THE OMAH4 * * DAILY BEE : T T 27 , SPECIAL NOTICES Adurtl'frnonU under this ho id , 10 cents per line lor the ( lr t Insertion , ' cents far each sub sequent ( n crt'on. ' and $1 V ) n line ftr month Nt ) nihcrtl oinont taken for lisa thnn 2 , > cents Joi tlio llr t ln oton. i- xn x\ords will bo counted to the line ; they mint run cmi e < u- tlxolj and must bo pnUl In advance All mHer tlsimt'iti must be tmmkil In befoio 2 o'clurk p , m , nndtindrr no cltcumMnnep nlli tlicj bo tnkdi or cl ! < onilmiPil bj'toleplmiip. I'nrtU n < l crtl ltij ( In thc'f < oiumti4nn > 1 liiv- ItiKtlin nngwci ii0clip ( il In inio of liif HFK will plen o n lt for n check fopimble thptn to trot their lctlor , ns tiono lll \ > n ilellvnreil cteopt on pio'entntlf.n of cheek. All fiiisiren to iul- vortl eniiinH should botiuloieil In TO LOAN MONEY. rnof ' To lonn on Duialiti Pity juoportynt rt $ piTO'iit Inteicst. O. W , lny , oxer IIU loutrlii ) Bl. J"7 Ol'lllt fi\T : Moiiuy to oitiu J. J. Mnhoney , 1OTI Koinnui. tiOl MiMV ( : T < ) I.nXOn farm nmldtj plop- oitjnt lowest nttos , VV , A. Spcncur l"iU9 niriuilii st. U" > ' . i CNI > or to limn in Ri'KiiAi. iiinninit" to suit , on short time innrtiiKis , three lo tiveHe inonths tlino on propcitr Itn- prnveil or linlmproxcil , Call nt the Oniahii J liiaiii'liil Kjicluinno , soeonil Moor of llnrkcr lllocK. S. W. Coi rnrnntii nnJ 16th St. K8i WT ImMthonn money on lonir tltnr , In nnv n.uantltvtoli > nti on lnslilocltproportj.or fnrtn hiiul. Mar-luill , V I.obcck , loll 1'nrniuii sU G GriJlt riJNT money to loan. It. C I'utlor on , ) nml _ OMAHA l1IVAN 'IAMXC'IIAN : lKhpro- pareil to ninko lonni In 11113 amount , on nny klnil of approved n-curlly. Lnr o collatornl loans n ppcclnliv. Al o on chattels ami ronl PBtnta In Rinounts nnd time to suit. Lower rnlos , better terms , nml ptompter sorvlco than nny loan itBoiicy In thoelty. For further particulars call nt office on the FCCOIU ! floor of the llnrker niock. aouthwost corner of rnrnntn nnd 1Mb Mi-pots. " _ _ } BO _ _ ( * 7."and n percent money to loan. Moitiairoi * ' taken In oxclmiiifo for real estnto. Cnntral Investment f o , Itoom 7 , llatkerlllock.ior nth nnd rarnf-m 'CU ' . . TO LOAN At loweit rnHsof Interest MO.NT.V est on fni ins and nuproxed clt > ropctty. I" . .1. Ia ) > .VCo , fi , Cionnst- block , S 15. c oinur Capitol ax i into and lilth nt oVlJYl O LOAN At lower ratestli.ui any- xxhcio else in thocity.onfitrnlturo , pianos , organs , hoi < os , xvn ons , or stock of any kind. Itmnombcr , nt loxver rates limn anx' other loan cyiinpany in the city. City Loan i Mortifajro Co. . room l1401 Farnam st , opposlts 1'axton hotel. 411 MONI'.X to loan by the niidoisigned , who has the only propoilv oiifiinl/od loan ntreney In Omaha I-oanp of JlOto f 1,000 made on fur niture , plano . organs horses , WOROIIS , nmchln- cry , &c , without romoxal No delays. All bURlnons strictly conlldontlal Loans so niado that any part can l > o paid at nny tlmo , each pay ment reducing the co t pro tata. Adxnncos madoon line watches and diamonds 1'ersons should carofullv consider XTIO thov are dcallnir with , as many now concerns nro dnlly coining Into existence. Should you need monov , call nnd BOO mo. W. H Croft , Itoom 4 , XX'lthncll rtnlldlnc , IBth nnd Harnoy. 413 . . . . . CF.NT Honoxto loan , Stewart & Co , 6 Iloomll , Iron bank , l"th and Farnam , 453 jno.OorTTrTToair Hums f&X ) nnd upwards. 9 Loweatiatcs. llcmls , 15th and Douglas sts. 45il PONKY TO LOAN O. P. Dnvls &Co. Heal M EitoU and Lonn Bgonts , 1505 FarnnmSt 457 MONKT TO LOAN On Rood securities. A JIcGnvock , room 7 Hodlck Ulock , 1509Fnrnnm Bt. 453 M ONKv TO LOAN Oil real cstnto nnd chat tola. D. UThomns. _ _ 459 MONKY TO LOAN In sums of KOOnndup. wards on flrBt-clnps real cetnto security. Potter & Cobb , 1&15 Farnnm Bu 40U MONKY LOANKD nt a F. Heed * Go's. Ixnn ofllco. on fnrnlturo , pianos , horsns , wnpons poreonnl proportr of nil kinds nnd nil ether ar ticles of vnluo. without romoral. 319 a , 13th , over IIIiiEhnm'B Commission store. All bua DOBS Btrictlr oonHdontaL 401 BUSUIES3 CHANCES. Will buy a pnyinpr business in a irooit location. Hcnson for sell romoxal. Addrc-s I < 55 , lloa olllco. 4.4 J7 * fTlOU fAI.i-Thi , ) Ideal Calltfinpli. ( ! . JL' Ilakerauent , loom 7 Iron bank. 4fiJ 29 T710H IJXClf ANOi-A : 240 aero farm In a 'ooil J. ' count > In loixn , ( no Incuinberanee ) for a htock of troods Addioss Lock Hov 1" , Manic , CnssCo , low a 4.IS2S * OlTHAI.T : ono of the oldest established Krocciy business In the olty , xvith a very lar o , wolf-pajlntf traOo. Will exchange lor Omalia real ostnto or part cash and balance se cured notes. CJood reasons given lor soiling. Address HI" Jones. _ 1W7 ! : Or triulo tor Omaha propcFfyT The best located Ihtry business , with stock In the city. I.OIIIT l < aso of bum at cheap lent. Miijno Hro3. , 151'J l iinam. 411 rpoT'llAN ; iH 1'or fnrminp minis or city JL lots a In Ick store , neatly now , Inllxo lowu in cent i al New York : rents for J.K5. M. C. ItoinliiKton , NellKh , Nob. 410 si * FOH .SAI.i : Cheap : small rcstamaTit on bnF- Incss street. Addiess I > 47 lice ollico. 3SI 28 * _ PxTVll SALI : An old nnd well established giocory business , nddross L 10 , Hoe office. Vj-S-2 * - - ! _ TTKHl S.M'1 ! Or rent I.ix w y stable mid stock JU For imulculais inquire- Occidental hotel. 275 fiMMt .s/xi.i ; 'iho complnto luinlturo of the JL Nobra-kn Vlnepur Works Cull soon on i : . Kiobs. Jones si bet Uth and 10th st , Omaha. _ _ BIO _ "I7IOH SAl.i : An ( lOKnnt established buslnohS. JL1 the best nt the kind In the x\o-t located In this city ; net pi ollts $5,000.00 per annum ; will bear closest Inx-estliwtion ; Invoice about $15COO 00. I'nrtlM with inoiuis xrlshlnir to step Into a flno business address K 7 , Itco ollloo 444 JTlOJt SAM : First-class moat iuaruot xvith JL' nlco llxtines , all eomploto : irood trade : best of rk'iifonu for sclllnir. Call orxvrlte to ( lee XX' . JIasson1JU21 Howaid. _ _ IUI H ( jISiS I.ot&.rnrms.uinds money loiinod. Il'jmls , 15th and DaiiRlas stroots. 402 " 171OK iALK 01 oral sU > cks of goods , dolnirn JL1 healthy business , ovrnoiship clear , Bntls- fnctloiiKimiantoedj terms easy , some Omaha luoiioity taken in ochanso. Marshall * ro- beck. 1511 1 amain St. _ 4bS rpAKIIN ri' About 10 dajs ajfo , laipo led I htri'r xvith ciooked horn , hiiindod " 101" on left Hank Clans Miitthlcs , 4 miles xvest of Oniahii , near Heniy HUMJI'.S 4ri82h * UOAKDINQ. B OAHD And ICiUKlllffS , ( it 323 N. 15th 6t 13 IJHSOtJA 111 joudeslio lo become pi oil- X dent In bhoit-lmnd woi' ' ' < In ono-thhd or tlio tlmo icquhod of the pencil PJHIOK all at looms7and H , lion Hank , and cviin , , our ( L XV Hakor , 4G.J 21) ) 1)litiON.