Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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IJcllmtd tij comer in on ) jmrtnf tlicultynt
ttunt } cn.tsitr wttk.
11. W. TII.TO.V , - - Malinger.
r. , No. 4J.
Ni-w York Plumbing Co.
New fall goods nt KuitcrN.
Tlio very best cabinets : it ? ! ) a down : it
( lorliam's
Tnkc in the rares lo tiny. Much sport
IB 'iroiniiod.
The connt\ board of supurvlsois moots
next Monthly. ,
One do/.en cabinets and : v largo natiL'l
for $2 fiO at Schmidt's pillory.
1'einiit to wed \\as ji'stertlny given to
AndctMHi llcrrill and Anna M. Urook-
inan , loth of Weston.
DW 11. Gardner , of Chicago , has now
got control of the Oakland Acorn , and
hopes to be able to make it sprout at
A horse belonging to Mr. Isaac Miller
took a li\clj' whirl down avenue
last evening , but no serious d.una o was
( lone
County ( , 'lerk Shea was inA\oca yes
terday , making pti liminary arrange
ments for the opening ot court there two
weeks from to-day.
In the police court ycsleiday John
Wortman , F. ( ! ie\er , .1. Turner and
Louis ONeii were lined for petty oH'enses.
drunk , disoulerly , etc.
The c.iso of Hall vs. Payne , a contio-
vor y o\er a jieee of horse llcsh , was on
trial in the circuit eourt yesterday and
reached the jury by siindoun.
Ju the circuit court yestei day a divoico
was granted in the case ofV. . 11. Wal
lace vs. Hilda Wallace , desertion being
the mound onhieh the \ \ iitMIS given.
Thompson and White , tlie Iwo men
who fell fromiitiuairoldinjroiiMuin street
Saturday , are not so badly injured as
was ut first supposed , and will in a lew
dajs be at work as usual.
Mr. Dennis O'Brien , the assistant yardmaster -
master of the C. B. & Q , at ( Jaleiburg ,
Jit. , is in the city on a month's laj oil ,
and before his return will bo wedded to
Miss Mary Hmkle , of this city.
The peace and dignity of the Superior
court were sadly interfered with yesterday
by two dogs getting into a lignt in the
court room. The canines had to be
thrown down stairs before peace could
be restoretl.
Oil Thursday evening the members of
African Methodist Episcopal church will
give a festival in the church pallors. It
is for the purpose of trying to lift the
church debt.
Wanted 1,000 families to take Ameri
can Hound Washers on two weeks'
trial. After a fair trial , if you don't
think them worth more than they cost ,
return to Cooper & McGee.
Tno (5ei ( man-American baud of this
city will parade the stieets of Omaha
daily during the forenoon in Keller iVi
Ilarle's band wagon , to adveitise the
r.iees at the Council BIullls driving park.
An excursion party trom Missouri Val
ley , consisting of about foi ty ladies and
gentlemen , will spend the'day in this
c'ty. It is their intention of visiting Fair
mont park , Lake Manawa and this alter-
noon the races at the driving park.
In the case of John Dojiany vs. Coeko
& Morgan the jury lias gion Mr. Dohanv
rv judgment for $ > 50tho amount claimed.
The phnntitr insisted upon the linn pay
ing rent for the store in the opera house
block for the full term of the lease al
though the linn occupied the store but a
short time.
The fog on the lake was so thick Satnr-
tlry night and Sunday morning that the
pleasure seekers hail some strange expe
riences. Some sailed and rowed around
and around in a circle , and when they
found land they were unable to see
whieh way to drive to got home. Parties
came straggling in at all hours up to the
rising of the sun , and since then they
have been exchanging stories of their
Charles E. Creed , agent for FJynn's
race programme , is hero , and is prepar
ing to furnish those who attend the races
with the neatest and most attractive
ecpre cards over furnished hero. The
drivers and riders are to bo furnished
with colors , ami the programmes will be
BO arranged that even an amateur can
distinguish the different horses. This
adds much to the interest of the races.
untl the programmes will be in demand
by everybody.
It is said that a little stud game has
teen going on under the grand stand at
the race track , and that several have
learned to their sorrow that fools anil
their money ims soon parted. There is a
little roar which has been soumlingsince
Saturday night , and rumors of a rumpus
having grown out of the skinning of a
Biiokor. The management of the grounds
will speedily put a stop to all this sort of
business , and ought to.
The city poll tax collector , Mr. C. J.
Buckinan , has succeeded in getting 800 to
either work out their tax or nay it in
cash , lie has served 1,165 notices , ami
the delinquents who have not seen and
Batislicd him by the first of September
will bo sued.Vnon suit is commenced
the costs begin to count up , and as noth
ing is exempt from execution except a
man's wife and children , the onlv way
eeoins to bo tosoltlo.
