THE DATLT PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. i.iir Kdltlom Incl HKK , Our Yunr ForSIx Month * . . . M I'VirTlirco Months . 2 W Tiic iimnhii Swmlity HKK , nmllixl to nny < uIiJro9 , . . Ono Vt-nr. . . 200 OMAHA ornrr. N'o. nil AMI W < 1 F.MIVAU Srnrirr. Nxw Voiiii UHli'K. Hoi > M Hi. . Til | m M : lirn.tHMI. WAN1IIMITII.V U II ICE , N'O.'lHMITKKNTflgTIIKKr. All cotnmunloitmtH i-Plntlnir t < > nmrl nn < ! < MI- lorinl iiiullor should bij lulUru-uml lo tlio I'.ni * 1OII OF TIIH llKf. All b'HnP'i letter uivirrmllhinci'UlioiiM IIP rvMin-Mi.'il to run Hi : * rrm.iiiliMi roti'A\v , OM.IIH. DruflH. rhrrld ninl lnlllc" | ni " < inlnr < totioinniloiii'alJlo ] toilu'uultruf tliu company. THE Bff PflBLISHIlTciPW , PROPRIEIfW , K. 1JOS i\VATKII : , Kun on. DAIIiV JJHK. fiworn Statement ( irOlrcitlatlon. Stale of Nebraska , > , . Conntv of Doiiclas. t ' s < ( ico. H. T/solnifk.scoretaryot tlio Hen Pub- llslunu company , does solemnly swenr that the nrtunl cirrul.itlon ot the D.illv Xoo follows for Hie : week emllnt ; Aujf.Otli , ISiO , was as Haimiliiy. 11th 15,100 Huiiilny. lAlli ! I..ViO Mnnilay , liilli 1JI.O.VJ Tnrsilay. 17th ' Kj'M U'eiliiesilny. l"ti ! " l- , i" ' - Tliiir.-diiy. Kith K.ti" : , Friday , iutli l'J.400 A vrrniro 1OI ! ) ; ! ( ) io. : 11. T/-riirch. StilKorllM'il niul sworn to lierons inn this 21st day of August , IbbO. N. 1' . Full. , IHKAI. . | Noiarv Public. ( Ice , 1J. T/.sclind. , liclncfiiFl duly sworn.iio- noses nml cays tlmt lie Is secretary of the llco rompaiiy , thnt the nrtual averaec rojiles ; lor Mar , iwfl , 1-I5 ! ! ! copies : fnr.fune , 180 , l'Jaw , ! copies ; for July , l i. l'J.M : ) copies. ( ! i-o. : It. Tx fiirrif. Subpcillicil nml sworn to before me , this Cil lny of AiiKUst , A. 1) . IbSO. IbSO.N. . I1. , , . . fsiiAi. | Notary Public. IN llio vote on the senatorial issue General Van Wyek will poll his full quota. There need bo no fears on that score. AT the risk of alienating his "prohibi tion friends , " Church Howe has been setting them up lively to the boys during his recent visit to the cities to look after the remnants of his political fences. FAKMCKS of Nebraska have turned out generously to wi-l-omo Senator Van Wyek throughout the state. The influ ence of the political bummers in their at of tempts to weaken the senator's strength is not visible to the unaided vision in the agricultural sections of the state. A SCHKMI ; to use lamp posts for adver in tising purposes is just now before the board of public works at Cleveland. One parly has offered sixty-live cents per year for tlio use of each lamp post , Init to the board insists that the consent of all properly owners on the street must be exisl lirat procured. WK are asked very bluntly whether or thus riot the HIM : will support Congressman Weaver if ho is re-noniinaiod. We have stated from the outset that the Ilii ; : will support any respectable republican. Wo made no exception in tlio case of Judge Weaver. If ho is nominated ho will ro- ccivo our cordial support. by not icx of Omaha with memo ries will never cast a vote lor a man who as has betrayed their interests. Farmers of forms Nebraska will indignantly decline to sup port a politician who has sold them out. Business men everywhere will refuse lo ample endorse u political trickster and corrnp- tionist whoso word is scarcely worth the Iraled breath expended in uttering it. Church Facts Howe cannot bo elected. KN Henry O'Koilly , who died last point week , wanted forty years ago lo put up n tion telegraph Hue between Philadelphia and tration. Now York , a Now Jerscyrailroad refused him permission to do it along its way , on Ohio the ground that the telegraph would ena ble people to do business without using the railroad. Now no railroad can do lake business without tiio telegraph. The whirligig of time brings its revenges. to and Sum : nllliction has fallen upon the ernment Ucochor family. The Uov. James K. demn Ueecher suicided \\ednesday \ at the Uoth water euro at Klmira , N. V. , where ho the had been under treatment , and Illness has compelled the Kov. Henry Ward to Ireland cancel a lecture engagement and repair gress to a hydropathic iustiliito in Scotland. The husband of Harriet Hooohor Stowo law died last Sunday morning in Hartford , tlio Conn. insisted Tin : farmers' congress of the United of States began its sixth annual session at statute St. Paul , Minn. , Wednesday. Two linn- fearlessly tired delegates are in atlondanco , n rep The resentation which seems hardly adequate which for this great interest. The president of tions the congress made an earnest appeal for November organization in order tlmt the farmers of the country may present u united force in defense of their interests. There has Wo never boon a more urgent demand ardson upon the agricultural class now exists prietors to carefully discriminate in the exorcise take of the .sullrago , lo the end that they shall page not bo imposed upon and betrayed by fraudulent bus the the machine politicians , who have only the demagogue's interest in their welfare. published mand Wiu\ : Allen O. Jlyors was promoted plied from the position of Columbus corres ourselves pendent to that of managing editor of faced live Cincinnati J-'m/iiircr , as the reward with ( ' "of faithful service rendered to John 11. tors McLean in promoting his disreputable patrons political schemes , It was expected that The this unscrupulous blatherskite would only have siilllelont employment