Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Advertlncmenta under this hold , 10 cents per
line tor the first Insertion , 7 cents for ouch sub
sequent fn'ortlon , and tl.W ) n line per month
No Rdrertlfcmont taken for less than 23 cents
for the first Insertion. Ecvcn words will bo
counli-d to the line : thry mint run constcu-
lively nnd must bo paid In advance. All mlvtr
tlecments must be handed In before 2 o'clock
p. m.nnd uhdor no clrcutn tnnccsslll thc > bo
tiikcn or discontinued by telephone.
J'ftrtlcs advcrtleliiK In thcsu lolumns nnit hnv >
Injr the answers nJdrcsscd In cnro of Tiir. HEE
Will tiloneo nsk for R check topnnlilo them to pot
Ihclr Ictterd , s none will bo delivered cTccpt
on pro'enttitlf.n of ohfck. All nnswers to ad-
Tcrtlt-ciiiontR FliouM be enclosed In cm clones.
filOH SAM' OH TIIAlIi-Ptof1 < rnrinninnrrf ,
4 flmllcsfrom I.lnwiln stock vnrrtO'i ' tnllos
west of Hnymonil1 Uil iicrcs eplomlld bottom
Innd ; linn bouso 10 rooms ; ba < cmciit bnrn ,
Fcalrs , cribs , shrds nnd corrnls ; 1 ) ncrcs
routed , 170 In ciiltlvntloiii onlj JKprr ) cro
half cnsli. The clicnpc t fnim In Nebrnildi.
1 % Oould , Lincoln , Neb. Hot 1172
Foil SAI.K The Ideal Cnllgrnph. ( . W.
Maker nucnt , room 7 Ironbimli. 4ft ! SI
oiTKXCHANOK-A S4n"nprt farm In a m > od
county In Iowa , ( no Incilmbcruncei lor n
Hock of ( roods Address Lock Hot Ifi , Mm no ,
Ca B Co , Iowa 41H 28 *
IT7MlfHA'Ll5biio of the olilist established
Ij Kroccry business In the citywith a\ery
larpciclfpnylnK trndo. Will nxelmmro for
timubn rcnl cetnto or pnrt cnnh nml halauco co-
cured notes. ( Iood riusons iflvon for snllliiir.
Address 14in .lones. _ _ _ _ _ _ IW7
IJ tlr trmlo tor Omaha propi-rly.
The IK st located livery tmslncM. w llh ptock
In I IK ; city. I/onir Icnsu of burn lit clieitp rent.
Jlnjno llios.lAlU I'urnam 411 _
or ciTy
lota n bikk Ftore. nciiilv nc . In llvo loun
In rontrnl New Yoik : rents for $4J2. " > . M. 0.
llomliiKlon. NellKli. Neb. _ _ 4J si'
Tni SAI.i : Clii'iip : sintTTrresTniirnnt on bus-
JU1 ess sticct Addiess I. 47 llco/illlc-C.
> K SAI.KAn old nnd wHI ( > t.nblMiMl |
PU grocery business , nildross l < 10 , Urn offleo
HAI.K 'ilio compiptp Inriilturoof the
Xjion Vlni'jtnr Works I nil soon on
K. Krclia Jones st bet Oth nnd 10th fct , Oirmliu.
T7i TnrsA l7i : An cToKaTit pstnbllslii'd business" .
JL1 Dm beat < if tbokhiil In the uiM loi-atcd In
this city ; nut protlts friXM.iJ ( ) per iiniiiiiii : III
bear closest lim'stlirntion ; jnvolcn nboitt
$ ir > ,00 > ) ( K ) . I'nrtlesltli menus \vlsliliu to step
into a line hilBlm'SH mldroig 1C 7 , lluo olllco 4 < 4
Imou KAI.i : First-class mout miirKot with
J. nl co lUHncB , nil coniplcto ; coed trade ;
best of rcusons for Htlllmr Cixll or wrlto to
H ( MISKS Kots.Knrms.Uiuds money loanodT
Homls , Kith and DoiiKlns Etiocts. 46J
* Oll SAI.K overiil stocks of Roods , doltm n
X ? licnltby biislius" , owner < lilp clear , pntls-
fftctlnn puninntord ; lerms cnsy , fomo Onuilm
property taken In Marshall & I.o-
deck. IMlKiirniim st. _ < f > 5
LOST A memorandum bock , between 22d
nnd Topplcton on nth or Ii"nvoin\ortn.
Fnpcrslnlt. I'leaso return to Clms Amlereo'i ,
7tli nnd J.cnvcnvvorth , and receive rownrd.
Ki-no *
JOST A black pocket book or longo booh ,
J contufnlnir n few blank lenses and HOI no
rlioeks planed by iiKents , loft In posioltlcu.
Pleiiho r < ! tuinto l N 13th St. , nnd receive 10-
Wiird. D48 29
T OST A huirKjr side ctutnln of leather and
XJ lined lth blue cloth A liberal rownrd
pnld on Its return to McSlmno's livery stable ,
cor 15th nnd Dod o sts. 469 U8 *
rpAKHN UP About 10 days npro , larjro rod
JL steer with crooked horn , brnndcd " 1U1" on
left Hank Clans Matthles , 4 miles west of
Oiiinhn , nen r lU'iny Kubur's _ < S8 18 *
rpAICP.N VI' In my pasture- Military rand ,
JL ono ilai l < bay horse , blnck mimu and tail ,
Kinnll white on hind feet , shod nil around. John
Etnbem. nup 7.I4.S1 , S8 pp 4
A KiN : UI'-A black TTml wliltoT your old
cow , at tlio cor. of Mtli nnd Urlstol , ono
in llo north ot Ittnoi's brick yuul. I'rnnK K.
I'ov. Sli S 4 11 18 8S *
B OAHD And lodgings , nt J2J N. 15th St.
PiTTVATi : SCHOOI7-A prlvlito school lor
small boys and Khls will bo opoiuvl by Mis.
Fannlo Kdurar , September Kith , at 2Jrd nnd Cal
ifornia sis. Parents wl'hmic to plnco tholr
children with her Inqulro ut514 Nortli 2'n.l st
PHHONAI , A roflnrd yount ? lady of
family , with : ; n incon.o sulllclcnt lei bet
cupport , wishes to corrcKpond with an honor
able , klnd-hciiitod wcstein gcntlunmn ; objcc
matt Iniony. Kefoionees > ' \chnnK'd. Addiess
Lilian Fobtcr , 152 Oth nvo Now York City.
4HKI1 *
PEHPONAIj-lf you doslta to become pioll
clont In shoii-hnnd uoik in ono-thlul o
the tlmuiciiuircd of thopcncil sjsteir alia
rooms 7 and 8 , lion Hunk , nnd cxniu - on
yji-tom. _ J1.W. linker. _ 4i.f ( 29 _
J } I * . It SON A I. To buy real estate , to borrow
money , or Ret nil nbstmtt ot title , jao ti
the olllco of It. C. 1'atterbon , IJth and Douglas
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 > r.U80NAL Mrs. Ir Nannlo V. VVnrrci
clnlrvojnnt. Medical nnd business Mcdlun
Iloom No. 0 , K'l Noith llith bt. , Omuhn , Nob.
WANTI3D 2 unfurnished rooms loss than
blocks liom Oarncnu's ciacker lactory
Apply F. O. Vlvlnn , Hoe olllco. Must move
llondny. 540 'M
AIOT in West Side to ti ado for iood driving
horeo , looms 1 and 2 , Omaha Nut. bnnk.
TJUMl HUNT 1'lano. Ajiplj at County Poor
fnriu. IS. ) 28 *
HTKNOOHAl'HY and Typewriting school
Itooms 7 and 8 , Iron bank. (1 , W. linker.
rnoiUtHNT Square I'limo $ J inontnly. A
JD HOBPC. 15KI Lloimlua 272
FflOK UKNT Siiuiiro Piano , tt monthly.
1 llosno 1513 DoiiKlus. 4M
frioi : " , * 2 per montti. llOtapO ,
Jt : ifiin Douglas
Jl'yoti want to lenrn shorthand or tjpi-wilt
Inirntteild Valentlno'H Shoithaiid Instltuto
Exposition building' , Omaha , Neb. : CH-31 !
ITIOU ItKNT A ktore on a Rood retail street.