Klectric door bells , burglar alarmsand
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Personal 1'nrncrniiliH ,
Mrs. I ? . Lnoy has returned from Colfax
Mrs , ( i. Robinson and O. M. Brown
have returned from the west ,
Key. M. P. McMcnomy will go to Colfax
Springs for the balance of the week ,
C. II. Jtidson , of the Council Binds
National bank , has leturned with his
mother from a visit to Chicago.
Miss Kate \Viekhiun , ot this city , was
the honored one of a social gathering nt
Vcs Moiues the other evening.
Kd Wright , the lightning short hander
mid typo writer , has gone to Burlington ,
to there wed yesterday , Miss Kmuia Rear-
Ion , an estimable young lady of that city
George K. Kellogg , whoso face has become -
como familiar to those who stop up to the
clerkV desk of the Ogden and Pacific , has
returned from Dunlap , where ho haf
been spending a good poitiou of the sum
mer ,
A. B , Totld nntl R 15. Todd , of Plaits ,
mouth , Nco , , wore in the oily yesterday ,
in company with their brother-in law ,
Mr , John Chapman , of ( jnrrott\ille , O ,
wiio with his wife Is making n western
tour. The party wore the guests of Mr
L. U , Cousins while in the city.
Not Much of a Blaze.
The city has been remarkably frci
from I ires for ever Iwo months past , the
department not having 10 lay n line ol
lioso since Juno 10 , Yesterday , shorth
after noon , an alarm was sounded
caused by a lire in jho roof of Happ A
Allen's restaurant , No , 108 Main street
The alarm was sent in by the distrjci
telegiaph tiom Kohicontanx's burbot
shop , The hose carts wont Hying wsij
down Main street , and before thoj
located the lire thu blu/o had been , inn
out by the bucket brigade , The ft r *
turtod from a defective Hue.
OT \ nt PP fit1 PNITIVV PTPlt\P
Ready To Go Into the Races Which Opcu
To-D.iy ,
A Woninn flapped 1 > y Her KlMh HUH-
Im : r Antry Cu-dlior Hits Ills
I ) , tor illli a llrlt'k A Unilly
Jiin.vt'ii Iji'jVm Ions tteini.
Kac .
The races open lhi < afternoon , 1'very-
thing Indicates that it w ill bu the most
interesting ami successful meeting e\er
held hero. The attractions nio numer
ous. There never was M > en here such a
ield of here < M and o m-uiy speedy one ,
ind eu-ry day there will he rare spoil
'or tho-o who go. HeMdcs the rut us
tht'ieill be an interesting showing of
acingdogs , and theie will aKo t > o a
lalloon a'-ccnsioii. The programme has
icon so at ranged that there will be no
"best day , " all thu dnvs having special
ittraetions. The track is in excellent
condition , the grounds have been put in
excellent shape , and there seems nothing
ID prevent an exciting and largely at
tended meeting.
As the entries did not close until 11
} 'elock last night no pools were sold.
lint this morning and every day and
( during the races pools will be
old at Malonej's Paeilie house sample
The programme to-day , for an opening
dav , is one whieh will , or ought to draw
a large crowd The entries whieh dosed
la-it e\ening sliow the lollowing horses ,
all of which will probably stall :
One mile dash , all ages Countess , e.
in. . C M. Lampson , Kearney , Neb. : .lim
Shelby , b. g. , D. W. Hoc , Kearney ; Willie
Nicholson , b. g. , J. K. Nicholson. Coun
cil Blufl's ; Beeswing , s. m , NVilliam
Thompkins , Council Blull's ; Casteline , br.
m. , W. B. Seaninion.
' . ' IS class , trotting- . P. C. , b. g. , M. '
O'Keiley , Kearney. Neb. ; St. Nicholas ,
Lr s , . lames M. Vail ; Victor Sprague ,
g s. . J. S Wolf , Cedar Hapids ; Kdwin
Q. , s g. , James Smith , Mapleton ; White's
Blue Bull , Sleepy Dave.
i ! ! H class , trotting Consul , s. s. , (5eo. (
H. Bailey , Fairybury , Neb. ; Rowley's
Rattier , s. s. . C. Rowley , Atlantic ; Annie
T. , e. m. , Isaac Dillon , North Platte ,
Neb. ; Trouble , br. s. , E. L. Carmicliael ,
Tama City , la ; Logan Chief , br. g. , J. A.
( Jrahain , Biggsville , 111. ; Jero L. , g. g. ,
James March , Chicago , Ills. ; AlmoTa , c.
m. , L. W. Sinclair , ftaletn , 1ml.
She Claims That One Tlmiinum ! Dollars
oftlie MlHulnjj Money Was Jlor O\\n.
