Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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The Council Bluffs' Boy Suffers the Ponaltj
of His Grime in Indiana.
Details of How Iln Murilcrcil
Wife In Cold IJIood-HH
ilcedH In Iowa A Hard
A Wlfo Murderer Ilitnu.
ItirttMovi ) . lud. , Am'usl 20. Nathaniel
S. Hides was hanged here to-day for the iimr-
dor of his ulfo nt llaicrstu\vii ; , hid. , the
twcntj-thlrd of last Maich.
The confession which Hates made before
the liangiiu ; Is In .substance ns lollows : My
nnmo is Nathaniel S. Hates , and 1 wns born
nt ( oiincll HlullH tho2Tlh day of Fobrnarv ,
jsoo. I was mauled at Ulcnwood , Mills coun
ty , la. , to Miss Catheilno N. Hoover , August
r. , ITOi , nnd wo lived together until the'Jd of
Aliril , lis ( | . > shen she deseitcd me at Council
Ifull's ) and came to Ihineistown , Wayne
county. Wliih ! 1 lived In the west J was
n membur ol onevlni ; of the .lesso
.Inmes ganu' . and operated around Kan
sas City. We used to stcnl stock and inn
It nwav and soli It in Kansas nnd Missouri.
1 never hhot nnvonc , but helped to lynch one
of our Rang. He had stolen t > omo money we
cot tot .somecattlo , nnd when we kicked he
thioalimud to blow on us , and three nf us
liiitn ; him ton tree. In Council Hhills 1 Idtn
man with a sand b.iir. I waited lei him one
nliht In the w Intui time , nnd when he came
nlons ! lilt him with n sand bat : . 1 went
tluomzli him nnd K"tsonicmoney. . learned
him about a block nnd hid him under the
walk. The next iiioriilnc I In the im-
] ici.s that aman had been Iro/on to death
under the walk , and they supposed that ho
cinvvlcd under them vvlieu drunk and was
frozen. 1 don't think the blow trom the sand
bau killed him.
Anotliei time n man came tome In n cer
tain town In Mi smn ! nnd told me that his
uncle had got Sl.iXiO , mid It me and my pal
would hide : ind watch lor htm when he went
home that nl ht wo could get thu money.
.Me nnd my pal hid In an alley , and the
nephew ot the man was aeioss tlio street ,
lie wns to make n slinnl when his uncle
came so we would make no mistake.
The nephew whirled us a man came
past the nlloj , and 1 hit him with a sandbag
and downed him. Wo wcntllnouglihim and
loiind It was the wions man nnd only
frol Si : ! . The man did not die , but lives in
Council HlullH now. I won'tulvo any names
because the pcisons who wore my pals are
sill ! living , nnd 1 don't want ( hum to gut
Into any trouble.
On thu 2tst of December , 18S5 , I came to
llavrarstovvn Irom Council lllnirg. The
reason I went to Ilajrarstovvn was to lind
out why inv wife would not llvo with me.
and tiy and do what was right with her , nnd
. then It she lofitbcdto llvo with mo It should
bo deatli to both of its. I should kill her and
then end my own life. I had studied about
kllllm : my vvifo for llvo or .six vvuuks befoio I
did it , but 1 couldn't lind any chance. I did
not want to kill bur In the piesunco of the
childien , or 1 could have done so nt different
times. On the mornlni ; of the day ot the
murder I trot up eaily. mtllt n Hie , nnd my
wife Rot breakfast. When she put tip my
dinner.she feolins jolly , nnd laughed a
iioutl deal. 1 fluid to mybolf , "Ulrl , votir
time Is short , hut yon don't know it'
, While at u oik I studied the murder over
in my mind. I wanted to do It , nnd yet 1
jclliln't like to ; but 1 know if 1 undertook It I
mustn't iiiiiko a inilnie. I full us if 1 ought
not to do It , but she wouldn't do rlulit by thu
children , and the mattei bothered me. so Iliad
'to kill her.
Thobicaklnj : of my iriubblnK lion was a
' good excuse to KO home , .so 1 went to town
'and stopped at the blacksmith's , where I
sharpened my Unite , Intundlnir to use It for
the purpose that I did. 1 went homo by the
alloy-way , and when 1 entered the yard
iivcijtliliiK looked quiet , and 1 thought then
ttiut my cake was dough. Just as I was
roinlni ; on thn poich 1 saw my wife coming
1 rom the middle 106111 into tlib kitchen , run
nliif ; her hand through her hair , nnd I.never
V lind encli n let-lint' . Air n minute , In
liny. . Hie. A great biff lump came up
' In iny throat and almost choked me. I then
' wont Into the kitchen , nnd when she saw mo
Jior fac turned led , nnd .sho seemed fright
ened. She asked mo what In the woild
i brought me home nt that time of day , and
1 told her 1 had broken my ( nabbing hou , and
litut COMIO home to gut It tixed. 1 hung my
cent nnd potvsomo water that she had ouun
ming , nnd washed mjsolt nnd combed my
hair , 1 tlnevv the vvator out nnd asked her if
1 should uet'-nme water lei her , and she said
yes. Alter 1 had cot the water , she washed
Iiorself and combed bur hair. Shuvventlnto
my bed room , and 1 followed bur Into the
room nnd shut the door , nnd ns she .stood
richt in liont ot mo 1 said : "Ivittlo you
have been doing wion ? . I want to ask
yon a few iincstlons , nnd yon must
toll mi ) the truth. ' I saw then that she was
Coin ) ; to bcre.un and 1 LT.iboed her by the
thioatnml tlnevv boron the floor , still clutch-
In ) ; her throat. I asked her questions which
she would not answer nt lust , but kept boj-
Klng tor me to let her loose , i told her I
vvoiild let her loose If she would answer my
( liie.stlons. I would let up on her tin oat
when she wanted to talk , nnd If she tried to
scream I would tighten upon her. At lirs > t
hho said she would not answer my questions ,
bnt vvhon I told her 1 would kill her U
aim did not , nlie answuied nnd admitted
doling wrong with four men , and that she had
been tlio victim of a mlscAiriagu. rilio would
pot tell mo the names of the men , so I lot her
mi. Shu kept beK liiK for her lite , nnd was
about to sciejin , mid 1 caught her by the
throat ngain.
The side 01 her fneo was toward me. and 1
, iunick bur with my list with all my might on
the ilijht side of tlio neo.k. Her neck made n
cracking sotnid , ns If hioken , and she nuver
npoko alter that. 1 took her up In my arms
nnd intended to hide her In the gntrut , but I
changed my mind as I was going through the
middle roe mil carried her to the kitchen
mid laid liei on tlio lloor , nnd wont back to
tlio bedroom to Kill myselt , but when 1 got
thoie 1 didn't have the sand. I wunt to the
kitchen again , nnd s aw liei with her head on
n chair ; 1 saw that t > ! io was not dead , and ns
1 hadgonu this tar 1 did not d.uo back out.
1 took an old avhandlo that was st.iiulltu bv
thn wood-bo * and with all my strength dealt
) ior a blow on the back of thu head , nnd
she pitched on her face to the lloor. I
wunt Into the bedioom ngnln. but didn't
bavo thrt.saiid to kill myself. When 1 got In
to the kitchen again 1 saw she was on her
knees again , nnd was tiylng to rnlsu her
Head with liei hand * . I saw that I would
luivo tolinish the job. 1 pulled nut my knife ,
nnd , laying her head over my loft log , cut her
i tluoat and chopped her tu Iho lloor nnd wont
'Into the bfdioom again. 1 was so excited
'that 1 didn't know what to do. Unco more I
wunt Into the kitchun mul the blood WAS
ensiling out of her throat with a loud noise.
