Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1886, Image 1

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    ' "
Ii ,
Fires a Powder Magazine anil
Death and Destruction Follow-
LTtislicd .Skulls nnd Hrokcn Minlis
ItoiineH Si-attpn-d in the Winds
Tiers Snapped Iilko T ! H
Acres of 1'lcmed 1'rnirle.
The Ijallln-ltand
Cnirviio , August 21) ) . At 0lrj : o'clock this
rooming , in tin * midst of a lieav ) thiindei-
5lorm , Iho powder tnnitnrlno belonging to the
Lallln-Haiid powdei company wns struck by
lightning. An explosion followed which du-
Mrojed iiroueitv running nn In the neighbor
hood of S7S.OOO , besides killing two iiersons
almost Inslaiill ) , and fntalli Iniming tluee ,
and contilbuting to the piiinul iujniles of
neatly twontv-live others.
Theinni-n/iiie wasone In which the bulk
of the powdei suppl ) for Chicago and ad
joining ton limy wns htoK'd , nnd was
ono of the largest ot n do/en In the
nelghboihood. It wns a btick structure.
70sw : leel in dlmcii'-ioiis , with a side roof
nud solitary lion door of gient strength ,
.lust preceding the explosion a long , vicious
olectilc llame appealed in the Rkv.
Not a building within a mile of the
explosion escaped dam ige. I he little cottai-o
of.lolm ( inlil.vvltn itsMuionndlngonthousos.
was laid low without waiinng , nnd In a mo
ment parts of the exploded watchouse began
falling on the debt Is of the cottage , ( adds
family consisted ot IUIIIM-II. his wife nud
Carrie Alitenweith. loutteen years of age.
The latter wns Instantly killed , while dull !
and his wife weie diau'gcd fion the ruins
fiightlully mutilated. Their lioises , eow and
Hwino weio all killed bv tlie concussion and
their bodies blown lull of dirt , sand and
povvdei. ' 1 lie ruins of the ( iiihl house Im-
imdiatelv took I in1. This warehouse was the
only one ot the comnauy's which exploded.
Wheio It stool Is now an Imuiense excava
tion , nearly lift ) leet in depth.
littler Account of tlio Implosion.
CIUOAOO , August -0. About 9:15 : n flash ,
vhleh nil agreed was much brighter than
those precedin , ' II , was followed by a report
that shook the giealet pait of Cook county.
It was ft shaip lepoit , but stramro to say by
most of those who lived in the vicinitv of the
explosion , it was hardly dlstiumiishablo liom
the sciIons thunder-elnps which had been the
oidei < > ! the molding. Allagtced that theio
was a tremendous shakine ot
tlm earth. Aitlcles ol fnrnltuie ,
not destroyed , weie thrown about looms ,
ns if thev weio plaything in a giant's
power. "Men , women and chlldien wcie
tossed around nt the will of the terrible ie-
Mstiess lotco ieleased by the explosion.
The scene ot the catastioplm Is about two
miles Irom thenoithwestern edge of tlio city ,
near where Arclier avenue settles down Into
n conventional countty highway. On one
side wave great Holds of rinening corn.
On the other a broad stictch ot prairie
runs lor nearly half a mile in all
dhections. On this Is or lather wcie
a do/en stiongly built houses vvJtli
walls of yellow lirlclc and roofs of slate ,
.lust prc < ceding the explosion a long , vivid
clectlic flame seemed to butst from the cloud
diiectlv ovei tlio Lalbn iV , Hind mag.i/Ine ,
In nn fnstant the air was Idled with living
missiles , masses ot biick , clay , sheets ot tin ,
laige stones and p'cc'-s of lumher.pei forming
ituresciibible gyiatlons hundicdsot leet in
tlie air. bomo tell back close to tlie point'
fiomwhlcii tney stalled , while- others shot
oil tlnoiuli space with Hightftil ve
loclty , only confoimintr to the law
of giavitv idler their long flight
hlones weighing fiom ono to ono bundled
nud fifty pounds wore tlnown into lieids tvvr
miles Irom tlie scene. Tiees wore striuned
ot thoii toliage. fences by miles weie mid
low , telegranh wiies snapped like Irairlli
threads and the pranio bore seams as it n
thousand steam plows bad been 11111 over it
Tlie body ot CniiloAhienvveitli ptesentedr
RlcKcnliiK spectacle. Half the face was torn
away , the eyes almost blown fiom tlio socket !
and there was n gaping hole In the forehead
laigeenough to receive a man's list. Tin
phi's leltann was torn fiom the shoulder
Tlm bed ) was removed to the homo ol he
uncle , August Ahieiivvorih , on Callfoinh
The dead nnd fatally Injured me :
MISR CAIIIIH : ! , Killed In
stan tiy.
Pi:11 n KrrN. a farmer , ribs broken am
fcarfnl Iv burned.
.loiiN ( iiJiiu teamster fortlioOiiental Povv
dei compiny , ribs fractured , right leg brokei
In two places , Intel mil wounds.
31 its. Grin , , skull unshed.
Mns. KI.I/.X DIJVIM : , light leg cinslicd toi
Jeliv , breast transhxcd wild a stun of glass.
The shock caved in two miga/incs of tin
Oriental Powder company nnd nlso those be
longing to the W.arien Powdei company
Ha//ard-lupont companies and the Far
clto dynamite house , Lnllln & Itnni
The exploded ningnrlnocontained , it is es
tlmated , 1-10,000 pounds of nowdei nnd 1ml
ns much d ) nnmito. In the neighboring tut
htoio houses woie WXJ.OOC pounds ot Ujn.i
mite and twice as much powder. Not one o
the oUtvcn tiuildiiigs had a lightning led 01 ;
Dneetly south ol the powder mill stood UK
little fiumo house ol Mis. Kll/u Uovlno , iizci
i > .ri. Tlio littloNtiuctme had secmingl ) beei
flushed to atoms , nud a stouo ! > 00 pounds It
weight lay on ton of the mills , in wide !
weio found Mis. Devlne , hei right nrn
crushed Into a shapeless mass , and
huge plcco of glnss had entered nude
the collni hone and was toiced out tlnoiigl
hei aininlt.
I'elei Kenna , a farmei , while driving pas
In a wagon was immediately in fiontof th
magn/lno when tlio explosion oceurtcd. li
W.IH blown 'JOO feet Into a eoinliola nni
liightfully injured. Onouf his horhcs wn
killed outilght and the wagon i educed I
bits.The Hist shock of the evidoslon reached th
Jesuit Chinch ol the Holy I'mully , vvhei
mass was irolng on. riieiovveiu a tnousam
ujoploat the set vice , who riadoan Indlscrlui
Itiatu plunge foi the slahcasu and window >
Men tell In heaps ovei fainting women nn
chlldien , nnd a general panic ensued , j
gient many women nnd chlldien weio si
liniish Injuied ,
At tlie Chinch of tlio Nativity. Tliliti
Eoventhnnd Dasldel stieets , another pan !
took plncu nnd several were morn or less li
jiuc'il. 'llm bond ot tiado building , sovu
miles Irom the scene , wns grentl ) atlected b
tlio disturbed condition of the atmnspheri
Phitoglass , twelve fret squaio , was shiutcrc
In IragmentH , tlm Inigest piece being n
Inuei than that of a M ) cent piece. Anelec
tile light man , who wns In the tower i
the time nt the explosion , states that th
towei s\\.ijcd so Hint he thought It woul
topnluover. 1'irctilc lights In tlm Pnliuc
hmibo were extinguished nnd tlio bnlldln
slnki'ii from loot to foundation. A slmllii
si eno ocenucd attheCtnnd Pacilic hotel. I
the Western iJnion building , when * is1 locate
thugoneial ollleo of thu Associated piess , to' '
cinl windows were broken.
