Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' * X' f'WT" ' -T- J ?
Speculation in Chicago Baled by the Bears
With a Heavy Hand ,
Cornrollowfl9ult nnd Provisions Kun
In the Sntno Direction A Und
Day For nulls Cattle
CIIICAOO , Atizust 27.Speclnl [ Telegram
to tlio llr.F. . ] According to the custom of
the past few days , wheat on tlio morning
curb wns lower by several fractions than the
closing of tlio evening before. October
wheat clo ed on the regular board jesterday
nt 70 | < rt0c. This morning nt the open
bonrd cnll It was started at 7.i4 < c and closed a
shade below that figure. Broken ) who repie-
fient lliitchlnson nud somctfincs reprctcnt .V.
11. Heani were on hand at tlicopen board nnd
exorcised a very decided Inllnetico townrd
the downward sldo of the inniket , The be
lief Is growing that the bucketshops nro also
taking n hnnd nt mnklug a bear opening ,
though there Is probably no connection be
tween them and the big short crowd who are
now bearing things so hard. The rccnlar
board opening for October wns 7l > Yr , Corn
opened weak and Jfc lower at 43'Vc for Octo
ber. Cnbles rcK | > rt the foreign markets
steady itli prices unchanged , The receipts
were bS cars of winter wheat , 50 rnrs
of spring wheat , COS cars ol corn , 293 cms
of oats.
Values showed no improvement ns the day
advanced , but prices were steadily down
ward. October wheat , which started nt70\c ,
sold down to 7 Vc Inside of nn I .our , but nt
that figure wns strong , and urn und TO'j , ®
TOJ nit held fairly steady. The be.iis seemed
to have the nurket well In hand. In coin
there wns nn active scalping trnde in smnll
lots in tlio Hist hour after the opening , but
the tendency , ns In wheat , wns downward.
October sold down to 43c , which was J c
under the stalling point.
Provisions were dull , but values were In
clined to be steady for pork nnil ribs , nnd
Ian1 showed siirns of weakness. "Huteh"
otfeted January lard at 7Xc under jester-
day's close , and theru were few takers. Oc
tober lard and pork opened ' Ke lower. The
former opened nt W.OO nnd the latter nt
87.22 > f
It did not take longer titan the first hour to
convince the average operator that thu bears
were for n raid on the market. Not alone
did they put out additional short lines with
confidence , lmtMatleriiiL' longs dropped their
holdings with alacrity. The room caught on
nnd went with ttie tide. October whent ,
which nt 10:30 : hold at 7U. @ 7JUc , sold utcail-
lly down to 7sVc , which is a drop of nearly
JKc from the close last night. A
from ncross the water saying that
Enidlsh crop piospccts were much worse
than lind been reported put prices
im again to 7bJ/S7S ( ; < c , as the news came
from nn authority which the boys considered
reliable. At 12o : ; the market was holding
Bteadv nt TOJ TaJSe for October. Corn fol-
lovved the path pmsned by wheat with con-
nldernble exnetnes * . In' this pit , too , the
longs were selling out their holding ! ! , the
heavy leeeipts which the recent l.igli prices
have brought In proving nn ndditional diop
in their cup of woe. October sold at 4" ) c ,
or l > ic below yesterday's close.
There was ( pilto n dt'cline In provisions
consideiing the amount of selling done.
"Hiilcii"and Xat Jones were ollering Janu
ary fieely , but there were few buyers. Sep
tember , vviilch opcned-nt 37.22' , sold down
to 37.05. Poik sold off 5c tor the October
Cunn. 2:10 : p. m. October wheat , 7SKc
bid ; puts. 7Sc ; calls , TH TO'so bid. 1'nts on
October corn , 42)42.J ) < c : calls , 42Jil2J e.
CIIICAOO , August 27. [ Special Telegram
to the Uii : : . | CATII.K The market wns
quite dull to-dny and buyers had n chance
to pick out nnd cull almost to suit them-
pelves. Ceitnln kinds of tidy fat cattK1 , for
which tlicie was the most competition , sold
but a little lower , while socallud good cattle
generally sold lOe lower. ( ! rnssy nnd inferior
cattle were very badly neglected , but some
salesmen considered thatcommonish corn fed
cnttle were selling to better advantage than
high priced kinds. Coarse and grassy cattle
sold 10@15c lower , however , and trade was
dull at that. Among the very early sales this
juoinlng weroliiliilb steers at 5.00 , llb'J to
1238 Ib steers nl S-l.COS4.7ri , nnd 1012 Ib steers
at S4.10 , all Horn Nebraska , tat nnd of good
quality. The stiongth of the eastern ship
ping demand Is noteworthy , the shipments
to the east yesterday being the largest In this
year or last. Kxport trade is strong , a g at
many 1IWO to 1550 Ib cattle selling for
direct export at about S4.fiOf35.00. 15ut the
very best entile geneially sell for American
use. Thursday , lor Instance , near of 1447 Ib
cattle at $5.20 went to supply the New York
hotel trade. The market was very uneven.
Sales were made In some- cases not much
, lower and in others a grinl deal lower. Coin-
Jed Colorado * were plentiful and sold badly
nt25@40c decline from last week. Shipping
Steers , 1S50 to 1500 Ib , 54.40(35.00 ( : 120(1 ( to 1S50
Ib , S4.00 ( < M.40 , 050 to 1200 Ib , S3.00.ift. 10. Tlio
receipts to-dny Included nbont 2,000 Texuns
nnd l.l'OO ' northern rangers. The market wns
weak nnd prices uneven ! } lower. Common
to fair Texnns and poor westerns sold tnlly
KX : lower. Southern inngers : 438 Montana
Texans. l 5 Ibs , S3.05 ; 100 Wyomlntrs , 1123
Ibs , SU.25 ; 25 WvomiiiL'S , 1254 Ibs. S3.50 ; 120
Winnings , 1HO Ibs , § : ! . : ; 170Vyomings ,
ll'.O Ibs , si. : : ; SO Wyomings , ll 7 IbSt.fX : ) ;
05 Mi.ntana Texnns , ' . ! > Ibs , 2.bO ; U7S Montana -
tana Texans , 1020 Ibs , 83.15.
.lions There wus a better demand than
yesterday with sales ot coed choice about 5c
higher , common about the same ns yestoiday ,
yet values urn about lOe lower than during
tlio enily p.irt of the week. Hough and cdin-
inon , ineliuliiiggnis.sers , sold nt 5l.5 ! ( < f4.'jO ;
f.-ilr to good mixed , $4.00(1(4.75 , nnd best
heavy. S4.80a4.U.5. ( One lot of lancy heavy
sold at S.V05.
. . . . . York. Aucust 27. MovKV Kasy ,
ranging from 4 to 0 per cent , closing at 4
pel cent.
at 4fc ? . " > per cent.
tJTKiu.i.vfi EXCHANGE Weak , but nctlve
and unsettled ; actual rates , 4.bOll for sixty
day bills and S4.N % fordemnnd.
liovKimiiKNTS Governments were dull
but steady.
STOCKS Tliostock market continued In the
samu extieiiK'ly dull condition lu which It
has for somn days past. Intensive covei-
lugs of siiorts In Union I'.ichiu caused an
mlvauct ! of 1 ] > ereent. most ol which was re
tained nt the clo e. Thu opening was mndu nt
anadvnneu milling tiom S < o h per cent ,
tin ) latter In I'acltiu Mnll. Prices cnntiiuu'd
tirm and slight udv.tnces were made In early
dealings. . The market later became heavy ,
.imI closed on n rail ) geuendly at a fraction
bolter than thu opening.
J % > ce > U bonds. . 10UUO. &XW 114
l\4U' ! , liojj nreleired. . . 141
Xi'W-fs 120'tN. ' V. 0
J'acillc O's of "M. 12.f4 Oiecon Trail. . . .
