Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Dclhcud by cnriitr In nnyprrtof the city nt
twt utj cents ) > tr week.
Jl. W. TIM ox , - .Manager.
nrfiM-t-sOrnrr : , No. 4:1 : ,
NIOIIT Eun on No.I. .
New York Plumbing Co.
New full goods ! 't ' HoHiir's.
Tlio Acrj host cnbinuU nt ! ? 3 do/on nt
( torham's.
Otic < lo'ii < rnMroU and : i largo. nancl
for $ ; . ' M at SrlmniUN gallery.
Tlio ( 'oiigrpgationallMs had a nlcnsaiit
f-.odal nt this homo of W.V. . Wallace lust
Dan Karrcll has been mat'o tli chairman -
man of tlio democratic congressional
\i. \ Baldwin rnniPinbcrs tln % jirosi nt
usual witli i < onilniHitnriis | ) ] to tlio Inua
Htato fair to be held nt Des Mollies Sop-
lumber II to 10 , inclusive.
Clark , of the Ilcrnld. is kicking about
foul water on Main street. Wntur ) > ily
tliat he don't kick about . ometliiug that
lie knowH .something about
lion Marks , who on Wednesday , in at
tempting to mount horseback , slipped
nnd badly sprained hi.s ankle , is slowly
iccovering and will in a few clays bo able
to bo about.
' Tlio cigannakcr.s of Omaba and Connell -
ell lllulrs are arranging to contest for
honors on the base ball Held. Tlio Hist
game will probably bo played hero Sep
tember 11.
Some sntMik thief got away with some
clothing belonging to two boarders at the
Revere lionso. I'urt of tin- clothing was
found in ( iillinski's place , having been
hold there.
Mrs. ( iroen and .Mrs Gibson , living on
tipper Broadway , got in to a neighborhood
rumpus , whlcn has led to tlio arrest of
both. They will probably be sentenced
10 listen to a lecture by the judge.
Tlio Council BluIVs dealers are finding
ji ready sale for the Arcadian Wankc.sha
ginger ale , which proves a. delicious boy-
crngc. The names of dealers handling it
appear in another column , and if you
have not already supplied yourself , doso.
P. C. Miller , the well known Pearl
street paintnr , has started a now enter
prise. Ho has purchased a mill in Now
York city , and now manufacture Ills own
paints. By buying the raw material and
grinding his own paint Mr. Miller claims
lie can compote in prices with the very
lowest of the low figures.
A now Union Pacific pocket time-table
lias been issued. the time
table of tlio Council lilull's .street ear
Jincs. I'or some time past it has boon a
"go-as-you-nlcaso" for streetcar drivers ,
nnd a change wliich brings regularity of
trips will prove a refreshing one.
'J lie cases of attachment against Cocko
& Morgan came up in tbe circuit court
yesterday. After a number of motions
and commotions among the attorneys ,
the linn allowed judgments to bo entered
up against them on the various claims of
the attaehintr eic litors. This allows the
shcrifl'to dNtriouto the money which ho
lias realized from the sale of the dry
goods stock , about $3)0f ( ) ) , and the credi
tors will receive it without further con
troversy. The firm will probably seek
new methods of forcing their claims for
ditmngo againt those who attached their
stock and closed them up. The sudden
dropping out of these cases , which were
expected to bo contested , loaves a big
gap in the docket of the oirc'uit court ,
nnd will enable many other cases to bo
disposed of in their places.
Klectric door bells , burglar alarms.and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances nt the Now York Plumbing Co.
Kid Gloves , Cc ! ) , Ilnrknc&s Bros.
Henry Atkins spent yesterday in Sioux
City , testing oil.
John Y. Store , of Glcnwood , was in
the city yesterday.
Charles Mackenzie , an attorney of
Dnulap , is at the Pacilie.
F. L.Clark , of Wells , Fargo & Co.'s
express , has returned from a Nebnibka
W. I ) . Cocko , of the late firm of Cocko
& Morgan , and now located at Kearney ,
Neb. , is in the city.
.John 'A. Miller , chief clerk in the oflicc
of Auditor Bedison , of the Wabash , has
been quite ill for several days.
G. B. Teedrich , of Kansas City , travel
ing passenger agent of the Pennsylvania
central , was in the city yesterday.
Colonel Nntt and family who have
been .spending a week past with his old
friend , Mr. Horace Everett.left yesterday
for tlio east.
