Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Lancaster Politicians Getting Down toBnai-
nftas as Conrantion Time Approaches ,
Ormul Nltiiiil'R O. A. It. C" ' < m
A " f > clatlon TncorporiiKMl Capitol
Itulid Ing .7otin-4 ( | Illiunan
Hack , to Lincoln.
tiEr' LINCOLN ni'tir.U'.l
The caljing of the Lancaster county
republican convention for the 20th of
Si > ] ) tiMnbcr has opened the ball in local
politics and coats are oft' in the ranks of
the office cookers. The convention will
bo composed of 181 delegates , sonic
seventy of the number coming from
Lincoln. As ha < been the custom in tlio
past , so in the present convention it is
understood that the honors will bo
equally divided between the city nnd
country ono senator and three repre
sentatives from each .section. Consequently
quently , as the city Is divided inlo four
Wards , each wa\d will aim lohave a man ,
and the battle will therefore be largely
fought In the primaries. To forecast re
sults would not bo a very easy mailer ,
but to forecast how the powers Unit have
been would like to have the contest ter
minate would be no ditlicult matter at
all. In tin ) Third want Candidate Court-
liny had no sooner returned from Cali
fornia and laid flown the law in
a . make Hathaway practically
retire , before he was confronted wilh
another roof that has arisen out ot the
dee ) ) sea and made the danger .signals
necessary. This new opposition that
confronts him is Iho candidacv of Mr
Talbot , Missouri Pacific attorney , and it
is whispered that Church Howe'is giving
the latter a little imiot assistance during
bis residence at the slate capital , for the
success of Talbot would mean a , Missouii
Pacilic man in tlio legislature , and a
delegation in Iho county convention from
that ward tiiat ooiild bo usud to thn ad
vantage of Howe in the selection of con
gressional dolegateS'-aeonsumniation lhat
would be of direct benefit to both parties
in tiio case. How Courtnay will jiioel
this combination is to bo developed , and
what part the candidacy of Mr. Champ
may play in the disruption is ,
as yet , an open question. In the
second ward Cald\\ell and "Si' '
Alexander are accredited as being Urn
loading aspirants from that quarter , and
In the lirsl ward O'Neill would seem to
bo the man that is growing into popular
favor. It is expected that the oleinunln
in that locality will combine on him and.
avoid H contest In the third ward il is
understood that senators grow , and
hence the backers of Wright and the
opposition with Moore , and presumably
ono or two more candidates that may be
sprung , all will contribute to an animated
time when the day of thoprimaricssmilcs
upon the office loving people of Lincoln.
Aiirnu.s OK iNroitroitAitioN
of the Grand Island G. A. H. building
association have been filed with the sec
retary of state. Tlio object of the cor
poration is to purchase real estate and to
erect thereon a buildihg for the use of
Lyons Post No _ . 11 of the Grand Army
of the Hopubjiei and Ihe leasing of Ihe
part of this building not used by the post.
Iho capital stock of the corporation is
$10,000 in 1,000 shares of $10 each , with
the following named as incorporators :
John M. Thnycr. J. W. Livcringhousc ,
Geo. F. llyan , both P. Mobley , J. 1 ? .
Alter , C. C ) . A. Abbott , O. C.
Halo. C. L. IIowoll , S. B. Jones , 1) .
Ackcrman and James O. We.-t.
It i.s stated that the asylum matter will
bo ready to present in the shape of for
mulated charges at the next meeting of
tlio board of lands and buildinps , and the
Bii : has already given numerous samples
of Iho testimony that has boon taken.
Ono wpuld suppose that In a matter in
which tbo public and the state at large
arc so directly interested that lhagover
nor would bo anxious to lend a hand in
the efforts to seek light on the quesiion ,
but the anxiety is all the other way.
The state live stock commission report
thirty head of glandcrcd horses killed
during the last month in different parts
of tbo state , and Ihe record is the largest
produced iu any one month since the or
ganization of the commission. Last week
the commission was called to Sarpy coun
ty , near Papillion , where they found cat
tle alllicted with atitlirax , a number of
head having died with it prior to their
reaching the place. The commission the
present week has duties to lilt , ono up in
Cuming county and ono west of Grand
Dr. Gorth. the slate vcterinatvy surgeon ,
has gone lo Chicago to meet Mis Gorth ,
who has boon visiting in Now York
Land Commissioner Scott is out at
Kearney on business connected with the
stat < ! reform school , and improvements
being made in building there by tlio
State Treasurer Willard was down at
bis old homo at Hebron , Thayer county ,
over Sunday , among his own" immediate
Attorney General I.ceso came in from
Seward yesterday.
Ilinman. the musical man who loft the
cily and his creditors between two days ,
was found by Detective Pound down at
FHIoy. Gage county , Mid yesterday was
brought back to Lincoln. His ar'rost waa
made on his jumping his bond ( or for
gery in Saline county , and if new bonds-
iiiou are not obtained for him he will rest
in jail under that chargo. If lio. is bailed
out from there , papers will bo served for
a like crime in this countyuid the detec
tive making ttio arrest says ho admitted
half of his paper sold hero was bad ,
run I'isii i\iiinrr :
at the state fair , which is nron.iiod to be
the best as well as the most complete
over made In the west , will be ono of the
standing attractions. Yesterday Com
missioner M.iyt of Fremont , and Snoer-
imondont O'lJnon , of the slate hatchery
at South Bend , were in the city and
passed the afternoon out at the fair
grounds Inspecting the now building
Hint is being especially erected for their
uso. Mr. May has been through the cast
securing exhibits from Washington , New
York and Massachusetts , which , coupled
with tlio flno assortment of tlioir own ,
will make a great collection.
Yesterday in police court F. C , Foun
tain and W. A. Soybcrt were examined
under the charge preferred Hgninst thorn
of burglary. Tlio charge i ceiled that on
Saturday night or early Similar morning
thov broko.mto and entered the saloon
building on llio corner of N'inlh and O
streets and abstracted therofrom one bottle
tle of whisky , ono dollar and a half in
nickels and coppers and one coat con-
taming valuable papers. On the hear
ing ol the case the judge held Fountain
to answer for burglary in the district
court and discharged Soybcrt ,
Aaron Harris ; , colored , was arraigned
for swearing , lighting and the use of in
decent language , the parties making the
charge recited that hu accompanied his
vocal oihibitio.x of wrath with rocks in
one hand and a ra/.or in the other. "I
noor nso wcepms on anyone. ' ' ho pleaded
in mitigation of Ins acts , ami ho escaped
Iho court on payment off3 and costs ,
H. Tuck , for Snockinjr a man down ,
kicking him and running away fiom the
ofllcer , was lined $10 , anit Charles J'lbnrt ,
for drunk nndjdisordorly , was , lined a live
and cost ?