\i. Ladles or jronls toclally or J matrlmonally Inclined wishing cone pon- doiils x\lth the opposite sexes tiUouliliidilrucs CorrespondlnK Huicaii. Wllbei. Net ) , Cinro- Fpondoace conllUuntlnl. Knelo&n two-cent stamp tor reply. 41T 20 * . .i. To buy realoslale. to l.oirow money , or ( retail nbstiiut of title , RO to the oil ! to ot It , C. I'aucibon , Uth and Douglas. 4U I. Mrs. lr. ) Nannie V. XV'arrori - clalrxoiint. Ucdlcal and buslnoss Medium lioom No. U , 121 North 10th a. , Umahn , Nob. 220 A LIV1' in XVest Sldo to trade for jjood drlx-lng hoibo , looms 1 and 2 , Oraaliu Nat. bank. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'IjlO H HiNT I'liino , Apply at County 1'oor JL ! farm. 4.11 % mil I. Ti : > Ol , { A I'llThe e.i6loM and uuiek- X ct load to success In tlio short baud proles- felon. U , XV. linker , rooniK 7 and 8 , lion bank. 4017 VITF.NOIHI.U'HV and 'Ijiicnrltlnif school. O itoomsT and f , lion binift. U , U , llnWur , lno I'Nr Squuro rinuo i Hospn , Fil3 Donvlas. lit.vr bqmuo , Jl luontlilv. A Ilospo 1513 403 XF > ou wuit to Iciiril hlioithand or txpc-writ- Ininttend Valentino's Shorthand Institute Kxpoiitlon liulldintr , Onmh.i , Neb. ! > iti-31 n KIN : r A ttoro on a ooa retail si root. Apply the Omaha Heal Ustato and laun Co. _ _ _ _ rpllKF.3 , Hoses , -hriib * , otu , , planted jreo for .1 , pouous bujiiifor Do'iKltu Co. Nuieorlos. CO. Howard. I'jou. , I' , O. box 2-JO , i "moil's.I.K $4ttTxvorlh of houKelmUUtirnl- tr JL1 xuro , JJO pir month. Addro-JS , L , U5 , lloo ' onicu. atj H SALK-Nlco family drlr'ns horto. JlennJaou llroj. , fCA Foil SALK Fiirnltnro andl en o of Mt-rootn hou o , tlmpon pftrt. Call 120 ! North -7th Mroot. two blocks from Hod Car lino. sftJ ir H HALI : Furniture fi-ioom hoii o complete - * - pleto for housekeeping ; price $ : > > , part tinyment If dcsliod. Hon e itntt > per month , line location , 1719 Oounlas M. 415 I ? Oil s VLL-Or will trade for Farm or ln lde 1 cltj proportj Plotk of futnlsnliifr conds , lmt ( cnpsaiid boots and shoe . ( I I' . Ihomp- on , 1' . i ) dniwer ; n , Omaha ' "f.1 s 20 I Ol st , i | / > t I aritH.Latins money loaned. L Henils 15th and Douglas streets. 471 Jj III SAMI Uewollin fetter bltcli nearly .1 j i am oldthoroughly broken , lull pedliri ee ; also two bltUi pups .1 months old : C Oskitinp , 2JI5 XX obster Bt , Omaha , Nob. 315 2J / 1 KOCF.KV SiOCKto trade foFTvlld lnnd"or vl I arm. XX'lld land lo trade foreltx' property. Hinoro I in in in Iowa to trade for city prop- crtj. in feet on Sherman axe to lease during lair XT 11 It. IV ) tret on lull nt Ifith st , I.akc' add. , for U use lei n or 10 xears 2 ft HIM e triu ts in'luttle s sub llxlslon , on eisy terms. Hufrtr ) nnd piano lo > " > ale onenp or trade. Lots In anv part of the illy oniasy toims. ( iood lot la Illinebaitirli pluoo. $ lfiHl.OtllOfu ( Kiikwood f Line , 111 i feet on Saunders Rt. jl.'OJ , 7-iooni house , ( food barn , .Vc , on full lot , xvith south tioiit , near inr line , on oasj tot ins. f.l.'OO , 51 oem hou-o and Inm on lull lot In Idlewlld , ' , cash. 1 2xi'iir nn balance. * "iWi , nlco plate on UooiKla axe. , terms to suit. I.sts in lledford place on easy tot ms Do not think ol buying without tliM railing on me , as 1 hnvn a peed list and It Is nottoubloto slum baiframs. ijeiiis , 15th and Dodge , N IX lor. sxsy * _ _ ' " " ' " 1HUIl'sA"lTic V"mo'iliitn r7i "iiiro"nontly now , xvith Inside door. Comblimtlon lock 112 drawer cabinet mid letter Illo with ( loots. 1 tnoilliim sl/o letter pi oss. 1 pint lei in scale 1 jdntform tountur scale. I'arrotte A. Sweeny 111.1 llmnoj st 807 HKSAIjli 'Ihoioualibred Jersey cow and calf , flush milk , 10JS South U"-'inl ( .tiect. 4 mjs * H OTii. : nnd PiilooiiM MVrM > rror thofo lowlnu bar fixtures tin snle : Ono solid wnlmit i.ounter , mahoinili ) top , sideboard , and I'leneli plate minor , slo twolxo loet b > six. louts all In Hist class londltlon : pi lie fOUQ UO 1'nitlos wishing to nufiolliite will please nddtoss Hat per & . 1 oinbiuifc'li , lluilln ton , lown. 447 21 * bAI.II A lioionuhliied Hninhlutnnliui JL1 innie.n joai- old , hound and Rontln , ncx'er been Hacked , will tiol a mlle bolter than three niltiuloi nnj daprico MOX > . C. I ) . Itlhblns , 1 .W ) Douglas stieut. 41S III' Foil SAI.1I Two No. l.spcond li'ind , canopy top Suirojs : also Uvo oud , toioncl hand phaetons , at Hi ) ' ) Dod o street LTi. Foil SAI.i : llloyele cheai. | btai miahlnu , nlnmstnow , niuklod all o\cr. IIKIUIIO at A Hospo's llV2b * ITfoit .SAM : I pUiTio , lurnlturo "mid kitcho" " J ? ranBO TITS , ot h tt _ fcTT _ FOK SALE Cheap , iron columns nnd xvln- dow caps suitable for front on brick build In ? . Tor particulars apply at this ollico 8U WAUTlTD-rEEIALK \\7ANTii : > A tewbrlsrht , onerKetlclndloseiin easily make 1 torn $ I to $5 dully by solici ting outers fiom families lei n staple aitlelo of Iood liUJ C.ipitnl in o. 4 M "II WANTKD A cbamboimiud , colored pie- ItrroJ , ut Ul- Douglas stiout. Ollvo llrnnuh. 44'J ' W A.HTCl ) DlniiiK room gills at Occidontal. WAXTii-liessinakcrs : at 21U Noith 10th Street. 451 20 * WAN'rin : A ( loodirlrl lor pthate family. Apply at U/J Jones fct. 40' ' ) WANTKI - ( | , 15U IlowaTd ! Mis. W. M. " lliishmna. 421 l7-ANTii-(3il : | for kitchen x\oik. St .lames T hotel , opp. dopot. 11J " 0 * "l\AVTiil : A > flrl foi Meneial housowoik In npihate lamilj ; must bo a good washer nnd honer. 1718 Dodge. 109 27 * WANT Kl A Bond pill forliumdiy or cham ber work. Commercial hotel , cor tith nud J.oaxennoith st. 41020 * WA > Tin ninlnir room girls ut Summit Hcstniirnnt , 105 S. 14th St. 4TW7 \ " \ ANrin ; A pastry cook at the Famous > tcstiuirnntilDh : llth st. 42620 \7ANTii-Gfilat 101 S ifilh St. foi irencral T ? housework iu small Inmlly 405 AM'i : iiutton-holo uukersi , 1112 Far nam. y-c > 2T WANTKn Oood rospon Iblo person to take chaiKOof Infant. Mis. S. A. S lorn an 1914 Famiim st. 3J1 t' A x\oman cook" for bonrrtlnpr house ; German proloricd , 4H S. 14th st. 801.211 * ' C.hl nbout 15 j cars of ago x\ho ' can do llsht housework andllkosuhildion. A pleasant homo to the rlsht ono Itofcioncos loquliod. Mrs. J. L Itlce , noithwcst cor. fcaun- dors and Hlondo btroots. 263 VV7ANTin : Oood xt11 \ or poneinl housoxvork > T Mrs 8. A.Sloman , I'lll Fiiiinimst. 1JG WANT1U ) Girl for t'euoial housework nt 1813 XVpbslcr st l)7.'i ) WANTJi > An oxpe'lonced COOK and laun- dross. Good xvagos paid. Mrs. 0. J. Hunt Virginia ax o , and ( irmit st. C.VJ ANTin : si JOUIIK- ladles and Rents to learn tolOKraphy. l'rosi > octs for positions when competentfood. ( Addioss XV. J. L ) . room l.Crounso block Itith st , Omaha. 