Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1886, Image 1

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The Battering Ram on Hand to Assist in
Irish Evictions ,
HowPrlncoHlsmnrclc Carries Himself
In Splto of Ills Cnros The Do
IIOHCI ! Prlncn'H Movement *
Gladstone's Pumplilcl.
Itcndy For tlie Tray.
\Ci \ > \irlilitriL j > \ ( ]
J , August 27. | Xcw Yotk Herald
Cablo-Spcclal to thu Br.K.-Xolwlthstand- ]
ing the blocking of roads nnd destroying of
bridges tlio battering ram has been taken to
the vicinity ot Sauiidcrson's fort and will
BOOH bo put In UHc. Stiundeison's fort Is to bo
treated as the Romans treated tlio walls of
.lenisalem. The 200 soldiers uieutioned In
my lust dispatch and TOO of the police are now
In and about the place to carry the evictions.
The plan Is to surround the fort , and when
the entry Is made , to take all inside prisoners
and convey them lo B.illlnasloo for prosecu
around Woodford. The momenta suspicious
stranger arrives , a man on horseback blows a
horn and gallops oil lo n certain station and
Informs another , whont once goes on loan-
other station and In a short space ot time
tlie Intelligence is conveyed through the
country and all proceed nt once to the sccuo
of action. In the houses of those who were
evicted nto stationed the emergency men and
ten of the police. They have not a bed to lie
on , nothing but straw , and they find It c.x-
tiemely difficult to get provisions. What has In-
teiMllicdtho hitter feeling against the police Is
an old , bedridden man , eighty years of ago.
AVhen ho was being removed in a sheet
Father Coon said : "Mr. Shorltf and repre
sentatives of the crown , I prolcst in the
name of ( ! od and my country against this
work being carried out , while there Is a man
ot eighty years dying Inside. The authori
ties here present are bound to save Iho life
of the dying man and that of the old wife ,
and I call on them to do so. " The priests of
the dloceso are doing all they can to allay
the excitement , but tlie popular feeling Is in
n most inflamed condition.
Ono cabin already entered belonged to a
widow named Carthy , who purchased the
place under the eiicinnbent estates act many
rears ago , when her husband died , and she
'lad managed , thronsh feeling Ihe pinch of
tiunger , to rear her family there. The house ,
such as It Is , had been built by her son with
btones actually dug out of the land on the
farm , all of which had been reclaimed from
n state of nature. The ono next entered be-
lonucU to n man named Spain , who is at pre
he being ono of the prisoners arrested for
being In Brodrlck's house at the time
the constabulary carried the place by
storm. This man had served an originating
notice to have a fair rent fixed In the last
courts , but tin fortunately for htm clf , n
crippled sister tenant had been allowed
to shelter herself In a hovel at
the end ot the cottage , w hleli
amounted to sub-letting , and the en so
could not he dealt with by the sub-commis
sioners. These examples of thu state of
tilings are fair samples of the rest. The ex
pense of maintaining tlie constabulary and
other appendages of the eviction army would
have purchased Ihe fee simple of Iho lands of
Iho unfortunate tenants under notice of
eviction many times over.
How the old Man Looks and ActH
Al'tor nest.
GASTKIN , August 27. [ Xew i'ork Herald
Cable Special to the UKK.j-Tho news of
Ptineo Alexander's kidnapping tell hero like
a shell. It was only generally known on the
evening of tlio 2Jd , thoiich 1'rincn Bisinarelc
had already had tlm secret locked in Ills
bosom for forty-eight hours. To him the
news wts to this extent a surprise , that
though ho was aware that Prince Alexander's
days of rule were intended to ho numbered ,
he did not know the methods which would
bo resorted to In securing his retirement. It
Is believed hen ; that the means employed
were too revolutionary to meet JJIsmarck's
approval , but nothing pleads so eloquently
for pardon as a fait accompli. Hut If so soon
done , for why begun ? You will have from
other points dispatches as to the boomerang
that has followed soonerthan the news comes
here , so I drop the prince.
the day bctoro ho left at the shooting gallery
where a man named Schulolf was exhibiting
a new model maga/.ino gun. A certain com
motion among the bystanders heralded the
arrival of the chancellor , who , dressed In
black , with a high beaver hat , was rather
striking In a village where every ono sports
the low-ciowneil hat and feather. Ho
was accompanied by Ins secretary , his ser
vant and one of those enormous bloodhounds
which thu Klatteradatch , nicknamed "ttulch-
shun Xo. 2 , " In rendering service to the
chancellor which the latter Is popularly sup
posed to lender to tlio empire. The great
man looked
rt'i.i. OK I.IPI : AMI vinon.
Ills partial rest at KLsslngcn and hero has
done him food. Xot n line ot his faro
showed that the startling news from Hul-
gaiU had shaken him , Ho watched Schulolf ,
the fowl pistol shot In Austria , shoot , and
after praising the lattcr's pistol practice at
Iho astonishingly long range of 100 yards , ho
tried his hand at that distance a couple of
times hlinxolt after resting , for " 1 am , " ho
observed , "a little out of breath from the fait
walking. " He then took the pistol finm
Kchuloir , a peculiar kind of one , a bieech
loader , carrying a long metallc cartridge ,
aiidplaclnconuarm across his back , 1'iliico
lilsmarck raised tlio weapon with the cool
air of a man who has been "out , " as the
prince often was In his hot youth.
The bullet fctrlkos the target , about four
feet square. The performance Is repeated ,
and the bullet this time strikes the black ,
which fact Is triumphantly announced by thn
boy on watch near the target , who hnKU thu
Hag , The chancellor's nerve Is ceitalnly all
right , whatever lager orchampaniio may have
done to his liver. His liguro Is what ono so
seldom sees in a man of his ago-uthictic.
The twcnly-seven pounds of ihV.i which
Dr. Schwcnlngcr took from him have
not come back. When ho bows ho does
not bend his body forward as lie lakes off Ms
hat , hut ttuows It back with n stuUtcn jerlr ,
and then icassumcs Iho i > crpondcidar. ! This
idiosyncrasy may bo the result of an unbend *
Ing Ifablt of body corresponding to that of
will or of his bullet-prjof vest. Tlio chan-
collortook fioiuu time to oxamluo the repeat
ing rllto , which differed only in some mlnot
details from others of Its kind. The Inventor
made some good practice with it at 4'JU
' .k yards , and then as Dlsuuitck gavu tlio com
juaiid , Schuloft lired ten cartridges intc
the magazine In about as many rcojuK
tue chancellor became yblblo acild
the clouds of smoke , he smiled and said
dryly : "It is getting worse for the cavalry
every year. Still , " ho added , "It takes a good
deal of lead to kill n man. 1 remember one
case In the liadcn revolution of 1S4 * when
3,000 shots were lircd ami only ono man
killed. "
Tlio prince then called llyl , his attendants
and whistled to the big dog , and witli n bow
that Included all present , started out. The
next morning
ntI.KFT : ron nr.ui.tM.
