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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1886)
THE , OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , AUGUST 2 * , 1880. SPECIALNTOTICBS Ad\ertl emonts iindcrihls hoid , I0cent ipor line ior tinlr ( t ln oi non , 7 cents for each dub- sequent insertion , nnd Jl.,7) a line per month No advertisement taken for less thnn 23 cents for the tlrst insert ion. Seven words will bo counted to tin- line : they must mil conseru- tlvoly nnd must bo paid In advance. All ndvcr llEemeiiti must bo handed In before 2 o'clork p.m.und under no clicntntitnrv will thcj betaken taken or dlccnnllnnrd l.y telephone. 1'nrtlis ndvortlflnit In the c column * nnd h.iv- Ingtho nnswors a''divsscd in cnto of TUB BKK Trill plcnpo n k for n chfok tot-nablc them to get tbnlr letter' , in none will bo dollvnrt'd except on presentation of check. All answers to ad- Tortl'omenls thould bo onHosed _ rv > , n > l To loan mi Omaha city property at 0 per cent. Interest. 0. W. Iay , over IHU Douglas st. _ J * _ ( I'l'.U CUNT Money to uutu J. J. Mnhoncy , O 1301 rarnam. * " _ _ _ _ MONI'.V Itl I.77VN-On farm and i-it ) prop. city , at lowest rnti-s , W. A. Spencer iwj Fiiiiinni st. _ 14j _ SI'IXMA'L riJNII ! ' Hf.UOO to loan In amount' to suit , on sliort time mortagrs , three to twelve motitha time on property Im proved or unimproved , Call nt thn Omaha Financial Kxchnnuu , second lloor of Barker lllock. S. W. On _ Farnam uml Ijth Pt. m _ "IX/ninno cheap money on long-Minn , In nnr T > ( iuiintltytoloan on Inside city proporty.or farmland. Marshall ALobcck , 1311 Farnamst. ' i'KNT money to Icmn. U. C I'nttflrson , Gl'nit and Douglas. 018 riNAN OMAHA make lonns In any amount , oil any kind of gpproTed trcurlty. Largo collateral loans a spec-laity. Also on chattels nnd real fBtato In amounts and time to suit Lower rates , bolter tcrinj. nnd proinptor service than any loan nironcy In the city. For furthnr particulars rail ntotllcoon thonecond floor of the Barker Block , southwest corner of Farnam nnd IBth Mrcots. _ _ _ 0 . ft 7 , and H percent money to lo n. Mortgages V ) . tnken In exchange for real estate. Central Investment Co , lloom 7 , Barker lllock , cor 15th nnd I'nrnf.m fl-11 ' . Tt ) LOAN" At lowest rates of Interest MONI'.V est on farms nnd improved city property. F. .1. Day A Co. , fi , ( 'routine's block , S. K. cornur Capitol iiM'tiuonnd Kith Rt. 7TsopO ( LOAN At lower rates than any- MONKYTO wlioru elo In the elty.onf tirnlturo , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , or stock of nny kind. Itouiomber , at lower rates than any other lonn company in thn city. City Loan A Mortgage Co. . room 15 , 1401 Tarnnm st , opposite Pnxton hotel. 451 to loan by the undersigned , who has MONHV proporlv organl/.od loan agency In Omaha. Ix > ana of f 10 to $1,000 made on fur niture , pianos , organ" , horses , wagons , machin ery , tto. , without removal. No delays. 'All business strictly confidential. Loans BO made that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the eo t pro rntu. Advances madoon flno watches and diamonds. Persons ( should carefully consider who they are dealing with , ns many new concerns nro dnlly coming Into existence. Should you need money , call and RCO me. W. B. Croft , lloom 4 , Wlthnoll Building , 15th nnd Ilnrnoy. 4.VI PKIt CKNT Money to loan. Stewart A Co. , 6 Itootn.'i , Iron bank , ISth and Farnam. 455 30OOO to loan ! PiTms tn > and upwards. Lowest rates. Bcmls , 13th and Douglas sts. ' TO I.OATf O. I' . Davis A Co. KonI . Batata and Loan asents , 1C05 FarnnraSt. MONK ? TO LOAN-On good fleoitrttios. A Mcdavock. roomTBedlok Block , 1609Farnam Bt. 453 MONEY TO LOAN On real cstttto and chat tols. D. L. Thomas. _ 4,19 MONKY TO 1XAN In sums of $200 nnd upt wards on flrit-clnes real estate eccurlty. Potter * Cobb , 3616 Farnam St. 480 ONKY LOANED" ( i F. Bcod A Co's. Loan offlco. on furniture , pianos , horses , wngonq personal property of all kinds and nil other ar ticles of Talue. without removal. 319 3. 13th. over Blnghum's Commission store. AH bus ness strictly DonfldentaL 401 ZUBUTE33 OHA2TOES. Foil SAM : oit THADR- stock fnrmwo acres H miles from Lincoln stockyards.t miles west of Knyimmcl : 4riO iiures splendid bottom bind ; line lioti-o IU rooms ; basement barn Hcales. crllip , sheds and corrals ; 1W ) IICIM ; : fenced , 175 In cultivntlon ; .only $30 per acre. bull cash. The choapiifct fnrra In Nebraska. .Address 11. P. Gould , Lincoln , Neb. , 110x372 4M 2 ! ) * w" ' 1)lly n P"yl"K' business in n r\ J'-jV Vf unod locution. Kea on for pollliiK roinovul. Address LWi , Hoe olllco. 42127 * T710II SAI.K-Tho Ideal Callfrrapli. 0. W. Jllakor agent , room 7 Iron bank. 4G'J 20 T710H KXCHANOi : A 210 aero farm Inuirooc J- county In Iowa , ( no incumbcrnnco ) for a Htockof KOtide. Address Lock Dox lli , Marno Cass Co. , Iowa 4IW 2S * SALK Uno of the oldest established 1J grocery business In the city , with a very largo , well-paying trade. Will oxohungo for Omaha real cstixto or part cash and balance se cured nol en. Good reasons glvon for selling. Address 1115 Jones. PU7 TmoiCSALB Or trade lor Oniuhu property. -I ? The best located llvury business , with stock In the city. Long leasio of burn ut cheap rent. Iluyno Bros. , 1519 I'arnam , 441 O iXCIIAN : < JK Kor farming lands or city lots n brick store , nearly nctr , In live town In central New York ; rents for $ J23. JI. C. Itoinington , Netlgb , Keb. 440 at * .K Cheap ; mnall restaurant on bus il Iness street. Address I17 lice oflleo. 5L-L8 * Tjum SALK An old nnd well oatnbllthci .f grocery business , address It 10 , lleo olDco. 1B5-S-21 * 'jmoil SALK Or rent I.wcry stable a nil stock .L For particulars imjulro ut Occidcntnl hotel 275 /'OK 8AI.K The complete furniture of the Kobraska Vlneirar Works. Call soon on B. Krobe. Jones st bet Oth and 10th st , Omaha _ BID TTIOK SAI.i : An elegant established business Jthe I est of the kind In the west located In this city ; n t prollts $5,000.00 per annum ; wll bear closest Investigation ; Invoice iibou $15COJ.a ) Parties with moans wishing to step into n linn business address K 7. lloo ollioo. 444 FOKHALK FfrsT-class moat ninrKoPWith nlco fixtures , all complete ; good trade best of reasons for selling. Call or write tt Uoo. V. May on. 1621 Howard. _ _ id HOIISKS I.otsrarmslHiids money loaned Ilemls , J5th and Douglas et roots. 4G2 " " | 7UUl SAU : 9orornf stocks of goods , dolnsr n Jheulthy business , ownership clear , sails faction guaranteed ; terms easy , Rome Omaha property taken In exchange. Marshall A Io liccli. 1511 rariiam fit. 4B5 _ I.OST. LOST A buggy side nurtaln of lonthor sni lined with blue cloth A liberal reward paid on Its return to McSlmno'a livery stable cor ISth and Dodge Sts. 4i > U 2s * AKKN in1 Hod cow , bell on. 1 mlle west of Stock VurKft , Kaward Corrigiltt. 