Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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A Daring Robbery Committed on Cuming
Street Yesterday Morning ,
A Sneak Tlilof Cnutiht A .Journey-
ln 'Cycler Knll Notes Court
Ijocnl An InI'mit's Hltel-
clou , Ktc.
Iltirjjlnry anil Chlorolorin ,
YcstcTilay mount ) K when Mr * .
Ucttlo Morgan , who is visiting
Simon \Vllll.\iiis nnil wife , No.
SOU Cumliiir Hticut , ammo , she noticed that
tlie blinds of tlio room In which lie was
Blcuplnc wcrovldu own. At this same time
she noticed that n small imilmantuau con
taining tin1 key of her dunk was away from
its accustomed i > lace iindi-r hur head. She
became suspicious nt once , and OIIK ! to her
trunk , whlrli was In the hallway , she found
it open and another yockt'tbook containing
butwecn eighteen and nineteen dollars In
money , toiie. The rest ot thti lionsolnild was
moused , when It was discovered that DID
trunk ol another Kiiest , Mis , Andeison , had
also been opened and M taken. Nolli-
Ilitf else was inKsinir IKIIII tin ! house ,
The loom Into which the burglar or bumlais
cnteied Is on the ground lloor , nnd the win
dow roaches very near tliu ground. 'I'ho
lioiiso IH located on thu iwir iiuitUm of the
lot , facing Cuiiilnit , on which asloiohulld-
Intrhas lati-lv been erectednnd It would look
ns It some one acquainted with the promises
Is tins guilty paity. All-4. Morgan feels satis
fied that chlorofoim was used , and stains on
thu window-sill tlirmnli which the enhance
was effected show that some llnld was In pos-
pe.sblon of the thieves. This I.uly. who loses
tin ) laicer amount , comes fioin Donne. In. ,
nnil .Mrs. Anderson Is Irom Lexington , Kv.
Nothing elhu In Hie lionsu was lakon. lleio
Is another iimctlenl cull formoru police.
A SNKAK Tiiur : n.uxii ; > .
Yesterday morning about I'J0 ' :
o'clock a stranger Jsneaked In
to thu prlvnto rooms of the Stadt
theatre , In which inembi'is of Mr. Brandt's
family lestde , and rambled thencn through
nearly nil the buildings on the premises. He
camu down-.stalr.s once , and although mo
mentarily aUiactlii ! ? Mr. Ur.indt's attention ,
ho rambled up a aln , aftertellhiK Mr. H. that
lie could not keep sober hero because he had
Fonui from Iowa , a temiuirnnce state. Ills
voids did not belie his appearance , because ,
while diessed fairly well , he looked besotted.
Ho managed to cot tip-stairs airaln , and from
I the balcony of the summer theatre to get
1 through one ot the windows ot the lesldenco
, part. Hero he robbed John Mrnndt Jr.'s
room of every piece of clothing
nnd Jewelry It contained. lie
Created the baitendci'.s room In the
game manner , and then stalled away. As he
1 vas Jiimjilnir onto the roof of the summer
L garden balcony ho was been by Bmina , n
' daughter of Mr. Brandt's. Klio Immediately
i cave the nlarin. The loblier tlnewsoimi of
nils stolen goods nt her and fled with the rest.
John Hnuult , jr. , followed In pursuit , ac
companied by Olllcer Cnnoll. They boon
found him In the city hall , where ho had
Cone alter pawning some of the clothes. Ho
was arrested and tikon to the city jaU.
Taylor is tlmsamo man who was attested
for fr'oIiiK through 1'aike Godwin's room
two or three weeks aio. Yesterday n lot of
typo was found In his possession , evidently
Btolcn from some piintiiif ; otlice. He wore a
line , black cork-sciow suit , which urob-
nbly stolen. It awaits a claimant at the city
A Notable \Vcildfnj * Which Occurred
Thurtulny Kvonlni ; .
The event at the synagogue
| Thursday night was the mar-
Jngo of Miss Natalie Sollgiiolin , _ _ ot
this city , to Mr. Fted Hadra , of Denver.
, The ceremony was perioimed by Knbbl Hen-
licnsnn , Refolding to the solemn and beauti
ful rites of the Jewish church.