Sunday's Iliibo Hall.
A r N'r.w Yonir
Hiookiii . o o o u a o o-
Haltlmou * . 011)4000 30
Piteheis HuiKlnsnnd Convva ) .
Pittsburir . a t ) a i o i o o i 2-1
Cincinnati. . . . 6 } o 0 0 'J 0 0 0 0-
Haso hits-Cincinnati 13 , flttsbniK 1
Kiror.s-Clnciunnti 5 , PittsbuifO Umpire-
1 = i
A r ST. Louis
r > t. ! .c" < s. . . , , . . . . H 10101400- ' .
Ionlsvillo . 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 1
Uaso hlts-St. Louis 15. rou-lc ! ! S. K
rorh-Ht , Louis 'J , Louisville s. I'mpiro
lletrolt's Now Catcher.
Dr.-i IIOIT , Auinst 'J1.1. Thomas .1 ( iilen. c di bise bill club , has been fl uc
b > tlie JJctioil management.
KoUed hy llm Sheriff.
1'joniA , 111. , August 'JO. The shciiff hi
taken jiossevslon of the stock of M , IVttln.-l
At'o. , wholesale boots nnd shoes , on exec
tions to tlm nmouiit of ovei hit ) HIOII-HI
dollnrs. The assets and lUbllltiw vt the lu ;
my uot ) ctiuo'\u. ,
SUNOAY IX niiil\\ST. :
One Drnnlcon Mnn nnd Some Hey * .
Kalso n Unckol.
Hi i r.vsi. August J'J i Vew YorK Herald
t alilospecial to the III r. ] Two or three
stoles Into last niulit , n drunken
man beaten on the Sihnnk Hill load for
nbusitu ; the late Prince ot Oi.mgo and sev-
cial small boys aiiested for a too en
thusiastic clodding of the police , form a
full list of the leadln _ ' Incidents of
what has been a very quiet Sunday. One
burglar diew a revolver on his captors and
so , although he did not dare to u c It. he will
piobably get several Imprisonment , ns
Helfnst Is
A drunken man hnd been persuaded bv
whisky that ho could whip the whole Oraine
ipiaiter nnd settle the liuUs off
hand , nnd theieforu stnggetcd along
a mile 01 mote , confiding Ids
views on Ornnpelsm In loud tones to all
the friendly lamp posts. After making n de
cided failure in his attempt to eiadieale
Or.niL'ciaii' fiom deelnies that ho
was dragged Into a vacant lot , and , accord-
lug to the suirpostlon of the persons who
assaulted him , that ho being dead , they
might justas well put him nndei giound ,
i in : notiY wori.ti NOT nr. rotxr >
nnd caiiso an Iniptli v on the next day , Help
arrived In Hum lo pievcul this. Small boys
wcie the victims of their enthusiasm , and
about htty of thorn , none ovei twelve years
old , weie so bully stoning ; thieo policemen nt
the noi Hi ol 1 low nid stieet this nltei noon that
they did not notice the nppioach of two
niaglstiates liom behind. Each ninglstiato
gotn double handful of
out of the ciovvd and culled thorn howlingto
the police station , bei vices at the I lev.
Montgomot's chinch passed olTquletl ) . The
paslot and the congi oration had boon hlstoil-
cal lei some weeks because a fovv panes of
window glass had been bioken bymlschlov-
nu boys , but so far as yoiu correspondent is
abh1 to tlnd out the good people ol this chinch
have been
.vtemr. ritinitiiAr.i ) TIIVV HUUT.
It Is expected that tlio police will resume
night duty on thu Shank Hilt road tomorrow
row in cooperation with the 're
spectable people of that locality.
beveial nngistr.itcs leave hero tomorrow
row lot theii distiiets , but n full foicu
of troops Is lo bo retained for several weeks
nsnn aid to the police in rcpicsslng law
lessness. _ _
lor DeniocratH and Vinegar
Tor HopnlliouiH.
Nr.vv VOIIK , August ! ? . ! . A resolution of
the Anieiican free traders lias been pub
lished. It Is addressed to the ti lends of free
dom , and In substance says : lu the ability
of the largo domociatic majoiity in tlio na
tional house of icprcsentatlves to pass a bill
lor tariff retoiui looking only to thu icmoval
of the heavy butdon of taxation fiom a few
gicat indnstiies and tlie retiisal ot the repie-
sontatlves of the republican paity and their
allies to even considci tlio abatement ol mill
tixation In any degieo , impeiatively calls
lei aggiossivo and uiieompioiuislng political
action by tlie friends of comuieiclal freedom.
On the onesidetheadvocatesof ' 'piotccllou"
stnit with Iho assumption that under
n free nnd republican fonn ot gov
ernment the power of taxation maybe
bo lawfully used to aid pi hate.
enteipiises and build up pmatc foi tunes , on
the lalse plea , now demolished by tlio haul
logic ot facts , that such legislation betters
business and i.iises wages. KOI n long pci led
Uioy have reduced this assumption to mat-
tlco by imposing heav ) taxes on articles
necessary lo ttio processes ol gicat domestic
industries , foi thu bcnclit of special interests
of voiy bnmll relation importance to tlio a- ;
cregato industiial Inteiests ot the whole
country. Tims , for ) ears past , our ttscal
policy has been practically dictated by the
nmnutnctuicrs of pig iron , and the gioweis
ot wool , although the aggregate value of the
an nud product of pl Iron and wool is not
equal to the \nluo ot the annual egg and
poultry ciop of the country , and not to bo
comp.ued with the value ot the annual
ciop ot either ha ) , wheat , coin or cotton.
I'mboldened by louif toleiation the de
mands of these special interests mcieaso in
audacity , as Is show n in recent piopositions
of baninel J. Kandall , theli representative , of
advance duties on tin ulnte liom 1 to 'J ) cents
per pound. 'Ihis aiticlo is used largely tor
preservation by canning ot an excess of our
meat , vegetable , liuit , lisli , oil nnd pioducc ,
widen without such tieatment could nut bo
marketed , but would bo wasted. Kandall
proposes In spite ot an ovei flow ing
tieasury to Ineieaso this tax Irom six
to an agjiegato ot eleven million dollais
and collect it by adding to tlio cost ol pies-
eivatlon ot meat , hsh .nut linit , and decieas-
Ing om expoit mniket accordingly ; the milk
pans nnd cans of every Linnet ; cooking
iiicnsilsand dinnei pills ot cvcivwoiKiiian ,
and tlio construction ot eveiy dwelling house
and lailroadcnr In thecouiitiy. All this foi
the bcnclit ot the iron nianuluctiucis and
capitalists in Pennsylvania.
On Iho othei side , tlm piiticlples of the free
tradei s may bo stated as lollows : They de
mand Unit the whole s ) stem olfedeial taxation
bo so leconstructed and readjusted th it all
tlio t ixes , which tlm p"nple pa ) , still 1)0 ) 10-
ceived by the gov eminent without diversion
of any pai t for the toste. ingot ptlvato Inter
ests. T hut piomotloiis ana tine piotection
ot domestic enterprises aio to bo found In
the lemoviil of all taxes fiom m tides which
constitute tlio foundation , or mo necessaty
to the ptocesses ot om v.uions indtistiics.and
that thu Incidents of taxation bo icstiiclcd ,
ns fnt ns possible , to nitlclos
which mo le.ady for llnni consump
tion nnd of whicli use is voluntary
othei than nece"s.iiy. ' ( hey learn thnt the
abaiidoment of tlm ptcscnt high disci 1ml-
Hating nnd unnecebsaii tniilf taxes and levy
ot natural levenuo on comparallvoly a low
aitlclns on which taxes can bo collected with
the least Intel leienco with tlio tuely chosen
puisultsot the people aio stops tc
giiidiiallyensuiutothccouuli ) lull Industiial
cmplotiient nnd high wages , abundant pi o
duction nnd low cost , extended maiKcts ami
peimanent levlval activity.
