Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    D THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : j < 'lU ) AY , AUGUST 27 , 188(1 (
EcliMU-d by rf.rrier In 11115 pnitof tliceltj-nt
twenty tents per week ,
II. W. TII.TOX , Mnnnfier.
( T. , No.
MOIIT r.l'mm No. SI.
Ml NO 1 1 MIJ
Now York PltimbinH Co.
N -w 'nil goods fit K iti-r's.
TlicM'ij1 ucst pabini'ts : it $3 ilo/on : it
Gorlut m's.
One iiozi-n rnliiiints nml a largo nrmcl
for W ro at Sdmudt's gallery.
'l'li < > CongivgntioimllMs have a social
nt tlir residence of W. W. Wallace this
Tin' naplM lailics mtortniiicd their
friends lumpily lust evening at tlio resi
dence of Mis. K. S. Colii.
Clur.i I'loreni'o , the twin baby cirl ; of
Mr and Mr * ( Jeorgo lladlmi , died
Tliui'Mlay. August ' . -5th , at 10.3) i > . in.
Funeral from family residence Friday at
lOHOti. in.
LriMt evening Kinnm find Huth Williams
nutertaincd about sixty of their young
friends at H birthday party at tlio resi
lience of thi'ir parents , Air. and Mrs.
Natf Williams.
Tlio funeral of.I. W. .Johnson , who
was run over by a switch engine lust
Tuesday , took plawycsturilay and was
Inrgul.v attended by mourning and sym-
pathi/ing friends.
All's tl. M Johnson returns thanks to
the railroad company for their assistance
and sympathy and to neighbors and
Mends for their kindness in this sad be
reavement of lur ; husband.
Tlio following Iowa postolliccs have
been made money order olliee.s , and tlio
Council Hlnll'a ollico made thu depository
for them : Carbon , Knst Noiiaway ,
Massena , Monthunin , P.uiamn anil
Several sets of harness have boon
stolen of late , but tins police say they arc
tired of making any hunt for them , for
several time.s tne losers of harnesses have
refti'ed to prosecute the thieves when
Yesterday an ollicer from Ida ( Jrove
was here , having in charge an insane
limn who recently went from that place
into Kansas with a party of railroaders
and beeame insane there. He is to be
taken buck to his home , and probably
from thereto the insane asylum.
The young man Ilopner. who was ar
rested in Omaha for shoving the queer ,
hashccn in Council lUull's for some lime.
He has been at work in a restaurant on
lower Hroadway , and his arrest causes
much surprise to his friends here , some
of whom have known him and his family
for many years.
The evening papers had quite a strug
gle to see which could gel the b'St of tlio
other on the hanging of Still Hates. One
succeeded in getting a cut of the doomed
man's face , but bail no special. Thcothnr
had a special but no out. The one with
the special , on seeing tlio cut in the other ,
stopped the press , hurried to catch up.
even by shoving in a like portrait , and
then printed u copy for its other sub
Vic Keller , of Keller & Ilarle. yester
day made a contract to handle about
forty excursionists from Missouri Valley
on next Wednesday. The excursionist's
will arrive in this city by the morning
train and go JIB on top of Fairmont park
whuro they will spend a couple of hours
previous to going to Lake Alanawa dur
ing the afternoon , anil return to their
homes in the evening.
Hard and soft coal , wpod , lime , cement ,
ote. Council UlufTs Fuel Co. Xo. 533
Broadway. Telephone No. ltG. !
- .
Highest prices paid for county , town
city and school bonds. Odell l5ros. < S
Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Blulfe ,
Sympathetic \Vooilincn ,
At a regular meeting of Ha/el Camp 171
M. W. A. , the following resolutions won
unanimously adopted :
Whereas , The time has come. when the cs
teemed and loving wife of our filpnd , nclitli
bornnd bi other , 11. C. Humes , lias filled the
incasuro of her ycais and has answeioil th <
voice : "Cliilil of earth , como away , anil" 0111
order has been called upon to answer the sit ;
mil that nne ot Its member has mot with tin
Iniipii'shible loss by the Imml of death beliif
laid upon the lalthml companion devoid
wife , lie It tliLTOloie
Itcsolved , Tlmt In his great borcavoinen' '
ami e.Ntreinc sonow the neighbors of till :
camp extend to him the full measure of sym
pathy and condolence.
"Yra , hope and despondency , pleasure am
pain ,
Wo mingle together In sunshine and rain ;
And tan smile and the tear , thu song nnc
the dirge ,
Still follow each other like surge upoi
surge. "
IJosolvcd , That these tesoUitlons bospreni
upon the records ol Hie camp anil a copy u
the siimcbo turnlshud our daily newspapers
I. 11. Cl.HAVlIII ,
II. .1. ClIAMUl'.llS ,
J. J. STKWvMM' ,
Frank Milliard arrived homo yosterdaj
Major George H. Kichmoml ami wif <
returned yesterday morning from AVis
coiibin , wheru Air. liiclunond has bee :
for a number of weeks.