K Appiy the Oiiiuhu Heal I3btnto mid Ixian
Co. 187
rniuis : : , HOPCS , irub3 , oto . plnnted iroo toi
4portons buylntrol Do I ) IK ! B Co. Nmseries
CO. Howard. I'iniif I' , O , box ! "O. H 7-nl2
r/AVIlUS f want lifick louiidntlon
put under tmildliiK'coi , I'.lKhth and llovvnri
linmedlatch , Seu mo on preml.-oB , I ) . U
llcemer. 64U 2U *
_ _
IfiOH SAI.i : Furnltiiro and Uaso of 1'eorln
' houeo , l.laioln , Neb. I.onsu inns three
yonrs. Oood locution and iloliif tooil business
Addicts 1'corln House , Lincoln , Neb , 552 U
"iTioit hAl.K A nlco lioiso. bujrcy nd Imr
JL' IH scheap. . Imiulroof Kdholin i. llilckbon
opposltoppstolllco 481 2'J
IT1OU HAI.K-Nico fiunlly driving horeo
11 IlcimUon llros. , 151U Ioutlas , 41X1
* | 7Mlt > < Alii : ruinituro mull ( in eel slx-rooii
JL1 house , tlina on pint. Cull 120. North 27tt
itrcot , two blocks fiom Ited Car lino. KM
"liTOlt hAl.l * Cheap , the cutest o.irt nnd smnl
Jhoiso In the city. Inqiiiru McSliuno's liv
ery stable , coi l.'itli and Uodgu at once , 47H 28
Oil h.\M-Orwlll : trndofo r farm or Inside
city property Stock of fiunlsulng irooiU
hnts , caps and boots nnd 1)1003 ) 0.13. Thomp
Eon , I * . 0 drawer 'M , Omaha S-12-8 20
H > I.otsI urinb.I.amts inouoy loaned ,
llcmls IBtli anil DoiiKlu itrocts. 471
GIUK'UIV tttOCKto trade for wild land o
Wild land to tradoforolty property.
tOiiero farm In lovra to trade for city prop
40 feet oniJhcrinnnave to lease during- fair
1U ) tcct on Itth or ICib et. , I.ako'e add. , foi
Irnso lor 0 or 10 5 ours.
UG-iicrc liHttiln Tutliu'e subdivision , on easy
iliiirnr and piano lor sals oh ap or trade.
/old in itny part ot the cltr oil enstoi mi.
Goad lot In llluicbautrli pincc.
$ l.i < uoHiirohi ) Klikvxood
Sl.W , W foct on .saundcrs st.
ft , ' IK ) , 7-ioom houte , good burn , Ac , on full lot
willi fout'i ' trout , near rnr line , on easy lornis
J3fiO ) . ft-ixiom house and barn on full lot In
Idlciukl , u fiuli , I-X > oarj on bulitnco ,
l.COU , nice ulnco on Gcorg-lu are. , terms to
l. ts m llrdfoid place on etiy Icriae.
IViuii ililnk of tujlnr irliiiotit Urit nilllng'on
mun I bavvu coml list nml It is no iiouble I
Scars , IMh uid : DodfO. N. K
[ 7 011 SAI.n-ThoroiiKhnrcd Jersey cow nnd
Jt3 tnlf , fresh milk , 10JS South Knd street.
4W.S *
[ 7Mlt sAi7il "A irKyiliim sl7c ifo nearly no\vj
I- with ln ldc door romblnatlon lock
12 drawer cnbinut nnd letter tlio with doors.
1 medium sle lettci picjs.
1 platform calo
1 iilntfonn counter scale Pnrrotto A
IK/llninev / P0
< A I.I : Furniture 0-room holi'e com-
L plot * for iioiisckoppltiir : price t WO , pnrt
mj incut If ( Usiio I. Homo rtnt tSopcr montli ,
Ino locution , 17IU louchi M. 411
HOTI'.t. and Pnloon Men \ \ > offer the fol
low Imr Imr tlvtnrcs lor snlo' One solid
vidniit counter , mnhoriitiy top. side board , nnd
'icnch plntc minor , sl/o twelve fcot by lr
eot ; nil In 111 st clns- < condition : pi ! ffiiiOUO
"in ties \vi lilnif to nr > irot lilt ( will pleasenddrc s
Iai PIT A * l > oinbiiu h , Iliirllngton , loviu
FOK S.\lr.-A Ihoroiuhbted llninbletonlnn
man1 , fijeur old , sound mid penile , never
> ern trnoUod , v\lll tint n mile bcttei than three
nlnutes any dav , ptico J 1,0JO. U. 1) . Klbblns ,
JlOil lo-Blasstteet. ) 4 s HI *
17 > tlt ) SAMI Two \o. l , tfomllvind , cnnopv
top Surrojs ; also two irooil , eciond hand
iliaetons , nt I401 ! Dod e street 2TS.
Foil SAT.lfliicjelechciip Star mnclilne"
nlmost new , nlcklcd nil over. Incpnre at
AHospes 1IV2S *
ITUIt s. vlHT l"phitio7 furiuTmio' and lilteho
JL1 rnnifo 717 K. 1'ltli * t 877
"IT OIt SAI.n Cheip , iron rdlumtis ind win-
J.1 dow cnps ultnblo for front on brick build-
UK. 1'or particulars apply at this uMlcp. Mil
WANTK2ilies | ( , nclIvo , bilpht nnd Inlel-
InriMit , to hell an nrtlclo ol food used by
nil IKS Cnplrol Avc It
w ' AvFKI > A cliTl ? , or If , old toTnlTr )
care of children , ut 8.W S 'JlstM. CE3
w ANTiu : A trued nurae girl , nt 4 4 Con-
v out st. Ml no
" \\7ANTI2D A ( todd ( ilrl to do ( ffiiornl house-
'Voik ; mum bo nirood laundress ; German
profeiicd. At4J4 Convent tt. 6 . ! iO
\\7ANTii : > A thoiotiKldy competent irlil.
< T Call ! M house noith ot I.cavonwoilli irest
sldo Colla\ , , onu block fiom 1'aik live cats.
W ANTHH-2 Khls , r\prlenru 1 linnits lit
C 1' . Whltncj'R blndi-iy ll'JI rnimim ,
i"i"ANTll > Oooil wiiRlioie. Apply at unco
tr nt 1'iontlor Steam I.-iundry , 1112 HoMi
St. r4-28 ) >
WAS run SnTrsmen callmuon Rtonin Use
to tnko orders for the llnv Slntu lloll. .
Compound. I.nrjro commlsaloii pnld Addiess
T Kduards , vvcsicru iiKont , 7U Dc.uboin St. ,
ChlciKO. Ml ! ! 0
WANTii : > A n'rl ' for general bousowoik
tvio In lumlly. Apply 2210 Ilimnrd st
nenrSJndBt. 527.2b *
AJJTIJO Sovornl Kills lor Rcnoial IIOIIBO-
work , also irooil eooks , best of Hnucs : mil
Omaha Umplojincnt Iturcnu , 119 North Kith St. ,
cor Capitol a\o. fiSHS1 !
\ \ ANTI1I ) An npprotitleo for dtcssmnktrw at
> > 1(117 ( Howard st. 5rJ-2S *
A VANTRI ) flood itlrl cook nnd hiuiiilrcso , S.
1coi."Jndiind St. Mary's avo. 5.JI-2S *
[ * AJ TK1 > A jdrl 'or litfht housovvork , at
1.1 Sherman avc. 51028
TANTii : A ( rlrl for jrcnoral hou = o\vork.
Apply at 2107 Chicago bt.V. . S. Hlirsrs.
HW : . " . > *
W ANTii > A vvcminn pastry cook. Imjulro
nt ; Norns * restnuiant , 104 8. Sixteenth St.
no" y <
WANTi : ImmctiTntoly n ifirT for Boncrn1
boiiFowork. S latliSt. , 2d house liom
U. It. brldRO cast slil - 508 ! 10
VI rA > TKI > A woman of experience us housc-
i keeper. Inquire at Norils' lebtaiiiant , 104
Soutli Sixteenth St. 500 20
W ANTKli Chiunbui maltls ai'd dlnln ? room
glils , nt Occidental. 4S2
Two dlnliiKioom ulrls nnd two
dlshwnshers , Ht 1001 N 10th St. 4H1 27
W ANTin : Iniiiindlutcly n kitchen ghlnw
cor 10th nnd Howard Rt. 40" >
WANTKIi Immediately.Kood RliI lei gen
01 nl hou owork. best vvnirus Klvcu nt
northwest corner Hamilton and riot st" .
4'JI 20
W : > A Rood ( 'irl for gonornl liduso
work. Apply 1723 Dodfru St. 481 23
WAN'i'KI ) A pirl who Is n good cook am
Innndiess , nt S.04 Chlc.iffO St. Will pnv $20
per month 460 2J
WANTKU A good cook In the cnuntiy. In
quire lei throe days of Mis. W. 13. Aunln
1405 n lllth Bt. 4 ( > 8 28 *
ImmodintolyII VOUIIB ladies to
vvnlt on tublo for their bonid nnd room
lOUDodgObt. 4712" ) *
W ANTiU ) Dlnlne : loom fills nt Occidental
w ANTin A Good irirl for private family
Apply nt HJU .lone" st. 4J9
WANTii-Girl , 151J Howard. Mrs.V. . M.
llushmnn. 421
WANTiu-OIrl uMOS 8 ' . .I
housowotk In small family 4115
Avruu-iuitton-holo makers , fm I'm-- "
nam. iiST-2.1'
"r\TANTii : > flood rnspon = lblo poison to tal.e
TT chinffoof infant , Mrs. S. A. Sloinan
1 I4 I''arnamj5t. 3 H _ _
\\7 ANTED ( Jill Hhout IByeaisof RKO who
TT can dollght housowoik unilllkcs chlldicn.