It Is forHtich losult thnt tlm Ameilcan liioc
'liado league invites thu uoopuiutlon ol
patriotic men of nil political pailtes. It i'
essential that each friend of commercia
fieedom In anticipation of the nominations
in his concessional dUtiict shall detennlno ,
nnd ns lar as possible publicly declaie , hi-
deteimlnatlon not to vote for unv candidate
lei congiess , who Is not opposed to taillf 101
"piotectloii. " except wheio it is necessaiy tc
defeat the clecllon of nn avowed piotection
1st opponent candidate , who straddles nemo
ciney by catering to monopolists and tradei ;
in special legislation on the one hand , while
claiming sutipoit tiom Iho tolling tixpa > iiif
musses on llm other. In what cases Itmaj
bu best lo put nn independent candidate ii
tlio held nnd In what otheis t (
abstain liom 'iciting must bo loft to the fid
tinders of cac'i ' dUtiict todecldo for them
selves. Added to this , let every trlend of
IhDcaii'UKi'utl.v sti iv o to extend his local in-
llnt'iico by diituslng sound economical litcni'
lure nnd by piomotlng thu orgunt/ation nl
clubs of Iho or more persons in as man )
places ns ho can icach ,
An Attnmptocl
Shot tiy before 4o'clockyesterday morn
ingOlUcor lla/e and Special llannnond.'u
( heir rouiut thiongh the alloy be
Lvmcn ] ) oujlas ; and Dodse , found that i
bnrtlir7 ! ! ' < uLliieon attempted at Howe J
Ken'.s fiiiiiitnro stors AIJ augur holi
had been starlcd in llm door V7. ' i tlii
wonld-bo burglars were frijrhtoncd avva ;
by the : u > pron"h of the ofHoe-is.
Tlio pity schools will open foi the fal
term onu week liom to day .
Urn Lee , tlio North Omaha tough , wa
crrested last nifjht for disturbing tin
] > oatu : ! < y shooting. Ho was drunk am
; : ; in u rccLle t > uiauucr.
So Says a Faction of the Knights of Labor
in New York.
District " 10" nnd the Home Club
DcNlrc to Iltilc and Ruin \ \ liut
thu Hlclitiiond Convention
Will Develop.
l-'or a Pi > ; lit.
ii'i , Pa. , August 20. [ Special Tel
egram to the HM. ] I'm ' Leidei hns dis
covered theio was a vciitablo attempt made
some tiiuo slneo bv a faction In the Knights
of L.ilioi to assasshnte ( Irand MabterVoiU -
man 1'ovvdeili. The faction referied to is
known ns th.J Home : club , and has its head-
tiunrters In New Voik clt > . A I.eadci ic-
portn was sent to Now Yoik elty during the
past week to woik It up , with the riMilt ot
conlirming the story. It was on Wednesday ,
August 11 , that delecates of a labor commit
tee met In Now VoiU to Impiiic Into the
workings of the Home club. Kvei since the
( Into mentioned the investigation hns been
going on , but the evidence , oven the names
ol the Itnestlgatois , aio kept liom the
tiilghts. Inn little loom witnesses are ad-
nltted onont a time so that the evidence of
ach Is
Tlm Investlgitlon shows that In iss.1 smno
radical mombeisot the llowo clublilied a
: nulu | ) ot Now \ ork tlnus , who , acting under
listnotions , went to thel'idton stieet leny
one night and walled for 1'ovvdcrly. That
light ho was expected in Hiooklyn to attend
special meeting , but something oceuired
. \hicli kent Him back. Details ot the ulot aio
belli ; ; kept very ( pilot , as aXewYoik mem
ber said , w ith the intention ot publishing the
whole mattei at the Richmond inciting.
John blilelds. of Xo. JiS'l Tulton street ,
Hiooklyn , on Thursday , said : "Von cm
eastlj see why oveijthing is being kept so
pilot , as the men who hive facts
A.III MKinn ( uirrtn ,
about inakini ; the chaigo of assassination In
tlm older , but at the Richmond niectiug the
woild will know that the two men in New
Yoik wcichiredto kill Powdeily. 1'owdeily
iimsclf was before tlm Invcbtication last
rteelc. His statement cieated a boiibathin.
The cnmmittee will seal its lonortand no ono
is to know its contents until it is read at
Uiebmond. "
Auotliei member , high In tiio councils of
the order , bald : " 1 cannot sav whatl'owdei-
ly'.s testlmoiiv Is , but I understand it was an
iistoulbher to some of the committee.
Eveiy effort is boliu made to keep
the mattei out of the newspapers , bo as to
SIKIKI : mr uiriniovi ) CONVI.NIIOV
with intoimatlon that will result in totally
crushing out the Homo club. " Continuing
he said : 'The Home club Is a power , whicli
will bo oveithiowii , but 1 feai tlm orr.uii/a-
tion will split. District It ) now lias 00.000
membiMs in good standing. They claim
greater stieiutli , but \vo know they have
sixty delegates elected lot the Richmond
meeting. Then vv ill como the cre-itest inter
nal vv.ii ev01 seen among the labar unions.
Distiictsof Ttoyntid AllMii ) have instructed
tlioii delegates to vote against ( bee-
letaij Tinner f01 ? ny otllcc , and if ho Is
found to bo imnlleatcd in tlm Homo club
thcj will vote toi his expulsion , rioin all
over the eountrv COIUB icpoitb ol delegates
being instructed to
and demand the expulsion ot eveiy nie-nbcr.
11 Distilct I'J is downed at Richmond the
leideis will bolt the convention and \\alk out
witli 00,000 membur * to fonn , what will bo
claimed , a stiaight-out Kniglits of Inboi 01-
L'ani/ation umlci tlie old rule with tlm oath-
bound sociccv. It Distiict > , under the
Home club leadership , si ould win. the other
distiicts will leave the Knights ol Labor and
fonn n new combination with the trades
unions. Hence it looks now as il a split \a \
inovitahle. The committee now sitting cm
only tepurtto the convention. Hut wo have
no hone that the topoit will impiove matters.
The Home club Is sending members all over
the countty to get the teellngof delegates
and enable Distilct 4'J to control the Hich-
inoncl proceedings. "
TrndlnK and Stock Dealing Muvc
Itccu HO .Stagnant.
Xivv : i'oitK , August 2'J. [ Spoeial Telegr.un
to the HI.K.J Them is little to say about the
stock speculation of tlie week , when busi
ness steadily dwindles ono day alter anothei
and hading is stagnant. Tlicro has not been
week in the \enrwben business was so
light. There was not a day when the total
silos were so small as they weio last week.