4h8 S7 qTAKUX Ul' About 10 days ngo , largo ro < Nicer with crooked horn , branded " 101" 01 loft Hank , Clans -Miittlilos , 4 miles west o Ojiiahii. uear HenryHuiu _ > rB _ 458 iM * TIAKlTN ul'-At 15th nnd Ilancrott Bts. , n black horse , 4 white feet , white etrlpo In taco. 7 yours uhl , weight 1100 pounds. Mardla A : 1'lagg. u-2 > K7-g-a-10-17 ! L B B OAItD-And lodgings , atE2 ! N , IBth st. 4CO PKltONAI/ rcflnod young lady of gooi family , with nn incoiuo iiilllulunt lor her support , wlslic's to eorrespond with an honor able , klml-hoarlod wcstuni gentlnman ; objec matrimony. Deferences exchanged. Address Lilian roster , 153 Uth ave Now Vork City. "OKUSONAL If you desire to become profl Jelont in shon-hnnd work In onu-tlilnl o the tlmoieoulred of the pencil v > Bteir nil u rooms 7 and H , Iron Hank , and oxaru ou byslcm. " . W. llaker. _ _ _ _ 4CI 29 _ J3"K11SONA1. To buy real estate , to boriow money , or get in nbbtract of title , go tn the olllco of IU U. 1'ttttersou , Uth nnd Douglas _ 43J MDUIlj'ON'AI. Mrs. Dr. Nannie7 WarTcT -1. clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium Itoom Na C , 121 North 10th St. , Omulm , Neb. MIBCDLLAMEOUS. A LOT in West Side to trade for good driving horse , rooms 1 and S , Omaha Nut. bank. TSinritKNT Piatio. Apply at County Poor JJ farm. 43326' TllittTINO : < FUAI'll-The easiest and quick. ( st road to success In the shorthand profcs- elim , O. W. Baker , rooms 7 nad 8 , Iron bank. 461 37 tJTKNOflIUTlfV nnd Tynowrltliif school. fJ Koomj T und 8 , Iron bunk. U , W. Baker. 180 "filOll UBNT s < rj ro I-UDO $4 uonioiy. A ,1 } Uoipa. JiW Uoujlaa. ZTt ItKNT Fqunro Piano , ( I montblv. A Hn > ipo. 1513 Douylas. _ 4M _ _ llll.NT ortfans , f3 per month. Mnspe , _ Douylas. _ _ _ _ _ 274 _ I Fyotl wnnt to learn shorthand or typu-wrlt- JL Ing attend Valentino' Shorthand institute Exposition building , Otnnlni , Neb. "n 7)lt ItKN"r A plortToii n good rctnlT8treot K Apply the Omaha Heal Estate and Ixian 'o. _ _ _ _ _ 107 rpllHis : , Hoses , -jhrulis , etc , planted tree tor t. pci ons buylnv ol Douglas Co. Nurseries. C.O. Howard , 1'roi ) . , I' . O boxS-.K ) . bs7-n2 ! BAiE-MlSOEttANZOUB. " 1/MK lAI.K A nlrp lior p , buggy nnd bnr- J nfS'Clirap. Imiulroof Kdhelm & Krlckson , ipposlte po tolllcc 4S ( 2J f-floinvnrtii of bnu i'lftjld tufnT- Uirp , ( JOper month. Addiess. L,33 , lleo illlce. 323 71OII SALi-Nlce : family dilvnig linrso. J-1 lli'iinlMiii Bnx. , 13111 Douglas. 4U > 1 "fj OK Al.'ll Fufnituro andi FIHO nl sU-rbom L house , time on part. Call ICOJ North i7tli Mi cot , t o blocks from lied Car line. KU "IT'olt < ) At < i : Furnlturo fi-iooni house torn- X1 ploto for housokeeplng : irleo ( IK ) , part inyment It ilrslied. Hou o rout J25 per month , Ino locution , 171V Douglas ct. 413 "iriOU .SALK-Clionp , the eittest oartHiid small -L liorsu in thn city. Insulin McShane's liv- eiy slnblc , cor und Dodge nt once. 47 ! ) 28 * .AIIH SALK Or will trade for farm or Insldo Ihills [ city property Stock of Inrnisnlng goods , hills , caps mid biwts and shoos. (1. ( IX Thotnp onP. o. drawer in ) , Omaha LNJ-s-lM H "Lots.Farm-rLaniis money loaned , loth and Douglas si revts. 471 "lilOlt HALiT Ue lTirlo7fi > FT > Tteh nearly : i > em s oldthoroughly broken , fullpudlirroo : also two bitch pups : i months old : O. Osknmp , 2213 Webster st , Omaha. Nob. 315 27' ? 11tOCI'.UY STOCR'to tiiuluTforwIlir lund or v farm , Wild land to trade forclty property. Wlncro fann In lown to trade for city prop , criy. 4i ) feet on Sherman nvo. to lease during fair week. 150 lect on IBth or Iftth st , Lake's add. , for lensoforO qrlO yours. " 5-iicro tnxetsln Tuttlo's subdivision , on easy terms. Buggy nnd piano to * * sale cheap or trade1. Lots In an v part of t ho city on easy terms. Good lot lu tllmebnugh pltco. $ , ! ! ( , HlxlU ) In Kiikwood $ iOiH ) , llf" > feet on Humidors St. $1,000,7-room bou i % , good barn , Acon full lot , with pinitli trent , near car line , on easy terms. $ .1.500,5-room house nnd limn on full lot In Idlewllil , " 4 cash , 1-2 years on balnnco. $ - " > , OOJ , nlco place on Georgia nrc. , terms to suit. suit.Lots in Bedford plnco on ensy tcinis. Doimt think ofbiiylng itliout first ealllngon mo , as I hnvo a good list and It Is no tioulilu to show bargains. Sears , 15th und Dodgu. N. 1 % cor. 2 " 2 28 TmolTsATTK A modlunrsT/osufo nearly now , JL1 with inside door. Combination lock. 112 drawer calnnot and letter file with doors. I medium hl/o letter press. I platform scale. 1 platform counter sc.ilo. Piirrolto A Sweeny 11III llanicy st. 807 FORSAM' ThoroiiKhbrcd .Icrsoy cow and calf , fresh milk , 10J3 South SJnil street. 4'1U 2S' HOTIU , and Paloou Men Wo offer the f d- lowliiK'liar fixtures tor sale : One solid walnut counter , mahogany top. side board , and Kreiic-h plato mirror , Bl/o twelve feet by slv leet ! all in thst class condition ; price $600.00. Turtles wlshlnir to noROtlnto will plenso address Harper A ; L'ombaugh , Durllngton , lomu T7K > SAM5 A . horoujfhbred Hamlilutonlan J3 maie , fl years old , sound and uontlo , never been trucked , will trot a mile better than tliroo minuter any day , price fl.ODO. C. I ) , lllbblns , 1800 Uo-.fe-las street. 41H 81 * you SAI.K Two No. 1 , second bund , canopy . top Surreys : also two prood , toi'ond band phaetons , nt I40U Dodso street. 2.1" > . Foil SALK Bloyclo chcnp. Star machine , almost now , nlcklod all over. Inquire at A IIoBpu's. 115-26 * OK SALK I nhiiio , furnlturo ranc.717 _ ' S.10tlst. _ _ Foil SAI.'K Cheap , iron columns nnd win dow capi suitable for front on brick build- Ins. For particulars upply at this offlco. M'J WANTED WANTKD Chambermaids and dining room Kirls , at > Two dlnlngioom girls und two dishwashers , nt 1C04 N. 10th St. 48127 _ W ANTEU Immediately n kitchen pit-inw cor 10th and Howard st. 483 WANTED Immodlatcly , peed plrl fortrcn oral housework , beet wairos Blvon at northwest corner Hamilton and Tier Rtri. 4U1 2 * WANTKD A ( rood girl for general house work. Apply lDodpo st. 485 28 WANTKD A prlrl who Is n good cook nnd laundress , at''OJl Chicago St. Will pav f20 per month. 480 2J WANT ID A ( rood cook In the country. In quire for throe days of Mrs. W. U Annln. 1403 n mill St. 4IM 28 * Immediately , 3 young Indies to wait on table for their board nnd room. 1011 Dodge st. 471 33 * _ ANTKU Dining room gltls at Occidental. 140 ANTTD A Good girl for private family. Apply at 1409 Jono.s st. 4 'J WANTKD-QIrl , 1512 Howard. Mrs. W. M. liuahman. 421 WANTKD A girl for general housework In a private family ; must be a good washer nnd Ironcr. 1718 Dodgo. 