The uiagnliicinit silver semca that was
presented to Patrick Kgan In Chicago
and mention of which was mndc In the
HUB at the time was on exhibition at
Trie-key's show windows yesterday , at
tracting an admiring crowd.
The cily prisoner * , fifteen in number ,
struck josterday tinder the stereotyped
plea of poor food and refused to work.
They were made to stand in the middle
of the street through the forenoon and
take a sun b.ith for exercise.
Ground was broken ypstoidiy for a
new Miree storv block on 1-jlevontli street
that will bo built by Coinoilman , Billing'- .
ly and will bo a haniUome structure
when completed.
Judge Pound waslioldingcotntin cham
bers yesteidny continuing a leal estate
sale made by the sheriff
Trackla > ingou the Northwestern road
lo Lincoln was reported yesterday within
six miles ot Wahon and work being
pushed with all speed.
A large number of old soldiers aio ore-
paring to embark for the Grand Hand
reunion to-day and more Will follow
Among the NebrasUans registered at
Lincoln hotels were noted the following :
W. N.King. Omah-i ; W. L. May , Fre
mont , M. H. O'Brien , South Bend ; C. M.
Whitnev , Harvard ; I ) ( I. Klein , Milford ;
F. A. Scoville. Valparaiso : E S. McMas-
tors , Pawnon City ; Goo. L. Allen. Dun-
bar ; S. Dixon. Omaha : John Gallagher ,
Hustings ; A. W. Ague , Aurora , John
Hess , Plum Crook.
TlioPconllarmoMofSome Well-Known.
Philadelphia Press ; Authors and ac
tors have a time-honored right to be ec
centric , and in no way does an author
display his or her eccentricity more
nnuke'dlj than in the preparation of the
manuscript. Of lite years the typewriter -
writer is doing much to destroy the indi-
\idualityof tin author ' : ) copy , but even
here the man will show himself. For in
stance , Hobort Grant's stories are fas
tened at the corner \villi a legal rivet , his
name and address with bin profe.i-.ion
( lawyer ) neatly printed in the corner , and
thu title , in true oonye } ancor's style , is
double underscored -villi red ink , while
the names ot people in tho'dialoguo have a
single red ink line drawn under them.
The whole all'air is neat and in perfect
condition for publication.
Hialmar II. Boycson , on the contrary ,
writes his articles on the green , pink , or
blue re-tors of Columbia college , where
lie is professor. His work , as ho sends it
for the press , is evidently a first draught ,
scratched and changed no end of times
Prof. Sophocles , tlio late professor of
Greek at Harvard , wrote .bis cnlire By/.an-
tinejdictionnry on ribboii paper.
Dr. S. Weir Mitchell uses the type
writer and ties the unruled legal-dip on
which ho writes with red tape. May
Agnes Tinckor writes a neat small hand ,
and , although the pages arc unruled , the
number of words will average l'.H to the
page- with almost unfailing exactness.
Joauuin Miller writes : . diminutive hand ,
spells badly , has a noble di.-rcftaid tor
punctuation , and .so separates his sylla
bles that it gives Ins manuscript the oll'ect
of writing in a toreign language.
Frank Der < > slcr Sherman's work is as
neat and careinl as" his verse. Written
on smalj'and highly-ghucd ncie-paper ,
the writing is so done that it gives the
effect of print , and the blue ink which he
uses enhances the dainty appearance of
his written page.
To turn to another popular poet and
look at Ella Wheeler Wilco.x's poems be
fore they appeared in print you will iiud
an unformed hand , scrawled over a fools
cap page , nnd when the poem does not
reach a. full two pages the second page is
properly reduced to Hip requisite-
with commendable attention to economy.
Edith M. Thompson uses linen note ,
and in a delicate hand writes her vqrscs ,
never crowding , and yet always giving
the impression ot condensation.
John llabborlon , whom every one
knows as the "Helen's Babies" man , uses
largo yellow paper with green lines ; the
first page or so is exquisitely neat , but
soon the connections become more fre
quent until they reach a ported fortissimo
of scratches.
Brainier Matthews writes a llo wingeasy
hand , and if ho has to cr.iso no human
being can loll what it was he changed ,
for hu draws a square around the unfor
tunate intruder and lines it over and over
until it if literally blotted out of exist
Sidney Luska ( Harry Harland ) docs not
nec'.l to resort lo any device to cover up
his mistakes. From end to end his curi
ous , forcible , jet-black and heavy ink
lines run without a correction. lie uses
common white paper with rough and
ragged edges. Henry Grcvillo is just the
opposite. Ono has to pick out the part
that is to be printed from tlio nme of
alterations. Julian Hawthorne writes a
small legible hand , and with commercial
care marks on the outside of his MS. the
number of words it contains.
George Alfred Townsend ulilizcs the
typewriter. The matter is copied in a
lump and afterwards properly punctuated
and paragraphed by the editor in lead-
Edgar Fawcett writes on journalist's
paper in lead-pencil. An occasional
hinenr indicates that the rubber has been
used , und on the outside of his copy he
usually places the price of the work.
Marchioness Clara Lan/a uses large
green paper with no lines. Her hand
writing is neat and her work is bat little
George MacDomild writes on thin ,
crossed French paper , a line , almost
feminine hand , nnd if lie needs to change
a passage simply draws his pen through
il and writes on.
Sidney Lanier wrote on n highly-glazed
note-paper in bine ink , and corrected his
cnpin a curious ink of a brown hue ,
His wcrk is very legible. Loulso Chan
dler Muulton , . as the amanuenses of
Philip Bourke Marston , writes an almost
masculine hand. It i.s naturally , being
dictated , not a liltb corrected.
Proprietor of Iho Li'nvreSan Fr.incisco ,
cured a severe eoii h wilh Hed Star
Cough Cure.
The UlKlit onico.