'M WA.fTUU-OSAI.U UE&P. WANlXU-A boy nt 1108 Fiirnam. S. Loh- man. 4V ) WANTKD A No. 1 ( rrocery cioik , ( leimiin prclorrod. Apply s. w. cor. lOlh and Call- foinlnsts. 4 i720 WANTKli Flvo live , rustluifr men , aeons- toinod to soliciting-1 amily tnide. lor sale of best selling article of food o\tr fchown. H2.J Cilpltulaxo. 45420 W ANTii : > An oxpoilcnend Loot and shoo pnlesmnn ; ono ucll nciiunlptod In the city , spoaklmr the Swedish IUHBUIIKO profotiod. 1 miuestlonablu icleicnccs ruinlitd. Chicago HiirKiiln Shoo Co. , 1318 Doimlus. 4fi5 20 T\7ANTi : 2 Mont Cmix-asscis nud 3 > rood > ' 1'ncl.Iiiif lloiiso hands at bhooly's rnckimr Houso. 4U7 2U * "Itf ll Iniincdlntcly , tluco smart boys > i ut MtlJonald's , 1408 I'm iiuui sticot. ' \ \ TA NTJIJ-A : good butcicK : ' 2ii V > Bt. 41.1 27" - & liiundiy , 1GOI Cass st. 428 2S * _ WANTiii A boy mid pony to cmry a louto on the Dally ovi ning Hoc. Imjulro at sub scription depailment. 401 WANTliD joe ) oiiii'iaen and women to bo- Kin a Ktead ) , I'ght and ) > rotltablo PIIIIIKH- inent next iMonilay , All ilesirlni ; to bcKln w 01 1 : xri Ho mo at once enclosing $1 00 foi oullli and distinctions. No ciinxn sinir. This Is KOIH ! lor thico dajs only. Address , L 49 , Boo olco ! ! _ _ 40J 28 Txro Hist class coat makoTs7oa"o nants maker John SouxoMlo , m South 10 th hU , Lincoln 400-2(1 ( _ \V 'ANTHn-Iaboiois for lallrnad xrork K. ' 8 , Albright Labor Asonoy , l.dja Fauiam , ; iui \ \ rANTii : > Male cook for counter , > V mipilro : 0)N. ) 16th sticot. 37U-20 * WANTKD A man nnd xrlfo tovoik on a fnun ; apply to Chaa. Chllds.lbth and I.ouv- cuwoith tls. 373 \\7ANTK1 A carrlaito trimmer by U union f > i. llrummonJ , 1117 Httiney. 334 " \\rANTii > rte xvant nn onorgetlc man In 11 this section xvho ie vlsltlntf steam users to liniulio our product No samples. The posi tion la a permanent , paying ciny foi the ilurht man. Addrossstatliu'iipo and lofcionco. Fore - o t t'lty I'noklng Co. , Oloolaiid , O. 21320 AVflTl ) f 10 a xvoolc'RlTnli to capYTilo jroTiT tloman. No. U Main bt. , Couiicll HlutTa. f-fi " \VTANHI > Hiiorl ifnml students : " o\llock IT unco 1 to ichor. Torins , f JO lei uomp'oto course. Address K 23 , UMO olllce. LoUsTi BITUATIOH WAHTJ3D. WANTKO A position to do second work In prlvnto family by a Snodocall Atlantlo hotol. 427-2tit _ T\7"ANTHI > A sit tuition ns stonosrruphtr sad Ti tjph niltor b > acoMipetont jouiifr Itdy xtrlth ouo joins' oxporlenco ID oUIco wni _ . Addixsa It to , licoolllce. 4201'B * WAM'llIJ .situation , booKkcopur or bill clerk by > ouiiK man. Addios3L&J , lira ollico 111 27' _ WANTI.D-Sluintlon tu housokcorer or cook In fulfill I'mnily.ljy middluui'odlady. lu- qulro 1517 Jat-kaon st. aso _ MIHCRI.I.AM'EOUiJ ) Itoommato by yountr Inily near hlKh fchool ; lofurcncc * roiulred. L 54 , llcooU'cc. 41(120 ( " \ \ T A N 1'KD SJ.OOOfora yonrs on geo.t ronl oitaleaovuilty ; ! ' . 0 , UoxMJU 417.W "l\rAXTI D An 1 or 0 loom hoil i > U ) .fipoil IT locAlily nnd foi lotld tlmo. Addrfssl , jfl Ileeotlice. a7Kll \\f A N TFI ) A room rmitoTby Rentl < man Hot- IT crtnceseivou nnd IOKO i. Audre s i , 40 , Hooonico. ats * A\7"AN I Ul > To rent a small tioatlx./urniMieil it room near lleo ollico.fldtoss Mating term' . K 21 Hoe ofllco. . f ( Ml _ " \\7ANTKD To sell or nvcnmijre tor toeK of merrhnndl'o , n henutlltil suburbnn re l- deneoln Omaha woith tl.OJJ , T. Jt , U Ildo , ID12 Jam mi. - \\rAV IT.IJ To buy anooil linsliiPM piOfertj | t for wholesale or iplilll ptlipmes. Olxe di cilpilou and lowest piloc. libl , lleo oilleiK - \-7ASTin : A Koolro ldcnie audo ! i bullilinjr lot In treed local Ion tlvb ! Inw'wt price nnd terms and lull description. 1,5) Ilet ollkc. Ml Yl'ANTKI ) Hoom and board In ucod prUalo ' tatnllv. Can trl\o bostof relcroiice * . Ad dress 1C 4 1 , flee ollico. * O1 \\ANTii ; : > A peed II II P on monthly pay- ' ' ineols. Address II , 1)5 ) , Hoe olllce , CVi. " \\rAN 1 ii : > To buy ft nlee ie ldeuro or irnod T T liiilliliiii ; lot in n iiojlrablu loLiitlon. Ad- dic s 11 , IM , lleo ollleo KM Vl .V > THI ) A ( looilMeailF liir o witTrpprlliff ' ' XTngoti and limncfii ; mtiit bo olio up. ID liPimld for In monthly Inslalliuuilta. Addieas I,37IIeeoniro. IM QEHT-HOOSE3 J.1ID Z.OXS. IilOU ItKN r The Ocrnmn M. 13. chitr-h linlld- liiff , on the southeast comet Iwullth and .IneUson streets , foi mix losr tlmato business. 11. L. rnttoitou , Kith niiil IOIIR.IS ) | 4)1 ) Foil HUN f 1'lno luitfo house east Irout , Colfuvst nil modem i-onxonloncn. .1. II. IJx mis V Co. U > "t-'M "IjlOH ltiNT li room cottiijro on Howard st. JL1 near Phil Sliaildnn St. , Jix.J. 11 I tains & Co ! JP.V 1 _ TTloll KKNT 10 room resldoneo between J DoiiKlas and I'lirnani , on Id.wlth all mbd- ern Iniprox'omentM. Ludttlok & Sony , 8. K. LOI. 15th nnd DoiiKlas. :1 : < H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Foil itKNT-o loom house l/nrd st $ , ! 0 , , r. it. lUans A. Co , I5ioio.iro ) . st : nv2ii IjMlllTtl3NT rroni feiit. fTo Aiili ) 1 , an 8- loom , oist-fiont cottnifo on Ooorjtlu uvo. noaiMt. . I'luisnnt. Apply ut BIV cor llth nnd aooi : F IOlt Ur.XT-Storo'J.\Ca. HIS .latkson 27D st. " j\ou itMM' House six rooms , 25th and 1 Leax-enxvoith. 0. F. Daxls &Co. 222 TTtoK 11KNT Foi atoim of joins , tho2story Jhrkk building on the n e coi ot lOth and Douglas Inqulio at ding fctoie , same placo. 724. T71OU HUNT Now d room houses , near silent .12 oars D. 0. I'nttorson , Omalia Nnt'l bank. C74 Tj"OH IJ5ASK Wo have olox'en aoros on U. Pi - H. It. track.WW teot liont : will luasoall otf part foi IIvoears llodtord & Soner 7'il rOH EI3UT ItOOMS. 77011 KKNT A neatly finnl hod front room. 13 HONoith 14th st. 4'ill 27 * FOU UKJ r A furnished loom with closet , at WJ N. : ttth St. # 10 per month. 442 28 * Tj Oll nKNT d'uinhhed fiont loom. Oil -C South l lh CM 28 * 171O11 HUNT A foxr oilloo BIHICOS foi'ionU ' J- ono with fiont window on Kioinul lloor. Knijulroof J S. Hichiudson , 1" O.I Fauiam st. 4Jl-Sopt-25 ! FOIt llKNT Fuinislied rooms In brick house 20.1 S. Uth st.lhst door south F.I' head- quaitors. * 423-215' FOK HUNT Newlv luinl'-hcd Iront looms , OS cor. loth and llariicy 4 ! 7-aP FOIl KiNl Fuinlshod rooms , 1C01 Howard. 4 VK11' TjlOIl KINT Very dcsliablo front room m i : Bood location suitable foi two jicntlmon. OU S 17th st. 403 20 EOH HUNT Nicely fuinlslicd , lai o front loom xuth line elo'-ets and good board tor two or tluco poisons , ucntlctuon piefoirod , tluco doors south of l.caxcuwoitli oil21st ht . east slao , No. 8J3'i 4112C * FOJl HINT Store loom , 13th and Dorcas. 