Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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How the Lincoln Organ Seeks to Deceive
the Public About Van Wyck ,
A Su HolUliiili I ose.s Until \iCK * ' } ' tlio
Cars .MKsourl Paollle TrnliiN
Hminlnj ; .Miuil Sot at
F. nr.E's t.i.vcoi.v
"It is amusing , " said a Lincoln citi-
y.on who is more of an accumulator of the
dollars of the fathers than a polliciun or
tliu son of a politician , "to unto the dif
ference In telegraphic dispatches bolxx-oon
the Lincoln ( tapers and the Um.ihn
papers in tlio line of specials from Van
Wyck's meetings. Noxv , " continued llm
speaker , "I pick Up the Lincoln Journal
unit It will have a dispatch saying lifty
or sixty people listened to Van Wyck at
Hiieh a place yesterday , and the Bii : and
Hi-raid of the sumo morning xvill record
nn attendance of a thousand or more.
Some ono is oil' In the matter of figures , ' '
continued the speaker , ' 'and it looks tome
mo just as if the Journal xx'ants to mis
lead us Lincoln people in regard to the
truth of the matter regarding Senator
A'an Wyok's popularity , and forgets that
at the present time just about as many
Jlr.E'.s are io.ul in Lincoln every day as
thuro are copies of the Slaio
Journal. As to the senator's popularity
1 don't pretend toknoxv , but xvas a
Van Wyck inectinir out in this county
the other day that slum's the general lias
Home mends in Lam-aster county , oven
if the Lincoln Journal has taken the eon-
tract to .see to it that none of that kind
lind expression in Mncoin. "
With these remarks the gentleman
walked on , and doubtless if ho let his
political researches load him on lie found
Hathaxvay of the Journal xvas in tlm ring
us a senatorial candidate , that Conrlnay
xvat. for i he tenth time to be shoved into
treat seclusion that the Journal might be
represented. If the goiitleman xvho
noticed the great falsehood in the Journ
al Van \ \ yok meeting dispatches had
turned a page of the paper ho xvould
have found the other question that is at
present agitating the State Journal , and
that xvonld have been soi n in a letter or
letters more or ICS.H . from a party by the
name of ( Jreen , xvho is , with the assist
ance of the Journal , trying to got the
board of public lands and buildings to
Invest in xvhat they believe a fraud. Two
Kieat questions for that paper to have on
hand at one time.
err AT THI : Asvi.rn.
There is a state of chaos at the insane
hospital that , if continued , means a
wretched condition of all'airs for the pa
tients within the walls. In addition to the
statement heretofore made that nine of
the employes had quit work in the last
two xveeks , it is understood that four
men , including some of the oldest em
ployes in the service theio , have quit the
present week. Some of the state olliciuls
were out there Wednesday , and the state
meiit of Night Watchman Bartlett xvas
largely continued. With experienced
workmen jrono , and the patients in the
hands of noxv and inexperienced keepers ,
the hospital outlook is gloomy enough.
\ I'ATAl , ArClDKNT.
Yesterday morning a bad accident oc
curred In the B. iV ; M. yards at this place
that in all probability xvill bo attended
with fatal results. Joe Hhea , a switchman -
man , xvas run ox-or , ono leg taken com
pletely oil' , and the physicians ox-poet to
amputate the other , lihca is a single
man who has been in this place only
nbout two xvoeks , coming from Oniajiu ,
\vhero ho has n brother-in-laxv living.
His age i.s about txventy-txvo years , and he
is being cared for at the Metropolitan
Hotel , lr. Hart , the Burlington & Mis-
houri physician being in attendance
Yestciuay afternoon the patient xvas
resting under the intluonco of ether , but
those in attendance say the rocox-nry of
the man is very doubtful , if not an im
possibility , Ho is a robust , healthy
.voung folloxv , xvhich undoubtedly will go
u coed xvay toward making it possible for
him to mill through , but xvith both legs
gone life is but very little preferable over
TIM : Missunti vAcinc TUAINS
: ire noxv making regular runs in and put
of Lincoln , the first train to coma being
the highlj decorated coal train for the
Pomoroy Coal Company. This train xvas
greeted as a sort of ovation , xvas
photographed , and then the company
commenced business. Passenger trains
have been placed on the road to run
betxvciin Lincoln and Weening
Water until such arrangonicnts
! ire made as xvill give a
local train bntxx'oou Omaha and Lincoln ,
under the pu'Minl xvay Omaha and Lin
coln pusaongor.s change cars at Weeping
ator. The Missouri Pacific have in-
Yited the mayor and cit3' council to take
an excursion on Saturday to Weeping
Water and return , and the invitation has
beoi accented. A special car xvill bo
provided for the city fathers , and the noxv
load and now towns xvill be exhibited by
the company lo the best advantage possi
After three days passed in Iho do-
jire.ssing heat of the eroxvded court room ,
the preliminary hoaringof Maul , brought
from ( Jnle.sburg for the niurderof Kiehorn ,
xvas Mulshed , and Justice Broxvn , xvho
. ' presided at the preliminary , acquitted
, the young man and gave him his liberty.
The btato innde no case at nil not
even u case cre.ating a doubt the size
of a man's hand , and the testimony add -
d need xvas vnr.y light in xvoight and
very moagro In quantity , in fuel the
prosecution , xvhen they saxv what the do-
toctivds had In the xvay of evidence , did
not expect to ) old the man. It xvasshoxvn
by the defense that Maul xvas not the
hard eltl/.eu that ho xva.s painted , that ho
xvas not without nionoy in Lincoln , and
that on the day of Kiohorn's death ho
xvas not around xvith him as charged.
The Illinois attorneys are loud in con
demnation uf the procedure , in xvhloh ,
xvlthout evidence of any character , a man
ib arrested under a requisition from Iho
governor , xvho in turn oilers a , roxvard
lor u mmdercr before murder is estab
lished. One of the ollicials hero re
marked that no one hut Detective Pound
could have got Iho papers from the gov
ernor , and hu got them throu < : li the great
desire of that oiTnsiul to ondon > u the do-
tocllvo in every movement. Noxv , after
R month of ICiohorn-Maul , ut al , the com
munity xvill Iwvo rest from rumors in
that ease.
nun iti.iritN iiojii : .
Mayor C. ( . ' . Burr and Mr. Frank Shel
don , xvith their families , returned yester
day from iheir Kuippeaii tour and are
onee more at liomn in Lincoln. The city
council and police department , the latter
in uniform , met the mayor at the depot
on his arrival in a sort of informal reeou
lion and xveleomo luwio. It is ju l barely
hinted that xvhen the weather shall have
ceased hostilities that a moro o.\ten ! vu
icceptlon for the mayor xvin lolloxv ,
The nnjv 1'eoplos1 theater , which has
boon constructed through an ontirn remodeling -
modeling and lefitting and rcfiirniKhlmr
of the dlty hall room , will bo completed
and formally opened by Mando Howe and
her oNcellent dramatio company on Mon
day evening next , Tim inoprietor.-i of
the new theater have aimed to picscnt a
neat , co/.y room , in which legitimate
dram. is , operas , etc. , can ho produced
without the high prices that other houses
< : oiuimuul. hi fact , the proprietors huvo
made Just what , the nMiio of the house
signilies , a people's theatre , and it is
very nicely Unshod throughout vlth
parquet , circle , ami gallery , with patent
chairs , carpnto , double entrances and
exits , while the stage is supplied with
nine new and complete ets of scenery
and new drop curtains. The citi/ens
will llnd tlm house and its accommoda
lions llrst cla s , ami oni" of the very
best companies on the road have been
booked for engagements at popular
The parlies who slugged the hack
driver , Haynes , and the night policeman
ut tlie 'depot , have had their
preliminary hcunnu , resulting in bind-
mgtliree ot the four over to the district
court under two thousand dollar bonds ,
and the fourth one under a thou-and
dollars. It will not be the lir < t intro
duction to the pen on the part of some of-
the chaps , and the prospects are the
very brightest tint thev will go
over the load with quickness and dis
patch when court convenes.
