Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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The Union Pacifies Suffer ( ? ) Anotlor De
feat bj the Hastings Team ,
Struck by n Train A New Canning
Factory Kobbcil In CJollinin
September Weather Oilier 'Mai tors.
The Hastings Win Again.
Tlio grand stand at Athletic park was
> cry sparsely puttied at the1 opening of
he ball game between the Union Paellies
and Hastings yesterday afternoon , and
wns occupied only by friends of the visitor -
tor at the close of the game. The few
Oinnlians who wore present left in dis
gust before the game was half finished.
lW3'er , Diigan and Hrandt of tin1 homo
team were absent.Vitliticll , I'ntnani
nml Toner , of tlio Athletics , lillud the
vacancies. The vacancies were not dis
turbed In the least. Contrary to expecta
tion , Salisbury was In tin : box , but pitched
nn indiU'crcnt gamo. The Hastings had
liauor , late of thu St. Louis Maroons , in
the box and his work was very ollbetive.
lie docst not pitch a speedy ball , but
downs them all in head work. He has : i
habit of giving the baiter a red liot
straight , and swift bait just out of reach
and then sending ti duw drop in the de
sired direction. The average batter
catches the dew drop for u high
lly that hardly ever gels beyond
tlio in Held and fiords many opportuni
ties for double plays. The Union Pa-
cilics went to bat and went out in rota
tion on high Hies. Iho Hastings came in
and scored three runs on as many errors
by the homo loam. Jn the second inning
the homo team got a goose egg. The
Hastings went to the bat and made live
runs without an ell'ort. All Ihuy had lode
do was lo catch the ball for a light hit
nnd then run to first , while tlio homo
team wore furnishing amusement 1'or tlio
spectators by pawing the air wildly or
sprawling around on the ground in a
is frantic oll'ort to catch a crippled lly or to
Is head oil'a dyspeptic daisy cutter. In Iho
third inning the homo team made two
scores by a serjcs of wild throws on the
part of the visitors , and succeeded in
scratching another tally later in the
gaum. Tlio visitors hud but little Iroublo
in running up a score of 18 , when Ihoy
got tired and let up for the rest
of tlio game , being satisfied with
keeping the Union 1'acilies from scoring.
The game closeil with a score of 18 lo 3
in favor of the visitors ; It is announced
that a second game will bo played be
tween the clubs to-day. If iho Union
Pacifies will get seven or eight ball
players , or even go to work themselves ,
they may bo able to again attract tlio
crowds that favored them earlier in the
' Home Hun" Jones , of Hinghamton ,
( N. Y. ) who has contracted with the
Union Paoilics , has recovered from his
siok spell and is readv to come on as
Eoon as ho is given an assurancs of a job
in Omaha. Tin ; manager of the Union
1'acilios ought to got him here at once.
A Hastings photographer came down
yesterday and took a group photo of tlio
two nines just before llio game was
called. It was Hit only part of the game
In which the home team appeared to any
There will bo. a bijr series of ball games
at ( inuui Island during the G. A. 11. en-
campmcntthis week. The Hastings , St.
Joe , Lcadvillc nnd Lincoln clubs will be
among the contestants.
Hayes , the new pitcher , was unable to
work yesterday , haying worn himself out
in two games on Thursday and Friday.
The Wllkos-I'liyllls Itacc.
The special race which has been ar
ranged to take place at the driving park
between Harry Wilkes and Phyllis for n
purse of $3C03 5s attracting the atten
tion of turfman throughout the state
and in Iowa , and will form n very
attractive and drawing feature of the
fair. The Lincoln Journal of yesterday
made a very sickly attempt to draw at
tention from this race by the publica
tion of the following :
A llttlu Item appeared in the Journal yes
terday stating that the horse ilarry WIfku.i
would trot for SH.noOnl the Omaha talr. It is
now ascertained that Ilarry is under contract
for the Illinois state fair at Chicago at Urn
time of the Omaha fair , and the advertise
ment of him to bo at Omaha proves only a
Bclicme to catch suckers.