422 211 * T7\OH \ HKNT 2 fui nibbed i corns suitable for 1 -t ? or 2 gentlemen , 2011 Hainoy. 40127 * Foil HUNT To a man and wife without childion , 4 convenient chainbcis forhoii'-o- keoplntr. 310 N 17th st , ; i blocks from postollicot TflOH HUNT S large fuialshed looms with J- modern conveniences , aNo Hist claB table boaid , dinner 0 p. m. , roloioiu.cs rciiillrod , 1811 Dodge. -Oil Tr * OK KUNr Ono elegant front room with JJ nlcox'O , furnlshod , at 1811 Finnam street. 470 " 171011 IlKNT After Sept. 1st , x-cry dosimblo J- rooms w Ithout board. Gas and bath , 222 > 2VJ FOKltKNT Parlor and two x-ory nieolvfuin- Uhod looms witli bonidliou o Issurioiinded by u nlco lawn and has bath room and iras , also day boanl. S. XX' . corner of 2flth and XX'ebstor. 160 I7IOK HKNT Nlto rooms at 18.JI rnrnntn st.,1 - ! ' block west of court houso. COS POKItnvr Front olllco , 2d lloor , Omnhii Nnt'l Hank , I ) . C. l'atter.-on. HIT F IOIt HEST l-'urnlshod looms at 1707 Cass st. 033 FFOIt FOIt UHNr Two front parlors , newly fur- nlsliod 2511 St. Map'8 avoiiuo. till FOK HUNT- Furnished iooiii,1810 Dod : o. ICT _ uJl TTIOK ui : > T Two store rooms on llth St. , J ? ? 25oich. .T.-ioliiisoii , 13J4 Fauiam git TOE HAiB-HOUSE3-I.OT3. Guiioiv ( IIADI.KV , Ittnl Estate and Itontal A outs , 1U1J Douglas stroot. XX'ohax'n aim KD number of lots In lolloxvlnir additions In xvlilch xvooin who you liiucuius. 1'iices nniKO from $ .fl ) lo f J,00) i > oi lot. Toims easy , only a small cash pa ) wont. lliiiiicom I'lnco Sliiyno Place Oichaid Hill I'm in IM ice Kllln I'lnco \Milnnt Hill West Fide Arlington Ambler I'lnco Omaha Vloiv Antes I'liuo Claioiidon Alelro Hill. Fulllot on Farnnm st. only two blocks liom couit house , ? H',0)ii. ) 'Inoftoij hi Ick business block on ono oC the be-.t cornoison DoiiKlas st f 10,0 K ) . FlniMxtosiniv nine loom hou > o on coiner lot In Idlow lluSI,200. Teinib easy , Full lot In M d place $ : , OU < ) . 20 and lota cheap ; biaall cash payments and balance iiiontlily 1'iopuityol all kinds in all pints of the oily , Call and bco us. 411 TjlOKHALi : a bargain , two choice lots In J. Omaha View. J. A. XMIIIains , Falconei's block 401 27 * T5 KAb KSTATi : UAllOAfN-Hnlf acre Iraok- ali ago on loth street and V , V. tfaulc.Ht uljur- K-iin. .1 , L. Ittcn iV Co. , Itoom 0 , ever Cummer- clnlNnllonufUnnK. III. rp'WO L01V Kllby place $733 outh , cheap , JL Graham , Croljfhton blk. ; WS2J T71O11 ) AM : The two llnost east front lots In JL ? Kllby 1'lacn , i > iao each , H cornorfor JI.300. Laruoat list In Hanscom Fhice Cull aim too Two ucaiitlful lots on Loax'cnxvorlh St. Very clioii : | ut fl.flml each. * LIIKO house and lot , 75x140 feet.east front , on Convent htroot , near I'm num. Si < , i > ! 0 , Two bariruliis In t-lail ; ( 'luce , fronting Hans com I'm k i-nvciai coltafres on monthly payments. F. I ) , Tmmor & Co , A tntti , 105 | llowuid Si. _ _ _ JU1SJ _ HILLhUALE. . - " ? ? _ -y . / , . HILI.SDALK Como and see H yoursoll' , ) t soils on Its morlls , Atuu ' Iliuil r.stuto Acncy ; , IIVJ Fariinm. BOJ m\O oust fiont lots , K'uxvrorwl addition ] J. 11,403 , cash fJX ) . Urulium , Cicinhton block. a i 21) ) _ r _ _ HOUSIS LotsFnrmsl.siiU-nioi | > nj'ioijioii. IJc-mls , 15th nud Houglas &ttgeiu % 47 .MMt SAI.K-3 honsohi Park 'acc S rooms 1 ScotttiFO ! on . . . fl cottaio' on I'Jth ' street , ft rooroii All of tin-so ( ottiiifoj tire nuir and will sell x > ith JJOO toiV ) crtsli pnyineiit , u J $2) ) tp * ii pur moiilh. Ufl tc ) fi,5oo. ! , ahnJiOiJiIiicfh are bariralns for ono xvantliiir nut ( ) homcf i nrthe oontcrof toxrn. No fnncy pncob onulcoulit : of Ionic HUJO und small pu > mcnts. rnru.S ) Few ler , 15 IJ Douglft-t at. 1'jO ' U ) TTXOU SAi.K-riy 1'arlt & Kowit-r , IKij DdWiasT - L1Vlllhnvo In a few clays 0 houses on IVith , (250 cash , btilanco ! 5 nor inuiitb. Only ; p ! , in , House 0 lOcnv , lotsfiOxlWJ , XX'alnut Hill. Only f I.5A ) , $ ; co cn-.u , balance 115 tier loouth. I 1 ICKS A. 1NOHAM- J L Hcnl F.otillW'hhd Lonn llrokor , n i.ll Opei n House Block , . Jinprox-cd 0 loom rottnee , voiSvlas nnd 2 * ) only 5 loom enttaie. Undfro nndX'lonly 26W 7 loom ccittniro-iilt conxen. , Saunders ntnr t iiinmlan rtilr C500 10 tooin nnd 1 5 ij oid IMMHP on lot I3x2" > 0 v Ith all moilora-lmproxenicnts 17th stieet. i heap I c COW II tontn Iiouel'lniu1 ' l.rnTii orth with a 4 loom cottage on the alley lor ail C5Q1 10 loom house , lot lunvlnli lot net In L 11- coin 1'lnce , a Ijtaiitllul homo . . 4 03 1 n loom nnd 1 " > loom uottane on nuilli K , l.uuo lot tifltl 12. cash Jj.riii ) 7000 l > loom hou einil * XX ol > ler. full lot . . RVO Dioom hoii eon I * mid ( .nss . n.OJ tl room liouse on California , full lot . . . 2 < i)0 ) 7 room house north of Leaxoinxorth on VhHlnln nvo i. . , . , . , 4000 1C room hoii'O uOrlh of Lcaxenworthoii VliRinla axeUieiip . 7000 2 houses 1 5 and 1 1 rooms 22 and Fierce rheap . . . . . n'OO Slinoin oottnKcsSsaiiJ Chntlcs , full lot , cheap for both 4000 It ) room hoii o Hanveom I'laco x\ltli nil moilern tniproxeinetits fee It . . 10)1 1 n mom oottiureliirlnln nx'e. near l. ( > nviix otlli. . . S" > 00 Ati xv ol the most I'l-sluible lots in Cre3- ton place , al ( Inures that will sell 2 oil-it Iront lots on l.ouo axenuoHiid Hainoy , each , II sold thisveok . 1000 HnrkalDWiuld.oii l.eaxeiinortb , 1 lot at 1000 ItlcHplaci lot , blork 2l > , West Omaha , teinis ea y , pilco $ liKJto ) . . 12V ) 2 lots XX'est Omalnir add , r. corner , nt , . . 4A ) Lincoln place lots iioin (111) ) to , , 400 lots In Marsh's mid. near St. Miuy's nxcnuo , xcrx deslinblo UT"X ( ) Haiiicom place lots , f looo to J"1 * ! 41 feet ftu Saundefs , chenp , worth BOOO. 2500 Lot slti Hart font plnoe , this sldonf MIs- foiui 1'acllk1 rnllnax and canning fac tory , on leaxcnwoith , xcry ea y toim . ( WO to . 430 A le lots In Loiixnnxtoith Terrace , lust ftouttwc't of Jeiome I'nrk and land place , tormieasy , ViO to " "O 10ni20on Cass and Will tlicn h . . " 500 liKxlSl l aac&SoMen'sciieap . M 3 cant fiont lols , > \ Ithlii ono block of onnnluK lactor.x and Missouri 1'aclllo depot , Ihey me decided barifiimsnff IV ) , ns ndjolntnir lots mo sellltur nt JVW nnd C > Vl ; terms o isy 10 lots In Drake's addition , 2Mh and Dodge St. , $1 , not ) to $3,100. x ( j ( ) teeton I'arkaxonuonnd Howard , fO.fMW. 75vlV ) foct.rotinloton . and Vlifflnla ixxonucs , MtO ) . 