A pleasant home to the right ono. Itofcionccs
ro.iiilioil. MIP. .1. L Hire , northwest cor. Sunn-
tors nnd lllonclo streets. 285
\\.VNTKD ( iooil jrirl forBcaural7iousev\ork
T .Mrs S. A.SIomun. lail 1'iuiuunst. VM
W ANTIID Ohl for Bcnoral housework at
1 Mil Webster tt. U7.3
WANTii > a yiiuiiR ladles nnd ( tents to
learn tolo rruphy. I'rospocta for positions
when competentfood. ( Address , J , D. room
l.Crounso block Kith st , Omiiun. 7H3
WANTUD 3 No. 1 llvo men to soil nn nrtlclo
of food UM.'il dull } ' , which Eclls on Us own
n.ciltB , KUSCnpItolAve. It
WANTKU All experienced milker ; none
other need apply. Inqulro at Monno & :
Suxo'a xtoro , Btocl : ynrds. Mr
WANTii > A younp mnn to work , or one to
lenrn thotrnilo proluriod. Miiht bo willing
to do anv thing1 Cull nt dje i\orkp , 1-U Douglas
st , on Momlay Moinlng. S47 S'J
WANTKD A peed rollnblo.voumf mnn In
Krocory , one neoualntcd with tbo liuRlness
imilclty. Apply llttJ Cumlmr n. SI 1 ! > i *
WANTlilt Nouspnpor pioss feoilor. Stnto
.louimdCo. , Lincoln , Neb. fits
WANTIID A strong boy for drhvoilnir par
cels ; nlson small cash boy at O'Donulioo
.VBlicify's. IHSlMhBt. 4'ia 'M
WANTii : > A Rood Koucrnl hlncKsmllli , ono
nucustomoil to plow woik nnd iiKtlcnltii-
rnl tmplomonts. ( rood wmros nud fteady work
lor a Koo < l nieclmnln of Robor hnblts Adilicss
Wm llurdtou , Ctxlnr Ituplilx , Nob. 493 .10 *
Ai/ANTlM ) 2 > lc t Cnnvnssora nn.t ! ) nooil
> i I'licldni ; HoiiBo liiinda ut .Slicolj 'g PnaKlntr
House. 4ti7 : ; o *
\\7A JiTtlJoy , U. S , laundiy , lcbTcosn" .
M 423 th *
WANTKii A boy ami pony to cm ry u route
on the Daily oveiilug' lioex Inipllro at sub-
Bcrlptioudepnrlincut. 401
AMTKiifmmoillatcly , two Intelligent
stlioolro/a to cairjhorfi * routes on
Dally Hv cnlns llva Imjuiro at Clrculutlnir do-
purtmont. & . "
WANTI5P-A man to clomi windows nnd
Hour , apply Dee mull loom bet 9 nud 11 u.
m. Aub
\\7ANTKD-TvTO bundled -norKliiRineti to 01-
T1 Hinluo the bouutlfullr ihadcd lots be
tween the shot tovvcr nil * ) H. .V M. rnllroiul Unit
1 have for saloon easy terms irom 1400. W. S ,
Scavoy , 11 0111,111 eolith 14tU btrrflt ,
WANTKD A clfe'nrfnlo ninu : ono who hns
an established trade In Nobrnskn outsldo
of the Kcpubllcnn vulloy ; reference rnquircd
Aildrossl ) . II Bullngor , Atcblson , Kan. XX
-Laborers for railroad work K.
B , Albright Lubur Agency , 1308 Karnam
\ \ ' A carriuwc trimmer by Urctton
i. Drummnnd , 1U1T Ilaiuey. t)9i )
W A > TK f 10 irock Klvru to cnpHblo gun-
llomaa. No. 11 Mnlo t. , Council Ulutf.s.
_ _
hnnd students ! export
tmcect tcKchor. Tvrnu , I-JO for complete
course. Addrnii 1C Bnt \ \ \ otRce.
\\7ANTKU-l'oiltiouby r tlret-clnis llcsnie
it stationary * nglutor. Address Tci , lice
olUco , M5 1
Situation mi uinnnpBi In a res
tnurunt , oitor tiouenorcbpp houto. Teu
y Br axpsrloace. Addrost IW3 IJavonpoit at , ,
C. I. llouolitu MtSV *
Tl AJfTKO An experienced commerelnl
i > traveler , used to the crockery. RlnM.
mints , nils nnd grocery trndo , wnnts to travel
ornn tmnlm holr ilo hnu o ; $ ntl fflctorr
efcn ncrs mid sucurlt ) It required. Addies * L
# , lice olllce 6 U !
"l\rANTKD Dy n mnn of experience , ( miles-
> men booh to po l ol nn ovctilnir. Ad-
lrc s I. i'l. lice oince. f > Si
W A > "Ti : ] 'o ition as C-OOK n sinnll family.
Inqiilioni ; Jnckson 4'm
NTKD A position to do second vork In
private latiiil ) bj a Swede , call Athinlle
_ _ _ _ _
\\rANTil : ) A sltuntlon ns strtiojimplier nnd
' tjpftHiltei b ) ncompotent jounjt liuly
with one veni ' oiperlence In olllee v\oik.
Address I.Xl'cooniLC. 4'.i S *
\\TAN1IIIl-To show IntenlitiR pureliasers
T > ( -oiiic beautiful nere iiiopoit } elose to the
cltj , nl tirvv bouses mid beautllul lot * foi
cheap nt Hnn'-com I'lnce. 1'iospeet Hill , ( 'nil
foriiln , I.cavcuuortli loth mid llb flieels near
the lnlr uioiiiidrJ , nl o nlnutj cholre lots In W II-
cox's addition HIH | nil ] jlnliij ? the eitv.tlmt Is In-
eieiiMm ? dally Innlue. . Secine a borne bclnro
vou mo rbllHCiltn seek the "tlncc mile limit"
for n rbonp Invistuicnt. W. S . So ivev , agent ,
HI south Uthaliuet. tM-M
) 2 well furtiNied looms ; rcnsonn-
bletvims. Address l.t.2 . Itro olllie.
iiM 2"l *
\ \ - * ANTIII : An unluinNird loom icntrnll.v
V > loiatod. Addiv-B "I. CO" Ilto nlllco.
5M-2' ) '
\VrAVni-A : Rood scroll 1 linnil Xo 2 Hem-
TT ItiRtnn M pc-w liter , lei cash. Ad .ro-s I' .
O.ltoxlU. ! > H
WANrni OOlTror : ! jnars on good real
cstiito'eciltlty ; P. O IloxrAi 417.30
' Uood Kcntlc pony. Apply Mis
rarimin. 4 r 'JS
W AN rnii An S oF inlonni house In ( rood
locality nml for lonir time. Address 1.2(1 (
Ileoolllcc. L'7l-tl :
room near Hco olllco. Aildto 9 statltiB
terms K 21 lleo ollico. bt)4 )
'ANTii : > 'lenms. 1. Muriay.
WANTIM ) To sell or evctiiiiiKO tor stock of
merolmnd to , u bciuitlttil stitmrlmn rrsl
doncoln Omabiiwoith J 1,090 , T. II. Wlldo , 1512
Karnam. fl'il' " !
\7"ANri'l > To buy ii'ooil ( biisltie'a piopoitj
TT for vvliolosiili > or lotnll purposes. ( ! lvo
do'cilpllon nnd lowest prlco Mil , Ilto olllco
VtTAVi'ii : > A ( foolicsldeiuo nud lot orjtcod
> ' biitldluir lot In ( tnod location ( llvo loueB
prlco nml tci ins nml lull iN-scnptlon. 1,5J licet
ojlke. _ J ? ' _
TXTANTiil ; Itoom and bonrd In nod private
T fntnllv. din K'VO ' best of references. Ail-
dress 1C 4) ) , lleo olllco. K.6
\V" VM'ii : ) A ( rood house on monthly pay-
TT iniots. Addi oss 11,05. lleo ollico. d'A
" \ A7S'rl' > > To ouy a nlco residence orttoo'l '
TT butldimr lot In n desirable locution. Ad
dress H , CO , lleo olllco GV > .
"VlT'ANTIH * A Oood steady horfo with sprlnp
TT wagon nnd ImrncRs ; must bo chonpto ;
bopnldlorin monthly Installments. Address
1.37 Itcootllcc. lt
FOK ItKNT A verv ilrshablo I'-room house
- on lot dflxlC , Georirln nvo near Lcnvun -
worf . In perreci older. WJ1I disjioso of ear-
pete , similes , etc. Address "Desirable , " lleo
olllco. f > 58 2 < l *
KENT House s. o ror 10th and Pa-
_ chic , 1 block Irani II. & M.depot. MIKtO'
FOK 1CHNT { { .room liouso.auth nnd Niche
las. Apply M r. Martin , 3108.10th st.
[ TUHl SAI.IJ The Oiiawn house. I.ehdinlf
L' tlist-clnss hotel In town of 1,300. Two run-
roads one just bulldlntf. 1'roprietor wnnts tone
no to Cnlifoi nlu. J. I' . Moirlson , Omiwii , Iowa.
Foit iin.vr House fl rooms $18. II.
lingers , cor. Sauudois and L'unilugsts. .
Ii RiNT Oood house , modern Improve
ments ; ll rooms. Inquire i18 ; ! rnrmim
4hli 28
FOKKHNT The Oei mini M. II. clmr-h tmlld-
itiK1 , ontho soutlipast corner T elfth and
Jnckaim streets , lor unv legitlmuto business. H.
C. I'attoiton , l.'itli uiul Douglas. 4tl ;
FOR HKNT 10 room residcnco between
Doutilnsand Paimim , on id.witb nil mod
ern Impiovements. Ludulck i. Sony , S. K. cor.
lrth mid UoitKlns. i08 !