Central IMclllo 42U I'ac-Ilic Mail a >
C. 141) ) $ I'.I ) . & K 2'J
juvferred. . „ 155 | 1M' . C 1H4
C. H. A-6 las Itock Island. . . , .
} \ L. i\sW \ UAS. F. . . '
. . i'JV
' ' ' ' '
Erls..J.\ \ . . . , . C. , M. , tSt. 1' . .
H prefened , . 120J4'
Illinois Central. j St. I' . A-0
1. . It. io pifferred. .
TexaI'acltic. . .
LaL-cSlur _ 0 Union i'aclflc. .
Jj. > t N 44 1' . 1'J
Mich. Cenlral. . . 44H ) preferred , . . 8311
ito. 1'acllic lW ( ii\\Vsteru Union. Cfi'i. ;
Koitl.ern 1'ac. . . 27 } ] O. , H. Jt N . 104K
picferred. . .
August 27 , - Flour Quiet
Riul nnrhaupwl ; winter wheat Hour ,
8 1.054 1. 10 ; southern , &V.KK.M.OO . ; Wisconsin
(4.00 H.tUiMlcliiganr.oft sprint whentS3.UXt $
4.10 ; Minnesota bakers. SlUAiM.lU ; patents ,
low grades , Sl.75 2.75 ; ryu Hour.
quiet at S3.25@5.50 In bands , and
S.20 In ticks.
Wheat Actho ; weak and lower ; opened
1t(2'iC ( below ye tcrday's closing , nnd elnsod
He lower ; cnsh , 76jpf/t76 ! / } < c ; September ,
70tt-iCc : : ( Jctobcr. 7S < MGc.
Corn Weak nnd heavy ; clo ed t'fc ' under
ye teulay ; cash , 40 0-lCc ; September , Jfc ;
October , 42 11-inc.
O.its ' 4r' $ ' e under vestordayr ; cashCofc ;
Septemher. 20c ; October , 27tc.
Kye Quiet at 50c.
Klaxectl $1.1031.10 > f.
Timothv Prime. SLUXgl.05.
Pork Declined lOOiaKc ; rloeed weak nt
Inside ligures ; cnsh nnd September , S'J.40(3 (
t'.4i ' < ; October , S0.50C < 4't.52' < .
IjAid Hioke fe , rcnctrd 5c , loncc'- futures
declined lOUrtPic ; cloeed eay ; ca < h and
September. 57.10 ; Octolx-r. Sfi.oo.
Hulk Me.its Shoulders. S" > .75'5.S7 ( > < :
short clear. S6.WX fi.r i5 shoit ribs S0.15.
Hutter Quiet but lirm ; creamery , l.VjJ
22'r ' ; dairies. 12 > ffrtr4c. "
Cheese I'lill crt-am cheddaro , S' SV p ;
lints. 8S , { tc : Young Americas , i'a'j4'c. ' (
K--CS 12wl2 c.
Hides ( Jreen salted , fully cured. Sc : lleht.
fv.isc : damaseil , 7c ; bull hides , 5fo ;
drv salted llotl c : dry Hint , iCl4c : ; call
skins. Vitlol'c ; dcnrons , 50c each.
Tallow No. 1 country , 3JiQ. .y/c ; cake ,
SJfc ; No. 2 , 3c.
Kecclpt1' . Shipmonts.
Flour. bbU 7,00u Ki.inX )
Wheat. Im 74.000 r > 5,000
Corn.on .mooo 175,000
Ont.sou syt.noo4om
Itye.oti 7,000 2,000
Ilnrlev.ou 60,000 11,000
New York. AtmtiRt27.Vhrnt \ HecclDts ,
210.000 ; exports , .11,000 ; cash Is down
tier closing nt S'Jfc.
Coin Spot , fully Ic nnd options } $ < &
i It I1 1/1 It 4 VJUJ'HJIIJ Ut I VK' IIIH * * > nJS4 * - *
Oats K'il c lower ; receipts , m.uoO ; ex
ports , 400 ; mixed western , WtgsJc ; white
western , 8 < X342c.
Petroleum Steady at 01Vc. .
Kugs Weak ; western , lii < < | 10Vc.
I'ork Uncliiingud.
Lard Lower ; wcstem steam , * > not 57 , ! > 0.
Hutter Quiet but tlrm.
Cheese Quiet and weaker.
Mthvatikcc , August 27.Vheat Weak ;
cash , nominal ; September , 70Jie.
Corn-No. 2 , 40Wc.
Oats No. 2. 25KC.
Uve-No. ' . ' , 5'5Kc ,
Uarloy No. 2 , .vs' ' c.
1'ork September , ? 'J.45.
Cluclnimtl. August 27. Wheat Lower ;
No. 2 red , 78it7le ( ! ,
Corn Lower ; No. 2 mlxetl. 43c.
Oats No. 2 ml vd , 27Jfi2j ( | { i'c.
Hye No. 2 , 54 > ac.
Lard SC.75.
MlnnenpnllH , Aucust 27. Wheat
Unsettled ; No. 1 hard , cash and September ,
7Cc ; October , 77J c. No. 1 northern , cash
and September , 74c ; No. 2 uorhern. cash and
September , 71c.
Flour Patents , SI.S034.50 ; bakers , St.SO@ :
Keoelpts-Whcat , 01,000 bushels.
Shipments Wheat , U.030 bushels ; Hour ,
29,000 barrels.
St. Louis. Aucust 27. Wheat Weak
and lower ; No. 2 red , cash , 7bil7S c ; Sep
tember , 7-C. !
Corn Lower ; cash , SSrii.'ibJi'c bid ; Scutum-
ber , 8S' ' ( %
Oats Dull nnd lower ; cash , 25.1 { < g < ! Gl'c ; , ;
September , 2."i3 c , nominal.
Kye Lower at 51l , < c.
Whisky 81.10.
Pork-Quiet at S10.15.
Lard Unll at S0.50.
Uuttcr Unclntnged ; dairy , lOglSc ; cream
ery , lb@Jc.
Now Orleans , August 27. Corn
Oats-Lower ; choice western , In sacks ,
Cornineal Steady.
Hog Products Dull and drooping.
Pork sio.aru.
Lnnl llefined tlerce.S7.00.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , SG.15 ; long clear ,
SO. 55.
KnusnH City , Aucust 27. Wheat-
Lower ; No. 2 red , cash , C. > c bid , Olc asked ;
September , C-i ) c bid , 04c asked.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 32c ; Septem
ber , : K' ' .
Oats Nominal.
Liverpool , Aiuust 27. Wheat In ) > oor
demand : new No. 2 winter , lirm at Os lOd ;
spring , tirm at Os 10d.
Flour In noor ' dmnand ; spot , tirm at 4s fctl ;
August , fn m'at 4s 4X < 1 ; September , lirm at
4s 5d ; October , lirm at 4s Oil. . - - 553
Toledo , August 27. Wheat Cash ,
Coin Cash , 42e.
Oats Neglected.
Chlcnso , August 27. The Drover's Jour
nal reports as follows :
Uultle Kerelpt * , 10,000 ; slow and lower ;
shipping steers. S:5.0 : < K35.00 ; stockers and
feeders ,'L40 : : cow. bulls and mixed ,
S1.50@.25 : ! ; biifk , S2.0 ( 2.75 ; through Texas
steers , S2.iOSt.5"i ( ( : ; western rancere , nat.ves
and half breeds , S.OOc : ! < tatO ; cows , Si50H ( >
a.OO ; wintered Texan * . 53.OOCiii5.55.