Miss Agnes Holurook who has bee
visiting relatives in Ottawa , is now th
guest of Miss Ida Casidy in tins city prc
vious to returning to her home in Moi
cngo , Iowa.
Nor John Host's /toily.
The mysterious disappearance of Mi
John Kost has caused great anxiety t
his family and many friends hero. Ollice
O'Hrien who went to Kansas City a foi
days ago to follow up a trace of him then
learned that a man answering his di
Ecriptlon had boon found upon thu ral
road track near Independence , Mo
crushed beyond recognition. Man
points of similarity seemed to exist in r <
gnril to clothing , and arrangements wer
made for Mr. Host's brother and a fricn
to start for t lions last evening to have tli
lody disinterred. A telegram rcccivoi
Iiowcyor , last evening. states thatitho bed
was not that of Mr. Kost , but had bee
idontilli'd as being that of a man name
Typlioltl Kevin- .
Charles Hartford , of New Casllo.WesI
Chester Co. , N. Y , , suffered with typhoi
fever , and was given up to die. Ho wr
restored to health in one week by takin
five Hrandreth Pills every night an
drinking plentifully of oatmeal gruel , .
few doses of lirnndreth's Pills will inva
lably cure any kind of fever ,
A hutlicrmi MUNlonury ileloafinri.
ST. PETKHSUUISO , August 20. Conrml
recently arrested at Simfeiopol for spicm
lag lieiosles , has been released as a result <
the Interposition ot hothrup , United Ktnti
minister , niut has been ordoied to lea )
liussla. lllsollieiibo was baplUlug porscn
of the Lutheran faith.
Substantial abstracts of titles and re i
estate loans. J , W. & 1C. L. Squire.
101 Potirl street , Council lllulls.
The Bible Society has Bibles for sa' '
llioap. Depository in Y. M. I ) . A. room
The Democrats Nominate Koatley for Oon-
gma and Name Three Judges.
DctnilH oP tlie Convention Oilier In-
tci-csMni ; News Ontlierod in tlio
llluH's I'ci'Ronnl Items anil
Minor Mentions.
Col. Konlloy for
The democratic1 couirrcssiouiil conven
tion nit't Vf lcnlav ititiriilnjr. D. A.
FuiToll onllp'l to uriU-r , npoloKi/.hif : for
cloln so. on thu Kfouucl that in lU'Corcl-
unco with tin1 wWics of Pr < " > itlont Clcjvc-
iniitl , tin ) c'liaii-niiin of tlio committee ,
Tom llowinan , hnximr bi-i-n mmle post-
niastc'i1 , coulilnol consistently cr\u cvon
to onll a iMtiiMjutioii to order , for then In1
would licpomc a "partisan politician. "
W. V Cli-M'laiid , of Shrlby , wus named
as ti-mporarv chairman , and II. F. LDC ,
of Montjronu'ry , and ,1. L. Jl. Shutterloy ,
ofCuthric , as secretaries. Messrs. Cliaso
of Cass , Shea of I'ottavntlamie , and Knlil
of Shulbv , were appointed to escort
Chairman Cleveland to the chair The
chairman declined , to inuko nn.y speeeh ,
savini : it was not in hirt line.
On motion of Fred Kimpfel , of Harri
son , a committee : on credentials was ap
pointed : Messrs. Chase of Ca s , Murphy
of Montgomery , Tipton of Mills , Wyland
of Shelby.I. J. Shea of L'ottawattamie.
On motion of Dr. F.mmert , of Cass , a
committee of live on permanent oruitni/-
atioii : Dr. Kmnu-rt of CassV. , . 11. M.
I'usey of I'ottawattamip , 1) . A. Farrell of
Mills , 1) M. Harris of Harrison , W.V. .
iMerritt ot Moutjonierv.
The committee on credentials reported
liat all the counties were roproventeil by
nil delegations , and no contests.
A committee on resolutions was up-
'ointed ' of one from each county.
The committee on permanent organi-
.tion reported in favor of making the
c-mporarv ollieers permanent Carried.
K. N. Whittli'Boy , in behalf of the
( nights of Labor , jnvuntut the series of
usolutions adopted by them at Atlantic ,
ho same resolutions t lint Had been pre-
ented to the republican and greenback
lonventions. liefurrud to the committee
n resolutions.
W. II. M. Pusoy moved to adjourn
.nlil 1 o'clock , to give the committee on
evolutions time to prepare a report , but
lie convention would not consent , but
icemed bent on spcech-makiii' ' . A call
, vas made for "Pusey. " He said ho
lever realixed how many democrats
hcre were until he had to name pos > t-
insU'rs. The interchts of the party were
low to bo placed in the hands of the
ruling men. The old men men who
liaiS fought when there was no hope
ivere now about to relinquish their hold ,
ile warned the democrats "not iu those
ast days to go after strange gods , " but
o stand by tlie olil principles of dcmoc-
There never was such harmony in the
lemocratie ranks. They weic a oand of
jrotlier , and enthusiastic. In this county
he old republican war horse , Col. Sapp ,
tad been beaten by a fetrmliug , Col.
