Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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AiUertlsemcnts under this lioid. 10 rout * per
line tor the first ln ortinn. " oonls tor cncli sub-
ecqiienl ln crllon. nnd fl.lW n line per month
No ndicrllseniont tnkon for lo 8 Ihnn 5 cents
lor the llrn ln 'rtion. Pew n words will bo
counted to tli'1 line : IIn-y must run con oei | .
lively ninl mu t lie pnlil In ndvnnco. All ndvcr
tlfctnonts mu t bo handful In bofoio 2 o'clock
p. tn.nnd under no eliouniMnncos will they bo
iaken orillnnntlnm-d by loir-phono.
Purlin ndviTliMng In these lolumns nnd hnv-
Ing the answers ii''ili-os fd in onto of TnuKK \ \
Tvlll plonso a k for n cbfok toonnble tliom to got
tliclr Icttoi' , ns none will lie ilcllvoiod oxoopl
on prc eiitntlrn ot check. All Answer * to nd-
Tortl 'iiioiit honM IIP rnolosod In onvolon s.
rooono--Tiilonn on Dmnlm city jiroiurty | nt il
$ porci'til. lull icst. 0. W. Iuy ) , ou-r 1113
Douglas at. Oil
_ _ _
GV\\\ : \ Ci\T : Money lo uun , J. .J. Muhonny ,
Vf \ rnrnntn. CM
MONF.V in I.n.\N-On fimn nml city prop-
oil > , nl lowest rntis , W. A. Spencer 15u9
rut until HI. 11 > .
QM'IH'IAI. rt'N" 01' r.oi i to lonn In
O ninonntitn suit , on short lime morlngea ,
three to twulvo months llmo on property Im-
or unlmpro\oi ) , Cull nt HIP Oninlui
Iiroveil Kxchnnuo. second Hour of llnrkcr
Illock. S.V. . FnrnnmjiniU.llh St. CW
M liuvo t'liemii money on lonir time , In nnv
tUnnlltyto | loan on Innlilciclty ptopcrly.or
form luiul. Marshall & I.obcck , 1511 Fnrnnin st.
022 _
GPKR OKNT money to lonnT IU C Patterson ,
ith ; ! nnd Douglas. 018
OMAHA riNANCIATiXl.'IIANUiisprc- : :
tinnM to tnnkn lonim In liny nmoiint , on nny
hind of approve * ! security. Lnrgo collntornl
loans n Bpeelaltv. Also on chattels nnd nml
rstato In amounts nml tlinoto suit. Lower rates ,
bettor lorins , nnd prompter norvlco tlmn nny
lonn nifcncy In tlieclty. lor further pnrtleiilnrs
rail nt ollicc on the second lloor of ttio llnrkor
Illock , southwest corner of Farnam nnd IMli
Erects. _ 450 _
07. nnd H percent rnonoy tc lonn. Mortgages
1 tivkcn In i-xchnngi' for real cMiilo. Central
InvoBtinenl Co , Kooiit 7 , llui her Illook , car loth
mid IGU
TO LOAN U lowest rules of Interest
est on Inrins nml improved city ire potty ,
1' . .1. Dny * Co. , B. Crounsu's block , W. K. corner
Ciipltol nciinu nnd Ifltli it. 70Usopil
. : TO LOAN At lower rntos tlmn nny-
wlioru iJ--o in tbo cityonf urnltnro , pianos ,
organs , horses , wngotm , or Block of nny kind.
Itnuinmbcr , ut lower rules tlmn nny oilier lonn
coinpnny in tbo city. .City Ixinn . Mortgngo
Co. , room IB , HOI rnrnnin st , opposite Puxton
hotel. 451
MONHV to lonn by tbo undersigned , who bns
the only piopurlv nigntil/fcd lonn agency
In Omnhn Loans ol $10 to f 1,000 mndo on fur
niture , pianos , organs , hews , wngons , innchln-
cry , &c. , without rcmovnl No delays. All
business strictly eonfldentlnl. Ixinns FO mndo
Unit nny pnrt cnn bo pntd nl Any tlmo , eneb pay
ment reducing tbo oo t pro rntn. Atlvnncos
mndo on linn watches nnd dlnmonds. Persons
dlionld cinofully consider who Ihovnro floating
with , nil ninny now concerns nro dnlly comlncr
Into existenceSliould you need money , cnll
and sen mo. W. It. Croft , Hoom 4 , Withnell
flulldlng , IBth nnd Ilnrney. 453
OPF.H CP.NT Money to lonn. Stownrt & Co. ,
Hoom.'l , Iron bnnk , l"th nndFnrnnm. 453
hoOOO to loan. SannsT5'M lind upwards.
Lowcsl rnlos. llemls , IStli nnd Douglns sts.
TO LOAN O , K. Dnvls 4 Co.
MONKT nnd Loan ogonts , 1606 FarnMn9t. _
MONRV TO IJJAN-On peed sccurltJoS. A
McG avoek , room 7 llodlck Illock , Wi Fnrnnu\
Bt. 43S
M IONKY TO LOAN On rual cstnto nndohut
lolg. D. L. Thomas. 4.r,9 _
MONI'.Y TO LOAN In sums of JsooTnnd ni >
wards on tlrst-class rcnl cslale security.
Fotlor 3i Cobb , 1515 Farnam BL 40U
M ONKY L ( ANKI ) nl C. F. Hecdi Go's. Ixinn
office , on furniture . _ . w .
personal property of all" 'kinds and nil ether ar
ticles of rnluo. without removal. 3W S. , 13th.
over fllnhnni'a Commission storo. AU bus
nusa Btrlctlr oonndonUL
lllly n l"ly"K | business
l location. Reason for s
romovnl. Aildross IjM , lice ofllco. 1212
EOJl SAI < K Clicnri : small reRtnnrnnt on bus
iness street. AddrebS I , 47 II uo olllce.
383 ! i8 *
_ s _
" 171 ou SA ! , ! ; - A coed pnyln rcstniirnnt hnv-
JIni ? 15 slondy lonrderi ? , n iriont bnrirnin.
Addrois 1 , 41 , llco ollleo. 3403'
TAOK bAl.i : Au old niiTl > veli estnbll-hed
J1 srocory business , address li 10 , Hco ofllco.
1U5-S-U 1 *
FOK SAMI llako-y. On ticconnt" poor
health , tno best business for tbo iiinoiint
of cniiltnl teipilicd In Iho most riipldly irrowinif
city in Nobruska. No cutlmif , cbonp ronl.lou
lenso , business Increasing and will benr Invosti-
( Tnllon. Address A. II. C. , Journal olllen. Mil-
coin. mJo *
_ _
TjlOK SAljK Or i but Li very Hliiblu iiinl iloclc
- IFor pnrtlculnrs iiuiuiro nl Occidental hotel.
"IiTOlt SAI.K A Kooil , llr-t-clnss reitnurnnt
J. nnd confectionery stnnd on ana of the
prominent btrcets , jrooil rensons for soiling.
AddroHS Hot 1113 , Omnlm. ' 17 i5 *
| j OK HAM : The coniplnta lurintnro of the
JL NobriLskti VJnejrnr Works. Cnll soon on
K. Krobs. Jonofl st bet Oth nnd 10th Bt , Omnbn.
_ _ till )
TTiOlt SAM ! An eltTnnl eslabllshod business.
Jtho beat of tbo kind In the west loomed In
this city ; nut profits fS.OOO.OJ per annum ; will
benr closest ItntBtlirntion ; Involco nbout
$ ir > , COO.Oil. 1'nrtles with menus wlsblnir to stop
Into n line buslnei's address 1C T. leo ollleo. 444
TpOR SAl.i : Firsl'Class ment miiTKot" with
X' n IPO ll.xtiires , nil complete ; coed trndo ;
best of rcuous for selliin ? Cnll or write to
( Ico. W. MHRSOII , 1IH1 Howard. " _ IC3 _
SAMC Ono of "tho oldest established
grocery business in thn city , with n very
Ro , woir-pnylnif trndp. Will ovctmiiBO for
Oinnbn rrnl estate or part cnsh nnd balaneo so-
cuipil notes , clood reasons clvon for solllnir.
Aildress 1514 Jonca. IHJ-
HOl'SKS ' Lots , FnrniB.iiiiiiils money loaned.
lloiula , l.ltli nnd Douglas Ht roots. < K
" | 7 > OH SAI.K 5ovornl Moekx of Roods" dolntrn
A' hiialtby business , ownorshlp clenr , entls-
InclUm frunniiiterd ; terms easy , pome Otnnha
Jiroporty taken In vxchnniro. Marshnll A T.o-
licclf.lMl Fnrnam Ft _ 485
US 1'Vblto cow , heavy with calf from Utlth
1 nnd Davenport. Kinder plonso return.
1MB 5 *
nOAHO-And loilBitiffs , ntsa N. 15th st.
pKHSONAL-1 wish to correspond with n
jotiug lady under ! W jours of agu. Object ,
niatrliiiony ; write In English or ( lorman , nonil
photo if possible , nrtdraiH L 40 , Dee ollleo. 370.25 *
IJUHSONA "Stenographers fiTrnlsliod free
of cbargo. a. W. llukor & Co. , Hooms 7
nud S , Iron Hank , 35U " 5
" "
. -JIrs. ) "Unnnlo V. Wnrreti
elnlrvoynnt. Medical nnd business Medium
Hoom No. U , 121 North ICtb tL , Omnbu , Nob.
uyrin West Side toIriuio lor good driving
Imibo , 1-OOM13 1 nnd 2 , Omnhn Nut. bank.
tvn'.NOUHAPHY and Typewriting Fobool.
