Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Fonday Opona tie Speculative Week With
Prospects of tower Prices.
HIP Visible Supply fttntcinrtit a Sur
prise With UtilllHli Tc'iitlfiicy
Nil Change In Corn llrlsk
I'liivlHlon 1'rmlc.
CHICAGO , August : . -Special [ Telegram
to the HEE. ) WHEAT TlitTu was every In
dication on the curb Hint this should be n
great day for the bears In wheat ami coin.
There were 110,000 bushels ot new wheat in
at SU holds nml 131.000 more In at Diilulh.
There were 1MO cars ot torn In heie. ueaily
ttJO more than expected , nud 'Xi cais of
wheat. Thete were In all 2,072 cats of grain
of all kinds brought In hereby the milioads
In the last forty-eight hours , and It I ? expect
ed that the receipts to-uiorrow will bo nl
least 2,500. , Wheat opened < < elf , lltstttndes
being at , 77 e. lor October. The market sold
elf nuotber ) < e and never not lower than that
during this day. The highest point toucbeil
was 77JCc. Cables wore weak anil leer , aud
reporters hatl no business to reioil. | Never
theless the clearances for last week
came. In 2,702,000 bushels of wheat airl m-
000 barrels ot Hour , not a bad showing -
ing for a period that was to wit
ness n heavy deeicase In exportation.
From 11 o'clock ' on the ciovvd scalped while
waiting for the visible supply statement.
1'relvous to the announcement the statisti
cians got their estlm.ites down trom 'Jf > 00,0'jO '
Increase to 1,700,0001 ticn-aM' , but , as usiiitl ,
the figures were a sin pi No the second In
eight days. Last week's Incieasu was as
tuiicli Kt enter than expected as this week's ) is
less. Tliuctilllhiluni ( | may therefore be con-
Blderett le-estnbl Dining the last
twenty minutes a lather firmer leellng pie-
vallud Iu consequence of the visible anil ex
port postings , but prices din not go enough
liiglier to siH'ak ahout. The last trades were
at 75 ; < e for September , 77 4'e for October ami
71t' < ; i270'/ for November. Tills is n loss of
only ! 4iAC ( ) as compatcd with Satin day.
Some wheat Is moving out right alonir , the
lake chin tcis to-day bctim 145,000 bushels.
COIIN Thu receipts of nearly ' .MOO cars ol'
oorn in three days Saturday , Sunday and
Monday proved too much lor the market
this morning , ami prices fell avvaj 'e , Sej > -
tcmhcr selling ilown -tOfn40Ue. . October to
42c , and November toI2jc. ; . Lake engase-
meiits of capacity for JUO.OOO biisheh to-tlay
betokens the existence of the steady sl\\\t- \ \ \
plug demand. The lower grades , however ,
continue to have the prefcicure iu the
shipping trade. Last week nearly 1,700,030
liushels weie moved from this point ami
E.OCO.OOO received. ( ! oed baying , principally
by shoits , put prices up fnietioiially later in
the session. October ciosiul at ta'h l'iVe.
( Speculative trading was on alanrerscale than
for any ot the last pteecillng tbico or four
day * .
OATS Oats ruled dull aud n shade lower ,
but the close was at Sntindny's liual langc.
The receipts continue llbeial. October
closed at " le.
I'ltovisioxs Piovisions were stroiip and
tinder brisk speculative imiuiry tor pork and
rlb.s an advance of 0c Iu the former and 15e
Iu the latter was established. The product
became easier , however , towaid the close of
tlio session , ami a portion of the advance
was lost. The last prices were 80.70 for Octo
ber poik , # 0.72 > tf for October laid , and &G.25
for October i Ibsi.
Cuiiit , 2'JO : p. m. October wheat , 77 ? c
sellers : puts , 77V77) ( ) c bid ; calls , 78i c.
New Yoik reported eleven boat loads tiken
for export. Cfctobcr corn , -W bid ; puts ,
42V calh , 42) c.
CmrAoo , AtiKit'-t 30. [ Special Telegiatu
to tlic HII : : . I CATI-I.I : Tlio teceipts today
vcio considerably larger tlian one week
S < ' , but the bulk of offerings consisted of
common to medium natives and low grade
range cattle , nutter kinds of native cattle
met will ) good demand and sold a shndo
Btronser than Friday. Common kinds hold
slowly , audt where sales were made , prices
were batclv nteatly. In a good many cases
inferior lo fair fuialltlcs sold at still lower
l > i Ices. Tito makket was quite dull fur thin
nnd lou li kinds. Shipping btccrs , Ii50 ! to
3500 Ibs , S-t.r > 0f5.00 ( ! : 1 00 to laso Ibs ,
S4.OOiM.10 ; O.V ) to 1,200 Ibs. Sn.fiO@l.lO. Sales
of Nebmskns. 1..7J-I to l.Wi Ibs , Sl.bO. Tlio
receipts of tangcts were 2.KM ) . tlnoiigh Te\-
aubi.200 ! , noitliern cattle 2 , 100 , against ' -.WO
last .Montlay. The market was weak. Some
desirable Texas cattlu soltl at about steady
prices , but common , light and coarhc ami
lean cattle were dull and lower. Numerous
Jots of heavy but thin cattle were unsold at a
late hour.
JIor.s--The market was active and prices
strong ami lOc higher. Kalr to good corn fed
light mixed lions , S4.fiO < ffi4.GO ; good to choice ,
8-.7@I.N ) ( ) ; lair to good heavy mixed , 84.70(3 (
4.7.1 ; good to choice. SI.Mft4.'JO ) ( ' : choice lo ex-
tia heavy. 51.U36.15.10.
New York. Aucust 80. MONRY On call
easy nt 5 to 7 per cent , closing at per cent
I'aiMi : MKIIOANTILB I'Arr.n Unchanged
lit 4@r > per i-ciiu
BTKIIMNO KXCIIANOK- Quiet but steady ;
84.SUfor sixtj day bills and S1.84 for de
( loVKUNHi.NTS Governments were dull ,
with quotations a shade higher.
STOCKS Stocks weie jieucially Him eaily
In the day , but yielded hcfoio noon and the o'f prices was generally dowuwaitl
until towaid the clo < e. 1'iices at the opening
wen ) generally * * to U per cent below the
closing liguies ot Satintlay. .loi.scy Central ,
however , was up ! / per cent and 1'acllie
Mall and Dalawaio it Hudson % per cent
each. Over one-half the tlays business was
done iu the tirst hour , after which the mar
ket M-itled down to the dull nud list
less coiidltioit , with iioappatcut movement
In prices until the last hour , when tlieio was
a sharp advance of 1 per cent iu Hocking
valley , the maiket closing steady close to thu
opening ligmcs.
S ? ) cent bonds. . 100' ' , , C. tV N. W HSJf
U , b , 4 's lit j Hiofeiied H'J
lOSiS ?
' ' ' '
J'acllle 0s ! o'f ' 05. liwoiCL'OII 'tVa'u
Central 1'acillo. , 2 > 4'jl nfllicMall. . .
C. AA 141 1' , 1) . & K
Amufencd. . . 1M ( P. 1 . O
0. ll.itt ) lim/iltock Ifilnntl. . . I'.M
1) . L. A5\V. . . . 12 ( ) . ' St. L. S. K. . I'.MViX
1) . .fell ( ! ! B iirefened. f.U'/
Krio ill C. , M. it SI. P. mx
7I ! piefeiied. via
Illinois Central. 134 St. P. it O
) . , II. \ W IB'f pieferred.
Kansas. 81 Texas I'acille.
Lnke.Shoiu B'l'i Union Pacific. .
L. ArX 44J $ \ \ ' . , St. L. A P. 1'JM
MU'll. Cfiltlal. . . 78' piofeund. , . 83i
Jlo , I'acilic . . . . 100 } . , \\VsteriLlJnlon.
Woithfin Pae. . . 27l ; O. . It.
Ctilcnuo , Auuust ! iO. I'lour Quiet
ml um-haiiKcil ; wititur wheat Hour ,
84.ori@4.iObiiutlu ; > rn , S.oo-ij4,00 : ! , ; WKeonslu ,
8.UO lit sacks.