A few minutes before 0 o'clock yester
day morning Miss Dottie Kline left the
Kevere house , having pioviously had
her trunk sent to thej C. , B. & Q. depot.
She was diusscil in a brown slriued
walking dress of rather heavy mateiial ,
and wore a jaunty straw hat turned up
on one side , it being coquoUishly tipped
forward over one eye , while she carried
n rather large hand satchel , which was
well filled , and a siik parasol completed
her luggage. She walked r.ithor uipidly
to thu C. , B. & Q. depot , where she en
tered the waiting room awaiting the
opcninir of the ticket oliice.
A lew minutes after her arrival a mes
senger fiom the Kevero house luviiled
her a telegram from her uncle , telling
her to eomedireetly to Kansas City. She
soon alter took a hack and returned up
town to a tlrcfsmaking establishment
whore she lett eiders for her new dress
to be foiwatded to her address in Kan
sas City , and then returned to the depot
to await the departuio of the Kansas
City , St. Joe it Council Rlufl'H train.
learning that Miss Kline had her own
side of the story , which she had
never told any one a BKK man jumped
into the hack and accompanied her to the
depot. On entering tun hack the Bti :
man introduced himself , but Miss Kline
said she did not care to talk of the matter
as she had not had a chance heretofore
and now as she was about to leave the
city she did not care if the correct report
was published or not. After some little
conversation she finally gave the follow
ing account : "I met Mr llart/.ell in one
of the parks in Kansas City less than two
months ago ; he forced the acquaintance
and next day called on me at my uncle's
home , No. COT Independence avenue ; my
uncle keeps a second hand store ; 1 never
knew undo was a deputy United States
marshal , but have heard Mr llart/.ell say
uncle told him he had been ; he kept
calling and finally uncle and m\fielf wont
with him to LakeMinnctonka , I know ho
did not pay uncle's expenses , ho only
paid mine ; yesg , uncle had a room
next to mine nt Minnctonka
and Mr. llart/.ell roomed down stairs in
the hotel , but not until he found 1 would
not occupy the room next to his , tlirough
which there was : i communicating dour ;
we cttino home about two \\ccks ago ; we
weio to have been married ; he kept put
ting it oil' , lor what reason I don't know ;
last Tuesday , August 28 , wo were sitting
in the loom alone and ho handed me
$1,401) to keep lor him until wo weio mar
ried ; I put it in my bosom , with $1.000 of
my own money ; my parents are both
dead , the money I had was left me by
them ; 1 kept the $2-100 in my bosom ; we
left Kansas City for Council Blnlls ; I
wont to sleep in the ears ; my diess was
tight anil I unfastened it before I slept ;
got hero Friday morning ; had a rather
heavy dress on ; it was win m ; went up
Broadway to Mrs. W J. Scales , the
dressmaker ; ordered a dresc ; returned to
the Hevero house ; later in the day
changed my clothes ; left the ones I took
oil'on the bed ; shortly after 1 left my
room thought of the money , returned
anil could not find it ; was afterward
searched at my own suggestion ; don't re
member of having scon the money after
I lett homo ; 1 think it would have been
very easy for Mr Hart/toll to have quietly
taken it out of my bosom when my drese
unfastened and 1 was asleep on the
train ; 1 understand ho thinks I have
stolen his money , which scorns foolish
when 1 was shortly to lie married to him :
and $1,000 of it was my own ; he never had
n chance to tell anything about it ; he
wanted inn to do just us no said ; M it j
Kline , my aunt , airivcd here Saturday
nig-hl in response to this telegram. "
Miss Kline opened her satchel am :
handed the Br.K man the following tule
gram scut from this city on Friday , the
Jith :
Hobert Kenlino , 507 Independence street
Kansas City ; >
Come to the Hex ere house.
She then stated that Mr. Kcelino wai
thn uncle that had been to Minnctonki
with him , "He's a bio'her to my nun
and not her husband , nhe came m > to at
tend our wedding as uncle couh
not leave ; she is homo now am
uncle has iust telegraphed mo K
come home ; I wanted to got married ant
told Mr. HaiUell so Sunday ; if I ihurr
him at nil It should bo hero where all tin *
double has come out : people would thnr
bo satislied about the money lost ; Mr
HarUcll and my mint loft Sunday nigh
for homehe , left his trunk , ns he "did no
have money enough to pay his board
but hi ) told me he had to borrow mono ;
to get homo and would return Wednes
day. "
Upon fut ( her inquiry a BKK rcprcscn
tativo learned that Hart/oil left an un
paid hoaitl bill nt the lierere house , bu
his trunk , which is fully woith th
. miomit of the bill , is still at the hotel
He is expected back to-day.