1. J Itooiuj 7 ami 8 , lion bank , U , W. Dukor.
lium RIINT So/mro rinno'jj laouihly. A
JLA Hospe , J5ii ; Douirlas. 273
HUNT Rqumo I'luno , monthly.
Ilospe. 1513 PoiiKlil.-
T7IOH lti.NT-Orf : ) us. J2 per moiitti.
K 1D13 Douiilni.
il'jou wunt to Iriirn shoithnnd or lypt-wril *
bwnttnnd Vnlentinu'ii Sborthaml Institute
P.xpONltlon building , Omnbn , Nob.
* '
l7 oi : HUNT A tto'ivroii n gtod .
JAppiy tbo Omaha Uoil : rstuto und I > oun
Co. 107 _
rPltifj'.S , Ilosea. Shrnbt , tile. , plnntnd free for
.L peiMins buylnurol IOUKU | C'o , Nurseries ,
C.O , Howard , Pjop. , P , 0. box 2VQ.
SATlN-ioo' worth
J-1 lure , f-Mpcr luoutli. AU..rcsa , i , , Si , llco
oBlee. Xa
TTUHl hAl.i : j'tiriiiture kiuh eusoof klx-room
.L' houbt ) , time on part. Call 1SOJ North 71 h
Hi f ot , two blocks from lied Car lino. KM
371OU . i : Knrnituro 6-room hoiiso com-
1 nlete for housekeeping ; price fU' "i , ptrt :
payment If di-ilrcii. llniisu cut } "j iii-r mouth ,
line local Ion , 17ID DouKlusst. 415
TTiOJiSAi.K-Or would oxuiiniiKo for a lew
J. ' food boricD-hnnsoj mid Ion and rnotitt
lolg. llHllnu llro. . . IMOUouglmet. lft-2i {
FOKS.U.lI-Orwill ti-ado for fTirm or InslJo
city propnrt Jiiook of furDlininir troods ,
liats , r nn and boots ami Abooi. 0. II. Thouip-
n , P. O. il a > , Oiiuiha. SUSO
O U b El .l itit \ ruT 7T .niu-iannoy lotr.u.t.
llcroli UtU juia lcu ! u itroota. il
SAt.K-I.lowcllln Keller bitch nearly a
- yeari old. thoronirhly broken , full polluted
tiHo two bitch piijn n months old : r OKnnip ,
UJI5VobatrT il . Oinnbn. Nob. * 315 2I
G " ll ) ( TiVltofK : ( ( to lrnde"for wlld latuTor
Wild bind to trndeforelty property.
ncro Inriii In lowu lo trndo for oily prop-
Hi feet on Sherman nve. to lease during fair
IT ) tr-it on I'tli or IGtb St. , Lake's ndil. , for
len c for 5 or 10 > t-nrs.
Sfriic'iLtinetxln ' Tuttle s subdivision , on ensy
teim .
lliiirvv and plnno lor ? nlo cheap or trade.
I. < M In inn inirtoniio t-lty oni-nsy tcims.
( I oi1 lot In Iliiiii'liniivh piiice.
* l. : jii , Hixlltlln Klikwood
Sl , ) i > , liCi ft-el on Snunder * st.
Sl/illi , 7-rooni IIOIIMKOO < ! burn , Ac. on full lot ,
with nuth trout , nenr enr line , on easy term" .
? : i"iOU. .Vrooni Imu-o nnd ti.irn on full lot In
Idleullil. ' ? null , 1 - venr on bnlnncc.
? . " , W > , nice pini-o on ( ifoi-Kln n\e. , lernis to
l.t t tn tlr-rtford plneo on cnsy term .
Do not think nt buy Ing without ilryt cnllliiKon
me , nt I hnx 4 n ( rood Hot nnd It M no trouble to
show bnrfnms. Sears , IMli mill DodRO , N , li
tor. tf&S
A mcdrtiTn slre siifo nenrTF riowj
JL1 with ln ldeilonr. Combination lock.
1 ISilrnucrcnliinot nnd letter tile with floors.
1 medium lc Ifltor picsj.
1 plntlorm fcnlo.
1 tilntform counter soilo. Pnrrollo A Sweeny
lll.'i llninny st. 8J"
I" jToirsATlT ITiTckviiW Rood brick foTSIlo
cheap nl 1'lrat Nutlonnl bank otenvntlon ,
lilib nnd rnrnnn fts. : i''J ' " >
I " OIt SAM : Two No. 1 , eroml Irtml. cnnopy
topNiirto > s : nl o tno cooil , ( ocond band
phaetons , nt 1 tut ) Dodge street S.r > .
JT'Olt SAlK-nioclo-clieii | ) . Star mnchlno.
almost now , nioklcd ull ever , Iiuiuiro nt
A Hospe's IIMS *
Foil SALK l nTiTmirfuriiituro and"kTtcEo"
rnmro. 717 S. Ilitli st. m
Foil .SAMS Uliriipl iron coluinns ind win-
ilowcnp fitiltnblq for front on brisk build *
Ing , For pnrtlcnlnrs apply nt this ollU'o. C13
PANTKD Stniill ilrl lo do bousework for u
family of Iwo. 441 Convent si. -tlS' V
W \NTriil-nTri , 1512 Uowiirili Elr . W. SI
IliiHhmnn , 4" !
w- IANTii-lrTfo71lTchonTnrk. : | St..liiint-a
hotel , opp. tlepot. J1H 0 *
\\AVrii > A ilil for irenernl housework In
> ' apri\ate Inmlly ; must be ugoodnshor
nnd Ironer. 1718 Dotliiu. 40U 27"
vyANTii : > A KoodKlrl forlnnndry or elmin-
bor orl < . Commerclnl hotel , cor Wth
nnd I.eixvonuorlli ft. 110 2 *
WANTii-llr"l : ( iTtloVs"lMirrtrfovreiiornl !
liouoworl < In sinnll fn mlly 403
"l\"ANlii ; ) n irooil ulils for iionernl linuio-
work , first nnd second woilt , nlso hoitso-
Itoepei1 nnd illnlni ; room Rlrls for the we-t ,
Uinnbn Kinploymenl llurcuu 11 ! ) Notth liJtli st.
ANTIOD Uullon-holo makers , 1112 Par-
num. 3S5-2J'
WANTICD Immediately , a girl fet goncral
boitsQttoik. good wages , ut northwest
corner Hamilton nnd Pier , 375-25 *
ANTKU-Good tfirl for general house
work ; smiill Inmlly. 110 South 17th st.
350 25
" \\rANTKD food responsible person to Inko
clinrfroof inlmit. Mrs. S. A. Hlomnn
11114 rnrnnm st. 3.C1 _
\\7ANTKU A woman cook for boanllii ( ;
T T boubu ; Oornmn preferred , 114 S. 14th st.
301.20 *
\VTANTii-irl ( ; about 15 yours of n o wheT
* T cnn do light bousowork nnd likes oblldron.
A iilo.isnnl homo to the rlijtitono. llerercncos
icipilroil. Mrs. .1. li. Itlcc , northwest cur. Sunn-
dors anil Illondo stroots. 2 5
ANTKI > A neat girl 12 or U j cnrs old for
llKlit work , uts. w. cor. Ztnb and Wnstor sts.
_ _ _
Y\ \ 7ANTKI ) GooTl ( flrl for general housework
Mrs S. A. Slomnn , l lt Knninm st. I'M
WANTKD ( Jlrl for gcnornl housowoik at
_ 1813\VoljslorjNt. _ UW _
W ANTH1) Nurse fflrl , also for second work.
Inquire 'J-J4 I'nrk aye. b a
_ _
" \\7"ANTKI > An oxpc'lonccd rook and hum-
T dress. Good wn os paid. Mrs. U. J. Hunt
Virginia nvo. , nnd Grant st. Ki'J
ANTKU Immodlnlulyn llrnl-cliisa cook u
1813 Dodiro St. 805
WAWrKIJ ! H younif Indies nnd cents to
learn tolo rniihy. 1'rospecta for positions
when competentnooii. Address W. J. 1) . room
l.Cronnso block lUth st , Omnhn. 7J3 !
W ANTKU A boy and pony to C'u-ry n route
on the Dnlly evening llco. Imiulro nt sub
scription dopiutmont. 401
WANTKO 100 yoniifrmen and women lo lie-
Bin n sti'inly , llcht nnd prolltablo empioy-
mont no\l Monday. All tlcsirinir lo boRin work
write mo at om-o encloslngr $1.00 for outfit and
Instructions. No canvassing. 'This Is seed for
three ilnys only. Address , li 13 , lloo ollico
402 20
WANTIIO Mnn to tnko euro nt horse of
inornlnjrs nl 2144 Invonport ) St. Innulio
KusnSclby , 218 S 1'itli. , 2S3 23
_ _
"V\7"ANTiR I T-'rw 6 ll rst-clnss cent makers , ono
T > Dantsmnkcr John Souvosllo , 118 South
10th St. , Lincoln 400-20'
W ANTICO Sliovolers , cor 13th nnd Farnnm
Bts. 3S ! ) 2.- . *
tTANTKI- Laborers for rnll road work. 15.