Ills euro was not complete , for ho c.imo
hero on August 2 and rested a few days after
his bath , so that hr'could not have taken thn
twenty-first tie rlgnor. The poor chancellor
had his bathing Interrupted nt Kisslngcn
and then here.
Count lleiish has arrived , having wailed at
Salzburg until 1'rlnco Itismarck , whoso
greatness so completely overshadows
his , and whom ho llttlo loves , should
have departed. Ho looks blue and does not
seem to relish the news from Itulgarla , nor
Indeed do cany of the Austrian * , who Ilko
I'rlnce Alexander. 'Iho Austrian emperor ,
too , looks a trille melancholy. During the
few days of his last visit , the empress Kll/.a.-
belli , between whom and the German chan
cellor little love Is lost , generally arranged
her walks and drives so as not to meet him
iMcxjimicron Hl Way Uomc--ltcsuItH
of tlie Plot.
fC'o/j/rf/ifC(7.J / ) / ( ; /
LONDON . August 2& fXow York Herald
Cable-Special to the Uir..J : Mr. Gladstone's
pamphlet , Sexton's great speech and 1'rlnco
Alexander arc the three staples of the morn-
'UK'S news. Tin- most attention Is given the
alter. Authoritative morning dispatches
state Hint I'rinco Alexander and his brother ,
Frances Joseph of liatteiiburg , reached tlie
Polish frontier station Podwolc/.yska ycster-
ilav shortly after 10. Their highnesses
were accompanied as far as the
rontier by the deputy governor of
Klschoneff , Mavor Ogllo , of Woloczyoskand
a detective. The Ihisslan ofllclals were cool
in their demeanor toward tlio prince , and re
fused to allow him the use of n saloon car on
the Russian line. As soon as he crossed the
frontier , he met with
and a saloon car was placed at his disposal.
He appeared much depressed and had no
luggage whatsoever , not even a change of
clothes , for those who kidnapped him
icarccly cnvo him time to dress himself , and
he was compelled , on arriving at Lcmburg ,
to buy clean linen and other Immediate nec
essities. As noon as the brother of the
prince arrived they took a bath , immediately
[ ifter which a collation was served them.
According to telegrams from Bucharest and
Jassy an extensive concentration of Kussian
troops Is going on in Bessarabia. Pontoon
bridges are also being constructed for the sup
posed iiuposo of crossiim the Danube. Sus
picious movements of the Black sea fleet are
also reported. It is evident up to the
present date that the action of
Itussla , despite the denials given by the
c/ar's advisors , has led to the following re
sults : It has consolidated the loyalty and
devotion of the Bulgarians and Itoumelians
for I'rinco Alexander ; It has estranged more
than ever the Bulgarians from
the Russians ; it has reconciled the
Servians with the Bulgarians ; it has drawn
moro closely the bonds uniting the Bul
garians and the Turks , assimilat
ing and Identifying their interests
against Kussian aggression ; It has
popularized the cause of Bulgarian Indo
peudence In Germany , In Austria , Hungary
and Italy ; it has justified the action taken by
Great Britain in the question slncethorising
as to the probabilities of his return , buttho
general opinion appears to be that during his
brief career the prince has shown
pretty plainly to the world that
ho knows ho\v to kcop an
eye fixed on the main chance , and one can
hardly Imagine such a cool , calculating and
ambitious ruler throwing up a good career at
the moment when nls luttiro was never
brighter and resigning himself to the dull ,
commonplace life of a monarch retired from
LONTJOX , August 27. Authentic Informa
tion from the east reached here In regard to
the movements of Alexander of Bulgaria.
Ho landed at Keiil , In tlio Kussian province
of Bessarabia , Wednesday. While leaving
the yacht In which ho had been transported ,
ho expressed a desire that Bulgaria should
choose another prince to rule over her.
Alexander was expected to arrive
at Lombcrg yestciday evening where
delegates sent from the army and no o-
pie to represent to him thu situation In Bul-
gatla and invite him back to assume the
reins of government await fnin. Bulga
rians are. practically unanimous in their de
mand for Alexandria's return to Rutschnk. As
a result of the understanding icuchcd by the
adherents of Alexander nt Sofia and Llr-
novaa council of regency has been formeit ,
iH'.iu.i.v , August 27. Tlio Russian minister
of foreign affairs , Duglcrs , has issued aclicu-
lar stating that Russia had no connection
with the Bulgarian coup d'etat , but on the
contrary , alter It occnried IJunsIa Instructed
her agents to secure a reversal of what had
occurred. The clicular concludes : "What
Bulgaria did In a moment ot unreflecting ex
citement has been repaired. Shall not matter
tertheiefore , bo now settled in definite , ami loyal lormV"
LONDON , August ! J7. The reply of the czar
to the oddress scut to him by the Xankolf
government Is frigidly worded , although ho
promises to inotc-ct Bulgaria. The porlohas
received nii'lle.s fiom the various powers to
Its circular announcing Prince Alexander's
deposition. With the exception of Italy tlm
different governments meiely note the con
tents of the circular , reserving all ulterior
communications. The reiily of Italy in addi
tion recognizes thn pnrtu's right to protect
against the Illegality of Prince Alexander's
ViKX.N'.v , August 27. The circular said to
havu been kiicd by M. Deglers and pub
lished ttil.s mornliii ; , is nuthoi Itlvely declared
to bo apocryphal. It Is hald to have ema
nated from tlm Xulnwelncr Tagblatt.
LiEMiiino. : August 27. I'rinco Alexander
arrived here this nltcrnoon. Hu was re.-
colveil at the railway depot by ( Joint Marshal -
shal Rlcdsat and Com t Chaplain Kash. The
prince , on appearing at the window of the
railway carnaw , was given an ovation by
thousands of Germans and Poles , Alexander
will proceed to Brc-dau.
Li : > iiiiii ; < i , Am.'iist , A torchlight pro
cession was held to-night in honor ot I'rinco
Alexander. Tlio prlneo appeared on the
balcony of the hotel to acknowledge thu
plaudits of thu poph < < and was iccelvcd with
the greatest enthusiasm.
Bi' , August 27 , The Russian
consul ut Solia has been compelled to ask M.
