Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1886, Image 1

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Talcs Told by Many Writers About English
Foibles and Current Events.
The halcst Indj of Hln I-'nucy Aiotcn
on Spurting lIvor.tH Coinincnta
on the Yankees Other
News ,
Old IC
LONDON , August 30. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the HKK.I Vanity Fair ,
that weeitlj Hhow of political , social nnd lit
erary wnrcs , comes to the fore among the
cnn out society and spotting weeklies with
thesis suggestions from "Hullli-r : "
vvit.t , iiLAiibioxr. TI UN r viitoi.icV
Loid Acton , who by right of his wife
plnvs the put of host to Mr. Gladstone in his
visit to li.ivnrln , Is an Inlinritu lilund nnd
dlsclplo of Dr. Dolllnger , and wa" , during
the Vatican council , blsactlvo aicnt ? In opposIng -
V- Ing , In union with Mouslgnor Dupanloup ,
the Bishop of Orleans , the definition of the infnllablllty. Unlike the
Bishop of Oilcans , Dr. Dollinger rclused to
ncccpt the valiean ilecreo anil still is In re
bellion n-jainst 11 > mc. Loid Acton wns only
restrained , 1 believe , fiom following the
example of his ancient mistei by
the kindly Inlluemes nnd moderate counsels
* of Cardinal Newmui. The late premier's
pamphlet ou Vaticanism Is undoubtedly the
main point of union between Mr. Ciladstouo
nnd Dr. Dollluger , but I should not nt any
day be surpilsed to leain that Mr. Chulstotio
had become a Unman Catholic. This would
be a great feather In hold Acton's e.ip.
Tin : pitivci.'s IIIAI : > or.Aii.
"Itiilller" next grows pathetic , siylne :
Hldlciilous iicoplo are writing to the papers
bogging the I'linca of Wales to discard bis
tall bat in London to a pot hat Instead. I
have protested befoie against this relaxation
ot good manners In the matter ot wearing
tailless co.xts in London , but 1 shudder to
think of what the park would look Ilko It the
men weio to tuin out in stalkers and billy
cocks. Wo aic being a little bit overdone in
the way of colonies , but I hope that the thor
oughly colonial custom ot wearing pot bats
with black coats will never bo the fashion.
Tin. mtAMViia cntnc.
The Whitehall Heviovv tints answers the
recent ciltkism made by Bouclcault on the
dramatic ciitic , who , after the first leproscn-
tatloii of n play , hurtles away to the olllco.
nnd waiting for dcai life and weary to death ,
ptoduees , not a valuable criticism , but a
probably unfair report of what he has seen.
The Whitehall Review thinks "weary to
denth" is noteompllmentarj to the uTamnt-
ists nnd adds : A proppi critic , well veised
ns he must needs be in the laws which regu-
lale dr.nuntlc cousti notion , sees nt once what
needs mending and what to be omitted. Ho
liuds no difficulty In at once tiaiismltttng
bis Impulsions to papci , nnd generally
vviites a iiio'e tieiichant and complete icv'lew
than tue critic who wants a week. The best
proof of this is tlio excellence otcillicibius
which nppenr in the dally papeis on the
morning aftci tao production ot a new piece.
Jt seldom happens that the play tuins ont n
success it the critics decl.iro it a failure. It
Is noiiunu dilli-iilt tor n pr.icticisod oiitlc to
sit down Immediately after the play and re
cord in a cap.iblo and just manner , bis 1m-
prosslon than it Is fora leader writer to pio-
duce aeiltlclsmon a debate in pailiamcnt ,
which l.s only concluded In the small hours
ot the niorn.lni . : . The public look lor both in
Ehe papers which come out In the morning
after thu events.
The Whitehall Huvlow reverses Its field
glabs on the. United States when observing :
It Is not a little amusing to note the doublc-
fnced action indulged in by the American
pi ess over the question of nnaichy. So long
ns this is under tbo disguise of fcnlanlbin ,
socialism nnd dynamiting , conducted to thu
detriment ot Kngllsh lite and properly , tlio
Americans anil tholr pies have no sympathy
toxpieoss for these tioubles , but when tbo
sere foi m ot rebellion takes place In America
the liistlgatois nnd perpetrators of civil re
bellion aic hunted down , captured , tried and
condemned. But , then , what happens In
Chicago Is ono thing and what happens in
London Is another.
The St. Stephen's Hovlovv gives this kindly
* paragraph to A met lea : The I'llncoot Wales
is delimiting lngllsli ? society nt Hamburg ,
but the InlrAiuei leans are almost monopo-
ll/lng his attention. Mis. Cunnrd is the
leignlug beauty there , anil 1 hear that she
nnd the hnh-appirent aio to ha seen dilving
nbout dally. There Is a charm nbout the
Ameilcnn women which It Is difficult to ox-
pi ess. Is It that I hey nro mete ladUnt and
\lvaclous tlmn the nverago woman 1'
AN OLD sroiti's co.viariov.
William Allison , vvno signs all the St.
Slephen's gossip , remarks in dcbcriblng n
spotting Inn : ( U-orgo Fordham , among other
celebittlcs , COIIUH sometimes to this simebar
pailor. lie Is falily well , tint ono of his lungs
Isentliely gone and ho has a nnsty cough ,
Foidham stopped tiding lor the icason that
he was shell ol bic.ith foi the linUh and felt
that ho could not do jiibtlcu to his mounts.
llu Is vciy well to do , and in fact always has
been , statements as to his having toil all his
money thiough .M. Lufevicand been leducjd
to peniny being nntiiie.
WIIV 1HI , ICK fill A VI. I ) .
But Allison makes sport of the new Dllkn
question , "Why did ho shave ? " Possibly
Sir Chniles had boon loullng and ihymo of the old
man with a bi'.ud who loiind two owls nnd n
hen , four lurk * nnd n vviun nestling thoioln ,
It he learns that thu old nnn found so many
doni'/eiib In ItU beaid , why should not Sir
Chnr'es look In his nnd Unit the missing wit
ness nt the recent trial' ?
noYAi.Tus : IN si'oimvo nnnsH ,
The Court and Society nnd Hovie-w , ro-
fcitlng to the royalties at the Udenbuig
show , nbks ; Am 1 too landfill In suppos.
ing that the costumes of some were intend
ing as symbolical of Augiibt bpoits ? Thu
princes Henry of Battenbetg , in n ciown
diess , with n high stinw 1ml
nnd fentbeis , evidently meant
grouse. The duchess of Connaught , in u
dress of snlmon color , with plni ; tilmmings ,
inennt tlm Spicy flbhlngs , while u heathen
forcgiound , a checked ulbtcr thrown over
the shouldere , wns no doubt n'u Ingenlus
method of conv } iug the Idea of thu condi
tion of Bultiibt.
The Itevlew B.IJS that the Bavarian govern.
nicnt haStjlven JL' to the widow of Dr.
