I b THE 41iA7Id DAILY BEE : F1tIDt1Y , AUGUST 37. 7SS6. IVES TIIhIR COAL + PLAY ? The Qncstion Ratted by the Relatives of Daniel Kilroy. LIV/IS GORDON TURNS UP , A Big heal fstntr Ural-hrpoafllou Notes-BIInIrd' . Succr.HSOr-1'11 lice ; LOCft , iitC , IIlroy'H Denth. Coroner Drexel restrrlny received n letter train I'rrd. John I' IIroy , superitllculehl 0I schools of 1'0eyc0nuly , Ind. , titnhlng in' gniry 1l/net the death of his brothr , Ianlel ' Kllrny , who way drew tied hero n few dny4 ngo nl the vtndtynrds. It sell I 1)n renu'mberd that 1tliu % wills said to ilaVe III'l'tl ' btthint ; just beloie his doalh nhd Ieltie , utnn1 i' in Hwlul w'as iiidtsvned.b : itihn } ' , the hu1IlIt. says that he fns r aullur , I the body c Ifally nod funnel sI ( ItI lwtilst'v ssthcli tulght 111I1dn foul play , Ile aslv IUr a fall II ) rt of IIir rbcuevtnnr4 , of Uir nITItir. N hethrr he w'III tII\estlzate the mat , tl'I' II'Ilmlll. to be reef. a r'Cat ( ) xclsnlit ( rdu'aflcrnInn ( tlat. theft was but U11e Mats. on Ili' hrnty tit lill T(1 ( , . that on tile tt'utple 'I'tii ten thtnks tun ) mauve been ( IIISt i III dragging the body e11L of limn water. 'I'ilcether dlscolueattutis w'ero caied by nu tngnnlity In the settling Ut hloud Utter death-a (4 rV hat IIral thtl1g in hot weather. I'1e rounn'r ha i svntteh a lung letter In Icply to the hlghhies et' I'rolessur ' Kiley , G'ltlOS ) IAN A1VAY. And Heft III. V II'e lrul I ourChllttrell Unprot'Idrd bur , t Lewis Gnrllnu , the Plash'rrr ih iVest Oiim1)a svhu teas ugwl ICd to have disappeared of last Sunday , leas bcu hclud hull. ! le has svrith'u to his paltue' , lull , tclfIIg 11111 that he CnUld nut "stand prospects longer. " sty prospects his part , nee twterstands tbn tinpleastlit Iel atmu lS which cxistd biUvet'It Gardntl and his wile. 11111 sass Jlis. ( oidotiVednesdat nun rt'pnrts that she snys she did her duty U1 uutku life ngreeabl0 t t Iles' tllhhlllll. She is hosY IetludnllU wIt11 four children , while her husband's ' u'1Iereabwis have bmi concealed by Ilia. Ills , , hall , say flint till ! Illialilt'ss nir Lis of the 111111 nle in a saIcCUtidlt1on. d THE 1NTlR sTATI fxL'osrrtv. Sotno of the Advance Note. of ' Olllll)1'n' ) . Grcnt 1xpovitio11. 1'he'e is nut a foot tit' space in either the expnslllou bnildi11g , thin annex or ttic gal lnr ley arntuld tie 1'oiiii r % YIitch Is ii tL ii ely let to exhibitors. 'I'bespacceoltiolled by cacti is outlined by chalk hpnu the tlou , and already nlerchnntsmul exhibitors are preparing to display their svares. The dealers mid mauu factures of Omiiaba never before displayed Huck chthnslasnl nod interet Iii any UIiit taking. Eve'y Oil I ) of the Ielullii g mcu acrd lines of the city have ehle'cd fur exhibition , and their enlpIOycs are now busy selecting ni terial amid invent Iig designs for the di s. play. It WiS ; 1hOight nt one tilliL' that the gallery u'ntdll lint be utilized , but 1L is n fact 110Wthat every loot iii it has been cliI ge(1. KxcclleIit displays will be made in the spaces between the witidoty $ 011 lie south side , whdo the entire wall of the north stile will he lung svdh tilagnllicont pictures. It will be thin largest display al work of the 1 inil that has ever taien place west of Clii- eago , nod hldced , Iii the bidet- city , 1o dts- u play was over ltiuw'U to 1)U larger. 'the ' gallery oa the east end has been transl'oruied Ioto tIiree ILL I 100111 S. ' 1'10 walls are paliitell 1)1 miianoml , utid live feet above the spectators' LOUIS a row ( it gas gets has been placed atownd the roam Itinl about live feet from each wall. IVhel lighted , these jets will ic- flect their rays neon the pictures Ining around , svlilie , at the sunO tf111e , the Ih11ue will hot reach the eve of the speclatO ( ' ] lunging frog 1 the ceiling , aid Riling up tIiu ! equine furtiied by the gas Plpu , w'iil ho n canopy opy colored like the sends , which x911 keep the eye it emrlltiOU to npprcuhlte i1)e gears about. MauUgerbInincrsays that he has made arraageurents with a nuuibcr of the best artists - tists iii the country , especially , several excellent - lent ores from Jtil vaukee and Chicago. Free these and othe'sources he expects the finest display 0 1 nil Pltlntings ever node iii the west , outside nt' Chicago. Besides these features , the'N w'iIh be other displays of hric a braccnrto4llies of art lull Inpestry. Of till , latter there will prnbabiy be several antique - tique and valuable Hatuples. 