FOR UKNT l-'iom Sept. 1 to April 1 , an 8-
room , enst-fiont cottniro on Ocoijii'i KVO.
near Jit. 1'leasnnt. Apply nt BW cor 'Jth and
Doiiglns. aOO 2il
FOll UKNT Stoto"2J\CO.T 1113 Jackson St.
27(1 (
TTlOlt UKNT Tor n term of jeurs , the 2 story
Jbrick Imlldlntr on the n o cor. of 10th and
Doiiflns Inquho nt dingttoro , snmo plneo.
T7V5U IilJASE AVe have eleven ncros on IT. P.
-t ; it. It. trnck.bOO foot fiont ; will lease nil or
pnrt tor flvoyears. Bedford A , Souor. 751
B.M. STIC'KNhY A CM ) . , Ural I'stato , loom
. H , Witlmollbulldlngcor. 15th and Harney.
127. Iluslnoxg proptity , 44x1,12 , on Tenth st.
near llmnoy linpioiod.
11U. ( jtlxOil coiner on 13th St. , Impiovcd , lit
150. Klpjnmt coiner lot on Iliunoy nt $15,000.
198. Tine corner on Dnvonport lull lot bnr-
gnln1,000. .
15 Corner on rarmim , lfiJ\13l , 2 good houses.
Ino property , f 15,000.
SI1 ! . 22\l.fJon DoimlnsViOO.
20S. Sohoicolots. I'ntrick'slstAd'n.fl.Ofllench
1U5 Kinoenst iiont coiner lot on California
St. . $1,200.
219 Hoiibo nnJ lot on gnundcrs , near Grace
201. L'holca lot In Walnut Hill. $750. A banraln.
202 , 2 of the best lots In Doiiockon's Ad'n ,
{ C50 each ,
237 , Tour elcKimt south front lots on corner ,
on Callfoinla , f2,0(10each (
220. Tin oe of the choicest lots 111 West Side , to
c\cht\HKu forlnsldo proiierty.
241. Two choice lots on blioiman avenue , nt a
217. Kino building1 lots In Washington square
140 Nice south front in House ! & . Stebblns'
Ad'n. $1,1(0 (
210. Choice coi ner lot on DodRO , $2,500.
200. Kino cast nnd south corner on Charles ,
with 5 room cottage , nt $ . ' , ( . .10.
187. Splendid pioporty in Hnn ° coin plnco ,
elegant hou o , f l.OOJ.
175. Kino , t o story , ton room house and lot on
ClilciiRO , near IHth , J7.0JO
207 Oood slv loom cotiago and lot In Lake's
Ad'n. $2,700.
"OS. I'ivo loom coltugo In Paulson's Ad'n
138. Oood house and full lot on N. SOth , $ -Bftj : ,
188 , Two choice south fiont lots on corner
vvilh two cottuses , Shlnn's 2nd Ad'n , $4SOO
Fo U It iNT : 2 or 3 Kcntlomcn i an Iniv o pious
ant rooms , boaid If dosiroJ , at 1(115 ( Cass
St. 650 20 *
TT Olt UKNT Hooms furnished for
a } houEokecplntrlu lloomcr block , cor. Kiuhth
and Him ard. 550 3 *
OH JM'.NT Two larco furnished rooms , pri
IP 1 vato family , 712 N 10th. 6JU ao
oiTHUNT Iloom with bonrd suitable lor
two gentlemen. 1812 Dodge st. 541
TMmri5NT I.H FBO offlco with stoio. 2Jx45
J. .also rloubant unfurnlsnod looms cciurallr
locntcd , W. S , Sciivoy , ngent , 111 soutn Htli
htieut. M 1-211
. . . . . . . . fuinlshed room with
board , for iroutlonicn : nlo lurnlsliod or
imfiiinlbhcil front purlor. Itofcronccs reuuiiud.
Iii23 O'lpltol HVC. C1UIIO *
OH Itl.VJ' 1 urnithcd room on Novmhibt.
nonh6llo _ _ ( f rbi l.oueo wcbl of aath st. Ml ; io
F ItKNT Km nibbed loom onDavonioi )
. Et net of inili. llrst Moor uiul fiont room.
ItUih A , , Sclliy.218 B 15th st. 60J 30
371OKSAM : I'ailor. oodrooni nnd kitchen
. furnltiiro carpnts.riuifc'o and hcutliiK'ttovua ,
all nearly new , 11 Koutlp horae llvo ycaia old ,
all nt a buriruln , giving up housekeeping , 2214
Doug-las st. U5
TOU UKNT Furnished rooms , rffl'J DodRo.
J ; mz >
T710H HUNT 2 unfurnlbheil front rooina , 1U12
-L1 Jnclison et 4i > 0 2J'
TmoullKNT Nicely furnHheil rooma with"
J ? inodern ronv enloncca for ono or two ecu-
tleiucn. 810N must. 4UJ
| 7HU Jtn.NT-Four iinrurnUhed ioora . SV
OJ cor UiliHiul Davenport. 47020 *
TVUMl JlKNT FurnUhod front rooms. 2705
-U Hamilton 6t. 471) ) 28.
Foil UKNT Very desirable front room in
BOO 1 locatl'.m bultablo for two
6I8B17II1 61. 40J 28 *
Tj > UU UKNT A furnished room with closet ,
i.1 at ' < 02 N. ltlh ! St. TlOperraoiitn. 4i2 28 *
iOU ItKNT FurnUbed Iiont loom. 641
South IStli. 450 28 *
Foil KENT A few ollico apacos for rent ,
one with fiont window on ground floor.
Knqulre of J , 8. Klcbaidson'M'J ' Furnam st.
4dO Sept-25
Iiioi ; ItKNT Nowlr furnished front rooine ,
i 3 iror. ICthand llnrocy. 4J7-31 *
THOU nij.v FurnUUe'd rooms , 1W)1 ) Howard.
C ' 434-31 *
ItKNT Store room , nml Dorcni
lilOII IH'.NT 2 lnr rc f mulshed rooms with
-I ? modem , co ivvnieiices , njto flr t-cln s tnblo
bonnl. dinner 6 p. m , , references requited ,
1814 IJoilC. | _ _ X'OG
I poll IttiVT Mni'olefrant front room with
' nlcov e urntshcfl , nt 1511 I'arnam street.
ItnVT-Aftcr Sopt. l < t , vcrv dcslinblo
- - room * " ! thoit ) bonrd. ( Ins nnd bntli.xVJV
Doit iro. 251
Ftlt ItiVT ; Parlor nnd two vcrj nlccivfurn-
l hcd rooms with tssurtoundcd
by n nice luwn nnd has bath room nml ( rus , nl o
dnj board. S. \ \ corner of SDth nnd \ \ olxter.
168 _
Ij OH Hi\T-riirnlshodi : coins nt 1707 OIKS it.
Tllt UhVT Two stoic rooms on llth st. ,
JP $ Scncb. .1. .lohiison , lo.M I'm mini ' . ' : I3
inolt SAIIVOOIII : hou e nnd lot. 'JKl.Ti ' It ,
i ; Sldun'o Miidd , bountiful locution , $3rt.V .
i-roomhiiii-p mill lot .1 > xui it , on ln'iic M. 1 ft.
Ilninllton nnd Charles. $1.810 4 hou es of fl
iiioiiis ench.eltj water nud Knp. on Klmr mid
fnldvvell ts.$2.moerv oi j terms. 2 I arms
In low u , one In Fremont Co. anil ono In Ida Co. ,
lo tmde fin cltj ptopotty or mere minlme. 20
ncies nlec subuiliim piop' rty on mllltiuy toad ,
? IVJ r or iicre , a bnipnln New UTootn liou-o.
lililiuce , Ktnto.i'lt } vvnti > r , BUS , elMeill , Kimil
Imrn , linn locution , coiner lot , Jtl.lKU. \ \ . < 1.
reinpleton \ Co. , liootns 7 nml S Oinahn Nnt'l
Imnk. 41 * " a" 1
OwInK to tlio illnconal claMlcllj of tlio cloth will nt
perfectly llrst time mini Koqulrce no breaking In.
Money returned by ppllcr niter being worn ten duya
" Tif itrrA''FiTTiNn. ' ' . iiKAT/rnrur.
nnrl Comrnrtiiltlc ( Virbfl ever worn bee thnttho
Yntisl itamp IH nn limi.le nf Cornet toUl IIT all
ilenlera. CKO'l Y ItUOM. , Cblciino , ( It.
Gencrnl MnrkctR.
Wool. .Medium , 17@20c pur Ib ; fine heavy ,
Ii31oc ! ( ; Unlit. 14tfll7c ; coaisc , 12ibl5c ( ; burry
wool , iifnfic oil.
IiKATHKit i'rlmo slaughter sole leather ,
! f-'c ; pi mo oak sole leather , aG ( < t3bc.
Upper leather , per loot , 20 x ; ; hem. kip ,
75.s'X5i ( oak kip , b. 0-ic ; French kip , Sl.OOcii
1,20 ; hem. call , S1.0J@1.1U ; oak call , Sl.OOM
1.25 : French call , Sl.2-ViJl.S5 ; Morocco boot
! ir , : > 0@Wc : ; Morocco oil pebble , 28 ® 2c ;
10.00 per dor1
HBAVY HAHDWAHI : iron , rate , S2.25 ;
low stei'l special cast , 4c ; cincib lesteel , fx- ;
chain , per Ib , ( Ki612c ; malleable. CdSe ( : Iron
wedges , TXJ : crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c :
spring htecl , 7@Sc : llurdun's horscsliocs.