( hidden , who petlbhcd with the mid king.
Mine , ( iuddcn Is nn nulhoicbs of rhlldreu'b
etoilcs and herself has eleven children ,
A > lvvAMiitiXQ jr.vv" i.Nciui.xr.
Tlio Com t Join mil Is niithoilty lor n state
ment inniliuling ouo of nn Incident in Sue's
AVandeilntj Jovv : Tlio twenty-two looms In
No. 13 Lincoln's Inn Flolds.vvhlcb have been
, , for ninny > cais sealed up In accordance vv Ith
T thu will of Sir John Sloane , will boon be
opened. Their contents have naturally been
Much biiccuUtod ui > on , and It U believed by
some that valuable art treasures will be
found , while others believe that the opening
of the scaled rooms will reveal a family
secret , perhaps no longcrcloselv affecting the
descendants living , but Interesting to them
to know. ThcS-'dof November Is a day of
Ill-omen to the Sloanc family , as many deaths
In their lanks have taken place on It. Slnco
the death of Sir John Sloano the fixluc of
the 22d of November , lf > y , by him for nn
Important act Is then-tore the more extraor
r vi i. or niitTisii AUT.
Mr. Suttou. the Country Gentleman's
"Man About Town , " takes up the current
war on the lojnl academy , which was first
rcall } started by the Herald In a critique on
Its exhibition n jear aito. I wonder whv it Is
Hint croat men In journalism should be so
vehement In their attacks upon theac.idemv.
The niilltered Harry and the crewel Snla ,
pounding at Sir Fiederick Leighton -
ton nnd his fellows ns though
they vvero adamant ? Why , If tlm
ncadeiuy is buist , Instuid of wishing to pul-
vci bo the fragments , art critics nnd patrons
should combine to iccoiietiuct it. KncINi
art has been killed by thu pot-bollors. When
our magnificent i > ; ilnteis have to paint so
many portraits n week to live It Is nil up with
ait. OurSlO.OOOa > ear painters have tie-
cradeil English p tinting and the ei I ties mid
connoisseurs have gloried In their fall. Ap-
pirently the bankruptcy of a lending
painting Is only a sign of the times.
If tlio public nro believing that
Kngllsh nit hrs gone to the bad , they will
not buy fiOU guinea pictures , ev en though they
be the product of academicians. Unless tlio
public li'iy the pictures , Noinun show villas ,
boat houses , collages in the garden of Surioy ,
nnd boxes on the Seolch moors ennuot be
kept golnu. A member of leading painteis
hnvo escipcd the stnln of court tilids , by pri
vate bcttleiuimt of their debts , but the
gieat crash is vet to come. Bankrupt patnt-
eis will buns plentiful ns unpublished pouts
nre lung. One effect of the art agitation will
bo to impiovo the position of water color
drawing. This branch ol art in pictorial ex
pression has had to fight its way in spite of
the roval academy. Kngllbh otcheis , too , may
get theli own.
GIVE rouiuiN : iioitsr.s A CIIANCI : .
Tbollatsajs : Ills reported on tiustwor-
thy authority that nn attempt will be made
this autumn to rescind the very objectionable.
Mile , which piactically prohibits Irish nnd
cent ncntnl trained horses from taking part
in Kngllsh handicaps. Wo mo glnd to an
nounce that tliePilnce of Wnlcslsmost eager
to see a rule abolished that has done a urent
deal to se\ei the close friendship Hint has
ever existed between Kuglish sportsmen
on the ono hand and Fieiich and Irish on
the othei. In addition to the proposed aboli
tion of this rule , the Duke of Portland will
be elected stew aid of the jockey club , Lord
Londonderry having icsiirned on receiving
hia appointment to the lord lieutenancy.
The new stevvaid entertains strict notions
concerning turf management , and wo may
expect retorms which will go i.xr tow.ud
cleansing the foul aioma Hint exudes fiom n
certain cjuartcr.
roHiNo rrx AT YANKnns.
Life furnishes an excellent lar o picture of
Ada Itehnn , but Is uncomplimentary to her
country In this paragraph : The drollest
scenes , 1 hear , are dailj enacted at the Amer
ican legation , where. In consequence of the
vast Huong of Yankees who have come over
this summer and who dare not go to Italy foi
fear ot the cholera , there Is constant trouble
ns a lesult of the Inability of Mr. Phclps to
seat theentliociovvdof some thousands at
bis table. Kvory Yankee In England wants
to go Into society , and because Mr. Phelps
cannot accommodate nil , their wrath is
Life saw Valentino Bnket Pabha In Lon
don last week looking veiy , veiy old. What
a change fiom the once dashing colonel of the
Tenth hussars. I met him In O.xtoid sticct
and at first scarcely knew him. It thinks It
not a little curious that In "Xadkicls Al
manacs , " trouble In Turkey nnd a revolution
in pan of the sultan's dominions are foretold
for August , Captain Morrisons , the original
Xadklel , Is dead , but his successor In the
piophct business has tuado a lilt this time.
iMi'iioiiAin.i : sroniKS COMI : TUUK.
Apiopos of this revolution , Clement Scott ,
the cdltoi of the Diamatlc Itevlew , remaiks :
The othei day I bought a little book at ono
of Smith's Malls , called "Glady's , 1'eril , " by
John Colemnn , HIP central incident In which
Is the kidnapping of the hcio by n bind of
Bulgarian brigands , fiom thoBiltlsh pnlaco
of the consulate at Sotia. Yet people , when
they read stories of this kind , say : "How
Impiobable. "
Modern ( society Is the litst to foreshadow
an inteieatlng event , hitherto only
breathed nbout in swell elides the queen's
Intention Is to spend three months In the
hlchlniuls. But she will bo guided by ceitnln
domestic exigencies. If these demand the
visit will bo em tailed and ( lie com twill bo
oidered to cross theTweed weeks earlier. The
fact Is that her majesty Is anticipating with
cageinoss her favorite tolc of monthly nurse
sometime bofoio Christmas Herself the
mother of nine , the sovereign lady can wash
and drois n baby with any woman and can
generally diagnose tbo tioublo when n child
cries. The queen's skill in baby milling wns
acquired from the famous Mi.s. Lilly , who
attended her majesty at the blub ot the nlno
royal children. This excellent poison was n
gteat favorite with the queen , who honored
her with her confidence upon the most deli
cate mntteis. When Mis. Lilly died ,
In her ninety-second year , her majesty
unalTejlo.lIv gi loved , feeling she had
lost n true It lend. The old nurse to the hist
piovcd woitby of hoi mistress' confidence ,
and could novcr bo tempted to reveal the
fcccrcts of the boiidon , or oven enter Into
gossip lelatlvo to the toynl household , al
though she admitted with pride that not only
did the queen tnlk with her upon subjects
she probably novcr mentioned to another
t-onl , but tlmt the prince consoit would tie-
qucntly iclax in choi presence , invite hei
candid opinion upon the hut new baby , and
beg to bo told tlicverj latest nnrscty news ,
A DKV1I , OK A HOltSi : ,
"Kapler , " in the Illustrated Sporting News ,
s.ij.s ; 1 suppobu Hint F.olo , who made such n
fnlluio In Kngland , Is not quite foigotteu ,
though ho novcr did nn > thing hero foment
lomembinnco. He Is still on his legs , us
vicious ns ovei. An account of n lecent
American nice mectlnir states that
Kolo acted Ilko a pcifcct devil
on Tuesday , despite nil of Snedekei's
dying to tool him for weeks past. Snedeker
wishes Mr. Oobhnrdt would take him out of
ti.ilnlng , ns there is no profit In handling
such a beast. His temper was entlielj mined
diiilne his stav In Knglnnd.1' ' What ruined
him is n qucbtion to which I should like to
have an nnswcr , for I am certain uo hoiscs
me moia considerately , kindly and Intelli
gently tieated than those ut Danbnry ,
wheiu Kolo wns trained diuins his
profitless stay In Knghim. Ills
failure makes me doubt vciy sei'ously '
whether MUs Woodford and some other
Ameilcaij horsof are the ll > eis they me rop-
bcntoU to bo. liolu cartled all bofoie him
nt tiiu .states , und I vvns Assured when ho
cvjiie hoio that over n dlbt.uieo of giound no
hon > o could toiiPh him , lie had over } thing
In bis favor here. Wo nil bavv nt Ascot hu > i
jear that he was fit and well , but though
Fancy Tom Cannon had found him to bo
fairly good , bo made n very poor show In
the races.