11r , Linluger Is nos ucgotiating with several gemitleulen in Oumalia w'ho own those null iii a few days will hove heud : ( hell HItchy about tlwlydlspiuy. ' 1'ho will , gnu thunt t is exuemely an xeus that fury amid IIII persOns svhu have atrticlus of t lutenist Or neautv _ sviiclr ten \Vould like to be used at time expnslliuu to send tlleul to him. lie will loc to them properly and guar- an Leo hid i sal m rettu n. Saverul lam iIIles h1 Ouabn have already unlocked thelr heir- InOnls unit consented to the hse of their purchases - chases arrond at this display. i Creighton cullego w'III ' nmlte a full display of Its pit ilosop1I1ea1 apparatus , time Illost cum- photo of the west. It will hmtS'o a recta spec- ldly : doVOled to the purpusc mil at. Intervals duruigtime afternnun and erenhlf , electric exhibitions will ho givemi by nleulburs of time fac sty , fie nil i'raluglcal cabinet of Itmu college will also be on exhibition. 't'here 1911 be seveil other electrical exhibitions , each1 of which still be of a most bdcresthtg anture. ] ) ewoy & Stouu will hltve three roams. Two of these will collhtlrl tin exhibit such as this firm ucver 11mdu before , w'hlle the third tvlll contnhl thousmile of Japaiee Iptlles : of handiwork and hidutry. 3Iergell. Ilusen- zdverg alv liberally hnildlugaroom , svhiIclt will he as richly deeorated as that of nqucoti's chin mmlbe . Thu ii vahy between nonchant fcr the linrst ( I isplu ) Is now most keen , and the result will be cuuazing l0 people of both this city and stale. Thu ltusleal Union orchestra of twmlty members will piny every nftcrnoot itud even- ing. TILlS RUItAI , ItUIiERS. flow They Festively Hpellt fiat Evening - ing at 1 ho Court , house. Wednesday night , there was a very pleasant gatherltig at thocountybnilding , of time young ladies old getltletilen now in aUendnhce at the county tehehe'H' Insulate. .1s hits at. ready bcel henti0ned iii the Irma ; tlio lust- ! tote Is being held 111 the high school , mid the atteudenCO hats been uupeecedented ht tlds county' . 'l'ime ' Indira eml gemiteuet ( coutpos- lua it 100 beyontt a tOaht time most iiteihl- gout of lhrh class , w'h0 have thus far gallr creel In Onudut. ' 1'hulr interest in the excr- elses of the institute , too , has bccu t lire luunecd. All of ihit so fuels Iiavo rumhmcelt greatly to time sntisIaetion of Cennty Su per- Imilendenl Renner , Under whose dImeet ion II o ii stltub is heiug ruuducted Ind wile is In lady Iuttculnnca upon its si' sions. Ur coimuidelrlllon of all these fnts , : , limo inn ladles slid geltiettell of limo itstttutu s'e'c last night uetted to a nuclublu Ilt tlw /001115 of mho snperlntcndent lmm tliii coil rt house. B eiy temehorfro i limo district wits Ill esel , and with vocal mid inbiunientrat nuslcdanduganll reG'esiuulcmis , wusennbicd to puss at trust itch gblilo'ening ! ludet'd , lit the nlilee nt' Ilie comely clerk , sevcrul of 1 + h' . Ncedhatil's men were at work , ' ! ' 11s tint 1)0 cams lamsru Iii mho fertlvu gathering and in ceuslletatlun of tutu cxhuusilye toll of the abld noon , time yomulg ladles nhaiiIiii : sly vuttnl to reiesh Ilimit flotn Illelr Im11nh ohs shpl1'of ( Ico-cream and oilier tefrrsluut'nt htaterlal 'J'ho Iinlicss was ul 1 cefnlctl , though the lctueslhncufa sutfcad Iun a Very sad manner , M 1tlId'UI11)'H : SUCLiISSOIt. 