' Thu bilde looked charming In a stylish toi
let of heavy gros grain silk , with brocade
' plush and point laco. Her bridesmaids wcro
Miss Buttle Sellgsohn , Miss Etfio
AVollstoln , Miss Sarah IJiandels , and
Miss Tllllo Niiwnian. The groom was
attired in the conventional black. Ills
gioomsmcn were Julius
( leis and John Sellgbohn and Kied Jbeligsohn ,
brothel s of the bride. Messrs. Ctaik , Simon
Oberlulder , I. SclillI and S. J. Fisher acted as
The ceremony over , the bridal party and
euests repaired to Gornuinla hall , where a
bounteous supper , with speech-making and
congratulatory telegrams on the side fur
nished a pleasant two-hours' entertainment.
1 The tables were cleared away , and dancing
until a Into hour concluded the programme
of one ot the most notable affairs ot the kind
ever known in this city.
Their numerous trlends will Join in wishIng -
Ing Mr. and Mis. Hndra all napplncss In
their now relation. Both luvYc been promi
nently members of local Jewish society , and
nio unlveisal favorites. They will tcmovu to
Mr , Iladia's new homo In Denver.
The guests wcro as follows :
i Mr. nnd Mrs. Wollstelu and family of
5 Kivusas Uity , Mr. and Mrs. Hellman , .Mr. and
lrt ( . Heller , Mr. and Mrs. Brandels , Mr. and
Mrs. Itohfeld , Mr. and Mrs. Mannelburg. Mr.
nnd Mrs. T. Slomnn , Mr. and Mis. Polack ,
Mr. and Mis. Kotlihchlld , Mr. nnd Mrs. Katz ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Him , Mr. and Mrs. M. Cann ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Calm , Sir. nnd Mrs. J. Ober-
felder , Mr. and Sirs. H'ichenberg. Sir. and
i Mrs. Max MeyerMr. nnd Mrs. MorlU Muyor.
Mr. and Sirs , Adolph Meyer , Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Now , Sir. and ills. Newman , Sir. and
Sits , Adler , Sir. and Mrs. Goldsmith , Sir.
nnd Sirs. GotDr. / : . and Mrs. Benson , Sir. nnd
Mrs. Schlo.slger , Sir. and Sirs. Simon Calm ,
Mr. nnd Mis. Louis Heller. Sir. nnd Sirs.
Nedd , Dr. nnd Sirs. Jeiihon , Sir. nnd Sirs. S.
P. Morse. Sir. and Shs , J. ] ' . juml , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Klchmnn. Sir. and Sirs. George
lleyn , * Dr. nnd Sirs. Kemper , Sir.
nnd Sir- ; . John Lehman , Miss Cora
Itomllt of Detroit , Miss Minnie ItothsclillU ,
Miss Annlo Itothhchild , Sllss Tlllle Sonno-
hill , Miss Lena Sloscs of Cincinnati ; Miss
Clara Schleslngor , Sllss IMndhCopf.Sllss Julio
Simmons , Sllss ICoscnbcig nnd Miss Koscn-
4hnl of Chicago ; Sllss Connell. Sllss Siartln ,
IMlHs Blanche Hellman , Sllss roily Kloinan
oi Detroit ; Miss Polly lioldsmltb , Miss Ad-
illoNuwman , Sllss Dolly Polnck , the Misses
Nettle nnd Carrie SellghOhn of Lincoln ; Slbs
Jtoso Alplner-of Knnknkcu , HI. ; thu Sllsses
1'olly , Hermle nnd Gerliudo wollhteln of
Kniisns City ; Sllss Alien Lund , Julius Sloyor ,
Aithur Brandels , Julius Sellgsohn , Fred Sel
lgsohn , Sir. Clark of New York , 8. Oboifel-
tier , 1. SeiillT , Kmlllirnndels , HuioJrnndels { ,
Kiinon Fisher , Samuel SehlesIiiL'ur , Sol.
JJergmnn , Slartlu Uheifelder , Jou Nuwinan ,
Dee Mamlelberir. Max Itati. F , Louis , Sir.
