Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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John Rogers Dies From the Out of a Fall
ing OhUcl.
Horrible Treatment of n. Child
TrntiftrcrrtngVoni < loutiil ) Freight
The Oninlm Councilman
In Dcnrrrt Ijto.
A Chisel Old It ,
Jack ItoRisrs , a cnrjienlcr employed on
the Moiiiit'll residence which U bi'injiercet-
ctl on Dodge .street , near Twentieth , lost
tils life yesterday afternoon
in a. very peculiar manner.
Jlo was working on a scallbld
intf In front of tlio building , when
suddenly " ' " framework bcinj ;
jnrred a cliisel which had boon rest
ing on one of the joists , was
thrown down and fell directly upon KOR-
crs'shoulder , rutting a horriblu and
Revering one of the largo arteries. Uog-
crs retained prescneo of mind enough to
climb down the ladder and ask the men
to send nt 0111-0 for a doctor. Dr. Dysurt
came lit once in response to the call , but
before ho hero could arrive on the seeno
Kogers wits dead , lie had bled to death
within ten minutes of the timu the artery
was severed.
The Inquest was held by Coroner
Drexel yesterday afternoon , gnml
developed the faets as sta
ted above. None ol the
workmen seemed to know by whoso
fatal carelessness the chisel had been left
lying on the joists. The foreman tes-
tilledthat Kogors , when climbing down
the ladder had said to him "some of
left a chisel up then- , and it fell on
mo. ( Jo for a doctor in u hurry ! Stop
this blood ! " Thcho were the last words
lie spoke.
Koger.s was a man about thirty-live
years old. .No one seems to know much
nhout him , except that ho has been in
Omaha three years , and came hero from
Jowa , where lie has relatives still living.
The body was removed to Drexel it
_ _
To Ijoonl StntlotiH , ( JnodH Arc Trnnn-
I'rrrcd nt Council HIiifl'H.
There has been a change in the manner
of transferring freight at this pointwhich
may yet result in a decrease of the mini-
lcr of freight bands employed at the
Union I'acitic depot in this eity. Until
the present time it was customary for all
the local freight from the east to come to
this side of the river , mostly jn the cars
in which it was shipped at points further
cast. Here it was taken from those cars ,
wei ghed , laid upon the platform , weighed
a second time , ami again placed
in Union Pacific cars bound for
the station to which the goods were con-
fligncd. If there were goods from this
elation consigned to the same destination
they were loaded with these from the
cast. This order of tilings has now been
changed Freight from Chicago , intend
ed for local points on the Union Pacific ,
now comes no further than Council
lilnll's. It is transferred at that point
from the eastern roads , to the cars of the
Union Pacific. The cars are then brought
to this side of the river and if freight is
billed hero to the same point is
placed on board with that from
the cast. Through freight , that is
freight which la billed at an eastern ,
point and destined to the coast , is par
tially transferred over and partially on
this side of the river. The greatest fea
ture of tlio change , however , is the trans
fer of local freight , above mentioned.
Three gangs of men , comprising from
thirty to fifty laborers wore yesterday
put to work at the transfer depot in the
IJlufl's in trans-shipping the local freight
mentioned. These men do so much that
was formerly done here there beams to
bo little douut in the minds of many of
the depot hands engaged on this side of
the river that a number of them will
probably have to bo discharged. This
causes thorn to look gloomy ,
though there is very little rea
son for that. The change
lias been necessitated by the recent in
crease in freight business , and the smallness -
ness of the yards and the fewness of the
tracks which render it almost impossible
for the company to handle its through
eastern and western business. The com
pany is now widening anil lengthening
jU yards and before long will be able to
lay all the tracks its business now re
quires. When that Is done , the tempo
rary chnugo above mentioned will be set
aside and all the freight work will be
done this hide of the river.
A Hey Tells of Horrllilo Treatment uy
Ills Aunt.
Mr * . Davis , a lady living near Four
teenth and Lcavenworth , name up to the
Buckingham hall late yesterday afternoon
leading by the hand a small boy , who
Jooked as though he had just cseapod
flam Dotheboya hall , the prison school
BO vividly portrayed by Dickons. Ho
was dressed in a very s canty assort
ment of ragged clothes , with a heavy
tmckground of dirt and filth. His
hliriveled , puny form and pale , weazened
face , showed that lin must luivo received
horrible mistreatment. Mrs. Davis'
Btory was to the oll'oct that for months
past the child has been with his aunt , a
Mrs. lilack , in that neighborhood , and
lias received brutal treatment
nt her bauds. Kvory morning at four or
live o'clock ho has been obliged to get
up , make the lire , and do the heavy
drudgery of cooking breakfast , washing
dishes , otn. When these tasks wore
disposed of ho was sot nt work
inucii beyond Ids capabilities ,
bolng allowed scarcely a single mo
ment for play. His aunt would , beat him
on the slightest provocation with a slicker
or board , and the mire and bruises on
bis body show what horrible treatment
lie has received. Ho wns told that he
would bo killed if ho ever cried out , ami
consequently when bcnon ( imvor
screamed , The boy tells a sickening
story of further shocking cruelties ,
which it would seem could hardly bo
triio. The ladles of the Buckingham
will care for him.