The police judge dispose 1 of seven
drunk and dlsordei lies yesterday morn
ing , the accumulation In the city jail of a
nlgnt All were given the customary
line , and those not able to pay out are
helping the city on street \\ork.
A man named Maggard , a drayman in
the city , was up in police court yesterday
for assaulting McUeynolds of the opera
house. He was lined $5 and costs , which
he swore ho wouldn't pay , and swore he
wouldn't go to jail , llo escaped a row
with the police 'by appealing the ease.
Yestordaj was the lime sot in which
Judge Pound was to hear the case from
Weeping Water in which an injunction
case over the Holland failure was at
To-day the Lancaster republican com
mittee meets at the olliee of tin * county
iutlgo , and the time will bo lived for the
primaries and convention. All this will
open the ball for political work , and a
general show up from among Lincoln
> illticians will follow.
The editorial excursionists from Lin
coln are home again and report a irniat
lime in the far we t.
In Lincoln ycsteiday wore registered
ho following Nebraskans : Charles
Harvey , Wilbur ; W. J Vannls , Sidney ;
I' . I ) . Sturdovant , Strang ; J. A. Smith ,
Bennett ; L. Holland , J. It. Ilaldcman ,
Weeping Water ; A. V. S. Saundeis ,
Beatrice ; U. K. Allen , Omaha ; E. Bealcy ,
( Veto , L. A. Kent , Mmdoti ; J. E. lloltan ,
The Tolcrtlxmo I'ntcuts.
Washington dispatch in N. Y. Kven-
ing Post' A lawyer who is engaged in
the electrical branch of patent law makes
another extraordinary statement as to the
condition of litigation beloro the Patent
Ollleo. It is in substance this : That
there has been pending before the Patent
OHice since 1878 , and is now pending
there , an interference ca e between
Kdison and one Berliner , of Wasninglon ,
for an application for a patent tor the
broad claim of the carbon transmitter
No patent for the broad claim has as yet
been granted by our Patent OHice , but
iCdison has secured patents in Enirland
for a carbon transmitter , which have
been sustained by the British courts.
Both of these applications , this lawyer
insists , are owned or contiolled bv the
Bell Company , which will be the beuc-
liciary ot whatever patent , if any , may
be granted. This application , ho has
hi pt alive in due legal form
by continuance * and delays of
various sorts until the present time ,
and there is still no apparent endeavor
to .secure a decision. The case is not
oven before a board or an examiner , but
has boon certified ui > as tiu mtertorenee.
Neither party scorns to bo ready , and
both pintles have influence enough to
secure delay. Jl a patent , however , .shall
at any time DC granted to either of the
applicants , and this patent so granted
shall come into the possession of the Bell
company , a new monopoly in telephone
patents will date from the day of the is
hue of such a patent , to continue for an
additional seventeen years , There is , of
course , no way of verifying this state
ment , unless one of the parties in interest
shall choose to aflirm or deny it. So far
as the patent ofl'ico is concerned , no ono
except the alleged parties in interest is
entitled to any information upon the sub
I'eot. If this application has been kept in
interference .since 1878 , as is alleged , this
has been done for a purpose , and if such
a patent is to bo granted and is to be the
property of the Bell comnany , it will
readily bo seen that every year of deho
rn the issuing of it will giyo the patent
an additional value.
Konl IStitnto Trnnnrors.
The following transfers were filed
August So , with the county clerk.
Tims A CrelKli and wile to Sam C Tuthil ! .
pail It" l > llc is. S K Hogois add. wdSl.OJU
Hichard J Wheny to D.ivlil K Blown , et , il
n y , cM it 05 llorb.ich'H 1st add , w d sii.OOl ) .
.Sarah K Hays and Inisb to Jane Burns It 3
lilk " 11" , I.o\\o's 1st add , w d 8100.
ICverett ( ! Ballon and wf to Dexter I , Thomas
mas , e 57 It of s fit It ot It 3 blk 251 , Omaha ;
also , It U blk U S K Uojjers add , w il-S-WK ) ) .
Lovi'ieltSI Anderson and wt to Patilck
lto\\loy , It a blk bl , South Omaha , w d
.In'o I Ittnllck and wf to C'lmilntto M K
AiUms , Its 1 , 2 , : J1 J , 5 and 0 blk IS O.ik Chat
ham , w d Si.SOO. :
J/union P Pinvn and wf to Klwln M P.nk
et al , It 20 blk 31 Walnut Mill , w il-Sl..m
Larmon P Pruyn ami wl lo'i'lios II Clongh-
lev , It S and 12 Midwlek place , w d--S
Liiimuu P Piuyn and wt tolhosll C
luv , Itis blk ui Walnut Illll. w d-Sl.noo.
Sam ) D D Kmcrson to ids. llimiut L
Brooks , It ! ! blk ? l > , Omaha , w il-34.M)0. ( )
/ ' , < J Itooil and husu to Dexter L Thumas.iie
so , n w. sec 1 , in , K , u c-Sl. K Homanknfl and wf to Dexter I ,
Thomas , ne , ne , nw , sec 1,1.\1U. wd Sl.-KK ) .
Dexter L Thomas and wt to Theodore Wil
liams , IIP , sonwseo 1 , in , 12 , w d S1.400.
Dennis 0/umlnuham / el id to Julia 1 < Kristen -
ton , It 20 blk , : i Washington Jllll add , w d
Victor U Coirman and wf to A B Hiiber-
inaii. ItO.ulk U , Auburn Mill add , w d
Jos C.fiicon and wt' to Klchaul C MaUico.
Its 20,21 and 23 , blu 8 , llaiibcom place , xv d
Napoleon B Apploandxvf to ( leo W Shield
It ( i lilt : H Patilek's add , xv d81.200. .
Arthur JJust to Julius 0 Uilbeit , no < , It 10
Olcahoma. xv d-SJ.iJOU.
Hans 51 Jauk.soii to M P Soais. n 80 ft U I
blk 1 , Klrkxxuod add , xv d SHOO.
Jas V Nolan to Henry L Chambcilaln , It 1
blk 2 Khkwood add , xv d-SMM.
llubcit.l Daxenpoit to Jas K Moilailty ,
12,1:1 : and M , Davenport's .sub , \ \ d 32luu ,
5Iaiy Dunk to J J Solomon , ct al , Its 4 and
0 blk K. , Kloienee , < j o 87r .
Max Wliitber to Clnisthin Wuelhoiiek , Its
2 , it nnd WlnthoiShiib , xv d-ls.0. !
Alary Stull and husb to Joseph Itosoiiblaln ,
s | < lts ImiU'JblkO , Itecd'-s 1st add , xv d
Alt'red P Ilonkins to The Publlu , plat of
2d adit toVcst \ Sldo Dedication ,
Xj3i3\ ?
Pi-opurvil with tlrlct record to Purllr. blrunclli and
llcklllidilnnu. Dr. rricu'n li > kliiz I'ciwdcr conlalu *
> o Ammonia. I.lmo or Alum , l > r l'rlce' KxirucU ,
X'anllla , Ix'p.on. Ornnce , 11C. , fliiTur Uellclouslj ,
eiiice BAKIHQ POWDER CO. , Chlcajo suit 51. iouti.