HOKS Uuci'lpts , 12,000 ; stronger : rouch
and mixed. S-i.)0@I.G ) < ; packing and ship
ping , SI.70&S.05 ; light , 5 .70W-1.0 ; skips ,
S2.5XW3.70. (
Sheep Receipts. 3,000 : steady for good ;
lower tor poor ; natives , S2.00g4.00 ( ; Texan ? ,
S1.7.X ii.OO : ; lambs , S4.05.
at Louis , August 27.-Cattle Receipts ,
2.0CXJ ; sliipinrnts , 1,000 ; common to choice
.slilpjilnc , S3.C54.75 ; butcher steers , S3.50@
4.00 ; cows and heifers , S2.25 < rt3.50.
llogh Kecelpts , 2,000 ; Blilpments , SOO :
butchers'and best heavy , S4.8.'KS"i.OO : mixed
packing , ? 4.o5Q4.75 ; light , S4.ooii4.C.5. (
KuiiBiiR City , August 27. Cattle Ke-
eelpts , 1,000 ; shipments , none ; corn-fed ,
Hogs Hecelpts. 4,000 ; slilpments , 1,000 ;
common to choice , 54.20(24.05 ( ; sklpsand pigs ,
Friday Evcnlncr , August 27.
CATTLI : There were no fresh receipts of
any acount. One load of corn-fed cattle were
ii'i-i'ived nnd sold at S4.15.
Ilofis Thu receipts were very light and
thu maiket opened dull and slow , l.atoln
the dav It brightened up a little and nearly
over ) thing was sold at a slight advance over
yestculay's prices. There was considerable
soiling done and ncaily every load had a tew
thrown out of It.
Sheep Then * Is no market.
uiciirTS. : :
Cattle 100
Hogs 030
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
Mock on this market.
Choice steers. 1850 to 1500 Ihs . S4.20 ® 1.35
Choice steers , liouto liJOO Ibs . : i.75 ( ! < 4.15
Medium steer.ViVJ to it5U : Ibs. . . 3.00ti4.00
Fat Ilttlo steers , line to 1150 IN . . . . it.o.Vu.1.8)
( iood feeders IXXJ to 1000 Ibs . u.0 < > (43. ( :
( ! oed to choice corn-fed cows . 2'JOj/3.25
Fair to medium grass cows . ZMin-J.fft
( iood to choice bulls . l.SOcu-j.JiO
Light and medium nogs. . 4.34.v : >
< iood locholcu hravy hogs. . . , , 4.40 , 4.50
Cooil to cholco mixed lie s . 4.2 < ) Ci < > 4.4' >
Fair to good shorn sheep .
Itnnso ol' Prices.
Showing the hlghcstand lowest prices paid
for mixed load * of hoirson this market d'tr-
Ingtho put heveu days , and for the satno
II mo last ycai :
Itcprcsctitutlro Salos.
No. Av. IT. No. Ay , IT
18 1'JS ) . S4.15HOCiS.
No. Av. Sbk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
W..K5 fcO S4.SO 45..e60 bO S4.45
CU..1U5 80 4.80 01..201 Itt ) 4.M )
: . . . .aw if * ci.'ia 120 4.50
01..231 iJOO 1.85 CO..312 190 4.0
68..271 320 4.40 51..330 bO 4.50
C3.V67 100 4.40 63..2AJ 60 4.50
01.,273 2&0 4.40 G ) . . .221 60 4.50
51 , . ,2i3 4.40 45..230 40 4.50
7 . . .217 4.40 72. . .235 120 4.50
5S..2bO 120 4.45
tunoxr OVTI.
6. . . . 150 120 83.75 0. . . 3T4 12054.41
0..1W S ) 3.7.'i 8..37a 2(0 ( 4.0J
5. . . .270 SO 4.(0 (
Iiivc Stock S.itci.
Showlne tlic number of cattle , ho ; * ntid
Fhocp turcliA tl by tlio leading buyers on
today's market ,
itoo < ,
A..T. ( irecnaniyor . 40
Anclo-Aiiiorloan . . . 170
(1. H. HiUiimontl A : Co. . . . . HID
Others . 12
Total . . . . 1,017
ol stock in tins market nro ni.iito
ixrcwt. ? live wlu'lil unlii'ss otherwise stated.
brad hoes sell aUft per Ib lor all \\eleliu.
"Sklii , " or lie ? * wclehliiE RMS tlnti 10J Ib *
noaluo. . l'reinautso\\aru dociieJ II ) Ibs
and t'nys ' to Ibs.
lloss ndvniiPC.
No rattle market.
J. ( . Ilnll. Clbbon , was here and sold two
loads of lions.
tk'o. Williams Norfolk , was here looking
after lior-i- " .
Jonns Kcklmtt , Kcd \\a3herelooklng
for-tock cattle.
Mlnke Aden. ( Jarrlsonas Here and sold
two loads ot hoi ; .
.M. Xclioii. Il.irtington , was In and mar
keted a load of hoi : .
A. J , ( iri'iMiainjcr was a heavy hog oujer
on the iiuifkL't to-diiy ,
. ) . h. Tewkstiary had clelitccn head of 12SO
Ib cattle on the market which brought S4l."i.
Mr. Oskntnp , of tlio linn of ( Jnthric > V :
O-kiiiii ] ) , Claiks , was \lsltnr ut the yards
.1. Hruton , manager of M. K. Fuller's stock
farm at Schuilcr , was louKmg arotiiul thu
yards to-day.
C. < ! . Mean * , of the linn of C. 0. Means &
.Sons , live -.took coininl-sloii denier * of Kan-
j-as City , was a visitor nt tlio yards.
On the maiket with bo < s : C. E. Welch ,
I'aplllionV. ; . E. Smith & Co. , llowaul ;
F. .M. Ho i inc. of Horlne llto" . , and Ab
Wairironer , formerly of Patterson Uio > . , live
. - > tock"coinmlsMon men of Chicago , have
formeil a ii.irtncrshipand will open an olliue
huie. It has not bcun learned yet what the
st.lo . ot ( lit arm w ill be. They have enmigi-d
room No. H In the .stock exchange building.
General t'rotluce.
Fridav Evonlni. , August 27.
ThcfoUitwtwj price * nrc for ronmt fot.s of
mxlttrc , us tuition the imirkcl tinlttit. 1'lic
on fruits represent the iirlccn cit
untnlilc orders nrc Hlleit.
Koos The market is voiy slow nnd un
settled and stocks are accumulating. While a
fnw Mntrlu case lots may bring Uc wlu-n very
closely Kindled , thu irrcat bulk of the hales
nrc being made at bgs. ( ' < ic.
Hi'TTKH Strictly sweet , solid and uni
form color , packt'd nin new clean tubs ,
cointmiids 15 to lOe , or even more , in the mar
ket , but there is little or none coining in
can be graded as such. Fancy butter In stone
crocks is bringing even bPtter prices Fair
to good country butter is .selling at 10(212 ( > tc.
Poor at .yg > c. anil slow. Creamery butter ,
not the verv bct-t , sold tills week at 18@20c.
POUI.TUY Old fowls. ] > er do/ . , S2..riO ;
spring chickens , large , 52.00 ; spring chick
ens , nicdiuni , Sl. > < idz)1.75 ) : siilng ) clilckcns ,
small , not wanted ; ducks , ; . ! . ( . ; tur-
kovs , not wanted.
CiiKUsr. Fancy full cieam chcdilnrs , O' c ;
fancy tull cieam lints , t\\o In bov , loc ; fancy
full cieam Young Amerlcnsrourin box,10 > . , c ;
fancy Swi s , 14o : brick , 12 > ijc : Llmbnrg , 12e.
Xr.w PoTA'ioi > Theie i > an iuei eased
ileniantl tor choice stock. Fnrmeis aie not
bringing in enough to Mipplv lornl demand.
Thcri' are car lots airlving now from outside
point8. Choice quotable at ( XK < J70c.