Wiutskopf. H. lleyn , I Weiss. Mr. Filed-
man , Sir. Hlouiun , Sir. Bloom.
THI : Tou.ins >
Soinpof thotolletsweiupartlciihnly elegant.
Among those noticed VNUIO the lollowlng ;
MrsSellghohn , mother of the bride , elegant
Mauk lace diess , pearl 01 namunts and natuial
( lowers ,
Slis. S , P. Slorso n wood-colored silk ,
trimmed with oriental Inco ; pearl nnd diamond
mend ornaments.
Mrs , John P , Lund , n cream silk , with lace.
Mis. Myeison , n black biiiah bilk , with jet
Mis , Kemper. light bluohllk , trimmed with
plush ; low neck and sleeveless ,
Sirs. Slalchln , pink biitlnwith oriental Inco
Miss Sarah Brandies , lavender bilk and
oriental hieu with llowers.
Sllss Tllliu Newman , light blue surah with
ijpaiilih lace uveidix'ss and natural llowcis.
Sllss Hetty Sellirsohn , pink silk covered
with lace ; natural lloweis.
Mbs Sllunio itothbehllil , cream satin nm\ \
f. JI'SS ' Annlo ItolhselilU ! , ercaili casluuero
Vtth lace and ribbons.
Miss Connell , cieam cabhinero with ori
ental IHCO.
Silss Alice Lund , light blue sin ah with
Civam heo oveidiess ; iiutnral llowers.
Julius Sleverablj ullk-uted a1 * master of
Ceremonies ,
Ytsteulay nioiiili : < ; tlio mar-
tiwl cvilplu took thu Union
J'acino ovoilr.nd ti-1n for Denver.
1'lioy weio aeeoiniMi'led to the Pullman
felcewerby the p.iifiit-'oj th uildoandn iiuiu
bcrot the Intimate Irndsof both the con-
Irnctlnu' paitU-N The br di > ivmmnnl In the
car whilu the Kiiiom ocitpiod the pUttoim
In couvers.vtion with all his well
wisher1' . TUP bride resumed n cheerful ilc *
inoaiior nnd spoke In n pleasant manner with
nil her yoiinu lady friends until thu train
Marled , when goou-bji's vveie both numerous
and hearty.
ON A AVI i mem 6 ritisco.
A llluyclu Hl < ler Arrives This Slorn-
Ing from Itufl'alo , N' , Y.
Shortly before 0 o'clock yesterday
GcoigeP. llnthburn , a dlstinauislied bicycle
rider cnme Into the city on his wheeled horse ,
having left Bnllalo , N. Y. , * i\ weeks nuo. lie
breakfasted nt I liggiii' ' , procured a lunch ,
and just as day breaking stirtcd for
Detner vi.i Cumlni ; stieet and the old mill-
tniy load. He is nut tiding on n wager or to
accomplish anyghen time , but principally
for plensniv and to show the advantages of
the blcjcleho uses. It Is of the Victor pat
ent , manufactured at Boston , Slass. , by ( ho
Hudlmrn comiiany. This tourist wllltako
alinut six weeks In teaching Denvei.and
aller a visit theio v\lll ptoceed via Salt hake
to tlm roust , lie is soveinl dnjs ahead ol his
cnlculntcd time now , nnd Intendi to wheel
nlong at U'lMiip , the evening and e.irlv
morning being the time to travel nnd the
heatecViimtof the day being devoted to
SI i. Kathburn Is an nthlecllc JOUIIT
man jn-t turnint ; the thlilles mid
vveliths 1 7 pounds , lie rallies lorly
forl > pounds of baggage with him , including
n good Winchester lille. His unlfotin Is a
white ll.inncl jacket. Unee Ineeelies ami red
stockings and the diameter of the wheel he
Uses isi leeti ! Inches. ror * the last six yeais
he has devoted himself to simitsln the bicvelo
line nnd has a gooil iccotd tor speed oblalned
in sevuial eaetein tournaiuents. In July last
he Deemed Hist pi l/u in n tact ! against eight
competitors in Boston , making eighteen
miles In twenty minutes. Itatlihnrn will ns-
touisli the natives in thu tural disttict as he
whirls nlong , nnd paitU'ulatly nt this time
will his visits bo noticeable . Some of the
fnmtlcr mossbacks will think n wheel horse
of Hie slaughter lioiiso or packing house Is on
a campaign
Tlio Union Pacific Completes Its
Connectloiw Kail Notes.