A View of the North Loup Valley and the
New Towns Therein.
TlioSeod of Prosperous Communities
Planted In I'Vrlllo Soil rtio
Towns of Muruell niul T y-
lor , null Their Husi-
ncss Sinn.
Noinit Lori1 , Neb. , August St. [ Cor
respondence' of the Bii.l : ; Arriving hero
1 learned that the Union L'aeille had com
pleted the track to Ord , the terminus and
the county seat of Valley county. A
daily mall route had boon established
from tlierc up the North Lotip river for
homo sixty miles , taking in several county
seats and hamlets heretofore compara
tively unknown.
Inspired with the glorious thonglit of
being the llrst newspaper man on the
job , I naturally followed the bent of my
curious inclinations and boarded a stage
for a long hot ride , live miles an hour.
Several years ago , while in New York ,
1 received n pamphlet published by thu
B. & M. K. K. Co. entitled. "A Now Brass
Key , " which wassaid to unlock the vaults
of wealth. 'J he story was embellished with
beautiful cuts representing "Mrst Year"
"Second Year" and "Third Year" and
was compiled by the best talent known in
the profession. 1 he lirsl year showed a
( section of raw prairie in' New-brass-key , "
vorj natural , too , but the second and
third years .showed some truly marvel
lous developments , as I supposed , known
only to the delineator ,
I nave for .severalears spent my whole
time travelling in Nebraska and tribu
tary terilory for the Bur. , and until I
came up the North Lonp valley did I
ever lind anything that resembled the
aforesaid illustrations. Without laver , I
must f-ay that the vallev is naturally the
most picturesque and fertile that 1 have
seen , and the many happy homes all dis
play a tone ot content. Surrounded with
nn abnudont yield of all the ccrcal.s.somc
yet in shock , home stacked , while the
corn yet wavinc , ono can scarcely reali/.o
the attraction these homes have.
AT nuitwni.i. ,
twenty miles noitl.west of Ord , we take
dinner. Here is a small hamlet formerly
the comity .seat of ( iarlield county , that
has a brilliant future and no mistake.
At this noint the Nmth Loup rivr forms
a sort of "horse shoo bend'1 of about live
miles in circumference with the ba&o of
the bend only about a mile.
By cutting a race across this base at a
point \\heie the river comes nearest it
self a fall of 12 feet is obtained with
sulllclont wa'er ' to furnish power for tins
whole county , beside insuring safety from
freshets to mills and machinery. A
Clant hero located would Do mcouraged
y having the command of a largo scope
ot country.
Ag.iln , Burwell enjoys another natural
advantage , the Calamus river , with its
long fertile and well settled valley. It
empties into the North Loup river at this
noint and the trade from the Cahunas
valley will naturally lollow the water
level to market in preference to crossing
the sand hills to any other noint. 1 met
hero Mr. A. Cornwall , an old resident of
Jonison ) , la. , who is rnnninir a general
merchandise and hotel business , also Jlr.
B. F. Bunnell and S. K. Webster A : Sons ,
druggists. Mr. Webster and Mr. Nelson ,
the miller , are interested in the town and
will cheerfullv correspond with all inter
At 2 p. m. we stall on our journey lif-
teen miles to Kent , an unimportant toun
that has lost its usefulness and been prac
tically absorbed by its younger .sister live
miles fuitlior up the river , called
TA1 I.OIt ,
the county seat of Loup county. Here is
a bustling town of several hundred in
habitants who are all sanguinu of soon
seeing the improvements of the county
that they may enjoy the conforts anil
luxury of civili/.ation in the fullest sen-o
of the term. They have the material and
they know that a.s soon us people once
ge.t to see this part of the worht that the
qne-tion is settled.
The stores are well supplied with the
comforts of life and the enterprising busi
ness men are over on tiie alert to push
anything in the nature of public improve
ments. Mr. F. II. Sawyer , the venerable
county clerk , reports the county in an
exemplary condition. J. Ititsha , the
father of the town , is conducting an im
mense stock of hardware and answering
letters of inquiry with reference to the
town and county. C. " L. Sleeper , at
torney at law , is not as sleepy as Wio
name implies. Wheeler it Son. general
store and postollicc , were very courteo-is
and willing to aid all new eoniars Cou
ncil & IColler run a tcmper.mcc billiard
William Belcher , agricultural imple
ment dealer , is ono of the most con
genial spirits ono usually meets. The
drug store of O. F. While is in
charge of K. R. Means , ono of the
young enterprising men of Taylor. W.
M. Vinnedy , shorif ) , says the morals of
tin ! people in Konp county are such that
his official duties are M > ldom required ,
and to help boom the town he has estab
lished and runs a wagon and blacksmith
hhop. ( ! . K. Drew and II. K. Carter wore
formerly in partnership , but recently
Mr. Drew opened a lirit ulubs dry goods
store while Mr. Carter provides for the
weary traveler. He is now erecting a
largo two-story hotel with mansard root
to meet the requirements of the trade.
Hu has a livery stable in connection. In
tact one needs but little that Is not furnished -
nishod in this young city. Considering
that the county was only organized throe
years ago , I am greatly surprised to lind
ho much advancement o far from rail
roads. F.
Snllercrs fro-u asthma will lind ready
and permanent relict from Hud Star
Cough Cine.
Wlmt llffti IjIcoiiHii Has Done for
Wisconsin State Journal : In 1833 a
liquor license in Chicago cost $53 , and
the number of licenses issued was I)111. ! ! )
In 188J the prlco ot'a license was raised
to $103. and the number of licenses fell
to 0,717 , making a decrease of 303. Since
that time the high license law has been
in force , and the price of a license has
been sfD'IO ' , and the number of licenses
has boon , in 1831 , il.SUil ; in 1885 , JJ705 , and
in 188(1 ( , a,010 , showing u decroiibo of
about 100 saloons every year since the
lirutyoar the Inw went into ullbcl , and
this while the population of the city
was increasing at the rijto at
50ODO ix year. Meanwhile Uiu Vovenuo of
the city from this ( -oujcc lias incicased
l's , especially in the thinly populated
districts , to draw the biisinesi somewhat
towards the center of the cily and to pu
it into the hands of more responsible par-
tics. There has been a corresponding
improvement in the good order of the
city , and HID political inllucnco pf the sa
loon keepers. In the aggregate , has been
reduced. This is what high license htis
done for "the wickedest city in America , "
What cau bo moro disagreeable , more
di.s < ru.stingthan to sit in a room with a per
son wlioibtrouliled with catarrh , and haste
to keep roughing and clearing his or her
throat of the mucus which drops into it ?
Such porcolis are alnays to bo pitied if
they try to euro thciiiS.elve.-j and fail , But
i tthoy got Dr. Sago's Catarrh Ucmody
there need be no failure ,
A llomnni'b ' of the \Vnr.
Sacramento ( fall lleo A few weeks
ago n Imh Mrs White wrote from
an eastern state to Assistant Adjutant-
General Perrie Keivon for a record of the
enlistment of her husband as \olunteer
in the war of the rebellion. She stated
that at the breaking out of the war she
and her husband resided in California.