7."i\l")0 feet. VliHltilu axcnuo nnd Shlroly , n comer , (1.H10 XX'o haxeonl ) n few of these beautiful lots In block li , llansconi I'lace , loft If you xf ant ono secure It ulilck or you will bo loft. Conx ex ancos nlwajsnt the door ready to take > ou out to too what we considi i Iho best Imnralns Hicks \ liwliinni , 'r , south luili street , Opera Honso Illook ! J _ T/IOll KVCII VN .n fo.noostockdrviroods for Jt : O nalm pioporty Arohor & Fitch , 218 3 15th si. 4OT _ _ _ ; HlTlTlnTbicst In lota : ) and 4 , block M , and 15 nnd in In block 1 , Oichmd Hill , foi $1,550.00 net , JHO cash , Imlmn o lonH tlmo Addioss , lor a few dajs , llox 30) ) , Omaha. The o aio ohoico lots , and x\oithmoro inoiic ) . ri'MllCOmalia Heal istatu : and Tiust Co. now otror to the public the lolloix IIIR list. Mnny Of. thcio lots arc considoted bargains : Jfcetou I'araam , near20th. $ i,0"0. 50 lots In Mt. I'leitsant.N ) rods fiom tloH line , at tiom S12"i to ( WO. I'loasoInxostUttto. -Tljreo choice front lots , Smmders V Ultn- baiiKh's addition , $4U ( ) each. EleKnntdwcllliKr hou eon Farnam Btioct.lO rooms ; Hist-clibS propcity , .2,000. Six lots In XVusnliiKloii squiiio.on Phcrmtin nvonue , liom $1,500 to Sl)00 ) , This Is the best central piopcrty for the money In the cltx' . XX'ntor , uas , sewer and pax oil stiepts l'ei ons wantlntr u location for a number one house shoulil.ieo this piopoity. Lots in Saiuiiloi8\HlmebaiiRirs'Walnut Hill addition for ? 300toiOJ ) , only two blinks from .tho licit Line depot.ono-tonta down. Cpi i.vr lot xvltH. ire ° m house , Milan s addi tion , ono block tvoilf sjnundcrs strout , $3 , " > 00. Lot Maish's iiAdlliUti. ? 1,000. Lot 13th stiecfciWUr I.ako , $1F01. Ilcautiful iicr pr < ni ) ty near the I ) . & DIn - stltuto , $ IY ) to J7IM | r acre. , 10 lots Myers , HlcUjiuls \ Tildon's addition , SM'O ' to $500 , Ill-Ida : tlio Holt Line , ono tenth down. , < t' ' O. H. T. . & T. Co. . 1501 Farnnm stioot. 2tQ H oxv j ou cmi" " mike ( moTToyllv buyinir on onsy pnymuitsn ) Hillsdalolot lor $15) , that xrlll bo easily niiul for and double in vuluo. Aines'Houl I'strttu'Agency. ' 1507Farnnm _ 8OT BOWLINC. < SKL-isriots150. : ! lOporcentcash nnd f5 pod moiith. Marshall & Lobcok , Agoats v1 IH'l ' TjriAL E > TATK IV.UtC.AlN.-Lot 50 by nO on I"L Iieno street l-utw oen Hamilton and Charles , xvith fi-rooin cottHRq on\f \ S1H)0. ) Small cash pa > incntbul nlouthly. Call fcoon foi this. J. IItico il Co.roorrtO , ever Commetclul National bank. ' 1 ' - " ' ! 5ACIinST-7Tntfloa'HUl SJ.200 finiham Crclt'hto i blk. rf , ! M8 2 SALII Ilowlliiff C.rcon lots nt f 150. 10 FOK centcish and $ > per monty. lasy ! , andsuro todoublo In axoir. See this line ad dition and soomo a few lots while you can trot llistchoico. Marshall & Lobouk , Aseuts , 1511 Fauiam sticot. U48 BSACHSSK Heal Kstato.317 S. ISth St. , nas tor sale Improved pioporty ! 3,10 Flno brick losldonco with nil modern improvements , on Saundois St. , lot UllxlOO , M.OOO to S' > ,000 cash down . . S S.ODJ 2CO > 'Ino room ousu and lot , 20lh fct. , near St. Marj s ax o , ? 50J cash bulanco monthly , . . . . 5,753 2J1 ( Three-loom cotttiKO and lot S. 17th at. , fl.OOO cash 1,000 000 1' ' ) room house and lot M'JxlfiO on Hurt St. , ( ' ,000 cash , balance ro suit 4,50 ] 301 22 It on Cumlair xvith Etoro and dwoll- \ng \ 3,053 Blft on ( 'inning with 2 stores and dwolllnp , born , etc. , 10,800 309 Flno 8-1 oem hou-io , barn , etc. , lot ItHbdOO 4,500 309 5 room cottngo. lot 50x100 , both on XVohstcr , onothlid cash , balnnco to suit . . . . 2,000 3J7 Ocotta os on South 14th St. , to bo sold together or In lots of 2 or 3 adjoining 12.0M r 258 KinoR-rooin house , lot30x140 , on Will Bt. , cash (1'Kii ) 2,303 205 Lot.lOxUO with house , well , etc. , on 1'lthst , . ! . . . 3,200 300 6cottaifos of 5 looms , lots 30.xl20 ! , olstorn , well , otc , on Itlth St. , $300 cash , fll 00 per month , each . 2,100 atfl 81 toot on Cinnliiir. business lots , xvith Sstnroi , dwelling , bam ; all rontod. .810,800 Full lots and 4 lots xvitli laws or small houses In K. V. Smith's odd , 1'lnln View. Lowe's2 < 1 Add , ICounf/o'a 2d add. 1'attoisonmibdlv , Inprovoment Absnadd. Millard & Cnldiroll's add , Walnut Hill. I'aikl'iaco , Hickory I'laoo. Omaha Vlow , HodfoidV add. Milan's add , Amos I'lnco Shlnn'sLM add , Denises'add. Fiom $1.000 to $1,500 ; small iniymoiit1 ? ; easy toims U SF.LFCTii : ) LANDS ill Southern Minnesota , Not thorn lown , Central and Noithcin Kansas , For fialo allow iirlues and on easy toims of pay ment Itallioiiil line rolundod to puiclmhois. Weekly oxcurHions. Host lands lor the money. For fmthor lafoimation address O. H , NeKon , UilU S. 10th St. , Omaha , Nob. diiS I [ 7UK .SAI.i ; THO sections ot choice liirin . ' land In Howaid count ) , Ncbiiibkapint lox'ol lilhinoo uilliiw table land , splendid neil , coed iiillroad towns.xxlll oll'ei this land for next thirty da ) u nt olKhtdollars nud Illty cents per acie , Ono third oasli balanio ono. two and thiee xoars nt sox'on per cent. Addio-S ( loo. N Hicks , 1' . O , llov roj , , Oinalia. Nob. 444 31 TmoK hALi : > iy residence , double house , all -L1 modern Impi ox ( < ments , toi ins tu suit mil- ( .liusoi. Chas. Molionald. i > l 2d A (1OOI ) lot In Okahoinu , near the Vinton st. cm-llnu.iirlpo $ J.OpO. 1'ottor i ; Cobb , 15U1 Farnam bt. , Oinuliai Nob. . Wl TAiia.\iN-cnf riori , Shlnn's 2nd add $ ' 100 , -f-j ( iialiam , Crfl jfton blk 318-20 Foil SA M : Fjijjiot in I'lalnvioxr , Si ! > 0. 1CO\120 fctjtj iTssV-treot. t"'M. Tinoolino lotHnilt.iorxoir addition , DUIO1 foot , ShalCgTo'list addition. A lot In South Uraitlm. only f 45 ! ) . Iloloto jou lii | > .orBill oillon \\MIuntros9 , 1.XW Farnam etrooUKi J81 30 * " X'ou i best lots In' ' X' must bo si rajfl Week ; Theo. Olson , 218 Bout h 15th. 'yihK ' - B7)3' ! ) . II TLLSDALI- ; Dpportunlty lor getting you a pnca n J. 300 Foil SALIC i { homos , 10 ono aero lots ono mlle sowh.b'f < llaiiiiii6iid & . Co'u. 1'aek- Ing houso. For 'liAinl address , \ \ ' . F. Martin , South Omaha. * UK- ) , ! ! Foil SAIU-IIo ingicon ( / lots at $ lriQ ijio pot cent ciishi.iiJtfri pur month OIToial | > o ea-.lo'jt and surest iiixojtmont to double jour money in u year of any property hi the suburb an market , l.ct us show jou thl > line ptnptrty. Marshall \ Lobcck , Agents , UW 1811 F.irnam 8trcSoL _ _ rro \ good lots , f730 each , Kllbj I'laco. din- Jham , Crelyhton lllock. 'M 'M 5ACHi:3-Tuttlcs' : sub-dlxlslou , chooji $2iOg. Cnihiun , Ciclifhton block. 