollllock , Omnlin , _ > rnli. _ _ 8)4 ) _ . : lotno nml sen It } oui4i > il , it HlI.USDAlii Itn inorlts. Amos' Itoul I' tatu Apcnoj , I"i07 rnrimtn _ W'l ' _ HOUSI > Iot , l arm , Iiiiiis ( inonoj [ oanoil. _ Homli , lrilh and HoiiKlns hlu-ct * " ' _ OU sli : n houses In I'nikl' looms. P 5 cottniua on Chic iro. It rooms. Rc.ottnuu' ' > ii llilli 'stroLt , ' ) looms Allot tlip'o pottairo nro now and will R < M1 MlthJUtu ) $ V ) cusli pajmont , lulJ to fD per inontli. S .OiW to * -i > 00. Thosi. ' places mo D'liiriiliH for ono wnnlini ? nleo IIOIIH a near t ho rintpi of town. No liiiu-j pucos onntionnt of lonirtlmoand small pnj mints. 1'aik X 1 ow Ipr , lfvjjouiila ; ) < < Ht. _ _ 4tiO , n _ _ E iiH \ BttljIIY'S ntirionl ( istato net o\ory EK other iln > . _ Sjo 1U _ 281 _ K V.A.I , KSrAlT. IlAUnAlN-lleautinil lot In Clink's mid. , Just oil St Miuy B nxo. dl\US ; can boRold by us lot J.'l WH ) , 51 , Mn ) cnfli , balniun 1 , ' _ ' uiul i ) jnais ; splnmlld biir uln. J. h Hli o i. Co , Itooin 0o\ui Cominoiclal N' all bunk 517 \riISS13 Honl Kslato , 317 S. 13th St. , nng BSriISS13 fet s ill ) impnn od propnrt ) ! y'tj I Inu brick insldonco with all modern imprn\cinpnlH , on Saundur bt. , lot 1-MiiUO , 4-J.UOOto Jo.WK ) cash down $ S.ODJ CO Nine room IUIURU nnd lot. "Dili St. , near St. ilnrj s uvo , 5500 ciish balanto monthly . 6,750 281 Three-room cottage and lot 8. 17th Bt. , M.IKX ) cash . 1,000 300 I1) ) room IHIUHO nnd lot fiOVixlfiO on Hurt at , f . ' .UlW cH h , biluuo to iiilt 4,503 304 83 Iton Uumlnc with Btoro undilwoll- . . . . JlOSlft on Cuinlnjf with 3 store j nnd dwtllliir ) , bain , oto , . . 10,800 809 Vine 8100111 hoii'-o , barn , etc , lot 1UO\100 . . . . . 4,500 009'j'i room ( ottHjro , lot fiflxlUO , both on \\ubbiur , ono third cash , bnlmito to suit . . . . 2,000 3271 ficotta os on South Mth at , to bo sold together 01 in lots of 2 or . * ) adjoining 12,000 25S rineC-room houan , lotJOxHO , on I'Jth ' st .cus'i Sl.WO . 2,300 26T > Lot tOxllO with housi ) , well , etc. , on 1'tthBt . 2,200 300 6.ottaics ( ot 5 looms , lots 3014x1.20 , olatorn , wrll , etc , on I'llli St. , iJJOJ ea h , ? J.'i 03 per month , oath 2,100 S3i ) bl toot on Ciimliifr. bualiu ss lots , iitli 2 toros , dnollliiff , barn , allionted $10,801 rulllotg and K lots with lar.0 or small houses in n V. Smith's add , Plain Vlow. Lowo'e - < 1 add , Koun'/o'a ' 2d add. J'ittor-onsiibdv | , Inprovemont Assnndd. Millanl S , Caldwcll's ndd , Walnut Hill Park I'laco , Hickory I'laeo. Omiilia Vlow , Ileilfoid's ndd. Shlnn's ndd , Amosl'lacu Shinn'sJil ndd , Dcnlaos' ndd , Irom $1,000 to J4.500 ; small pnymiMits ; onsy _ toima. _ m OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLUITS , IA. Estnbllshoa 