] pulled bur ever on hur back and her eyes
weio open , and she looked Into my fnco as
though she wanted to say something. I
washed my hands and was about to start up
tclvvn to give mjx'lt up , vvhon 1 noticed that
Kittle didn't have any shoes.
I then put on ono stocking and ono shoo ,
but before 1 could put on thu other 1 thought
1 heard some one nt the front door. I pulled
the cm tain at the back window down nnd
went up town. I want to tell the truth nbout
bomothlng. My vvll'o did not strike mo with
the ax handle , as 1 .sworn to In court. She
didn't call mo any names nor threaten to
poison ma
In conclusion , I wish to say that I know I
am guilty of a leirlble ei line , and I am sorry
lor It. f nm icndv and willing to give my
Jlto for thu one 1 have taken If it bo tlio do-
mnnd of the law. 1 fully lorglvo my wife
for any wiong Mio lias committed , and I
hope she has forgiven me. 1 hold no malice
toward any one , nnu 1 hope that no ono will
lu'iealter hold aught nxalnst me. "
A False Alarm.
A man residing on upper Dodge street
came rushing very excitedly to police
headquarters yesterday announcing that
Ids liouso had been burglarkod and ho
wanted the whole police force on the
ground. Investigation proved that no
Burglary or larceny had been committed ,
find the cause of the whole excitement
was the fact of a carpenter , who was
building nn addition to the man's house ,
entering the kitchen through u window.
A Decent Burial.
The brothers of Grceuleo ilosors tele
graphed from Alt. Ayr , la. , nnd O'Nolll ,
Neb. , to give him a decent burial. The
juneral will take place this afternoon at
S o'clock sharp , from Druxol & Maul'a to
prospect Hill cemetery.
Tlie.Men Snippet oil orltiidilock'H Murder -
dor Held For Conspiracy.
Htm \ Cm , 1ft , August 2fl.i.Spcclnl
Tologrnm to the HKK. } John King and ( 'has.
Waltering bad n pielimlnnry examin
ation to-day foi ennxplracv in that thov
were going to do bodllj bnim to Attorney
Wood nnd Witness Walker on the day Hev.
( looigec. Haddock was killed. These ate
the iMMi artested at Cns < elton , Dak. , some
time ngo , nnd who It Is thought had more or
less to do with the assassination of Hev. Mi.
Haddock. Only a lew witnesses weie exam
ined , but snflleient to make thefact nppaicnt
that it was generally understood by n certain
crowd that there wns to be a disturbance at
tlio com t house day. nnd that one or
moieof tlio police weio also aware of the
scheme. II. T. l.oav lit seems to have been
the iln ; loader , and when ono of tlio wit
nesses saw him nt the court house ami asked
dm what was tip , ho pointed to
\liii ; nnd Wnllcilng , who woie near
i ) evidently waiting for their \lellmsainl
said Walkoi and Wood were to gel done up
> y those men. Ho said fiuthcr that there
ivns 8100 In It for them nnd that lie bad nr-
iKed to have the mon niiestod nnd tino-1 by
a coit.iln justice of the pence nnd thatacer-
aln olllcer or officers w ere to boon hand
nnd arrest them. The presence of the ofllcers
nt the court house undoubtedlv doturred the
lien from doing ns agreed , buf as I.eavltt
tad told them about the tune tor coutt to
uljoiun tbnt ho bad arranged with thoman-
strnte to stay t his olllcu till after ( i o'clock ,
t could bo gone nn Iho way down town.
1'ho evidence showed conclusively tlmtthore
was a well defined plan which waited only
lecauso the men who bargained to dot lit das-
ardly work were covvaids. They were
bound over In the sum of fl.OOOcach , In do-
tatilt ofv1ilch they went to Jail.
The Haddock coionor's jiuy icconvenesto-
norrovv , and it Is believed will speedily
reach a verdict. Several now witnesses will
m examined. It Is now so clearly seen that
II , Ii. Luavltt was so prominently connected
with the whole diabolical scheme that ho Is
luing closely watched by tlio police at Kansas
Citv , where lie was nt the latest accounts ,
and It Is reported hero that lie was to have
been nnostod to-day.
Tlio balance of the notices ot Injunction
granted a fovv days ago weio given to the
sliorilf to-day ami ate being served. Only
ibout ten iniiro cases arc undecided as yet ,
but Judge Lewis will bo asked to en loin these
it once. So far as Is known the eider of tlio
court is being stiictly observed and the tem-
[ iciance le.iguu will take Immediate steps to
nfoice those Injunctions If any should not
bo observed to tlio letter.
AVostcrn Iowa Veterans.
C.Yitnoi.i. , la. , August 'JO. [ Socclnl to the
] Jiti : . | The western Iowa veterans' en
campment for tlio j oar was held at this place
this week , commencing on Tuesday nnd
oslnz to-dny. About twenty counties In
western Iowa were represented and about
llftetn hundred veterans were on the grounds
and about tun thousand spectators. This is
tlio Hist lonnion ever held In Carroll , nnd
lias been a grand success from the llrst. The
veterans came from all over western Iowa ,
and enjoyed themselves hugely. There were
something like ten bands , martial music not
Included , in attendance , and thu best of
music was fuinishcd. Thu grounds weio
largo and commodious , and everybody ex-
inossed themselves well satlslied with the re
union. This is tlio last day ot the encamp-
Reunion of the "Boy
MAitsiiAi.i.Tovv.v , la , , August 20. [ Special
Telegram to the Hii : : . ] The reunion of the
Uighth cavalry , the Iowa "Hoy" regiment
is hold here to-day , IV ) vctuians being present
fiom all over the west. At the business ses
sion this moining Captain O. W. JJurns , of
Clarlnda , was elected president foi the unsu
ng year. Cluilnda was chosen as the place
Tor the next meeting in the first week of Sep
tember. 18S7. The ladles * relief corps ban-
quetteu the veterans this afternoon , An
enthusiastic camp-liio was hold last nlglit.
Short speeches were inado by twenty of the
boys , _
Incendiaries at Work.
Drs Moixr.s , la. , August . [ Special Tel-
gram to the JJr.n.J This morning Knsign's
livery stable binned , having boon set on Hie ,
It Is supposed , by a couple of tramps who had
boon lodging In the hay. Loss. SiJ.OUO. The
liru was In the center of the city , nnd for a
time great lears were entertained of spread
ing llames , but the dopaitmcnt kept tlio lire
undei contiol.
Died by tlio Halter.
X , la. , August 20. Vol Kam-
mcr , a veterinary snrzeon , suicided last night
by twisting a rope around his neck until
strangled. _ _
The Old Prospect Pnrfc Course He-
opened Other ICvcuts ,
NEW Yoitic , August 2(5. ( Tno now race
track of the Brooklyn Jockey club , which Is
the old Prosycct P.irk fair ground course ro
modelled , was opened to-day with a good
All ages , six furlongs : Llttlo Mlncli won ,
llarofoot second , 1'cail Jennings third.
Time IrlflV.
Ono and one-eighth miles : Swift won ,
Jim Douglas second , Olivette tlihd. Time
1M. :
1M.All ages , mile and quarter : Harmim won ,
Ihircli second , Housatonlc third. Time
'Jl'J'i. :
Three-year-olds , mlle and n half : Dew drop
won. 15un All second. Time 2:41. :
Suven fin longs : 1'erenzl won , Is&nbclla
second , Maggie Mitchell tlilnj. Time 1:81 : if.
Aliases , mile : Delilah won , Frnnklo li.
second , WhU lilg thlid. Time 145 ; # .