John Cork-It , In the 1'lnk 'Un , or Sporting
Times , furnishes this among his facetious
lajlnps about Lord Brasiey , verv soon lo
arrive in New Toik : When Lord Tom Uras-
scj was in Hie llahamas In order to nscer-
tnln which wny the gulf stream was built , ho
throw over a couple of hermetically sealed
soda water bottles , with n lltllo
Hag nnd button on top. Knch bot-
tto contained a notice that the finder
would receive 100 on forwaiding It to Lord
Tom nnd in order to facilitate the task of
Identification Ladj Brassey Inserted a fac
simile etching of the two bottles in her now
book. About n week aftct Its publication Ilio
fun began. Soda water bottles came pouring
In by rail , van nnd parcel post , until the back
yard nt Normanbuist became impassible
nnd bottle racks at a tn'omium. Thu lot aio
now to bo bad cheap. Soda water manufac-
take notice.
She HctuliiH Ai tiled Observation oftho
Itnlunriiui Situation.
CoNSiA.S'TiNot-i.K , Augusttl. ! [ Xcw York
Hernld Cable Special to the HBK. ] Tur
key does not intend to abandon her
position of armed obseivntlou , and military measures nro being
taken. The recently disbanded llu-
dills hnve been recalled. Tabh I'ashn , com
manding nt Adrian nple , has been oidcicd to
occupy nil the strategical positions held
dining tlio last dials , and iiibtiucHiins
have been sent to Salonica to hold Hie tioops
in readiness tor depattiuu at theshoitest no
tice. All depirtiuents are ordered to scud
their available cash to thu win ollice , nnd a
loan Is being contiacted fiom the local banks
of half a million on the seem Ity of tithes.
Kv erv thing depends on the. attitude the now
Buluaiian uovcrnment maintains. Its consti
tution shows clearly thucompleto ascendancy
of the piincu's party. I have just
held a consultation on this subject with a
gentleman who knows Biilgaiia thoroughly
Dr. Long , of Hobcrts college. Ills opinion
ib that the Bulgailans , If lelf to themselves ,
wit i , in : r.i r.rr AI.IX..NDIU. :
More than two-thiids will vote In his tavor
should no occult coiiicivo measurob bo em-
plo > ed to p'cvent It , Hussla , however , is
greatly feared. Unless Kmopcan support
be given In thu present Instance she will ob
tain the appointment of her nominee fiom
a conviction of the utter hope
lessness of a struggle with n power
vviilch nlvvn > s manages , sooner or later , to
effect her purpo-,0. Thu prince's piesenco
would bavuagieat effect in sticngllienlng
the opposition to Russia , but the foreign
diplomats heio Incline to Hie bcliet.thnt gieat
moial piessme will be used to prevent bis
reinstatement b > the Kovernments of ( ! er-
many and Austila. Accoiding to Dr. Long
in Biilgaiia Is veiy small-deriving nil Us
strength trom tlio tiusciuplous use of money.
AH the members ol the new goveiniiient ate
known to him. Stoiloff , who was a gradu
ate ot Hobcrts college , is a devoted adhcient
of the prince. His presence in the mlulstiy
shows that Bulgailn has no Intention as jot
ot accepting another rulei.
\\urlllco Dispatches.
Coi.ooxi : , August : > 0. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BEH. ] The Colo/ne
Gazette jmbllshes the following dispatches
trom Itsciiiiespiindents :
Ai > itiAMi-i.i : The Tuiklbb ariuj" ib being
hastily prep tied for war.
VIKNNA of this city told mn :
' It I'llnce Alexander succeeds in his
put pose , which is to establish a triple
nlli.inco with Seivla nnd Hoi mania ,
the aimer of thoc/ai would be of little avail.
Setting aside the 40,000 soldieis of the triple
alliance , Tm key would step into the field lor
Buli-'iirln nnd Austila for Seivia. In case
Kussla bhoiild beaggicssive , liciniauy would
bo bound , according lo the pro
visions of the treaty , to assist Aus-
tiia. The oxccedlnglv friendly icceptlon
ot the prince by the olllclals ot Houiiianla
and the reported expiobsions of Irieiidsliln
iiindo by King Mllnn with icfercnce to the
perbon of the iirince , expressions which. In
deed , me not in haimony with the Scivlan
Invasion of the piovlous jear , beein to sub
stantiate the nbove viuws.
BuoiiAitnvi 1 leained the following cii-
cumstanco : When i'rlnco Alexander had ai
med at the railway station there appealed
likewise a Husslau ngcnt and a Bulgarian at
torney , yvho lielonced to the Kusslau pnitj' .