Wall Street News11 think 1 have
.stumbled into Iho wrong ollicc , " ex
plained a slrangcr who opened the door
of a Cincinnati lawyer's den.
"Well , that depends. If jou are in
business and desire to fail and pav ton
cents on the dollar this is the right ohico , "
"Oh , qul I'm ouo of the creditors of
just snob a man , and I wanted - "
"Cerlainly , come in. I'll either gut
your claim in full or have thu scoundrel
indicted for fraud. "
Il U (
/ \
it ur :
Ptepar * ! vltbitrlcl icxtnJ to Parity SuenstU and
lUdlliifulncM. Itr. I'rlco't lltitoe tvurrterronulnt
w Aua > enl , I.lniecr Alum Itr l''i ? ' Xrsncit ,
\ * tIIU , I. n.onUrtnco , etc. , B vcr J.l.rioi.rly.
t&lK SAU/ta fQWDZR 19. , Cttros.o MJ St. iwrf *
Ourious Places in Which Wealth is
Concealed ,
Treasure Stored Away In Old Stockings -
ings , Itrlclc CHcns , Wagon-
Tops and Many Other
Cancer. I'lnccs ,
Lcwiston ( Me. ) Journal : "I've had a
good deal ot experience in hunting for
Inoney thai folks have concealed , " said
a gentleman visiting at Park street in
Lewiston the other day , "and 1 just as
lief loll you what I know about it as not.
"Fifty years ago folks , especially the
elderly people , took the utmost pains to
hide money. Old stockings , brick ovens ,
old wagon tops , china teapots , the tops of
bedsteads , hair cloth furniture u < ed
always to come in for R big share of in
vestigation after the dear departed had
turned ui > his toes and had been laid
away. From that momentas you well
know , the hunt began , and folks rum
maged the house and pulled open the
feather beds in search of thu sil\er sm-
ners , the beautiful yellow boys , or tin ;
crisp bank notes that it was supposed tins
i.imented deceased had left behind. I
suppose that this instinct of concealing
wealth and of searching for it was bred
out of a well-founded suspicion of thu
old time .sayings banks , and they were
rascally things , as 1 well know. Of
course the hiding instinct was trans
mitted from father to son , and in manv
way of reasoning Ihe war of the rebel
lion .bad more to do with stopping this
foolish plan of hoarding money than any
other one thing. It opened up more old
stocking legs anil old colonial gold than
a hundred ycai.s of peace would have
done , and yet I don't doubt , trom niy
own experience , that there1 are countless
.stores of gold in buried places in Massa
chusetts and Maim ; to-day.
" 1 could count up any quantity of fe
males who believe that u secret hoard ,
left by a mysterious deceased ancestor ,
c\ists somewhere tor them. 1 bejievo
that Captain Ividd's treasure is awaiting
thu coming of somebody keen enough to
discover it , don't yonV" And hero the
gentleman in the arm chair , winked
mysteriously , laughed at his own conceit
and continued :
"A funny which I once came
pretty near being interested was : i stock
company formed in Pennsylvania where
I was then living. It was designed to
m.iko a .specialty of huntiugup concealed
ireasuros. 1 did some work for them ,
and a partner and 1 weie pretty success
ful there and in New York state. "
' How do you go to work * * '
"Well , it is hard to saj. You have to
bo ftuided by circumstances. Slr.uige
mental freaks exist iiis-omc familie. . \ on
perhaps know people who are built the
wrong way. I used to know a Lewiston
family of misers , extremely narrow and
stini'y , and yet would take no care of the
hay in the Held or the cattle in the stall.
We had to sort of learn human nature.
Get first at the habits of the man whose
wealth you are .seeking to lind. It's the
best cle'w you have.
" 1 once was called by the friends of an
insane man lo look after his money. He
had hidden it while supposedly in his
vigil t mind , and when the symptom ot
his insanity came the money-could not be
found , and he could not be induced to di
vulge The family began to suller tor
lack of funds , and they tried to starve
him into telling , but that only seemed to
please him When I was called 1 was
jmizlcd. He wouldn't talk on the sub
ject , but the moment it was mentioned at
once Hew into a passion. 1 bird in wait
for him , and didn't discover him doing
anything that would lead to a clew. 1
finally rigged a plan , and one day I
showed , him suddenly a roll of paper
with a bill around it so that il looked like
a big wad of money , remarking as I did
so : "We stumbled on your hidden pile
the other day. "
"lie gave one quick glance.
"It was directly inlo I the corner of the
room near the floor. lie then shouted ,
'You lie ! ' and laughed gleefully at me. 1
had him guarded that night , and while ho
was asleep wo pulled aside the carpet and
discovered a panel in the wall , and in it
his wealth. I was sure that wo should
lind it in the room , for I knew that he
would not iio satisfied to stay in any
place where hu could not bo in sight of
his hidden treasure.
' 'I once was sisnt to take care of a curi
ous case in Massachusetts. It was hyent.y
years ago. A wealthy man was stricken
with paralysis , llo was about to deposit
about $30,000 in money and bonds when
hu was stricken down. The hcir.s were
wild. He couldn't recall a thing. All
that was known was that ho was found
silling on the front hull stairs , bereft of
mind and snceoh. Wo couldn't make
anything out of him. Ho had no money
Wo made a hunt at randon over the
house , through the barns and stables.
We about inailo up our minds that ho had
boon rubbed. We atopped the ttirniluro-
brcaki'i/ ' : and cushion-pinching business
and were he-mating whether or not to
make anests or to searcii for some inys-
toimuic clue. For my part , as I remem
ber , I wits confident lie had boon robbed ,
most probably after the stroke of pa
ralysis , nnd I was not .sure that some at
tack fiom the robber had not precipitalcd
the paralysis. We. sought tlio doctors
and examined the man's pcrbon. A long
black and blur ; mark was on his hip ;
another was on his forehead. A sliver of
blue-pamtod wood was on his clothing.
Wo started out to hunt. Wo tried the
pump and clothes-reel , and everything
else. Finally , down in the barn collar
among boxes and barrels I came across
an old dump-cart top. 'Hero's the arti
cle , ' said 1. Wo turned the thing out
iut'j the light , and there in a pile of
m.inure wo found the packet ot money
and bonds where thu paralytic had fallen
and where Iho packet had slipped from
hia pocket.
