Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1886, Page 2, Image 2
THJi ] OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AUGUST 20. 188a-T\VJ3LVB PAGES. NEBRASKA CITY'S BIG BOOM , c The Pcoplo Jubilant Over the Ooramenco- mcnt of Railroad Worb THAYER AND DORSEY ENDORSED. Grand Island Sends T > clc ntcs IMpdcoil to Their Puppiirt The First Tlircf Votes for Vnn'j clc. Nclnnikn City's Itnllrnad noom. N't IIUASUA CITV , Xeb. , Ainrmt U . ( .Spe cial Tt'loinain to the IJr.r.J "Out of Kujrl Is come the salvation" of ovcivNulunskn City man to-day on icci'lpt of the welcome news that the Mis mil Pacific railroad had tliPlrmcn at u oikitn MIIIIC ; fifty tc.imsonly one and a ludf miles fiom this city , on the farm lii-ImiKlin ; to A. Upton , busily iMiunKcd in Kriulim ? a line that will run fioni this city to WwpliiK Water , clvln this city direct communication \\lth Omaha and also with Lincoln. Over ono hundred teams are at work at the other cud of the line , and \\e are Informed that over one thousand men will bo at work on thl i line by the middle of next week. The main line \vlll i > nti > r the rltvon thu notth side of North Tnble cre.-k , the depot bcinic located , most likely , on near the ro-tldenco tof .1. J. llusehtelato. Heal estate ollices were busier to-duv than lor ycai ? , and many traiisfcis\\cre m.nle. His thought that this road will ho completed he- fore winter sets in. It Is ido it-ported on . Rood loiimlatlon that the li. A : M. will at once commence a line between this city and OrenpolU , and knowing ones say work will bo commenced at once. Nebraska City ha her hooiii. 1 lor loiitfpnijer has been answered and -'He has set Ins people free. " "Who Wouldn't IJo n riromnn ? 1 Tome , > icb. . August 2i [ Special Tele- ( ? rum to the BKK. ] The running team of the York llro deimitiacnt returned to-day from the toiirnamemtat Fremont and were met at tiiodeiot by fully two thousand persons , In cluding bands of music , Company A , and other organizations. The victorious team were loudly cheered and hearty congratula tions were extended by every citizen of York. They carried a neat banner with their time , forty-live seconds , inscribed thereon , which Is the lowest yet known fora hook and lad- , derteam runniinj KOO yards Trom a dead > . start , and running the ladder and placing ' the ladder climber at the top. The bovs justly claim the championship of the world. The city uiesented a holiday appearance - , ance , every business house and many piivato dwellings helmfliterally covered t with bmitlnp. LaiKO stieamurs , bearing words oC welcome , and decorated with brooms , were extended across all cominer- clal stieets between all the piiucipal business .blocks. K\ery house was coveted with > M brooms , business was entiiely suspended for ' , the time being , and the wliolo population tiniii-it out en masse to welcome the boys home. The procession was the largest nnd iJInest ever seen In Yoik , and never before was the city decorated in the same order as to-day. Aumitiuet was tendered the team at the Commercial hotel this ovenintr , followed " by a reception at Bell's hall , presided over by the mayor , at which a large number of toa.sts were responded to , after w hlch the boys ac cepted the invatlou of .Manager Cowell to at- teml the Mikado at the opera house In a .body. The day was one long to be remem bered by the lire bojs. Thnyor nml Dorsey Kmlorsoil. ' GIIAXD ISLAND , Xeb. , Ausust 28. [ Spe cial Telegram to thoUii.J The republican qounty convention to select delegates to the state and congressional conventions unani mously passed a resolution declaring for General Tlmyer for governor and requesting him to name tu ) < delegation to the state con vention. thanked the conven tion and dtcllncd to name the delegation , yrhoicupon the coiuentlon , by a unanimous . Vote , selected the following : George II. ' Tfiuinmell , C. I' . It. Williams. T. O. C.Jlar- rlson , Seth P. .Mobloy , W. 11. McAllister , G cargo 0. Humphrey , Ilayiten Strong , W. If. Harrison. All arc enthusiastic lor Gen- . end Tliaycr. The general was callca for and icspomlcdln a veiy neat speech. A lesolu- tlon was unanimously adopted endorsing , 0111:1 essman Worsoy lor re-nomination and a delegation in byiiipathy with the icsoiutioii was delected. To tlio Victors Ilolons' ' tl > o Spread. Gn.VM ) ISLAM ) , Neb. , Augustas. [ Special Telegram to the Br.r.l The Pacific Hose company , ot Grand Island , which won the tate champion prbo at the firemen's tourna- 'mcnt at Fremont yestcrdRyrcaclicd homo entrain train No. 8 this afternoon , and were met by n lame delegation of citizen's with the City 'band ' and Sons of Veterans corps and es corted to their hall. The boys are very justly proud of their achievement , having so suc cessfully contested for this prize against the best teams in the state , one of which , the Fltzgeralds of Lincoln , took the United States prUo at the Xi-.w Orleans exposition. A bamiuet will ho "given the lire boys to- nluht by the citizens in honor ol their victory. _ _ _ _ _ _ Count Tlireo For Van \Vyok. TOHK , Neb. , August 23.-fSpccIal Tele- Bram to the IJEK.J The republican county convention was held In this city to-day. Charles Klckley was nominated for state senator and Hon. N. V. llailan and Captain .Wilson , of Waco , wcio nominated for rep- esomatlvos. The convention passed no resolution , but icquostcd the candidates to pledge themselves unqualllicdly in favor of the re-election of Senator Van Wyck , which they did. Count threaotcs for the senator In the next winter Icglslatiiio. W. S. Scott was nominated tor county attorney with BOino opposition. A Workman' * Frightful Fall. LINCOLNNeb. . ,'JS [ Special Tole- i' ' Kruni to the Uii : ] Fiank Howe , a workman on a now brick block in course of construc- ' tlon In this city , foil from the scaffold , some thirty-flve feet , down to the ground below , Mistainlng serious Injuries. In falling lie Rtinck fahly on his tcet , breaking ono leg , bieaklng the honi's of ono wrist , and bruis ing his taco badly , lie is iccelviiig the best of medical attention. At Camp Grant. ISLAND , Xeb. , August 23. [ Spo- thd Telegram to thu BKI : . ] The Omaha reg ular troops arilvcd by special train this evening , and Immediately went Into camp , Major liutler In command , Battery F , from