11 is G , G , .S mcs who 1''ollovs tiu r ItvU lleaded Ituoblur. Cougresshien ( I , G , Sy nes , of Colorado wcut west yesterday. Ito n'as urcont yatlled by it fobll4t , ItItitai'ylouk1' ! ! ! ; gently 1111111 , mmneti A , A. Fitz 11njji , of Pittsburgh + who lt.td once been ht time reuiar ; army severe ho liad Irian a IIICUIber of tic half u f Oencid Stleridul. CohgtcmSptan Sylne ; is a man of medium hoighn suit us'entgo weight , ilt Inca is full but ee11siderablywrinkh'd , wlmlle his eyes , a t tires , proulitentiy rxlenii hayed Ihcl sockets , ills bah' is scout , wblle n steal rhuu whister ; of auburn slut elohgatn hil ' visage , 'l'ima lafter is lelrrndd wltb dexter Otis nicety , almost to the clipping of h single hair , lie ( vas dressed in grey , and might easily have llcell takl't1 ter a sutccbsaftll iumer cimnt. Instead , hovevor , Mr. Synmes is a lawyer , lhetigh his prescnco at \Vnshington has coulpcllcd tutu to tenporarlly abandon his practice of his professtutl , Sir. Sy limes , in nl11uost every way' , is time a111Iluodes of his FOlitelfliat renowneil predecessor , ex Conltessiuan ; lid- fmd , known to fame and othertviso as the rend-headed uw4te of the hackies. Mr. Syumev spent fast uicht in the city. Since the adjnurntii'nI ten I as hecn spending n couple Of wCCks , by time way of test , in \'ir 'Iuta , and nnu' retnruv hnult' feclihc ox- cectlilmgly ieiieved after the labors of the ses Ioli. 31r. Svnlrs thhlkv that Ucnvrr Is main ex- arlrtlehica boom. " .111 oq lufntm at iou of late dates sativtirs mn that thitics ate in a tlotii whine condition tvilh the city , anti l 1)f Iirvr the saou' 1)1 be tree of the state , I n a PrdiIhral sl list' , l ( ( that ti lorado will bn Inurrrrpahlicau titan ever' "li'ruisi of the feel lnc of the oppn.itintl , tsldch i mm ocrats enloulil tcanirltng 110 ad Iii our stale the him utbe4 or IImat Iarty , One not satisfied w'Itit the foderaI appnintu t'11ty , They et' , + eeted caudrrnble ( mire Ii om 11 r. ( 'leselnolh 'I'Iu'sani' I tlduk 14 utio with tegatd to lhr 'matey at inl'ge. It svIII I41111 , 1 feel lIi au increltso of tit re pnb Ihun uarty and n ennuv lnetiI decease hl the demllortatlc Iepresetltnllll ) of hut' Ilext cull- gre4s. 'l'ime people nl large hi uve been nude to i rc haw' little of all that wins Ixpict'd of It Imsh'en donehy the deolurratme cungres. ( )11 ) the other haul limes have seen how hui'lu eau be done nrathst then ! . 't'he lnilume of Ihewtnst Icfemlso nil , the vela 01'cctaIll ts'Ulthy s'mstni cIaIiiis , tmn th e ' with a n tiul hernl ' , svitIm tvhlch you ah'doubt- Ir4s fanlike- , will , I Illlmmk , greatly benefit the ie ummblicah stiengtlt In the neat coh- greSs. ' _ - Etlttente I'onr Soon , 1stidow them withl it legacy tint can- net be squandered tumid scud then ) to the 1NIVItsl'rv' : or Norltr.Ii.txli : , all institution noty in its forty-third your , and ununruwised : for its advantages to n1- part to your sonsti'tl svau'ds a thorough : and tinishal nltiatiou , eithm ill a thor- uugh coin orialbusimless ( ) course , wliich is a distinguishing feature of Notre 1)u111e uuh erstty , or fu ut ftilIconaasvluich cool- ln'tscs eLts4le , ltsv : , science , hiatllehlatics iuul music. Special alt mltnges ale otlcretl to stu Betts of the Ii w Ih'/Idn hncriL till : ) tIN IM Ilil'Alrl'Mt i' , n scpard0 : Institution ( St. Edward's Ilulll ) for ho3s under twelve years of age , who arc taught by S1S'I'lllts U1) ' T111 : 1ioLr CIUSS , under whose nlatur11al care they pass ncuu'I5-the out ire duty in reed 1ng tnsti uc- tioli lit all Ito eleplehtary brinches : of an 1snglish educudou ! together with a tmtduuuenlul khosvhedgeof Latin , French Gorman , vocal nhlsic , Vtoltn , piuue unuI drawing , ylrepnrltoy : to enter either the junior or sctihnr classes of the university. Itinl't ! , tvulshing , trlelldillg , tuition : Lint entttilee : fee for session of live months in Atiuiul depurtnuaul. : $130. The uizllytifth sesvon ! will opct on 'l'ucstiaV , September 7 , 1S 6. Itefure concluding where to place your sou or ward send far a catdogne : , which still be sent free , giving you fill ! inforni - Iion of the Universityolhotrelane. Address - dress , REV. 'I' . \Vu.stt C. S. C. , l'1'esddont Ihlitersrty , NoU e Inhc : , lml. A Big Schenln Several Omnhn geullemot are now seri- nnsly censlderiug n scheue to form the l'a- pilllun creek bottoms sVOSt of l'ulpilliot into n large lake. A visit bas been ranee to the spot and estiutato4 hate already bccu made of the uamm t of grading tint tvoudd be re- quired. 