Mayor Evans nnd his estimable wife
linvo returned from their extended west
ern trip. They report the trip as having
bcon n delightful one , tlio weather being
cool with the exception of two days when
tliov wore in California. They visited the
( Yellowstone , Oregon , Puget sound and
many points of interest. Moth worn im
proved in health by the trip , and both
arc heartily welcomed back to Council
'Bluffs. '
See the Gflo Kid Gloves this week nt
Ilarkness Bros.
Wants Ills Wife.
Yesterday afternoon a man named
Nels Nelson arrived in the city from Un
derwood , lie mis looking for his wito
who , ho claims , came to town with her
brother a short time ago. The brother
forgetting about her returned homo , but
iild not toll whore she could be found.
Tlio husband is accordingly looking for
her around the city , and desires the BKP
to say that if this should meet , her eye or
any person who knows of her whore-
ubonts he will be at the postollico to
meet her between the hours of 9 and li !
o'clock this morning.
This week for bargains in Kid Gloves ,
ncwgoods no old block goto llurkiiuss
Bros ,
Gone to Ashen.
Lust night about 0-15 : o'clock an alarm
of lire was turned in from telephone fti ,
nnd directed attention to a frame build
ing belonging to Alux Brown , nnd situ
ated near the fair grounds. Tlio house
was destroyed , the lo s Doing $500 , svith
an insurance off 100 ,
l < 'nr Halo at Cost.
My new honw in Council Blnll's.
ClIAb , T. OlTKT.U.
A SUtiirly Astiniilt.
Yesterday Jim Mclntosh and Ids wift
were before Justice Scluiiv. on the chargi
of assaulting Mrs. Isabel Mott. Mrs
Molt is a sister of Mrs. Mclntosh , am
they livu neighbors in llockford town
eld p. Tl.u trial of the case showed :
mere quarrel ending in an nsanult , bu
not a very fcurious one. One of the wit
nesses had to have a 'Sot-down" bofon
the justice oould got nt the facts of th
case , and then he decided that Molntosl
was not suilly , but that his wife was
The woman was lined 5 and costs.
"Substantial abstracts of titles anil roa
catato loans , J. W. & Iv. L. Squire. No
Q1 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. i
It Showed More Tenderness Than Did His
Brutal Confession.
One Sister ASH.I tilts Another Colonel
Krai Icy AVon't Throw Mud A
Jlat Tor a Home Personal
nml Oilier Matters.
Nervous Landlord .
Mr. Laird , snperintendeiit of schools in
Ills county , In company with a teacher
mined Klllson , had occasion to vih'l '
linden the other day and applied to one
of the hotels , there for led 'niK- The
andlord , not knowing them , asked Iliom
vhere they were from , and on learning
hat they were from the eastern part of
he county , made up his mind that they
vero a Binelliiif ; eommitteo sent to Miill'
lie Mimlen air , and sou if there was any
) dorofiin. Alinden has been subjected
ese many raids by the prohibitionists of
site that they are col ting very suspicious
if "cant cud1' folks , and alter learning
hat the o were from that locality the
andlord refused to let them have a room.
'rofo'-sor Laird had to hunt up an ac-
[ iiaiiitanco to vouch for his Doing a demo
crat , anil not a smeller In any sense. So
eon as this fact was established in the
amllord's mind there was room found to
iccomniodato him. Ka t-endors need a
Kihbport when they visit Mindcn.
Hard and soft coal , wood , lime , cement ,
etc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. No. C3'J '
headway. Telephone No. 1)0. ! )
Highest prices paid for county , town
pity and school bonds. Odell Bros , ite
' < ) . , No. 1011 L'oarl fctreet , Council lilulVt , ,
owa. _ _
Ills lint YVtiH IllH Home.
lie was c inrgcil with being drunk , and
is ho took his place before the bar , Judge
Vyles worth asked for his name.
"John Brown , .sir. "
"What's your nationality ? "
"American , sir. "
"Yes , I believe John Brown was an
Vnioricnn.herodoyou live ? "
'I'm living right hero now , your
lonor. "
"Yes. but where is your homo ? "
"My homo , judge , is wherever my hat
lanpons to be. "
"Did you got away from home and got
Irunk ? "
The follow denied having been drunk
it nil , but after one or two witnesses
lad refreshed his memory , ho concluded
10 was guilty , but wantccl to beg oil' .