ONIONS Southern , per bbl , SS.IO ; home
grown. purbu. . tfl.OO.
CKLUUV There is not really enough com
ing in to simply the. demand , but it will not
be handled very extensively until np.xt
month. Shipping stock , per do40c. .
OY- runs There me no oysters of any
consequence ! u the market jet. The season
heie doci not open as a rule until about the
1st ot September. The mniket will probably
open at fioin 35 to COc. , according to the
xs The New York market has a l-
vuucitl Sl.50 per box since yesterdnth ; s
would force up prices here , as stock i.sery
liglit and very little in transit. F.incy
lemuns , per box. StO.OO ( < ilO.iO.
UAXAKAS There are not many In the
market at present. As the weather becomes
cooler , so that dealers can handle them wi th
safety , there will be n better supply on the
market. Bananas , yellow , per bunch , 32.00
: t.OO
CAI.IFOHXIA FKUITS The market Is now
thoroughly cleaned up. There is not a pound
of California fruit ot any kind in the hands
of jobbers. Fiesh carloads are being looked
lor by next week , which will no doubt sell
.it much higher prices than have been pre
vailing during the recent glut.
Mr.i.oxs Fancy lanje Mnscatino water
melons , S17.00@iO.OO : inferior and smaller
sizes. Slo.00@ifj.00 : musk melons , per do/t. ,
SWKKT POTATOES Iowa home grown are
in the market nnd selling atc : ! per ID.
UKAXS Hardly any coming In now. S1.25
011.50 per bushel , for clean stock.
Coc OANUTS Coc'oannts , per 100S5.00 ; less
than hundred , per 100. Si.50.
HOXIY : California , We ; California ,
strained. lOe ; Nebraska , choice , 1213c ; Ne
braska , daik , 10@llc.
MAI-I.I : Svni'i' Hulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs ,
per gal , Sl.OO ; eal cans , per gal , S1.05 ; half
gal cans per gal , Sl.lO.
Cinr.n New lork , per bbl , S7.00 ; do. naif
bbl , S4.00 ; Crab , nor doiqts , 52.75 ; Michigan
rciined. per bbl , 50.00. White wine , 13@l7c ; cider , 13
@ 17c ; single stienutli , 13c ; ttlple strength ,
FIOSAN'D DATKS tigs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
per Ib , Hie. D.ites , fancy fard , 12 Ib boxes ,
14c : dates. Persian. 60 Ib boxes , per Ib , lOe.
NUTS Pecans , large polKhe.l , lie ; pecans ,
medium , Co ; English walnuts , Ho ; nlmonds ,
Tarragona. 20c ; almonds , Langncdoc , 17c ;
liiiulls , 12c ; lilbert.s , 14c ; peanuts , liand
picked , fancy Virginia. b.S'c ; peanuts , hand
picked choice Virginia , 7Xc ; peanuts , toasted ,
2o oxtm per Ib.
MAI-LI : Si'o.ui Hiicks , strictly piirn , 50
Ib boxes , ncrlb , Va10lb \ tin nails , strictly
pure , per Ib , 14c ; 5-lb bricks , 24-lb boxes , per
Ib , 12' c.
Pion' FF.KT , TUIPK , hTf. Pltrs' feet , per
H bbl , S4.00 ; do , 14 bbl. 552.00 ; do , per kit , 'JOc.
Lambs' , tongues per ' 6 bbl , St.2.'j : ; do , pr kit ,
52.50 ; do , ijiurt jars , per doS5.25 ; do , pint
ars , per case , 2 dozen. SO.75 , Trljie , perV <
) bl , 84.00 ; do , per M bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kit.
HOc.Pnovisioxs Ham , suenr cnrrd , 14c ;
boneless liani , 50-lb boxes , 12) ) c ; picnic ham ,
ll c ; breakfast bacon , sugar cured , 0 > fc ;
shouideis , be ; cleur side bacon , 6c ; dry halt
bides , 7j c ; dried beef-hams 15@iCc ; dried
beef , icgular , 12c ; laid , -10-lb cans ( Fairbanks -
banks ) , 7i < c ; 10. 5 and 3-lb palls , do , 7 % @
( iBAi.v Com , 25c ; old oats,23c ; new oats ,
2. e ; rye. n.Vit-40c : wheat , COc.
flourbesto.iiallty patentS2.bO ; second nnality ,
i2.40fit2.50 : best quality spring wheat Hour ,
patent , SJ.75 ; bran , 50a ] > er cwt ; chopped
teed , GOc perewt : wlilto corn meul , 75c ; yel
low corn meal , fAa per cwt ; ecieening , rxto
per cwt : hominy , Si.50 per cwt ; shorts , Me
per cut ; cialmm , Si. 75 ; nay , in bales , Si > . ( H50
7.00per ton.
General Markets ,
Wooi , Medium. 17(3'JOo ( per Ib ; fine heavy.
ISoUSc ; light. 14i. l7c ; coarse , 12dl5c ( ; burry
wool. 2Qt.5o oif.
LKATIIEII Prime siaugtiter solo leather ,
ttic ; prme oak sole leather , 30 ( < i3Sc ,
1.S5 ; French calf , 31.2TKgl.S5 ; Morocco boot
leg , 30 < attc : ; Morocco oil pebble , 2bC 4 2c ; top
pings and linings , SO.OOylO.OO per dor *
HEAVY JIAUUWAIII' iron , rate , S2.25 ;
low stonl special , 4c ; crucib le.steel , fie ;
cast tools do , l-Wlbc ; wa on spokes' per sot ,
fl.7.Xjiy.OO ; hubs , per set , Sl/ii : felloes ,
Bawea dry , SI. 40 ; tongues , eacii , 75c ; nvies.
each. 75u ; square nuts , DCT Ib , " (4 ( lie : coil
chain , per Ib , ( XS12c ; malleable , ttla c : Iron
wedges , Oc : crowbars , ( So ; harrow tcotli , 4c :
spring bteel , 7i ( > o ; lJurden'a horscMiot'.s.
S4.40 ; Jinrden's mule bhoes. S-V40. llarbeit
wire , in car lots , 34,00 per 100 Ibs.nronl
Noils , lates , 10 to 50 , Si. 50 ; steel nails , 82.05 ;
Shot l.c& ; bucksliot , Sl.b5 ; oriental
powder , kegs , S2.N ) : do , half kegs. 82,00 ;
do , quarter kegs , Sl.50 ; blasting , kegs , § 2.35 :
fuse , per 10 feet , 05c Lead Bar. S10.
1'AINTS ix OiirmeeaO. . Omaha , P. P ,
He ; white lead , St. Louis , p ure , S7.75 : M ar-
ellles green. 1 to5 lu cans , -c ; French zinc
Kicen teal , I2c ; Fiench zinc mi , lie * ,
French zinc , in varnish asst , 3Jc ; French
line , 75c ; vennlllion , American , ISe ; Indian
red , lOo ; rose pink , He ; Venetian red , Cook-
son' * , 2\e : rtiotfcin red. American , l'e ;
red lead , 71cchnime ; vellow , genuine
chrome\ellow , K. - - - - -
Up ; I'aris vvhitlngt sV : whltlne , glldeis' ,
H < ! v lilting , coui'l. 140. lampblack. Her-
nmiistovMi. 12p ; lampblack , ordinary , * < ( ;
Prussian blue.Viciiltrnuiarinel : jvandvke ,
brown , f-e : umbel , biiwit. 4c ; umber , raw. 4e ;
sienna , burnt. 4e- sienna , raw. 4 < . - ; 1'aris
creen. genuine. a.v : i-nris crecn. common.
.Kr ; cluome t'rtvn. J . Y. . We ; chrome gieen.