409 27 * W NTKU Dining loom jjlrla ftt Summit Kostaurant , 1U5 S. 14tli at. ltM7 : WANTKli-airlntlOS 8 15th st.forBonerul bouEowork In small family 40f WANTKD-Uutton-holo innkcrs , 1112 Fnr- nam. a&V 9" WANTKD fioort rosponMblo person to tnko charge of infant. Mrs. a. A. Sloman 11)14 ) Fnruam st. 831 WANTKI > Olil about ISyoaraof we who can do light housework nnd likes children. A pleasant homo to the right ono , Ituferoncea required. Mrs. J. I . Itlco , northwest cor. Saun- dera and Illondo streets. & * . > W ANTKIl Rood girl for general housework Mrn S. A. Sloman , 1B14 Farnam st , 130 WANTiii Olrl for general housework nl LBKHVobRteriit. u7j WANTKU An oxpo'-lencoil COOK nnd lull it- dross. Good wagon paid. Sirs. G. J. Hunt Virginia nvo. , and Grant Ht. 65' ' , ) WANTIM ) 8.1 young ladles and gents to luarn telegraphy. Vrospocta for positions Vhcn competentgood. Address W. J , I ) , room l.Crounso block liltli st , Omahiu 735 MAI.B W ANTHD Boy In drug sloro. dill nt Fuller &Co. , cor. llth and Douglas. A01-24 WWANTKD WANTKD A strong boy for delivering par cels ; also n small cash buy at O'Donahoo AShorfy's. Ill 8 1.5th ht. 4M 28 _ WANTKD A good general blacksmith , ono nociutomod to j > low work and agricultu ral Implements , good waiws and stctuly work fur a good mechanic of sober habits. Addrrns Win Burston , Cedar ItapldB. Nob. lit ) Itl' VVANTKD 2 Moat Canvassers and 3 gooi ! l 1'acklng House hands nt Shccly's Packlnv HOUSR 4U7 21) ) ' _ * W ANTHD-A eooil butcher. 2211 Cuuilnu at. 4I'J 2T vyANTKiJ-Doy , V , 8. laundry , JtXH Crin st. W ANTKU A boy nnd pony to onrry a route on the Dully evening Bee. Inqtilro ut Hub- scrlptlon diipartmunt. 401 xi/ANTKU Laborers lor railroad work 1 ! . it 8 , Albright Labor Agency , Iu03 I'm mini , W WANTnU--\ nud wlfo to uoik on n fui-iu ; apply to Cluis. fluidsIblli and I.oiiv- enworth sts. U7Q \\7ANTll : > A rurrlngo tFl'inmcr by ( Irutluii l ) A Drummoud , 1317 Hnrney , un < W ANTKU $ llu week given to eap.ibuTg ii" tleman. No. 11 Main St. , Council I Hull a. 7a V\rANTEU-i5liort'liiinil stndentx ; nxporF IT unced to.icher. Terms , $ A ) for complete course , Addrnss IC2H , Uno ollleo. io < " ) BITUATIOW WANTED. VUANTKU-Posltlon M coon lu mall family , 11 inijuiro 1517 JacUton , 4'/J W ANTKU A position to do 8 > coiid work Fn private lumlly by a B4rodei-nll Atlantic hotel. 437-28' WANTiu : At once , kooSf-keepiuv or some Kind of olllco \ ork , by n ) ouur man illi conildorablo oxpurlencouu.l b < t of rofuroncua , Adilreii Lo7 , llcootUoB. 49127' W ANTKU Aaltuutlon us tlenouraiihcr and typo-writer by uvonipotvnt jounf ludy with ono } oars' exporicucu m ollico work , Addrcil LM , HeftolUce. 4CT-2B * \\rANTKlt-iiltiiatlon , booskcep r or blil ' clerk by youui ; mau. AUdru > L&2 , Bio oince ill 2i WAXTr.D-Slttiatlnu rn hot okecpor nr cook In small fnmlly.oy iinddl rix-cd laAy. In- flillrclMt Jackson 8t. _ ' , itV ) ' MISCELLAHEOUS WAIIXS. _ _ xN rKiT M.WO for 3 3 oars on good real estate security : 1' . O HoMa 417 M fA NTifo : aood geiitio j > oiiy. Apply 1314 Fiirnntii , " _ _ _ " WTNixTi or roTtiflntuso In "good loenllty nnd for long time. Address L2il lleo ofiicu. 271. 'II * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \\f ANTISII To ri'HtTi m.ill noi lly furnt'.lipd ' i room nrnr Hco olllco. Address slating terms K 21 Bee oOlco. ' ' -Ml r.VNTii > Tennis. 1Murray. . \ \ 473 "I \7AXTKI ) To soil or evclmniro lor stock of morelmnilKO , n beautiful suhiiihan I'-sl- dencnlii Oiniilin worth J4.0JJ , T. II. Wlldo , IAU \\rANTii : > Tobuy agoou business propeity for wholesale or retail pm-piWi. lllxo description mid lowest price. uHl llt-ojntllco \\TANTKU A good residence nnd lot or cnd 'i bulldlinr lot In gooil local ion Give lowest price and Icnns nnd full d'iscriptum. I" ' ' H''O olllco. rm _ Yl'ANTI'.l ) Boom and board In grod prlvnlo 'i lu in liv. Can gl\o best of lelerenees. Add - d ress 1C 49 , lleo olll co. KM \\ANrii : > A Ili-st elnss clothing -.lock keep- 11 cr nnd salesmen. Callnt 1120 N lOlh ft. BU.7 Vl'ANTKD A good house on monthly pay 11 meets. Address II , G5. Bou olllco. P'V > . W ANTKU To buy a nice rcsldemo or good building lot In n desirable location. Ad * drcsa H , M , Boo olltco. fl55. \7 A NT I : i ) AlTooil t piTclylior = o < > wngoti nnd hnriics ; must ho uhoupsto bopnld for In monthly InstiiKinuiits. Aililrr 1,37 Hoc nlll < o. 1OT _ EOUBES ' FOU ltKNiT-1 louse fl rooma , ? 1 . II. J' , Hogcrs , cor. Snumlcrs and Cumins SIM. 1/llMt ItKNT ( looil hou'P , mortut-n inipiove- -L mcnts : U rooiaa. Iniiulrc lH8 ! I'timum 4W ! 28 FOIIUKNT ThoOcrninnM. U.chur.'h Klllld- ln r , on the southeimt eoriu-r T\voltth \ nnd .lacksiin streets , foranv legitimate busliK s-i. It. C. rattoi-M ) ! ! , KUh nnd Doiinlns. I'll ol TINT : to room re ldonco between F I'nrtmin. on - ' . } < \ , with nil mod ern Improvements. laulttlck > V foay.S. K. cor. l.'itli and Dou.ifliis. : > ' .H Oil HlINl'-Kiom Sept. Tlo Apul la"nT room , oast-fiont on ( ii'OfKla nvo. Hour Mt. Pleasant. Apply lit s > v eorlUh and F OH lUINT-StoroSJxBO. IMS Jackson JTll dt. "filOlt IlKNT-Porn term nt years , tlio'2-story Jbrick Imlldlinr on the n o cor. ot lOth and Douglas lniiilro | at drug btore , same jditco. 721. THOIt ItKNT Nowfi-room houses , near street JC cars. U. C. Patterson , Omaha Nat'l bank. 074 TT Olt LKASK Wolnvoolovon ncros on O. P. -1 : B. B. track , 80i ) tcot fi out ; will letiso nil or part for live years. Bedford A Souor 'TRIj KENT liOOMS. T710II IlKNT 2 iinfiu-iiMiod front rooms , IrtU JL1 .lackson st 4H ! 2J % T7IO11 TtKNTNlccly rurnlBliod looms with J } modern conveniences for ono or two gen tlemen. UIO N 17th St. ' 4' IOU ItKNT Four unfurnished rooms. S W F corOtb and Davenport. 170 _ ' * FF F I OK KKN'T Purnlshoil itoiit rooms. 27CQ Hnmlllon st. 47l ! 28 , HUNT Very desirable fiont room in Foil ( rood location suitable for two Kcntlmon. 12 S 17tb bt. 40S - . ' ' 17 oil llKMT A neatly furUhoil front room , Jl 410 North 14th St. i * 4i 27 * Foil IlKNT A furnl8ln l room with closet , nt 70N. . ISth St. $10 per month. 44J 28 * Oil IlKNT Kurnlshol liont loom. Oil F South 18th. 410 38 * Foil IlKNT A few ollioo spaces for rent , ono with front window on irrotind lloor. Knqulroof J. S. Itlchauison , l.'XJ'.l 1'iirnnin st. 4IM-3opt-25 ( FOK JIKNT Nculy Uu-iil.slicd. Lront looms ] 322 cor. IGth and 1 larney. 4 ! 7-31 F Oil IlKNT I'urnlshed rooms , 1C01 Howard. 4U- ! : ) ! * Foil IlKNT Stoio room , 13th and Dorcas. - 43. 2'.l * _ _ _ _ FOR IlKNT S furnished rooms stiitablo for 1 or2rontlomen,2011 llarcey. ' 10127 * TTiOIt IlKNT To n man nml wife without -L ciilldron , 4 convenient uhambcra for house- kcoplUf , ' . 31U NlTlh tibloL'K3 : from postollico. TT10K HUNT 2 lart'e furnished rooms with -L modern conveniences , also tlrst-clnss table board , illnncr 0 p. in. , references required , 1814 Dodge. 20U _ IlKNT Ono elegant front room wit Foil street.ith alcove , furnished , at 1811 Fmnam street. 4711 FOU BUNT After Sept. 1st , very dn lrnblo rooms without board. Gus and bath , 2225 Uoago. 25'J TT'OItITKNT Parlor and two very nicely furn- - - ' Isliod rooms wltu board , hnuso Is surrounded by u nice Inwn and has bath room ami gas , also day board. B. W. corner of 20th nnd Webster. ICO FOR ItKNT Nlco rooms at 1821 1'arnam st.,1 block west of court house. 508 TQWH B.ENT Furnished rooms at 1"07 Cags 6t. J3 0 4 moil IlKNT Two front parlora , newly fur- t ? nlshoil. 2oll St. Mary'a uvunuo. Ull TjlOU IlKNT Two atore rooma on llth St. , C ? 