't'he ostmated ! cost of the sche tie is light. 't'he plan is to genie Out the bottomms mid then admit votes from the creek by means of a dam fashlohcd after one of the locks used in rivets. A smull voluueof wader wvnld h1 this sva ) ha reptircd , Uwuglr time depth n nnld be sulllrienl to allow moderate - ate sized steatiiers to pl 111)011 ) thin lake , 'feces plants nod ( lowers w'Ivll he pbtced along time shores rand the lake will l u "Ihiinwu open' to time public as ; u smmuerlesoit. 'I'io shunt is to be Inmotvn as Lake'1'assn , and night , pcllaps , ptus'c n tiuhgeious rival to Lalte'Mantwa. : . e Armuy l'otes. Time Seconti itfuttry tn uu s band will be In attendance tit time uwurling of medals to the rillu competitors utt the Bellevue range alnrdty. ; Colonel lhmrnhant returncit yesterday fu om a month's sojourn ht the east. Ile srlhl Jeave about September 1st fcr his new post of duty as juste advocate of the division 01 tie Pacilic Cnite'ah Crook yesterday arrived al Fort ilridgnrVyo , lie has just brut inspecting thin ! ew post , Foil Du Chesne , recently established - tablished in northern lltalm. Ct'nerutl 1 : . F. 'lest old Lanny hnvn re- turmicd from n trip to St. Paul amid the neighboring - boring lakes , 'rho First Train , 'J'hu first trail over the Missouri Facilic road between Liticoht and Weeping \Vate' \ was run IVeduesday. BOtsveen these two points , mlUl Utter nntyce , bat ono train will be rent each day , it will lcavn lineolu at 1LO : : p , ht , and \Veepinu \ iVater at 90 o'clock in tlue ntteunou , timnldn : bat 01111 trip a day. Later tluetu will be a specini halo ) nit hetsvicen IJncOht and ( hunha for the business between those , ohtts. 'that , iiii ever , sill ! not be douu until time toad has become settled mud solid , - A .111th Drusl'ned. 11'hilo ' a ttuuuber of men and boys were bathing hl the river near thesvato'worrts nesday , one yo umg ; umutn sotue distance out way ubservc to sink beneath the surface. Ito never rose again. Ito is iteserlhirl as being about : .3 years of age , with a dark brows tiunlstacho old brown hair. No ono necnu'd to kiiott' who he was , am ( a search often clothllI ; failed to discloti hits identity. A party of ! 11111 W'tC nitcit'el { in arngghig the river lnstnight , but failed to recover the body , A Ye.c I' uttl M3 srery. The people nbuut ltcdlek's grove in the \'c t lad tile still very mnah exercised over tits reported hndimmg of a dead body hl thin grove , \Vhere or how the rumor slartu d Is a nmyslory , for the closest bearell fails to rc cal any corpse , nor luau any ono beet Pound tvhu hums seen it. It is probablu that the story is thu lureliUnit of sutin' brllIIantl'cliits s'mlll inure IimungiintIon I I mu l brains , 1'10 nuppnsitlno t1)nttle holy w Ids that of Gordan , tiu ntls - ing plasterer , lens also bccu exploded , Hubeessftll Stenographers , \\'e htv'o : ulnecd in good paying positions - tions during the past six months over a dozen grndaates of Vllontfm + 's shorthand - hand instltutu Uulalma.'I'hey are all lions l'Ilnnii writers cued arc giving Ute best of satisfaction , Not one has failed , J , B,1LtvNl:3 &Co. , U1lAlIA , Aug.:0. Stunogrnphurs , Nola Pntrlck'H b'arnl. it was rumoed on limo streets yesterday that tire Nels ) 'ntrlck fafu ! , svcst of 1Vainnl hilt , a11(1 comristng ) scion hupdicd acres , tens been sold for SitXOO ) , ' 1'llero was no lruttl hl Iho report , althoughl $ u50fsO ) has bean of lered for thin pro'wrty ' , but $ i4)O,000 ) teas dr. Iuuuled , ' 1'1)0 intooding purchasers its o New Yorkcrs wlio would built a cable lice l hue greuud , The Tvarmway , ' ! 'lio cable nh'n are troking vigorously on 'I'enllt street , brtsveeu lluwarll turd llnrme y streets. ' 1'llo excavalkus are nlnde at toter vats of bum- feet her the hmn yokes , svhlto tt1 a cabs : aid gout tng Irons nue lylug upou ltu edges of Ile : epculml , 1'he roncreto will 511011luilotv'the eand tlien n ido'k of th rablN tniiu % 3 will bo iii a lair ssay t4 caul pell ! a , -T-- Ihttsed ft 'I'houeaitt Dollars. L ' [ lie ladfeJ of thin Chtid's hospital n few days ago scchted tie pllvtie ; a of a refrebh ticitstaudat : thou uxuuyittOf. hint , when it r was h + a rued that tiiC ) Propose i to. it' ) alt time } w arkthoutbei Ci.lhuh'hubbauds sit to.woz k alud'aised ' SlOul for ( hog , ngo hues aheiru d elf tAU db ht of Iho laatitutluu. lit , resau rant privlluu 13 agala vaaaut , 1 C < t.