The KUDO ISnll Record.
.x , Xub. , August 26. [ Special Tele
gram to the liii.J : : The lirst ot the scries of
four games between thu Lincoln nnd Leail
vlllo clubs , on the grounds of the Lendvillo
nine , was won by the Lincoln club In n score
of 0 to 5. This victory In the mountains clu-
vntes the Lincoln club out of the Inst place In
the league and sends Leavenworth to the
Chicago . n 8010023 0-10
liiibton . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 2 I
Huso hlls Chicago 10 , lloston 8. liriora
Chicago 10 , Boston 15. Uniplio Powers.
Athletics . 0 0000000 S 2
Baltimore . 0 00000000-0
Jlaso hits Athletics 7 , Baltimore. ! ) . Ki rors
Athletic 1 , Baltimore a. Umpire Vnlon
AT Ni\v : Yomc
Brooklyn . 0 02001003 0
Mutlopolitans..O 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 'J
Base hits Brooklyn 7 , .Metropolitans 0.
Knor.s Brooklyn 4 , Muhopolitaus 1. Urn
plru Binilluy.
AT DKrnoiT
Detroit . 0 01030000 0 10
Philadelphia. . ! 04300020 1-1 1
Basil hits Deti oil it : , 1-hllmlelphhi 14. Kr-
rors Detroit 7 , Philadelphia 11. Umnho-
AT ( Ji.veijjxATi
Cincinnati . 0 10103032-0
St. Louis . 'J ;
Base hits-Cincinnati 11 , St. Louis 7. Kr-
lois Cincinnati ' - ' , St. Louis 2. Umplru
AT ST. Louis
Kt. Louis . 'J 00040000-0
Washington . 0 0000080 0- :
1'ltcher.s Ittillev nnd Madman. Base lilts
St. Louis r , Washington : i. J'.rroia St
Louis a , Washington 8. Umjilro l'lerce.
AT LoUIbVI.I ! < K
LontsvilU ) . . . . , . 0 OOOOOS * 3
I'ittsbniff . 0 3 a 2 0 0 * * 7
Pitchers Heckornnd ( Jalvln. lilts
LouUvilloB , I'lttstmrglO. Errors LonUvillo
5 , 1'lttsbnrg-l. Umpire-Kelly.
Kansas City . : i 00021001 7
Nuvv Vork . 0 0043033 * 13
Base hits-Kansas City 15. Now York 15
Krrors KUIIS.IS City fi , New York 4. U mpiro
His lliuul Crnshod.
John Klsassor , who was at work on the
Tenth street grade near the Fred Droxe
resldonco , hail his right hand very badly
crushed by a stino falling on it yestor
day. Dr. narrow dressed the man's in
juries , which were of a very paintu
nature , although it is thought no ampu
tatlon will have to bo resorted to.
Many Important Kcxolutloim Adopted
nt the .Second Dny's Meeting.
Si. I'vt \UL'iist2iX Althe farmcis' con-
Ctess this morning L. H. Coflln , of Kort
) odce , la. , read an In ( nesting paper on
' ( ireatdovornlng 1'owei in I'MxIng Freight
tate in America. " He closed by mglng the
appointment of n national railroad commis
sioner. The committee on resolutions pre
sented n report which was lead by the sccrc-
nry. 1 hose adopted ask eongiess to create
ho oflico of secretary ot ngrlciiltmo nud
nnkothe olllcer lilllng It n member of the
resident's eablnct : nsk Iho ovtcnsioii bf
ho signal soivlco to nil places reached by
elograph ; request congioss to regulate Intel'
state commerce In such a maunor as topio-
cot the productive industries nf tlioconntiy ;
ccommends the nppropilatlmi of .SoiiW : ) ( ) ( (
o stamp out contagions diseases among do-
nestle animals : lequestlng the seeietnry of
state of tlm t'nitcd States to Instinct
.ho ministers to Uoimany nnd 1'raiiee
o use all piopcr me.itis to pievent le.stric-
ions upon Aineriein tnrm product pioperly
Inspected nnd slilnped , and urging upon eon-
; iess tlm noeessltj of speed ) development of
ho sjstcin of water wa > s , Including the
Mississippi. The ipsoluilon also rocom-
iicndcd the lostmntlon ol the wool tnrlll of
ISO * , nnd the maintenance ol the taiilC on
lieu nnd smtnr : that stnto leglslatuics bo
earnestly requested to pass laws to prevent
what is commonly known ns dealing In fn-
.nre.s ; npprovesthoolcomargailne law passed
bv the last eongiess , nnd tecommends Its
strict enforcement. The llnal losolntloii
uovldes lor the Incorporation , under thu
nws ol the United States of the Knimer's
Jongress of the Ihiltoil Slides ; requesting
the farmers of each state to oiganlio nil as
sembly which shall bo entitled lo send rupie-
sentatives to the Farmer's National Congiess
in the proportion of cme dnlcgtite for each
United States senator nnd rcpicbcnatlve in
eongiess Irom that stato. Two propositions
one to ndopt the Ciillom Interstate bill and
the other to adopt the llea-'an bill were post
At the afternoon session a lively discus-
don took place on tlio icsolutlon lecommend-
ing the icstorntlon ot the wool tai III of 1 17.
It was amended to Include sugni nnd lice.
The vote was , yeas , ISOJf ; nnjs. llll , the
southern delegation voting solidly no. The
coinrress urged that glucose bo put on the
same looting ns oluomaigatine. Thu next
meeting will bo held nt Chicago on thu lirst
Tuesday befoio the onenlng ol thu fat stock
show ot ISS7. Thu delegates leave to-monow
for an exclusion. The concludes
with a biiut Cession Monday.
Street Cnrs Moving ; .
Nnvv Yomc , August'JO. Two cars started
out eaily on the Bioadvvay lino. They have a
strons ; police protection and no crowd is tolerated
erated aiiywliciothat might bvnny possibility
Wliun tlio car of the Broadway line leached
Foityfotutli street nt 10 o'clock this morn
ing It was attacked by a mob ot roughs nnd
stiikoisnnd tin own from the tinck. It took
n few moments' vigorous woik by tlio police"
to clear Bioadvvay and send thestilkcrs lly-
inif down the bide streets. A number of cars
are being run bjl the Broadway road , each
car carrying six policemen. The stiuctsaro
also patrolled by oftlcuis.
2 iO i > . M. Police Inspector Spoors has just
telegraphed from the police lieailquaiters to
Superintendent Mutiny that n i lotous mob of
stukors collected In Upper Broadway and
have started down town. Tlio reserve have
been ordcicd to the scene.
It Is feared that unlusH there Is some settle
ment betoio him down there will bo a general
tie up to-monow. Tliu police quietly dis
persed " thu threatening mob near Broadway
In a conference this afternoon between tlio
Broadway lailroad nuthoritiesnml thuspokns-
man ot tlio strikers , thu latter received n ru-
nuvval of thu piopo ition to try the nuvv
schedule of six tiips per day with the oromiso
that If after a faithful trial of four
days the now schedule was not satisfactory
tlio old one to bu restored. The men nccaptcd
this shortly after mldnlirlit nnd will return to
work In tlio moining. The non-union men
now nt woik will not bo discharged. Tlio
Belt Line company will submit a proposition
SAUATOOA , N. Y. , August 2. The
weather was pleasant , the track fast.
Equity stakes , thren-quarters of a mile :
Comncmara won , ' Li/.du Kicpps second ,
Laredo thhd. Time 1:10. :
Pnrso , ono mlle : Becky B. won. Cnirisstna
second. Editor thiid. Time 1:44J : .