23each. J. Johnson , 1324 Knrnam , * n POB HAI.E-HOUSB3-I.OTa. _ Tjioil SALK-rntll noon tivday nt $1,550 , a JD uno lot C'lxSOO , within ono mlle ot post ! qlliqo running from Cas-t to California. Urcg- ory Si Hadluy , 1312 Douglas Sf 602-28 ' GltKUOKY & Heal Kstulo nnd Itontnl Agents , 1312 Douglas street. Wo haven largo number of lots In lollowlng additions In which wo can irlvo you baignlns. 1'rlcos range from &XH tn f 2,003 per lot. Terms easy , only n small cash payment. lIiuiBconi Pliico Mayno I'lnco Orchard Illll I'm vn 1'laco Kllbv riaco Walnut Hill Weet Sidn Ambler 1'Inco Omaha View Ames 1'laco Claiondon Melmxo mil. Full loton Tarnnrast. only two blocks from court house , $ l .OJ' ' ) . Two story brick business block on ono of the best corners on Douglas st. f ! ' ) , ( ) XI. Finn two storr nliiL room house on corner lot In Idlawlld.f 1.200. Terms easy. Full lot In Mlllard place f..DJD. 20 houses and lots ohcap ; small ousli iiaymonts nnd balunco monthly. l > roporty of all Kinds In all parts of the city. Call and Fee us. , . 414 K RAIj ESTATE IIAUOAIN-BoniitlTuT now modern hnuso with lull east tiont lot on Virginia ttvenuo , llun.scom place , JJ.7&0 , half cnsli. J , I. UluoiV Co. , room 0 , over Commer cial Nat bunk. _ . A- } fin ; ; At u bargain , two choice lots In f ! Omabn View. J , A. Williams , Fnleonoi's block. 4047 * _ nnw6 IX > T3-Kllhy place fTTrt cadi , cheap , .L arahnm.Crclghton blk. . , "TTloil Svii : This two finest east front lots In i1 Kllby 1'luco , l\XU \ each , a corner lor I1.3W. Lnrgebt list lu llunscom IMucti , ( ; aUaudecu Two beautiful lots on Loavenwortb St. Very cboap Rt ? 1.0.X > oneh. fpirae house ) nml lot , 75x140 foct.oast front , on Convent > troet , wur Fnrn'im , $ sOJO , ' - . .lark 1'lat-e 'IVobi-.rgnlns In ( ; fronting Hans- coin I'mk , t-cveral irittagos on monthly payments , r. D , Tanner i Co. , Ai-citlt , 1015 Ho vurJ St 42 127 HII.I.SDAf/K Como ainl'mju It ydurflelf/it stilt on lla morita. AniM'Keul Kutato 1507 Farnam. HOIISKS"lxitall'nrm < i4i < nii < i money toanmi. Uflinlj , ICth nnd poufln * slr cti. 171 ' sou HAlTK-a houseiln Park I'lioe.S rooms. 1 G cotiiiKcx on Chlc.igp.d rooms. ' 0 1 ottatriu on JSth street , 5 rooms , Allo iho i : cottftffoi are now and will sell wllh { 00 to ( fcaeh \ pnymont , pal 1 0 to Ji5 per month. ! . ' , ' ) to S1JM. Tliesii plnoos uro bHrgalnt foroni > wnntlnj ulco homrs iiearthc uuntcr of toivn. No fuiu'V pncoa onuecount of Inns lira * nnd cninll paymcnta. 1'urk \ Fowler - ler , Itet DouglMit , 400 so KlfsTfS 8KT.U 6"bT/roal ostalo ttd every olbcrduy. SepJU 8Si SAM : At rot My new home. No. IJI FOU Seventh plreot , fonnrll Itlutls. Might rooms vr\f\i \ \ fulnm 1 , pno , Imth-room and Ml moduni cmn frinl nci . Charles T. omcor , with Olllcer .t IMeoy.J-'oi/icU Itlutrs. MJ-.1 1NtJllASl- ' TLIU'KS * - J L ileal Ujtnto nnd I.onn Broker , _ . Opera House Block , nfltn'io\ril | ' n room cottnge , IMIvla and 2. * only. f "JilO ) 5 mom cottnuo. Dodge mid 2" . onlj . . 26JO 7 room cottiiKC-iCconvoii. , Snlliulrrs near rtimmlng oidv . . . . . C300 lOtoom and I < " > Moinliouo , on lot i\2.V ) ) with all nnnloid Improvements 17th ti-eet , eheiip JJ fiOJO II 10:1111 : lion i > If * nil l.earr-nwortli with a triinm eotlngSon thonlley for all . 030) 10 room hou K l" ( wxlW corner In Iiln- coin I'liice , n bountiful homn . . 401 1 0 room and I .Vroom lottaue on north 17. liirno lot Wxl'C , i'it 1i $2.1(10 ( . . . . 7000 t ) loom house 1U8 ! \ \ obiter , lull lot fi.VO llroom liouo on 17 itml Cim . . .tX)0 ) H room hnu e on California , full lot . . - < U ) T room house north ot Ixjaveiinortli ou ' Virginia ave 4Ma ) 1C room house north ot I.eavenworth on . Virginia ave.ehcap TlVK ) 2 houses 1 a and I 4 rooms Si and 1'lercu eiipap . . . nwo 2. > room cot t ages 2S and Charles , full lot , cheap for both IOOJ li'rootu ' boiisi' llnn > > eiii I'lnco wllh nil modern linprotoini'iit ' * . Scolt " > QOJ 1 n mom cottage Virginia me. near U'livoiwoith 2WO Afewot Ilietno't dn < lrable lot < In Creston - ton phiou , nt llirurcs that will soil 2 eiKt Iront lut * on Iouo rtvrniiennd Harnny , each , If EOld thli week . . . 110 Harkalow iiiM.on Lonvenworth. 1 lot nt IOW ) ftle place lot'block ' 21' ' , We t Omaha , toriiiHinwy , ptlcofllWJto ISM 2 lot ? West Cumltig add. r. lorner , at . . . 420 Lincoln pliieo lots irotn ftltl to 400 Lots in Marsh's mid , near bt. Mary's nventio , very ilotlrnblo KVJQ 11miHoin ! plnco lots , Tint 0 to ! W.W 41 foot on Sniinderselienp , worth : WK ) . . . IIWO Lots In Hartford pliioo , tliH sldo of Mis souri 1'aciflc railway nnd canning fac tory , tin I.envenwoithery easy terms , JiOJto 4M A few lom In I.oavenworth Tcrrnco. ] u t southwest of .lotomo Park and Hlgn- land place , termsea < y , fr > V > to n"30 10)\120 ) nn Cii < nnd ) tli sts.iieaMi . . . . 2.W 1112x124 Iflaae foldenXeneap 3.W ! l oa t front lolft , within ono block of oinnlng factory and Mlwmrl I'acltlc depot. Qhcy are decided bnrgiuns at SIV ) , as adjoining lois nru soiling at ? . "iiK ) ftml S-'iV ) ; terms oasy. 10 lots In Drake's addition,281 h nnd Dodgu St. , SI.VWtcf2.rrtl. HO ti-ctoii Park nveniic nnd Howard , ? (1.0M. ( TSxIt'iU fect.l'opnloton and Virginia avenues , ? . ) , ( 01. 7."i\l50 fret , Virginia nvenuo and Shltely , n cornor.SI.MJO. Wo have only a few of tlioso bmxutllul lots In block II , llans.-oin I'luio. lolt. If you want ono Hccuro It quick or you will bo left. Conveyances always nt the door reiUly to lake you out to see what woconMilrrtliu bo < t bargains Illeks \ Inghram,2l5 South l.'itli streetOperu House lllock _ ! W2 ' Tf/lOH r.XCIINi : Jrt.tXKfstockilrv'goods for J Ojiaha pioperty. Archer & I'itch , 218 a Hth st. 40o _ _ HOW you can mnko moneys Itv buying on o.isy pnymnntsii Illllsdalolot foi$15) ) , that will be easily paid for and doilblu In v.iluo. Ames Itoiil llstato Agency , 15J7 l-'arnam. fcO' _ BOWL1NH ( JllKKX lotsSIM. 10 puro'ntaish and f3 per month. Marshall & IjObmk , Agents. I'4'J ' ' R"l3AI , ESTATE 1IAIM1A1N. Ixit GO by 111 oji 11 uno street but ween Hamilton nnd t'buries , with fi-rooin cottage on$1S ) ) ) . Small cash pnyincut.bal. inoiilhly. Call MIOII I'oriliN. .1. 11. Itlco tV Co. , room i' > , over Commercial iViitlonal bank. y > l T > 12AI. IJSTATB IlAKIiAIN-U lull lots In -IV Sliull's Nt adilltlon. being UOftfionton 1'lorcost. . IBS ft on 2M St. , together with 1 honspx , rents for $ .1'l per month , room to build 4 others , will bo M > 11 by us tills week for-fT/iOO. Relish. .1. IItlco .f Co. , loom 8 , ovorCom- mcrcial Nnt. bttiiK n' , - * W SAM : Ilojrllng Croon lots at $150. 10 FOU ) cinifCiHli and $ " > per inonty. F.nsy , and sure to dotibloj 'n your See this line nd- ditloti and soiiiron lew lots while you can got llrstcholco. HilrJliMl & Lobock , Agents , 1311 Fin nain street. , . 'J18 t ? * " " "SAPHSSE Heal Eslnto.317 S. ir.tli sU , nas B lorsalu Impi-ovod piopoity ! 320 Kino brick residence with all modern * improvement ! ) , on Siiuudurs Ht. , lot 120x00 , $ : J,00T ( to ? 