It scorns Mus : Kline started for th
rain intending to go to lied Oak , where ,
t is said , Hntt/.cll was to have mother
o moirow and thev weio ( o hino been
nnrried , but the leceipl of the telegram
rom her undo changed her plans HIK !
she took the lvin , is City train for home ,
icfota leaving the hold , however , she
mid 1 her hotel bill as well ns paying $11
or 1I I her the s.
SPP thai j our book * : ire innilo by I\lorc- \
musc iV Co , room 1 , Everett block.
12 Cabinet Pliotoyniiili- . Quality
thu linc-st. Sliorrnilun , III" I5i unit way.
Hit HiiMbnii'lM anil Still
"Joc" Scott and tlio woman known us
Mrs. Kwing WITC in police court just < r-
lay iiujriiiiiLt. It < va- < not lo i ; ujjo Hint
.hoy worn before the on tlio chnrjio of
lorribly beating si little boy , a * oii of
Mrs. K\\iiifp. A inoro MuKonitiK M ht
ivus never soon there than the lniii et !
mil beaten back anil arms of llu > little
follow , but the woman claimed to have
lone it in the heat of passion , and this
lei Scott out of it The woman bsin < ; a
woman , and the mother of the child , w is
t off \\ith a line ot fA'5. Yoiloiday the
"amily : | ) | ) : a ain , and tliis lime the
woman was not feelinti so Kindly tlis-
| io utl towaul her husb'iiul She shotted
i sotatclied ami hniHcd face , and said
that ho had pounded her. She had hail a
> liirlit icali/.ation ofhal the little fellow
lad siillereil at her liamK. .She was hot
to IIIVNO Scott iinnis-hed to the full extent
of the law. Scott admitted striking the
\voman. but claimed that she had called
iiin liltiiy names , which so angered him
that , in defense of his unsullied ieinta- )
: ion , he shipped her The jndjio lined
liim $1(1. ( Not buiiii ; able to pay lie was
.illowed . to take a livu ilajs test in the
[ utility jail. Scott is the M\th hiisliand
whom Mrs. Ewing hn > , had , but fehe doe.s
not vuem to be able to find one wllli
whom she can live poaceahlv. She now
wants Scott to be forced to give bomlh to
keep away fi oin her lie sa\s \ it Nii'l
necessary lor him lo give bonds to Keep
away , as he has had enough.
Letting I'rlKitiors
.Judge AyluMVortli had a niuht session
last cvuninc. Two habeas eormis ca es
came nj ) for hearing. One was that in-
lviiiR the libiuty of Fied Stnhor , of
Underwood , who was in jail here on a
charge of bigamv and awaiting the ac
tion of the grand jury. Hc.sitios some
alleged irregularities in thu justice coint ,
it appears that Stuber'h wife lives in
Ohio and that she does not care to prose
cute , and will not come from Ohio into
this state. Stuher wa.s accordingly dis
The other case was from Glenwood ,
Mills comity. It appeared that an old
citi/en , Donal Smith , had been sent to
juil for thirty days for getting ( hunk , dis
turbing the peace and nssanltinir a
woman , Mis. Rolf , it was claimed that
there were three or four oU'emes charged
in the same information , and hmith being
brought into court betore he had got
bobor ignorantly pleaded guilty to every
thing and was sentenced on sreneral
principles. The justice aftcrwaids tried
to got Smith discharged from all , but
Sherin" Barrel I insisted it would take an
order from a higher court. The order
was given by Judge Ajlcsworth last
night and to-day ho will walk forth fiee.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
slate lo.ins. J. W. & E. L. Squirt * . .No.
01 Pearl street , Council Blull's.
forcing I'siy liy JJficklmts.
yesterday afternoon two men , both
under the inlluenco of drink , got to quar
relling on Broadway , Wies ic ! Claus
en's store. One picked up two bricks
and burled them , one after the other , at
lii.s companion The lirst brick missed
the marK , but the second hit the man
on tlio he.ul , fulling him to the ground
and cutting a bloody gash. The buck
thrower u a < at once arrested and gave
his name as K. H. Fhify. ! . The \ietim
ot his wrath was taken into a doctor's
ollico near by and the wound was
dressed. The iloctor found a slight fr.ic-
turo of the skull , and the result ot the in
jury may be serious. The quarrel .seems
to have" arisen over a claim made by
1'lagley that Thompson owed him a
Hard and soft coal , wood , lime , cement ,
etc. Council Blnlln Kncl Co. No. 0311
LJioadway. Telephone No. 130.
The Hoys and Cifjarettes.