Keatle.y , by 1,100 majority The democ
racy woulil oiler candidates who would
tick by the law as it was in the books
.mil would insist on the personal liberty
of till. The greenbaekers all over the
, tate accepted the cardinal principles of
he democracy. They were coming into
.inc. lie predicted that the convention
would be a love feast and the election
ivould result in victory. Much enthusi-
i m was called forth by Mr. Pusey's
Sheriff. Dan Farrcll was then called out.
He went astiide beyond Mr. Pusoy and
predicted a blato as well as district vic
W. W. Merritt , of Ked Ovk , was called
out by Mr. Pusey as "an old soldier of
the cross. " He predicted that Ihc day of
edomplion was near at hand.
J. K. Sovereign , of Atlantic , the district
organi/er of the Knights of Labor , was
called out. He said that the republicans
in making its nomination had made a bit !
for a certain vote. The tree-toad changed
colors when he changed Irees. The
toad did tliis for bis benefit , anil
not for the benefit , of the tree. Tim
labor clement wanted to eo thu
toad change color tor the bonclit of the
tree , the people. He reviewed the records
of Congressmen Hepburn and Lyman in
re < rard to the lorfeiling of railway land ;
in Iowa. He claimed that they refused t <
answer roll call , and thus pn vented :
quorum , so thai tlio bill could not be con' '
sidercd. lie reminded the coiiventior
of the power of the knights , that the
eyes ot all wore upon them to sou what
sort of a candidate would bo named. Ii
the right man was named the knfghts
would so help them that they would sec
at the election time that the republican
party had nothing but a soul to damn ,
and a posterior to kick.
Mr. Pusev Ihen renewed his motion ti
adjourn until 1 o'clock , and it was ear
ncil.On reassembling in the afternoon tin
committee on resolutions rejjortei
through its chairman , Judge Harris , ai
follows :
Ki'.solved , Thatthoclomorriitsof the Nintl
coiiKiob'tlomil ilibtilct in convention nsMJiu
bled , uiHiunliiicillv endorses the inlinliiistra
llun of Prusldeni Cleveland , thnl tlieyheait
lly commend his btnilln honesty anil th
carrying out of the ] ) iiiuipi ! ) that "a juibll
ollico is u public trust , " asotten oxinossecl b ;
ourileiiioeintlcclili't ; thnt they endoiso am
applaud thu htiuul I'lesident Clevolaml ha
taken between thu jmbllc treasury ami thos
\\lio would iiuiioiO upon It l > y liDirun in'iisioi
bills. That HID ilemociirtli ! paity of IhK tils
tiiet , whllii not linhtlutf this campalgu upoi
the "bloodytihlit" Ubiie , ineseuts lo this con
volition the tact that thirwork of the admin
Utratum thiouirli thu iicusiuu ollico pluiiil
hhows that thoileiuoeiallc paityis nioiellL
eral ami just to thcdctonilcmfl ! theunlui
than our opponents , In this , thai no one bu
ex-soldiors now hold the pension agcm-lcs ii
the illll'iiiuut states , and to-daj 5rt,000 mor
ex-soldleis aie on thu pension lolls thai
tifti'fii miiiiths HJO.
U. Tliat thu democratic party of this con
grc.sMomd iliMrlct miloiM's the nlattnri
adoiiteil liy thu ilemoeratlc convention hcl
allies Molues.I tine tiO , IbbO , and that it es
peclally dniiouiicos tlio meuiDcrp of the low
slate senate , both dcmoriatit ; and icpiibllcnn
who paitlciiiatcd Iu tlioS'JIG Rtcnl.
! l. That It emphatically condemns the ac
of thu lepiibllcan leglxlatuve , thai In order t
puipetiiati ; Itself in power , has so trcri )
maiuteieil thu legislative and con rcsslonn
districts ho as to distrniichlM' , by arbitral' ;
bouudaiics , thousands ot antl-icpuljllcai
voters In the state ot Iowa.
I , We demand the icsurvatlon of the pub ! !
lauds for actual settlers only , and thai a
lands owned by Individuals and coiponitlou
In excess of too acies , not under cultivation
shall be taxed to thu lull value ot cultivate
lands of lllo character. We demand the hn
incillatu foitcltuii ) ot alt lands now mult
Kraut to coiporatlousor individuals , the cm
Ultlous of which have not been compile
with ; that from and after the year Ibtj7 nor
leslitcntb shall bo prohibited fioiu acqiililu
alien titles or owning lands within th
United States of Ameilca : and that all deed
by cltl/.cns of ( ho United States to nou-ies
dimt aliens , after s.iid last mentioned dati
bhall be mill and void , and lauds so dcede
shall remt to the iioveinnient ,
0. Wo ask for tliu abolition of the contiai
system on national wet Its.