Pansotf to scndiigimd t' protect his luniso
and person. Kvcry wlm.ow of his house
was broken by a mob and the ciowd threat-
lied to castigate him if ho showed himself
ft li the streets.
Gladstone Iteclti.-s His KtroftH for
Dome lliilc In Irolnnd.
LONDON , Autjmt 27. Mr. Gladstone' . ' ,
brockmo on the Irish question was published
to-day. It contains Jlfty-clglit jwsia , At the
cutset Mr. Gladstone compaics it with the
apology ho wrote on his change of altitude
regaullng the Irish church. "But , " ho con
tinued , "in the presentcasa 1 have n change
to indicate , but have only to point out the
mode In which my language and con
duct were governed by uniformity of princi
ple. 1 have simply followed the various
stages by which the great questions of
autonomy for Ireland has been broueut to
the stage of Tightness for practical leglsla-
Ion. " The brochure launder two heads--tirst ,
The History of tlie Idea. " in which Glad-
tone summarizes tin- following conditions
intler which alone , in his view , it would be
come possible : 1. The abandon-
nent ot hope that parliament would
serve as n possible leelslatlvo
nstiuinent for Ireland. 2. Tlio unequivocal
and constitutional demand of the Irish mom-
icrs. ; J , The possibility of dealing with
Scotland In a simlliar way of circumstances
) f equal and equally clnar desire.
Gladstone then parses on to defend him
self from the charge of havliie sprung
ho home rule nirnsmo upon his friends. Ho
Ionics that it Is thu duty ot the minister to
uako known , even to Ills colleagues , evcrv
dca forming In his mind , which would tend
o contuse and retard , Instead of aiding
mslnos * . He continues ; "What istruols
that 1 have not publicly and In prlncl-
ilo condemned It , and also that 1
nave mentally considered it , but 1 have
neither adopted nor rojecU'il It , and for thu
very simple reason that It was not prepared
for adoption or rejection. " Gladstone then
goes on to point out that , during all the
many years of his public life , tlm alternatives
were u-peal on tlio ono hand and on the
other the relief of Ireland from
grievances. It was not possible , ho
said , at that time to prognosticate how , In n
short time , parliament" would stumble ami
ilmoM writhe under the constantly acciuuu-
latlng burdens , or to pronounce that U would
eventually prove Incapable of meeting the
wants of Ireland.
It was early In 1S71 , Gladstone
says , that ho took the lirst step
lowards placing the controversy on
Its true b.isls. He opposed Mr. Butt's scheme
because the alternative had not been ex
hausted , but even as that time , he did not
close the doors utrainst the recognition of tlio
question in a different state of things , for In
stead of denouncing home ruin as de
structive of the unity of the
empire lu the following words he accepted
the assurance given to the contrary : "Let
me do the promoters of this movement the
fullest justice , always speaking under the
conviction , as they most emphatically de
clare and as 1 fully believe them , that the
union of these kingdoms utjder her
majesty Is to be maintained , but
that parliament must he broken up. "
Similarly In 1-S7-1 Gladstone accepted , with
out ( lualllication , the nrlncinlo that home
rule had no necessary connection with sepa
ration. When Mr. Shaw succeeded to tlie
home rule leadership , in 18SO , Gladstone
hailed Ins speech as showing evidence of a
disposition to respect the functions of the
house of commons and the spirit of the consti
tution. In ISS , ' , at Guild hall , he announced
he would hall with satisfaction and delight
any measure of local government for Ire
land. Coming to the electoral campaign of
1SS5 Gladstone says ids great object was to
do nothing towards t'io ' prosecution oftho
question by the lories , but fo use
his best effort to impress the
public mind with thu Importance
and the uruini : of the question. It wius In
this spirit ids Midlothian address was writ
ten. The Irish question was severed from
the general subject of local government.
It was pointed out that It would probablr
throw into the shade all other important
measures , which were ripe. Once ripe the
time for action had come. Just us
if It had been a cornfield wo were not
to wait until It was over-ripe. The healing
of Inveterate sores would become more diffi
cult the growth of buddlnir hopes more
liable to bo checked and paralyzed by tlio
frost of politics. Kor England , In her soft
armchair , all security , considerations with
adjournments interposed , as it had been
usual , so also would it have been comfortable.
But for Ireland , in her leaky cabin , it was of
consequence toicep out tlio weather.
In the second poition ol' the pamphlet , the
"Lesions of tlie Kleetions. " Gladstone
begins by drawing certain lessons trom
the election as they affect mlltlcal par
lies. In Ihe course of his calculations he
estlmalcslhe loss ol the liberal party from
thu unionist pchlsm nt two-sevenths of' the
whole , commanding , ho says live-sixths of
the liberal peer. " , but not more than one-
twentieth of the liberal workintimeii. Ho
points out tint even now the lories have
failed to sectiro an absolute majority
and draws the final conclusions that at the
lirst moment liberalism is again nulled it
must become pu'domlnnnt. Ho sees a
further ground for hope In the abatement al
ready taken place in the tory opposition ,
Mr. Gladstone then goes on to point out
that the unionists are already pledged to an
Immediate and largo concession. Many of
them are on such n scale that they give to
their idea the name of homo rule , declaring
themselves favorable to its principles and only
opposed to the awkward and perverse man
ner in which it was handled by the late
administration. " "Look at the question , "
Gladstone continues , "which way wo will ,
the cause of Irish soif government lives and
moves and can hardly fall to receive moro
life , more propulsion trom the hands of
who have been its successful
opponents in 0110 of Its particular
forms. " Gladstone points out that In the
ease of England what o have really is not
a retu.sal but only a slower acknowledge
ment. The elfect ol this upon Ireland he de
scribes as follows : "Ireland knows what She
never has Known before ; that even , under
her defeat , the deep riJt of divis
ion runs through nil Iho E-igllsh
nation In her favor. Under these happier
circumstances what is there , Gladstone asks.
In separation that would tend to make It
advantageous to Ireland ? As an Island with
many hundred miles of coast , with a
weak marine and a people more
military than nautical , u smalt population
and limited resources , why should she expose
herself to the risks of an Invasion and cer
tainty of enormous cost for defense , rather
than remain under Iho shield of tlio greatest
maritime power in the world. " Gladstone
acknowledges that the most power
ful agent In brlngiii' ; about thu
defeat of the government was the aver
sion to the laud bill. He hopes that
the pat tnorshlp between the enemies of homo
rule and Iho enemies of Ihe land bill , which
bionght about this result , may now bo dls-
solved. The enemies of home rule have even
been the keenest promoters of land puichaso
In the Interest of Iho Irish land-
hints , and the enemies of thu land pur
chase bill will now have to use all
vigilance for the purpose ol preventing the
adoption of Iho schemes of hind purchase on
principles very different Irom Iho recent bill.