Moulscv handicap , two miles ; Lucky B.
won. Arotlno second. Uinctto third.
Mile and eighth , Una B. won , King Nor
folk second , Mona thiid. Time 1.V : < .
All ages , mlle nnd seventy yards : Petticoat
won , Scamorn second , Souvenir thiid. Time
The niaiidulny Disaster.
LONDON , Ansnst 20. Sir J. E. Gcrsr ,
under-secrctary tor India , states that the loss
of life caused by tlio bicaklng of tlio lira-
wnddy liver's embankment In Mandalay ,
Bnrmali , was only twenty-live. Xo Kuiopu-
nus have been diovvtieil.
Dutch Duties Raised.
Tin : HAUUK , August 2C. The Dutch cham
bers have passed n bill increasing the duty
on forelun raw sugars nnd raising the allow
ance on Dutch colonial waste
A. Day In the Woods.
Yesterday the members of the dramatic
company of the Stadt theater hold a
most delightful picnic at Trios' lake.
The affair was gotten up under the man
agement of Messrs. IJaureis and Puls ,
nud enjoyed by all of the merry partici
Charley Klopp , of Klopp & Hartlott ,
was a Chicago passenger yesterday.
Mrs. Judge Savage wan an eastern
hoiiiul passenger yesterday. She wll |
visit New Hampshire for a short season's
Mrs. . ) . S. McCormiek and her brother
IJeorgo Mills , loft tor Chicago last evening -
ing via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul routo.
Gunoral Perry , formerly qimrturmaslor
general of the ilopartinunt of the Platte ,
who has been on a short vinit here , left
for Sun Francisco last evening.
H. M. Kppstoin , general western agon
of the Mason A : llainlin Organ and
Piano company , id in the eity making his
headquarters at Professor Y. Walters' on
Dodge street.
Fred Thornton , a young man who has
made many friends during his .short real-
deuce in this city has been obliged to re
turn to Now York on account of illness.
Ho went last evening. i-
S. T. Smith , general suporintomtout pf
the Union Pacific , and Messrs , Lane ,
Thompson and lilickeiitderfur , of thu
same road , wont to Kansas City last
night via the K. C , route ,
Juan Itaylo , the domoeratio war horse
of Kearney , terminated clays'
visit hero by returning homo last ovei
ing , Mr. Itaylo spunks very highly t f
the prosperity of Kearney , Ho says tin t
more substantial buildings have bee i
erected there this season than over hi- )
fore in the city's ' history. The founda
tion lor tv fiO.OOO hotel has just been dug. works will soon bo under way anil
altogether Kearney will always havn
( iiuitau to pleasantly and practically ri-
member the. prosperity of 1880.
Itrovitios ,
Itanium's elegant advorlistn" car
again sidetracked at the depot. It is of i
brilliant carmine color without the usui 1
picture business. The color evident !
indicates that liarmnn's bill posters li
tend to paint the town rrd. l
Kvans & Merrill , merchandise broker.
Is the style of u now linn which ha _
oponoil up at 113 South Fourteenth street.
A. W. Kvans is ot Detroit nnd F. I ) . Merrill , -
rill of Chicago , and both are very genial
gentlemen who will innko thumsolvcp
popular among business men , i
Weeks & Millard , commission mer
chants and dealers In fruit , have pur
chased the commission business of Wcstj-
crlleld tiros. Hereafter they will give
their attention to thu handling of count
try produce of ull kinds as well as to
fruits. '
Jim Stephenson Askg-for an Injunct'ou and
Judge H&JY&d Grants It ,
imatlipd With ti ( ilass-Uolle Allcti'.s
Wntoli Hiiriirlmcor All IllKht Ac
tors In Iho AVootls aiuiiy
ItctiiM orMuiiicnt ,
lloiaVARixln. .
Tiio people * of lli | city who
tlwt tin1 iiu < " ) tun ! of the csiblc trainwuy
lisul been si'Ulril di'llniU'ly hy tlio recent
action of the United States court , will
doubtless bo siirpriooil to learn that mi-
other Injunction litis been secured ngalust
the road In iiuestion. It was granted
yi'stunlay in Nebraska City by Jml > rn
nay ward. It was granted at the instance
of tlanies Slopliunsini , the Tenth street
liveryman , and Adi'lburt Bishop. u prop
erly holder on the same Ihoronulifuve.
The ilijnnetion riMraiiH the cable com
pany from building their line on Tenth
on tlio ground of excessive injury to the
property of the petitioners. 1'ho tem
porary restraining order will main in
force until tlio 7th. when thn case will
come up for further hearing. Notion was
yesterday served upon President .John
son. of tlin line in question , and to-day
will develop perhaps a new feature in
this great controversy.
Yes-terday Iho iron supports for the
rails and cable box cf the Gable
line were placed in the excava
tion made for them on n small sec
tion of Tenth street , between Howard
and Jackson. The new street lailroad
and the tubular passage for the oil man
that is to bo unuerncatuaUraeted a largo
number of sight seers. Of course everyone
ono on the ground knew all about the
operations of cable linns and were not
buck ward in giving their opinions.
Dr. Mercer and the Holt Ijinc In tlic
District Court.
The injunction suit of _ Dr. Mercer to
restrain the Holt Line railroad company
from obstructing Alurcor a von no by plac
ing a support of piles within the lines of
the same , was argued yesterday , in the
district court , before Juilgo Neville.
Messrs. Savage , Morris and D.i vis ap
peared for lr. .McrcCr , while Mr. L'ritch'
etLappoarcd for the Belt Lino. There was
a .groat mass of nfiitlavits and document
nry evidence submitted , showing the per-
misiion granted the road by the county
pommtasioiu'rh to build the structure as
contemplated , together with the right of
Way which had previously been obtained.
The legality of the commissioners1 ac
tion , us also the injury to the property ,
coupled with tlio disadvantage which
was sure io Jmire lo.tlju people who travel
along the thoroughfare , was adverted
to. Atllie time dfiailjouritmont , the ar
guments-had ndt been concluded , and
the matter will be conUnucd this morn
t\.lilt AHOpr v WATCH.
Regular Circus Dayr Incitement On
Ijlcvontlt ( Struct.
Last evening when the atmosphere was
so muggy that it } coild | be cut with a
knife , and people * werb hieing themselves
homeward from -"their " day's work , the
usnii quiet of Eleventh street was broken
by shrill cries for the police. They issued
ftom of the \tfiflt)1 \ vine-covered
ojip thotfiflt)1 - cot
tages between Ilafnoy and Howard'
occupled'l'by'J5elp. ' | 'Allen. She
cried lustily and ozcitcdly , and someone
telephoned for the patrol wagon aud in a
Very few moments there was snllicient
bhm-coated. authority on hand to quell a
small-sized not. The cTuiso of the dis
turbance Tvas an attempt to deprive Belle
Allen of her witch , made , as
she says , by a young mini
named Hill Hcnnessy. Ho and
another man had been paying her a
friendly visit , when all at once
imagined nimsulf a Dick Turpin , and
boldly soiled the woman's chronometer.
She struggled to protect her property ,
and in the melco her dress was bad lyforn.
At the police cry being raised , Hen-
ncssy ran out of the back door , throw
the watch on the lloor and made good
his escape. In order that the patrol
wagon would not go back empty , a
drunken man asleep on tlio sidewalk was
nabbed and Riven a free ride uptown.
Ono young fellow was arrested on suspi
cion ot being the watch thief , but the
woman promptly said ho had nothing to
do with the attempted ciime.
Smashed with a Glass.