The Union I'.inlllu issued a cltciilar yesler-
day announcing that Its Manhattan it Him ;
Valley Inaneli was completed , and would bo
thiown open to ti.iin.s about tl'ollrstof ' the
month. Tins line extends from Manhattan , Maiy.svllle , Kan. , continuing thence
Into Kansas City. This gives I lie Union I'.i-
elllca llnough line to Kansas City , some
thing It hits long been gieatly In
need of * . The loute is Irom Uiuaha
to Vallev , from that point to .Man
hattan mul thence to Kansas City. The
route is something over one bundled miles
longer than that ot thu Kansas City. St. .Joe
, t Council liluirs line or the Missouri Pacilic ,
ami of collide the Union Pacilic will be en
abled to enter the ring as a competitor tor
thiough Kansas City passongei business.
r.xrrnstoN TO I.AKT. MANAWA.
Thi'lUnlonll'.ipltleannonnred yesterdaythat
it would sell round tiip # 1 exclusion tickets
to Lake Mauawa to night. These
will be honored on theT ! > and (5 ( o'clock dummy
trains , and will be good to retuin on special
at 10:30. : These tickets will be honored on
any wagon Irom depot to lake and letutn
anil also on the bo.its crossing the lake.
M. V. Dennis , gcneiai agent of the Union
Pacilic at Boston , Is In the city , as is also
( ii'orgo W. Anderson , Ecnetal agent at Phila
lii' Superintendent Smith , accom
panied by Messis. Lane and HlinUciisderter ,
has started tor a tour of inspection of the
Kansas division lines.
Kducntc Vour SOUR.
Endow them with a legacy that can
not be squandered and send them to the
an institution now in its forty-third year ,
and unsurpassed for its advantages to im
part to your sons ard wards u thorough
and fini. hed education , either in u thor
ough commercial ( business ) course , which
is ti distinguishing feature of Notre Dame
university , or in n full course , which com
prises classic , law , science , mathematics
and music.
.Special advantages arc ofl'ered to stu
dents of the Law Department ,
a separate institution ( St. Edward's hall )
for boys under twelve years of age , who
are tauerht by
umlur whose maternnl care they pass
nearly the entire day in receiving instruc
tion in nil the elementary brandies of
an English education together with n
fundamental knowledge of Latin , French.
German , vocal music , violin , piano and
drawing , preparatory to enter either the
junior or senior classes of the university.
Board , washing , mending , tuition and
entrance fee for session of live months in
Minim department , ! ? 150. !
The eierhty-lifth session will open on
Tuesday , September 7 , 1880.
Before concluding where to place your
son or ward send for a catalogue , which
will be sent freti , giving you full informa
tion of the University of Notre Uamo. Address -
dross , UEV.T. E. WALSH , G. S. C. ,
President university ,
Notre Uamc , Ind.
A. Ghastly Discovery.
Yesterday a ghastly discovery was
nuulo by a southsldo citizen , being nothing
less than the linding of the skeleton of an
infant in a clump of weeds on a vacant lot
between Mason and Martha , Tenth and
Eleventh streets. Policeman Matza was noti-
lled of the fact and hn in turn notified the
covonrr. The latten at once removed the re
main to his otllco where they now are.
The skeleton IH evidently that of a new
born Infant and had probably been placed
there alive by sonic young mother anxious to
hide her shame. All the llesh had rotted oil
the bones , showing that the basket had been
placed there some months ago. The clothes
on the skeleton were > , tlll Intact , and weie of
rather tlch toxtuie , showing that the child
had been carefully diessed before being lett to
Its hail tato. Tlii'ii ! is no clue to the Identity
of the mother.
Opelt's Hotel , Lincoln , Nob. , openc
March lOtli , iirst class in every respect.
A Block of Cal > io Tramway.
Yesterday the force of men engaged
by the cable line company continued their
work on Tenth street as if no
injunction had been granted. That docu
ment , however , restrained the tramway com
pany only from building In front of or near
Stevenson's bain. Accoidlngjy the woik-
mun weio engaged in pushing the
job between liowaid and Jones streets.