Gladstone does not go beyond the expression
of undoubted belief that a measure of self-
government , not less extensive than than the
proposal ot lsb < ) , will bo ultimately carried.
I'urnoU'a Amendment Hojouted Se.v-
ton Makes n Strong Speech ,
LONDON , August 27. In the commons lo-
dav Lord Randolph Churchill unvu notice
that the government would propose tlio aboli
tion of the secret service tund , which amounts
to JL'IO.CO'J yearly.
Mr. Sexton was loudly cheered when lw
arose lo speak. ' Ho scathingly criticised
Chamberlain's speech last night regarding
Parnell's amendment , and said ho regarded
Chamberlain as a political mlsdocr , only re
quiring to bo given sutllclent material to
execute the end of public justice upon him
self , Although the queen'b xpc < > cli contained
no allusion to land purchase , Mr. Sexton
challengedLoid Randolph Churchill to deny
that land pmclnwo formed a part of the gov-
ernn.i'iit schomc. The British government
bi-lng pattly answerable for the wrong doing
of Irish landlords , Gladstone had made the
landlords thu 1110.4 liberal ollors thfay would
over receive. When that olfcr was spurned
ar.d used to brills illsciedit upon tlm author ,
there Mas no obligation In honor to rouuw It.
Gladstone's land purchase scheme was HI-
cured by overv penny of thu public revmmo
of Ireland. True union would have resulted
Irom the adoption of that policy , and no.iin- combination of intiigulni ! politicians
could long d"lay that union , "ho appoint
ing of General Duller would not nrvmoto
Mich union , but would give Ireland ttio'char-
ni'tcrot a lorclirn country. The proposed
commissions would bo productive ot no ben-
eit ! ai'i only delay dealings with pressing
questions. In conclusion , Sexton said the
Pnnii'lilk's wo'iId counsel Irishmen not to
ho intimidated by any fear of
combinations. They would do everything
possible in lairnessand justness | o promote
peace , but would not make themselves Irult-
or.i to 11 eland by asking th'o people during
Ihe coming winter to pauporl/.e themselves
j la o'derio luiiiish arguments to their own
ruin. [ Chcers.j Soxlon spoke nearly three
Parnell's amendment was icjccted 301 to
1S1. Lord llftHlncton , Chamberlain and the
unionists supported the government , Sir
William Vcrnon llarcourt abstained fiom
voting ami Mr. M rlqy voted witn the mi
nority. The announcement of the result
caused little excitement.
" -
Franco anil the Vatican.
ROME , August ST. [ N'ew York Herald
Cable Special to the Bir : [ The question ot
the appointment of a papal delegate to China
Is to bo settled to-morrow. The holy see will
communicate Its icply to thu last French
note , and It seems certain that the reply
will be nesatlvc on all colnts. In this case
in conformity with the orders sent him , .tho
Pirnch ambassador will probably leave Roiho
at ouco for an Indefinite period. This would
bo the llrst stop lowards an open rupture be
tween Franco and the Vatican.
The Ijoauue Denounced.
DL'iii.tN , August 27. Orange Grand Mas
ter Knno will sail on the steamer Circassian
to-morrow for Montreal. In an Interview at
Londonderry to-day he said ; "Tho chief ob
jects of my tour arc to refute the
slanders cliculated by the bureau of
slanders the National league and to show the
Canadians and Americans that the chief
aims of the Parnellttes are to indulge In
personal luxury otherwise beyond their
reach andcratlty their Irrational bailed of
thn protestants , crown and empire. The
Icayue is an immoral , atheistic conspiracy. "
The Dwycr Stable * ntid Their Win-
nltiKS Horses DUiihlcd.
NKW Youic , Auicusl 27. In an Interview
to-day Phil Dwycr said : "Miss Woodford
has broken down , her fore legs having given
out completely. Tom Martin Is also broken ,
and 1 doubt whether he will ever amount to
much hereafter. Inspector B has gene
amiss and 1 do not know whether ho will bo
lit for racing either at Sheepahead Bay or
Jerome Paik. Tremonl , our creat two-
year-old. has been retired from the turf fora
year. It is unfortunate that all these ronipll-
callons come upon us , but Ihe horses have all
done good work and it Is the forl'ine of the
turf. 'The Brooklyn stable won nearly ono
hundred and fifty thousand dollars during
the present year , which Is 287,000 moro than
their tolal wlnnfncfor Ib81 , and 503,000 moro
than their 18ii winning. Miss Woodfoid's
total earnings amount to 510S1.4SO , by far the
greatest amount ever won .by any horse on
the American turl. "
Saratoga Races.
SAIIATOOA , X. Y. , August 27. The at
tendance was large and the track fast.
Purse , one-half mile : Vlllazc Boy won ,
Valiant second. Kink third. TIme -10:50.
Purse , ono mile and seventy yards : Little
Minnie won , Uroyadier second , Bessie third.
Time i:47 : > tf-
Purse , threo-fourlhs. mile , heats : Brait
won lirbt heat , 1:10 : ; ilcBowling then won
second and third heats' and race. Time 1:18 : ,
1:18. : ' '
Mile : Souvonlr won , Phil Lewis second ,
Wynona third. Time 1:45.
Cue and an eighth miles , over live hurdles :
Puritan won , . .Instill3Inck second , Silver
Dean third. Time 2:03. :
Coney Island itaccs.
BUIOIITON BiJ-Lcit"N. Y. , August 27.
Seven furlongs : Charge won , Bella second ,
Bay Itebcl third. Time 1:2\Jf. : \ )
Seven furlongs : ' , George Argus won ,
Witch third. Time l:45W. :
One and a sixteenth miles : Harry Uusso
won , Santa Clavs second , ItlehfiSld third.
Time its.- " ? . Certificates IniUl § 127.95
straiglit ami 341.40.
Steeple chase , full course : Montmoro won ,
I. ( ! . D. ( iriflith second , April Fool third.
Time 4l'.ij.f. :
The Base Dall Record.
Chicago 5 0 1 0 3 .1 0 2 * 13
Philadelphia 0 00001000 1
Pitchers Flynn and Daily. Base hits-
Chicago 12. Philadelphia G. Errors Chicago
0 , Philadelphia 8. Umpire Powers.