7. Wo ink that the Importation of forelp ;
labor uiiik'r contracts be at once abolished b
law , and such laws unforced.
H. That wn aio In tavor of roliiiburslug tli
settlers of thn les Molnes ilver lands Ic
every dollar and cent of loss they ba\o su
fered by reason of the unccitalnty In the
titles , and wo fr.vor the enactment of sue
laws as may bo necessary to carry Into en"e <
tills lesolutlon.
0. That wo heirtlly endorse the Moirlfn
reMilutioii , a.s | by the democratic hout
ot lopiebuiitativeK , piovlillng the tieasut
surplus belni ; used up Iu the payment ot tl
bonded debts to the en.l that thu voluino (
money in ( , 'Iicul.ttioii shall bo ade'iuatu ' I
meet the ilcmnuiU of incicasing1 populatlo
and the just : ctulrc.iicnts | ! of trade
10. Thin w couuuoiul the democratic po
tlon on the 1'eatrnn Interstate coinmoxco
bill , nnd applaud their substitution of the
Kcnuan for tlio railroad bill as I lit roil need by
Cullom In the t'lilted Slates onatc.
The resolutions were adojited , the
committee thanked and discharged.
On motion of Judge Harris an informal
ballot was taken for congrc lonal nomi-
ieo.Mr. . Pnov named a man who had been
trickun with povoity all his days and
oiild bo trusted to legislate for the pco-
> lo : a man who , by his pen , had added
norc to Hie democratic literature than
my other man in Iowa ; a man whose
old slouched hat covered a great brain
nnd a warm hearts a soldier who , while
he northern heart stood pul eles * , bared
ils breast to the storm of battle Colonel
John 11. Koatley. ( Cheers and tip-
A Mills cotintv delegate seconded it
and others followed quickly and moved
to make his nomination unanimous and
by acclamation. The ciiairman ruled it
o'ut of order as an Informal billet had
already been ordered. A motion was
made to clear the way by rescinding that
million. Mr. Pu ey insisted on a ballot
as the true democratic method. Judge
Harris explained that the motion for a
ballot was .simply a test of the pulse of
thu convention , lie was satisfied theie
was but one candidate wanted and there
fore withdrew his motion.
Mr. Cha-c moved to imilse the nomina
tion of Colonel Keatley unanimous and
by acclamation.
Mr. Soveieign desired to be heard but
there was an objection , ho not being a
delegate. A motion was made to allow
him ten minutes. It was carried , but far
fio'ii unanimously. He spoke as a repre
sentative of Knights of Labor to present
the name of Dr. llatten , the greenback
nominee , and under Instructions. He
declared that lie was a fusioni t. Mr.
Sovereign said he had four children and
be had got them all that way. He had
no light to make against Colonel Kent-
ey , but be wanted the of Dr. llat
ten considered.
The nomination of Colonel Keatley was
then made by a unanimous and imthtiM-
astic vote. A committee of three , W. II.
M. Pusoy. Judge Harris , and Mr. Chase
were appointed to escort Colonel Keatley
lo the hall. He was given a hearty wel
come and worded his exprctMons of
thanks and gratitude glowingly and Hat-
leringly. He dee.larcd himself sis opposed
to tarilVfor pioteetion , and in favor of
tarill'for revenue-only. He declared him-
sell as an anti-monopolist "from way
back , " ami pointed to his rec
ord on the currency and silver ques
tions as being consistent and in con
formity with the democratic principles.
lie called attention to the fact that he
had in tlio legislature fought for the
interests of tlio wage workers. He
claimed that the present hard times were
not due to the election of u democratic
president , but to causes which arose
durinir republican days. In regard to
the vetoing of pension bills , nnd the claim
that the democracy was unfriendly to
the soldier , ho said that there was more
pension money being paid to-day than
ever under republican rule.
The convention then adjourned.
Judge Ayloswortli Ajnl Gets FIj > urcil
L Uirtho District Hunch.
The democratic judicial convention met
immediately after the close of the con
gressional convention. It was called to
order by ( J. A. Holmes. T. H. Lee , of
Montgomery county , was called to the
chair , and W. 11.\\ are , of Pottawattamie ,
as secretary.
< ! . A. Holmes , D. Emmcrt , and \V. 11.
Anderson , were appointed committee on
The temporary organization was on
motion of Mr. Chase , made permanent.
After the organisation was completed
the business ot nominating began. Dan ,
Farrcll warned the committee that they
must proceed carefully. The gi ecu-
backers had made a judicial nomination
( Funk ) , and the. democrats must endorse
that , and then it would force the green-
backers to endorse Colonel Keatley.
Another delegate wanted to know
whether the greenbaekers would join in
and work if this arrangement was made ,
or whether they would dictate.