While onli ted'nifrt sent his wife to the
home of her parents in a western state
1'rom that linns up lo the writing she had
never heard of him. She believed him
numbered among the unknown dead
and debited to apply for a pension. The
assistant adjutant furnished the
information anil thought no more of the
mutter until , aveek or so later ,
he received a letter from Texas
asking for precisely the same
information lie searched the rec
ord and found there were no two en
listments under the same name , and he
then made out a duplicate of the record
furnished to Mrs. White and forwarded
it to 'lexas , st.itmg mat the original had
been sent to Mrs. White. The result was
that a few days ace Colonel Kewen re
ceived a letter from New York , signed by
Mr. and Mrs. White , which was tilled
with thanks and blessings for having
brought together the loiiir-scpar.itod
couple. It was stated that White was
wounded in battle , and on recovering re
ceived news that his wife had died , lie
drifted about , finally to Texas , and old
age coming upon him hodeeidcd toapply
for a pension. His wife had come to the
same conclusion , and the two applica
tions , coming so close together , btought
about the reunion
Thnt Terrible Drain
Which hcroful.x has upon the system must
bo arrested , and the blood must bo puri-
lled , or serious consequences ! will ensue.
For puritying and vitali/.ing elVccts ,
Hood s Sarsiipanlla has been found su
perior lo any other preparation. It ex
pels every trace of impurity from the
blood , and be.stows now life and vigor
upon every function of the body , en
abling it to entirely overcome disoaso.
Whitobroast nut coal , $3.73 per ton the and best fuel.
NK . FHKI. Co. . 214 South lath St.
In First District , Sixth Ward
Axfoid CiiirUlst and Luke
Alldeison A U 2:111) : ) Tass
AI < | lds.tC ( J.'ill n2d ! !
Alqulst-l KM1 n 2d : !
Alniust Albeit.ill n 23d
Allen K I'.lltl Webster
Allen UB201'J Webster
Aiuleison A M 12S5 n 2Hh (
Anderson II ( i s > 20 n tfd !
AiiRpll. ! J ) 141H Siumdvis
Anderson James 11W Cumins
Aliens N"21st and Clark
Andei.sonLM UUiilimt
Andeison Jens I'.Hh ' .mil Paul
Alldeison (1 ( l'.Xs ' Cumins
Ajwrnas 11 1) ) 1110n2Jth
Al listen Kills 10th
Andmson A .M Ullit n'JOtli
Allen W KaxWCallloinia
Andeison T aid : Nicholas
Adams W L L JrllttJ Chicago
A luud ( ' M lUUik Cumin i ;
Amhi ii"t J ( ! 221ft Ohm loltu
Alexander S 2-'ITi Cumins ?
Andics 1C S lolliSiuimk'is
Amleison .Al tilth and Paul
Armstiomr J V r > l. " > n 'Jlih
Atkinson J WlfKiPMst
Auilei.sou And 221 ! ! ( 'iimimr
AUkolter It 2l.stand Nicholas
AL'iiist C A 511 n 2"il
Artliaud KEitil anit Webster
Ammons II I'.Hh and Chicago
Aniiuuns I ) H21U3 Hint
Andrews S LS8.1 ami Mint
Adams N K 2Jd rtnd M'.imi
Adams. Mis N KJJJd mid Miami
Austin WII iUSn22ail !
Midlmi O U 2-Jd and Nicholas
llcinliaiu L I1UX2-M
Uuikuluw 1) ) Y2-J12C.1SS
HoidT Kiiilll CnsS' ' '
Hciiiquist A L 1712 N lOtli
Himlv.IS W'iOXIMIi
Bull 0 1) 22W Ctimllijr
Berlin It b 201 Ii and Ciimlug
Uarber C. ) 1M5 California
Blanch K B I'.lll ' Cass
Blair KCOiX2Jd
Bedford. ! W 21st and Hurt
Uimce C ) K 5Hi X Kith
Bieslilau.l 1KS ! ) 13urt
Bailey V C sr liiu ! N lOth
Bnllpy KC Jrl61X ( ) 1'Jtli
Buck CrW 2112 Callloi ma
Biubaekcr W 21st and Clark
Biadley.I T 1 ! > 15 Webstei
Blown Win 20th and liraco
Bulk. I Cf.21 N 21st
Blshon V M 2101 California
Bunt K O 71SI N 2M
Jlennett SO 21ii CumiliK
Beard W l-'aail Webster
BussV ! 2011) ) Webstei
Uioxvn K W 20th and C.iss
Ballard II II 1011 U.iul
Beimiiiiiliam J 1) 2th ( ) and Craco
Bennett ST Ullli Ciilltonihi
Beckman A tfJl'J Caliloinla
Ba > Win 1210 N loth
Buck V A 2112 Calilornla
BiickK Ll'.iisciilcau'n
Buck Ilemy2.daiid : Cuss
llioun iniilil Cldcau'o
Baker W K I12i n 10th
Barton A C2lRlmul Callfoinla
He.nd I ) P20th anil I/aid
Ballon K < i 2:110 : Miclilgan axe
BrexMii C l'.U Paul
BinroiiKhh W .M 2200 Se\\aid
Buim-y ( L 40711 M
Bxpily S 21st and Bin t
DliHcner 11 2 > 1D Chiuk's
Binloxx MTtfJO I Webster
Bojrne H2M and Clark
BarneU A S 1UJ1 n .Oth
Benolken K A
Uiilleulieiiner C 20th and Clnik
Baduer T T 20th and hliernuui
Bui ton (1C ( 210. ) Calilornlft
B KKS Jas 20th and Sliuriiian
Beck Maitin lilll S.iiinduis
lUmelvii J C 21st and ( iraco
Bone Jas 21st and Grave
Broxvnlce O C 2:118 : Cluirlcs
BaimimJ K' iilaiul Clark
Boiilller C K I'.KW ' Webster
Burlui'liJohii7ll ! n l th
Blown K AflTJnlOth
Bi ynnt Chns l'J23 Cuss
BoydLt-o 21111 Nicholas
BiittcrliL-ld C A 2-hl ami Nicholas
Biupcliertll A K 1 IIS n 20th
Biyant William iij : ! : baunUeis
BiuxxerCH 11)10 ) Ird
Holster John 22Ui Cumin ;
Bailuy ( i W 1MO n HMli
Baker A K 1 ! 2 CumliiL's
Bolander.l 1C'- ! ill Cidllornla
CielKlltoil.I A 401 n20lll
Contain I' K'iJiJ. Wcbjter
CianilalliT22lliCa ( > is
Ciclu'Iiton. ) D1UI4 Oass
.Cr.iiiiii Win i : > 07 ki liUth
Ciiaimmn I1' 11 2-jii anil Nh-holas
Copland W W 20tli and Cuss
Classen Peter lllVii 'JOtli
Coimrii WniWti Caltrprma
Clink XS l.lil n lUtlf
Cone 1C II 2)111 ) Cmnink
COSKIOXII John 15 > l iii20lh
Cicedon PJiliaiiuut
Clemlims 1C S Slil.u
Clemliius 1) KHlil'nulst
Carrier 1 Ji gi Ca
CooUJ i nfTn tilth
L'tn-ry Thus C3il and Ntrholas
Cauy C ( 'Bid niirt Nicholas
Ciemor II W 2ibtjnn'rfJVebitcr \
Cahi'.u-ll i : P J '
ClaiUson J H ill.1 ? Webster
Custol Chan 21st , iiul ( Hiinlir.
Ciistlcton Wm22il and Clark"
Cane John 2lO. * > Ciiininir
Coots W J 1114 n I'.illi '
Collins DCr.M ii20lh
Campbell O W iild and Nicholas
Clulsleiison N 'ilii aii > l Nli'holas
( 'oilman A J 20th and Piiul
Ciiscanden ) A 20tli niul California
ComUhOi : 20th and Buii
I'oojior K DbOl n-J-kl
Cassuhiv L K 812 n 10th
Cross A C HUG Cinnlnc
( \irnuby.l2tithaiidClaik
Cioft J T anli and Callfoinla
Comstock M II VJU Bmt
Coveil J lI2010LaUn
ChildsC W2-J12.Swvald
Caillon (3eo ( MUJn20th
Cuiry J II 20th anil ( iiacu
Carroll .MV 2107 Nicholas
Charles X W 1VI ) n I'.ith '
Crane ( f J 2.Ws Mlcldiran ava
Connolly L ItWCuiiilui !