V 8. Albilffht Labor Agency , 13U1 Farimm ,
w ANTHU Mnlc cook for lunch counter ,
inquire 203 N. lOthstrool. JIT'J-ai *
WANTKD A innu nnd wife to work on n
farm ; apply lo Clius. CblldalBtU nud Lcnv-
en orlli bis. 372
W > A cnrrinifo trimmer by Uratton
A ; Drunimond , 1317 llninny. 394
W'ANTKU A first-class shoomnker to do
sowed nnd pejffod work. Steady Job. No
cobbler need apply. Address Anzust Jucobson ,
, lowu. 318 25 *
"t \rANTI3li Wo want an einerjrotlo mnn In
Ti this socttun who is visitliiK stonm users to
hnndlc our product. No samples- The posi
tion Is a permanent , payliu < ono for the il bt
man , Address , stntlni ? HBO nnd roforonce. For-
Co.Clovoland. O.
W ANTKD 3 salesmen on Biilury or eoii
mission , nt U04 Uortgo stroot. i KI8-25
w .V.NTti : > f IU n week Klvon to cnpnblo BOH-
llDianii. No. 11 Main st , Council lIlulTs.
Phort-hand students ; oxporl-
TT oncod to-ichur. Terras , t-0 lor complete
' 'OUrsn. Addrosfl 1C 20 , Itoo ojllco. Wi'jsTi '
WANTr.O sitimlion , booKkcopor or bill
clork'by youiig mnn. Address Ji52,1leo
ollleo 411 27 *
WANTKn-siUmtloii as bouHoUeopor or cook
In Htnull fnnillyty nuddloni eaiady. lu-
illltro l.'ilT Jnekfon Nt. HM
rl ; J' ° llr3 ° " S ° otl ren
estntu ecurltyP. ; U. lloxCOJ 417iO ;
WANTlIO-lJy tbo 1st of Bopt-.lhrco or four
unfurnl > hod ulilldrtm , nddress
J63 llco ollleo , < HU.2J *
WANTKD Ilo'ommnla by younx lady nenr
hltfh puliooli loforeiiLca rciiulrud. I , HI ,
lloo ollleo. 4IU25
WANTUD To invest 5.OOJ In Oniiihn real
oalato If rt Imrirnlii is otferod. Address
O. It. Chapman , P 0 UoTfiO ) , City. 3d ) 25
WAMT11D I want to rent n Rood 0 to 8-room
houEo , or will buy on monthly paymenlb
If teuus suit , IS. M. Fisher , Arcndo hotel. USU
WANTUD To buy H liorsp About 1.003 lb !
Inquire 817 Soutli Tib etrcot. 3TU 25 *
WANTKD A roouinmlo , by irentlemnn. Itot-
crtnoca ( 'lvcn ami tuna i. Addresn 1,10 ,
IJco ofllce. Sly 30 *
VyANTKD To rent a mmill no.'itiy furnished
T I room nenr Dee ollleo. Address statins
terms K 21 Itoo oliieo. CO ;
ANTJIU Tonms. T. Murray ,
WANTED To sell or tnchnngo tor Mock of
morchnndieo , a boanlliul Fiibitit.mi . rest-
doncoln Omahu worth tl.OJ-J , T. U. Wilde , 1&12
1'aruum. 0j.2u
" \\T' ANTI5I > Tiibuyajrooa business propetty
> for wholesale or ret nil inirpu i-s , ( live
dorpi-iptlc.n und lowest price. L 01 , Ueo ollloo
VlrANTJ : ! ) A Roodroililonco find lot or good
11 bulMlni ; lot In tread looutlou. Glvn lowest
pi Ice nuil tot-ma tt'iJ ' full doaorlptlon. LSJ.lluu
olllce. 4ua
WANTI'D Hoom unit board In good private
family. Cnn give bust of references. A4-
drcea K 4J , Ueo ollico , H24
\\7ANTUU-A good ) , ou6g on monthly pay-
incots. Address II , OS , llao otllcu. Cij.
WANTliU To buy a nleu ro.'lnoiut or good
bull.Unif lot In a dojlrublo localloii. Address -
dross H , lid , Hyp onioo. CM ,
\\jrA'NTK | > A Goodstead } HOMO with gprlnu
IT wngonand hnrupfa ; must bo clientto ;
bopala fur In monthly inatklliaoula. Addrcia
I,3Ilcf uOlce. Ijj
on lirNT-r. per tnonlh.'lTonM- 8K
rooms , Chicago nnd l lh sn S , I.ehmnn.
'TTIOIt in : N'T Pintinige IIOIKO cn t front ,
-L rolf'it. t. all modi-rn fohcionco. | ! . ,1. II.
ivani : .v Co. a IVM
"iriOK IliST : P room eottnifo on Howard t.
JL1 near Phil Shoi lilnn St. , f 3i , ,1. II
Co ! KO a
FOR ltiNT : 10 teem re ldeneo between
Iotiiila < < nnd I'nrnntn.on a-l.wltli ; nil moil-
ern Iniprovoments. I.udwiek .t SoiO'.S.-Ki cor.
1Mb nnd Pouiflin.
r m iilNT-0 room IKIIKC t/nnl l. $ TH. .1.
JL1 II. ivnn : < \ Co. , rilODoditc t. .HVSO
171OII ItHNT All elttht-rootn house , centrally
lornleil , lo | inrtv who lll liuy liitnltiiro ,
which M nil new. Audio" 1 , 41 , Ueo olllci- .
trOR HKNr House 7 rooms. 1111 Chieiijro s > .
Ju Imiutro John Swift. 11 ti >
; tl < >
17 < OH HiXT : Ftoin Si-pt. 1 to Aptll F , nnR-
room , east-flout coitnuo on ( li-ofglu uvp ,
nonr Ml. Pleasant , Apply at sw cor nth and
" \TrANTit : > An 9 or t loom hitnko In good
> locnllty nml for long lliniAddicsi 1,24
Ileo ollico. 37I-2IJ'
lOlt lUJNT-StoroSJvDJ. 1IH Jnckson
_ _
1"mrniT imrso \ -mtii9 i6tli mid
1 I.cnvenworlb. O. I' . Davis , V To. - '
Foil IIHNT i'or atorni of years , Ihe 3-slory
brick building on Iho n e cor. of loth tin. I
Douglas. Imiulro nt iling blore , samo'plneo.
TJAOIl ItKNT NowO-room boii'os , nt'ur.plroot
JL1 cars. I ) . C. Patloison , ( Jmiiha Jjnt'l
llNl' I > eslrnblo7i-7ootii cotFmifS soutTT
U. P. depot , .1. Philips lloo , 131.
TT OH I.KASK Wo have eleven ncms on U. P.
JL1 u. H. tinek.800 loot fiout : will letiso nil or
pnrt for llvo VCIIIN. nmlfunl A Sonor. T.'it
171OU ur.NT Very desirable fiont room in
Jgood location suitable for two ircntlincn.
ms s nth st. IIH ai *
FOU HKN'P NIcoir""furiiHici1. large froilt
room with fine closets nml good bonnl tin-
two or lltri'O persons , ui-ntlcmeit PuTorrei ) ,
three iloors BOiitb of l.enMjiiwortb on'-'Nt sti.
cast glae , No. KMVi 415 11 * ,
FOlt HINT : Sloto reom , liltli and Dorcns.
US 2'J'
HUNT 2 furnl bed lonm * suitable for 1
or-'gentleincti.U'Oll Ibuney. 4U1-J7 *
Foil HUNT A good ollico and commodious
vnom" , Miltnblo for man anil wile , venirnlly
located. Apply W. S. Sciuey , 111 bontb lltb
Btrect. : r-2"i ! )
Foil KliNT To a man and wife without
children , 4 convenient chambers lor houso-
kooping. 31 ! ) N 17th st , 3 blocks from postollieo.
T71OK KiNT : Two furnished fiont iconu
JC southwest cor. Oth nnd In\unioiU ) | 318 25 *
TT10K HUNT 2 Inrge furnished looms with
J moilern conveniences , nlso first-class tnblo
bnanl , dinner G p. in. , references leiiulred ,
1811 Dodge. i'W
FOR KENT Ono elegant front room with
alcove , furnished , at 1811 I'uruum street.
FOIl UiN'T A suit of looms with Ilrst class
board , 1812 Dodge. SOU
FOR KENT Afler Hept. 1st. very divblrnblo
rooms without bourd. ( Ins nnd balbj
Don go. 2.VI
Foil KiNT : Parlor nnd Iwo very f tirti-
i hed rooms with boardbouso Issurrounded
by a nice Inwn nml has bnth room and Iras , nlso
day board. S. W. corner of 3)th nud Webster.
FOU UKNT NIce rooms at 1RI ! I'arnam st.,1
block west of oouit house. 503
FU UKNT Kront ollico , 2 < 1 lloof , Omnbn
Nat'l Ilnnk. Infiiiiro I ) . C. I'ntter on. Kff
FOlt HUNT Fumlshod rooms nt 1707 Cuss st.
POR UKNT Two front parlerg , newly furi.
nlsliod. 2511 St. Mary's uvoouo. Oil
FOll HGNTrurnlshod room , 1810 Dodgo.
; c7 n20
Foil UKNT Two stoio rooms on IfTth st.
$25 each. J. jolmsqn , Io24 Farimni. ? \ 239
itlCV. Oil Y A ; 1 1 A l > Ij li V.
Heal Kbtale and Itontnl Agents ,
1312 Douglas " .trcct.
WohnvnJxInrgo number of lots In following
nddlttons In which wo can give you bni gains.