Wheat Opened about Me under Saturday's
closing , aud alter fluctuating , closoil > | c be
low Saturday ; cash , 7&rC'i75Jic ( ' ; Senlemoer ,
75J c ; October. 77 > fe.
Corn Kaster , lluctuated within ho of
ramie , nnd rlosinl H'Q'ji'c ' below. Satiuday ;
cash. KOj.c lO'je ' ; September. < 0 5-lOc ; Octo-
tier , flfic. ! .
Oats- Opened weaker and .HS o lower ,
rested and steady ; cash , 25fc ; Sep
tember , 85 IMfle : October , a" ' -
Uyt Dull nt 40c.
Hurley-Dull at MJfc.
Tiniutliy I'ritue. S1.SS1.79.
I'oik Acthu and ruled 'JO@22Jfo higher ,
scttltxl back i ( lt > lOcnutl gradually closwl
strailv ; raMi niut Septonibcr , 5U.OO ; Octo
ber , 5'J 7 aftW .
l til ft 7 > i higher for deliveries ;
CASI ! nnd September , $7.25 ; Octubi-r , $ ii.0y
Hulk Meals Shoulders , $3.75 < H.-.75 < [ :
short clear , SC.COyNVG.1 ; ; short rib" , SO. In.
Huttor Quiet but lilrm ; cieamery , 1722c ;
dairy. K imV e.
Cheese Fair leolrne ; fullcrt-am clit-tltlur * ,
flats , 8XiWc ( ; Young Americas , SX
Ilidcs Hravy green salted , 7Xo lleht.
bull hides , inilos. .Vses drv salted
1'Jc : dry Hint. lvuilc : ; calf skins ,
deacons , .Vc ) each.
Tallow No. 1 country , fJ'sQnji'c ; cake ,
3Jfe ; No. 2 , 3c.
Receipt * . Siiipnu-nt .
Klour.bbis .s.000 14.HOO
Wheat , bit 80.000 107.000
Coin. tU -JVI030 423.000
Outs , tm iMXiOiKI HCMKHI
Uvi'.nu 5ooo 2.000
Uhlley.DU .VIJO ) 2.1,000
Now York. Atmist " 0. Wluat Hccoliits ,
IS'J.eoO : exports , .OO.MO ; cash } 4 ( < Tc lower ;
options declined V"9fe ; later illicit stronger
and rallied > 4'iV. ( elosinu linn : miginded
red , WrtfM'j'i' ; Nn. 2 red , NiV'MJ'V ' ' Iu ele
vator , tf'se ' , I. o. 1) ) . , siVi'sH' ailoat ; Scjiteni-
her closliiK at J-0'.e.
Com .spot , } < 'lower ; options opnnod V' ' '
* < ' lower : later advanced 4 < ilJ < n ; clo-iiug
lirin ; receipts , 117,000 ; evpoits IKI.OOO ; tin-
giadcd , IW ! > 1' ' . ( : No. 2 , ill > , e 111 elevsilor ,
Wl'jc in slotc , . " )01lcileliveieil : September
O.Us V'f'ic ' lower : closing tlrmer : re
ceipts , i ! , ( K ; exporN. 11,000 ; mixed west-
em , iWcWie ; wlilte , , ' { Vu41c.
Petroleum fulled , ill ' , e.
; wi'storn ,
now IIKS , ill.OO ; old mess ,
Sll.oa.ill.i7 : > .
Lard lliu'ln-r : western stcflin , spot 5r..7K. :
IJutter ( } nle.t but linn.
Cheese I'lrm.
Mllwniikoc , August : ! --Wheat tjleady :
Cash , 75' ' , e ; September , "o. o.
Corn Vo. 'J , lOWc.
0its No.r.Vc. .
K\c N'eulccteil.
arleNfi. . 2 , r > H } c.
Pork-Mess , .Senleinber. S0.0 > .
Cincinnati. August ! 50. Wheat No , a
led , 77e.
Coin-No. 'J mixed , 42l < jV.
Oats No. V ! mlxi.'d , ' ± ( < l < \
Uve-No. 'J , 54c.
Tork-SlO.00. fcl.10.
MlniicniiollH , Attinmt " 0. Wheat
\ViMikaudlo\ver ; No. 1 hard , cash , 74' ! , is ;
September , 7. " > c ; Xo. 1 northern , cash ,
-f < " , Setili'iuber , ! e ; No. 'J northetn. uasli ,
7c ( ) ; September , 70 } e.
l-'lotu Patents , fcl.-loat.SO ; br.keis , f".40@
UeeeipU-Wheat , 11000 bushels.
Shipment * , ! > ,030 busholn : ( lour ,
JM.OOO bairels : lit htore , wlicat , 2UW,3t" bush
els ; St. Paul , 413,000 bushels.
St. Ijonls. Atisust oO. Wheat Kasy ,
louer. No. ! i led , rash , 70J < jo ; September ,
T * 'ic '
i *
( 'nrii Kasy ; Ko. ! ! , mixed casli , SO 'c ; Sen-
ti'inbw , HO'tc. '
O.its Lower ; No. 2 , mixed easli , 304 easy ;
Si'ptembi'r. SlJ c.
live KnsS utfiOe.
Pork Steady at 510. W.
Mud -Steady at SO.O'J , ' .
New Orleans , A 'tist RO. Corn
Firmer hi sacks ; mixed , 515Uu ( ; wlilte , C'Jc ;
yellow , 5lc.
O.its Lower ; choice vvestern , in s.xcks ,
Cornmeal Steady.
HOK Ptoduets Dull and
Lord Kislined tiercc.S7.00.
Hulk Meats-Shoulders ) , S0.15 ; long clear ,
lavcrpool , Aucust 30. Wheat In
poor demand ; new No. 'J winter dullGsOd.
spritiKHs Oil dull.
Klour In poordemaml , S.s Id linn.
Com In poet demand ; spot ami October ,
dull4s4Wit ; dull August and .September , 4s
Toledo , August 30. Wheat Cash ,
Corn ( ' 'ash ' ,
Oats Nominal.
KnnsnKi City. Aneust SO. Wheat-
Lower ; No. B red , cash , Olc bill , C3c asked ;
September , G c.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , IHc ; Septem
ber , ill V-
Oats Punier 27.
Chionzo , Atuust : W. The Diover's Jour
nal lunnits as follows :
Cattle Uocelpts. U.COO ; best stroncer , but
poor kinds vvealier ; shipping steers. ; )
5.00 stackers and feeder" , 8'i.OO@S.CO cows ,
. . . ; . , . , . . .t.i 01 rni 'tn. l , .ll- ; * * > ) .tnrA
uu ; winteieii icxans yK.o.n * iiu.
lloss Hecnlpts , 12,000 ; stronc and r@Wa ,
higher ; rough and mixed , Si.b5Gl.4.'i : ; pack
ing and shipping. S4.SOQJ5.10 ; light , Sl.7.-iC : <
4.14 ; skips , Si-lOC't''O.
Slteep Hecelpls. S.bOO ; steady ; natives ,
S'J.)0@4.00 ( ) ; western , ? U.OO@:3.W : ; Texaus ,
. . i. , . . .
The Drovei.s' Journal special cablcgiam
Irom London indicates a dull cattle market.
Prices aio about steady at I'-'c per pound for
best American beeves , dies.--cd wei lit.
St. Ijouis. August SO. Cattle Receipts ,
J.OOO ; shipnienth , 000 ; biiteher rattle .stronir ;
common to choice shipiinir ] , Sa.nGjl.75 ( ;
butelier steers , 83.504,00 ; cows and hcitera ,
82.'J.-t < ( : ! . . 'K ) .
lloijs Ueeeipts , -,000 ; shipments , COO ;
active and ttioui ; ; bntehei.s' and best heavy ,
S4.W@yiO ! ; mixed p.icllnS4.J.Oit'4.8.'i : ; light ,
Untter Steady.