Hrokcrs don't know how to account lei It ,
but admit tlicru b nothing doing in the way
ot legitimate business. They have to make
vvliat they can out ot scaluing and half tlio
business that Is recoided is the work of .11 hi-
traty tiadcrs. Thoj operate between Xew
Voncand London , 01 this city and Philadel
phia 01 lioston. They ha\o vcty good hick
when tin ) cost of telegraphing does not ex
ceed all the profits. There might bo a u'rcal
deal cleat ei outlook for peace among grcal
rallioads than tlieio is nt piesent , vvlillo there
is almost entho satisfaction with the woik-
ing of the | ) oul , and a disposition tu
htieiigthui it in oveiy way. It has boon In
opuiatlon long enough now to biing about
n cutting otiates by Hinallcr loads. Uldet nnd
stionger lines alwajs have to concede both
latesnnd tiatlicto > onngei and wc.ikci lines ,
and lib soon ns a pool gets in good wet king
oidei sttonget lines begin pa > lug ovei othe
sin plus to smaller Hues. When tlio shinpct
can mnko nothing by using a roundabout
route ho will ship bv the host and most dliect
lino. Weaker roads , liudi'igtlicmselvcs IOB-
inc their ti.illllc , try to ictalu it by cutting ,
fearing an cttorttonavciieiceiitagcsclmnged ,
ami knowing that peiccntagcs arc alvvnyn
bastd on the actual amount of tielglit cm-
iled. Thcio has no doubt been a meat den !
ol cutting ot tales , mainly by sonthein lines
and those who ran maku eastern connections
without going tlnough Chicago. The south
western trallic is undoi better conttol tlmn
that of anj other section. The To.xas busl'
ness having been batlsfnctoilly divided
aheady , the managers are now trj ing to fix
up n money pool on passengers. Though tlu
cutting ot lates between Kansas Clt.v anil
.Memphis is Important enough to caiiso Com-
niKslonei Midgelo ) consldciablo anxiety. All
this Is ot coinpai.uively little iniiortancc |
when wo ennsldei the chances of the i'enu-
bjlvaula line Insisting upon changes in tin
ti unk line pool ns a condition ot its remain
Ing a party to It. President Hoberts hat
nuvei been lorbe.ulng to toads that cut rates ,
and no does not believe In pajlng over halt n
million dollais a vear without ono consldcra
tlon , It that pavmeiit does not secure tin
inalutalnance of rates , then It mlcht as well
bo cut olf. It Is nlbo quite clear ttiat tlio Ilnl
tlluoie i Ohio will go in to cot all the buslnes'
that It can , In a fovv dujs it wll
bo ready to do business al
Phlladelphl.1 , and It will ceitalnly tiy to di
nnougli to show that It must haven good at
lotmnnt of trallic In and out ol that city , 11
will bo much loncet tlmn thntbefoio the ) cu ;
do unv through passongci business witli nil )
Fatihfactlon. Hut as soon nstlioy begin woili
under ( lie .leisoy Ccnttal u recmont the )
will como In foi their iulltiliaia of bubines ;
out ot Xovv York. The Ponnsylvnnla will ai
the same time demand luciea cd percentngi
to compensate for tlio loss of the Italtlinon
Aj Ohio business , which It has acccptec
Bofoio as S parl of [ 7 own peicehtnKO
I'lesidcnt Uatictt will be back in a fovv' diijf
and eaily In the month there will bo a meet
Ing or the picsidcnts , which will bo ono o :
( lie most impmtniit ever held. Not onoo :
them will ba found IDA conclllatoiy moot
nud th * possibilities of nil open war an
glowing , TtiPennsjlvnnla Is lendy toge
out and seems to bo r kipg icndy tor a lignt
unless tlio other membeu of tuo pool wll
adlicieto their agreement. It Is to ba ro
incited , but that U the feeling nevertheless
This It Is which has made tlio market HO did
ami generally weak , w Ithout bringing abou
nnyseiious decline. No ono wants to bu ;
stocks on such an outlook and those vv ho Iwv
them aio willlu to hold on audtakc chuucc :
Corn Will Not Itonoli the AvcraRC
Tlio Drought and Ij'all Planting.
Citirv < io , August W. The Fanner's He-
view will print Iho following ciop summary
In this week's edition : U s.ajs deUiled 10-
ports fiom the 001 n belt tndlcite an improve-
mnnt In the outlook for the crop In Ohio ,
Indiana nnd Minnesota In all of those
slates there Is a piesent promise of a full
avenue cmp. This Is In aecoidanco with
the tenor of Ihe reports for tlio list tluee
weeks , but In some Instinees , In the three
states named the outlook Is declared to bo un
usually pmnisltig. In Hamilton county , Nc-
itaska , the outlook is favotable for a full
iold , while HiilTalo , Hul.ui and \Vebster
founties indicate a fair yield ,
u Douglas , ( laic , Otoo and ; Uichard on
lountles , Nebrisl.a , the outlook Is fnr less
han the usual yield.
None of the Wisconsin counties , lepoitlm ;
his week , give promise of an averageyield. .
, n O/aukee count ) the average falls to : iO per
ent. In Vernon and Kcnosha counties the
aveiage Is sr , > pel cent. , vvlillo Dunn , I.nfa-
'tie and Sink count es give piomiso of loss
ban half the usual yield.
In Illinois a general improvement of 5 to
Opel cent Is lated , but thu general average
or the state icmains low. In Du Page.
ireene. llent ) , .Madison , Mcphcnson nnd
nfX ) percent. In Hoinl , Cass.Coles. Ciawfoid ,
Jhiistiati. rulton. Kankak e , Like. Ma-
coupin , Pnlaskl , bhelbv , and \Vabash
counties the avenge latigos from ( > 0 to DO per
cent. In Washington county theleld will
be less than SKI pur cent of the average.
'Iho geneial average Is low foi all Iowa
'outitlcs. ' niunlnir from 10 toliOpei cent. In
Ulnggold and Wayne counties the aveiace Is
10 percent. In I avette , Jaspei , Tainn , Cinvv-
loid , Mitchell \Vliinesliiek \ counties tlio
averaire is no to > 0 percent. In Cedar , Dxvls
ind Linn counties tlm avcingo is bO to IK ) per
cent.The average In Missouri rnnces from fw
to ( > 5 IK.M cent. The average does not promise
otie-li df ( d an average y leld.
In DiKoti the ) lehlot wheat is averaglnj
fioni twelve to eighteen bushels nnd the
giain Is mailing
In Minnesota the vlcld of wheat ranges
[ torn eight to tw cut-four bushels , ruling very
In m my counties in Iowa , Indiana , Illi
nois nnd Wisconsin the ground is icported
too dty to pormitol fall plowing , and the ef
fects ot the diought aio also still seriously felt ,
owing to the diving up of die pasture. Un
less relict b ) tafti comes shortly stock will go
intow Inter qiiarteis in poor condition.
Fitilts are lepurted as abundant In all the
western states , with the execution of Wis
Hog choleia Is reported In St. Francis
county , Missouri ; Hlnggold county , Iowa ,
and InChtistian , droene , Pulaskl and Shelby
counties , Illinois. Asa rule , however , hogs
are icpoited ns unusually healthy.
Wheat and Stubborn Corn.
On ic i : OK F. ( K KA.\I.\EIU.U ( A ; Co. , 210 Li
Salle stieet , Chtca.'o , Augustas , IbSG. The
sudden and unoxpeitcdro\Iv.ilof theeastcin
( piestlou In Klirope.m poljtlcs liis once more
injected an uncortaia olomonl into the wheat
111,11 ket , eaiiblng a nervous and unsettled
feeling which resulted in fiofpiont and sharp
fluctuations. Lnthiiblaslic bulls autlcipnliug
a ten 01 twenty centadvaiice in the event of
wai , bought liberally on the first news ot ab
dication ot Alexander , but wcie nimble to
enlist the "country , " a.nd ns local beais
steadily supplied tlio demand on eveiy bulge
thu entiiuslasts weie unable to maintain their
position , and nltei billing until their aidor
cooled , were compelled to submit to a simp
bieak which foiced many of them to unload.