S4.40 ; liiuiten'i mule shoes. S5.40. limbed
wire , in car lots , B4.00 per 100 Ibs.niont
> 'ailf > , rates , 10 to f,0 , S2.50 ; steel nails , 82.05 ;
Shot 51.155 ; , Sl.bS : oiiental
powder , keis ; S2.M ) : do , halt kccs , 32.00 ;
do , nuaitcrkws , 81.50 ; blasting , kess , S'i.3.r ;
fuse , per 10 tcet. 05c.Lead Har. S10.
I'AINTS ix On.-- rncead. Omaha , P. 1" ,
KC ; white le.ul , St. . _ . . , pure , § 7.75 ; Mar-
ellles gieen. 1 tbjQlb cans. 2c ; Kiench zinc
irreeii seal , 12c ; French 7inc red seal , lie ;
Fiunch 7inc , in vat'nlbli asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75ccrinl11iou ; , American , l&o ; Indian
red , lOc ; rose pink , I4c ; Venetian red , Coolc-
son'.s , 2 4c : Venetian led , American , IJ-fc
red lead , 7 } c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ;
cliiimie vellow , iK , l"c : ochre , roche'.le , , ' 5c ;
ochre , French , 2fc ? ; , ochre , American , iKc ;
Winter's mineral. 2kc ; LehiRh brown.2Vjc ;
panisli brown. "JXc : rrlnco's mlnoral. Kc.
Unv 1'Ainw White lead , 8cl'icnc ir/i no
2c ; Tails wlittiiifr. 2 } < c ; xvhlthitr , Kllders' ,
? f c ; whiting , com'l , l c , lampblack , Gcr-
inanstovvii , 12c ; lampblack , oidlnary. Sc ;
Piiis-i.iii blueTMC : ultramarine , lbc-\andyke ; ,
brown , Sc : umbel , btiwit , 4c ; uinbei. raw , 4c ;
sienna buint. 4c' sienna , raw , Ic ; Paris
ureen. genuine , ar * : rarrs creen. common.
22e ; chiome creen. is. V. . 20c ; elnome KICOH ,
K , 12e ; vcrmillton , Knclish , in oil 70c ; raw
anil bin nt umber. 1 Ib cans. r.ic ; raw and
burnt sienna , 1'te ; Vandyke , blown , I3c ; relined -
lined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and ivory
black , 10c ; drop black , 10c ; Prussian bine ,
40c ; ultramailnebliie , 18c ; chromo Kreen , lj. ,
M. & D. , Iflc ; blind and shutter irreen , L. , M.
&D. , IGe ; I'ansKicen , 18c ; Indian led , Ihc ;
Venetian red. Oe : Tuscan , 22c ; Amciicau
\cimtllion. L. & \ ) , , 20c ; yellow ochre , Oc ; L.
M. & O. L ) . , 18c ; good ochre , IfJc ; patent
ilrvei , 8c ; siainlnKcolor , Imhtoak , daikoak ,
wlannt. cheitnnt and ash. 12o
JJitt'OB AND ( jvr.MifAi.s Acid , carbolic ,
r 2c : acid , tnrlaric , Titobalsam ; copaiba , per
Iti , 4 Jc : bark , sassafras , per Ib. 10c : calomel ,
norlb ? > : chlnchonidia. per o40c ; chloro-
loim , per HP , 40c ; Uover's povvdcis , per Ib ,
81.85 ; epsom salts , per Ib , Kc ; glycerine ,
pine , per Ib. ise ; lead , acetate , per Hi. 2lc ;
iodide , per It > , si.OO : : balicin , pero40c ; sttl
phate morphine , per o32.40 ; sulphur , per
H ) , 4c ; htiyclinrne , i.eroA 51.2" ) .
VAIINISIIIIS Uairols , per gallon ; Fuinl-
ttire , extra , S1.10 ; furnituie , No. 1 , SI.00 ;
coach extra , ? 1.40 ; ( each , No. 1 , S1.20 : Da-
mar , extia , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltnm.
extra , 5Sc ; bhellac , 83.00 ; hard oil hnisn ,
Dry immDor.
\K \ ft'll ' ft ll > Hl | ft'20 ' fttt ! lt21ft [
uoAims ,
No. 1 Com. s. l.s. 12 , Hand 10 It S17.50
No. 2 " 18 , 14 and 10 ft 14.7 :
No. 3 " " 12,14 and 10 H 13.50
No.4 " " 12.14 and 1C ft 12.00
No. 1 , 4.fcOlnch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough..817.03
No. 2 , 4 it Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. . roiiKh. . . lil.SO
1st com. , 12.14 and Kit t S21.00
2d > ' " " 20.00
Fence " " 11.00
1st com. , J/ln White IMuo Partition..Sw.OO :
till " " " " " . . . . 27.01
Clcar In. Norway Pine Ceilinc 15,00
A Cinch , white pine 8"0.00
C 6 inch , ' * * * - ih of
K C Inch , " , ' . ' 17.50
6mri < > iroAitns ,
A 12 inch. B. la. ! 12,14 and 101 1 . J4.1.00 .
U 12 inch , " | rV' " . ) a-00
I ) 12 Inch. " ' " " . 2300
No , 1 Corn. 12 In. , s. 1'si ' 12,14 . 18.50
1st and 2d , clear , ljf } f neli , s. 2 s . 85f.OO
1st nnd 2d. clear , Htf , 8 Inch , s. 2 B . 50.00
8d , clear , 1 Inch , a. 2 s . 45.00
A select , 1 inch , H.U $ . EiO.OO
li belect , 1 inch , R. 2 s , . 211.00
hllll' LAI' ,
No , 1 , plaln,8and 10 inch . $17.50
No. 2 , plain,8niiit'10'lnch ' . 1WO
* AStandard. . I. . . ! . W/,0
5-lnph clear. . ( , . ; . l.f.O
r > - Inch clear . t . Ll (
No. 1 . , . : . ! n
Cedar * A * . 2.40
Lath . 2,85
Qirlncy white lime ( best . SO. 80
Cement ( Akron ) . 1.05
Hair , . . . . . . . . 0.35
Plaster . 2.75
Tarred felt , per cwt . 2.00
Straw board . 1.55
No Uncertainty.
There is no uncertainty about the
effect of Chamberlain's ' Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Kciiiedy , No one need
to sutler a single hour if they will take
ono or two doses of it.
"That tired feelin/ / ; " from which you
suffer so much , particularly in the morn
ing , is entirely tlirown oft' by Hood' Sar-
Jarge Blocks of Long Wheat Thrown on the
Market by Bears ,
Corn nml Oats Also Sell OfTn llnlf
Cent 1'rovlhloim More Active
nml Higher-Tlio Cnttlo
CmcAoo , Aueiist 23.- [ Special Telegram
to tlio Hr.K.l WiiE VT October sold down
to 77JTe ( to-day. It opened nt 7S ? nihaneed
HC , ro-acted to 70 , and tallied slightly ,
dropped to ' 77' < e , nml for an hour or two
Ih'etuated between 7 V"Old Hutch"
sold n tiemendous line of puts last night nnd
thocrovvd thought ho was not averse to tak
ing wheat , but licwasspau'd tlio tioublo.
Tlic market closed a fraction above the put
pilce. Cables were quiet , but oxportcis re
ported n better inqttiiyon thep-ut ot foi-
clgners , and ne.ulj evcty city foiwarded ad-
\icesot the tinnsai'tlun t some shipping
business on lotcigii account. Uno ot the
tickets gaveemteney to a hot lepott ,
but it proved to be baseless , and the oilglna-
toi ot the libel on the Integrity ot Chicago
wheat gotcatwlit for a neat little sum on the
inaction that tallowed the.splitting of the
\nin. Shlppcissay that old No. a Chicago
wheat roiinuands a piciulum , and exporlcis
asseit that wneat in stoie heio is in magnltl-
cent eonditlon and was ne\ci better. A
great quantity of long wheat was unloaded
on this maiket to-day , and as
[ ho bear Icadots wcie again thiinalit
to be Ireely covcilnir , as the smaller
ft > was most assuredly doing , It Is not Im
probable that the m.itket was nearer the
bottom this af let noon than It has been lor
quite a period. The liK'ieaslng local demand
for money , accompanied by hardening lates
ot Intuicst , was construed fa\oiably by both
bulls and boais by the tormer that it means
bettei business anil remunerative returns for
dealer inonej : and hv the latter as Indicative
of a demand feu cash with which to mo\e
ciops us a piccmsor of the tree early move
ment of new wheat , which thev agiee must
still fiirthci dcpiess values. Should the ( >
iici cent late cause heavy deliveries of wheat
the lust of the month , nroperty will be apt
to land in strong hands. It is now veiy
generally scattered among gtain men on
'chance. Wheat closes to-day 3ie low er than
\esterdav. The maiket at the close cannot
be described ab very weak , thoutih the ele
ment ot strength was certainly not obtru
sively conspicuous
CouN-Corn , like wheat , closes ' e lower
than jester dav. the last trades being on a ba
sis of 40kc for September. H8 > ( iM2'4c ' for Oc
tober and 48c for November. The estimated
receipts of 1,000 ears Monday was the ptinci-
lial source ol weakness. 'J'ho iccelpts to-day
vveielaige. Speculation was only moderate
In volume.