\'T PAY Ills MIN A Contrnotor In n Bad I'redlca- went , A very excited crated of Swede laborers was ( gathered yestemdny near the corner of Sixteenth anti bouelas excitedly deuland- lugpay tar work tvhlch they haul done. 'l'imo ceutrll figure of the group was Contractor Jesse Osterllout , to whom the laborers were paying their coulplunents in a very excited luau Ii or. It seems that Osterhott , w9lo had the coil- tract for excavallnc the cellar for the Paxton bumiIdlhg en Sixteenth and Panlntu , has come uut seteial Inlndred doltats bcldlttl on Ills cnntrutrt. The cntiscr uetlce Is that he has been unable for the last few days to liislwii , biittiii' t toll trnclol- nil H once l to Ills hlen that he could not pay Quvu , ' ! 'his ctcalid a severe cut , Mr. Uter- hunt i115ttile tetlItIi wnrkulen toilet yesterday tiinhlhg InliieussthemntIcrol'settlement. V.trrday both shit's Inet aim ii Ilsrussedn conl- praiuise.hi. . Uterhout agtced to pity the men nsoon as he cnald. "I tnoh I Illy contract at ton losv a Ii ure , ' snlit II1UstemI uiittoarepnrteryrsterdny 'luld ! ha t e ii nut n cleat deal al uuoney. 'l'ime fact Is that I tense limn paylIIg my hands lie miutcll , SI.a day , teuIim teIs Sd,0. ; Resides that the rains lave bmtl se heavy rmcotly tlmt r base tend to du lily work sevcrul tlules over oIl 0rco11ult of the icnrhev re hlling. Iiii - ete' , I , npgis0 I shall tent a to t et out of time sc11mpe the best way I can. " 11i : LOl'I S V A I I I lT Y Joitn 1 , IIedlclc 3lny VOt Coiiclutle to Itculnlh I o Omaha , Judge Redid ; is not likely to leave Omaha in a hey spurt tiuc for tile sand hills , the beatity nod the nintulouy 1)f southern Call- lortila. Ito lad thoilgat of leaving here mug ngo , and iI he hind not , in a hmeasure attended that resolution , he stoup ! luagsineu have iCCUIIIJ a resident of the Pacllic coast , Ile went out shoe , he says. n'ith his wife an family , souuetiue In .lulu. just la se ( how he would like It. 4 ant. vhiiie ho liked the scenerv mil the climate. the place was hin11dou0Its , uhuost dealt. For a busy milut , the plncn to Ilse tsas w'heie tieu was life , 'Ii mere eras plenty of that in U oaha , he claiti- eel , w'hihtu there was nut unrlm of it where hue had iuteldcd gotmue. " 1 ii ke variety , " said 11 r.Iledi'k , 'even Itlots tocomoa5aryeloh c. I ce inliily shin ii t lcaen Mete ! Ill October nod Luny hot go be tnrc next February , III go even then , lint you know , It' l wen , 1 cold get btek : here Iwo or three titiues a veal , and that tiuiglithelp alum cmislderltblyl' lie 11(1(1 n 1)og. Yesteulay , n sable-hued individual who seemed to he sutferiug tloni either an acme altutek of ever-hilulgence in watermn chum or nudlluted whisky , attracted a geed deal of attetitieh at tie Union Pacific depot by thin devotion ten displayed for a nutiugy : cahine which he drugged at his heels , lie endeavored - ored to enter a i assetiger car , but was rt'straited. lie could not nay for the carry- lug of his dog iii the haggaeo car , and was Ii tlitllp Iispnsed 0 ! by being cfhucked In time etuignutt sleeper tit the rear of time 't'he dug seemed abashed with his late and ill astel' , Police Court. Two shall boys tiatimeu Albert Killeh and Chas. Linbhrger , arrested ferstealinggrapes , were brought before Judge StenberC yesterday 't'hey were released after a severe lecture nod clue hou r' , conhineuolt In tluectty tall. Eightdrtnikswcreurratgnrd , 'lhrie vere lined S u uutd costs , null couhuilted , and on e was limied : t until costs , which he paid. ' 1'iue rest w'crc discharged. The Jltissourf ltiver' Commission. WI. .1 , liroaclt , one of the Jllssouri river COlnhiisslun , has been called to Sk Louis to colmtct' with