"If you'll lot mo go , judge , 1 promise
vou I'll go straight homo , and not over
) ether you again. I promise sure. "
The judge saw the lint in the fellow's
ai > , and remarked , "If yon want to go
loine real bad you can put on your hat
nud go there. "
The fellow's face lighted up with a
; Icam of conitninglod triunih | ) and grnti-
uile , and he. jerked on his hat and mutlo
i break for the stairway. The marshal ,
vho had caught onto the judge's little
oku. also caught onto the prisoner , and
brow him back into the chair. The fcl-
ow looked surprised ami disappointed.
'I thought you said I might go. "
"You said you wanted togo home , and
von said your hat was your home. I sim-
) ly told you you could put on your hat if
, 'on wanted to go home. Your tine will
bo & 7.00. Can you pay it ? "
"No , sir. I bad nothing when I was
brought in but ton cents and a cork-
scrow. "
'A corkscrew ? Take him below , mar
shal , and register him as from Council
BlulVs. "
Ho Made tnc Train.
William Anderson , bettor known as
'Humpy ' , " on account of his always hav-
ns bis back up about everything , was
buioro the police court yesterday. lie is
in old-timer , who has the reputation of
) cing such a slick sneak thief that he
can steal the soda out of a loaf of bread.
lie has lately boon prowling about
Omaha , and giving Council Bluffs a little
rest , but bo chanced over here , and on
lis way up from the dummy depot is
said to have stolen a hoi > o collar from I.
( iillinski's buihlint : and sold it to Mr.
.lillinski's brother. For fear that he
might got into his old habits of hanging
about Council Blull'n , the judge concluded
to continue the case and let him go over
U ) Omaha to hunt up witnesses to testify
: is to his good character , with instruc-
lions to stay there until ho could find
them. Anderson hurried off , as he only
lind ten minutes to roach the train and
only a nickel in his pocket. Ho had to
steal something worth 20 ecnt on Ins
way to the depot or got left. Ho made
the"train. .
12 Cabinet Photographs i3. Quality
the finest. Shorradon , 817 Broad way ,
No Mud Throwing.
"What sort of a congressional fight is
this going to bo ? " asked a Jlic man of
Colonel Keatlcy yestciaay. "A mud
throwing onoV"
"No , eir ; at least as far as I am con
cerned , or have anything to do with it.
1 propose- simply to discuss the questions
which are of public interest , and under
no circumstances will 1 bo dragged into
any personal controversies , or pay any
attention to mud throwing. I never have
believed in it nnddo not now. I know of
no disposition on the part of others to
have anything but n square , fair race ,
and I do not believe there will beany per
sonal fight. I certainly shall not engage
in such a light under any circumstances ,
and 1 wouldn't go through buoh a con
test for the biggest ollioo in the nation. "
See that your books are made by More-
house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block.
Still Hilton' Body.
It is expected that the body of Still
Bates will roach hero this morning , his
brother , Will Bates , having bcon in Richmond
mend at HID time of the hanging , and
claimed the body. Arrangements wore
made for services to beheld in Richmond
yesterday , The body will be taken di
rectly from tlio train to Fairview ceme
tery , and if the body is in condition sn
that it can bo viowcil by the Inoud.s , tin
casket will bo opened there.
Still Hated' IjiiHt
A friend has received a letter from
Still Bates , probably the last one written
by him before his death , It is dated al
Uiehmond , Ind. , on Wednesday , the da.v
before ho was hung , and is as lollow.s ;
MY DKAII KIIIUND : I received your Kind
letter this iiioinlng and wastiuly elail to hum
fiom you. 1 tunell ; it present. 1 think thb
is tint last hitter I will ever write , \ouite
sired to know it 1 wus baptised. Yes ; I got
baptised day bufoio > 0btuidny , and 1 had 1113
lirst communion this nioriiluf. The vrk-s
told mo the oilier day that 1 \\v ;
thu kind of a man ho liked tt
talk to. He salil I had puiil goud nt
tunllnn to Ids lus'.ructlouu , aiiiilielloxcii now
I was a ti 110 chmtlan. 1 am so glail. I fee !
I'L'ttcr tliuu 1 c\cr illd in my life , ami 1 uu
40ltiK to my ovorlnstlni ; home or liuiipliu'ss.