to keep him paper out of mischief. Hut Myers is nothing if not troubloMmo. A dispatch to the Itr.r puted , from Columbus , U. , reports that after tlm the republican convention had adjourned magnify Wednesday evening Myers procured the claims arrest of \ \ . ( ! . Cappollor , a well-known delivery republican politician in Ohio anil the nllujti editor of ( lie Mniislicld .AVu'j , on the roiio charge that ho had bribed one Wilson , outside of Cincinnati , to vole for him for state medium * central committocman. It is said that would Cnppellar was released on Inil , though conducted why he should have been held at all on circulation hUrh a charge is not apparent. The larger lluinillo.i county delegation made nlllila- dilation vits denying the charge and caused ( ho large , arrest of Myers for perjury. The matter that will probably end in ainoke , but meanwhile - city of while Myor.i will greatly enjoy the fact tccllon that he has stirred up another political against row ami that everybody is talking about shameless Mm. which An t'nillKnlfloil Sonntor. The last objection urged ngainst Sen ator Van Wycd is that It is undignified in a rnitcd States senator lo jaunt around thn stat < < and shake hands with his farm er con-litupiit.s. This terrible indictment will di iihtlcu. * ! ruin the general's chawt in quart TI where the idea of senatorial dignity is that it consists in frtruttiug around in store clothes and drinking champagne with wealthy nabobs. The people of agricultural Nebraska , how ever , will ! ( but little in thn charge to damage the senator , General Van Wyek has always been a man of the people. Ho was raised in a farming community and has lived among farmers over since. His associates may have contracted Ills ideas about the dignity proper for f-onntorhil assumption , but they have prevented him from being anything of a snob. He has yd to learn what it is to bo ashamed of his friends or to look down upon such of his constituents as wear jeans instead of broadcloth , and who plow corn instead of gouging clients. ( Jenonil Van Wyck's ideas of senatorial dignity may be peculiar , but they are safe , lu his opinion , a dignity which stands in the way of olllcienl action for the people's interests is a false dignity. Mr. Kdmunds complained of Van Wyck's lack of senatorial dignity several times , but it was only after his knuckles had been sharply rapped while pounding the senatorial desk In behalf of the corporations. It may not be dig- nilied for n senator elected by the people and responsible to the people to mingle with his constituents and explain how ho has kept the trusts committed by them to hi ? care ; but it is rational and proper. Tlio people of Nebraska have found such a both pleasant and profitable , pleasant through tiio opportunity it af forded them of meeting tin honest repre sentative of their interests not ashamed lo acknowledge the source of his oHioh'l position , and prolilablc from the clear and instructive addresses which the sen ator has been making at various points in tlio state at ho ( solicitalion of his con stituents. General Van Wyek may per haps be lacking in dignity , but he is not lacking in brains , honesty and in public conlidence. Ohio anil I own ItopiilillcaitH Kpcnk , The hum of politics grows cacli day louder and moro general , and for the next two inonlhs political controversy will make ils usual annual demand upon the space of newspapers and the atten tion of readers. On Wednesday the re publicans of Ohio and Iowa held their conventions. So far as the declarations these bodies refer to national ques tions they are in harmony , and in this respect present a notable contrast to the at discordant views of the democratic con ventions of several stales as pointed out these columns several days ago. Whereas the diU'oreiices in the platform utterances of the democrats of Pennsyl vania , Ohio and Michigan , with respect leading matters ot public policy , very distinctly marked tlio divisions tlmt in thai party , and omphasi/.cd ils cowardice and insincerity , the declara of every republican convention far held show that the party is in the harmony rcirarding all national political issues , and that it has the courage to pro everywhere , in clear and unmis takable language , its principles and its this policy. Tiio arraignment of tlio administration his to the republicans of Ohio and Iowa is a moro sweeping charge of uiifullilled promises and inefficiency. It is , as far could bo made practicable in plat , a. circumstantial and detailed in- dielnicnt , from which the republican campaigners in tlioso states may get material for the discussion of wore democratic reform as practiced and illus- is by llio present administration. made that one committee on resolutions The overlooked the other supplied , so that together these platforms touch every few necessary to an adequate presenta had of the shortcomings of the adminis stale . Regarding the tarilf they are essentially in agreement , though the republicans are the more pro least in demanding adherence to tlio hut protection policy. Uoth conventions positive ground in roalliriniiig the republican policy with respect and the claims of the union soldiers stood sailors upon llio Uounty of the gov fects , and in unmeasured terms con the pension vetoes of the president. conventions adequately recognized can labor interest , and both heartily expressed sympathy with the cause of baum and congratulations at