Tricot numo fiom $ : .0l ) to $2U03 per , lot. U'crms
eii-y , only n sinnll cash payment , >
Ilnnscom Plaeo '
Jlnyno Place
Orchard Hill
Prtiyn Plnco
Kilbv Place
" ulniit Hill
West Side
Ambler Plnco
Omaha View
Ames Plneo
Melrose Hill.
Tull lot on rnrnnm st. if/ity two blocks Irom
court house , ? Hi,0)il. )
Two story bilck business block on ono of the
best corners on Douglas st. ( ' 10,090.
1'lnn two storv nine room hoil o on corner lot
In Idlowlld. 1,200. Terms cany.
Pull lot InMllInnlplaco { 2OUO.
20 houses and lots cheap ; small ctish pnymonts
and balaneo monthly.
Property of all kinds in all parts of the city.
Call nnd See us. 414
- KSTATB IIAUOAIN Half ncro track-
ugo on lllln street nml U. P. trnck.nt nbnr-
gnln. J. L. Itlco & Co. , Hoom 0 , ever Commur- '
chil National Hank. U13
WO LOTS Kllby place $753 each , cbonp ,
Grnbnm.Crolghton blk. 303-27
-I71OII MAI.K The two flnost east Irontlotniu
J3 Kllby Place , Sl leO enoh , n cornprfor $1,300.
Lnrgosl list In llanscom Placo. Cnll nud see-
Two beautiful lots on Loavcnwortb St. Very
cbonp nt 81,000 cnch.
l.nrgo Ifo use nnd lot , 7r140 foot , cast front ,
on Convent slroot , nenr Karinun , fH.0.10.
Two bargains in Cbuk Plucb , lionllni ; llans
com Park.
Several cottages on monthly pnymonts. F.
D. Tumior A : Co. , Agents , 1016 Howard St.
BI'HDirrri : COUllT Nenr borso curs , lots
f'JW. Van llouren , Douglas &lllh. 20. > 2l
i : Como and BOO it yourself , it
sells on Its merits. AmoV Itoul Kstnto
Agency , 1D07 I'arnam. 809
rp\VO onBt front lola , ICtrJcwpod nddltlon ,
JL tl,400 , unsth f'MO. ( Iralinm , Croighlon block.
3W2U (
HOllsis : Ixtsrnrmslmiis money ( oanqd.
llomls , Ifitb and Douglas stroois. 171
FOlt 8AI.K 15 ncros of „ flno.rolllug' ground
adjoining lots that nro now soiling for t'M
Tier lot. If eold befoio plntllni ; will sell far
$1,260por acre. Ilallou Ilros.,1510 Uouglnsbt.
TTILI.SDALU soils ut $100 per lot. 803
TT'Oll HALH 13 oboloo lots In
J.1 Hlinobangb's iuUl. , XW tO tiTi eticbi easy
terms. A. H. llrlggs , Snxo'a Imtjtoru. 703
KAI , KSTATK 1 , VIIOAIN-133 feet , e'alt
front , Soutli Iflth Btn-ct$3,000. J. 1 ; . lllcu
i Oo , , Hoom 6 , over Commercial National Ilnnk.
RAHH HAHOAIN-I440 Bores srool aruolo
land In ICno.v unit Codaroounllos.Noiira Ica ;
Wt per ncro cusb. A , H. Or ahum & Co.Vlsnor ,
Nobr. ( WS.S'O
T .Oiy soiling today for $800 to $1003 sold a year
JU ago for $1 < X ) to $250. Think of this nnU get u
lot now | n IllUsdnlo for5U ! to f 175 nnifon emy
tornin. Ainoa' ItcalKstuto Agency , 1507 Fnrnam
KUi ) _
FOU 8AIK-lof Iho best lots In Wnlnnt Hilli
must bo sold In u week , Tboo. OUen. 21U
South IStb. U7U 31
good lots , $750 oncb , KllbyPbioo. Ol' -
bum , Crulghlon Illock. ikw 20
K ACHia Tunics' sub division , cheap JS.200 ,
'J ( hubaui , Cielgbton block , UU82H
H ILLSUALK-Houutlful location. bO'J
A GOOD lot In Okahoma , near ihcvflnton st.
Jn. c r line , prloo $1OOJ. Potter if Cobb.-ljio
far n nui at. , Oinaha , Neb , ' _ * P21'1
P AUOAIN-Cornor lot , Shlno'il i'lU'udd'jOo"
J.J Urnliam , Crolgbloii blk. ' , SW-W
Foil SAI.E-FIno lot In PlalnVioir , ' | 5a
100vl20 feet , Cussstrocl , $2,100.
Three line lain in llesorvoir addUJoo ,
OlxltJJfeot , Shnll'B Klnt nddltloIT '
A lot In Bouth Omaha , only f iy ) , > - % "
Iloford jou buy or U1 call bu H.-AV.Huntress ,
13as Pnniam Mrcei.
Mil } our properly with me , ( ll' SO
tnoil BA f.K-1 of the best lots In Walnut Hill.
Jmust bo soWla it week. Tuva.
tioutb 15th , -J7tl 31
. ) , - for' -
BlT7l.3lAIU-lto5t opiiortunlty for'Hotting
you ch p borau. 809
' tXflHAM-
U'KS Jk -
Heal IMnlo tuiil I.onn tlroker ,
Opern House Block ,
fl room cottniro , DoiU'Jtis nnd 21. ) only . ,
n loom DudjKnnd "i only 2UO
7 loom cottniro nil eonvon. , Sounders
ttfiirC iiiiiniliii/sonlv OJOO
10 loom nml 1 5 riiqtrjlwiisii on lot in'Ui.'iO '
\tlth nil inodcfMftiiprovoinonti 17th
street , i-honp ' ? .u . MM
11 mom hou e It'iinjt ' 11 nvi'tittorth with
n 4 1-iiom collugo on the nlloy lor all. . G501
10 loom hniitc , lot J.iJl > AlVl cornel In Mil-
poln Plneo , a lu-mrlmil homo . 4ro.1
1 0 room ntvl 1 * if'WJi rottnuo on noilb
17. large lot Mil(2cnsh ( > . ? , ( * ) 7000
nioiim house lull JSdhslor. full lot . . . MlO
t > room IIOIKO on l7ijd i nss .1:00
11 room biiu eon j'lillfornln , full lot . . 2i(0 ) (
7 room linnso iioish < tf I < < 'nM < n\toitb on
Virginia nvo 4COO
IU room hoif-e noi'lh.ol l.envonttorthotl
Vli-gin'n ' n\o.chn.ip 7o0
2 liousos 13 nnd 14 rtMiins 2J and Plorce
ehenp ' 8 WO
251-oom cottages 28nnd Chnrlcs , full lot ,
cheap for both 4000
I'.irootn lnm o Hnn-fim Place with nil
modern lni | roM-nu-nis. See It 10)0
1 n room c'otlnge Vbglnla HAO. near
Afi-w ol the most nosh-able lots In ( 'res-
ton place , nt Iliruros Hint will Bell
2 i-nst front lot * oh UIMO nvennennd
Ilnrney , nni'b. If ( olil IbH week . 1000
Hnrknlowndil.on Icn\enwortb , 1 lot nt 10(10 (
1'tlcn plnrf lot , bloi-k 2" " , Wo-t Oiutilia ,
lerms cn y , prloo flnoaio . 1S' > 0
2 lols Wi-st Cnmlnir add , r. tornur , t\l . 420
Mncoln plneo lotUomJUi ( lo. . . . . . 100
Lois In Marsh's imd , near St. SInry's .
nventtoer > lleslrnbio . SWO
Iluii-i'oin place lots , ? li Oto . : ) l
41 leet onSniltidcif.ehoiip , worth Wi . . , - [ 2.KO
Lots In Hartford plnoi- . this side ol Mis
souri Piii-iQe rnllwanml entitling fac
tory. on I.eavenwoitb , very ensy
lerms , $ 'Wlo . . . . I1Q
A lew lots In I.oiuoiiwoilli Terrnee , Jtist . , ,
Foulbwcstof .Icromo Park anil lllgn * ' 3
hind p'.nco , toim easy , fMiito . . . i , ntX )
100x120 on Cuss and ) t li 1 1 , U ciish . 2.7X )
. . . .
3 en t front lots , within ono block of cunning
factory nnd Missouri Pnelllo depot. 1 hey. nre
decided barimms at JIV ) , ns adjoining lots are
selling at ftVO nnd $ .V > ilj terms o'tsy.
10 lots In Drake's addition , 2Sth nnd Poilgii St. ,
Sl/WOtc tfifln
IK ) teuton Pm k nvoniic nnd llownnl , $ O.OM.
75xl" > o feetropnlolon nml Vliglnln uvonua * ,
Vltgluln nvenno and Sblrcly , n
corner , fl. H ) .
Wo have only n few of those benullfitl lotsln
block IJ , Hnnscnm Pbicc , loft. If you wanl ono
t-eenre It quick oryoti will bo lelt. Convi-janros
nlwajs at the door ready to take you out lo see
whnt consider Ihe best bnrgnlns
Hicks , V Inirhiam,2l5 Soutli l.'itb stn-et , Opera
HOIISO Illock ! tSi
_ _
KXCIIANOlf { G.OOQstocU-dry goods for
J ? O iiiilin property. Archer & Pitch , SI1 * S
1Mb st. 405
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TnoirSAI.i : Hall Interest In lots II nnd 4 ,
J ; block M. mid I A nnd in In block I , Oruhnrd
Hill , for $ I.V > 0.00 nut. $310 c-n h. bnlanco long
tlmo. Aildicss , lor n few dayfl , HOY 3IVI , Oiiinlio.