K , I2c ; vennlllion , Kimlish , in oil 7tv raw
and burnt timber. 1 Ib can * . i-e : raw nnd
burnt slennn , I'.V ; vnnd > ke. blown , l.Tc ; to-
lined lampblack. 12o ; coach blark nnd ivory
black. PV : drop black. ICc : I'liisiinti bine ,
40c : ultra mailne blue , ISo ; chrome green , u.
M. A : ! > . , K > c : blind nnd shutli-r trreen , U. > ! .
A 1) . . 10o ; I'm ( screen. Iv ; Indian red. 1.x- :
Venetian red. lv : Tu onn."Jo : Anietlenii
vermilllon. I. . > V 1) . , aoc : yellow ochre , S > o : I , .
M. A : O. 1) . . l e : u'ood ochre. Ific ; pntont
dryer , be ; giainlm ; color , light oak , dnikoak ,
vvlaunt , cheMiuit nnd nsh. 12c
Dunis A > MI I'vi vnr\i. Acid , carbolic ,
' ! 2c : acid , tartario. .v.v ; balsnm eopalba , I T
U,4.V : bark. as > : ifra s. per Iti. lOe : calomel ,
perlb72o ; chinchnnlilia , ( x r 07 , 40o ; ehloro-
fiiiiu , per Hi , 40r ; Dover's i wd'lr < < , | K-r tli ,
S1.25 ; epsomsalts , poi \ \ > , av c ; glvcorine ,
pme , per tt. . l c : lead , acotnte. per U. . 20c ;
oil , castor. No. 1. per gnl. , . " 1.50 : oil , cnstor ,
No. 2 , per pal. , SI.40 ; oil , ollvo.pi-r gal..SI.40 ;
I'oiorlL'nnntim , 5'Je ; opium * : t.ui : ; quinine ,
1 .A : W. and K. iV S. , per o70o : potassium
Iodide , per lt > , Si.OO : : Millrln. poro4IK - ; sul
phate morplilne. pet oS2.50 ; sulphur , per
n > . 4c : sttvclinino. tero1.2 \
A AiivioiiKS ItaireU. per gallon : Furni
ture , extra , Sl.lO : fmnttnie , No. 1 , ? 1.00 ;
coach extta , 51.40 : roach. No. 1 , Sl.'O ; I.i- )
mar , e\tm , SI.75 ; jnp.ui , 70c ; n plinltnm.
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 53.50 ; hnrtl oil linUli ,
MMUIT-S lolognespirlK jss proof , S1.14 ;
do 101 prool , 81.15 ; spirits , second uuallty.
101 proof , S1.14 : do Ivs puiul. 81.1 = 1. Aleo-
hol. IVs proof , S-2.0 ) > er wine gallon. Kedis-
tilled whiskies. jl.lKKat.M ) . Glti. blended ,
Sl.oOuifJ.00 ; Ken tuck.- bourbons , $2.00tO.W ) ;
Kentucky nnd ri'tinsyhnnln ryes , s2.OQ@fl.50 ;
( iolden Sheaf boiubon and'rye wlil-kies ,
S1.50J0.00. ( Hinml-es , imported , S5.00 ( ViO ;
domeitlc. ? l. -t.xi. ( ( ilim. Imported , 84 fO
frtil.X ( ) ; dome > .tic , 1.25 < iH.oo. Champagnes ,
Imported , per c.i e. ys.oo@n.OO : ; Ameiican ,
per case , $10.00 11.00. _
Gfocors * Ijlit. Medium , in hols S5.50 ; do In
halt bbls , Si.25 : ; sniall , in bbN. S0. . ' ; do in
halt bbls , Si.75 : ; gherkins. In bbU , S-.M ) ; do
In halt bbls. S4.2.1.
No. 70 , 4-gaiion kcc , Sl.lO : .New
FnviTs-No 1 qtiatter apples
4c ; lu evaporated boxes , ' . ( u'JV bla
ri 1 1 .boxes , Ka H ! jM-aehes , eastern ,
.Vnc peaches , evaporated.15ivrtl7e ; Salt
Luke none In market : laspberru-s , new , 10
W20c ; currants , 7l (37 ( , ' < c ; umnes , new , 418
( icons Oysters , standard , per
ens , S3.U : ) ; strawberries , 2 Ib percn e , S > ' .25 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib per case , 52.20 ; California
peart , per case , S4.50 ; apricots per cn e ,
S4.V0 : peaches , per case , 55.20 ; white cherries ,
per case , So.W ; plums per ca < e , S3.GO : blue
berries Per case , S2.2o ; egg plums 2 Ib , per
case. 52.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib , per case , S3.20
(25.50 ( ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz , 51.20 ; 1 Ib .sal
mon per doz , S1.55@l.dO ; 2 Ib gooseberies ,
per case , 51.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per ca i > ,
S1.7021b ; lima beens , per case. 1.00 : 2 Ib
marrowfat peas , per case. 52. SO ; 2 Ib early
June peas , per case. 52.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes.
per case. S2.35S2.54t ( Slbcorn. per case , Sl.VH
(22.10:2 ( Ib corn beefj perdoz. 8i.7u@i.OO.
K-H incln3tf ) , ; % Inch , lO c ; Inch ,
_ . -I'ovvdered , 7J < c ; cutlonf , 7(7714fi ( ;
granulated. C t ; contcctioners' A. C' < .c ;
standard extra 'C ' , ftjf ( < " * ; e\lrn C , 5Jj'G5J < c ;
medium yellowj 5iiftb5 c.
CANDY Mixed , > tai2c ; stick , 6K ( < lf ) < c.
L'HACKKits ( lanujuu's soda , butter and
picnic , -M c ; cieams-bHc ; ginger snaps , S'tjc ;
cltv soda. 7Uc. i- „ .
JjTAncii Mnror gloss lib , 5 > { c ; .Mirror
gloss , : i Ib , 5'Sc ' ; Mirror glo > s , o ib , 0 > ic ;
( ! raves'coin. 1 lib. Oc ; Kinpsford's corn , I
Ib , 7c ; Kingsford's gloss. 1 Ib , 7c ; Kincs-
ford's irloss , 0 Ib , 7 > ic ; Klngsford's pure , 31b.
5Jc : KiiiL'sfonl's bulk , 4c.
bo.vrs Kirk's bnvon Jinpcriai. 52. TO ;
Kirk's satinet , 53.00 ; Kirk's standard. S3.0.5 :
Kirk's white Russian. 54.00 ; Kirk's White
Cap. 50.50 : Dome. 53.85 : Washboard. 53.10.
MATOIIKS Per caddie , 2Se ; round , per
case. Sl.OO ; square cases , 51.70 ; mule squaie ,
CANHI.ES Hoxcs. 40 Ib fis , OJ c ; 6s , OJ c ;
boxes , 40 Ib , 16 oz. Os lOe ; halt b'is 20 Ib ,
Dry ljumoor.
_ ] l2 ft ll ft'lO ' ft'lS ' ft'20 ' ftjffl ft'il ' ft
. ' 14 . lTxj TJisO 15.110 in.5U ltl.50 l7.W'ib.M
\u . is.ojiuuo , n.oo i5.w iu.ojiu.oo , HI.M
SA8 . U.6JI3.HI , lfi.SU 10 SUll , .001U.SO
2x10 . imioroi3.w 15.01' '
2il2 . j 15.5 ' 15..W 15.50 Ifi.M' ' 10.50 1U..W20.M
4\ -S.\S . . . | l5Mll5.50i5..ViilB.Uillli..ri0117.MllH.M ; )
No. 1 , 4 & C Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 817.03
No. 2 , 4 , t Glnch , 12 and 14 ft. rough. . . 14.25
No. 2 , 4 A : G inch , 10 it. . rotlKll . 15.M )
siu.vai.Ks , LATH.