KniiRiia City , August 30. Cattle Ho-
ceipts , 2,000 ; shipments , none ; dull and weak ;
common to choice , $ ! > .HO@l.f > 0 : stockeis aud
feeders , $2.fiOCc.40 : ! ; cows , $1.60@2.75.
Hogs-Kccefpts , 8,000 : shipments. 2,000 ;
common to choice , S4.10O-i.G5 ; grassers and
pigs , S2.fiOiJ4.00. (
Monday livening , August 28.
CATTr.r.-The receipts were liberal and a
good many chauired hands. Tlio bulk of the
receipts weie i an an cattle , but there were a
few heavy corn fed cattle which brought
$1 10. Values remain about steady.
lions As usual on Monday tlio receipts
woie very lightand there were not enough to
make a market.
Shcep-Tlio largest sheep sale over made at
the Omaha yards was made to-day.
Cattle 1700
Hogs 200
Prevailing 1'rlees.
Sliowlii ! ; the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market.
Choice steers , lliSOto 1500 Ibs S4.20@4.35
Choice steers , 1100 to li J Ibs : i.7r.C4l.l5 !
Medium steers , 12W to 1:150 : Ibs , . . 3.00 ( 1.00
Kat little steer * , 10.V ) to 1150 Ibs . . . . ! MBC' .8U
Good Icetlcrs , WO to 1000 Ibs H.OO ® : ! , ! ! ' )
Good to choice corn-fed cows 2.0U(7W.25 (
Fair to medium glass cows 2.0J'i J.a'j
Good to choice bulls 1.5 ( gM.0
Light and mcuiiim nogs 4.20 ( ( 4. ; ' > 5
Good to choice heavy hogs 4.40o ( > .50
( ! oed to choice mixed hogs 4.20@4.4 i
Fair to good shorn sheep 2.00 < vgSO : )
Hopro4iitiitlvn ! Hulos.
IDAHO HANOI : srunits.
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
Sumiuercamp A Wagner. . 21 1,211 Sa&O
Owner. No. Av. Pr. Co K'fl liWO 81.40
VVVOHINO itAxni : sTitnus.
Owner. No. Av , Pr.
Hay State Cattle Co W 1255. 5S.50
WVOMINO sinir. : :
Owner. No. Av , Pr.
JutuiMHi liros , , 1201 m S".l' " '
11A.NOE h'UiilS. : :
No , Av. Pr.
Outlaid & Osk.vmp. . . . . . . 1 lioi 53.23
vv i.s11.1
- . -
-A jif
GulhrloivOskamp 21 1015 53.2.5
No. Av. ShU. Pr. No. Av. Shk. 1'r.
29..223 40 84.3.J 43..y36 2-0 ! 54.55
07.,227 200 4.45 20..200 4.65
TllltOW OUTd.
10..225 240 SH.OO 1..450 8084.00
3. . .250 40 4.00 1..450 4.00
llange of I'ricoa.
Showlngtho hlu'hestand lowest prices paid
for ntUeil lo.xds of hogs on this market d'ir- '
lug the past seven days , aud for the same
time lust year :
August AliEUit.
Monday , 23d. . . . 4.40 @ 4.65 8,80 @ 3.90
Tuesday. 24th. . . 4.55 f < W.75 S.W 3.95'v.'Slh 4.40 @l.75 8.KU . \0 \
Thurbday. 20th. . 4.20 04.70 ass @ : t )
Kiiilay.arth . 4.80
Saturday , 2Mli. . . 4.a : ® H.OO BILK'S
Monday. 4.85 6U.GO a.50
Live Stoi-k Snloi.
Showtue the number of cattle , bozs nnd
> lic > ii tmrcha ed by the leading buyi-is on
to-day's market :
( } . II , Hammond A Co 407
( ; . U. Hammond , fe Co. ( shipped In ) . . . . sno
Harris * Fisher . * 21
Yerga 21
Total , , , . . . . . . . . . . 703
nons ,
Total 17G
I Ian in tV FWier 1,201
Win. Kolbe W
Total 1,800
Sliitincnt | < ! ,
Showlmr llictiutnbi'rof cirsnf livestock
shlppc'd out of the yards during the day :
No. Cais. lit. , , , ] ) p < i | '
7 N. W ( 'hieano
21 . . .Mil Chicago
All nles ol stock in tus ! market are made
per cut live weight unless otherwise stated.
Head hoes sell at > . < c per Ib tor all weights.
"Sklu , " or hogs welching less than 10J Ibs
no value. Proguant sows are dockeu 43 Ibs
nnd t'ngs W Ibs.
Dull Monday.
No hog maiket.
Cattle inaiket iii'the. '
I ) . A. Hale , Madison , had a load of hogs
on the maiket.
Mr. Cummins , of Kvatislon. was hcio with
200 head of cattle.
Mr. Faulkner , Gothenburg , had a ear of
hogs at the \nrds.
S. Haas , Council Hindi , was looking o\er
the yiuils to-daj.
Fuller A : Payton , Fullertoii , had n lo.ul of
bogs on the maikvt.
( iiithrloit O-iUiimp , Lusk , weiu both heie
with 31H head ot entile.
llulitt iV Tom-nee , Itawllnx , had seventeen
loads ot cattle' in to-day.
The hogs weie ne.nlj all sorted to-day , u
iiattot one load golntrnslilgli us l.tCi.
Ota Haley , I.aiamiu City , came In to-day
w Itll seventeen ln.ids of good iitnge eattle.
DtiiDlu Land : iml Cattle Company , lioek
'it-elf , had twenty-one ears ot eattle at the
11.11. IiobiiiMii ) , Noillt llend. came ilown
with tlvo loads ol Hay State Cattle company's
Joe Hatch , the ' .veil known live stock man
ot Heber City , Utah , was n visitoi at the
vards to-tia\ .
hiitlst Fisher bnugnl twelve hundieil
sheep at the yaitls to-tlay , whicli was the
argist deal ever made here iu .sheep.
ill. Majors , who was In a few days aso
with cattle , piesentedV. . F. Itrown with a
pair ol deer antlers in the silk. It was quite
n curiosity among the boys.
Mr. P.ilmcrlnn , of the linn ot Palmerton ,
Love & McCloud , has just lettirncd from u
two weeks' trip through the counties he-
: \vcci ) Omaha and Lincoln , ami icpoits crops
in much better condition than expected.
F. Wallaeh came in to day with the Haters
ACo. . cattle. The cattle were Wjoming
range steers that were corn-fed at Mound
City , Mo. Tlteie were nine loads of them
and they aveiaged li'JO , : ' Ibs and biouuhtS4.40.
Thetollowlng weie reiristeied at the Stock
Kxehan.i1 hotel to-day : Jo . lieekinaii , Chas.
A. McDonald , Chicago ; S. Storey , Teka-
inah : Flank Wallaek , Chejenne ; Alex.
Laveily , Ashland : Al. Powell , Hlalr ;
L. C. Shlfeldt , Mound City , Mo. ; II. C.
AVnlker , Che/enue ; Lo Mi\'well. : Larainle ;
Lewis Carney , Pine Ultiffs ; Ora Haley , Lar-
ainle : S. A. llitthiie , Wagon Hound , Wyo. ;
11. CninminKS , W. C. liritt , James Chde ,
Isaac Cinnmings , Maik Jell , Utah ; Wilson
Turner , P. K. Homin ' , Win. Kudcr , Itavvlln- ) .
General I't-otliioe.
Moiidav Kvonintr , August 28.
im prices itrc jnr rotintl lotx nf
print we , aisnltlon the innrlct ( oinTlio / /
ijnutitlloH'i on fruit * j'c/ircsc/tt / the prices ( it
which nntxhle unlcr.t arc tilled.
Kcicis The maiket is vi-ry slow ami un
settled and stocks aic accumulating. While ti
lew single ease lots may tiling "Jo when very
closely candled , the meat bulk of the sales
are being made at 8S.-ic. (
Utrnn : Strictly s\\eet \ , solid and uni
form color , packed cin new clean tubs ,
romnnnds 15 to Ific , or even more , in tne mar
ket , but oil.'o
can be graded as such. Fancy butter in Mono
clocks is bringing even better pi ices. Fair
to good country butter is soiling at UXji > l } 4e.