Thc o mo choice- lots , and ninth more money.
HOW 11 it your nolL'hbor has mnile money ?
ly ) having cournge to buy cheap lots. You
ran do the same in Hill-vlnlo , where lots now
solllnirfnr $1V ) oiich will brine double Hint In a
your from now. Ames' Heal P.slato Agency ,
1507 Kiirnum at. B09
FOUSAl.i : HOURO , lirdoms.elty wntor and
gas , I mile troin P. O. , I block from st oars ,
price J-.OO' ) , small pnytnenls , hnlnnco monthlv.
lii < | Ulro rooms 1 nnd 2 Omnhn Nut'l bank , ' .Ut )
Rr.MKMllKH now is tun "tliiir > toTriyrcbcilir
lots. Tbevgrow In viiluo faster tlmn any
otborrt. See Illllsdnlo. Lots $1.V ) onch. Amos'
Henl Kstnto Agency. 1507 Knrnani. . SO' ' )
ITT7SDAIK Lots oiiryTimTl ( ) $1" ) . nnd will
sell for double this llguro In 12 months'
time. Come and see them. Amos' Heal IMuto
Agency , lr,07 Pai-nam it W)9 )
FOIlSALi : Wo huvo sixteen lots in Ilaw-
Ihorno nddlUon that wo will sell : besl nnd
cboniiost Inside pjrprUtty In Omaha. Ucdfprd ic
OT Sblnn's 2nd nud. , largnlir sTi2 < ) il , ( Ira-
bam , CroigbtjiiWk. aflS-20
K lAIi ! E3TATK llOAIN. Lot 51\13-oii
Dnvcnport hot.oil nnd 24th streets , with
K-rootn cottajro , will by sold Ibis week lor $ lr > < > 0 :
tM'o-thlrds cnsh. Jjt ) Hico & Co. , room ( I , over
Commorcinl Nations ) bank. 355
otlorod 1
" °
. iLiidd \ Co. ,
Millard Hotel Block.
Choicolot 18D.XS7,1' foot , Miller i ; Cnldwoll s
addition ; n bnrgQiliidt.$3l(0. (
Neat now cottugo with ttto lots in Walnut
Hill : bplendlil tollKUII. | 2.100 > , .
8 ohst fiont rots ui Wllco'v addition ; very
fhoap and. on oiu/.tntui ? , , . -\\i
10 Ibtsin WcstOlnahn. $1,030 to $1.300.
3 tine business lots , IJtll and H.incrolt , near
VInton ; for all $1,000. First-class bargain.
2 largo lots 14'xI3. ) , 21st and Wubstor sts. with
two elcgnnt rosidoncest.nll modern convenien
ces , ? 2I , ) ( ) .
California and 23d streets , 142x132 feet , only ! )
blocks Horn cnrs ; when Farnnm extends will bo
one block ; line bargain , $11,20) .
250 choice business mid losldonco lotsln Soutli
Omaha nt tmigalns.
2 splendid lots In Melrose Hill 5900. Kusy
Cnlkln's subdivision to Mayflold , lots $203 lo
$ ; HIO. l-usy : lorms.
List your ptoporty with Hatcher , Ondd ACo. . ,
Millard Hotel block. 329
TllllJOmnba Heal ICstnto and Trust Co. now
oll'er to tbo public the lollowlng list. Slimy
of these lots nro considered bargains :
( feeton Karnuin , nenr20thS" > , ODO.
60 lots In Mt. Pleasnnt , 80 rods from Holt line ,
nt from $12 > to $300. Please Invosttguto.
Three choice front lots , Snnndors * Him-
batigh's addition , ? 4Ui ) each.
Illogunt ilwolllng house on Fnrnam stioct , 10
rooms ; Unt-cbiHS property , ; 2,000. ,
Six lols in Washington Mjunro , on Sherman
avenue , from $1,501) to $1WO. This is tbo best
central property for the money In tbo city.
Walor , gas , sewer nnd paved ilreols. Persons
wimtlue n location for a number ono bouso
should see this property.
Lots In fnundors AHIinebmiRh'sWnlnut Hill
addition for ? : 0 to $000 , only two blocks from
the licit Line tlopot.ono-lcntn down.
Corner lot with 7-room house , Sblnn's addi
tion , one block from Sntinders slrout , JJ,500.
I/l Mnrsb's nddltlon. $3.000.
lx > t lUtb street , near Lake , $1,800.
llenutiful aorn ptoporty near the D. & D. In
stitute , $ IM to $70U jior aero.
10 lots Myers , Hlolinnls & Tlldon's addition ,
$ .MiO to $500 , Inside the Holt Mno , ono-tcnlb
O. U. II i T. Co. , 3501 Fnrnnm elrcot. 2i)9 )
\J\\ryoTr \ can ThnkiT moneyliy buying on
easy payments n HillsJnlolot for * 151 , that
will bo easily paid for and double In valuo.
Amos'Heal Kstiito Agency. 1507 Fiinnun. BQ3
BOWI.INC1 CUIKN : lots. $ IW. 10 porcentensb
nml (5 per month. Marshall & Lobeck ,
Agents. ill'J '
RKAlj EsTATK HAHfiAlN. Lot 50 by 90 on
Irene street betwfjon Hamilton nml Charles ,
with n-rooin cottngo only $ lHj ) , Small cash
payment , bill , monthly. Call t-oon lorthi.s. J.
i , . Hico \ t ) , ever Commerclnl National
bank. U34
iACHIIS-Tnlllos1 sill > -dU-lbloii $2 ' 00 ( irubnm
Crelgllton blk. ! MS-2tl
FOU HAli-Iowllng : ! Oroon lols nt $150. 10
percent1 cash and $ " > pur monty , Uasy.
nnd sure lo double In a year. Boo this line nil.
illtlon and souure a few lots wlillo you can get
Ilistcholco , Marshall & Lobock , Agonls , Ull
Furnuni street. 918
BSACIIBHU Heal K3tato,3l7 S. IStbst , has
for Halo Improved pioperty !
U2U Flno brick inildoneo with nil modern ; S
Iniprovoments , on Humidors Bt , lot .
120x100 , $3OUO to fifM cusb doun . . $ a.OOJ
2CO Nino-room hoiieo and lot , 20th et ,
near Ht. Marys lure , I50J cash bnlanco
monthly . .LSti. . . . ; . 6,759
201 Three-room cotlAgo and lot 8. 17th
bt. , Jl.OUO otieJifSi . 1.TO3
300 Ill-room houwfMiml lot oniJxliX ) on
Hurt st , $2OSJcnsh , bnlnnco to suit 4,003
301 on C'uinifijMrtth utoro and dwell
ing . Wl , . . 3,0.7) )
34081ft on Uuutini/ , with 3 stores und
dwelling , _ . _ . . . - . 10,8)9
30 ! ) Finn 8-room barn , etc. , lot
100x100 , . .i „ . . . . . . . . . . 4,503
30' ) ' i 5-room cotjaptfl t MxlOO , both on
\Vob9tcr , one tb t cash , balance to
suit 2,003
327 Ucottngus on illtllpt. , tobosoM
Uwtlicrirliflpi ! of 2or .1 adjoining 12,030
253 Fine H-nioin IJtuilutWJHl ; ) , on 1'Jlll '
St. , c-nsh MjSM'SiSs , i',300
SflS I < ol30x140 wilti HbOso , well , elo. , on' ' '
lUlhst. , . -X S O i
300 6 cottages of fleams , lots 'Myx\M. \
clstorn , well.clai'-on Will si , , $30J
cash , ? ii 00 per month , oacli , 2,100
33H 81 feet on Cumbji'f business lots , with
2ttoro * , ilwollliiilburn ; ullronlud $ IOHOi )
rullIotaundVi lots Vilh largo or small house *
K. V. Smith's odd. Plain Vlnw.
Lowo'8-U add , Kounl/.o's 2d add.
Puttertton aubdlv , Inprovemont Absu add.
Millard A. Culdwoll's add , Walnut Hill.
Park Place , Hickory Pluco.
Omaha View , Bedford's add.
Hhlnn's add , Amos Plnco.
Hhlnn'H2d add , Denises'add.
From $ lOJO to $1,500 ; small payments ; easy
terms C2.
SKLicTi-n : : LANDS m
Bouthorn Minnesota ,
Northern Iowa ,
Central and Northern Kansas ,
For sale at low prices and on easy terms of pay
ment. Hallroad tare refunded to purchasers.
Weekly excursions. Dost lands lor Iho money.
For further Information uddresi O. II. Nelson ,
COO 8. lOlh st. , Omahn , Nob.
U SAI.i-rI'ark : ] | & VoyIt-r , 1522 Douglas.
- Wlllbuvo In a few days 0 bou&cson loth ,
$253 cushbrJanco $2."i per month , Only $2,25n.
House 5 looms , lots AOtlW. Wuluut IIIIL Ouly
$1'JO ' , $2ou pasti , balaneo ( IS per mouth.
li' tA * tf
-1701 : SAl.l-Hylh : , . owner. A P Tukpy , 1304
J' Varimin. one of tbo best ensi front tots in
Hfincom PUco. Cnll nt once. A. P. Tnkey. 111.