Hid I think I will meet my mother in Heaven
My brother , Will , icaelicd hero ye.iteid.iy , nm
I was Kind to see him. Ho told nm hovoiili
tUcu : my body homo with him. They nre gu
tu ; to Like It to. the cHuscli lirU ami then t <
tuo depot. My biothcr will return your let
ti-rs. Jle bald ttie uewbpaper men came nei ;
iMtlni : him up > vhon tlmy lieurd he was It
< uwn , but \\hup he camu don n h'ero 1 toh
dm not tnsnyfl wnrdto the reporters , but
hcvuotliliii Ik-fore I awhlm , The ahcrltr sent
t had my children bronchi
ivcr to svo me , and Mrs. Hoover , my mother-
n-ltirt , came nllli them. 1 wnsglnd to C,0
hem. They did not know lye at firs ! uo-
cause 1 aui hnveljlcnn. ; but tiiey soon fojuid
out \\lio 1 was. I tilkOti with lH ! > m about an
lour , nnd then they went out to dinner. In
he aftei noon they were hroutit In to Kiss
no farewell. It seemed to me as tbouch my
\\otiltl break , ljut I knew I could not
lelplt ( ! od bless the poor little ones. The
slid iff took me nut In tuc jail \ ; ird , nnd then !
snt down In an easy elialrnnit my little
children Mood bv mo. one on curb side , and
> ut pictures vtcio taken. 1 nm to have some
> f the picture * , nail von can net one from my
HotliciMKMI he leturtis. I nm tiled now ,
and will have to stop. ( Jood-hjc-ror the
ust time. Your fi lend , N. S. BAILS.
Alt Alton I Avocn.
AVOPA , la. , August 'Jr. Kvorything is
liiict su\e the war against the saloons ,
vhleh continues. Injunctions wore
served yesterday , but owing to .some
error as to who the agent is , for the
wilding now occupied by what Is known
is the palace saloon , its doors are still
open. The rest , throe In number , being
closed. Thomas llardie ( brother-in-law
of the lain Heller ) is as earnest in there
) ro cculion as at first , and says the s > a-
eons must go , oven should it necessitate.
land to hand combat. Tune alone will
solve thu problem. Worn the interest
nanifesU'd by the clti/.ons in the closing
of them , it is evident saloon keeping will
lot bo as lucrative business as hereto-
'ore.Mrs. . 1 < \ W. lleldorman returned from
West Liberty , In. , Monday evening. It
s said she will endeavor to continue the
jiisiness. Everything having been left
n rather an unsettled state , maxcs it
even more dllllcult. Assistance
will undoubtedly be given , as
Avocu , notwithstanding its hard
name , is made up of people
who are ever ready to assist those in
Iroublo. Now , Mrs. Haldeman being
left with four small children to light life's
battles alone , it certainly necessitates
prompt action upon the part of friends
towards allcvintinir the existing embar
rassment , thereby enabling her to keep
icr homo and to continue the business.
Words of deepest sympathy to the sorrowing
rowing wife , and words of highest praise
of the one who gave his life in the per
formance of his duties , have been ear
nestly and sincerely given ; but now that
mi opportunity presents , there is no bet
ter way of showing esteem for the de
parted one than by assisting and caring
[ or his loved ones , bereft of his care with
out n moment's warning.
Mrs , II. P. Weaver and daughter , of
Oskaloosa , In. , were Avocn visitors Fri
day mm Saturday , the guests of Mrs. E.
1) . Hooper.
Mrs. C. II. Norton visited Oakland
friends Friday nnd Saturday.
Enos Givans and Frank Hurdcsty , of
Atlantic , Sundayed'm Avocu.
Dr. F. Xunton , after a resilience in
Avoca ol live years folds bis tent , prepar
atory to seeking a new licld.
Mrs. J. C. Het/.ol and daughter , May ,
returned Sunday evening from n three
weeks visit in Davenport.
J. 11. ( Jrcen ( the Union Pacific's popu
lar traveling agent ) and wifo. of Omaliu ,
who wore visiting Mr. and Mr . E. D-
Hoopes last week , returned homo Fri
day evening.
Mrs.I. . F. Loomis , of Shelby , visited
Mrs. N. D. Sun ford Fiidav.
Mrs. Dr. Bciihnm and Mrs. L. A. Ben-
linn , of Shelby , wore the guests of Mrs.
E. A. Consigny lust week.
Mrs. A. I ) . Packard and Miss Clara
Norton wore in Atlantic sight-seeing
Monday ,
In conclusion would like to call your
attention to the fact that wo do not object
Very strenuously to having anything that
occurs hero written in high colors ( that
so pleases the newspaper reporter ) , but
hardly think it justice to have everything
within a radius of six miles classed "An
Avoca Sensation. " as in the case of Mio.s
Agnes McDonald , who attempted suicide
wliilc in your city recently. The lady in
question is n resident of Corloy , six miles
north of Avoca , never having lived in
Avoca at any time. Now please don't
.substitute Avoca as the home of every
poor unfortunate. X. Y. Z.