1657 OiakDentalAssociation Nos. 1510-10'il Douglas st , Omaha anil No 231 Ihoadway , Council I51uf)3. ) Dentistry No humbug' ( ins , Vllnlliod Air , IHlKTMinl Clioroform , vtl h thclmlckcnliiKeirctt avoided by tlinmoit wonderful iiniicithRtlc , purify * Inn the liluod and bill duu up Iho tlMnioi Oinaliii Dental Association , Solo 1'iop'rfl. GolJ Croirn * doll I'lnt3 unit C ntlnii"U9 Cum Teeth ( i hjiL'tl illy loelha , fuiiuui | rlco ! 15 per set. _ HAMBURG -AMERICAN FcLclnor Cona.pati3r. A DIUKCT LIN15 FOIl England , France & Germany. 'Ibo fcloiintslilpa oC lliH Moll known line uro built of lion , In wnter tight compnrtmonin , and uiu furnislina with uvory ruijulsiiu to nniUo tha pntsiiirti both snfo and tiKrcfalilu. They c.iriy tint U nil ml htnli 8 mid Kuropdiin' mulUiind Hmvu NeVoi k Thursilaya nnd Saturdays for Plr. mouth. ( IXNUONChorbtJU/l'AUIS ) ( and HAM- Itcnn'jilni ? , Iho stcnmori ) loin o Iliunbur on Wedno 'laj8 and btindnyalu. . Iliuro , tnUliif MiK-onKi-'iiUt ! boiithninpton and Uindon , llrst cabin f > ' ) , fil ) nnd f75 ; btuoran'0Jl llnllrond tickets from Plymouth to Hrlsiol , i ; ir- illlf London , or to any plncu In Ihu rSnutli of KiiKlimd l'Hin : blunniKU fiom UUIOPQ only t * . Bond lor "TourlKt "Hfotu. . ' ; & Qonuial Pu'-wniiur Agenti. U Broadway , Now Viirkj Wtiohliuion uud U bullo&ts. Chicu o 111. P. BOYEB & and M Work , 1020 I'luiuim Street , O.uaha. JNob. c , o. D , O.SK OK MOlii : AT U 11(11 ( II.AI E I'JtltK. I I'AY > ll riprrM clinrscii to nil polnli vtl'hln UCO nilkit. l.OOOcamaceii to fttlwt troin Hrnil t o tti * Uiup forliliuiratulcaUlojna. Mentiontlu pupir. L , 0 , SPEHCER'S TOY FACTORY , 221 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. ir HIP Mqnor llnlill , l'o lll elj- Cured tij AtltttliilttrrliiK "r. Iliiliie * ' ( ioldeii .S | > rclllc. U vnn bo Riven Inn cup of colTieot tcAnlthont tlicknciKir lKr-i > rtli pfMon taking < t Mob liitrly nftluilcK nnd nin ( > n > ct n pcrniniicnt "nd openly Cute nliri ur tini'i | -it l < n nuHUTAto i.iikefut VI mi * ilmnr unrk It hn hrcn R\OII | In tliou. Il \ idi of < ax i nmllnc\oi\ i > < innrci > ' cifcct euro hM follovril II niter InIN Iho ( j 'tern once ImptPKniltd lth the spiel.-- Invoint IMI uttot Inipii-nlblMj lor tlio liiinr ( Apprtltc tocxl t roui r in roi.towivo nnrunism HI UN \ < ( ) . . Cor. (5th ( nnd nin'ti.nnil Isth ftinilna ssii. , OiniUu , k. 1) . MIsTKU iV IlltO. , Cnunrll lllul- , Or ll or rllc fnr pnmplilot Kintnlnlne lu r * t ittinnnlnu from tlmlH I wuuien nnd uion frctu f lli couuu . hpcclnll ) 1)1tilled ) fnr WBESTTOMICI UNEQUALEl ) for CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION , 1)11 ) 1IW I , UAI.MMI , Sur fcixm lii t'lilrf , Nallunul ( limit nf N JviHim "Jlv