Brooklyn 0 00000000 0
Baltimore 0 01 a 0000 * 4
.Base hits Brooklyn 5 , Baltimore : ! . Krrors
Brooklyn 5 , Baltlmoio 2. Umpire Brad
ley. ;
Metropolitans. . . . ! 5
Athletics ! ! 0210001 * 7
Base lilts Metropolitans 12 , Athletics 0.
Errors Metropolitans 5. Athletics 2. Um
pire Valentine.
Cincinnati 0 1 3 3 0 0 1 0 08
Pitlsbtirg 2 0020001 * 11
Base hits-Cincinnati 9. PIttsbnnr 8. Er
rors Cincinnati 0 , I'iltsburg 4. Umpire
AT ST. Louis
St. Louis 0 .1103003 0-10
Louisville 0 0100000 i 2
Base hits St. Ixmls 15 , Louisville 8. Er
rors St. Louis none , Louisville 0. Umpire-
AT ST. Louis-
Si. Louis 0 00000001-1
New York 4 2000402 0-12
Base hits St. Louis : i , Xow"Vork 11. Er
rors St. Louis Hflgfew York 4. Umpire
Fulmcr. "
Detroit .0 0-S
Boston 1 00111 HO * 7
Pitchers Conway and Ilemmeyer. Base
hits-Detroit 4. Boston 12. .Errors Detroit
8 , Boston & . Umpire Quest.
Kansas City 4 0100000 * 5
Washington .0 0200000 0-2
Base lilts-Kansas Citv , , Washington y.
Fnors Kansas City w. Washington b. Um
pire Pierce.
NCIVH From ijlcutcnant Storey In the
Frozen North.
WABIIINOTON , " August 27. [ Special Tele
gram to Ihe HIK. : | 'A report has b3on re
ceived at the navy , depaitment from Lieuten
ant George M. . ( Storey , commanding the
Alaska oxplorlng'.pxpedillon , dated Fort
Casomos , Piitimnj Rlv'er , December 20 , 18S5.
Tlio report was fo'r\vjirded \ by Post Assistant
Engineer A , N , Xaiifi who was sent out to
explore Hie country'.ia far ns Youkon river.
Bnl .Storey status \hut \ between the 10th and
IDtli ot December , accpinpanled by Engineer
Hnward , ho madoX eledgltig expedition to
the northward nd j'whed | : ; the head waters
of the river , wfitch Ipws to thn northward.
The natives say Unit Mils river empties Into
thu Arctic near Pofn Harrow. Owing to | ho
shortness of the 'd , .y.s , having only twl-
light and mooiill ; lit , ho could not
make much liea Iway , and regarded
It moro practical to pntiium exploring the
conntiy neaicr headi utirtors and take up the
northern country when tlio days lengthen.
Every effort would be made to explore the
mentioned river , nnd , also to icaclrl'plnt Bar
row , thereby completing the exploration of
aitlo Alaska. Un his northern trip became
actoss natives who had never heforo seen
white men and who were at lirst much sur
prised to have-white men come among them.
There weio but two whites In tlie party.
Lieutenant Storey at lirst feared trouble , but
thu natives promt to be very kind and
friendly. Their ciiiio.sity was , however , be
yond imagination. Some ot natives
claimed thai they sometimes visited Point
Banow y way of the I Ivor. Their chief
lood Is it.'lndcer. Their country abounds In
reindeer mid many herds were Been , boinoot
which numbered several bundled ,
Destriiotlvo I'rulrio
ST. PAUI. , Minn , , August 2T , The Pioneer
1'resb' Plerro , Dak. , special says n dustruct-
Ivo pralrio lira has raged In Potter ami Sully
counties slnci ) Tuesday. J'ottcr Is almost a
barren wabtu and Sully badly btiruud. The
damages me uot yet iuUm ti'd-
Her Piiemon Win the Grflat Hose Eaco at
the State Tournament.
Tlio I/oss by Flro nt North Unntl
Kcnchcs Seventy Thousnml
Senator Van \Vyck nt Ho-
Ijroii Stntc NOWR ,
Clone oftlio ToitrnntitRtit.
FHEMOXT , Xeb. , August 27. [ Special Tel
egram to the Br.i : . ] To-day closed tlio lire-
men's state toiirnniiinnt. It was u big day Tor
Fremont and a tremendous crowd was In I ho
pity. The chlct Interest of the week centered
In to-day's races. The llrst llilnc of Interest
was Iho exhibition of tlio water works at 10
o'clock , which was novel to many citizens
who had never seen such proceedings. Two
lines of hose was uureoled and attached to
hydrants , the water turned on and thu Tri
bune building was drenched for hull' nn hour.
At llrst only the reservoir pressure was used ,
but when direct pressure from the engine
was turned on It threw water In line shape ,
and was considered very satlsfaetory by the
spectators. This was peculiarly Interesting ,
because our water works are not yet accepted
by the city council.
In the afternoon the people began gatherIng -
Ing at the fair grounds early , and when the
races opened the attendance was variously
estimated at from -J.OOO to 7,000 , much larger
than any previous day. First was the state
race for hook and ladder companies First
prize , 5100 and belt ; second prize , 3100 ; third
prize , 350. There were four entries the
Frontiers of Fremont , York , Kearney Pro-
teetlves mid Wahoo , running in the order
named. The Frontiers in ado the run in 4SJ5
seconds. The York team , which won second
money , then astonished the spectators with
the llnest hook mid ladder run ever made In
Nebraska In the phenomenal time ofJ5 sec
onds. Great cheering ensued , The Kearney
champions followed York. They made tliclr
usual rapid run , but the laddorman was un
fortunate In climbing. Time 17 B-n seconds.
Wahoo's time was4i % seconds.
The ladder-mini's contest followed the hook
and ladder races , tlio prize being a gold
badge and S10 to the best man , with thu lul-
IOWIIIK result : Phillip Sparks , Fremont , 0 >
seconds ; < ! eorgo Uhilcoteork , no time :
Charles Mott. Kearney. 0 seconds ; Fred
ilountford , Wahoo , 0 4-ft seconds.
The state lioso race was the big race of the
tournament and was looked forward to with
great interest. The timers for this nice were
Hackerberiwr , of Wood Hlver , Seeigler , of
York , Uardanlcr. ot Scrlbner ; Judges , Tern-
pleton , of Council Bluffs. UrecktiUeldt. of
Plattsmonth. The Dorscys , the champion
green team , ran first , but got the threads of
the coupling crossed and were allowed no
time. Bl-isell hose team , of Columbus , fol
lowed in 40 1-5 seconds. Tim Kearney Wide
Awake , no time. The three succeeding teams
were tiie best in thu state and the excitement
ran high. Tim Clelands , of Fremont , who
won the lirst prize on the lirst day , Hew down
the track In a mazuilicent run. When the
time was announced as 41 2-5 seconds
ends the cheering was deafening.