Pour at 5@sc. and slow. Cieamery butter ,
not the very best , sold this week at I8@30c.
I'on.iiiY Old fowls , per doS'J.rX ) ;
spring chickens , large , S2.00 ; spring clilek-
cns , medium , Sir > 0i ( ] .75 ; spiing chickens ,
.small , tint wanted ; diicktS2.2.jur ( 50 ; tur-
kevs , not wantetl.
CiiniviJ Fancy full cicam Cheddars , O''c ' ;
fancy lull cream Hats , two In box , lOe ; fancy
full cream Young Anieiicastourinbox,10jjc ;
lancy Swiss , 14c : bilek , 12 > e : Limburg , I''c.
Niw : I'OTATor.s Thete is an incieased
demand for choice stock. Farmers aie not
biiugiugin enough to supply local demand.
There are car lots aiiiving now trom outside
points. Choice quotable at C0@70c.
ONIONS Southern , per bbl , S350 ; home-
Rtovvn. perbu. . Sl.OO.
Cnt.KUv There is not ically enough com
ing iu to supply tlio demand , but it will not
be handled very extensively until next
month. Shipping stock , per do40c. .
Ovvrints There aie no oysters ol any
consequence In the maiket yet. The season
heie does not open as a rule until about tlio
Istot September. The maiket will ptobably
open at Irom 35 to GOc. , according to the
LKMONS The New York maiket has ad
vanced § 1.50 per bov since jestorda.v ; this
would force up prices here , as stock is very
light and very little iu tutnsit. Fancv
lemons , per box. SlO.oOfeio.M ) .
UANANAS Theie me not many In the
market at present. As the weather becomes
cooler , so that dealers can handle them with
Fafety , there will be a better supply on the
mark'et. Uanauas , yellow , per bunch , S2.00@
CAI.IKOII.VIA FisriTS The market Is now
thoroughly cleaned up. Thcie is not a pound
ot California trull ot any kind iu the handset
ot jobbers. Fresh carloads are being looked
for oy next week , which wil ! no doubt sell
at much higher prices than have been pre
vailing during the it-cent glut.
MKI.ONS Fancy large Muscaline water
melons , 517,0I@'JO.OO ( : Inferior and smaller
sl/.cs. Slo.00@iri.00 ; musk melons , per do/ . ,
SWIKT : POT ATOMS Iowa home grown are
in tno market anil selling at : > e per ID.
HIANS : Hardly any coming In now. 81.25
@ 1.50 per bushel , for clean stock ,
COCOANUTS Cocoannls , per 100 , $5.00 ; less
than bundled. Dor 100 , 35.50.
HONKV Callfoinia , l.To ; California ,
strained. lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 12@18c ; Ne
braska , dark , 10@lle.
MAPI.I : Svaui' Hulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs ,
per gal , SI. 00 ; irul cans , per gal , $1.05 ; italf
gal cans per gal , $1.10.
Ciiiiiu New jerk , per bbl , S7.00 ; do. naif
bbl , 84.00 ; Crab , per doz qts , 82.75 ; Michigan
letined. per bbl , SO.OO.
VIXKOAH White wine , ISWKc ; elder , 13
@ 17e ; single stieugth , > ac ; triple strength ,
Fios AM > DATUS Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
per ib , lOc. Dates , lancy laid , 12 Ib boxes ,
14e : dates. Persian , 50 Ib boxes , per It ) , lOc.
NfiH Pecans , largo polished , lie ; pecans ,
metllum , ic * ; Kngllsli walnuts , Me ; almonds ,
Tarragona.'Jc ; almonds , Langucdoc , 17e ;
Jinulls , I2o ; tilbcrts , 14c ; peanuts , Hand
picked , fancy Virginia. 8)ic ) ; peanuts , liantl
picked choice. Virginia , 7 > < c ; peanuts , roasted ,
2c extra per Ib ,
a : SUOAII Hrlcks , strictly pure , 50
Jb boxes , pcrlb , 15e ; 10-b ] tin palls , strictly
pure , per Ib , 14e ; 5-lb bricks , 24-lb boxes , pet
Pic.- . ' Fur.T , TIIIPE , KTC. Pigs' feet , per
K bbl , S4.00 ; do , M bbl , 82.00 ; do. per kit , OOc
Lambs' tongues , per Jtf bbl. S3.25 ; do , per kit ,
82.50 ; do , quart jars , per tie , $5.25 ; do , plul
jaih , per case , 2 doaui. 80.75 , Tripe , per yt
bbl , $1,00 ; do , per % bbl , g2.00 ; do , per kit ;
PnovisiONS Ham , sugar cured , 14c ;
boneless ham , 50-lb boxes , 12J c ; picnic ham ,
ll > ; c ; breakfast bacon , sugar cured , 'J > > c ;
shoiuders , Be ; clear slue bacon , Be ; dry salt
sides , 7Xe ; diieil beef-hams 15@lOc ; dried
beef , regular , 12c ; laid , 40-lb cans ( Fair
banks ) , 7 cj 10 , 6 and S-lb pails , uo , 7 @
8)40. )
HAiN-Corn , 25c ; omoats,23c ; new oats ,
3so ; rye , R5rf'40c ' : wheat. 60c ,
KI.OIIR ANI MH.I.STUKFS Winter wheat Quality patent , 82. bO ; second quality ,
S'i3.40(3 ' ( .M ) ; best quullty spring wheat Hour.
patent , 82.75 ; bran , 50c per cwt ; chopped
feed , 60e Kr cwt : white corn mcal,74o ; yel
low corn meal , C5e per cwt ; sciecning , COo
per cwt : hominy , 81.50 per cwt ; shorts , 55o
per cwt ; croham , S1.V5 : hay , iu bales , 80.50
T.OOper ton. _
General Markets.
WOOL Medium , 17@20o per Ib ; fine heavy ,
WyilSc ; light. 14 17cj coarse , 12@l5o ; burry
wool , 2g5c ( oil.
'o Maughter sole loithcr ,
prme r ! t solo leather , .
Vpper leathw per toot , 5XK0.2.V ; : hem. kip ,
7-VifC".1 ; oik 1.p , sy.Jflic ; French kip , si.OtKA
1.80 ; hem. call , Sl.Oi l.lO ; oak call , Sl.00v.ii
1.25 : Kieiicb calf , 51.2V 1.V > ; Morocco boot
Ifg , oOt' Me ; Morocco oil pebble , 2 (4 ( 2c ; top-
pines and Unities , SO.OOiUO.0i per def
m-Avv it MIDW'AIJK iron , rate , S2.25 ;
low sto.'l rtst , 4c ; cruclb lesteei , Co ;
ra t tools do. ! - < < ( IV ; wagon spokes- per sit ,
S1.7.W3.00 ; hubs , Her set 81.25 ; felloes
awed dry , SI.40 ; tongues , eacli , 75c : nMes.
acli. Tfic : sipiaio nuts , tier Ib. 7 ( < iuc ; cell
liBin. per Ib , ntitfJo ; malleable. ( KiiN ? ; Iron
vedges , fn1 : crowbars , Op ; harrow teeth , 4c :
Fipiing steel , " ! dtf / : Hurden's boi esiioes ,
54.40 ; Huidcn'R uitilo shoes. S5.40. Harbep
vlrr , in far lots , S4.oo per 1 00 llw. ion I
Nails , rates , 10 to MI , S3 50 ; steel nails , S2.0-
Shot Sl.W ; buckshot , SM.X5 : oriental
powder , kegs Si.M : do. half kegs , S'-.OO ;
lo , ouailer kecsSl.TWj lila'tlng , kegs , S2.Jo : ;
'use. per 10 loot. G.V. Lead Har. Sin.