The secretary of tlio Omaha Fair and
Exposition Association holds n most
excellent contract with the owners of
Ilarry Wilkes , the best trotter in match
races in tlio world , and Phyllis , whenever
never fails to get her share ot big money ,
agreeing to trot a match race in Omaha
September Oth , 1680 , and our readers may
rest assured that these two celebrated
horses will bo here on the day and date
Secretary Wheeler's ' force is kept busy
booking entries for tlio coming races.
Secretary Wheeler , of the Omaha Fair
nnd Exposition company , is a .skilfull ad
vertiser , His latest , move ia to stick
neatly printed posters on freight cars
which on their rail rambles will carry the
news where it will do the. most good.
K. L. Emory left for DCS Molncs last
evening to continue his good work of
procuring premium blooded stock for the
iair. Ho says the display of cattle and
horses at the coming fair will surpass
anything over held west of the lakes.
In Iho lllug.
Colonel A , 11. Forbes received a tele
gram from Ed Kothory last night datnd
Now York City , 0:20 : p. m. , staling that
the Sullivan-Herald light was oil' .
Both Marx and Fit'/gerald arc In nctivo
training ami are already nearly down to
boxing trim. The contest nest Saturday
promises to be llvnly in every particular.
Fitzgerald is a married man and travels
quite independently. Ho never makes a
match with n man unless he is confident
of victory and ho always .shows that o n-
fldouco by pulling up Ids own money on
himself. Marx's great forlo is in histay-
inequalities. Persons who have seen him
m Now York say that there is no give up
about him.
Some of the prominent Irishmen in
town talk about organizing a hand ball
club for amusement during the winter
months. If enough signify their inten
tion to join a suitable alley will bo erected
nnd this old-time game will bo in full
force in this oily. Pat Desmond , a vet
eran hand ball tos.ior is the leadur in this
movement ,
Union Sowing machine , COO N , IGth st.
Struck lly A Train.
The incoming passenger train No. 7 on
the Wabash last evening struck a man
who was walking on the track about
twelve miles cast of Council IJlun's. ilo
was thrown down on a trusllo work and
when the train was stopped ami the man
was surgically examined it was discovered
that his right shoulder blade was broken ,
Lis face badly cut and there wore bruises
nil over ills. body. It was miraculous that
ho was not killed outright. The injured
man gave his name as Mat liolcr , his
business cattle dealing , and his residence
JJowark. N. J. Ho said he wns partially
deaf which accounts for his not hearing
too repeated whistles of the locomotive.
There is a mini of money In Lake View. Lake View. Lake View , Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake Viow. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View.
There is n mint of money in Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake Viow. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View , Lake Viow. Lake View.
Thcro is a mini of money in Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake Viow. Lake Viow. Lake Viow. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View ,
There is a mint of money in Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake Viow. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake Viow. Lake View. Lake View. La'ko View.
Tlicro Isn mlilt of nloiioy In" Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View , Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake Tiow. Lake Views Lake View.
Lots are jelling with a rush in Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake A'iow. Lake A'iow. Lake View.
Lots arc soiling with a rush in Lake View. Lnko View. Lake View. Lake Vtow. Lake View. Lake View.
Lots are selling with a rush in Lake Vtow. Lake Viuw. LaKO View. Lake View. Lake A'iuw. Lake View.
Lois arc selling with a rush In Lake View. Lake View , Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View.
Lots are selling with a rush in Luke View. Lake View. Lake View. Lake View. 1/ike View. Lake View.
Clark & French will take you out to Lake A'iew. Lake View.
Clark & French will take you out to Lake A'icw. Lake View.
Clark & French will take you out to LaKe A'iew. Lake View.
Clark fe French will take you out to Lake A'iew. Lake Aricw.
Clark & French will take you out to Lake A'iew. "Lake View.
Their office is at Number 1510 Douglas street. 1310 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas.street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 150 ! Douglas street.
Their ollicc is at Number 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Dimjrlassfctreet. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street.
Their oflice is at Number 1510 Douglas street. 151ii Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas.-street. lolG Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street.
Their oflice is at Number 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas-street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street.