Heats Unshed with victory continued selling
fieelj , mldlng to Uiu embarrassment of hold
ers , but lorcing the * market Into a position
which miy soon Income nntomfoitablo for
them , Insomuch at lower prices tend to de-
cte\so the movement tiom lust hands and
nninnent the export demand , which at mod-
eratelv low piices bids tair to absoib a laige
shaio of our suipliis. With but a moderate
movement of spring vv licit , and .in Unmoved
dcmind < rom abroadanoveisohl maiketwill
bo an Impoitanl factoi in deteunining ptices
in the near Inline , and wo mav discover that
legitimate Influences are far more favoiable
foi icmuiieiatlvo piices than the exciting
stimulus ot possible war. That the condition
of Kniopenn crops aio nnsatistactoiy lor
fnimeis abioad Is quite ccitiln , and that
seiious damage lias been sustained Ib not im-
ptobible , us advices liom reliable sources
wairant sucli a conclusion. The lednctlon
in stotago cliaiges at Milwaukee has ciused
considerable speculation as to the ellect It
will hn\e on bu-ilness heio. It Is , however ,
generallj believed that Chicagoclevatoi men
\vlllhnvotocmiilnto our progiessivo neigh-
boisnnd lednce theli charires to the s.imo
basis ; and upon the result lai-'ely depends
the value ot deteired futuics. blionld the ic-
ductiou applv to all gialn now In Btoiodo-
tc'iied options would piobably decline as
compiled with the neii futines , for the pre
text tor large pieminms would in a measure
be removed. Coin has gilevously disap
pointed Its Irlends , and while influenced by
wheat , finquently develops inherent weak
ness , and despite the efforts nnd faith ot san-
irulnoholdeih icfuses to nmtenallv advance.
The continued liberal movement Horn the
countrj fiom hcctions wheie complaints of
damage have been iiumcious astounds tlie
bulls ; and while the sentiment is probably
strong enough to cause rea ( tlons from bleaks ,
but little relief can be expected by holders
until receipts diminish or leapilroaeh tlm
liist pciiod wnen another crop is pos-
hible. I'jiED A. SMALL.
ICnundine Up Hod Dnvil.s.
Wn.rox , ArlAugust,29. , . Colonel Wade
hasioundedup nil tlioChicahunsniid Wnrm
faming Apaches , numbering 420. Ho hns
them under guard nnd will , unless somonccl-
dent occurs , carry out ( ioncinl Miles' plans ot
moving them out of Ail/ona tcnitoiy. C.ii > -
tain Lnvvton is In clobO nioxfmlt ) to
( ioronimo , who has asked for better teims
than unconditional .siiriendcr.
I/ast Wook'H Glearanrcfl.
HOSTQN , August UK. Scclnl | dispatches
from tlm mannicers of the loading dealing
houses In the United Slates gives the total
gross enhances for the week ending August
iis at i > 7G.,2'stn ! ' ) ( | , $ n luctenso of 17.1 per cent ,
nscompaicd witli the coiiespondlng week in
HOSION , August 2l. ! fSpedalTelogi. un to
the IlKi ; ] The clearances repotted fiom
Omaha last week me y,010-i0 ; ; , an Increase
ot 7".l pci cent.
0 1 ym Jin < vu.
AHtockYard Foroni.fn on Ilia Muscle ,
Lust tii ht n well-known ttouknuui
oanio the John L. > ulUvau taetics on an
Omaha cooper in Mctiuckiii's saloon , on
Tenth street , corner of Luavenworlli ,
The parlies had a wnr of words anil the
bairol maker was bfUy \ < used up , He
icceivcd a coiions cut on the head , while
his face resembled abcpfhtoak just before
the aitislio cook uutfl it on the broiler in
i espouse to the dulcet sounds from the
banrjuet hull , "One poitorhouso rarol"
The injured man WPS taken to Dr. Darrow
and had his injuries drnsscd. Snbso'
qnontly friends of the liKliters got lo-
gethcr nnd an agreement was iniulo tc
settle tlio matter on the steak yards man
paying $10 , This ho dhl , and no police
attention was called and iioturcats foi'
TjS { n-thc Pie ! ' ! A a n.
Young Itlclimond. the lad who stabbed
n BIK : cairior about a ycai1 ngo , made
another assault yesterday with a knife
upon a bootblack named Craig , The
afl'ulr ocouuod on'J'entli street near the
Tivoh gardens. The boya became en
gajred In a dispute when Richmond drew
iv kmfu and assaulted Craig , who was a
much smaller boy. Ho cut an ugly gasl
just under tlio boy's left eye , and cairn
very near dostioymg that member. Tlu
mutter wua uot icpuited to the police.
The Treasury Department and tlio Hani
Work of its Head ,
What Oil Cnn Do Wlien Poured on n
Troittdcd Sea tlcinark.iljlo Kx-
eoH ol Mpamcn !
dlan biiprdy Oontraot .
A Talk on tlio Treasury.
W IIIINOIOV , August -J. ( Special Cor-
respondciieo of tlm Hni : . ] Spe'aking of the
pinslcal condition of Secretary Manning , an
lolllelalof the ticasmy dcpiitment said
this tnotning : 'The ticasmy department
itself Is at nil times a most dltlleult branch of
the government to successfully manage , and
a man must be , of the coolest possible disposi
tion and the most equable temperament In
the world In ordei to beat up nndui tlm bin-
dens which aie Imposed upon him. Perhaps
[ here was no man mure thoroughv ! compe
tent for this position since tlio war than
Secretary McCulloch. He was a trained
ntikcr when ho was Hist selected as comp
troller nf the treisury , and ho oig.anl/ed that
xceedlngly Important bureau with the great
est success. Timmulinut his ndmlnistiation ,
: oo , ot the treasuiy portfolio lie was remaikn-
blo tor the coolness and success with whicli
ic conducted the ollleo. Jsecietaiy MeCul-
tech was followed by ex-loveinor ! Houtwcll ,
to whom more than any othei mnii Is due
the success of the ictundlm : scheme. Mt ,
Sheinian lias ircnerally been accorded all the
ciedlt thnt attaches to that Important linan-
elal movement , hut It was owing to Mi.
Houtwell's mvlngtho wn > that Mr. Sheiman
was enabled to can y It out , and he did It ,
too , with neivc. lloutwellwas followed by
Illchardson , vv ho was side of the poitfoho al
most as soon as ho was appointed. The San-
born contracts wonled him gieatly. It will
be tcmemhcred thnt the Sanboin contracts
grew nutot an aruuigumcnt with ono ban-
boin , whodiscovore 1 that a great many pai-
tlcs had defrauded the goveiumoiit of laigo
sums of money. Ho offered to in ike the col
lections , which Diobiblv would not have
otheiwlse been undo at all , and Ids tecs
amounted to such enormous sums th it a eon-
giesslonal Investigation was or-
deied , nnd becietary Kichardson
was grcatlv woiried Jn consequence.
He Admitted to Iho committee thnt ho sinned
hundreds of letters which ho never read and
ot which lie knew nothing of the \ontcnts.
1 his created a great deal ot scandal at tiie
time tmt Hichnulson was not the lirst nor the
last secietary who find done tlie simo tiling.
In fact if one should see the iii'iubei ot letters
which aie signed bv thu secietary of the
treasuiy e ich day no ono would bo surprised
that that oIHcial should not know the con
tents of one in a hundred to vv hlch his signa
ture is attached. Illchardson was followed
In ordoi by Utistovv , bheiiuan , Wlmtoin ,
Tolger , Uiesham. McCulloch and Dually by
Manning. Oi tlie list I'oigei alone bioke
downuudci the stiaiu of tlie office. The
otliers vvere moie 01 less cool tluoughout ajl
the tioubloiis linancial times vv Inch tliev ex-
peiiencpd , but the woik was too much tor
Judge Folger. Ho was a indicia ! rather than
an admlnistiativo onicei , and was
In the habit of attempting to
master eveiy subject upon which
ho was called to act in fie least. The stiain
wns too much for him , and it was undoubt
edly to tils overwork that lie linally suc
cumbed. However , tlieio has nevei been a
man In tlm department since thowni who
has worked so persistently as Mr , Manning.