FOR sAl/k'-rt desirable lots tn llnnseom
Plnco ! terms en y. t ) . P. Stobbln , t > ox j t ) .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ flO H * _ _
Ul Sll & SP.MIY'S big ronl e'tnto nil -vprr
other d.ij. Si-c 11. 2SI
Hfl.LSDALi : Illirhest ground , hnnd omest
location ol any lots Hi ornrounl Onuibii ,
for JlSOnnd $17 , " n lot. Come nnd see this
ground. Amps' Henl Ustnto Agency , 1507 Far-
num. MJ
1/U > tl S \ 1,11 Nil-oil room house nnd'Jcorner
JL1 lot * In Walnut Hill ; V ( cnsh tml. to suit.
Cnl-Miirlln liosnthst. _ 4S1 ( _
HAIitlAlN-Pnlllnt nn Webster ! . , between
17th and IMli sts. , 2 lionsos , ono of i >
roomsntidoiipofil looms ; goo.l . tiiuti nnd slmde
treos. nnd other Impi-ovoiiuuits ; price $7.0) ) ) ;
ensy terms. Potter \ Cobb , 1515 Farnnm si. ,
Otniibji. Neb. 821
IAUDIl elllos ninkimburbiin liomej
J silv nn I this cViss of lols grows with tlm
rest. This Is to bo considered. Pee Ulllvlalo nt
$150 nnd buy one when you enn nt Ibis flguro.
Atiil-s' lies 1 Kstittv Agency , 15)7 Filfliam 91. 80. )
FIN I ? lot nenr Snundots uroot. great bargain ,
fiiJO. llrnlmin. Crelrhton Illook. : i < ks 21) )
17KAI , KSTATP. UAUIlAlN'-tli'iiiitlliil coiner
l\ lot In Illocli ( I. Lotto's Hist addition nortlt-
rn t front ( flvlt ! $ sud , btilfeinb. J. U Hire .V
Co . room 0 o 'or 0 immerclal Nat. Ilnnk. 33 1
ONKnnil tnrt'o-lourtnttncrcs in HrooMInc nd-
illtlon , price $ * V ) . Poltor A Cobb , 1515 Far-
nnnisl.Oinnia ! , Neb. 821
Foit SAl.r. Hesldenco property and vacant
lots In every nddltlon iti Omulm , Terms to
suit ptiri'hiiset' . Also diMlrnblo business prop-
orlv. ( llbson , Lnrson A Co. , Hoom il , Wlthnoll
Hioi-k. _ _ _ _ 1M
U I'SH A SHI.IlY'fiblg renl ustnto nd every
othertlnj. Sco II. ' - ' t
1 KAVKNWOHTH 8T ll. iT Trnokago , otm o7
- mote lots or an ncro , at u grent bargain.
Pee .7. W. Logan , at Lonviiiiworlh lluslness
Place , or ( J. , W. linker , Hoom 7 Iron Hank
bulldliKr. 3CiJ
_ _
FOR HAT.K or exchnngo lor Konornl mer
cbnndlsc.20) iicitts llnnlly Improvoil land In
Boutborn Iowa , adjoining uounty eent nml rail
road , in Dccnltir eoutity. tins n linn C-rooiii
bouse , largo b irn , 50-fool shod , good well , spring
and running water ; Ilk ) apple Ireos. cborrlos ,
grapes , oto Hornh.ird Snchsso , 317 S. I'lth
BU , Omnhn Nob. IIIZ
* t AriilN Tutllo'rt subdivision , $2,2iKI. ( ! ra-
'J bam , Crolghton block. 30S 28
S I.ot8l'arni3liinda monoylo.ino
Hum Is , I'lth and DoiiKliis stroom. 471
nll.I.SDAI.i ; lins adrnntngos wnluh en n't bo
bonlon by nny locution. Wlioti you sco the
lotsyott willudiiiltlt. Anus , 15'J7 ' I'limum , 80'J
B\viiN ( JiiiiiNiots : : , ? ir > o 10 per com
cnli < nnd 3 ) > ur month , MnrsluUl .V Lobock ,
Agents. Olil
] J 1II.SIAIK- . thnt'H tbn nnmo , nnci ino
1lols neil for f 150 to p7S ! on cnsy torms.
Ilnvo you suon this ground ? If not , tin nt once ,
ns it costs nothing to rldu out to tills bonutlful
locution. Amos' Konl llsinlo nyoncy , 1307 I'ur-
num. _ _ _ a U3 _ _
FUR SAl.i-Ito\rllim ( Iroon lols nl * 130. 10
per cent cnsh nnd $3 per month , Knsy ,
and suroto double In n your. Sue this flno nil-
Hit tun unit loctiro it few lots wlillo you enn got
Hist cliolco. .Mnrshnll .V I.obcrk , Audits
01 ! ) 1511 I'uriHim stroot.
SVCHSSK. Itoiil Ustnto , 317 S. 13 st. has lor
Rnla : Milk dnlry , good paylnir business 13
fresb cows , 4 her cs , 1 dellvorjr vneon , 40 mlln :
ciins , tnnk , oto. Cnn rent or buy thu property
vrhnro It ison. S'fl ncros pnstun < , J2,000 , Vi cnsh
but 1 your. A rcnt hnrgnln. B-'O
FINK lot nonr Suundurs street nnd Dcalsc's
ndil , SOOO. C niliiun , Crclghton Illock.
H iljUSDAU : Youcunnnd no sucn lota as
these nt f 150 itpiuco. Amos' Houl Kstnto
Airenuy , lol)7 ) 1'itrnnm st. _ 83J
FOKSAL.K Bowllnif Oroon lotsntflW. 10
licr cent cnsh nnd ? 3 per monlb. Offers the
cuslost ntiilnrost Invo-tniaiit to double your
money in nyonr of nny property In tbo suburb
mi iimrUot. ns8ho\vyou this line propoity-
Mnrahiill \ I.obock , Agontfl.
.130 1511 Fnrnnm 8treot.
BSACIISSr. Ilenl Kstnto , 317 S. lUth st , , liuj
for ? nlo nt n bnrpiln :
Improved and unimproved farms hi No-
1'our 1-4 sections In Poiifflns Co. , $10 per acre.
ICO ncros ol splendid farm land , nil Improve
ments , In Vorlc Co. , ? : ! < ) | ) or ncre ; also crops ,
jri'iidod stock nml furnltiiro for sulo. Only for n
bboit tlmo ut this price.
1-4 section in riminco Co.chcnpat $1,000.
80 acres. Hurt Co. , $21) per ncrc.
OOnnnd MOncicsln Nanco county , $12.50 per
: i,080 nercs In Antelope Co. , $13 to ? 30 per
nci o.
180 acres In Madison Co. , f 10 , or oxchnnffofor
i A line farm of 200 notes In Decntur Co.Tn . $30
porncto , or will trndo for Bonornl morulinndl-o.
Also fnrms in Kiintiu , . II. S.VCIISSi : , D17S lUth
Strcrt. COT
OOKNiuiot : , Sblnn's ndnai. , S'JJO. ( iniliuni ,
CtoiBlilon block. IltW 0
rp > VO Knst front lots Hnnscom Place $ lr > 0)
-L each ( iralnrn , Crclgliton block. 3tH-26
TTIOH.S.VI.K 2 flno Iol8lonncckon's addition ,
JD near Walnut Hill , must bo sold In u week.
Thoo. OlbCii , 21 South 15th slroot. 378 31
KAI. KSI'ATi : HVIK'.AIN 15 foot , oust
front business lot , corner alloy. South Ifitli
street , W.OU ) . J. L. Itlco & Co.Uooni , ever
Commercial > nt. bank. 341
E „ . . . . : BHMIV'S big ronl estalo ad every
oilier duy. See H. 281
FOlt SALE Or exehur o. llouao nnd lot ,
18th and Nicholas ; house nnd lot 15th nnd
Dorcas. Wm L. Monroe , ( Jth und Douglas. 053
Tmoit".SATilS-A Tnrgaln. ) "f tTJtMiKTirblooks
JD from iKJStonico. $20.00n , half cnsb. Mar
shnll & Lobecic , room 8 Uodlck block. 213
_ _ "
B1LVL KdTATK UAirGAIN-Oornor lot , flTtt.
fronlon Sannders st , , 1'atrlck'B flr t addi
tion , 4-room bonso ( ! ) , UOO. This must bo sold ,
owner wnnts money. J. L. ltlco& Co. , room 0
over Commercial Nat. ImiUc. _ JK17
frumalnponulntlon pttsncs Omaha to
the front. See illllsdalo lots that yon cnn
now buy for $151) ) . 1'lok ono out , pay lor it in
installments , and Bell It In n your B tlmo for
twioo Its cost. Amos' Itonl Rstato Ajuuoy. 1507
I'nrnninst. _ _ B08
SAI.K Two ole nnt oast-front corner
Fen In Hnrr Oak ; imturrtl shndo troos.
Hutoher , Untld 4Co. . 12UI Douiflaa St. , Millard
Hotel Illock. Omalia , Nob. _ S'J4 '
AVKyou t-oon Illllsdnlo ? It not , do BO nt
once nnd pick out it lot for $15 ! ) that will
not only tnnkn you miinoy but lioln you snvo
somo. Amos' Hcnl Kstalo ARcnoy , 1507 Farnnm
slroot. bO'J
imoit SALll-Hy M. I/ . Unwind , 15'Jil '
J ? St. , onSOtli st.ln II. V. Siiiltb'inildlllon. A
largo lioiisu.sovuu rooms , live clo ols , lnre ) [
p.intry , wide hull nnd slnlr wnv , lot TOxliW , east
trout , Kood burn , well , cist cm , brick collar , fruit
and blmclo trees. All for f > , UOU , on onsy terms ,
_ 2.'J-2T <
, KSI'ATH IIAKIIAIN 41 foot , eTlst
RUAI business lot Fouth Jiilh street , f2iXI ( ( ,
.1. 1 ; . lllco A ; Co. , Hoom 0 , ever 03mmcriinl Na-
tloniiUliink. ! 1I9
J 2 line lotBl > nnnoclon'saddition ; ,
JLnear Walnut Hill , must bo sold In A weak.