5,000 cash down" . $ 8,000 200 Nino-room houm and lot. 20thSt. , . , near St. Slnrra ate , $500 cash balance monthly. . . .If. . .U 5,730 2fil Tlircc-n > om c6ttago and lot S. 17th St. , Sl.OOO casli 1,603 300 P.i-rooin boutomd lot Cii'-ixlOO on Hurt St. . $2,000 Jash , bnlniico to suit 4,500 301 22 ft on C'umJnKjVv't.U ' store und dwell ing . ' , ' 340 81 ft on cwnltef 'with 2 stores aria . dwelling , barncpto.--.i.- > . , ; .Iw.10.800 309 Kino'8-rooln bouso , barn , etc. , lot lOJxl'JO ' . . . "i 4,509 SOD i "i-rpom cottage , lot .VIxlOO , both on Webster , ono-tlilrd ciiali , balance to sulti . . . 2,000 327 Bcottasfos on South llth tit. , to bo sold togeUmrorln lotsof'-Jor 3udjilnlnir 12,000 238 Kinaii-room house , lotilOxUO , on 1'Jtli fit. , cash SliOO : 2X)0 : ) 205 IottOxl40-with : house , well , etc. , on I'.lthst 2,200 3JO B cottnijes ofti looms , lots 30'/2xl20 , cistern , well , etc. , on lllih St. , &IJJ cash. ? 2" > 00 per month , ouch 2,100 330 81 tootonCuinlng , business lots , with Zstoros , dwelling , barn ; nil rontoJ..SI0.890 Full lots and 4 lots with large or small Uousoj ° R. V Smlth's add , n iln View. Lowe's'-d ndd , Koun'7o' ' 2d add. Patterson subdlv , Inprovi'inont Assnadd. Mlllard .V Culdwoll's add , Walnut Hill. 1 'ark I'laoe , 11 ickor v Place. OtniUmVlnw , llodford's add. Slilnn's ndd , Amos Fluco. Shlnn'H'Jd add , Donlses * add. From fl.OOO to $1,500 ; small payments ; easy terms. ' ! " : LANDS m SILUCTED Southern Alinnosotn , Northern Iowa , Central and Northcin Kanans , For solo nt low prices and on easy tonnsof pay ment. Itnllroad faro refunded to purchasers. Weekly excursions. Host lands for the money. For further Information address O. 11 , Nelson , l ; u S. lOtli St. , Omaha , Nob. 0 3 Oil HAI.K Two sections of choice Inrm F land In Howard countyNchruakn.pnrt level balance rolling table land , splendid hOll , near good lallroad towns.wlll olfor tlil land for ne.xt thirty day at eight dollars and lltty cents per acre , Ono third caah balance one. two und three years at seven per cent. Addrol ( Joo. N Illeks , 1 > . O. llovMJ , Omaha. Noli. 411J1I TTEArTuSTATi : HAlKJAIN-hotliiKirUwood I'll uildillon , lino. fii.'jUi : ciisli. .1. I , , lllco & Co. , room 0 , over Commercial Nut'l Bank. _ J _ _ _ ! _ _ _ _ _ m AOOODIot In Okahnnia , near the V'lnton st. car line , priea $ IOUJ. Potter & Cobb , 151A Farnam si. , Omaha. Nob. _ B-l Tnoil SALli Pine lot In I'lalnviow , lf(130. -U 100x120 foot , C < i3S r-troet. t2riiH ) . Three line lots In Koiorvoir addition , UlxlUO feet , ShuH'a first addition. A lot In South Omaha , only * 150. lloloro you buy or sell call on H. W.IIuntrosa , 1WH Knnmm street. Wit j our property with mo. d8l 30 * FiJirSAf.K-fof the boTt MiTin Walnut Illll. mn < t bo sold In a week. Theo , Olson , 218 Bonth 15th. _ _ 1178 31 Host opportunity for getting you n oavap homu. soy ITMfll SATi : ciioap"10"108. ' l" ° ' 10 acre lots JOIKI mlle south of Hammond & CD'S. Pack ing house. For terms nddiois , W. F.Martin , South Omaha. _ 3SQ-UI FOU SAf.K llowllnir ( Iroon lot R at 150. 10 per cent cash nnd * . " > pur month. Olforatho easiest nnd surest Investment to double jour inoiiuy lii a your of any property In thoauhurb- mi market. _ Lot us show you this flno property , Marshall & Loboolc't\nonts , ' i 'l 1511 Farnatn street. location. H T OT3 soiling today for $800 to $100 ! ) sold n year J-J ago for tlGO to fiV ) . Think of this nnd get i\ lot now | n Hillsdajq for $159 to f 173 nnd on easy terms. Amos' ItfcuiKitato Agonoy , 1507 Farnnm I > IAL : I TAT IIAH'IAIN 44 foot , east L\i front liusliibsstot South pith street , $2fU ) . .1. L. Itlco A . 0 Commercial NaT Co.fOtdcnu , over - . . . . . . . . . . * * ! > ! ! > ! T ? f\9\J ttlf\ 340 tlomil Hank. TTlOlt SAli-ri : ( { iii house nnd lot. UOxm ft , L1 Hhlnn's 3d Andlioautlful location , W.iiVJ. r > -rooin house nnlflot OJx'.M u. , on Irouu ht. bet. Hamilton and Umirl , $1HM , 4 housus of il looms cadi , cltji.wnlfT and gas , on King ami Caldwi'll Bts. , Sj/Mt/mity / easy terms. 2 tnrina In Iowa , ono In I'jfaoynrt Co. and ono In Ida Co , to trade for city biAitjrty or morclmmlisi ; . 20 acres nlco Hiibumatijopvrty on militaiy road , ? IW per aero , a JWiitoln. Mow it-room lioi o. liiinaci ) , Brntoeltjir\Talor Kns < ehtcin , good burn , line location , cornyr lot. # B,000. W. ( j. Tomiilotun If Co.lloums 7 endS Omaha Xat'l l > aiik. ' 4l HJ OOK HAI.i : By I'ark & Fowl < -r. 1522 Douglas. -L' Will have In a few days tl houses on IIUli , ? 231 cash , balance * 23 per month. Only f2..V > o. House f > looms , lolb MtlW , Wntiuit Hill. Only $1.500 , $2UO cu&h , balunco f 13 per month. _ utKj 7 . i T71OK H.Vl.iOr : oxvbarge. Houeo nnd lot , -V 1Mb nnd Nichol.i ! ) ; liouso und lot 15th and Dorcus. Win L Monroe , Ulh nnd Douglas. VSi T7IOU 17\7.K A barif.iinr Lot UUxllK , 2 bTooks' JJ from txistoinoo , fiO.OO'i , half cash. Mar- ehall & LobecK , room 8 Hodlck block. 213 BIJAL lidTATK BABHAIN Corner lot , 61 ft. IrontonSnunders bt , Patrick's llrst addi tion , 4-room liouso Ioi > J. ThU must bo Bold , owner wants money. J. U Bleu A Co. , room tl over _ Commercial Nat. bank. 337 TTUrt S\LI-TV/O oiofunt oAit-front corner JU1 lots In Burr Oak : lr.i.lo trees. llHtohor , ( luJiliCo. . 131U Uoutrliuat , MlllurJ Hotel Block , Omaha , Neb. W4 SALi-By the owner , A I1. Tukey , 13H Fnrnntn , ono of the bet east front lot * In I'lnco. Callntouco. A. I' . TuKcy. IJ _ _ _ "ij1ili SAT,1 ; n ( Tti lraliio lnt in llnn'fom Jy IMnco : torma o y. tl. 1' . StcbbliM. box j < rt. _ _ _ _ _ _ n o i a * _ _ K fSH .V sr.lilJVa biff real cstaTo ad cvory other daj. SL-O It. C9I HIM tOAIil ! Illirlicxt pround , hand omc t locution of any lots In or around Omaha. for Jiro mid JUS n lot. Coiuo nnd ! < oo thu RI omul. Ames' llcal INtato ARonuy , l. " > 07 1'nr- iinin , SOi IjlOll t.VLi : Nine S-rooni lioiM ( ' mid i I'urnp ? JL1 lol in Walnut Illll ! U cnsli lul. to ult. OalMartln 110S nth t. _ _ _ _ 4il ! _ " | > AltJA1N ( 1'nll lot on Wi'b Jor St. , between . ' ' 17th and IMh t . , 'J hou i- < , one of 5 rooms nnd ono of Oioom * : BOO ! imrn nndhade trcci , nml other ( tnprovcmi < iit < i prleo f'.OH ; on ytorm < . I'ottrr i Cobb , 1313 rariuini t. , Oinnlm , Neb. ! * Jl "I AllOKoltlo iiinXoiiiiiiirbiin bouu > < n np.-ot- .lJ slty nnd this elam of lots irroxn with tin- rost. Thlslstobo cdn ldct < l. See HIINdale nt Sl.V ) and buy ono when you can at this IlBiirn Ames' Ho l Ivitiito AKOIIOV , 1.VJ7 FArnnm st. Kill 1 > 1'.AL KSTATr BAIKlAIN-lloailtlful i-ornor IX lot In Illook O. I/i o's llr t addition north- onst front ( Hti ) : g tMl. unit oun. J. L Ulco \ l-'o ,1-ooin rte * ur Ciminoiohil Nnt. Bank. ; ut OMinml tiirra-lnurth nrro * iti Brookline nd- dltlon , prli-u JSV ) . 1'ottor A Cobb. 1315 1'ar- imii t.Onmla ] , Nob. S-l I'fAf "KSTATI : ngonn 1'Jln street and U. 1' . trauk.nt a bar- pain. .1 L. Ilien A Co. , Itoom n , over Coinincr- vial Niitfonnl Bank. iU'J FOU S.VI.i : Ito.iidenco property and vacant lots In every nddltlon In Ointiha. TornH to suit purohnsor. Also diHlrnhlo bn-iliios prop erly. ( llbson , Larson A Co , Uoom ! I , Wit linoll lllock. 