ntteutlol win rilled tt Jour Ki > ) ! tone VIillMil ko ) It ) S'r later l > iupRl tof Trenton HII lib IT9 u > il n fiw bottle nllh fni Ittlor cfiict than MIV ) IIKTA Imil 1 nm trcotntniMulfnfi vour atllcle In in ) pructkt , uuo nml II r r ) MtMnctoiy. " BZWAEE OF IITATICH3. till th * Sltnttur Mt\l > MSIM U ! . on tli I btl EISNER & MENDELSON , (8 ( < l An-nllfir Ihit ) S ) 316.818 and 320 Rnco SI. . Philadelphia Pa. Delicious Flavor. No pains arc bj ) fired to ninko these moats that can bo produced. Poop 1 c of EPICUREAN TASTES are highly pleased with them. trjrour ( Irncprnr Itrnrkptninn do tint Ucrp them , cud direct to Armuui tfcCo. . Cblcnvo STANDARD MKDICAL WORK FOR YOUNG m MIDDLE-AGED MEN ONI.V l HY MVII , , I'OiirAII ) . ri < L.u 10 RHOW THYSELF , t\li : umtolVltnlltr , Norrnm aid rinslc d Dslilllty 1'ri nniuirc Decline In M in , 1 rnira of Voutli , nnd Iho uutulil nilssrltt rujiilllnic fruiu liHllicrotlon nniloi- cisscs A h ink lor every mini ) OIIIIK , inliMluiuoit mul olil U cum lint li > prosi rltim | ! fur lilt nemo and clironli dNPUtio ] , o.icli ono of w hlcli In Inviilunlilo Ha found bj tlio iin'lior ' wli isn oxpnrliMK o f r-il > e irs la tmth nt > l robitbly nut * r buforo full to the lot of nny nn , WJ paniM , bimnd In licuiittftil I lunch niui In , enilioixoJ tovern , full ( .lll.KunnmloeU I i bo nltii > work In oiory sunso morliiinlCHl. lltcrirvmiit pnifiM- eloiml til tn nny ( ithorwiirlcln tlilsiountry for tl fl , lllrsull nd iiisorintB otlcers of the lio-irJ Iho roailor It rtispectfiilly n fcrrctl. Ihu scicnco of l.llo Is worth moreto the TonnKiinl mid lit ! uiM men of thlHKuiiiTH luntlmnnll Llio no 1.1 inliiLM ol Ciillfornln uud thu vllvcr mliioi of NovailH conibinoil 0. K Chrnnlclo. llioticlonuiof I.lfo points out tha rocks anil qiilo.- piindH on which the conxtliHilon and lioiica of many nyoiing mini liiVubBen fatally wrecked Miuiclieator 'llioSrl'inrnot l.lfn In of urcitor viilue than ull the moillcnl works publlnhod In tills country lor tUo past vc ir Atlanta CunHtUutlun Tlio tcli'nco of I.lfo Is n superb uncl m istorly troit- no on nervous anil physical dcbllllj. Detroit Pro9 Address the 1'oalmdy Moillcnl Inotltilto , or Dr. W. II. 1'arkur , f > o 4 llullllucli ntioitt , lloitoii , llimi. who may bu connultcd on ull ( loonies roiulrlnx skill mid purlcncu. Ulirunlo and obstlmito illamuoi that 'u ui li nl I'u ' "HI ol otbnr phyKlclimi H epa > r Su h tro.itoil nuco.ifully without tiny In * -ico of fullurn Mention Umiinii Uco WHO 19 UI.ACQJAINTED WITH THE CttMnAPHV Of COUNTBr WILL 81E Blf ( XAMININQ THIS HAI > THAT THt GIHCAGO.flOCK ISLAND a PACIFIC RAILWAV lly re&iiou of Hi central position and ( logo relation to nfl iirliicllml linn I- " t mid Went ot Initial