XX clear. . 53.10
Extra * A * . 2.IW
* A * Standard . 2.70
0-Inch clear . 1.70
No. 1 . : .30
Lath . 2.43
1st com. , 12. 14 and 10 ft . 521.50
2d " " " . 20.00
3d " " " . 15.00
Fence " " . 11.00
i.i MI : . KTC.
Qiiincy white limu ( best . SO. SO
Cement ( Akion ) . l.SO
Ilnlr . . . O.IW
Plaster . 2.75
Tnned felt , per cwt . 2.05
S t ra w boa rd . 1. 05
A Cinch , white pine . $ ! "J1.00
IJOIneli , " " . 34.00
CO Inch , " " . 1W.OO
DO Inch , " " . 20.50
liOinch , " " . 17.50
A 12 Inch , s. Is. 12 , 14 nnd H5 ft . m50
C 12 Inch , " " " . H0.50
No. 1 Com. 12 In.s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 tt. 17.75
No. 2 . 12. 14 and 1C ft. . 15.75
1st and 2d , clear. Ui Incli , s. 2 s S51.CO
ad , clear , 1 # inch , s. 2 a 49.00
A select , 1U , 1J and2Inch , s.2 s S42.00
1 ! select , 1'f. 1H and ! ! Inch , s.2 s ssn.00
1st and 2d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2s S.W.oO
3d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s S45.00
A select , 1 Inch , s. 2s S : i.oo
U faelec * . l Incli , s. 2 s gw.oo
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft S17.25
No. 2 " " n , 14 and 10 ft 14.75
No , 3 " " , 12,14 and 10 It 1H.25
No.4 " " jillandlOU 11.00
( illIP I.AT.
No. 1. plaln.Snnll 10 incl S18.00
No. 2 , pl.iai.H ainl 10 inch 810.00
ri. ) i
Mew HSM . fT" ' * HT H'li Qr llbla I'U KtS
- yo W < 0 | U 10
Hen's S't.No 1 1/b 5 13 25 2 07 1 67 1 40 47
I/t'o Oit > 'd l'niicy'5 W/3 002 75 1 M 1 : ) 4- >
U'lf It'll hli'm K'cy5 | 00 8 OJ 3 75 I 65 I M 415
illrlUir.llblg.O'r 1'nils or Kits
risll < I SUO11 IM DO' ' 60'rlllilg 12 10
Norwegian I ! j I
KKK Hcr'ugs'H ' , X 7 WU803803 10. . . . 1 CM ] 00
Eels 18 Oo' ' 608 60J4 bfl's ' 'JO. . . . 1 8 1 10
Hollanil Ucrrlogg , new ! 85
ijiKKrii _ > ii.
ilf llbUgr HblsI''lsKtb , |
rlEW FISH. W I W 10 I K I 10
Ko , I Whlto Kish. ( I 00 5 40330 2 70' lib
Family White nsb 3 OJ 2 TO 1 7U &I
No. 1 Trout 4 ( JO , 3 60,2 , 60 &Iw \
No. 1 1'lckcrfl. , . 3 10 ] 2 70l ; wM \
I5ircnin ; 4 Jots in Jerome park , east
fronts adjoining Farnnin St. ; a chnncofor
fpniulKxIy to double their money quickly.
till for * a00. S. A. SLOMAN ,
1.M" Faruaui at .
Artists' Material.
A. irosrr// , ' . ,
Artists' Materials , i'ianos and Orprms
IM.t Ivmclm Street. Omahi.
Agricultural Implements.
Wholcwile Defile r In
AirriciilturHl Implements. Wagons ,
Carriages and ltu.-pl. ' . June * Mreet , between h
ntiil linli Nit' .
Agricultural Implements
Wmfnn .Oarriar , ItugnlPV Ktc. . Whnle lc , Omabn.
\Vlic. lo .ilclcnl.T In
Agricultural InniU'inents ,
nd llnpelr ; . SOI. 'TO. 'OJ nnd IDT , Janes st
Butter and Eggs.
XK .P SCintOKDElt ,
Unycrs of Hnlter and KRCS.
ItPfriceritnr ninl I'nrVli'C llmise. llth ami t.cnren-
wnrlliSI . r I1. II. It. T-a-H.nnmlia.
Butchers' Tools.
Uutchors' Tools and Suiiplies ,
ik-e Cailn nf nit kind * always In stock. 1:15
Jnne * t iitnaba.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
lAUGll l TA YLOIt ,
Bnilders'IlardwaroitSe-ili1 ItopairSliop
Mocliante "luul > and llutraln Crale . llM Diiuiilat tu ,
Omaha , Nrti.
LEE , FltlEI ) ill CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnwaru , ShcPt Iron. Utc. Aupnt for HoniSealC ( ,
anil Miami Powili-rfu Omalin.Ni-l >
AVholesalo Hardware.
VTcHern nicnt for JelTernon Mrol Niilln. Aiiftln
1'owderCo , Kalrlmnk * Mnnilanl Scales. Corner
10th i.nil 1 turner , omnhn.
Building Material.
tur/r.i LU.iniER co. ,
Dealer In AlllClml-of
Buildinpf Jfatcrial at Wholesale.
ISth Street and Union 1'nrllle Trick , Omnhn.
Boots and Shoes.
ManufHCtnrer nnil Wholesale Dealers ID
Koots and Shoes ,
Complete Mock of Htibbtr Cooils alirari on hand
Ua S. loth St. , Omaha , Neb. A. T. Ail.tin , Apent.
jr. r. MORSE c co.
Jobbers of Hoots nnd Shoes.
1411 Karnura H , Dmalm. Neb. Manufactory. Summer
street , lltipton.
Agft. for Anhenser-Hush Hrewins : Ass'n
BpecUl Ilraniln. Fault , lludweleer nnrt Erlnnfor.
Lajfer J5eer Hrewers ,
IMl North 1Mb Mreet , Omaha , Neb.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha ColTco and Spieo Jlills.
af. Coffees , pplcen. IlakliiK Ponder. Fl ivortnr Ex
tracts , I-uundry Dhio Ink , Ktc. IlU-lolIiirnej
Mrcet. Oniaba , Nob.
Home ColFee and Spire Mills M'f'sr Co.
CoCeoRo.isturBanrt Sptcn Urlnilcrs. Manafaiturera
of llaktnx Powder , Hnvorlntf Uxtnict * . Hluln . Ktr.
Try uno cti u ot uur 1-ft puckntie Ilutno lilen
OutTee. HWJ Howard H.Omuhu , .N > b.
.lolin Epcncter , Prop.
Manufacturer tif Galrnnlteil Iron nnil Cornice. 923
Dodgn anil 103 anil l'Ji N , 101 h hi. , Omaha , Neti.
Manufacturer ; of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Kirmls.llelallctkrllflit.ctc. 31DS.
m i Ft. , Omaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
Onlvnnlzed Iron Cornice * , etc. Spoct'e Iraprovert Pat
ent Mdullc Skyllclit. . ' .IIS . anil 511) ) t < . r.'th pt.Omalia.
Carpets ,
IA C. i lirET CO ?
Jobbcrn of
Carpets , Curtains Oil Cloths Ifnar
Linoleums , Mattlnts , Ktc. 1511 Donulnn stri'i't.
( j. A. ORCHARD ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain Goods I'tc. 1123 Karoam btrcct ,
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers nnil Importers ot
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamp ? , Chlwne ) * , cte. Onico , 317 South 13th it ,
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
SuccM or to I-nac Grlnilti.
Commission Me.ivhnnts
And'WhnlOi'ilc Denier * In rountry 1'mitnop. Frulti ,
lluttLT. Kiu. * , ISti' . ( . 'Hul * un roniilt'nmuiit u
rpoclnl Ir. 320 N. St. , Umuliu.