Camnbi'll Jas ' laiul NichnUs
Clniatlanson Keis 2d lU J u 20lb
Connors V M 2HU Webster
Com-lj ChaslWMi 10th
Chambers Win 33th and Webster
Cat son C W i'mitiders and CUil :
Cmtls W S 711 n''OHi
Cole I s. ac 1H18 Cast
Conrad N 21st anil Hurt
Clixmbdlaln s P 'Oth and I.ako
< olilus s \ - > - : ciimim :
Clexelnud T B2d ! nnd California
Camp WS ut : S.iiindurs
Chilstlniiseii K 1 5-i' > Saundcra
Doaue ( i W .T24 Cldcairo
inMliell It'.M.M Chlcnijo
Deuitt .1 A 1 fi" n 20th
Doyle John COlli and P.uil
Dle/el AudiewSl ? n 2Jd
la\is ) II ,1 IMl Ii21st
DietC N SJUJCnllininla
( i mi n so
Donnelly. I ji 2-'daml Iz.ud
Dutkec I'M l-'Os n unit
Dotj K.S2114 Cumins
DaMs.l C2U7Cumlim
DoiNon I ) W 2d : ? and ( Jraco
Donahue. ) ir.'ir,1 ! ( ii-aeo
Dent/or P l'-itir , Cnss
Deixvilei W II 2110 Cnlirorm.x
Dlxon B W 2.110 California
Detwder.l S20U Bint
Dylirmaun K IS.'OnMtli
Dnl/ell J A U'JSu inth
Dieunen C 1'2-ns Cim
Dillon. ) T inth and I'alltornla
Dooley , ) B 2103 Cumins
Dolaxe a Klllsn tutu
Devalon L W 2.112 .Mlehkan ave
Doisey W B mth ami Nicholas
Dole ) J II II aiMChnilcs
Dlxon C i : Sr.10 Colirornia
Dillon K .1 2-.M and Charles
Doin A 1U7 ! Cumlin ;
DakinTT 21st and ( Jraco
Doley ( ! X 21 Hi ( ' 111111111 ;
DoleyJ L2110 Cumlin :
DotovO P2110 Cuinltnt
Dowd II A 22daml Webster
Dpsoden C F20tli and CumliiR
Davidson D llilli and California
Dulnnev A L 2" ( )7 ) Ciiinliiir
! { xausMI ( > . ! ii)4Ciniiiiur )
rvaiis.lolm 2117 Webster
Kllcicaid C.I lllln SJtli
IMIsoiHl A 1'Jll ' I/aid
rjllson C 21st and California
Ilyler J A 20 n Cumlin ;
Kinst W ll'JOtliand Hurt
Killers DCS MM CumliiK
ICrlaud A01 li and Chicago
Khls W II M and Claik
Kxers H.I iticumini ) : : {
r.bnei V VT-JUlSCumiui ;
Kltnci I'.inst 1 12 < 1 n 20th
I'leldC C 20 J2 Cumlin ;
FiltscherC L 2224 Charles
Kma.x J H 1217 Summers
Kiiiny C22iScwanl )
Kojelstiom 1C A XM n 201 h
Kailell Mike 20th and Luke
Fulton B nj iWn20th : !
Faisl Louis 112(1 ( u 10th
Filed C A 2012 Webster
Fink WW1010VebMer
Finest . .lacobJOIU Webster
I'inkenlieller ' A 14 1 Saiiinloia
Fciivll J3Jil and SiiW.utl
Ficldmau II C W 1'Jth anil Nicholas
Fa Ik ( ! A ll'isn 2lHh
Falk IIT21.standCumlnK
Fnce Clias 2207 Cumlii'j :
I'oxvlci Frank 2i < l and Charles
FulmerC. ) 1423 n 21st
Finncls M 112J n IHth
Footer C Il2Hi ( ) Webster
Foster O IC2W4 Butt
Flteh U V 20-24 Paul
Filoh A H2Cu'Cass )
Finch J 2101 Cininni ;
Fernundes 1C 20tb and Sherman
Fned Vttiil andCalitornla
Fitch 0 II 2l'i'Cracc ! .
Fiteh KS 212 : ) Ci-acu
Foster W H2115 Scxxnid
Fostei W M 2113 Sexx-aid
Finley It A 110) ) Calluunla
Cw > er W A si-aioo Chieaijo
( ! \ \ ver W A jr 210ii Chicago
OY 2124 Caliloi nia
( ioiimui P.I 1217ii20tli
Cnidnei ( 'has ISM n V.itli
( iimiiell Louis 2007 i ass
( ilbbs A S V.U3Callloiiiix
( libson 11 21st and Cass1
( ioodiich F'Jin2 Bmt
ColdenT A l' ' 12 n 2id ! M T 22 I and .Suxvnrd
( iiossiunii F 111 : ! n 'JOlh
( ialbinitli W . ) 2112 Calirninia
( iuulei ( ) tto2l : ! and Clark
( iolden J F l2in2Jd : :
Cnidner A 1121 n 20th
( iciiiiu , H M 711 n20th
( Jujilinu. ) C21US Xieliolas
( iiant Jno lilll Ciimlni ;
( ioiby 1. KM2n llith
( illsun ) WmUS n21st
CiimtC W 710 n 20th
Caxin Wm 20lhand Paul
( iolden Wm ! and bei\ard
( ioildaid F U 15'iSn Wtli
( inns W 1571011 20th
CiaiiKet W O 1010 CumlnK
Cdlllum JT2101 Bmt
( iiinncttJ W 2110 Cass
( iiacominl C 2110 Califoinia
( iuwlnner AK&Wii UUh
( ! uhr .Max 2Hi ( ) Cnmlni ;
( ientleman Wm S.uuitleis and Miami
( iieen J K8 ) ii22a
( iraiibo W P 02ln20th
( illlmoiu FB 20th and Bint
( ileason Wm'ilhtand Webster
( illison U W 1)10 ! ) Claik
( ilovcr K2J10 Cumlin ;
lleimonH A 2112 Cass
Hills F W'JOOSCallfoiuIa
Hills K i)200SCidlloiiiia )
llayncs 1) ) W 2J10 \ \ ebster
lloxle 1) ) USM n lllth
1 Intison J P Ol , * ) Saundei s
llaiiseu N J 2014 Nicholas
Hi'llwlc Ciailes22d | ami Charles
Hitchcock W Union 2ia
lluirhesW 11 Sinn Webster
Halllgaii JasS-iiindcrsanil draco
llniisi'ii Wm20th and Luke
ilall F A'JMand Cumlnif
lliiiklsou Chas 1501 n lUh !
UoilL'CS JastNin IDtli
Iloilce.s J T lisa n 10th
Hall HA 2010 Callfoi ilia
Ilubbard A C i : iO n 21st
llutirk Jncoli''Olh and Nicholas
HitclicoekC L)10n2M ! )
Hosteller P 10ii : l/iid :
Hniisen PO 1012 Ciimiut , '
Ihiiise. ) H 2001 Cumins
lloytBF 1407 (
iH'Imli-hl'TW n UM
llcllln J F 2211) ) California
lluioy C LOiin2Uth )
Hamaiiii C F so : ) n 2W :
HastettcrS W214Smvaid !