The resolution adopted by the green
back convention was read. It was thai
if II. O. Funk would be endorsed by the
democratic convention , the green backer.-
would leave the two other judicial nom
inations lor the democrats to make , i'lii
iircenbackcrs also asked that Hon. M
Walker bo one ot these , but they did nol
make this as a demand.
The counties were called tor presenta
tion of candidates. Cass named L. L.
Delano , Fremont named J.M. Hammond ,
Mills , by D. A. Farrell , presented P. P
Kelloy. The eulogist got so carried awaj
by his own eloquence that ho forgot ti
tell that ho mean * P. P. Kelley , until tin
convention called for the naino. K. W
IMggs , of Carson , in behalf of Pottawat
tamie , named E. E. Ayleswortb , as tin
Samuel J. Tilden of western Iowa
elected to the bench but not seated. Mr
Cleveland , of Shelby , presented tin
claim tof that county , which since its or
g'ini/.ation had never had a name unoi
the state , congressional or judicial ticket
Ho named for judicial honors George W
Dan Farrcll urged that the convontioi
complete a fusion by endorsing tin
greenback nominee , H. U. Funk , o
Audubon county. This was carried.
The ballot was then taken and an
nounced as follows : Kelly -10 , Cullisoi
30 , Ayesworth ! i7 , Delano 21 the nann
ot Mr. Hammond being withdrawn.
The chairman announced the nomina
tion of Messrs. Kelley and Cullison.
There seeming to be a misunderstand
ing us to the ballot , thitchairman dccidci
lo make another call of counties ,
C. V. Ch.iso intimated that as Potta
wattamie county had been given tin
congressional nominee it should no
scok to get the judicial honors , but 1ml |
out the ticket by recognizing outsidi
counties ,
Another delegate from Cass urged tin
claims of Mr. Delano , whose name hai
been three times presented , and cael
time sot usjdo for some one eke.
A running uebato as to crowilinf
Ayloswortli oil'the track was indulged in
Mr. Cleveland criticized the idea o
having another ballot after the chair hai
announced it to bo formal , and hail de
clared the result ,
Anothuv delegate wauled to know wha
had become ot the motion to make th
nominations unanimous. No onobcoinci
to know ,
Cass county withdrew its proles
ngainstthe. ballot. D. A , Furroli urgei
the convention to stand by the ballot , a
the democracy could not afford to g <
back on it. A. C. ( inilium took thu Mini
view , and moved again to make the noni
inations unanimous , This wr.s put . .n <
carried ,
The following judicial oommitteo wa
then named : W.C , Campbell , of Shelby
(5. A. Holmes , of Pottawattamia ; Ale :
Tipton , of Mills ; Win. Johnston , of Au
duboir J. J. Dolan. of CASS ; J. It. Hrew
er , of Fremont ; T. II. Alexander , o
Montgomery ; II. L. Cooper , of Pago.
Thu convention then adjourned ,
The tally of the ballots as kept bysom
indicate that the secretarj' madn n mi.-
take and that Judge Aylesworth wa
really nominated instead of Cullison
The report of the. secretary gave Kellc
40 , Cullison UO , Aylesworth I 27 , J ) . Delan
31 , making a total I Of 118 , whereas ther
being C5 delegates , already voting fortw
candidates , the total vote should liav
been 110.
This gives n total of 110 votes. Just th
number and non'inates Aylesworth i
place of Cullison. It seems that Jung
Aylesworth is strangely unfortunate in bi
ii.gthovietimof cruel mathomaties.JTher .1 gtvat deal of lignrina at the tim
of the last election , uud the tigurc.8 ban
ly kept him off the district bench. No1
it seems that a mnthq'mnlieal error keeps
Jiim out of a rcnomination.
The \ote as given uy gibers was ns fol
Ii Cabinet Photographs 1. Quality
( he finest , bherraden. J117 Hroatlway.
See thai your books are made by More-
house iV f'o , room 1,1-Aeretl block.
S , ia.
Arc opening now and bountiful designs
Moq-uette ,
relief ,
Tapestry Brussels ,
JRa/ Carpets , Etc.
For offices , hotels. lodge rooms , Caller
or prices nt llitrkness 13ros , ' , 401
Arc now arriving and in stoofc. Tri
cots , Fliinnels , Cashmeres , etc. ex
cellent for traveling and fall service.
Black Silks and in the new colors.
Quality the best niul prices the lowest
for good goods. Ladies wishing relia
ble goods will call oij lllirknos * Hros. ' ,
No. 401 Uroiuhvny. Council Hlnll's.
A fo\v more of those Lisle Thread
Hose left at 2oe. , in ftlutik. and in colors ,
at Jhirkness Hros. , No , jt-Ol Broadway.
In many new patterns' and a largn
stock to select from.- Door Mats , Hngfl ,
Curtains , Curtain Poles ; etc. , at HurK-
ness Brothers , No. 401 Broadway ,
Council Bin Us.
Incorporation Notice.