the pro ho that cause has made. The Ohio The republicans commended the I'ow ' liquor Samoa which imposes a moderate tax on scorns sale of liquor , while those of Iowa to that the prohibitory liquor laws that state , while they remain on the the books , shall bo faithfully and that enforced. ing earnestness and good feeling against characterized two conven and augurs favorably for the result in rival in both states. sonsul Full- took publicly demand of layman Rich the and JJr , George I , . Miller , pro the of the Omah.v7/iTrtW , that they . down tlio card over the telegraph of their paper which sols up the lo haul claim that the Omaha Herald more largest elreulutiou of any paper United in Nebraska , We make the de him , in dead earnest. Unless it is com to a with promptly wo will consider where justilied in exposing the bare quarters swindlewhich is being pcrpolratud his ho full knowledge of the proprie ity of of the llerultl , upon atlvertiaing and the general public. have merchants of Omaha who have tempt recently had an exhibit of ( ho news fined census of this oity , which hasgono hold unchallenged because it could not bo dis and are not likely to bo deceived by force ? impo.ituro. Hut thu'cvidentdonign to mand. its circulation by fraudulent was and tigures , haso-1 upon a fictitious influence of papers in back yards and man for a few days , is calculated to encourage mauufacturoiti and morchanU should of Omaha who are in need of a aspirations to roach tlm western public , It course bo impossible for a legitimately eoiiMil paper that haj a boua-llde daily the of from Ihrcn to four times antagonism than the J/eruttl , and a weekly cir. with inoi. ) than twenty-live times as of the lo compote in rate ? with a paper How circulates less than 1,000 dailies in n lichil 80,000. As a matter of self-pro- Govoriimont we are compelled to protest tions , n further eonllnuanoe of the Washington yiug and bare-faced fraud to say , It the .Utruid lias ri ortud diiriu < ; the Samoan past few months. The bogus circulation claims must bo stopped promptly or wo shall be compelled to go into details of figures and methods which will not bo very creditable to the publishers of the Umitil. To pft this matter In terse plain Eng lish , the BIK : has a bona Cdc paid circu lation of lv',100 daily , ccrtlllcd to under oath from day to daj and mouth to month. Its books , poslollieo and express receipts and press and mailing rooms are open at all times for public inspection. The weekly HII : : has a circulation of over ! W,000 , every subscriber of which is paid up. The J/cntlil has never come within one-third of the daily circulation of the HII ; : except during the past ton days.sinco it has been industriously engaged in Hing ing bunches of its daily promiscuously into back and front yards of people / \vhoso names are not on its list. . Now Hit1 llmtlil has never yet made a sworn statement and If it does carry its design into effect , .such n statement , although true as to the number of papers actually printed , will be grossly false as an index of real circulation. It would be very profitable to the llcrnld to oiler its columns to eastern patrons for one-fourth of the rate which we are obliged to exact. We have a right to resent - sent the attempt of the Herald lo libel and injui'o the Bii : : abroad by false and fraudulent claims. The position of the Biiis : : ; the leading paper , not only in Nebraska , but of this whole section , has been achieved by years of hard work ami honest busine-i.s methods. Wo have al lowed the wild-eat claims of the Jfcnilil to go unnoticed until they have over stepped all bounds of decency and rea son. The bubble must bo punctured. Squire's SticoesHor. Governor Hill , of New York , finally reached a decision respecting his duty in tlie Squire matter , and approved tlie removal of that ollieial. It cannot bo known how miieh this result is duo to the strong outside pressure , but it is not to bo doubled that the governor was ex tremely reluctant to take llio slop , and doubtless weighed mod carefully the probable political consequences of either line of action. A plausible explanation of the delay in approving tlie removal of Squire will be found in the duly of de liberately considering tlie effect of such approval upon the case in court , and this will very likely bo accepted as sulll- cionl. 11 is not doubtful that the action of tlio governor will increase his popular strength. Tlie appointment of General Newton to succeed Squires as commis sioner of public works was eminently judicious. General Newton is at present the head of Hie engineer corps of the United States army with the ranK and pay of a brigadier general. His whole lifo for nearly lifty years lias been .spout in the study of engineering , and his career has litled him in every way for liio position tendered him. In order to accept the olliee , the general will have to resign his commission in the army or ask for retirement. As he is within a few months of the age for com pulsory retirement ho will doubtless take latter course. Under the statute , the president can retire any ollieer on bis own application who has served forty years. General Newton's service oxcec'ls term and he will find no dilliciilty in lor adding his $3,000 , n year retired pay to $10,000 a year salary as the successor Squire. Another IiijuillolouN Consul. The criticisms of die administration , or have more particularly of Secretary Uayard , regarding