Special G. A. H. Train.
During the G. A. 11. reunion at Grand.
Island , August 30 to September ! , inclusive -
clusivo , the Union Pacific road will r tin
a special train daily in both directions
for the accommodation of those desiring
to go. The train loaves Council Ulufl's at
8.08 a. m. , arriving at Grand island at
1:1)3 p. m. , and returning leaves Grand
Island at 0 p. in. , aniving in this city at
10:40 : o'clock.
rates , Real estate handled , In
surance written and all kinds of
bonds bought by F , J , Day No ,
39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs ,
Established 1881 ,
. BICE , M. D. ,
Or other Tumors reino\eJ wlthou
thoknlfoordnnrliiK-oI blooJ.
Over thirty J ours' practlotl experience.
No. 11 1'iMilSt. , Council Ululfa.
tV Consaltatiou fieo.
Justice of the Peace
( fi cccr Amrl
Pall Meeting.
TroUiii , I'lu-liig nml ICiiiiiiln
Tuesday , Aug. 31st ,
Wednesday , Sept , 1st ,
Thursday , Sept , 2d ,
and Friday , Sept 3rd ,
Including special attractions by Prof.
A. K. NVatkur'B world famous K\ciim : \
UO H daily nnd Halloon Ascensions by
1'rof.A. S. 1'urnur daily , in frotit of the
Otiu > r'attracUons in the way of snood
consisting of ccltibratcl ( horses from
Kentucky , Ohio. Illinois , Indiana uiul
Kcduced rates on till railroads. Comu
everybody nnd liavt ) a < jood timo.
For particulars , address
, ia.
Arc opening new mill bountiful dcsiijitH
JJ rustic is ,
relret ,
Carpets , Etc.
For odious , , lodge rooms , Call
for prices at Hiirkncss llros , ' , 401
Are now arriving nnd in stork. Tri
cots , Flannels t'lisliiiieros , ntc Ex
cellent for travel Ing and full service.
] JInck Silks and in the now colors.
Quality the best nnd prices the lowest
for good gomls. hailies wishing relia
ble good < * will cull on Ilarkness Bros. ' ,
No.-101 Jlroatlwny , Council Hltifl's.
A few more of those Lisle Thread
Hose left at We. , in black and in colors ,
at HarkiicHS Urns. . Xo. 4.01 Broadway.
In many new jiattcrim nnd a largo
stock to select Irom. Door Mats , Ktigs ,
Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. . at HarK-
ness Brothers , No. 401 Broadway ,
Council Blufl's.
City" SteaT"L'ilrjl
No. fll N. Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Finest work anil , lowest -ircfifor
fine work. All collars < nul cufftt re
turned In collar i and cn/f bojce *
iwtlioittejctra cliat'iaidiicJt ( \ yitar-
antccti work in nafiic < ; < nliti6n as It
/races H.V. Out of town ardent rc-
celre saiiic attention itiid at mime
rate * ats city irork. < ' '
i ,
An excellent odiicntlonnl Institution , furnish
cdlth nil the moileriifimiHOvemcnts , con-
uctod by the SISTI5HS JJfDIlAHITV'.R. V. M'
rortcun ol tire months , $75.
Terras begin first Monday In September nnJ
drat Monday in February. 1'nr cutulogiios ad
dress SISTKU SUI'KltlOlt
FncslAcndo my. Council llluirs.CZl
Incorporation Nniiuo.
AHTICIjKS of IneorporJtlon of the Kcono-
mlc Mtrhtcoinpuny of NebrusUu :
Article I. The umlcisUned do liuroby ns < ; o-
clnto themselves together into n body corpor
ate , urdor tlio luws of tlio stnto of Nobniskii ,
to bo known its "Tho Economic liiKht Coiuimny
otXcliu Uu , ' and llh pniicliuil pluco ol but.1-
ncss Bhall bo nt tlio city ot Omiiha , In < ; iild state.
Article ) - . The object ol tlio Incoijmratlon
shall bo the tnuniifiictuio nml sale ol olU inul
t'as lor II.L'lilInt ; and Illutnlniitli'.R' purposes nnd
UKI inniuiiactui-lni , ' and lurnlahln ot llxtuics
and aiipllancos thcicfor.
Aiticlo : ) . The amount of capital stock an-
thori/cil , ghiill bo ono hundred thousand dot-
Inra ( ? 100,0iO ) , nhluli fhnll bo divided Into
ono tliouMiud shartB ot ono hundred dolluis
each. l$10U ) , which i-linll be tnlly pnld up nnd re
main f crovor ncm-iiH e-sublo.