Decoyed and ArraMad liy Deputy U ,
K. JMnrslinl Allen Yesterday.
Yesterday nf tenioon at a o'clock Deputy
United States Marshal Allen arrester
Carl Hepner for making and passing
Counterfeit money. Ilopnor is Ihn man who
wns associated .With , Iako Kunklcs in this
nefarious practice , whom the Unite-
States ollienr arrested about two months
ggo in South Omaha , At that time , Hop
tier escaped and has since been at laige
Ho wns decoyed back from tl'o east , uiu
when ho appeared here 'this afternoon
lie was arrested and lodged In Ilio count'
A Nameless HpUodo.
A quiet little sensation developed ycster
clay in which a young man'who profiles to
bo in the roftl estate business , and the
young and rather pretty daughter of a
prominent cilimi nro the unlucky prin
cipals. The fellow has been paying
inavkcd attentions to the girl of late , uuu
a < ? it wns thought by her parents that the
ultor was hardly n worthy aspirant for
icr love , bis attentions werediscouraged.
Jhe real estate man persisted in keeping
company with the girl , however , meetijig
icr down town by nuiet appointments. Of
ate the two have become very intimate.
l'estcrdajmorning | the young lady an-
louneed that she wns going down
own to do seine shopping. Her father
suspnctcd that something was wrong ami
shadowed" her when she left homo ,
lo saw her meet tier gentleman friend ,
get into a cnvriage with him and ride
iway. Tim old gentleman jumped into
i cat ) and followed the pair to a suburb-
in re ort. He brought the atl'air to n
climax by breaking Into a room whone
the two were and with a her ewhip com
menced 10 open up hostilities on Ihn
young man. The latter jumped through
.in open window and before the father
onlu reach him had climbed into I ho
) iiggy and was a mile away. It it ald
hat lie lini left town least.
J'Mo City Council Dined and Wined In
the ( Jetn of Ilio 1'orkicM.
Our city council at last accounts had
reached Denver , whore it seems they
were hospitably ontoi tallied.
They were taken out for a drive over
tin ) eity li.v the city ollicials of Denver.
From ll'io Windsor hotel they proceed
ed to the city hall. Thence through Four-
eeulh street to Lawrence and to the
opera house , where a short slop was
mule. They then proceed to the chemi
cal cupino house , where two
CNhlhilioiis of speed in hitching were
liven. The timcgmado wns one-eighth
jotter than the record. The party then
Irove on to the court house , there all thu
olllecs and court rooms were visited , and
he party were then taken to the tower
mil given a bird's-eye view of the eity.
1'liey then drove on through Sherman
mil'Srant ( avenues the residence of
Air. Kountxe lo the Broadway hose house ,
where another exhibition was given by
he department. Tlio visitors were then
Iriven past La Vela Place down South
'ourteenth street lo hose house No. ! J ,
where they again were entertained by
in exhibition of the piolioleuey of the
ire department. The parly drove over
o the water works , at which place
n long stop was made. They
lien visited other places of interest in the
city. Stops were made at the works of
ho Denver lirewing company and Zang's
irewcry long enough to enable the vis-
tors to inspect the ice-making apparatus.
The party returned to the Windsor hotel
it about naif-past 0.
In Ilio evening Ilio visitors , under the
escort of the city ollicials , attended the
opera house , after which a banquet , was
served nt the Albany hotel. Short
speeches were made by most of the gen-
lemen present , and the utmost good feel-
nsr prevailed.
The Denver papers feel that Hie Omaha
gentlemen are a genial crowd , and were
veil pleased with Ihe reception tendered
\n Inulfdoti In a Child's AVIndpipo
AVIilchlSnves It's Lire.