These , hovvovct , by older of the Roumanian
police , had to leave the lailway station ,
VIINNA Thu fonnatlon ot the Stambluotf
government indicates that the antl-Hussiaii
movement in HuUarla and Koiimania Is as-
sinning Immeiibo pioportlons. Xoveitheless ,
a sense of satisfaction must be felt oven
In St. Peteibbing that a statesman-
pi inco appears on the scene to intci-
vcno wltn a decisive hand In the
doubtful development of affnlis to prevent
nil excesses ngallist Hussla and to deliver
Bulgaria from a civil war. The opinion of
bcvcial Impoitatit Individuals Is that the
moment has como to dlr > arm the c/ai by an
opposing stop foi w ni < l. There aio ns many ,
Indeed , who are doubtful ot success. The
Bulgarlnn court official has ailived with
n portion oftho pi hate coricbpoudenceot the
prince , which ho saved. Ho was compelled
to burn a great patt of the letteis and has
uheady traveled to meet the piinco in ouler
to quiet him icgaiding the foi tunes of the
coirespondencc. Thu views of a lapldly ap-
nroachlng icconclllution of Prliico
Alexander with King Milan , of
Seivia , aio iczaided as scilous.
Tlio members of the Unsslan embassy heio
avail themselves of every oppoitunitv to
assure their dlplomnticcollcngties Hint Hus-
cla will not proceed with violence , but will
ttent the Bulgarlnn question In nccoul with
the other Imperial powers. As thu opposi
tion to the lavvtiil covcinment has ceased ,
the tegular order ot Hiln.'s will bo estab
lished again upon the old foundation within
three dajs if Russia does not make any ad
Short European CropH.
VIENNA , August ! 50. The Fouitecnth In
ternational coin and seed maiket has been
opened heio. Harvest repoits for Austria
anil llnnuaiy show Hint thu yield ot wheat
Is from 5,500,090 to fl.OOO.OOd hectolitres below
thoavcraco ; yield ot grinding barley , 5,000-
000 hectolitre ! , below the average , and ot rye ,
! l,500ooo Jioctolltrps below the aveiage. There
Is n medium yield of malting barleys nnd
oats. Other grain available tor expoit Is
malting barley to tbo amount of 2,000,00i > 01
: t.OX.njo ( hectolitres , nnd oats to thu amount of
500.000 Inetiieal centner * .
Itallniail Accident ,
Sovtr.nsnr , Ky , , August 80. A train on
the Cincinnati Southern railway was badly
vviecked ncai Diy Hldgo , Ky. , caused by the
engine jumping the tiack , killing Engineer
Coombs , and Injuring the fireman , conductor
and baggage master. AH tiulns dclajed.
Death on a Trestlo.
SAUK CKNTIII : , Minn , , Auciibt SO. Three
young ladles weio ciosbliig a trestle vvoik
near beio this atternoon , when the Manitoba
east bound train came along , 'Iboy lost
presence ot mind , became frantic , started
back , but thoennino vvas too close to bo te-
vcibcd. MlbsAlIon , eighteen jeuis of nge ,
vvas killed nnd hoirlbly mangled ; Miss
Flavcn wns seveiely Injuied. Tlio lattei's
slstei escaped unhurt by jumping Into the
water , but was unconscious lor beveial hours
fiom flight ,
Karly Morning PI to.
CHICAGO , August SO. At 1 o'clock this
morning ( ire was discovered in two four-
story buildings occupied by the F. II.
bauney manufactuilng company. Several
small buildlncb became Ignited but the hrc-
inen boon got control of the flames. Loss
j insured ,
Fatal and Frightful Goal Mine Explosion
Near Scranlon , Fa.
Cnu n of the Accident , n Mjstcry The
Flist on the Scene Where ntul
lion tlio Victims Were
Fount ) .
Tin * \VnrnUiR Hush oP Air.
SCP.ANIOX , I'll. , August ! . A tcrrlblo ex
plosion occurred In the Fall town collleiy
tills morning which resulted In tlio death of
llvo niiMi. 'I'vvn others wcro seriously In
jured. John II. lluslo mut J. ( Jallnngor
were standing nt the head f tlio slope nt tlio
tliuoof the ncelili'nt mid felt the force of the
explosion as tlio rush of air came nut of the
mini1. Thuyatonco st.nteil to go In and
nscertnln the extent of tlio damage. The
August < pinU of coal hail boon mined last
week mid no men were em-
plojed In the mines. Wotd
came , ho\\c\or , Hint a party of Il\o or
sl\ men hail gone down Into the mine to
elcan np their chambers. Inspector Hlowlth
happened to come along about this time and
lie and (3all.igb.or ( with a parly enteied the
mines , going down to tlio tlilid , or lower ,
UMii , and then followed the air pourse , stop-
pins to tepili datmwe to the biattiee , etc. ,
as thoj went along.
Their progiess wan neccssatily slow , und
the coinse thcj tollowed took then )
to the right hand side of the mines.
They came at last to a part vvhero they
found icpalts necessary and retuinud to the
foot oC the nilnes tor material , when they
learned that gas Had been beard In the east
gaugwnj. They woilied over that way and
loiind the parties who had gone 1 n the mines
betore the necideut near , or about the en
trance ot one of the ch.imhers , a short dis
tance trom the foot of an Inside plane , about
one hundred ami Ufty feet from whore the
heading brancno * oil. Three of thorn were
alive nnd three dead. The killed vveie :
HITCJH CONNORS , ot Bellevue.
The Iir t man brought to the suiface was
John Nolin , who is badly binned about the.
i.iceand arms. John Kcirigan was alive
when found and talked the strongest of all ,
but lie died beloio being brought to thosui-
tace. The next was John Connor , lie has
two large scalp wounds , a bad cut ou the
kneu and anotlier on the arm. Ills face and
hands aio badly tmilsed. He was
taken to thu hospital. The body of Edward
1'ieice , tlio Hie boss , was found about 150 feet
fiom theotheis. The explosion came like a
tl.ibb , lee iiuiekly tor anyone to toll anything
about It. They find no leason to expect to
liiidnnj nas theie. How tliolue oiiginated
Is a m > stciy.
The Men "Who Helped Itescuc the
Jenttnettc Ktplorcrn Heinemhered.
WASHINGTON , August 30. [ Special Tele
gram to the BiiE.--Tlie ] last number re
ceived licieestenlay of the Slbeiiaii Ga
rotte , published In thecity of Tomsk , west-
ein SiDeiii , gives the followinir particulars
with icg.iid to Lieutenant Seln-nUG's joiney :
to th month of tlio Lena liver with gifts and
ruwaids tor the officials and natives who
aided the survivors of the nrctlc exploring
steamer , Jeannctto : , "Lieutenant Schcut/e ,
having disclmiged the duty laid upon him. Is
now on his way1 home , lie visited all tlio
natives Ming at or neai the mouths of the
Lonaiuul Alcnsk , ami made a journey cabt-
waul as tar as the liver Indlu'Irka In order to
give n reward to the Chnichlehi who brought
thenewsof the bmnlnfcof the Rodgcrs. lie
then visited the town of Villnslc to see Sir.