Already they have put down the yokes for
one block , fastened upon them the guiding
plates of the grip and bolted down tlm tails.
Hut few things more aroiciiulred to make
the section of the toad complete. If the
work could only be kept uii nt this late , It
wonfd not take long to build two miles of
the same. _
J , L. Wilkie , manufacturer of paper
boxes , 108 S. 14th street Omaha.
Denth of Mr * . Hnnivold.
Mrs. It. C. Enowold , who left for Califor
nia last week , In hopes of recupeiatlng-hcr
health , died In Sacramento on Tuesday , Au
gust'.M. Shu had been suffering fioin con
sumption for about a year. She was accom
panied to California by her toother and her
little daughter , the former being' well ac
quainted In California and ablu to take care
ol her and provide for her every want ,
hverythlug possible was done to make her
computable. Mrs. Hnewold was tldity years
of age , She left a husband and tluee dill-
dieii , The tradv will leach Omaha on Saturday -
day and the niuwal will take place at 11. p. m.
Sunday from the lesideuue , Sixteenth and
I California streets.
Adieu ,
Sir. Hoi > ky , the young leading gentleman
at the Stadt theater , leaves Omaha 0110 week
from next Monday , to accept an engagement
In thoCeiman Heater in Philadelphia , lie
has made nulto a number of fiiouds whllo
here , and has established a reputation as aim
ot the most cnimble actors wo have ever had
in town. Ho will b succeeded by SI. . Louis
Koch ot ChicaKo. Sir. Koch's wile will also
nccompanv him , taking second boubrctto's
and at the bamo time alvldo the loading
characters , with Shs. Baureis. Sir. Horbky
vv ill play lioxt Sunday evening in thu "Hertz
uiui Dollar , " and In aiiother piece on the fol
low ln hiindaj night.
Very Important Decision by Prominent State
and University Chemists.
Among iliem Profs. Collier , Chemist in Chief of the United States De
partment of Agriculture , Washington , D. C. ; Ordvvay o ! Mjis iicliuselt8 ,
Hnrkor of ! Pennsylvania , Albreeht o [ the United States Mint , Louisiana ;
Everhart of Texas , llilgunl of California , lUys of Canada , and etherrf
most prominently known in chemical literature , after subjecting brands
of baking powders on the American market to a thorough chemical ex
amination , have published their finding * , and it is important for the
people to know that the report o [ these hygienic authorities of the Na
tion implicates almost every brand analy/.ed with some poison of adulter
ation , with the exception of Dr.J'rice's Uream Baking Powder , which for
its purity and hoalthfnlncss they recommend for general family use.
name d
lui.iuvo.r iijYiiv vyi iotittij jipsiivur , jiumuu , muss.
) r. KUAS H.BAHTLEV.H.S. , CliuhiUl to thu bop't of Health. Brooklyn. N. Y.
'rof.CUUTIS C.HOWAKU , M So. , Starling Medical Collojro , Columbus , Ohio.
rof.M. DKLFONTA1NK. AiiulUieal Cliuini t , Chiungo , iR.
'roI.H.S.U I'ATON , 1/nte ChoiuUt Health Department , Chicago. 111.
Prof .IXO.M.OHDWAY , Mass. Institute of Tuchnologv , Boston ,
'rof. H. A. WI'ITIIAUS , A. M. . M. 1) . , University of iJulialo , N. Y.
'rof. A ll.SABIN , Stuo : ChoiuUt , Burlington , Vt.
'rof. .IO1IN BOULANPKIt , Jr. , A. AI , i\l. \ D. , Piof. Chemistry and Toxicology ,
Cnlcago , IB.
Prof. ,1. H. LONG , Prof. Chemistry. Chicago Medical College and Chicago College -
lego of Pharmacy , Chicago , 111.
Prof. G. A. MAU1NKK , Analytical Chemist , Chicago , 111.
I V98 & I I " " "
One of the Best and Largest StoeKs in the
United States to Select From.