PAINTS IN On. \ \ luceaii. timaha , P. P ,
e ; white lead , St. Lc-iK puie. S7.75 ; Mar-
lles giei'ii. 1 to."ila cans. ' 2c ; 1'ieiiehyiiie
KIWI i oal , 12c ; Flench 7luc ted seal , I1c ;
Kieiieh zine , in varnish ns l , 20e ; Fieneb
zliif , 75c ; veimlllion , Ann'ricaii. ISc ; Indian
i'd , 10o ; rose pink. Me ; Venetian ted , Cook.
son's , 2 ic : Venetian led , Aineileaii. 1'ie
'tl , 7'jc ' : chrome jellow , genuine , ' 'He ;
, 'liiome vi-llow , K. v.V : ochre , loclui le , : V ;
ichre , rietich , ' - " c ; ochre. American , l' < c ;
e ; whiting , com'l , I' e , lampblack , Cer- !
maiistowu. I'-'c ; lampblack , ordinary. N1 ;
Prussian bluer > ic ; ultramarine , isvaml ; > ko ,
blown , c : umber , bur.ut. 4c ; iimhcr , raw , 4e ;
sienna luunt , 4eslentui. . raw , 4e ; I'aris
gteen. genuine , lix" i-aris urectt. roiiimon.
' . -V ; elirouu * I'leen. JN. " \ . , 20c ; chromii gieen ,
K , 12e ; vermllliou , Knclish , In oil 70c ; raw
and buint umber , 1 Ib cans. i v ; taw nml
liiirnt sienna , 1'Je ; Vandyke , blown , lUc ! le-
lineillainplilaek. 12e ; coach black nnd ivory
black. Hie : drop black. lOc ; Prussian blue ,
40c ; nllraniHilnobluo , I8c ; eliromo creen , L , ,
M. it I ) . , 1V ( ; blind and shutter trreen , L. . M.
& I ) . , lOn ; Pails meeii , IV ; Indian ted , l.'x- ;
Venetian led , ' .V ; Tuscan. 22c ; Ameiicail
veimillloii , L. \ ; D , 2"c : vellow ocltie , ! 'c ' ; 1 .
M. & O. D. . 1-V ; : good ochre , Ific : patent
diver , N.1 ; giaiuing color , light oak , tlaikoak ,
wlaitut , ehestniit and ash. 12c
Ditrns AND ( . 'I MU\vi.s Acid , eauiollc ,
> " 2c : add. tarlaiH1. f JcIml.sam ; eonalba , per
pine , per IN. ISc : lead , acetate , per \ \ > . 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , Sl.GO : oil , castor ,
Ts'o. 2 , per gal. , SI. 10 ; oil , ollvc.per gal.i51.-IO ;
Popirluauuum , 60c ; opium S UM ) ; quinine ,
1 . \ W. anil K. iteS. , per o70e ; potassium
Iodide , per Hi , S3.00 : salicin , pcfo40c ; sill
phate morphine , pet o/ . S-.40 ; sulphur , per
Ib , 4c : stivchnine , i.croy. * l.'Jj.
AitxisiiKS Hairels , per gallon : Kuiui-
ture. extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No , 1 , ? 1.00 ;
coach pMia , S1.40 ; roach , No. I , Sl.'O ; Da-
mar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70e ; asphalttim.
extra , 5s ; shellac , S3.50 ; hard oil iinlsii ,
briiiiTS Cologne spirits. IKS proof , SI.I
do 101 prout. Si.IS ; spirits , becond uuality.
101 proof , 81.14 : do Ibs proof , Sl.ii. : Alco
hol. I'-S iiroof , S2.0s per wine gallon. Uedis-
tilled whiskies , 1.00fnl.ftO. ) Qin , blenilcd ,
? 1.50a2.M ( ( ) ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00rfI.OO ( ( ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , § 2.00 ( O.M ) ;
Golden sheaf hourbon and rye whiskies ,
51.ftO@ ' > .00. UramUes , imported , 8. > ( ! ;
domestic. Sl.liO.00. : ) ( iius , imnoited , S4M )
( afi.OO ; ( lomestic , l/ilc aoo. Cliump.tgnes ,
imported , per case. S28.00@34.00 ; American ,
per case , S10.00@16.00.
i r
Pinci.ns Met'linm , in bols , sn.50 ; ilo In
half bbls , 83.35 ; small , iu bbls , S0.50 ; ilo in
halt bbls , S3.75gherkius ; , in bbls , - - . K ) : do
In halt bills. 34.2'5-r
&vut'i'-No.70 , 4-gaiion Kegs , S1.10 ; xVew
Orleans , SS(44fie'per gallon ; Maple Syrup , > f
barrel , strictly puie , ( Ttc pur gallon ; 1 gallon
cans. 50.25 per dogallon ; cans , § 5.25 per
doz : quart cansi ? : ; .00.
lutinu I'uriTB-Xol quarter apples , : % @
4c ; in evauoratrd boxes' , JJ ) ( ij0 4eblackber- ;
ri 11 .boxes. SQ/sJ / ; peaches , eastern , 4(1 , < ©
Ti e peaches , "evaporated , IS CsHc ; Salt
] ikt ! none in marl'M : luspbeirtes , new , 19
entrants7 ( ( i7 c ; pi lines , new , 4 ?
' ' '
per ease , S5.00''plums'per ; case , . . .
berries , per case , S2.25 ; egg plums"Jib , per
case. * 2.r > 0 ; pineapples , - Ib , per case , 83.20
@ 5.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz , S1.20 ; 1 Ib sal
mon per iloSl..Vj@l.GO ; 2 Ib gooseberies ,
iicrcase , 51.75 ; 2 ib string beans , per ease ,
51.70 ; 2 Ib lima boons , per case. S1.00:21b :
marrowfat peas , per case. S2. ! > 02 ; Ib early
June peas , per case , S2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes ,
per case , S2.ri@2.54:21beorn : , , Sl.'JO
( S2.10'J : Ib corn hoof , per doz. 81.70(32.00. (
KOPK K inch , OKe-V ; ineli , loj/c ; X inch ,
St'OAiis 1'owdeied , 7 > < c ; cut loaf , 7g7'4'c ( ' ;
Kranulatcd , O' c ; contectioners' A. O e ;
standard extra C , 5J < Oc ; extra C , 5M@5Kc ;
uietllum yellow , bhQiWc.
CANDY Mixed , 0' ( § 12c ; stick , S fnft c.
CUACKKUS CJarneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5 > c ; cieams , Sj c ; ginger snaps , S' o ;
citv soda.7J < , c.
STAiini Jlirror gloss , 1 Ib , 5c ; Mirror
Kloss , 3 Ib , 5 c ; Mirror glois , ti Ib , ( i c ;
Knives' corn , 1 Ib , Cc ; Kingsfoid's corn , 1
Ib , 7c ; Kiugsfoid's gloss , 1 Ib , 7c ; Kings-
ford's gloss , 0 Ih , 71 jo ; Kingsfoid's pure , 31b.
; Klmrslord's bulk , 4c
Difworth's. ' 14V4c : Heel Cross ,
SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial. 82.70 ;
Kirk's satinet , 3.00 ; Kirk's standard , 83.OT ;
Kirk's while Kussiau , S4.00 ; Kirk's Wlilte
Cap. SQ.5U : Dome , S.85 : ! ; Wasliboard. 53.10.