AHT1CLES of Incorporation of tlio Econo
mic LiKlit company of Ncly-asku :
Artlclo 1. Tlio unilcislgnoil do hoiubynBSO-
clalo tlicmsohcs tORCtlici-Into a lio'ly corpor-
nte , ui'dcr the laws of the state of Nobranln ,
to bo known us "Tho Economic Lit'ht Company
ot Nclirn ku , ' nnd Its principal plnco of bust-
ness shall bo nt the city ol' Omaha , Iu said stnto.
Article-'I ) ho olilcct of the Incorponition
shall bu the iniinuluctiiro nod siilo ot oils ami
trus lor llnhtiMK nnd lluimlnatln ? | iiii | > OBi'S , and
thomanulactiU'lnt ; nml liiinisliint' of Il.\turo9
nnd aiipliani'os thuiofor.
Aitlclu ; ] . The amount of capital stock mi-
tlioiT/oil , Ehall lie ono hunch oil thousand dollars
lars CSIUO.OIH ) ) , which shall lo divided into
ono thousand shares nt' ono hundred dolhud
each , ijlul ) , which shall bu Inlly pnhl up and re
main forever non-iisessallo. )
Artlclo 4. The business of the incorporation
phnll bo iminnitcd by n bo.ird ol dlroctoriJ , who
shall bo llvij In numbur , and Mockholdurs of the
Incorporation , and bo elected annually on the
llrsr Tuesday ol January in each > ear nt the
icfiuhir annual nicotine C the. stockholders to
bo held on said ( Into lit the city ot Oinnhii , No-
Article 5. The corpointlon shall couunonco
Its business on the Illteonthdiiy of Autrust , 18HI ,
and continue lor a period of twenty jcars
thoreafrcr , unions sooner dis-olve 1 liy law , or a
two-thirds vote of the stockholders at imy I-CKU-
] nr mcotlnir , ono vote belnjf allowed lor each
sliuio of stock held.
Artlclo ( i The Hist hoard of directors shall
consist of the following named i orsons. vl/ :
HainuelTheodoio . II. Itathvon , 3. H. .lorn-
eon , I'hllllp Armour , John S. llnuly , who shall
continue in ollico until the 11 iM Tuesday in
January , 1BST , and until their buceossora are
cKcti'd and iiualltled.
Inimodliitolv otter the orirnnl/at'on ' of the
corporation , tha board of directors mny inert
inul adopt any inlos , tabulations and by-lawe
they mny doom bo ° t lor the management ot
thoallalrbol the corporation not inconsistent
with thcso ait'cle ' ° , ami may ehaiiKO or modlly
the same Irom time to time as tlio interests ol
the company may demand.
Article 7. The highest amount of Indebted
ness to which the corporation shall at any tlmo
subject Itself , shall not exceed the sum of tlvo
thousand dollars ( f.,030i.
Artlclo 8. The piivato piopcrly of the mem-
boig nnd stockholder ! * of tliu corporation shall
booxompt liomnll linblllty lorcorpormodebts.
Article R. Tlio articles may bo modified ,
amended or chanjn'd or added to by a two-
thirds \oto ot thu stockholdeis of the corpora
tion , nt any regular mcotlnir of the same , thirty
days notIce liolnir fflvi-n ol puch pioposcd
ehatiKo prior to Hiich meeting , In such manner
as the bo ird of directors maj piosorlbo.
Witness our bunds as sub'-crlbcrh to said nrtl -
cles of Incorporation , and as Ineorporatois
hotoln , this Unt day of Aut-'ust , iswi.
W. U. H.vnivoN.
run.i.iiAiiMorit. .
JT , ' Manager ,
.Nos. 1519-151 , ' ! Douglas st , Omaha niul
No 2SI Hroadway , Council Blull's.
Painless DonllftrjNo liumbuK ! ( ! na , Vltnllcod
Air. Ktlur nml rhoruforin. nllh tliulr alckcnlux effmt
avoided by the iiinut wonderful nnuetUht'tlc , i > urly
IMU Ihc tilooJiind Uul Uinu up Ihotlnauoi.
Omaha Dental Association , Solo Prop'rn ,
( Ji.Ul Crowni , ( Jold 1'lul ) uml ( 'oiillmiutis ( .1111
Tri'tli , u tpcdulljIk'tl leelU K ; foiucr I'rlco f U
per ct.
ootnsroru Bijtrininffi
Practices in the Statu anil Federal court !
Rooms 7 and 8 Slui urt Block.
Wholesale and Retail Grocers
. 16 Main and SO Pear ! Sireet , Gsunei ! Bluffs.
Tlic AVorld'i rnvoilio , Ilial took tlir CiiOLI ) MrI > AI , ovi-r
till rorcigit anil > innr tUl < Jintoi' Alt's al
thf NouOi'loiuii \ioxltloii. | .