"Aly ) ; nrdiir > r and 1 divided ? ' 2,000 be
tween us that evening.
"Did you ever road Kdgar A. Poo's
tale about Iho search of Iho Paris police
coinniissionoi. ? after a mysterious letler ?
Well , llioro iu a good deal of philosophy
in hiding Ihingn. 1'vo often thought of
the old saying , 'If it had been a bear it
would have bitten you. " The very
hardest things tu find are often the plain
est before you. It's like playing odd and
oven. Yon give the opponent too much
credit for too ( or Is it not enough )
sagacity. I v/oll rumembor another ease
where attempts ot all kinds had been
made lo lind Iho wealth of an old miser
in J street , Boston , and that after
months and months of hunting it was
brushed one day from a dusty old shelf
above the mnntlcnleeo littered with
papers , periodicals , nud worthless stuff.
Ho put it in plain Light , and nobody
thought it possible that it was worth
while to look thoro.
"A sailor will almost always hide his
nicnoy about him. Irish women always
now bills inlo their pollicoates. I once
went into Now Hampshire to hunt for
the money of a retired sea captain who
had dud very suddenly. Ho had been a
queer sort of man , very taciturn and al
ways taking trips out of town after Ins
money. Ho wasn't a miserly man and I
concluded iliat ho hadn't buried > t. Ho
t'opt in no ono particular place , and so I
was pretty suns that there was no place
in the house where lie felt better eon-
t-Mtted than another. So 1 said : 'Hrlng
Ms clothes. ' We wont over them. The
binding of ono of thorn was wide , and his
wife said , M 1 tore it off. 'Ho always
.sowed Ins clothes up himself. He was as
handy as a woman with a needle ,
Queer , ' She uddeil , "Why he altvaya
wanted to waar that suit to the last.
Poor dear' ' and al\v \ dropped a tear. In
the meantime t Ifad pulled out an oiled
silk packet , holding six bonds for $1.000
each , and we found eighteen more in the
same suit. His trips to town meant
soim-thing , you sec.
"Of course there arc men who bury
money. Such men alwavs have its hid
ing place marked oil' , and , ten to one ,
they want it buried where thov can sec.
as "oon as they can see anything In the
morning , that sump thiff has not discov
ered its biding lUticc in the night and
made oil'with it. , You can put it down
that men who conceal money like lo
have it as near ul hand as possible. I
have Known ninne > to be concealed in
the clock in thbbedroomand so arranged
that no one conH touch the clock- with
out alarming the household. If a man
who hides his money has any special
idiosyncrasy it N s.ife to look it up. The
more ignorant and crafty your man , the
safot lo go bj his eiankiness. "
"What soil of places have you'known
of money being hidden ? ' '
"O , everywhere' In the. upholstery
and bedding , under carpets , behind tlio
door casings between partitions or be
hind the wall paper , in the old family
Bibles , behind mirrors , nailed to the
walls , in false ceilings , in false bottomed
drawers , in clocks , siove.s , linings of old
lials. steam railiatois ( disused ) , bottles
marked 'poison , ' canes , shoes , vest and
coat linings , tomato cans , tea canisters ,
powder horns , old stocking feet , and in
c\crv oilier conceivable place.
"The ways of the covetous arc manv
and their tiicks are dark and peculiar. '
AH Uncounted hy n Benevolent Old
( Scntlcinnn who Knew Him
Ironi n ( toy.
New York Sun : The subject was
pickpockets , and a detective had given a
number of interesting incidents of the
skill and dexterity of this clas > of crimi
nals , as well as .striking instances of tlieir
complete reformation.
"I met a reformed pickpocket once , "
said a benevolent-looking old gentleman ,
and the means he took to reform himself
were probably such as no other member
of I he fraternity ever took. I say 1 mot
this party once , but the fact is I know
him from a boy. His family was one of
the best that lived in Philadelphia , and
the young man received a good educa
tion and had everything that heart could
desire to make him a good and useful cit-
i/.en. Ho seemed to have no faults. Ho
never drank or gambled , and it was not
until lie was past his majority that the
crushing fact was brought home to his
father that his son was a professional
pickpocket and an associate with crimi
nals of his class. The lather for years
paid largo sums lo keep his unfortunate
son out of prison , but finally ga\u
him up as totally lost , and cast him
on" . 1 used to meet the young man fre
quently , h s tamily being intimates of
mine in fact , I baved trolled the boy on
my knee many and many time and
always pleaded with him to change his
course. Ho felt his degradation keenly ,
to all appearances , but declared that he
could not control his inelmalion for
pockct-piekinm I finally lose sight of
him , and did not meet him again until
about a year ago. ' Then 1 came face to
face with him on Broadway. Ho looked
like a well-to-do young business manand
when he recognised me he greeted me
cordially. He noticed my embarrass
ment in speaking with him , and said :
" 'Oh , I've tnrnwl my hand from the
old business long ago. The fingers that
made me an outcast and a thief make me
ono no longer. , And how do yon think 1
overcome their irrcaisliblo inclination lo
enter every Docket they encountered ? '
"I replied tluit I could not toll him how ,
but assured bhii of my unbounded pleas
ure to hdar that ho had overcome Ihom.
"Til loll you'said lie , 'one day i bad
been plying my delestablo vocation , and
on leading the paper the nc.xt day I found
that I pilierod Ironi a poor woman money
that bhe had in her pocket to pay for a
collin for her dead child , and that it was
I he last cent she hud in the world. I was
stricken witii rcmor-c. I walked about
tlio streets haunted by the wrongs of Ihis
poor woman. I thought of ending my
miserable existence by suicide , and
actually rus'.ied in a frantic sort of way
loward the river. AS I hurried along , a
prey to the most terrible thoughts , ! came
to a shop where they were Tiammering
bars ot iron with
ponderous trip-ham
mers. The doors of the shop were open
on the street. I stopped in a listless way
and looked in at the honest Avorker.s. As
I watched the heavy hammers drop with
their powerful blows , and saw how they
flattened the tough metal beneath Iheni.'a
strange thcught came suddenly to mo. It
was a fearful thought , and J tried to put
it away , but .something kept saying : "Bo
brave ! Doit ! Save yourself I" Led by
an irresistible power I entered the shop.
I walked up to ono of thn great hummers.