MATf-iir.s 1'er caddie , 2Sc ; rounil , per
case.Sl.00 ; bijuaie cases , Sl.70 ; mule square ,
CANm.KS-Hoxcs , 40 Ib Os , 0 ? c ; 8s , O c ;
40 ib , 10 ut , ( is lOc ; halt box 30 Ib ,
IS ft'll ' ft'ld ' ft'lH ' It SO ft S3 ft 24 ft
Taw KI.OO 17.00 sn.oo 21.00
: : \o I5..r'i ' ! i .oo -ua i 21.110 s. .oo
: : \ oH Ift.nul5.ri0 in.riOiK0017.00.8J.00 21.110
SxlU 15WI5.60 ir > vj i . ( , tj i7.oo.M.oo ) si.oo
SatlS 15 fill 15. fji inltwl
4x1-8x8 10.00 ] lfl.1.0,10.0(1 . , ( n.noliu 00120 oo
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and HI ft . 517.50
No. a " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14.7"i
Mo.3 " " 12 , 14 and 10 tt . 13.50
No.4 " " 12.14aildlOft . 12.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 13 and 14 ft. , iough..S17.00
No. 2 , 4 , \ : 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft , . lough. . . 13.50
1st com. , 18. 14 and 10 It . 821.00
Jl " " ' . SO.OO
Fence " ' { . 11.00
1st com. , 9f In White Pine Partition. . . .S-IH-OO
2tl " " * * " " . . . . 27.00
Clear ? in. Norway Pine Cellinir . 15.00
A Oinch , white pluu . § nn.09
cniuch , " i" ( . s.i.oo
K 6 Inch , " , , " . 17.50
A 12 Inch. 8.1 s. 12 , 14 aud 10 ft . 84rt.OO
1) ) 12 Inch , " . " " . 42.00
D 12 inch. " ' " . 23.00
No. 1 Com. 12 In. ' , s. ' Is. 12 , 14 . 18.50
1st and 2d , clear , l < Inch , s. 2 s . 550,00
1st and 2d , clear , IM , ' * Inch , . a s . 50.00
3d , clear , linchs.2 ; a . 45.00
Aselect , 1 Inch , . ! i s . K9.00
13 select , 1 Inch.'s. 2 s . 20.00
Sim' I.AT.
No. 1 , plain , 8 anil 10 fuel . , . S17.50
No. 2 , plain.S aud lO'lnch . 15.50
* AStandard . 53.50
5-inch clear , . . . . . . , , , . 1,51
( VI nch clear. , . , . 1W
No. 1 . : .85
( JedarA * . 2.40
Lath . 2.35
Oulncy white lime ( best . SO. 80
Cement ( Akron ) . , . 1.65
llalr . : . 0.35
Plaster . , . 2.75
Tarred felt , per cwt . , , . . . , . 2.00
( Straw board . 1.55
On Wheat , Corn , Oats , VorV , I.nnl ami II , IL
Stocks , lor 1-onif and Stiort Time. Bund forl'rice
Clicular. II. 1' . IIAUT & Co. , 12a WuslilnKtot
St. , Cliluniro , III. Itolcrenou : Ainerlcun Kx
change National Hunk.
Artists' Material.
A. TIOSPK , Jit. .
\rtists' Materials , I'iiuum and Organs ,
151,1 Ikmpliis Strppl. Omnlm.
Agricultural Implements.
CliriiCIIILL 1 > A ItKKlt ,
Wliolonlo 1'calcr In
Affrieiiltnral Implements. Wnpons ,
Cftrrl KO ntid llutcl' ' . .lonm Mrrot , l > etnreu M
_ niitl WiltOaiiilm. Neb.
Afrricnltural Implements
VRSon , r/irrln3P , Ituculft * , Ktc , . Whnte | p , nmah * .
Aprli'iillnnil implements ,
V Bon Mid llnpirlP ! . nil , RU , wft and ! 07 , Jonc nt
Butter and Eggs.
McfillAXK .1' SC1I HO KD Kit ,
buyers of lintteriiud K
Ipfrliiprilnr nml 1'itrkitnr HOIIBP , lith ami l.oiunn-
norlhPl.l I1 II. It. Tiaek.uniiihii.
Butchers' Tools.
lUitdiers' Tools and Supplies ,
iiu CuvInK * ' ll klnil * nl ; lsln ftuck. 1215
Jom'ipt .Omaha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
iA rair c TA YLOK ,
llpclianlc * ' Tools and HnlTiilo Sralcs , 111)6 ) l > uitilu ! * t. ,
Onmliii , Neh.
LEK , FRIED ( ' CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware ami Nails ,
Tlnwnre , Sheet linn , KIP. AttPntt fur Ilnwi * fcalo ,
nml Miami PimdPM'n. . Oninha. Neb
AVlioIesalc Hardware.
Weftorn nuonti for JetTorinin Fteel Nnil * , Anntln
I'ondcrt'o , Kalrlmnli" stHiiilnril .Tnlcs. Corner
Itllh mill llnrneyi iimaba.
Building Material.
Dealer til All Klmla of
Material at Wholesale .
ISlli Street and Union Tactile Tnick , OniHlm.
Boots and Shoes.
Manufacturer * and Wholcralc Dealers In
Hoots and Shoes ,
Complete flock of Hiibhor floods Hltrays on hand
iffl S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. A. T. Auptln ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
Illl Fnrnam bt. , Onmha , Neb. Mnnufitctoi ) , bumznOT
ftrcet , lloston.
Agt. for Anheuser-Dusli Hrewiup ; Ass'n
Special Brands. FniiBt.lludnelBcriinrt Krlanitor.
Lager Jeer ? Urcwcrs ,
1521 North 1SIU Street , Oniabn.Nob.
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
0 CO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Teas , Oolfee . Spices. Ilahlne I'onder , KlivorlnuKr-
tracln , J.inniilrj Illuo. Ink , Klc. lIH-lli Ilarncy
biu-et , Unniba , Neb.
Home Coffee and Spice Mills M'f'pr Co.
Coffee KoaMcra nm ! Splci ! ( Jrlndcrs , Manufacturers
of Balilnit 1'owder , Flivnrlni : nxtract" . Illiilnc. lltn.
Try ono caeo of our ! > imckiiKC Home Illend
OoCTeo. lurj Ilonnnl Kt. , Om ibu , Neb.
John Epencter , 1'rop.
Manufncturcr of Gal vanlzeil Iron nml Cornice. 013
Doilgo and lOlnml US N , 10th M. , Omaun , Neb.
Maniifncturcrs of
Ornamental Galvanixed Cornices ,
Dormer WlndowB , Klnalp.Mctnllct-kyllpht.ctc. 310S.
12t i Ft. , onmlia.
0. Spccht , Prop.
Galvnnlicil Iron Cornice' , etc. Spud's Improved 1'nt-
ent Mt'Uillokyllilit. ! . 'M lind Hi ) H. I''lh Hl..Oninh .
Jobber : ! of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , PIIETS
Linoleums , Mnttlncs , Ktc. 1511 DouRla * Btri-ct.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Slatting , Curtain Oofids , H21 } Fnrnam Street ,
Omalia , Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers nnd Importers of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , CnlnincjB , etc. onitc , 317 South 13tU Bt.
Omalm , Neb ,
Commission and Storage.
8uccoa < or to Immc ( Jrinil'i ,
Commission Merchants
And WlmleiHlo l > ilpr In Country I'roiluoe. Fruits ,
Jiutter. KaBB , Ktf. GooilK oil fonilenmuiil a
upoclullj3N ; , mill si. , Omul i ii.
J > . A. HURLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing.
fin Her , I'KKBiunl Produce. ConslKiimentii tollclteil ,
IlcadqtiarterB for Mnnownru , llerry Iloxen unit
< irape llaakuts. Itll DodKomiect.Omaliu.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , 1'rodnce nnd Provisions , Omaha , Neb.
Dealers In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
OOlconnd ynnl , Huh nnd Nicholas sis. , Omaha , Neb.
Viird Telephone. , 1/17.
Quo. 1 , j.AiiAciu , ProB. C. F. OOODMAN , V. 1'roi.
J , A , au.SDEIU.ANI ) , heo. and Trcas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
am South Thirteenth Street , Omaha. Neb.
, T. , T. JOHXNON ,0 CO. ,
jrannfiicturers of Illinois White Limo ,
And Shippers of Coal and Coke. Ceniunt , Planter ,
IJmo , Hair , Fire Hrlclc , Drain , Tllo ninl hewer Plpo.
ODIco. P.iitou Hot3l , Kurilum nl. , Omulm , Neb ,
Telephone Ml.
F , P. FA Y < V CO. ,
Mannfnctnring1 Confectioners ,
Jobbcmof Fiuile.Nuts and Clrnis. 1211 Furnain St. .
Onmlm ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Upeclalllcs llutter , IlKit > , Cheeie. Poultry , flame ,
Oyeters. Ktc. , Kto. lUSoiilli iltb Mn-et.
Froduco Commission Merchants ,
Voallry , Ilutter , Maine , Fruits , etc. ? .t > b. litli Bt.