the diplomatic and consular appointments , would be thoughl wholly boats partisan , captious and unwarranted if it not that every little while evidence furnished of the sad were in some of tlioso appointments. day freshest example is supplied by Mr. A Grcenebuiim , consul at Samoa , who a in days aero lofl Washington , where ho facture been summoned by the secretary of ciple. be , lo return to his post of duty. It appears that Grecnebaum was a clothing merchant in San Francisco , without the had. ing knowledge of international law.and imperfectly acquainted with tlio in Tlie stitutions of this country. Ho speaks Into Knglish with a heavy Gorman accent , witli dill'iculty makes himself under are , lint notwithstanding llieso de got , havingdoiibtlcssbcon a serviceable The democrat among his countrymen in Sail ues , Francisco , he was appointed the Ameri Hooking consul at Samoa a position the lude. honorable character of which Mr. Greene- many land seemed to fully appreciate , though cailous. know almost nothing of its duties. course of Ihis peculiar person at irold , , acccording to his own account , United to have- been so entirely unique as several trating merit somewhat more than a passing and attention. He appears to have conceived idea , or had it impressed upon him , Some Moro he could play a brilliant part by ant chinery as the protector of the king , Maliotoa , any whoso government there was , IIIL' perhaps still is , n revolt headed by a road , Tnmiiscso. Accordingly Mr , line Greenobaum , by the advice of tlie British lire , who evidently made a tool of him , this The an active part in efforts to suppress printer revolt , among other things causing 111:0 : : American Hag to bo nailed to the aboveJO on .staffintho public square of Appia and health proclaiming that any one who attempted from ship in it down would bo . .shot. Further over .10 he required the commander of the State. * ship Mohican to convoy in company with the British consul , A point fifteen miles from Appia , iroin the rebellious chief had his head about , for the purpose of demanding submission. At Ihis point the absurd the consul's conduct dawned on the commander , and he thereafter refused to A other anything further to do with his at bprlni to bolster up a kin ; : who was con at STW ! to his capital while his rival nt'arJy ' all the outside territory had three-fourths of the military All of the Kingdom under his com . Another notion of GreenoLatini that it was Ins duty to use all his As to prevent the extension of Gor liiillucnco in the South Sea , and to The liritish aggression if that And seem to bo necessary to check the The of the Germans. He was , of , uncoiiragcd in this by the British The , and the effect has been to place United Slates in an attitude of sharp Flutter to the German government icspcct to the cnmincricial interests There latter in the Samoan islands. The much farther this remarkable of- Only would have gone in committing the And A lo embarrassing complica had he not been Miiumonoit to to explain , it is impossible to Mrs. is probable ho will not return to UulTrtlo in HII olliuiul capacity , and cer "I have taluly ho should , potbo permitted to , The very lame cxrusc , for his being in llio service is that' the department was misinformed sis to liis ( qualifications. It is not unlikely that this is the case with n number of others who , are representing , or mi.srepresenliiig , the United States in diplomatic positions abroad. 1-Yoo Spnvvti niul Anarchism. New York had an anarchist meeting lust Friday at which several of the speak ers denounced vindioiively the present government and the existing state of society. There wai n great deal of rabid talk and not a few senseless threats. As a result , several ill-ad\isod citizens ap pealed to the district attorney to take notice of the meeting and to cause the arrest of the < o who took part. This ho very properly refused lo do on the safe and constitutional ground that free speech is guaranteed to every citixen and that unlawful acts only fall under thn surveillance of the court ofllcors. District Attorney Marline occupies a position on the ques tion which cannot be assailed. If the right of public assemblage and free discussion of political and social questions is to depend upon the will of government , the United Stales is on the road to a despotism which is the surest breeder of anarchists , socialists and dy namiters. It is because America is aland of free speech , in which every citizen has full rights to express his opinions and afterwards to voice them in n free ballot , that anarchism can never obtain a foot hold In this country. Ignorant foreigners smarting under the oppressions to which they have been subjected abroad may rave in public of the evils of our present social organi/ation and the imaginary outrages which the people en dure under a people' . * government. Hut the public which reads their wild vapor- ings is enlightened by their very folly. Free speech acts as a safety valve for passion nhich if suppressed would surely break out in social disorder. It is the bulwark of rcpublici'ii institutions , tlio assurance ot their stability and the sale- guard against the .schemes and conspira cies of deluded fools and reckless and wicked men. Suppressing anarchism is one thing. Suppressing free speech is lo quite another. SO.MK y creditable work has been done in the construction of substantial sidewalks this season , but there