'At-M H ILLSDAU : o.iutlful location. HKAlli KAlli : HAUa.UN-14 < Q ftcres goal tiraolu luiut In Knox and Cedar to jiitlos.Notiratika ; fi'i per acre cash , A. H. Uruhani & Co. , XVlsnor , N br. t > 3 SD _ _ T .OT3 soiling toJayfor f 800 to * 100J sold n ) ear AJ ago for ! ( to jiv ) . Think of this and get u lot now | n IHIUdalo for f 153 to $173 anl on uasy terms. Amos' HculKatiito Agency , 1WI Farliam KALTlSSTATIJ 1IAIKJAIN-41 foot , east front buslnnsa lot Hotith Ifltlt stioot , 13,0-0. J. I. , iilco A Co. , HOOIU 0 , ever Oommcrclnl Na- ' " " tlouul T7\on SALK-Hrtheowncr.A- . TuXo > , TO J1 Fnrnam , ono of the best oa t front lots In Hmxcom I'lnco Call nt onco. A 1' Tuko ) in "TifiTli .s.viii : ri"7in tratilo Tofs in"llanscom JI'laco i terms easy. U. F , Stobblns , box J- < ( ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 ° * * _ KfSH X SF.LHVS biff real o tate ad exory titherdaj Seolt. 2SI HII.LSDAI.F. Hlffhet ground , handsomest location of nny lots In or nroun 1 Oni-iha. for SIM ) and flti n lot Come and tee this ground , Amos' Heal I'.stnto Agcucj' , 1107 Fai- nnm. ? OJ s VI. c VKCA teem house and 2 corner X1 lots In XValaut Hill ; (4 cnsh bill , to suit Cal.MiutlnJIOS 14th st. _ 41X1 _ 1 3AKUAIN Full lot on Webster st , between I' 17th and l th sts. , 2 houses , one if fi rooms and onfi of ( I i oems ; Rood Diirti and shade trees , and other Impioxemciits ; price J70W ; ensytTims 1'olterA. Cobb , 1315 Fatn.itn st. , Omuha , Neb. RJl IAIinn eltlos make suburban liomoa n neees J Rlty and this class of lots irrows with the rest This Is to bo considered. See lllllsd.ilo . at SlJO nnd buy one when jou can at this fl uro Amts'itiml I'.itatoKOIIU ) , 11K Frtrnninst. 803 17X1 vi : lot ncnr Pauudors streot.uront bargain , -L $ ( > iXi. ( Irahnm , Ciolwliton Illook : ws M 13 r.\M3STATr llAHdAlN'-lleaiitlful collier * lot In IlloekO , I/ono's tlrst addition north o st front dOxl.W $ SIK ) , hult cnsli. J. I * Itico & Co ,100111 Ho 'or Cominerelal Nat. Hank. SJ'l ON'l' nnl tnroo lourttis acres in llrookllnc nd- dllIon , price fsio. 1'otturCobb , 1515 Par- iminst , Onmtm , Nub. Kit "I71OII SAl.K Itesldonco property and x-acant JL1lotslnoxoiy addition In Oinah , 1'oiins to suit purchasei. Also doslrnblo business prop 01 tx. ( libson , ( .arson & Co , Hooin ,1 , XX'lthncll Mlock. l'l 11 fSH & SlII.UY'Sblg real estate nil ox cry nt her tin } . Heo It. ! i8 ( T KAVCNXVOHTH 81' It. It. trackage , ono or I-/ moro lots or aniicro , nt nifrnat tiarKiiln See J. XX * . Ixiiriin , nt Ijoaxunwortli lluslncss riiicn , or Q. . XV. linker , Itoom 7 lion Hank building. ; )81 ) ; Foil Or oxchnnffo lor Konernl mor chandlso,20) ) acres finally Improved land In Southern lonn , ndjolnlair county seat ami rail , road , In Deuitur county. Has n Hue 0-rnoin honso , laro ( tuirn , W-root shoilKOOI ! well , sprlnif and running water : IM apple trees , cherries , trrnpos , etc Itornhnrd Snchsjo , U17 S Uth st.mnhi ( > N'ob. nu pr AClti : * * Tuttlo'i subdivision , 5-am Ora 'J hamCiot htou block. MS " (1 ( HOlIsiS : IiotsKnrmsLands money tolas Hernia , 1.1th and Douglas stitcts. 471 HlLLSDALlMias ndvantugps which can't bo beaten by anj location. When jon BOO the lotsjou wllladinltlt. Ames , 1507 Tinnaiii. Hi ) ' . ) BO\VI.IN < ; < : UiiXlotslW : : 10 tier cent cash and t > per month. Mnrshnll i , I.obeck. Apcnts tun HILLSDALK- . that's the name , and tno lots sod for $150 to $17i on easy terms llaxojou scenthls trround ? If notdo nt onuo , as it costs nothing to rldo out to tills beautiful location. Amos' Ucal IMato asoticy , 1507 I'ar- num. S'y. ' . Foil SAr.lI-nowllnjr Orcea lotait ? lr 0 10 per cent cash nnd $ " > nor month , 1'asy , ftnd suioto double In ayeai. See ( 'tis flue ad- nltlon and secure a low-lots wlilloyou can tfot Hist choice , i Marshall & Lobock , Apents , 018 1511 rarnnm street SACIISSU. Keiil Estate. 317 S. IS St. has for snlo : Milk dnliy , ( food payln ? business , 15 fresb cous , 4 hoiscs , 1 delhery wauon , 4" milk cans , tank , ete. Caniontor buy the pioportv where it ison L'S ) acres pastuio , f.i.OW , 'i cash bal 1 year , A fjreat biirg-aiii. BM FINK lot near Saunders street and Dcnlso's add , f' ' > JO. Graham , Ciolshton lllock 3 3 2fl ILLbDALK YouoAiinnd no such lots a9 these at ? 150 aploco. Amos' Heal Kstato Atronoy , 1V37 Kainam st. 8JJ I MKSAI.i : BowlliiK Oieon lots at $ I W. 10 ' iiorcoutcash and $ " > per month. Otter's the easiest and sinost Invo mont to double your money In a of any prouerty In the suburb an market. Let ussho jou this One propoity- Mai shall A Lobock , Agents. IIVJ 1511 rarnam street. BSACHSSIl Heal ) t io,37 ! S. 13tli St. , tins lorsalu at a liirriilii ( : Improxod nnd uuimprovod farms In No- biaska Tour 1-4sections In Douglas Co , ? 40 per ncio. IfOncrosol splendid farm land , nil Improve ments , In York Co , fij per acre : also crops , uradedslock ar-d furniture tor salo. Only for u shott tlmo nt thK price. J-l section In 1'iirnace Co , , chcnpat $1,000. MHCIOS , lluitCo , $ .JO per acre 30iand500aeiosln ) Nnnco county , 5U50 per aero. a,080 neros In Antelope Co , , $ l to JW per aci e. IW ) ncres In Madison Co. , $10 , or oxchmwo for city pi opcrty. i A llnelarm of 200 ncres In Deoatur Co , Ia . f W | > oi acio , 01 will tiado for Koucial morohandl-u. Also larms in Kansas. II. SACHSSU.aUS Wtli Street. C-'O /-10llM51tiot , Shlnn'sSnd adl , , JOJO. C.rahnm , \J CiolBhton bloek. : tl > 8 SO rp\X'O Kast front lots Hansr-om 1'lnco fl.Wa -L each ( ! raha'nCiolfliton ( block. MS-20 FOIt SAr.K 2 flno lots.Donneckon's addition , near XValnut Hill , must bo sold Inn wo ok. Theo Olsen , 218 South 15th street. U78 'Jl IIAI. l PATi : It XltC.AIN 45 * foot , east fiont business lot , coi nor nllov. South 10th Mreot , $1,1100. J. L Itlco itt Co. , Itoom U , ever Commoiclal Mat. bank. 311 H Ufell & . BIILUV'S blarroal estate ad every other day. See it. 2t HFOU FOU S VLI3 Or oxchar o. House and lot , 18th and Nicholas ; housn and lot 1'ith and Dorcas. XX'm L Monioo , nth and F'Olt SAl.r : .C iirffihir Lotflfl\iT ! . 2 blocks from vo'-tolllco. $ 0.000 , half cash. Mar shall tc LobccK , room S Hedlck block. 21 J BAi. : KSTATI : nvitarMN-coinpr lot , oi rt. fiont on Saunders st , 1'atilck's ( list addi tion , 4 room lieu o f I , < XK ) . This must bo Bold , owner xvants money. .1. L. Itlco A. Co , room 0 over Commoiclal Nat , bank. _ , U7 UKAWffnitiB In population pusliesOmaha to the front boo Illllsdalo lots that > ou tan now buy for f 151. 1'ick oao out , pay tor It in installments , and sell It In a jours time for tttlci ) Its cost. Amos' Iteal Kstnto Auoncy. 15J7 Fill limit st _ _ Nl'J _ S Vljll Two ulo .int oast-front corner FOIt lots In Ilurr Onk : natural shade tioos. Hntehor , Oadd & Co. . 