Dan ( Jniran , who works for Cunning
ham & Co. on one of thoii- railroad con
tracts , came to the oily yesterday to see
the elephant. He interviewed the boor
god , Uambrinus , quite frequently , and
in the afternoon was rather hilarious.
Jn this condition ho entered Higgins'
saloon and became engaged in u row
with one of the b.irtenclors 11:1111 : od John
Thompson. The result was that Daniel
got badly smashed with a glasj , . His
DOM ) , loitoyo nnd cheek are slashed in
a frightful manner , and there is a po-si-
bility that his sigut is permanently in
jured. The glass was broken into a
do/un pieces by the force of the blow.
and each piece did its work of cutting.
Dr , Leiscnring dresied the man's iuco ,
but oven after ho was washed and bun-
daged his countunanco looked badly used
up , ( Julran says the assault was entirely
without provocation. On the other hand
Thompson averts that ( iuiran and hif.
friends were abusive in tlio highest degrco
and used the foulest ami most obscene
language. To use his own words , ' 'Tho
railroaders wanted to do inu and the
house ui and I wouldn't have it that
way. " Thompson is from Texas and ho
was true to his word in this instance. Ho
has only been in Orimlm a short time.
To-day's police CQ'iri investigation will
show whether ho quu l' ' ° found hereafter
at "the old stand" or not.
The Next Thing to Dynamite.
The danger at luYTi nth street cross
ing ot the Union" I'acilin is increasing
every day and a fatality at any moment
would not bo surprl ng in the least ,
The hourly narrow escapes hardly de
mand attention ttv'tllfUo who frequent
this man trap.and to'siibn woman snatch
hpr little child from the very shadow of
the cowcatcher , ortliij faithful llagmon
pull females from the > cry cdgo ot the
( noving wheels , only,1' ' excites btrantrors
'qntl extra norvousJ'.peMplo. 'Jhe "saved-
by-an-inch" conditjon jf passing vehicles
U not noted , and only' the superhuman
efforts of the railroad men boars the
coroner's business. Messrs. Smith , Dor-
raneo , Thompson , Mnnroo and other
high oflioials of the Union 1'aoille had
fin opportunity of seeing n little of the
"close call" business on their return from
Beatrice the other day , and undoubtedly
thov received some valuable suggestions
from personal observation.
The little Frenchman who Ims roatcd
oonsiderublo excitement in police circles
during the past few days and his newfound
found love got offsiifely to Denver last
night. The girl had been at the
European hotel waiting his release from
juil and about train time they slipped
quietly and cautious ! , ) down to the depot ,
There was no sitting room publicity for
them for aisit from Jennie , ) un in vvas
no' ' improbaUlo They nrcordingly took
possession of a truck on the datk side of
tlio depot ntul when the train ai rived
they boArded it In double quick time. No
Jennie appealed , no tumble occurred ,
and what Somalia's gain will be Den
ver's lot * in the population line.
cj.vs ruoMjmu HAUTH ,
The Wonderful Well ncliitf Driven
in South Omiilirt.
The Smith Omaha gas well continue ?
to bo a curiosity , and HIP subject of n
great iloal of speculation. Thus far no
one with any scUmtillc knowledge of the
subject has visited the spot. For several
days parties have been engaged in put
ting down a well on the stock yards prop
erly , between the railroad and the stock
exchange building. The well U what is
known as the ( 'oofc system of tube wclN ,
and was designed as tin experiment. If a
MiflU'h'i'it tlow of water could bo obtained
it was intended to put down oicht addi
tional wells with sovon-inch wire tubes ,
the lirst one being only a six-inch well.
Knelt well would have n small steam cyl
inder , mounted on the top of the tube ,
which would pump the w.itcr Into a
stand pipe , to bo located on high ground ,
from which the stock yaids and tlio town
of South Omaha could obtain its water
suptily. Mr. Cook , thn son of the inventor
of this system of driven wells , is hero su
perintending the sinking of the experi
mental well. They .struck surface water
at a depth of trn foot , but did not meet
witli anything that cave piomiso of a
good supply until they struck
sand and gravel at a depth of
llMfeot. Suddenly a sort of bubbling
and warning sound was heard and a vol
ume of gas issued from the mouth of the
well. The pressure was so great that
when a forty pound cap was placed over
the top of the tube it was kept bobbing
up and down at a livolv rate. Some ot
the spectators who held their hats over
the tube had the pleasure of seeing them
wafted upward quite a distance. There
was no perceptible odor to the gas , but
the o who breathed it a few minutes com
plained of severe pains in the head and
di//iness. It was some lime before anyone
ono could bo found who was courageous
enough to make a test of its combustible
properties. Lighted matches liuld over
the well were instantly blown out , as was
also a piece of lighteifpapcr , and it was
decided that llip gas would not burn.
Yesterday the iron tubing was driven
still lower down and the gas was partly
shut oft'for a time , but when the boring
apparatus was withdrawn from the well
the discharge was heavier than at any
time before.
U ho same company that is sinking this
well recently put down a well
at Mattjon , 111 , and obtained both water
and gas. The water was puinpwl into a
stand pipe while the gas , which proved
to bo combustible , was conducted into a
reservoir , and was used as fuel by the
iron works located there.
The outcome of the well here will bo
watched with interest , as natural gas ,
containing the proper combustible prop
erties , would forever settle the "cheap
fuel" question in Omaha and would be
the cause of manufacturing industries
springing up on every side.
The Third Day of the Great Kllle Contest -
test , at llollevue.
Tin following are the scores made in
skirmish liring yesterday by the best
fourteen men. Those scores added to the
scores at knoivn distances gives the total.
To-day there will bo skirmishing ntj ain
when the team will be determined. It
Will bis the' last day ol' Hie contest :
Sic. score
Iday. Total.
Lieutenant Tonoy.Otli infantry. . . ! -J2.5
Private Klliott , > < ] . ' , ' . . . . : . ! ) S)9 ! )
Lli'UtonuiU Keir. 17tli " . . . .74 H93
Lieutenant Oannml , ! ) tli cavalry. . 17 JiOO
Private Stint * . 7th iufuiitry..S4 JiUIJ
SciBcant Lewis , 7th " . . . .70 .TsT
Coipoial Annls , 21st " . . . .C'J Ibr
Private McKeiuie , 17th " . . .01 8S > Fuchs , 7th " . . . .07 JW
Sergeant Stevens , 7th " . . . . -U : ivi
Corporal ISfrf , ' , < l " _ M IVsO
I'livatoSummerfeld , 21st " . . . .50 S77
Private Uotlmiin , Qlst " . . . .00 : ! 70
Pilvato Wilson , Sil ' . . . .49 375
The medals wilt be given to-morrow.
Arrived Out Safely.
The many friends of Jeremiah Mahoney -
honey , John Kenneally , Jerry Dee , and
the oilier old citizens of Omaha who left
some days ago for Ireland , will learn
with pleasure of theirsafo arrival in their
old home. A telegram has just been re
ceived by Mr. J. T. O'Connor that tlio
City of Chicago , of tliestcani5hip line he
represents , and on which the aforesaid
party sailed , arrived safely in Queens-
town , August 31.
Happily United.
Wednesday evening Air. John Schin-
illcr , a very popular employe of the
Union Pacific railroad , and Mhs Nora
Liningor , wore united in marriage. After
the ceremony was over a reception was
given at wnich wore displayed numerous
costly presents f rom well wishing fi lends.
The hours were passed in dancing , an
enticing spread was prepared for the
guests , and ono of the happiest wedding
leasts of the season marked the advent ot
Mr. and Airs. John bchindicr into mar
ried life.
_ _ _
IlnChcinicr All Ill-lit.