I watched it i's it was lifted up
and came rushing down again on
the iron below with the velocity
of the winil. 1 iriod ono more great
effort lo resist the power that urged mo
on , but failed. I stopped close to the
hammer. It was lifted high in the air.
Before it fell again , and before any of
the workmen divined my intention , I
ulaced my hand on the iron beneath it.
The hammer fell. Every ono of the
lingers on my pilfering right hand was
.severed. " 'Jhoy'll never lead me wrong
again ? " I cried and fainted. When 1
eamo to 1 was in a drug slore , and the
blooding stumpy of my savored fingers
were being bandaged by skillful hands.
In time they were healed , and now-
sec ! "
"llo pulled his glove from his right
hand and showed me the stumps of his
lingers , still red from the cruel hammer's
blow. 1 could not find words to toll this
bravo youth how noble his act was crip
pling his good right arm lo save hiimolf
from a life of shame. After a few min
utes talk wo parted. J was filled with
admiration of this exhibition of nervy
manhood. I would bo filled with it yet
1 suppose , if I never had had occasion to
consult my ? 20'J again. But I did have
occasion soon after leaving my bravo
young follow , ami the watch was gone.
Sow as $150 in bills in my vest pocket
when I mot him. i learned afterward
that in trying to escape from a police
man , three or four years before , ho had
tiippod.and falling , his hand was crushed
beneath tlio wheels of a truck. In my
admiration of ( ho noble motive which he
told mo had berefthim of thu lingers of
his right burnt I had failed to notice
that those on his left hand were as long
" '
asoycr , ,
la it j { < ) t Singular.
that consumptives Jiould bo the least ap
prehensive pf tjeic [ own condition , while
all their friends are urging and beseech
ing them to bo more careful about ex
posure and overling. It may well bo
considered ono ol the most alarming
symptoms of Hum disease , where the
patient is reckless and will not believe
that ho is in danger , Header , If you are
in this condition , do not neglect the onlv
means of recovery. Avoid exposure and
fatigue , be regular in your habits , and
use faithfully of Dr. Piorco's "Golden
Medical Discovery. " It has saved thous
ands who were steadily failing.
Tlio Difference.
Now York Tunes. Bobby Pa , what's
the dilYcrcnco between a man who is a
crank and a man who ain't a cranky
Father ( who has boon accused offlng \ \
a crankl Tim man who is a crank , my
boy , is thoroughly familiar with ono subj
ject ; thu man who la not u crank knows
a litllo , but not much , of several sub
Burns , cuts , bruises , sprains and scalds ,
yio to the ( supreme power of $ t. Jacobs
TtTT ) p i lint T\T < / > r t v f t Tpno
Strange People Dwelling in the Sand-
Hills Ncnr Columbia.
to Ho One Hundred Yenrg
Old I * pun a Diet IjiirRi-ly Consist-
IHJ : ofVliUo Clay , uti Inlaltl-
Ilo ItiMiiotly for lndlio -
tlon or 1) } sppp lu.
Columbia fS. U. ) letter in Atlanta Con
stitution : Whilst sliiuiliiis in Mni
street tu-tlny oouvei-siiiK wl/H / n talonled
mid onterluiiiiug young physician of this
oily , I wa aceo toil suddenly b.y an old
man who thrust a paper into my nmull
ing hand , ulturinj ; tlii' o pathetic word' '
as IIP did to : " 1'or ( .Soil's sakr , i-eiul il ,
gentlemen. "
My frluiutvlio was prejudiced agahiMt
befiRiirs in ceiieral , mid 'Sandhillers" in
pnrtieitlur , \\as for sternly tlisjinisUnji tlin
intnulur , but M > nietldnj | { leculiarly
pleading in the agoil inundiuant look ar-
ri'stod that purpose and tinpulli'd him to
follow the dictates of his nobler nature ,
and to relieve the di of the poor
wretch. 1 , too , could not restrain u
charitable impulse , and placing n small
coin in the itching palm wliieli pleaded
for alms 1 turned to my companion as
the old man shambled oil' , chuckling over
Ids Rood luck , and jingling the money in
his bony hand , Whilst bestowing our
small alms 1 hastily scanned the old
greasy paper , which contained
words , with several illegibly-scrawled
signatures at the bottom : "To whom it
may coneern : Tlio bearer K 100 year- *
old , worthy of assistance , for iie 1.1 unabio
to work. "
Here there was a genuine centenaiian ,
and w did not begrudge what wo had
given him. Itut what a'straiigu-looking
being he was ! How nneartliy his usi ; o ,
how yellow his eomple\ion , and how
shrunken his chucks , wnat pleading but
lustreless eyes , and what a miserably-
cmaeiaud anil drawn-up body. A tyjm
ol man but iiifrcn.iumll.v met wilii. J Inftt
seen him bofoie , and hail encountered in
the street * , of Columbia occasionally men
and women not unlike him , but had
never imagined that hn was more than
.si\ty-Iive or seventy years old. The eyes
ol my medical man followed the reti eat
ing lorm , and he dryly lemarked. "Uo
3011 know that he is a genuine elav
cater * "
"A what1cMlaimcd - J.
"Why , a man that lives on clay ; one
whose principal aliment is kaolin , or a
kind of smooth , grilles * , moist clay , that
abounds in all sand hill regions.1
"Now. surely jou don't expect me to
swallow that statement any more than I
would expect that man to swallow a gob
of mud. "
"Whj , most assuredly I do , " said he ,
for 'tis as true as gospel , and I know
what I am talking about. "
"Hut you don't think I'm < = o gullible us
to believe that this man , who is over a
hundred years old , has been blessed with
this remarkable longevity because he ate
tasteless clay ? "
"Ills strange , yet it is true. I have
made a study of the. question , and have
during my investigations witnessed some
striking rovelatidns. Now , to basin
with , 1 have seen 'sandliillciV in oertain
parts of North and South Carolina , nnd
some within ten miles of Columbia , while
engaged in eating their dinners , and
have observed them consume , with evi
dent relish , large quantities of clay ; and ,
what's more , I Imvo joined in their frugal
roimst and partaken of some of the stuff
niy.ic.lf. "
"Well , what does it taste like , and how
does it allcel one ? "
"Jt is nearly tasteless , but sonic of thn
clay-eating epicures profess to enjoy it
because ot a delicate Ihivor it possesses.