Their oflice is at Number 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street. 1510 Douglas street.
Mr. Boler wns taken lo Minneola where
at last accounts he is doing well , the at
tend ing physician fearing no fatal results.
Union Sewing machine. 209 N. 10U > st.
Union Sewing machine , 20'J N. 10th st.
Another Camilne Kuclory.
The eastern syndicate which is at the
bottom of the purchase of the Shcelcy
property on the military r ad intend lo
establish a largo canning factory at
once. The property is well adapted to
an industry of this kind , the location
being most suitable foi' buildings con
venient to the Belt lino. The soil is
fitted in every way for the growth of
vegetables , while the place commands
the products of a splendid farming and
gardening country in close proximity.
Union Sewihg machine , 300 N. 10th st.
Professor Coucli Predicts Cooler
"Wentlier for Next Month.
The sub-tropical rain belt that has given
rains to tlio extreme south will retreat
south. The iirst days of tlio month will
give a coast storm ( largely wind ) along
the coast , followed by a storm from the
northwest that will move over the moun
tains. Thcro will occur a series of rain
storms from the 3d to the 8th , ending in
high and cool north winds that will give
frosts to northerly sections about the Hlb.
The weather in detail for 1880 will ap
proximately bo as follows :
1. Generally clear and calm.
2. Fair in the northwest.
8. Storm forming in tlio west.
4. Areas of rain and wind storms.
5. West of north winds ; showery.
0. Cloud or rain areas.
7. Cloudy and cooler.
8. High northerly winds.
0. Northerly areas will have frosts.
10. Fair.
11. Calms with variable winds.
12. Falling barometer.
1U. Clouds and showers.
14. Clouds , winds and rains.
15. West to norln winds ,
10. Calms anil variable winds ,
17. Clouding for rain.
18. Cloudy and showery.
1C. Dri/.zlmg rain.
CO. Clouds and showers.
21. Clearing sky.
22. Cloud and haze.
2J. ! Falling Barometer ,
2-t. Clouds and rains.
2."i. Rising Icmpuraturo.
20. Clouding lor rain.
27. Heavy rain ,
28. Cloudy and showery.
2 ! ) . Clearing and warm ,
80 , High tumporalnro.
The rainfall is governed by the winds. '
The winds arc due to the influences that
have aetion upon or against the * earth's
exterior or atmospheric envelope. Those
influences are parts of the great energy
that moves in the universe. The storm's
move in belts on a central line GUI rod.
This curved line forms the meteorologi
cal cast and west. South of this central
line the winds change by tlio points of
the compass thus ; East , southeast , south ,
southwest , wesl , northwest or north.
North of this central line the wind re
verses thus : East , northeast , north or
Uniou Sewing machine , 209 N , 10th st.
Vital Statistics.
The following births have been reported
to the city physician , for the week end
ing yesterday
George and Ellen Mitchell , 1-iftconth ,
between Cuming and Izard , boy.
( Jus and Julia Council , 2059 Cameron ,
1) . and Kmma Garland , 015 Pierce
street , boy.
II. P. and Mary K. Haze , Twenty-fifth
and Castellar , twins , boy and girl ,
Great Unrsalns In Pianosnnrt drenns.
Suitable for beginners for $35 nnd tip.
Easy payments at Max Meyer & Bro's.
The Otlorless Sanitary.
A reporter for tlio BEI : yesterday saw
the manner in which the Odorless Sani
tary Co. of this city do their work with
their novel contrivance. This machine
has the appearance of a locomotive boiler
on wheels and when in operation acts on
the suction plan. The air in the cylinder
is Iirst expelled by machinery attached to
the running gear , then hose is placed in
the spot to bo cleansed and the work of
its own acc'jrd goes on , not allowing Iho
least possible stench. This apparatus
lias been in operation in Minneapolis ,
Boston , Chicago and several oilier huge
cilie.s , and is highly spoken of wherever
in use. Privy vaults , cess pools , cisterns ,
sinks anil drains are cleaned thoroughly ,
cpiickly and without any odor. All work
is done with the odorless pump and the
place is disinfected before it is begun , so
that there is no odor during tlio opera
tion. The cost is much less'than the old
barrel system and is far more satisfac
tory. Several prominent parties in
Omaha have had work done by the Odor
less Sanitary Co. this week and arc very
enthusiastic in its praise. Tlio ollice is
located at 1022 Farnam street and the tol-
cpliouo number is 270.