W. II. llofhenner , who was arrested on
Wednesday on the charge of having re
ceived money under false pretenses , was
discharged yesterday. The failure of his
brother in Norfolk , Va. , to reeogiiixo the
draft which had hium sent him was be
cause of the lattei ' .s absence from the
city. Upon his return yeilm-day ho tele
graphed enough money to ! u brother
hum to more than .satiify all demands
made upon the latter.
II | H llftK.
A man named Krio August had thu
misfortune to beak uis leg lust night on
Tenth street. Ho was taken in the patrol
wagon to St , Joseph's hospital where the
fractured member was sot and the patient
made us comfortable as possible. Accord
ing lo August's statement ho was quietly
walking along the sidewalk near Doilge
street when ho came to a 'stopping off
place" down which he fell , with the
result us aforesaid.
IteorultH for the Twonty-flrHt.
Lieutenant Waring , U. S. A. , arrived
in the city last night with twenty-lour ro-
cruiU from David's Island , N. V. , for the
Tw.cnty.first infantry. The party left for j I
Hoi-t Bridgor on the 830 train. All are
line looking men aud will iindoubuldly
do 'credit tu'tlie blue.
GrrnworH In our 31 hint ,
A party of full blown greasers in cow
boy uniform , with broken Mexican oaths
thrown in , wjs : at thu depot last niuht ou
the w/vy / lo jjoulliorn Texas. If they
wore specimens of the men who would
bo called' upon to defend the halls of
Monte/.tiinu , a good hualthy squad of old
time rogulais would demolish u regiment
of them ,
LKANK-In this city nt St. Josnph's hosol-
tal Aiik'iist 'Jn , at 6:30 : p. in. , tiuslo Leauo ,
azod 37 years.
Tliu remains were taken to Drcxcl &
Maul's aliil will bo ahlpt > cd to Chicago tlda
eviiiiliur. They will oe escorted by the biother
of the deceased i *
Seroiul District of Vlist Ward.
Ajer.l H Iflth M Dorcas and Maltha
Altktns Sam Pinice lx > t Mu and fllli
AmleiNon .1 V 1Mb liol lllekoty nnd Dorcas
Hook Mam lath ami Vlntun
Illii/irek .losouli I''Ds 1-Jtli
Di'Uliu John cor 1'Uh ' niul ( 'hallos
Hlnik I ) C eoi lUth and Maltha
Ilnnilliiuier TV't renter ami Poreas
Uainlliauei Wan/el 1-th bil Center and Doi-
Uratlv John eor2tli anil Castellar
Helxen Anton Wlli M Oentei and Dorcas
HrvdeilrkMeiilien J llHUllili
lloronsak .llm I'M ! , oet Williams ami Urltxs
llehrens .1 1) inn Pierce
Humps KilvMitd 17'i' > loth
lloinlnay II allov bet Williams and Pierce
lloyle Teronec Mi inns bet lllli and 12th
lltillnrd P \ \ lllli niul William *
llliulrinii .lulhis v.'ili tiot and Center
Hook Fird Kith ntnl Vlnton
Unison Phil Utli li't Doioasaml Center
lloisen P ( ) Uth lii-t Duie.ts ami Center
Cook M I ) 1-JOs loth Dan 1-'tli ort Arbor anil Manetoft
Cuer Wm.V Centei bet I'Mli ' and 1Kb
Cia\\lutd Andiow em Mtb nnd Center
Chrlstensen.lnlin H'17 10th
( 'ox John I ! MX ! Illekorv
Cummlinr William A liiOf.s I''th
CajneC W ( looilmnn'H le.sldenco
ChrlstensiMi .lolin lUiSslUh
Cimea.lolin It cur I'ith ' andPIvrco
Ollllonl Chailc-J 15' s lllli
Doll Wm M)7 Plot re
Di\enpoit A C lllli bet Dnrros anil Martha
Dreval Kred cor lOlli and Williams
Die\el II P 10th and Williams
Diexol 11 U lOthnnd Williams
DeitthiKer AUthbet Hickory and Charles
Dee 3loi rlsU.oslJth
Dolan J K 11th hot Dorcas nnd Center
Doll John Ilth near Pierce
Dwudansky ChnilcsStli ncai Hickory
Dlaiian Dan Ilth bet Williams and lUlggs
Dennis. ) U unitsinth
Dentils S LUlVtslUth
Dimipsoy .Michael lilt s 10th
Dillon licdinan 1111 s Wtti
Dillon M llllsiuth
Dillon John lilts loth
Diaman Michael VJIIi hot Pierce and Williams
iinenilort : Henry lWs Ilth
Klgutter Moi I Is ICO1. ) PaelHc
Klsassurd I1'nth nnd Him
Kslello L TUU/is / Ilth
Kills Jno Castollar bet Mil nnd 9th
Kiu'entlialer Jns Williams bet Ilth and 12th ; Johannes , alley on 10th bet Paclile
and I'icrco
Klaln Wcnn-1 Ilth hot Pierce nnd Williams
Kliiln Jtio tilth bet Pioicc and Williams
Foil Albert llll.slOth
Foster M IfilO H Ilth
Foul .Mirlinol 9is Pierce
Fill lias C 11 r5s ! Ilth
FnrnnsKD l.U" s lltli
Finn/.ls Jus I'ill I'iuico
Faiiy And Hitli but Pierce nnd Williams
I'lemiiiK ' Moiils Kith near DOICHH
Foidice.Jami'siaih bet Arbor and Vlnton
lioodman C V 10th nnd Duicas
C.oll ,1ns I'-'Or Piielllo
( ionslor Andiew 1-411 s IWi
( iiooox Kicliaid Ilth bet Doicasnnd Murtlia
( Sieon WK IHlslOth
( tiniiiun .lohncoi lltli and Mnrtlm
( Jreolei Tliomnsl3yis Ilth
( ioodman Oscai ( residence
lllrt Mlcld 10th bet Dorcas and Martha
llellimin ( ieo 12W Williams
Ier7k ! Frc-ii our 10th anil Murtlia
Uofmeister Henry cm Sth and Hickory
Hotrman , lno Kith bet Williams and 1'lcico
IIallied ; Kd l.ith and Williams
HciiKenMorit/ s'Jth
lleiigenO H Mll.s'Jth
llaj us Thos nth nnd Castellar
llmcbey Pat 12th and Arbor
Hoist T W 1510 s lOtli
Havel.Inil 1th and Williams
llnscnll Naac S Cinmojolltan hotel
llejlJno Williams bet Ilth aud 12lh
Harmon Vndre.l b4 ! Pierce
Havel Vaclav Williams bet I2tl and l"th
Ihulicek Jot Williams bet 12th and llitU
llo an Con SUi and Klin
Ilcatev P C 1207 Plotce
Healoy K 1207 Pierce
Hughes Panicle cor Hth and Martha
HaibeyJ A ISOil A 12tli
HalepM Ilth nr Vlnton
John.son Andiew 1437 s lOUi
.Innllne.I W Ilth bet Aibor and Vintoa
Jones lli'iny Cnsmonolitnn hotel
Jansun F A mo s 10th
.lurowrilcy .Jno Williams bet Ilth and 12th
.Uimcnson T 12th nr Pierce