It is white , devoid of grit , and not unlike
the kaolin of which plates and saucers
are made. There is nothing disagreeable
about this clay , and it may be taken into
the stomach with impunity. It is not
injurious as an article of diet ; indeed
many contend that it insures longevity
and wards oil' several diseases. There
are well authenticated instances of won
derful longevity among 'clay-caters , '
and it is well understood by such ol the
faculty as have studied tlio subject that
of the ' .sand-hillers'
none - ever suller
with indigestion or dyspepsia , and lhavo
never known one to die of consumption :
in fact , foolisluis it may hcem , I am con
strained to believe that this strange habit
exempts tlic 'clay-eaters' from many ot
the ailments to which the rest ot the
human family are heir. Of course there
is no thing very succulent or nutritious
about a slice of clay , but it certainly
allays the gnawings ol hunger. This it
docs by distending the Avails of the
stomach. U is not to be expected that a
clay diet will take entirely the place of
bread and meal , but it docs this to a car-
tain e.Ucnt. "
The doctor pau cd and I marveled at
what he told me. Continuing , ho said ;
"In my country practice , which occasion
ally carries me out into sandhills ( occa
sionally , 1 say. for although the sandhill-
er.s arc the sickliest looking , most cader-
vorous and wobegono beings in thn
world , they are the healthiest ) , 1 have
good opportunities to study their pecu
liar habits. They can subsist on exceed
ingly limited quantities of moat ; in faot ,
they gut very little to eat and that fat
Dacon about thrice a week. They arc
not lazy. but decidedly shiftless. They
are troubled with few wants , however ,
and these are supplied easily , "
"Do they eat only one sort of clay ? " 1
"As a general thing , yes , " was the
reply ; "but sometimes their table is gar
nished by a kind of yellowish marl , some
what scarce , which they consume with n
keen relish. It is aid to taste sweet , and
they USD it as a dessert. They , however ,
draw the line at rod clay. TIIIH not even
their ironclad stomachs can digest.
'Don't you cat red clap ? ' I asked n
gawky old fellow. 'No ' mirreu , ' was his
animated response ; 'I have occasionally
had erbrick in my hat , but I'll bo blamed
cf I hanker after making my bowels a
brick-yard. "
Cure for a KuttlcNimko Itiio ,
Eighty years ago Joseph Gcor , the first
settler at Long Eddy , N. Y. , 'earned ' the
cure for n rattlesnake Into from John
Johnson , a half-breed Dataware Indian ,
who had his wigwamonthoJ'imns lviniia
side of tlio river , at the foot of Lonir
Eddy , ami eked out a miserable existence
hunting , fishing and supplying the set *
tiers with lead from a mine iu the vicinity ,
to which lie would go and get u load and
return the same day. Johnson , like
most Indians , was an invutcriuo lover of
whisky , ami for n pint of H would lot a
rattlesnake bite him and then euro him
self with his remedy , which , however , ho
would not reveal. ( Jeer always kept
Manor in his house , and on an occasion
when Johnson was recovering from one
of his frequent spells of drinking to ex-
cesss , and was sullering terribly for the
want of liquor , Goer promising never to
reveal the secret while Johnson wns alive ,
succeeded in getting the remedy for a
pint of whisky , A few years thereafter
Johnson went oil' with a strolling band
of Indians and never relurnod. ( Jeer
kept the remedy u secret , however , till
from old ago ho was unabio longer lo an
swer the calls of the bottlers wh-w auv of
them or their stock iiad been bitten , and
then told it freely to all. It was as fol
lows : Apply to the wound a poultice one-
half each of common salt ami indigo ,
mKed with cold water , ami renew every
two hours. Eat freely of the leaves , or
' "
drink often of the ton made from thoin.
of a variety of the blue violet ( V Sagit-
tnta ) , commonly known as the "arrow-
Inaved''Moli-t If thn bite lie uj'on the
leg or an arm. bind the leaves in a eirelo
aiouiul it , above ami just beyond the
swelling. Moisten with cold water us
often as they get dry from the fever
created by the pnNon. and renew two or
tinco time * a day. During the time tliit
remedy has been in use in Mr. ( Jeer's
neighborhood It lint ellecled at lea t
twenty cures upon human beings , ami : *
great many more upon bemUs and has
never failed with cither. Halph ( ieer and
Mosps Thomas , Long Kddy , N. Y. , are
the names and addre e * 'of imlividiials
now living , who have been bitten by rat
tlesnakes and eiired In tin * remedy with
out tlio aid of v , hisky or nnj thing el-e.
It Was I'osictNcd Mntty Your * A so by
A Spaniard ,
"I see by your evening K uo of Wed
nesday , " said l'rofe M > r Jo-eph Cardona ,
an art-si of the cily , to a Chicago Daily
News reporter , "that you have an article
entitled Mules Verne's Idea , ' nnd de
scribing a submarine torpedo-boat in
vented by Professor Tuck , an American.
I must siy ; about it Professor Tuck
is about forty years behind tune in this
matter , and will do well to look , as 1 did ,
and tlioit > amls of others , at the subma
rine boat invented and constructed in
Ilarcelona. Spain , b.y Mr. Monluriot. of
tlio same place. The boat was invented ,
not for war , btil for the peaceful oporn-
turn of getting coral from the Mediter
ranean's bottom. \\ascallc-l tliu 1'ish-
boat v Marie Per ) . Its dimensions were
about the same as Professor Tuck's , but
its form was not of a turtle , but that of a
Jiih , and il had two large glass eves just
as a lish by u inch , like the headlight of
a locomo'.he , it could Illuminate a cer
tain spacu and the occupants could sue
from insiilo. Then it was provided with
what 1 may e.\ll iron jaws , operated from
the inside , to si-j/.e or grasp ain tiling it
came In contact with. Tins boat was
provided with a propeller in place of a
tail , and two others , ono on each side ,
where thu lish have Ilieir paddlc-lins.
Four or live men could he placed inside
for several hours under the w.iu r , v > hieh
was successfully done.
"Same years alter 1 was in the West
Iiulies.whcro 1 was told that when Queen
Isabella visited the provinces on her wed
ding tour with the licet , she landed in which a trial of importance
was made of the Fishboal. Il is said
that -cveral miles from the shore in
the Mediterranean ca a marked cannon
was thrown to the bottom , from six hun
dred to one thousand feet deop.lhc queen
and cabinet watching the operation from
the Hag-ship. The 1'ishboat was then
launched and worked its way to the
Hioty.and ) Uiially came up from the bottom
tom with the gun or cannon in its jaws.