ICachaiefskl , to whom the survivors ot the
Jcannctte were also Indebted. In the eourse
of his tracks Lieutenant Scheut/e m.ido
an Interesting collection , consisting of
specimens of tongoose dress , weapons , do
mestic tools nnd utensils and models ot vc-
hleles. Not less interesting will bo tound
his peisonal observations upon the natives
who live alone the northern banks of the
Lena and tlio Arctic ocean. The quantity
and value ot the rewards so freely disuibuted
by Lieutenant hcliuut/o. are uniibiial In our
country. To the two IspraveniUs of Veik-
liayaiihknnd Kolymsk ho biouglit watches
and gold medals. Among other bcnoliclnr-
ie.s , principally natives , ho distributed eight
gold and twelve slUer medals , with the in
scription , 'For coinage and humanity , ' thir
teen veij' valuable gnus , 1,200 toubles in
money and about 4,000 loublcs' ' woith ol ini'i-
ciiandiso. The total number ot persons wlio
icpclvrd rewards was 1TJ. The l.itc ( ! ov-
ornor Chernnij-ef , of Ynkoutbk , did not like
to receive the sword winch was destined lor
him. "
Lieutenant riclieiit/o arrived at St. Peters
burg last week and will probably loach the
United States early next month.
A Question in KoRiird ( o tlin IjnHt
Presidential Appointment o.
WASHINGTON ; August so. JSpeclnl Tele
gram to the Bit.l : : Tliu Capital says : "Tho
accounting ofllcers of the treasury dcpait-
mont aio In some doubt as to what they will
do with the accounts of certain public ofllceis ,
who have bean appointed by the piesldent
since congress ndjouincd. They arc those
whoso nominations vvero not acted on by the
senate. It is understood to bo held by icpub-
lican senators that section hlxly-ninoof the
tennro of olllco acti prevents the rcappolnt-
mcnt of a man appointed tolill n vacancy be-
lore the 'ate ' session ot the senate , whoso
nomination was not acjed upon , Thnpresl- , however , loappointcda niimbei of
men who were In that condition. It Is
understood that he examined the law in the
cnbo carefully before doing so , and that ho
leataIds right to inako these appointments
upon thu. labt caiibo of the second section of
the bccondartlcloof tlio constitution , namely ;
Tlio president shall have the power to till
up all vacancies that may happen diulntf n
leoess of the hcnato by grant Ing commissions
which shall uxphQ at tlio cud ol their next
session , ,
"Tho constiuctioir put upon the woids ,
'that may happen , ' by the president is under
stood toglvrfthem'tho olTcet ol thowoids ,
that may happen to exist. ' Thl ? has been
held to bo tboli lenl meaning by ilio depart
ment of Jiihtlco under scvcraradmlnlstratlons
slnco the tenure of oftlco act was passed.
Hut fiomo ot the .accounting olllces of the
treasury are not certain that It would bo sate
foi them to appiove thu accounts of olllcprs
of this class under action 170' ! , revised
statutes , which provides an imrmsoninont of
not moro thnn tenyears or a line of not more
than 810,000 , or both , lor allowing the no-
counts.of poisons &p ) > onted ! contimy to tlio
piovlslons of tenureollit'O tict. "
NouruNkn City Uxpelled ,
CHICAGO , Angus ! ao. The dlstllleis vvno
have been interested In the foimatlon ot the
American Purchasing nnd Leasing company ,
which includes all dUtilMs north ol thu Ohio
river , state that the new company will begin
operations September l. In aecoidanco with
thu action taken at the Cincinnati meeting ,
President Miller has Issued a circular an
nouncing tho- expulsion ot the Nebraska
rity distilling company liom the Westein
Kxport association , It lias been decided to
Increase the miming capacity of the distil-
leiles tiou | 28 to SJif per cent.
llallrontl Acoltlont in Austria ,
VIIINNA , August 80 , In the rulrtvay'col-
llblon at Mandllng , eight miles from hero
SQVCU iierbous vvcio Ulled and tWenty-two
\v oiinded.
OniAhn Hanks Tlilrteonth AV Itli Sovcn-
II * o Per Cent IncroaHe.
HUSTON , August SO. [ Spppial Tclecrnm
to the linn. ) The following table , compiled
from special dispatches to the 1'ost fiom
managcisof the loading elciilnir IIOUM > of
the United States , show the caruincs for the
weekending August liMb , with Incieaso or
decrease from thecoiiesponding uurlod ot
Hrllisli Grain Trade llovlcw.
LONDON , August 0. The Mark Lane Kx-
press , In its weekly review of the British
gr.iin tiatle , bajs : The week's splendid
harvest weathei bis materially alteied the
position. Much grain has been seemed.
The ciop in e.uly sown dlstilcts is In tine
condition , vvldlo Lite sown crops are rapidly
iirituriiig. Another week's sunshine will
probably cause a big drop in prices. Sxles of
Knelish wheat during the past week were :
. 5C02 : ; quarters at 31s2d ; ntrainst 32,071 nuni-
ters ati' ! 3 ! ' , d during tbo coirespondlnc week
lust jear. Lower grades of Hour are Is
higher. The feiv Id summer ha1 * deiiressed for
eign wheats Oil. Theio are nobuyois. Theio
vvciothiec nnlvals of wheat cargoes. One
cai ire of ( ) iogon was sold , three cargoes w ere
\\illiilin\\n , ami one lemalned. To-da > sun
shine ovorpoweied the market. Old English
wheats were icjei-ted. I'liecs vveie Is lower.
Foieiirn w he its were fid cheaper , lieaus ,
peas and bailey were steady. O.its woie
weaker and the demand was slow. Foieign
flour was Od cheaper. Hound corn was 3d
lower. Flat corn was very bcarce. The
maiket closed dull and weak.
The Inrcrnutioiuil MJiillInt ; Match.
LONDON , August SO. The lirst tilal heat in
the international sculling match vvas rowed
to-day , Teenier of the United States and
Perkins ol England being the contestants.
Teenier won. _ v . ,
The heat between Mattcrson lofAustralla *
and Wallace was won easily by the
former , who linlslwd .six loimths Infiontof
the Canadian. Eleven to tun was bet that
Itoss would win.
Beach beat Leu in the thlid trial heat by
three lengths.
The ttnso Ball Kocord.
Chicago 7 8010011 * 13
Philadelphia 00100003 0 10
Pitchers Clarkson and Casey. Base hits
Chicago lit. Philadelphia 7. Knors-Clil-
cage lit , Philadelphia 1Umplio Powers.
AT BAI/I iMour.
Baltlmoie 0 11000000 2
Brooklyn 1 3
Base hits Baltimoio 4 , Biooklyn 3. Krrois
li.Utimoie 3 , Biooklyn 4. Umpne Klel-
AT Dr. i HOI r
Detioit 0 00001010 2
Boston 0 0030020 * 5
Base lilts-Detroit 2 Boston 10. Krrors
Detroit 0. Boston 8. Umpiie Quest.