Kaufman Clnis loth bet Hickory and Charles
Kotmt/o Herman Kountze lusidcuuo
Knnpo Michl 15TX ) s lltli
Knnpp F C 1MO s lltli
KniippJ 0 1500s Ilth
IConvallii .Jno l.19.s ! iitH :
Knca.Jos 12tb nnd Williams
Klein Jos 12th bet Williams and Pierce
JCelley W A 1717 s 12th
Koetter Fred W htli and Dorcas
Kennedy J J lOtli unit Castellar
Kent Josin bin Pieico
Kiecldei ( ieobtli nrJIickory
Kiloy Mike U14 Pleice
Knca Albert cor lltli and Williams
Kiccek Anton eoi Ilth and Williams
Kempf Aui ; 12tli and Dorcas
LoiiKuiey L F IblSs Ilth
LalblcLeonhnid 1003s lltli
Jjaison Nels 1-th bet Center and Doicas
Lefllur A C Mil nnd Doicas
lamina Heibuit 14i5 Illckoiy
Lo\\ery W Jl 10th ne.irllliikoiy
Lndwick ( Jeorgo btb In1 ! Hickory and Charles
Jjiulwick Josupli bth near Charles
Lacey L cor lltli and Williams
Lisoman Aininst cor loth and Williams
Muttusun P LllKlsDth
lai > nlon Allied lltli and Castellar
Mathioscn Jno II F 1MO s lltli
Mathii-siMi Henry 17i8s : Ilth
Malin IIiiL'h H2'.lsl2tli '
Jliskncc Vaclav alley bet Williams , 12th and
iith :
Mnssion Andiew cor lltli and Castellar
.Miller.I H b ! Piuicu
Mnlick K K 10th
ilanwill U Jl 1715s 12th
Monday Jin 112s ) lOlh
Mattsen John Ilth between Dorcas nnd
Iiick Charles II 10th near Hickory
Mlmieek Jnol'.UI s Ilth
Monk Andrew lltli near Pacific
Minogiio Jno Wtli between Pacific and
Mntza Peter 1KI South 12th
Mnhon P H Ull Hickory
MeAnlilT Sam cor liltb and Aibor
MeMntion .lames corllith niul Aibor
JSIcKvoy cor 12th nnd Maltha
MeLaneyIns 1021 S lOlh
Mc'\irtbv. ) II IWiS 10th
MoKeon'Patrick .1 1.109 S Ilth
.McCandless II H 10th ncai Hickory
MeCandlfss 1C H 10th near llickuiy
Nelson Peter ISiri S lltli
Xevo Wm lltli bet Dorcas and Martha
NciKon O U Ilth bet Doicas and Maltha
XinacoK Jnim's I2tli Del Williams and Pierce
O'Xiel id : IfiM S 12th
OlsL'ii A C Hth and Dorcas
ONen X 1T.OS 10th
< ) 'DonaidTiioma-.1112 S lOtli
O'Niel Kimono cm Ilth and Dorcas
Poiney das cor lOlh and Pierce
Peterson PS H * ) sloth
Pln/enscliam Fied 10th bet Hickory nnd
PH.iKliiC WlHIsiMh
PllajliiFiedl4Hhnth !
p.i-.pi > , liil Funk imr , tiiih : ;
l'.i\ilc Maitln Williams hot lltli nnd 12th
Pinkop Tyimk 12th bet Williams and I'iorco
J'liboMsUv Joseph 12th a Williams
I'olan Ju-uph 12lh bnt Wllllanib and Pieico
1'iillant Fuink 11119 lilth
Pullo Thomas U 1112slltU
1'lllps K I ) 1141 .s 10th
Peaison F W 1101 s'.Xh
Unpick ) Jnalr'.m Hickory
Itosluky .InosrltyO Hlckoiy
Itnsh.Inocor 12th and Aibor
Itonsti'n .JoMiDh Wth bet Pieico and Williams
Itlce Win FHIlUtli
Itiishliiw P J eoi 12ih and Duicas
ItlchclmiKd HlTs'.llh
Jtlsso Christ 1417s 10th
Itobln Mosri cor Wtb and Castcllar
HaeoK Jeiomu MISs lllli
ItcL'en Jnoiil : ; I2tli
Scxelkn Wm eoi lllli and Pierce
Steiip Ctist.inth bet Hlckoiy and Charles
Swacma Peter Williams but 12th nnd 13Ui
Stnlionduil Fiud lOtli Out Williams and
PI1CO ( !
Sp.uililins W II cor 10th and Pacillo
Smith Jno I'iuico bet 9tli and loth
Schmiill.JoM < pli eoi Kith ami Center
hhalda Kinnk liW'J lath
Selionbol llans.s 10th
Swanxim NuIb'Jthand Hickory
Sullivan K A 10th and Dorcas
Stas Paul I2ti ! bet Pleiciuind Wlllama
ShophaidJ ( J 90-J Hickory
Sliuaalin JIH > Uth bet Hickory and Center
Shavelik. fames K Cosmopolitan liotul
Schiiebul Fiedorulclc lltli and Castellar
Swlda J K 1815 a 18th
hlavlck Jno UUh Ix-t Williams and Plerco
Slmiod Joe Wllllnni- , but 12th and 13th
Sinitaim , Ioeph Williams but 12th and iHh :
Sotiknp Vlncont 12th uet Doicas aud Martha
Sommer Paul 10th and Hickory
Schaber II lltli Center
SmvartWH 1503 s nth
Tractiy Jno Will bet Pieico nnd Williams
Tiacey Wui Hth near HlcUorv
Tiacoy Jnmus Hth near Williams
lleuton's llnlr U rower
All vrlio aie MALI ) , all who nro beoomln&
1JALD. nil hodo liotnnt to bo bihl , nil
who nro troubled with DAN'DUUFF. or
1ICII1NU of tlio scalp j should use Honton'i
llnlr ( itnwrr. KIOIITV PKII CIVT : of these
tislnc It have iio\\n Inlr. It never falls to
stop the lialr from Inlllne. Throiiiih sleknesa
nnd levers the hair sometimes lalls oil In a
stunt time , and althoutli ; the poison may
ba\o rein.tlnod b\UI tor jears , If yon use Hon
ton's Hair ( luwor nocordlnc to dlreotlona
j on nn1 sure of n RiovMh of hair. In hun
dreds of cases \\o ha\o produced A peed
gum 111 of ll.Ui on llio e \\lin ha\o been balil
niidula/od lor jenmohao .ully snbstau-
tlaleil lliolollo\\lliifvts :
SVoRiow Hair In so r.xsos out of 100 , no
matter hou loin ; bald.
Unlike oilier contains nn
fiiear if lead , \ecet.iblu or mineral
Itlsa spedlle for falling hair , dandtuff ,
and llehliiuMit thu calp.
Tlio ll.di ( .IO\MT Is a h\ir food , and Its
ompositioti is almost exactly like the oil
. \shlcli supplies Hie hair \\lth its vitality.
When the skin Is vet ) touub anil tiaid. and
the tollico Is npparently etloctnallv closed ,
thoslns-lo stromjlli will simiotimes tad to
icneh tne | ) . iilll i. In iiicli c.jsos the dmible or
ttliile stionuth shmild be if > od In connection
ullh tliesiiiKlo , uslmj tliom iltonntely.
Price , slnu'lo HtreiiKth , frl.O.i : doubUi
strenptli , SJ.OO ; triple Mrendb. 83.1X1. It
yourdrmiists have not got It \ > e will send It
prepared on lecolpt of mice .
Cleveland. O.
Sold by 0. F. Goodman and Knlin > V Co.
161 li on.l . Doiiitlns. 18th ntnl Cilmlngs
nrniul lioilco 1. ( J. U. K.