Artlulo4. The hualncsi of the incorporation
flhnll ho managed by u bo ml ol directors , who
hhnll bo llvo In number , and Mockhnldors of the
lacorpointioa , nnd bo elected annually on the
tlrst Tuesday ot .Innuary In each year at the
repul'ir nnniml nieotlair of the i-tockholdcrs to
bo held on enld date at the city of Uinnhu , No-
Aiticlo 5. The corpoiatloa shnll eommonco
Itsbui-lncsBonthotltteonthdayol August , Ib ii ,
and continue for a petlod of twenty years
thereafter , ualc'-s t-ooncr dls olre I by Inw , or a
two-thirds vole of the oekholdern nt nny regu
lar racotliiK1 , one vote bolnif allowed for each
Bharo of sine' ; held.
Article 0 Tlio Hist board of directors slmll
consist of the following- mimed persons , vl/ :
Samuel Theodore , W. It. Itnthvon , 8. It John
son , Phillip Armour , John S llrady. who Minll
continue in ollko uiitil tlio IliM Tiic-dny In
Jnnunry , 1887 , and until their buccess-oia are
olt clod and < | imlltlfd.
Innueiliiitclv alter the orarnalyatlon of the
corporation , tha board of direetott. may meet
nnd adopt any rule" , regulations and by-laws
they may doom best lor the miiiaitfuracnt ot
tlio affair * of the corporation not Incoat-lstont
with these articles and may clmniro or modlly
the same Iroin tlrao to time as the interests of
the company may demand.
Article 7. Tlio lilRlirst amount of Indebted
ness to which the corpointlon slmll at nny tlmo
subject Itself , ahull not exceed the fluia of llvo
thousand dollars < f.1,000 > . ,
Article H. The nrlvati ) properly of the mom-
borstiiKlstooklioldcisol tlio corporation blmll
buoMjiupt tromiill liability lorcorporntodcbtg.
Artlclo H. The articles may bo aiodllled ,
amended or chiinsrcd or added to by a two.
thirds uitoof the stockholder ! ) of the cornora-
tion , ut any leifiilar mcotlnj , ' of the sumo , thirty
days notice bolnir Klven of such piopojcd
chunxo prior to such mectlaK , In such manner
n the bo ird of directors iau > pro'urlbe.
Wltnc8s our hmulsas sub'orlbers to raid artl
clcs of Incorporation , and us incorporatois
herein , this Urd day ot Aumit , 18bO.
ii. It. JOHNSON.
I'lin.i.ii' AiiMotni.
JOIN | .S. IlllAIlV ,
Nos , 1510-lC'Jl Douglas st , Omaha anil
No 231 Hrondway , Council muffs.
DptitUtry. No liumMiz ! fiu , Vltnllted
Air , Ktlnrand Cliorofcnu , l.l tlic-lralckenlnji cffett
molded by tlio most wonderful uiiuenltietlc. imrlfj-
ln tha lilaoj unU bill d nj up Hie tUnuei.
Omalia Dental Association , Solo 1'rop'rs
ColJ Cronm. Cold W M mid ( ' < mllnuuu dura
Tvctti , a epoilulty , llit let-Ill I0i ( uruiur rrlce I1J
Wholesale and Retail Grocers ,
II'AXTIW 100,000 MOltK crSTOMKIifl.
The WorUI'n favorite , I hut Inoli the < JOI.I > HKOAI * over
all I'ort'l n and l > onuistUt tiluyor Ales at
lite Xcw Orleans IXpositlou.
A most delightful beverage in cither hot or cold weather. BoltloJ dlrcc
at the springs in Wankoshu , Wls. , ami madi1 of tlio lltuMt freshly imported
laiiialca ( finger Root , the juices of tropical fruits , Arcadian Mineral Spring
Water and Loaf Susrar. Eminent nii'iUcal authority has nroiioiiiuTd it "the
most perfect example of an aromatic Non-Alcoholic stomach stimulant , while
as a beverage It is simply delicious. "
The Ideal Arcadian Lemon Nectar ,
Made from the puie , ppatklliiK1 Aiciulliin wixli'r , eomhlnod with I'rnlt .Inlcr" . 1'rillt AcliNiuul
hiiKiir. I'ompleto In ll'-elf. I'or lainllj un,1. plcnies , eto. Kelirslilnr and highly lieuctlelal ;
K.u-elli'nt lor the Mi-k loom. I or sale In ( o.inell 111 ml * by
II , T. Palmer , A. M. Hcardslcy , .Ion Driessbaeh , Kd. Daniels ,
11. A. Baird , I.V. . Klei'b , C , Dcctkcn , Taylor & C'alof ,
1) , (5. ( Morgan & Co. , S. T. McAfee , Iconic A : Met/gor , Tibbits vWard. .