This was the best record over
made In the state and second best In Amer
ica , but there was a surprise. In store. The
1'aellicij , of ( Jrand Island , went next , and
sped down the course Hke race hones. Their
'Champions ' , of Lincoln ; but the time had
already been lowered below their reach.
Their time was 41 4-5. These three last races
were conceded to be the best ever witnessed
at any tournament. The Fit/.ijeralds have
hold first place two years , but took third this
The couplers contest followed. Coserovo
and Heed of Omaha were the only ones who
got the time of 4 % seconds.
To-night all the visiting liremen are enjov-
Ing the hospitality of the Fremont liru de
partment , who have spread an elaborate
feast at the skating rink at a cost of 4 03 or
SJiOO. The board of control also hold a meet
ing and divided the prizes. Among other
business they passed a resolution condemn
ing the report in the Omaha Ilepubllcan
which claimed the tournament u failure. On
the contrary It has been the most successful
ever held and everybody is much pleased.
The firemen are leaving to-night lor their
hornet ! .
Van Wyck at Hebron.
Ilr.nnoN , Neb. , August 37. . [ Special Tele
gram to tlio UIK.J : Senator Van Wyck ad
dressed the people of Thayer county yester
day afternoon at the opera house upon tlio
vital Issues of the ( Uiy , and rendered to his
constituents hero an account of his steward
ship. Ho was met by the Hebron brass band
and escorted to the opera house , where a
large , routing and enthusiastic concourse
of people ol both ladles and gentlemen
awaited him. .Captain ,1. II. Stickles and ox-
Senator Coon escorted him to the hall , where
In a neat and becoming little speech the Hon.
C. U. Coon Introduced Senator Van Wyck
to the audlenco , which greeted him witu
cheers. Many times during his remarks ho was
loudly applauded , which evidently name from
the hearts of his andicnco who appreciated
the position taken by the snnator in behalf of
tlio farmer and laborer. The right and left
wings of the republican paity. the former of
which is mada up of the Van Wyck clement ,
thu latter of the machine or anti-Van Wyck
element , arc at a loss what is host to do to
maintain the integrity and unity of tlio re
publican party In this county. The former
by tur is represented by the and
best and strongest element , both from the re
publican as well as trom the democratic ranks ,
and wlioso Interest Is that of the people as a
whole , irrespective of pailynnd its lines ;
whereas the latter , tlio machine anti-Van
Wvck minority representation In this county ,
bellovo holely In strict party measures and the
maintenance of Its lines. It is. however ,
maintained by those who know , that for the
purpose of unison in republican ranks thu
"mai'hinu'1 will and must Indorse "the old
man" and aid in the election of u state sena
tor and two representatives who are ontipo-
ken In tholr convictions to aid and who are
tavorablo to tlio return of Van Wyck to the
United States senate.
Tlio Camp In Heartiness.
( JiiANi ) ISLAND , Xeb. , Aiuust 37. [ Special
Telegram to the HKK.J One hundred men
aroatwoik upon the minion grounds at
CamGrant ] iiiakini : It ready for the iccep-
tlon of the thousands of gm'.ststo arrive next
week from all quarters of the Mate. Tents
are nil up , Foil Sumter has been built , and
htcam Is up In the boilers of thu gun boat
Hoot. Major Boyle Is heio and has located
the camp for the Second and Twcntv-iiri-t
United Status Infantry and Captain Wood
ruff's battery. The nntlio camp will bo In
order byJMonday , at which time hall rales
goes Into effect on all the railroad * In Ne
braska. A largo number of the most notnblo
men In ( hastate have seemed iiiarlors | and
will bo with us lounhm wok , and nil agree
that wo will have the grandest lounlon uvur
held In the United States.
The North Homl Flro.
XOUTII lixi ! : > , Xeb. , August :27. : [ .Special
Telegram to the UKK. ] Tlic low from last
night's fire amounts to 870,700 ; Insuiaiico ,
& : ,775 ; divided as follows : A. Puller it Co. ,
loss on stock and buildings , SS1W . '
Insurance SU'.KOO ; J. H. I'oot , loss on
block , 37,000 ; insurance , &VKW ; Dowlingifc
Purc'ell , loss on ! niiUliik'S'V'W ! , no Insurance ;
John Slovcrs , loss on hotel , 54,030 , insurance ,
SbOO ; H. I' . It lee , loss on stoic , ? M ) ,
Insurance , PWX ) ; A. Crawford , on
furniture , SG , < XM. insurance , SU.OOJ ;
Fred Young on stock ot groceries.
§ 1.400 , insurance SWJ : Titos. 1'n-r.a , on
saloon , Kiooo , anil In eu-li bin nod in Imttdlng.
S&OO , Insuiaiico $1,10) ) , Will J'ruzn , Ice house ,
SCOO , no Insurance ; W. .lanevk , build-
Incs. S. * > . ( H , InsuranceS3.0UO ; .lorry
Dion , blacksmith shop , and ? 2r > ( X ) , Insurance
$1,000 ; .Joseph Vavrn , saloon stock , 51,400.
S400 , no Insurance ; X. . ) . Johnson
store ' , ' Insurance S.YX )
son , drug , SL'00. ;
Unbelts & Smith , drug store , S 1.000 , insur
ance , $ ,200 ; Harry Stpphcnson , on confec
tionery , S. > o. no Insurance ; Mantle * Fov ,
damaged by heat and water , JtiVK ) , fully In
sured ; First National bank. > amo cause , 5VV : ) ,
fully Insured : Joseph Cross , damavcit , SIM ) ,
fully Insuieu ; C. II. Trcadwell. danmced ,
S'iV ' ) , no Insurance ; I' . Olllis , damaged , S'iV ) ,
fully Insured : ; A. .1. Slilcro , damaged 5J5 , Insured -
surod : K. J. Sovkorn , damaged Si" , Insured :
Walla Hros. , Sloe , Insuted ; 3. .1. Hyatt &
Co. , S100 , no Insurance : Storey & Hotel , sew-
inir machlnps. SAW , no insurance.
The wink of rebuilding will commence at
once , iindvlll be of brick in pluoe of the old
frame buildings destroyed.
Doalli In tlio Hlvor.