'M ' \ SKLUY'Sbiff rent oMato nd every It ) other day. See It. SSI RUAL KSTATK IIAUJAIN-Cor lot on Siil nt. , I'lainvlinr ndd only $73) ) .1. L. Itlco A Co. , room li over Commercial Nut'l bunk. 470 _ EAVIINfH'mtTlf 8T.Tt7Tr.Traekaito , ono or more lots or nnncrn. at ajrroat Imr aln. See JV , IAXTIUI , nt Loavonvrorth lliitlnusi I'laeo. or . . W. llakor , Itoom 7 Iron Bank uullillnif. 3J _ _ "IllOK nAljK lr ) xchinifO lor irununVT inur JI cliiiMllo'i ( ) ) iicriH finally Itnprovod bind In Southern town , iidjolnintr county sent ami rail road , In Uccatur county. Has n Him 0-room house , largo b irn , M-foot shod , Rood well , sprlnif and running ivator ; 100 npplo troochurrlo * , Krnpc.'i , otc Bernhard Sachjo , ! 3H S. Uth st. , Omaha Neb. OIU H Oils US Lot8l-"ni-ni8l.nmU inonoyloino llcinls , liith and Douglas strooH. 471 HUAH. UAH. : land In Knnvnnd ( "odarco miles. Nonmska ; 6'4 ' Per aero cash. A. It. Crnhain A Co. , Wlsnor , Nobr. _ tiy S-ji HlLl.SUALKhas ndvantiiROi which can't bu bcnton Dy nny location. Wlion you BOO thu lotayou wllladinltlt. AiiifB. 1537 Kiirnnm. EOS ) _ ovvi , INC ( ; KIIN : lots , sino. 10 pur cent B ca li nnd SI per month , Marshall \ Lobeuk. IU ! ) _ _ _ 1l ILLSDALrVcs , tliat's the name , nnd tno * - lot < t soil for $150 to f 175 on uasy toriiH. HaVe you f-een this irrouiul ? If not , do at once , as it costs nothinir to rldo out to tnis beautiful location. Amos' Uoal Kstato ujfoncy , 1507 Tar- nnni. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iL ! _ F' 'oil SAIi-lowlliiir : ! ( ireoulolfl ut 8150. 10 per cent cash anil t " > per month , Kasy , nnd Buroto ilonblo in n year. Pco this flno ad dition acd secure u few lota whllo yon can got first cliolce. Miirshall A Lobeuk , Ant'iils , 018 lolt Farnam slroot. SACHSSlMtoiil Kstato.317 S. 13 st , has for sale : .Milk dairy , ( rood payluir business , 15 frpsl : cows , 4 horne3 , 1 ilullvury wagon , 40 nilllc cans , tank , otu. Can rent or buy the property where It is on. -0 acres pasture , $ iOW , 't e.ish ballyuar A great bargain. &X > HlLI.SUALi : Von can flint no such lots as tho-o at f InO nploco. Amos' Itoal Kstnto Atronoy , 1507 Knrnam st. _ 8H _ TT OllHALIBowllnpr : Orcon lotsntSIW. 10 JL1 per cent cas-h and S3 per month. OITers the easiest and sui est Investment to double your money In a of uny pronerty In tlio suburb an market Lot usshowyou this flno property- Miirslmll 6. Lobock , Agonts. ICiO 1311 Fnrnnm street. B SAPIISSr. Beal Kstatoai7 S. 13th St. , mis for sale ut a bargain : improved and unimproved farms In No- brngka. Kour 1-1 sections In Douglas Co. , $10 per ncre. ICOacroiof splunilldfann land , all Improve ments , In York Co. , S3) ) per ncre ; also crops , vrniludtilock ni'.d f urnlturo forsalo. Only for a htiort ilino at this price. 1-4 section In Furnace Co. , cheap at $1,090. ft ) iieros. Hurt C'o. , $2" ) per ucro. 30' ' ) and. 100 aci os In Nanco county , Sli.30 per ncrtv : i,08J acres in Antclopo Co. , S15 to $ .10 per acre. 1UJ acres in Madison Co. , $10 , or ovclianprofoi- city property. A line fiirin of 200 acres In Decatur Co. , la . ? 0 per aero , or will trade for gonunil morelinndlio. Also 1 arms in Kansas. II. SACHSSi : , J117S Wth Btroft. U-0 F OK. SALK 2 nnolots.Donncckon's addition , near Walnut Hill , must bo sold inn week. Theo. Olscn , 218 South 15th street. 378 HI UAL ' HIIMJAIN 45 foot , east f rout business lot , uornor alloy. South I0th street , Rl.OOO. .1. L. Itlco i : Co. , Itoom 0 , ever Commorclal Nat , bank. ! I41 _ HIJAVY'Bntns In population pushes Omaha to the front. See Hlllsdalo lots that jou can now buy for $150. Pick ono out. pay for It In installments , und soil It in n your s tlmo for twice its cost. Amos' Heal Kstato Aconcy , 1507 _ _ _ _ AVEyou Eoon llllladalo ? If not , do so nt H once mid pick out a. lot for $150 that will not only mnko you money but help you snvo Borne. Amos' Hual Kstato AKcncy , 1507 itarnam Street. M'J _ \ ) SALK 12 choice iots In Saunders & HlmolmiiBli'aadd.10Uto3r each ; easy terms. A. II. Brlifffs , Siixo'slmt store. 70S "BAVTKSTATK AitoAiN-ia3 feot. east front , South 10th street , $ S,000. J.L. lllco & Co. , lloom 0 , ov or Commercial National Bunk. Uil ! EIAL"ESTATK BAitaAtN-Fiiu lot on .lack- son Bt with improvements ronltf for * 1KJ per month , near St Marys ave , $ HDOO , $ : imw cimli , bal : i yoors. This is n i > osltlvo bar aln for a few days only. J. L. Itlco & Co. . room 0 over Com. morclal Natl liank. _ 475 is it your neighbor tins mndo money ? HOW having courugu to buy choup lots. You can do the sumo In Hlllsdalo , wlioro lots now soiling for $150 ouch will brlnir double that in n year from now , Ames' Beal Estate Agency , 1507 Fiirnum sr. 8U9 _ . . : HoiiRo , II rooms , city water und POllS.VI.i , Irom 1' . O. , I block from bt cars , iir.'co ' $2K)1 ( ) , small payments , balance monthly. liiqnlio rooms 1 and 2 Omnha Nat'l banlc , _ Hill _ T > i\II-.MBiK : ; : now U the tlmo to buy cheap - V lots. They glow la viiliiu faster thnn any othoi-fl. SOo llllladalo. Lots $15 ! ) oueh. Amos' Iloiil listato Agency , 1507 rnrnnin. _ _ _ ll7L81)ALi-I ) : ) ts only $151 to $17 , and will bollfordoulilo thlx llguro in 12 months' tlmo , Coinoiind see them. Amos' Itoal Kstato Agoiiey , 1507 I'ariiuni st. _ SO'J _ TTIOIlSALlJ WoTmvlTilxtoon lots In Haw- -L1 thorno addition thnt wo will sell : host and cheapbst insldo property In Omaha. Uudfnrd tt Bauer 755 _ _ T > KAL ESr'ATR HAHQAIN. Lot SIxlK.on -IX Davenport hot. id and 21th btreots , with n-rooni cottage , will ho sold this week for $1,500 ; two-thirds cash. J. U Bice A Co. , room tl , over Commercial National bank. ny > _ o'it SALK 1 of the best lots In Wnlnut Hill. F must bu sold In 11 wook. Thoo. Olson. : ! 1S South 15th. < .37 ill _ " XTUA SPKCIAL BAKQAINS olTorod by lliitchor , Gadd A Co. , Mlllard Hotel lllock. Choice lot IMxST'.i ' fnot , Miller tc Caldnoll's addition ; u bargain at $3,4CO. Neat now cottage with two lots In Wulnitt Illll : splendid Inn gain , $2,100 K east front lots In Wilt-ox addition ; very cheap and on easy terms. 1U lots In West Omaha , $ IOW to ftnOO. Illlnahuginegt loin , llth and B.inuioft , near Vloton ; for nil (1.000. First-class bargain. 2 largo lots Iflxl'li , 21st und WolMtemt * , ! th two olegnnt rojldonciis. all modern convonlon- CCH , S2I.OOO. California and 23d gtroots , 142x132 fcrt , rinlv : ? bloeUs from ouru ; when Fnrimm extends will uu onu block : line bargain , $14 0) . -.VI choice bUFlncm and lusldenen lots In South Omaha ut bai gains. 3 splendid Iota in Melrose Hill J'JW. Hasy Calkin's snbillvlalon to Moyflold , lots J203 to jrsno , Kasyturm . Lift your property with Hatchor , Qndd A Co. , Mr.notol block. _ H - H ILLSDALK sells nt f 15' ' ) per lot. tTlOUS.VLIJ 2 linn lotB.Donneukon't addition , -L1 near Walnut Illll , tnuit bo sold In K > viiok. Thoo. Olson. 218 eolith 15th Mrcet. 