There aie some indignant paiunl.s who
are bunt on seeing if hometliinj ; cannot
bo tlono to keep dealers from selling
cigarettes to their boys. Some dealers
retuse to sell them to boys , but a few are
very willing lo do so , no matter how
young the boys are. One of the indig
nant fathers who had notified the deal
ers not to sell his boy any more , was yes
terday seeking advice as to what he could
do to stop it. Ho is thinking of com
mencing suit against the dealer and
mnking the cigarette business expensive
for him The good sense of fcomc deal
ers keeps them from encouraging the
little fellows to fill their skins with nar
cotics ; but others are reckless and payne
no attention to the wishes of the parents ,
and have no seeming regard for the good
of the child. An attempt will be made to
get the council to ake some action in re
gard to tlio glowing evil.
Highest prices paid for county , town
city and cchoo ! bonds. Odell Bros. A ;
Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Binds ,
_ _
A IJCK IlroktMi.
Yesterday morning J t. Williams ,
who drives a truck for Stewart Bros. ,
met with a serious aceide nt. He was in
the Chicago & Northwestern donol when
the team became frightened , and , Mart'
ing up quickly , ho was thrown , from the
scat and fell beneath the wheels of hi1 !
heavy truck , which fortunately was not
loaded. The wheels passed over his righl
leg , causing a compound fracture. He
received BOJIO slight bruises besida. Tlie
team was shortly stooped , no fnrtboi
damage being done , The unfortunate
driver was taken to his home , No. 101W
Avenue B , and surgical aid called.
A New Hank.
Kimlmll & Cham ) ) , ot this city , are nr
ranging to stait a bank In Mmdcn , to be
conducted in connection with their bust
ness hero. The bank will probably opei :
for business in the course of thirty days
The tjrin will put up at once a brick bun I
building there , the first brick building ir
Mindcn. The brick for the building win
sent out yesterday , and the contract n
let to Wiekhiim Bros
Star Sale Stables and Mule M ,
Opposlto Dummy Depot.
lloreca and Jluloi kept constantly on hniu
fortnloal rotall or tncarloudg.
OrUorj promdllv- Oiled by contract onMxr
notice. Block sola on corainleslou.
BHI.U'JKU k UOLKY. 1'roprittor * .
cOcpbono No. 114.
oiiueny of K11X SALU STAULE8 , corao
n\c. miJ tU blicct.
COX72STCIJ1J tEJIj'CriF'Je'S , Icu
\rc opening1 new nml bountiful designs
Moqttcttc ,
Jtody Jin
I'eU'ct ,
Tdpcst ii i \ KruMtc Is ,
Carpets. Etc.
8 = 5'
For odlcef , lintels , lodge rooms , Cull
for prices ut HurKiii'ss Jlros , ' , 4 Jl
Arc now arriving1 and in stock. Tri
cots , Flannels , Cashmeres , etc j'X-
cellont for < raveling and fall service.
ItliK'k Silks anil in the now colors.
Quality the host and prices the lowest
for good goods. Luilics wishinir relia
ble goods \ \ ill cull on llurkiiess Bros. ' ,
No. ' { 01 Irond\vin $ , Council
A few more of those Inslo Thread left at Ut > . , in black and in colors ,
at Darkness Bros. . No. 401 Hroadway.
In many ne\y patterns and a larg < >
stock to select from. Door Mats , Rugs ,
Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. . at Hard
ness Brothers , No.401 IJroadway ,
Incorporation .Notice.
. ' . of Iiiioitinriitlon ol the Economic
mic I.lplit cuinpnm ol Xchrn'Uii :
Artlclo 1. 'I ho umk'iRlirneil do hoioby nsoo-
olutotliGinsvlvcstnKCtlio.'Inlo n lioilv corpor
ate , urciur the laws of tlie state of Kournskn ,
to bo knoKii us ' " 1 ho Kcnnomlo J.ufht Company
ol Xoliuiblui , ' nml 1U pntidpul place ol hus |
lass liall lie at the city ol Omaha , In sulil Btuto.
Artk-li' - ' . 'I ho object i > f the Incorporation
shall tin the uiainiliictnic anil sale of oils anil
pas lor lltrlninir and llUimimitliip purposes and
tlio miimitnctmlnK " "d finniflilnjr ot ( Ktuius
and impllam o < thci olor. ,
Aiticio.t. 1 lie mi otmt of capital stouk an-
thon/cd , shall I c uno hlindijud thousand dol-
lais ( l ! , iHiiwhich ( shall Lo di\ick < l Into
otio thousand flmiis of , ono hunched dollar- :
each. ( HKJ ) , u lilcb uhall lie lully paid up and rc-
iiiuin iorovoriion-a ossHblo
Artlclo 4. 'Jhc biiblncot llio incorpointlon
shall ho mannircd by a 'jo.ud ol dhoLtors , ho
shall bo ll\o In nlinibci , ajid l iekholilcis ot the
Incorpoiatlon , and bo cluckjl iinnimll > on the
Hist 'I iKil.u ol ) hi i > i'ci jcur ut the
irpriil ir annual mocthifr ul tljo stoulthohloiN to
lie I. old on suld ( Into nt the city of Omaha , No-
lirasKa. [
Aiticlo 5. The coipoi.itlon , slii'll conimonco
its li'islnesq on the tlf teunth day of Auirnst , 1SJ ( ! ,
mid contlnuo lor a period of tnunty jems
tlieiiMfter , nnlcsR soonoi dissolved by luu , or a
t o-tliiids vote of tlio MooKhoJilers at nnyrcK"-
Inr nicotiii ! ? , ono vote bojiw jdlo cd lor oaoh
sliaio of stock hcid- ,
Artlclon 'I lie Ihst hoilril ol directors slmll
consist of tlio followhiff named pursoug.1 / :
f-amiiol 'llicodoio , W. It. Katliron , S. It. John
son , Phillip AniiOiii. John S llr.idj , wlio shiill
coiitlniio in olllco tiiitll llio Hist 'I'nc-diiy In
.Inniiiirv , 18.S * , and until theh hucucssors are
tktlL'd and iiualltlcd.