HaiiHon II J BOOS X'cholas
Haywoml 1C 2 1 and CumliiK
Hatihcn C2th ! ) and Nicholas
lliutnmii HC lU27n20tli
Hall Henry 21st and Claik
Haley Thomaii 20tn and Cass
llciuulckboii J 2 17CumlnK
Hall Jnliu 20lh and iNichol.iu
lliiynes.l B 400 n 2 = J
llix M M 2-id and Cumlinr
llaiiseu Jim ' ; 2d and Nicholas M C ll'XJ ' n 20th
Hail Wt'SJlSSuxxiud
HlddinKXJ221CumliiB ! )
HIIIISOII John 2M ami Nicholas
Jleiishaw W C Oil Saundeis
llobcn A 1112n'JOth
Hnss F S1001 Burl
Hi'th John 70-i n inth
Hum ( i.l 2118 Chicago
lleth H 70i n 10th
Hubaak C 20th and Sherman
Hunt KB 10th ami Claik
llayncs James 212" Webster
Iluion Wilson Nicholas
Haiiben Chailes20th and Mcholas
llelmlckson F KlOlh nnd Paid
H xx ens F 1C n S2i20lh :
I lei ( in Jciry20th and Clark
lliinson Heii2)ti ) ! and Nicholas
HouckM 1) ) 2lst niul Lake
Houck 1) B 21st and Lake
llelme US 11 12 n-JOth
Hox\k AT2ii01iailPS !
Unman W B22dimd Lake
HammonJnhn laton lOlh
llardiiiu'O B 222S Cumins
linn b Prim 2kl : and I/aid
llammoml W 20th and ( itaco
Hays ( ! H 1124 n I'.uli
, I ! > a AT 1131H 10th
II iltson D 1221 nSOlli
j lays Thomas 11JI n Iftlli
Hnynes Mrs 1C B 212-1 Webjtcr
lla > nesll M 101 ! ) n 2-5(1 (
Itnycr II M HWM'ass
Itnycrll FllWCass
liigam C W20lh and Cass
In Si-am C W20th and California
Johnson LcxvN 2,5d and I/aid
Julmson Isaac V011 Hint
Johnson A L 2015 Hint
Johnson W 1C 20ir > Hurt
.loiies.S B 2017 Webster
.loin's < iconic 2 1st mid Claik
Jiihiinon S A 410 n'JM
Johnson Thomas 2.M and Cumins
Jones , I U 1st 2017Veb.ter \
Jackman W J ICO' ) Cask
Johnson . ) C2 U Cldcasjo
Ji'iiscu li P2tli ( ) and Nicholas
Johnson J S 2.IU and Nldudas
.leiiueuhiiu X * th ami NlchoUti
JiuiMUi II 20th mid Nicholas
Jeiison L 1st lid and Chailea
Jeusou L 2kl 20ih and Nicholas
Johnson Lai a 12JO n 22d
Jones J < * 2d 'JOW ' California
loiisi'ii Jeter 21st and Nicholas
Joliuion P A 21it and California
Jnhii'ou ( * atl ' . ' . ' 01 Charles
JoMlnS T * l California
Johnson ( ! I < 2l Cumlntt
John-on W K-'JIO Hint
Johnioii s\m'l loll n ' 'i > th
Jensen l.20haud | Nlehelas
Junes , I W 2117 Cumins
Jensen P U ' . ' 1st and Nlcuol.u
Johnson Tliii-i His n ' } | st
Jacobs John 'Oth and ( iraco
Jacob-mil C 2-.M and
JOIHOII IVtr-i lli u will
Joesten B 2-.M and I/aid
.lohn nn Mis J M2-.MO Hurt
Johnson c ICJinSauuilers
Jones Heun ID ) n 10
Knlclil y. H'-.MI Wetistor
KlitM A llll'l ' California
Kuilli C 1,21st and Cass
Kivu/ei .1 C i : ) N 2 Mb
Kellex Iliiuh ' 'Oth and ( iraco.
Knapp I'--Jil ami Cumin ; ;
Kavser.l P D 2iU' > CumliiK
Kuanp F 1C 2111 Ciimlnu'
Klmmol c 17i N 20lh
Kale \ \ SJM mid Clark
Kuami K J 2-Jli ) Cumins
Kiumb DHHli niul Webster
Klsci P P l' il N 20th
Kuysor P C 20th and Paul
Kiemser W H UHm Saundeis
Klimey ( ! eo20-0 Nicholas
Knapn W F1520 N I'.Hh
Knlilit J < ' ! SW4 Chailes.
Kxxuuy K 14 MN 2Jd
Kalspi | { A 21 ! ! ) Cumlm ;
Kelly K till N 20th
Kalset I'eti'i Aid and California
Klauson ,1joth and Cumlm ;
Klaiison J P20th ami Ciiming
KelloKKlS W 11X11 N 2.d !
KluiMJ W 2101. ) Cumliij ;
Kellj DT2-illiio ! ( )
l.caiy C A siMni-id
Lucas K II 2ail Cinnlut ;
l.mlliiKlon I12 < ) is ) Hint
Laisoii A ( ! 12)1 n'Otli
l.ane D W DlTii 20th
lioxxls J A 210.1 Calltoinl.x
L.USOU oio70iin 2.d :
Lyk C 112011 Nicholas
load/ John 2d ! and l/aul
l.oo I'M 2112 Cumlin ;
l.aitlu.I 1C I''tR ) Saumli'rs
Loach I'STISn 21st
Limlsey J 152114 Cumlm ;
LiinbtMt P V 2212 CiuuiUK
Laiiston N 2101 Cumlm ;
LmimlsC J 1011 Callloiula
I.clumiii8 11)17 ) C.ii > s
LniueT Snisn 20th
Lmlloxx O C2Maml Claik
i.ouaii II l'20lh and ( itaco
l.obeck C C20I2 Webster
I.ecke llaiii UMii Cumlm ;
Lewis Julius .Saundcis and draco
I , email Thus 'Mil mid ( iuico
Liiih\i ( iMUIi : ; I/aid
Lobeck Otto lliin Chicago
LymaiiC F V.tiOKaunileiM
Liiiev F F2:5liSexvud : ) :
Lewis Ali > hiiiso2Ms ) Cumins
Lobeek K ( ! IMfi Chicago
LlmteimlieJ 1HS ) n I'.Hh '
Liuliuston II F 22d and Ginco
Moise Ciis 1'Jlh and Spiucu
Alarum F C 20 Calll.nnU
Mlllui l.oiiu-llln UUh
Mulhall Wm 211:1 : Nicholas
MullerJ 2iland : ; Claik
Moore U C'.Wt Hint
Miuphy MT l.r > 14 u20tli
Mlllett Mlki'2117 I/aid
Miller C 1,411 u I'.Hli
Maiej S'J2d anil Ciimim ;
.Meieei h 1)010 Webster
Mollatl I ) AMi : ; Caliloinla
Met tins-oil M 2nd and Ciimlnx
Milli-i W II aidmid I/aid
Mois-man 1C M210I Cass
MillcrA20aml Crtliloiui.x
Mciiiam N 71 u 21st
Aloius W K 411) ) n atlh
M.u-k W 11 1101 u Will
Mole LS.-ii'Sii'Hd
Mole W II .W5 n 2.5d
Malmstcn C M\\ \ \ and Paid
Mmpllj W II M3ll 21th
Me eatbd W 211S Bmt
Miiuroe H 20th and
Mm nhy J J iSIOn 20th
Mxeib.Incob Oth and California
Milestone T.I 014 u20th
MIHiaeltioii P lOtliand Spruce
Moln 15 M ISlth and Paul S U22d and California
MmphyM.l 20th and FJm
MaitiuH 100in21st !