For some time afterwards the idea was
entertained that the government would
ndopt it , but Hubicnuenl changes und
revolutions put the Fishboat idea on the
archho shelves of the past.
"it i.s easy forjou to lind the pamph
lets that were distributed about it at that
time and at the birtli of Kinjr Alfonso. pamphlets contained full particu
lars , with drawings and specific-aliens by
Air. iMonturiot. The doubt should be
dispelled bv facts whether Jules Verne
got his idea from Monturiot or Monturiot
got them from .Jules Verne , but , at all
events , it will prove to your satisfaction
that this problem was successfully solved
about forty years ago. "
Sickness comes uninvited , but if il finds
us with healthy and active liver and kid
neys with pure blood , we are impreg
nable to its attack. The best invigorant
is Dr. J. II. McLean's 1/iver and Kidney
JtJalm , used wilh Liver and Kidney Pillcls.
Dry Goods Clonk. '
Philadelphia North American : 'Hie
Second street storekeeper looked despon
dent when a call was made at his place
to see what he had done with his now
clerk. The biped in question wis : not in
the store , and the visitor at once conclu
ded that he had been lired.
"Iiad to bounce him , didyouV" was the
inquiry addressed to the storekeeper.
"No , I haven't yet. Seems us if I'd
have to , but somehow I can't bring my
self to it yet. lie's gone to his dinner
now. Heen gone an hour and a half , too.
By rights 1 ought to give him ra.ts when
he conies back , but really I am glad to
got him out of the store a little while. It
seems like a relief , yon know. I'm all
the time afraid he'll do sonic awful thing.
What do you suppose he did yesterday ? "
"Really , I haven't the slightest idea , "
replied the visitor. "Perhaps he sold all
the silk out of the storr at live cents u
yard for calico. "
The Morokecper looked startled as if
ho was wondering whether his treasure
might not yet do that , but replied that it
was not quite so bad jet. "I'll toll yon
what ho did du though. A lady came in
and asked to see some black ppool silk.
He. said , 'wo don't keep it on spools here ,
mum ; we sell ! t by the yard,1 and
whipped down before that astonished
woman four dilTeront rolls of black dix-ss
silk. She got red in the face , and before
I could get down to the door she was
halt a block oil' and looked mad as a set-
tin" hen.
"mil that wasn't the worst of it.
There's a dressmaker that has dealt with
mo for years , and she came in and asked
to bo shown some lawn. Hetoro I could
stop him he told her that wo didn't kaup
a horticultural establishment here , and
if .she wanted a door yard or anything
else in the gardening line she had' bolter
hunt somewhere else. I lost the bust
customer 1 had by that Sh-h-h , bore ho
comes now , " and tlio store keeper stepped
modestly back , while the now clerk
strutted by with a lordly air , picking his
tooth with the small bl.uio of his pocketknife -
knife ,
Kirk's Gornmn Pile Ointment.
Sure euro lor blind , hlecdlnc , ami Itching
IMi s. Ono box has cured the worst cases ot
ten years stfxmlliiK. Xo one need suiter ton
mhnilUa niter using this womluifut Klrk'a
Ucrinan I'llo Ointment. It ubsoib ; Illinois ,
allays the lleliln at oar.o , art ) as a poultice ,
1'lvcs Instand relief , Kirk's Clc ; 111:11 : ; I'llu
Ointment Is prepared only for 1'ilin Mid
Itciiiiin of the privRto purls , and nothing clso.
Kvwv box in warranted by our aijonts. Kolij
by drus islv , sunlby mall on receipt o pileo ,
f > fc per box.
Wl , tO. . Uli.NTON , PHOP ,
Cleveland. O.
Sold C. K. Oiooodiiian ami Kuhu te Co. ,
1Mb mid loiii.-lis ) I Slli nnd Cumin
Hidden Utulor tlio
Wall Ktruot NewsA traveler over a
country road in Ohio had his attention
diawn to the taet that about every third
fiirmor on the route was ; shingling his
bain , and in his innocence ho remarked
to the driver of the rig :
"It is probably because slilnfj'cs tire BO
cheap V"
"Not exactly , " was the reply. "The
comity $0,000 to build a poor hoiiso , voted
and Incsn barns all Imlong to the Hi | > or >
visors. "
"Hut I--I don't the "
, - - see connection ,
persisted the traveler.
"Oh ! there isn't ' any. We've been
Irving for the last five yoarMo liml Iho
connection , but wo can't do it. Jt wo
could we'll bounce the whole gang. "
JiO-uitll'ul Women
arc mndo inilihl and unntlrnctivo by
functional irregularities which Pr.
Plnroo's " > "avonto Prescription" will in
fallibly cure. 'J l.oubumls oflcslimumals.
Hy druggists. _
Auction ! Aut'llon ! Auction !
A public auction will be hold on Tues
day , August til. at 10 o'clock a. in. , of
all the household goods at 1017 Jackson
street. A.V. \ . UOWAM & Co. ,
How Mnny Stlclics Chlcntto Slnmifno-
ttiroM ItiMiiiIro for n I'entiy.
Chicago Inlor-Ucenir No phase of the
labor agnation is more likely to attract
popular attention and exei'le sympathy
than the movement of thoM'wing women
to increase the rate * of compensationnuil
yet It is doubtful whether any slrik.i , or
any resort \ \ > the method of strikers , will
bum-lit tlio-c tno-t in need of help , it ap
pears from unostigatlon that the cloak
milker reecne on an average about 5-9
per week , that the \ost makers who do
machine work make from $ ! ) to $11 a
week , bastcrs from $0 lo $ t < , button hole
sewers about the same Finishers who
\\oik long Imur.s reecho only from$3 lo
$ " > a week. I'lio wage * of coal makers
range from $3 $ to $8. Pants makers , paid
b\ the piece , can earn $0 to $ IS a week ,
' 1 hi < is the work on what may be called
high grade clothing. Where no skill i.s
icmiirod the pu > is still lower , many
girls working for ' , ' . , * > l ) a week.