Full Assortment for sale to the Trade 1)7
arc cnflly worn , sufo uncl rullable. They Imvo licon
tested In tlioumncls of cntcn unit we cim posltlvoly
upBcrt tliut In nil cnsos where the liver , upleen. kid-
ncysiiml bowels arc Involved , Iu. Iloi.MAN'H IMna
arc ut once tlio bo t , qulckctt anil choaprtit ; nnd
they bnvc muilo pcrimmcnt cures In thousiinds of
cates wliero medicine tiia boon u.-eJ without uny
good results whatever.
C'ou AVantH $1OOU.
Con Groner , formerly onu o c most ef
fective shcntfs of Ntlrtli Piatte , when the
town was a llttlo beyond the borders of civ-
ili/.ntlon , says that the next lunlslaluro will
have a chance to pay him n little bill which it
has owed him since 1BTS ) . At that time , he
filed a bill with the general assembly for
Sl.GOO for time , outlay and services In ariest-
IiiU' seveial Utiinh murderers. Amnnc thesu
weioamnn mimed Scliuylcr and another
named Hell. The former of these was con
victed and ROM od a decade of years In the
punltcntlaiy. These bills , ( irouer claims ,
ueio approved by Judges Harncs and Ciaslln ,
and ho will nmlcc an attempt to have them
now paid ,
Police Court.
Chas. W. Hauls was lined
S5 _ nnd costs iu police coutt
yebterday inniiilni ; for cnirying con
cealed weapons. It. A. Davis , who tiled to
Interfeio wltli the oIllceratrestliiKD.ivis , was
lined an equal amount.
Gee , F. Adams ior assaulting a well known
cltl'/cn , was committed in default of n line of
§ 10 and costs.
Will Nugent had assaulted Martin Ityan.
Hn was sentenced to llt'tccn days iu the
county jail on bte.ul and water.
Ut' seven drunks , t\\o paid a line of S.1 and
costs , thice were committed to jail and the
ottiets weio dbeharced.
Ijcnvciiwortli Street Grade.
The propct tv holders on Leaven worth
fill ei ! tan ; beclnnlim to cxpiess a great deal
of anxiety with respect to the grading of that
thoroughfare. Tho'conttact was letsomc >
two inonts iiL'o , and the grade shakes set by
the engineer bo loiif , ' ago that most of them
have been knocked down , hut ns yei not a
foot of earth has been removed. It is Import
ant that this woik hliould bo done at the ear-
He t possible moment.
Residents on Park avenue nionlso linding
funk v > 1th the slim nes > of the contuictor for
thu giading of that stteet.
UeMovcs hi nnrbnra.
Comrade Harhgraw , of Urooklyn , N. Y. ,
who went to San Francisco to attend the re
union of the [ G. A. U , luturned yostordny
and Is resting at the C.tnlield. Ho Is a niein-
berof li.trbaia Filetchlo post Xo. H , the only
post in the country named after a woman. It
is unnecessary to state that the gentleman
will not have liarbara's memory us.salled by
any Iconoclast.
Affected byllio Heat ,
Mis. John Hums , who iesldesat , Ninth nnd
Pierce streets , was suddenly overcome by the
heat ycstenUv , whllo In Peter Heck's store
maklnsj purchases. lr , Uarrow was sum
moned and tound her in convulsions caused
by heat. At last accounts t > he had partially
tlio Victors.
e To-day will | bo an interesting day nt
tholJellevuo jllleiange , the occasion being
the presentation of badges to the successful
competitors during , tlio recent contest. Uen-
Ilolinitii'g IjiveraiKl Stcmmeli I'ad
, \bnrt)3 nil Impurities from the blood ,
InvlKOnitcH uiui vitalizes the nliolu system.
IIoIaian'H Liver and Htoinacli I'at I
Gurus 1311lounT8 ] ( , IndlKCHtliin , Jauitdluo ,
Diarrhoea. MiilHrlu.blck Ueaduchc ,
Hheuniiitlmn , etc.
N Liver ami Sloitmeli Fail
ca Uio StO'iiiicli nnd llowcl" . Improved
thu Aiipetltc , corrects AnBlmlhitlon ,
boautllien the Co'uple.xion , etc.
lEolinaii'N Liver and Sloinaeli Pad
1'rcvonts Sou Sickness , Cholera , Smallpox ,
" Vullow , Tpliiis , Tphold and
Illllous Ko\cr ! . < *
ALL BHUGUlblb-Or sent on receipt of
I rlce 82.