It is Fnfo to si ) that while in ehaigcot the
ollkc Ids mind was wrapped up In the finan
cial aflalis of the government for tlnee-quar-
teis ot u\ei ) div , including Sundays. Ilo
woiked at hisothco till 0 or even "o'clock ,
and then , alter dinnei , would again bo en
gaged until midnUhf If ho ovei comes
biclc ho w ill bo compelled to change ins plan
ol action 01 lie will hicak down again , and
next time it will bo so seiious that he will be
compelled to peimaiiently ictiio fiom active
life ot an ) Kind. "
on. O.N rnot nr nn WAIIU .
Dining tlio Inn ricano season in the south
ern waters of the United fatates tlie hydro-
giaphic olllre ot tlm navy has discontinued
the publication of letteis fiom coiiimandeis
ot vessels , showing theeflect ot the use ot oil
upon the seas during the pievaleuco ot
stoims. Since the denaitmont adopted this
method ot showing the value of oil tlieio
have been some vvoudeifiil experiences re
potted. The scientific sillore , as a uile , weio
inclined to sneei at the idea that any mate
rial benefits could bedemed from this simple
expedient , and naval ofllceis weie about the
last to tiy the ellects of the ole.uinons
fluid in "stilling tlie sin face of tlio
deep. " The otllcer in command of the United
Stales steamei 1'ilos. howevei , hasbcen con
verted to the theoiy and repoits that
while I'liiM-'ed In taking the new minister ot
the United States to Cmei lo ids destination
ho tried theetlect of oil in a very high sea ,
nnd that ho used b i s filled witli a substance
Known as tea oil to veiy good ellect. He
admitted that ho wns skeptical nt lirst , nnd
only tried tlie plan to coininco liimseit that
the nil * i ot oil all ectlnf ; the * vvav cs was absuid ;
but he admits tinthet that thu icsiilt was as
tonishing , and Hint so long as the ship re
mained In the vicinity ot the oil they weio
virtually becalmed with the a toi in all aionnd
It Is only during the past two or thieo
yens that the dejiaitmeiit hns given any at
tention to the subject ot oil upon the soi , )0t
some of the older ho.t captains have
known of Its effects fin a. great
many years. The writer was , In
IbG' ) , a passenger on n ( Seriunn brig fiom
London to Xew Voile. While off the banks
of Xnw Foundlaudastormaioso.whlch lasted
several days. Thwo were a gicat many
wrecks In the vicinity of the banks , nnd alter
thogalo Imd somewhat subsided , wieck.ige
was seen all nronnd the Herman brig. On
thu morning of the : id of July It was no
ticed that a deck cabin from some demolished
schooner was Moating In the vicinity ot the
brig. Attempts to giapplo on to it weiu vvltli-
out avail , because of tlio high sea which wns
rnnnlnif. Thocnptnln ordeied tlmsallmikoi
to make n small bag of cam as nnd
Into this ho nourcd about a gallon of ollvo
oil , which he had somehow or other saved
from n cargo of Italian pioducts iccentlj un
loaded in London. Several holes wore
imm lied in the hag with a sail needle , and It
wns thrown over the weatliei bow. Within
live minutes the surlaco of the watci was so
smooth th it tlio deck cabin was s ived with
out dllllculty nnd piovedthe means by which
the into ot the etow cf the schooner was
known to the woild.
suppians roil THE sioux.
Contracts for Indian Itationn to lie
Lot at an tJttrly Date.
WASHINGTON , August 29. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hii.J : : Assistant Indian Com
missioner Upshavv returned to-day from
Xew York , whuio ho has been engaged In
superintending the shipment of Indian sup
plies , largely clothing and farming utensils ,
to the west. This work Is about one month
ahead of time this year , but beloio the slow
process ol Iransportatlon has provenlod sup
plies reaching Iho agencies until after cold
weather.set in , and as a icsult theio Is much
suffering entailed upon the Indians , nnd con
sequently great dissatisfaction , especially
among the treaty tribes. Tlm commissioner
Is determined this year that these goods
shall reach Hie agencies in time to allow the
Indians to
" rKBP-iiii : ron
The Indian ofllcowlll rcconi-.8"d to con-
giess legislation that wlltallow tlm letting of
contracts for supplies in March heicafter so
that the contincts can bo can led out earlier
in tlio year.
The purchase of supplies for the Indian
seivice Is no light matter , the goods needed
being of such a varied Umiactur that tlm
most experienced buyei cannot brcouio ex-
pen in tlio little details , and as n coiisequnnca
the most careful attention Is required that
the samples and the supplied iu bulk am
pxnet. The quantities purchased nr" exceed-
lngl > Inrgo the count being about thosnmo
this j ear as last. There U reason to believe
that If eoneress hid planted Mr. Atkins' 10-
quest for r > ) .OX ) vv Ith which to take n census
of the \.uious resetvatloiis , considerable
xisd Mioin ni 1111 < TI n
vo.ul.v in Iho pmchase of these supplies.
There Is over ) leason to believe that the In
dians in many localities aie decieislnirlap-
Idly. I Ids is known to lie the case among
the Sioux , who are espcclall ) susceptible to
pulmonat ) tumble and have an nggiavalin ! :
ellmnte to deal with. At none of the a en-
Pies , however , his the number of rations
been leduced ' I'luo Hldge. Agent
Mcillllciidd ( ) hns \eaisbien Issuing 7X ( > J
rations to the binds , that monthly come up
to collect foi Indians etedlted to agency ,
\ettheiolsieasou lo bellevo tint less than
two thiuls of tint number exist In that Dart
of the Rio.d Sioux u'seivatlon. M.ijoi Hell ,
vs lien he assumed cnntiol ol thoagcnej after
Mctillllcndd ) was suspended ,
it vi > v < > : in i < i ' M *
of the Pine Kidm-Simix I ikm and repoits to
the Indian that iustradof 7,010 he has
but-t.VM Indians tlieie. Theio was talk of
ledueing the rations , but the bands nssumcd
n hostile nttltiide at once and bec.ime so
tlnvateniiig that Comml-'slonei AlKlns was
forced to telegraph ( he men th it the in-
tlons should nut be leduced.
It is stated at thu Indian huieau that tlieie
has has been some slight ledue-
lion In the i.itions nt Pine Hldge ,
but US does not constitute a great
saving as vet. On the great Sioux leH'iva-
tlon In ISM ) there wem said to be wyxxi In-
diins , jet tlieie Is good leason to liellevo
that , If n census was taken to dnv , a saving
of fuliv ( lOJOialioiisiii section could bo
olfeeted. The pennv w IMS ami pound foolish
polle.v of congiess In icgaidto the Indians is
piobahl ) tlio most icprchcii'iblo of any of
tlio ( loiiiaiojlcal economical schemes ptnc-
Used by either p.uty when In contiol ol the
i > iviTiNci c v n i r. ( } t rsi lov.
The Indian Imnaii his been pmryllug its
brain for the pist week over ono of the most
Intricate problems that evei eiuiu before It ,
conecinlng thu ownetshlp of i\'VX > head o I
cattle. Kail ) In the beginning of theptesent
) eai'sira7lnB season ceituln Aik.insasp.u-
tles drove then held upon tlm Indian lauds
In that poitlon of the Indian tetrltoiv known
as Oklahoma. To piotect themselves and
give theii Invasion an nppeaiaiuo ol light ,
thev entered intopartncisidivvltli | an Indian
who wns a tosident of the deck Nation.
The Intel lor dupaitmcnt , niion hearing of
the action of these people , dliected Hubert
Owen , diieetoi at tlie Union i.-eney , to sel/o
the cattle and hold them until fmtlier ordeis.