An unusual , and at the same time , n
very skillful surgical operation , was per-
ormed n few days ago by a physician
he results of which have been most
salutary. Is seems that , for some time
jack , the. little four-year-old son of New-
on Callon , living on Division near Hurt
troct , has been suffering ; from
linhtheretie croup This is one of
ho most falal maladies incident
o childhood. Tlio victim cannot
M'cathc , and death usually , that is in
line cases out of ten , results from suffo
cation. Death of course stared Mr. Gal
en's child , but when the doctor was
called hop6rformed'Uio operation'men-
ioncd. It consisted no less than mnk-
ng an incision into the the little fellow's
vindpipo. The operation was .is pain-
ul as it was delicate and though it rc-
jnired skill and produced agreat amount
of pain , it was yet the moans of saving
he child's life. The boy is now doing
veil and the incision has almost healed.
Educate Your Sons.
Endow them with a legacy that can
not be squandered and send them to the
uxiVEiisrry OK NOTUU IJAMI : ,
in institution now in ils forty-third year ,
and unsurpassed for its advantages to im-
: iirt ! to your sons and wards .u thorough
and finished education , oilher in a Ihor-
ough commercial ( business ) course , which
s a distinguishing feature of Notre Dame
university , or in a full course , which com
prises classic , law , science , mathematics
and music.
Special advantages nro offered to stu
dents of the Law Dcjmrlment.
a separate institution ( St. Edward' * hall )
for bojs under twelve years of ago , who
arc taught by
under whoso maternal care they pass
nearly the entire day in receiving instruc
tion in all Ihe elementary branches of
an English education together with a
iundamental knowledge of Latin , French.
German , vocal music , violin , piano and
drawing , preparatory to enter either the
junior or senior classes of tho.univorsity.
Hoard , washing , mending , tuition and
entrance fee for session of "live months in
Minim department , $ 10. ! !
The eiglity-lifth session will open on
Tuesday , September 7,18bO.
liefore concluding where to plnco your
son or ward send for a catalogue , which
will bo sent free , giving you full informa
tion of the University of Notre Damo. Ad
dress , Ur.v. T. E. WALSH , O. S. O , ,
President University ,
Notre Dame , lud.
The Slllcado in Germany ,
Mr. Max Meyer has received a letter
from Miss Agues Huntington , tlio
inmous singer , who appeared at Omaha
in the musical festival It is dated at
Dresden , florniany. She speaks very
kindly of the way in which she wns
treated during her stay hero , but refers
in n rather uncomplimentary fashion to
Manager U. I ) . Hess.
Miss Huntinglon says thai tlio "ra o"
inUermany nowis | the "Mik'ado'1. ' All ( io
many appears to bo deeply smitten with
the charms of the latest light opera. A
company was booked , she says , for ton
consecutive performances in Dresden ,
beginning August 7th. The opera trans
lated appears to have lost none of its
comical features , ns might , pcrlinps.havo
been anticipated. She thinks that it will
prove as great nnd lasting n SUCCOSH in
' Deutschland" as it has in other coun
tries. Miss Huntiugton o\pacts to re
main some mouths in Europe.
Opelt's Hotel , Lincoln , Neb. , openo
March 15th , lirst class in every respect.
Tlio KmliniTUHswunr of n Rank.
A rumor was current Jn Ojnaliaycstor-
davQthat iho First National Dank of Illair
hud closed its.iluovs , Inquiry in financial
circles elicited the hit'ornuition that the
bank had been on HID ragged cdgo for at
least ten days. The trounlo , which it is
asserted is only temporary , is said to bo
caused by overloading with fanners'
loans. The baik has a paid up capital of
$ .r)0XiO ) , ( , and and it is maintained , by per
sons who claim to bo posted , that its in
debtedness can , with good management ,
bo | iald in full , ns the assets are ample ,
but that timu will bo required to realise
upon them ,
J.L. Wilkic , manufacturer of. paper
boxes , luj S. HtU street , Omaha ,
" Koyal" the only Baking PowderlEree from
A , Lime and Absolutely Pure.
Linic is flic Fcrious defect found in most of the cream of lavtnr baking
powders. As a matter of fnct , chemical analysis has found 51 in all sucli
the " ' " Its is caused of ndnl-
powders except "Uoj'nl. presence by the use -
torntud cream of tartar in the eflovt to reduce their cost of production.
Limo adds to the weight while it detracts from the strength of the
baking powder , It also renders thu food less wholesome , giving rise to
dyspepsia and kindred ailments. Unking powders containing lime pro
duce less leavening gas , and therefore in use are more expensive than a
first class , pure article.
The Royal Halting Powder is made from cream of tartar that is first
specially refined and made chemically pure. No tartrate of lime or other
impurity can find its way into the "Royal , " and to this fitcb its great su
periority in strength , wholcsomeness and keeping quality is due.