Union Sewinsr machine , 200 N. 10th st ,
Lots sold on very easy terms in Prnyn
Call on PAKK &Fowi.iit : , 1522 Douglas.
nrown'H Park.
Brown's Park contains 90 acres or
about liOO largo lots , lying alongside the
U. P. II. K. track and adjoining tlio South
Omaha depot grounds and stockyards.
It is the most accessible and desirable
location for homes in South Omaha.
Tliis plat is now being surveyed and laid
out in extra large si/o lots , and will bo
offered for sale soon at very low prices.
Parties wishing to invest in South
Omaha property will find it to their in-
ccrest to wait ujetmlays. Tins property is
known on lite county map as the Townsend -
end Tract , and needs no praises , it
speaks for itself ; n more superior locution
cannot be found ,
The physicians and 8urgons of tlio
Omaha Medical ai d Surgical institute
lrs. ) Mo.Mcnamy , Coo and Spauldiug
will , in the fuluieisit patients in all
parts of the city day or night. In tlio
past we have been obliged lo refuse lo do
general pracfos and visit putionts at
their homos , but , as wo shall ad.l to our
stall'of physicians aflor August the first ,
wo shall be able to answer all calls in
the cily or country. The advantages wo
oiler our patrons are :
1st lining a campnny of physicians
whose interests arc mutual , all important
cases will have the unitj'l skill of the
physicians of the institute and consulta
tion whenever necessary without extra
charge , or the disadvantages or delays
which so often arise from the potty bick
erings and quarrelii which are common
during consultation by rival physicians
and ot which the patient knows little ,
but sutlers much.
2nd Wo furnish , compound and dis
pense our own medicines , and they are
fresh , pure and nctivo. Our patient * do
not have to run the risks of ignotiint or
careless druggists , or have laigo drug
bills to pay ,
Our ollieo is open day and night , nnd
one or more physicians may bo called
without delay. We have had years of ex
perience in hospital and private practice ,
and in tlio treatment of all kinds nnd
classes of discuses , and ahull bring our
united skill , ability , knowledge and en
ergy to the aid of every invalid placed
under our care , Wo are confident that
our advantages and our success will com
mend us to every intelligent , thinking
person , Oi r charges are $3 a visit in
any part of the city night or day. No
extra charge for medicine. Olllco , north
west corner 13th street and Capitol ave
nue. Telephone No. 780.
Union Sewing machine , 200 N , IClli st.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. lOlh st.
First National nnnlcv nnrt Hall's Safe
and Ijock Company.
The First National bank to-day closed
a largo contract rwitn 'the ' Halls 'Safe and
Lock company , of Cincinnati , Ohio. ,
through their well-known special agent ,
Mr. John N. Gecr. The work consists
of a strictly burglar proof safety deposit
vault , nineteen foot long , nine feet wide ,
eight feet high ; a cash vault eight feet
deep , eight feet wide and eight feet high.
These special burglar proof vaults will
be one-half inch thicker than any vault
in Chicago , the fire-proof walls around
the vaults will bo forty-four inches thick.
The safety deposit vault will contain 700
safety deposit boxes to start with. Tlio
cash vault will have n special burglar
proof compartment safe , which safe has
eight separate and distinct burglar proof
compartments. Weight about ! )3,000 )
pounds , lioth vaults will have ornamen
tal cast and wrought iron casings on the
outside , the outer doors to each vault
will be live inches thick , Ihc inner doors
two and one-half inches thick. There
will also bo twenty-six lire-proof vaults ,
steel gratings , clc.
Mr. Gcer made the designs for all the
work and is designer of some of the best
wurk in this line in tlio United States.
This is tlio largest contract of the kind
ever let in the west or west of Chicago.