AT ST. Louts-
Maroons 0 01011230 7
New Yoik 1 00000200 3
Base hits St. Louis A New Yoik 8.
llnois St. Louis 0 , Now 'ioik 8. Umpito
AT ST. Louis-
Browns 00230004 1 10
Cincinnati 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
Base hits-Cincinnati C , St , Louis 10. Kr-
lois Cincinnati 0 , St. Louis 3. Umpire-
AT Nr.vv Yomc
Athletics 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-S
Metiopolltnns. . .1 00000 J ) 0 0 1
Base hits Metropolitans 4 , Athletics 10.
Kirois Metropolitans 2 , Athletics 5. Urn-
piio Vnlentlno.
Kansas City 0 0000002 0-2
Washington 1 0000220 * 5
Base hits-Kansas Cllv R , Washington 11.
Errors Kansas City 4 , Washington.o. Um
pire Fulmer. _
Prospect Pnrk Races.
OitAVKSKVD , N. Y. , August ! ! 0 , At the
Jockey Club , foui-j'ear-olds , seven tuilongs :
Barnum won , Santa Illt.i second , Poiitinc
third. TIme-l0. : : !
Ono nnd one-eighth miles : Olenner won ,
Fioience , W. second , Toiuado lliiid. Time
MIo | ami ono-iiarter | : Pieclosa won , Dow-
drop second , Jim ( liny third. Time 2:12 : ! .
Two-year-olds , three-quarters inllo : Bessie
Juno won , Fenlon second , Almy third . Tlmo
Mlloniid oiiPfjuarter : Miller won , L'\llc
second , Falconer thlid. Time 2:12. :
All nu'cs , seven-el''litb inllo , Mnish Itedon
won , Oolera bcpond , I'rlnces thlid. Time
-1:30. :
Coney Ihland ICnrcH.
Binniiro.v BIAOII : , N. Y. , Auitust 30.
Tliree-quaitcis mile : Fanatic won , Ventila
tion second , Melson thlid. Time 1:1 : .
Ceitlllcates paid 85'1.2'i.
Mlle : Compensation won , MiiiinaduUe
second , Itoval tlilid. Tlme-lHO. Ceitlll-
catospaid JSVtO.
Mile : U.imbti * won , Hollas second , Peter
I , WIH dlsquallllerl lor thlid because ot n loul
with Daly. Tlmo-1-51. Ceitlhcates paid
Sevoi ! furlongs : Hany IJiissell won , Joe
Miitruy second , NMmiod thlid. Time l3l. ;
Thrce-cpi.irteis inllo ; Ited Buck won , Leo
nora second , Tie.isurer thlid. Tlmo Isl.Vif.
One nnd one-quarter miles , over live Inii-
dles : Bun Oak won , .Mmitmoiu second ,
Kiibhbrook thiid.
Another Hoxleln thn Flohl ,
Niw : Yoitif , August ! ! 0 , Supeiintendent
J. M. Toucoy of the New York Centinl railway -
way , said to a icpoiter that ho hail lieatd
ncthlng further from the Knights of Labor
employes who asked for Incieaso In wages.
It was his piupo c , ho said , to deal with Ids
emnlojesns individuals not as members of
nn o realization or Knights of Labor. He
thought no tiouble would ensue ns the com
pany Intended to deal fnlily w ith their em-
plojes. _
A Cowardly Killing.
CHEVKKMWyo : , , Auirust IX ) . [ Special
Telegram to the BKI.J : At the now town of
Douglas , near Fort Feiterman , List Fihlay ,
Kd Jiinies , a cowboy , killed Blair , none-
armed gambler , In n quart cl over cards. The
killing was cowardly as Blair was unaimed
and pleading for his life. It Is expected that
James will be lynched.
Ihe Mo\lcaiiH DoliiR nit They Cixn to
Atnke Him llnipy.
CITY or Mrsiro , August TO. iSpeclal
Telegram to the Btr : ) Kcports have been
current hero since Frldav night legardlng
tlio tieatment of Sedgwlck , the Ameilcnn
special nsjent In tlio Culling case , who was
on that evening one ofthogiUMts at a bill
given by onu of the clubs of the elly. The
club In question Is I ho most nrlstocratlu In
Mexico , among Its members belnn govern
ment ofllelals of the highest class , and rep
resentatives ot the oldest and
most distinguished families. The
members of the club gave Sedg-
wlek an Imitation ns n special
hntioi to an irpic ctitatlvu He
was received with marked tokens of respect
nnd everj one endeavored to maKe the even-
Inc agiecable lo him , he being the uunt hon
ored guest. Towards the small bouts of the
moining , tlieie was tlm usual tlow of chain-
p.igtio. ami numerous to.ists weicdiunk In
oneof the rooms set aptrt for geutli'iiien. A
careful InvtMlg.itlon shows that Sedgwlek ,
while undoubtedly p.utlclpnting In the con
vivial enjoj input ot ( ho hour , wns In no way
tieated Insolcntlv. .Membeis of the club nnd
Its managers sticnuoiislv , deny that anv dls-
couilesy wns Intended 01 puellccd tov\aid
Sedizwlck , who made nn excellent Impres
sion. To set ni rest the injmious le-
iioit1' icirardlni : Scdgwick It is pioposvd
by the Ic.ulliig lesicM'titatlves of the bicbest
society ot Mexico to give him a seiies ol
dances and leceptlous In oidei to make it
evident that ho has the esteem of the Mox.1-
cans. Silence the rumor bccamo current a
laige number of ropoils have been In clien-
latlou , but no pviso'n ot icputatiou , 01 st.ind-
lug , In the community , conversant with the
matter suppoits them , hast evening Sedg
wlck wasa mietnt a pi hate house at dliuici ,
at v\hlch vveie piesent Minister Miulscal of
the dep.iitmcnt of foicign icl.vtious nnd
Minlstei Komcio Kubio ol the inteiloi do-
and Ills Spree.
WASHINGTON , Atigust : H ) . iSjicelal Telegram -
gram to the BH.I : . ] The published rejioit
that Sedgwlck bad been enjoying himself In
a boisterous and unbecoming manner In
Mexico caused agient deal of talk hcio.
Accoidlng to the repoit ho wns entertained
bv a party of > ouni : Mcxieans , and had
wound up the evening in n rather dissipated
condition , ho and Ids companions creating a
great deal of noise in the hotel where the
United States envoy had put up. Mr. Sedg-
wlck's fi lends Indignantly lepudiated the
idea that bo could bo utility of the conduct
with which ho wns charged , Sccietaiyof
State Baj aid was seen and asked If he knew
am tiling of tlioiepoit , "It is all now to me , "
he said , "and I cannot believe It until I have
the most positive proof. 1 will not say it is
not tine , but 1 must be convinced that it H.