the tiieulbers of that body with reference to the appurltOnhtolt of theuppro- : priatiml recently utalle by cungtess for the u11pro enleit of (1)c ( 1u11ssouei , 'Ii te unotmt suns S8r,000 and ulr. Bronchi will culen'or to hove a fair share of the amount expended in tltc vicinity of Uumha. Zobriskie vs O'Neill. .Judge Neville , ( yesterday , was engaged in healing the injunction case of % obriskie t s O'Neill. A temmipornty ihjunetiot was gratitslsongdav ago in-favor of the fgruter , who claims to own a cet taut piece of properly , in South Umiaha which is also clam by O'Neill , 'II uc mu ntent and evidence today was guile and submitted to establish the pro , pretorship ! in % obriskie. Thu cu11it took the utattcr miler adviseumetut. Itcfcasetl. .10111131ostyn , a stuek , Ids bricklayer has been up before Judgc Stedbcg a dozen time , in the last two uwnth , and wus brought before - fore ih11 cagaln yesterday on a chmgo fof drntikeiuncss. Ile was on the verge 0t de- ihlltitii tremens. ladge Stetuberg colicluded to telense Iihu anti give ! h1 one more c11irce : to keep his pruuulses of nIortn. Founts a Canc. A few days ago n gold-headed cane in- sc1.Ibedl with certain initials , was picked up ml theoad to Lake Manawa It Is supposed - posed to l:9re : been dropped by aim Olulnhut OxOht ; iorisL it will be given to thin owner upon qu ( ! Irug this illthtls engraved upon it , b 5 appl ing a ) Conductor Chas. Mack , of the Uuhel ll'acdc dmuluy. She Doesn't Pant Thrnne. Yesterday , Ilaslna 'l'hrule Ailed ; a bill for divorce from Iter llusbuld , l. . C. ' 1'hrane , Shic wins mm'ried to him ht 1SSI , and since thou he has wilfully deserted her , for a great part 0C the thue reftisin ' , In any instiller to peOVtdO for her. Ulm this ground , the peti Qom is based. - 11l 'rrctting a Chinaman , Sin Goal , a Ciinaimuln who keeps n tea and general notiun store m ! .orth'l'eutth street , cuigdained yt'st ordnythat a very dab to of boys are a mutbnaily ! nnltn'ilg hlul l throwing sthcks surd stones at his doors ant wlildJws. San Henn says that 1)o huts asked the puller to protect Id111 , but they hav c failed to d0 se. ISlooked Yesterday , the Union I'acillclynrds wer n werd tilled with IJni ; tralnr both t'rouu the east an d d west , 'rimebohnndlodsatlsfactor - Il ) ' and , as a umlce the ove'Innll pas semger seas delayed going out l1 um as tit 0 ( Itliht island trait teas ) n cotnlu6 into l1) 0e depot. Nails nod Glittery. It C. I'attcrsol is in comututdoatlon svittl n nail anti cutlery co upany of J'Ittsburg , Pa. ' with n view to bavtimg it loeato in this city. Otte of the nientbers of slut cor ( orattou ha 9 assented to hits prolssitlun , ruin lhltt of th Others will douhlleas 1)o seemed before bug It will give cuiplnyplclt to nbott thtfcc huud dd rod ntcchtaitics , l'Jzra Itltllnrd's Successor. 'i'he ( 'outucucial : National bank is now tinder the dlrectiun of A. P. lb iihius , wh has luerelofole acted us cashier. MrV , 0. Maul is time vice ptesidet1 , and exorcises a lamely intone , t in the atfnh's of the ilstilu tlotl , _ Heated Men. \Vednesduy afternoon , four inch who svcr euIluyed ! ) b ) the county nnlf working node thin dlrerton ! of Connllsshner O'Keefo It , iii culvert "I'ko Banelue" ' uttlug a near o1 lime niilibu'y road , were overtone by the bca and cunpnhled to seek niedicnl aid. Opelt's iioto1 , Lincoln , Ncb , , openo Much ibth , first class in everyrespect. GrndUug , 'fhc grading of the lot on tvhlch the cote IOuse : stands , by way of prcparntou : for tli J rettiudug : wu11 , liiis been bet to McKintiey C flail at 1jf cents per yard. 'l'ira stone fu tlu w aI : is altcsdy nrrtviuo , ? : W ( ) ) : rJANs EiIOAt ° 9 Upw'Anps Easy terms tit bits Meycr & Bros. Tiu + Icl > il Ure , 'l'imo registrars beg to to sit yestcday toregl fur the sautes of Velers fu f Lir nest election 'l'be daee at + rhlth they sit to thi diferct ! 1YAfds way Ile toullti of Quo of tie ! ilsjd pages of bc iJr ; : , J , I1. 1Viikie In iiutuutfrcr of pope bosos1109 S , iilb street , Uruu rn. 1001(0UT ( FOR TI TRl1DDLCR A Wayne Oonnty ; Pill' Man Anxious to Sacrifice the 'People. Dr. 