Lcavonworlh , and the ioular troops fiom 'Sidney will arrlvo by Bjieclal trains to-mor- ijow , Everything Is In older In thu camp and visitors are all liaily coming m by the hun dreds to attend the great G. A. It. reunion. Fatal Wrcok Near I'upllUon. PAI-ILLION , Xeb. , August -'i. ' [ Special Telegram to the BKIC. ] A freight train on "the Union Pacilio ran Into the rear end ot the MUsoml Pixel He freight train oho mile cast of this place last night at U o'clock. A nmn by the name of Kli Cook , who was In a freight car with a valuable horse , was in- Bluntly killed and thn endue on the Union 1'acllic with several cars mo a total wreck , rireman Norrls was seriously hurt. Cut By Falling Rlnss. IIOLnnj-.or : , Neb. , August 28 [ Special to the BIK.J : A snilous accident occurcd hero yesterday. While the glaciers were adjust ing ono of the laigo glass windows m F. Johnson's new building the glass brolio and some of the pieces falling uM > n thu workmen cut them badly. A Mr. Lyman had the side of ins face cut olf. One had his haiidcriu- pled for life. The sbe of the glass was tot 14 feet nnd It will coM S oo to replace It. Oaklnml Furmors Organize. OAKLAND , Neb. , August as , [ Sneclal Tclo- 'gram to'the UKI.I : Pursuant to a call from the Fanners Union , ono of the largest gath erings of farmers assembled here to-day over Icnown in this pait of the country , organized , elected dhciMmnnd will soon commence business. By the dcmonstiatlou to-day it la Indicated that down with tl'.o monopoly In the grain business here Is the intention , Nebraska unil IOWA Weather , For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair weather > o.i COUMSniXO TMT3 More t/lglit on tlio Conspiracy to Kill Hcv. llAddock. Srorx Cm. 11. . August 3s. [ Special Tele- gr.\m to the BIT. ] liumnrs of all "kinds were heard to-day as tn the latest dctclop- incuts In thn coroner's jury Investigations of ilu Haddock case. It Is pretty evident now that considerable Important evidence has been secured since the reconvening ot HIP jury , and that the siloonlsts themselves aie wcaKcnlng , and thai one , at least , has turned inforiiiri. In conversation to-day with At torney \Vattermnn , he said that every man In the susplcloni-d for complicity In the killing of licv. Haddock Is shadowed. So far as Ihc public Is adiscd , Li-.ivllt has not boon am-slod as yet , but the police are on hlstrail. That Lca\ ill was tin * leal-inglcadcr Is now ccitiim , and If he were to tell all ho knows of the alllalr , evciy mjslcry would be cleared up. He undoubtedly received a large sum of money from the saloonlsts and entered intu an agreement to > ce tnat Kev. Haddock was cot out ol the way. in lact It is Plated positively to-day that ai-nuimittce of na'non- ' ists was appointed to .sue that Lca\itt and Ills accomplices carried out their part of the asm-incut , and there weicinen secreted in the bushes and constreirated on the street near the sr-cneof ( he inuidcr , who madcolf with much hastens < < eon as thn fatal shot waslircd. The coroner's jury will undoubt edly announce noenlict until the parties charged with the crime aic under arrest. This is unquestionably what delavs matters now , Investigation being directed to the meeting of saluonlsts held the .same day the mm tier was committed , when tlio fund , abuse referred to. was raNed , and in gvttmg at the bottom of tlio conferences. The couit house consphauy ( acts icl.itlng to the Had dock murder can doubtless bo easily learned. Downing n DcHperndo. KLDOISA , la. , August 23. [ Special Tele gram to the I3KK.J A deputy sheriff has just left on a summons from btcambnat Hock , In this county , to come to the assistance of the sheriff In arresting a man by the name of Scott , who Is suspected of stealing horses and who. while an attempt was bt-lne made lo run him down , shot a man by the name of Willis. A nosso of about thlitymun Ims started with the deputy shot Iff In pursuit , and If tlio fugitive should be overtaken tliochances for a lynching ate veiy favoiablo , Thirty Thousand Dollarn Gono. PiiiLAtin.iiiiAugust 23. Thhty thou- saiiddollaisln cash disappeared from of theAdams Express company two weeks ago , and since that time operatives of a de tective agency have been endeavoring to nn- ravel tiio mystery connected with the robbery , ( 'ircniustaiicas pointed to Koth Pratt , u clerk In the Philadelphia ullieuof the company as a purloiner of the cash , and on Wednesday lust he was arrested by a detective , and after a preliminary hearing was locked up lor " fm ther examination. "Ho piote.its his inno cence. Dawes County Crops. Cnxwroni ) , Neb. , August Si [ Special to tuoIiKU. ] The hay crop In this vicinity is good. Wild hay can bo had for Si ! per ton. Timothy has grown foity-olght inches , sod corn ten feet , and potatoes and vegetables are doing well , lesicrday wo bad a splendid rain , so the crops are all secure for this year. Crawfoid is growing every day and will bo a good town. Big nogiis Butter Stamp. 'WASHINGTON , August 23. The comtuls- slonerof internal revenue has decided to place a line engraving of the treasury buildIng - Ing upon the special 5" > 00 oleomargarine stamp. The de.slcns for smaller denomina tions have not yet been selected. General Newton Swears. NKW Yonir , August 2S. General Newton went to the olllce of Mayor W. It. Grace , In Hanover Square , this afternoon , and was sworn in by the mayor as commissioner of public woiks. Ono AVcolc's Knrmnga. NKwYonK , August23. The Illinois Cen tral's earnings for the third week of August , 18SO , were S'JlW.noo. an Increase of 5-10,097 over the corresponding week of. last year. Rcnr Admiral Itnsscll Retired. WASHINGTON , Auzust BS. Rear Admiral John 11. Uussell nas been placed on the rc- thed list. This makes a vacancy for thu pro motion of Commodore Queen. Ilcv. l > r. Ijcinon. Rov. Dr. T. li. Lemon is now a resident of Omaha , where ho has so boon long and favorably known. lie has been on thn frontier for some years ns superintend ent of the mission conference , but ex posure , hard work and great zeal in his duties have broken his health to such a degree that he has been compelled to re sign his position nnd take a year or two of rest. His old time friends and tlio churches which ho has served hero all join inj a hearty welcome of the faithful minister to Omaha , whore ho may take a season of well-earned rest with his family who are most all located hero. Mr. Smiih , assistant general freight agent of the 15. & M. , and Mr. Maynard , in charge of the Council IMulls and Omaha ticket ofticcs are his sons-in-law , and ho will not only bo among sympa thizing friends , but among relatives. Tlio Ministerial association of the \Vest Nebraska conference passed the follow ing resolutions at a late meeting of that body : Kesolvcd , That It gives us much pleasure In leuiombcrliig with great tenderness our father , IJr. T. B. Lemon , who did bo effect ually organic this western work and who did so nobly institute thin association , and that our heaits aio this day iniulu to feel most sad ou account of ids not being able to be present. That his "boy ? , " as ho so loved to call thoin , are fully determined to crrry on the good work so nobly begun by him , and to push It on to completion and to the glory of riod. That wo most deeply sympathize with him nnd his faithful holpiucot , Mother Lemon , In their present allllction and tnat we do truly hope and pray that Uod may yet glvo him many years of active service In the vineyard of souls and wo do feel that when thu ilnal mimmnnR comes for him to co up higher , that In the golden cleft of thn Rock of Ages hu will iccelvo the greatest of pioneer towards. Auction of household goods at 1C17 Jackson-fet. , on Tuesday ( August 31 , at 10 o'clock a. m. Beautiful home in Walnut Hill , corner lot , south front , fmo view , good neigh borhood , remarkably cheap price and very easy terms , HICKS & INHIIKAM , Sin South lath Street. Just received a now lot ladies silver watches und nickel watches at prices tc suit anybody. EDJIOLM & EUJCKSON , Opp P. O. 100 feet on Cass street in Park Place , only { 3500. Huntress , 1308 Farnam st. We bavo the best bargains in llanscom place by from $100 to $500 per lot. Sec us and bo satisfied , J. 13. Lvans & Co , Boy's Knee Pants , 25c. Sec ad on 1st page. Gen , Liounn'a Itoolc. The author's style is graphic and vigor ous , and thu reader is left in no douni us to tno moaning intended to bo couvej'ed by the writer. Halt ( more Herald , A llnro Bargain. An elegant cottage on Georgia avenue , splendid location and neighborhood. Can ofl'or for a few days only at price nud terms tiial make it a bargain. HICKS < fc Ixr.miAM , IMS South 10th Street. Union Sewing machine , 209 N. 10th fit , Tlio Famous. The Famous Restaurant , 313 S llth 8t. , will servo one of their celebrated ixid. night suppers to-night , including chicken , ice cream , etc. Ail for 25c. Upon. da > and night. AND THE 'KART1I TREMBLED. Three Hundred Grecians Swallowed ttp by a Terrible Earthquake. SURPRISED BY ASECOND SHOCK. \Vliolc Communities Fleeing Pot Wo Heath In the AirTlio Trouble * of Volcanic Origin Much Prop erty Destroyed. Towns Swept From 13\stenco. ! ATIII..V , Auuusl OS. Oieccu has ataln been xls'tcd bv an eaithqunUclilch lias been the most disastrous In the Morea , and in which the Ions ot life ncfordimj to the boH inforinalion reaches three hundicd. The village ol 1' ) reo and I ho town ot I'hlllatra , both situated on tin * ucMcin oust of the Mnica. were the chief snlForeis and these fmnlsli all It Is believed that pcrlsheiJ. In l'vr o not a hoine Is left sinmllmclillc i'hl- llatia isalninst swept away , swallowed up In the convulsions oi the earth. The shocks \\ITO cvpcriciici'd tliioinliHil ( tlio ontlie of ( iieeceina uieater or less dccn c. In tliu town /C.inteoveiy hoitsewas damaged and thcmhiibilants lied In tenor to the open country. Several towns In Italy wciealso visited by the catlhtiuala . but not to any sr-ilous cvtiMit , Naples , Brliullsi , Fov'Rla , Co eitaand Toranto belnc of the nuinher. AI.KVANIMIIA , August 34 Violent shocks of onrthqitako weio cxpeilenccd line and In other pai ts ot Ksjypt. eanslnff terror anioni ; the natives , but , to far as known , doing no KOMI : , Aucust 23. AnioiiK the towns In Italy w hero the earfiipiaUc was felt are Syra cuse , llesRlo , Calabria , Totcnsa , Towukl , Jliirmn and \VIlino. The ptopUn\crn panic- Rtricken and took tclugo in the fields and ohurches. LONDON , August 23. A dispatch from Naples says that a second eartluiiiaUo shock has occurred there. The population was crowding the streets and many families were llecini ; troiu the city. There have been two eruptions of Vesuvius , and the volcano Is .still very active. An cartluinnke shock was experienced at Athens at inidiilcht. Advices from Xante say that tlio o resslvo heat , donil calms and unusually high tides foiewarncd the inhabitants. Thocaitliqiiako center appeals to be In the sea at a point thirty miles south of Xante. Theearthijuhko is supposed to bo oC volcmlc orlcln. tables and teleeuiph wliesnni broken and no news has bfon iticeived Irom the interior. The cathedial at l'yr r < > was destroyed. CiiAUi.r.sTON , S. U. , AuuustSS. Another shock ot cixrthipiake was felt hero this morn- inn at 4:48 o'clock. It extended as tar noith as Summoiville , twenty-live miles from here. Mrs. "Woiivcr'w lliistinml. The unoxpcctud arrival of James Pierce Weaver in Atlanta solves a curious prob lem , which tlio courts of Georgia have been studying , and completes tlio history of a remarkable case of mistaken iden tity. Novelists who , like the late Charles Head , search the newspapers of llio day for plots and strange events that can bo oll'oetivoly used in liction , should not fail to put into their scrap books a record of the singular contest that has beuu car ried on over a grave in Atlanta. Thirteen portons were kijled by an accident - cidont on the Georgia Pacific railroad in December hist Amoni : the victims was a man supposed to have boon James Pierce Weaver , a resident of Texas. Un til 1881 ! Weaver had lived in Indianapolis , and his wife , whom lie had deserted , was residing them when the accident occur red. A day or two after the accident s > ho received in a letter mailed by some pas senger who had been on the wrecked train an account of the collision and a business card like these which her husband had lived in Indiana. She im mediately went to Atlanta with several friends , and tlicro lucutilicd tlio body as that of her husband. The cemetery au thorities ordered that it should bo given to her , and she was preparing to take it away when