A most ilelicrlitful bovornjrc iu either- hot or ooltl weatlisr , Hot tied ilivoct ,
nt the Hprlngs In. Wuukeshit , Wis. , suiil msulo of the freshly iniiiiirted
Jamaica ( Singer Root , the juices of tropical fruits Areadhin Mineral Spring
Water and Loaf Suirar. Einiueiit inviliciil authority has proiioiiueeil it "the.
most perfect example of nu aromatic Xon-Alcoholio sloiiuu-Ii yliiniilaiit , while
its a heveruge It is simply delicious. " For sale by
The Ideal Arcadian Lemon Nectar ,
Mndo Irom tinjinrc. . ppaiUllujr Arendlnn wintercoinlimnl ltli Vriilt .lutci > , I'mll APit4 ! and
htlpar. loniilitulii | ! Itsi-lf. Tor luinllv u e , plena" * , etc. Iti'lieslnnir ami lilKlily bvnullvial ;
I'xculli'iit lor tliu ll. k loom. 1'or wile In Council Ululls by
II. T. Palmer , A. M. Heardsley , Jon Driessbach , Kil. Daniels ,
H. A. Haird , J.W. Kleeb , C. Deetkcn , Taylor & Calef ,
1) . ( t. Morgan & Co. , S. T. McAfee , Louie it Met/gcr , TibbiU & Ward.
F W. Spetman , John Short & Son.
Vor sale in Omaha liv Cheney . \ : Ole = on , Vitinl < Ilopeis , J A. Tuller .V Co. , l. . . HI-OP. &
Co. , Mn11't'lit , , Wm. I-'leiniiiir .V Co. , le llo & 1/oMio , llemjI'lttiilt. . O. W. Sa.M1 , .lax. i oisrin ,
V. llai'iett \ d > . C. 11. Miioin &Co. , Ilammonil fc Co. , W. S. llaldull , Sinllli & Keniirdv , ( Sen.
llvliiiroil. W. .1. Whllehoiin' , O. 11. Wlrth , Donnloy ADully.I. . G Vcs-s , WlleoxStophuns , T.
\V. t-pnllonl .V Co. , tioo. Dit/.en , Sehmlilt Ar Moellor.
$2.50 Per Doz. or 250 Per Bottle.
II. T. C , Jrnij Co. , S
ffiiiciyrotriw , Omaha.
SI ,
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trircks , l > e.sfc in the world.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Strcet.Comiil . Bluffs.
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Fumitnre , etc.
M. DROHLICH , 608 Broadway.
4 & y 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Farinincr lantls in Iowa. Minuesotn , Tp.xag , Kansas ami Arkanqng.
from $1.25 to $12 per acre. School anil state lands in Minnesota on 80 years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , etc. , piven by
P. V. Lanstrnp , No. 555 P-oadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
" "
Estubllehed 1S5T
R. L.
18 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs , Fa. , and
20'J S. WliSt. , Room 10 , Omaha , Xob.
Mftnufactuior's Arentfor ( the
Tents , Awniiiifs. Hoofing Slate , jlan-
tels , IMntB and Window ( iluss , Show
cases. KIcvators ( hand and lij--
dranlic , ) &c.
Horses and Mules
Foridl purposes. hO'ight and sold , at lotall iinJ
in lots. I iieo < iuuntlttos lo select fiom
o\crul palrsof llnodrivoie , sliiKleor Uo.ible.
Council Blull's.
Star Sale Stables and Mule lards ,
Oppotilo Dummy Depot.
* M Hk
Horses and Mules kept coiuuntly on hand
for Bale at retail or In car loads.
Orders promdtly Illlod by oontrnct om h rt
notlco. Block Bold on commi > Mou.
BHLUTEU 4 : UOI.KV. IToprietorn.
Tclopliono No. 111.
roimotly of K1KL BAI.K STAI1U5S , corner
ave. uud Itheticct.
.ioiirnitls , County anil
Hasilt Work or all Kinds a.Spcc-
Prompt Attention to Mall Orders
Room 1 Kvorot Hlock , Council BIufTs.
Stiiiuiarcl Papers Usoil. All styles of 'uinil.
\i\K \ m Magazines nnd
nipiiuiNrTs : : :
C. rt. Nr.tlonal llnak , SI. II Smith & Co. .
cat/oiii. ' Manic. DcoroVelMro. . ,
Hret National Dank , P. II. Insurance Co. ,
Illo or iVrneoy.llankers.C. II. auvliiL'S Hank- .
Reduction in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc ,
, , ,
At W. S. Ikmer & Go's , No. 23 Main at.
Creston House ,
The on'y ' hotel In Council JilulTs I
And nil modem Improvumoma.
J0 ! " 17 und ! -Main 61.
MAX .MOHM , Pi-op.
\O. 5O1) A ; 513 \I.\ST. .
Dully receipts of new gooils. llnls
Cans , Clclhinfc , ami a full line of Dry
Coodb , all of the Ititcht stylus. Call anil
AHHH t I.ITHM..w.fvK. / . > ; ' .