'nn 1'cisor's Itrlllinnt Straddling Feats in the laevehth Semut- torial - Prontis- Distm'iet-A ' lug dlml , 1IAUrlNul-ox , Ncl ) . , August 91-Corr [ resliondotce of the ItEE.1-Jay Gould once hirectlyadmittedtoitcortcressiontl : coinnilttee tlmtl : 111 sonic tllstrlcts in' was a repnbhrtit : : ultl that in othl'rs he w'as a ttrmoerut , thus indirectly adutittitg that he tyus a duty Could nail : nl lsria unlit first , last end all time tuna Sintihu rases are to be found 111 every sretion of the uuion , and iii faet wherever sueh a thing as politics is know'h. A rase lit point is to be tptitid here in limo ElttVutlt SeIuuo- ritl district. Ir. IL. V. Van Velso is known at home to be rl + dteully anti Vun \Vyek , and tens culled Van \Vy'ck a tiotia- gog11ouilothrr ; things sinliiu' thereto. I\Ir. \ Vun'elso aspires to ropresrot this district i1 the stole scultte ; he hopes aunt expects to receive the repuhiean ) uonti- natiint , ordinarily this would iustire his election , but this year the only is , ties known arethat of 1ut'yck. \ . \\'hilm hr. Velsor wr.s limo only at : ulidnte in the bold lie twbosomcd ltinist'lf ' to a few Val 'uVyck nlet ill so fan' as tosttlc that in his judgntett Van Wyek stood no show of belugrc eIeeted- - that V ui \\'yel ; teas u demagogue ; ( Mutt If isle senatorial coti- 1 0nttot teminntetI Dint turd iuslructed hunt for \ 'anVyek and le tvns elt'Ctrd , lie would tote for Van 1Vyek oIl the first ballot. ' 1'heu , he ( vas a party until , 'I'heso are futets , : uld your correspondent ( eel if le is 1)1111(1 fn Oue eye uuui deaf ) kilo vs tvlicrcof he ullrnts ! , itltl tie point at issue : Up to iinox county a republk x11 pt - t' has 1u111oUUca1 the doctor .ns being a \ stir \\'yek htul : , its "a strop" wurket' trot' Vail 11'yckt" Ye gods antl'little fishes ! Cotisistelcy is in- ileeti a rare jeveh iunottg the average polltieiluts of today. It is evident tie ttoetor Ins "put up" the cards for a bold play at the ( iniia- nuous "Erie" gage , : uld is willing to be fortitytluog : : old ( ' % e1 timing according tvitiell will ) ; tin pin ) the hurt support in mho dli'erent ! localities tth ouellout the district , unl that he is for \'tm Wyck and the senatorial position , first , last ttlnl nil time tilne. lie , hero tit hone , has been importuned to declare binlseif for Vut : iV3ck , but 1o , he d:1'o : act , aid it is altogether too cvi- dcut tlutt if he were to be a pro11uu ced \ ' : m1'vck luau le would not be reco" ognizetl 1)3' the nacliine ) neim. As it is rd ) is their , let cutudfdate. Coutrfbntuons for a elh outo fund are hot. in order , Your correspuudeht ts-ould suggestgiving a chu'omo to evert aunt who pus ever known Van Veiso to even brcallie a word of prajde in ftlvor of the grand old neuu , Van \ \ y'ck. Autici putting the Size of the fund accessu : v for the purpose Sour correspohleut draws his check for oho cent , Your correspondent watds to see Van IVyck re elected and for this reason only does he write this. If VanWVck was not the issue 11u could easily vdlc for the doer tor. AS it is , hum certainly cau11ot , nor does he want others to votefor him- tar , t'culutri ' under the inn re simi that Van \'elsot is for Van \Vyc. . . Ile who is not for its is against us , anti we defy Yon Veisor to cuuuo out under his own mute that lie is for Van \Vyck , or that he huts said word for bunt--ntnless , ever a - - , per hops , ttxceptiuglhe last'tett days : . ' ' ' Now , w'o have a Van' 1Vyck lean , an independent camltdate ; i\Ir..J \ ! if. Felbin , of llartington , lie is for - VanVyck first , last : uui all the tinte ; lie huts an' nomlced hiniself as such through half time papers of this district , end lie tyutts : evm'y voter in the district to knew his position wlelhor the voter is for or against Van \Vy'ek , the noblest senator of them all. Rlr. . Felber stands squnrefy on time Votim 1\'yck issue , he not only stands there now but he has stood there ever since Van \Vyck huts been a senator , and lc proposes to light it out on that line till time volcs uu'e counted in Novenr bet , anti that , if elected lie will be found 'tt Lincoln doing valiant battle for 1'tn : \\3 ck and the people. 