Mrs. Abbio I5ell Pierce , efFort Fort MclCnvctt , Tex. , declared tliatit was the body of her husband , J.1 W. i'ierric' , a dealer in live stock : . The court granted nn injunction , restraining Mrs. Weaver from taking tlio body , and a suit for the possession of tlio same was declared in tavor of Mrs Pierce. An appeal was ta ken bv Mrs. Weaver's counbcl. Each of t he women sued the railroad company for ? jt,000. ) The evidence presented by Mrs. Weaver seemed to make a strong case. Weaver married her in 18G7 and deserted her in 1883. lie went to Fort Worth in company with a Mrs. Eden , nnit there assumed tlio name of J. W. Pierce. In 1881 lie visited his wife at Indianapolis , nnd in that city was shot in the back of the neck by Mrs. Eden's husband , lie recovered and returned to Texas. It was admitted that Weaver had been living in Fort Wortli under the nnmo of J. W. Pierce. Several persons who had known him both in Texas and in Indiana swore that it was iiis body which they saw in Atlanta. The physician who dressed the bullet wound in Weaver's nock examined the body , found the scar , and supported Mrs. Weaver's claim. Other persons swore that they had found marks on the body which corrospondcil with marks that Weaver had borne in life. There was in a book taken from the body handwriting which experts de clared to bo the writing of tlio person who had written tlio letters which Mrs. Weaver had received from her husband. It was admitted that the body was that of a man who had carried the namn of J. W. Pierce , a name which Weaver had assumed while living in Texas , and that it was the body of a man who had been living in the vicinity of Fort Worth. On the other hand , tlio witc of Joseph Warren Pierce produced a great deal of evidence in support of her claim. Pierce was born in Georgia , and had never lived in Indiana. The claimant was his becond wife. lie had served through the war in tlio Confederate army , and had after ward resided in Texas. Ho became well known in the state and made a fortune dealing in live stock. Not long before tno accident ho had shipped horses from Fort Worth to Atlanta. The day before the accident Pierce had shipped a horse from Atlanta to his homo in Texus , and had sent $5(1 ( to his wife in a registered letter. 1'iorco' * children by his lirst wife swore that the body was that of their father. They did not know , however , that he had bad a scar on his nook , but they did declare that the letters produced by Mrs. Weaver weru not his. for the good reason that lie had never Inarnod 19 write , and could not read Ids own namu after it had been written , At ono lime in tliu progress of tlio case it was supposed by some persons that Mrs. Piorce'w husband and Mrs. Weaver's husband had been ono and the same man , but it was uftorward clearly shown by the friends of Mrs. Picrce's husband that lie could not have been \Vcayer \ , Tliu vicn president of a national bank in Cleveland , Texas , declared that hn had known Mrs. Pierco's husband for twenty years , and that ins history for twenty years In Texas could bo established by hundreds of witnesses. Mrs. Pierce liled many depositions in support of the as sertions that Pierce was illiterate mid hud been a horse trader in Texas. Hut the presence of the scar and otliur marks pn tlio body Mas not explained. Tlio case was still pending in the courts , and Mrs. Weaver who is said to bo a woman of excellent character was preparing evidence to bo used in sup porting her suit against the railroad com pany , when a man was arrc&tud and brought to Atlanta , who admitted that he was her husband , James Pierce Weaver , Ho bore scars and marks 1 ko these found on the dead body. At lirst the friends of Mrs. Weaver in Indiana were inclined to believe that the man was an impostor who was conspiring with others to defraud bur , but a resident of Indianapolis , who had been Weaver's partner in bnsiues for many years , went to Atlanta and has positively identified him as Mrs. Weaver's husband , so that the mystery has been solved. Weaver is now failing for $30,003 the men who caused htm to bo arrested and brought to Georgia. . ttnmtoN H A'i ' PUN INGS , Many Xcwfty NojosT From Thixjrcr'a County Kent. Hi.nnny , Xob. . " Afignst ST. [ ( Torre- fcpondenco of the lint ; . ] The town is crowded with Hoi k ttland and B. k M. railroad workmen , who are about to com mence the work < > ( grmlitigon the respec tive lines. Six Mtmilred mon are en camped along the Hock Island survey. Tlio young ladle * ' drum corps of He bron will attend tl)6 ) < l. A. U. reunion at Grand Inland , andwlil , bo at General Thayor's headquarters. The now bank VuiMintr of the Hluo Valley bank is by lung odds the neatest structure of its kind in tlio county. The county institnin closed n successful ' About one hundred six weeks' term to-day. dred parsons have been in attendance during Its progress , rntl of thcso about ninety-eight will receive teachers' certili- cati-s to Instruct the youthful idea. Several properly owners have sold var ious tracts of land to the It. & M right of way innn. who assures them God made llio land for the Uv & M. and mortgage companies. A parly of Hock Island surveyors will make their houhmnrior.s ! at Hebron until January 1 , 1837. About seven hundred people turned out to hear Vim Wyck on Thursday and the reception accorded him was n very warm and hearty one , showing that the senator has many warm admirers in Thayer comity. Au > old settlors' mooting was held yos- tcrday nt Carleton , nnd proved to bt > a very enjoyable allair , recalling memories of past nays. Thayer county holds Its annual fair September M , 2J ! and 34. Arrangements have been made for n good programme. A twulvo-year-old horse thief took a trip to the reform school this week from hero in charge of Shorilt' W. J. Green , An Indignant Dental. Special Policeman Hammond indig nantly denies the charges made against him in police coiirb yesterday morning by IJan Holmes , a colored fellow whom ho had arrested. Holmes charged that Hammond mend had offered to release him for $5.00. Hammond states that lie found Holmes in an alloy suspiciously near a chicken coop which has been loosing Us contents of late. He denies having had any talk with the prisoner at all in reference to his t release. Ollicor O'Grady who was present