OAKLAND , Xeb. , Adjust 27. [ Special
Telegram to the BKK. ] Mrs. Alison Hewitt ,
who lives twelve miles south , arose from her
bed last night at IS o'clock , dressed all but
her shoes , walked to the Klkhorn river near
the Lyons mill , n distance of seven miles ,
and leaped from the bridge into the river ,
leaving her bonnet on the bridge.
Her husband knew when she went out
of Iho house and alter waitlnc awhile went
to the door and called her with no answer.
He raised the alarm and search was begun.
She was tracked to the river anil her body
was found at 12 to-day. She has been sulfcr-
Ing for sometimewllli cancer and was known
at times to suiter trom ahbrrutlon of the
mind from Its clfeets. She was ono of the
oldest residents of Washington county and
highly esteemed by all who knew her for her
mild , kindly disposition and motherly quali
ties. She was forty years old and loaves a
husband and three children.
Old settlors' Picnic.
II t'Miioi.DT , Xeb. , August 27. [ Special to
the BKI : . ] One of the pleas-antest events In
the history of Itichardson county was the old
settlers' picnic , which was held Inn largo
grove about four tulles east of Htimboldt ,
yesterday. The pioneers of the county , to
the number of about ono thousand , were In
attendance. Speeches were made by W. M.
Maddox , of Falls City ; 11. Shurtlctf , and a
number of others. Men who came to thn
state between the years ot 1851 and ISiiO , and
who had faced it through the scourges of
grasshoppers and drought for the past twenty-
live or thirty years , were numerous about the
grounds , and seemed to enjoy the present
status of affairs In great shape.
The Ncinnlin Valley Fair.
FAM.HOITV. eb. , August 27. ( Special
to the UKK.J ( Jreat preparations are now
being made for the coining cxhlultion by the
'cmaha Valley Fair association at this place ,
September Oth to 11th. A large number of
new box stalls have been put upon the grounds
and numerous other improvements made
about the other buildings. The race track
lias been Improved until it is acknowledged
to bo one of the best hull' milo courses in
southeast .Nebraska. The board of directors
are doing everything In their power to make
the coming fair a success , and they will suc
ceed admirably.
A Slippery Customer Cnuglit.
FA.I.I.S CITY , Xeb. , August 27. [ Special to
the lJii : : , ] Charles Johnson , a young man
about twenty years of age , who burglarized
the store ot H. J. Nelklrk at this place last
sprjng and .lofti lor > parts' unknown , was
brought In from Iowa by Snerlff Hay last
night , and is now resting peacefully in the
county jail , where lip will probably remain
until the next term of thcdlslrlct court , as ho
Is a slippery customer.
To Honor the Clminplonn.
GiA\ri : ISLAND , Xcb. , August dr. [ Special
Telegram to the UEK. ] The news Is just re
ceived that thu Grand Island team wins the
championship at the .stato firemen's tourna
ment and there is great rejoicing here , niul
preparations are being made to give the bovs
a royal reception upon their icturn with the
cart and belt
Thnvur Dolojrutca Hlectcd.
GIIAND IshAXii , Xeb. , August 27. [ Spo-
dal Telegram to the BKK.J The tepubllcan
primaries were held hero to-day to elect dele
gates to the county convention. Thaver
delegates were unanimously elected in every
ward in the city.
Colfax County Prohibit lonlstH.
SCIIUVI.KU , Neb. , August 37. [ Special to
the BKE.J The prohibitionists of Colfax
county mot In mass convention on the ICth
of September for the purpose of placing In
nomination u full county ticket.
Tlio Order Issued by tlio President , lut
Ijiitci Uecallcc' .
WASHINGTON , August 27. [ "Special Tclo-
gram to the Bun. ] brigadier General John
Xcwton. chief ot engineers , having served
moro than forty years as nn olllcer of tlio
army , has been at his own ieiiiust | , by direc
tion oftiie president , retired from active
service. Although the order was made pub
lic to-day , there was a movement In the war
department soon afterwards which indicate
that something Is on foot In Us connection
that has not yet lu-cu made public. The olli-
cial circular of Hie president , signed by Gen
eral Drum as actlns secretary of war , was
sent around to all the bureaus early In the
day , but before the department closed this
afternoon messengers from ( leneral Drum's
otllco went to each bureau chiot' and requested -
quested thu return of the-o clicnlnrs. What
this means military men oru uuablo to say
ThoStroot Cur Drivers Strike.
Nuw YUIIK , August 27 The street railway
troubles are not yet settled as the situation at
the IJ'ilt line depot , Tenth avenue and Fifty-
third tilrcot show * . Crowds of angry men
line Tenth avenue for three or four blocks
on cither sldo of the depot and . ° qnads of po
lice uiu guarding against riots mid Injury to
persons and property. To-day an clliiry was
liangcd by the strikers and the crowd gath
ered around It was dispersed by police.
After tlio iiicollng of the Dolt hlnu dime-
tors it was given out that the cars would ho
run with now band" , the pullco he called on
for protection and the lirst caih bo started as
soon as possible.
The drivers iind conductors of the Uroad-
way road , through a commute.)1 , proposed to
I'litshleiit Thompson to-night that thu old
schedule of tivo trips per day bo restored , unit
In lieu of hi * sui rendering tliosix-trlphchemo
the mini accept a reduction of " 1 cents per
day. The president acceded and the men will
undoubtedly ittiifv the airiccmcnt. The
licit line matter Is piMtloit. The basin so far
as Is known is an agreement by the road to
take hack all the men and tluco trips will ho
aday'b work. 'Iho lednctlon In car cleaners
and Aiab'.eiacu's wages will continue. Men
resume worl ; in the. moining.
John Hoai'li Kick ,
Xiw ; YOISK , August i7. ! John Roach , the
shipbuilder , Is dangcrotiMy ill at hotel Hal-
moral ut Mount Mciiiir or. Ho has been con
fined to bed four or Jive dnys. The dlicct
caiiKu of his Illness Is Bald to bo disordered
stomacli mid indigestion.
Mr. Mi Gnr.ijoH , N. Y. , August 'J7 , The
str.leniC'iil made that John UO.K-I ! Is seiiounly
ill hero Inmost mtliiti | : ! > allyii.fiilcilby Hosch.
Nnv YOUK , A Kit < taT. The loUl number
of biihliii'.ssfailunM ov'.eiifinu tliroughont the
United States and Canada ii "M for Iho Jubt
A I'Riiiisylvnnfii lthl/o >
Mo.vruosi : , August 57. ' ( 'randitll's toy
factocy and thirteen bisiiii'jsj : hon cs anil
two rJsldi-uci * v\cje burucd to-night. J.o-f3 :
§ 5,000.