All this adds greatly to the cost of manufacturing the Royal Baking
Powder , but as all its ingredients aiv selected and prepared with the
siime precise care and regardless of labor or'expsnse ' , an article is produc
ed that is free from every extraneous substance "absolutely pure. " Xor
does it contain any ingredients except those necessary to make a pure ,
wholesome and perfect baking powder.
Prof. McMurtrie , late chemist in chief of the U. S. Department of ag
riculture , after analyzing the cream of tartar used by the various baking
powders of the market , testifies to the absolute purity of that employed
in the Royal Baking Pcwder as follows :
"I have examined the cream of tartar manufactured for and used by
the Royal Baking Powder Company in their baking powder , and find it
to be perfectly pure and free from lime in any form. "
Prof. Love , who made the analysis of baking powders for the New
York State Board of Health , as well its for the government , certifies to
% the purity and wholcsomeness of the Royal.
Dr. E. II. Bartley , chemist of the Brooklyn , N. Y. , Department of
Health , pays "I have recently analyzed samples of the 3loyal Baking
Powder purchased by myself in the stores o this city , and find it free
from lime in any form. "
Bread , cake , biscuits , etc. , prepared with Royal Baking Powder will be
lighter , sweeter and more wholesome than if made with anj'Lother baking
powder or leavening agent.
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 1307 Farnam Street
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found al
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces tna
highest class and medium grades , including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates i'or ' cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
dofecta In materials or workmanship.
1306 4 1307 .FARNAM STREET
Blolinun'ft Uvcriuul Slonuieli I'ad
HOLMAn AbKjrlis iilllinpurltlcM from tlio blood ,
InvlKonittia and vitalizes tlio nliulo iijrftctn.
Ildlinuii'HlJveriiiKl Sloiiiiioli I'ad
Cure * llilloiiino. s. Iinlliiollon , .Inundlco ,
' Dlarrliocn , MMliirlit.fclck Huailittliu ,
* IthflllllUtlBIIl. OtC.
IIulinuii'N l lvcr nnilSloiuacli I'nl :
' IldKiilntVB tlio Moniadi and llowolK , Improves
, A slinllatlon ,
tlio Appetltp rorrccts
licaiitlllcB thu Cojiiilt'slon , ote ,
, Ti > u > tftik. ) i IIoliiiiiu'N IJver iinilSoiniic ( > li I'uil
mo I'uMly worn , oifoanrt reliable. Tlicr IIIITO b ep I'roveuts Son SIcknOM , Clicilora , Hmullpi
tested In thousands of oases ami we can positively " YelloirTrpl > iu.Vilioll | ( and
ii bcrt tliutln allcusei nhcre the liver , Kpk'on , kid' Illlluus Fovcn.
neymni'l ' towelsuro Involved , Un , Iloi.MAN'i J'AUa ALL UnUCIUI9TS-Or ooat on receipt of
are at once tlio beat , quickest and chfiipot ; and
tlicyliuTO niuUo iiurmuncnt euro In thoutunili o ( 1BOLMAX I > AT > CO. ,
raioi where mertlclno I'tta ' been utod ullhout &aj
iiouU rciultu whatever. 120 William St. , N , Y.
S. W. COIt. 15th AND I'AK.VA.M , OMAHA.
Property of nvory description for snlo m nil parts of the city. . Laiuls for sale in
every county in Ncprnskn.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept , Maps of tlio city stnto or county , or any other
information desired , furnished 1'reo of charge upon application.
OBO. null KB , Manager ,
' ; * - !
The Nebraska Clothing Store
mil open Its tfoor.t to tlic public willi ( lie most complete
M'f .sf r/r of
JS''cr ' xltoit'ii in OiiKtlHt ,
motto ,
And wilt ra-posf to tlic people of fliin ct/Hic ( ! ti'itcvalnr of
yoodx , Jte sure to attend out' opcniiiftinl rccrit'p one of
'n given to every one
1308 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
When we say we are going to open with the largest and
finest line of
Ever shown in Omaha , we mean what we say. To prove it
to yourselves , come to the opening and see. Also get one
of our beautiful souvenirs.
STRICTLY ONE PRICE. Remember , Our Motto is "Honesty and Good
Value for Your Money. " *
ft CO. ,
No pains are
to make
those meats
tliat can bo
People of
are highly
with them.
Ifyoiir CJrocer or MnrlH'Imiui < li > lint Ueei >
them , .cuil 01 reel . . t-'UIfiigo
Oatklouuet and i'rlu-i on application , bojd by
tllltiu f'arrlaee llullncr und Dral'U
CINCINNATI. H. S. A , , . , . _ ,
' . coo cm ,
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the
United States to Select From ,
Full Assortmosit for sale to t)10 ) Tnifle by