MenillN W 2010 Callloinia
Mai tm ( W2Jd and tli.ieu
Madson U22d and Cumiiii ;
Mown Wm KM ) n 10th
Moo H A HOti nTJIli
Mooio.l K2tst mid CumliiK
Mairic F M 21st and Cumin ; ;
Miller J F22d and Claik
MiiylioldKW 710 n 20th
Murphy. ! H Si : > n 24th
Myci A.\cI221ICiiminu ;
Most > n Pat20th and Spruce
Mathlas 1C It Lake and Saimdcrs
Moiehoi u J W 10U ! Ca s
Mooi .1 I' 21st and Nicholas
Mullen W F IIW Cumlinr
Millci I ) N TxventU-tli and Cass
MIIIIKCI Mis P C2212 Suxxaul
MmiKor Miss J A 2212 Suxvtmi
Moniiiuuci J C2Jd and Nicholas
Mm ton Hem y2-'d ' and
Moiu'an H U 712 n 20th
Mayo H B
Miidsun N K20th and Cuming
McLixne J J Kill Siitindcra
McKcniiaC'.Niu I'.ith
McCiine A211U Ciimmi , '
MtCarty Daniel 211(1 ( Cumuli ;
McMillan W K2211 Callloinia
McMillan ( ' W 2M and Calilornia ,
.McCai ty James 2 < ) li > Cimiliij ;
McCliiiu ; W P-JlinCimdns
Mctiinn M A HMO Cass
McCamie J L 11H4 ChlisiiRo
Mi-Alley J K 1011 C'imlliij '
McCoxxIn L 11 W > n Wtli
Mclnnis Alex 10th ami Hint
McICIdownox T 14'.v : n 20th
Meltiiile Mike -otli : and Claik
McU'hinnin W 2ilr ! > Ciilltoiuia
McNamccT F-J117 I/mil
.Meliihle Wm2d ; and Lake
McHiide I ) "Maud I/aid
.McCiiimell J 11 70 < i n 10th
MK pliatiick K M 21st and Mcholas
MuKuuxm I ) I'JlbCasS '
McKennii D
Wi-JK-iiiiott P J20U Clark
NeUou Samuel 1112 n 10th
Nichols P J 2015 California
NdiiiKUi P WlSamsderi
Neison Andy lllOn I'Jtli
NilbsonN P414nr.Hli
NclMin llaiih HMSCass
NeKou It 20th and Cast ,
Nicholas 1 M 20tli and Claik
NolMin 2011 ; auilNldioljia
Xash J W 417 n 'Jod
Nelson 1521st andCass
Noxvmaii W 21h ! and Nicholas
Newman 1 1C 10U Cumiiii ;
Nelson Kobt ii-il : n 'JJtli
Nash W F407n-iM
Nulson Win iOU CuuiliiR- .
O'Cnimaii P JJlst and McholRb
Olson Ole 20th and Nicholas
( iKseii Andiuw 1..21 Sauiideis
Owens 11107 n 20IH
Olseu Wm mtli and Cinnlny
O'Donuoll M 20th and hpruco
O'Bilen PJ 2.113 Cass
Ostiiuu 11 J { 3J03 ( Welistur
Olson Pclor'no n2d : ;
Oslui luml J 1120ii20.h
Olniiy F A
Oils Iti < > hail2 ( 1and Hint
Podeinon N AufJii'iM
PauKon J T n ' and LaUo
Phillips J N7itn20tli :
PelinuHTJbiili2.d : !
Piimo A' OWCalllmnia
P.ulccrA WJ.'in CnmliiL'
Pedersen Peilci 2'd ! and Hurt
Paul Oil 2010 Hint
PlaU J lli-iaml Suwaul
JVleiMii ( J r-hlJn "M
Pallaid M IJUKI I ) Cumin : :
Plat/ Paul 2UU Cast
Po'-hlmnnn ' U 2" > M Caldotnia
Perking James 1412 n Wlh
PilroJ H2Jthand ( itace
PctltToDII IVtCI 200-J II 20th
I'eteiMin Jcns-JUt and Nicholas
J'almorM b 710n lllth
1'iiteiMin Jamc.s bi : : Sannilers
Pratt X S M4 n 1'Jili
Pond M A 2M and CumlnK
PftriMin Chai Irs 21.4 ami Clark
Patterson J Hibii20th ; ;
PhelpsJ I13M.1 Cumlnk'
Kd K\r \ , Saundci'3
Pottui W H 'JOT litml
Plymiiton J V .Saimdcisan.l CJraci-
Phelps Frank SWt Cliailw
JVcknmW H IIKIO n 21 t
Pe-kain V M 1U' n Vlht
I Laden l'nnldand ! ! ! 1/ard
I'liulon Jas2Jiland l/.aid
P.ite-non Antoi. 2011 Nicholas
Jloxxloi HiiMn : 20th
Bockenlicld 1 B 10 | ! > an-l Clark
1 titter Unary 20tli and Cmulng
Heedi-r / H t/Jl n 20Hi
Ki-cord A 1 1U20 CumiUB
UichliiJ as Ift'S } n21sl
Kumel X M2bt and Uiaco
lo\vo ! D B 1001 Burl
l.'amsey O N MI n 2.M
I'ozeis J 11 2-M and l/ntd
Hall KS HU3 Callfoi ula
Itobc-rts Sain'l 50lh and Cass
Hector A T s n 2.1 < 1
liable Frank 8.M nnd Hi.irkM
Klce Fied21st and Mcliolas
lo-nl ! M'.Mlniil , ( Hint
KusH'll D A 2017 Cumliie
Hobort on W S SRI n''Olh
Hhodes A K 21st mid Izard
ISeexi's J C 20th mid Slit-mull
Iteeder .1C 20th and Bmt
K.uirnishek J Jl t and
Hitterlas-"Jli Se\\iud
HlchaiNon ( A sr 1.511 Saundcra
Hleluudson ( ! lilt Saumlers
KleliauNon ,1 1 : < 11 Kaundeis
Haxoud ) { T-.V.M ami Webster
ItdM'iibeix A si-.1 u at l
Kobblns f' 1.M7 Sanuik'is
lEohltison S A inl and Claik
llwso Audi 21st and Claik
Hllelieubeicer 2v.M n end
iloMic c ista n'"Jd
Hui'i John 22d and ( irace
I lock xx ell W K iils : Clint le-
lto\xle\ H l'im ' Callloinia
llosarkoi W luih and Spiuoo
Hoseiiiiist ( | Chas 2 > til Cunilnn
Hliodes I O21st and ( iiace
UemiliL'toil A 20111 Cass
tllelinrilson T lW5Satmdeis :
Iteoid I. IIlh ) and Hint
Hickatd A M 1412 nJOtli
Hielianlson A im : b.unuleM
House Wm ' " (1 ( and ( Jiaco
tSaxaee.l \ \ 410 n 22d
.ShliiKH-k F T 2117 Cuming
Stex ens XtH'i irJlst
hc.itou C F rtin n 20th
jbtrulnht FM iii : : : ir.HUh
.Miak-litO P 1:11:1 : : n 20th
hiicllbeii ; K 1011 n 21st
.SUIiindei (1 ( l-.i ; nxMth
.Saigent I ) K'tlU Webster
hxxait/laiulei A 2-Jltl \ \ ebster
Selunidt C H2Maiid Lake
.Spctieci F H'Jils Bmt
.Stephen Kd 2u'd mid Sexxuul
SmeischT.I 1121 n 20lh
Kullixati .lei ly.llh ) mid Spruca
Stevens Adam 22d audbe\xaul
Sheiiiliin J ir.lOn'Jdlli .