Commission und Jobbing.
nutter , Kct ; nml 1'rodticc. CDnslfnruenis pollcltod.
llcailciuartcra for Muucwnrc , llvrrjr lions uuJ
linipo lliiske' . . . llll lK > il CblreL t.nialia. )
Commission .Mcrclmnt.s.
Frtiltr , I'rnrlslone , Oiuulm , Nob.
Storage nnd Comniissinn Merchant.
BiiBClHltloit Hutter. Keg' . Clu'cio , Poultry , ( iiiuio ,
( ljrt.-r . Ktc. , Klc. 113 south iltbttn-et.
WllSDlMfA'X < U CO
Produce CommiKsion .MiTcluints ,
Poullrj , llutler , Gniiiv. Kriilti. etc. SX H. HUiit.
Diuului .Vfb ,
Goucrnl Commission Merchants.
hlroet , Omalin. NVbr.ifko. Uonslk'nraontr
General Commission MercIiantH ,
Ami Jolibora of Foreign und Dumemlc Fnilts. Corre-
s ( > on(1encu Mllrltui1 Wurelmut-oami itrtloe.HON.
'rhtrtccnth M. , Omaha , N > . 'J'elepliono 77V
Live Stock Commission.
M. BUItKE l > S
Live Stock Commission.
Ceo. lluile. Manager.
Union Stock Yurds.b. Omaha , 'lelsphono IfS.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipments of uar and all Units of block solicited.
Union rtocfc VunU , Omaha , .Seb.
Coal and Lime.
Dealers In
Hard and Fort Coal ,
Offlce and yard , l > "th and .N'lctmlm ! . , Omaha , Neb.
Vard Tvlrphune , uri.
< JEu , r. j.AHAfiit. Prc r. F. ROOIIUAV , V. 1'ree.
J A. bUNiitiil.AM ) , hoc. and Trcan.
Jobbers of Jlard and Soft Coal ,
enth Street , Omaha , Neb.
, T. , L JOHXSOX 0 CO. ,
Manufacturers * of Illinois White Lime.
And Milppfm of CIM | and Coke , Cement , Platter.
lJmc-.JUIr.r1ri ) Ilriclc , Ilraln , Tile and Sewer Pipe.
Ootcc , Poton JluUl. Karuam > t. , Oia.itia , .SrU.
Teleiibone kit.
l'P. . FA Y .15 CO. ,
Jluniifactiirin , ' Confectioners ,
Jobbers of } 'rullNuls nil CVan , 1211 Kurnain SL.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobber * of Clears Tobacco ,
Onnt mul AmmnnUlon. il" ' 10 721 S Illh it. . 103) ) to
lli.'t tnrn < m t . Om.iln Ncl
Tr/.sr , o
Manufacturers of Kino
Aril Wliulf lo Donloro In l.cnf TVNir < ii , No * . 103
nnilllON.Hth plrcci. oimhci.
Dry Goods.
r ro. ,
Dr.v Goods Fnriilsliiiiff fiooils * Notions
iuln mr. Ill h SI .Ornnrin.Ni h.
Dlntlllor * of I.Kninn. Atcohn ] ntvl < plrlt . Importers
ami Ji''bcr ' i > \Vme nn < l Liquor *
CO. ami 11.Kit . ( ' CO. ,
ImpnrtCM ftml Johbottof Kino \Vlrr nnil Mqunrf.
fcule TnamtfnctiirpM of Krtmcilv t KflM liulln nil-
lor nmt l > i < inM > IP I Hiunr II1J I'nti'CrM.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
j ! . T. CLAUKE nnuG co. ,
Lnvce t Drncr. Paint , Oil AT ( ilnss llonso
Wettof Chlcneo rnruiilrtp Line of HrvcKUtB Bun-
title" , llll llnrnor M , Oiimlri ,
GOO DMA x j > itt'G co. ,
Wholesale DtUsrpists.
Anill ) nli > ri > ln I'nlnt * . Oilminil Window lil.i , Omsh ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. II. SAt Eii.l'rr . J.W.nrtirnnn. rc.ATrens
It. J. CAit'oN' , V.l'rci , inn ! S | < 1.
Office 513 S. llth M . Onmlin Neb. Mnchlncrr and
Mil > i > llc for .Mnmilncturliik' Cement Drain Tile.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Kiiirltit-Pis and Contractors ,
Bri'lce , VHiliTtB. limit TniMPH , Mivitn I'llo Driving ,
I'llliip , Oak anil P ri- Mrl'lciI.umt'Or. ' . 15th rl. , near
Klirnam. Oninhn. Ncli.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Knrmni ft. , Onmlin. Noli.
Furniture , Uoddiiisr , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 150,1U3 ! mid 1210 Fiirnnm ft. , Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wholpsnlo Groceries anil Provisions ,
No ? . 705 , 707 , TIM and 711 H. lOtli S > t , Omnhn , Neb.
McCORD , Jt It AD I'M CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
13th am ! Lenvenworth MiOniihn. !
W. , T. BROATCir
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , \Vnuon Stock. IlanlwHre Lumber , etc. 1KW
nnil 1111 llnrni'y ft , Omulu.
"Wholesale. Iron and Steel ,
Wnconond Can-lope Wood Stock , IleHvjr Ilanlvare ,
Ktc. I-'IT mid 12I'J LcnvGnwurth ft. , Omnliu , Ncti.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantlet , ( JrutCB , Unus floods. Mil untl 1S3 Karnam
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrought nml Past Iron DutMInK Work , Iron Stnlrj ,
KaUtiiK , liewns nnd cilrdori * , btuam Knglnt'tt. Hrux
Wurlc , ( tt nornl Fnninlry , Mncblno unit llliit-kETnU
Work , uttlco and Work * . I' , r. Ur-nnillTtlii-tiect.
Jr c
Wholesale Jewelers amUInsie Dealers.
Dealers ID Silverware. DlamonilR. Wntches. Clocks ,
Jeweler'iToolnnnil Material" , etc. 1UI nmllOJ litu
pt. , cur. DO < IKC , Dmahu , Nob.
LOUIS nit A nroitn ,
Dealer in Luinlier. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Ktc. Van ! * Corner 7th and Doul.i9 ; Corner
'Jth and Douiln * .
Wholesale Lumber ,
8HP. llthftrcot.Omulin.Neb. r.Colpcttar. Mantpcr.
C. X. DIET'/ ,
l"lh and California Flrcelt , OmnlA Nel > .
Lumber ,
To Dealers Only.
Office , Kff ! Furnnm f trcot , Omabn.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpctt nnJ I'araurt Klcxirlnt' . fth unit Donglan
AVholesalo Lumber , Etc.
Imported and Amerlmn rorlland Cement. State
Accnt forMllwauLvu Hydraulic Cement and Ilett
VulncyhlliJ.lmo. .
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John K. Iloyil , Superintendent.
Millinery and Notions ,
I. OltEUFELDEIt ,0 CO. ,
Importer * und Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
KISamI Ulillnrner Street. Omaha , Neb.
c. s. GoonRicn o co. ,
Arc the only Direct Importers of
German i : French Toys& Fancy Goods
In XclininVn. ChlcuKO | > rlcr > dunllcalcd without nild-
Inc trelclit , HIS Karunni t-treet , Oiiiaha.
J. T. JtOlirXfiOJT XOTfOX CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions and Fnrnishiiitf Goods ,
KC1 and IK , B. Tunlh f-t. , omnlni.
( l fiCHXElDKIt ,
Jobbers In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
( ilOIS. ) (
iron and \tftt \ Furnam ft. . Omaha , Nib
Manufartiiivrd of OverallH ,
Jcani I'.uUn , Shirts , Ktr IKKund 1104 DouKla * Street ,
Oiunhit. Nob.