Tlico. Olson , 2IB Sotilb jfitl blrcel. 07631
"J71OK SAl.l&clieiTiT'liomos , 10 ono aero lots
JU ono inilo south of llnmmond A Cti's. Puck-
Ing bouse. For terms address , W. F. Martin ,
South Omaha. & 0-31
Oil .SAMS-Ilowllngllroeil lots ntflW 10
percent cash nnd ? ! i per month. Offers Iho
easiest ami surest Investment to double your
money In n year of any properly In Iho suburb
an market. Lot us bhow you this flno property.
.Marshall ALobeok , Agontrf ,
OiO * 15U Parnnm Htroot.
RIIAlTTiSTATl ! llAHO'AIN-3'floulh iroiit
lots nn llnrilett btrool just off Sanndnr'Hst. ,
Tntrlck's 2nd addition , cnn bo l-o tight this week
Utl,3TpO onoh. $1 X1 for the tinnch und tire a
ileslrod bnrgnln , only $3V ) cneh bnl D yours.
,1L. Itlco If Co. , loomG over Conimurcml Nat.
bnnk. ! * l
Notice to Contractors ,
"VTOTIcn Is hereby Kl on thai Iho Board of
0.1 Trtihtnos of Iho Auburn School District ,
Auburn , Nub. , will rticel\ toulcJ propoMiU for
thu ert'ctjon nirj coiiiplniion of n two sloiy nnd
basionieiithriolc echool bon > olu uocordunco ivllh
plans , ilotiiliU and 6iccllciilnns | ! : nmdu by P. M.
lill-i ; & Co. , architects , uf omulm.
Plunn , details and Hpoclllcnilrn < ) iniiy bo FOOII
nl Iho ollico of the Bocrolnry ff the school
bran ! , nt Auburn , Neb , , and ut the olllce of lao
nichttevtu.onnnd nflor tlio slxtiientb ( ll.ilnyot )
A'Jirusl. until Iho t.centy-blKtli (2' ( ' ' ) 'lay of Ail-
Kilsl. JMU. All bids will bo deposited with tUn
boerotnry of the bcbool bnanl on or before 7UI ;
o'clock n. m.t on tbo twuntr-slitli W ) < J' ' ' "t
Aufriixt. IhWl , at which tlmo the bids will bo
opomwl. The board rocorvt-s the right to rojout
py nriill bids.
.liy Order of the School Board.
A. K FUI3V , President
Iil. A. Qpi'EUMANK.Becnilnry. nia-ai-il-aVM
HaH'sSates.VauitsJiineLocks .
and Jail Work.
1020 Itanium Struct. QjaaUa. Neb.
" "
On Wheat , Corn , Oatu , Pork , Lard nnd H. n ,
Stocks , for Lout and Short Time. Hend for Prlcu
Clicular. II. P. HAIIT k Co. , 12t ! Wufbluuton
Bt. , Chlcneo , III. ituleroncut Amerluui | I'.i-
ciiunco Nutiunal Dank.
(1ecT ( Ariiiliru t. 'IX)1 ) rnmlnp St.
1) ) . II Ilinunnn 1-17 FmnmiiHt.
.loll llu < f < ieli' ! ! ' " CiiinlnK "I.
lloriiinn'iSouth ' lotlist.
O. 1 mitrl' : ! Sontli cilli < t.
\V. R MoetJf I , UKI llo\Mifil t.
M 1. \ mi Senti-n. Inlrt Doditost.
C W. Slrcpoii"i07 ) utll Utli St.
Red Star Line
Carry intr HIP IWlnlum Hnynl nmt PnlloJ Stntoj
Mnll , nllliix uvery
Befween Antwerp & New York
Snlon from too lo ST. " . KxcurMon Irlp from
(110 lo Sli. . Six-ond Cabin , oultvnnl , $11 ;
at low ruled. 1'utor Wrlirht \ yonj , Uouoral
AuontR , U llroiUwny , N'ow York.
Henry 1'iiinlt , r.'la rnrnaniJt. : rmilson .V Co. ,
Kt-.iiu it. . > ) . O. Fruotunn , Mil I'lirnam st
0 U -
Printing Dices.
Dralres tn rnll the attention ot Printer * nntl I'litillsli-
era of Nobnt ku , Dikntu , .Mlnnoiola und Western
lown tutliolrvory cuinplctu stock of
Flno Klnt Papcri , Linen I'.ipor.i , Cover Pnt'ern , Col-
orpil riiit-l'upprt , Manilla I'nnerx , Hook , 1'rlnt nml
I'oitor I'npcrs , Cnnls nnd Canl lUmrtl , llnloil I'lipers ,
IlnvcloppH , WeiUlliiK Stationery. Hull I'roKniiumi's ,
VinltltiK Cnrdit , nnd anything clao In thu i > ui > cr line
roqnlrcil In u llrst-cluss 1'rlntlnit oniuo.
of iioorin will bo furnhlicil promptly tn
nil trho apply for them with special price * for n 010
rontlutipof ltd ninny Uttreront klndnof KOO < IS UA mny
bu rciiulrcil. Now Is the tlmo to nmko out your onion
lor Kooili for fall work. Oca MIHIU | | of our Roods
nnd rompiirn the qnnllty nnd prices wltb tlio a of
other honsofl. We cnrrrno Inlclror Block. Tnonty-
Ilvo yours' o.xpcrionco convinces ns that the lliST : is
CIIKAI'KST nnd glvci tbo greatest satisfaction to
rorre ponilpncn solicited , to which prompt attention
will bvRlvcn. Atldross
SIS JUongln * Street ,
OF mi :
Chicap.Mitate&SLPaulR'j . '
CIiicapo , AND
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar llapiils ,
Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport ,
llock Islanil.Frcoporl , Eockford ,
Elgin , Bfatlison , Jancsvillo ,
Bcloit , Viiionn , La Crosse ,
And all otbrr Importnut points linst , Northeast
nnd Southeast.
For through tickets call on the Ticket Agon
nt 1401 Knrnam street ( In 1'axton Hotel ) , or a
Union Pnclllo Depot.
I'nUmnn Slonpors and Iho flnost filnlnp Cars
In the world IHO run on the main lines of the
nnd every nttonllon Is paid lo passengers by
courtoona employes of the company.
H. MIIJIII , lienornl MnmiKor.
J. F. , Aaslstant Manneor.
A. V. II. CAiu-KNTJiii , Gonural Passenger and
Tieket Agent.
( ! KO. B. Hiucynni ) , Assistant Qonoral Pnsson-
or nnd Tlckot Anunt
J. T. CLAUU , ( iunerul Suporlntondont.
Pr reajioii
ftu ra tnlUal l
unal polut.1. rnuv *
eonllnoiital link tn tliot . .
tntlon willed Inrilni niui t na liuiiltninln
ttofv-i-nn citlfi of Iho AOacrlfcc oocl PatT
1 o.Ud the r.ttoriVi aiul | M I rcirtu tatu
Huit , Nortlico t nncl Honth c < t , uid
lnuveiit. . NorlUiTtut
The Great Rock Iclund Rocrta
tl lutroci Uiat K < UM > r pommiri null.
fllr ( fonl i | by K-lll , ih&tnualilr iMtllanrwl riaU-
li i. itiwilhtr > ul > of milinruui Kfd rail. Mil ) uui.
jy Itiifltriilrc'ris and Iji-ittfrwt. rKtllcif itiiLkuwuimi
piirU'Ctlnn HI liuhlan tklll r u tuutcu IT tlta
. . . Cit ) : ire i
I'oortn. Council j Clljr l _ < arcn ' < itll i
"nhl I ur well riiitllatf-,1 , llnil ]
The famous Albert Lon Route
I th dlr : t And favorlta llu lietwrtu ( Ililctxo and
Wlunoapr > lUindHt. I'aul.whcro coinpriloii. i m iU
in Uiiluii Ucpotl for all polnti lu Ilio Tfrillore ( auJ
Krlllih l'rc ( ncfi. tftr thl < ronl * Van K.tirrx
lutut ro run lu tlm witc'rlnii pl ituniuu.i ru-
rt < to.-jlltlt . uiul ljiiilnz mid ( liMni
KroiiiUfot low * and Jllimc.ot. . It f < tiliu Iho nuii
iltrAtIt ! < ruuttit lli HvU wiirat H I4 r.ud pulvrtt !
Uadint nlfrlurn liat <
btlll Atiotl.rr lIHWr MXK. TU Raiur n-l K l >
kAkuo , IIH > lirMn piianM1 liftv enInttonntl , liitjlftn.
Hll nil Uifafttt * , and Council lllulf > , Kani IJIy.
lllnu < iaull | > i > Jbl I'aul a lnt < rmitUa r. lnti.
'tor lirutlvd Intoriunlii * tt i > < > n > l I uldi-rt.
ohtalu blu. well tirUrU , at rll pr > ntl | l'J .Vi > (
orn > < t hi ttie Uulto'l Klitto anil Vuuulti or lij U-
R. R. OADLE , E. ST. JOH J ,
1'-JJ'1 il Ocu'i il V ' ' .
| , t i fill. Jif\
M > rrlntl ) DUtlllrd for
lleillrlnnl I c.