120 William St. , N. Y.
oral Wheaton will bo urcsentaiid deliver the
address. The Second infantry band will bo
on band to discounts sweet music tor the oc
casion. Oimuiha people can tnko the 0'JO :
In the morning and reach the range In ample
time to witness the event.
Tlio Courts.
Yesterday morning a verdict
was rcndcicd in Judge ilCul-
loeh'a court in the suit of Judiro
Wrlcht against J. K. Kiilin. Tlio fonnor
sued for S'iOO daniugch for n nulsanco main
tained by the latter adjoining the pliiintiir's The award was lor § 7.1.
The ease ot K. 1) . Van Ktten , who sues for
8100 as attorney's lees , was 011 tiinlut : )
The Homan will case was to Imvo been
heard at :5 : o'clock. It consists in a request
on tlio pint of Henry Human , jr. , to bo dis
charged from the position of temporary executer -
ecutor and the appointment of his sLster ,
Mrs.'Diaper , and her husband appointed as
executrices in his stead.
A Floater.
F. J. McBlmno , who came up from Plaits-
month on the "Q. " .yestcidny brought
Information that a lloater was
seen going down the river
oposito that point yesterday morning. It
was taken ashoie. It Is piobably the body ot
thu unknown man viho was cliowned hcio on
Tbls powrtor never vnrloJ. A tnnrvcl of pur-
ty , streiiKtlinna wliolo oinotiO'.s. ' More econ
omical thuii tlie nrillniirr KitiiNniid cmint bo
fold Incompctltlun with the mu'.tUiule ' or low
tpft.eHoit wolifh ! Hltim or nhnvptuuo powilora.
Bold only in rain. Itov u , 1'u wubit Co ,
i6 Wnll8t..Vovr Yorlt.
. 4
Cor. and. l-atb. Sts. ,
mil < > i > cn ltn ( tvoi'n to rt icitli ( lie movt complete
Ever shown In Onutlin. It'e it'll ! ailhcrc strictly to the
motto ,
"PRICE DOE1 ! PUT ? UP ! "
Ami will expose to the people of this < / / / / , 'lie trite vnlttc of
floods , lie .S-HIV to attend ottr
.Ami receive one of our lutndxoinc nonvcnlrs jlven to every
one tt'hocnlls.
1308 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
When we say we are going to open with the largest and
finest line of
Ever shown in Omaha , we mean what we say. To prove it
to yourselves , come to the opening and see. Also get one
of our beautiful souvenirs.
STRICTLY ONE PRICE. Remember , Oar lotto is "Honesty and Good
Yalue for Your Money. " *
No pains are
to inako
thcso meats
that can bo
People of
arc highly
with them.
ITyoiir Oruceror MnrUetmnn U < > tint keep
them , > eu < l direct to Armour t t'o. . Clilcuto.
DM : uu juoiti : AT U-IUII.I > AI.U I'lt-
I 1' VV nil eipre. * cliarccs to all iwlnli v.1lliln QUO
Dill * . l.oiH'rarrl ttf to ttlivt from Brnil t o CM *
s. w. cxm. ir.iii AM * I'AK.VAM , OJIAIIA.
Propurty of every tJosorlptloii forsnlo iu nil purln of the city. Luiuls for Milo in
every county in Kcpniskti.
Of Titles of Doughs county kept. Main ot tlio city stit or countj' , or any other
information dcbhcu , furnished tree of charyo ujton tipji.lcution. f
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
TUo lurtfiibt stock , i'rlca tlio lowest. Kino rnpnlrliu a spool illy. All work wurruutoj. Corner
uuil 15th strcot , Omuliu.
REFEUKNCEHs Jlercliauts' nnd FaniH'n ' Hank , D.ivlil < 'ity , Nfl . ; Kearney Nalloim
, Koariu-y , Neb. : Coluuiliiis St.ito JUnk. Columbus , Nub. ; McDonalira Hank , Neil !
tw tblnU vain of stock