DAIS The last quotations mark a decline
of UCffxc in oats. The same causes that
operated In corn were pioductivo of similar
icsnlts In oats.
nPitoviMONS A modeiatedcpreeof activity
wasdisccrnablo In provisions. Lard and pork
closed higher. September lard was marked
up Irom S7.0J to S7.22J , whcie itiestcd at
the close , and poilc leaves oil 7) e higher
than yesteiday.
Ccitii , 2:83 : p. m. October wheat , 7Mc ( ,
sellers ; puts , 7'i > @ 776 < c ; calls , 78 ? < e. From
New "i oik twenty boat loads weio reported
taken for e.xpoit. October corn , 4.1j4 < ii42 , ' c
sellers ; puts , 42'tc ; calls , 42e.
CiucAoo , August 2S . [ Special Tetcgiatn
to the Hri : : . | CATII.K Theieceipts of cat
tle to-day were tairly largo largo enough to
maUc the annals for the week about tbc
largest on iccoid. Very lew cattle were
wanted and sold unevenly , but thcie were
many stale and fresh cattle of poor quality
which nobody wanted even at lower rates.
Prices during the week have declined about
! T > ( KT > c according to quality. Many cattle
weielclt over yesterday , but among the late
sales were the following : 100 Kansas cattle ,
1' X ) Ibs. ? : ! .bO ; 1HO Kansas , 1820 Ibs , S-U5 ; 91
good 13)3Iu ! ) steers , 1.5 > , and 115 ! liead of 15-13
Ibs , S4..H ) . The receipts of langc cattle this
week weio 14,000 , through Texans 11,100 ,
northcin rangers a total of 25,700. Friday
many Texan cattle arrived and l,4l2 ! head
weie sold , making " ,000 head ot thiou3U
Texans sold during the day. Late sales also
included 1.001 wlnteicd Tc.xans , making
the total salesof noithein rangeis about 2,500
head. These sales ot Miiithcui and northern
range cattle agsriesrated 5,500 head , or just
about 50 per cent , ol the total HI i lyals ol cat
tle. To dav's quotations : Shipping steers ,
18.10 to l.-iOO Ibs , ? 4 iOfe-i.00 ; 121)J to WX ) Ibs.
Si'.OW-MO : O' > 0 to 1200 Ibs , 8i.50f : IOO.
Through caitln wena .shade lower.
( itasscovVN S2.-0 ( 3.75 ; steers , $2.10f < i.GO :
natives and h.ilt-bieedsSD.OOfeUO ; wintcicd
To\ans , $2.75.GO. .
Hoc.s. The market was active and prices
about . " > c higher than Friday. Fair to good
corn-teed , light , mixed hog.s , S4.40ffiJ.'iO ( : good
to choice , b4f/f6l.70 ) ; lair to good heavy ,
mixed , § 4.50@l.iJ5 : good to choice. . S4.50 ( < i >
4,70 ; fair to good heavv mixed , $4.00@i.i5 ( ;
good to choice. 54.05(0.1.75 ( ; choice to extra
heavy , S .M > ; > 5.00 ; light mixo I glass hogt , ,
§ : i.70u ( > 4.25 ; heavy mixed , do , S4.25@4.GO.
Nrw York. August 23. MONBY On call
loaned Irnni t to 10 per cent , closing at 4
percent asked.
1'uiMic MKUCANIILE 1'APEK Unchanged
at4@'i percent.
dTKiu.ixo KXCIIANOK Weak , but active
and unsettled : actual rates , S4.Mll ) for sixty
day bills and 84.K ! % fordeinand.
UovrniNMKNis liovormncnts were dull
but steady.
STOCKS The day on the stock market was
the dullest lor many weeks. The acknowl
edgment of the demand lor un increase in
waves on the New Yoilc Central was made
to day , but had no effect. The most Impoit-
ant movement in prices was a drop of 2 > per
cent in Manhattan consolidated. Prices at
the opening weio comparatively steady.
Trading was extremely dull and stonily , ex
cept in Bomo tow special slocks , until the
afternoon , when prices yielded small frac
tions , hut tiio maiket closed steady , genoially
at small tractions undcrtho opening prices.
124J *
40'f '
Clilcnco. Aiipust 28. KJour Kasy but
not quotably lower ; winter wheat Hour ,
84.05 ( < 4.10boritlH'rn ; , gtsx4oot : ) Wisconsin ,
S4.00 ( 4.lOMIcblL'airboftflprlnivvheat.83.50a ; (
4.10 ; Minnesota bakers , SU ! > 0&4.U > ; pMtuiK
S1.SO@4.CO : low grades , 81.75 ( < 2.75 ; rje Hour ,
nniet at S3.25g3.50 ( In barrels , and S.0ikaj ; ! )
y.'O hi sacks.
Wheat Oencdc ] ) \ lower nnd closed
J c below yesterday's close ; cash. 75i70' ( ! ' < ci
beptenibei , 70 > e ; Octobei. 7S l-lic. (
Corn Opened X& c lower and closed
KO lower than icsteiday ; cash , 4040e ;
Septembei , 40 ! i-lGe ; Octobei. 42 c.
( Jats Dull and heavy , * @ ' ? lovter ; cash ,
ai' ' c ; Seitember , ittlMCc ; October ,
27JA' .
Hyo-Dull at 40c.
Harley Dull nt Me.
Timothy Prime. Sl.Ul.
WhlsUy-Sl.l.- ) .
Pork Declined 2c early , later advanced
7 > ijlOc and closed at oulslilo li iirtN namud ;
cash and September , S'M dl'J.W. October ,
haid Moderate trade ; advanced fif&vyje
and closed at outside iipmes ; cash and bcj > -
teruber , 87.CO ; Octobei , &C.G5.
Hulk Mcit - Shoulders ,
short clear. SO OOviifi.rv'i ; slunt
Huttcr Firm ; creamery , lGcf22V ( ! dairy ,
( Julct : full crc-am cheildan. * @
e , llat . ) > 4C'i'.V ; Young Americas , HQji' ' c.
K s HSwlS'sc.
Hides ( ireen salted , fully cured. V : llcht ,
PC't e : damaied , 7c ; hull hides , o e :
drv "alted lK12c ( : dry flint. UVM4e ; calf
sklnrflose ; diMcotH , . ' 0ceach.
Tallow No. l country , ; ( ! $ ; ; cake ,
3fe ; No. S , 3c.
Itecelpt * . Slnpment .
r'lour.bbli . It.iHK/ / fi.inW
Wheat , bi . GMHM Mi.OX )
Corn.uu . : iv.tvu ,
Oat's. Oil . 24.tKW Ifi'.CXK ' )
Kve.Otl . fi.lHK ) 1,1X10
llhtlev.Dtl . 0tiyo , 17IXW
Now Yoik , AuRiist-Js Wheat Keceipts ,
1WKW ( : export's , none : spot. Hdlsie and op
tions 'v"i ' p lower , closliu ; steady : ungraded
ted , McilLV ; No. 2 red , o In elevatoi , N-j4 (
ss've ' , f , o. b. . ssi4 ssi e , J > 7'Ac ' III More ;
September eiosltiir at f 'fe.
Coin-Spot , KjJlXo and options OTVc
lower , eloslne stead > ; uimr.utod. fiiWl'v1' !
No. 2 , Me In store and elevator , r > lc ;
Septembei cloOniit 4P'lo. (
Oats Vle lovvet ; leceipN , 77.000 ; e\-
polls , 2H ( , mi\cd vvestcin , Hl' ' ; white
vve-.tern , ! Viijmic. (
Petroleum I 'lilted , file.
I-X'jrs-Weak ; vvo-dcrn , lV ( iri4e.
Poik-Kiim ; new mess , SMI.oo ; old mess ,
Sll ( KK.ll.i7 : > < ; .
Laid \\Vstein steam , spot S7.Ui' ; ) .
Uittter Quiet but linn.
Cheese l-'irm.
Milwaukee , August 28.--Wheat-Cnsli ,
Tfijfi1 ; Octobei , 7S- .
Corn No. 2 , 40 , 0
Oats No. 2. y.c ,
Hve-N > . ' - ' , M'Jc.
Harloj No. 2 , fi P.
Pork September. cl.4" ! .
Ciiioliinatl , August 28. Wheat No. 2
led , 7 ° .e.
Coin Dull ; lower.
Oats No. 2 mixed , 2Sc.
Itjo-No 2 , 5Ic.
Lnnl SO S\
Whisky Finn at $1.10.
Mliuionills ] , August 28. Wheat-
Unsettled and lovvei ; No. I hard , cash , 7.1o ;
September , 7.V.H' ; No. I notthein , cash ,
Tji c ; Si'pteniboi , 734c ; No.2 noithetu. cash ,
Klour Dull ; ) > , ilcnts , 51.40 1.50 ; br.kcrs ,
Si.40u8.W. : (
Iteeelpts Wheat , SI.OOO bushels.
Shipments Wheat , 0,030 bushels ; Hour ,
20,000 barrels.