liamodlitclv ntlci the ortrnni/iition of the
coi point ion , tin boiud ol directors may meet
and adopt any mlo-1 , rojftilntloiiN anil by-laws
tni-y miiy doom host foi the mannircmont ot
thoairali ot tlio coio | mt Ion not Inconslslont
with thcfoait'ck'S ' and i-iay clianjro or modily
the B.imolrom timii totimous the interests ol
the cimpam may demand.
Artlclo" . 'I ' ho highest amount of inleblert-
ncssln uhli-'h the eorpmiitiou Chilli at any t line
subject Itself , sludl not CAtccd the sum of live
thousand dolhns ( $ "i,0i)1) ) ) .
Artlclo S. Tlio pi ivato properly of the mem
bers Mini stockholders ol tlio torpoiation shall
be exempt luim all liability lorcoiporatodobts.
Aitlclo li. The aitiulcs may bo modified ,
amended or elmiwd or nil led to by a two-
thiidsoto ol thoslo-'lvlioldois ol tlio cornoia-
tion , at any uvular mcotiniof the same , thlrtj
dnjs nntlt o bolntr KiM" ' ° r moll pioposcd
tliant'o prior to such meetinjr , in such manner
ns tlm lie nd ol' directors maj piosciibo.
Witness our liandMis s > ul > cci Ihors to said mil
clea of Incorporution , and IIK incorporutois
hcioin , this Era day of Auirubt , ISbO.
Sitrncd : S\MCII : , Tiirononn.
W. It IlA'llINON.
] > IIIUII > AllMOlJIt.
X& . KJCK , M. B. ,
Or othoi1 Tumors loinovoiJ wllho 1
fhorthiitvio'iis' prnotlcul ovperleiico.
Nn. lll'l'illlHt. . Count. ) ! llllllTs.
ConsultHtlou lit'O
Justice of tlie Peace
f dcccr i ) ' s ' i > n
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
T.ATJST : iisraN8. :
Honso , SIKH nml Oooornllvo 1'nintor. I'nplcr
Macho Wiill Oiniiinonlh.
Mono hut hiiithiiailB umploycilnnduluiiKasiiS
low ns othcis
An oxccllont cxlucutlonul hiblllutlnn , furnish
d with oil the modern ilmprovomonts , con-
uoted by tlio S1RTIUIB orCHAIUTV.H. V. M
For tciin of live ) iiionlli8$75. ' ]
Terras begin llrst Monduy liu Rniteinlior ) and
first Monday in Fobiunijr , Vet culalOKiios ad
a ncBl Aondoiiiy. ouncll Illuira ,
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bo-islit and sold , nt retail und
In lots. Large quantities to eolect from
6e\ oral pairs of Bne drivers , glngle or double.
Council Dlulla.
Reduction in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc
, , ,
At W. S. llcnier & Co's , No. 23 Main st ,
Council 131utls ,
Wholesale and Retail Grocers ,
No. (6 ( ggain am ! 15 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
"The Ideal Wavusesha Water. "
Bottled direct at the sprint ; , has been found iiuulnable in the treatment of diseases
of Kidneys and bladder , such as Biigbt's li .ca e , Albnniinnrla Diabetes , Inllatna-
lion of thu lUaddei , etc. The medical profession with great unanimity for many
years past has been preHTibing AVaukoiha water for such ailments , and ARCADIAN
ns the most perfect examples of these waters is rapidly niuiiopoli/ing the patronage -
ago of the eMiorioneed physicians and of intelligent invalids. Diluting and nen-
trali/.ing the urine , allai ing inllamaiion. freeing the urinary passages of c tie to
matter and aeting as a natural sohent. The Areadian is the best of medielnal
agents in diseases of the stomach and alimentary canal , such as d spcp'-la , bil
ious fever , catarrh of the stomach , jaundice , malaria , ncrvoiib debility ami kin-
died all'eetions.