Agricultural Implenients ,
rniilnit ( < < , flc .Vto Co'iiu-.l lllniTa. luwn.
Mn\o the Orl innl niul Oomplolo
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press ,
.COHN snrxuitts AND I'linn cfrrnit < .
No . 1'ill.lici , l.vr. mi | riouth ; MiUn Slroct ,
_ Coiinrll lliiHTs limn.
HAMI ) 1115DI.KY , V CO.
Miinur'r * nn 1 .Iub'inrs of
flgriciiltnral Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Cnnlnirpo , i\n 1 nil kliiU of IVrin Mi'Chlnorr.
1100 to 1110 South Mum treet , Council Illulft ,
_ AXK IL\\-ni.KK. \
K.O. Ol.K ox , T. U.DnrntAx , Oni > R WniuiiTT
l'i t'S-A'tYi'iK. V.'l'ru.M in. So.1Counsul. .
Council BluTs Handli Factjry ,
(1tir.irpnriitoil.l (
Mnnnfnctntcrsor A\l < - . Pick , Slc ire nml SmiH
. Of CT.V . ltpCllIIIOII. |
Curtains Window Shades
Carpets , , ,
Oil Cloths , Cnrtnlii I'liture ? , t'pliolxlory ( loujg ,
lite. Na 103 llronilwny Counr-il I
cri ) , irr.
Wliolofnln .lolibor * In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. "S.Mnlu inul X I'ciirl Sis. Council Hlntta ,
Fruit and Produce Conimisslon Merchants.
No 141'u.irl Pt , Council 'HutTJ.
nituisu i
Wholesale Oils Paints Glass
Druggists , , , ,
Druggists' Pniulrlpri , KitNo. . 82 ? > liilu St , and
No. i'l 1'cnrl St. , Council lllntra.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
Ocncrnl Commission. No. .IU Ilfcmlwny ,
Council HlutTs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. ICnnd 19 I'eurl St. , Council UlullH.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Alco Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 110 Hroul-
way , Council l
Jlnnu'nptiircrs of &ml Wholu ale Ponlors In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. 52o Main St. . Council lUurta , Iowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Nos. 312 and nil nroiutn-ii- , Council Ilium.
Iron , Stool , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
.And Wood Slock , Counell Illtiin , lown. _
1 > . H. McDAN'KLD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tullew.Vt'ool , I'elts , ( irea o ami Kurs Counoll
liluirs low.t.
Wholesale Doalurs In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils
E3TO. , ETO.
6. Theodore , Asent , Counell llhiffs. Town.
, KTC.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
* cd Bridge Mnlprlnl
bor ol all Kinds. Ullico No. lO : Mala St. ,
Council Itlnllfl. lotviu
. , j
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Audit for St. fiottharri's Herb Ilittci-s. No. U
Mnin St. Council ItlutTs.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Ai. CH3 .Mili St. . Ciniiicll ll'.ufft. '
If or the LAKE
The Steamer OLLIE MAY
Newly lilted up , and under the elmwoof a
bUlllfiil oiiKlneoi and pilot , H now muiilna plea-
" "
Wo willKlvu flmiler topaitles lor onu hour
or any length ol tlmo desiiH.
Itates of eliailer j'lven and oiderj lalioii at
olllceo.ajl M.ilu s t. , butwouii liouiID lo U u.
, .l advei lUemonte. tut-h ns I nn , r'onn
4u miinir Sain , To Hen ! , \Sants , lloiinUtiK ,
etc will holnfcited In this column at the low
ratuolTHN'CUNTS I'KIl W.N'i : lortho llitUHBor
tlon and I'lvoCemsroi'Mnuldrciidi 6uhbuiuont
Intuition. I.e.ivu advcrllsementu at our olllio
No. U I'cul btieet , llioud .i } ' , Council
7 < OK Hi\ I.IJOr Trade A ll acin farm , I Hi
] aeres undi"- plow , < 0 acn-s p igturo , 40 nert
hay Kiounij. food honfo and ham. Will Foil or
tiade lor morelmndUu. Addri c 1' . O. box 1184 ,
Counell lllullb , Iowa
JTUMl HUNT Now ton mom house , all mod-
J ? urn iiiinnivements , Ninth at omul Illuir bi
M. 11. Tlulo > . Nu. IUIT Main St.
"I "ITANTKH An assistant eoolc nt the Oifde
> l House. _ _
TT OH 8AI.1J Old niipciB , In ( lUiintltios to
O } at llco ollico No. J2Jouil | klrant. _
. KJGE , M. D. ,
Or Other Tllinor-i loniovod withe ) I
ttuil.iiltuc > rdraiUiaot bl ol
Chronic //seases ? ° t nllkmu.
O cr thirty jour ' piueticul tvp,1 , <
Ko. II I'edilbl. . Coiuivil '
ftf fX'nBuUntlou Irvv ,