1)h' . Iilber cares fu : 1111)10 for principle thrum for olliee , : and only announced hinself ! as a candidate - date lecutnse he is anti lots been a strong Van \Vyck 111:111. : mum because le kuev the other culdiduges : were not. , VAN \Vt CKea. Personutl l'nrngrnphs , Jno ) Suulsbnry , of Kansas City , a land. jug reltl estate nun : tit that place , wits in tovh this nornfng IV , N. Babcock , general agent of the C , d' ; N.V , road , with his tvifc , returned this mot'ning from salt Lake. The ) Cxtuniuhr } ; Board , 'fhio exandning bound of applicants to the position of teachtallh the pnblie schools are W \ \ ' . KeSsor , Mrs , Sudborougltluil IV. S. Cur- tis. It will meet o1 ( nex ! . 'I'Inusday at the rooms of the board of education. Dr. Mercer vs. the Belt Idnc. 'l'imo ' case of Inr. Mercer vs , limo Belt Line road , to etijoln the litter froul erecting a bridge on Mercer avenue is behi argued In the district court , befo eJudge No'IIe ! , Baseball. Manager Kay has uuade positlve arrange- mcnts for ttvo gnu's wlth the 1Jastltigs chub next Saturday aid aOY4 tUI.Ltl,1 nr flOYAL @IC1dl ' ) ttNuii glpt .0 w 11 ( i r ' 4KiM tt tt t powDw Absolutely Purr t Tblepowdor notor vurlo. A marvel of purr ftystrength and whnlnaouuunoas. More ecoia omical than the ordinary kinds and cdmit be sold lnconputitlon with tlle multitude of low r test. short weight u11m ! or phospuuio pnwdcra Poldoniyincan ! , n11YAIflAKIxal'Ow'naltCo. /sstl'all st. , Now York. FOR GIRLS , tc t c At Croton on the 1ludaouNew York. 'l'iiu Ilnes t locution oil the lludson , and every' ndvuntul s for tborn0 { h instruction , r l'rlilcl nlle , Mtsi S. P. JiCUke and Miss C. B.U 'chat ttvfer to lloa. Ueo , W , Frost , t GRAND OPENING ti , I New York and Omaha Clothing Conpany arnan1 . Omaha , e . When re say we are going to open with the largest and i finest line of 11 Furnishing 'tf Ever shown in Omaha we mean what we say. To prove it to yourselves , come to the opening and see. Also get one of our beautiful souvenirs. ( s 1 Ul 1 Motto 1 1 Ilp 11 N 1 llO11 We Open about September V 1st i a = lirll Ili ® ) SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER ) 4. ' COJ1PAY , ys Cr. o t 1a u ar. 14tY : Sta. , 71111 oCt its toun4 to tl1'llbliC u'itJI ' ( hc IIZOSI coniple1c , stock of n ' ' ' ' : J t'e drown in Uruuku. IVe will ( ( there sf r icily to 11w , y motto , ' ( i Il I QUALITY 1f . J l e i Ani toil ea : ] ruse to ( Tee i'o7)le nIris ( cull , ( Inc U'tu' t'ulite of ' flOots..1esnrc : to ( rttaul n/tr / I ap NZNG O1)coinl crud r'CCC1V3 one of ow ' 1t-onlc , , sotVCniI's finch ( o ' wltocals. ' cvc'/one ! SATURDAY , 1 PTEMBER 4. aPt t Pt . - p c r. V O .t ] cI w o IIn "o h ( n w n I- _ ' M t.1 w cc a P W = ° ' . - - U fy a n + a % 'c A F ° .n V t,1 y V oFU o RI w t , a a - m 'r , O G r c"a U c ; I : , ! ° u . .aai Fc ; L ° Ill c - A"1) ' G iw c , w Fw . 0 A 5' I CTAVMONf5 RELIABLE JEWELER , VTatehes , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware r Tbelartrcet cluck. I'riecs the luwast. I'huo rupAlrln II bpeelIty. AIt bore w trr.ww 1. Corso r 1)ougas ! aueJ lttlt et root , Pumtha , M. BUREE & SONS , s t a AUItMI , Reuter , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB ' ' 1'arirrre' hank 1"1) , . NaInilrl ! 1tEBlatG'NCKS : luerthanta' end , David Ctty , " ; Kwrn.y f3inkKtanluyNeb , ' ( lhrnba9 9ate hi9ak , Cohmnbur , Yab ; ] kt ) ii hd'e Ueuk'iertlt I'felll Nr + b ; tlrah + s : rath aat ItinY Ointhi , Neb I. . Wlu pay cuttianrrs draft Stith bill of lat.lu ; lit1lchud for ttr0'tkhds Y1IUe of stook ' 1 iens Othe Sacred Heart 1'ARic PLACE , OMAxl 1 , NE:13. : 1 'Includlag ' Board , Washing , Tuition in ing isle or Fench , lnst.uiuetai . plltet't , , I Tree of 11 r , otl a , pat uoabtnn or ave tnnot tit. itlp. ! . J Refurrrnces aT % r.Qlurd : i'rcn peleoas uakVOw'tu to t .o lnetitu'an. : hoc furlt ) r j nfolwatiuu t iiiy to t9t' P.t. Ksv , Jay. O'Oonaar or to ho Lady Si parlor , tS' t