1'iof. Waller S. Ilaines , M. 1) . , the celebrated chemist of Medical College ,
sins " 1 bine ne\er analy/.ed a purer water. "
J. AdnSs Allen , M. D. , L. L. 1) . , nresident Rush Medical College sajs "This
spring furnishes the typical water of health. Try it and be convinced.
D. < ! . Morgan A : Co , , 11. A. Baiid , 11. .J. Palmer , U. DeetKens , A. M. Beardsley ,
Taylor itCalllV.
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved : ind satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Litlle Qiutit trucks , best in the world.
SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth StreetCouml , Bluffs.
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Furniture , etc.
M. DROHLIOH , 608 Broadway.
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Far-mine ; lands in Town. Minnesota , Texas , TCaims and Arkaiisn * .
from $1.25 to ? 12 per uore. School and state binds in .Minnesota oiilto years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers faro froo. Information , etc. , given by
P. P. Liuistvu ] ) , No. 5-j Broadway , Council Blufl's , Jowa.
* , .EoiirnaN , < 'omily and
ISaiik Work ol'ull Ciimls a Spec
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room 1 Evoret Block , Council Blufl's- ,
Standard Papers Used All styles of bind
ing in Maga/.incs and
U. D. Notional Hunk , M. r. Smith & To ,
Cltl/ons' Iliuik. Deoro. Wells & "o. ,
irst Nnlloniil Hank , f. II. Insurance Co. ,
Ilia er A. I'libov.llunkcn-s.c. II. blnus lluuk.
Fall Meeting.
Trotting , I'lU'hifj mid Kiiiiiiing
Tuesday , Aug. 31st ,
Wednesday , Sept , 1st ,
Thursday , Sept , 2d ,
and Friday , Sept 3rd ,
Including special attractions by Prof.
A , K , Walker's world fiunoiiH Kitcing
lo < ; s daily and Halloon Ascensions by
1'rof.A. S. ParKer daily , in front ol thu
( Jtliur.nttrnclionB in the way of Kneed
oonsistinf ; of celobratud horses from
Kentucky , Ohio , Illinois , Indiana and
Reduced rates on nil railroads , Come
everybody and have a good tlino.
For particulars , addtess
Creston House ,
Tno only hotel la Council llluffa hating
And nil modern Iniproxomontii
WAX tlQUS , Vrop.
rates , Real estate handled , In
surance written and all kinds of
bonds bought by F , J , Day No ,
39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs ,
Established 1881.
City Steam Laundry !
It EM Eli D HE Alt Id JIT ,
No. 31 N Main Street , Council Bluffs.
flimt work nntl loivcuf prlcivfor
flne ivorli. All
collnm nd ctiffn re
turned in colldt- and cuff bores
twllioittcjrti'd clini-f/e , which { /tmi--
anteea iroi-lc in name condition as It
leaves un. Out of town ordeiv re
ceive name attention and at ttnne
rates as city
KO. 50 ! ) A- fill MAMA .ST.
Daily receipts of new goods. Hats
Cans , Clothing , and a lull line of Dry
Goods , nil of thu latest stales 'Call and
10 NT. Main St. , Coinipll Bluffs , In. , and
20 ! ) S. 10th St. . Room 10 , Ouulia , Neb ,
MnuifHoluior's Afontfor the *
Tents , Attaints. Ifoollntr Slate , Man-
els , 1'Iiite unil Window ( iliiHS , Show-
ases. Elevators ( huiid anil hy
draulic , ) ic.
Inthotltj can booblnliicJ by lUtuiaUliiK tlio
OEO , 8VU1XI > KlK , I'
Noao but oxpci lento 1 lm ils cmplo > cil Out
of ton 11 orders hy .nnllur tipross uollcllud , uiiJ
Agricultural Iraplemeats , Bugglas ,
Catilaifes Kto . Vto Council niuffa. lorca.
Mnko thoOrlnlnal and Ci > inpl lo
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill < S Press ,
No . UU1 , 1V , 1.W nmU'irt South Mnhi Blrcet ,
_ Council HiiinX Inwa.
Mnnufrs nn 1 Jobburj of
Agricultural Impleraeats , Wagons , Buggies ,
. , Mnohlnorr.
1100 to 1110 South Mnln Street , Council lllurfa ,
_ _ _ AXK I1.IMH.KS.
r.O. Ul.rtitv r. It noVniA , Ore r7\VntonT.
l'K'9.\Tri'im. V-1'ros.VMui S .o ACouusvL
Council BluTs Uaadl8 Factory ,
( Inoiirponitoil. )
Mnnufnctnror of Arlo , rick. Slodiro nnd 9mMl
llnnilles , of c\orv Jcicrlptlon.
ui rrFs CAUPKT co. ,
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curtain Klxtnroi , I'phohtoty Ooodi ,
Ktc. Na 405 llroiuhrny Council Hindu ,
_ Ion 11.
ri.M ( s' , 70/umi. Kir.