F AV. Spctinan , .John Short & Son.
Kop nli > In Omaha In * Cheney .V Ol " ! Oli , I'liink Hopeis , J. A. Tnllrr \ Co. , fllaclxtonoltiim. > V
Co. . Mm Ui'cht , Win. rieinlnjf iV Co. , F.r'-llo.V I.eMIci , Ili-ni v I'lllidt. l > . W. Sa\i' , .la * . roi.-\tli ,
] ' . llariett > V Co . C. II. Mooio > V Co. , Iliiintnond \ Co , W. S. Iliildnlf , Sinltli , V Keanedv , ( ieo.
llelnuod , W. J. Whltehoiiso , O , II. Wlrlli , Dnunluv k Dally , .1. 0.'CH , Wileox \ . ytupheiii , T.
W. SpalTord X Co. , ( ! oo. Dltxen , Sehinldt A : Moeller.
$2-50 Per Doz. or 250 Per Bottle.
Jf. T. Clarke Dray Co. , Stephens , rocycl it'-1) inn inn , Jfrt/cr 0 Itaapkc ,
lie fant'n uracers , Omalia.
Brick buildings of nny kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in the world.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth StreetConnil Blnfls.
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Furniture , etc.
M. DBOHLIGH , 608 Broadway.
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Farming lands In Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranging
from ? 1.2G to ? 12 jier acre. School anil state lands in Minnesota on 30 years
time 5 ] > er cent interest. Land buyers faro free. Information , etc. , given by
T. V. Lanstrnp , No. 555 Broadway , Council UlnfTs , Iowa.
Established 1&7
KIN. Main St. , Council jllnflH , In. , anil
20'J S. I fit hSt. , Itoom 10 , Omalia , Neb.
JUtiiifactuicr'fi Affontfortho
TcnK Awnings , Hoofing Slate , Man
tels , I'late and Window ( Jlass , SIiow-
Cases. Klevators ( liand and liy-
dranlie , ) &c.
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes. hOMghl and Bold , at lotull and
In loin. rinuntlttos to select fiom
Foveial palisof llnoUilvers , sliiKlecir duublo.
Council Uliills.
Star Sale Slables and Mule Yards. .
0xjfcllo | | ] ) ummy Uejiot.
t und Mules kept constuntly on nand
for tali ) at retail or in cur loudtf.
Orders proraatljllllod bjr contract on bht rt
notice. Btoclc sold ou oomuilssion.
T BHLUTKlt li UOLUV. 1'roprletc/rfc
Kelophono No. 114. w
onueiiy of Klll { SALl ! STA11I.U3 , toroot
uvc. uuJ llh bticct.
.ffoiimaU , County and
Stank Work of nil Kiiuln a Spec-
Prompt Attention to Mall Orders
Koom 1 Kviu-ct IJIock , Council JJlulTs.
Standard Pavrs | Used. All styles of bind.
ing in Ma a/.incb and
( J. F ) . National llaak , M. U Smith & Co. ,
Cllbeiii' Hunk , Demo , WrlM \ Co. ,
Ir t .N'nlloinil llunlc , r. ll. Insurance Cxi. ,
lllo or & I'u-ioy.Hiinkorj.G. II. tjavinub Hank.
Reduction in Prices ,
China , ( lassware , Etc. ,
AtV. . S Jlcmer & Co's , No. M Muln st.
Council JiluflH ,
Creston House ,
Tneonlyhutul InCrnuioll Illnlfs liavlnj
/.ml all modem ln.piovuintiils . ,
-1V-'I7 ! ami SIO Main * l.
XO. 501) ifc 511 MAIX ST.
Daily receipts of new Kootls. Hats
Cans , ClolliiiiK , nnd n full line of Dry
ll of llio latest stales , ( . 'nil und
no-crsoss OF
ilhllltAl. Wfrr.KMBNTS.
DKIIU : : , WKLLS & co. ,
Agricultural Implements , Butt- ,
Cm rlniti'i.J-'to , Klc Cotinoil ltlutT , Icmi
MnVo thoUrlirlnn1 ami Complcto
Ha ? Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Pre& ,
No . ifot , rxn , twin mini ; , -outu Mum s
Council HuP ! , IOWB.