Oi-iuha , N b ,
General Commission Merchants ,
KOiDodgo Street , Omahn , Nebraska , Coujlgiimer.u
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Frulti , Corre
spondence vollcltud , Warehouse mid ottlco , 1IUN ,
Thirteenth St. , Omaha , Neh. 'Jelcphine77.ri.
Live Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Oeo. Durke , Mamiier.
CnlonBtock Vurd , H. doiulia. Telephone tsa.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipments of any and all kinds of flock nollolted.
Union Stock Vanli , Omnna , Neb.
Coal and Lime ,
Cigars and Tobacco ,
Jobbers of risrnro , Tolmcco ,
duns nml Amtniiiui on. 'IN tnn S. IIUiM. . 1030 to
Mil Knrti mi Kt OniHlm Sou
i'rf of Flno Clears ,
Ami WlioU-tnlc llcnlotn In l.pnf Tot > nc > , Nos. 109
Mill II IN. HIM trcct , tinnliii.
_ _
Dry Cootls.
M. it. SMITH .0 m ,
Dry Goods Fnviiisliliiir Hoods \ Notion *
IKKunilliai tluuidnf mr. lllliKt , Omnlii , Net ) .
Dmtlllorp i f l.lqimrf. Alcohol ninl Spirit' . Importer *
Dm ! J'lMuT'iit \ \ liipviinil l.tquof.
CO. and ILKli , ( v CO. .
ltnportor < nml Jnhl'prf of I'tno AVIrp' uiul Minorr
Soli1 ninmirnetiiipr i'l konnodj- UnM Inilln lilt-
In in ml | lump * IP ! l < | iir * . 1115 llutlioj 1.
Drugs , Paints , Etr.
jr. T. CL tHHI ! I ) ! { ( ' ( } CO. ,
Dnijr , I'uint.Oll & ( ilnssllouso
Wotof ChUnun fnniiili'lo Line of lriitnli ) ( > t > Bun *
tlrlp . lIHllnriiPy fl .Oinnlm ,
MAN Ditva co. ,
lesilll' llUrK'lls' ) ( <
Atnl l > cnlort lii IMInt * . Ollnniul Wlmlow ( i1ii , Oninlui ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. II. KM'KM.I'ri'K. .1.\V.llrt > roUi.Sec..vrroi !
11. J. CAHfoN , V.rtcf. uiul Siipt.
THE rx i o x it nut A ULIC
ins A ix vi LI : co. ,
Offlcp 21.1 ft. lllh lit < Omsilin. Nob. Mnctilnorv mid
MU'l'llPsforMnnnfnotiirliii ' ! CVniont llnilu Till- .
Engineers and Contractors ,
, f-
Urltltrcn , VliuliTlH , UiMil Tru r . Stunm I'llo DrlTlnR ,
1'llliiK , Unk inn ) l lnp llrlikP lumt T. 15th si. , near
Kiirtiiint. Oiniilin. Neti.
jiuinir o STOXK ,
Wliolosnlc Dciilors In Furniture.
I'limnm ft. , Omaha , Nob.
Fnrntturp , IJcddiiiif , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , cto. lOXt.1203 nnil 1210 Karnnm Ft. , Omnhn.
Groceries ,
PAXTOX , GALLAGirmt ,0 CO. ,
Wholesale ( Jroccrics ami Provisions ,
Nos TKi , TOT , TDK nnil 711 S. lOtli bt , OmHha , Nob.
McCOltn , ItJiAJIVM CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
13th nml I.cuvcnworth nts.Onialm.
ir. T. ItllOATClf
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springe , Wupon Mock , Ilnrdwnro Lumber , etc. 1209
nnil I''H llnnipy M , Omaha.
SKY .t > annoy ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wncon anil Carrlara Wood Stock , Heavy llnrdwnrc ,
Klc. I'JIT anil my I.i-avcmvortli ft. , Omiilui , Neb.
Sieves , Itiuigrs , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mnntlej , Brutes , llruss ( loid' . IJ-'I and 1TSI r > irn m
Iron Works.
Iron AVorlis ,
WroiiRlit nnil Oast Iron llullilInK WorV , Iron Ptnlra ,
HullliiB , llcnnis nml ( ili-iliTS. Sicnm Kniilne * . llnin >
\Vnik.ttiiieriil Koiimlrjr , Alnctilno anil HlnrliKiiiltli
, WorV. onii-oniul VVurkH.lM * . lly.anrtlTth uticct.
Wholesale Jewelers and Music Dealers.
Dealers In fllvcrnare. Dlninnndn , Watelips , rioclis ,
Juwelci'BTooliinnd Muterlali. etc. 101 n
ft. , cur. DiulKi' , umahu , > 'eb.
Lumber ,
Denier iu Lnmlicr. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doorn , ICtc. Vnrds C < irii ( r7tli nnil DoiiKlaBj Corner
( itli anil ! > < > iulu .
Wholesale Lumljer ,
811 B. lull street , Omalia , Nob. F.ColpCtrcr , Mnn.incr.
13tli nnil California f-trpete , Omalia , Neb.
T. W. irAJtrEYLUMliim CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
Office , KOSFnniamstrcct.Omnlin.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpet * and I'urnnct Flooring. Hth Kiid DougluB
Omaha ,
Wliolcsnlo Lumber , Ktc.
Imported Hurt Anirrlnm I'orlliiml rcmcnt. Ftnta
Auntfor.MII | ! nnkno JlrrtrHiillc Ccuiunt nnrt llest
Live Stock.
Of Omalia.
I.lmlleii , John I' , llojil , Superintendent.
Millinery and Notions.
I. OliERFELTtER .0 CO. ,
Importers anil Jobbers of
Millinery mill Notions ,
! 213Hmll2lillnniny ! Ktreet , Oinutin , Neb ,
c. s. co , ,
Arc ) ' Dltrrt liupnrtertof
German & French Toys & Kiincy Goods
In Ncbnulipi. rhlciien prlren duiillrateil nlilmut udi )
IIIK irclglit , 1I1S J'liriiuni Mi vet , Uiutilm ,
\Vli ( > li' iilo Dcnlcrs In
Notions nnd Kiirnisliiui ; OnodR ,
IKlmi'l nii B , Tenth Bt. , Omahn.
JublKTB In
Notions , IIOHicrynml Ocuts' Funiislilng1
rirnuin it , , Omalm , Noli.
CO Ml1 A NY ,
MannfHcturPi'S of OvcrnllH.
I : ini I'.inU , Klilrls , Ktc. 1102 unit 1101 Donghiii Strict ,
Oiirllri , Null.
Printing ,
Job Printers , Blank Book JInkora ,
And Uoolc UlurltTf. Idl einl 1H ( Koutli I'ourlteuUi
mreel.Oinulii , Kcli.
Auxiliary I'liblishers.
Dealers In Typo , I'ruKsi'i ami 'rrintnr * ' Buppllos. WJ
' ' -
Safes , Etc.
Omalia Kafo WorKs.
UBn\lfliClurerM' ( KlrOHiiit Iluritl.irl'roofHnrct , Vnlll
Donri' , Jull Work.MiutlLn anil Wlru nrk. Cor.
j'o YE it tco , ,
for Hall's ' Safe & Lock CO.B'
tire an1 Iliirx ar Proof K.ifof. Tliro Ij kt , V ult
nuJJnll Worn. ItflJ r < Miu > > ln > ft Oiunlia , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
jr. A. w.v / w ( co. ,
VV iole nloMnm > fnit rei of
. Doors. Hllnils nnil .Moiiltlinp
icti nnirp 1"iti ( itiil ItnM B | Omali'vN'Ol' .
i , Door , lUliuH Moulillncrs * ,
llulWliitf I'M per. do. KOI Smith Thirteenth Street ,
Oliintm. Soli. A rntntili-lp "li'cu.'f llullilcri'
llm.lft i-c.
itoiiN MA\I - / ' . ! rrr/jw ; co. ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
AlinililitiK" M UrW < uk nml Intrrlor Itnril Wooil KinltU
JuM ojuncil. N. r i or Sth mul l.vii ennorlli 8tiu
tini ilin , Nrl <
Pickles. Vinegar , Etc.