The manufacturers expect that
clothing be made for them
at a certain rate , lietween them
and the sowing girls are thee \\\\f \ > lake
Iho work and ni\o it out. The manufac
turers claim that they cannot pay more
than they arc now paving and compete
with manufacturers in other cities ' 1 hey
claim that the margin is now so small
that no reduction can be made and busi
ness carried on. The > question then
comes up of who gets the profit Tim
rate of pay , it is said , is loll largely to the
bosses , who ji\e out the work , ami it
nia.y be that here is a subject for negotia
tion and arbitiation. The pay ot sewing
women \ \ ho do low grade work is notoriously
riously beggarly , but it appears from all
that can be learned by those interested
in the present movement that such
women are not cm corned in the strike )
and will not be much benellted by eon-
cessions made. M.inv sewing girls who
are proficients and who are outside tlio
influence of the tailors nud manufactur
ers are getting good wates. These- wagon
arc lived by a general nndor.standing be
tween the workers and the people for
whom they work , and there arc times
when there is n greater demand for good
seamsiresse.s than can bo met. 'Hioso
people are not interested in the strike
Why IH It
That the sale of Hood's Sarsaparilla con
tinues at such a rapidly increasing rate *
It is
1st , Itpcause of the positive curative
value of Hood's Sar.saparilla itself
lid , Because of the conclusive evidence
of remarkable cures oH'ooted by it , unsur
passed and seldom equalled by any other
medicine. Send to C. I. Hood & Co. ,
Lowell , Mass. , lor book containing many
btatomcnUs ol cures.
Cure without modi-
1 POSITIVE clno. r.Uontoi Oclo-
bur Ii5 , 1.STO.
Ono box will euro
ci\so In IburdRva
No tiiiiisroua < lous or cilbnhs , rnp llm of
mndiilwood Hint are certain to | > rodiieo < ly * | or -
Plu by dot-trovliiir tlio coathm of tlio st-Jiiuiuli.
J'ikoSl.W. Sold by all drinulsu or iiiiiilod on
iccfiptotmico. For furtuer nurtloalars Boat
forelrc'jlar. ' T. a Uox I"T > .
3" . C. j IjIjuJiuISr CO. . , CURE.
I * JoliriRl. . Now Yortt.
The only perfect substitute for MothoHo
milk. invnluobiB 10 cholorn Infantum
nnd Toothing. A pre-dlcented rood for D a-
peptics , Consumptives , Convalescents.
Perfect nutrient in nil Wastlnc Dlcoasoa.
Hoqulrea no cooking Our Dooiz. The Care
nnci Foadlnft of Infants , mailed free.
DOLIDSIJ. GOODAL13 & CO. . Uoatoa. tloii
. Ivriirculuntj UayNbVnrv
) lam < i'nuluctro.MniDctl < 'Jiclt >
i rruft .coniblntd. Uuarantueiltbo
wily ono 111 the vrorlU ccntmllnB
acuntlliuouii Xlrctrlo Miipnttio
. . . . . .iif. bctentltlc. I'oworrul , Durable.
r ty vomfortnhle and Cirrcilrr. Avoid froiKl" .
- * * OTtrlMHi'lciiml. StnilBlJnmfnrmnitUlut. |
. .
-wm if - .4. c * *
rnlaltiKUi'snad rrlrrsnn application. Held by
nil the be < t Citrrl i : r.iilliiern und lx > nler .
table Adi'fiw. COO CIN.
uiirt C. A. HNOWDKN. tlm
_ lrlBlitostnnrtl ) tlnllyn | tlju
/R H n U won. ! r'itut'9 rcxularly. ( ru *
ku a B u u B .j-ynu ; s sav.-arK
jOMtto nnrftddrcf5 In ttiv I'liltcil Stntui < ur Canada
FOR , S2.50 PER YKAI W. . X1'1 ;
KIKHT-riAS3 DAILV for 'J1J | < ] IJUJ ( OF
A. M < ll.Ij 1 > p < ul tiotp. money order , or
ro2l tiTO < 1 Intti-r. Atldrcx Til 13 OUIC'AOO MAttk
lid Stb-itT. , Uliicajfo. III.
& MAUL ,
Buocessora to J. Q.Jaootn
At the old fitnnd , Ho ; Fftrnnm fit. Ordnra b
l < < li > iriiinliiu > lluitua nnd pioaipily utlonJc.t to.
Tcloplwfio Nn.SJt
llullt. Kowlf I jriiljliol
The Tremont ,
J. C. I'Tr/OIltAU ' ! > * PON , I'lopiiolou ,
Cor. llli mid I'dts. , Mncoln , Nub.
ll.itcj ll.i'J l > o. dux , iifrcol cars fruiu.hbiita to aur
| i/irtur / Iba cl < r.
Architect ,
Oir.cos-KI. at uud 43 , UlctiimU Illock. U.-.colu ,
Neb. K'.uviilur ' nnlllti snout ,
Breeder of
OAIIUVYAk IMTIM. .s t. vrn ,
Live Stock Auctioneer
iniule Iu nil mills of ih < i U H. in luir
rnlra. Hooui U.HiiiH ) illocl. , Lincoln Nob.j
nndSliurl Horn liulla lor tnlo.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Corrrsnondoiipo In to InniH soi'.rlictL
llootn i , Hli'bni'J ) Illoi'lt , Mnuolu , NO'J. '
Kdverside Short Horns
Of Btilltly pure luucs mid ll.uca TBijio | > lviltlc.
lluiil numl.cTd aboul IX ) licmJ ,
rniultU'H loproH-iitoJ I'llbou ? , Oir.sirs ,
ACDIIllH. IlL'lllUn , ItOfct * Of HlllllllllH. MOSS IIU'HI. ,
Kiilrli | y Itucl.cbjui , Flat Crct-k vouiitf Mary * .
l'lillls < ' , l.oimni nmlYnio l-ovi's.
Hulls fur said. I 1'nja ! ! : uti rilborl , I 1'lira
Han t C'r.tfj.8. ! I Htu.Mij Hlr.mri. 1 VIJUM.Miiry. ; .
1 1'iiie ( 'iulck Shark and olluns t'oiuinml
UiMu'Cttliu Ix.Tl. Add rfi , CIIA.-j. il. HIIA.N' .
BU.V. Mncul ) . , Nub. _
Wlion 111 Lincoln clop at
National Hotel ,
An ' tot H 2 pd Uliinor fo'