37JJI _ 'D K A L laTATK If A 1 1(3 A I N4 1 foot fronton Jli Furimm st bet Uth and 12th. wi'.h B-story brick block , paying high rental , value 'W W , cash. J. L itico \ Co. , room 0 , over Commer cial Nnt. bunk. * "l Ti IAL : F.STATK BABGAIN-.J south ll lots on Burden street just oil Hmin lei ! . 1'atrlck's 2nd addition , can bu li uhtlhU ; wctnk ut $1,350 ivicti. 5itiO for thf Ininch and aru a desired bargain , only $3V ) ca h bal Syvnri. J. L. Itlco &Co. , roouiC overCoumarsinl Nut. luiuk. 3J3 1.IS1 OK VOl'KUS Ulstrlot of I'Vinrlh Wnrrt. ( iit tivt > l ! ) ' . " Allen 1' H : tl ( ) N Mail AilliT KStWrt DotlRi' Alf\itatli < r A M ' , " . " . ' N Atul ( < r ua N ( ' ' 'ltlt nail D.tvcnnort Ahl < iuistiV ( 8 : > S CluouKO Alton t" ( } tifl ! ) Cap : ivo Aiialc W U l.-iO-'i I'ap ave Adams ( S 1) ) l.Mt Poiltro Anilorsuti .Iilui 2.V.W C'liit-ngo Hrosu'li J ' 'I''O ' Doiluo HODKS ( i N OiKW Doilm- Kanis Siiiniicl 17'Jl Doiluo llrash Lewis i''OH lodyo ; llackiiiirlitini I' 'JUS Duvonport Ui-alsS DSI1H Davenport Hoyd , las H unH Davenport Iliu-k Trunisni y-'L1 N Mini Uuniii'tt h M . ' 110 N S'Jiul BloinbiT' ' ( "luis ; ? iW Davenport Bullock P l"J2il ( Dnvenpott Hi-iihow PT171S Capitol Hrown Clias N SOU Uapitol Hureliinort' Tlius illJ ! C'hieapo Marker ( too K 'J'J'll ' Davenport Hiorbower K L lIHh anil Davenport Hrooks 1) ) ( . ' 1S15 Davenport Homier W 11 ini.'i Davcnoort Billi ; Jo.soplt 171J Davenport lionowitxo .1 K lllii ; Doil o Uurroiighs K W 1017 Dotlao Honlen Antlruw UHW Dotl < ; ii Ulsliop A II 101 ? ChiciiKO HoimlTJ2l3i ] > nvi'niiorl llarnoy C ' . ' 08 N lllth Huclitcl S A Kith and Dodno Borllu II S 171S t'apitol Bnrelunoro TV SlliJ Chlcivgo Bnrchmoro , lolia 'li ; ! Cliic.-i o Brislttllll 1711 Davenport Brattoii 10S1 Douglas Hi-own Chut ) . ) 2431) ) Davenport Bors Andrew 17tli and Capitol Barry William loth ami Dodge Burton Joseph K Sutli and Davenport Bray 1 N ltU2 Douglas Broach A W 2'JO ! ) DodRu B.Vtird John lth but Podgo and Cap Brennan Thomas Dodge and -'iul Botsford loth and Cap ave Hyurly Svlvestur 1011 Dodge BridKus \ O CreiKhton Block Brown Win l. ith and Cap ave Bnrnus Joseph 'Jltd nnd Caj > ave Clarki ) John M Kit ! ) Capitol ave Campbell John 170)5 ) Dodge Carter K B 314 N 23ml ConklinK J U 1710 Capitol ave Clark SH H 11122 Doilge Congdon I H llU ) ) Chicago Congdon I E Kill ) Chicago Creijih Tims A 3JJ27 Capitol ave Chandlnr E B US N 18th Cooluv trunk 1912 Dodge Can- William 1010 Dodge C'ottor ( Jarrctt 2J111I Chicago CampOoll C H 1703 Dodge Christianson I'otc.r 2fd ! and Capitol nvo Charles Lewis12IN ! 10th Cooper Jcrumiah 1010 Dodge ( 'oojicr Edward I'.HO ' Dodge Chnstio J B 1810 Dodge Cnrtwnght T I' : ! 0th nml Davonjiort Cniieck Thomns 80th and Davcnjiort Cook O W lll ( Dodge Castorton C 2210 Cap avc CraillcCKlOll Dodge Cook E b' 11)21 ) Chicago Collins John T 21st nnd Chicago Chapman E B 2410 Davenport Coe C M 10th and Douglas Crap E O 15W ( Cap ave Christiiincy ( i A C 2424 Dodge Cowing Pliilo 1IKJ3 Davenport Cowing Clias II1023 Davenport Dwcr W M 2410 Chicago DicKey J C 10th and Dodge Davis'O F 1812 Douglas Denul C P 1)00 ! Dodge Deuul H P 1DCO Dodge Deuul C S 1000 Dodge Duke E T 2008 Davenport Dougherty John M 115th and Douglas Dickey WL2t21 ! Dodge Dcnise J C 10th and Dodge Drake Luther 1701 Dodge Uinsmora C M 1721 Capitol ave Danbanm Lynian 1518 Dodge Donoghuo A ICth nlid Douglas Dpnnison Y D ICth and Dodge Dinobier Joseph 'Mil and Davenport Do Moss C 10th and Dodge Day George A 2141 Davenport Dnko John S 2008 Davenport Davis RC 11 IN 10th Ellson William 1010 Dodge .Knstis P S 2td : and Capitol ave Edwardson Frank 1810 Dodge Edmiston A W 101U Dodge Edson G I ) 101 ! ) Cap ave Edney J A 2421 Chicago Ferry < ; E 1018 Capitol ave Floyd J 213 N 18th Frcnzor Peter 24th and Capitol ave ren/.or John 24th and Capitol ave Frost Goo W 2031 Chicago Foster Hyde 1814 Dodge Flynn John Croighton Block Foster J W 18H Dodge Frost Harry 2olO Chicago Ftmkhonsor Leo P 1514 Dodgo. Fleming K II 100 ! ) Davenport Fnirohild E N 313 N 22nd Foil N P Cnsighton Block Fonda T II 2488 Davenport Flynn John N 1718 Dodge Franklin W B l.r > 12 Dodge Grillith James 1712 Dodge Goldsmith M 102J1 Dodge Guiou C U 201 N 10th Graff Gee S 2118 Capital ave Greene ( I L 20th ami Davenport Gray F W 2022 Douglas Grounsell James 1010 Capitol nvn P. BOYEB & CO. H0J'sSatesVauitsTimelocks ! ' , and Jail Work. 1020 i'anmra Street , Omaha. Neb. lu the city can bo obtained by patronizing the GJiO , W. NUJ Keno but oxpc-rionced hands employed. Out of town onleu by mall or ozprusa aollclted , and al | > vork wa rrnnlfd. A STAN'DAHl ) MKDICA1VOHK FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED 'MEN ONLY SI IIV MA If , , J'OSri'AH ) . ir.I.USTHATlVU KA3irit ; I'UKJi TO ALL. KHQW THYSELF , Kiliuuitix * . Vltalltr , Nurrouin-id riiyilciil nnliillir ruiimturu liooUno In Mini , lirrort nf Voutli , mid tlm uiilnlj ciUfrloi roiulilru fru-n Inillirrelliiii iiml v UI > IPI. A book for on > i.r mm. ; ymmK , mlililla niiC I undo ! I. It coiiulni la | > ro crlpti < > iii fur nil ariiiuan.l chranlii1i < iufei. o it'll on of whlcli it Invithmble , ho found br tlid auiliiirwli'jo * iMp'rli'iico turil jro.inli 3111 1ciruhnbljr iion'r bnfore full ID Mm lot nf miy iili7 > leliD ; SU pavui , bound In bountiful Kroiu'li 111114. Iln , cml'OiioJ niviirt , f.ill Kilt. u nintHo 1 1 do H llu'- ' xrrr'x luurory loiun lacjiiialcnl.llturiirrnnd iJr'ifoj- rl'inallinn nr other work In this country for IJ.V ) , nr llio tuoiior will bi rolnnilod In nrnry liitfinr . Vrl'aoidi tl bjr nmll , i > o ii > 4l < ] , llluitrali > d i > tmpl , av. sor.a now. ( iol'l rncilal a arl d tha milliur br rlitt Nullonul llfUlcil : Axorlullon , tn lliu II in. A. V , ' . . 'j"Ul ikf ttio l . llifti'll. .mil : if i > f of tojr tliu ro.nler > t ri' ; iclMulr | rofurr * . ! . Viir bcl n < on ( M ( t worth more to tin rnunimnd mlildlc-flEP. ! m not Hill vi-ucrjilon tli.mull llio t ! ll tnl'144 nf California and lli ullrer mluai ol Noru'ln ' . iiblnnl. . < ) . V. Chrniilrlt. TliaSclcucoof Llfo point * uiiltba rockminlqiilek. MiHi on which UIP roniiUiitlon nrt hopnt ot m.inr rouuif tminhiTtbein fiUullr nrutkoJ.-llanclioncr * Tli bd nee ol Ufa U of Creator value Hi an all tha inu'Umt wor nbll hBil In tin * country furtoopjjt _ ye r "Atlmila ( ! .in lllutlon. Tli Nclenc of Life UHiupeib n < ! nmtiortr trn u un norroui nut ! ilobilny.-Ujirgll l-roo ' " 'Add'roM the 1'onboily Hod leal Initltut * . or Dr. W , U. PnrKor , N' ' > . 