Ml ri > W I \\AI.I IVO , Pur
K.111 In i'li iff. National Gutrt
of N t ? , wfitcn
11 M nttf < nUiiii XTA4 rnllrd 1C
> our H" iintin Mull \Mil kr.vtij
Kt l.iliir. I'niol't. of TrfJitoii
ntrl I Imro iirJ n ffw Uittln
Kllh fir tirtlrr ( ( Tort limn Miy 1
n liml I AID rrroniniriiillni
lour nrllrtp in inr I'nrtlif , ut )
Hint ( I \ "fMtl firtorj. "
r > : -rinC ef Ba'.Ct. on Itir l
l"kil Ati > nfoHliel m
_ 816.318 and 320 Raeo St. . Philadelphia. Pa
OM ; uic MOHK \viuii.r.RAi.n nttrp.
1 PAY nil p > | ir < - * < rlmfKCK tn nil tmlnti within HOD
inllo t f Hit * ran l m < to folivt rrom Pond t rt ceuf ,
tuni | For llln < trBl f cuilalo un. .Mention thli pRpar.
Buocossors to J. Q.Jnoobs
At thn old stand , U07 FnrnnraSt. Ordnrfl b
toli'Rrnnh sollullod nnd promptly attonduJ to ,
Tuiupnouo Xn. t _
Or the I.lqiior IIuliM ,
t'urcd by Ailutlulstrrliii ; Dr.
llulnei' Uoliloii Nii-villc.
It cnn boKlvrn In it cup of rutrecur ton without
UninsU'lKC ul tin ) | < riun tnklni ; Ilhnhdlulcl7
UMiuleu.itnil H1 n > > ct n | ii < iitmm < iitatu ! npcsdx
euro , wliol'.ivr the | mlmit Un tnuiloruto drinker ot
ill nicolidllc ttri'i'k II lia brcn Klvcn In Iliou-
Uk.iilf of KMi's , nml In rvorj Init'iiu-oHjierfpct euro
ImaolloueJ. Il netiir lalln Tlio tyntcnmiico
Impivgnnli'd wltb tbo , It bcromrs nil utter
luipo < tlljlly | | for the liquor n | > | > rtUo to nlxl
Kl'HN vt CO. . Cur. 1,1 Hi nnd Danala. . nnd
ISlb rumlne Slo. , OinuSiu , Nob. '
4. U. KO TlUt < V HIM ? . .
Connrll lllniTu , Inrrn.
Oillorurlto tor pamphlet cuntnlnlns tiuudredA
c < f"lim > nlM from tliilK'tvuiiioii uiul muu from
all > * rtnotliicuuuuv.
Cure wilhoitt modi-
POSITIVE elno. 1'ntontoi Octo
ber li5.1H7rt.
Ono box will euro
tbomoit obtlna case In four days
Allan1 sSolubleMedicaladBougfes
No nntiBonus doses of cubobs. copiXlbai ot
sandnlwood tlint nro certnln to produce dyspoi > -
Bin by de"tnvlinr tbo eontlnijs of the sloinaoli.
l'rlco$1.50. Sold by all ilriiirifisM or mnlltKl on
recolptof price. Vor fnrlhor pnrlleulnr * ont
forclrculnr. P.O. DOT nil. /1TTDD
7. G. .Ol/Il ItT CO. , IjM KK
KJJohnsl. . Nuw York. w w * "
A UlltllCU' MNri FOU
England , France & Germany.
Tim Htfiunnlilpsor tliN ucll known line nro
built of lion , in wittcr-tiirht con.partinonta , uuJ
uro furnished with every icqulsuo to nlAko tha
pntsniro both snfo nntl ntrroonble. ' 1'boy curry
the United Stnli" ) nnd Knropenn malls , und loitvo
New York Thursdays nnd Saturdays for Pl -
mouth , ( UNUONChorboU4fPAUIb ) ( nncl IIASI-
HoturnltiR , the stonmors lonvo Hninbnrjr on
Wedno days nnd Suiiduys , via. Iluvro , tuklnj
nnsscnirors nt Southampton und London.
First cabin $50 , WJ nnd 875 ; Stuoriiiro $21.
Kalltoiul tickets from Plymouth to Hristol , Our-
ililf. London , or to any pluco In Iho South of
Knirlnnd. FUEE. tjioornuo from Kuropo only
tax Bend r.-TourUuWe.- ,
Gonornl I'nsseiiKcr ARonta.
61 Broad wny. Now York ; Washington and fxj
SnlloSts. Chionxo 111.
Kxhnintoil Vitality , Nervous nud Phynlrnl Dolillltr
Prt'inntiiro Dncllnn In Mini , Krroraof youth , nnd the
uniohl lulncrlus rcxulllng from Imllrcreilon and ex-
femes. A book for orory mun , young , itild < lle-nioil
ami olil. Itcuntnlni 1 Ji proscriptions fnriill lU'iitonml
cliruiilcMlinoiisoi * , ouch onn of which In Invnliuiblo. Hu
fouuil liy tlio uullior whoso oxporlonno fori'l yours li
until UK probably novcr before lull to the lol of unjr
pliyitlclnn ; , 'IDI PHKCM , hound In bountiful Kronen inns-
fin , om bossed cover * , full Kiltgiumiitocd to lie a ilno-
ffork In orcrjr mjniiit nu'rlmiilcal , Illenirr nml profot-
Hoiml-tlmn any ntbnr work In this country fur Si.00 ,
nrthe money will lie retimileU In avcrr Inntnnco.
1-rlcoonly il 117 mull , poitimld. llluntratad HamplD.
( Tic. Mini now. ( lold nioilnl nwnntod thu iintlior br
nlioNHtional Modlcnl ABsoclutlon , to tlm Hon. A. P.
ItlMoll , HndniBfirlutooniioraof the buurJ the rciulor
it riMpcctliilly rofurroil.
Thn .SfiPiiooof J.lfo In worth more to tlm young nnd
muuile-nupit mono ! ttil-tKoiieiiillimtlinnnll thu gold
mlniH of Cullfornln nnil thu silver mlnoi of .NovuiU
combined. .O , K. Chronli-lo.
ThoHelonreof l.lfo | Hlnt out the roclcii nnd quick-
Hundson wlilfli tlm coiiilltntlim nnd hoinn | of ninny
iiruunR mnn have been fulully wrecked , .Mnncliustor
' Thurticlctico of l.lff- l of greater vnliio tlmn nil the
moillcnl wnrkHpnbllthodln tliln country lor tlio past
yours Atlanta l % > nitltutUm ,
Thu Hclonco ut l.lfo li nmipern nnd innstorly treat *
no on ner\ou nnd ph ) iilcal dcblllty.-llutruit 1'roo
yfrid'ron the I'tvibody Mcdlcnl InKlltntc , or Dr. W.
II. l-nrLer , No , 4 llullllnch mruot , llonKin , jMaim.who
may liu coiiHultuil on all clu ua i' rulrliu ) ' | skill anil
oxttvrlDiii'O * Chrtiiilo anil obHllimtu ilHuusoi that
vu buniuit thn Bklll of nlluir pliyxldiinn a > peu-
If finh iruuU-il mii'diiifiilly without uujr in-
nioo of nil I u ro. Montlun ( linului Uoo
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And GMcago.
The only loiul lo tnl.n for llni Molnn-i , Mnr-
BlitillKiMii , Codur HnpidH , Clinton , Dlx'o. Chloti-
( TO , Mllwiinkeo ninl nil pointx oust. To Die people -
plo of Nnbrnliu , Colorado , Wyoming , Utnn ,
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Wuaiilnglon and l'ui <
forniu it ollcrsKiiiei-or | | lulv.iiitiiKt'H not posstblo
by unyolborllnu ,
Among u Tow ot Iho niinu-rouaiolnt6 | oteupo-
rlorlty enjoyed by the pntrons tit I III * roiul ( to-
Iwoeti Oinnha nnd Clilcngo , nro l\t Ino trnlnaa
day of DAV I'OACHP.H whlub nro tint llnoU
thatbuiunn nrt nnd iiigonnity cnn oroulo. Hi
PALAPP. ! MHPINU ! OAHH , which nro modnU
fifuomlortand oluKUIii-u. ItiiPAHLOH DltAW-
INO HOOM CAHfl , nniiirpiii.sml bv tiny , nnd IU
widely colobintod PALATIAL DININU UAHd ,
thouiiunlnf which oaiinntbu lonnd ol eifhuro.
Atliluncll llltiirK Ibo tniiiii ol'tlui I'nlon I'noi-
lie Hy. connect In Union Depot with thoaoof
IhoClilougo&Noiihwostein Hj. In Cblcagn thu
tram" ot this llhii make close ooiiuur-lIon with
tlinsuof nil oastfrn llnoii. . . . ,
Tor Ootrolt. Oilumbnn , Indlunnpolls.nmin- !
nnll. Nlmjurw Palls. Hulfuli ) , Plltaburg , lorontu.
Montronl. llonton. Now Vork. Plilnd'ilitiln | | , Hal-
llmoriWnshbuion and nil point * in llui o.tst ,
usklho ticket Biroiitrortlol.iilH via tbo
Jf yon with thn ho < t neonmmoilnllon' . All IL'kj
. a H AIM ,
Oouiirnl Mntmgur. Gon. 1M : AK