Wholixnlo , lohber in the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. SSMnln ntnl _ > : I'ourl Sis. Council Ulutts.
Frnlt and Produce Commission Merchants.
No Hl'c.irl St. tNiuiiuIl Hl
HAULi : , HAAS ic CO. ,
Wholesale Oils Paints Glass
Druggists , , , ,
DrngBluts' Pnnilrles , Ktc Jfo. 22 Mnln St , nud
Ku. 21 1'enrl St. , Council
it n- .
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 51' ! JlreHilwftj- .
Coinicll lllutTa.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. Id and 18 I'e.irl St , , Council lllnuX
] . . KIKSC11T tc CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries
Also Wholesale T.lqnnr Dealers. No 118 UroaJ-
wuy. Council IlluT' (
15ECKMAX & CO. .
tlnmi'actuicre of and WUnlo-ulo Doilors In
Leather Harness Etc.
, , Saddlsry , .
No Ko Main St. . Council llluTj , lown.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps aad
No * . 31. and JII4 Hroadmiy , Council
> \ holosala
Iron , Steel , Kails , Heavy Ila
And Wood Stock , Council III iffa , Iowa.
A \lT\tUUl \ ,
U. H. JluDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sala of Hides ,
Tiilicw.Wool , J'clls , Qie.i oaaJ Fura Council
Hltiir ! < IOWA.
Wholtsnlo Denliirg In
Illuminating & Lubricity Dili
E3TO. , E3TO.
B. Theodore , Afc'ent , l\junuiniluirs.Joa. | _
A. OVERTON & ( 'O. ,
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
A.ndIIiid o Mateiial ,
bur ol nil Kinds. OHco ! No. 1JJ Main St. ,
Council HlulTj. lowiu
H IS US A At )
Imported and Domestic Wlnw & Llprs ,
Ajjoiil forbt. ( iottli&Ki's Herb llllteM. No. U
Main St. Council Illnlli.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
fttidti Mnln . * ( . . fnaneil li'itji.
for the LAKE
Ninl > Illlod Up , nnd under tliu
HMllliiloiiKhioorimd pilot , la nun muitlnir pl
uro tilpn mi
o will fflvoi'hatlPii to pin llos tin ono hour
( n mi ) leiiKlli or I line disiioil.
Itat i-s of chiulei ijlvcii and older } tnkpn at
otlk'co , at Mains I , buMvoon liom-4 HI to U a.
i lvcilijc'iiic ills , Mich UB lotl , I'oim
To Loan , Tor S.ilo , To Hunt , \ > nnts , Hoarding ,
etc ill ho lutet tud In this ( oluiiin at llio low
raluol TUN HUNTS t'KH LINUforlho llistlnxor
tiuiiiiiul rivoli'iitsl'trl.lnofoi cauh nihsoipH'iu
jiifurrun. UIIMI a < l\uill iOineiitj lit oni olllto
No. li I/ l sliuit , nc llroiidi\.ij , Cotmvll
111 , illi _ _ . . . , . -
vrvr'i > -A yo
> \ Martin II u liv.HIIMitli mo
V\'A > ( 'liil Hi 61 ( ! l B iilu nt J.'iu f.V MiU-
11 KH'S iffliiuriint , No.OJi llitinlnay.l oini-
cllllnlls. _
\\r.\NTI.I' ouuif to tirnil Hi the
\l lalrti iaiii-1 hu\o i'OlcM ' ) li. No cipmlcmo
rt'i'iiuil. Aiiply to 1'iin Do hole I , hiinday , Uo-
eon > ami . i p. in. W I' , llnlilrt
TJMMI vM.II-Or ' ! uiilnA l'.ii at. 11 1.11:11 : , jlfi
1' iitiiii uiulxi ] > ljI'J ' urns pnsiiiii' , 10 ii" < a
ha > Kiuuinl , gooil Imiiiu nud liaril. NS .11 M M or
tuvlo Inr inmi-liun U-o. AdJicm I' . U. lj . IIKJ ,
Coiindl Illullii , Iciua _
\\rANTl.D All iHSoliuit touT. u | thn Otfil *
> House * . _ _ _
IJIOHHAH ! Oil pHptus , in iinuntilioj lo
J3 HI Iliu olllto No. U I'rarl bUfl" ! _ _ _
1'racticcs in the Slte ; ; and Federal cixitl *
Itooins 7 ati J 8 Shtigavt Jlo ! < : | ; .