Uhls hodld , when the Indian tuitnoi in the
linn came foi w.ud and chimed the ownei-
shipof the entile held , 'llm othet partners
came lunvard and claimed that the Indian
ii vi ) NO vi STP.D 1111,1 :
In the cattle * , ho having been taken In ns a
inttnei for the puiposo above mentioned.
Tlie agent could , of com so , make no decision
In thecasoandiefciredltto thoLommlssionei
of Indian affaiis. Tot two or tlnce davs
Acting Commissioner Upshavv aim Chief
Clerk .Maxwell sat ns a coint ot Inqitiiy , and
heard testimony In thu case nnd found the
testimony so conllicting Hint they have as
) ct been mmblo to leuilet a decision in thu
matter. Added to tills Mi. Upshavv's doubt
as to Hie juiibdiction ot the depaitment in
tlio mattei , the .fllalt becomes one likely to
lob the ) oung commissioner of a night or
two's rest. .Meantime the agent Is lookini :
aflci tlie cattle at no little expense and the
gentleman from At Kansas me on nettles lor
tear tlieii Indian paitnei Is likely to eucliei
them out ot the whole a.SOO head.
Hnjard's Special Knvoy Paints the
Cilv ot Mexico Keel.
CITV OK Mi.\iro , August 21 [ Special
Telegram to thu Hi J. . ] A. J. bed ewick ,
Secretary Havaid's special envoy to Mexico ,
has been hero since last Monday. The Mex
ican press note.d tlio arrival of Mr. Sedge-
wick as special envoy ot tlio United States ,
and at the same time announced that Sedge-
wick had unlimited cicdit at the banking
houses In this cltv , and that he , accompanied
by a lot of joung Mexican bloods in this city ,
enjoed liimself immensely oiio night at ttio
Jockev Club. Dilnks were lice and Special
Knvoy Sedgewick was in high clovct. Ho
soon became hilaiious and finally , it Is as-
seited , that while * he was "full" the Mexicans
decked him out with floweis , and placed a
big bouquet in the toil of Ins hit. Attei 0
o'clock in the molding the inmates in the
Tuibido hotel were amused by twenty or
moioot the Mexican gilder ) ouths , nil singIng -
Ing and shouting , and they led In Special
Hnvoj Sedgewick in tiiuntph , decked out as
a prince nnd lie nodded his acknowledg
ments. The put ) vaioused In soveialhouses
ot well known leputation , in ono ot which
thev left tbeii pil/e In chaigc ot some accom
modating female.Tho c"-eai > ide of the a Icircd
special envo ) is tlm talk ot the town , and
mombeis ot tlie Ametlcaii colonv me full of
Indignation ovei the disgrace brought upon
the Aineiicin name by a man selected b ) the
adminlbtr.itioii toi a delicate mission.
A Murderer Murdered by an Insane
Prisoner in Jail.
PHI ri'onr , 111. , August 21. ) . [ Special Tele
gram to the Hit.JChailes ; Lashelle , a mm-
derer , who was leiociottsly assiulted In the
jail at Mt. Can oil , Ilk , last Thuisdaj by
Francis A. Moui.ui Ins me inmate , llugeied
the most of thu time In nn unconscious state
until to-day , when ho died. Mo.vor sas ho
lead In the Itlblu tint muideicis must die ,
and feeling he was called upon to Kill La-
sholle. ho did It in order to fullill what ho
thoiuht the Hlhlo said was his duty. Thu
( lime foi vvlilcli Lishcllo was awaiting tiial
was tlio cold blooded minder some mouths
agoot Patricle Hcddlngton , night watclnnnn
lu tlio village ot Shannon , only a low miles
west of Kiceport. Lnshello was a barber ,
nnd witli onu ot ills i.i/ors , which ho brought
from his shop , cut his victim's tluoat almost
fiom car toe.u , cmsing death a vciv few
minutes nttei. The opinion seemed to bo
quite geneial that L ishcllo would have been
hung had ho not been Killed.
Destruction < > ( tlio Drew ,
UoNDoui. N. Y. , August 2 < i , Ati : o'clock-
tills afternoon the largo passenger
bent , Daniel Diovv , of the Alhanj line ,
caught Hie at its mooiin.s nt Kingston
Point and buincd to the watui's edge. Tlio
Drew was held in leadlnoss foi use in ease
ril accident to cithei ol the othu two boats
of the line. AH tlm luiniluio belonging to
the. boat was on bonid , nnd nothing was
Based. The Duns was one Of the laigest and
swiftest passoug" ! steameis on thu Hudson
rlvei. j.oss , frlG 1,000.
Beware of Scrofula
Scrofula Upinhabl ) inoroRfticril than any
ottici aiscarc. U U iiibldlous In chnr.ictcr ,
and manifests Itself In running sines , pustular
eruptions , bolls , suclllii ; ; ! , enlaicd Joints ,
bsccsscxeorpcyts , etc. Hood's S.irsaparlll.i
expels all trace of scroful i fiom the WooJ ,
leaving It puio , enriched , and healthy ,
"I n as flcvcrcly afflicted with sciofuIa.rtKt
ov cr a ) car had two running soi cs on my neck ,
Took five bottles HooJ's KuisaparllU , and am
cured. " 0. K , I.ov L-JOV , Iovcll , Mass.
0. A , Arnold , Arnold , Mo. , hail scrofulous
rorcs for sev en ) eirs , spring and fall , Hood's
fiartarurllla cured him.
Salt Rheum
la one of the most disagreeable dlscasei e.iu < > d
I ) ) Impure blood. Hlsicrulllycurcdlij Hood's
barf apu ilia , the prcat blood piirllicr ,
William Spies , I'l ) rla , O. , suffered greatly
from rrslpcl9t ! and call ihcutn , caused by
linndllng tobacco. At times Ids hinds would
crack open and bleed. Ho tried v.uions picp-
aratlons without aldj fluall ) took Hood's Sir-
taparr/iS , < u l now . < i > st" I am entirely well , "
"Jty son had saft jlicnr. t-i Ushnuuspua
on the calvci of his legs. Ha teed Hooil'i
Barsnpurllla ami U entirely cured. " J. 15.
Etzidon , lit. Ycrnor , Ohio.
Bold bjU drjysliti. fl , fix fur C.
lJ/C. I HOOliX CO , Apoaoiarles.l/jwf-n , ; i.m.
( OO Doses Ono Dollar
The Decision of the Iowa Stnto Fair Mnna-
gcrs ntul Public Opinion.
Older * to Iteminic Oprrnllnns UP-
ooUcil nt Dei Mollies Prom \Vnsh-
Inirlon A Miniature Vole-lino
ItreulfH liuoso Iowa ISevvs.
I'loin lima' * Statci Capital.
Ons MIIIM s , In , August a . fSpeeinl to
ho Hi.r. ] Thcie him been ijnlto u little com-
nent nver the tact the malingers ol tlin
state' laii have lofitsi'd to allow pools to bu
soldon thogtoiind thlsyeai. Mnnj piedict
lint this menus failure so Ini as thu laces mo
oneeiiied. 'Inoj sax that tinners of tln > lu'st
loises mo accustomed , In iidilltlon to tlui
HUM'S the ) \\u | , to nuiko i\ good deal ot
uonev foi themselves and tlie-li trleuds out
jf the pools that aio sold. Tlint If Ihov mo
lot allowed to ell pools nt l > os Mollies they
will take tholr hoiscsand go to somewlekul
ell ) lIKu Omnha or Minneapolis nud give. tl o
Iowa fnlr the go by. Posslbl ) this Is so , ni d
ho action of tlm fall dlieetots may look a llt-
tlo Puiltanlenl. Hut It Knot gcneially nndci-
stood that the Io\\.i state fnlr was otganl/ed
pilinntlly tin thupurpoMUif hnrM * racing nr the
enrichment of gamblers. If it is not possible to
ia\u a good fall In an state Ilku I
low. i , \\ltli Its magnificent ie omces ot Hold
ind fai \\ltliont making pool selling the
most attractive nud Important fe.ituio , It
ulghtbe just ns well to lind It out this year.