undler. ininitl iioiiitH jm tltut ( 4 the ituiKt linportant lulrf tiiintlntntii ) lluU In tliut vistrm of tliiouffli trnupixtr. Lrvtittu whlf Ii InviiHK nnd t.cllltat i trai > l nd trultta l > utweeit rlttt'M of tlin Atliintlo itnd I'aplllc Co-Bttf It i4 alao tlio tiivui I to nn 1 IttRt loiiiu to uud Jroni points l.unt tirllmn < .t itn I soutlifant and ron biiuudili Iiulnt * Writ .Sorlliwi'Kt aud HontliweBt. The Croat Rock Island Route OimrnntKii Its patrnnn thnt cnnrn or rrcn. rltjf nlfurdud lij a i-olld tlinioiiKtilv ImlUiivd rood. tir-l.kinunili Inu-kii of 'uiiilniiuua icti | roll ruLcUu. Holly hum culm u mid l/rldi-m , rollingHi.rU ui unit rHrrrelluii mi liiiniaii hklll inn nmku II Iho calily iimll | nr urpntrlil hillli-r , plutfonii8iinil air hrnki . nllj tllUl'xacllllKlll rlinm [ > wlili h K'HCIIU ' till pruc- tuuliiperatluiior nil Hi tinlni otlur ptcUllln ot tiif ruiiio are 1rnii r iii nt all iomic < tlnif i ulutii In Union Petiou. and the imturi UKSUU couiforu and luxuriettof Hi rAmwiiKT r < ) iilni | ) ( * it , 'r ! " > f-'t , fylri'J'rln ? ' ! > ' " 'w ' 1n Cht Mrn unit r < nr u , Uoimdl Illinrg Kuiiibl ( Ity -rcliwurti ) kiid At hl-iiin urn ininpoKBil < ir will vrntlliitnl llnnly up * lioUitrMl IXy tuiii.hei tUKiilllcint I'ullmnii I'ulaii UluupiiriKir thu loitit ileilKii ami ruinptuuui lllnln.i UUM III whltiliUkorateljr rnnkeil ineidimrB iJ.ii vnUn ] irtwpi < iiChlc Bii nd KIUI-HIK lly nd _ t < lit -10 ulxi nm tun CcliJbrnteil UuiliuluBtlialr t > r . The Famous Albert Lea Route l tlie dlrwot and farorito Jlna brtvrrn Chloanoand MlmKUpollHUIIlINt I'Mll. wljLfO COUIRYUul Ul.ln ll In IJiiluii ll | inu for all polnu In O.u . TrnlliirlM anU I'lurliumi tlvel thli rnulo Ku.t KipreM Iniliii Aia run tu tliu watnrliitr plirn , muunirr re. puru ) > ktMrii me lorulltUn , _ ul liiintlttr and tlililnir unitiiKUof Iowa anil Mlnnoota It I. oliu tlio moil aiilralilvrniitiiti ) the rlili li at llcldi luui ( latloral JauUi i r Interior Imliofi. HUH luiothir UIHlt.T I.IVK , rla He nwa nnd K n- hnkrii , lisa bun I > P MIH | lietwM-n ( inolnnntl Indian. iiiwIUuud i Lafufpiui.nnil ( oundl IilinTi. Kun . cily ( Ufniifapulli ami Ht I'-iul nd luterniMlUlo l > ulnl Jyr ilctallixl InruriiKtliui tin Mapn uml KulUrrr. hMlnahle ai well ni llot eti nt rll principal HUM i in the UultoJ BUitj ana Cn ud- R. R. CABLE , E , ST. JOHN , 1'rti't < X Otu'l M'R'r. Ocn I T'Kt * JMw Aft , -FULLY V/ARRANTED - l pT-f5 55 T The © Cabinet 6TLOUIS FOR BALE BY ( iuo \niil'iimt , 2JO ) ( 'inning tt , 1) . II llouimm 1-17 I in Dam t. Jolt HubfloBJ7'umlii | st. Ilcrinitn Kunelo , ( tlVbouth lOtli sU O I aiiuo.i ill boiith 1,1th st. W , 1 . MOOUI I , P Jl lion anl st. M L Vim Hcoti nlMl ! Uoliet. : 0 W Scuic-rSU7boutlilJtu ! | L.