Tlie Halls Safe and Look company arc
represented in Omaha by P. Boyer fz
Co. , who are their general western
agents , The contract price for this work
is $31.500.00. There were bids much
lower but only the best was wanted and
accepted. The weight of the iron and
slcel in This contract is some 250,000
Union Sewing machine , 200 N. ICth st.
A Kiimlny School Concert.
The Saratoga Sunday school will give
a concert this evening , at which the fol
lowing programo will be presented :
SiiiKliifr . Ky School
Heel tatlon . .M iss Anna Urnlu
SiiifrliiL' . Hy the Infant Class
Ileeitatlon . "Women's Woik"
Miss .Mngjjlo McKay.
Slnglnp . Hy School
Solo and Chorus. . . . Louis l.cedcr and School
Hecitalallon."Tlio Lighthouse nnd Keeper"
Miss Koso Meredith.
SlnsliiB . Hy. School
Address . Kcv. ( ! . S. I'elton
iSmclUK . Quartette
Singing . . . Hy School
Select Heading . Miss bottle Hart
Ilucilntlon . Miss Alice Meredith
SltiKint ; . , . Quartette
Itkellatlon . i-MIss Allen Avery
Hy School
NEW UlMtimiT PlAKO'FOIt ? 200. Big
bargain. Call at Max Meyer & Bro.
Union Sewing machine , 200 N. ICtli st.
Hit ; Slip or thoiToncuo.
Two full Hedged , all- around , waslico
washeo Chinamen were at the depot Jast
night waiting for the Yest bound train.
While engaged in rapid chop stick con
versation , a genuine Milesian with a
brogue thick enough to line n monitor
turret approached and commenced to
talk | to the two Johns in their
native language as if ho were
born in Canton and cradled in a tea
chest. The dulcet stream of words from
the Celtic tongue flowed will ; rattier
gurgling sounds over the Tipperary
reeds and rushes , anil completely demoralized -
moralized the almond eyed children of
the sun. They made llicir osoaiio in
double quick time , whilu tliuChino-lliber-
nian looked rather crest fallen , and a
bystander remarked , "Goodnessgracious ,
if the Iiisliman should swear in that
language1' ! '
Aho organs at Max Meyer & Bro.
What the ComiiiisRjoiiorK Have Done
to KlTecc its Kruotion.
Thq count ) commissioners have adver
tised for plans and specifications and
estimates of cost of a city ami county
hospital , to include also a department
for the insane. The building must have
accommodations for two hundred and
fifty patients , nnd be provided with the
latest inventions in lighting and ventil
ation , besides containing all the modern
improvements which have been made in
such institutions. They propose , also , to
oiler the following : For the best
plan , SDOO ; the next in merit , $200. and
the third , $100. The question ot deter
mining whether or not this building shall
be creeled will decided by a vole
of tlio people at the next gen
eral election. That question will
consist of two parts : 1-irst , whether
the county shall issue bonds sufficient to
provide for tlio erection of the hospital ,
or whether the conimissionor.s shall sell
a part of the county farm and thus raise
money enough to erect the mstitule
in question.
Union Sewing machine , 203 N. 10th "st
House and full lot in Ambler Place.
Shade trees , barn and everything com
plete. $200 cash , balance $15 per month.
PAHIC & FOWLER , 1522 Douglas.
Union Sewing machine , 20 ! ) N. ICtlt st.
SucccNsfiil Stenographers.
We have placed in good , paying posi
tions during the past six months over a
dozen graduates of Valentino's ShortHand -
Hand institute , Omaha. They are all
Bonn Pitman writers and are giving the
bcstQof atisfaction. Not one has failed.
OMAHA , Aug 20. Stenographers.
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. 10th st
Auction ! Auction ! Auction !
A public auction will bo held on Tues
day , August 1)1. ) at 10 o'clock a. m. , of
all the household goods at 1517 Jackson
street. A.'W , COWAN & Co. ,
Union Sowing machine , 209 N. 10th st.
A Faro wall Party.