K1 > V MOIUUti . ( CO. , tutors I'm cr uiul lonlor In
Vicklw A' Sirii'tly 1'uvc Apple Vinopftr
llnkl-iii t'liwili'r , Vlv nrii r'xlnti i . T bl SRIIMJ ,
Krrni'li Mint i"i v , . 'i Himni ; . ( Smi-rni ' i'C"- ! : ! ? *
( o'o ' imrni lui V rk Mulliiml lli'llm'il Apple Cl-
i1i-r. 1 1111 o-iMMiwiirlli l . Omnlin
pr.\i \ co. ,
Wholesale rumps IMju1 ,
AVutcr ltr > Miliimili'i | t r Mnut
Ki IOi > 'mimnl . till rnnmiii M . Oiunlin. Ncli.
A. L. NTH A ' G CO. ,
Pumps , Pipes uiul KniriiU'S ,
Steam , VVntPr , Iliillwiiy ftml .Mlltlnu SupiilU'iito. : .
! W > , tUimiilMt Kiiinittil cl. , Oinnltii. Nrb.
tT7srr.v / > K\GL\E ami PUMP
COM i * A x\\ \
Unll-ilny AVIml Mitt * ; t-iWtm anil Wider Snpplliw ,
I'luiiililtiff UiimK Ili-IUnr. lli o. ' . ' | i Hint ' . ' : ) Mir-
limn Kt. , OmHti.i. SK Olton , MuniDivr.
N < i ' 'JO.
fi. it. M A
"WhoU'sule Trunks
MlllnM IIiitpniliH-k.Oinnliiu
Wagons and Carriages.
,7. .S/.W/.SO.V ,
Tlio Lending GinTiiivo Factory ,
( i : TMU Kilt II IIVI )
MB1 ! uiul Itll poiliseMi-POt. limnlia.
White Lead.
Strictly I'nro White Load ,
Allli Btri'ctiiinl I' 1' Hy .Omnhn ,
Railway Time Table
Tlio following Is the timi ) of nrrlvnt unit ilo-
parturoof tmlnstir Cutitrul btanilard 'I'linu nt
thu locnl depots , frnlns of tlio I1. , St. 1' . , M. ft
: ) . mrlvoantl ilopnrt from tholrdopot , corner nf
Kill \VulMorslicnt * : tmliH on thu II. V M.
C. II. iQ. nnd 1C. ( } , St. .1. * p II. Irom the It.
AcM. tlopot nil othi-rs Ii-om the Union I'nclflo
' C | > < > 1'
Iltidpo tnilns will louvo U 1' . ilepnt lit 0:35- :
H7ar8tiO : : M St.VI IliOtOU lllnlu. ni.lll:0
-1:80-1:60 : -SUU--a:00--114:00-r : : : : lKiflW : : P:10- :
7:00-11:1(1 : ( p. in.
Lcnvn Trnnslci' for Oinnhii lit 7:12 : II4I& : 9M : !
M2 I 0K : : lliTIli7 ) : : : it. m.l'J7 : 2:13HOT
3 : : -i:37-4i7 ; : : : , r :60 : 0:42 : 7:20 : : 7:5J8:50 : : -
Ilfi2i. : | in.
I.UIUH llio.nUvii- ! Ki p. m ; AilvoOiiinltn
II TO. lv. Oiiinlia III 00 p. m. : Ar. HronihMiy
III 2.1. In cirrct Aiitfii t ffl'th ' miII liirtln-r no
tice. Tlu is iiililltlotiiil to pi L"unt train Burvlco ,
j.v. . jioitsi : , c. i' . A.
Arrival mill ikiHrturu | ol Iriilns from tlio
Trnn lerDopot nl Council Illnlls :
itoctc m\M > fc
H7tiA. M. I IMUir A..M.
H : is A. M. H , " > : : iO iM. .
CO:4'J : ' e. M. I II 7OJ : r M.
( ) UTll 8Tl .ltN.
It ( i:4U : I1 M. I 117:00 : I' . M.
ClIICAfiO , llUIII.INlilON &
A 0:115 : \ . M. I A : l."iA.M.
UiUf. ( : M. II 01 f. M.
I A 7:1)0 : ) V. M.
AOliA. : M. I A : ir A. M
A 6:40 p. M. J A 7OJ : e. M
A 10:00 : A.M. I 1) (1:35 ( : A.M.
CB:55l' : . M. I A 5:3Ti : p. 1C.
A 3:00 : 11. M. I AilUJl : . M ,
A 7:0. : " . A.M. I AOTOA.M. :
ACt-rie. u. 1 A8B : ) e. M.
NOTI5- , t.-nlns dally ; II. it illy except'Sun-
clay ; C , dally except SiUitrilay ; 1) , daily except
will Icnvp U. 1' . depot , Omiilui , nt 3:40 7:35 :
8a51 ; 0Ku. : m ; 2Hl-3Uri : ( : ; 0.'i , rJ.1 : SiW p. ra
1'nclllo K-xtiross , H'J : ) p. in. ; Denver hx. , 10:15 :
a. in. ; Lo'Jiu" : > p. m.
IxHV08tockyiii ! < Mfcir ( Jinaha at 7:03 S10- ;
jw-ll:3.'iii.m.:2iO : : : : : : 3w-4:3' : : ) 0:0"-8 : : CP. in.
AtlniitloKx. . lo.S. O. 7Kn. ! m. ; ChluiiKO H * . ,
IP B. O.n:07 : p.m. ; Locnl Kx. . lo. t % O , 10:61 : n.m- ;
Mo. Tao. Kx. , le. B. O. 5:47 : p. in. ; Sd M. I' . 'ISv. ,
CWn ; ( , m
or run
Chicago , Milwaukee &St , Paul Rfy
COI'NUI. lM.'Kr.S !
Chicago , AND JtihviiiiK'cc ,
Kt. I'tuil , ] \ [ ( ' ! ) ( , Coditr Hupiiln ,
Clinton , JuljiiiH ) ( | ! , Davoiiporl.
Malisoii ; , .linio.svillo ,
Jtnloit , Winoiiii , Lit Urosso ,
And till otlior 'mpiirlunt polnlA llust , .N'orllio nt
nnd Southrtist.
Vor tliroiiifli tiuki't call on thu Tinkot A t' ' > i
nt 14UI l-'uriiitin .struct ( In I'.iiton ilotiibnr u
Union Pnc-li'.u Di-jiot.
I'nllinnn huioiiui-h mill Ihn Iliu-'it Oluli ) ! , ' Ou-3
In the win III inn run on OKI niuln lines ot Iliu
ClIKjAUO , Mll. > V.\I'KKK , \ Si' . I 'A I I , U VII , WAV ,
mul in cry ntti'iitlun I * pultl In puasouyiMf ) ljr )
eourloonB oinplnyi-H of thuoinpiniy. .
It. Mn , 1,1:11 : , ( Join nil Miiiiiivcr.
J. ] < ' . Ti'CKKii , A Mutit ( Mmuigor ,
A V , II. < Jui'iSTKii , ( lunoral IMsscniri. ' ! ' tt'ft
Tlehnt Aifont.
Cio. : I ! . llUAHmin , Atsitt.uit ( rnoil-
c r nnd Tlclti-t A unt
J. T , CX < llt ; , Ijuncnil Suiioi Inlomluiil.
Red Star Line
Carrying Ilio nplirluin Itnyul mil Unitud Hlilini
ur > Mituid.iy
Between Antwerp & How York
TALL AND IX'llllt.
Falon from f 00 to $ , " . ICvciinlon trl ; > fi'"m
tllll to SI . Hei-onil Catim. nuiwatM Jl > ,
pir iniiil , * 4"i ; i > xc-iir onSW. . nluorn/b nur. i o
ut low ruios. I'utur Wrlirlil > t buns , Clottvrul
Agents , M llroadwajr. Now Vnrk.
Tluury 1'uall , J IH I'niu.uii i , ; l'i' > Uuii .Vl'o ,
l-'i-.iva t. J. O. Frucintin , WJi K I-II . M