still re mains much to be done. Some of the most valuable properties on Farnum and llouglas streets remain in bad condition ? . " with regard to public convenience. For instance , there arc a , half a dozen lots be tween Twelfth aild Thirteenth streets that are practically ! without any side are walks. Rotten a planks and dirt arc not pleasant to the toot br agreeable to the her ejo. ! Tin : First district Is republican. It can elect a clean and ' holiest' republican con gressman. Iul ! that il never will be icpro- sented in congress by that prince of char on latans and political'mountebanks who&o llio oilier name is Church Howe , side WIIKN Church Howe pain has to come to The Omaha to hire ward buuinicr.s and vaga tice bonds lo pack primaries ; it is liigli tmio , decent republicans to take a hand in active polities. XHI'J OF IMHTSTUY. ard The O.COJ tobacco workers of New York formed a union. nold There are about one thousand oanal boat Lonp captains on a strike , nearly 700 of honi own tion worth { ? :1,000 : apiece. is The Philadelphia workmen have under conies consideration the establishment of a weekly by journal in their Interests to appear on Sun the , now ' corporation will expend 58,000,000 New V'oik city on twelve plants to manu ami distribute cas on a new prin A . Hydrogen gas of iihish quality Is to near manufactured. Manufacturers ot rubber goods are been prepar for the most active season they have over The . One of the has largest works will put 200 additional hands on next work. The salesmen of New Yoik are flocking of railway labor unions. ( recurs , bookkeepers , the machine clerks and clotliinj ; house clerks A well organized anil are pushing aliend to up everybody else in with them. demand for textile machinery contin cently nml establishments are almost daily a additional omens of .some m.iKiil- A . Silk machinery Is wanted. A Rood HI nil' silk weavers are arrtvlnc from honor JCng- , where wages nro low and and work pro- virtue . of Unusual activity prevails In the western at lead ) anil silver mines , rboth of the States and northern Mexico. Concen of mills are being run day and night In stale localities. Tramways nro being built , refusing the ot hanilllii ! ; ores will thus bo le- fice in diicedbymoreetllcli'nt devices and appliance. is of the ropoits are very attractive. Under money f.s being expended for ma suance and mechanical appliances ( luin at nrima time in the hlhtoryof thocoiintiy , and law manufacturers , are already quietly aiitlclpat- stronger prices before winter. The i all- - records companies are heavy purchaser * . Pipe from builders are crowding In demands. So - bridge , car ami hoat-bullder.s. and printers nro trying lite insurance on for. basis ; 43 cents ouch on tlio death of Insured who Is from IS lo 2,1 years any of 80 cents on those from -10 to in15 ; cents Rev. those from " < . ' > to10 , unit > * > 0 cents on those Ithiok -JO years of age , A curtllicato of good 1 ho and good moral character Is required a physician on candidates for member- transported the insurance branch. No printer Gold years of ago Is eligible , covered AVImt ft VVpuKi Cost. Jamestown. war with . tory it .Mexico vrmiM cost the nation to 81,000 , )0,000 ) , ami make stock subscribed , 100,000 , widows anfl orphans. by Just Ahout the Biznorit. died A at hundred acres of Oiiiahn land sold the .staf only day for S7o,000. ' Thb assessor next caused uro will put It down , ' with his little lie ' pen was ) . order mony. II * . D. Ifyud/f. / the long Aiu'iiftnlftnoon , ! , The liltlo drowsy sircjiu Hartford Whispers a melancholy tune , medical If It dreamed ot'Juno ' of Ami whispered incite dream. fright , make Ihlstlcisliow hpyonil the brook cholera Dust on their down and bloom , out of many a UL'cd-b'iiwn noolc looking iister-llowi'i'S look for the With eyes of tender gloom. course been silent orchard aisles are sweet but to With smell of ripening fruit ; ease in Through the sere grass , in > hy retreat in Italy at coming feet The robins strange and mute. your , through Is no wind to stir tliu leaves , great " harsh leaves overhaul ; constant the querulous cricket grieves , entry thrilling locust weaves tions in song of summer dead. occur A Illc Claim. country 1'lillaiMiMa Call. for uluriii. Itavloy William , diii you ever sec Air. J. Hill ? Jiaulny YOJ , my dear. Why ? counts' , just heaid that he claims land in St. Jacobs \J \ JL JH-t J\t Olovelmul valued nt $15 , 000. 000. Isn't that fttinstonlshltiKclnltnV "JS'ot nt all , Hols used to making astonishing claims. " "What other one did he ' " " nmkg'.1" "lie claims to bo an nclor. " _ KontHckv's Cnndlilntc. liDiifsrlltr Tlmt * . Allor a orirofi'l of the survey ilold we are Mill of opinion that John ( ! . Carlisle Is the only man In America \\Ilh a siilllcieut quan tity of brains In his head to wtar .Mi. Tlldou's shoes. The Need of Dill lit li. M.Mill ( il'iJir. A Duliitli paper has an editorial " on "Da- ' hub's Need. " Duhith'.s principal need seems to he some way of corralling her numcious real-exliito men until the tired ami newljar rived traveler can get a b.Uli and nsqiiaic meal. Ui | Verdict. "Diilllir , " said an Aikansas judge 0110 day last " week lo the olllccr In charge of the jury , "will you pleaie Inform the jury that there will bo a horse ' ' race In Mcrrlck's pasture at : ) o'clock. " Thojmy had been out for forty- eight hours , but in leas than thirty minutes they came into court with n verdict. STATI3 AM ) THKUITOUV. Nohrnnkn PhUtsmoiitli pins her faith on two-story bricks. A cornice factory has been started at Culbertson The town of Callaway is a vigorous in fant of six weeks. The voice of the fair see's is now raised for line wealhor. An Old Settlers' association has been organized in Wayne. The licatrico oily hall , now under con tract , will cost -fiii-V : , ) . A sixty-live pound sand hill lion was killed on the boiith Loup recently. . Pink lea socials have broken out again , and financial blues will follow. Franklin county will have a eoimtyseat ' tussle at the ballo'l box next Thursday. ( irnml Island business men are invited to decorate their buildings for llio reunion. A. Seribuer farmer invested ? S3 in patent fence posts , future delivery. He secured stakes lor the pestholes. The Fremont Herald boasts of the first and only gas engine in tlio state. There are a do/.en of them in Omaha old enough bo retired. The 15. iV ; M. has secured tiie right of way from Helvidere to Hebron. This will bring the "Nebraska Central" to a junction witli the St. Joseph and Grand island. Kleveu largo stacks of wheat were not binned by an incendiary near Liberty recently. They belonged to George Sel- den and were worth $1,000. A reward of the "iOO is offered for the capture of the lire- bug.The The contest is now being fought at long ranee. The drum majors strutting about like fighting cocks at not Uonnybrook demanding the pri/.o or bluod. Rut Madison declines to pull in horns. The town of Syracuse is about cnually divided on a question of privilege whether a iloctor is justified in knocking down his yife in .self-defense. It appears the wife of one Ackley made a feint the pill man's anatomy with a pair of scissors. The latter bravely warded oil' for deadly weapon and caressed her under the ear. She sal down on the soft are of the lloor and gave vent to her fill feelings in tears and lamentations. ing doctor has certainly earned by a poul bo of leather properly applied. such The crop of now Papers in the state is as assuming proportions that threaten the peace and comfort of the exchange dis loose sector. The young town of Callaway is ber brought into prominence by the Stand , an independent democratic weekly , published by C. A. Sherwood. The Ar can Tribune takes in a largo slice of the country. Francis Ainsworth is the are owner. The Ohiowain is a late addi to Fill moro county journalism. It care published by H. K. Harimcr. Next they tlio Hartley Inter-Ocean published , A F. O. Climor , and last but not least u make Eustis Star , for which R. F. Hughes iest furnishes the fuel. readjly Town ItnniH. also party of Irish irj psies are encamped Diibuqiie. Tiio Verse block in DCS Moiiics has sold for $110,000. Donahue foundry , at Davenport , tor started up again. warm lr ) s Monies broad cries gunge street Mate has commenced the construction it ! tracks from the stale fairgrounds fo ( heir city limits. ble couple of foot pads undertook to hold John Coil , night watchman in the now marching postofllcc building at Des Aloincs , re lie. , Out a sight of the business end of desk 11-bnllilog revolver put them to Hight. dashity ' big scandal has lately developed at nothin' Park , near Keoktik , Involving the side of a prominent divine anil llio "Oh , of a well known society lady , both it was Ottumwa. The board of trustees is over present investigating the charges. before Internal Revenue Collector Thompson , Davenport , has been arrested on a warrant for contempt of court in to produce the records of his of editor llio prohibition cases , The arrest about looked upon as an important one. of Air. the Chirk law the fact of the is told of n United States Ijconso is made took facie evidence of a violation of tlie write. but the collector cannot move the "What's from his olllco without orders said to Washington. The case will bo that traiir-forred to the United States court , telligence. fie result will bo anxiously locked inquired sporting _ didn't Dakota. surface . Fr. Lambert is lecturing in tiie Hills towns. \ big hotel at Uuflalo Gap is to lie San to Douglas , Wyo. record in payinu qualities has been dis the old in ti well nine miles northwest of prisoner . criminal Aberdeen has captured the plow fac when was after. The business men have if yo the required $1,0(0 ( in capital and the works will bo in operation November 1. Chinaman , sixty-five years of ago. Deiulwood recently who weigheii forty pounds , anil being of the usual , it is thought that his death was bp the excessive use ot opium a .Mtt on and was buried by tlio with the usual pomp and cere 1'ooplo Killed liy ( Conn , , ) Couraut : The bo t authorities agree that in times epidemics many people tire killed by it is the part ol wisdom not to sensations out of rumored cases of or yellow fever. Wo have been for the cholera in ( his country past two years , because like the of empire the scourge has always supposed to march westward , the surprise of the experts the dis Kuropo moved east , reappearing aflor having ro raged Spain last lint the ilangcr of its importation our Mediterranean trade is us "now as ever , and there is need of vigilance both tit our ports of and in preserving sanitary condi our lariru towns. Sporadic cases every year in dillbrcnt parU of the , but are not regarded as cause . _ . K. Jionsall. court clerk , Perry Pa. , cured ins rheumatism with Oil. FENCE LAW OR HERD LAW A Cattleman's ' Vlow on tlio Question Which is Agitating Dixwos County , AVliy Ho ThlnlfH n J-Vitac K.iw Wunlt 1)0 ) llclirllcllll , CitvtiKos' , Nob. , August 5 ! . To HIP Kditi.rof IIic lHi : : : Owiusr lo tliu VITJ lnr < ; ( ' circulation of the HIK : tliroufjliou Pjnvos county , ut tlio suggestion of many of our fulloNV-citiztMis , and tlio request o others , I have been iiskwl to writi mi article , nml cuii c it to bo published in your paper , setting forth the many ail vantages of Dnwi-s county na a stock raising country , in order Hint tlio pee of tlio county may have mi opportunity to discuss tlio matter and bring it botoro the people in a rensonablo li ht. 