.Mr. and Mrs. John Shcoly having sold
their homestead on the military road , a
number of young friends of their daugh
ters , Georgie and Mary , determined to
give them a farewell party on thu eve of
their removal to Florence. Accordingly
Miss Sophie Roberts and Miss Jennie
Hyan , ofVcst Omaha precinct , sot to
work- making .suitable arrangements
a gala lime , and the remit was that Fri
day night witnessed n scene of pleasure
in the grove surrounding Mr. Sheely'8
house that will long bo a pleasant mem
ory to those who participated. Over two
hundred guests worn present , including
many from this oily , Florence , Saratoga
and Iryington. Dancing was the feature
of the evening , wlnlo it near midnight
intermission was filled willa most pal
atable feast of the good things that the
season suggested and tlio good taste of
the ladies in charge commended.
NKW Oitn.\NS roii $23 and upwards.
JJasy terms. Max Meyer A : Bro.
Union Sewing ma'chino , 200 N. Kith st.
slightly used ut a great bargain. Call at
Max Meyer & Bro.'s wardrooms.
Union Sewing machine , 200 N. lOlh fit.
Pine liuruuln.
Lot 00x127 in Armstrong's addition ,
east fronting Saundcrs street , with a nice
two-story house that rcnls for 10 per
month U,750 , > $3,000 , cash , balance to
suit. J. A. LovmcKN ,
113 North 10th slreut.
A Circular Which in Bclnjr Sent Out
to KB Customers by a Prominent
Omaha House.
Visitors to tiie Omaha exposition and
fair , which commences in one week , will
hail with delight any invitation which
will insure them comfortable quarters
while hero. This is called to mind by the
fact that Messrs. Kchrung , Thornton &
Co. , Hie wholesale dealers in the White
sowing machine , are sending out to their
friends and dealers throughout Iowa and
Nebraska the following generous circu
lar :
OMAHA , Neb. , August 25 , 1880. Dear
Sir : Our Omaha exposition opens the 4th
of tins recently erected ele
gant building , reaching from Fourteenth
to Fifteen th streets and covering the entire
block.V. ( } . Lininger , of Lininger &
Mctcalf Co. , is .superintendent of exposi
tion. This will be ono of the grandest
exhibits ever held west of Chicago. The
Omaha inlcr-slatc fair commences the
Oth of September and continues during
the week. We are informed bv Mr.
Couch , superintendent of tlio fair , that
applications for snare in every depart
ment is wonderful , and with the in
creased facilities we may expect a grand
display , and as to accommodations you
will lind plenty to cat , and we will se
cure you and all our dealers a place to
sleep free of charge. Please write us at
once whether you will come or not and
what day , as we will invite all our deal
ers to be with us. Yours truly ,
XniiiiL'No , THORNTON < % Co.
Xehrung , Thornton & CO.'H example
might bo emulated with niMny good re
sults to the Omaha house BO doing. The
many friends of the above firm , and es
pecially the White sewing machine , will
appreciate ibis act , us accommodations
during fair week will bo very scarce , and
to come with rooms already secured is
half the enjoyment of the trip.
Union Sewing machine , 200 N. lOlh st.
BROWN'S ' J'Aitic
Tlio Old Man in the Shoo. >
Yesterday and last evening the Chicago
Bargain Shoo Co. paraded the streels
with a very novel advertising wagon. A
monster slioo was mounted on wTieols in
which sat the old woman who , on close
inspection , proved lo be a man. who
steered the shoe around the city followed
by many eyes and more urchins. It is a
very attractive wagon and does credit to
Ihc Chicago Bargain .Shoo Co.
Union Sewing machine , 20 ! ) N. 10th st.
Permit * .