St. Ijouls , Aliens ! 2H. Wheat Klun ;
No. 2 red , cash , 7iji70 ( ; ( ! jc ; bcptembcr ,
c4oin Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 37H'c ; Seutem-
ber , ! .
Oats-Lovvei ; No.2 , cash , US QjaCc ; Sep
tember , 21c.
Hvc Lower atAl e.
Pork Ouiet at S10. 15.
LtintNominal at S0.50.
Jlutter ( luict and Him ; creamery , 18@12c ;
daliy , 10 ( < i22c.
New Orlcnns , August 23. Corn
Klimer in sacks ; ml.xcd , SlgS2c ( ; white , We ;
Oats Lower ; choice westein , in Backs ,
Coi nmeal Steady.
lloi ; Products Dull and
1'orlc Siu.i7)f :
Lind Helmed tierce.S7.00.
Bulk MeaU Shoulders , SG.1.1 ; long clear ,
Kansas City , Aucust 28. Wheat
l ovvcr ; No. 2 red , cash , Gl ) < fc bid , G3c asked ;
Soptembei , G"c.
Coin Lower ; No. 2 , cabh , lil c ; beptetn-
bcr , iKO'KJ'iC.
Oats Nominal.
Ijlvcriiool , Aucust 23. AVheat Dull ;
supplj- good ; new No. 2 winter and spring ,
JMcittr Finn ; holders olfeicd moderately ;
spot , linn at 4s sd ; Aitiiist. trim at 4s4J d ;
Seiitembur , hrm at 4b r.d ; October , linn at
4s ( id.
Coin Dull ; holders olTeicd modeiately ;
spot and October , 4s 5d ; August nnd Septem
bcr , 4s J d.
Toledo , August 2S. Wheat-Cash ,
Corn Cash , 41J
Oats Neglected
Chlcaco , AiiRiist 2S. The Di over's Jour
nal reports as lollovvs :
Caltlc Itoceipls. 2,300 ; slow and a shade
lower ; shipping steeis. S3.50 ( < r5.00 ; stock-
, J2.7. " > ; steers , SJ.70 , < t.i.tiO ; western laugeis ,
11,000. Itecehed for tlm week , natives and
half breeds , SJ.OOuUMO ; wintered Texaus ,
" '
"il'osts Kocelpts. 0,800 , ; strong ; peed inadcs
Gc higher ; rough and ml\cil. S'i.K > ( $4.70 ;
paclclni ; and shippbiR' , _ Sj.70y3.05 ; light ,
v ' " '
- ! . , : : steady ; natives ,
Sl.7n@f.OO ; Texans , M.TStJS.OO ; lambs , 54.00
@ 5.00.
St. Louis. AiiRtist ' ! S.-CaUle Keceipts ,
4,100 ; shipments , 000 ; common to choice
slilppinc , § : J.O"i ( < l.75 ; biitchei steets , Sa.W )
4 00 : covvsand heitcis Vi'i.V . 'iO.
HOKS ISecclpts , 1,000 ; shipments , ' .00 :
butcherb'and best heavy , il.fe' > @ " > .00 ; mixed
Knnsns City , August 2y. Cattle Ko
celpts , 2,000 ; shipments. 1,000 , ; common to
choice , fc8.40@I.WJ ; stockcrs and Jecders ,
S2.,0/iH.40 : ; cowa , gl.SOC'W.75.
Hogs lU-ceipts. 2,000 ; shipments. 600 ;
opened stiontr , closliif.veak ; anil a shade
lower ; common to choice , W.-10M1.G3 ; skips
and pigs , 2.b ( > ( if4.10.
Satuiday Kveninir , AuKUst 28.
CAT n.r The receijits weic heavier to-day
than thej have been lei some time. The
niarlcetvas very dull and inactive.
Hoes The receipts were libeial , but the
market was slow and dull.
Sheep Tlierolij no maiket.
Cattle ! : I.f.LI..1.3. ' ' 1200
s Prices.
Shovvlnij the prin'ailiii ; piiciss n.ilil for live
stock on this niai kel.
Choice htecis , HKO to inoo Ibs Sl.QOOl.S1 !
Choicebteeis , HOOto 1IJ03 Ibs : i.7.X 'l.l5 '
Medium steeiH , l'i > 0 to 1'KiJ Ibs. . . S.r.Oirtl.oo
Knt little steers , 10W to HVJIlM . . . . : Wir > 'l 80
( iood feeders , UJUtoIUU Ibs : i.oti ) ( l.n :
Xiood to choice coin-led cows ' .VJOfK-'l.'i'i '
Fair to medium KI.I"covvs 12.0J icMi"
( looil to choice hulls 1.50 ( ! I.J. . ' > < )
Liglit and mediiun nogs 4.2)r/4.r ) ( ! )
( iood to choice heavy h ( s l.lO l.'iO '
Good to choice mixed hoaM 4.SOC'i > 4.4 >
Fair to oed whom -.hceri S.OO@J.50 :
Itci > ro4ntittvo : SnloH.
? fo. Av. J'l. No. Av. I'r.
0 1,140 S'i.10 37 1,070 S W
No. Av. I'r.
No. Av. I'r. No , Av. Pr.
5 iisr , & : ! . ( H > i 1270 5:1.00 :
3 110J 3.00HULLS.
No. Av. I'r.
4 ui : ; > * uo
No. Av. Shlc. I'r. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
04..218 SW ) 81,30 dl. . ii 1 - b4.40
( . . . . 'Ml I'M 4.U : > f ) ! . . . . 'A'.8 4.4(1 (
U0..30I 241) ) J.WJ Ki.Wl 4.41
. . . . ; ! bo 4-jo : . . , . J.a ( N ) 4w
CO.01 4,10 M. . . 3W 1UJ 4,00
J..nj5 51.00 HI . . .srs ir/
i..4ro so -I , < K ) 'j. . , . ' . " . lao
5 , . . . iJ 10 < ) 4.00
Uan ( i ol' I'rlooi.
SliovvliiKtho hUhustaud hi.voit juices pilil
iormhuilloiilsi nt hoiion thN matlcut il'ir-
inicthu past seven days , and lor tlm t.imo
time last jeui :
Saluttliir. 21-it. . .
Monday , 2-td. . , .
Tuesday. 24lll. . .
Thnisdav. 20th. .
Haturday. totlV. ! !
.Showing the number nf cu-.of livestock
flipped out of thuy.udbdiidnt ; llio day :
c vri M : .
No. Cars. lit. nest
W N. W. , . . . . Chicago
1 0. J ) . &Q. , Ohi < Mgo
Xo. C.ii" . lit. Dcst.
4 . ( Ml.ArQ ChlcaRO
8 . X. W Chicago
4 . Mil ,
U . 15. 1 . Chicaco
All ale * ot stock in tlm nnrket are made
"crcvvt. live vvelu'ht unless otherwise stated ,
) ead lions sell at l c per Ib for all welijiuj ,
'SKlns" or hops vveliihliic less thin 100 Iba
Hivalno. l'roitnantso\vsaiu docke.l 40 Ibs
nnd stilus W Ihs.
A dull Katmilay.
Heceipts of both eatlU * and hoes heavy.
, vloser\- | Son , l.oiah , sold three loads
( ! . II. Hammond it Co. lecc-lved nine
> f cattle to-dav ,
Mr. Tiles , of Tiles A Co. , Cedar
v.ts In with lions.
Johnson Hioi. , .Medlelni' llovv , hud
ninilieil sheep In to da.v.
Tive eats ot callle vvcte lecelvcil fiom the ,
la.v State Cattle eompanj.
Summcteauip Wanner , Cahlvvull , bad
cl\tc.eii ot cattle In lo dav.
M.IJOIS& Atkinson , liuvIliH , Itad thlrty-
vvo loads of cattle at the \noS.
Mi. Lincoln. Plum I'tveK , was a visitor nt
he > anlsto da\ . lli < hasten thousand sheep
\vhleh lie will send heie ,
I ) . M. llavvoilh , of it\voll : Aiteeu ( , iivo
> tot'k I'ounulsslon metchints of Chk-.iito , was
iHikliii ; uvei the jimN to-daj.
Mr. llevvlilt came In with the Major A At-
ins on cattle , nnd .lacoh Uainci with the
Sum lueicamji A Uajinet cattle
The following vveto u 'isieied at the hotel :
A. I , . Spearman , hmlnijiieltl ; .1. I. Crawfotd ,
: : . W. Tomlin , Ccnttal Cit ) ; I'ranK Hewitt ,
Dennis .Muilon , I.atamie ; P. ( Irenamjitr ,
Council Hlnirs ; I ) , M. tl.tvvottli. ChleaRo ;
( ieotue T. SinllM , Illalt , Charles Keith , Coun
cil mullslUnjamln Malms , IfavvlliiM , Wvo. ;
J. I. . AtUiiisoti. Kvanstoii , Wjii. . C. S. Lin
coln , PlnmCieek ; K. U. Thompson , Snake
liver , Colo. ; ,1. \ , . Mosier , Atlantic , Iowa ;
A. ommetcamp.
The lollowitii : hail hofjs on tlio mniKct :
I. W I'ltle , .1 R l.ovvet. .Sliom-biiitf ; .1. M.
Dolbs , V .Son , hctihner , llllss A UIKs , Schtiv-
er ; Knlleir \ Pa.vlou. Pnlleilon. r. D.