1 luvo known Mi. Sedgwlck toi a mim'jci ol
j em s and knew that ho h.xl the most splendid
private chaiacter and to my knowledge he
was a most thorough gentleman. That he
should bo guilty of such a thing isbejond
niv comprehension. He is a mauled man ,
with a highly cultivated fainilv nnd that ho
would commit tin : unpaidonnblu act with
which he is chaigcd Is something diflicult to
believe. It is to he hoped It is not tine , but
if it bo ti tie , Mr. Sedgw ick will bo recalled at
once. "
Sedgwlck's reputation while licte Is now
said to have been inther dubious , ns far ashis
associations mo concerned , and women anil
vv Ine are asserted to have cost him some hun-
dteds weekly.
[ Special Tcle-
Br"amtTtlib Bin : ! Tho"lack of pto ) > or nppto-
piiatlons bids fnlr to causa considerable
tioublo for the various land olllces through
out the country this year , as it has compelled
thocommlbsloiiei of the general laud olllco
to cut elf a number of cletks at local offices ,
thus putting back the work of the offices ,
m.iny of which are already gie.itly behind
with their vvoik. Thus larfouileen clerks
have been cut elf , distributed among tlio fol
lowing land offices : Feigus Falls , Minn. , 1 ;
Mitchell , Dak. , 2 ; Huron , Dik. , 2 : Yankton ,
Dak. , 1 : Gland Forks , Dak. , 2 ; F.ugo. Dak. ,
2 : Wateilown. Dak. , 2 ; Wichita , JCan. , 1 ;
Vancouver , ' W. T , , 1. Theio nro 101 clciks
In the land seivlce. Fifty-six offices weio
allowed clerks last year and but lonv-Mx
will get them this j car. Fiftj-two oifices ,
the same niimbei as last year , will bo allowed
ollice tent. Denver is allowed an extta clerk
this year.
Postolllco Chances.
WAHHIKOTON , August 30. [ Special Tele
gram to tbo Hici-.J C. P. Lloyd was to-day
appointed postmaster nt Algernon , Custer
county , Neb. , vlcol'iank P. Baik.s , resigned ;
( ! . B , Benjamin at Mooihcad , Monona
oiinty , Iowa , vlco Ooo. Stees , lesigncd.
The Now Pnhllc Printer.
WAbiiiNfliox , August ! ! 0. The Nil-
tlanal licpubllu fcii.vs that the new
public piinter'h nppuiiittnent , wns
settled bojond dispute nt the gov-
cuinient piloting ollice to dav , and the em- o.xpeet to meet thcli now chief nt an
eailj day. Ollhpit Benedictbothci ot the new
public piinler , nnlvcd heie vestcidny. At
12 o'clock ho reached the printing office , pre-
senti'd his ciedcntlals , iiuulo himself Known
and lelleved Cndet Taylor ns chlnt eleikof
the ollice. Tlieie is niiich uneasiness .uid
trepidation among the employes , especially
rininnu' those linhling ] nlnciial ] posllloiib , that
they m.iy bo called upon to abdlcato In Invor
ot borne apnlicaut meeting li\oi with thu
biiccpasoi ol Jlr. Hounds.
DcHpcraln Coiinterreiter
LAN.SIVO , Mich. , Augu&t : ! 0. W. W. Kei-
noch , chlcl of tlio Michigan district of the
the secret seivlce , will take to Detioit to
night ncounteifcltei nnmcd Walhain 'A'nnd-
ser , of Yeimont , one of the most desperate
fihoveisot tliudiiecr in the rountiy. In his
tiunk found SbOO ot bogus cold nnd
Sl.-'OO In cettlilc.des of deposit on the Lan
sing Savings bink. The coin tanged all the
way trom Si to SiO pieces which could not
bo delected liom genuine save tm light
I''urther Into the Wilderness.
SAUA.VAO I.vx.tN. Y. , August 80. The
president's parly loftSaian.ic Inn this morn
ing for the upper lake legion for a few dn > s"
hunting nnd fishing In that remote teirltory.
It Is not > et determined whether Mrs. Cleveland -
land and her mother will uo Into thu woods
or await the letuiii of tno paitv at one of the
hotels on the cd o ot tlm wilderness. The
p.uty will not return beloto the lattui p.ut
ol thu week.
Clothing Cutlers Stand Firm.
New YOIIK , August ! X ) , | Sieclal | Telegram
to the HiiJ : : Theio Is no change In the
clothing cutlcis lockout. Thu employers nro
ti > ing to till their shops with 11011 union men ,
but the iievvemploes have ruined so much
cloth vvero dlschaucd. The cut-
teiswill luvo n parade to-moiiovv to show
their stiongth , The union mnn expect n
complete victoi > o\ei tlieli e
Uncoi'talnty About the I'nhllc Printer.
WASIII.NOIOH. Augiibt ! X ) . ( bpeclal Tele-
giam to UioBr'.K.l Thu appointment ol Ben-
edkl ns public pi Inter is not conllimcd by
an ) olllelal who should know about It , It Is
believed bv many Hint fionoml Hogerb , of
Bulfalo , N. ' Y. , Is btlll to have the pl.ico At
thu vvhlto house ft Is s.ild that no notice has
been iccclvcd tiotit the president of Bene
dict's appointment ,
Thn C.ippcllar Case ,
Coi.i'Jiiirs , Ohio , Auciibt SO. Tlm Inlhoiy
case ugnlnst W. S CuppclLir was db-mUsod
to-day , no one appealing to prosecute.Uii ! :
0. Mje s , who bad n beating on tliechiiigo ol
peijury in the same connccllon. was dls-
cbmged , It nppenring from the evidence
he did uot lutcnd Uiuauuot ol Cuppcll r.
A Nebraska Qirl in n Sail Plight at Sioux
A Melon Patoh Itnldcr Mrctn 1II | |
Denth With a Gun Accidental
Killing \Vbllo HuiitliiK-
Thc lroni > tli Still On. i " "
A YOUIIK limit's Sail
Cula , , AusjusCX ) . IK
gram to the Hi i : ] - Ml s Maltha lliiinnen a
slr.incer brie , was found jesteiday In desti
tute circumstances and ovidentlj cra/y or
( Iruirgod. She eamo hero fiom Noifolk , Nob. ,
< ; omo months ago and began die-siunklng ,
but was \eiy despondent and bad .everai
mlsfoi tunes. When found she claimed to
linvo eaten nothing foi t.omn dajs and had
no pangs of liungci. She refuses to leturn
to bet lelatlves In Nebiaska and when urged
to do so thieatened to diown heiselt , It la
believed her mind is sommvlmt diM.inged and
that she has been itilned , having lallun In
\\ltlircrtnliipaiilesv\ho diuggcd her , Her
rase Is a verj sad tine , as she Is not OVPC
tv\vnt > of age and has evidently t > ecu
better days _
Ii'oi1 Her Knllier'H Crime.