Inspector W hillock issued building per
mits yesterday us follows :
KKallsh , one-story frame cottage ,
Hamilton , near Campbifll . S 700
W T Seaman , double two-story frame
.store ami Hals. Sherman nv , south
of CJurkstieet . 0,000
M H ( 'roll , oiiii-story Irame cottage ,
Tweutv third und Howard . 000
Frank ,1 Jtauign , ono and oiic-luilf
sturv frame dwelling. Ilowaul
betTweiity-secand and Twenty.
third . . . 2.WJO
J H Maxllehl , one and one-half story
framuilwitllini ' , , Miami and I'v.'en-
ty-secoud bts . JMO
0 1C Mayne , ilemoilel Iramo More
buildings , Tuirt&iMith and Dorcas 2,000
Six permits segregating . 5 12,000
Prnyn Park is selling faster than any
other addition in the city.
PA Kit & FOWI.KK , 1522 Douglas.
Auction ! Auotion ! A notion !
Public auction of household goods
at 10 o'clock a. m. at 1517 Jackson-st.
Bedroom sets , dishes , stoves , eto
A. \ \ . COWAN it Co. ,
Brunnnn & Co. , commenced work yes
terday on the work of grading for the
retaining walls for the court housu.
Over ono half of the lots sold In Prnyn
Park and only on tlio market 10 days.
To-ilny's Sprvk'cs ' nt tlio Ohurcha
Thfoiivtliodt the City.
North PresbUenan church. Saundcrs
street. HevV. . It Heiulei'tioii , pastor.
Services at 10iO : ! a. m. , nnd 8 p. m.
Sunday school at noon. Young people's
prayer lucetlugat 7 p. in. Song service in
thu evening to bo conducted by thu pas
tor. Strangers made welcome nt all the
Presbyterian church , corner of Dodge
nnd Seventeenth Mivi-ts. Services nt I0)0 ; ! )
u. in. and 8 p. m. 1'roae'ilntr ' by Key. W.
J. Marsha , pastor. Sunday school at
close of morning worship , 'i'onug pee
ple's meeting 7:15. :
Seward Street M. K. church , Twenty-
second and Seward streets. Uev.C. W.
Savidgo , paMor Treadling at 100 : ! ! n.
in , and 70 : ! ! \j. \ m. Seals free
and all will be welcome. Sabbath school
at2l0 : ! p. m.
Christian church , corner Capitol avo-
nuoaiidTwcntlcth. 11.11. Ingram , pas
tor Hours of service , H ) : ! ! ( ) a. m. and 8
p. m. Sunday school at noon. The
public is cordially imitod.
St. Matthew's Kvangellcal-Lutheran
Sunday school meets at : ! ! ! ( ) p m infos-
inopolilan hall , 101)1 ) Soutli Thirteenth
St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran mis-
Monl5cv. ( iei ) 11 Sehniir , pn tor. Sunday
school meeting at ! ti0 : ! p. m in tlio
Knights of Pythias hall , corner of Charles
and Saundcrs streets. Young people's
nn.'cting Friday at S p. m.
Kount/.c Mcnioral Kvangclieal Luth
eran , corner of Sixteenth and liar-
noy streets. Sunday school at ll:4fi : a.
m. Church service and preaching at
UhlOn. m. and 8 p. m. Morning and , /
livening sermon by Uov. ( iuo. II. Sohnur , v
pastor nt St. Mark's Kvaiigclical Luth
eran church. Kcv. J. S. Detwciler ,
pastor. Prayer mooting Wednesday at
8 p. m.
Baptist church. Service1 ! at IfliJIO a m.
and 8 ) i m. Kcv. J. W. Harris , pastor.
Sunday school at noon.
tioruian livangelical services to-day
at To. 4 engine house , corner Ivlnv-
cnth and Dorcas streets , at 10IO : ! a. in.
Preaching by Kcv. F. II. W. IJruochort.
Sabbath school at 0:00 : a. in. Friends
and children uro cordially invited and
( icrnian Lutheran church , 1005 South
Twentieth street. Services every Sunday
at 10 a. m. Sunday school 2 p. m. Kev. li.