'L'ho geographical situation of the county has been so often written up ami published in tin : Ilii : : that 1 deem it unnecessary to write-rnytliliiK further on that subject. Hut the question 1 wiih : to call attention to is that of a fence- law which la now bo iiifi agitated throughout the county. From my stand-point , I claim that a fence law would be of mcslimablo value to all the people throughout the county , especially to tlio poor settler who is just starting to farm. 1' , because a largo portion of the county consists of blull's and other lands which , under no circumstancus , could bo cultivated , but which could bu used to great advantage for [ "gracing purposes for small herds of caltlo or horses. This would certainly give the people a chance , .especially the poor fanners , to become owners of nmll herds of liyo stock. It is true that the price of cattle is bccomii cheaper every year , but this fact is an ml- vantage to the farmer. In my opin ion , an ordinary cow is not worth 'more ' tfian ton dollars and will not bring more than that amount in a few yenr.s more time. A further advantage is that horses and cat tle will live throughout the wiutor , and would require no other feed or hay to keep them alive. Another advantage that would arise under a fence law would be that the poor farmcrH who are unable to buy cattle could obtain all they could take care of on shares. For in stance H is a farmer with 100 acres of land but no money to buy stoclc , C is a merchant or clerk who has money to buy thirty ' or forty head of cows , but could ati'ord to handle them himself. He contracts with 1 > to take cliarge of ( lie same for half of tlio increase. This in usual way of doing such business , which is certainly advantageous to both parties. This arrangement will , no . doubt , seem dUlicult ( to those who arc in experienced in such busines , but such is the case , for when 15 buys thirty head of cows he f immediately puts his brand on them , and in the coining spring when the increase of calves are to be branded , C puts his own brand on his hilfof the increase , thus avoiding any possible contest as lo ownership , The writer hereof has worked for many years under the share system and found no tlillictilty. Dawes county is assuredly well adapted such stock raising. Water and grass to be found in abundance , while the bluffs abound in timber suitable for fenc purposes. It will , no doubt , be said many that the fence law would only benolicial to large cattle men , but assertions are far from being true , under no circumstances could the owner of a large herd allbrd to turn them in a country where there arc a num EYE of small owners. Wliat has been said of cattle tlio same bo applied to horses. No bettor country exists for horse raising than northwestern Nebraska. Texas mares cheap , and are likely to become cheaper vet. They rciiuire very little , and in fact it is said by many that _ are more profitable than cattlo. fence iaw in Dawcs county would , it in a short time one of the wealth in the state , and the solid men of Chadron whoso names are legion , would loan their cash to farmers , and invest in a small hevd of cattle. WHITI : KIVKK. mood ! lane , niood ! Estelline ( Dak. ) Hell : The Texas edi stabbed li's pen into n tlisli of fresh , , lurid blood , and wrote : "Texas for vengeance ! The Lone Star dt nv.imls blood , and she will have hoi us teach these soulless .Mexicans place ; let usiixtorniiimtc the damna rare ! For our part we are in favor of fife. immediately raising a regiment anil " " "Liroat blankcty blank ! " suddenly yelled as ho jumped over the and i'ell onlo a chair , "what in dash was that ? " "That was Iti'Kiiliir lourcc ' but a rat gnawing on the other 'Ifctlvo ot the pertition , " replied the ' boy. .fitment blank dash it. I didn't ' know what n. ; hero , sot this up , I've got to go Aniilytli'iil and get a drink to steady my nerves llolocy. 1 can finish it. " ntlons A. Very Now flopnrlor. Washington Critic ; The sporting gave the new reporter : i clipping MEATS the last demonstrative intoxication . John Sullivan , of Ho.ston , itud him to put it in shape. The reporter WIRE the slip , road it , and .sal down to In : i few minutes ho looked up. ' Sullivan's middle initial ) " ' ho the sporting editor. "I < , " replied gentleman In a tnuo of sarcastic In . "Does he spoil it with an 111" the innocent reporter , and the editor wondered if his new man know more than wa : : shown by indications. \Vlint Would Ho Do If Sohnr ? Francisco Chronicle : It is on that one of the most celebrated of Scottish judiros really said to a found guilty of .some serious offense : "It .V" wad do that yo were drunk whit wad ye no do wore soberv" LOSS Very rnixuxlln runt , All lo.slli.ii nmlonlr l ration of Effect A TEN KCDUrio mH t. of orfsht. It . .or Effect A TKN rxilucud ronnl , thl l - l tl tury f CHARTER BOLD MII/TON 1' ' KKNNEV DALLAS 15 C II W F. I II , J. KASSftCO. KKAUSK. OI.DS ' . OKTTI.Eft N I J. J J , S. I1UKE. A , I'fCAKSON JUMtUMAN PAIl every i < ack.i C , Sol j iy'tll Uroccri. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE And uLhrrfl Miffortnsr norrou * ilcblllty , ruhnuMlrvr rhronlo t ) lucres , | > train , turw ilrcltno . o ( vountf or old * n > > .MtlTAjjr cnrwj by Pr. jlurno'ii fanimii DeMm * Mnffnplto licit * TtiuiiftAtuU : v In tli Union lia been " o curi. rflrlif , V . 'J liwtnnlljr Olt rntcntM m1 toMID Sp.ii .irf * Whnlfl fnmllr t' n won * Pntno belt ICUrtrlt ii prn orlvfrr0 Hlhinnln | bri tit. Arnld vrorthlwilMi * mi it bo iifl comnanloji Klrclrlc Trnttr * lop e * 70t ) iMirtHlln'MAi Mend for tump ptnihUu J. HORNE. INVFMTOR. 101 W ABASH AY. , WHITHER 017 SIrimrlcN < . , fi . ArrRolnririkltiitoot two UvJlottCetlrgvi , bai ben * lonrtf tnJ ct > Kie JiLOiJD > l la Iht tpociftl trtftttn at of Cniuntc. Nttvovi. Ht * Diititftt tbtn nnr other rtifileltn InSl. Mfltjr papffithow * nj nil olimMftti tit BOW. Louljy Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness I Mercurial and other Affcc- llons of Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning - , old Sores and Ulcers , r trttted vitfa itieecM , on . tutptrttiaiej IftteitieltDtlQoprlnelnlta.RiUU , Prlt i ) j. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excest , Exposure or Indulgence , which rroJuet oem or th following effect u nmouioeit , deblllir , dlmoeii ot tlbl ted defect IT | * nenorr , plnpttaoo lb foer. > Ttr lon tg tba | bri1tttdcfc/ , loclflijof rendering frmttei , onfu Ioi or ld ti , ta.t Marriage Impropti * or unhsppy , u pcrm n ntljr tortd. ruiphletSOpifeaotiibo ( ) baTt , | ptet tl nTelor * , f > ta nnj tddmi. ConiiiluiIoat Mat Ccport > jr null rr e , Inrltfd tndatrlcttjctnflJentifcl. A Positive Written Guarantee giren ID Mtr ruble . 0 i * Medicine leatereij whirs bj mall orciprMi. MARRIAGE GUIDE 200 PAOE3 , PIKE PLATED , ettltll cloth , . > nl .III UDillnf. icilcJfor . 6Oo. ID t'Oitiivorturreno . Om ( wonJerful ? my pflnrlttorei. truelo llfcl trtlelraon Ibe foldwa | | ( who nifcy mtrrr. wbonol , why i innnbood , Whoso VITALITY Is folllw. ln ] > r IIAINii : > nd p.XII AUWTDK or Power I'lllfMA i 1'IIKI.Y WABT" 1) ni r (1ml " K jvcrfovt un1 rcllaklo euro In the HEM DIES' ' OrlirlnatpJ by S'rnnJEAN OVlALI.of rni7 , mnc * Artoi'tod hy cM ' Frenolt I'hjriloians mid Iwlnir and rapidly ' ' vuct't'sdriilljr tntiixlucod licrr. All woakonlnirleMMana drains promptly checked. TltKAUsK jrlvlmr new * Kprftnrtmdl' : ! findorn 'm'ntivto. .FIIITK. Commit * . inoWooi'liyitmllwllhnij : ) emlnvnt doctors FIIKIi CIUIAUE AiiEftcr. No. 7 < i Fulton Street. N w rote 21,829,850 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars wore shipped iluriiiR tlio past two yearn , without n ilrutu- incriiiuurriiiiilnv , Ji'ootlior houeoln the worM rnn truth * fullyiiiHl.'osuclin Hliowinf. Ono iigont ( ilciiliT only ) win il od In ( Micli town. SOLO DV LEADING DRUGGISTS. R.W.TANSILL&C0..55 Stole Sl.Cliicago. BR , IMPSY. SI1. Practice liinitoil fo Disoiijca of tlio , EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses fitted for all foriiw ofdofoctivo Vision. Artilicittl Eyed iuaortoO. WOODBRIDGE BRO'S. ' , State Agents FOE TJIU ro'sPianos ' Omaha , Neb. . "GREEN SCHOOL OF SCIENCE COI.I.Kfil or , ) Kisuv , PKINCKTO.V , MU' : .ni ; ( . rniir-Toiircniirror nil fnllow * : I. For tlm of ItJicliGlur of Mel oiicc. u KOiHT'il ( MurHo ; nlo AlmlR'iiiMllcjiin.l coiiniuj In ' Clicnilsiry. tlluloayi / > iiliiiy , l'lif ) l . II , Kurtli'iili'Xieu ' cjf Civil , Includliitf. lioslilot llio u uil : protuiilmml . niiilluitloii | or Klfculally til llio Alia. Tout ' . ' - . ililcj. ' niul Appllul Clienihuy iinil Ai iyln ? . . ' I'liyiilc'Miiiii Astronomy. Kntr.mco oiiimin- M-i't. ' lull nnd . I.MIi. 1441. 1 nr > i > oclul nuiirnoi imdclliorliilummlloiinpiilr to tlio UulluBe'l'ioinunif ABSOLUTE PERFECTION IN BAKING : - AND ALJj-- ROASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE GAUZE OVEN DOOR , JWND EXCLUSIVELY ON TUB MARVELOUS RESULTS IN SHRINKAGE OF MEATS , fewxinpl know that the Hhrlnknea of Slsr.ti nrlm or Q li from ttilnjMlujlo fonjpit conlulnu k uuty-liv. ) iHircunt. of w t r l iit > . | lvel' > r c nt.oBollj manor , nuil tl. < iui'fn lutlia ro.t.tln l uiacluln tliunrapo. Itiu juloe , ithlcli In the viTiL nut or UE T of the SOLID OVEN Door. pound Klrlolo. mo'lluni or wolMouo. wilt ! > H | Mjun < l4nii l four ounce * of Itnattod iliowlnrt n lo of Ilirou [ > 4 > tiui1iaiiil twitlTaouucai \ lha Ion tttllH | * rc iit. of the total hun < llio tiuoruiou * Uti or tlttX 1'KU TUK Jujre. of WIRE GAUZE OVEN Door. round rilrloln , inuilluni or woll-'louo , will t > to ninu j'ounilt iiuiliilulil ouucfiot ItonittJ tnowlimu lo.4of elubt ouncot of lulca. Wlilli Uro r r mut. f Ilia total woltjlit , H bowi iuaU J IHH 03 ILLUSTRATED CIECULABJ AND PRICE LISTS. OA"k STOVES and RANGES are IN NEBRASKA as ( Ollowi : ROOERS ft SONS OMAHA. GOUUOK. ft I.KTSON , HASTIKCS. IIREWI-.R , HAV Sr iNCs. AlKDftCO , , .NEURA < K CITV. . . TI.MIM.KION , . NRUON. STURDIiVANT &SON , ATKINSON. . , CIIAOKO * . IIKOS . l.UIIKEK ft WELCH COI.UHIVI. TANKI'.LI.ftSWEF.NI'.V , FAIKBUKV. EPGAX. TAGLR , , . . . . , . . . KHAIIN. . JOHNSON , Nonni UKhU. McCArTKKTY , . . . . .O'NKili. Orr. K1IAX1.KWOOO , . ! Oiceot-A. . J'lAlTkHOWTH , , . . SrcKliKC. ' " " " ) > EVftSONV'"V.V.V.M"I"fVio * ' JUMtUMAN'KAKEK. . . . . . . V