1J1U UotiKlas st , Millard Hotel Illoc'i. Omaha , Nob. BI4 _ HAVKjoii soon lllllsdaloi1 11 not , do so at once and pku out a lot for iflVI that will not only make you inonoy but help you sax o seine , Amos' Itoal Dstutu Atroney , 1507 I'lirnnin stieet , bOJ _ il { SAM : 12 choice lots In baundors * F Hlmohaiidh's nd < l , MM to $3"i ! each ; easy terms. A. 11. lil ! KS S ivo's hat store , 70J ( R li"i\T71s : > ATi : UAKdAlV-UlTeot , east front , South Ulth street , 5H.030. J I , . Itlco A. Co. , Itoom < l , ox or Commoi cial National Hank. au _ _ HOID it your iiol hbor tins made inonoy ? Ity havlni ? courao ( to buy ohoap lot . Vou can do tlie amo In Hillsilalo , where lots now sollin for $150 each x > 111 brlnir double that In a xoarfrom now , Ames' Heal llstato Agonoy , 15071'arnamst RI3 " | 71OHSALIJ House , 'l ' roomscity xyator and J ? gas , I mlle Iroin 1' . ( ) . , 1 block from Bt cms , price $ J,00) , small payments , balance iiionthlv. Imiulro rooms 1 and 2 Omatia Nat 1 ti'ink , lilt ) RF.XIF.MHKll now is tlio than to buy cheap lots. They grow hi vuluo faster than any others. Boo lllllsiliilo. Lots flMeloh. Amos' Heal HsUto Agency , 1507 Farnam. BOJ 1 MSD.Hi-i.ots : only f 150 to ? 17fi , and xvlll sell lot donlilo this llguro In 1nionthV ! time. C'oiueand BOO thom. Ames' Kohl IMalo Agency , 1507 I'.irnam st WJ T71OUSALK Wo haxo sixteen lots In Hoxv- A. thorno mlilltlon that xvo will soli : best and cheapest inside property In Onuiha. llcdfoid i. Souor 7 > 5 If , OT-Shliin's 2nd add. , bargain f 1,20) , ( li.i- J-J ham , CroiKhUmhlk. , M8-2(1 ( RHAIi KSl'ATF. HAHGAIN. Lot 51x112,1)11 DaxoiiH | > u bot. 2.1d nnd 24th sticots , with ft room cottHHO , will bo Hold this wtok for { 1,000. Iwothlrds ciiili. J U Idea A : Co. , room il. o\or Cnminorclal Niitlunitl bank , ; r > " > F Ion SALU 1 of the beet lots In XValnitt Hill , miiitbo sold in a week , Tlioo , Obon , 218 XTItAFllAL 11AHOA1NS ollurod bv Hntehor.Oadd Oadd * Co. , Millard Hotel III otic. Cholcolot 380x87 ! ' , foot. Mlllur i Caldwcll s addition ; a bniKinn ut f.'i,400. Nont now cottHuu with txvo lots to Walnut UUI : splendid bargain , & 2.100 U cast fiont lots in XVilcox addition ; very cheap and on easy turins , 10 lots In XN'tst Omaha , 11,000 to (1.300. i ) tlno business lots , llth und Hnncrott , near Viiitont lei all (1,000. First-china bariruln , 2 liuiro lots 14 Jxl I. , 21st and Webster xtl , xvith two ulcKimt residences , till modern coiixuiilea. cos. ? . > iuH. ( Callfoinla and 23d etroc's , 142x132 feet , onlyiJ blockulioin ours ; xihon Fnuiam oMonJs will no ono block ; flno bargain , > H OJ. 25' ) cho'co business mid losldonco lots In South Omaha nt imrualns. - ' splendid lots in Melroao Hill t'JOO. L'Hty Ciilkiu'a subdlxislon to Mnyflold , lots -alto .VO. Kas > terms. List your property with Hutchor , OadJ & Co. , Millard Hotel block. " T.rtLLSlULT : soils nt f 150 per lot 8 Tjrb It SAI.I ; 2 linn FotsTfiiiiinpiKoii s addition , near \Vnlnut Hill. inn t lie old In a xuiok 'I'lieo niscil,2IH' ( iiltll Pith Mnot a7Sl | TTiKvi. I-T\H : : lixifdxfN South \ lot * on Uui lott Mreet Ju t otT Sounder l , I'ntrlck'sind : addition , run bo 1 o ilRlit this week nt f 1,1V ) each t\J.W \ for tin- bunch nml nro n do lred tmnriiln , onlj f.lW cash bnl ftjcais , .1 I. HlcoiX.lo , loom I ) oxer lomiaoieial Nat bunk , W Notice to Contractors , N'OTlf I ! Is hoieby t'Uoi tlint tlio Hrmrdof rrtMoi's of lint Auburn School District , Aiibui n. Noli , w III n ceh c Celled proposals toi I IIP croc lion nn t completion of u two toi ) iiiul ba i'inont lit lok s < heel IIOIIM In aivordaiieo w Illi plans , detallls nml | iccltleailons made bj F. M Kill * \ Co , mchltixMS , f Omaha. Flans , details and pci Ideations mnx bo seen nt tlio olllic of tlio nvii tm x of I no school heard , nt Auburn , Nob. , uiiiliil the ollico of tlio aichlti ats , on and attci the sixteenth ilttda.x ol A'm'u t , until the t tentx sixth rjiii da.x of An- pusl ] v < li. Allbidswlll IIP deposited ullli thi < secrolan ot the school linnnl on 01 before 7 HI o'clock p in , on the twentx sixth iSili day ol AURIIM , l -i' , ill xvhlih IIIIK tlu < bills will bo opened. Tin1 hoard io oi\eatho rltfhtto icdiH'l anx 01 nil bids llj Oidorol the School llonrl. A. U I lir.V , Fiosldciit I ) A Ori'inxMNv Sioiotim. iil'i l-'l- i Irt P. BOYEB & CO. Hal'sSafesVaui.sTiniDLocks ! ' and JaH Work. 1020 L'unwm Street , Orualm. Nob. - FULLY WARRANTED-i- tlco T Ai lulu list , U-MlPumllis : st. I ) . 11 llo.Miimi , 1SI7 I'm tin in si. .loll Hlt3Mo,2l' > 7 ( ilinliiR st Ileimau Kinule , inn Ninth 10th St. O. I amrc.ais Eolith I Itb st. X\ I' . Moet/il , lif-'l Houanl st. M L \i\n \ Sinten , Ifiltl Dodjre s-t. C. XX' . bleepoi , 507 Njuth 1,1th bt. Hoyat and ITnltod Statoa MiUl.gallinj : ox cry MU utility Between Antwerp & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. TALL AND \ \ INTRH. Salon from JiiO to S7C. Excursion trip from (110 to Jl : . Second Cabin , outward , $4j ; prciiald , f45 ; cxcur-lon , JUO. Stoonu'o nnssaifo at low rates. 1'otor XVri-hl i. aons , Uonoral Agents , 5J llroudway. Now York. lloiuj 1'un It , I.'IS rainain st , : Paulson & Co , l-'i i > a t. ) ) . rieeman. Uit rainain st HAMBURG ! A Dinner LINK vou. England , France & Germany. 'Jho bleamshlpsof this well kiioivn line aio built ol lion , in wntci tight compnitments , nnd aio furnished with oxoij io < | Ulsito lo niitko the liassavo both safe and a iecablo. Tlioy party thu United States mid European malls , and Icaxo New YoikThurodays and Saturdays for Plv- mouth , ( LONDOW.CliOibouir.fl'AHlrt nud HAM- UUUQ ) . Hotuinlnir , the steamers loaxo Hamburg on XX'ednosdnjs and Sundays , xla. Havre , tnklnz passenirenat Southaniptoii and London. 1'n tit cabin fW , JUJ and $75 ; Stoorag'oSJI. Italhoad tlcki'ts fiom 1'lyinouth to Ilristol , Car- dltf. London , or to any place In the South of Knjrland , rilKK Stcoraso fiom Uuropo only JZo. Bond lor "Tourist da/otte. " C. 11. U1CHAHD & CO. , Genoiiill'.isbengur Ajrents , 61 llrondway , Now York ; Washington und fj Ballofcts. Chicaso Ilk allurncVIIlec tro-Muirni tic licit. /TriiHHcombined. Guirnntreiltlio 'only ono In tlio vorlitKcneritlnif actmtfnunus Jllcctrtij Maonttlo cnrrmt. Srlcnil lie. Powerful. Durable , 'Oomfiirtihlu and KTicitvo. Avoid Irnmls. OrrrllOOOclircil. Ri mlht impfni | AI 10 r.i.Lorimi 111:1/1 : roit ilih fit. HORN ? IMc.i - " " . mi ui.n. , . , , , CRICHTOK& WHITNEY , Dealers in HARD AND SO FT COAL AND WOOD Iloult Springs , Iliiiini § , Missouri nnd lov.