Job Printers , Blank Hook Makers ,
And Book Hinder * . 10 > t and 1M So-ith Fourteenth
ttreet , Omabi. Neb.
Auxiliary I'ulilisliers.
Daalera In Type , l're m mid I'rlnleri' .Supullot. ! M
t-outh Twelfth Mri-vt.
Safes , Etc.
G , AXD11EEX ,
Omaha Kafo Works.
Manufacturrriof flroand JIurirlarl'rot-fBiifn , Vault
Uuon , Jail Wortbhutker and Winor. . . Cor.
lit hand Jackson bit . OmKh.i , N Jb ,
Agents lor Hall's Sufo & Lock CO.H'
V'ire and Iturif ar Proof Sifei , Time t < k , Va''lU
uadjall U'ori. Mil 1 xr IIM > trecl Ouin'ia , No I ) .
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. Disnnow , p co. ,
Wholc nlo Minntni Mir r of
Snsli. Doors , minds anil
lUnncti olBcp , lltli nnil ImM t ,
Sash , Door , HHiuK .Mouldlnps ,
Bnllilinc Paper , i-tr. lull Vmlh T.urtteiilh street ,
Oniah.i , Nib. A ct.mplrt * > t.nk . f lluiMcrf
nonx MAxrrACTriu\j co. ,
Manufacturers , of Sash. Doors. Blinds ,
Moulding Malr Work nnd lnti'Mnrll ril\Voo l Mnlrh
Jutt opened. N' . V. < r Sh ( nm ! I.c.iM'tivrcith St * .
Cniitha. Ncl > .
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
EDH'IX MOltlttS , ( x CO. ,
r. I'acXor * and l > rnlr In
rickle" & Strictly I'ttro Ap | lo Vinesrar
llnkini : I'owdpr. Matorlnu K trin'i , Tatlo Sniicc ,
ITt'tiPh Miitli" " * < v .h Ulnlnu. ISr " Mcc' ' 'Urs
So'o iitirnl' ti'r ' Vork MatoSnnd Itvtlncd Apple Ci
der. liui l.onT'n rth t. . Uniahn.
Pumps ,
" ctmirniLL pi'.iir co. ,
Wholesale I'ninns l'iie | , Vlttinns
StonmnndVstrr VtiniOlrn Urn ! qu tlor < f r Must
KomtlVTn HoixlK llll Inrnnui n Cniulin. .Neb.
A. L. STltAXG CO. ,
Pinups I'iC'M ] ) and Kugiups ,
Ptrftm , Water , Hnllwnr and Mllllnir Siippllon. I'tc
! ia > , W.'HTH ! W4 Kuraaiu ft . Oauihn. Noli
IlallailnrVlnd Mlll i ricam nnd WMT Sn
iiituhlnulloiMl * . lloltltiif , Ho p IMS and KM Hr-
iintu B | . . ( > innha. S1 1C. rclton , ManHRer.
TvlpiniincN | < i. 311) ) .
= I
n. it.
Wholesale Trunks ,
Mlllnnl llnt 'l IllooV , Omaht.
Wagons and Carriages.
The LcnilinirCarriaio Factory ,
( IXTMtlloilrll IVS )
ini nnd llll Dmluu street Omnhn.
White Lead.
Strictly Pure Wliito Lead ,
'JOth streetand I P Uy.Omnlia.
( ieo. T Arinbrii t,2JOl : Ctltnlnr st
1) . II. llowriiiiti. 1:17 I'arnitm tt
.loli Hn-Io"t'.i7 ' Ctimltiir bt.
llernnui Knnt'lo , Hl'.l ' South 10th el.
O. l.itnpc.HlS Smith Kllll ft.
W. 1101171 1 , lftl ! llDUIIltl St.
M. I. . Vim S < oti'ii. 1.1IB loilKt. ) .
C. W Sli eper , 07 South Ut'i ' \ .
Red Star Line
Carrying the flelsrium Hoyal nml United States
Muil.sulllug every Mttuidny
Between Antwerp & Now York
Enlon from ( CO to $ , - , - . Excursion trip from
tllU to tli. Seoontl Cnbui , ouf.viu-u , flj ;
prciiuld , $4 > ; o.vuur lou. JW. Stt'erii'o iiiisonifo
nt low rates. I'etor Wrlirht Jc Sons , Gonorul
Aponts , 6i Broadway. New VorK.
Henry 1'un It , 1-1S I'.iniiiin t. : I'liulacn .t Co. ,
t'i 11 t , ) > . la.'l K.intiun st
, Frsnc3 & Germany.
liliiHiil tinucll known line uro
liullt > > r lion. In wator-titfht coinpatttuciitK , uud
iuo furiiNheil nith evury rcijuUllc to ninko llio
Il 6llo both Mtfo HIH ! ntfrcouulo. 'J'hey c-itrry
tlir > I'mtoil Sluice nnil I'uropiMiii milli'iuil loivo
New York Thursilnrs nnJ Snturdsra for Plr.
mnulhLONtON.Ct40ruoUirU'Alta ( ) und HAM-
UUKO ) .
ItL'turiiln ? , IbeMcnuiors leuvo IIuuiblw | on
Wwliiesi'ny ' * "nil Su.iiliijs , via. Iluvrn , tukluz
pits-oncers nt Soiitliiiiii.ton | nnd ( xitulon.
Firht cabin $ Vi , ? OJ nml i7.'ii StsornsrefTl
ltnllrou'1 tlekut * from 1'lymnutli to Ilrislol , Cnr-
illlT. London , or to any plnco In the South of
Knirlund , KIIK15. Sli-crntro fioin Huropo only
61 Broadiray , J < ew York ; WuMilnetnii am ) t
BnllcSta. Clucjuo 1IL
OF fllE
Chica Mtakee&SLPaoIR1 }
From mm and COUHCII. SLUfH ol
, AND 3111 wink re ,
Kt. I'anl , MiniU'iipolis. Cedar UapidH ,
Clinton , liibnitiu ) | , Davcnimrt.
lloek Island , Freejiort , ItoLktbrd ,
Klsfin , .Ma-lison , , liuicsvilc ! ,
lieloit , AVinoiiu , 1/u Crossu ,
And all other 'inpiirtniit point * L'uit , .N'ortlic.iat
nml Satitheiul.
1'or tliroiiKli tickets cnll nil the Ticket A''Oit
nt 1401 I'liriiuni flieot un I'.ntoii Hotel ) , or ' .i
t'nlon I'ftt'lilo ' lu | > ot.
I'lilliiiuuMuc'iiuisiind tbii ( most Dlninir Ciin
lit the world mo run on tl.o main lines of tlio
ClIIUAliO , Mll.U'At'KKi ; , \ St. I ' .IT I. KUI.WAV ,
inul every ultontioii U pnlil to pusifiitfurd Uy
com Icons i'iiiplnyi-8 ot tlio eoiupauy.
H. Mn.U'.ii , ( Iiiutial ilaiititfcr.
.1. F. TrcKuii , Asslhtnnt licii'-nil Mnuu < or.
A .V. II t'Mti' , Oonoinl r.isenycr an J
Tlokrt Aiii'iit.
( Ho. : n JlKuroci ) , A'flstuut ( Icneral I'assuu-
o r inul Ticiet Avt'iit
J. T. L'LUtit ( juiiei .il Suuorlntoiiilunt ,
HllLADEIiIMllA , 1'A.
IVodncing1 : i rich , beautiful < iLO.SS ami
No Starch yet intro'lncod can bo coni-
imrcil wllli MioMAUir.
One pacr.a-fo will do th work of two
Bounds of ordinary fetarch.
Sold undrr runramcr i-f the n".nu' .ctirtM | ,
Si.OAX , .IOHSPON it tU , Wholcs.ilj >
, Uuuiha , Neb.