J. Fresc , pastor.
The llov. Alex. Thompson will preach
at Boyd's Opera house Ibis morn
ing tit 11 o'clock. Subject : "Our business
start in the oilier life dependent on what
wo take from this. " The object aimed a t
in these services in the opera house is to
oiler to progressive , correct thinkers and
others who have out grown the ecclesias
tical garments of the empirical posts
whom the churches of to-day cannot
reach or satisfy , a system of religious-
tcacliinjr in harmony with Iho laws of
the mind and matter , as these have been
historically developed and scientifically
determined and thus furnish readable
guides for the life here ; a satisfactory
lease with which to read the ful ire. so
lhat living and dying may not be leaps
in the dark or tin illu > ion for eternity to
Southwest Presbyterian church , Twen
tieth and Leavenworlh streets , Preach
ing by Kcv. J. iBo.vd . at 11 a. m. Sab
bath chool ! ! p m. No evening ervico.
Young people's meeting at 7 p. m.
Castellar Street Presbyterian church ,
Sixteenth and Castellar .streets.
Kv..I. M. Wilson , pastor. Preaching by
the pastor at 11 a. in. , and al 8 p. m. w
Sunday school at I ! p. m. Young pco- * >
phi's meeting at:0 ; : p. m.
Trinity Cathedral , corner Eighteenth
and Capitol avenue. August 2i , ninth
Sunday after Trinity. I loly communion ,
8:00 : a. m. ; morning service , 11 a. in. ;
evening service , S p. m.j Sunday school
and bible classes U)0 : ) a. m. . All .seats
free at evening service. Strangers wel
come to all services. K. T. Ilamel , act
ing Itcctor , 2115 Chicago avenue.
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational
Church. St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-
sixth street. Kev. Willard Scott , pastor.
Services at 100 : ! ! a. m. Sunday school at
noon. Sermon by Uev. J. L. Waite. No
< \ening service.
Union Sewing machine , 230 N. 10th st.
Will be Held nt Jjinebln , .September
HHIi to 1 7th , 1HHI.
PAUKD tSKOIIXDS ; horse and oaillo
Malls ; sheep and swine pens : speed barn.s ;
speed track ; AlOST COMMODIOUS AND
FLOWIXdTANKSand troughs of i'UKK
WATER distributed in all parts of tlio
grounds ; new and secure buildings for
Arrangements ar made to transport
Iowa , or Illinois State Fairs , desiring TO
COLN , in time for the opening day , Sept.
COLN , provided thay do not change
ownership , and return the same route
they came.
lionVfail toattend THIS THE CHEAT \
For particulars address thu secretary
at Lincoln. Hour. W. FIIIVAS ; ,
Union Sewing machine , 20 ! ) N. 10th fat.
Nc\t Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock
the Omaha Commercial College , located
on Farnam street , opposite Dewey &
Stonu'ri , will open its night school for tlio
winter Young men and womiin engaged
through the dn.v will lind Ihis an c.Ncul-
cut opportunity to learn hook-keeping ,
HMimanshipaiid all thu English branches.
Tuition low. Call at the college.
Union Sewing machine , 800 N. I nth .st.
Elegant. Hiiriraln.
Beautiful corner lot , 0xl27jin ! ) Shinn's
idditiou ; fronting Saiindcrs sticot
il'WOi ( half cash. J. A. Lovcnr.s ,
11(1 ( North 10th stioot.
Union Sowing mac.hino , 209 N. 10th st.
hots high laying lots in llollinan ter
race ; within half block from lhe newly
tis-covered water spring. Lots fc'WO , $1)00 )
mil $ : i50 , in small monthly payments.
Jail ai once on J. A. LOVKIIKN ,
llt ! North 10th streot.3
Union Sowing machine. , SOO N. lOlh fit.
A Ham ! at iho Opening.
Next Tuesday evening , August 31st
Dock it Heyman open their clothing
louse at100 North lOlh street , in thu
Jstabrook block. They have secured a
land of music to parade the Ftrccts nnd
cud the crowds to tlio opening at the
store. Tlitiy have a line Ktoro nnd a
nrgo slock of clolhing and gents' fur-
ilaliing goods to back it. Attend their
rnnd opening next Tuesday evening ,
Park & Fowler , 1522 Douglas , will
niiii ! houses in any purl of Pruyn Park
iy paying only a small cash payment.
Union Sowing machine , 200 N. 10th st ,