-a Soft Conl. Ollice 218 South Fifteenth at. Yards -Ki-jhteontli and I/ard sts. Railway Time Table OMAHA. The following Is the time of arrival and do- paituroot trains by Central Standard Time at the local depots. Trains ot the ( J. , tit. 1' . , M. Ac O. uirheand depart fioiutholrdepot , cornorol 14th and XVcbslorstieots ; tiulus on tlio II. & . M. C. II. in ) , and K. C. , SU .1. A. p H. Iroin the II. \ M. depot nil othois from tlio Union 1'uulUo dopot. Hainan THAINS. Hrlrtgo trains xvlll lonx-o II I' , depot at 8:35- : H7J.V : 8UO ; - 8:408W : : - 1110.0011:0011. : . m , : 111.0 - - 1:201:30 : : -2:00 : 3.00 - 111:00-5.00 : 5:30 : P:10- : Loax'o Triiiisfnr for Omaha al 7:11 : IM:15 : I-.W li:4J-H10.ri-l0.37- : : a. m.lJ7-2U- : : : : iiO3.37li7 : : : : 5:50 : CU : 70 : ; 7:5'J : ' 8:30- : 11:5p : ! in. in.CONNKCTINO WNF.S Arimil and deiarturo | of tr.this fiom the TrnnMor Depot lit Council Illiillo : DKI'Altl. AnillX'li. CIlICA'K ) , HOC1.- JSIAM/k 1'ACIHU. H 7:15 : A.M. U'Jill A. H , H u : 11 A.M. ) i firm i > . M. CU40 ; I1 , xi. H7OJ : l1 M. ClIICAdO & NOIlTIIXVtSTr.llH , Clir. ! : A. M. I DUiISA , u. H ( ! : llll > M. I 117.00 I1. M. CIIICAOO , iniirrNrio : : < & QUINCV , Ali : . \ . M. I A 1UI5 A. M. 110:111' . M. I H u:20 : f , u. | A 7:001' : . M , lIir.tVAUKKB It ST. PAUL. A Oil1) A.M. I A 0:15 : A. M A 0:401 : > . M. I A7.0JI- KANSAS ClfV , ST. JOK Jc COUMUI , IIMIKKH. AlOlOilA. M. I I ) 0:33 : \ . M. O8f : > 5i' . a. I A 5:33 : p , u. XOIIAS1I , ST , LOUIS k I-AUUK. , A 3,001' . II. | A 3.JO I * . M. piou.x oirx' ft I'Anuic. A 7:03 : A.M. I AO.nriA.M. A 6'i : l' , U. I A 8.50 IM. . IVKSTWAUD. _ AinvbT" A.M. 'UNIOV 1'AOIFIU. / . M. f , u. ' . . .ViitlllaKxpicss 7.r-0.\ io'.55a .lon\or Uvpro.s . ' 5OJii : . .Local KYIMO-H ll'lojli 11 V M IN Nltll. 6:10u : Mall and Kzpioss. 0lOa : 0.2.U ID l0a _ „ _ bOIJTHWAHl ) . Ainxo. " A.M. , r. n. I.MJASnt 1I ! PACIFIC A M. r. M. ll:10u . . .Day Uuiroas . C'JV1 ; . . . U.lOh1 Niiffit F.iin084 llv. O. , i > T. J < C. H , 0Wu ; ! 8:15b : VM I'lulUmouth 7OOJ : 7.U ) " KOItl'H'.VAII ) . _ Airlxe. _ _ _ _ _ An.i' . M , I C. , ST. I' , M A , O. I A. M. I I1. M. : I5ni I Hloux City ixiif8 : | < I 5jro ; . . . .I li4Xu ; Onl.hind Aceommoil ' n10ioa _ _ ; _ . . \bl'WAUI ) . Arrlxo. " A. M. I V. M. I ( } . . 11. A. Q. I I' . M. _ _ " _ _ _ ' _ _ " NOTj ; A"ti-aliis dally ; II , dally except Sun" dnji ( ' , dally ( ixccpt daturduy : 1) , daily except MunJ.iv tUOUK VAHI ) Ull\IN3 will loax-e U 1' . depot , Omaha , at'B:40 : 7:35 lO.Wu' : ( . 4OJ ; 5J" : . BOJ p m. 1'aclllo Uxpross , bi ) p m. ; Bunvor Kr. , 10:51 : a.m. ; LocalF.x.,15:05 p. m Lonvostouk jiirdilor Ointthn at * 7ftV-0:3.5 : : llsJn a. in : 2Ji : ) aJ5 4:3 : , ) O.t ) . > 8 : " ) p. m. AHantlo Bx . lo S. O. 7 : . ' , > u in. ; Ublanini F.T. , le S. O 5:07 : p m : Mnil F.x , lo S. O. 10:51 : n.a ; llo.l'ac. Rjf.lo. 0.0. 5:17 : p. m.s 2d M , P. I.i. , 6:09 : n.ra BEST LAUNDRY WORK In the < itj ( an In obtalnul by patroiilrln tlio Hill ITS " fiKo. ? r. NriiiXDitLi : , iron , None but experienced bands omplox i > d Outer or town ot don liy mull or exp'css solicited , and aljnotk WM nulled _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COl'XCIL JIU'I-TS , IOWA. An excellent educational Inxtltiitlon , furnish vilxiiih all the modern liupioxeinoiil , eon- uetelb > thoSIsrF.118 OF CHAHITV.ll. V M For toim of live month" , $75. T ( i ms begin Hi st Moudaj in September anl tlrst Motidaj In Fcbruaty. For catalogues ad- Sl I'F.U SFl'F.IllOU Anuk'iuj .Council IHuirs.CD N. SOH.URZ , Justice of the Peace \insi-t City Steam Laundry ! Jf / . . ! / Hli ( l SKA IS Id JIT , No. 31 N. Main Street , Council HltifR Finest irnrlf iind loirct prices for it'orlit All follttrt > mill cu ffa rc- in collar nnd cuff borc # iii'tliontftra cluiryc , it'liicli giitti'- ontccti irurk in MIIIIC condition < w it leaves us. Out of toim onlcru rc- cctrc Minn. ' Hltentioii nnd nl stnnc icoi7r. COUNCIL BLUFFS Fall Meeting' . FOUR DAYS' ' RACING. Trolling , Pacing and llmmlng Tuesday , Aug. 31st , Wednesday , Sept , 1st , Thursday , Sept , 2d , and Friday , Sept 3rd , Including special attractions bv Prof. A. K. Walker's xvorlil fiunotio Kucing nogs daily and Uiillooti Ascensions by 1'i'ol.A. b. Psiruor ihuly , in front of the gramlstnml. Uthur nttiactluna in the xv.iyof speed consisting of celebrated horses from Kentucky , Ohio. .Illinois , Indiana and Wisconsin. Hctlnccd rates on all railroads. Coma cx'orybod.v and havn a good tinio. For ( Kiitictihtib , address STUBBS , Scvruliirjr MONEY TO LDAN-At lowest rates. Real estate handled , In suran&e written and all kinds of bonds bought by F , J , Day No , 39 Pearl St , , Council Blutfs , Established 1881 , WHO It UNACQMINTCD WITH THE OEOORAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY WILL SEE DV EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE GHICJIGO.ROGK ISLAND a PACIFIC RAILWAV Hvronnon of lla central poiltlnn ciulclnsn rnlntlonta nil principal llnra l.uit nmlVr l. at Initial and ten iiuliim nmjtlliuoi ( he THOU Import nilif. ountliiiiitnl link III tlint nvilrni of tlirmixli Irniun.irw inllon wiili-li lnvlii-4 iiml nn tlltaim trntil > nil tratlia liolnriHiilUumir lh Atlnnllci 1111 I I'ndnci Conull It l alto iho r Tiirltn mnl IK ( lonio taanit finni ix.InO ] axt. Ki > rlliunKt nml Koutlicfmt nnd porrciuunUloit l > olutB XVo t , roi Iliwcit ana Mouthwfet. The Croat Rook Island Route OuarantoM llj imtrona . tint c n a of | ioiron l teen. rlty . uffoirtml by .i ( .oll.l. . ilioroiielilv liallaiinl roaa- un tiuontli trm ki or xuiilliiuouii l ol rail. niliiUu. lljlly Inillt rulfrrm nml l.rlilirm , it iicut ptrf.ctluu iw hilinin fklll r li mnki. It. tile larctr aiiiillnniriarpiitcntbuiron.plntrarniiniKlalrbrikaiL anjlliiitvxjcilnyd "clplliiu wlilrli unrorni Ihn | ) ra5 Uinloiiarntlaiinr "II Ita liulno oifitr kreclaltlui rt jiH roiilu am IrannrrrH at nil ruimnilnK jioinla In Union IX'Wuln. nnil thu u3 ! iinrtirnniiMiU tomfuiu " " " " " " " luiurluii of Hit I iuudiiK r I Jiulpino'it. The Famous Albert Loa Route . anolliir MV , Tli Scnwa anil K.o- t. , Kakii hn > l < M-n miuntil boiwipn ( Inclrnntl , InilUs- iwli * anil Laravpttn , anil rmim II Jlluirn , Kannmultr. U4liiiia | > ll < anil Ht. I'anl ' nU lnUrniwlU.e > iHilnti , tup ilatalluil InrormaUuii HO .Maix nml Kuld r > . well 01 llckot4 , t rll principal Tick. I drvikin ' ' Unlta ( SUtej und Cunmlui or blu - R. R. OADLE , E. 8T. JOHN , 1'iea'tA , Oun'l M'B'r. tiin'IT'J.ti I'utAgt , Nebraska National Bank OMAHA. NKIMASKA. PaidupCapitul . $250,000 Surplus . 30,000 II.V. . Votes , I'l-Ciiilont. A. U , Tou/.alin , Vii-o I'n-sltlont. \V. II. S. HiiKhiis , Ciiihlor. \V. V. Morse , John S. Collins , 11. W . YJUCS , Lewis S. Kuocl. A K. Toti/.ulin. BANKING OFFICE : TJIE III ON MAN 1C , Cor 12th nntl Kaniam Sts A General linnUltiK llusincss Transacted