I'lm people ( it Iowa oujo\ seeing axooil
torso troi or mil as intieh as do the people oC
au\ other Mite , lint they ha\o become
boroughl ) disgusted with the iiHifesslouiil
| ockOlsm and gnmbllng accompaniment *
; hat have attended so manv races 01 thu past.
1'lioy think ( lie refoun piopisi'd I' a good
one. at least they megohm to give It .1 fair
WOTHCTO nr ursi'Mntt.
After several weeks ol waiting the super
intendent ol the goveinment \ building
in the cit ) has received eiders to go onlth
the work of teaiimr down the old walls pie-
juratory to building up the new. H lias
: ioen soiuoears siuto congress passed the
Ihst appiopilation for icpalrliig andcnlatg-
Inir the ledeial bulldlm ; In this city. Hut
delay aftei dohi ) lias attended the woik. the
public bus been greatly iueoininoded , the
Gtnxernmcnt soivieo has neon h.unpoied and
lestileted , and linally compelled to seek
other n ii.u teis , and now l\i'ial weeks have
elapsed , aflei the last nppiopiiation had been
pissed , while waiting lor some oltielal tu
ijivo the oidet to tear down a stone wall.
What a pleasant and roiuenlent thin : ; It
would bo il the goveinment would conduct
Its alTatrs as a private business man docs his I
it vii.noAn AC in in.
Dm Im * the past week Des Moincs has wit
nessed au activity in i.illioad mitteis seldom
scon. It has bieii conhncd , however , to a
stieet lailwaj whic'i ' has ueen liulusti'niisly
laboiingto m ike its eniiueotlon beloio a
ihnl line occupies the s > tieots. For neirly
twenty veais DCS Moines his had to put up
with a narrow gauge , Inollielcnt , and pailic-
ul.ulv deficient stu'ot c u sci vice1. This bum-
nioi the council planted a now compaiu .1
chattel foi a broad gauge load , with luat-
class equipments. The oldcompui ) , think
ing itself entitled to most ol the eaith ,
claimed , under itschaiter. the ruht to e\eiy
stieet in the city which It might choose to
use. So the new company has had to sit up
nights and woikerv liaid dajs to get a few
streets on which it could lav its tiaclc. Tim
inteicstof the people Is nil \ \ ith the new
company. Hut by flit strange , though not
altogether nnusuil lacult ) which elt\ coun
cils sometimes develop , it has teemed largely
disposed tostaiidln the way ol the cltv's
piogress and do the bidding of the wealthy
coipoi.ition that on us the old lino.
Ijcnvitt nu < l Others Acc'imccl of As-
Rissiiiitliir : Haddock.
Sioux CITIn. . , Amjnst -Special [ Tele-
Kiam to the Hi i : . | Contraij to eneial ex-
liectations juituiday the Haddock coronei's
jmy has linally rcudeied its \erdiut , but , as
inedlctcd by tlie JMn : , roltibes to annouiico
tlio same pnbllely until thu olliceis have ni-
rcsted all the men implicated nud charged
with the niurdei. CoinneiVateininiiwhen
seen oy tlm Hr.i lepioseutatUc , iclusyd testate
state the natuio of the \erdkt , but Rave it to
be undeistood that qulto a number of ai rests
will bo made at once , hero in the city
and ono 01 more outside , the urlnunal 0110 oC
the latter belli. ; 11. L. Le.ultt. Iiifoiiiuitlons
chaining the paities in question with as-
bassinatlou will bo made bcforo a justice to-
moiiow , and the ai rests will bo made na soon
as iiossible. It may bo hevcial dajs yet bo-
foio the veidict can bo announced , but it it
hoped cailj In the week tlm attests will lo
mado. Lo.uill is now a fngitivo nnd thu
lepoit that ho Is in IJeadwoud 01 K , ins , is
Cit > nio without foundation. An ollleei ad
vises > om coiiosponilpiit that he was In
Oin ilia the lattoi noition of last week , and
from tlicru heat a hasty Hit owinir to the
indiscieto action of the police ot tills city. It
isecitain that Sluuir IoDonald , wlio , up to
the piobcnt time. h.ih taken no nctho nut In
the laso , owini ; to a inlsuuderstaiidliiK with
thu jury , is now hard lit woik nnd it IB cer
tain ho will hive Leavittln lions veiy hOiin.
nnd also e\eiy man Implle.iti'i ) , InclimliiK the
villiau who lircd the shot. The oxnmlnatloii
of tlm men w ill bo public pinmlscs to bo
oiio of the most inteiobtlin ; nud exciting ever
heaid hoio.
From an Oltlcer.
Xeb. , August -Special [ Telo-
to the Hiji.J Dujmtj Ijhoiill CiiUln , oC
OaK county , was In the city to-daj looking
tor two hoisc thieves that escaped hlsurahp
the ni lit befoie. i'lm tlileves , ROUIO two
weeks ago , stole two Itoit-os and disposed of
them up In Antelope county. 'I he deputy
eiptuted oiio ol them noir ; I'lckerell.aud mid-
deul > coming upon the other , jumped from
the v , le.iv IIIK the catitnicif onn In the
'Urn lesult v > as that bot'i '
madothoii csc.iiu. | and the ollkcih heio liavo
Binco leioived v\ord that a hoi-o was .stolen
tit I'iekerell the same night. The deputy
fihenlf ulsobioiiyht the Intoimniloii to this
city that , tlm absuindini ! music
ilralci , had been eoineied neni l-'llloy and
that doluLtlves had none lei him to brlni ;
him back to Lincoln.
An louu Volcniilo l > iiillon. |
ttnu , l'i.\iv , Jn , , .Augiiht sj'J. [ Special
Telo to the ttv.i .J-Last wceU nn atlo-
hl.iu well wascomphtud on the flat near the
dejiot. This iiioinlnt , ' , the well , not hoini ;
piped , comniciued spoutlin ; gieat volumia
ot hand , nind and lock with water. At thlrf
hour ( Da in. ) the hole is ne.iilj us largo
round as a hogshead. The well Is situated in
the middle of astiect nnd the Hood ot xanil
and mud Imicnvcied the hhlewalk , ami in
lapldlv iiiliug Ihu dooijnids and sweeping
ovei tlie lawns and llowei liedi A cintcr
has In en limned .aound the pl.un luim whuli
the watir How. several teet hi h , ( licat
alaim pun nil * among tlm ii ldcnts , who fenr
that tlioentiui lovvei pnit ol thu city will bo
nil a "Ii Inkliiu Oiindolii. "
Biuux Cm , la. , AiiKiibt - ' " > . lhptclal Tel-
o/i.iin to the l > i i-.Slnco : ] the closing ot the
.saloons . \ dilnKlnj ; Kondol.i hns | K > CII nicd ; !
up nnd lloatu In the Mlbsoml ilvei oppouitu
thu city , Today aciowd ofuul - men , em-
plojcd on the atieot impiuveniiiut ( 'aiiKi
lio.u ded thib lioat and .if l < l di In1 , inf. to ex
cess Kot lute a tow. Alt ftvc'lliiK ' lusll.ido
Uiuk place , Neveial being injuied nnd onu
man badlv < ut vrtrl : a in/oi. dim of hm almost si-xcreu fri'iu Lh nrm and
hlolatobadlj Mushed. All the
aiu iindoi
\Vcalhci' for .Nebi HhUa and lovvn. vvuUhti , iicui ! ) bUtluuury