WelKei , ht KtlvvariN ; ( ieiiiu U , Co. , O enoa :
Mater , Ki.wlcr A Co.V nnc ; .1 I. . Chad-
wick. Ccnttal City ; ,1. 1) . llatluild , V Co ,
Clear water ; Melsnet A ; lav lor. Sheltnn ; O.
S. hiieas , Clt.v ; Ue.vnolds. Pavlon &
Co. . .lamalca : K. K. Daj.Veeplni \ ; Water ;
Veil \ Co. , Itennetl , C. li. Pnimele A ; Co. ,
Cedar cieek ; d. ti , Viecland , Jnniata.
Ooncrnl 1'roiliiec.
Satuidav Kveiiiiur. AtipustQM.
Tuolfotciiii / ; itih-ct mo ; < ii' rannil lot * of
nxfuiv , < ( MIJ ( OH the i/miArt fiM/cij/ / / . The
iohitluiiNnit fruits Ki f\fnt the i > rlccs at
which iiuMJctixlcr'uiic tilled.
Kc.s ( The market is vi-iyslow nud un
settled and stocks arc aci'umul.itlntf. While a
low single case lots ma > lulncHc when very
closely candled , the meat bulk ot the sale *
arc belnij made nt b < * s' ' c ,
IH ) r Stilctly sweet , solid and uni
form color , packed ciu new clean tubs ,
commands 15 to lOe , or even more. In tno mar
ket , but thcio Is little or none coming in that
can bo traded ns such. Fancy buttei In btono
crocks is brltiRlii ! ? even better piiccs. Fair
to good countiy buttei Is solltiif , ' at 10 < c18J < e.
Poor at rtiilbc. and slow. Cie.imcty butter ,
not the veiv best , sold till" week at 18@20c.
Poinnnv Old lowls. per doS2.W ) ;
spilni ; chickens , laipe , S2.UO ; Rprinp chick
ens , medium , 8150641.75 ; sprint ; chickens ,
.small , not wanted ; ducks fe . "V&2.50 ; tur-
kevs , not wanted.
Ciir.iAK Fancy full cicnm Cheddars , O' c ;
fancy full cream Hats , two In box , lOc ; fancy
fullcieam Young Amciicaslmrrnbox,10 ( c ;
lancy Swiss , 14c : bilck , 18'tc ' ; I/lmbnri : , 12c.
Nivv : Poi Aiois : Thcio is an Iticieased
demand tor choice .stock. Farmers are not
hringitm In enough to sttpplv local demand.
There are car InUaiiUini ; uow fiom outtilde
points. Choice quotable at dOOj'iOc.
ONIONS Southern , per bbl , Si.rX : ) ; liomc-
Riown. purlin. . 1.00.
Cii.tnv : : Theie is not really enough com
ing hi to supply tlio demand , but it will not
be handled veiy extensively until next
month. ShlppiiiR stock , per do40c. .
Ovsrnrts Thcio aio no ovhtcrs of any
coiibcquencn in tlio maiket > et. The season
heic does not open as a inlo until about-tho
1st of September. The maiket will piobably
open at tiom : i5 to UOc , , according to the
l r.vioxs The Now Vork market has ad
vanced 81.50 per box sincL % jestci day ; this
would foieo up prices heie , as stock Is vuiy
light and veiy lltlle in tiansit. Fancy
lemons , per box. S10.00 ( lO.ftO.
JlAN VHAS ' 1'huro are not many in the
market at present. As the weather becomes
cooler , so th it de.ileis can handlu tbum with
salcty , there will be n better supply on the
maik'et. U.ujanas , jellow , pel bunch , S-- ° ° @
3.00C M.IKOHNIA Fituns The market is now
thorousjhlv cleaned up. There is not a pound
ol California triilt of an > kind in the hands
ofjobbcis. Fresh cai loads are belnic looked
foi t > y nuxt week , which will no doubt bell
at much higher piieesthan have been pic-
Miilin iliuint , ' the lucent glut.
Mni.oxs Fancy laiic M nscatlno water
melons , S17.oi@iOOO ) : interim and .smaller
hi/es , SlO.OOcojl.'i.OO ; nuiblv meloiib , pei do/- ,
Svviir ; POT vror.s Iowa homo grown are
in tno maiket and sellini : at ! ! < : per It ) .
HIAXS : Hardly any coining In now. 81.25
@ 1.50 pur bushel , for clean stock.
CoroANurs-- Cocoanuts pci 100. S5.00 ; less
than hundred , ner 100. S5.50.
lloxiv Calilornia , 15o ; California ,
strained , lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 12@itc : ; Ne
braska , dark , 10@lle.
MAPI.I : SYIIIJI' Hulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegu ,
per gal , Sl.OO ; iral cans , per gal , 551.03 ; half
gal cans per gal , SI. 10.
Cinnu New i : oik , per bbl , 87.00 ; do. naif
bbl , $4.00 ; Ciab , jiei doiqts , V-.75 ; Michigan
rciincd. Dcrbbl , S
ViNi'nAn-Whlto wine , 13@17c ; elder , 13
0l7e ; single strength , iic : ; triple strength ,
DATKS Figs , layer , J Ib boxes ,
pci 11) . 1 < V , Dates , fancv lard , 12 Ib boxes ,
14c : daten , Persian. 50 Ib boxes , per ID , lOc.
J IMS Pecans , laigoimll.sheJ , lie ; pecans ,
medium , Uc ; English walnuts , lie ; almonds ,
Taiiawiim. 2Jc ; almonds , Languedoc , 17ct
Jita/lls , 12c ; lilbeits , 14c ; pe.inutt ! , hand
picked , lancy Viiglma , b c ; peanuts , hand
picked choice Virginia , 7 > cpeannts ; , roasted ,
2coxtr.i per Ib.
MAPI.I : hur.Aii Hrleks , strictly pure , CO
It ) boxes , jiei Ib. ir > o ; 10-11) tirr p.tils , htrictly
pure , per Ib , 14c ; 5 Ib bilcKs , 24-lb bo.xes , per
Ib. I2' ' < c.
PK.S' Knur , Tisii'i : , iw.Pins' feet , pnr
bbl , ? 4.H ( ) ; do , ' bbl. 52.00 ; do , per kit , ! Xc.
hamus' ' tonguea. pei ' , bhl , 8 : > .25 ; do , per kit ,
, 2r)0 ; do , iiuit | jais , per do55.25 ; do , pint
jais , per case , 2 dozen , Sfl.7' ) , Tripe , pur K
bbl , Sl.OO ; do , pei } { bbl , 8J.OO ; do , per kit ,
I'ltoviBioNs llatn , Minar cured. He ;
boneless , U ) Hi boxes , 12 > c ; picnic ham ,
II ) e ; bre.iklast bacon , sugar cured , ti n ;
hho'iudciH , N' ; clearsldi ) bacon , PC ; dry Malt
BJdt'b , 7i < je ; diied beul-luims lrji'lfu ( ! ; ill led
beef , tegular , 1'Jc ; laid , 40-lb cans ( Fair-
bank's ) , 7e ; 10 , 5 andlb ! ! p.ills , do ,
.v Coin , 2."ic ; old onts.SJc ; new oats ,
. AND MIM.SI 1'i'i'R Winter wheat
flourhestiiuality | iatenli2.sOhecond ; quality ,
g2.4ici- ) ; ( lu.ility spiing liom ,
p.itmit , Si.75 ; bran , . 'iO per evvt ; i hopped
leedjOOc purcwt : vvhito corn meal , 7. " > c ; yel-
Jew coin meal , ! i. ' > c per cvvt ; screcnini ; , dOe
per cwt ; hominy , fci.M per evvt ; blunts , 5.r > c
pei evvt ; uiaham , 81,75 ; liay , in bales , 8tf. ( )50 )
7.00 per ton.
liinVB'i.Nol 1'ini nn.iriOii si ! 101 M >
l/ro ( ilh'ti Kline ) n IXI.'I IO76 / I AS I II
T. I IMI'OllfKII UMI. 3. _
. . . , ' .r ll H ltiifU'i \ \ \ \ llliK'l'nilaor K'lli
M V Uhll , | 2WJ | JuQ y | V , 1U | 1J jy
Norwegian | | I I I l
i bJ.'l W3 10 . . . . ]
LVli . .18 OVJ 5')8 ) CO 4 KIU U ) . 1 19
Ifol'timl ' lltrrhijrs , now _ . _ . . , . 8)
I./KJ. I IMI. _ _ 2.
lir liil ( )7iibsl''ls ) Km
new risii. 10J IU ! M 40 . U I 11) )
No , l WhiuTlTsh C IM A 40.1 l J 2 7l 10
1'ui.illy Wblto V" : i C'l : i ir. „ in i l&
No. 1 Troiil i r.'t 4 c'i fin i C5
No. 1 1'iu'icroi ' J lki | 2 7 .1 ha I ft I v ( < , Mm limit * nri'l o'.lie-f icllcltcJ.
( 'oil- noun I'tunyitf MftCo
S. A. KZfiN < 6 CO. , Bankers ,
( ? rccc or to I'rot'm KPSII \ r1 1
if unlcl | > .ilJI ( , K..I.odil n nil oilier lluuUk.
beat ! luf X.Ul > .