Steiilieuson .1 .1W \ Cass
Selilelds I.2J11 n 2.M
Sldnei U M 1013 n , ' . ' ! I
Hellne J N Kill ) Cass
Stuelim 11 2 01 Cumins
SehxxMbe'il-i'l Ciimlnj ;
.Siiiiios | ( i ( i 2Sd and Webstar
holier A U2XISllmt :
Shaip J C.iili and Chicago
Smythe 1C F 20th and Cumin ; ;
Scott Milton 2217 tM'xxmd
Stmllox S L mill 20lli
Simpson N lUIUCtimim :
.SynheisT B22d and Cumin ?
Hlilicman C Fsiln'JOih
hewmdll LHHXH/nid
Simpson H F Kill Webster
htlllKC l.VC. Sauudeis
Smith H ( 2107 Cumim ;
Soraiison J 20th and Nicholas
.Smith WT aitli and Claik
Soicnsun S l'20lli and Nicholas
Kens 1) S UUh ami Hurt
StJohu H B 1110n2.d )
.Smith 1 K 20th mid Clmk
Sullivan IC'JOth and ( iincu
Smitii C P21st and California
hiitphen John -iil : and Cass
Suionson V ftl'J u 2d !
.SliiKleion M F2M mid Chailus
Hlian A L 1KS ! ) Chicago
Smllli Kd 171C. n I'Jtli
Seals Jacob I'i20 Cass
Small Jas iil : : ) Sauuders
Small Joslah 2il ! mid Cumins
Soieiisou i'10J u 2.d :
Slacy N iid and Nicholas
Seannell M I ) iir : n 20ih
.Sidney W II 21st and 1/aul
.Shaiinou T F2010 Cuming
.Spaiihllni ; ( ! Ulii n 2d : !
Selnoedei 1'JJWi Cuming
Suxdei 11 W 1112n21st
.Shields D22d and Cluulcs
Smith.I L'JOlfiCumiiif , '
Shall ) W A tin n'Oth
Smith P 1520 n 20th
S.ICISM | > 15 12 ! ) u 2ltll
Siiii'lan W 2Ist and Cumins
hernias b M biniiidois
hxx-ensoii r Poitui'hiidit
Suiithaid ,1 B'JOth and tjnrucu
Soulhaut 1C H 2Jth mid bpuicu
SullUau .1 II 22d and Olnu
Sim ks , ( ieo22d and Cl.u k
.Stalks. ) I 22d and Clink
Scott Daniel 1120 n 20th
Miilllcr. ) ( ; 2JOCalilouda ! )
Siduci 1C B 21bt and Hint
Smith John p''O n 20th
Saitieo \ ( jr 11)11 ) l/.aul
Scott ( I Vx Ml n'J2l (
.Sldiiei John -'Island 1/aul
Seaton J H bOWu20lh
hlimnlioxverC W 1120 n lOlh
Soieiisou l-'ied'"d and l/iid
Stndden C. W I'.KK ) Cidlfoinla
Sciiillei Joseph ( iiace imd Sauudcr *
Scharlaek Uobt 2010 ( 'umili ( {
Siduci F W 100il u 2.M
Sliiuiu L F' 14 Charles
Shields Jas 12JO n IHth
TnltU K2C2I Wobattir
Thompson J W 2M and Clark
Tin isi ( W T.I14 ( JiimiiiK
Thompson Il2. : ilaud I/mil
Toii/.aliu A K 2 il and Chicago
Ticncli John lOtli and Paul
Thomas I ) A 111 ! ) n 2Ut
Ticiiiblu John 22d and Cass
Ten-ill L BUlUn llltli
Tomlei N X 20lh and Xk-holas
Tionuiuii A lllth ami Unit
Tomlin C B li)14 ) AVcbster
'IX'cai * .1 A 2.XIS Mlelilpiu ave
Tailey W C lUOSBnrt
Tunis J.I2JM Suxviud
Tiemail W I1722n lOtli
Thomas F B 2IOii Chienu'o
Thomas James 2.M and Nicholas
TOSIMI C H2001 CumiliK
Toll W'SId mid Chailes
I'homsou it2 : ! u 11) )
Talbot llcnrj 2i20 Chailes
Thomimun J ( ililtlii20th
Test 1C F ChieaKo st
Ti.ixnor A I'.ith ' mid I'/md
Tiirmiy 1C L ' .Tin 22d
Tamier.l WlllOnaid
Timiklell 812n21ht
Todd Hlulmid Uil'.l n 2d ! !
Vim Nostr.ui ! J W 1015 Webster
Van lowetfen ( i A 710 n IDlli
Van Camp I Oil n 20th
Valentino S 1 mi n 2.W
Von Win Wm 2M and Sew.-ud
Van Hoi n M M HMD n ! Skl
Van Cell 1) W 2011 Cuss
Vaudiie.ssen Wm 2-id and Cumins
Van Ness H ( J 22d and Nu-liiilas
Vosbeivh A H 2'Jd and ( Juice
Vapor J C 21st and Clark
Vapor J C 2lst and Clmk
Wilson M ccoiuciilitoinia
Willis .1 C2M and Lake
Wallace Wiu21'.2 Bmt
Woodxxoith LftlMr.'Olh
Wast.l 152125 So wind
Whitney W NJlTnKid
Wllklus Charles2.103 Chailes
Well A F 2.12 Chailes
\Valkei A B 2id and Clark
Wam-inan V20th and Xicholas
Wilbm M 1012 Calilornia
Wood B B Upland Cass
Williams A 21st and Cuinlng
Wilbur J 1C 1012 Califoinia
Whllhnell Pli2n ! ! ! 10th
Willctt Frank 2d : : and Nicholas
Williams ( ' F lIHln UUh
Williams W M 20ih and Nicholas
' ' Clmk
Walkei C A'Jl'Jl
Wliltn Wm 2 < ) th and Sherman
Wessiills FW710n 22d
Walt 1C ( J 'K1IO Seward
WoldenL A 2-JODCmiilnt ;
Williams J 112213 Cumins
Warn ( J C 22d mid Ohio
Wallace ( i ( i 1010 Chlwiu'O
Wallace KB 1010 Chicago
Wilklns A F 14i1 n 10m
Wilsht W H 1W8 ClilcMRO
Williams Cass i"il mid Cumlin.
WasldiiL'ton J S 2M near end
William- F 1010 Cumins
Wldoeikahr J P22d ana Xluliolas
Wiley H BWUPauI
Winspear.l H 20th and Cuming
W01 ley M U ( iiaco
Wmbcistein J H ISI ! n 10th
Wdls : T A Wd and Cumins
Wccl.sC 1C 1115 n 2.5d
Wornack U H Saundeis and Cumlnx
Wallace A 21115 n21M
Whilakei WC 2010 Ciimlmt
Wooilwoith Ciiiid mid Lake
AVoodxxurd F L 211U Nicholas
Walkei Walter 71'n20ih lOlli
\VooilH \ W Holland Claik
Wlilteoml-Abel UI5 ) n Wllli
est C 1C 701 n Mil
Youtiit ( i itiJ-1 Uard
Vtmnitlovn O 1017CumiiK !
Xilnl k.iK71S nllUh
/.ellei Win lUtli and Caiifoima
1 hereby certify thai tli9 above na-riu * arc
a correct list of itio hrtral xnlers of Die I'srr
di.stiiet ot tlm Sixth wind as they a
i.p"ii the ieii"ration books at this date.
CHAM. Wii.KiNa , HuL'Islnir ,
1st ( Hitrlct.iUli xvaiiL
Oair.'aa ' , Douglas Co. , Nob. , Aug. 20 , IS80.