when tlio arrest was made , sup ports Hammond's statement. The coon's story wat probably lived up ns n bait fern n licht .sentence , but it may be the cause of his getting a heavier one. In the Air. Last night , the Musical Union Hrass band gave a most entertaining concert at the Tivoli garden. There was u large and appreciative audience , and a number of pieces Were enthusiastically encored. Tlic program comurised the following numbers : March , Tnmpico . Urooko Oveiturc , hew Dopirtnro . AlcCosh Medley , Yankee Tickle . -Beyer Spanish Fantasia , LaU'oloina..Ar. Dowmaii .Selection , Patience.J9 . Arr. Hoettgre Walt/ , Dreams of CWliltleod . Waldtmifel Miuch , Kniplre . , . / . . ' . . . . Nit/ To StuiV TUrtni Out. The Hastings club have come hero ac companied by a' hoit of residents of "Laird's town , " and they have conic for the purpose , they clfim , of making nionoy. They feel'jLha they have a club capable of whipping tiilmost any collec tion of ball jugglers in the lauil. They feel , twisequenttyl thrjj ; they can defeat the Union Pacifies , 'aijd , more so , that they can prevent .thffai fi'om making a Single rlin. It fr.'iititlUb way that they propose to bet , and witu.thw end in view they have already staked quite an amount of monov. They olnmi'that they are ready to meet anybody to-day , for to day's game , who is ready to meet them ou tills understanding. lirovltios. Salt Lake Tribune , 20 : An informal party of friends assembled last evening ut the resilience ot W. S. McCornick , in honor of Mr. IScniamin Galigher and wife , of Omaha. There was dancing so enticing that it onyeiglied old stagers who had not shaken a foot for a genera tion. The lawn was handsomely decora ted and brilliantly Jit up ; there was cat- ing anddrinking of the brst of earth's products , and a most enjoyable and happy time. Long life , health and pros perity wore thu toasts of the guests of the evening in whoso name tno party had come together , and about midnight all separated to bappy dreams. ' Hertz mill Dollar. " The play at the summer garden of the Slaadt theatre to-night will bo the Ameri can senatorial melo-drama "Hertz nnd Dollar. " It is one of the strongest pieces which the company lias yet underlined , and abounds in scenes and situations of thrilling interest. Its cast will comprise the full strength of the company. Personal 1'arnRr.ipliB. GFrcd Nye , Ralph Garland and L. Man- dclssohn were Chicago passengers on the " " last . "Q" evening. Thomas Swobe , of the Pacific Hotel company , and son were westward pas sengers last night , W. J. Smith , of Kock Springs , Wyo. , left for home last evening after a short business visit in this city. " General Crook returned home yester day from a tour of inspection of Wyom ing anil other forts in his department. Assistant Passenger Agent Jones , of the Union 1'acillo , wont to Grand island last night to remain during the Grand Army reunion. M. O. Maul , of Drovel & Muni , wont to Laplatto yesterday to emb.ilm the re mains of iMiss Hattie Ullno , who tiled at Ibat place on Friday. Miss Sage , an employe nl the City Steam laundry , had her hand caught in the steam roller , used for ironing , yester day evening ani severely imiHhed and burned. ' > ' M. I' . .Donnisoii , New Kngland agent of the Union Paeilio , yith headquarters in Boston , and wife , were in the city yes terday. They tiro'rotiifning ' home from nn extended western trip" Next Thursday evening the ladies of the First Congregational ohurcli willgivo their lirst soeinbje , tb\s \ season at the Tabernacle , on Cuw.toliwemio. | All are invited. t i Judge O , C. Pratt ? ft loading member of the California judiofaJ-yJ oucupied n Pull- nmn drawing room V > ni'tho _ ovnrland last night , Ho li returniig/o | / San Francisco nftor a prolonged mur in r-uropo. Miss Carriol' . SKpd nd Miss Clara G. Tnggof Cleveland , 0. , are in the city the gue ts of Superintendent James and wife. These Indies have been traveling in the far west for soma weeks and are now on their homeward journey. < For Halo Kosldonoe. My lot , house ( with or without furniture turo ) and barn for sale on easy pay ments. For particulars apply to Mus , r. M. 1'iiiLurs. 221 ! ) Dodge St. A fine corner lot in Lowe's addition for $1,000. J. U , Kvans & Co. McAlestercoalHavcns-3Co,15 rnamF&a Old Jewelry taken in exchange for now goods at KDHOI.M & KKICKSON. For Sale Lot 3lxia3 ( and house. Price $0,500 , cash $2,500 , balance long time. Inquire on premises , 1117 Jackson. Flat ) watch repairing a specialty at KDIIUI.M & KiiicKsoN. CROWNING THE CHAMPIONS , lutorosling Ooremonies nt tlie Bellevue Rifle Kaiigo Yesterday. THE SEASON'S AMUSEMENTS The I'rotxmud Hospltnt VotltiR Kor lloiuls Tlic HurlltiKtotrs Kn- tci'iirlso Iltovltlei mill Otlior Local , At the lllllt' Knrly yc.stcnlay morning the rillo ul HolloMio was gaily dccoratod , streamers llyniR and ilnn er JI.IKS up , and the lliruo clas .i s of tnrjoU in posi tion , tlio A , 15 anil skirmish Inrgpls pro- ( liu-ins u very cliarniini ? olluct. At 0 n. in. Ctonoral Wlit-aton , Mail' and band ar rived , and at 10 o'clock a number of vis itors had reaehml tliu beautiful uronnds. The assemhly .sounded and tlio band struck up lltu mareh , when the team un der Lieutenant Conlino formed in one lliio , and the competitors , under Lieuten ant Burns. unothor in the rear. The line was then brought to attention after tlio band had massed in review , Then Lion- tenant Coehran read this orders and tlio line was turned over to Colonel Henry , wlio turned it over to General Wltunlon , who made the following remarks : OHNEIIAI.VIIK AIO.X'H AKIIIIIISS. In tlio teiuiMiraiy absence ot tlio itcpart- iQiit commander the agreeable Uuty has devolved on 1110 to congratulate you as the victorious contestants in the Huvcru and lu- tcrestltii ? strutcslo that has just closed , in- nitvurntinir this beautiful nowiillo rancour the Uopaitinont of the Platte. Jt is an ancient and an honored custom to rrown returning heroes who have \NOII pii/ua in feats of anas on hard fought Holds , and llioiiKli the soveie contest you ha > c just won lias been bloodless , yon are none the less entitled to , and will receive si eat ciedit for the ImiuiMiiiic scores you have inarto on the now department range , and lor your success- nil ellorts to greatly advance all ] > r n Ions deiMi