4 llullilucli ( truol , ll'iiuni. ' Man. , who m r bo tou ultoJ on all doivutoi rii'iulrlaikill ' and civirlonce. C&ruiiU n. | oliitltulo Jl .nc li | t T Jiilil itii > illl of 'ithar ptiril cUai t > p c- if. < ii-t > irotJl t > > ' : ttttt\y \ wil liout u/ ! vcoat UtU-j asnilja u.auua Um * CHICAGO AHO Council Bluffs And Chicago. Thnonly IO-H to Inko for DPS Mnlm < , Mar- Plmlllo\Mi. OdaiUup'd * . Clintnii. Plxio , Clilon- mi , Mllwmikeo utiil nil points east To the pee pie of Nebraska. Colorado , Wjnmlnir. I'tnn ' , Idaho. Nevada , Oroiron , Wmliiintloii mvl ( * foriiln It ollerssupi-rior advmitiuus nol possible liv aiiyothor linn. Atiionir n few nf tlio numoioilspoInU nl sut'O- tlorlly enjoyed liv HIP patron * ol ( III * rend bo- in mm Oninlui niiii Clilengo , are its two trains n dnyol DAY 1'OArlir.rt wlilHt nri < tlio finest tlnit hntiinti nrt nnd inirenull yean ereato. Us 1'AI.AOi : .SLUKIMNU CABS , which mo model * nfoumlort und ulpKiinre. IHl'.MU.OH IMtAW- 1NI ( UXM ) CABS , unsurpassed bv nnv. nml Its widely i-elobrntod PALATIAL UININO UAHS , thnoiiualof which cannot bo found iMnnnlioro. At Council llhlll"s the trains of I lie I'ntoii Pttci- tlo Ity. connect In t'nUni Depot with tlioso of tlio Chicago A Noithwpstoin By. In Chicago the trains or this line miikoclolo connection with tho-e of all eastern linos. , _ , rnrDotioll. Columbus , ItnllnnnpoH * . Cincin nati , Nlnitnrn Kall . llnlTnlo , I'lttfthurir , Toronto , , Boston. Now York , I'lillmlolphln , 111- tltnoui , Washington and all points In tlio oust , thn tluknl iiaont for tickets vtu tlio If you with thobestnccmiimodHtloni. ngenth mil ) tickets via this line . JI. IlimillTT , It. H. HAtlt , General Manager , Oon. Pa 3. Ago WHO IS UNICQMI1TCD WITH THE dtOQMrHr Or THIS COUNTRY Will 3SE BV EX4MI4INa THI4 MAP THAT THE TIltwATlft . _ V pvina r WISCONSIN CHIOAGO.RODK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY Vr rnftRon of Its central poeltlou nnit rloim relation ta ell principal ilnn HMt and Wot. at Initial and ti % tnliiMl i > olnti , ronitlUttnB ttio inoit Important mlit eonllnunlnl link In that nvitfm of through tranj pori Catlnn which influx ftiiil l rllUiMi- travel anil traffia i > lwe ii ollloi of Ilia Atlanllc nnd I'xoinr Cnnnti II l > nlin the fuTorlU and li l route lo anil from polnti , N rthpat nnd .Southron , ami corrvipondlng puInU Weil , Northwpit and HouthwcBt. The Croat Rook Island Route OnarMitrM ll pntron * thnt t n * of ptrroiinl tccn- rltr attnnlml by u > ! U1. tlntroUKlilT tiallnl i1 roiiil- UM , ninooth tr cki nf oiulmioiin mprl ran. mbitan- tlullj iitillt riilTiTtn nnJ lulilgi'i , ralllnR mock nt neat Htftctltia a hilnmu tklll CAU make It , thn tardy ppllanrn of patent liiitrt'rs.iiUtrnnnii and alr-lkrakri , nd that pfnctlnpillflolpllnn which aoventu thn prac * tlrnl oparallun nf all Its tralnn Oilier p | > rrUUIri of : hl rotilo nro Trnnnfora at nil conncctlnir jiolnta In Union Itaitots nnd thn uniitirpii < * ed comforti anil luiurlonof ttt I'luienitor Kiulpmrnt. . , lr > % 7 \ Jn.lv1 1 M"IIIWII I 1IIIII1KJI I - - - - . . . . . . the liito c ilcHlRn , ami futnptiiuu * L.U..N Car * . Invhl < * h < * UhoratolT rookfil mrnh anIflstirtlr eaton. IlKtwoonChlciKO ami Klll'inCllrpnU AU-hlson ale nlsu run tlio. Cclubrnted Kvcllnlnff Chair Curs. The Famous Albert Lon Route I" the illrnrt and farorlta line txtwrvn Cldcnirnanii MlniivnpollsnndSt I'aul.\vhoro connpi-tlDnininmado In Union Dppflti for all point ! In tlui TprrllorlM ami lirltlili I'nirlnrM. Ovrr this route r t Kipmi Trnln are run to the wnterlnif i > l rti. > nmnu < r r - sorlH. plrtilrAmiun lornllllrEi. and hunting nnil llHbllnz Kronnilxor lowrv nnd MInnpintH. It In ulflo the monk deslntlila rniita tn the rlcli wheat Ililill nnd paitorai laiuli or Intrrlor nnknti Mill anolhor DIKKCT LINK. Tin Kcnacn And Kan- kakKtt , ha boon opmied l > t < tweeuIntlnnitl , InOlan- apulla nnd LafaretUanil Cotlnrll lllultn , Knnnaii CUT , Ulnn ( > api > tl and Ht. 1'mil nnd IntvrniiMllatu polntn. tor ilotAlUnl Inrormatlon poe Map * nnd Foldfr * , obtnltmtilu , at "oil an tlck U , nt HI principal Ticket Olrtct * * la the United Utatod aud Canada ; ur JJJT atl- droaituic R. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , I'ros't Jt Uon'l M'c'r , Onn'l TM iX. l'a s. Aett Nebraska National Bank OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus. 30,000 II. W. Yates , President. A , E. Tou/.nlin , Vine President. W. II. S. Hughes , Cashier. HiiiEC-rono : W. V. Morse , Johu S. Collins , II. W. Yatcs , Lewis S. Hoed. A. E. Touxulin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IKON BANK , Cor 12th and Farnam Sts A General Hankin < ; Uusinoss Transacted. N. "W. HARRIS & Co. itAyifisita , CIIWAGO. Of Counting , Citlos nnd others of blKh gnidobought anil Hold Knntorn IH DevonslUre St. . lioHton. Correspondence - once xolk'ltcd. Railway Time Table OMAHA. The following Is the time of arrival and de parture of trains by Cent nil Standard Time at tlio local depotH. Tralim of the C. , 8U 1' . , M. Sc. O. arrive and depart from tholr depot , corner of 14th nnd Webstur streets ; trains on the 11. it M. C. II. &Q. and If. O. , St , J. k p II. from the . * : M. ilopot . nil othora f i-om the Union 1'aclQo depoL IlItlDQK TUAIN8. Brldgo trains will louvo U. V. depot at 0:33- : B7:3r-8)0-H:40-8W-IIlOuO-llou : ( ) : : : n. m. : 111:0 1:20-1 : : .50-2UO : 3:00 : B4UO : 0:00 : 3:30 P:10- 7:00-11:10 : : p.m. Leave Transfer for Omaha nt 7:12 : B8:15 : 9:30 : :42 IIIOn : : -10:37-.1117 : a. m.l : : )7 ) 2:132:37 3 : ; a (37-1:37 ( : 560 ; 8:43 : 7:20 : 7:50-8:5(1- : : ( 11:52 : p. in. CQJ JUUTJNQ UNn3f Arrival and departure of trains from the Trundfer Dupul utCounull Ulutls : DKI'AIIT. AltlllVB. CIIICADO , HOCK ISLAND & PACII'IU. > n 7:15 : A.M. I DUiir.A.M. II tins A. u. H 5:30 : f. M. CJWr. ( : M. I H7i : i > . u. CIIICAUO ft KOHT11WKSTE1IN , CUI5A. : M. I DUilSA. M. 1IU40 ; | > u. I 117:00 i' . M. CIIIUAOO , 11UIII.IN010N i. gtllNCV. An35A. ; M. AU:15A. : M. 11 U:1'J : ' r. M. JI u:20 : i > . u. A 7UO r. M. niicAnn , HH.WAUKKE HT. I'Atiu A 9:15 : A. M. I A 9:15 : A. u AB40l'.M. ; I A 7:00 : 1' . M KANSAS CITV , ST. JOB k COUNCIL A 10:00 : A.M. J ) 11:35 A. M. l' . U. WAIIlHir , 67 , 1.OUIS k A 3:00 : r. M , I AUWl : > . V. SIOUX CITY & A 7G31. : M. | A0:33 : A.M. A BSJSjU. . A BW : i' . M. " * " ' "Dcjinrl. JkVKSTWAIll ) A'rriVB. A. M. I' , u7 UNfON PACIFIC. /.M b:30a : . .1'iiLltio HTproii. . . . .Itenvur Kxpnnis. . . . .l ical LxproHi. . B. & M. IN Nl'.ll. 8IOa : . . . .Mall and Kzpruss. fli.'iii : . . . Nltcht K3Ciro8s | , . _ Iomirt. ) "SOUTIIWAIU ) . ' I * . M. MI8HOIIHI I'At'll'lC. A.M. li'.ioii1 . . . ! ) / KxpruM. . . . 02id ; . .Night KtpruBS K. CX. HT. J. & 0. B. 0 : Ja 6l"b ; . Via i'liituiiioutli , 7:01 7slO ' ' Dopart. NJltTHW'A'lfDT Auivo , A.M. . M. I C. , BT. 1' . , M , Sc O. A.M. r. if. Sioux City Kxpn-a * . , . lilSo'Ottklaiiil ' Aucoiiimod'niiuiiOa ; lAST\VAiD. { ' _ Arrlvo. _ _ "A. tl. I' . > l.T CM B. & Q. I A. > l. I f , II. B.KUl UOJ\'Ju : | I'hilUinuuth. . I VM7:19 ; \ : " "NOTK- t-alnid.illy . : I ) , d'lilly Wwipt Hum duy C , dully uxcept Saturday ; 1) , daily except ilonduv. sTScTcTA'aT/TiT-UNd ' will lonvp IT. I * , depot , Omalni , at fli(0 ( 7:35-- 10Wu. : m ; UiOO.Isffi 4OJ ; 6i ; H:00 : p. in. 1'nalllu Kxiiross. 8M p in. ; Ucnvi-r Kx lOsru ; Ixicnl Ux.,5M : p. in. Leave Block yuriU lor Omiihn at ViOWSiSQ Atlantlo'iSx ! . I S. ' 0. fHi.'m.j : ( /iiloair / < V.v. . le S. U 6:07 p.m. ; Ix > oal Kx , la. 0 , O. 1UM ; | Mo. I'BC. Kx.ile. 3. O. S:17 : p. W.I id M. I' . Kx. , 6:0'v : . m , Sundw.