Thn Ooroncr'a ' Jury in the Haddock Onso
Investigating Mysterious Meetings.
District Attorney Mur.iti Accused of
Inactivity Polities In the OOHO
Current. Mvontw In the
lliiwkuyo State.
\VliT the Saloon .Hen atof.
Sioi'x ' CITY , la. , Aiuust 27. [ Special
Telegram to the ltib-Tho : ] Haddock core
ner's jury resumed Its work this afternoon ,
the witnesses examined being saloonlst.s.
The InvestlBatlon Is now with leferonco to a
meeting of leading s.xloon keepers , which
was held at John llnldcuiold's siloon on the
utternoon of August 11 , the day that the
assault was planned against Mcssis. Wooill
and Wulker , and the night of Iho Haddocks
murder. That such mcellng was held and
that the question of saloon litigation was
discussed , and thn1 control for the saloonlsta'1
were present and were paid inilto n largo ,
sum In cash from the ucneral Hunt raised
by assessment is not denied , hut In
Ihii minds of n great many of one
best citizens there Is u connection between
this meeting and the tragedy of thu same' '
nlaht. Later on the same day another meetIng - '
Ing was hold and n.second assessment levied. <
The exact nature ot tneseconfi'ieiiees. the ,
decisions arrived at , etc. , are what the Jurv I
want to learn. It Is believed that the fulfil
raised was placed In the hands of H. L. l.eav- '
HI , and from It the lines of King and Walter-
Iin ? were to Iw paid.
J'ht'latest developments ot the inquest nro
to the effect that n piomiuent saloouist hat )
given valuable information upon which n
number of nrrcsts are sure to follow. Thcio
Is beginning to bo considerable public talk
against District Attorney Marsh , who , It Is
claimed , if not trying to prevent thu arrest of
tlie guilty parties In tlio awful crime , Is doing
little or nothing to hasten their apprehension
and arrest , The reason given is political.
THIS at AN Fitoat MAIM : .
IJcprCBontntlvo ( lofT. oPAVcHt Virginia ,
TlilnkH Illalne IH All O. K.
WASHINGTON , Amrust 27. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ilr.i : . ] KeprcMMitatlvo ( Soil , of
West Virginia , was at the icpublican cam
paign committee room to-day , and will prob
ably devote his time to committee work , al
most exclusively , until the campaign Is over.
Republicans aiu going to bo pretty active
during this campaign , and will try to set up
a good solid row of pins for 1SS8. The burden
of political work done In the fall elections
will bo directed more particularly to the pur
pose of affecting tlio campaign In 18SS. They
expect to make gains in the house , but they
do not hope to gain a majority , nor do they
care so much about that. Mr. Coll' Is a
strong lilalno man and ono
of the shrewdest political managers In
the party for Itlalne. In conversation to-day
he would not commit lilmself concerning
Mr. Hlaino's candidacy , bntwasveo enthu
siastic in his praise ot Ids speech and vcn-
tuicdsofurus to say that If thu convention
weto hekl to-day , tlio ' 'man Irom Maine"
would bo nominated with a whoop. Mr.
Dlainc's speech , he suld , was just splendid.
U was exactly the thing and his face I'mlited.
up as ho said It. Speaking of West Vlrclhlu ,
Mr. Golf fald the people wore all for Jlalno
Ihoro. that ho was much .stronger there
than before Ills defeat. Jn other parts of Urn
country , he thought. Mr. Hlninuwas stronger
than ever. He Mild the issues of the cam
paign two years hence would bo about the
hamo as they were In loSO. Protection would
bo the keynote. Blainc would come boldly
out on this point.
Plans for the Pool.
CHICAGO , August 27. The snb-committco
appointed to airrco upon a basis of a pool for
western passenger trallic have agreed upon
the adoption of a plan similar to the Texas
pool , the average of the past three years'
business to be used as a basis ot the proportion
tion of trafllc to bo guaranteed each south
western passenger association line tor the
next year. At the cud of that time the aver
age ot the four yours' business Is taken for
new divisions and so on as long as the pool
lasts , All revenues from passenger irufllu
arc to bo put Into a common pool , and alter
each road receives from this the amount
giminnteed , any excess will be divided among
them In the same proportion. The general
managers of roads In tlio association will
probably hold a meeting Monday to take
action on the subject. If adopted this system
will control all the passenger IIUKHIC H to
St Paul , Council lilutls. St. Louis and Kan
sas City.
Cnlifornin JlcpubllcaiiN.
Los ANOKMS : , Cain. , August 27. In tlio
republican state convention this morning
John F. Swift was nominated for governor.
Swift was ono of the three special envoys
sent to China to negotiate the amended
treaty , and Is one of the best nowspauer
writers on the Pacllic coast.
The republican state convention In session
tills afternoon completed tlio ticket by the
nomination of H. W. Waterman for llcut'jn-
ant governor , W. S. Moore for secietary ol
state , and J. li. XelT for Btato treasurer.
A hock-Out Ordorcd.
XKW YOIJK , August 27. The clothing
manufacturers association adopted a tesolu-
tlon that on and after August : ! 0 no niembciti
ot the united clothing cutters of Xuw Yoik
will be employed by any members of thu
clothing manufacturers' association until the
stilko In the shops of August Hros. and I/ .
V. A. Michaels & Co. shall be declared olf.
The members of thu clotiilng manufacturer * '
association ate commanded to comply wilh _
the lesolutlon under a penalty of S-.WO
Another Hoxtou Failure.
HOSTO.V , August ST. T. F , Drown & Cn.
have gone Into Insolvency. Liabilities , S7V
OM and asst-ts about S8.000. This Is the de
velopment of recent failures.
Care for the Children
Children feel the debility of the changing
f rasons , even moro than xtlults , and they be
come crosi , pccvlsli , nnd uncontrollable.
The blnad tihould tie cleansed and thn [ tystom
Invigorated by the utu of Hood's Harsaparlllu.
"Last Spring my two children were vacci
nated , Soon after , they broke all out with urn-
ning tore * , ho dreadful I thought I elmuM Josn
them. Hood's H.'ir&npniiUa cured them com
pletely ; ; iuU they have been healthy ever
jince. 1 do feel ( lint Hood's Sarsajiarllla
trued my childicn to me. " Mas. U. L ,
TJIOMMON , West Warren , Mass.
Purify the Blood
Hood's nampnrllla Is cfiaraclcrlzed by
thrco peculiarities : 1st , tlio coinblmitton at
rcmcUlal agents [ Id , Ilio frofcrtlont 3d , Iho
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