Mnnuf'r < nn l.totilioix of
Agricultural Buggfe $
ImplementsWagons , ,
CarrIHrc ( , nml nil klmU of Kiu-m Muchlnorr.
lift ) to Ilia South Mnln Street , Council Ulujlfv
F.O. ai.icos. . T. ll.nofnt.44 , fiitoTT
l'rcTrc.n. . Vt'riMnn. . Sw <
Council BluTs Handla Factory ,
( InrMrpnrntiil.t
Mnnufnctiirorsof Axle. Pick , Slocluo nnd Smll
, of ernry ilc'cilptloti.
Curtains Window Shade
Carpets , , ? ,
Oilcloths.Curtnln Flrturei , riiholstory ( looJj ,
Kte. No. 405 IlromJirny Couiicll Ulilfft , v
CIOAIIS , 7'OH.irm. K7V.
ri-iiKoy : ( ? & MOOKI- ; ,
\VhoIC5lllp .10lllCM 111 the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco
NOB. USMnlli nml T Voiirl Sts. Council
Fruit and Produce Commission HercliintJ , j
No. 141'eail St , Council
Wholesale Oils Paints Glass- '
Druggists , , , , -
Druggists' SnncliUM. Ktc. No. 22 Mnln St , iinjf'
No. ' . ' 1 1'oiul PI. , routiPll Illiiirs.
O.V. . BUTTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
Gcuurnl Commission. No DU Droiulwajr.
( "niincll
Frnits , Confectionery & Fancy Grocerla ? .
NOB. in nnd 18 1'i-nrl Pt. , Counc-il llluirii.
Joboers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholosiilo Liquor nonlor" " . No. 418 Ilrond-
wuy. Council I
Jlnnu'nrtiireri of nml Wholi > < iilo Do ilcra In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. KX > Mnln St. . Council Illnir.Iowa. .
Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gto783.
Nos. 31J nml nil nmul\vuy. : Council
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Woodstock , Council Illuir , lowu.
111DKS AXD ll'OOf.
J ) . H. McOANKLl ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallc-w.Wool , 1'elts , firo.i'oimj Kurj Council
ItlulT : ) low.i.
Wholesale Donlcrs In
Illuminating & Lttbrlcitittg Olh
B.Thcodorc , Audit , Counoil Illiiira. Town.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling ,
Ami Ilrldgo Material Spuclnltlos.Wliolos.ilo Lumber -
bor ot all Kinds. Ullico No. 1IW Mala St. ,
Council IlluUd. lowiu
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Airont for St. fiotthain's Hurl ) llllti > M. No. 11
Main tit. Council lllulK
Foreign and Domestic Wines and
-WdJil M. . fullllLlI ll'.ilju. '
Til ) Sh amer OLLIE MAY
Newly fitted up , and under the of u
skillful ontrliiL'i > r and pilot , is now nmuliiB pleus-
uro trips mi
Wo will lve eliRrlerrt I i panics lor one hour
oriuij lenirth ol lime deslifd.
Itates of i-haiter jtlveu unit orders taken at
ollli.eoJi ) Mains t. , between hour * 111 to 1- IL
m. J. . DA L'U A. CO.
Special ndvi-itlcomontssuch us 1 OFI. I'oiui
Tolin : , I'or Sale , To Hunt , \tants , Hoarding ,
etc , will buliifcilo.l In thi > ( oliiinn ut Iho lo\v
iiiluol"n.N'Cr.NTS : I'l'.ll LINK lortlio IliMliiMir
lion and I'lvu fonts I'erlilno lot eaeh suliso-jiieni
liibeit'on. Leave u.hci IHoini'iits nt our olUi-o
No. H J't-iil fctiet-t , nitar lliouilwuy , Council
IjllllJB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _
JjuWS.U.K-OrTiado A His nero farm , IIS
1 acre * und'- plow , U neics IIHBIIIH40 IHTC *
hay Kiounil. pooil h'iii oitnd harn. \ \ ill toll < .r .
1 1 inlii lor iiioiuhandl u. Ad lit-it 1 * . O. box 1181 ,
Coiinell llliilitf , lo\m
\\rAKTIl ! An asiMant rcioK at the Ojcdo
'I llotlrC. _
FOH SAI.K-U ) I iiuora. | la rimintltlufi to
a IJco nllloo No. 1 * I'i'.irl street.
in llio State and J'udcral courts
ilooms 7 and 8 SluiKavt Ulock.