Uncut Juntos of nu-i it , and to thus win tlio commcnd.UUm of your coiiiiiiandcrH by your eainest dbvotlon to this important niaiicli , peihaps the most Impoitaiit branch oC a sol.fler's education. The llrst rille rnriKo competition in the Dep.irtmentof the riatto was inm. Then exihtiniar department orders did not rcnulio computations for licuiesot merit. None were called tor in tlio following yeais. ' 63 and ' 83. In 'M tlio ollicial icports sho.v the U ures ot moiit to lm\o reached 5"i.b5. In bo It readied 00.03 , and though the reqnsito data for computing the llg- ure ol merit for the year 'bf > will not be available until the aist of October , there is reason to bullcvu that this year the depart ment ligmo of merit will not bo far from 00 , an e\uloncu of marked and gratifying iffogres'j , in a'l ' of which you , the victors of 60. may nolnt wlthjii hie to your proud pre eminence , rcpiusenting as you do the best ellorts of your detiai Uncut in rille Urine dur ing the piuscnt year. Youi comrades at their several points and stations bavo taken tlio deepest interest In your success , and all hero yisll j ou a pleasant journey to your respec tive .stations with a hearty doslro to see you icturn at some future contest ahlo and eauur to achieve still moio brilliant vic tories on the Hcllovtio range and add to the laurels you have already won. 1 now have the pleasure ot presenting the beautiful med als sent you by the war department an valued souveiiiisof your powers in this memorable contest. COI.OXKI. HUSKY'S AUI > UiSS. At the conclusion of General Whoa- ton's remarks , Colonel Henry said : To the Department Team : I thank you for your patient and hard work and for your success in obtaining a higher total than last year , and probable blither total than otliur department teams. While at Foit Leaven- woithconte.stingfor places in the division team , ho careful in everything , as you have been lieie , and success will bo yours , to which you will bo entitled by jour bklll-aud Boldler-liko habits. To the Other Competitors : \VhIIp you have not gained a place in the team , you havohelpi'd by your skill and industry to give a higher total to your scoics that ol this year being near a thousand points ahead of last year. You have all been laithful and soldier like in the iieiformanco of your duties. Deprived of the usual commutation of SKW uer day , you have met it cheerful , as a soldioi should. lieturmng to your pcMs carryback with you to your conuades any knowledge you have gained here. Toother enlisted men : Those of you who have borne the heat and burden of the day , oy your labor of weeks , most Industriously and patiently applied , your reward Is in the praise of those who admire your beautitul ranne. To tlio ofllcors who have for weeks worked in completing the range , and to those who have been range olllcers , carefully carryine out all orders In a most conscien tious and soldier like manner , a sense of duty well preformed must bo your reward. As Inspector of rillo practice , I again thank you all , and wish you God speed. THE MEDALS. General Whonton then presented the medals to Lieutenant Torroy , Fifth in fantry , Mrs. General Crook pinning them upon his breast. This was all tlio govern ment gave to the fourteen men , three of whom were ollicers. To the otavon en listed men , Colonel Henry gave eacii n five dollar bill. Fifty-live dollars had boon generously given byS. P. Morse and otliur gentlemen of Omaha. The band then struck up and tlio command dis- mifticd , thus ending the beautiful cere monies. The visitors returned to the city at 12 m. by n special train , which Mr. Kustis , of the B. & M. railroad , hail kindly sent down for them. General Mamlorson arrived after the ceremonies and was delighted at the appearance of tlio range awl the amount of work which had been done. Looking down tlio range , COO yards from tlio targets , ho remarked : "In war days wo could sit down and cook our coll'eo , without danger , at that dis tance , but wo can't do it now. " OTiir.K AHMY Norr.s. The following named ollicers arc re lieved from further duty in connection witli tlio department rillo competition , and will return to their respective sta tions : onil Lieutenant Henry 11. lionlmin , Second end infantry. Fort Omaha , Neb , ; Second Lieutenant William M. Wright , Second infantry , Fort Omaha , Neb. ; First Lieu tenant James 1 $ . Juokflon , Seventh infan try. Fort Laramie , Wyo , ; Second Lieu tenant . John L. Harbour , Seventh infan try , Fort Laramlu , Wyo. ; First Lieuten ant James M. Hums , Seventeenth infan try , Fort 1) . A. Hnssol , Wyo. ; Second Lieutenant Charles U. Muir , Seventeenth infantry , Fott U. A. Kussoll , Wyo. Leave of absence for one month has been granted Captain Louia W. Cramp- ton , assistant surgeon , U. S. army. A seven days' leave of absence lias been granted to Second Lieutenant Charles 11. Minor , of tlio Seventeenth infantry and iifleen days' leave to First Lieutenant James 1 ! . Jackson , of the Seventh infantry. Mr , Charles Duncan , wholcsalo and re tail merchant of tliifi city , oll'erod as a nri/.o to the regimental team making tlio best score ono box of tine imported ci gars , The Seventeenth infantry team won the pri/.o , which was presented to them by Colonel Henry with si few ap propriate remarks. The men enjoyed the cigars and tendered a vote of thanks to Mr. Duncan. TUB AMUBHMEN'r SEASON. Tlio Attrnotlniis That Will bo Offered to TJieatro ( inera at Uoytl's Tills UenHon. The theatre-going people ot Omaha , who , by tlio way , comprise tlio major part of the population , will have a list of attractions offered them at lioyd's the coming season that will not be sur passed , if indeed equalled , in any other city in the west , or anywhere else for that mailer Manager Hnytl lirn boon busy slnoo the close * of last season getting his opera house in shape and making bookings for the coming scafon's amn ement. A largo amount of now scenery lias been added and improve ments made that ulneo the home in a more attractive and convenient shape than it has over been before. The season will br < opened on Monday night by Gilniotd'.s famous spectacular success , the Devil's Auction. This company has been rconranircd , and Is now larger limn cnor before , nnd intro duce an ontireli new list of specialties , with now scenes and new premiers. The company is one of unn-iul excellence. J he company , consisting of si\tj three People , will arrive here on Mondiiv from Philadelphia , and open their sca m at Hoyd's. The si cchutics this year consist of llio remarkaulo llrother'.s Snow , ex ponents ot comic gvmnaslum. The ' 1 hreo Lorellns , eccentric grotesques. Jlio Marvelous Salomonskv.s in "Lo limitro Kickapoos " Tim Transforma tion Scene , depicting Fairy Land and Crystal Lake , the most elaborate mechanism ever built by Harlv , Merry. Hnili , Smith nnd J. Thomas. The great Alhambra Ballot , from the Alliambni Palace , London , enlarged and strength ened. In addition to other novelties , will present the favorite Mikado Ballot , ro- nrranged and introducing now terpsichore - chore in specialties , niso tlio Postilion nnd Peacock Dances , and the comio ballots , Tito Pitducali Drag- goons and "Lo Qimtrn Kickapoos. " 1 ho other attractions for September an * . us follows- Sol Smith Unsscll in Pa 3d niuUthMM ( Uli , ? th and 8th , Patti Kosa Otb , 10th and llth , Two Johns lUMi , Mil ton Nobles 24th and soth. Other attractions will then follow dur ing the season in the order named : The Horencos , Palmer's ' Madison Square Ibeatro Co. , Daly's Vacation , A Bunch of Keys , Joe Polk in Mixed Piekles. Alone in London , Streets of Now York , John T , Kayniond , Mat , Morgan's Diorama , Hoyt'sTin Soldier , Salsbury's Tronba- donra , Keller the Magician , Kiraify Bros. , \\agesofSln Co. , Hartley Campbell's Uio , Osmond Toarlo , Xitka , M'llc Aimee , Ivy Leaf. Kinnw Abbott Opera Co. , Called Hack Co . , Hoyt's Hag Baby. Kllio hllslur , Kiohard iUnnsliold in Prince Knrl , Joe Murphy , Hose Coghlan , Hanlon Brothers , Theodora , Mag gie Mitchell , William Gillette , Kate Castleton , Marie Prescott. Kvans As Hooy's ' Parlor Match , Angustin Daly's Co. , llnlnnil Heed , Lolta , Miss Fortoscuo the htielish beauty , Shadows of a Great City. Modjcska , Boston Ideal Opera Co. , Louis James and Marie Wainright , Hobson - son & ( Vane , Kdwin Booth , Sarah Born- liftnlt , M'llo Hiioii , Carlton Opera Co. Manager Boyd is negotiating for other prominent attractions , among tliom noing Pattl , McCall Opera Co. , Thomas Kean , Lawrence Barrott , Viola Cameron En glish Opera Co. These attractions represent only those which have already been booked. Others will bo addinl during the season making up a list of amusements of unsurpassed excellence. SOI. . SMITH Ill'SSKLL IS A "l'A. " , Sol Smith Hussell , who in his line of re fined comedy is without a superior , is announced to appear at Boyd's opera house next Friday and Saturday. Mr. Unssell will be seen in ins new comedy. entitled "Pa. " which will be mounted with elaborate scenery and properties. bol Smith Hussell is not a stranger to Omaha. Ho is a natural humorist. As an entertainer ho is able to hold an audience alone an entire evening , lie has surrounded himself with a company and with a comedy , and in his new setting ting is doubly attractive. Wu heartily commend Sol Smith Hussell to the amuse ment-loving people of this city. VOTING Ton BONDS. Xho Duty Devolving Upon Citizen * on Tuesday Next. On next Tuesday there will bo a special election in this city to determine whether or not the city shall issue bonds to the amount of $ T)0,000 , to become due. in twenty years , bearing interest , payable semi-annnally , at six : per cent. These bonds are to be used , if issued , lor paying the coot of paving , repairing or macad- the intersections of streets and spaces opposite alloys or in front of real estatf : not subject to assessment or spe cial taxes for paving purposes. The polls will ouon nt 8 o'clock in the morning and close at seven o'clock in the evening. The polling places arc located at the following places : FIKSrwARD. Voting District No. 1 At southeast corner Tenth and Jones street. Voting District > io. 2 At engine house , 102 ! ) Dorcas. Voting District No. 3 At No. 1119 South Sixth street. SECOND WAHD. Voting District No , 1 At No. 1210 South Thirteenth. Voting District No. 2. At No. . 1713 St. Mary's avenue. nintn WARD. At the carpenter shop on the cast side of Eleventh street , bbtwccn Douglas and Dodge street. KOl'KTIIVAIID. . Voting District No. 1 At Planters House 1(110 ( Dodge street. Arotmg District No. 2At basement new court housn. Voting District No. l.-At southeast corner of Chicago and Twelfth street , Voting District No 2 At Hodman's store , corner Ixanl and Sixteenth street. SIXTH WAitn. Voting District No. 1 S017 Ciiming street. Voting District No. 2 3501 Ciiming street. _ BOUND TcTlJIifAH 13.10. Latest Mov'iment of the B. & M. . In the IinprovniiiRiit Lino. The Ashland cut-off of the B. & M. . is rapidly neuring completion , and when trains commence running thereon , the exit from Omaha will bo near South Omaha. This , of course , will necessitate many changes m the present B & M. , depot and yards. The company owns the realty directly across Ton th street from the present depot and hum it is that very reliable authority places the site of a now anil commodious depot , which will be on a keeping with the immense busi ness of the road nnd its well-known pro gressive spirit. Surveyors have been at work during the last few days in the vicinity of tills property , and the im provement will undoubtedly bo under way very soon. It is also stated that when tlio now short line is in full opera tion the through Chicago trains will bo run through tliii city instead of via Ore- apolis lunation , as at present. 