The grand lodge of Nebraska Odd Fel
lows will attend the national encamp
ment nt Huston in a body , and has very
sensibly chosen the Chicago A : North
western load for the llrst link in its
journey eastward. The C & N is the
pioneer road to reach Omaha from the <
east , and 1ms become bettor and bettor
by niro , being second to none for all
modern improvements for the comfort
and accommodation of passcngors
Pnirowirof Medicine nl Iho ltoynl fnlreriiltri
Knlltlil ot tlm lliuul ViKtrltin ilrilc-r of Ilin trim
rrmiM. Knliihl Coniinnmli-r nl thn HiiYiit Spnnlnli
Onlornf l nlivllii Kntirht of the ltn > nl lm liui or-
ilmifilinlliMl KiDile. riicvnllor nr the la-Klin ot
lliinnr.vti' , ou > . SIIVK
"i.Kiinu ro-sroi'v IIKKK TONIC iimuM not t > o
roiifniiiiiloU nltli Iliclionlo nf trmlirurenlls. . It Is
111 ll < IHI > MHtM > r tllO WIHlIll lillliMlt l > tlllil > . 1 Ull tllltr *
ouifhlunmi't UHl nlthlt ( tin In of prop'ifiitloti ami
know It tu hi- nut ouln Ipifltlnnitn | > li in nun cm lent
iinuliut liiUnNiimirlti ) nf tno lilKli Kinnni-iiiliilloiii
Itliii rpcrlviil hiMll | iiirt iil Din orlil. II riintiiliii
OJt-tlMlOO lf Itl'uf. ' l'o ( II. ( JlllllIlM * ItOIIUtlll ClllMllVH ,
which HriMll nl\cil InpuruKPniiliieSpiinKli IiupcrUI
Crnnii Mhert ) . '
luinliiililnlniill vlionnt Hun IliiHii NurvniK1jt \ -
poptlc , IIIIIo . Miilnrlnnri or link-toil nlth noik kM-
TIL- ) " . ll.xAltMillMli ! MIIIN- *
Her Majesty's ' Favoritle CosraetlcGlyceriiie
Usoil by Her Ituyat llU'liuei'i the l'rlnre of
mill the nobillt ) For tlic Skin , Coiiipluxloii , nrn [ > .
tlnin > , rhiipplni : , Itnuelino" , * ! ! ) ) Of i
I.11C1IIU CO S < icntilna Syrup at Siir ipiirilla , II
Kimriilitc'i'il iiKtlio boUNUfiipurillnlii tlm iiuirkul.
N. V. H MtllllAV
11,1,1 STlt.VTIVi : S.V.111'1.1 : I'llfcK TO ALL.
Rihuiistpil Vlliillty. Nervous ima Pli } lrnl Dalillltr
Prenmturp Ducllna In Man , Krrorn nt Voiitli , nnd Hit
iiuliilil miseries ni'iililiik' fr in liiillccrctlon nnd or-
ii" . < i'H A Imiik for ovrry iiinii , yoniiK. mlililla Hgai
HmlnM. It contitliif 1J.'i pri rrlptinni inrnll ncntoiinil
cliriiiilcill uiii > uH. nu-li onool uliltli li limilimblo. Si
fnunil by tlio mithnrnhn < n ctporlein'o for 'it tears I ,
mcli nt | iniliili1ynori > r bofnru fi'll to tlm lot of unr
nliynkhin : . ) panes boiiiul In bc-aiitlfiil 1' mus
lin. enil3ov > il t'overo , full cllt , Kiiiirnntoeil tu ! nllno-
vrork In i > \ i > ry t uiihe inecliunlutil. tlturiir > nnil prof0t-
slontil than nny otbnr work In tliUeiMintr ) for & . .rjO.
or tin ) mono ) ' % \lll nn refuniloil In c\ory tiiittunro.
1'rkonrily 11 by mall , pnstnulil. IllustriitoiU-iiinple ,
Illr. Send now. Colil mcilnl uwnnlcil tlio nntliur bf .Vloillcal A oclnllini , to the Hon. A. I1.
lllnsi'll ami a ni Into linkers of the bo.inl the reader
it ri'tppctfnllyrpforrpil.
Ttu * iletiLU of Ilfe It worth nioro to thu yonn ? anl
inttlUle-tii1 ! ! ! men of tliln K < 'iu'ri'lon ' ttntn all lliq uoil
mine < nt < * iillfnrnlfi anil the Hllvur inlnei of NCVHUA
ciiiiililinil. U , 1" * .
Tha .Science of l.lfn points nut the rnrk < nnil quick-
Biinitsnn whli'h tlic Lonilltiitlon nnil hopi-sof inunr
n rnniiK 111.111 h ivobecn fatally wrotkoil M inchestar
1 ho Scinncc of l.lfo l of Kro.itor viilno than nil the
mollcil works pulilltln > il In tills country lur the pajl
re trn All intn ( nnslltutlon.
Thu scii'tirn of l.lfn l < n inprrh ami mnstprly trrait-
> on nervous niul ileblllty. Dotrolt * roa
AillVrPss the rentioily Sleillcnl Instltutu , or Dr. W.
H. I'nrLi-r , No I llulliloi h street , llosum , Ma . wba
limy hodiniiiltad cm nil clt-seasi-s reiiilrlni | { skill nail
cxpeiU'nce. t'hronh * unit obitlnuto illst'iinoi tlmt
biillluil Ihu fklll of IitUer pliyoltlaus a
ty. Mull truntvtl Hiieio f.illy wltliout uny In- ol falluin Montlun Onialiu Vau
Pays Best
i COTIMATIS or Co T in ANIT Ntw * ! " * " " * .
The H. P. Hubbard Co. ,
j Succeiion to H P HUBOAHD ,
( Judicious Advertising Agents and Experts ,
j Eitibluhad 1871 , Incorporated 188 ; .
! Now Haven , Conn.
llcccntly Unlit KurnliUail
The Tremont ,
J. C' . ITiy.lilUtALDA ; BON , 1'ioiulotorA.
Cor , rtli niul I'tits. , Lincoln , Nub ,
llntci ll.M iitnUjr. Strum curt Jroiu liuuiu to nf r\ \
purl of the clir-
Architect ,
0ITU-os-I. ! Ill anil 11 ! , ] tl'lmnU Illock , Lincoln ,
Neb. F.lovntor on lltli Mioi't.
iirn , iiir , ii HrtoUvrof
Live Stock Auctioneer
iniulii lu ull inu Is tit tlm ( J H. utfalr
rules. Itouin J.Siutu Itlnc'k , I.lucolii , Nub.3
Golluwuj aiiildliDrl Hum ImlU rorxulo ,
H II. ( JUULDlNd ,
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Carrcsiioinloncii In iriraM lo loiins
Jtoom 1 , Hlclmrds Itlouk , Llnc-iiln , Nob. _
Riverside Short Horns
Of Mrltlly puic HulcH mul ll
Ilunl iiuinliurd uliont < * > luiud.
rninlllU'i n'pn'H-iitOil : riltiorlB. fruvgi ,
Acoinlu. Itonlux , Itoio < if Mmrina. MO-H llo-os ,
Kniulill ) liiolica-.0i , Hal frouk Vouny Jlui/j ,
1'liylll.M-r- I . ( iiiiins , nnil ' 1 nn Ixncs.
IliilU for s ild 1 1'iiru Ilnlfi FUl'Oit , 1 I'ur
11,111 , VruKVi. I JtoMior Slniton , 1 VIIUIIK Mury ,
1 I'uie C.'rillnk .Shank uiul otnurd I'ouin and
Insiii'd tlm lirrl. Adilrooi , CHAH. MHHAN -
WIN , r.lnrnln , Nob. _ _
VVluiti ID Lincoln utop ut X
National Hotel ,
A nil xvl sooJ ulnuur fin--"o.