Drs MOIM-S la. , August : H-Speolal ) [ Tel
egram to thn HRI..I Doia Nels , s\ieen | jears'
old , living at Ulcliland , Keokuk eountj , pom- (
milled suicide at the Thompson house In this
elty this foienoon with a do e of aconite.
faun1 , gilef and moitlltc.itioii at baviiiL' bepn
a witness , with bet sNit'i , ng.ilnsi her tiilher ,
who was tried lot assault upon tvvou'lrls. It ;
is unduibtood that both gills Inloudul to- ' '
commit mlcldo togethei uevt S.\tuida > , bul
Doia broke the compact in this way. J
Snd Accidental
J vnii\ : , August -l-Speclal Telegram to
the Hee. ] llaiij Cowan , aged sixteen , wn-\ \
of the proprietor of the hotel heio , and a boyjj
by the name of L.impsuti , aged liftcon , woix l
hunting ducks. The } had turns at shooting.M
Wlillo one used thu gun the other vvoiiJdtS
.stoop over and act asgunicbt. Game wa ?
slirliled and It was Lainpman's tuin to shoot ,
the nun resting Cow an's shoulders. J using
Lampman pulled the trigger Cowan acci
dental ! ) lalsed up and received the content * i
of the mm in the b.ielc ot his head. He died' '
within an hour. _
Killed n Watcrnu-Ion TlileT.
Dr.s Moixns la. , Augiibt 30. [ Special
Telegram to the ISrn. ] Karly yesterday J
morning Thomas Council , living between
1'crry and Angus , shot and Killed a joiing *
man named Piank Marsli , who , with .several' '
eomiades. was plundeiiug his wateimelon
patch. Council had been watching
foi vNtors , and when ho taw the bojs
puisult , sliootlnc In the back , so that ,
lie died betoie help leached him. Council
has been arrested on u charge of murduriiut !
w ill have bib examination next Saturday.
The Great Drought.
PIIT.A : , la. , August ro.-fSpeclal lo the
Itnis.l. The diy weather still continues hue.
We have had no 1.1111 that did more than lay ,
the dust on the sticets May 30 ninety-two ,
davs ago and yet theio are no prospects focj
rain. Many vvolls are giving out. The mills-
cannot grind for want otyator. . Spm6'paNj
ties even'sell the wntct fiom tholr vvolls by ,
tlm bAntl. Much stock In thocountiy Issuf-1
fei Ing from want of water and gutss. Ono'
PVIMIII lemarked " half of the fumcrnt
vveie feeding thoii cattleaslt in mid \vintci. "I
A Pi-ohlb'H liarn Ftiirncd. '
KjiMr.TTSiiuito , la. , August : . [ Special1'
Telegiam to the UKK. ] Last night a dwell
ing bouse belonuing to J. L. Muitln was set
on lire , but tlio tire was extinguished without
much loss. This moinlncr at 4 o'clock It w.ia
filed ngaln and totally destroyed. Mr , Afar-
tin has bcpii active In cnfoiclng pinliibitldii
and thlb Is supposed to be the leason ot the
Aljililc Hero Diowiicd.
SPIRIT L\KE , la. , August "W. [ Special
Telegram to thoUKK.J A lad named Iler-
beit Schcrcle. aged about sixteen , wag
drowned In the lake this forenoon while attempting - ,
tempting to icbcuoa littlogbl who had lallcn
ovoiboaid from tl.o steamer Queen. Tlio.
child , who was a relative of the pioprleloi oft
the Hotel Orleans , was saved by paitles in 4
skill , but the boy sank before bo couhl Lo
Destructive Kiif > inc SparitH.
Ui nvqvK , August : ; o. | S ] > ecial Telegranv
o the Hi. K. ] This afteinoon spaiks Horn a <
passing locomotive set hro to a btubhlo licld
belonging to 1' . C. Muipliy , npai Farley , this
county , and destioyed much propcity , in
cluding lifty acres of oats In stack.
Nnliranka unil lovvn Wcntlior.
For Nebi.iska and Iowa : Fair weathei und
wariuci. _
Three Women Assaulted by Drnnlccp
ItodNlciiiH near Atcn , Nel .
Y.NinoDak. . , August : . Inlormatlon
has lust bton received liom the little vlllngo
ol A ten , Neb. , five miles above YnnKlon , of
a teiiiblecilme which was committed near
tlieie jesteiday , A'travelei passing throii H
the woods ncni tlio discoveicJ
Unco women l > lng under .sonm
plum tiecs insensible and al
most dead fiom Injiulps about
the bPad and fapo. CHI/ens of Aten wcro
notified nnd a ph > Rlclaii pent out , whodlo
cnvcied Hint all tin eo ol tlio women had been
mitrngcd nnd beaten into Insensibility. Onq
of them had Dei scalp almost torn oil , nnd
this hiLtcaiibCd the suspicion that the uilmo
had been committed by n p. illy of .Snnteo In
dians who vveic been In Aten the d.iy beloia.
Tluty bought Mime agricultural implements
In town and botoui they lull got howling
diiink. The diit'ction they took would le.u (
them lo the vicinity ol tint cilmo. Tlio
women vvoio evidently gatheilng Dluuif
when binpihed , and being homo ills-
t.inco Irom the main toad their
cries could not bo heanl , H
Iti thought bv homo that the crime wan POIII-
mltted by whllo men nnd tlmt tlm Indians
nio not utility , The hcnlplim ol the women
vvns evidently done to thiow hUbph-ion on the
Indians II ( ho deed wiihtho woik of whllo
men , Tlm women wcro the vv Ives of re > jioo
lablo ( lOinian laiiueih , They vvoio taucu
homo ami the lesult ot then Irijniles tins not
been learned. The pcoiilu in tlui vicinity tvrii
very much oxclted , and II the scoundrels are
dibcovttied iliero will piobably bo n l
bee without thoceiemoii ) ot the law.
IMn ono and Novon ( Tnko Ollluo ,
NJVV : onu , Augiibt 'M. ( loneral .Magono ,
the now collector of the poll , assumed the
duties of the olllco to day , The custom house
was formally tin nod over to Mngonu by Uo-
tiling Collector Hodden , ( imternl Newton
itlso took po > " , ps-lon ot his uillcu us ( oniinis-
sloucr ol imhllp vvoiks lo day. lie appointed
nshlM deputy 1) . Lovvdei Binltli ,
.Vow York ICIectilOAl
Nr.w YoiK , August ! 5D. Altu twovear of
dlscue lon , lugal contention * , etc. , work lias
begun upon the clectiiiMl tub-way this lar
Attnolr ,
SIMLA , Augiiitio. : it Is believed hnro ( bat
thonmcci of Atidi.misUiu Ls mcdltatlnt ; feu
attack upon KniUrstin.
Not For the Prii.on.
WASIIIMMO.V , Aucu l w.-Tho fico il * .
livoiy svstem luii. been ordered to bo ftV
ta' ' > ! ! hed nt Jollot. 111. , nnd Wirona , Mliiu- ,
01 , 0tobcj I.