1 { " Union Pacific will have to hurry if Its depot is to bo a thing of being before that of tlio Burlington system. One thing is certain tlicro will bo surprises in railroad improvements around lenth street on ) many moons that will starllo the natives. Fleeced In Castle Garden. A poor German woman past middle ago , accompanied by a little boy , arrived at tlio depot yesterday in a destitute con dition. She had a ticket to Omaha but she wanted to go to Kearney , anil how to get there without money was the quos- fiou. Her name is Henrietta Xnhlen and she was on her way from Germany to Kearney , wlmro shu has a daughter resid ing. While in Castle Garden , Now York , eho had her pockntbook stolen which contained about if 135 , all the money she had In the world. Arrauunmonls wrro made by the Union Paollio nulciaU to got the old woman to her domination , Tim Tint , Ihn OrUliml nnd ( Inh nlnrrh llmt In rill up t > \ inru lm hntp n jirnrllrnl luioMlnUo nf HIP Ininnlrv l'rnlr ti ! i. It tdiulrfs no cinMnit , kcomtliplron f n < in ttlcklnc n I Mnen from t > uterine wlille trpnliij.sinl tHe Mil t cunmiml rot'urs ' thai tnflnrt * mil lirAUUful | x i h they Into 'irnlicw , uhlcli , rM"Lo.ljr know * lcfp thrin clmn Iwlio lone , Hi ire of Itnllntiutiv Soc lint tlic i MUP J. O. lit lUS'dl a & linos. New lU > , u , Count It on ijolj l > ? nil ( Inx-rrs. nu w WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE Ami othrn tultprlnp from i liability .MhMKtlna * of jotiiw or nUl nrt My run il lijr | r. - ts r * * t i * llnlttPK fill UII4 l.lrctrn * SJia 4 AtnanUt * Hi It. ThoiiMimU In ttp'y.l ,1-Stnla In thi > i nlmi lm < IMM n ciirni. Klfptrli IVT I 1 y li"t.intlj 'ell rmoniol nn.l tnlit 10 voim Whol * fitmllr cnn war s\m < > tirll i.lrrtrla tMi nrn > rlMfr < 'i > Mlhmilo I i-iii Arolil vi'rtlilom Im itations Atiil botttll ramt'AnltfA r.lorlrle TriikBr * lor Iliplurr. 700 nirnlln'HS , frmt rtninp ' > I"il < i | > lilrt. OR. rt. J. HanNE. iNVftiins. 191 WABASH Av . H O17 S < . C'hnrlm St. , Nt. I.onlu , Mo. ArpttnUrRriilRitftor two UMIoitlCoUfCM , ba be nlafl ergHKMIa lh ipeclal trtttrapatof I'Hittuiic N maJ KLO D Puit.14 thin njr other rhrilcUn city piiptriibowfttid til oUr.t < tfDti > uow Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental nnd Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec tions ol Throat , Sklnor Dones , Blood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulceri , r tmtni with mpiniiii * ! nffru , tnl.ttlil'nliat r'lnclpci.S ] rftr PrU.lflj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excesi. Exposure or InuulncncB , which rro-tucr iom or th. lollonlm ctlccti : uit > ou > nc i , Jttllllj , Jlmnfn of il ht nJdrrettltenifiuorr , plnMeion tlie r f , I'litiltnl Jet.j , reriltnlolhfl loclelyor rrmiloi , conrmlci of IJtm , tto. , rendorlni ; MarrU o Improper or unhappy , p ru.OfnllT turcJ. l'nmphlct3H , on Itieabovo , leal lnBratcilriirclo | > , freoto ADT it.Ues , Coniullntloaalot * BM or If null trtf , Ini Itrf Mul it lellr c.uQJtnllnl. A Positive Written Guarantee girtn in tttrytm. rmbiee&ie. UcillclDeieutvvirjwiiflrib GUIDE , S60 PAOE.1 , l-TNE 1'LATES , l EAQt doth nn < S till tindloic. tealwJfor 3wO In i-oiuntorouirtiiey - , Orir tin/ vprJcrful pf ni'leturn ' , true to life t urtleleion the followlnf iubj otn who m j mirrr.whonot. vhj t laanbooil , womta. booJ.i h/ilCftl JtC T , eR it * ( reetlU-r aDrlcietii.ttie phj . loloRy of rnrotlupunn. D l munr mor , Thnso ramla4 or coQtemplkilag riiBrrla ft tn uM r * J It. r-pvUr oJltlo urn ? , rip forer 23o * Addrei * a S * p MTbltltrr" IVhofto VITALITY In failliip. Praln IMIAINFI ) nd pXIlAlJhTia > orl'oor IMiKMAillUI.LV T EI > mnr find c. i > erf t unl rrll/ible / ruro In 1 n &dcptod hy all Frenc A nnd t > olne rapidly and pnocessfulfj IntroJur d Lorr. ' ilmtna iiromrtlr ccnckml. TIIKATlHK pivlnij now * Mp r nnd in dlcll endonemrnta. Aft , Fit P. K. Coniiiltw lion ( otllio or by inall ) vrllh ttx emliunt doctors FltKE. CIVIALE AtiENCr. Ho. 174 Fullon Stfeal. NCM ITortU 21,829,850 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars vroro alilppod durinu the ims * t o yoaru , without a drum , nirr in inir ctnplov. No atliar hnusoln the world cnn truth * lullyiuakosucuuRhowiui : . Ono nuoiit fdculcr oulrl wanted in ouch town. SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS. R.W.TANSILL&CO.,55StaloSt.Chicago. CAPITAL PRIZE , $ (50,000. ( L'Woilo horoliy corflty tluit ivc ftiporviso the ftrriinRoinoiita for | l thu Monthly nml Quarterly Jrmunrs ) ( of Tlio LoiiHIanii Stitto Ixittorr fYmiimny nnd in person nmniuro and control tlio Urnwlnws thninsolvus , nnd that Iliosmnonro conducted with hotiosty. falrnuss anil in goai fnlthtownrd all i.irlipa. mid wo authorize ) tlio Company to u othhcortfllonto , lth fao-almlioi of our Biffnaturos attaoliol la its mlvortlgmeut CXMNriS3IONER3. . Hanks and Ilattkora , win jmy all Prizes drmvn In The Umlslaim State liot- torlos wliien may bo pro-iontO'l ' at our couutorl j. u. o Fres. Louisiana national Bant J. AY. KILIIUKTII , Fres. State National Bint A.ri > \vi.v. Pres. Hew OrleanNatlonal Bant UNPRECEDENTED . ATTRACTION A MILLION ISTIIIDUTED STATE LOTTERY COMPAHY. Incorporated In 18 > i3 forU : yonn by I Inturo tor Kducittionnl nnd Clmrltiiltlo purpnsol nlth acnpltal of gltWOKW ( lo wtiiuli rotorre lund of over } .ViUuu ) lins hlnuo liuun iid'iod. ' Iy ! un ovurn hulmlnir popular vole Us li imchlss wn inndo a ii'irt of tlio prcwintStiito Constitution nUoDtcdDectiniDDr d A. D. 1HJ. 1)8 ) ffrnnil Hlimlo niiinhui dinwinK lakus pi net monthly. Hninot wiilfi or iiostponoi. Look lit tlio following dNtilLmlloii : 196th Grand Monthly AND TIIK miiiim oonmtRLy DRUWIIG In the Academy of Music , New Orleans , TtiPHiliiy , Kept. M' , IBitli. TJnilcr the pcisonal stiporvi'ioti and manaKO- niMitof ( iis. : < ! . T. HiArui : < iAiii ) , of I.ou- Islaiia , anil ( Ji.v. : JUIIA.I. A. KAIII.V , 01 VU > B'UU ' | < B'UUCAPITAL PRIZE 150,000. Notice. Tickets are $10 only. Halves , $3 Fifths $2. Tenths $1- . . W1.UOO. . lUUANI > I'UI7.KIr ) 20,000. . 2Iannu 1'iuxi.sor JU/KKJ. 20X ( > J 4 fiAitoic 1'iii/ica or ( < } ) . . W . 100 uo.ooi aw . . 40.0J ) reel ion. . dOfff l ooo " no. AITIIOX I * TIO1 * I'll IRS. . 100 Approximation * prlzt.9Ot fan. . 10) ) " 100. . jolooc IOC " " 70. . 7 00 2 79 Prlios amotuitlnirto Appllcatlnu for rules to clubs should ho mudo only to the office of the company In Now Or For further Information wnto clearly , wivlnsr fulU'l'i'.osH. ' I'OWAI. Nun : * , Kriircu Monor OrdurH , or Now York Hxchaiitfo in ordinary letter - tor , currency lir iixpru&s ut our ad drn361'11 ' M.A. DAHI'IIIN. NuwOtlcuiM.rvv Or M. A.IUIJI'UIN. WiiEiilntrluti , 0. 0. P. U. Money OrJors pnyablo anA addren Sew Urluuns , La. A Tlic Chicago Mail , n bright , untcrprlfr Ira * , oail rtillxM * Dully Nuwtikiur , Daily oilllid liy V rank Mutton unit Cllitlou A. Snoirilrn , will U ) Ne wspaper UMII , | nintuza pre- lid , to anntrtreil It n I'm I' K. or Can. Per Hitit for I i fil > pur nti * iiuin , ij uioi.llii , S2.5O l V } , S iiioiulii. II ] . 1 ni'iulii , 7.V . ru < ! .inu > t Per | V IH | nota. orilvr. or Annum. { S&VfiT" * ' '